Office of the Auditor-General
Private Mail Bag, Vaiaku, Funafuti, TUVALU
Erai:auditorgeneral@ov.ty Phone No: +(688) 20131, Phone No: +(688) 20132 Fax No +(688) 20133
25th September 2020
The Project Cr
CcqrdInator, 4
Pacific Regiodal Oceanscape Program Project,
Alapi Side,
Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the Pacific Regional Oceanscape
Program Project, which comprise the statement of Income and Expenditure as at December 31,
2019, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting
In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the
cash receipt and payments of the Project as at December 31, 2019 in accordance with
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs).
Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions
(ISSAls) and in accordance with Section 4.09(b) of the Project's General Conditions and the Legal
Agreement. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's
Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statement's section of our report. We are
independent of the project in accordance with ISSAls, our Code of Ethics together with the ethical
requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements and we have fulfilled our
other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit
evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion,
Responsibilities of Management and the Director of Fisheries
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements
in accordance with IPSASs, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary
to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error,
Management and the Director of Fisheries are responsible for overseeing the project's financial
reporting process.
Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a
whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an
auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but
is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISSAls will always detect a material
misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered

material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with ISSAls, we exercise professional judgment and maintain
professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also:
*   Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether
due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and
obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for
one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
*  Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing
an opinion on the effectiveness of the project's internal control.
*   Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness
of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management.
*   Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements,
including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying
transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
We communicate with those charged with management regarding, among other matters, the
planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant
deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide management with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other
matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable,
related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with those charged with management, we determine those
matters that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current
period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor's report
unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare
circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because
the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public
interest benefits of such communication,
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
I have obtained all the information and explanations which, to the best of my knowledge and belief
were necessary for the purposes of the audit;
In my opinion,
(a)    proper books of account have been kept by the Rank, so far as appears from my
examination of those books;
(b)    the financial statements are in agreement with the books of account; and
(c)    to the best of my information and according to the explanations given to me the
Financial statements give the information required by the Project's General
Conditions and Financing Agreement in the manner so required.
Selai Managreve
Auditor-General of Tuvalu (Ag}
Vaiaku, Funafuti

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1. introduction           Statement                 ................ ..................... ................ .............. ...... -       .......... ......                        2
2. 2019       Statement of Income                  and     Expenditure ... ........ --            .......... ........         ..........................................       -   3
3. Statement of Accounting                      Policies ...                .......... ............ -   .................. ..................... ................. % ... ........ 4
B asic    o f  P re p a ratio    n  .........  ..................  .....................  ..........  .................................................................... 4
R e  po  rting    Entity     .... -  .........   ............ -  ............  ...........................       ..........  ..................  ........................... 5
Reporting         Currency .... -.-           ..................... .....................                    ........ ..... ---- .......... -       ......................... 5
W   ork Plan and           Budget ...................................... ............                 ............................................................... .... 5
4. Project General Information ........                                   ........ ... --   ......        ........      ........................... ........................... 5
Project Objectives. ............ --                ........      ...... -  ......... ...... .................. .................. ..............           ....... .......... 5
Component 1: Sustainable                       Management of Oceanic Fisheries ...... ............................. - ....... ......... -.. -   - 5
Component 2: Sustainable                       Management of Coastal Fisheries ................                                      ...........   .......................... 6
Component 4: National Program                            Management, Monitoring                        and    Evaluation .............. ........................... 6
5. W    ork Plan       &   Budget for Year 2019 ...............                                           ................. ....... .......................................... 6
6. Notes to         Statement of Income                  and     Expenditure, 2019 ... ...... -                ... ........ ........... .......... ........................... 7
8. Comparison             of Expenditure            and     Income        Received        by Year (2016, 2017, 2018                     &   2019) .............. -       ... ... 12
7. Year End          Balances and           Bank      Reconciliations for 2015 to                    2019 ............................................ - .... ....... ... 13
A N  N  E X  1 :   ..........  ..........  ............................................................................................                  ...................... 1  4

The Annual Report on the performance of the Pacific Regional Oceanscape Program is an essential
component of the Project accountability framework. It informs the Implementing Entity and Donors
(World Bank) on performance results and impact of services achieved by the Pacific Regional Oceanscape
Program during the period 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019. It also consolidates our ongoing efforts
to achieve a high standard of accountability in all aspects of the Project's management,
As per usual practice, this annual financial report identifies progress against the goals set out in the 2019
project work plan, and incorporates progress against the four overarching goals within the Tuvalu
Fisheries Work Plan.
On behalf of the Tuvalu Pacific Regional Oceanscape Program Project, we state that in our opinion, these
financial statements have been properly prepared so as to show a true and fair view of the project
activities for the year ended 31 December 2019, and the result of its operation and statement of balances,
The Financial Statements were authorized for issue by the Chairman of the Fisheries Senior Management
Mr. Samasoni Finikaso                               Mr. Samuelu Telii
U ctor of F shpr rs                              Prulct [nordiratur
Department of Fisheries                           Department of Fisheries
Ministry of Natural Resources                 Pacific Regional Oceanscape Program
E:                       E: sarnuelut@tuvalufisheriestV
Date                                              4te

Ministry of Fihberies & 1-rade
VjluAu, Fun 1fkut
Statement of Income and Expenditure
2019            2018          2017          2016
AUD             AUD           AUD           AUD
PROP Project Income & Disbursement
Designated Account No. IDA                                588,099.77     316,133.72   $525,018.73    $817,986.50
Designated Account No. GF                                 61,622 32     262,797.79   $134,358.96    $149,986,50
Add Receipts
Add: IDA D016-TV Funds received                 30        717,886.49    1,305,839.39  $1,128,811.08  $157,951 08
Add: GEF TF018605 Funds received                31        179,711.73      71,897.35   $312,335.16      $1,469.00
Add other deposits
Other IDA deposits                              32          2,276.00      64,150.19    $46,694.74        $94.72
Other GEF deposits                              33                                      $6,591.18
Less IDA bank charges
Less GEF bank charges
Total Income                                             1,549,596.31  $2,020,818.44  $2,153,809.85  $1,127,487,80
PROP Project Expenditure and Transfer
Component 1: Sustainable Management of Oceanic
Travel Advance                                                               -       5,420.00
Capacity Building                            1         84,599.48      38,335.44     36,614.46        180.00
Eco/Bio/Opo Analysis                         2           180.00
Information Technology                                  2,007.B4     192,810.84     68,318.35           -
Legal                                                                        -      13,975.16           -
Monitoring Control & Surveillance Patrol     3         50,031.29      89,125.41    211,109.55      70,152.77
Observer Programme                           4        111,156,30     134,127.20    120,692.83      62,64220
Overseas Meetings and Workshops              5        174,121,00      85,285.92    119,565.58      67,677.21
Sanitary Competent Authority
Vessel Monitoring System                     6         42,364.59      22,275.38     35,000.00
Total Expenditure: Component 1                            464,460.50     561,960.19   610,695.93     $200,652.1
Component 2: Sustainable Management of Coastal
Capacity Building                                                            -      12,800.20     40,636,36
Ciguatera                                    7         61,588.34      11,490 63     1,407.37            -
Creel & Landings Survey                      8         64,718.15      39,227.45     26,678.74        659.30
Information Technology                       9         57,358.17      68,870.86     56,865.71      6,273.20
Management & Legislation                    10         19,983.53      22,535.50     53,527.92      4,420.78
Public Information                          11         14,114.06             -        977,52       2,880.00
Resource Survey/ Assessment                 12        189,589.42     278,958.32    258,609.11     101,626.00
Water Quality Monitoring                                               2,847.46     59,42432            -
Miscellaneous                               13            45.47          113.50        58.68         14,80
Fish Aggregation Devices                    14         39,224.45      28,787.75          -              -
Funafuti Reef Fisheries Stewardship Plan    15         70,134.88       1,956,38          .           500.00
Fisheries Researc0                          16         10,690.00             -
Cover long-term trainig staff                                         12,359.76
Post Harvest & Value Adding Ac              17          2,330.68
Safety at Sea                                                -        80,085.09     12,734.61           -
Total Expenditure: Component 2                            529,777.15     467,147.61   470,349.57     $157,010.44
Component 4: Project Management Unit (PMU)
PMU Personnel Expenses

Mid-term review (including field visits)      18         23,444.71
IT consultant (local)                         19         17,523.20      28,547 09
Safeguard Consultant                          20           356.40        7,050.00
Project accountant*                           21         27,688.06      50,399.97     33,744.94      33,584 08
Project coordinator                           22         63,123,22      60,333.77     48,133.15      36,253.41
Project officer                               23         37,360,11      31,852.52     30,342.32       3,109.76
Total PMU Personnel Expenses                            169,495.70     178,183.35    112,220.41      $72,947,25
PMU Operation Expenses
Equipment                                   24          5,442.07       37,086.61
Non-Consulting Services                     25           175.00           40.00        60.00
Office Equipment                            26           617.35                     54,135.11       4,859.22
Operating Cost                              27         34,299.96      31,197.79     33,767.60       7,414.52
Training                                                                             7,804.20
Travel Cost                                 28         49,95213       14,080.46     27,545.56      22,657.58
Bank Charges                                29           610.33          381.72       450.18         210.27
DHL Charges                                                              734.00
Vehicles (PMU Vehicle)                                       -               -      45,437,37       1,950.00
Transfer to Petty Cash                                       -         1,565.82       743.15        1,000.00
Transfer of DLI Disbursement to PROP Revolving                               -     200,000.00
Fund (Govt Account)
Total PMU Operation Expenses                             91,096.84      85,086.40    369,943.17      $38,091.59
Total Expenditure: Component 4                            260,592.54     263,269.75    482,163.51    $111,038.84
Less Unknown Expense                                                                                      $20.00
Less Petty Cash Expense                                     1,551.80       1,053.77     $1,065.35        $571.35
Less William Cleere (Speedcast technician) airfare                           105.30
Less PAYE Suspense Account                                                   217.73
Less refund of Sam ticket from Flight Centre                 862.28
Less 2018 PC not rolled over                                 432.20
PROP Project Total Expenditure                          1,251,983.91    1,291,000.75  1,562,143.73   $468,110.11
Net income                                               297,512,40      729,817.69    591,666.12    $659,377.69
Designated Accounts:
IDA Total Expenses                                     1,105,730.70   1,098,023.53  1,384,390.83   $451,013.57
GEF Total Expenses                                      146,253.21     273,062.31    190,487.51     $17,096.54
Total Desginate Account Expenses                         1,251,983.91   1,371,085.84  1,574,878.34   $468,110.11
Closing Balances
PROP IDA: 01-983331-01                                  202,531.56     588,099.77    316,133.72    $525,018.73
PROP GEF: 01-983315-01                                   95,080.84      61,632.83    262,797.79    $134,358.95
Total Closing Balances of Designate Accounts             297,512.40      649,732.60    578,931.51    $659,377.59
The Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments are prepared under the historical cost convention and in
accordance with Tuvalu applicable law and international Public Sector Accounting Standards which
includes compliance with the financial reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting (Cash Basis IPSAS).
The accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the period.

The Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments is for the Rapid Employment Project as supervised by the
Ministry of Finance in the Tuvalu. The program commenced on 20 April 2015 with the signing of the grant
agreement with the World Bank. This Statement covers the period from 1 January 2019 to 31 December
In accordance with the grant agreement, all of the funds are to come from the World Bank.
The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis.
The functional and presentational currency of the Tuvalu Pacific Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) is
Australia dollars, is the currency used for the grants and all project reports.
The foreign currency equivalents are converted at the rate applicable on the date of transaction. The
budget figures are converted at the rate of 1 USD = 1.38 AUD which is the average exchange rate for all
funds received in the financial year 2019. Undisbursed amounts denominated in foreign currencies are
converted in Australian Dollars (AUD) at the rate of 1 USD = 1.28 AUD which is the exchange rate at the
financial year end 31" December 2019.
The Financial Statements show as comparatives the amounts appropriated by the PROP annual detailed
budget information set out on page 6 & 7
The Tuvalu Pacific Regional Oceanscape Program Project was officially established in 20 April 2015, being
the date of the signing of the agreement between the International Development Association and Global
Environment Facility, The closing date of the project is on September 30, 2020.
The objective of the Project is to strengthen the shared management of selected Pacific Island oceanic and
coastal fisheries, and the critical habitats upon which they depend.
The Project constitutes the first phase of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program, and consists of
the following components:
Carrying out a program of activities aimed at strengthening the management of the Pacific region's tuna
fisheries, such program to include:
(a) Strengthening the capacity of the Department of Fisheries for sustainable management of
shared tuna fisheries.
(b) Carrying out a program of activities designed to strengthen the institutional capacity of
Department of Fisheries, such program to include:
* provision of goods and technical assistance for institutional strengthening and
* the acquisition of hardware and software for real-time monitoring of fishing activity
by observers; and

*   The hardware, software and bandwidth expansion to enhance internet access for
the Department of Fisheries.
Carrying out a program of activities designed to promote sustainable management of targeted coastal
fisheries, such program to include undertaking resource and socio-economic assessments in selected
Islands, developing and implementing management plans to improve sustainab e management of the
coastal fisheries.
Carrying out a program of activities designed to strengthen the capacity of the Department of Fisheries
for Project management and implementation, including for financial and procurement; monitoring &
evaluation and safeguards.
[DA: D016-TV and TFOIS605
Tuvalu Fisheries Departmenl
Ministry oFiseliries & Trade
Comonnt Ativty50rc                                    A2018 UAC20INEN
Capacity Building                                  IDA&DLI   $ 200,00000        95,000,00
Community VDS                                        IDA     $         -
Economic/ biological/ operational analysis           IDA     $ 175,000.00      105,000.00
Information Techology                                IDA     $ 208,310.00       10,00000
Legal                                                IDA     $   52,100.00            -
MCS/ Patrols                                       IDA&DLI   $ 362,000.00      220,30000
Observer Programme                                 IDA&DLI   $ 395,502,00      215,400.00
Overseas meetings and workshops                      DLI     $ 157,500.00      134,000.00
Radar satellite trial                                DLI     $        -               -
Sanitary Competent Authority                       IDA&DLI   $   35,000.00      35,000.O0
VMS                                                IDA&DLI   $   84,800.00      40,000.00
Capacity Building                                    IDA     $ 506,000.00      158,000.00
Ciguatera                                            GEF     $   57,880.00      47,096.00
Creel & Landings survey                              GEF     $   65,150.00      84,50000
Information Techology                                IDA     $ 115,450,00       68,013.00
Management & Legislation                           IDA&GEF   $ 163,550,00       47,600.00
Public Information                                 IDA&GEF   $    7,600.00      49,763.00
Resource Survey & Assessment                      IDA&GEF    $ 626,580,00      168,179.00
Water Quality Monitcoring                            GEF     $   9,150.00        2,000,00
X. Miscellaneous                                     GEF     $    2,000,00       500.00
FIsh Aggregation Devices                             IDA     $ 175,300.00       85,742.00
FRFSP                                                GEF     $ 262,370.00      171,50000
Fisheries Research                    GEF                                       18,000.00

Post-Harvest & Value adding Ac                     IDA                       34,000,00
Soafety at Sea                                     IDA                       3574,80000  3,000.00
PMU Operations                                     IDA        116,969.00     119,450,00
RMU personnel                                      IDA     $ 242,433.00     223,433.00
H i'¾  ci St         o fm  n oci' ii ci-i  e ai n ci xpeuiid  1i L19
IDA: D016-TV and TF018605
Tualu Fisheries Department
Ministry of FiOheries & Trade
l isdu Funaluti
2019          2019           2018
AUD          Budget           AUD
Component 1: Sustainable Management of Oceanic Fisheries
Note 1: Capacity BuildinA
Overseas Training                                 $ 85,747.55     $ 80,000.00   $  32,782.14
In-Country training and workshops                  $  8,083.07    $ 15,000.00   $   5,553.30
Total                                               $ 93,830.62     $ 95,000.00   $  38,335.44
Note 2: Economic! bio orical/ operational analysis
Technical Assistance                                $    180.00    $ 105,000.00
Total                                                $   180.00    $ 105,000,00
Note 3: Monitoring Control & Survillance Patrol
Equipment (Small Boat)                           $       -     $       -      $
Field Equiprnent                                 $  4,222.09   $ 21,500.00    $   5,052.45
Non-Consulting Services                          $       -     $ 23,800.00
Operating Cost                                   $  7,901.54   $       -
Overseas Training                                $  1,460.97   $ 10,000.00    $   1,258.44
Small Boat Operating Cost                        $       .     $       -      $
Taba Moono Charter                               $ 19,678.37   $ 80,000.00    $  61,776.28
In-Country training                              $             $ 10,000.00    $   4,120,10
Te Motaili Costs                                 $             $       -      $   4,79146
Employment Cover (PSLO)                          $ 16,76832    $       -      $  12,126.68
Infrastructure                                                 $ 75,000.00
Total                                               $ 50,031.29    $ 220,300,00   $  89,125.41
Note 4: Observer Programme
Observer Consumables                              $            $  2,500.00
Non-Consulting Services                           $       -    $ 24,300,00
Observer Equipment                                $ 75,394.54  S 135,600.00   $  26,827.67
Technical Assistance                              $       -    $ 40,000.00    $  62,012.40
Observer Troining                                 $      -
In-Country Training                               $ 11,704.04  $ 13,000.00    $  35,075.70

Employment Cover (OC)                              $ 14,826.58  $       -       $  10,211.42
Total                                                $ 101,925 16    $ 215,400.00  $ 134,127.19
Note 5: Overseas Meetings and Workshop
Travel Cost - PNA Meetings                         $ 35,666,10     $ 34,000.00   $  32,065.19
Traveling Cost - FFA Meetings                      $ 27,439 12     $ 22,500.00   $   17,955.50
Travel Cost - WCPFC Meetings                       $ 67,294,82     $ 45,000.00   $  35,265.23
Travel Cost - Other Meetings                       $   6,567 90    $ 17,500.00     $        -
Travel Cost - Intern. Meetings                     $ 37,153 06     $ 15,000.00     $        -
Total                                                $ 174,121,00    $134,000.00   $  85,285.92
Note 6: Vessel Monitoring System
ITEquipment                                       $       -    $       -       $   7,855.25
Materials                                                       $   1,000.00
Non-Consulting Services                            $  2,007,84  $       -       5  10,966.83
Operating Cost                                     $ 42,364.59  $ 35,000.00
In-Country Workshops                               $       -    $   3,000.00    $   3,453.30
Total                                                $ 44,372.43     $ 40,000,00   $  22,27538
2019           2019            2018
AUD           Budget           AUD
Component 2: Sustainable Management of Coastal Fisheries
Note 7: Ciguatera
Consumables                                        $        -     $   1,096.00   $         -
Laboratory Equipment                               $  38,578.78   $  39,000.00
Operating Costs                                    $        -     $        -
Overseas Training                                  $  23,00956   $   7,000 00   $   11,490.63
Total                                                $  61,588.34   $  47,096.00   $   11,490.63
Note 8: Creel & Landings Survey
Consumabies                                        $        -         1,000.00
Non-Consulting Services                            $  27,099.28   S  30,000,00   $   27,244.80
Field Equipment                                    $        -     $        -     S   11,505.65
Materials                                          $   3,391.88   $     500,00
Operating Costs                                    $    195.60    $   3,000.00   $     477.00
in-Country Training                                $  34,031.39   $   50,000.00
Total                                                $  64,718.15   $  84,500.00   $   39,227.45
Note 9: Information Technology
IT Equipment                                       $  22,053.94   $        -     $         -
Non-Consulting Services                            $        -     $   1,500,00
Operating Costs                                    $  14,618 33   $   2,000.00   $   13,60142
Software                                           $        -     $   41,000,00
lnternational Technical Assistance                 $  20,685.90   $   23,513.00  5   55,269.45
Total                                               $   57,358.17   $  68,013.00   $   68,870.87
Note 10: Management & Legislation
Consultations                                     $         -     $        -     $   12,370.00
Materials                                          $        -     $   1,000.00   $         -
Meetings                                           $        -     $   5,000.00
Overseas Training & Meetings                      $   17,638.53   $  20,000.00   $   10,165.50
Technical Assistance                              $         -     $        -     $         -
Workshops                                         $    2,345.00   $  21,600.00   $        -
Total                                               $   19,983.53   $  47,600.00   $   22,535.50
Note 11: Public Information                                       1

Equipment                                         $         -     $  24,123.00
Materials                                          $   1,760,78   $   9,900.00
Non-Consulting Services                           $         -     $     500.00
Overseas Training                                 $   12,353.28   $  14,240.00
Workshops                                         $ -             $   1,000.00   $        -
Total                                               $   14,114.06   $  49,763.00   $
Note 12: Resource SurveV/ Assessment
Consumables                                       $         -     $        -
Dive Equipments                                   $         -     $        -        84,737.45
Equipment (small boots)                           $         -     $        -     $   87,336.40
Field Equipment                                   $   28,819.20   $  17,500.00   $   38,649.33
Maintenance                                       $         -     $   5,000.00
Non-Consulting Services                           $   11,549.15   $  14,640.00   $     780.00
Operating Costs                                   $         -     $  15,799.00
Remotely Sensed Imagery                           S         -     $
Maintenance & Operating Costs (Small boat expense)  $       -     $        -     $     545.00
Tao Moana Charter                                $ 102,851.07   $   85,000.00   $   36,389.87
Equipment (motorcycles)                           $         -     $        -     $
05A for Officers                                  $   46,37000   $  30,240.00   $   30,520.27
Fish Export Monitoring                            $         -     $        -
Cover Long Training Staff(FOOl)                   $         -     $        -     $   12,359.76
Total                                               $ 189,589.42    $ 168,179.00   $ 291,318.08
Note 13: Miscellaneous
Bank charges                                      $      45.47    $     500.00   $     122.43
Total                                               $      45.47    $    500.00    $     122.43
Note 14: Fish Aggregation Devices
Consumables                                       $         -     $        -
Equipment                                         $         -     $   3,000.00   $   10,528.37
FAD-Buoy Materials (Mooring)                      $   20,932.50   $  31,742.00   $   18,259.38
Non-Consulting Services                           $   16,851.95   $  31,000,00
Workshops                                         $         -     $  20,000.00
FAD/Buoy Materials (FAD)                          $    1,440.00   $        -
Fishing equipment                                 $         -     $        -
Total                                               $   39,224.45   $  85,742.00   $   28,787.75
Note 15: Funafuti Reef Fisheries Stewardship Plan
FCA Equipment                                     $         -     $  51,600.00   $     712.21
Non-Consulting Services                           $               $   1,500.00   $    1,244.17
Small Boot Operating Costs                        $         -     $   1,000.00
Technico Assistance                              $         -    $         -
FCA Consumables                                   $         -     5    500.00
FCA Field Equipment                               $   52,695,62   S   1,000.00
FCA Infrastructure - Hut                          $         -     $  15,000.00
FCA Local - TA                                    $         -     $        -
FCA Meetings                                      $    9,690,00   $   8,000.00
FCA Office Equipment                              $    7,749.26   $  12,900.00
FCA Operating Cost                                $         -     $        -
Offshore Equipment                                $         -     S        -
Offshore Training                                 $         -     $  80,000.00
FCA Materials                                     $         -     $
Consultant                                        $ -             $
Total                                               $   70,134.88   $ 171,500.00   $   1,956.38
Note 16: Fisheries Research
Fqiuipment                                                        $   6,000.00

Non-Consulting Services                          $   10,690.00  $    5,000.00
In-Country Training                                             $    5,000.00
Maintenance equipment                                           $    2,00000
$   30,590.00      18,00o.oo
Note 17: Post Harvest & Value Add ng Ac
Consumables                                      $     845.00   $    2,000.00
in-Country Training                              $        -     $   20,000.00
Equipment                                        $    1,485.68  $   12,000.00
Total                                              $    2,330,68  $   34,000.00
2019           2019           2018
AUD           Budget          AUD
Component 4: Project Management Unit (PMU)
PMU Personnel
Note 18 & 20: Consultant
Procurement TA                                $       -      $              $       -
Mid-Term Review                               $  23,444.71   $  30,000.00   $
Safe Guard Consultant                         $     355.40   $  20,000.00   $  7,050.00
Total                                             $  23,801.11   S  50,000.00   $  7,050.00
Note 19: Local IT Consultant
Salary                                        $   10,722.66  5   9,073.02   $ 17,103.20
PA VE - Govt Tax - 30%                        $   2,784.65   $   2,347.18   $  4,387.55
Employee's PF Contribution - 13%              $   2,070,86   $   1,706.43   $  3,211.20
Employer's PF Contribution - 10%              $   1,593.20       1,312.63   S  2,595.14
Leave Entitlement                             $    351.83    $   1,250.00   5  1,250 00
Total                                             S  17,523.20   $  15,689 26   $ 28,547.09
Note 20: Coordinator
Salary                                        $   35,070.62  $  35,070.62    $ 34,042.58
PA YE - Govt Tax - 30%                        $   11,387.48  $  11,387.48    S 10,566.57
Employee's PF Contribution - 13%              $    6,942.00  $   6,942.00    $  6,680.67
Employer's PF Contribution - 10%              $    5,340.09  $   5,339.88    S  5,138.54
Leave Entitlement                             $    2,800.50  $   3,000.00    $  2,492 92
Utilities Allowance                           $    1,582.53  $   3,500.00    $  1,312.50
Total                                             $  63,123.22   $  65,239.98   $ 60,333.78
Note 21: Accountant
Salary                                        $   15,153.96  $  28,249.58    $ 28,903 65
PA VE - Govt Tax - 30%                        $    4,817.11  $   8,464.30    $  8,464.17
Employee's PF Contribution - 13%              $    3,132.06  $   5,486.00    $  5,583.69
Employer's PF Contribution - 10%              $    2,409.30  $   4,220.05    $  4,295,57
Leave Entitlement                             $     803.46   $   2,500.00    $  1,479.17
Utilities Allowance                           $    1,372.17  $   2,800.08    $    342.72
Total                                             $  27,688.06   $  51,720.02  $ 49,068 97
Note 22: Project Officer
Salary                                        $   20,604.75  $  21,428.94    $ 19,32099
PA YE - Govt Tax - 30%                        $    5,621-37  $   5,541.12    $  4,637.68
Employee's PF Contribution - 13%              $    3,953.73  $   4,030.00    $  3,580.05
Employer's PF Contribution - 10%              $    3,041.42  $   3,099.98    $  2,853.89
Leave Entitlement                             $    2,356.05  $   2,000.00   $   1,000.00
Utilities Allowance                           $    1,782.79  $   2,300.04    $   459.91
Total                                             $  37,360.11   $  38,400.08  $ 31,852.52

PMU Operation
Note 24: Equipment
Security and Video Camero                          2,657.17   $   10,00000   $ 19,888.26
Security Door Lock Scanner                      $   2,784.90   $               $ 16,298.35
Asset Tog Scanner                               $ -            $$                  9000O)
Total                                               $   5,442.07   $   10,00000    $ 37,08661
Note 25: Non-Consulting Services
Escrow Account                                                 $
Internul Audit                                                      5,000,00
Non-Consulting Services-Local                   $     175.00   $    2,000.00
Total                                               $     175.00   $    7,000.CC
Note 26: Office Equipment
Accounting Software (MYOB)                      $     68300   $    1,500.00
Furniture incifiling cabinet.                   $              $    1,50000
Mobile Phones & Tablets                         $    617.35    $    3,000.00
Computers                                       $     187.40   $    2,550.00
Total                                               $   1,487.75   $    8,550.OC
Note 27: Operating Cost
Communication (Int. & Tel)                      $   7,433.00   $   12,000,00
Miscellneous                                   $   2,335.90   $    2,000.00
Office Supplies                                 $   4,678.24   $    6,900.00
Vehicle Fuel & Maintenance                      $   1,512,89   $    3,000.00
Electricity, Rent, Water..                      $  15,194.23   $   18,000,00
Transfer to Petty Cash                          $   2,275.30
Total                                               $  33,429.56   $   41,900 00
Note 28: Travel Cost
Domestic Travel                                 $        -     $   15,000 00   $
International Travel                            $   49,952.13  $   35,00000     $ 14,080.46
DSA                                              $        -    $        -       $        -
Special Imprest                                  $        -    $                $        -
Total                                               $  49,952.13   $   50,00000   $ 14,080.46
Note 29: Bank Charges
Bank Charges, DHL, & Correspondent Bank Charges  $   610.33    $    2,000 00   $  1,117.29
Office Equipment & Maintenance                           -     $        -      $       -
Non-Consultant                                  $              $               $
Total                                               $    610.33    $    2,00000   $  1,117.29

MinisIry ofFislhries & Trade
Note 30: PROP IDA 2019 Dibursement [Withdrawal Application  IDA 01 - WA16    $   417,263 62
IDA 01 -WA17       $  300,62287
Total                                                                        $ 717,88649
Note 31: PROP GEF 2017 Disbursement [Withdrawal Applicaition]  GEF01 - WAll  $ 102,027.12
GEF 01 WA12       $   77,684.61
Total                                                                        $  179,711.73
Note 32: PROP IDA Account - Other Deposit
change from chq 361999                                                             $31.50
Retirement of special imprest for metronome trip                                 $2,244.50
Total                                                                             $2,276.00
Note 33: PROP GEF Account - Other Deposit
Payment incorrectly charged                                                $          -
Retired of special imprest                                                 $          -
Payment incorrectly charged                                                $          -
Total                                                                        $
Total Income Received other deposits                                         $ 899,874.22
L               ~.<s   i  V pitLP:Q                              I-)C v1.. Yl e;wv--ivtir 7  .  w
IDA: D016-TV and T018605
Tuvalu Fisheries Department
Ministry of Natural Resources
V:iaku runruti
Description                                             Bde
2019             2018            u017            2016            2015
Approved budget amounts
Component I                $  854,700.00   $  1,670,213.00  $ 1,676,949.00  $  983,499.00   $
Component 2                $  969,893.00   $  2,065,830.00  $ 1,110,909.00  $  891,420,00   $
Component 4                $  340,499,34   $    374,401.00  $   296,250.00  $  218,650.00   $
Total                        $ 2,165,092.34    $ 4,110,444.00  $ 3,084,108.00  $ 2,093,569.00  $
Description                                             Actuals
2019             2018             2017           2016            2015
Balance b/f                  $ 649,722.09    $  578,931.51  $   659,377.69  $  967.97300   $
PROP IDA Account             $ 717,886.49    $ 1,305,839.39  $ 1,128,81108  $  157,951.08  $ 818,000.00
PROP GEF Account             $ 179,711.73    $   71,897.35  $   312,335.16  $    1,469,00   $ 150,000.00
Other IDA Income             $  2,276.00     $   64,150.19  $    46,694.74  $       94.72   $        -
Other GEF Income                                            $    6,591.18

Total                        $ 1,549,5F.31      $ 2,020,818.44  $ 2,153,809.85  $ 1,127,487.80  $ 968,000.00
Component 1                  $ 464,460.50     $  561,960.20   $  605,275.93   $  200,652.18   $        -
Component 2                  $ 529,777.15     $  547,243.20   $  483,084.18   $   157,010.44  $        -
Component 4                  $ 260,592.54     $  263,269.75   $  482,163.58   $   111,038.34  $     27.00
Add Travel Advance                                            $    5,420,00
Less PAYE Suspense Account                    $      217.73
Less change                                                                   $       20.00
Less ticket refund or discount  $  862.28     $      105.30
Less Petty Cash Expenses     $   1,551.30     $    1,053.77   $    1,065.35   $      571.35
Less 2018 PC not rolled over  $   432.20
Total                        $ 1,251,983.91     $ 1,371,096.35  $ 1,574,878.34  $  468,110-11   $     27.00
IDA & GEF Net Balances       $   297,612.40     $  649,722.09   $  578,931.51   $  659,377.69   $ 967,973,00
7   r         fl- F ,e   ind1   Kwk [PeL< 3  vonrc11ions for 2015 to ?0C     9-
Tuvalu Fisheries Department
Ministry of'Natural Resources
Vaiaku, Funafiti
PROP Project Bank Reconciliations
MYOB IDA Cos ng 3alance      $    202,531.56  $    588,099.77  $   316,133.72  $   525,018.73  $ 817,986.50
MYCB GEF Closing Balance     $    95,080.84  $      61,622.32  $   262,797.79  $   134,358.96  $ 149,986.50
MYOB Year End Totals         $    297,612.40  $    649,722.09  $   578,931.51  $   659,377.69  $ 967,973.00
Add Unoresented Chgs
Add IDA Unpresented Chqs     $     2,035.24  $       1,233,27                 $       586.95
Add GEF Unpresented Chqs     $     6,166.00  $       2,510.00  $      241 84
NBT IDA Closing Balance      $    204.566.80  $    589,333.04  $   316,133.72  $   525,605.68  $817,986.50
NBT GEF Closing Balance      $    101,246.84  $     64,132.32  $   263,039.63  S   134,358.96  $ 149,986.50
Year End Fund Balances at NBT  $  305,813.64  $    653,465.36  $   579,173.35  S   659,964.64  $ 967,973.00
Designated Accounts Year End
Balances                          2019            2018             2017            2016           2015
PROP IDA: 01-933331-01         204,566.80        589,333.04     316,133.72      525,605.68    817,986.50
PROP GEF: 01-983315-01         101,246.84         64,132.32     263,039.63      134,358.96    149,986.50
Total Balance                    305,813.64        653,465.36     579,173.35      659,964.64    967,973.00
PROP 2019

IMinisty of Fisheris & Tradc
IVakI [Leunt
PROP IDA Account: 01-983331-01
01 of January 2019   Balance b/f                                           $   588,099.77
4/01/2019   361995      Data Collectors Payin for Pay 26                                              $501,12
4/01/2019   361996      Data Collectors PF Cont Pay 26                                                $132.48
7/01/2019   361997      Global Collect BV, Sydney                                                    $1,181.55
7/01/2019   361998      Petty Cash                                                                    $864.40
7/01/2019   361999      Cordinators Leave Entitlement Partly                                         S1,856.70
7/01/2019   CR000059    change from chq 361999                                        $3150
9/01/2019   362000      Settle towards 20% Payment of the drone                                     $13,819.20
9/01/2019   Bank        IDA New Chq Book                                                               $10.00
10/01/2019  359301      PMU salary for Pay 1 of 2019                                                 $5,299.30
10/01/2019  359302      PMU & TFD staff PF for Pay 1                                                 $1,742.10
10/01/2019  359303      PMU PAYE for Pay 1 of 2019                                                   $1,290.36
15/01/2019  359304      Airtime for Oceanic Satellite Phones                                         $2,481.14
15/01/2019  359305      Perdiern for Mr. Joseph Schauerte to install drone                           $2,007.84
15/01/2019  359306      Cancel                                                                          $0.00
15/01/2019  Bankl       Top up of bank charge for Satcom Global payment                                $25.00
17/01/2019  359307      For counducting iFMS in-country training                                     5840.00
17/01/2019  359308      Settlement of MTR Consultant - Payment 1                                     $2,824.43
17/01/2019  359309      Cancel                                                                          $0.00
17/01/2019  359310      Data Collectors Paying for Pay 1                                              $501.12
17/01/2019  359311      Data Collectors PF Contribution Pay 1                                         5132,48
18/01/2019  359312      TFD internet connection                                                      $8,757,92
18/01/2019  359313      Toner for PMU Office Printer                                                 $2,011.82
18/01/2019  359314      Coastal Uniforms                                                              $362.19
22/01/2019  359315      Drone training refreshments                                                   $720,00
22/01/2019  359316      Drone training                                                                 $88.40
23/01/2019  359317      Electricity payment for PC (Dec bill)                                         $152.10
23/01/2019  359318      PMU office powerbill for Dec 2018                                             $546.38
23/01/2019  359319      Cancel                                                                          $0.00

23/01/2019   359320     Cancel                                                                            $0.00
24/01/2019   359321      PMJ & TED staffs PF for Pay 2                                                $1,621.36
24/01/2019   359322     PMJ & TFD staff PAYE for Pay 2                                                51,251.42
24/01/2019   359323     PMU & TFD staff salary for Pay 2                                              $4,881.52
24/01(2019   359324     DSA for Special Metro trip to Vaitupu                                         $3,200.00
24/01/2019   359325     Special Metro Trip to Vaitupu                                                 56,130.00
24/01/2019   359326     Tala Moana Charter for Metro Trip to Vaitupu                                 $12,170.00
28/01/2019   359327     Calilipers for observers equipment                                            57,626.54
28/01/2019   359328     Drone technical trining and installation fee                                  $7,093.14
28/01/2019   359329     Equipment for FCA activities                                                  $1,401.00
29/01/2019   359330      Fuel for project vehicle                                                       $154.00
30/01/2019   359331     Feb office rent                                                                 $800.D
30/01/2019   359332     Jan powerbill for PMU office                                                    $342.65
30/01/2019   359333     Oceanic Staffs short training                                                 $9,599.24
30/01/2019   359334     Electricity Bill for Project Officer (utility)                                  $192.25
30/01/2019   359337     PMJ ssalary for Pay 3                                                         $4,881.53
31/01/2019   359335     Data collectors wages for pay 2                                                 $611.72
31/01/2019   359336     Data collectors pf contribution for pay 2                                       $165.60
31/01/2019   359338     PMU PF for Pay 3                                                              $1,621.36
7/02/2019    359339     PMJ PAYE for Pay 3                                                            $1,251.43
8/02/2019    359340     Final Payments for FRFSP, DC Creel & toner                                   $18,578.78
8/02/2019    359341     Settle Sam's re-issue ticket                                                    $407.80
8/02/2019    359342     Settement of FCA materials and Mooring buoys                                 $46,927.50
8/02/2019    359343     Tuvalu Broadcasting Coorperation                                                $300.00
8/02/2019    359346     Cancel                                                                            $0.00
8/02/2019    359348     cancel                                                                            $0.00
15/02/2019   359344     Data Collectors Pay 3                                                          $611.72
15/02/2019  359345      Data Collectors PF Contribution for pay 3                                      $165.60
19/02/2019   359347     To Settle January outstanding bill                                            $6,917.02
20/02/2019   359349     TED monthly internet connection                                               $4,447.38
20/02/2019   359351      PMU & TFD PF for Pay 4                                                       $1,621.36
21/02/2019   359350     PMU & TFD Salary for Pay 4                                                    $4,881.52
21/02/2019   359352     PMU & TFD staff PAYE for Pay 4                                                $1,251.43
27/02/2019   359353      DSA, attending PSM Workshop, FFA, Honiara                                    $8,739.74
28/02/2019   359354     March office rent                                                              $800.00
28/02/2019   359355      Reimburse Transport Expense                                                   $200.00
28/02/2019   359356     TFD internet connection for Feb & Mar                                         $1,605.00
28/02/2019   359357     Data Collectors wager for pay 4                                               $1,378.08
28/02/2019   359358     DC PF Contribution Pay 4                                                       $364.32
28/02/2019   359359     MTR payment for work delivered - payment 2                                   $11,217.00
4/03/2019    359360      Project Officer February Electricity B1l| (Utility)                           $123.34
4/03/2019    359361      PMU office powerbill for Feb 2019                                             $482.26
4/03/2019    359362     Itinerary outstanding for March 2019                                         $17,230.50
4/03/2019    359363     Reimburse Accountant of Transportation cost (Utility)                          $260.00
4/03/2019    359364     Cancel                                                                           $0.00
4/03/2019    359365     FCA office furniture from PWD                                                 $1,500.00
4/03/2019    359366      DSA for Mr. Samasoni, Mr. Isala and Mr. Sarnuelu                            $22,767.29
6/03/2019    359367     PMU & TFD staff salary Pay 5                                                  $4,942.50
6/03/2019   359368      PMU & TFD staff PF for Pay 5                                                  $1,64438
5/03/2019   359369      PMU & TFD staff PAYE for Pay 5                                                $1,277.57
5/03/2019   359370      Project Officer Per Diem                                                      $3,458.73
13/03/2019  359371      Perdiems for Saifoloi & Manuao                                               $15,876.00
20/03/2019  359372      Pay 6 salaries of PMLU & TFD staffs                                           $4,942.50
20/03/2019  359373      PMU & TFD staff PF for Pay 6                                                  $1,644.38

20/03/2019   359374      PMU & TFO staff PAYE for Pay 6                                                  $1,277.57
20/03/2019   359375      Fuel for PMU vehicle                                                              $146,00
25/03/2019   359376      Perdiem for Mr Isala Tito                                                       $2,629.92
27/03/2019   359377      Payment for Oceanic Boarding Uniforms                                           $1,729,10
27/03/2019   359378      2019 Data Collectors Pay 5 & 6: Remuneration                                    $1,628.64
27/03/2019   359379      DC Pay 5 & 6 PF Contribution                                                      $430.56
29/03/2019   BAnk Chr    Service Charge Ledger Fee Transfer Debit Cq 359377                                 $11.85
1/04/2019    359380      PMU powerbill for March 2019                                                      $443.92
1/04/2019    359381      PMU office rent for April 2019                                                    $800,00
1/04/2019    359382      To Settle Project Officer Electricity Bill March 2019                             $114.95
1/04/2019    359383      To Settle Ticket Bill Statement for April                                       $1,399.34
1/04/2019    359384      To Settle Electricity Bill for March 2019                                         $102.37
3/04/2019    359385      PMU & TFD staff salary for Pay 7                                                $4,942.50
3/04/2019    359386      PMUJ & TFD staff PF for Pay 7                                                   $1,644.38
3/04/2019    359387      PMU & TFD PAYE for Pay 7                                                        $1,277.57
3/04/2019    359389      Sitia and Tautalo DSAs                                                          $8,117.67
5/04/2019    359388      Third Payment for MTR Consultant                                                $8,423.28
9/04/2019    359390      To Settle Accountants Electricity Bill for Jan and Feb 2019                       $221.78
9/04/2019    359391      To Settle PML Office Stationeries                                                 $163.50
11/04/2019   359392      DC Wages for Pay 7                                                                $751,68
11/04/2019   359393      DC PF for Pay 7                                                                   $198.72
16/04/2019   359394      TA perdiems for installing TFD electronic doors                                 $2,657.17
16/04/2019   359395      ELR training by Mr. David Wilkinson                                             $7,243.07
16/04/2019   359396      Final 40% payment for observer life vests                                      $11,195.00
17/04/2019   359397      PMUJ & TFD staffs salary for Pay 8                                              $6,253.64
17/04/2019   359398      PMU & TFD staff PF for Pay 8                                                    $2,005.07
17/04/2019   359399      PML & TFD staff PAYE for Pay 8                                                  $1,330.79
17/04/2019   359400      Perdiems for Mr. George and Mr. Saruelu                                        $9,475.05
17/04/2019   390901      Bill statement for April 2019                                                  $16,943.40
18/04/2019   Bank2       IDA New Chq book                                                                   $10.00
30/04/2019   390902      DC Wages for Pay 8                                                                $751.68
30/04/2019   390903      DC PF for Pay 8                                                                   $198.72
1/05/2019    390904      PMU & TFD staffs salary for Pay 9                                               $6,253.65
1/05/2019    390905      PMU & TFD staff PF for Pay 9                                                    $2,005.07
1/05/2019    390906      Government Cashier                                                              $1,330.79
1/05/2019    390907      PMU office rent for May 2019                                                      $800.00
1/05/2019    390908      Cancel                                                                              $0.00
2/05/2019    390909      Perdiem for Mr. Laitailiu Seono for RMI trip                                    $3,721.13
9/05/2019    390910      Coordinator's electricity bill for April 2019                                     $139.22
10/05/2019   390911      Fuel for PMU vehicle                                                              $154.00
10/05/2019   390912      DC Wages for Pay 09                                                             $2,004.48
10/05/2019   390913      DC Pay 9 PF Contribution                                                          $529.92
10/05/2019   390914      Final Payment                                                                  $20,685.90
16/05/2019   390915      PMU & TFD staff salary for Pay 10                                               $6,253.65
16/05/2019   390916      PMU & TFD PF for Pay 10                                                         $2,005.07
16/05/2019   390917      PMU & TFD PAYE for Pay 10                                                       $1,330.79
17/05/2019   390918      Perdiem for Tonga trip                                                          $2,385.61
22/05/2019   390919      Perclier for ministerial meeting                                                $5,336 40
22/05/2019   390920      PMU office powerbill for April 2019                                               $523.01
22/05/2019   390921      PMU internet for May & June 2019                                                $1,605.00
22/05/2019   390922      Advertisement cost for TFD demolition job                                         $112.00
22/05/2019   390923      PROP Accountant powerbill for April 2019                                          $271.86
24/05/2019   390924      DC Wages for Pay 10                                                               $751.68
24/05/2019   390925      DC PF contribution for Pay 10                                                     $198.72

29/05/2G19  390926      PMU & TFD Salary for Pay 11                                                  $6,253.65
29/05/2019  390927      PMU & TFD PF for Pay 11                                                      $2,005.07
29/05/2019  390928      PMU & TFD PAYE for Pay 11                                                    $1,330.79
3/06/2019   390929      PMU office rent for June 2019                                                 $800.00
3/06/2019   390930      Fuel for PMU vehicle                                                          $132.00
3/06/2019   390931      Light fittings for PMU office                                                  $27.50
4/06/2019   390932      Flight Centre Travel Group Limited                                          $10,619.82
4/06/2019   390933      Project Officer powerbill for May 2019                                        $128.14
4/06/2019   390934      Project Accountant powerbill for May 2019                                     $129.93
4/06/2019   390936      Cancel                                                                          $0.00
4/06/2019   390937      Cancel                                                                          $0.00
5/06/2019   390935      Coordinator powerhill for May 2019                                             $99.38
13/06/2019  390938      PMU & TFD salary for Pay 12                                                  $6,253.64
13/06/2019  390939      PMU & TFD staff PF for Pay 12                                                $2,005.07
13/06/2019  390940      PMU & TFD PAYE for Pay 12                                                    $1,330.79
14/06/2019  390941      DC Wages for Pay 11                                                           $250.56
14/06/2019  390942      DC PF Contribution for Pay 11                                                  $66.24
21/06/2019  390943      CEO & DOF DSAs                                                              $14,385.77
21/06/2019  390944      Isala Tito DSA                                                               $6,308,38
24/06/2019  390945      Post-harvest equipment for smoke fish training                                $242.88
25/06/2019  390946      Metro 13 expenses for m/bike hire, fuel, hall hire                           $1,640.00
25/06/2019  390947      PO Utility allowance - Gas                                                     $45.80
26/06/2019  390948      PMU Office accessories - air freshners                                         $93,00
26/06/2019  390949      Petty Cash                                                                    $828.95
26/06/2019  390950      PMU & TFD salary for Pay 13                                                  $5,253.65
26/06/2019  390951      PMU & TFD PF for Pay 13                                                      $2,005.07
26/06/2019  390952      PMU internet for April 2019                                                   $802.50
26/06/2019  390953      PMU & TFD PAYE for Pay 13                                                    $1,330.79
28/06/2019  Bank3       Bank charge ledger fee                                                         $10.50
2/07/2019   390954      DC wages for Pay 10, 11 & 12                                                  $626.40
2/07/2019   390955      DC PF Contribution for Pay 10, 11, 12                                         $165.60
2/07/2019   390956      PMU office supplies - laminating films                                         $80.00
2/07/2019   390957      Fuel for PMU vehicle                                                          $154.00
3/07/2019   390958      PMU Office rent forJuly 2019                                                  $800.00
8/07/2019   390959      Utility and Leave entitlement for Mr. George Vann                             $989.69
8/07/2019   390960      George Vann PF contribution for leave & utilities                             $336.73
8/07/2019   390961      George Vann PAYE for Leave & utilities                                        $284.04
11/07/2019  390962      PMU & TFD salary for Pay 14                                                  $4,694,12
11/07/2019  390963      PMU & TFD staff PF for Pay 14                                                $1,463.13
11/07/2019  390964      PMU & TFD PAYE for Pay 14                                                     $80253
19/07/2019  SC310719    Bank charge for IDA WA16                                                       $15.0D
19/07/2019  IP1414      World Bank IDA Grant D015-TV                             $417,263.62
22/07/2019  390965      MYOB Version ABSS Premier                                                     $683.00
22/07/2019  390965      Nui Island DC Advertisement Cost                                              $195.60
22/07/2019  390967      Cancel                                                                          $0,00
25/07/2019  390968      PMU & TFD staff salary for Pay 15                                            $4,342.29
25/07/2019  390969      PMU & TFD PF for Pay 15                                                      $1,357.30
25/07/2019  390970      PMU & TFD PAYE for Pay 15                                                     $791.85
25/07/2019  390971      PMU internet connection for 3 months 22/7 - 21/10/19                         $2,407,50
25/07/2019  390972      PMU powerbill for July 2019                                                   $420.55
25/07/2019  390973      Projec Officer Powerbill for the month of July 2019                           $109.56
29/07/2019  390974      DSAs for Laitailiu, Siouala and Niukita for ELR training in Suva             $4,271.67
29/07/2019  390975      8TB HDD for TFD Security Camera Recorders                                   $2,759.00
29/07/2019  390976      Project Coordinator Powerbill for June & July 2019                            $196.95

30/07/2019  390977      Reimbursement of PROP Revolving Fund                                       $135,451.40
31/07/2019  390978      Laitailiu Seono DSA for Pohnpei trip                                         $7,91246
31/07/2019  390979      Statement for the month of July 2019                                        $14,972.17
31/D7/2019  390980      PO Powerbill for the months of April and June 2019                            $221.52
31/07/2019  Bank4       Topup bank charge for TRN1584                                                  $52.55
1/08/2019   390981      Data Collector Wages for Pay 15                                               $751.68
1/08/2019   390982      Data Collecto PF Contribution for Pay 15                                      $198.72
1/08/2019   390983      TFD Internet connection for Feb to Jun 2019                                 $22,869.00
1/08/2019   390984      Saifoloi Talesi Claim for 2 extra nights in Suva                              $727.32
2/08/2019   390985      DSA for trip to Noumea                                                       $5,011.32
8/08/2019   390986      PMU & TFO staff salary for Pay 16                                            $4,342.29
8/08/2019   390987      PMU & TFD PF for Pay 16                                                      $1,357.30
8/08/2019    390988     PMU & TFD PAYE for Pay 16                                                     $791.85
8/08/2019   390989      PMU office rent for August 2019                                               $800,00
8/08/2019   390990      First 10% for Public Information Equipment                                   $2,248.39
16/08/2019  390991      DC Wages for 16                                                               $876.96
15/08/2019  390992      DC PF Contribution for Pay 16                                                 $231.84
20/08/2019  390993      Advertisement cost of Oceanic Consultancies                                   $180.00
20/08/2019  390994      PO Leave entitlement to pay for aifare                                       $1,394,40
20/08/2019  390995      PC utility claim for powerbills for Feb, Mar & Apr 2019                       $320.00
22/08/2019  390996      PMU & TFD staff salary for Pay 17                                            $4,711 10
22/08/2019  390997      PMU & TFD PF for Pay 17                                                      $1,496.59
22/08/2019  390998      PMU & TFD PAYE for Pay 17                                                     $949.92
23/08/2019  390999      Payment of PC Gas under his utility entitlement                               $183.20
29/08/2019  391000      DC Wages for Pay 17                                                           $751.68
29/08/2019  404701      DC PF Contribution for Pay 17                                                 $198.72
30/08/2019  404702      Charter of Talamoana for Metronome 14 Trip                                  $45,275.00
30/08/2019  404703      DSA for Coastal and O&D staffs on metro 14 trip                             $11,360.00
30/08/2019  404704      Metro 14 Special Imprest                                                     $7,640.00
30/08/2019  404705      O&D special Imprest for metro 14 trip                                        $5,070.00
31/08/2019  BankS       Topup bank charge for Speedcast payment                                        $25.00
31/08/2019  BankS       IDA New Chq book                                                               $1000
2/09/2019   404706      TFD internet connection for July 2019                                        $4,585.29
2/09/2019   404707      Consunables for Post-harvest activity metro 14                               $627.00
2/09/2019   404708      Post-harvest materials for metro 14                                          $1,152.60
2/09/2019   404709      Post-harvest materials for metro 14                                            $90.20
2/09/2019   Bank?       Topup bank charge for Speedcast payment                                        $25.00
3/09/2019   404710      A4 papers for PMU office                                                      $285.00
5/09/2019   404711      PMU & TFD Salary for Pay 18                                                  $4,342.29
5/09/2019   404712      PMU & TFD PF for Pay 18                                                      $1,357.30
5/09/2019   404713      PMU & TFD PAVE for Pay 18                                                     $791.85
6/0912019   404714      PMU office rent for September 2019                                            $800.00
9/09/2019   404715      PROP MTR refreshment costs                                                    $980.00
9/09/2019   404716      Fuel for PMU vehicle                                                          $168.00
9/09/2019   404717      Advertisement of PROP Accountant post                                          $84.00
9/09/2019   404718      PMU/Sam/Tema powerbills                                                      $1,794.14
12/09/2019  404719      DC Wages for Pay 18 2019                                                      $626.40
12/09/2019  404720      DC PF contribution for Pay 18 2019                                            $165.60
18/09/2019  404721      Airfare under PC leave entitlement                                            $536.00
19/09/2019  404722      PMU & TFD salary for Pay 19                                                  $4,342.29
19/09/2019  404723      Tuvalu National Provident Fund                                               $1,357.30
19/09/2019  404724      PMU & TFD staff PAYE for Pay 19                                               $791.85
19/09/2019  404725      Manua and Saifoloi DSAs for TCC meeting at WCPFC HQ                         $11,146.62
20/09/2019  404726      Printing materials for Public Awareness activity                             $1,225.00

26/09/2019  404727      DC Wages for Pay 19 2019                                                      $250.56
26/09/2019  404728      DC PF contribution for Pay 19 2019                                             $66.24
26/09/2019  404729      Advertisement cost of Safeguard Consultant opportunity                        $176.40
27/09/2019  404730      Reimbursement of airfare for Saifoloi and Manuao Fun-Trw                      $770,00
30/09/2019  404731      PMU Office rent for October 2019                                              $800.00
30/09/2019   Bankg      bank monthly ledger fee                                                        $12.75
3/10/2019   404732      PMU & TFD Salary for Pay 20                                                  $4,342.29
3/10/2019   404733      PMU & TFD PF for Pay 20                                                      $1,357.29
3/10/2019   404734      PMU & TFD PAYE for Pay 20                                                     $791.87
7/10/2019   404735      Fuel for Te Mataili Vessel for Kurukuru Operation                           $19,678.37
7/10/2019   404735      Flight Centre Travel Group Limited                                          $12,394.40
10/10/2019  404737      DC Wages for Pay 20, 2019                                                     $250.56
10/10/2019  404738      DC PF for Pay 20, 2019                                                         $66.24
10/10/2019  404739      Advertisement cost for Safeguard Consultant                                   $180,00
10/10/2019  404740      PMU Powerbill for September 2019                                              $361.23
10/10/2019  404741      PMU Coordinator Powerbill for September, 2019                                 $116.15
10/10/2019  404742      Project Officer Powerbill for September, 2019                                 $112.56
10/10/2019  404743      DSA for Niukita & Manuao for e-monitoring w/shop                             $7,923.88
15/10/2019  404744      DSA for Penihulo Lopati & Polani Mae                                         $6,624.04
15/10/2019  404745      PMU & TFD Staffs airfares for overseas travels                              $24,020.24
16/10/2019  404746      Perdiem for Isala for attending MOC meeting at Honiara                       $7,585.74
17/10/2019  404747      PMU & TFD Salary for Pay 21                                                  $4,342.29
17/10/2019  404748      PMU & TFD PF for Pay 21                                                      $1,357.29
17/10/2019  404749      PMU & TFD PAYE for Pay 21                                                     $791.87
18/10/2019  404750      Perdiem for Mr. Samasoni Finikaso for PCFC and MOC meetings                  $6,555.08
18/10/2019  404751      SMC lunch catering cost                                                       $100.00
18/10/2019  404752      PMU internet for 3 months                                                    $2,407.50
18/10/2019  404753      PMU vehicle tyre repair                                                        $34.24
28/10/2019  404754      Data Collectors Wages for Pay 21, 2019                                        $50112
28/10/2019  404755      DC PF contribution Pay 21                                                     $132.48
28/10/2019  404756      PMU & TFD Staff salary for Pay 22                                            $4,342.29
31/10/2019  404757      PMU & TFD staff PF for Pay 22                                                $1,357.29
31/10/2019  404758      Government Cashier                                                            $791.87
31/10/2019  404759      Tuvalu Electricity Corporation                                                $769.70
31/10/2019  404760      PMU office rent for November 2019                                             $800.00
31/10/2019  404761      DSA for attending RTMCF Meeting in Noumea, New Caledonia                     $4,002.42
6/11/2019   BanK9       Bank charge for IDA WA17                                                       $15.00
6/11/2019   IP2291      IDA WA 17                                                $300,622.87
7/11/2019   404762      DC Wages for Pay 22                                                          $1,002.24
7/11/2019   404763      DC PF for Pay 22                                                              $264.96
7/11/2019   404764      PMU telephone bill for Oct 2019                                                S72.90
7/11/2019   404765      Flight Centre Travel Group Limited                                          $12,987.00
8/11/2019   404766      Final 90% for DC and Coastal Uniforms                                        $3,029.69
8/11/2019   404767      Final 90% for Public Information Equipment                                  $19,713.87
14/11/2019  404768      National Bank of Tuvalu                                                     $4,342.29
14/11/2019  404769      PMU & TFD PF for Pay 23                                                     $1,357.29
14/11/2019  404770      PMU & TFD PAYE for Pay 23                                                     $791.87
14/11/2019  404771      Payment of tonerfor PMU office printer                                        $549.37
19/11/2019  404772      DSA to participate in the MTU Audit of F/V Pakasoa in Suva, Fiji            $1,460.97
21/11/2019  404773      Fuel for PMU vehicle                                                          $169.40
21/11/2019  404774      0/1 DC Wages for Pay 23, 2019                                                 $7s1.68
21/11/2019  404775      0/I DC PF for Pay 23, 2019                                                    $198.72
21/11/2019  404776      DSAfor Samuelu/Sarmasoni for WCPFC meeting in PNG                           $19,965.18
21/11/2019  404777      DSA for Isala/Tupulaga for WCPFC meeting in PNG                             $16,674.52

22/11/2019   404778      Utility Claim for household gas expenses                                         $89.95
28/11/2019   404779      PMU & TFD staff salary for Pay 24                                              $4,342.29
28/11/2019   404780      PMU & TFD staff PF for Pay 24                                                  $1,357.29
28/11/2019   404781      PMU & TFD staff PAYE for Pay 24                                                 $791.87
2/12/2019    404782      PMU/Sarn/Tema powerbills for Nov 2019                                           $846.40
2/12/2019    404783      Isala/Tupulaga/Manuao airfares for WCPFC & MTU Aud1t                          $11,635.86
3/12/2019    404784      PMU office rent for Dec 2019                                                     $800.00
3/12/2019    404785      Fuel for PMU vehicle                                                            $110.00
3/12/2019    404786      PMU Arc folders & fittiings for filing                                           $38.00
5/12/2019    404787      DC Wages for Pay 24                                                             $626.40
5/12/2019    404788      DC PF Pay 24 of 2019                                                             $165.60
5/12/2019    404789      PMU telephone bill for Nov 2019                                                  $31.10
5/12/2019    404790      First 10% of PMU tablets                                                        $617.35
12/12/2019   404791      PMU & TFD Salary for Pay 25                                                    $4,342.29
12/12/2019   404792      PMU & TFD PF for Pay 25                                                        $1,357.29
12/12/2019   404793      PMU & TFD PAYE for Pay 25                                                       $791.87
12/12/2019   404794      Gagati Falaima leave entitlement for 2019 to pay for airfare                    $400.00
17/12/2019   CR000063    Retirement of special imprest for metronome trip             $2,244.50
18/12/2019   404795      E-reporting and SMC meeting catering costs                                     $5,480.00
20/12/2019   404796      DC Wages for Pay 25 of 2019                                                     $751.68
20/12/2019   404797      DC PF for Pay 25 of 2019                                                        $198.72
23/12/2019   404798      PMU & TFD Staff Salary for Pay 26                                              $4,851.67
23/12/2019   404799      PMU & TFD PF for Pay 26                                                        $1,549.67
23/12/2019   404800      PMU & TFD Staff PAYE for Pay 26                                                $1,010.17
23/12/2019   416701      Fuel for PMU vehicle                                                            $120.45
23/12/2019   416702      PMU rent for Jan 2020                                                           $800.00
23/12/2019   Bank10      IDA new chq book                                                                 $10.00
30/12/2019   416703      PO leave entitlement for 2019                                                   $592.84
31/12/2019   416704      Before end of year PC replenishment                                             $581.95
31/12/2019   416705      PF for PO Utility Claim                                                         $105.61
31/12/2019   416706      Tax for PC Utility Claim                                                        $113.96
31/12/2019   Bank1l      Bank monthly ledger fee                                                          $11.40
Total                                                                        $ 1,308,262.25  $    1,105,730.70
Ministry of Fisheries & Trade
PROP GEF Account: 01-983315-01
01 January 2018     Balance b/f                                       $    61,622.32
11/01/2019    356420     Website Hosting Fee                                                        $733.93
31/01/2019    5C310119   Topup ofTRN 0131/19                                                          $1.47
19/02/2019    356421     Printing of TFD 2019 Work Plan                                           $1,760.78

4/03/2019     356422     Coastal Staffs Itinerary Expense                                        $4,898,25
6/03/2019     356423     Petaia Viliamu & Tautalo lese DSA                                       $6,917.46
28/03/2019    356424     Neli & Viliamu DSAs for installing FADs in the O/ls                     $1,440.00
28/03/2019    356425    Incredients for fish smoking workshop                                      $218.00
28/03/2019    356426     Travel advarce for outer islands FAD activities                        $2,260.00
28/03/2019    NBT       Service charge ledger fee                                                   $3.50
11/04/2019    356427    Charter of RV Talamoana for Metro trip 11                               $18,265.00
11/04/2019    356428    Charter of MV Manaui for Metro trip 11                                   $2,956.00
11/06/2019    SC280619  Bank charge for GEF WA                                                     $15.00
11/06/2019    IP 1114   WB GEF Grant TF018605                               $102,027.12
24/06/2019    356429     RV Manaui ration to drop off Coastal team to Northern                   $1,336.90
24/06/2019    356430     RV Manaul ration to drop off Coastal team to Northern                   $1,024.00
24/06/2019    355431     RV Manaui ration to drop-off Coastal team to Northern                    $205.00
24/06/2019    356432     Fuel for RV Manaui on Metro 13 trip to Northern                        $18,382.00
24/06/2019    356433     DSA for Coastal team on Metro 13 trip to Northern                      $12,960,00
25/06/2019    356434     Metro 13 expenses on each island (imprest)                              $6,800.00
28/06/2019    SC300619   Bank Charges                                                               $3.50
16/09/2019    356435     Manaui Crew sea-going allowance for metro 13 to the                     $2,431.74
16/09/2019    356436     PAYE for Manaji crew sea-going allowance                                 $128.57
16/09/2019    356437    PF contribution for Manaui crew sea-going allowance                       $576.86
18/09/2019    356438     Prizes and Judge fees for Poster Competition                             $600.00
18/09/2019    356439    Pencils & erasers for Poster competition (FRFSP)                          $100.00
18/09/2019    356440    Crayons for Poster Competition                                            $35000
20/09/2019    356441     First 50% of DSA for refresher training on Funafuti                     $6,240.00
27/09/2019    356442     Lunch for Poster Competition                                              $70.00
30/09/2019    356443     Final 50% of 05A for refresher training                                 $6,320.00
30/09/2019    SC300919   Bank charges                                                               $3.50
4/10/2019     356444     Catering cost during OIDC refresher training                            $9,340.00
15/10/2019    356445    Catering during FRF5P community meeting                                  $1,060.00
15/10/2019    356446    Catering suring FRFSP community outreach meeting                          $850.00
15/10/2019    356447    Catering during the FRFSP community outreach meeting                     $1,000.00
15/10/2019    356448    Catering during FRFSP community outreach meeting                         $1,180.00
15/10/2019    356449    Catering during FRFSP community outreach meeting                          $900.00
15/10/2019    356450    Catering cost during FRFSP community outreach meeting                     $900.00
15/10/2019    356451    Catering cost during FRFSP community outreach meeting                     $800.00
18/10/2019    356452    Stationeries for IODC refresher training                                  $150,00
31/10/2019    356453     DSA for Paeniu & Matapua on RTMCF trip to Noumea                        $8,522.14
8/11/2019     356454     DSA for training at SPC HQ Noumea, NC                                  $7,455.03
18/11/2019    SC301119   Bank charge for GEF WA12                                                  $15.00
18/11/2019    IP2393    GEF WA I 12                                          $77,684.61
21/11/2019    356455     Port fee and agency fees for Public Information goods                     $91.68
from Mana Pacific
21/11/2019    356456     Hall hire during FRFSP community outreach meeting                        5350.00
21/11/2019    356457    Cancel                                                                      $0.00
21/11/2019    356458    TFD internet bills for Aug, Sep & Oct, 2019                             $13,884.40
12/12/2019    356459    Stationeries for FRFSP meeting with Funafuti community                    $200.00
16/12/2019    356460    Water bottles for meeting with Fun community on FCA                       $120.00
16/12/2019    356461    Catering cost to Funafuti Women for FCA meeting                          $1,980.00
16/12/2019    356462   Sound system for FRFSP meeting with Fun community                  $       350.00
31/12/2019   SC311219   Bank service ledger fee                                           $         350
Total                                                                $    241,334.05   $    146,253.21
