FOR IMMEDIATE REL:EASE WOIILD INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR I RECONSTRUCTION r:JD DEVELOPMENT 1818 H STREET, N.W., WASHINGTON 25, D. C. TELEPHONE: EXECUTIVE 3-6360 PRESS RELEASE NO. 504 SUBJECT: $4. 2 million Pakistan September 25, 1957 loan approved. Th~ TJnrld Bank hA~ ~-r,r,,..nvedr-~~ loan of $4.2 million to help f'inance the development of' private industry in Pakistan. The loan will be made to the Pakistan Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation Limited, a corporation being formed by private Pakistani, British, American and Japanese investors. The Bank will enter into a formal loan agreement when the Corporation is • established a few months hence • The initial share capital of the Corporation will be 20 million rupees ($4.2 million). Arrangements have been made for the Pakista.niinvestors to to 60'1/o of the shares, American and British investors to 15% each, and Japanese investors to 10%. The Government of Pakistan wi.11 make a 3()-year interest-free advance of 30 mH.lion rupees to the Corporation; so that the capital resources initially available to the Corporation, from capital subscrip- tion, the Government advance and the Bank loan, will be 70 million rupees ( $14. 7 ,million) • The principal objectives of the Corporation will be to assist in the expansion or modernization of small and medium-sizecl, :'industries and. to help create new ones. ;, To a.chi eve these objectives, the Corporation will make loans and equity investments, and underwrite and distribute securities. It will also • help private industries to obtain managerial, technical and administrative services and advice. As rapidly as is prudent, the Corpcration Will sell its loans and share holdings to other investors to recover its own capital for f\u'ther investment. ... • - 2 - It is expected that the initial Boa.rd of Directors of the Corporation will comprise 14 Directors: 10 prominent Pakistani industrialists, 'businessmen and bankers to represent the Pakistani shareholders, one director each to represent the British, American and Japanese investors, and one Government Director. The General Manager of the Corporation will be Esgo T. Kuiper of the Nether- lands, who organized and was the first Managing Director of the Indonesian Industrial Bank. Headquarters of the Corporation will be in Karachi and branches will be established in Lah.ore and Dacca. One of the main impediments to the growth of private industry in Pakistan has been the lack of risk capital. When Pakistan achieved its independence in 1947, it had relatively little industry, and private capital was reluctant to venture from the traditional fields of trade and cormnerce. However, the • past few years have brought increasing investment opportunities, ana. the role of private capital in industrial development has progressively grown. It needs encouragement and assistance to d~velop further and to take full advantage of the new opportunities. Recognizing the need for a credit institution to help finance such indus- tries, the Pakistan Government and leading Paldstani industrialists and financiers requested assistance fro~