STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Washington, D.C. Tuesday, March 29, 1966 A meeting of the Executive Directors of the Inter- national Bank for Reconstruction and Development was convened at 10:33 o'clock, A.M. in the Board Room, 1818 H Street, Northwest, Mr. George D. Woods, President, presiding. S「「논 STRICTL)' CONFIDENTIAL MR. WOOW: e r, c m e n r t 'r i c i h r e d i n c ern r the GeneriL Assemb!,,,ý the United lat'101-ls a't, 11r,ýw Yýý,r', t I c i r c 1,ý t e e r'- r STRICTL) CONFIDENTIAL 62 came to you within the past three or four d:ys. The resolution, among~ other things, call upon the specal izd gencies of the United Nations to refrain -r e la or technical assistace to these two countries, th is, Portugal and South Africa, so long as they continue their present African policies. In the resolution on Por a, the An Agreement entered into in 947 between the n and the United Nations deals with relations between the two institutions. The Agreement permits the organs of the United Nations, after reasonabie prior consultation, to present formal recommendations to th#k which must be considered by the competent organs of the Bank. There were no such consulta- ticns on the matters ir question. Furthermore, in the Agree- ment, the United Nations recognizes that by reason of the nature of its international responsibilities and the terms of its Articles of Agreement, the Bank is, and is required to function as, an independent international rganization. Finally, the United Nations recognizes in the Agreement that the action to be taken by the Bank on any loan is a matter to be determined by the independent exercise of the Bank's own judgment in accordance with the Bank's Articles f Agreemt and therefore agrees that it would be sound policy to refrain. from making recommendations to the Bank with respect to STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 63 particu lar .. :. ur t::. terrr or n i : of financing by th Ban k. Tnhe Bnk' Art ie pr ovid tant the Bank rnd its officers : 1. nDt interfere in the political afirs any m emer a-nd tnat thy shall t be innitflece n their dceir sns y the poi tical iaracter of the member är m remb r nc erned. Only eco iDr.n cons, derionv re to b e relvint to their de isions. Thereore, i propose to treat rque,2 ir 1 r a -rom these c 'unres, Portugl and 'out ll'rlc, in the Smanner ais ppic-ations frm 3ther :.e"`)ers. Lan negotia- * tions will Le opened short y nd, vf l oes well, I expe Spreset you within a _,onth or two nropsr o t P o rtu ue,e i wower mtolL' whichw he been leni n dur ng the as t three year. W e asIr h. e inier 2 ntid erai n a loan to ite , ect rei iy Supp y Comi.S-in in L outh i`rica t wc e ihiav2 lent on several occas nis In te pa6. e expect tn send a missio is .-)n1n- rea r fu ture to ppra ise the pr o ject in r u ca I an aware tha t . · :. 1n Afrinn -uld affect the econoi -develop'ment, foreign trade ard fina: o- FqrtugaL and Somth b frica. It will theref-ore he necessary Ln rev1ewing the ernnomic p,ositin and pro-pectS of these eountries to tk-e account o. the situio n ns lt develops. Tha t'S t11-he statement 1 wiched to make, gentlemen, anr STRICTL) CONFIDENTIAL 64 it wi I be available to the Directors later today. Are there any questions or any comment any Director :oiud care to make? Mr. Kochman. MR. KOCHMAN: I wanted to know if this statement will be distributed, but you stated it would. MR. WOODS: Anyone else? Dr. Mja DR. MEJiA-PALACIO: I fully support your statement, Mr. Chairman, because I think this 1s the right thing to do. We cannot get involved in politics and we have to be out of these questions and not be influenced by other organs of the United Nation:. MR. OODS: Thank you, Dr. Mejia. Anyone else? If not, I'd like to say gentlemen that on Thursday, March 31st, day after tomorrow we are scheduling a meeting o the Executive Directors of the Bank at 10:00 o'clock, if you'll note -- 10:00 o'clock. We have a rather full affair, and I think if we can we should start promptly at 10:00, to consider a proposed loan to Paraguay for roads and a meeting also of the Executive Directors of IDA to consider a credit to Paraguay for a livestock project. The Bank meeting wil1 be followed by an I Board STRICTL CONFIDENTIAL meeting to ccnslder an investment in Morocco. Furthermore, on Thursday, the 31st of March there will be a meeting of the 1ank and IFC financial policy committees, a joint meeting ofite fiacal policy committees of the two institutions, for the purpose of diocussing the report regarding Bank loans to IFC. These are documents F?" 66-1 on the Bank side and pc 66-1 on IFC. Thursday we hope to et to those matters. If thereis no further Bank business, I propose tc adjourn this meeting and proceed with IDA with Mr. Knapp in the chair. Is there any further Bank business? Mr. Knapp will. take over for the IDA meeting. I am committed to go to a luncheon to Mrs. Gandhi, which, for a combination o reasons, I can't be late at, so if you will forgive me, Mr. Knapp will proceed. Thank you very much. (Whereupon, at 12:30 P.M. the meeting was adjourned, followed immediately thereafter by a meeting of the Executive Directors of IDA.)