84352 DECEMBER 2013 ABOUT THE AUTHORS VALENTINA SALTANE Getting Down to Business: joined the Doing Business team in March 2011 and currently leads the Starting a Business Strengthening Economies through Business Registration Reforms indicator. She has also held positions with the Financial Access team at the World Bank, at the Law and Economic Consulting Group, and the World Resources Institute. Business registration remains a complicated and costly process in many countries, hampering entrepreneurial activity and the creation of formal employment. In JIAWEN PAN joined the Doing Business team Bolivia and Uganda, for example, entrepreneurs need to complete 15 procedures in January 2013 and works on the Starting a Business indicator. Previously she conducted to incorporate a limited liability company. In the Gambia and Djibouti, the cost research for the Russian Higher School of Economics–National of incorporation is about 180 percent of per capita income, and the average time Research University, analyzing barriers to higher education. needed to start up a business in São Paulo, Brazil, is more than 100 days. Rampant bureaucracy and systemic inefficiencies should not pose obstacles for business APPROVING MANAGER Rita Ramalho, Program Manager, development and growth. Several research studies find that simpler business Doing Business Unit, Development Economics Vice Presidency. start-up processes are associated with higher rates of formal entrepreneurship, lesser development of shadow economies, increased tax revenues, and decreased corruption. It is clear that easy and straightforward business incorporation practices have multiple spillover benefits for the entire economy. Background pre-registration, registration, and post- registration. Pre-registration commonly The Doing Business project studies business involves checking the availability of the regulations and their enforcement across proposed company name, drafting and 189 economies. Specifically, the project notarizing company statutes, and depositing looks at domestic small and medium-size paid-in minimum capital in a bank account. companies and uses indicators to measure The registration stage includes carrying the regulations applying to them through out procedures at the commercial/business their life cycle, publishing its findings in a registry. Post-registration includes registering range of detailed reports. Starting a Business, with the tax authorities, obtaining a business which is one of the indicators comprising license, buying and legalizing company the Doing Business project, measures the books, and obtaining a company seal. number of procedures, the time, and the cost required for a small or medium-size limited Governments of many countries actively use liability company to start up and begin to Doing Business data to adopt best practices in operate. To make the data comparable the area of business incorporation, and many across economies, Doing Business uses a of them have achieved impressive results. In standardized business that is 100 percent 2012–2013 alone, of 189 economies studied domestically owned, has start-up capital by Doing Business, 51 have substantially equivalent to 10 times the per capita income, reformed their business start-up processes, engages in general industrial or commercial making it easier for entrepreneurs to set up activities, and employs between 10 and 50 and legally operate their businesses. Here we people within the first month of operations. review some of the most successful reforms and their positive impact on the growth Starting a Business measures the main and development of small and medium stages of a company’s incorporation process: enterprises. SMARTLESSONS — DECEMBER 2013 1 Lesson 1: Promote entrepreneurship by introducing a Similarly, in September 2012, Lithuania introduced a new simpler form of a limited liability company. type of LLC—the “Small Partnership.” The Small Partnership is a simpler form of LLC that can be founded by one to ten The Starting a Business indicator collected data on the natural persons. The most prominent difference between a most common type of limited liability company, or its legal Small Partnership and the previously most common form of equivalent, in 189 countries. In many countries, the process LLC (the Private LLC) is the minimum capital requirement. of starting up an LLC remains complex and costly. Globally, Entrepreneurs have to deposit around $4,000 into a bank it requires seven procedures over a period of 25 days and to form a Private LLC, while there is no such requirement costs $1,067 on average to start a business. Governments use for a Small Partnership. Incorporating a Small Partnership Doing Business data to improve their processes of company requires only four procedures, a period of 6.5 days, and incorporation. To boost levels of entrepreneurship, some costs $118. In contrast, seven procedures, 19.5 days, and a governments have even created a completely new and cost of $130 are required to form a Private LLC (Figure 2). simpler form of LLC to allow more entrepreneurs to open As of October 22, 2013, there were 3,529 registered Small businesses and participate in the formal economy. Such Partnerships in Lithuania.3 endeavors have already yielded successful results. Following the trend, Croatia amended its Companies Act In 2012–2013 alone, Greece, Lithuania, and Croatia all on October 10, 2012, introducing a new and simpler form introduced a new form of LLC. Greece adopted the new of LLC called a “Simple LLC” (JDOO). It is much cheaper Law 4072/2012 on April 1, 2012, which introduced the to set up a JDOO, as the minimum required capital is less category of “Private Company” (IKE). Compared to the than $2 and the lowest nominal amount of share interest previously most common Greek LLC, EPE, the business is less than $1. On the other hand, the minimum capital registration process for IKE is much simpler. With the new requirement for the older category of Private LLC is $3,5714. company form, entrepreneurs are not required to publish The new company form has fast gained popularity among the articles of association in the Government Gazette; entrepreneurs. A total of 8,407 Simple LLCs (JDOOs) were instead, these can be posted online through the General established between October 2012 and September 20135, Electronic Commercial Registry (GENI).The involvement of compared to 5,488 Private LLCs.6 a lawyer/notary is not obligatory for preparing the articles of association and conducting the name search for IKEs. In The experiences of these countries provide valuable insight addition, Law 4155/2013 abolished the minimum capital into the remarkable benefits of establishing simpler requirement for IKEs as of May 29, 2013, whereas the company forms. The opportunity to register as a simpler requirement for EPEs remains €4,500. company type allows entrepreneurs to save on both cost and time of business incorporation. On a broader scale, it The Private Company, or IKE, has rapidly become the most helps to increase the levels of formal entrepreneurship in popular legal form of corporation in Greece (Figure 1): the economy. more than 2,400 new IKEs were registered between July 3 http://www.registrucentras.lt/jar/stat/for.php?for=960 [the Lithuanian 2012 and September 2013,1 compared with 1,939 EPEs.2 State Enterprise Center of Registers]. 4 20,000 Croatian kunas. 1 General Electronic Commercial Registry–G.E.M.I., http://www.busi- 5 Government of Croatia Financial Agency website, http://www.hitro.hr/ nessportal.gr/english/. Default.aspx. 2 Ibid. 6 Ibid. Figure 1. Number of new registered IKEs and EPEs in Greece, 2012–2013. 2 SMARTLESSONS — DECEMBER 2013 Figure 2. Lithuania has made starting a business faster and easier. Lesson 2: Improve the efficiency and accessibility of the developed electronic company registration services in business registration process by implementing online 2012–2013. Chile, for instance, has substantially simplified platforms. the process of company registration through the use of electronic services. In 2009–2010, Chile first introduced an According to Doing Business, 109 economies have online portal that allowed notaries to send an excerpt of introduced online platforms for business registration over the public deed for publication in the Official Gazette. Then, the past 10 years—more than 50 percent of the economies in February 2011, Chile established an obligation for the studied by Doing Business. These online platforms allow Internal Revenue Service to authorize the use of electronic entrepreneurs to carry out various business registration invoicing, which eliminated the 16-day inspection period procedures online, including name search and registration and allowed businesses to commence operations upon with social security and the tax authorities. In some the receipt of the revenue identification number. Finally, cases, the entire registration process can be completed in February 2013, Chile implemented a free online portal electronically7; for instance, the Singapore Accounting and for specific types of companies. Entrepreneurs can now Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) introduced a one- complete three of seven business registration procedures stop business services portal (Bizfile) in 2009. This electronic online.9 As a result of the introduction of e-services, the time platform allows entrepreneurs to complete name search required to start up a business in Chile was reduced from and business incorporation in about 15 minutes. The Goods 22 to 5.5 days between 2009 and 2013. More important, and Services tax (GST) registration with the Inland Revenue business registration via the online portal is free of charge; Authority of Singapore (IRAS) can also be done through the this has largely decreased the overall cost of business start- same system at the time of registration.8 In New Zealand, up from $647 to $103. the online business registration system provided by the New Zealand Companies Office compresses the entire Similarly, Costa Rica and Guatemala have introduced business registration process into a single online interaction: online systems into their business registration processes. reserving the business name, completing the incorporation In February 2012, Costa Rica launched Crear Empresa, an application, and returning the signed consent forms to the online platform for registering incorporation charters and Companies Office. Once consent has been given by the submitting related documents. Previously, the incorporation Companies Office, the certificate of incorporation is issued charter was registered by a notary public, and the standard via e-mail in just a few minutes. approval time was usually up to 25 days. The online platform reduced this approval time to just two days. Guatemala In 2012–2013, nine countries introduced new online launched its first online service for company name search in platforms or further promoted their existing e-services. May 2006. Later, in March 2013, it established a new online Several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean portal, allowing registration of a new company with the Commercial Registry, the Tax Authority, the Social Security 7 John Wille et al., “Leveraging Technology to Support Business Regis- tration Reform,” (Washington, DC: Investment Climate Services/World 9 These include drafting the statutes of the company; obtaining an Bank, 2011). authentication number; having a notary certify the statutes with a digital 8 If the annual turnover of a company exceeds 1 million Singapore dol- signature; and giving notice of initiation of activities to the Internal lars. Revenue Service. SMARTLESSONS — DECEMBER 2013 3 Mr. Félix de Vicente, Minister of Economy of Chile, and Mr. Tomás Flores, Undersecretary of Economy, celebrate receiving an Avonni award for the portal “Your Company in One Day.” Institute, and the Ministry of Labor through a single Lesson 3: Streamline business incorporation procedures electronic form. Overall, the implementation of the online by creating or strengthening “one-stop shops.” platform has reduced the time needed to start a business in Costa Rica by 35.5 days and in Guatemala by 20.5 days. A one-stop shop is an establishment that receives business registration documents and performs at least one type of As these examples show, online business registration business registration procedure, such as tax registration.10 platforms make the entire process of company incorporation Given this broad definition, there are multiple ways in faster and cheaper (Figure 3). They significantly reduce which a one-stop shop can be set up, but the two most the room for corruption and cut down on red tape. common types are a one-door shop and a one-window Entrepreneurs also benefit from the use of standardized shop. The one-door shop is a single location that integrates forms and better access to information. To promote the use several business registration procedures.11 In the one- of these online platforms, some governments even offer window shop, the representative at the window usually fee reductions for company incorporation. For example, has the authority to collect all related documents on behalf in Taiwan, on January 16, 2013, the Ministry of Economic of different government agencies. Documents may later Affairs announced that companies filing and submitting be sent electronically or by post to corresponding offices required documents via online registration would benefit for further processing.12 No matter which shape the one- from a savings of 300 Taiwan new dollars in registration stop shop takes, its objective is to simplify the business fees, which otherwise total 1,708 Taiwan new dollars. registration process and lower the cost and time needed to start up a business. Figure 3. Online business registration platforms make As of June 2013, 96 countries had some type of one-stop starting a business faster and cheaper. shop, and more than 50 percent of economies in Europe and Central Asia, as well as Organisation of Economic Co- operation and Development (high-income) states and Sub- Saharan African countries, now operate one-stop shops to incorporate businesses (Figure 4). In 2012–2013 alone, six countries in Sub-Saharan Africa created one-stop shops. For example, Côte d’Ivoire launched a One Stop Center for business registration (CEPICI) in December 2012, enabling 10 Investment Climate Advisory Services/World Bank, “How Many Stops in a One-Stop Shop? A Review of Recent Developments in Business Registration” (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2009). 11 Commonly, representatives from different government agencies are working at the same office or building, but have their own separate counters. Agency representatives usually have the authority to review and approve the documents, or they may simply transfer the received documents to the main agencies for approval. 12 Ibid. 4 SMARTLESSONS — DECEMBER 2013 Figure 4. Business registration available through one-stop shops. entrepreneurs to register with the commercial registrar, the the one-stop shop in Guinea have generated a successful tax authority, and the social security institute at the same result by cutting the time it takes to register a business time. As a result, Côte d’Ivoire has halved the number of nearly in half. interactions between entrepreneurs and the government agencies, as well as cut the total time of business registration The impact of the one-stop shops on the ease of starting by 24 days and reduced the total cost from $1,430 to $542. up a business is widely felt by business communities. In each country that has a one-stop shop, entrepreneurs Beginning in 2010, Benin has also gradually developed greatly benefit from a limited number of interactions a one-stop shop.13 It serves as a single access point that with government officials, which consequently reduces allows entrepreneurs to complete key business registration the instances of corruption and bribery.14 One-stop shops activities after their registration with the Companies also offer significant savings in time and cost for business Registry. These post-registration procedures include incorporation. tax declaration, application for the import license and tradesman’s card, registration with the Ministry of Trade, Lesson 4: Encourage entrepreneurship by reducing or and affiliation with the social security office. In March 2012, eliminating the minimum capital requirement. a representative of the Commercial Registry joined the one- stop shop to facilitate the approval of the incorporation Minimum capital is the share capital that must be deposited documents. This eliminated the need to visit a court to by shareholders before starting business operations. obtain approvals for company incorporation. On March For the Doing Business Starting a Business indicator, the 26, 2012, the one-stop shop became fully operational; paid-in minimum capital is usually the amount that an now entrepreneurs can complete the entire registration entrepreneur needs to deposit in a commercial bank or process with the Commercial Registry at one location. The with a notary when incorporating a business, even if the implementation of the one-stop shop in Benin has reduced deposited amount can be withdrawn soon after a company the time needed for business registration from 31 days to is created.15 15 days and cut the number of business registration steps from seven to four. For many countries, minimum capital requirements are now ancient history. In recent years, many governments have Other countries, such as Guinea, improved the capacity preferred to take various other steps to protect investors of the existing one-stop shops in 2012–2013. Guinea first and creditors, minimize risks of bankruptcy, and safeguard opened a one-stop shop in December 2011, combining the consumers from potentially hazardous products. Moreover, following four procedures into one: registering a business, analysis shows that higher levels of paid-in minimum capital obtaining a tax identification number, registering with the requirements are associated with a greater prevalence of a social security office, and paying related fees. Then in May shadow economy (Figure 5). A widely used good practice, 2012, the Guinean government enabled the one-stop shop especially among high-income OECD economies, is to let the to publish notices of incorporation of new companies on its 14 “Investment Climate Advisory Services/World Bank, 2009. website. The establishment and ongoing development of 15 The paid-in minimum capital requirement measured by the Starting 13 On October 20, 2009, Benin issued decree No. 2009-542, creating a a Business indicator represents the amount an entrepreneur needs to one-stop shop, the Centre des Formalités des Entreprises (CFE). deposit within three months of business incorporation. SMARTLESSONS — DECEMBER 2013 5 entrepreneurs themselves decide how much have to deposit the initial capital in a bank capital they need to put aside for company and obtain a proof of payment to complete incorporation. business registration. Of the 189 economies profiled in Doing Instead of imposing high minimum capital Business 2014, 99 do not impose any minimum requirements, a better way to make markets capital requirements on entrepreneurs. more efficient and enhance creditor protection is through enforcing mandatory disclosure Figure 5. Higher levels of minimum capital of information, including obligatory filings requirements are associated with more of annual financial accounts in company activity in the informal economy. registries, and increasing the supervisory role of company registries. Corporate governance monitoring, fixing of interest rates, and introduction of specific contractual provisions such as loan agreements are just a few examples of different ways of protecting creditors that are already being widely used in many economies. In the United States, for instance, creditors rely primarily on negotiated contractual protections, as stipulated in statutory and incorporation agreements. Conclusion In the period from June 1, 2012, to June 1, 2013, eight countries either lowered or The experiences of the aforementioned eliminated the minimum capital requirement. economies show numerous ways that For example, the government of Cape Verde governments can lower barriers to adopted Administrative Law (Portaria) business incorporation, thus encouraging 17/2013, which eliminated the minimum entrepreneurship and new firm creation. capital requirement for limited liability Formation of one-stop shops has proven to be companies. This new administrative law came a successful way of facilitating business start- into effect on March 14, 2013. ups and cutting both bureaucracy and costs. The leverage of modern technology, such The government of Croatia introduced as the introduction of online systems, has a new company form with a much lower also allowed many countries to improve the minimum capital requirement, while the efficiency of firm incorporation. In addition, governments of Greece and Lithuania have more and more economies are eliminating completely eliminated this requirement for minimum capital requirements, allowing the simpler, newly established forms of LLCs. entrepreneurs to have greater liquidity. The government of the Netherlands also Some governments have even developed eliminated the minimum capital requirement creative solutions to further boost the levels for limited liability companies. This new of entrepreneurship by introducing simpler amendment came into effect on October company forms with simpler registration DISCLAIMER 1, 2012. On February 17, 2013, the Ministry procedures. Even though barriers to business SmartLessons is an awards of National Economy in the West Bank and entry remain high in a significant number of program to share lessons learned in development-oriented Gaza abolished the paid-in minimum capital less developed economies, these countries advisory services and investment requirement for company incorporation. As have plenty of examples to follow to promote operations. The findings, a result, limited liability companies no longer much-needed SME growth. interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of IFC or its partner organizations, the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. IFC does not assume any responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this document. Please see the terms and conditions at www.ifc.org/ smartlessons or contact the program at smartlessons@ifc.org. 6 SMARTLESSONS — DECEMBER 2013