I I Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise Special purpose financial statements under Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project No. 8352-BY for the period from January 1, 2019 to December 4, 2019 Minsk 1 2019 I Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project Loan No. 8352-BY TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT ON THE MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR PREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS UNDER THE PROJECT FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 01, 2019 TO DECEMBER 4, 2019.................................3 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S OPINION..............................................................................5 PROJECT SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 2019 TO DECEMBER 4, 2019.......................................................................6 USES OF FUNDS FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 2019 TO DECEMBER 4, 2019..........7 STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 2019 TO DECEMBER 4 , 20 19...............................................1.............................................................. 11 DESIGNATED ACCOUNT STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 2019 TO DEC EM BER 4, 2019...................9-2................................................................... .12 NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 2019 TO DECEMBER 4, 2019.....................................................................13 I I I I I I I I I I 1 2 I I Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project Loan No. 8352-BY STATEMENT ON THE MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR PREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS UNDER THE PROJECT FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 01, 2019 TO DECEMBER 4,2019 The Management of is responsible for preparation of the special purpose financial statements under the Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project (hereinafter - the Project) being implemented by Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise, that present fairly in all material respects the financial position of the Project as at December 31, 2018, as well as funds received and used under the Project for the period from January 1, 2019 to December 4, 2019 in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). While preparing the special purpose financial statements under the Project, the Management is responsible for: 1 * adequate choice and application of accounting policies' principles; * presentation of information including that on accounting policies in a form which ensures relevance, reliability, comparability and transparency of such information; * compliance with the requirements of IPSAS and disclosure of all significant deviations from IPSAS in the Notes to the special purpose financial statements under the Project. The Management is also responsible for: * development, introduction and maintaining of effective and reliable internal control system under the Project; * maintenance of accounting in a form that allows to address the substance and explain transactions under the Project, and also to provide information of sufficient accuracy on the financial position of the Project at any date and ensure compliance with IPSAS; * taking all possible reasonable steps to safeguard of the assets of the Project; * detecting and preventing facts of financial and other irregularities. The present special purpose financial statements under the Project for the period from January 01, 2019 to i December 4, 2019 were approved by the Management on December 05, 2019. On behalf of the Managem/en - V.L. M.E, Obrazova Dire (Chief Accountant p00 FBK-BEL LLC PKr Our ref, No. 05-011197 of December 9, 2019 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S OPINION To the Management of the Water Supply and Sanitation Project and Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise Opinion We have audited the special purpose financial statements under the Water Supply and Sanitation Project financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter - IBRD) according to Loan Agreement No. 8352-BY of April 8, 2014 between the Republic of Belarus and IBRD (hereinafter - the Agreement) that include Project Sources and Uses of Funds Statement, Statement on Uses of Funds by the Type of Activity, Statement of Withdrawal and Designated Account Statement as at December 04, 2019 and for the period from January 01, 2019 to December 04, 2019, as well as notes to the special purpose financial statements including disclosure of the fundamental principles of the accounting policies In our opinion, the accompanying special purpose financial statements under the Project fairly in all material respects represent the financial position of the Project as at December 04, 2019, as well as received and used Project funds for the period from January 01, 2019 to December 04, 2019 in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standard "Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting" developed by the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board of the International Federation of Accountants. Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with the requirements of Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 12, 2013 "On Auditing Activity", the National Rules on Auditing Activities effective in the Republic of Belarus, the International Standards on Auditing (hereinafter - "ISAs"), Our responsibilities under these standards are further described in the section "Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Special Purpose Financial Statements" of this Auditors Report. We are independent of Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants ("IESBA Code"), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the IESBA Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion Restriction on Distribution and Use This Auditors Report is intended solely for the use of Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise for presentation of information to IBRD on the Project funds received and used. This Auditor's Report is not intended for the use of third parties, and we do not bear any responsibility or liability to any other parties Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise in respect of this Auditor's Report. In case of taking a decision by such parties based on the contents of this Auditors Report, the third parties are liable for such decisions. Responsibilities of the Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Special Purpose Financial Statements under the Project The Management of the Project is responsible for preparation and fair presentation of the special purpose financial statements under the Project prepared in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standard "Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting" developed by the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board of the International Federation of Accountants and for the internal control system that the Management considers necessary for preparation of the special purpose financial statements under the Project that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. FBK-Bel Limited Liability Company 201-22A Logoisky highway I Minsk | 220090 | Republic of Belarus Telifax +375 (17) 355 42 23 1 E-mail fbk@fbk.by I www.fbk.by TIN 690398039 FBK.Bel LLC is a member firm of the PKF intenational Limited family of legally independent firms and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactons of any individual member or correspondent firm or firms. 4 FBK-BEL LLC PKF Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Special Purpose Financial Statements under the Project Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance on whether the special purpose financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with the ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence economic decisions of users taken on basis of these special purpose financial statements. Within the frames of the audit held in accordance with the ISAs, we apply professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: * identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the special purpose financial statements whether due to fraud or error; design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks; obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than that resulting from an error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control system; * obtain an understanding of the internal control system relevant to the audit, in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the internal control system; * evaluate appropriateness of the accounting policies used and reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Management; * evaluate presentation of the special purpose financial statements as a whole, their structure and contents, including disclosures, as well as whether the special purpose financial statements present the underlying A transactions and events in a manner that ensures their reliable representation. We communicate with the Management and those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, I the planned scope and timing of the audit as well ;Vr?S iat audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in the internal control system that we idpNify jo the courd,of the audit. Director of FBK-Bel LLC A.G. Reneisky December 09, 2019 Audited organisation: Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise; Office 220, 25 Kalvarijskaya St., Minsk, 220079, the Republic of Belarus; State registration: was registered by Minsk Municipal Executive Committee on September 9, 2008 in the Unified State Register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs under No.191061556; Taxpayers identification number - 191061556. Auditing organisation: I FBK-Bel Limited Liability Company (FBK-Bel LLC); Office 201, 22A Logoisky highway, Minsk, 220090, Republic of Belarus; State registration: was registered by Minsk City Executive Committee on February 6, 2009 in the Unified State Register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs under No.690398039; Taxpayers identification number - 690398039. Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project Loan No. 8352-BY PROJECT SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 2019 TO DECEMBER 4,2019 (in US Dollars) Period Cumulative from January 1, 2019 to December 4, 2019 OPENING CASH BALANCES Designated account 1,255,383 Current BYN account statement 0 TOTAL 1,255,383 PLUS: SOURCES OF FUNDS IBRD's financing 7,579,912 89,580,402 TOTAL FINANCING 7,579,912 89,580,402 LESS: EXPENDITURES BY COMPONENTS Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation 8470437 Project Support to the Preparation and Sustainability of 347,517 2,147,400 Investments Capacity Building, Project Implementation and 17,31 58,977 Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Front-end Fee of the Bank 225,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,835,295 89,580,402 CLOSING CASH BALANCES Designated account 0 Current SYN account statement 0 TOTAL 0 On behalf of the Management: V.L. Morozov u a > M.E. Obrazova Director Chief Accountant Belcomtehinvest 6 Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise I I Notes on pages 13-15 are an integral part of the present spedtal purpose financial statements li Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project Loan No. 8352-BY USES OF FUNDS FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 2019 TO DECEMBER 4,2019 Project components/Subcomponents/Activity Period Cumulative from January 1, 2019 I _to December 4, 2019 Component 1: Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project 1.1. Rehabilitation of Water Supply and Sanitation 1.1.1. Reconstruction of treatment facilities in Gantsevichi, Brest 2,304.811 Oblast, 2nd start-up complex. 1.1.2. Sewerage in Verkhnedvinsk 2,350,819 1.1.3. Sewerage system in Glubokoe 5,854,998 1.1.4. Reconstruction and expansion of water supply networks and facilities in Rogachev. 1st start-up complex (stage 2) 4,404,466 1.1.5. Reconstruction and expansion of water supply networks 949,978 and facilities in Rogachev. 2nd start-up complex (stage 2) 1.1.6. Reconstruction of the sewerage system of the sewer 7,796,083 basin No.4, Grodno. 2nd start-up complex. 1.1.7. Construction of waste water treatment facilities in Berezino 306,805 5,984,286 1.1.8. Construction of water intake with iron removal station in Smolevichi. 2nd Construction Phase 5,470,403 1.1.9. Construction of the main sewerage collector in Mogilev 1,213,357 9,384,322 I 1.1.10. Reconstruction of water supply networks and facilities in 5 Shklov. Construction phase 2 and 3 533,074 1.1.11. Reconstruction of water supply networks and facilities in Bykhov. 658,122 4,017,370 1.1.12.Construction of an iron removal station in agro-town Motel of Ivanovo District 1.1.13. Construction of water supply networks in settlements Sokolniki, Senno and Ekiman, Vitebsk Oblast 45,499 1,819,941 1.1.14. Reconstruction of water intake "Belenok" In Drogichin (1 3 stages) 308,414 1.1.15. Reconstruction of water intake "Belenok" in Drogichin (2 1,225,732 stages) 1.1.16. Construction of new main wastewater pumping station in Gantsevichl (correction) 33,216 1,328,622 1.1.17. Construction of water supply networks In Krichev.2nd stage 1.1.18. Wastewater treatment facilities in Svisloch town 65,444 1,308,888 1.1.19. Construction of an iron removal station for underground 54,421 2,178,839 waters at the head water intake of Rechitsa Town 1.1.20. Construction of water supply networks in Krichev.1nd stage15,984 639,377 1.1.21. Sewage treatment plant in Rogachev. I construction3,49694735 phase3448,960 9,497,358 1.1.22, Reconstruction of sewerage system in Logoisk, 3rd start-47,140352 up477,612 4,039,524 1.1.23. Sumarokovo" water intake networks and structures. Iron removal stations In villages. 2 phase. 3,7 7,6 1.1.24. Sumarokovo" water intake networks and structures. Iron 3,3 2,9 removal stations in villages. 3 phase. 36,230 724,597 Notes on pages 13-15 are an Integral part of the present spedar purpose financial statements 7 Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project Loan No. 8352-BY Project components/Subcomponents/Activity Period Cumulative from January 1, 2019 to December 4, 2019 1.1.25. Construction of an iron removal station in Vyazje village of Ocipovichi region. 124,039 1.1.26. Reconstruction of the sewage system in Borisov. 2nd stage. Reconstruction of 2 pressure collectors with a diameter of 500 mm from main WWPS No.2 to the waste water treatment 80,359 2414,352 facilities 1.1.27. "Construction of water supply networks with iron removal station in agro-town Svatoschitsy of Dubrovensky region (1st 49,878 311,220 phase)". (Project revision - cost estimates recalculation) 1.1.28. Construction of sewerage collector No.3 from Gorkogo 4,19,811 Str. to WWPS No.3 in Bobruisk. 2 stage. Correction5,988 1.1.29. Reconstruction of sewerage treatment facilities in 2,0 Mstislavl 2,0 1.1.30. Construction of sewerage collector No.3 from Gorkogo 45,5 ,4,1 Str. to WWPS No.3 in Bobruisk. 1 stage. Correction45,914981 1.1.31. Reconstruction of Iron removal station in residential area Farinovo of Polotsk region 68,462 278854 1.1.32. Construction of war iron removal station in residential area Usvizh-Buk of Tolochin region 149,878 1.1.33. Construction of water Intake with iron removal station in residential area Bogdanovo of Senno region 1.1.34. Iron removal station in urban-type settlement Obol' of 6,662 133,234 Shumillno region6621324 1.1.35. Construction of water supply facilities and choice of treatment technology near Molodezhnaya and UrItskogo streets 489,708 655,874 of Beshenkovichi municipal town of Vitebsk oblast 1.1.36. Construction of artesian well, iron removal plant, water tower and water supply networks in residential area Koptevichi 112.201 422,109 of Chashniki region 1.1.37. Construction of iron removal plant in municipal town Bolbasovo 14,814 592,558 1.1.38. Water intake with iron removal station In Marina Gorka, including FS (second half of retention) 150,539 1.1.39. Water supply networks and facilities of "Zabomy Gumny" 3,583 143,322 residential district in Braslavl (II construction phase) 3,583 143,322 1.1.40. Reconstruction of water supply networks and facilities in5,2 Shklov (second half of retention)5,727 1.1.41. Reconstruction of two artesian wells with construction of72328,3 iron removal plant in the settlement of Yun'ki Postavy district 72,372 86,636 1.1.42. Construction of water supply facilities with iron removal 18,8 1,0 plant in the agro-town of Zaronovo Vitebsk district87,480 110,906 1.1.24. Sumarokovo" water intake networks and structures. Iron removal stations in villages. 3 phase. 507,940 507,940 Total Component 1 8,470,303 87,148,581 Component 2: Support to the Preparation and Sustainablilty of Investments 2.1. Development of Feasibility Study, all Stages of Design and Cost-estimate Documentation and BIdding Documents, Assistance in Conduct of Bidding procedure and Bid evaluation 2.1.1. Treatment facilities of Pinsk. Modernization of waste water sludge treatment system 240,240 Notes on pages 14-15 are an integral part of the present special purpose financial statements a Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project Loan No. 8352-BY Project componentulSubcomponentslActivity Period Cumulative from January 1, 2019 ____________________________________ to December 4, 2019 2.1.2. Engineering and economical comparison of waste water t treatment in Borovuha (construction of waste water treatment plants in Borovuha and pressure pipes for waste water transfer 232,140 g at SPS-1 in Novopolotsk) and further development of design and cost-estimate 2.1.3. Reconstruction of water supply system of urban-type 113,060 settlement Oktiabrsky, Gomel Oblast 113,060 2.1.4. Construction of sewage treatment facilities in Oshmiany 234,540 2.1.5. Construction of facilities complex for waste water sludge utilization in Gmdno (Municipal Utility Unitary Enterprise 84,084 "Grodnovodokanal") 2.1.6. Reconstruction and expansion of treatment facilities and I sewage systems in Slutsk 159,911 2.1.7. Reconstruction of treatment facilities in Soligorsk 160,133 2.1.8. Construction of treatment facilities in Zaslavi 114,513 2.1.9. Reconstruction of water supply system with construction 111,892 of water intake and iron removal plant in Cherven 111,892 2.1.10. Treatment facilities of Pinsk. Modernization of waste water sludge treatment system 2.1.11. Construction of sewage treatment facilities in Oshmiany 2.1.12. Construction of facilities complex for waste water sludge utilization In Grodno (Municipal Utility Unitary Enterprise "Grodnovodokanal") 2.1.13. Reconstruction of sewage networks and facilities in Byhov 2.1.14. Water treatment and sewerage networks of Borovukha rural settlement 2.1.15. Reconstruction and expansion of facility and sewage system in Slutsk 2.1.16. Sewerage system of Zaslavl Town 2.1.17. Reconstruction of treatment facilities in Soligorsk 2.1.18. Reconstruction of water supply system of urban-type settlement Oktiabrsky, Gomel Oblast 2.1.19. Reconstruction of water supply system with construction of water Intake and Iron removal plant in Cherve 2.2. Investment Component Management and Monitoring of its implementation 2.2.1. Development of the Client's technical requirements 70,059 (Berezino) 2.2.2. Technical assistance in contract management (Mogilev) 79,456 301,860 2.2.3. Water intake with iron removal station including Feasibility I Study (Smolevichi) 2.2.4. Construction of the main sewerage collector in Mogilev Town 2.3. Activities aimed at increasing the efficiency of the work of water and sewage utilities 2.3.1. Analysis of engineering design norms with regard to practices of Implementation of similar norms in European 84,780 84,780 countries and development of the drafts of the relevant documents 2.3.2. Benchmarking 178,524 178,524 Notes on pages 14-15 are an Integral part of the present special purpose financial statements 9 Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project Loan No. 8352-BY Project components/Subcomponents/Activity Period Cumulative from January 1, 2019 to December4, 2019 2.3.3. Energy audit with potential analysis at 6 Housing and Utilities enterprises 2.3.4. Individual consultant (translator) 4,692 61,035 Total Component 2 347,452 2,146,771 Component 3 :Capacity Building, Project Implementation and Management, Monitoring and Evaluation 3.1. Training 3.1.1. Training of PCT specialists 5,881 33,101 3.2. Auditing 3.2.1. Audit of Reporting 9,600 24,000 3.3. Strengthening of Social Accountability regarding water and sanitation services 3.3.1. Strengthening of Social Accountability regarding water and sanitation services 3.4 Other (Profit Tax) 1,860 1,860 Total Component 3 17,341 58,961 Component 4: Front-end Fee of the Bank 4.1. Front-end Fee of the Bank I4.1.1. Front-end Fee 225,000 Total Component 4 225,000 Component 5: Bank Fee 5.1. Bank's commission 5.1.1. Bank's commission 200 1,089 Total Component 5 200 1,089 Total Project Expenditure 8,835,296 89,580,402 On behalf of the Management: V.L. Morozov M.E. Obrazova Director Chief Accountant BelcomtehinveN Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise Notes on pages 14-15 are an integral part of the present special purpose financial statements 10 Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project Loan No. 8352-BY STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 2019 TO DECEMBER 4, 2019 (in US Dollars) Withdrawal Date of Replenishment of Total Transaction application, withdrawal from Designated Account type No. the loan account 53 06.02.2019 2 900 000 2 900 000 DA-B 55 28.05.2019 1400000 1400000 DA-B 56 12.07.2019 2000000 2000000 DA-B Total 6 300 000 6 300 000 I I On behalf of the Management: V.L. Morozov -M.E. Obrazova Director Chief Accountant Belcomtehinvest S Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise Notes on pages 14-15 are an integral part of the present special purpose financial statements 11 Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project Loan No. 8352-BY DESIGNATED ACCOUNT STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 2019 TO DECEMBER 4,2019 (In US Dollars) Account No. BY93BLBB36200191061556001004 Bank Belinvesbank JSC Opening balance at January 1, 2019 1,255,383 Plus: IBRD transaction to the designed account 6,300,000 Less: Amount of eligible expenditures paid during the 7,551,498 present period Less: Amount of funds transferred to the transit account 3,885 Closing balance as at December 4, 2019 0 On behalf of the Man V.L. Morozov M.E. Obrazova Director Chief Accountant Belcomtehinvest State etrse Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise Notes on pages 13-15 are an integral part of the present special purpose financial statements 12 Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project Loan No. 8352-BY NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 2019 TO DECEMBER 4,2019 1. DESCRIPTION In accordance with the Loan Agreement, signed on April 8, 2014 between the Republic of Belarus and the international Bank for Reconstruction and Development, loan in the amount of 90 million US Dollars was granted for the development of water supply and sanitation in the territory of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter - the Project). The Project consists of the following components: Component A: Rehabilitation of Water Supply and Sanitation Provision of goods, works and consultants' services for: (a) rehabilitation and construction of deep wells, pumping stations, transmission mains, distribution network, ground and elevated reservoirs and iron removal plants, and other water supply facilities; and (b) rehabilitation and construction of wastewater collection systems and wastewater treatment plants including upgrade of monitoring stations and laboratories, and other water sanitation facilities. Component B: Support to the Preparation and Sustainability of Investments Provision of goods and consultants' services for, inter alia: (a) (i) preparation of feasibility studies, preliminary designs and bidding documents; and (ii) carrying out of bids evaluation; all for activities under Part A of the Project and/or future investments in the water and wastewater sector; (b) construction management, including supervision, monitoring and evaluation of physical implementation of activities under Part A of the Project; and (c) comparative analysis of performance indicators of municipal companies and analysis of technical design standards. Component C: Capacity Building, Project implementation and Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (a) Provision of goods, consultants' services and training to the Project Coordination Team (PCT) to assist in the implementation, management and auditing of the Project; (b) Strengthening social accountability mechanisms on water and wastewater services through, inter alia the provision of support to: (i) Selected Water and Wastewater Service Providers to develop communication plans to improve their communication with their customers through, inter alia: (A) the development and/or update of websites; and (B) the enhancement of the information contained in existing websites and/or information displayed publicly in their premises; and (ii) strengthen existing grievance redress mechanisms to enhance service delivery. The Project is being implemented by Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise. Belcomteh invest State Enterprise keeps accounting records and primary documents with respect of the funds transferred to its accounts. 2. ACCOUNTING POLICIES Fundamental accounting principles - these financial statements under the Project are prepared based on the cash basis which complies with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards developed by the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board of the international Federation of Accountants. Project funding is recognised to be the source of the Project funds at the moment of receipt of the funds Project costs are recognised to be the use of Project funds at the moment of effecting the payment. Transactions In foreign currencies - these financial statements are presented in US Dollars unless otherwise stated. Transactions in other currencies are translated into US Dollars at the exchange rate effective at the date of a transaction. 13 Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project Loan No. 8352-BY Basis for preparation of the financial statements is the accounting data of Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise. Accounting for transactions under the Project is separated from accounting for funds of other funding sources of Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise. 3. DESIGNATED ACCOUNT Designated account is an account in US Dollars in GOPERU Belinvestbank JSC (the Republic of Belarus), intended to control payments related to the Project implementation in the established amounts that do not require separate approval by IBRD in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. 4. SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT IN BYN This is an account in BYN for credit, storage of funds received from sale of foreign currency - loan funds 5. BASIS FOR FINANCING Expenses of Category 1 (Goods, works and consulting services) in the amount of 100% are financed from proceeds of the IBRD Loan. Category 2 represents a Front-end Fee in the amount of 225 thousand US Dollars withheld by IBRD for its own benefit from the loan account in accordance with the Agreement. PacnpegeneHme saima no e4am nOKpblBaeMbX pacxogoe npegacaaneHo cneAyoumm o6pa3om: Category of expenses Loan ammount Category 1 Goods, works and consulting services 89,775,000.00 Category 2 Front-end Fee 225,000.00 Total 90,000,000.00 The aforementioned planned indicators are established for the whole Project period as a whole, therefore they are not presented in comparison with actual expenses for the period from January 1, 2019 to December 4, 2019. 6. WITHDRAWAL METHOD Withdrawal methods used within the reporting period include transfers from IBRD to the Designated Account with further withdrawal by Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise and direct payments executed by IBRD on behalf of Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise based on provided withdrawal applications. 14 Additional Financing for Water Supply and Sanitation Project Loan No. 8352-BY 7. RECONCILIATION OF FINANCING RECEIVED FROM IBRD, WITH THE ACTUAL EXPENDITURES OF THE PROJECT Withdrawal applications Expenses incurred from January 1, 2019 to December 4, 2019 8,835,295 Total expenses incurred for the period from January 1, 2019 8,835,295 to December 4, 2019 Funds received from IBRD for the period from January 1, 2019 to December 4, 2019: Replenishment of the Designated Account 6,300,000 Direct payments 1,279,912 Plus: Balance on the Designated Account at January 1, 2019 1,255,383 Plus: Current BYN Account Statement at January 1, 2019 0 Less: Balance on the Designated Account at December 4, 2019 0 Less: Current BYN Account Statement at December 4, 2019 0 Total expenses incurred for the period from January 1, 2019 8,835,295 to December 4, 2019 On behalf of the Management: V.L. Morozov M.E. Obrazova Director Chief Accountant Belcomtehinvest State Ent Belcomtehinvest State Enterprise 15