www.ifc.org/thoughtleadership                                                                                                             NOTE 65 • MAR 2019

Natural Gas and the Clean Energy Transition
By Alan F. Townsend

In the clean energy transition, the value of natural gas infrastructure is very important for operating the
energy system. Gas-fired power plants contribute to optimized energy systems when they are designed
to operate flexibly, responding to demand patterns and the variable supply of renewable energy. Smart
electricity grids, renewable energy, battery storage technology, and gas-fired power plants in combination
will generally be the lowest cost, low-carbon solution to the growing energy requirements of emerging
markets. Private investors and financiers are responding to these opportunities, but the full potential will
only be reached with improvements in policy, regulation, and procurement in destination markets.

The de-carbonizing power sector solution for most
countries will be characterized by several factors, including:
                                                                                                        Coal                                        Relative CO2
•	 A smart, integrated, and expansive network;                                                          70%                         Gas           emissions by mix
•	 Increasing penetration of photovoltaic (PV) solar, wind,                                                                                                   100
   and other lower cost renewables;
•	 Battery storage serving the short duration requirements                                                                      Renewables
   of the network and its need to balance variable                                                                                 20%
   renewables in real time;
•	 A mix of gas-fired power generation capacity that supports                                                                          30%
   further penetration of renewable energy, provides long-                                             Gas
                                                                                                       50%                                                     60
   duration balancing resources, and ensures supply is reliable
   even when renewable energy generation is low.
Technically, this mix is already available on a commercial
basis and its components are becoming more efficient and                                                                     20%
cheaper over time—dramatically so in some cases. This
evolution will provide time for discovery and development                                                                                                      27
of revolutionary breakthroughs that are expected to bring                                              40%
an end to both expansive integrated networks and fossil
fuel-fired generation, though it is far from clear when
exactly this will happen.
Figure 1 highlights the importance of gas-fired generation
and the logic of de-carbonization. In many countries,
especially in Asia, new energy has been a mix of coal
and variable renewables, with natural gas sometimes                                             FIGURE 1     Gas and the Clean Energy Transition
marginalized. Flexible and efficient, gas produces half the                                     Source: Author

About the Author
Alan F. Townsend, Senior Industry Specialist, Energy, Infrastructure & Natural Resources, IFC. His email is atownsend1@ifc.org.

This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
emissions of coal per kilowatt hour (kWh), plus low or no                                       Developed Markets Show the Way
sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate
                                                                                                Two of the biggest de-carbonizers on an absolute and
matter (though methane leakages need to be kept low). If
                                                                                                relative basis are the United States and the United Kingdom
its use can be expanded, so can renewables. The result is a
                                                                                                (Figure 2). They have dramatically reduced their coal burn
40 percent decrease in total emissions, even with some coal
                                                                                                in the power generation sector while greatly increasing
remaining in the system.
                                                                                                the penetration of renewables and natural gas. In the
Gas can be economical even when the capacity is utilized                                        United Kingdom, a modest carbon tax has been enough
flexibly, leaving room for more renewables. In the stylized                                     to essentially eliminate coal from the country’s power
example, when coal is eliminated from the system, emissions                                     generation mix. The United States has no carbon tax, but
have been reduced by 73 percent. The final step toward zero                                     the shale gas revolution has lowered the cost of natural gas
greenhouse gas emissions, which is some years away, is when                                     to a level that leaves many coal-fired power plants unable
new storage technology, more efficient renewables, and ultra-                                   to compete. In Europe and Korea, despite the occasional
smart grids obviate the need for gas at all.                                                    policy inconsistency, trends are in a similar direction—the
                                                                                                combination of renewables and natural gas is pushing coal
The renewables/flexible gas solution is economically
                                                                                                out of the mix.
available now. That is, for most countries, the combination
of flexible gas, variable renewables, smart networks, and                                       Emerging markets have embraced natural gas as a power
storage will be least-cost for all capacity additions going                                     generation fuel but rarely as a strategic component of a
forward. This is because, even without considering the cost                                     clean energy mix. Grids are often weaker, battery storage
of carbon emissions:                                                                            has not entered most such markets, renewables policies
                                                                                                vary widely and have sometimes been volatile, and many
•	 PV solar, wind, and natural gas-fired turbines and
                                                                                                markets continue to develop new coal-fired power projects.
   engines have lower unit capital costs than coal-fired
                                                                                                Access to natural gas has frequently been a significant issue.
   equipment, and there are natural incentives to combine
                                                                                                Most emerging markets only had access to local gas reserves
   solar, wind, and gas such that the required capital
                                                                                                that came to market via pipelines. Until 2008, almost no
   expenditure is least-cost compared to a coal-heavy mix.
                                                                                                emerging markets imported liquefied natural gas (LNG).
•	 The all-in cost of PV solar and wind in many markets
                                                                                                That changed with the advent of floating storage and
   is below the marginal cost of natural gas, so total fuel
                                                                                                regasification units (FSRUs), which are essentially floating
   costs can also be minimized.
                                                                                                LNG terminals. First in Brazil and soon thereafter in nations
                                                                                                such as Argentina, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, and
   Largest reductions                                                                           Malaysia, FSRUs have opened new markets to LNG. In 2007
     United States
                                                                                                there were 17 importing countries. By end-2018 there were
                                                                                                40 importing countries and almost all new importers are
           Ukraine                                                                              emerging markets that have developed FSRU-based terminals.

           Mexico                                                                               IFC has analyzed FSRU examples globally to understand
                                                                                                the motivations behind the individual projects, and the
            Britain                                                                             findings are striking (see Figure 3). Countries have turned
                                                                                                to FSRUs primarily for three reasons: they needed LNG
      South Africa
                                                                                                for a secure supply of natural gas, to provide back-up to
                      -40           0              40              80            120            hydroelectricity, or to make up for declining domestic gas
                                                                                                reserves. In many cases, the consequence of not having
  Largest increases                                                                             access to LNG was a steep increase in the amount of oil
                                                                                                burned in power generation. That changed when FSRUs
                                                                                                came on-line.
  European Union                                                                                There isn’t a single emerging market LNG terminal in
                                                                                                which the initial investment was primarily or even partly
                                                                                                driven by the desire to complement variable renewables.
             India                                                                              And coal substitution is the primary motivating influence
                                                                                                for only one project, Indonesia’s Java-1 LNG-to-power,
            China                                                                               which is under construction (LNG-to-power refers to
                      -40           0              40              80            120            facilities that import and regasify LNG and then use it
                                                                                                to generate power). These findings suggest that, although
                                                                                                natural gas has a compelling role in a clean energy mix,
FIGURE 2     Change in CO2 emissions, 2016-17, million tons                                     LNG development in emerging economies has so far been
Source: The Economist                                                                           driven by other concerns. As policy catches up to power

This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
                                  Oil substitution                                              because they have lacked legitimacy across a wide range of
                                        20%                                                     stakeholders in politics, the media, the donor community,
                                                                                                finance, and in the end-user/consumer community.

  Energy security
                                                                                                The dearth of financed deals may also result from
       11%                                                              Gas shortage            governments having too many deals under negotiation
                                                                            30%                 (the logic seems to be that is the way to get the best deal).
                                                                                                But when saying “yes” to one party is a de facto “no” to
                                                                                                everyone else, sometimes no decision can be made. When
    Coal                                                                                        the various ministries across the government apparatus are
 substitution                                                                                   not aligned and not effectively coordinating across energy,
     2%                                                                                         transportation, industrial, and environmental policy
                                                                                                streams, decision-making can also be paralyzed.
                                                                                                The market seems to be waking up to the peril of negotiated
                                                                                                deals that can’t be closed. Accordingly, the industry has
           18%                                          Seasonal requirement                    become enthusiastic about participating in transparent
                                                               18%                              and competitive tendering processes. Such processes are
                                                                                                now ongoing in a diverse range of markets, including
                                                                                                Benin, Lebanon, Cyprus, Sharjah (United Arab Emirates),
FIGURE 3 Primary motivation for floating storage and
                                                                                                Colombia, and Australia, and drawing significant interest
regasification units (FSRUs) – 44 projects total                                                from LNG suppliers, traders, and FSRU firms.
Source: Author
                                                                                                The next step is to recognize the capacity value of LNG-
sector decarbonization pressure, new opportunities will                                         to-power infrastructure. Brazil’s Porto de Sergipe, a 1,500
arise for gas-to-power.                                                                         MW project, demonstrates this value. The project, now
                                                                                                under construction, is economically supported by a fixed
Unbalanced Supply and Demand                                                                    annual capacity fee sufficient to paying for a full range
                                                                                                of fixed and non-fuel operating costs, including the lease
Meanwhile, the LNG-to-power market is struggling. Even
                                                                                                on the FSRU. The plant is fully dispatchable. And when
as the industry has responded to the potential for FSRUs by
                                                                                                it runs, it will run because hydro reservoirs are low, and
speculatively ordering many new, state-of-the-art vessels,
                                                                                                its energy will be very valuable indeed in a country with
there has been a noticeable slowdown in FSRU awards (Figure
                                                                                                memories of drought-induced power rationing.
4). While projects already under construction will add new
importers to the roster of LNG consuming countries, no new                                      Porto de Sergipe will be the most efficient gas-fired plant in
emerging market terminals outside of China are scheduled to                                     Latin America, with thermal efficiency of 62 percent. But
open beyond the early months of 2021.
About two dozen FSRUs are either available today or will be
                                                                                                                                                                                        No. of countries with
available as they come off contract between now and 2024.                                                                                                Floating          Onshore
                                                                                                                                                                                        LNG-receiving terminals
Rates for FSRUs are barely half what they were five years                                                                                    14                                                                      42
                                                                                                  New terminals or expansion phases online

ago and several FSRUs are being used as LNG carriers.
                                                                                                                                             12                                                                      36
While there are several reasons for the combination of
demand contraction and supply expansion in the FSRU                                                                                                                                                                  30

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Number of countries
space, one factor looms especially large in explaining the                                                                                                                                         Forecast
steep fall in bankable projects: bad procurement practices.                                                                                  8                                                                       24
Of three dozen operating or under-construction projects
                                                                                                                                             6                                                                       18
in emerging markets, it can be argued that almost all have
either been fully competitively bid or have had significant                                                                                  4                                                                       12
aspects subjected to competition by tender.
                                                                                                                                             2                                                                       6
The flip side of this is that bilateral negotiation has
produced almost no examples of FSRU projects being                                                                                           0                                                                       0
successfully concluded. Yet parallel, bilateral negotiation                                                                                       2008     2010     2012      2014   2016   2018      2020    2022
is an approach that is commonly seen in markets ranging
from Ghana and Sri Lanka to Myanmar. And this approach
has not seen any projects obtain financing and be brought                                       FIGURE 4 New terminals or expansion phases online 2008-22
into operation. This raises an important question: Why                                          for floating or onshore LNG storage
haven’t the negotiated deals been financeable? Probably                                         Source: International Gas Union (IGU)

This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
when it rains it will not be needed, and LNG offtake can                                        Significantly, the basis for investment decisions has
be reduced because the supply contract is highly flexible as                                    changed. Older projects have been underpinned by long-
well. Brazilian power customers will benefit: if the plant is                                   term offtake contracts with creditworthy buyers. Recent
forced to run because it must buy the gas, the annual cost                                      investment decisions have relied much less on contractual
of LNG will be about $600 million (at $10/million British                                       offtake and more on the equity strength of sponsors like
thermal units (mmBtu)). Projects like Porto de Sergipe and                                      Qatar Petroleum, Shell, Petronas, and Mitsubishi. Markets
Panama’s AES Colon illustrate a critical fact of today’s                                        newly opening to LNG are always steps down the credit
LNG-to-power space: that all players in the supply chain,                                       quality ladder.
other than the LNG supplier, can be indifferent to actual
LNG consumption if contracts are structured appropriately.                                      Abundant LNG Reserves
This is a key insight because, consistent with the clean                                        This raises an important question: Why are producers
energy mix approach, there are two steps for gas in the                                         committing billions to new LNG production despite the
transition. First, an increased market share for gas as it                                      difficulties now seen in opening new emerging markets,
replaces dirtier fuels. And second, a decreasing share for                                      and amid a global slowdown in gas turbine sales? There are
gas as it is replaced by the combination of renewables and                                      several factors involved in the answer: Natural gas reserves
storage. This path for gas should be a conscious goal of                                        are plentiful, but often far from potential markets; and
energy policy makers.                                                                           LNG is often the preferred solution for remote gas reserves.
Like the LNG-to power market, power generation                                                  Those plentiful reserves mean that there is plenty of
equipment suppliers are also struggling. The big equipment                                      competition to get new projects to market, and firms
manufacturers, especially General Electric and Siemens, are                                     that can take the equity approach (as opposed to being
under pressure. Siemens estimates that suppliers of turbines                                    dependent on limited recourse project financing) have a
of over 100 MW can manufacture 400 such units per year,                                         distinct advantage. The LNG market is globalizing and
but demand going forward will be no more than 110 units                                         commoditizing, reducing the risk of bringing on new
per year. Demand is soft for smaller units too, including                                       supply if production costs can be contained. Finally, there
both turbines and reciprocating engines.                                                        is the reality that climate politics might turn some natural
                                                                                                gas reserves into stranded assets at some point. This was
LNG supply is nonetheless growing rapidly. The world
                                                                                                certainly a factor behind Qatar’s recent decision to lift
is currently in the middle of the biggest LNG supply
                                                                                                the moratorium on further North Field development and
expansion in history, driven in recent years by rapid
                                                                                                commit to increasing LNG production capacity by nearly
expansion of Australian and U.S. supply. By 2023,
                                                                                                50 percent, taking its output potential to 110 million tons
the International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that
                                                                                                per year, or over 140 billion cubic meters (bcm) per year.
gas liquefaction capacity will exceed 500 billion cubic
meters (bcm) of natural gas per annum, or about 400                                             A more flexible market helps. LNG companies know that,
million tons of LNG (Figure 5). And recent investment                                           at worst, they will need to dump unsold LNG into the
decisions—in Qatar, Canada, the United States, and other                                        liquid markets of Europe, where annual utilization of LNG
places—will add to supply after 2023.                                                           import capacity runs at 20 to 30 percent. Chinese demand
                                                                                                is the wildcard: In 2017–18, China bought many of the
                                                                                                available cargos, and European terminal utilization was
                                                                                                low. In late 2018 and into 2019, China’s appetite waned
  2011                                                                                          because of a warmer winter, and LNG suppliers had to put
                                                                                                more into Europe.
                                                                                                The truism of     the
                                                                                                             United     current market is that when China buys

  2017                                                                                          LNG, it turns a buyer’s market into a seller’s market.
                                                                                                China is now Australia
                                                                                                                 the second largest buyer of LNG globally. It
                                                                                                surpassed Korea this year and may overtake Japan as the
                                                                                                largest LNG destination by 2020. China underscores a core
  2023                                                                                          environmental truth about natural gas: it is not just about
                                                                                                the carbon. The purpose of Chinese LNG purchases has
                                                                                                been to improve air quality in northern China, an effort
         0              100          200          300           400           500               that has been stunningly successful and is expected to
                                                                                                continue for some time. China’s LNG binge has contributed
                Qatar          Australia        United States         Other
                                                                                                directly to increased confidence among LNG project
                                                                                                sponsors, and that confidence translates, in part, to positive
FIGURE 5     Global LNG supply growth 2011-23 (bcm)                                             investment decisions for new capacity.
Source: International Energy Agency (IEA)

This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
Conclusion                                                                                          110.0
For emerging markets, LNG-to-power should be an
essential part of a clean energy strategy. To make that
happen, a handful of principles should be incorporated into                                          90.0
the policy framework of individual countries:
•	 Countries need to embrace transparent and competitive
   tendering processes when awarding rights for energy                                               70.0
   infrastructure and energy supply.
•	 Natural gas has proven its carbon advantage relative
   to coal, and as China has shown, natural gas can have                                             50.0
   an immediate impact in reducing local pollution; these
   benefits should be incorporated in policy frameworks.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         May 18
                                                                                                                                       May 15

                                                                                                                                                                   May 16
                                                                                                            May 14

                                                                                                                                                                                              May 17

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sep 18
                                                                                                                                                 Sep 15

                                                                                                                                                                            Sep 16
                                                                                                                     Sep 14

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sep 17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jan 18
                                                                                                                              Jan 15

                                                                                                                                                          Jan 16

                                                                                                                                                                                     Jan 17
•	 Attention should be paid to replacing coal with a mix of
   flexible gas and renewables.
                                                                                                                                                AQI                     PM10                           PM2.5
•	 In an increasingly flexible and commoditizing sector,
   LNG buyers and FSRU lessors should be clear about
   their requirements and should be careful about                                               FIGURE 6 China: Particulate Matter and the Air Quality
   overcommitting on volume, tenor, or other factors; but                                       Index have been decreasing since 2015 (annualized basis)
   contracts (with the right flexibility) remain critical pieces
                                                                                                Source: CNEMC, Citi Research
   of the commercial supply chain. Buyers in today’s gas
   market should be assertive but should also value stable
   relationships with reputable providers of LNG and                                            The private sector needs to be at the heart of efforts to
   infrastructure.                                                                              mobilize finance for the clean energy transition. There is an
                                                                                                opportunity to apply a maximizing finance for development
                                                                                                (MFD) approach (Box 1) for gas that will address policy
    Box 1: Maximizing Finance for Development—                                                  reform, market readiness, and enabling investments aligned
    Cascade Objective and Algorithm                                                             to country climate targets.

    Maximize financing for development by leveraging                                            ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
    the private sector and optimizing the use of scarce
                                                                                                The author would like to thank the following colleagues
    public resources. WBG support will continue to
                                                                                                for their review and suggestions: Sumeet Thakur, Senior
    promote good governance and ensure environmental
                                                                                                Manager, Global Infrastructure–Energy, Global Infrastructure
    and social sustainability.                                                                  & Natural Resources, IFC; Tunc Alyanak, Senior Investment
    When a project is presented, ask: “Is there a                                               Officer, Infrastructure–Europe and Central Asia, Global
    sustainable private sector solution that limits public                                      Infrastructure & Natural Resources, IFC; Francisco
    debt and contingent liabilities?”                                                           Avendano, Operations Officer, Climate Policy Team, Climate
                                                                                                Business, IFC; Julia Heckmann, Research Analyst, Global
    •	 If the answer is “Yes”—promote such private                                              Infrastructure–Energy, Global Infrastructure & Natural
       solutions.                                                                               Resources, IFC; and Thomas Rehermann, Senior Economist,
    •	 If the answer is “No”—ask whether it is because of:                                      Thought Leadership, Economics and Private Sector
                                                                                                Development, IFC.
        –– Policy or regulatory gaps or weaknesses? If so,
           provide WBG support for policy and regulatory                                        Please see the following additional EM Compass Notes
                                                                                                about energy opportunities in emerging markets:
                                                                                                Energy Storage–Business Solutions for Emerging Markets (Note
        –– Risks? If so, assess the risks and see whether                                       23); Creating Markets in Turkey’s Power Sector (Note 33); Using
           WBG instruments can address them.                                                    Blockchain to Enable Cleaner, Modern Energy Systems in Emerging
                                                                                                Markets (Note 61).
    If you conclude that the project requires public
    funding, pursue that option.

	 See for example: World Bank Group. 2017. “Maximizing Finance for Development: Leveraging the Private Sector for Growth and Sustainable
  Development.” Report prepared by the World Bank Group for the Development Committee, September 17, 2017, p. 6–7.

This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
    Box 2: About IFC and investing in LNG in emerging markets
    IFC—a sister organization of the World Bank and                                            and a senior lender ($200 million) to the Golar Power/
    member of the World Bank Group—is the largest                                              ebrasil Porto de Sergipe Project. IFC has been the lead
    global development institution focused on the                                              or co-lead debt arranger for LNG projects in Bangladesh,
    private sector in emerging markets. We work with                                           Panama, Brazil, and El Salvador.
    more than 2,000 businesses worldwide, using our                                            IFC operates in partnership with the most significant
    capital, expertise, and influence to create markets                                        companies in the LNG and power businesses. Our
    and opportunities in the toughest areas of the world.                                      projects involve supply commitments from Qatar
    In fiscal year 2018, we delivered more than $23 billion                                    Petroleum, ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, and Total. Equipment
    in long-term financing for developing countries,                                           and sometimes equity and EPC services have come from
    leveraging the power of the private sector to end                                          General Electric, Siemens, and Wartsila. Three of the four
    extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity. For                                           largest FSRU owners, Excelerate, Golar, and BW, provide
    more information, visit www.ifc.org.                                                       vessels to IFC-financed projects. The largest commodity
    IFC has invested equity and debt in the first LNG                                          firms trade LNG through IFC-financed infrastructure,
    terminals to come into operation in Pakistan and                                           including IFC client Vitol. Leading financial institutions
    Bangladesh. IFC is senior lender ($150 million) to the AES/                                such as FMO, JICA, and Goldman Sachs work with IFC to
    Motta Group Colon LNG-to-power project in Panama,                                          support lending and project bonds.

Additional Selected EM Compass Notes Previously Published by IFC Thought Leadership

Note 64: Institutional Investing: A New Investor Forum and Growing Interest in Sustainable Emerging                                           February 2019
  Markets Investments

Note 63: Blockchain and Associated Legal Issues for Emerging Markets                                                                           January 2019

Note 62: Service Performance Guarantees for Public Utilities and Beyond—An Innovation with                                                     January 2019
  Potential to Attract Investors to Emerging Markets

Note 61: Using Blockchain to Enable Cleaner, Modern Energy Systems in Emerging Markets                                                       November 2018

Note 60: Blended Concessional Finance: Scaling Up Private Investment in Lower-Income Countries                                               November 2018

Note 59: How a Know-Your-Customer Utility Could Increase Access to Financial Services in Emerging                                              October 2018

Note 58: Competition Works: Driving Microfinance Institutions to Reach Lower-Income People and                                                 October 2018
  the Unbanked in Peru

Note 57: Blockchain Governance and Regulation as an Enabler for Market Creation in Emerging                                                 September 2018

Note 56: A Practical Tool to Create Economic Opportunity for Low-Income Communities                                                                July 2018

Note 55: Peru’s Works for Taxes Scheme: An Innovative Solution to Accelerate Private Provision of                                                  June 2018
  Infrastructure Investment

Note 54: Modelo Peru: A Mobile Money Platform Offering Interoperability Towards Financial Inclusion                                                May 2018

Note 53: Crowding-In Capital Attracts Institutional Investors to Emerging Market Infrastructure                                                   April 2018
  Through Co-Lending Platforms

Note 52: Crowding-In Capital: How Insurance Companies Can Expand Access to Finance                                                                April 2018

Note 51: Blended Finance—A Stepping Stone to Creating Markets                                                                                     April 2018

This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
Note 48: Increased Regulation and De-risking are Impeding Cross-Border Financing in Emerging                                   January 2018

Note 47: From Farm to Fork: Private Enterprise Can Reduce Food Loss Through Climate-Smart                                      October 2017

Note 46: Precision Farming Enables Climate-Smart Agribusiness                                                                  October 2017

Note 45: Beyond Fintech: Leveraging Blockchain for More Sustainable and Inclusive Supply Chains                              September 2017

Note 44: Blockchain in Financial Services in Emerging Markets—Part II: Selected Regional                                     September 2017

Note 43: Blockchain in Financial Services in Emerging Markets—Part I: Current Trends                                         September 2017

Note 42: Digital Financial Services: Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Market Banks                                     August 2017

Note 41: Blockchain in Development—Part II: How It Can Impact Emerging Markets                                                     July 2017

Note 40: Blockchain in Development—Part I: A New Mechanism of ‘Trust’?                                                             July 2017

Note 39: Technology-Enabled Supply Chain Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises is a Major                                       June 2017
  Growth Opportunity for Banks

Note 38: Can Blockchain Technology Address De-Risking in Emerging Markets?                                                         May 2017

Note 37: Creating Agricultural Markets: How the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange Connects Farmers and                                  April 2017
  Buyers through Partnership and Technology

Note 35: Queen Alia International Airport—The Role of IFC in Facilitating Private Investment in a Large                           April 2017
  Airport Project

Note 34: How Fintech is Reaching the Poor in Africa and Asia: A Start-Up Perspective                                             March 2017

Note 33: Creating Markets in Turkey’s Power Sector                                                                               March 2017

Note 32: Private Provision of Education: Opportunities for Emerging Markets                                                   February 2017

Note 31: Improving Emerging Markets Healthcare Through Private Provision                                                      February 2017

Note 30: Masala Bond Program—Nurturing A Local Currency Bond Market                                                             January 2017

Note 29: Toward a Framework for Assessing Private vs. Public Investment in Infrastructure                                       January 2017

Note 28: The Importance of Local Capital Markets for Financing Development                                                      January 2017

Note 27: How Banks Can Seize Opportunities in Climate and Green Investment                                                   December 2016

Note 24: De-Risking by Banks in Emerging Markets—Effects and Responses for Trade                                             November 2016

Note 23: Energy Storage—Business Solutions for Emerging Markets                                                              November 2016

Note 22: Mitigating the Effects of De-Risking in Emerging Markets to Preserve Remittance Flows                               November 2016

Note 20: Mitigating Private Infrastructure Project Risks                                                                     September 2016

Note 19: Creating Mobile Telecom Markets in Africa                                                                           September 2016

Note 18: Seven Sisters: Accelerating Solar Power Investments                                                                 September 2016

This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
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