PHOTOGRAPH BY: ADALBERTO RÍOS SZALAY/ADALBERTO RÍOS LANZ 96496 A Shared Vision for the Cutzamala System Water Management A Model Basin in WB_BrochureCutzamala.indd 3 5/11/15 7:27 PM PHOTOGRAPH BY: JOSÉ ARTURO VILLANUEVA MORENO Technical Cooperation between Mexico’s National Water springs whose water is used for diverse purposes. The water vol- Commission (CONAGUA), the Basin Agency for the ume produced in these sub-basins is currently sufficient to support the livelihood of the populations living there and to partially meet Valley of Mexico (OCAVM), the Engineering Institute of the needs of the people living in the two metropolitan areas. That the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), being said, a more sustainable use of the natural resource is funda- mental for the region of the sub-basins, Toluca, and MCMA. the Mexican Institute for Water Technology (IMTA), and The World Bank Today, the System’s and the region’s sustainability are at risk, a prob- lem perceptible in numerous ways and often sharpened by the dis- crepancies in the information that is readily available for stakehold- A Dynamic Interaction The Cutzamala System:  ers who possess divergent perceptions of the current situation of between Human Activities and the Environment the area, its natural resources, and its future. Conflicts in the region have historically existed and persist. The resolution to these con- The Cutzamala System is a complex inter-basin transfer built in flicts must consider the communities’ legitimate concerns and ex- three stages, from the late 1970s to 1994, to supply water from the pectations about their interactions with the environment, principally Cutzamala River to the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (“MCMA”) water availability and use. From time to time, these conflicts tend to and to the Valley of Toluca Metropolitan Area (“Toluca”). The trans- heighten as a result of institutional inefficiencies and the absence of fer elevates the fluid more than 1,100 meters in elevation difference appropriate instances for negotiation and collaboration in the vari- for its final use as drinking water, relying on seven reservoirs, six ous communities that exist in these sub-basins. pumping plants, 322 kilometers of canals and tunnels, and a large water treatment plant, ‘Los Berros’. This infrastructure is vital to the Three decades after the initial operation of the Cutzamala System, lives of millions of Mexicans in those two large metropolitan areas. it is imperative to revisit and rebuild the view that society and the At the same time, however, the System is located in a social and relevant institutions have about the water-transfer infrastructure, physical space where the lives of thousands of inhabitants unfold its geographical spread, and the populations and economic activ- in more than one thousand rural towns and several larger cities in ities in its sub-basins, understanding that these three realities are the headwater sub-basins of the Cutzamala River, located in the interwoven and thus, inseparable. Such is the starting point of an States of Mexico and Michoacán. These mountainous sub-basins indispensable dialogue and social collaboration aimed at long-term are naturally forested and are home to a collection of rivers and sustainability. WB_BrochureCutzamala.indd 4 5/11/15 7:28 PM Mexico City Metropolitan Area, Valley order to keep pace with the demands of a growing population. To- of Toluca Metropolitan Area, and the day, it receives its freshwater from three principal sources. These Communities in Tuxpan, El Bosque, Villa include groundwater aquifers, which account for approximate- Victoria, Valle de Bravo, Ixtapan del Oro, ly 68% of the total freshwater supply, the Lerma System (8%), and and Chilesdo-Colorines Sub-basins the Cutzamala System (24%). Toluca Metropolitan Area, on the oth- er hand, boasts a population of approximately 1.9 million people The Cutzamala System is one of the most significant engineer- and receives 0.8 cubic meters of water supplied by the Cutzamala ing works in the country, providing nearly 15 cubic meters of water System. per second to meet the daily needs of an estimated 5 million urban citizens. Its main aqueduct conducts one of the largest flows and Communities in Six Sub-basins pumping loads in the world, a source of pride for Mexico’s engineer- Similarly and of equal importance, the population living within the ing community. Figures 1 and 2 show, respectively, the inter-basin six sub-basins of the Cutzamala System has ascended from approx- transfer connecting the State of Michoacán, the State of Mexico, and imately 367,000 inhabitants in 1970 to 723,000 in 2010. By 2030, the Federal District, as well as the 1,100 elevation difference that must this population is projected to reach just short of one million peo- be overcome in order to deliver bulk water to the country’s capital. ple. The rising population in Toluca, MCMA and in the Cutzamala Together, the six sub-basins, Tuxpan, El Bosque, Villa Victoria, Valle System’s water-producing basin coupled with an increase in a vari- de Bravo, Ixtapan del Oro, and Chilesdo-Colorines, constitute one ety of economic activities, shed light on the evolving importance of artificial basin that gives life and origin to the System, to the water it the water for the population in the sub-basins and for the millions of transfers, and to the benefits derived from its service. Mexicans in the two metropolitan areas. Mexico City and Toluca Metropolitan Areas A Model Basin: Collaboration between CONAGUA, OCAVM, With a population approaching 21 million people, MCMA is consid- UNAM, IMTA and The World Bank ered the most populated urban center in Latin America. The water Over the last 30 years, the Cutzamala System and the environment supply to this region, which accounts for an estimated 38% of Mex- under which it operates have drastically changed. The population ico’s GDP, is complex, having evolved over centuries since its days of Greater Mexico City has integrated roughly 7 million additional as the former Tenochtitlan, the capital city of the Aztec Empire, in inhabitants in the same thirty years, the size of the population of 66 Figure 1: WB_BrochureCutzamala.indd 5 5/11/15 7:28 PM CONAGUA-OCAVM hired the Engineering Institute of the National 66 Figure 2: Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the Mexican Institute for Water Technology (IMTA) and The World Bank to provide analytical Elevation La Compañia River El Salto and advisory services. The World Bank’s support was requested, in River large part, due to its vast experience in approaching the complex- ity of large inter-basin transfers. This global experience is comple- M.A.S.L. mented by the renowned capacity and experience offered by the 2,550 Villa Victoria Dam UNAM and IMTA. Salitre 9 m3/s The project builds on the extensive knowledge of these three insti- M.A.S.L. 2,500 Sabaneta Dam River Hector Martínez tutions and on their personnel, some of whom have participated in de Meza Canal similar endeavors such as Mexico’s 1975 National Hydraulic Plan, an Dam PP5 IWRM plan that continues to be regarded as one of the most suc- Pucuato Tuxpan cessful and pioneering efforts of its nature at a global scale. Since M.A.S.L. River 2,450 the commencement of the technical cooperation, CONAGUA and OCAVM have also received support from the Balsas Basin Agen- cy (OCB), National Association of Water and Sanitation Suppliers (ANEAS), State of Mexico Water Commission (CAEM), Mexico City M.A.S.L. 2,400 Agostitlán Zitácuaro Dam River Water Systems (SACMEX), the National Forestry Commission (CON- Chilesdo Dam AFOR), College of Mexico for National Resources (COLMERN), and PP6 Mexico’s National Institute for Ecology and Climate Change (INECC). M.A.S.L. Civil Society and user organizations have also partaken in the tech- 2,350 Tuxpan River Amanalco nical cooperation including the Basin Council for the Valley of Mex- River PP4 ico, Valle de Bravo-Amanalco Basin Commission, Villa Victoria-San Angangueo Tizates River River José del Rincón Basin Commission, Valle de Bravo Pro Cuenca M.A.S.L. 2,300 PP3 Fund, A.C., and Board of Provalle, A.C. El Molino Tuxpan Dam Stream El Bosque PP2 Valle de M.A.S.L. 19 m /s 3 Technical Cooperation 1,700 Dam Bravo Dam Canal Ixtapan del Tuxpan Oro River Bo Q Max -Bosque C sq 13 m3/s The technical cooperation between CONAGUA and The World Bank ol u or e in Ixtapan del Oro Dam will last two years and will consist of five main components that cul- M.A.S.L. 1,650 es Irrigation Unit C Mora - La Florida an al 16 m3/s minate in the basin management plan mentioned above. Through Zitácuaro these five components, the cooperation aims to attract the best na- River Colorines Dam tional and international experience in integrated water resources PP1 M.A.S.L. 1,600 PP: Pumping Plant management and sustainable development. Knowledge exchange M.A.S.L.: Meters Ixtapan del Oro River Above Sea Level opportunities will be promoted at an international level such as the 7th Annual World Water Forum in Korea, the Annual Latin America Water Week, and through technical Study Tours to other parts of the world. Further, CONAGUA and OCAVM have also expressed their interest in hosting a global learning seminar gathering water practitioners from Hong Kong. Despite the extra water supply generated by the Cut- various large metropolitan areas with similar challenges in order to zamala System, the water availability per capita in the MCMA re- share response strategies to address the challenges faced by the Cut- mains the lowest in the country and continues to decrease: from zamala System. 190 m3/capita year to 160 m3/capita year over the past ten years. Components In 2013, in response to these evolving conditions, the Basin Agency The technical cooperation consists of the following five compo- for the Valley of Mexico (OCAVM), the entity responsible for the op- nents divided into two phases: eration of the Cutzamala System’s infrastructure, proposed a tech- nical cooperation project with UNAM, IMTA, and The World Bank to 66Phase 1: Mexico’s National Water Commission (CONAGUA). Its principal ob- 1. Preparation: The first component is the development of jective is the creation of an integrated basin management plan with a comprehensive Work Plan detailing the approach of corresponding investments and institutional reforms that focus on the collaboration between CONAGUA-OCAVM and The natural resources management, rural livelihoods, and infrastructure World Bank. management, based on the principles of integrated water resources 2. Integrated Diagnosis: The objective of the diagnosis is to management (IWRM) and sustainable development of codependent obtain a multidisciplinary overview of the current situation natural resources, namely, soil, forest, air and biodiversity. by using the existing information and knowledge about the Cutzamala System. The diagnosis, once validated and dis- This basin management plan will be built from a shared vision of seminated, will provide a reliable knowledge basis for fur- the System’s infrastructure, the services it provides, and the water ther analysis by concerned stakeholders and communities availability for the populations in the sub-basins and their respective and for the formulation of the Cutzamala System manage- livelihoods and aspirations. ment plan. Such a vision, which is to be attained through an inclusive and par- 66Phase 2: ticipatory process, would act as an umbrella for a series of plans 3. Decision Support System: A Decision Support System (DSS) and investments at different levels, whose interaction and coordi- will be developed with the stakeholders involved in the nation would be fostered by institutional innovation and improved elaboration of the Integrated Basin Management Plan to communication. help assess the current and future state of the Cutzamala WB_BrochureCutzamala.indd 6 5/11/15 7:28 PM 66 Figure 3: Component 1: Preparation Work Plan Component 4: Integrated Basin Management Plan and Institutional Arrangements Component 2: Integrated Diagnosis Institutional Arrangements Integrated Diagnosis of the Cutzamala System and its Six Sub-basins Integrated Basin Management Plan for the Cutzamala System and its Six Sub-basins SZALAY/ADALBERTO RÍOS LANZ Analysis of Data and Tools Planning Support System ARCHIVES Component 3: Decision Support System (DSS) ADALBERTO RÍOS PHOTOGRAPHIC Component 5: Institutional BY: © CONAGUA Strengthening & Capacity Building PHOTOGRAPH Capacity Building Workshops System and its water producing sub-basins. This will cov- is a technical study tour for a delegation of Mexican water er the ‘business as usual’ situation, as well as scenarios of practitioners to the Catskill Mountains in New York State, change in infrastructure, soil use, population dynamics, cli- USA. The technical visit will cover topics such as the project mate change and variability, and operation and manage- launched by New York City to protect its drinking water by ment practices among other issues. The DSS is intended to preserving the ecosystem services of its watershed. support all levels of decision-making, including local com- munities, with better and more accessible information and Status of Project: Diagnosis, Early Findings to nurture planning processes that empower actors to voice their ideas, concerns, and initiatives, in order to engage Phase 1 of the technical cooperation has been completed. more directly with the authorities. CONAGUA-OCAVM, UNAM, IMTA, and The World Bank are now in the process of defining the scope of Phase 2, which will build directly 4. Integrated Basin Management Plan and Institutional Ar- off the Integrated Diagnosis. The results of the Diagnosis decode rangements: Through an iterative process with the basin’s many of the uncertainties previously unknown about the System, its users, decision-makers, and other stakeholders, the inte- basin, and its adjacent populations. To obtain this comprehensive grated basin management plan along with its validation and overview of the System, the team was divided in 10 thematic implementation strategy will be developed. The actions pri- working groups totaling over 120 participants; each specialized in a oritized in the plan will be designed to contribute to the re- specific discipline and each integrated by members from the various gion’s and System’s sustainability and to aid in meeting the institutions aforementioned in this document. Figure 4 shows the 10 aspirations of the populations living within the basin as well working groups and the respective fields they analyzed. The groups as the end users in Toluca and the Mexico City Metropolitan were: Area. 1.  Institutional & Planning 5. Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building: The last 2.  Legal component of the technical cooperation consists of insti- 3.  GIS & Information Systems tutional strengthening and capacity building. This compo- 4. Water Uses in the Sub-basins nent is paramount in the incorporation of international ex- 5.  Socioeconomic Panorama and Communication periences, technologies, and practices. One example of this 6. Water Quality, Water Supply and Sanitation WB_BrochureCutzamala.indd 7 5/11/15 7:28 PM PHOTOGRAPH BY: ADALBERTO RÍOS SZALAY/ADALBERTO RÍOS LANZ 66 Figure 4: Thematic Working Groups Infrastructure of Financial and the Cutzamala Economic System Biophysical Institutional & Planning Agriculture Diagnosis Legal Water Quality GIS & Information Water Supply & Systems Sanitation Socioeconomic Water Uses in the Panorama and Sub-basins Communication reaching the ‘Los Berros’ Water Treatment Plant; (c) the institutional and legal complexity limiting OCAVM’s action in responding to the deteriorating conditions of the sub-basins, (d) widespread poverty and marginalization in the sub-basins; and (e) the lack of financial sustainability in the operation of such large infrastructure. In detail: Increased Competition for Water The number of competing water uses in the six sub-basins has ev- idently grown since 1982. As previously mentioned, a mounting population combined with increasing economic activity has pro- duced additional stress on the System and on its biophysical en- vironment. This stress has manifested itself in several forms, pri- marily in an expanding irrigated agricultural sector that relies on PHOTOGRAPH BY: ADALBERTO RÍOS SZALAY/ADALBERTO RÍOS LANZ the Cutzamala System’s water and in the presence of unregulated water extractions through traditional pumps and hoses along open canals, depleting the availability of the resource for its intended purposes. Adding to this pressure is the uncertainty of global cli- mate change, which threatens to reduce the availability of water in the System. Deteriorating Water Quality Over the last two decades, the water stored in the reservoirs of the Cutzamala System has suffered serious deterioration in its quality. This quality reduction can be attributed primarily to discharges of untreated sewage from adjacent urban and rural populations into the System’s reservoirs, and changes in land use. This decline in wa- ter quality has culminated in the seasonal presence of blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, in the Valle de Bravo and Villa Victoria res- ervoirs, which complicate the drinking water treatment process, thus making it more costly. Institutional Constraints 7.  Biophysical Environment OCAVM’s jurisdiction over the management of the Cutzamala Sys- 8.  Agriculture tem is limited to its infrastructure: reservoirs, canals, pumps, wa- 9.  Infrastructure of the Cutzamala System ter treatment plant, etc. The management of the water resource, as 10. Financial and Economic well as the land surrounding the Cutzamala System, including fac- tors that relate to soil erosion, untreated discharges, and deforesta- Through this approach, the team was able to delve into the history tion are within the authority of another Basin Agency, OCB. Con- and the current state of the Cutzamala System and its sub-basins. sequently, complex institutional coordination ensues, affecting the Broadly speaking, the challenges it faces can be categorized by: immediacy and efficiency with which emerging issues are treated (a) increased competition for water, (b) deteriorating water quality or addressed. WB_BrochureCutzamala.indd 8 5/11/15 7:28 PM PHOTOGRAPH BY: ADALBERTO RÍOS SZALAY/ADALBERTO RÍOS LANZ Poverty and Marginalization in the Sub-basins and infrastructure that will guarantee its sustainability are essen- As described earlier, the population in the six sub-basins has wit- tial. Fortunately, the system was robustly designed and has been nessed a remarkable growth since the 1970s. The standard of living carefully maintained over the last 30 years; however, to assure its of these individuals, however, continues to lag compared to the liv- future operation and to improve water management, proper ac- ing standard of the rest of the populations in their respective states tions should be taken now. (State of Mexico and Michoacán), including in terms of water supply and sanitation coverage. Poverty and marginalization character- ize the living conditions these populations are experiencing, many Towards a Shared Vision families still relying on traditional subsistence farming while lack- ing viable livelihood opportunities. These conditions are particu- In response to these evolving circumstances and their consequenc- larly unfavorable towards women (high levels of teen pregnancy, es, the current administration has taken action to ensure the Sys- illiteracy, single parent families) and young adults who may resort tem’s ongoing performance. This includes both urgency measures to organized crime in lieu of school or professional development. (e.g. the application of activated charcoal to control the blue-green Spreading through 1,000 rural towns and villages, these marginal- algal blooms) and more structural ones, such as the construction ized populations often lack a space for institutional dialogue. of a third distribution line, which is meant to reduce the number of service interruptions caused by reparations to the pipeline network. Infrastructure and the System’s Financial Sustainability Due to OCAVM’s limited field of action (i.e., restricted to the opera- The current financial scheme governing the Cutzamala Sys- tion and maintenance of the System’s infrastructure), however, few tem is characterized by (a) a strong disconnect between the fees measures for the enhancement of the conditions of the sub-basins charged for the service of bulk water provision and the costs of and their populations are within its reach. Current conditions will al- operating, maintaining, and renovating it and (b) a similar discon- low the System to operate, with difficulty, over the next 10 years. The nect between the institutions financing the system and the insti- risk of failure and vulnerability, however, remains high if the status tution operating it. The financial cost of providing the service is quo remains in terms of practices and investments. estimated at 4.6 billion pesos per year (306 million USD), of which 48% is paid through fees charged for the service and 52% by fed- Integrated Management Plan for the Cutzamala System eral funds. These costs do not include the stress caused by the In summary, the diagnosis allows for a common base, a shared vi- increased competition for water nor the environmental damage sion, to be established from which an Integrated Management Plan cost associated with the pollution from the expansion of irrigation for the Cutzamala System can be conceived and further imple- schemes, the use of fertilizers and pesticides, or the discharges of mented. This shared vision will foster a feasible future in which the untreated sewage, among other factors. When these externalities availability of water is, while subject to applicable IWRM and sus- are included, the cost increases to about 7.7 billion pesos per year tainability principles, sufficient to warrant medium and long-term (513 million USD), of which 29% is paid through fees charged for development in the sub-basins and to meet the growing demands the service, 31% through federal funds, and 40% by society (which of MCMA and Toluca. These principles include: continues to experience environmental degradation, reduction of water quality, and deficiencies in public water supply services). 66Institutional, technological, and financial excellence in infra- This lack of coordination between fees and costs discourages the structure, facilities, and operation practices for the Cutzamala use of water-efficient technologies and practices by most users, System causes distortions in water management planning, and increases the cost of water supply. To maintain the present levels of ser- 66Institutional strengthening of OCAVM, OCB, Balsas Basin Coun- vice and the security of the system, investments in the equipment cil, and the sub-basins’ councils WB_BrochureCutzamala.indd 1 5/11/15 7:27 PM A Shared Vision for the Cutzamala System: A Model Basin in Water Management Copyright © 2015 by Comisión Nacional del Agua PHOTOGRAPH BY: ADALBERTO RÍOS SZALAY/ADALBERTO RÍOS LANZ Insurgentes Sur No. 2416 Col. Copilco el Bajo C.P. 04340, Coyoacán, México, D.F. Copyright © 2015 by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. All Rights Reserved Printing and Manufactured in Mexico / 2015 First Printing: April, 2015 This publication was prepared by Fernando González Cáñez, Director General, Basin Agency for the Valley of Mexico; Erwin De Nys, Senior Water Resources Specialist, World Bank; Renan Poveda, Senior Environmental Specialist, World Bank; Claudia L. Hernández Martínez, Planning Director, Basin Agency for 66Prioritized execution of multiannual programs for maintenance, the Valley of Mexico; Manuel Contijoch, Water Resources rehabilitation, monitoring, and modernization of infrastructure Specialist, Consultant, World Bank; Santiago Funes, and operation practices Communication Specialist, Consultant, World Bank and José Arturo Villanueva Moreno, Environmental Analyst, World Bank. 66Technological improvements that enhance the competitiveness and efficiency of the irrigated schemes The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this publication are entirely those of the authors 66Rural-urban regional development based on community revi- and should not be attributed in any manner to the talization and improved inter-municipal collaboration National Water Commission (Comisión Nacional del Agua - CONAGUA) or The World Bank, to its affiliated 66Identifying competitive commodity systems at regional, nation- organizations, or to members of its Board of Executive al, or international levels Directors or the countries they represent. CONAGUA and the World Bank Group do 66Coordination and complementarity of public policies, granting not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in a central role to local and municipal development plans this publication and accept no responsibility for any consequence of their use. The boundaries, colors, 66Watershed management to reduce nutrient load entering denominations, and other information shown on any map the reservoirs, and reservoir management to reduce algae in this volume do not imply on the part of CONAGUA or concentrations the World Bank Group any judgment on the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such 66Improved efficiency and increase in social spending in the mu- boundaries. nicipalities of the six sub-basins Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. 66Enhanced coverage and performance of basic services in the CONAGUA and the World Bank Group encourage sub-basins, including water supply and sanitation, social securi- dissemination of their work and normally will promptly ty, education and job trainings grant permission to reproduce portions of the work. For permission to reprint individual articles or chapters, please 66Systematic evaluation and participation at the local level fax a request with complete information to the World Bank in Mexico, Fax (55) 5480-4222. All other queries on 66Fostering private and public investments in sustainable regional rights and licenses should also be addressed to the World economic growth as well as urban planning, and rural territorial Bank in Mexico at the same fax number. development The World Bank 66Fostering partnerships that include the participation of popula- Editing by: Martha Castañeda tions of the sub-basins, acknowledging their potential contribu- Design: sonideas / Alejandro Espinosa tions to the region. The formulation of the Integrated Management Plan for the Cutzama- la System and its Sub-Basins is scheduled to begin in May, 2015. WB_BrochureCutzamala.indd 2 5/11/15 7:27 PM