58443 W O R L D B A N K W O R K I N G PA P E R N O . 2 0 9 A F R I C A H U M A N D E V E L O P M E N T S E R I E S Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa A Labor Market Perspective on What Works, What Does Not, and Why Christophe Lemiere Christopher H. Herbst Negda Jahanshahi Ellen Smith Agnes Soucat THE WORLD BANK W O R L D B A N K W O R K I N G P A P E R N O. 2 0 9 Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa A Labor Market Perspective on What Works, What Does Not, and Why Christophe Lemiere, Christopher H. Herbst, Negda Jahanshahi, Ellen Smith, and Agnes Soucat Copyright � 2011 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: www.worldbank.org All rights reserved printed on recycled paper 1 2 3 413 12 11 10 World Bank Working Papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank's work to the development community with the least possible delay. The manuscript of this paper therefore has not been prepared in accordance with the procedures appropriate to formally-edited texts. Some sources cited in this paper may be informal documents that are not readily available. This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmi ing portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; telephone: 978-750-8400; fax: 978-750-4470; Internet: www.copyright.com. All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2422; e-mail: pubrights@worldbank.org. ISBN: 978-0-8213-8599-9 eISBN: 978-0-8213-8600-2 ISSN:1726-5878DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-8599-9 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been requested Contents List of Abbreviations .....................................................................................................................v Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 1. What Is Wrong with the Current Policy Perspective on Urban-Rural Imbalances? .............................................................................................................................. 3 Chapter 2. Urban-Rural Imbalances: Extent and Consequences ........................................... 5 National level imbalances ....................................................................................................... 5 Urban-rural imbalances by country, profession, and gender ............................................ 6 Effect of urban-rural health worker imbalances on achieving health MDGs, reducing poverty, and improving health system efficiency ............................................... 9 Chapter 3. Explaining Urban-Rural Imbalances from a Labor Market Perspective: Theory and Evidence ............................................................................................................ 11 Urban-rural differences in demand for labor ..................................................................... 12 Urban-rural differences in the supply of labor .................................................................. 12 Urban-rural differences in compensation ........................................................................... 14 Chapter 4. Policy Options for Addressing Urban-Rural Imbalances: Theory and Evidence ............................................................................................................ 16 Increasing health worker demand ....................................................................................... 17 Reducing the opportunity cost of rural employment: incentive policies ....................... 17 Transferring urban health workers to rural areas through compulsory policies (bonding) ................................................................................................................... 22 Increasing the overall supply of health workers by scaling up HRH education .......... 23 Improving the rural orientation of the HRH education system ...................................... 23 Creating alternative skill mixes in rural clinics .................................................................. 24 A racting health workers from abroad (immigration policies) ...................................... 26 Chapter 5. Conclusion: A Roadmap for Policymaking .......................................................... 29 Appendix A. Countries Reviewed ............................................................................................. 33 Appendix B. The Lorenz Curve, the Concentration Index, and the Gini Coefficient ...... 34 The Lorenz curve .................................................................................................................... 33 The Concentration index ....................................................................................................... 34 The Gini coefficient................................................................................................................. 34 Appendix C. Applying Labor Economics to Health Care ..................................................... 37 Market-clearing equilibrium, unemployment, and labor shortages............................... 38 Appendix D. Health Labor Market Analysis........................................................................... 43 References....................................................................................................................................... 45 iii iv World Bank Study Boxes Box 2.1 Overview of methods to apply to the measurement of geographical imbalances of HRH .................................................................................................................. 6 Box 4.1 Using discrete choice experiments to elicit health workers' preferences regarding rural jobs ................................................................................................................ 18 Box 4.2 Using incentives to recruit rural doctors in Mali and Zambia .................................. 20 Figures Figure 1.1 Policymaking and health labor markets..................................................................... 3 Figure 2.1 Doctor, nurse, midwife per 1,000 population ratio in Sub-Saharan Africa ........... 6 Figure 2.2 Concentration indices for doctors and nurses .......................................................... 7 Figure 2.3 Distribution of health workers per capita by cadre in all districts of Tanzania ... 8 Figure 2.4 Male : female ratios among health workers in rural and urban areas of Zambia ..................................................................................................... 9 Figure 3.1 Urban employment and rural shortage situation ................................................... 12 Figure 3.2 Reasons Ethiopian healthcare workers prefer working in urban areas .............. 14 Figure 3.3 Compensation for doctors and nurses across regions in Ethiopia ....................... 15 Figure 4.1 Effect of various incentives on probability of doctors and nurses accepting a post in a rural area ............................................................................................. 17 Figure 4.2 Reasons for migration in Cameroon, South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe .... 27 Figure 4.3 Growth trend of Cuban brigade doctors present in Ghana .................................. 27 Figure 5.1 Policy roadmap for addressing urban-rural health workers imbalances............ 29 Figure B.1 Sample Lorenz curve .................................................................................................. 34 Figure B.2 Lorenz curve for under-five mortality rate in India and Mali .............................. 36 Figure C.1 Market-clearing equilibrium ..................................................................................... 39 Figure C.2 Unemployment ........................................................................................................... 40 Figure C.3 Labor shortage............................................................................................................. 40 Figure C.4 Urban employment and rural shortage situation .................................................. 41 Figure C.5 Urban and rural HRH markets with improved information ............................... 41 Figure D.1 Health labor market analysis: a country example (for doctors) .......................... 43 Tables Table 2.1 Number of doctors and nurses per 1,000 people in rural and urban regions of Sub-Saharan Africa ................................................................................................ 7 Table 2.2 Poverty indicators by region in Mozambique in 2000.............................................. 10 Table 4.1 Policy options for reducing urban-rural imbalances in HRH ................................. 16 Table 4.2 Examples of incentive programs implemented in Sub-Saharan Africa ................. 19 Table 4.3 Compulsory programs implemented in selected Sub-Saharan Africa countries ............................................................................................... 22 Table 4.4 Skill mix programs in selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa ............................ 25 Table 5.1 Policy options for reducing urban-rural gaps in HRH ............................................ 31 List of Abbreviations DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo HRH Health human resources MDG Millennium Development Goals (United Nations) MGI Medecine General Integral SNNPR Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region (Ethiopia) SSA Sub-Saharan Africa UN United Nations USAID United States Agency for International Development WB World Bank WHO World Health Organization ZHWRS Zambian Health Workers Retention Scheme v Introduction T he human resources crisis in the health sector has been gathering a ention on the global stage. To date, however, most of this a ention has focused on shortages of health human resources (HRH) at the national level. At least as important are problems at the sub- national level. Massive geographic and skill mix imbalances are reflected in the perilous undersupply of HRH in most rural areas. Virtually all Sub-Saharan African countries suffer from significant geographic imbalances. Very li le substantive information or documentation exists on the problem. Even less is known about the lessons from policies aimed at addressing urban-rural human resource imbalances, let alone experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa countries, with such policies. There also appears to be a disconnect between the objectives and efforts of policymakers on the one hand and the functioning of national health labor markets and labor market behavior on the other hand. This disconnect hinders policy effectiveness and the efficient utilization of resources intended to narrow urban-rural inequities. In Sub-Saharan Africa, government policies, o en limited to the management of public sector vacancies, appear to be elaborated, prescribed, and implemented independently of labor market considerations. Partly as a result, they are unable to effectively address urban-rural imbalances, which are an outcome of labor market dynamics. This report discusses and analyzes labor market dynamics and outcomes (including unemployment, worker shortages, and urban-rural imbalances of categories of health workers) from a labor economics perspective. It then uses insights from this perspective as a basis for elaborating policy options that incorporate the underlying labor market forces. The goal of the study is to address undesirable outcomes (including urban-rural HRH imbalances) more effectively. The study draws on an extensive inventory of policy options relevant to urban-rural labor force imbalance in Sub-Saharan Africa and the experiences with these imbalances to date. Given the limited documentation available on this topic through formal channels, the review relies heavily on "gray literature" from policymakers in Sub-Saharan Africa and their development partners, especially the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO). The report is divided into five main sections. The first section focuses on economic policies related to HRH objectives. It argues that policymaking has ignored health labor market dynamics. The second section provides data showing the extent of urban-rural imbalances and describes how these imbalances affect health system outcomes. The third section uses a health labor market framework to explain these imbalances. The fourth section outlines policy options relevant to Sub-Saharan Africa for addressing market distortions and affecting labor market outcomes. It also reviews evidence on the policies, strategies, and programs designed to address geographic imbalances in Sub-Saharan Africa, highlighting what has been done, what has worked, and what has not. The last section provides a roadmap for policymakers. 1 CHAPTER 1 What Is Wrong with the Current Policy Perspective on Urban-Rural Imbalances? P olicymakers set health policy objectives (such as, for example, achieving the Millennium Development Goals for health). These health policy objectives are measured and monitored using health policy indicators. Reaching the Millennium Development Goals requires that adequate numbers of health workers be in place to serve the population in urban and rural areas. Two indicators are generally used to monitor urban-rural health worker imbalances. The main indicator is a regional health worker density indicator (the number of health workers per person). The vacancy rate of rural health worker positions is a second policy outcome indicator. Even if an adequate number of rural positions are funded, it is likely that some of them will remain vacant. Both indicators depend on the dynamics of the health labor market. Within these markets, the supply of human resources for health (HRH) (that is, the number of health workers willing to work at various compensation levels) equals the demand for HRH (that is, the number of employers able and willing to recruit health workers at various compensation levels). When labor market outcomes need to be adjusted, the government uses policy instruments to influence the supply of or demand for labor, changing the market outcome (figure 1.1). Figure 1.1 Policymaking and health labor markets Health Labor Market COMPONENTS Government HRH Policy Health Labor Market Health Policy Health Policy HRH supply OUTCOMES INDICATORS OBJECTIVE (Levels of hired HRH Available HRH demand & average HRH (HRH density in rural areas (Health care system INSTRUMENTS compensation) & vacancy rates in rural areas) utilization and quality) Other economic Private health sectors sector: households and private health Foreign care facilities countries Source: Authors 3 4 World Bank Working Paper To date most policymakers have mistakenly assumed that they have complete control over labor market demand and supply and hence on labor market outcomes. Based on this assumption, they have relied on the following policies to address urban-rural health worker imbalances: Allocating more budget funds in order to create additional health worker positions, especially in rural areas (that is, increasing HRH demand) Increasing capacity for training more health workers (that is, increasing HRH supply) Forcing health workers to work in rural areas (a practice known as bonding) Providing financial incentives for health workers accepting work in rural areas Most of these policies have failed to deliver sustained results, because they have assumed that health workers have only two alternatives: working for the government or being unemployed. Although governments in most Sub-Saharan Africa countries probably did have monopsony power until the 1980s, other employers now compete for health workers who can (legally or illegally) work in the private sector, move to other economic sectors, or emigrate. Failing to take account of the fact that governments are no longer the sole source of demand for health workers leads to flawed policies. Considering health labor market behavior helps policymakers identify (and measure) not only constraints but also opportunities for be er policymaking. Health labor markets can also help identify key success (or failure) factors for some policies. CHAPTER 2 Urban-Rural Imbalances: Extent and Consequences H ealth Worker imbalances and regional inequities in distribution can be measured and are evident at the national and particularly the sub-national level. Several methods have been applied to capture the uneven distribution of health works. One popular method is the ratio of health workers to population, o en used to measure HRH imbalances. Other methods to analyze and compare imbalances of health workers is through economic tools such as the Concentration index, alongside the Gini index and Lorenzo Curve (see Box 2.1 and more detailed description in Annex B). National level imbalances Although the majority of countries have health worker ratios below the 2006 WHO benchmark, seven countries have a combined density of physicians, nurses and midwives that is above the 2006 benchmark of 2.28 (see figure 2.1). These countries are Botswana (3.05), Gabon (5.45), Mauritius (4.79), Namibia (3.36), Sao Tome and Principe (2.70), Seychelles (9.44) and South Africa (4.85). Interestingly, a lot more countries reach the pre-2006 benchmark of 0.4 professionals per 1000 population. This would suggest that many countries in SSA are actually not as badly off in terms of health worker availability as o en suggested. However, examining HRH to population ratios only at the national level can produce a misleading Figure 2.1: Doctor, nurse, midwife per 1,000 population ratio in Sub-Saharan Africa y 10 Density per 10,000 Population Physician, Nurse & Midwife 0 2 4 6 8 Seychelles (2005) Gabon (2005) South Africa (2005) Mauritius(2005) Namibia (2005) Botswana (2005) Sao Tome and Principe (2008) Zambia (2005) Cape Verde (2008) Nigeria (2008) Swaziland (2009) Kenya (2007) Angola (2005) Sudan (2007) Mauritania (2009) Ghana (2008) Congo (2008) Zimbabwe (2008) Benin (2008) DRC (2009) Equatorial Guinea (2005) Eritrea (2008) Uganda (2007) Burkina Faso (2008) Comoros (2008) Rwanda (2007) Guinea (2005) Guinea-Bissau (2009) Lesotho (2005) Gambia (2008) Madagascar (2005) Cameroon (2009) Mali (2008) Cote d'Ivoire (2008) Senegal (2008) Mozambique (2007) Togo (2008) Tanzania (2007) Central African Republic (2009) Ethiopia (2008) Liberia (2009) Malawi (2008) Chad (2009) Burundi (2005) Somalia (2006) Sierra Leone (2009) Niger (2009) Source: WHO/Global Atlas 5 6 World Bank Working Paper Box 2.1: Overview of methods to apply to the measurement of geographical imbalances of HRH HRH to pop ratio One common HRH benchmark to measure HRH imbalances was proposed by the WHO following several studies carried out with the Joint Learning Initiative (WHO 2006). This benchmark indicates that there should be at least 2.28 health workers (doctors, nurses, and midwives) per 1,000 people to achieve the MDGs. This followed earlier pre-2006 WHO benchmarks of 0.1 doctors, 0.2 nurses, and 0.1 midwives per 1,000 people and about 0.4 health professionals per 1,000 people. Many countries have developed their own benchmarks, usually based on a standard skill mix for each type of health care facility. In Benin, for example, a district hospital is supposed have three doctors and a primary health care center is supposed to have one. Standards like these are very rigid and do not take into account the local burden of disease (especially HIV/AIDS). More sophisticated benchmarks have been designed, using clinical guidelines (see, for instance, Kurowski and others 2004). Yet, those also do not take into account the labor market determinants that may infl uence the final HRH outcome The Lorenz curve The Lorenz curve is a graphical representation of the proportionality of a distribution (the cumulative percentage of the values). To build the Lorenz curve, all the elements of a distribution must be ordered from the most important to the least important. Then, each element is plotted according to their cumulative percentage of X and Y, X being the cumulative percentage of elements and Y being their cumulative importance. For instance, out of a distribution of 10 elements (N), the first element would represent 10% of X and whatever percentage of Y it represents (this percentage must be the highest in the distribution). The second element would cumulatively represent 20% of X (its 10% plus the 10% of the first element) and its percentage of Y plus the percentage of Y of the first element. The Gini coefficient The Gini coefficient was developed to measure the degree of concentration (inequality) of a variable in a distribution of its elements. It compares the Lorenz curve of a ranked empirical distribution with the line of perfect equality. This line assumes that each element has the same contribution to the total summation of the values of a variable. The Gini coefficient ranges between 0, where there is no concentration (perfect equality), and 1 where there is total concentration (perfect inequality). The Concentration index The concentration index summarizes the information presented by the Lorenz curve. The distance between the Lorenz curve (the observed distribution of the indicator) and the "ideal distribution line" represents the degree of inequality. The number measuring the area between the two lines thus summarizes the degree to which the distribution is equitable. The concentration index formula calculates twice the area between the Lorenz curve and the line of inequality (Wagstaff 2008). It ranges in value from �1 to 1. By convention the concentration index is negative when the Lorenz curve is above the ideal distribution line (representing an undesirable indicator variable) and positive when the Lorenz curve is below the ideal distribution line (representing a desirable indicator). picture. Countries that have acceptable national level HRH to population ratios may be experiencing health worker shortages or surplus in certain geographical areas. Urban-rural imbalances by country, profession, and gender A disaggregated analysis of HRH to population ratios o en exposes significant diff erences between urban and rural areas. In Kampala for example, by far the largest urban area in Uganda, the number of doctors is 4.5 times the minimum benchmark--and 45 times that of rural Kamuli district. In Sudan, the doctor to population ratio in urban areas is 24 times that of rural areas, and the nurse to population ratio is 20 times higher than in rural areas (table 2.1). And stark and yet diverse inequities in the distribution of health workers in several countries in SSA can also be illustrated using a concentration index. Figure 2.2 reveals the Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa 7 Table 2.1 Number of doctors and nurses per 1,000 people in rural and urban regions of Sub-Saharan Africa Country Doctors Nurses rural urban rural urban region region region region Chad 0.222 0.549 ND'jamena 0.885 0.685 Congo, 0.175 1.449 4.762 10.101 Dem. Rep. Ethiopia 0.167 Amhara 0.769 Addis 0.909 Amhara 0.752 Addis Guinea 0.714 Moyenne 3.774 Conakry 0.952 Moyenne 3.333 Conakry Guinee Guinnee Mali 0.196 Koulikouro 1.852 Bamako 0.909 0.806 Bamako Mauritania 0.303 Gorgol 1.031 Nouadhibou 2.632 Gorgol 0.794 Nouadhibou Mozambique 0.154 2.564 Niger 0.056 Tillabery 1.429 Niaey 0.556 Tillabery 0.833 Niamey Rwanda 0.034 Gikongoro 0.588 Kigali 0.541 Gikongoro 0.617 Kigali Senegal 0.069 Kolda 2.326 Dakar 0.800 Dakar Sudan 0.143 South 3.497 Khartoum 0.615 South 12.594 North Kenya 0.006 Turkana 2.000 Nairobi Uganda 0.100 Kamuli 4.545 Kampala Source: Author's calculations based on country status reports. Figure 2.2: Concentration indices for doctors and nurses 0.600 Doctors 0.500 Nurses Concentration Indexes 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 l e ad C n r ia i a ga al ge qu ni ny DR an M Ch ne Be Ni Ke bi rit o Se am au ng oz M Co M Source: Authors 8 World Bank Working Paper degree of geographical imbalance of doctors and of nurses across seven SSA countries. The closer the concentration index is to zero, the more equal the distribution of a given resource (doctors or nurses in this context). Conversely, the closer a concentration index is to 1, the less equal is the distribution of a given resource. As the concentration indices reveal, in the majority of countries, the distribution of doctors is more and fairly equally skewed towards urban areas, whereas the distribution of nurses is much more variant and diverse. Figure 2.3: Distribution of health workers per capita by cadre in all districts of Tanzania Source: Munga and Maestad 2009. The disproportionate allocation of doctors in urban areas can be generalized by speaking in terms of highly- and lowly-trained (or qualified) health workers. Health workers with more years of formal education, such as doctors, are heavily concentrated in urban areas and especially sparse in rural areas, while cadres with fewer years of education, such as nurses or auxiliary nurses, have a higher concentration (relative to population) in rural areas. An interesting example (see figure 2.3) is provided by the Tanzania case, where the density of health workers, by cadres, has been analyzed using concentration curves1). As shown in the figure, about 80% of the population in Tanzania (mostly in rural areas) is served by only 20% of the doctors (named "medical officers" in Tanzania). Rural areas have a higher proportion of mid-level cadres such as Clinical Officers2 (see the green line in graph) than urban areas. The Figure also shows that there is no cadre of which the Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa 9 Figure 2.4 Male : female ratios among health workers in rural and urban areas of Zambia Rural areas Urban areas Source: Herbst 2007 disadvantaged districts have a larger share of the health workers than is suggested by their relative population levels (i.e. all concentration curves in Fig. 2.4 fall below the diagonal). Furthermore, rural areas tend to have a higher proportion of health workers without formal training. These health workers include community health workers, health extension workers, and traditional health workers, and are predominantly found largely in poorer, rural areas. For instance, Lesotho, where more than 75 percent of the population is rural, has 8,600 healthcare workers. Only 44 percent of them have a formal education. The other workers--4,800--are community health workers, most of whom work in rural areas. Sierra Leone is home to only 3,736 conventional workers but also to 10,723 traditional birth a endants, who are mostly found in more districts. Urban and rural healthcare workers also tend to have different gender profiles, with females more heavily concentrated in urban areas than in rural areas. For instance, of all healthcare workers in Zambia, 64.7 percent are female. Nonetheless, all cadres except nurses are majority male in rural areas. All cadres have a large female contingent in urban areas. This gender imbalance further exacerbates the discussed deficits of nurses and midwives in rural areas, since these cadres are largely made up of females. Effect of urban-rural health worker imbalances on achieving health MDGs, reducing poverty, and improving health system efficiency One reason why rural ratios below benchmarks are especially troublesome is that they signal a double burden on the poorest of the poor, many of whom live in rural areas and face greater public health needs than people in urban areas (table 2.2). The most severe public health problems are o en found in rural and remote areas, where mortality levels are higher. Yet, the lack of health workers in these areas greatly decreases the likelihood that the sick obtain treatment or that the healthy prevent infection. Greater exposure to health risks and inadequate access to healthcare in rural areas reduce the likelihood of achieving the MDGs, which depend on the expansion of coverage of key, high-impact interventions. It is difficult for rural areas without adequate access to the providers of these interventions to achieve the MDGs. A case-in-point is maternal mortality. Strong evidence points to a high coverage rate of skilled birth a endants as a critical input for reducing maternal mortality rates (Anand and Baernighausen 2004). The lack of specific professionals, such as midwives, in rural areas is strongly associated with the failure to achieve the maternal mortality MDG. 10 World Bank Working Paper Table 2.2 Poverty indicators by region in Mozambique in 2000 Region Prevalence of poverty Depth of poverty Doctor to population ratio Rural 71.25 29.92 0.154 Urban 62.01 26.67 2.564 North 66.28 26.62 - Center 73.81 32.71 - South (including Maputo city) 65.8 6.8 - South (excluding Maputo city) 71.67 30.17 - National 69.37 29.26 - Source: Minist�rio do Plano e Finan�as 2000. A frequent contention is that higher-level professionals (for example, doctors) are not in demand in rural areas. And that the urban-rural imbalance of higher-level professionals may actually reflect this apparent lack of demand for them. Community and traditional health providers may be more trusted and respected than formal health workers in some remote areas and, thus, considered a more appropriate solution. Furthering this argument is the apparently different utilization pa ern of higher-level professional health workers by rural populations. When doctors are made more accessible in rural areas, however, the utilization pa ern is not significantly different from that of the non-poor (Ouendo 2005). Many demographic and health surveys find that the poor have lower overall utilization rates of health workers, but when they do seek out health services, they choose the same combination of services and health professionals as do the non-poor. Thus, the apparent lower utilization of higher-level health workers may reflect the poor's limited access to higher-level and qualified health workers rather than different preferences (for Tanzania, see Leonard, Mliga, and Haile Mariam 2003; Klemick 2007). Urban-rural imbalances in health workers hinder the development of primary health care services, reducing the efficiency of the health system. Using urban referral centers rather than rural centers dramatically increases the costs of health care services for the poor for two main reasons. First, rural people incur costs in traveling to an urban area.1 Second, when they reach their destination, they pay more for health care services, because urban health care services are usually more expensive than rural services. Sanders and others (1998) show that for the same medical case (that is, acute malaria fever), the length of stay and number of lab tests may be 10 times as great in an urban area than in a rural one. Notes 1 This cost includes both the direct cost for transportation and the opportunity cost of taking a half- day or a day off. 2 A cadre that commonly has a skill set somewhere between that of doctors and that of nurses. CHAPTER 3 Explaining Urban-Rural Imbalances from a Labor Market Perspective: Theory and Evidence L abor economics theory provides an insightful framework to be er understand the reasons behind this unequal distribution in HRH (see Appendix C for a detailed description). It offers two different types of explanations, which are basically related to the two key features of a labor market. These explanations are not exclusive and a given country can experience both. (i) A first explanation is the reduced demand for HRH in rural areas. Such demand does not reflect needs-based demand for HRH, but the demand expressed by employers to hire health workers or by individuals willing to buy health services. It is important to note that there are always two kinds of employers: public ones (government-run health care facilities) and private ones (private health care facilities and patients paying user fees). Yet, demand for HRH in rural areas is usually not adequately funded, which contributes to the rural-urban imbalances of health workers. (ii) A second explanation centers on reduced supply for rural areas. Indeed, even if there is enough funding and a significant rural demand for HRH, health workers may not be sufficient in number and or have some preferences and characteristics that make them reluctant to work in rural areas. Health worker numbers, preferences and characteristics lead therefore to a limited number of health workers in rural areas. In many instances in Sub-Saharan Africa, the urban market is in unemployment or at best at a market-clearing equilibrium (although occasionally also in a shortage situation); whilst rural areas are o en in shortage situations. As a result, the urban and rural markets together are usually in one of three different situations: urban unemployment equals rural shortage, urban unemployment is greater than rural shortage, or urban unemployment is less than rural shortage. Vujicic and Zurn (2006) find that Malawi experienced high vacancy rates and high underemployment of health workers, even in urban markets, although HRH needs are far from being met. Data from health facilities in Zambia in 2006 reveal health worker shortages throughout the country, albeit one that is much worse in rural than urban areas (table 3.1). The Republic of Congo suffers from twin urban unemployment and rural health worker shortages. A 2008 assessment of health worker distribution and urban-rural vacancy rates there finds that "a severely unequal distribution of human resources between urban and rural se ings caused by a variety of problems has resulted in 302 rural clinics closing and an over-supply of workers in urban facilities" (Crigler, Boniface, and Shannon 2008). Rates of underemployment are high in urban areas in other countries as well. In C�te d'Ivoire, for instance, about 35 percent of doctors were underemployed while vacancy rates in rural areas remained significant (Loukou and others 2006). Comparable rates have been found in Mali and Madagascar. Figure 3.1 below illustrates how urban employment versus rural labor shortages can be explained by the economics of demand and supply side behavior of actors within the rural and 11 12 World Bank Working Paper Figure 3.1 Urban employment and rural shortage situation Source: Authors. urban health labor markets. The differences in demand and supply, as well as compensation in rural versus urban areas, are discussed in the remainder of this chapter. Urban-rural differences in demand for labor Evidence shows that demand for HRH is lower in rural areas than in urban ones. This means that, all other things equal, at any given compensation level, rural employers will employ fewer healthcare workers than their urban counterparts. One of the reasons for this situation is, that because of low employer income and limited progress in fiscal decentralization in many Sub-Saharan Africa countries, rural health facilities are struggling to receive adequate funding. In Benin, for example, less than 40 percent of regional credits allocated for rural health centers actually reached them; the balance remained at regional levels (World Bank 2003). Disproportionate allocation of public funds to district health authorities has also been observed in Zambia. This fiscal centralization, coupled with the abolishment of user fees in several countries, has limited the income of local health facilities and decreased their ability to hire healthcare workers. Such limitations on rural health facilities' budgets means that the demand curve, representing the number of HRH that employers want and can afford, is farther to the le in rural markets than in urban markets. HRH funding shortages in rural areas are probably significant factors explaining urban-rural imbalances. Urban-rural differences in the supply of labor The evidence suggests that the supply of labor is larger in urban areas than in rural areas, although not necessarily for all professionals. Some health workers are willing to work in rural areas given sufficient compensation. Others (for example, doctors, people with children, and people originally from urban areas) are less willing to relocate to rural areas, even with a comprehensive incentive package. The motivation for working in rural areas is thus different across subgroups of health workers. Graphically, this implies that the rural Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa 13 supply curve may be slightly to the le of the urban supply curve, especially for health workers that are less sensitive to compensation levels. There is some evidence that lower-level professionals are more amenable to working in rural areas than higher-level professionals. A study in Ghana finds that some lower-level professionals appreciate the exposure to a wide range of pathologies that comes with rural service. The reasons cited for preferring rural areas include the fact that they are given duties above their skill level; bond more tightly with staff, facilitate on-the-job learning skills (such as surgery); have more opportunities to manage teams, allowing them to develop management and leadership skills; and have higher social recognition in villages (they are sometimes called doctor) and receive gi s (Lievens and others 2007). Evidence also suggests that younger health workers may be more willing to work in rural areas than older workers. A study in Ethiopia tracking the graduating nursing class of 2004 finds that 34 percent of graduating nurses were willing to accept a rural placement in 2004; by 2007, this proportion had declined to 18 percent (Serneels et al. 2005). In Niger, young doctors cite lack of opportunities for postgraduate training as a key reason for not accepting rural positions (Souleymane et al. 2005). In contrast, older doctors cite weak remuneration as their main reason for not considering rural positions. Older doctors face a higher opportunity cost for moving to rural areas, as the reputation they have built in the city o en allows them to run a private practice. Anecdotal evidence from Benin and Niger indicates that doctors can more than double their salary by accepting private clients a er hours. Given that moonlighting can make up a significant proportion of doctors' incomes, moving to a rural area may indeed represent a considerable income decrease. Evidence also points to a gender difference in willingness to work in rural areas, with men more willing to do so than women. Dussault and others (2006) suggest that female doctors are likely to live near their husband's place of employment. In the Republic of Congo, as in many Sub-Saharan Africa countries, married couples are required by law to live together; providers assigned to rural areas, therefore, o en marry and move to the city to be with their spouses (Crigler, Boniface, and Shannon 2008). There is anecdotal evidence that once a woman is assigned to a rural job, she tries to get married quickly in order to move back to the capital. For nonnative women without family or friends in the region, locating to a rural area without support or protections can also create safety concerns. A 2008 HRH assessment of the Republic of Congo finds that "rural se ings are also considered too dangerous for unaccompanied women, as they cannot ride buses by themselves or feel comfortable leaving their homes to work in the villages at night if needed. As more than 61 percent of health workers are women, this further complicates staffing rural regions" (Crigler, Boniface, and Shannon 2008). The fact that many female healthcare professionals come from more educated, elite, or urban backgrounds also makes them less likely to accept positions in rural or remote areas. Evidence shows that health workers with rural or poor backgrounds are o en more willing to work in rural areas than those from urban or wealthier backgrounds. Data from Ethiopia indicates that health workers from rural areas or less well-off backgrounds are more motivated and willing to work in rural areas (Serneels et al. 2008). Some of the willingness of lower level or alternative professionals may stem from the fact that a greater proportion of such people have rural backgrounds.2 Some health workers may be willing to work in rural areas for altruistic reasons. Among both nursing and medical students in Ethiopia, the most frequently cited reason for seeking a rural placement is "to provide healthcare where it is needed most" (this reason was cited more o en by nursing students than by medical students; Serneels et al. 2005)--see figure 3.2. At the same time a follow-up cohort study three years later finds that altruism diminishes once workers gain experience and begin working as healthcare professionals (Serneels et al. 2008). 14 World Bank Working Paper Figure 3.2 Reasons Ethiopian healthcare workers prefer working in urban areas Source: Serneels et al. 2005 Urban-rural differences in compensation There is strong evidence that urban areas offer higher monetary and non monetary compensation than rural areas. A study on Ethiopia illustrates this and finds that monetary compensation levels for doctors and nurses in the capital city (Addis) and rural regions (Tigray and SNNPR) are significantly different (Jack 2008), with compensation much higher in urban areas (figure 3.1). Various studies, including the World Health Report 2006 (WHO 2006), also document the lack of career-related incentives, such as professional development and training opportunities, in rural areas. Lower rural net incentives also reflect the higher costs associated with working in rural areas. Inadequate management, lack of supplies, and Figure 3.3 Compensation for doctors and nurses across regions in Ethiopia Doctors Nurses Source: Jack 2008 Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa 15 heavy workloads are only some of the factors disproportionately evident in rural facilities. A study of the Republic of Congo finds that "this [urban-rural] imbalance has many causes, not the least [of which] is the difficult working conditions providers encounter in rural areas, such as lack of infrastructure, roads, electricity, water, and housing" (Crigler, Boniface, and Shannon 2008). Opportunities for education and jobs for spouses are also limited, increasing the costs of living in a rural area. Workers who transfer to rural areas also may have to rent a house in the city for their children who remain there. Notes 1 This low demand will depend on the employment arrangement in place in rural areas. This phenomenon will, of course, be present in decentralized systems, where rural health care facilities can directly recruit and pay some of their staff but have difficulties doing so because of limited (or delayed) budget and revenues. Conversely, in countries where recruitment and payment of salaries are still fully centralized, there is no public rural employer as such. 2 A large body of evidence indicates that professionals from rural area are more likely than professionals from urban areas to se le in remote areas (see Rolfe and others 1995; Dunbabin and Levi 2003; Vries and Reid 2003). Easterbrook and others (1999) find that Canadian physicians who were raised in rural communities were 2.3 times more likely than those from non-rural communities to choose to practice in a rural community immediately a er graduation. CHAPTER 4 Policy Options for Addressing Urban-Rural Imbalances: Theory and Evidence A number of policies and interventions are available to policy makers to impact labor market dynamics and reduce geographical imbalances of health workers (table 4.1). This chapter focuses on the supply side policy options to address rural/urban imbalances and includes a review of the experience of countries with policies and their impact on the rural/urban distribution of health workers in countries in SSA. For each policy category except increasing demand for health workers in rural areas-- a detailed discussion of which is beyond the scope of this study--it reviews theoretical insights and the evidence of success and failure, including key factors for explaining possible impacts. The chapter shows that many SSA have a empted to correct the rural urban imbalance - some with success-, by directly influencing key labor market dynamics. Table 4.1 Policy options for reducing urban-rural imbalances in HRH Policy category Policy options Increasing health worker demand in Policy 1: Increase funding available to health centers so that they rural areas can hire more health workers (fiscal decentralization) Reducing opportunity costs associated Policy 2: Increase net compensation in rural areas (with a package with rural jobs (through incentives) consisting of both monetary and nonmonetary incentives) Transferring urban health workers to Policy 3: Require graduates to complete a placement in rural rural areas through compulsory policies areas ("bonding") Increasing the overall supply of health Policy 4: Scale up education (by increasing the number of health workers by scaling up education graduates per institution or creating more institutions) Improving rural orientation of existing Policy 5: Establish local schools for doctors and nurses in order to education system (creating a "rural attract students from rural areas pipeline") Policy 6: Change curricula to better train students regarding clinical situations often experienced in rural areas Policy 7: Implement a preferential admission policy in health schools in order to select more health workers with rural backgrounds ("rural pipeline") Creating alternative skill mixes for rural Policy 8: Create alternative groups of professionals, such as areas midlevel professionals Attracting health workers from abroad Policy 9: Provide incentives or facilitate immigration for specific (through immigration policies) professions Source: Authors. 16 Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa 17 Increasing health worker demand Although demand side policy options are not discussed in detail here, they do warrant a brief mention. A first approach to strengthening the demand for health workers in rural areas is to increase the funding going to rural districts and facilities. This is increasingly done throughout SSA as more and more countries adopt and implement fiscal decentralization. Depending on the model adopted, funding for rural health workers wages is transferred to local governments in the form of block grants �as in Ethiopia and temporarily in Zambia- or earmarked transfers �as in Benin, Uganda and Mali -. In other countries funding for wages is directly transferred to facilities as in Rwanda. When the funds transferred are calculated in function of needs and poverty �needs based or equity formula- this contributes further to increasing demand for rural workers. (see Vujicic et al). A further and more extensive discussion of country experience with increasing demand in rural areas and information on some of the key successes and failures with doing so is beyond the scope of this study and will have to be addressed in future research. Reducing the opportunity cost of rural employment: incentive policies Increasing monetary and nonmonetary incentives is one of the most important policy options available to facilities or districts facing a shortage of HRH because they are unable to a ract health workers from urban areas. Direct financial incentives include salaries, bonuses, hardship allowances, and any other monetary benefits. Indirect financial incentives include loan repayment schemes; scholarships; allowances for childcare, housing, and children's schooling; health insurance; benefits; travel subsidies; and the right to moonlight or maintain a private practice. Nonfinancial incentives fall into three main categories: career-related incentives, such as professional development opportunities, training, and job security; incentives to improve the working environment, such as improved management, flexibility, availability of supplies and equipment, and reduced workloads; and family and lifestyle incentives, such as increased vacation time, provision of housing, and spousal employment. In many environments, changing the wage rate (direct financial incentive) can be difficult, because wages may be set by the central ministry of health, frozen by budget constraints, or slow to respond to market forces. If wages cannot be changed, rural clinics must compensate by improving nonwage benefits, such as be er working conditions, Figure 4.1 Effect of various incentives on probability of doctors and nurses accepting a post in a rural area Doctors Nurses Source: Jack 2008 18 World Bank Working Paper Box 4.1 Using discrete choice experiments to elicit health workers' preferences regarding rural jobs Stated preference methodologies include conjoint analysis, contingent valuation, and other techniques for assessing the utility of alternatives for individuals. These increasingly popular methodologies have been used in several countries, including Ethiopia, Indonesia, Malawi, and Niger, to elicit health workers' preferences regarding rural jobs In a discrete choice experiment, a sample of health workers is asked to choose between simple job descriptions, usually arranged in about 15 pairs (box table). Collected observations are then analyzed using econometric models. Figure 4.1 was produced through such a process. Box table. Sample discrete choice set Source: Mangham 2007 The effects of such incentive policies vary significantly across professions (figure 4.1). Doubling pay increases the probability that a doctor accepts a rural job from 7 percent to 57 percent; doubling the pay of nurses increases the probability of accepting a rural job from 4 percent to 27 percent. Provisions of basic housing, reduced payback time, and (for nurses) improved supervision also have positive, albeit smaller, effects on the likelihood of choosing a rural post. These analytical results were obtained from a discrete choice experiment (box 4.1). A discrete choice experiment is more powerful than a normal questionnaire for two reasons. First, people are not good at assessing their own preferences. They can rank them (to some extent) along an ordinal scale, but they have difficulties assigning cardinal values to these preferences. For instance, given the choice among jobs located in the capital, 100 kilometers from the capital, and 200 kilometers from the capital, an individual could rank the choices ordinally; however, a mere ranking does not reveal the utility associated with each distance. Second, even if individuals can estimate their utility on a cardinal scale, they will still have difficulties assessing the tradeoffs between alternatives. A discrete choice experiment replicates actual choices and does not assume any ability of individuals to precisely estimate their preferences. It is currently the most reliable method for measuring tradeoffs and eliciting preferences. Source: Authors Table 4.2 Examples of incentive programs implemented in Sub-Saharan Africa Type of Health workers Quality of Country Type of monetary Incentives nonmonetary incentive targeted Impact evidence/source Ghana Additional monthly allowance of 20�30 percent of base salary paid to None All health workers Unknown Low health workers working in one of 55 deprived areas (Dolea et al. 2008) Mali Doctors setting up and maintaining a rural private practice receive Private doctors receive technical Young and Strong Medium Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa financial aid for purchasing housing and basic medical supplies, support for preparing their unemployed doctors (Coulibaly et al. retain 50 percent of user fees, and receive a base salary from local business plans and strong clinical 2007) communities of $200 a month mentoring Mauritania Additional monthly allowance equal to about half the base salary None All health workers Unknown Low (Sy and Hamed 2006) Niger Additional monthly allowance of $40�$160 (7�30 percent of base None Doctors who Weak High salary) are already civil (Souleymane and servants others 2005, 2008) Senegal Additional monthly allowance of $370 for doctors (equivalent to Motorcycles given to nurses in All doctors and Medium Low [[AQ: source 75 percent of base salary) and $290 for nurses (equivalent to 100 some rural provinces nurses for Senegal info?]] percent of base salary) South Africa Additional monthly allowance of 8�22 percent of base salary None Doctors and nurses Medium Medium (Vujicic and Lindelow forthcoming) Tanzania Since 2005, all health workers willing to spend at least one year in a None All health workers Unknown Low rural area may apply for a Mkapa fellowship (Merkle and Prytherch 2007) Zambia Under the Zambian Health Workers Retention Scheme (ZHWRS), Preferred access to postgraduate Doctors Strong Medium program participants receive additional monthly allowance of $250� education (if a doctor spends at (Koot and $300 (equal to about half of base salary); end-of-contract bonus of least three years in a rural area) Martineau 2005) $2,000�$2,500, paid upon satisfactory completion; allowance for and clinical mentoring during purchasing basic medical supplies and equipment; $3,000 bonus for installation of young doctors in renovating a house; $1,500 annual subsidy for each child attending rural areas school; and preferred access to home and car loans 19 Source: Authors. 20 World Bank Working Paper training opportunities, or lifestyle factors. Although the value of these a ributes is more difficult to quantify than wage a ributes, they are important levers in shaping workers' satisfaction (Vujicic and Lindelow forthcoming). The incentive package must be carefully selected for each country, profession, profile, and circumstance. In Ghana, a focus group discussion reveals that a policy requiring a limited period of rural service together with rural incentives and a firm commitment to promotion a er rural service would be a strong incentive to some health workers (Lievens and others 2007). A study in Ethiopia (Jack 2007) finds that proportionate wage bonuses for rural service would probably increase rural labor supply (the effects appeared to be much larger for doctors than for nurses). For both doctors and nurses, superior housing and equipment significantly increase the probability that a worker accepts a rural job (figure 4.1). Country experiences Most Sub-Saharan Africa countries that have implemented incentive policies have used both monetary and nonmonetary incentives. Incentive policies aiming at reducing the opportunity cost associated with rural employment are the most frequently used, with almost all Sub-Saharan Africa having tested at least one such type of incentive policy. The range of experiences is wide, ranging from very simple incentive schemes (in Niger or Mauritania) to comprehensive packages (in Zambia); see table 4.2. Experience with incentives--which increasingly mix monetary and nonmonetary incentives--has generally been mixed, with successes occurring in Mali, South Africa, and Box 4.2 Using incentives to recruit rural doctors in Mali and Zambia Rural private practices in Mali Mali implemented a very innovative strategy to support young doctors in setting up rural private practices (Coulibaly and others 2007). Madagascar also recently implemented a similar program, about which little information is available. With the support of an NGO (Sant�-Sud) and the Bamako medical faculty, young doctors interested in working in rural areas are identified before graduation. Those that are interested receive help in preparing a business plan that is in line with the incomes of the targeted population. Once they start their business, these doctors benefit from regular mentoring by seasoned doctors. They receive a small, fixed amount of money ($200 a month) and, sometimes, a house from the community; most of their revenues come from user fees, half of which they are allowed to keep. Very active rural doctors can earn about $1,000 a month, not much less than they would earn in urban areas. Since 2000, more than 100 doctors have been attracted to and retained in rural areas thanks to this program. The Zambian Health Workers Retention Scheme To address the issue of uneven distribution of doctors throughout the country, Zambia developed a new policy in 2003 based on a comprehensive incentive package. The package, known as the Zambian Health Workers Retention Scheme (ZHWRS), includes both monetary and nonmonetary incentives. Monetary incentives included a monthly allowance of $250�$300 (equivalent to roughly 50 percent of base salary); an end-of-contract bonus of $2,000�$2,500, paid upon satisfactory completion; an allowance for purchasing basic medical supplies and equipment; a $3,000 bonus for renovating a house; a $1,500 annual subsidy for each child attending school; and preferred access to home and car loans. Nonmonetary incentives consisted of preferred access to postgraduate education (if a doctor stayed at least three years in a rural area) and clinical mentoring during installation. Even though some of these incentives were not fully implemented, the ZHWRS attracted more than 50 doctors in rural areas within the first 14 months after implementation (Koot and Martineau 2005). The success of the program has prompted some hospital doctors to complain about the medical "brain drain" from urban to rural areas. The program, which was heavily subsidized by USAID, may not be sustainable, however. Source: Authors Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa 21 Zambia (box 4.2).1 Niger's financial incentive program for doctors, for example, where one of the few truly prospective evaluations of an incentive program was carried out, had no significant impact. The distribution of doctors remaining highly skewed to the benefit of the capital city, with the percentage of all doctors working in the capital remaining virtually constant before and a er implementation of an incentive scheme (34 percent doctors in 2005, before the program was implemented, and 35 percent in 2008, a er it was implemented) (Souleymane et al. 2005, 2008). Key success and failure factors The lack of success has generally been a ributed to the level of monetary and nonmonetary incentive, which was insufficient to outweigh the opportunity costs associated with se ling in rural areas. At a minimum, monetary incentives should offset the loss of private practice revenues (which are more difficult to generate in rural areas); the added cost of children's education (as children usually live in the capital city, which entails transportation and lodging costs); and the loss of the spouse's salary. Few programs analyzed these opportunity costs before se ing the level of financial incentive, thus greatly increasing the chances of failure. Younger doctors, who are usually unmarried, have no children, and lack enough experience to a ract private clients, may face lower opportunity costs. They also highly value opportunities for learning, including clinical mentoring and preferred access to postgraduate training. Such nonmonetary incentives have not been included in most incentive packages. More research is needed to evaluate the outcomes of incentive programs on rural shortages. The best policies may well be those that successfully combine monetary and nonmonetary incentives. Most incentive programs have targeted only doctors; li le is known about their effect on other types of health workers. In situations where health workers are unresponsive to both monetary and nonmonetary incentives, other solutions (such as compulsory placement) may have to be considered. Where incentives succeeded, their success was generally a ributed to the fact that the incentive packages comprehensively addressed the needs and opportunity costs of doctors. In Mali, the needs and constraints of the targeted group of doctors were well researched and understood. In Zambia, the incentive package was not only financially a ractive, it also took into account all the various opportunity costs faced by rural staff (technical support, children's education, housing, transportation, and so forth) and included nonmonetary incentives for expanding learning opportunities for young doctors. In both cases, preparatory analysis was conducted to evaluate the specific types of incentives needed to motivate specific subgroups of health workers before the programs were put into place. Neither country used sophisticated techniques for eliciting health workers' preferences. Instead, they adjusted their policy through a long process of trial and error. Other countries could avoid this costly and lengthy process by using state-of-the-art techniques, such as discrete choice experiment. Success is also related to some contextual factors, notably the dynamics between urban and rural labor markets. A racting health workers to rural areas is easier when there is unemployment in urban labor markets--this factor may explain part of the success of the Malian experience. Because of fiscal constraints, the Malian government is able to hire only a small proportion of new medical graduates. As a consequence, there is a large pool of unemployed doctors in the capital city, Bamako. These underemployed doctors were explicitly targeted by the incentive program; many of them reacted favorably to the proposal to set up a private practice in a rural area. Another contextual factor is the degree of decentralization in a given country. The Malian experience could not have been successful without the high degree of decentralization already achieved in the country. Local communities in Mali have substantial experience managing and outsourcing local services. Contracting private doctors was, thus, not a major challenge for these communities. 22 World Bank Working Paper Another possible issue relates to civil service regulation of compensation. In many Sub- Saharan African countries, governments are still the main employer of health workers, whose remuneration is usually defined by national and multisectorial salary scales. Ministries of finance are leery of rural incentives for health workers, fearing the risk of spillover effects. In Niger, for instance, as soon as the government agreed to implement incentives for doctors, other health workers asked for (and obtained) similar advantages. Spillover can also extend beyond the health sector, especially to education, as teachers share health workers' reluctance to work in rural areas. Several countries are trying to overcome this constraint by creating health worker categories outside the civil service system (delinkage). Evidence on this policy is mixed, with successes in Rwanda and failures in Benin and Zambia. Transferring urban health workers to rural areas through compulsory policies (bonding) Health workers can be moved from urban areas to rural areas through compulsory placement policy, also known as bonding. Creating a period of obligatory rural service for graduating health workers is one way of bonding. This option falls outside of labor market theory, as labor is no longer a commodity that health workers are free to offer or not offer according to the compensation level. Country experiences Many Sub-Saharan Africa countries have implemented compulsory placement programs (table 4.3). Although such policies may temporarily reduce short-term shortages, they have had li le or no impact on long-term rural retention. Anecdotal evidence suggests that these programs are also difficult to enforce.2 Key success and failure factors Interactions between policies and incentives may backfire on bonding policies. In the early years of Thailand's compulsory placement program, young doctors used the financial benefits received from working in rural areas to pay the fines associated with not completing their obligatory rural service time (Wibulpolprasert and others 2003a). The unintended-- and paradoxical--consequence of this rural policy package was that a significant number of doctors le remote rural areas thanks to rural financial incentives. Another fundamental factor in the failure of bonding policies is the fact that they do not compensate for the financial and nonfinancial opportunity costs borne by doctors serving in rural areas. Sub-Saharan African countries that have this kind of policy have not been able to enforce it consistently. Most "displaced" health workers returned illegally to the capital city, sometimes a er bribing ministry of health officials. Such a policy cannot be easily implemented if there is no shortage of health workers in the urban market. Conversely, when a health worker surplus is experienced in urban markets, the opportunity cost of "displaced" health workers is significantly lower. Table 4.3 Compulsory programs implemented in selected Sub-Saharan Africa countries Country Requirement Ethiopia Compulsory periods of work in rural areas as a condition for obtaining medical degree Ghana Compulsory two-year service in rural areas for new doctors entering civil service Niger Compulsory three-year service in rural areas for new doctors entering civil service Zambia Compulsory one-year placement of young doctors in rural areas Zimbabwe Compulsory program for entering civil service Source: Authors. Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa 23 Failure can also be a ributed to the lack of support of key stakeholder groups, associations, and health workers themselves. Doctors in Zimbabwe, for example, went on strike in response to compulsory placement policies requiring medical students to work two years in rural stations (Mutizwa-Mangiza 1998). Increasing the overall supply of health workers by scaling up HRH education Increasing the overall supply of health workers does not target urban-rural imbalances as such, and is thus not discussed in detail here. It may however increase the numbers of health workers working in rural areas. Indeed, increasing the overall supply of health workers may address the problem that even if there is sufficient rural demand, and a potential willingness of some health workers to work in rural areas, the number of available health workers to spread into rural areas is simply too low. In theory, the more health workers there are, the larger the proportion willing to work in rural areas. To scale up the number of health workers, the capacity of the institutions that produce them must be scaled up as well. First assessments of current institutional and organization capacity must take place. To increase cost effectiveness relevant existing resources should be maximized. This includes faculty, material and infrastructural resources and systems that are currently producing well-qualified health workers. However, it is important to examine innovative approaches and lessons learned from other health systems to help improve national health worker production capacity. Finally, many countries may find that significant investment in physical, information and communication infrastructures as well as in knowledge management systems is necessary and cost-effective in the long run. Governments might also find that building partnerships across, institutions, sectors and borders is required to maximize the use of scarce resources and take advantage of learning from relevant experiences. (GHWA, 2008). On the whole thus, increasing the overall supply of health workers does not address rural- urban imbalances as such, but may increase the number of health workers that are available and willing to work in rural areas. It may thus be a policy option at least worth exploring as a requirement before designing other policies for addressing urban-rural imbalances. Improving the rural orientation of the HRH education system Rural pipeline policies combine several features to create a sustainable rural health workforce. Two education-related policy options address geographic imbalances. The first involves targeting potential students with the profile most likely to be amenable to rural postings (especially those with rural backgrounds)--by, for example, admi ing many more rural students to existing institutions or establishing new institutions in rural areas. The second involves changing the health education curriculum so that it is more relevant to rural healthcare and exposes students to rural environments as a part of their formal education. Several countries have designed curricula that are more rural-friendly. Such curricula include compulsory internships in rural areas, more training on community or rural medicine, and general surgery. Equatorial Guinea launched a postgraduate program-- Medecine General Integral (MGI)--in 2000, in cooperation with Cuba. Students receive in- depth training in all necessary fields to face the most commonly found situations in rural areas (pediatrics, internal medicine, general surgery, gynecology-obstetrics). Rural pipeline policies can be made up of a combination of the following elements: Admissions policies giving preference to or allo ing a specific number of slots to applicants from rural regions Creation of regional rural medical and nursing schools Development of curricula with strong emphases on family or community medicine Compulsory rural internships Financial aid and scholarships for rural students Mentoring by experienced rural doctors for new health workers in rural areas. 24 World Bank Working Paper Country experiences A few Sub-Saharan African countries have implemented rural pipeline programs. Benin created a regional medical school in 2001 that trains only general practitioners. Niger established two nursing schools in rural areas in 2006 and Mali xx schools since xxx. Senegal created a regional branch of the medical school in Dakar in 2008. Ethiopia has established nursing schools not just in the capital Addis Ababa, but also in the south and west of the country. South Africa experienced good results from a scholarship program that required rural students to return to their districts a er graduating. Almost all empirical studies of such programs are from non-African programs (in Australia, Japan, Norway, Thailand, and the United States) where evidence of a strong impact is clear. Overall, rural pipeline programs in these countries have been very effective in a racting and retaining doctors in rural areas (see Murray and others 2006 and Rolfe and others 1995 for Australia; Rabinowitz 1999 and 2001 for the United States; Hsueh and others 2004 for Norway and Japan). Except in Thailand, none of these programs included a mechanism for obligating or creating special incentives to ensure that rural students returned to rural areas to work. Instead, most of the rural graduates chose to se le in rural areas, underscoring the potential power of the rural pipeline tool. South Africa has tested a rural scholarship program in the Mosvold district where scholarships are given to rural students on the condition that they return to their district a er graduation. Rural students receiving the scholarship were three to eight times more likely to practice in rural areas a er graduation. Such cross-national studies provide evidence that people with rural backgrounds are, indeed, not only more willing to work in rural areas but also more likely to do so voluntarily. Policies to recruit and train students from rural backgrounds are potentially a low-cost and sustainable part of the solution to the urban-rural gap in HRH. Key success factors Results from the most in-depth study of a rural pipeline program (Rabinowitz and others 2001) find that a preferred admissions policy and a revised curriculum are the most relevant factors in a racting rural students and influencing their decision to later se le in rural areas of Pennsylvania, in the United States. Rural internships and financial aid had li le impact on student decisions. Creating alternative skill mixes in rural clinics Highly trained health workers with many years of formal education, such as doctors, are the most difficult to recruit and retain in rural health clinics. Consequently, rural clinics and ministries of health are now training lower level professionals to take on some roles of doctors and nurses. Because they are recruited locally, such professionals are more likely to stay (Dovlo 1994). Such task shi ing does not increase the number of health workers in rural areas; rather, it increases the capacity to perform health interventions, which lies at the heart of the health worker shortage. Shi ing some tasks to lower or midlevel health workers, such as auxiliary professionals, nurses, or community health workers, through in- service training is increasingly hailed as a potential way to increase the number of personnel qualified to carry out key health interventions in rural areas. In principle, delegating additional tasks to lower level health workers is a feasible response to rural skills shortage. It can also serve as a key motivator by giving lower level workers more responsibility and scope for professional development, which may increase productivity and quality. Medical care knowledge and technology have evolved rapidly in recent years, allowing health workers without full medical training to perform some diagnoses and treatments that would have needed medical skills a few years ago. There is much divergence across countries regarding which tasks it is acceptable for health workers of different levels to carry out. It is imperative that strategies focus on Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa 25 Table 4.4 Skill mix programs in selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa Training and Targeted supervision Country Task shifted professionals arrangements Reference Botswana Management of antiretroviral Nurses In-service training Miles and others therapy (2007) Cameroon Prevention of maternal- Rural birth Ongoing Wanyu and to-child HIV transmission attendants supervision by others(2007) services, including nurses counseling, testing, and administration of nevirapine Ethiopia Counseling and testing Community health 6-week in-service Mengistu (2008) workers training Ghana Management of childhood Community health 11-day in-service WHO (2006) diseases nurses training Kenya Management of obstetrical Nurses and In-service training Thairu and complications clinical officers Schmidt (2003) Malawi General surgery, including Clinical officers 3 years Chilopora and Caesarian sections (district- others (2007) level) Antiretroviral therapy initiation Nurses and 3-week intensive Philips (2008) community health training workers Mozambique General surgery, including Medical assistants 3 years Vaz (1999); Caesarian sections (district- Pereira and level) others (1996) Evaluation of patient eligibility Basic level nurses Standardized Gimbel-Sherr for highly active antiretroviral training on staging and others therapy HIV�positive (2007) patients using CD4 counts and WHO criteria Rwanda HIV/AIDS services, including Nurses Ivers (2008) prescription of antiretroviral therapy HIV/AIDS services, including Community health diagnosis of opportunistic workers infections associated with HIV/AIDS Tanzania General surgery, including Assistant Medical Mbaruku and Caesarian sections (district- Officers Bergstr�m level) (1995) Source: Authors. 26 World Bank Working Paper matching the skills of workers to the local profile of health needs. Although the objective of training lower and midlevel professionals to deliver health care at the community level is to eventually delegate to them work normally reserved for high-level professionals, all professionals should continue to provide care they are uniquely equipped to provide. Country experiences Several types of skills-expansion policies have been observed in Sub-Saharan Africa (table 4.4). These activities focus on increasing the skill sets of lower and midlevel professionals as well as higher-level professionals, such as general practitioners. The experience with shi ing higher-skill tasks to lower-level professionals in rural areas has generally been successful. Alternative skill mixes can deliver positive results when they focus on a specific procedure, such as obstetrics or antiretroviral therapy. In Mozambique, the lack of doctors combined with the urgent need for emergency surgical care and skills for maternal health necessitated a reorientation of the training of health staff. A comparison of 1,000 consecutive Caesarean sections conducted by medical assistants, with the same number conducted by obstetricians and gynecologists, showed no differences in quality (Pereira and others 1996). In Malawi a 2007 study of more than 2,000 emergency obstetric operations performed by clinical officers found that postoperative outcomes were comparable to those performed by medical officers (Philips, Zachariah, and Venis 2008). Key success and failure factors Adequate training, monitoring, and support are key success factors of any alternative skill mix policy. Although concerns have been raised about the safety of services provided by lower and midlevel health workers, most of the evidence shows that, with appropriate training and support, such health workers can respond effectively to most emergency problems in general surgery and obstetrics. There is li le empirical evidence of precisely how much support, monitoring, and supervision are required in alternative skill mix schemes. Some observers argue that the new task distribution must be institutionalized in order for the programs to be sustained or expanded. If, for example, nurses are given the task of managing antiretroviral therapy, as in Botswana, their new position should be clearly defined so that there is no ambiguity, and their performance should be closely monitored (Miles and others 2007). Some observers argue that an alternative skill mix initiative that permits treatment where people otherwise would get none at all should be viewed positively (Philips, Zachariah, and Venis 2008). The overall, but limited, picture from studies to date indicates that alternative skill mix is a viable option to provide support to the overstretched healthcare systems in many African countries; although, it cannot complete solve the region's human resources problem. Another factor in determining the success of alternative skill mix initiatives is the choice of which professionals take on which tasks. Two considerations are crucial: the professional must be able to take on the additional workload, and the professional should be considered appropriate to taking on the task in view of the local community's features and potential clients. The first consideration demands that the current workload and potential for its increase be analyzed before deciding if an individual is able to take on the new task. In Lesotho, a focus group study found that many people with HIV/AIDS had had unsatisfactory experiences with nursing staff, which affected their willingness to receive treatment (Pa erson and others 2007). The participants in the study acknowledged that these experiences had occurred largely because the nurses were overworked and underpaid. The participants stated that they would be happy with nurses taking on additional tasks, such as prescribing antiretroviral treatment, as long as they received adequate clinical training and anti-stigma training. Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa 27 The clients' perceived view of the nurses' a itudes underscores the second consideration: the importance of taking account of local social factors when assigning roles to specific workers. In some communities, women may prefer to receive treatment from women. Goodman and others (2006) raise the idea that, for simple public health interventions, tasks may even be shi ed to nonmedical professionals. Their study finds that a program that trained shopkeepers in Kenya to treat childhood fevers was both cost-effective and sustainable. These findings are consistent with those of other studies on the cost-effectiveness of alternative skill mix for the delivery of health services in both high-income and resource- constrained countries. Much of that evidence is from high-income countries; however, more work needs to be done to develop a clearer picture of these experiences in Sub-Saharan Africa. More studies are needed on the performance of lower-level professionals recently trained in higher-level interventions. Attracting health workers from abroad (immigration policies) Country-level shortages can be eliminated by encouraging the inflow of foreign health workers. Sometimes, this can be a political arrangement or exchange. When giving them a choice, however, workers tend to go where working conditions are be er. Although income is an important motivation for migration, it is not the only one (figure 4.2). Other incentives include working conditions, career and training opportunities, and management quality. Political instability, war, and the threat of violence are also strong drivers of migration in many Sub-Saharan African countries. The reasons behind their migration serve as basis for creating contracts and incentive packages aimed at a racting health workers from abroad. Several countries in SSA are already a racting immigrant health workers, formally and informally. Within Africa, migration is already common in some countries, particularly migration to Southern Africa (i.e., migration of Ethiopian and Cameroonian doctors to South Africa and Botswana). Furthermore, many West African countries have contracts with Cuba Figure 4.2 Reasons for migration in Cameroon, South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe 28 World Bank Working Paper Figure 4.3 Growth trend of Cuban brigade doctors present in Ghana for organizing extended stays of Cuban health workers in rural areas. Figure 4.3 shows that the number of Cuban doctors presently employed in Ghana has grown steadily since 1982, and today hovers around the 200 mark. Very li le is known on the impact of these contracts (Dussault and others 2006); however, Ghana emphasizes the commitment and dedication, as well as low cost, of Cuban health workers. Other countries hire immigrant health workers on a case-by-case basis. An advantage that immigration policies have over education is their time frame. Immigration polices allow a much quicker response to national shortages than education policies, at least for most categories of health workers. Notes 1 In Mali, more than 100 doctors agreed to start private practices in rural areas (Coulibaly and others 2007). Under the South African Rural Allowance and Scarce Skills Allowance, 28�35 percent of rural health workers who received the 8�22 percent salary bonus believed it affected their career plans for the following year (Vujicic and Lindelow forthcoming). The Zambian Health Workers Retention Scheme a racted and retained more than 50 doctors in rural areas in less than two years (Koot and Martineau 2005). 2 Zambia's compulsory one-year placement of young doctors in rural areas was not strictly enforced; when it was, many doctors resigned rather than work in rural areas (Koot and Martineau 2005). One exception to enforcement failure can be found outside the African region: Thailand was successful in enforcing a comprehensive package of benefits and incentives for rural health workers as well as a rural pipeline program (Wibulpolprasert and others 2003b). 3 In Nepal, a nationwide health worker surplus was intentionally created to overwhelm health labor markets. The underlying assumption was that such a policy would entail high unemployment in urban areas, which would create a natural incentive for health workers to move in rural areas. Evidence on results is scarce and, in most cases, disappointing. CHAPTER 5 Conclusion: A Roadmap for Policymaking T he effectiveness of a given policy option depends strongly on the country context and the way in which the policy is designed. A roadmap for policymakers can nevertheless be proposed that may help them avoid major and costly blunders (figure 5.1). The first step is to evaluate and address any imbalance caused by insufficient resources (referred to here as a funding shortage). It is useless to try to a ract more health workers to rural areas if adequate budgetary allocations and financial and management processes are not already in place with which to remunerate them. This step, which would increase Figure 5.1 Policy roadmap for addressing urban-rural health workers imbalances SHORT-TERM LONG-TERM OPTIONS OPTIONS STEP 1 YES 1. Strengthening Is there a funding shortage rural demand in rural areas ? (fiscal decentralization) NO 2. Incentives (monetary and/or non monetary) STEP 2 YES Is there a HW surplus 3. Bonding on the urban labor market ? NO 4. Pre-service training scaling up 5. Local medical and nursing schools 8. Alternative skill-mix 6. Curriculum changes toward rural needs 9. Migration from abroad 7. Preferential admission policy for rural candidates (rural pipeline) Source: Authors 29 30 World Bank Working Paper rural demand for health workers, must be prioritized. This can be done through increased resources from governments as well as from users. Fiscal decentralization helps increase public resources for peripheral providers whether channeled directly to providers and combined with providers' autonomy or as subsidies to demand side financing, including health insurance or cash transfers. Private resources can also be used more efficiently, for example, by pooling user payments into rural health insurance mechanisms that can contribute to increased utilization and, thus, resources for rural providers. The second step is to address health workers' willingness to work in rural areas. Choosing the right policy mix strongly depends on the labor market situation. Incentive and bonding policies are likely to be more effective if there is a surplus of health workers on the urban market and a pool of unemployed or underemployed health workers to draw from in urban areas. Consequently, an analysis of labor supply, rural and urban, is highly recommended before selecting the mix of policy options. (Appendix D provides a brief presentation of such an analysis.) If health workers are available and underemployed and incentives or bonding policies emerge as promising options, policymakers must carefully estimate the opportunity costs associated with rural jobs. Many countries carry out feasibility studies in a very traditional way (that is, by administering a simple questionnaire). Stated preferences techniques (especially discrete choice experiment) are not more expensive and provide much more insight than traditional surveys. They should be carried out systematically before designing the package to a ract health workers to rural areas. If there is no health worker surplus on the urban labor market, incentives and bonding is unlikely to work. In this case, education and alternative skill mix policies are probably the best solutions. Rural pipelines are o en needed to serve particularly remote and poor areas. Evidence from industrial countries suggests that this set of policies can have a strong impact. However, when alternative skill mix is implemented through in-service training, these policies are longer-term options. Creating midlevel professionals, such as medical or clinical officers, for example, requires waiting three or four years before the first class graduates. As health workers will live in the system for many years, this also has long-term consequences on the type of health system that is developed. Most policy options can be combined, especially to take into account the fact that some are short-term and others longer-term solutions. Niger started to prepare its policy in 2004�05, when it decided to scale up the production of surgeons. Given that the first class would not graduate until 2008, two additional (short-term) policies were implemented: an incentive scheme for doctors and fast-track (one year) training in district surgery for a group of general practitioners. In Ethiopia, the recent scaling up efforts supports a combination of short-term solutions. The rapid training of 30,000 health extension workers trained in one year is associated with the increase in production of medical officers trained in four years as well as the creation of new medical schools in rural areas. Policy options can be evaluated on the basis of two criteria: ease of implementation and potential impact (table 5.1). Because country-specific conditions o en dictate how policies work in practice, learning by doing is the best approach. Learning from experience requires the regular evaluation of the impact of implemented policies. Evidence on policy impact remains very limited in Sub-Saharan Africa. Enhancing data collection and analysis is a key priority for improving the geographical distribution of health workers within the region's countries. Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa 31 Table 5.1 Policy options for reducing urban-rural gaps in HRH Policy category Ease of implementation Potential impact Increasing demand for health Requires an adequate fiscal Strong if rural shortage is caused workers in rural areas space and, possibly, some fiscal largely by funding shortage decentralization Reducing opportunity costs May require some changes in Limited evidence; can have associated with rural jobs civil service system (including significant impact if opportunity (incentive) delinkage); otherwise quickest costs and preferences policy to implement associated with rural jobs are correctly measured and there is health worker surplus in urban markets. Transferring urban health Stakeholders' resistance is No success story in Africa, workers to rural areas through usually weak, because young probably because of weak compulsory policies health workers are targeted capacity for enforcement. Requires high governance level to ensure enforcement Easier to implement if there is health worker surplus in urban markets Increasing the overall supply Adequate fiscal space needed, Evidence lacking; impact on of health workers by scaling up as well as detailed assessment rural shortage possible if funding education of needs for HRH education shortage is large and addressed capacity at same time. Because of cohort effects, impact appears slowly. Improving the rural orientation Stakeholders may view policy as Evidence on success limited, of the existing education system a "two-tier" system (urban health but potential impact is probably ("rural pipeline") worker professionals versus rural strong, given experiences in health worker professionals); industrial countries. otherwise easy to implement Creating alternative skill mixes Stakeholders may view policy as Evidence on impact compelling; for rural areas "two-tier" system can emerge quickly if alternative skill mix is created through in-service training. Attracting health workers from Usually the last-resort policy No evidence available; impact abroad (immigration policies) probably small. Source: Authors. APPENDIX A Countries Reviewed Forty-six Sub-Saharan Africa countries were analyzed. Some quantitative Only anecdotal data on rural evidence on rural No data on rural incentives found incentives found incentives found Not reviewed Benin Angola Botswana Burkina Faso Ethiopia Equatorial Guinea Burundi Cameroon Ghana Lesotho Cape Verde Chad C�te d'Ivoire Namibia Djibouti Comoros Madagascar Swaziland Eritrea Congo, Dem. Rep. of Malawi Zimbabwe Gambia Congo, Rep. of Mali Guinea Bissau Gabon Mauritania S�o Tome and Principe Guinea Mozambique Somalia Kenya Niger Uganda Liberia Rwanda Mauritius Senegal Nigeria South Africa Seychelles Tanzania Sierra Leone Zambia Sudan Togo Source: Authors. 33 APPENDIX B The Lorenz Curve, the Concentration Index, and the Gini Coefficient E conomists use a variety of indicators to measure the concentration or equitable distribution of resources, including the Gini coefficient, the concentration index, and the Lorenz curve. All three measures are used to measure equity, concentration, and the adequacy of targeted policy interventions. The Lorenz curve The Lorenz curve, generally used by economists to assess the equity of income distribution, is a cumulative frequency curve associated with the distribution of a specific variable (for Figure B.1 Sample Lorenz curve last 25% has 70% of national income Cumulative % of income n u tio rib st third 25% l di has 25% of ua national eq income second 25% has 10% of national income first 25% has 5% of national income Cumulative % of population Source: Authors 34 Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa 35 example, income). It shows the proportion of the distribution of a variable associated with the bo om X percent of values over which it is distributed (for example, population) (figure B.1). The equal distribution is represented by a diagonal line. On this line, 20 percent of the population receives 20 percent of income, 40 percent of the population receives 40 percent of the income, and so forth. This line represents the most equitable distribution of income across population. The more the Lorenz curve deviates from this line, the greater the inequity. The Lorenz curve can be below or above the diagonal, depending on the variable. When the variable is valuable to the population--as, for example, in the case of income, expenditure on health or education, access to health services or to water--the curve is below the diagonal line. When the variable is detrimental to the population, as in the case of accidents, injuries, or deaths, the curve falls above the diagonal line. The Concentration index The concentration index summarizes the information presented by the Lorenz curve. The distance between the Lorenz curve (the observed distribution of the indicator) and the "ideal distribution line" represents the degree of inequality. The number measuring the area between the two lines thus summarizes the degree to which the distribution is equitable. The concentration index formula calculates twice the area between the Lorenz curve and the line of inequality. It ranges in value from �1 to 1. By convention, the concentration index is negative when the Lorenz curve is above the ideal distribution line (representing an undesirable indicator variable) and positive when the Lorenz curve is below the ideal distribution line (representing a desirable indicator). The Gini coefficient The Gini coefficient is an index that ranges from 0 to 1. It can be calculated in various ways. A simple formula was elaborated by Brown (1994): n G =|1 - (Xk - Xk -1 )(Yk - Yk -1 )| k =1 The first step in calculating the Gini coefficient for HRH is to sort the geographic units by the health variable (for example, infant mortality rate) from the worst to the best situation (highest to lowest rate). The rates are then transformed into continuous variables and the cumulative proportion calculated for both variables. A figure showing the cumulative proportion for the health variable (Y-axis) and the cumulative proportion of the population (X-axis) is then prepared. The Gini coefficient reflects the level of equity of the distribution of a variable. Comparing Gini coefficients of different distributions (say, over time) o en provides useful interpretation. To estimate the Gini coefficient and graph the Lorenz curve, it is first necessary to sort the health variable (infant mortality rate in India and Mali in figure B.2) from the worst situation (highest rate) to the best situation (lowest rate). The following steps are then taken for each country (or region within a country): Estimate the under-five mortality and live birth rates Calculate the percentage of the under-five mortality rate and the percentage of total live births observed in each population group ranked by wealth Calculate the cumulative percentage of each of the two variables for each group Calculate the Gini coefficient using the formula Graph the curve, using the X-axis for cumulative shares of live births by population groups and the Y-axis for the cumulative shares of under-five mortality rate 36 World Bank Working Paper Figure B.2 Lorenz curve for under-five mortality rate in India and Mali Source: Wagstaff 2008 If the under-five mortality rate were completely independent of wealth, the lowest- earning 20 percent of the population of India would account for 20 percent of India's under-five mortality rate. In this case, the Lorenz curve for India would fall along the equal distribution line. The concentration index approach can be used to measure the unequal distribution of health workers in urban versus rural areas. As the variable of interest is the distribution of healthcare workers, the number of healthcare workers is the indicator variable. Because of data availability, and because doctors and nurses are usually the most educated and skilled health professionals, the analysis was limited to doctors and nurses (analyzed separately). The regions of the country are ranked on a rural-urban scale, as approximated by the population density (population divided by area of the region); the lower the population density, the less urban the region. The steps for estimating a Gini-like coefficient for the distribution of doctors across regions are as follows. First, the regions of the country are sorted on a rural-urban scale, as approximated by the population density (population divided by area of the region). Second, the following steps are taken for each region of the country: Estimate the population Estimate the percentage of all doctors and the percentage of the population observed in each region (ranked by population density) Estimate the cumulative percentage of each of the two variables for each region Use the Brown formula to estimate the Gini coefficient Graph the Lorenz curve, using the X-axis for cumulative population and the Y-axis for the cumulative number of doctors APPENDIX C Applying Labor Economics to Health Care T his appendix elaborates on the underlying analytical framework and the formalization of the dynamics behind labor market outcomes in three labor market situations. It then focuses on urban versus rural labor market forces and dynamics. What is presented here is a generic and basic model built on a set of simplifying assumptions. In practice, country- and case-specific labor market characteristics need to be taken into account in determining the menu of policy options. For example, if, for certain categories of health workers, the public sector is the sole employer, this should be taken into account, especially in any reservation wage analysis (that is, analysis of workers' next best alternatives). In practice, there are cases in which it is difficult to get simple general results from purely theoretical models. In such cases, conclusions regarding the menu of policy options must rely on empirical analysis. The main objective here is not to provide policy recipes but to illustrate the interconnectedness between government measures and labor market outcomes (that is, who works where and under what conditions). Economists view the functioning of labor markets as similar to any other market, in that the dynamics of supply and demand determine price (the wage, remuneration, or compensation rate) and quantity (the number of people employed or the number of hours worked). The framework used in this appendix is a basic classical labor market model suitable for policy design and analysis. In these models, labor markets are assumed to clear, either through a simplifying assumption that markets always converge to a situation in which the quantity of labor supplied equals the quantity of labor demanded, or, given enough time, through a phased process of adjustments in remuneration, which presumes that wages are free to change. In simple terms, this means that markets tend to move toward wages or compensation levels that balance the quantities of labor supplied and the quantities demanded, such that the market will eventually be cleared of all labor surpluses (excess supply) and shortages (excess demand). In principle, when there is excess demand for doctors in rural areas (which creates a shortage), doctors' wages or remuneration packages in rural areas should increase. This increase results in doctors already practicing in rural areas working more in the short run and new doctors entering the rural labor market in the longer run. In the short run, the adjustment mechanism clears the shortage, establishing a new equilibrium in the rural labor market. A similar mechanism operates when there is a labor market surplus. In this case, the wage (or the value of the remuneration package) declines to end the excess supply. As a result of the decline, doctors in rural areas work fewer hours or days of work in the short run and some of them exit the rural labor market in the longer run. This model assumes freely operating labor markets without imperfections or rigidities. Without these assumptions, "sticky" wages might be observed and markets will not necessarily clear. Some economists a ribute what appear to be labor market imbalances to factors such as government policy, labor unions, and the like. Although not all economists adhere to the classical labor market model, many economists consider wage flexibility as 37 38 World Bank Working Paper a plausible assumption for policy design and analysis, arguing that wages are not sticky forever. In the health sector, the labor market is the economic space in which health workers sell their skilled labor and employers buy skilled labor. This market is made up of the supply of health workers (the number of health workers willing to work at various compensation levels) and the demand for health workers (the number of workers employers are willing and able to hire at various compensation levels). The interplay between supply and demand should determine the compensation level within a labor market. Compensation is a multidimensional concept that takes into account many monetary and nonmonetary factors. Monetary compensation may be direct or indirect. Direct financial or monetary compensation is paid as a wage or salary, a financial bonus (for good performance or as an incentive to serve in a rural area), or as part of a supplementary income scheme. Indirect financial compensation offers goods and services that would otherwise have to be paid for. Examples include scholarships and loan repayments, childcare, housing, cars and motorcycles, health insurance, and education. Nonfinancial compensation refers to benefits that could not be paid for but are nonetheless considered valuable. Such compensation can be related to career (on-the-job training, experience, professional development opportunities, job security, career advising, networking); the working environment (availability of supplies, equipment, technology, be er infrastructure, reduced workload, a flexible schedule); or lifestyle and family life (vacation time, opportunities for spousal employment). Keeping in mind these many forms of compensation is vital when reviewing policy options. Compensation refers to net compensation--the difference between the gross (monetary plus nonmonetary) compensation and the costs associated with a particular job that are borne by the employed individual. For example, doctors in rural areas may bear additional monetary and nonmonetary costs--such as having to pay for children's private schooling (because rural public schools are of a lower quality than urban schools) or having to pay both their own rural housing and urban housing for children who remain in the city to study; forgone opportunities for professional development; and forgone amenities available only in urban areas and proximity to family in the city. Net compensation compares costs and benefits, creating a more accurate picture of the choices facing health workers. Economists argue that the supply side of the health labor market is determined by the number of health workers available (the health labor force) and their willingness to work at various compensation levels. Because many workers are willing to work at a high compensation levels and few are willing to work at low compensation levels, the market supply curve is always upward sloping. The demand for health labor is determined by the number and the size of employers and their willingness to hire health workers at various compensation levels. Because employers hire only a few workers at a high compensation level but many workers at a low compensation level, the demand curve is always downward sloping (demand in the economic sense is distinct from demand in the social welfare sense, where it refers to the number or healthcare workers needed to address all health care concerns). Demand is determined by the desire, ability, and willingness of employers to pay for providers of health-related services. Healthcare that is desired but cannot be paid for is not considered part of demand and does not affect the health labor market. Market-clearing equilibrium, unemployment, and labor shortages The classical labor market model assumes that all markets ultimately clear. Key assumptions underlying this model are that compensation levels are allowed to fluctuate (for example, they are not fixed by the government or trade unions); that people are free to work or not; and that accurate information is available to both employers and workers about labor market conditions. Failure to meet these conditions must be taken into account in cra ing policy. Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa 39 Figure C.1 Market-clearing equilibrium Source: Authors At the market-clearing equilibrium, the quantity of labor supplied equals the quantity of labor demanded. In other words, employers are willing to employ LaborMC units of labor, and employees are willing to offer LaborMC units of labor at CompMC level of compensation (figure C.1). The situation in which the quantity of labor supplied exceeds the quantity of labor demanded is referred to as unemployment. If the compensation level were higher, the quantity of labor supplied would exceed the quantity of labor demanded, as more people would be willing to work for a high compensation level but employers would be willing to hire fewer employers. A situation in which more labor is demanded than is supplied is called a labor shortage. When the compensation level is set below the market-clearing level--say, at, CompLS--employers will want to hire workers, but only be willing to work for such a low compensation (figure C.3). When the assumptions of the classical labor market model are met, the unemployment and labor shortage situations will move to the market-clearing situation over the long run. When compensation is higher than the market-clearing compensation level, some unemployed workers in the labor market will begin to offer their labor for a lower compensation level, which is beneficial to employers; in this way, the compensation level will be driven downwards toward CompMC. When the compensation level is lower than the market-clearing compensation level, employers will offer a higher compensation in order to a ract workers unwilling to work for CompLS. People previously unwilling to work at CompLS or people entering the labor market will increase the supply of labor until the market-clearing situation is reached. The economics of urban versus rural labor markets Non-market-clearing labor markets can persist in the long run when the classical labor market model assumptions are not met. Market distortions take different shapes. Trade unions, minimum wage regulation, government pay policies, multinational corporations' 40 World Bank Working Paper Figure C.2 Unemployment Source: Authors Figure C.3 Labor shortage Source: Authors Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa 41 Figure C.4 Urban employment and rural shortage situation Source: Authors pay policies, and labor codes may keep compensation levels higher than CompMC. Both unemployment and labor shortages are undesirable. Unemployed workers represent a major inefficiency in a country's labor market. Shortages in rural areas mean that clients do not receive the health services they are willing to pay for. In most instances in Sub-Saharan Africa, the urban market is in unemployment or at best at a market-clearing equilibrium (although, occasionally, in a shortage situation); rural areas are o en in shortage situations. As a result, the urban and rural markets together are Figure C.5 Urban and rural HRH markets with improved information Source: Authors 42 World Bank Working Paper usually in one of three different situations: urban unemployment equals rural shortage (figure C.4), urban unemployment is greater than rural shortage, or urban unemployment is less than rural shortage. Market distortions of all kinds can cause markets to fail to clear. An urban surplus of health workers may not equilibrate in the long run with a rural deficit of health workers because of market imperfections, such as lack of information. In practice, most urban workers remain uninformed about compensation and vacancies in rural areas, making them less likely to move there. A more effective system to communicate information regarding vacancies would increase the rural supply of labor. Increased information translates into an outward shi in the rural supply curve, along with an inward shi in the urban supply curve, which would increase the rural labor force and employment while decreasing urban unemployment (figure C.5). APPENDIX D Health Labor Market Analysis V ujicic and Zurn (2006) provide a useful framework for analyzing the supply of labor. The main idea is that HRH density can be seen as the outcome of a complex process that begins with the education of high school students and ends in the employment of health workers (figure D.1). Many possible leakages prevent a country with an adequate education system from obtaining the needed density of health workers. Until recently, most HRH country analyses focused on only two boxes in figure D.1: HRH education capacity and the number of health workers employed in the public sector. For be er understanding of the HRH situation of a given country, leakage sources-- particularly migration trends, underemployed workers, and private sector workers--have to be measured and, if possible, addressed. Exploring these categories of health workers is especially difficult, but some rigorous analyses have been conducted (see C�te d'Ivoire for underemployment and private sector; see Ghana for migration trends). Figure D.1 Health labor market analysis: a country example (for doctors) Source: Vujicic and Zurn 2006 43 References Adkins, . 1987. "Geographic and Specialty Distributions of WAMI Program Participants and on Participants." Journal of Medical Education 62: 810�17. 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In 2008, the printing of these books on recycled paper saved the following: Net Greenhouse Trees* Solid Waste Water Total Energy Gases 289 8,011 131,944 27,396 92 mil. *40 feet in height and Pounds CO2 6�8 inches in Pounds Gallons BTUs Equivalent diameter Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa is part of the World Bank Working Paper series. These papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank's ongoing research and to stimulate public discussion. This paper discusses and analyzes labor market dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa and outcomes (including unemployment, worker shortages, and urban-rural imbalances of categories of health workers) from a labor economics perspective. This analysis reviews the experience of many Sub-Saharan African countries and is the basis for elaborating policy options that incorporate the underlying labor market forces to address undesirable outcomes such as the urban-rural imbalance more effectively. The conclusions are relevant to researchers, policy analysts, and policy makers with an interest in understanding and improving the allocation of human resources for health in the developing world. This working paper was produced as part of the World Bank's Africa Region Health Systems for Outcomes (HSO) Program. The Program, funded by the World Bank, the Government of Norway, the Government of the United Kingdom and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), focuses on strengthening health systems in Africa to reach the poor and achieve tangible results related to Health, Nutrition and Population. The main pillars and focus of the program center on knowledge and capacity building related to Human Resources for Health, Health Financing, Pharmaceuticals, Governance and Service Delivery, and Infrastructure and ICT. More information as well as all the products produced under the HSO program can be found online at www.worldbank.org/hso. World Bank Working Papers are available individually or on standing order. The World Bank Working Papers series is also available online through the World Bank e-library (www.worldbank.org/elibrary). ISBN 978-0-8213-8599-9 THE WORLD BANK 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 USA Telephone: 202 473-1000 Internet: www.worldbank.org E-mail: feedback@worldbank.org SKU 18599