Road Transport, Electricity,
and Water & Sanitation
Services in East Asia, South
Asia & the Pacific Islands
This report was prepared by a team of staff and consultants in the Word Bank Group Infrastructure Finance, Public-
Private Partnerships and Guarantees (IPG) team, including Darwin Marcelo (Task Team Leader), Aditi Raina (Task
Team Leader), Schuyler Houser (Infrastructure Economics Consultant), and Deblina Saha (Associate Infrastructure
Specialist). The report benefited from a partnership with the National University of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew School
of Public Policy, including work by Masters of Public Policy students Harman Partap Singh Bhatia, Kaori Suzuki,
Nguyen Phan Dai Trang, and Raiya Kishwar Ashraf. The report also drew on inputs from Michael Gillen (Independent
Water Consultant). Research by Mehdi Mikou, Julie Rozenberg, Elco Koks, Charles Fox, and Tatiana Peralta Quiros on
rural road access was important to understanding the status of road services in Asia. The team would also like to thank
Abedalrazq F. Khalil (Senior Water Resources Management Specialist), Gerald Paul Olivier (Lead Transport Specialist),
and Sunil Kumar Khosla (Lead Energy Specialist), who provided essential inputs and helpful guidance. The report was
copy edited by Luba Vangelova and designed by Victoria Adams-Kotsch.

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2 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
Table of Contents
Introduction and Overview 	                                             1

INFRASTRUCTURE SECTORS IN REVIEW	                                       5
	   Electricity Sector Regional Review 	                                7
	   Water & Sanitation Regional Review	                                16
	   Road Transport Regional Review	                                    27
	   Looking Forward	                                                   32

COUNTRY SNAPSHOTS	                                                     35
	   Regional Overview	                                                 36

	   Appendix 1: Infrastructure Data by Sector and Dimension	           64
	   Appendix 2: Methodology and Sources	                               80
	   Appendix 3: References	                                            88
	   Appendix 4: Electricity Tariff Sources	                            91
	   Appendix 5: Operational Costs of Electricity Generation Sources	   92
	   Appendix 6: Water and Wastewater Tariff Sources	                   94
	   Appendix 7: Water Quality and Expenditure Sources	                 96
Introduction and Overview

Infrastructure assets and services provide the basic physical and organizational structures that underpin the
functioning of economy and society. Access to reliable, quality, efficient, and affordable infrastructure services is
critical to reducing poverty, promoting economic growth, supporting social development, and building resilient
Much of the global population lacks access to basic physical infrastructure, including roads, piped water
supply, improved sanitation, and electricity. Moreover, services may be unreliable, of poor quality, inefficiently
supplied, or unaffordable. These conditions impose constraints on human health, quality of life, education, and
employment, particularly in rural areas of the global south.
Extending provision of quality infrastructure requires an understanding of the current levels of supply, quality,
and affordability of infrastructure services. A first step towards this is to take stock of available data on service
coverage, quality, and tariff and cost levels. Such information can help governments and their development
partners establish key needs, target resources for strategic priorities, and benchmark infrastructure performance.
This exercise is merely the starting point on a greater path of enquiry to understand the overall state of
infrastructure services. Although the more definitive analyses of the root causes and nuances of infrastructure
delivery are sure to follow, the value of this study is in compiling disparate information, otherwise time-intensive
to gather and compare across sectors and countries, into a single volume.
This report provides an overview of infrastructure provision in three key economic sectors—road transport,
electricity, and water and sanitation—as an initial step towards building a more extensive body of knowledge on
the health of infrastructure provision worldwide. Geographically, this report focuses on two of the world’s fastest
growing regions, East Asia and Pacific (EAP) and South Asia (SAR), which also account for approximately
35.8 percent of the world’s extreme poor. This geographic focus is motivated by recognition of significant
infrastructure development needs, particularly in South Asia, coupled with the availability of fairly extensive
data across countries.

                                                           Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 1
Over the past few decades, the East Asia and Pacific and South Asia regions have enjoyed strong economic
growth and steady social development. East Asia has experienced steady growth levels of 4.1 to 4.5 percent over
the past five years, led primarily by China and ASEAN countries,1 and regional poverty has been significantly
reduced.2 South Asia has become the fastest-growing economic region worldwide, with its constituent countries
recording average annual growth rates of 6.1 to 7.6 percent during the period from 2011 to 2017, led largely
by India.3
Nevertheless, governments in both regions face significant constraints, imposed by the insufficiency of
infrastructure to support development goals. Substantial investments,4 targeted policy reforms, and improvements
to planning, management, and operations are needed to overcome significant infrastructure-service shortfalls
and problems associated with both quality and efficiency.

When it comes to infrastructure promoting economic and social development, quality is as important as
coverage. Worldwide, governments and their development partners increasingly recognize the importance of
efficiency and resilience of infrastructure delivery systems and quality of service outputs. Infrastructure should
be safe; resilient with respect to natural disasters and the effects of climate change; and of sufficient structural
integrity to remain cost-efficient over the lifecycle of the asset.
This report goes beyond appraising coverage levels of infrastructure services in Asia, by also providing a selection
of indicators that serve as proxies of multiple dimensions of infrastructure quality. To inform national, regional,
and multilateral efforts to close infrastructure gaps and improve quality of services, this report reviews the status
of infrastructure in the road-transport, electricity, and water-and-sanitation sectors across countries in EAP and
SAR. From a policy perspective, key questions include: Who receives infrastructure services, and at what level of
reliability, quality and affordability? Additionally, how efficiently are these services delivered?

1	   Declining from 7.3 percent in 2013, growth in developing EAP has remained strong. Lower growth rates of 6.5 and 6.3 percent in 2017 and 2018,
	    respectively, are attributed to a slowing of China’s economic expansion. Aggregate growth in Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
	    countries remained steady at about 5.3 percent throughout 2017 and 2018. Growth in the Pacific Islands lagged at 2.1 to 3.9 percent from 2011
	    to 2018, owing largely to constraints imposed by narrow markets, geographic dispersion, and vulnerability to natural disasters.
2	   World Bank. 2018. East Asia Pacific Economic Update, October 2018: Navigating Uncertainty.
3	   World Bank. 2018. South Asia Overview. Extreme poverty is below 2 percent in EAP, including China (4.4 percent if excluding China), and the
	    lower-middle-income class (LMIC) poverty rates are expected to fall from 9.4 percent in 2017 to 6.4 percent in 2020.
4	   Although single-number estimates for required investments are likely to be neither helpful nor correct, particularly because they often fail to
	    consider specific policy objectives or potential efficiency and technological gains (see: Rozenberg, et al. 2019. Beyond the Gap – How Countries
	    Can Afford the Infrastructure They Need while Protecting the Planet. World Bank.
	    publication/beyond-the-gap---how-countries-can-afford-the-infrastructure-they-need-while-protecting-the-planet), it has been estimated that EAP
	    (excluding China) requires an additional $52 billion for infrastructure between 2015 and 2020 to keep pace with current growth levels (see:
	    Ruiz-Nuñez, Fernanda, and Zichao Wei. 2015. “Infrastructure investment demands in emerging markets and developing economies.” World Bank
	    Policy Research Working Paper, 7414. Washington, DC: The World Bank). Similarly, South Asia may require investments of US$1.7 to 2.5 trillion
	    to meet its needs (see: Biller, Andres, and Herrera Dappe. 2014. Infrastructure Gap in South Asia: Inequality of Access to Infrastructure Services. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) estimates that developing Asia needs
	    to invest US$1.7 trillion per year in infrastructure until 2030 to meet its economic-growth and sustainable-development goals (see: Asian
	    Development Bank. 2017. Meeting Asia’s Infrastructure Needs. Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank. doi: 10.22617/FLS168388-2).

2 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                                                                 The report is organized with a framework that examines
                                                                 three dimensions of service provision—access, quality,
                                                                 and cost—across three key economic infrastructure
                                                                 sectors: electricity; water and sanitation; and road
                                                                 transport. This report tracks these three infrastructure
                                                                 dimensions and sectors across most of the countries of
                                                                 EAP and SAR.

                                               COSTS & TARIFFS
                                                                 The report presents several indicators to describe

            Water                                                national-level performance along each dimension.
            Supply                                               When data is available, these indicators are further
                                                                 subdivided to examine differences in rural and urban
                                                                 service provision, particularly with respect to access.
                                                                 Also, because each dimension under consideration
                                                                 (particularly quality) involves multiple aspects, several
                                                                 indicators are included. The selection of indicators was
                                                                 based on consultations with sector and regional experts,
                                                                 and the use of the most extensive and comparable data
                                                                 available across countries.
The study compiles data about these sectors for countries across EAP and SAR, including five regional high-
income benchmark countries (Brunei Darussalam, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, and the Republic of Korea).
Other countries are categorized into three categories: East Asia, South Asia, and the Pacific Islands. All of the
graphics in the report use a standardized color scheme for the four sub-regional categories, as follows:

  HIGH-INCOME EAP                     EAST ASIA                        SOUTH ASIA                    PACIFIC ISLANDS

    Brunei Darussalam                 Cambodia                          Afghanistan                         Fiji
          Japan                         China                           Bangladesh                  Papua New Guinea
      New Zealand                     Indonesia                           Bhutan                          Samoa
        Singapore                    Lao People’s                          India                     Solomon Islands
          Korea                   Democratic Republic                    Maldives                        Vanuatu
                                       Malaysia                           Nepal
                                       Mongolia                          Pakistan
                                       Myanmar                           Sri Lanka

                                                                 Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 3
6 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
 Access to Electricity (% of Population)

Source: Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) database, 2020 (using 2017 data)

Emerging East Asia has a fairly high regional average access level of 92.5 percent.
East Asia’s lowest access-level country — Myanmar (69.8 percent) — is limited by
underdeveloped distribution and transmission networks, particularly in rural areas.
Mongolia (55.7 percent), Myanmar (59.9%), and Timor-Leste (71.9%) exhibit low rural
access levels, though urban rates are high. Cambodia has extended access significantly in
recent years, bringing total access to 89.1% in 2017 from 56.1% in 2015.

                                                                 Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 7
  Access to Electricity (% of Population)











           Brunei Darussalam
                                               New Zealand
                                                                                                                             Lao PDR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sri Lanka
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Solomon Islands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Papua New Guinea
                                                                                                                                                      Urban                                Rural

                                                                           High-Income EAP                                                   East Asia                                      South Asia                                     Pacific Islands

Source: Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) database, 2020 (using 2017 data)

                                               South Asia’s average electricity access is fairly high (92.5 percent), and even rural-coverage
                                               levels average 88.8 percent.
                                               Electricity coverage amongst Pacific-Island states varies significantly. Although Samoa and
                                               Fiji enjoy coverage rates over 95%, the remaining Pacific-Island states exhibit a low average
                                               coverage level (60.0 percent). Papua New Guinea—the lowest regional performer—has only
                                               54.4 percent electricity-service coverage, largely due to extremely limited rural services (50.4

8 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
 Quality of Electricity Supply (1-7, From Best to Worst)

Survey data from the Global Competitiveness
Report asks respondents to score perceptions
of electricity service from 1 (worst) to 7 (best).               Japan

High-income benchmark countries rank                      New Zealand

highest, with an average assessment of 6.38,                     Korea

and the average quality score in emerging East       Brunei Darussalam

Asia (4.59) is higher than that of South Asia                 Malaysia
(3.98).                                                       Thailand
South Asia’s average score is skewed negatively               Lao PDR
by Nepal and Pakistan, the only countries
(for which data is available) scoring less
than 3. Although Nepal has a record of low
perceptions of electricity-service quality, recent
improvements made by the Nepal Electricity
Authority since 2016 have brought 24-hour
electricity services to Kathmandu and Pokhara.
Pakistan still has frequent lengthy outages.
                                                              Sri Lanka
Although year-over-year changes from 2016                  Bangladesh
were minimal, China recorded the largest                       Pakistan
improvement, with a 0.3 score increase. Survey                   Nepal
data is not available for the Pacific Islands.
                                                                          0    1     2    3      4     5     6    7

                                                             High-Income EAP         East Asia       South Asia

                                                     Source: World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Report,
                                                     2018; data unavailable for Myanmar, Afghanistan, the Maldives,
                                                     Timor-Leste and the Pacific Islands.

                                                      Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 9
  Average Time for Businesses to Connect Electricity Services (Number of Days)

               Korea         13                                                       The World Bank’s Doing Business
  Brunei Darussalam               25                                                  report records the average number
          Singapore               26                                                  of days required to connect a newly
       New Zealand                         58                                         constructed warehouse to permanent
               Japan                                81
                                                                                      electricity services.
            Malaysia              24
            Thailand               30                                                 Interestingly, income levels are
            Vietnam                 31                                                uncorrelated with the average
          Indonesia                 32                                                connection durations, and variance
               China                32                                                is high in the region, even amongst
         Philippines                 37
                                                                                      high-income benchmark countries.
           Myanmar                              70
                                                                                      The countries with short connection
           Lao PDR                                  87
                                                                                      times include high-income states
        Timor-Leste                                  93                               such as Korea, Singapore, and
         Cambodia                                                          179        Brunei Darussalam, but also middle-
               Nepal                      49                                          income countries such as Thailand
                India                      53                                         and Malaysia, and lower-income
             Bhutan                          61                                       emerging markets such as Samoa,
           Maldives                               75                                  the Philippines, and Indonesia. Thus,
           Sri Lanka                                     100
                                                                                      sub-regional comparisons are of
            Pakistan                                       113
                                                                                      limited use.
        Bangladesh                                            125                     Cambodia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
             Samoa                  34                                                Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Vanuatu
    Solomon Islands                       53                                          stand out for extended connection
  Papua New Guinea                             66
                                                                                      times of between 100 to 180 days,
            Vanuatu                                          120
                                                                                      largely due to complicated and
                                                                                      inefficient administration processes.
                         0   20    40     60    80 100 120 140 160 180 200

   High-Income EAP            East Asia             South Asia      Pacific Islands

Source: World Bank, Doing Business, 2017.

10 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
  Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Losses

         2%         3%      4%       6%              6%                5%       6%          6%         9%            9%        9%          11% 12% 14%                      7%         11% 17% 19% 25% 33%








                                    New Zealand

                                                   Brunei Darussalam








                                                                                                                                                      Lao PDR


                                                                                                                                                                           Sri Lanka





                                                  T&D Losses                              High-IncomeEAP
                                                                                          High-Income EAP                                 EastAsia
                                                                                                                                          East Asia                South

Sources: All countries, except Afghanistan and Lao PDR: IEA Statistics, 2018 (using 2014 data); World Bank
estimate for Afghanistan based on Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat data, 2020; Lao PDR source: EDL Statistic
Report, 2018.
Notes: Electric power transmission and distribution losses include losses in transmission between sources of
supply and points of distribution and in the distribution to consumers, including pilferage. Data is unavailable
for Myanmar, Bhutan, and Pacific Islands.

Electrical-power transmission and distribution losses include losses between supply sources
and distribution points in the distribution to consumers, including due to pilferage. These
losses are reflective of the technical quality of the network and the efficiency of the distribution
system. Data is self-reported by countries to the International Energy Agency.
High-income regional benchmark countries generally have fewer losses (averaging 4.4
percent), though some emerging markets, including China, Malaysia, Thailand, and Sri
Lanka, perform around the same levels. Emerging East Asia (the countries for which data
is available) generally performs better than South Asia, experiencing losses of 8.7 percent,
compared to 15.7 percent. Within East Asia, Cambodia records the highest losses (13.7
Afghanistan (33.0 percent) and Nepal (25.0 percent) have the most significant transmission
and distribution losses amongst countries for which data is available. While Nepal has
recorded steady improvements, its high losses are largely attributable to limited financing, a
lack of sufficient planning, and difficulties associated with land acquisition.

                                                                                                                       Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 11
  System Average Interruption Duration (Average Hours per Customer per Year)
    Brunei Darussalam
         New Zealand
              Lao PDR
             Sri Lanka
      Solomon Islands
   Papua New Guinea
                           0   10   20   30   40   50   60   70     80   90 100 150 160 170 180 900 910 920 930 940 950
                                                          Average number of times per year

                               High-Income EAP          East Asia        South Asia     Pacific Islands

Source: World Bank, Doing Business, 2019.
Note: System Average Interruption Duration is the average total duration of outages over the course of a
year for each customer served. Figures are national, except for city-level data for China (Beijing), India (Delhi),
Indonesia (Jakarta), Japan (Tokyo), and Pakistan (Karachi). Data is unavailable for Afghanbistan, Bangladesh,
Nepal, and Timor-Leste.

                           High-income regional benchmark countries exhibit low service interruption frequencies and
                           low overall durations of interruption. Amongst emerging markets in the region, low overall
                           interruption durations are recorded for China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam,
                           all of whom average less than three cumulative hours of interruption per customer each year.
                           Mongolia, Pakistan, Maldies, and Papua New Guinea all recorded high per-customer service
                           interruption disruptions. Papua New Guinea’s extremely high outage durations are associated
                           with high frequencies of disruption, due largely to insufficient maintenance of plants and
                           transmission lines.Pakistan suffers from outdated facilities and a complex distribution system
                           vulnerable to damages.

12 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
 Share of Electricity Generated by Renewable Sources (%)
        Nepal               Bhutan             Lao PDR           New Zealand            Myanmar              Sri Lanka

      Cambodia                Fiji             Vietnam        Papua New Guinea          Pakistan              Samoa

        China             Philippines          Vanuatu              Japan                 India            Afghanistan

       Indonesia           Malaysia            Thailand           Mongolia          Solomon Islands           Korea

      Singapore            Maldives           Bangladesh      Brunei Darussalam       Timor-Leste

Source: All countries except Afghanistan, China, Lao PDR, and Mongolia: OECD/IEA, IEA Statistics, 2018 (using 2015 data);
Afghanistan source: World Bank estimate, based on Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat data, 2020; China source: China Power
Industry Statistics Express, 2019; Lao PDR source: Calculated by World Bank Energy Team based on the MEM consolidated power
development projects, 2020; Mongolia source: World Bank Energy team estimate, 2019.

The share of electricity generated via renewables varies widely in the region, reflecting
significant differences in both resource availability and policy. Income levels are not, however,
a significant predictor of renewables dependence. Nepal’s and Bhutan’s vast hydropower
resources, for example, afford the countries near-total reliance on renewables for generation;
the next-highest performers, New Zealand and Lao PDR, are 20 percentage points lower. In
contrast, Bangladesh, Brunei, Korea, Maldives, Mongolia, Singapore, Solomon Islands, and
Timor-Leste heavily depend on non-renewables for generation. In countries where electricity
demand is rapidly increasing, governments often find it challenging to introduce renewable
energy while overcoming insufficient energy supply.
Data reflects domestic generation; countries may consume more imported electricity
generated by non-renewables.

                                                             Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 13
  Average Electricity Tariff (US$/KWh)




















                                                         Lao PDR














                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sri Lanka



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Solomon Islands
                                                 High-Income EAP                             East Asia                      South Asia                        Pacific Islands

Sources: RISE database, various years, except Bhutan, and Singapore, see Appendix 4.
Notes: Average electricity tariff for all users (US$/KWh) based on $ revenue / total KWh consumed; Data unavailable for Brunei
Darussalam, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, and Timor-Leste.

                                On average, countries in East and South Asia have generally low retail electricity tariffs,
                                coupled with high electricity-access rates, except for the Maldives.
                                Although data is unavailable for most of the Pacific Islands, the region does generally record
                                higher tariff rates due to geography, under-developed distribution and transmission systems,
                                and high costs of construction and maintenance. Of the countries for which data is available,
                                the Solomon Islands records the highest tariff rate.

14 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
 Average Electricity Tariff versus Average Operational Cost of Electricity Generation (US$/KWh)

In comparing average retail electricity tariffs with
the operational costs of supplying electricity, most
countries in the region (for which data is available)               Korea
cover per-unit (per kWh) operational costs with                 Singapore
per-unit tariffs. Bhutan, Indonesia, Lao PDR, and
Myanmar are exceptions, with Bhutan charging a
subsidized tariff rate significantly below operational              China
East Asian countries have lower average operational
                                                                  Lao PDR
costs for supply than countries in South Asia. Most
countries use a varied electricity mix, with active               Malaysia
investments in renewables.                                       Mongolia
South Asia’s higher average operational costs are                Myanmar
largely attributable to the Maldives (US$0.30-40/
kWh), where high dependency on oil has increased
the costs of supply. Nepal, on the other hand, has                Thailand
one of the lowest operational cost levels, due to                 Vietnam
reliance on hydropower. Its comparably high tariff
levels are associated with energy-import tariffs.              Afghanistan







                                                                 Sri Lanka


                                                     Papua New Guinea

                                                         Solomon Islands

 Sources: RISE database, various years, except Bhutan, and
 Singapore, see Appendix 4.                                             0.00    0.10   0.20   0.30   0.40   0.60   0.80   0.90
 Notes: Data unavailable for Brunei Darussalam, New Zealand,
 Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, and Timor-Leste.                               Cost of Generating Electricity
                                                                               High-Income EAP         East Asia
                                                                               South Asia      Pacific Islands

                                                            Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 15
  Access to Piped Water (% of Population)

Source: WHO / UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene, 2019 (using 2017 data).

                       In this report, water access refers to household piped connections to services. Although
                       broader definitions are more relevant to progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals
                       (SDGs),5 this report focuses on large-scale, centralized water systems typical of government
                       provision, particularly in densely populated areas. As such, the access measure does not
                       consider non-networked systems such as protected bores, wells, or rainwater systems.

                       5	 See, for example, SDG 6.1, which measures access to safely managed drinking water services,

16 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
 Access to Piped Water (% of Population)











      Brunei Darussalam
                          New Zealand
                                                                                                                Lao PDR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sri Lanka
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Solomon Islands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Papua New Guinea
                                                                                                                                                  Urban                           Rural

                                                                               High-Income EAP                                            East Asia                               South Asia                              Pacific Islands

Source: WHO / UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene, 2019 (using 2017 data).

Note: This measure includes access to improved, piped water sources, shared and on-premises.

Although access to piped water is high amongst regional benchmark countries and a few
of the region’s emerging markets—including Bhutan, Malaysia, Fiji, and Samoa—many
countries in Asia still lack widespread access to piped household water.
Moreover, there are stark differences in urban and rural access. Urban-rural divides are
especially large in Papua New Guinea, the Maldives, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The urban-
rural divide is particularly critical in poorly urbanized countries such as Papua New Guinea,
where 87% of the population lives in rural areas, yet receives a marginal portion of sector
investments. Although networked piped services may not be the most efficient option outside
of urban areas, these differences indicate areas where improvements to rural water service
access may need to be targeted.
Amongst low- and middle-income regional countries, Malaysia, Bhutan, Fiji, and Samoa
stand out as having extended piped water services to 80 percent or more of their populations.
Eleven countries, however, still have not reached coverage levels of 40 percent. Piped water
services in Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan are extended to less than 25 percent of
their populations.

                                                                                                                                                                  Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 17
  Access to Piped Sewerage (% of Population)

Source: WHO / UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene, 2019 (using 2017 data),
except Brunei (2016 data)

                      Sanitation includes the capture, storage, transport, treatment, and disposal or reuse of
                      human excreta and wastewater. The first indicator of access focuses on the percentage of
                      the population with household connections to centralized municipal wastewater systems.
                      This type of networked sanitation service is the focus of reporting on the status of physical
                      sanitation infrastructure, though attainment of SDGs, as with water, is better captured by
                      broader measures of access to safely managed sanitation.6

                      6	   See indicators for access to safely managed sanitation,

18 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
  Access to Piped Sewerage (% of Population)













                          New Zealand










                                                                                                                                            Lao PDR









                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sri Lanka



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Solomon Islands

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Papua New Guinea

                                                                                                                                   Urban                         Rural

                                                               High-Income EAP                                                East Asia                           South Asia                         Pacific Islands

Source: WHO / UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene, 2019 (using 2017 data),
except Brunei (2016 data).
Notes: Data unavailable for Indonesia, Fiji and Solomon Islands.

Piped connection rates are generally very low, ranging from less than one percent in Myanmar
and Vietnam to 79 percent in Malaysia. Piped sewerage coverage exceeds 30 percent only in
China, the Maldives, and the regional high-income benchmark countries.
The rates for urban populations are much higher than the rural and overall averages, but even
urban piped-connection rates are low in most countries in the region. Only the high-income
benchmark countries and the Maldives, China, and Malaysia have extended urban services
to more than 60 percent of the population.

                                                                                                                                                      Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 19
  Access to Improved Sanitation (% of Population)

Source: WHO / UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene, 2019 (using 2017 data).

                      Added context is provided to differentiate between access to piped household-sewerage
                      connections and to improved sanitation, more generally. A broader measure of sanitation access
                      would take into account access to improved sanitation facilities, including household and
                      shared facilities, as well as non-networked treatment technologies such as septic tanks. These
                      access rates are significantly higher than those limited to household sewerage connections,
                      though some countries still record extremely low overall access levels to improved sanitation.

20 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
 Non-Revenue Water (%)































                                   New Zealand






                                                                                                        Lao PDR




                                                                                                                                                      Sri Lanka









                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Papua New Guinea

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Solomon Islands
                               Non-Revenue Water                                         High-Income EAP                                      East Asia                      South Asia                             Pacific Islands

Source: Various sources and coverage at national or municipal levels, see Appendix 7.

Note: For Philippines, the NRW rate is an average of rates across Manila and Davao. For Singapore, the NRW value refers to
Singapore’s reported rate of ‘Unaccounted-for Water’

Non-revenue water (NRW) measures the percentage of water produced by utilities that does
not generate revenues, due to distribution losses, theft, or failure to collect user fees. As such,
it is an indicator of both the physical condition of the distribution network and the overall
efficiency of the supply system.
NRW rates are very high in several countries, reaching nearly 60 percent in the Solomon
Islands. It is not uncommon for utilities in emerging Asia to lose a quarter or more of the
value of water produced due to distribution losses and poor collection rates.

                                                                                                                                Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 21
  Quality of Water Supplied (% samples passing potable standard test)

     Papua New Guinea
        Solomon Islands
                            0%     10%        20%    30%          40%       50%      60%      70%      80%   90%   100%

                                 High-Income EAP      East Asia         South Asia   Pacific Islands

                      Source: Various sources, See Appendix 7.

                      Water-quality compliance measures the percentage of water samples that pass residual
                      chlorine tests or other potable water quality standards that indicate the microbial quality
                      of water. Failure to provide clean water poses significant risks to public health. Although
                      many utilities in the region are able to provide uncontaminated water according to published
                      standards, recorded quality figures in India, Nepal, and Solomon Islands (amongst countries
                      for which data is available) are particularly low.

22 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
 Water Tariff (Purchasing-Power-Parity-Adjusted Tariff for First 15 m3 per Month, in US$ per m3)

The PPP-adjusted water tariff                Singapore (Singapore)                             1.46
reports the per-m3 residential tariff
                                                     Japan (Tokyo)                      1.08
rate for water services, adjusted
for purchasing-power parity                New Zealand (Auckland)                      0.94
(PPP). The rate reported is for                      Korea (Seoul)               0.60
subsistence-level consumption,                  Brunei Darussalam
i.e., the rate for the first 15m3           (Bandar Seri Begawan)
consumed in a month. Prices are                Philippines (Manila)                               1.80
in US$ at the conversion rates                  Indonesia (Jakarta)                      1.23
for their year of reporting (2017-
                                            Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar)                     0.91
                                                Thailand (Bangkok)               0.66
PPP-adjusted tariffs are reported                        Vietnam
for the water utility in the largest            (Ho Chi Minh City)
city in each country.                             China (Shanghai)              0.50

PPP-adjusted tariffs are highest               Lao PDR (Vientiane)              0.49
in Male, Maldives; Manila,                 Cambodia (Phnom Penh)            0.38
Philippines; Jakarta, Indonesia;           Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)         0.34
Kabul,      Afghanistan;    and
Singapore.    Conversely, tariffs               Myanmar (Yangon)         0.10

are lowest in Thimphu, Bhutan;                     Maldives (Male)                                                               5.80
Suva, Fiji; Yangon, Myanmar;                   Afghanistan (Kabul)                        1.27
and Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
                                                   India (Mumbai)                0.61
                                               Nepal (Kathmandu)            0.47
Because     tariffs    may     be
accompanied by varying levels of               Bangladesh (Dhaka)          0.29
cost recovery, efficiency, and re-               Pakistan (Karachi)       0.27
investment, however, tariff rates
                                               Sri Lanka (Colombo)        0.26
must be considered alongside
quality and access measures in               Bhutan (Thimphu City)       0.11
order to make utility-specific                    Solomon Islands
                                             (Guadacanal Province)
assessments of their relative
                                                Vanuatu (Port Vila)              0.63
                                               Papua New Guinea                 0.51
                                                  (Port Moresby)
                                                    Samoa (Apia)            0.46

                                                         Fiji (Suva)     0.12

                                                                  0.00            1.00           2.00         3.00    5.00       6.00

Source: Various sources, see Appendix 6.           High-Income EAP                East Asia              South Asia   Pacific Islands

                                                          Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 23
  Wastewater Tariff (Purchasing-Power-Parity-Adjusted US$ per m3)

                     New Zealand (Auckland)                                                                  1.93

                                Japan (Tokyo)                                           0.89

                       Singapore (Singapore)                                     0.71

                                 Korea (Seoul)                    0.33

                      Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar)                              0.48

                             China (Shanghai)                       0.40

                     Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)          0.12

                  Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City)        0.06

                     Cambodia (Phnom Penh)         0.02

                         Sri Lanka (Colombo)                      0.33

                          Bangladesh (Dhaka)                     0.29

                          Nepal (Kathmandu)                  0.24

                               India (Mumbai)             0.17

                            Pakistan (Karachi)     0.03

                                 Samoa (Apia)                                                                       2.11

      Solomon Islands (Guadacanal Province)                        0.37

           Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby)                  0.24

                                     Fiji (Suva)          0.16

                          High-Income EAP          East Asia              South Asia       Pacific Islands
                      Source: Various sources, see Appendix 6

                      Some utilities charge separate tariffs for water and wastewater services. By charging separately
                      for wastewater, utilities can ring-fence funds needed to improve wastewater collection and
                      Amongst emerging market countries in the region that charge separate wastewater tariffs,
                      Apia, Samoa’s tariff is highest.

24 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
 Operational Expenditure, Water and Wastewater (US$ per m3 of water sold)







        New Zealand





                                                              Lao PDR










                                                                                                                                                                      Papua New Guinea

                                                                                                                                                                                         Solomon Islands
                                           High-Income EAP                  East Asia                     South Asia                 Pacific Islands

Source: IBNET and various sources; see Appendix 7.

Note: Unit Operational Expenditure, Water & Wastewater (US$/m3 water sold) is equal to the total annual operational expenses /
total volume of water sold.

Reported operational expenditures for water and wastewater account for utilities’ operating
expenditures per cubic meter of water produced and sold. They do not always account for the
costs that utilities must cover, even for operations, because some costs are covered outside of
reported utility expenditures. In some cases, utilities report combined water and wastewater
expenditures. Generally, the higher operational expenditures reported in high-income
benchmark countries are correlated to higher quality service, high coverage rates, and higher
levels of cost recovery. The high expenditures reported in Samoa and Solomon Islands, on the
other hand, are associated with high NRW and high input costs.

                                                                                           Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 25
 Operational Cost Coverage Ratio








               New Zealand







                                                                                                   Lao PDR








                                                                                                                                                                                       Sri Lanka



                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Papua New Guinea

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Solomon Islands



                                                              High-Income EAP                                     East Asia                    South Asia                          Pacific Islands

Source: Various sources, See Appendix 7.
Notes: Operational cost coverage is the ratio of total annual operational revenues to total annual operational expenditures.

                                            The operating-expenditures coverage ratio measures utilities’ total operational revenue
                                            divided by total operational expenditures. Although the measure does not include capital
                                            expenditures or debt service, it is a reasonable proxy for the capacity of utilities to attain
                                            cost-recovery levels.
                                            Values above 1.0 indicate that revenues exceed operational expenditures. Nine countries for
                                            which data is available have attained high levels of cost recovery. In fact, Solomon Isands’
                                            operating cost coverage more than doubled between 2010 and 2018.

26 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                          ROAD TRANSPORT REGIONAL REVIEW
     Rural Access to All-Season Roads (% of Population)

Source: Mikou et al., 2019

Rural access to roads is estimated based on the World Bank Rural Access Index (RAI)
methodology (see Appendix 2). Drawing on open-access geospatial data, the estimate
captures the share of the rural population within a walking distance of two kilometers to
all-access roads. Rural population density provides the necessary context when considering
these results, because low RAIs are more problematic, in absolute terms, in countries where
rural population densities are high.7

7	    For further comparison of RAI and rural population density data, see Appendix 1.

                                                                          Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 27
  Rural Access Index (RAI)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            # people per km2
100%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1,000

 90%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 900

 80%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 800

 70%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 700

 60%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 600

 50%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 500

 40%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 400

 30%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 300

 20%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 200

 10%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 100

  0%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0


                         New Zealand









                                                                                                                                            Lao PDR


                                                                                                                                                                 Sri Lanka








                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Papua New Guinea

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Solomon Islands
                                                                                                                       Rural Population Density

                                                               High-Income EAP                                          East Asia                           South Asia                            Pacific Islands

Source: Mikou et al., 2019

                                       In India, Pakistan, the Maldives, Bangladesh, and Indonesia, where rural population densities
                                       are high and RAIs are less than 50 percent, large numbers of people lack proximal access to
                                       all-season roads.
                                       Among emerging economies, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and the Philippines have achieved
                                       significant rural-access rates well above 60 percent. The lowest accessibility levels are found
                                       in the Maldives, the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Mongolia, and Afghanistan,
                                       where less than 20 percent of rural residents have access to paved roads within a 2-kilometer
                                       radius. High-income benchmark nations for which data is available (Japan, New Zealand,
                                       and Korea) all have ratios higher than 80 percent. The RAI is not applicable in Singapore.

28 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
 Quality of Roads Infrastructure (On a Scale of 1-7, From Worst to Best)

Access to road infrastructure is not enough
to attain trade and transit development goals.
The quality of road infrastructure is also an                   Japan

important factor in minimizing the transaction                   Korea
costs of travel and trade and improving the          Brunei Darussalam
efficiency and resilience of road networks.              New Zealand
Although additional factors—for example,                      Malaysia
network connectivity and regulation—affect                       China
the quality of transport as a service, this report            Thailand
focuses on hard road-transport assets.                       Indonesia
The Global Competitiveness Report compiles                  Philippines
survey data on perceptions of road quality,                 Cambodia
with a rating of 7 being the best. The                        Vietnam
regional high-income benchmark countries                      Lao PDR
and Malaysia score highest with respect to                   Mongolia
perceptions of road-infrastructure quality.                       India
On average, emerging East Asia (3.86) scores                  Pakistan
slightly better than South Asia (3.56).
                                                             Sri Lanka
Amongst emerging economies, Malaysia                       Bangladesh
easily scores highest, although conditions are                  Nepal
significantly better in West Malaysia than in
                                                                          0    1    2     3     4     5     6    7
East Malaysia. Nepal, on the other hand, is
perceived to have the poorest road quality and
                                                             High-Income EAP        East Asia       South Asia
is the only country to score less than 3. There
is no data available on road quality for Pacific
Island states.                                        Source: World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness
                                                      Report, 2018.

                                                     Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 29
  Road Traffic Death Rate (Deaths per 100,000 People per Year)








                          New Zealand
                                                                                                   Lao PDR
                                                                                                                                                                                                Sri Lanka
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Papua New Guinea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Solomon Islands
                                                                   High-Income EAP                                              East Asia                          South Asia                                  Pacific Islands

Source: WHO Global Health Repository, 2019 (using 2016 data).

                                            Traffic death rates are affected by road-system safety features, as well as by topography, traffic
                                            regulations, and behavioral customs. As such, although the annual traffic death rate is an
                                            indirect and partial measure of road quality, it is a useful indicator of overall road-system
                                            Singapore, the Maldives, and Japan exhibit the lowest traffic death rates, followed by New
                                            Zealand and Fiji.
                                            Amongst emerging economies, the Maldives notably has the lowest traffic death rate (only
                                            0.9 per 100,000 people in 2016). Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and India, on the other
                                            hand, have the highest traffic death rates (more than 20 per 100,000 people).
                                            Intra-regionally, South Asia (14.6 percent) and the Pacific Islands (13.7 percent) have lower
                                            average traffic death rates compared to East Asia (19.0 percent).

30 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
 Total CO2 Emissions from Road Transport (MTCO2)

    Brunei Darussalam
         New Zealand
            Sri Lanka

                         0        50     100     150         200        250       300      600      650       700      750

                             High-Income EAP     East Asia          South Asia

                    Source: IEA Statistics, Total CO2 Emissions from Road Transport,
                    2019 (using 2017 data).

High-income Asia and East Asia have generally higher volumes of transport CO2 emissions
that other regions, with the exception of India. China and India - the region’s two largest
economies - have the largest road networks and populations and highest levels of road
transport emissions.

                                                                   Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 31
                      Looking Forward

                      This report takes stock of the status of access, quality, and costs of infrastructure service
                      across East Asia, South Asia and the Pacific Islands. Inevitably, the exercise can draw only
                      on available data. Although this can bring focus to the most evident areas of need, and
                      spur key questions about critical relationships amongst the dimensions of infrastructure
                      service, the quality of infrastructure must be more deeply examined in order to be able
                      to make important decisions about how and where to focus investments and development
                      efforts. Additional research can provide a better diagnostic of the status of infrastructure, by
                      exploring the relationships between quality and access, and by further examining linkages
                      between status indicators; economic and human development indicators; and infrastructure
                      governance and investment.
                      The results suggest that there are marked differences in access to and quality of services
                      between countries (particularly, between low- and medium-income East Asian countries,
                      and between ASEAN, South Asia, and the Pacific Islands), as well as between rural and urban
                      communities. Large-scale investments are still required, particularly in water and sanitation
                      and transport, in several low- and middle-income countries.
                      In the case of water supply, records on non-revenue water suggest that there is a need to
                      rehabilitate aging and under-performing urban supply systems. Data also demonstrates
                      a need to connect users to water-supply networks in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Mongolia,
                      Myanmar, and the Philippines; across the Pacific Islands (except for Fiji); and across South
                      Asia (except for Bhutan and the Maldives). Although extending access remains important,
                      such developments must include upgrading existing assets and improving the maintenance
                      and efficiency of utility operations. Urban areas require financial support to address the
                      insufficient access and quality of sewerage connections and wastewater treatment across the
                      region. Additionally, access to paved roads is low, particularly in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao
                      PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Afghanistan,
                      Bhutan, the Maldives, and Pakistan.
                      Many countries also lack updated data on access, quality, tariffs and costs, limiting the strength
                      of regional comparisons. This is, undoubtedly, the most significant challenge with respect to
                      understanding the status of infrastructure services. Better quality and more extensive data
                      would also allow for deeper analysis of potential causal factors for and correlations between
                      quality, access, and tariffs and costs. Moreover, current data is insufficient to appraise the
                      affordability of infrastructure services or the efficiency of current approaches to delivery,

32 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
Geographically, the most notable data deficiencies are in the Pacific Islands. Topically, data
is limited in the areas of cost recovery, road costing, and road quality. Moreover, the direct
comparability and generalizability of tariff and cost data at the national level is compromised,
because reported figures are for different years and different samples of utilities.
In addition to the issues on the previous page, these needs include up-to-date, comparable
cross-country data on per-unit tariffs and costs (capital and operational), because current
estimates are limited to urban areas and, often, the largest cities. This would also enable a
better assessment of cost-recovery levels for both electricity and water utilities. Given the
importance of water quality to public health, there is a need to collect water-quality data
(such as the presence of coliforms, etc.) in piped-water systems. In general, there is little
information on the cost of road construction, nor is there an objective quality assessment.
Aspects of infrastructure-services delivery are often difficult to compare across countries, not
only due to data issues, but also due to the high variation in developmental priorities, physical
geographies, the availability of natural-resource inputs, and complexities in the measurement
of aspects such as efficiency. Nevertheless, this report provides a starting point for engaging
in data-informed dialogue about priority areas for developing quality infrastructure to most
effectively serve economic and social development needs.

                                                          Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 33
Minimum, maximum, and mean values for each indicator are calculated based on data from all countries
included in the study, and for which data is available.
Values in each cell are provided in the following format: minimum / average / maximum.

                                         ACCESS                                                QUALITY
                                         Urban (%)                     73.77 / 97.60 / 100     Electricity Quality (1–7)           2.8 / 4.9 / 6.9

          ELECTRICITY                    Rural (%)                     50.42 / 86.55 / 100     T&D Losses (%)                    12.28 / 22.64 / 33

                                         Total (%)                     54.43 / 90.43 / 100     System Average Interruption
                                                                                                                                   0 / 58.1 / 940
                                                                                               Duration (hours)

                                         TARIFF & COST                                         System Average Interruption
                                                                                                                                   0 / 28.7 / 500
                                                                                               Frequency (# per year)
                                         Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)          0.04 / 0.17 / 0.89
                                                                                               CO2 Emissions (electricity)
                                         Average Operational Cost                                                                0 / 382.9 / 4618.2
                                                                        0.01 / 0.08 / 0.26     (MTCO2)
                                         of Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                               Renewables (%)                      0 / 29.32 / 100
                                         Levelized Cost of Energy
                                                                        0.04 / 0.10 / 0.17
                                         (US$/KWh)                                             Avg. Time to Connect (days)        13 / 66.93 / 179

                                         ACCESS                                                QUALITY
                                         Rural Accessibility (%)         6.5 / 45.5 / 93.3     Road Quality (1–7)                  2.6 / 4.2 / 6.4

      ROAD TRANSPORT                                                                           Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
                                                                                                                                  0.9 / 14.9 / 32.7
                                                                                               people per year)

                                                                                               CO2 Emissions (road transport)
                                                                                                                                 1.3 / 89.7 / 726.3

                                         ACCESS                                                ACCESS
                                         Piped Water, Urban (%)       22.66 / 68.79 / 98.88    Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)        1.73 / 22.43 / 79.36

           WATER &                       Piped Water, Rural (%)       2.50 / 33.69 / 83.73     Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)        1.00 / 8.94 / 38.50

          SANITATION                     Piped Water, Total (%)       14.90 / 50.20 / 98.79    Piped Sewerage, Total (%)        1.11 / 23.42 / 83.76

                                         TARIFF & COST                                         TARIFF & COST
                                         Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                        0.02 / 0.49 / 3.87     Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)        0.01 / 0.39 / 2.32

                                         Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted                            Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                        0.10 / 0.81 / 5.80                                       0.02 / 0.49 / 2.11
                                         (US$/m3)                                              Adjusted (US$/m3)

                                         Operational Expenditure,                              Operational Expenditure,
                                                                        0.11 / 0.62 / 2.08
                                         Water (US$/m3)                                        Wastewater (US$/population        0 / 64.32 / 503.20
                                         Operational Cost Coverage
                                                                        0.39 / 1.25 / 2.57

                                         Operational Expenditure,
                                         Water and Wastewater           0.12 / 0.58 / 2.61     Wastewater Treatment (%)            0 / 21.2 / 100
                                                                                               Wastewater Connection (%)            0 / 25 / 100

                                         Non-Revenue Water (%)          2.74 / 29.76 / 59.93

                                         Water Quality
                                                                        75.23 / 95.47 / 100
                                         (% passing chlorine test)

36 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                           POPULATION 37,172,386 | GDP PER CAPITA US$521

                                               ACCESS                                             QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                          Urban (%)                              99.50       Electricity Quality (1–7)           –
While overall access to all sources of elec-   Rural (%)                              97.09       T&D Losses (%)                     33.0
tricity is quite high, access to grid elec-
tricity is only approximately 31% (World       Total (%)                              97.70       System Average Interruption
Bank Energy estimate based on utility                                                             Duration (hours)
data). Rural access in Afghanistan is low-     TARIFF & COST                                      System Average Interruption
er than the regional average. Although                                                                                                –
                                                                                                  Frequency (# per year)
most service-quality data are unavailable,     Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)                   0.10
                                                                                                  CO2 Emissions (electricity)
quality is reportedly poor, leading to         Average Operational Cost of                                                            –
                                                                                       0.03       (MTCO2)
challenging conditions for residents and       Generation (US$/KWh)
businesses. This may partly be due to the                                                         Renewables (%)                    12.67
                                               Levelized Cost of Energy
decentralized power supply across the                                                  N/A
                                               (US$/KWh)                                          Avg. Time to Connect (days)        114
country, with limited interconnectedness.

        ROAD TRANSPORT                         ACCESS                                             QUALITY
Road data reflects poor access and road        Rural Accessibility (%)                 20.3       Road Quality (1–7)                  –
quality. The road transport master plan
prepared by the ADB estimated that 85%                                                            Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
                                                                                                  people per year)
of the road network is in poor condition.
Afghanistan experiences significantly                                                             CO2 Emissions (road transport)
higher traffic mortality than its regional                                                        (MTCO2)
neighbors, and a low proportion of paved

                     WATER &                   ACCESS                                             ACCESS
                     SANITATION                Piped Water, Urban (%)                 45.10       Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)          8.14
Afghanistan ranks lower than its regional      Piped Water, Rural (%)                 13.76       Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)          <1.0
neighbors in all water-and-sanitation
access indicators. With a diarrheal disease    Piped Water, Total (%)                 21.67       Piped Sewerage, Total (%)          2.60
burden almost twice that of the region,
significant investments in quality and         TARIFF & COST (KABUL)                              TARIFF & COST (KABUL)
access are required.
                                               Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                      0.34        Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)          –
A multi-agency led Community-Led To-
                                               Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted (US$/m3)    1.27        Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
tal Sanitation project, in partnership with                                                       Adjusted (US$/m3)
the government, aims to end open defe-         Operational Expenditure, Water
cation by 2030. The initiative is expected     and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            Operational Expenditure,
                                                                                                  Wastewater (US$/population          –
to improve rural sanitation access.            Operational Cost Coverage Ratio        1.01        served)

                                               Operational Expenditure, Water
                                               and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            QUALITY
                                                                                                  Wastewater Treatment (%)           <1.0
                                                                                                  Wastewater Connection (%)          8.0
                                               Non-Revenue Water (%)                  41.21

                                               Water Quality
                                               (% passing chlorine test)

                                                                             Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 37
                           POPULATION 161,356,039 | GDP PER CAPITA US$1,698

                                               ACCESS                                    QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                          Urban (%)                         99.5    Electricity Quality (1–7)         3.7
Rural access to electricity in Bangladesh      Rural (%)                         81.28   T&D Losses (%)                   11.0
is significantly lower than the regional
average along with high transmission           Total (%)                         88.00   System Average Interruption
losses and high tariffs. Use of                                                          Duration (hours)
renewables is notably low, which may           TARIFF & COST                             System Average Interruption
be contributing to high tariffs and                                                                                         –
                                                                                         Frequency (# per year)
limited access.                                Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)             0.08
                                                                                         CO2 Emissions (electricity)
                                               Average Operational Cost of                                                36.9
                                                                                 0.07    (MTCO2)
                                               Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                         Renewables (%)                   1.23
                                               Levelized Cost of Energy
                                               (US$/KWh)                                 Avg. Time to Connect (days)      125

The survey-based indicator shows that          ACCESS                                    QUALITY
the quality of road infrastructure is          Rural Accessibility (%)           47.0    Road Quality (1–7)                3.1
perceived to be very poor. Dhaka has
alarming levels of congestion, and the                                                   Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
traffic death rate is also high. These                                                   people per year)
factors have recently sparked major                                                      CO2 Emissions (road transport)
debate around the need for tariff reform                                                 (MTCO2)
as well as strict implementation of traffic
regulations on both urban streets and

                      WATER &                  ACCESS                                    ACCESS
                                               Piped Water, Urban (%)            37.08   Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)        14.36
Water and sanitation access are
                                               Piped Water, Rural (%)            2.50    Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)        <1.0
significantly low, with rural areas lagging
behind urban areas by a wide margin.           Piped Water, Total (%)            14.90   Piped Sewerage, Total (%)        5.24
Formal piped access remains demand-
driven in urban areas. Combined with           TARIFF & COST (DHAKA)                     TARIFF & COST (DHAKA)
high population densities, this may lead
to a high disease burden.                      Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                 0.12    Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)       0.12

Rapid-response mechanisms in health            Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted        0.29    Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                         Adjusted (US$/m3)
centers that specialize in diarrheal disease   Operational Expenditure, Water
and public-information campaigns               and Wastewater (US$/m3)                   Operational Expenditure,
have led to a decrease in the number                                                     Wastewater (US$/population       4.67
                                               Operational Cost Coverage Ratio   1.33    served)
of diarrheal deaths, but infrastructure
services will be challenged to support         Operational Expenditure, Water
further gains in sanitation.                   and Wastewater (US$/m3)                   QUALITY
                                                                                         Wastewater Treatment (%)         <1.0
                                                                                         Wastewater Connection (%)         2.0
                                               Non-Revenue Water (%)             21.56

                                               Water Quality
                                               (% passing chlorine test)

38 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                          POPULATION 754,394 | GDP PER CAPITA US$3,360

                                             ACCESS                                             QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                        Urban (%)                              99.10       Electricity Quality (1–7)          5.8
Bhutan’s electricity sector performs very    Rural (%)                              96.76       T&D Losses (%)                      –
well compared to other countries in
the region in terms of access, quality,      Total (%)                              97.70       System Average Interruption
and affordability. Bhutan has attained                                                          Duration (hours)
near-total access in both urban and          TARIFF & COST                                      System Average Interruption
rural areas. Ambitious targets to reach                                                                                            2.9
                                                                                                Frequency (# per year)
full electrification by 2020 were revised,   Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)                   0.04
                                                                                                CO2 Emissions (electricity)
and Bhutan Power Corporation has             Average Operational Cost of                                                            –
                                                                                     0.08       (MTCO2)
continued expanding the distribution         Generation (US$/KWh)
network to hard-to-reach locations,                                                             Renewables (%)                    99.99
                                             Levelized Cost of Energy
especially with greater investment in                                                 –
                                             (US$/KWh)                                          Avg. Time to Connect (days)        61
clean energy and renewables, capitalizing
on high access to hydropower resources.
Electricity generation costs are low, but
data on T&D loss and renewable energy
is missing.

                                             ACCESS                                             QUALITY
                                             Rural Accessibility (%)                 34.2       Road Quality (1–7)                  –
Difficult terrain and dispersed
                                                                                                Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
communities increase the challenge of                                                           people per year)
road connectivity. This is reflected in a
relatively low ratio of paved roads and                                                         CO2 Emissions (road transport)
higher-than-average traffic death rates.
Nevertheless, road-surface conditions are
generally very good.

                     WATER &                 ACCESS                                             ACCESS
                                             Piped Water, Urban (%)                 >99.0       Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)         12.30
Although Bhutan is a regional leader in
                                             Piped Water, Rural (%)                 >99.0       Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)          1.15
aggregate access rates for water, there
is still low accessibility of sanitation.    Piped Water, Total (%)                 >99.0       Piped Sewerage, Total (%)          5.63
Possibly as a result of this, deaths from
waterborne diseases are quite high. No       TARIFF & COST (THIMPHU)                            TARIFF & COST (THIMPHU)
operational cost information is available.
                                             Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                     0.04       Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)          –

                                             Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted              0.11       Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                                Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                      –         Operational Expenditure,
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                                Wastewater (US$/population          –
                                             Operational Cost Coverage Ratio         1.75       served)

                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            QUALITY
                                                                                                Wastewater Treatment (%)           <1.0
                                                                                                Wastewater Connection (%)          10.0
                                             Non-Revenue Water (%)                  33.96

                                             Water Quality
                                             (% passing chlorine test)

                                                                           Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 39
                          BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
                          POPULATION 428,962 | GDP PER CAPITA US$31,628

                                            ACCESS                                     QUALITY
         ELECTRICITY                        Urban (%)                         100.00   Electricity Quality (1–7)        5.4
Rich in fossil fuels and natural gas,       Rural (%)                         100.00   T&D Losses (%)                   6.4
Brunei Darussalam’s electricity sector
performs very well in terms of access,      Total (%)                         100.00   System Average Interruption
quality, and costs. Tariffs and costs                                                  Duration (hours)
are extremely low compared to other         TARIFF & COST                              System Average Interruption
countries in the region. To reduce CO2                                                                                  0.3
                                                                                       Frequency (# per year)
emissions, the country aims to increase     Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)               –
                                                                                       CO2 Emissions (electricity)
the share of renewable energy to 10         Average Operational Cost of                                                 2.6
                                                                                –      (MTCO2)
percent by 2035.                            Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                       Renewables (%)                   0.05
                                            Levelized Cost of Energy
                                            (US$/KWh)                                  Avg. Time to Connect (days)      25

                                            ACCESS                                     QUALITY
                                            Rural Accessibility (%)             –      Road Quality (1–7)               4.9
Road-quality survey scores rate Brunei
                                                                                       Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
Darussalam second highest in the EAP                                                   people per year)
region, after Singapore. The country is
amply funded from natural-resource                                                     CO2 Emissions (road transport)
revenues that serve a small population in
a small land area. Thus, investment and
maintenance of roads is well funded.

                    WATER &                 ACCESS                                     ACCESS
                                            Piped Water, Urban (%)            >99.0    Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)         –
Brunei Darussalam performs well over-
                                            Piped Water, Rural (%)            >99.0    Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)         –
all, though some improvements are still
needed to improve water treatment. Data     Piped Water, Total (%)            >99.0    Piped Sewerage, Total (%)         –
on tariffs and costs is limited.
                                            TARIFF & COST (BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN)        TARIFF & COST (BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN)
                                            Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                               0.08    Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)        –

                                            Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted         0.14    Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                       Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                            Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                –      Operational Expenditure,
                                            and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                       Wastewater (US$/population        –
                                            Operational Cost Coverage Ratio     –      served)

                                            Operational Expenditure, Water
                                            and Wastewater (US$/m3)                    QUALITY
                                                                                       Wastewater Treatment (%)          -
                                                                                       Wastewater Connection (%)        44.0
                                            Non-Revenue Water (%)               –

                                            Water Quality
                                            (% passing chlorine test)

40 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                          POPULATION 16,249,798 | GDP PER CAPITA US$1,510

                                            ACCESS                                             QUALITY
         ELECTRICITY                        Urban (%)                              99.06       Electricity Quality (1–7)          3.5
Cambodia’s electricity sector faces         Rural (%)                              86.09       T&D Losses (%)                     13.7
serious problems with respect to
access, quality, and tariffs. Although      Total (%)                              89.07       System Average Interruption
urban access and T&D losses have                                                               Duration (hours)
significantly improved, access in rural     TARIFF & COST                                      System Average Interruption
areas is the lowest among East Asian                                                                                              15.4
                                                                                               Frequency (# per year)
countries, due to underinvestment.          Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)                   0.19
                                                                                               CO2 Emissions (electricity)
Losses are huge, and interruptions are      Average Operational Cost of                                                           4.1
                                                                                    0.08       (MTCO2)
frequent. These system deficiencies and     Generation (US$/KWh)
high dependencies on imported oil lead                                                         Renewables (%)                    46.42
                                            Levelized Cost of Energy
to high electricity costs.                                                           –
                                            (US$/KWh)                                          Avg. Time to Connect (days)        179

                                            ACCESS                                             QUALITY
                                            Rural Accessibility (%)                 38.1       Road Quality (1–7)                 3.3
Cambodia’s roads generally have good or
                                                                                               Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
fair surface conditions, but the quality                                                       people per year)
of road infrastructure is still perceived
as poor. The core problems seem to be                                                          CO2 Emissions (road transport)
low connectivity and inefficiency (ADB

                    WATER &                 ACCESS                                             ACCESS
                                            Piped Water, Urban (%)                 77.28       Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)         50.83
There is a significant disparity between
                                            Piped Water, Rural (%)                 10.87       Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)          3.43
access rates in urban centers (home to
21 percent of the population) and rural     Piped Water, Total (%)                 26.13       Piped Sewerage, Total (%)         14.32
areas. Rural rates are below the regional
average. Phnom Penh Water Authority         TARIFF & COST (PHNOM PENH)                         TARIFF & COST (PHNOM PENH)
performs well, with a low rate of non-
revenue water, low operation costs,         Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                    0.15       Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)         0.02
and high cost recovery, but it needs to     Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted              0.38       Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
improve wastewater treatment quality, as                                                                                          0.02
                                                                                               Adjusted (US$/m3)
wastewater-treatment facilities face        Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                    0.12       Operational Expenditure,
                                            and Wastewater (US$/m3)
a severe shortage of capacity.                                                                 Wastewater (US$/population          –
                                            Operational Cost Coverage Ratio         2.57       served)

                                            Operational Expenditure, Water
                                            and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            QUALITY
                                                                                               Wastewater Treatment (%)           <1.0
                                                                                               Wastewater Connection (%)          10.0
                                            Non-Revenue Water (%)                   6.74

                                            Water Quality
                                            (% passing chlorine test)

                                                                          Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 41
                           POPULATION 1,392,730,000 | GDP PER CAPITA US$9,771

                                              ACCESS                                     QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                         Urban (%)                         100.00   Electricity Quality (1–7)         5.0
China’s electricity sector performs           Rural (%)                         99.97    T&D Losses (%)                    5.1
generally well in terms of access, quality,
and tariffs. To narrow performance gaps       Total (%)                         100.00   System Average Interruption
with respect to regional benchmarking                                                    Duration (hours)
countries, China must further reduce          TARIFF & COST                              System Average Interruption
interruption durations and frequencies.                                                                                    0.2
                                                                                         Frequency (# per year)
Moreover, the time necessary for              Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)              0.10
                                                                                         CO2 Emissions (electricity)
businesses to get electricity connections     Average Operational Cost of                                                 4618.2
                                                                                 0.05    (MTCO2)
is the second worst in East Asia,             Generation (US$/KWh)
requiring government administrative                                                      Renewables (%)                   26.00
attention. As the largest producer of         Levelized Cost of Energy
                                              (US$/KWh)                                  Avg. Time to Connect (days)       32
CO2 emissions in the world, a focus on
renewables will remain important.

        ROAD TRANSPORT                        ACCESS                                     QUALITY
Road-quality surveys and the ratio of         Rural Accessibility (%)            57.4    Road Quality (1–7)                 .6
paved roads are relatively high compared
to regional averages. From 2012 to                                                       Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
                                                                                         people per year)
2017, the country built and renovated
1.28 million kilometers of rural roads.                                                  CO2 Emissions (road transport)
Though it has been investing intensively                                                 (MTCO2)
in transport, further effort is needed to
enhance the rural transport network.

                      WATER &                 ACCESS                                     ACCESS
                      SANITATION              Piped Water, Urban (%)            92.22    Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)        79.36
Utility performance information from
                                              Piped Water, Rural (%)            53.77    Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)        38.50
IBNET comes mostly from Shandong
Province. Although China provides better      Piped Water, Total (%)            76.06    Piped Sewerage, Total (%)        62.18
access and quality of water and sanitation
than other countries in the region, tariffs   TARIFF & COST (SHANGHAI)                   TARIFF & COST (SHANGHAI)
and operating costs remain high.
                                              Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                 0.28    Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)        0.23

                                              Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted         0.50    Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                         Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                              Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                 0.41    Operational Expenditure,
                                              and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                         Wastewater (US$/population         –
                                              Operational Cost Coverage Ratio    0.76    served)

                                              Operational Expenditure, Water
                                              and Wastewater (US$/m3)                    QUALITY
                                                                                         Wastewater Treatment (%)         <1.0
                                                                                         Wastewater Connection (%)         56.0
                                              Non-Revenue Water (%)             20.54

                                              Water Quality
                                              (% passing chlorine test)

42 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                           POPULATION 883,483 | GDP PER CAPITA US$6,267

                                                ACCESS                                             QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                           Urban (%)                              99.92       Electricity Quality (1–7)           –
Fiji’s electricity sector performs very         Rural (%)                              91.06       T&D Losses (%)                      –
well compared to other countries in
terms of access, quality, and tariffs.          Total (%)                              96.00       System Average Interruption
Access in rural areas has significantly                                                            Duration (hours)
improved. Gains in rural electrification        TARIFF & COST                                      System Average Interruption
are attributed to proactive government                                                                                                4.7
                                                                                                   Frequency (# per year)
initiatives, including grid extensions.         Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)                    –
                                                                                                   CO2 Emissions (electricity)
The government needs to focus                   Average Operational Cost of                                                            –
                                                                                        0.10       (MTCO2)
attention on reducing the time for              Generation (US$/KWh)
businesses to secure electricity services.                                                         Renewables (%)                    45.02
                                                Levelized Cost of Energy
                                                (US$/KWh)                                          Avg. Time to Connect (days)        81

                                                ACCESS                                             QUALITY
                                                Rural Accessibility (%)                  –         Road Quality (1–7)                  –
Though the ratio of paved roads is very
                                                                                                   Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
high compared to other countries in the                                                            people per year)
Pacific Islands, it is still relatively poor
overall. As with other Pacific Island states,                                                      CO2 Emissions (road transport)
data on transport is limited.

                      WATER &                   ACCESS                                             ACCESS
                      SANITATION                Piped Water, Urban (%)                 97.01       Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)           –
Fiji is a regional leader in aggregate
                                                Piped Water, Rural (%)                 74.32       Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)           –
access rates for piped water, with recent
significant increases in rural access. Data     Piped Water, Total (%)                 86.97       Piped Sewerage, Total (%)           –
is not available for piped-wastewater
access, but there has been a notable            TARIFF & COST (SUVA)                               TARIFF & COST (SUVA)
increase in the wastewater-treatment rate
since 2017 (up from 4 percent). Tariffs         Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                        0.08       Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)         0.10
and operating costs are cheaper than            Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted              0.12       Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
regional averages, though cost recovery                                                                                               0.16
                                                                                                   Adjusted (US$/m3)
has not been attained.                          Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                        0.75       Operational Expenditure,
                                                and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                                   Wastewater (US$/population        33.07
                                                Operational Cost Coverage Ratio         0.81       served)

                                                Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            QUALITY
                                                                                                   Wastewater Treatment (%)           10.0
                                                                                                   Wastewater Connection (%)          39.0
                                                Non-Revenue Water (%)                  45.06

                                                Water Quality
                                                (% passing chlorine test)

                                                                              Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 43
                            POPULATION 1,352,617,328 | GDP PER CAPITA US$2,010

                                                ACCESS                                    QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                           Urban (%)                         99.21   Electricity Quality (1–7)         4.7
Access in rural areas lags in comparison        Rural (%)                         89.31   T&D Losses (%)                    18.6
to urban regions, due to distribution
challenges. The tariff rate is below the        Total (%)                         92.62   System Average Interruption
regional average, due to decreasing                                                       Duration (hours)
renewable tariffs, especially for solar         TARIFF & COST                             System Average Interruption
power. The quality of supply is rated                                                                                       2.6
                                                                                          Frequency (# per year)
moderately, but fares slightly better than      Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)             0.09
                                                                                          CO2 Emissions (electricity)
the regional average. Although there is         Average Operational Cost of                                                1100.4
                                                                                    –     (MTCO2)
scope for improvement, several steps are        Generation (US$/KWh)
being taken by the government to reduce                                                   Renewables (%)                   15.34
losses and strengthen the T&D network,          Levelized Cost of Energy
                                                (US$/KWh)                                 Avg. Time to Connect (days)       53
especially in rural areas.

The Government of India has laid out
an ambitious target of building 83.6            ACCESS                                    QUALITY
thousand kilometers of roads in five
                                                Rural Accessibility (%)           42.8    Road Quality (1–7)                4.4
years, at an estimated cost of US$108
billion. In 2017 alone, India constructed                                                 Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
9,800 kilometers of roads, doubling the                                                   people per year)
build rate from the previous year. India                                                  CO2 Emissions (road transport)
fares better than other countries in South                                                                                 256.7
Asia for road quality, but the traffic death
rate remains high, with about 1.2 million
road deaths from 2007 to 2017.

                      WATER &                   ACCESS                                    ACCESS
                      SANITATION                Piped Water, Urban (%)            67.87   Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)        29.55
India has good rates of access for both
                                                Piped Water, Rural (%)            31.53   Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)        <1.0
piped water and sanitation, coupled with
relatively low tariffs. Nevertheless, utility   Piped Water, Total (%)            43.74   Piped Sewerage, Total (%)        10.56
data from 2009 across 12 provinces
revealed poor continuity, high system           TARIFF & COST (MUMBAI)                    TARIFF & COST (MUMBAI)
losses, and inadequate cost recovery.
                                                Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                  0.19    Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)        0.05

                                                Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted        0.61    Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                          Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                                Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                   –      Operational Expenditure,
                                                and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                          Wastewater (US$/population        0.00
                                                Operational Cost Coverage Ratio   0.39    served)

                                                Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                and Wastewater (US$/m3)                   QUALITY
                                                                                          Wastewater Treatment (%)          19.2
                                                                                          Wastewater Connection (%)         11.7
                                                Non-Revenue Water (%)             32.90

                                                Water Quality
                                                (% passing chlorine test)

44 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                           POPULATION 267,663,435 | GDP PER CAPITA US$3,894

                                            ACCESS                                             QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                       Urban (%)                              100.00      Electricity Quality (1–7)          4.4
Access to electricity is widespread         Rural (%)                              95.66       T&D Losses (%)                     9.4
across the country, but rural areas still
have the lowest connectivity rates. In      Total (%)                              98.14       System Average Interruption
general, most quality indicators are                                                           Duration (hours)
high. Nevertheless, Indonesia’s share       TARIFF & COST                                      System Average Interruption
of renewable energy is low, propelling                                                                                            2.2
                                                                                               Frequency (# per year)
the government to increase efforts to       Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)                   0.09
                                                                                               CO2 Emissions (electricity)
reach its target of 23 percent of energy    Average Operational Cost of                                                          195.9
                                                                                    0.10       (MTCO2)
derived from renewables by 2025.            Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                               Renewables (%)                    10.65
                                            Levelized Cost of Energy
                                            (US$/KWh)                                          Avg. Time to Connect (days)        32

                                            ACCESS                                             QUALITY
                                            Rural Accessibility (%)                 47.9       Road Quality (1–7)                 3.9
Indonesia has relatively high-quality
                                                                                               Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
roads and a high ratio of paved roads,                                                         people per year)
which contributes to a low road traffic
death rate.                                                                                    CO2 Emissions (road transport)

                      WATER &               ACCESS                                             ACCESS
                      SANITATION            Piped Water, Urban (%)                 22.66       Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)          9.52
Indonesia has low access to piped water
                                            Piped Water, Rural (%)                 13.01       Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)         13.53
by regional standards, and the lowest
wastewater-treatment score in the region.   Piped Water, Total (%)                 18.28       Piped Sewerage, Total (%)         11.34
There is limited information on piped
sanitation access. Tariff and NRW data      TARIFF & COST (JAKARTA)                            TARIFF & COST (JAKARTA)
come from PALYJA, a private consortium
operating in western Jakarta, where both    Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                    0.46       Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)          _
reported costs and tariffs are relatively   Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted              1.23       Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
high.                                                                                                                              –
                                                                                               Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                            Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                     –         Operational Expenditure,
                                            and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                               Wastewater (US$/population          –
                                            Operational Cost Coverage Ratio         1.05       served)

                                            Operational Expenditure, Water
                                            and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            QUALITY
                                                                                               Wastewater Treatment (%)           1.0
                                                                                               Wastewater Connection (%)          2.5
                                            Non-Revenue Water (%)                  32.80

                                            Water Quality
                                            (% passing chlorine test)

                                                                          Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 45
                            LAO PDR
                            POPULATION 7,061,507 | GDP PER CAPITA US$2,542

                                                 ACCESS                                    QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                            Urban (%)                         99.50   Electricity Quality (1–7)         4.8
Although access has significantly
improved due to rapid power-                     Rural (%)                         90.51   T&D Losses (%)                   12.3
generation capacity increases, Lao               Total (%)                         93.60   System Average Interruption
PDR still has not reached a regional                                                       Duration (hours)
average level. Interruption duration
and frequency, although improved,                TARIFF & COST                             System Average Interruption
                                                                                           Frequency (# per year)
also remain problematic, largely due to          Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)             0.08
natural disasters and poor electricity-                                                    CO2 Emissions (electricity)
                                                 Average Operational Cost of               (MTCO2)
equipment quality.                                                                 0.09
                                                 Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                           Renewables (%)                   81.00
                                                 Levelized Cost of Energy
                                                 (US$/KWh)                                 Avg. Time to Connect (days)       87

The Lao PDR road network is vulnerable
to climate change impacts, including
floods and landslides. Every year, a
significant amount of the government
budget is spent on disaster recovery and         ACCESS                                    QUALITY
emergency repair. In addition, a large
segment of the population lives in rural         Rural Accessibility (%)           31.5    Road Quality (1–7)                3.2
areas where road access is restricted in                                                   Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
the rainy season. Lao PDR is located in                                                    people per year)
the hub of Greater Mekong Sub-region                                                       CO2 Emissions (road transport)
(GMS) countries, and has seen an increase                                                                                     –
in transit traffic. Therefore, it is essential
to undertake climate resilient road
improvement and raise the standards of
the core road network serving regional
connectivity to the ASEAN standards.

                                                 ACCESS                                    ACCESS
                      WATER &
                                                 Piped Water, Urban (%)            82.34   Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)        1.94
                                                 Piped Water, Rural (%)            32.28   Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)        <1.0
Although Lao PDR has the largest
water resources per capita in Asia, access       Piped Water, Total (%)            49.48   Piped Sewerage, Total (%)        1.11
and quality are still serious problems,
especially for sanitation, which is              TARIFF & COST (VIENTIANE)                 TARIFF & COST (VIENTIANE)
characterized by an inadequate sewerage
system and poor wastewater-treatment             Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                   0.19    Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)         –
facilities.                                      Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted        0.49    Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                           Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                                 Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                    –      Operational Expenditure,
                                                 and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                           Wastewater (US$/population         –
                                                 Operational Cost Coverage Ratio   0.87    served)

                                                 Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                 and Wastewater (US$/m3)                   QUALITY
                                                                                           Wastewater Treatment (%)         <1.0
                                                                                           Wastewater Connection (%)        <1.0
                                                 Non-Revenue Water (%)             29.17

                                                 Water Quality
                                                 (% passing chlorine test)

46 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                           POPULATION 31,528,585 | GDP PER CAPITA US$11,373

                                              ACCESS                                             QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                         Urban (%)                              100.00      Electricity Quality (1–7)          5.9
The electricity sector performs very          Rural (%)                              100.00      T&D Losses (%)                     5.9
well compared to the rest of the region.
Per-capita consumption is the third           Total (%)                              100.00      System Average Interruption
largest in the region, after Brunei (9.3)                                                        Duration (hours)
and Singapore (9.0), although the gap         TARIFF & COST                                      System Average Interruption
remains large. Malaysia is expected                                                                                                 0.5
                                                                                                 Frequency (# per year)
to further increase supply to support         Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)                   0.10
                                                                                                 CO2 Emissions (electricity)
economic growth and also aims to              Average Operational Cost of                                                          106.9
                                                                                      0.06       (MTCO2)
decrease dependence on fossil fuels by        Generation (US$/KWh)
investing in renewables.                                                                         Renewables (%)                     9.96
                                              Levelized Cost of Energy
                                              (US$/KWh)                                          Avg. Time to Connect (days)        24

Malaysia made rapid improvements in           ACCESS                                             QUALITY
road-surface conditions and now enjoys
                                              Rural Accessibility (%)                 50.1       Road Quality (1–7)                 5.5
the second-highest-rated roads in the
region, after Singapore. Nevertheless,                                                           Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
the traffic death rate is slightly higher                                                        people per year)
than the regional average. Because                                                               CO2 Emissions (road transport)
the motorcycle is a popular mode of                                                              (MTCO2)
transportation, further improvement of
road quality and safety for motorcyclists
is important.

                     WATER &                  ACCESS                                             ACCESS
                     SANITATION               Piped Water, Urban (%)                 98.88       Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)           –
Malaysia is a regional leader in access (in
                                              Piped Water, Rural (%)                 81.20       Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)           –
terms of piped water and wastewater) and
sanitation quality (in terms of DALY rate,    Piped Water, Total (%)                 94.54       Piped Sewerage, Total (%)         79.18
and treatment rate). Significant increases
in wastewater-treatment rates are major       TARIFF & COST (KUALA LUMPUR)                       TARIFF & COST (KUALA LUMPUR)
gains. Tariffs are generally lower than in
regional neighbors, although operating        Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                      0.13       Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)         0.05
costs are slightly higher. Malaysia needs     Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted              0.34       Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
to focus on further reducing non-revenue                                                         Adjusted (US$/m3)
water levels.                                 Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                       –         Operational Expenditure,
                                              and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                                 Wastewater (US$/population          –
                                              Operational Cost Coverage Ratio         1.15       served)

                                              Operational Expenditure, Water
                                              and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            QUALITY
                                                                                                 Wastewater Treatment (%)           61.6
                                                                                                 Wastewater Connection (%)          31.8
                                              Non-Revenue Water (%)                  35.50

                                              Water Quality
                                              (% passing chlorine test)

                                                                            Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 47
                          POPULATION 515,696 | GDP PER CAPITA US$10,331

                                              ACCESS                                        QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                         Urban (%)                          99.70      Electricity Quality (1–7)          –
Maldives has 100% electricity access          Rural (%)                          99.86      T&D Losses (%)                     –
since 2008. It is dependent on fossil
fuels, mostly imports, for its electricity    Total (%)                          99.80      System Average Interruption
needs. The tariffs are above the regional                                                   Duration (hours)
average mostly due to the geographical        TARIFF & COST                                 System Average Interruption
disadvantages and high dependence on                                                                                          2.5
                                                                                            Frequency (# per year)
foreign oil. The Government’s SREP            Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)               0.31
                                                                                            CO2 Emissions (electricity)
(Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program)         Average Operational Cost of                                                      –
                                                                                0.30-0.40   (MTCO2)
is transforming its Energy Sector by          Generation (US$/KWh)
building in-house RE capacity and                                                           Renewables (%)                   1.28
                                              Levelized Cost of Energy
improving national energy security.                                                –
                                              (US$/KWh)                                     Avg. Time to Connect (days)       75

Since Maldives is a collection of many
small islands and atolls, the need for        ACCESS                                        QUALITY
and availability of land transportation
is minimal. Except for a few islands, the     Rural Accessibility (%)              6.5      Road Quality (1–7)                 –
land area of islands is very small – most                                                   Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
of them are less than a square kilometer.                                                                                     0.9
                                                                                            people per year)
Land transport vehicles are found in the
                                                                                            CO2 Emissions (road transport)
capital island, Male. However, a key issue                                                  (MTCO2)
facing infrastructure, including roads,
stems from climate change risks especially
rising sea levels. Resilient infrastructure
tends to require large upfront costs,
which is fiscally challenging in a context
such as the Maldives, where the unit
cost of construction per capita is already
higher than other countries due to the        ACCESS                                        ACCESS
large geographical dispersion of the          Piped Water, Urban (%)             98.30      Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)        >99.0
                                              Piped Water, Rural (%)             15.00      Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)        34.24

                                              Piped Water, Total (%)             47.80      Piped Sewerage, Total (%)        60.13

                     WATER &
                                              TARIFF & COST (MALE)                          TARIFF & COST (MALE)
                                              Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                  3.87      Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)         –
Freshwater resources in the Maldives
are scarce, with the main source being        Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted          5.80      Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                            Adjusted (US$/m3)
shallow groundwater aquifers. These           Operational Expenditure, Water
have depleted in many areas due to over-                                           –        Operational Expenditure,
                                              and Wastewater (US$/m3)
extraction causing saltwater intrusion.                                                     Wastewater (US$/population         –
                                              Operational Cost Coverage Ratio      –        served)
Rooftop rainwater harvesting is widely
practiced in the Atolls and in Male,          Operational Expenditure, Water
desalinated water is distributed through a    and Wastewater (US$/m3)                       QUALITY
piped network.
                                                                                            Wastewater Treatment (%)           –
Untreated wastewater continues to             QUALITY
be discharged in to the sea, leading to                                                     Wastewater Connection (%)        <1.0
risks to the sustainability of the tourism    Non-Revenue Water (%)                –
industry and potential health risks to the    Water Quality
population. Improving sewerage systems        (% passing chlorine test)
and fecal sludge management are needed.

48 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                           POPULATION 3,170,208 | GDP PER CAPITA US$4,122

                                            ACCESS                                             QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                       Urban (%)                              99.82       Electricity Quality (1–7)           4
Compared with other EAP neighbors,          Rural (%)                              55.74       T&D Losses (%)                     11.4
Mongolia scores relatively low on
electricity access (especially for rural    Total (%)                              85.87       System Average Interruption
areas), quality, and share of renewables,                                                      Duration (hours)
even though end users’ tariffs are          TARIFF & COST                                      System Average Interruption
relatively low.                                                                                                                   15.0
                                                                                               Frequency (# per year)
                                            Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)                   0.06
                                                                                               CO2 Emissions (electricity)
                                            Average Operational Cost of                                                           12.8
                                                                                     –         (MTCO2)
                                            Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                               Renewables (%)                     7.00
                                            Levelized Cost of Energy
                                            (US$/KWh)                                          Avg. Time to Connect (days)        79

Mongolia’s road infrastructure is           ACCESS                                             QUALITY
generally underdeveloped, with a low        Rural Accessibility (%)                 18.9       Road Quality (1–7)                 3.1
percentage of paved roads and modest
surface conditions. Nevertheless, the                                                          Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
ratio of paved roads has increased to                                                          people per year)
approximately 11.5% in 2017 from 6%                                                            CO2 Emissions (road transport)
in 2013, due to government efforts to                                                          (MTCO2)
connect all provinces to Ulaanbataar by
paved roads.

                     WATER &                ACCESS                                             ACCESS
                     SANITATION             Piped Water, Urban (%)                 34.45       Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)         29.41
With the exception of urban access to
                                            Piped Water, Rural (%)                  4.98       Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)          3.11
water, Mongolia will need to focus a lot
on expanding the national access to both    Piped Water, Total (%)                 25.13       Piped Sewerage, Total (%)         21.09
water and sanitation, preferably through
reduced tariffs and costs. Nevertheless,    TARIFF & COST (ULAANBAATAR)                        TARIFF & COST (ULAANBAATAR)
high water quality and waste-treatment
rates have delivered positive outcomes,     Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                    0.33       Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)         0.17
notably the small diarrheal burden.         Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted              0.91       Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                               Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                            Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                    0.36       Operational Expenditure,
                                            and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                               Wastewater (US$/population         9.24
                                            Operational Cost Coverage Ratio         0.84       served)

                                            Operational Expenditure, Water
                                            and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            QUALITY
                                                                                               Wastewater Treatment (%)           10.0
                                                                                               Wastewater Connection (%)          33.0
                                            Non-Revenue Water (%)                  14.40

                                            Water Quality
                                            (% passing chlorine test)

                                                                          Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 49
                           POPULATION 53,708,395 | GDP PER CAPITA US$1,326

                                             ACCESS                                    QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                        Urban (%)                         92.55   Electricity Quality (1–7)          –
Despite recent electricity-access            Rural (%)                         59.92   T&D Losses (%)                     –
improvements, Myanmar remains
below regional average rates, especially     Total (%)                         69.81   System Average Interruption
for rural areas. Data is unavailable for                                               Duration (hours)
many quality indicators. Interestingly,      TARIFF & COST                             System Average Interruption
the country has a high share of                                                                                         26.4
                                                                                       Frequency (# per year)
renewables, possibly due to focused          Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)             0.06
                                                                                       CO2 Emissions (electricity)
policy over the last few years and           Average Operational Cost of                                                 8.1
                                                                               0.07    (MTCO2)
abundant natural resources.                  Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                       Renewables (%)                   58.85
                                             Levelized Cost of Energy
                                             (US$/KWh)                                 Avg. Time to Connect (days)       70

                                             ACCESS                                    QUALITY
                                             Rural Accessibility (%)           38.3    Road Quality (1–7)                 –
Road quality data is missing, but traffic
                                                                                       Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
death rates are high, indicating poor                                                  people per year)
conditions. Rural accessibility is also
considerably low.                                                                      CO2 Emissions (road transport)

                     WATER &                 ACCESS                                    ACCESS
                     SANITATION              Piped Water, Urban (%)            56.85   Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)        <1.0
New data reflects a recent increase in       Piped Water, Rural (%)            10.50   Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)        <1.0
water-access rates, although they remain
low by regional standards, particularly in   Piped Water, Total (%)            24.55   Piped Sewerage, Total (%)        <1.0
rural areas. Sanitation access and quality
(DALY rate) remain poor.                     TARIFF & COST (YANGON)                    TARIFF & COST (YANGON)
                                             Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                               0.02    Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)         –

                                             Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted        0.10    Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                       Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                –      Operational Expenditure,
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                       Wastewater (US$/population         –
                                             Operational Cost Coverage Ratio    –      served)

                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)                   QUALITY
                                                                                       Wastewater Treatment (%)         <1.0
                                                                                       Wastewater Connection (%)        <1.0
                                             Non-Revenue Water (%)               –

                                             Water Quality
                                             (% passing chlorine test)

50 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                           POPULATION 28,087,871 | GDP PER CAPITA US$1,034

                                              ACCESS                                             QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                         Urban (%)                              98.69       Electricity Quality (1–7)          2.8
The electricity sector performs fairly        Rural (%)                              94.74       T&D Losses (%)                     25.0
in terms of access and tariff levels, but
quality data is limited. The country          Total (%)                              95.51       System Average Interruption
has an excellent record of clean-energy                                                          Duration (hours)
consumption, attributable to high             TARIFF & COST                                      System Average Interruption
access to hydropower. Nevertheless,                                                                                                  –
                                                                                                 Frequency (# per year)
system losses are high, and energy-           Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)                   0.09
                                                                                                 CO2 Emissions (electricity)
quality survey scores are low, indicating     Average Operational Cost of                                                           0.0
                                                                                      0.01       (MTCO2)
a need for focused investments to             Generation (US$/KWh)
improve the distribution network.                                                                Renewables (%)                    100.00
                                              Levelized Cost of Energy
                                              (US$/KWh)                                          Avg. Time to Connect (days)        49

Facing similar challenges as Bhutan, the
road quality information is inconsistent      ACCESS                                             QUALITY
with public reports. Save the Children
                                              Rural Accessibility (%)                 51.7       Road Quality (1–7)                 2.6
recently rated Nepal one of the worst
places for a child to fall ill, due to poor                                                      Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
connectivity. These evaluations were                                                             people per year)
done after severe infrastructure damage                                                          CO2 Emissions (road transport)
resulted from the 2015 earthquake. The                                                                                              4.8
World Bank is leading several investment
projects to improve access and quality of
all-weather roads.

                     WATER &                  ACCESS                                             ACCESS
                     SANITATION               Piped Water, Urban (%)                 55.31       Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)         19.22
Poor rural water and sanitation access        Piped Water, Rural (%)                 45.51       Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)          1.75
is accentuated by a high incidence of
death from diarrheal disease. Sanitation      Piped Water, Total (%)                 47.40       Piped Sewerage, Total (%)          5.13
access is low, even in urban areas. Tariff
information and quality indicators are        TARIFF & COST (KATHMANDU)                          TARIFF & COST (KATHMANDU)
limited. Sanitation-practices reforms are
being promoted by the government and          Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                      0.17       Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)         0.08
local and international non-governmental      Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted              0.47       Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
organizations (NGOs), but information                                                            Adjusted (US$/m3)
on government programs is limited.            Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                      0.17       Operational Expenditure,
                                              and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                                 Wastewater (US$/population          –
                                              Operational Cost Coverage Ratio         1.18       served)

                                              Operational Expenditure, Water
                                              and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            QUALITY
                                                                                                 Wastewater Treatment (%)           <1.0
                                                                                                 Wastewater Connection (%)          10.0
                                              Non-Revenue Water (%)                  36.30

                                              Water Quality
                                              (% passing chlorine test)

                                                                            Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 51
                           POPULATION 212,215,030 | GDP PER CAPITA US$1,482

                                             ACCESS                                     QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                        Urban (%)                         100.00   Electricity Quality (1–7)         2.9
Although electricity access in Pakistan      Rural (%)                         54.14    T&D Losses (%)                   17.1
is in-line with regional averages, the
average interruption duration and            Total (%)                         70.79    System Average Interruption
frequency values are much higher.                                                       Duration (hours)
This is apparent from frequent power         TARIFF & COST                              System Average Interruption
outages due to load-shedding. The                                                                                        90.0
                                                                                        Frequency (# per year)
government plans to add more capacity        Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)              0.12
                                                                                        CO2 Emissions (electricity)
and diversify the energy sector by           Average Operational Cost of                                                 54.5
                                                                                0.05    (MTCO2)
commissioning more hydropower                Generation (US$/KWh)
plants, with the support of China under                                                 Renewables (%)                   31.43
                                             Levelized Cost of Energy
the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor                                             –
                                             (US$/KWh)                                  Avg. Time to Connect (days)      113
(CPEC) program.

                                             ACCESS                                     QUALITY
                                             Rural Accessibility (%)            39.9    Road Quality (1–7)                3.9
Pakistan has fair road-quality indicators,
                                                                                        Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
but rural accessibility is only 39.9                                                    people per year)
percent. Low accessibility shows high
scope for improvement for the rural                                                     CO2 Emissions (road transport)
population. Pakistan’s major road-
expansion projects are financed by
China’s CPEC and BRI programs.

                     WATER &                 ACCESS                                     ACCESS
                     SANITATION              Piped Water, Urban (%)            51.26    Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)        59.87
Piped water and sewerage access are low,
                                             Piped Water, Rural (%)            15.25    Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)        5.37
even in urban areas. Pakistan’s sanitation
quality is also poor, as evidenced by a      Piped Water, Total (%)            28.37    Piped Sewerage, Total (%)        25.23
high DALY rate and low wastewater
treatment. Water services, even in the       TARIFF & COST (KARACHI)                    TARIFF & COST (KARACHI)
larger cities, are intermittent.
                                             Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                0.08    Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)       0.01

                                             Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted         0.27    Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                        Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                 –      Operational Expenditure,
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                        Wastewater (US$/population       2.79
                                             Operational Cost Coverage Ratio    0.43    served)

                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)                    QUALITY
                                                                                        Wastewater Treatment (%)          1.0
                                                                                        Wastewater Connection (%)        10.0
                                             Non-Revenue Water (%)             44.00

                                             Water Quality
                                             (% passing chlorine test)

52 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                          PAPUA NEW GUINEA
                          POPULATION 8,606,316 | GDP PER CAPITA US$2,730

                                             ACCESS                                             QUALITY
         ELECTRICITY                         Urban (%)                              81.03       Electricity Quality (1–7)           –
Papua New Guinea’s (PNG’s) low rural         Rural (%)                              50.42       T&D Losses (%)                      –
electricity access is a key challenge.
PNG is working with multiple agen-           Total (%)                              54.43       System Average Interruption
cies, including the World Bank and                                                              Duration (hours)
the Asian Development Bank (ADB)             TARIFF & COST                                      System Average Interruption
to build energy-sector capacity. PNG’s                                                                                            500.0
                                                                                                Frequency (# per year)
high interruption duration and fre-          Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)                    –
                                                                                                CO2 Emissions (electricity)
quency indicates significant limitations     Average Operational Cost of                                                            –
                                                                                  0.10-0.12     (MTCO2)
in T&D networks.                             Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                                Renewables (%)                    34.53
                                             Levelized Cost of Energy
                                             (US$/KWh)                                          Avg. Time to Connect (days)        66

                                             ACCESS                                             QUALITY
                                             Rural Accessibility (%)                 11.7       Road Quality (1–7)                  –
PNG’s below-average rural accessibility
                                                                                                Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
indicates limited connectivity. Poor road                                                       people per year)
conditions and a paved-roads rate of only
3.5 percent exacerbate high traffic-death                                                       CO2 Emissions (road transport)

                     WATER &                 ACCESS                                             ACCESS
                     SANITATION              Piped Water, Urban (%)                 55.43       Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)         23.30
Piped water and sewerage access are low,
                                             Piped Water, Rural (%)                 12.80       Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)          1.0
particularly in rural areas. Moreover, ur-
ban NRW is very high. Sanitation quality     Piped Water, Total (%)                 18.38       Piped Sewerage, Total (%)          3.92
is also poor, as evidenced by a high DALY
rate and low wastewater treatment and        TARIFF & COST (PORT MORESBY)                       TARIFF & COST (PORT MORESBY)
                                             Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                     0.43       Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)         0.20

                                             Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted              0.51       Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                                Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                     0.90       Operational Expenditure,
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                                Wastewater (US$/population        33.22
                                             Operational Cost Coverage Ratio         1.64       served)

                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            QUALITY
                                                                                                Wastewater Treatment (%)           <1.0
                                                                                                Wastewater Connection (%)          10.0
                                             Non-Revenue Water (%)                  55.55

                                             Water Quality
                                             (% passing chlorine test)

                                                                           Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 53
                           POPULATION 106,651,922 | GDP PER CAPITA US$3,103

                                              ACCESS                                    QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                         Urban (%)                         96.40   Electricity Quality (1–7)         4.2
Although access is widespread, and            Rural (%)                         90.02   T&D Losses (%)                    9.1
losses are low, energy consumption per
capita is also very low. This implies that    Total (%)                         93.00   System Average Interruption
generation capacity is inadequate to                                                    Duration (hours)
meet rapidly increasing demand. Access        TARIFF & COST                             System Average Interruption
in rural areas increased significantly in                                                                                 2.2
                                                                                        Frequency (# per year)
2016, due to the government’s strategic       Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)             0.17
                                                                                        CO2 Emissions (electricity)
rural-electrification program.                Average Operational Cost of                                                63.1
                                                                                  –     (MTCO2)
                                              Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                        Renewables (%)                   25.41
                                              Levelized Cost of Energy
                                              (US$/KWh)                                 Avg. Time to Connect (days)       37

Road-quality surveys show that the
quality of road infrastructure is perceived   ACCESS                                    QUALITY
as very poor. Manila, in particular,
                                              Rural Accessibility (%)           64.1    Road Quality (1–7)                3.5
is challenged by heavy congestion.
Although surface conditions have                                                        Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
improved, more than one in four roads                                                   people per year)
has a poor surface condition, largely                                                   CO2 Emissions (road transport)
attributable to underinvestment and lack                                                (MTCO2)
of maintenance, especially in rural areas.

                     WATER &                  ACCESS                                    ACCESS
                     SANITATION               Piped Water, Urban (%)            46.81   Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)        5.72
Quality data from 25 utilities in
                                              Piped Water, Rural (%)            34.26   Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)        3.04
the IBNET database (2009) shows
reasonable coverage (38 percent of the        Piped Water, Total (%)            40.12   Piped Sewerage, Total (%)        4.29
urban population) across Luzon, Visayas,
and Mindanao. Overall, however, the           TARIFF & COST (MANILA)                    TARIFF & COST (MANILA)
country has limited access to water and
sanitation, compared to regional averages.    Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                0.71    Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)         –
Moreover, the quality of water supplied,      Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted        1.80    Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
and the levels of wastewater treatment are                                                                                 –
                                                                                        Adjusted (US$/m3)
very poor.                                    Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                 –      Operational Expenditure,
                                              and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                        Wastewater (US$/population         –
                                              Operational Cost Coverage Ratio   1.20    served)

                                              Operational Expenditure, Water
                                              and Wastewater (US$/m3)                   QUALITY
                                                                                        Wastewater Treatment (%)         63.0
                                                                                        Wastewater Connection (%)         4.1
                                              Non-Revenue Water (%)             25.33

                                              Water Quality
                                              (% passing chlorine test)

54 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                           POPULATION 196,130 | GDP PER CAPITA US$4,183

                                             ACCESS                                             QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                        Urban (%)                              100.00      Electricity Quality (1–7)           –
The electricity sector performs very         Rural (%)                              96.08       T&D Losses (%)                      –
well compared to other countries in
the region in terms of access, but tariff    Total (%)                              96.80       System Average Interruption
and quality information is limited.                                                             Duration (hours)
Government investments are underway          TARIFF & COST                                      System Average Interruption
to increase solar-energy sourcing. Rural                                                                                           15.8
                                                                                                Frequency (# per year)
electrification has also seen recent         Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)                    –
                                                                                                CO2 Emissions (electricity)
improvement.                                 Average Operational Cost of                                                            –
                                                                                      –         (MTCO2)
                                             Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                                Renewables (%)                    30.35
                                             Levelized Cost of Energy
                                             (US$/KWh)                                          Avg. Time to Connect (days)        34

Targeted investments have increased the      ACCESS                                             QUALITY
climate resilience of road infrastructure.   Rural Accessibility (%)                 31.6       Road Quality (1–7)                  –
Enhanced Road Access Projects,
supported by both the World Bank and                                                            Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
AusAid, have contributed. In the last                                                           people per year)
decade, Samoa has also implemented                                                              CO2 Emissions (road transport)
significant traffic-related regulatory                                                          (MTCO2)
changes—most notably switching the
vehicle driving side.

                     WATER &                 ACCESS                                             ACCESS
                     SANITATION              Piped Water, Urban (%)                 90.07       Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)          <1.0
Despite high rates of piped-water access,
                                             Piped Water, Rural (%)                 83.73       Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)          <1.0
Samoa has the second-highest NRW in
the region. This may be a contributing       Piped Water, Total (%)                 84.90       Piped Sewerage, Total (%)          <1.0
factor to high costs, in addition to
high input costs. There has been slow        TARIFF & COST (APIA)                               TARIFF & COST (APIA)
improvement to the very low rates of
piped-wastewater access.                     Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                     0.30       Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)         1.35

                                             Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted              0.46       Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                                Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                      –         Operational Expenditure,
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                                Wastewater (US$/population          –
                                             Operational Cost Coverage Ratio         1.27       served)

                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            QUALITY
                                                                                                Wastewater Treatment (%)            –
                                                                                                Wastewater Connection (%)           –
                                             Non-Revenue Water (%)                  50.84

                                             Water Quality
                                             (% passing chlorine test)

                                                                           Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 55
                           POPULATION 5,638,676 | GDP PER CAPITA US$64,582

                                             ACCESS                                     QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                        Urban (%)                         100.00   Electricity Quality (1–7)         6.9
Singapore enjoys full coverage and           Rural (%)                         100.00   T&D Losses (%)                    1.8
reliable supply of electricity across
the island state. Transmission and           Total (%)                         100.00   System Average Interruption
distribution losses and service                                                         Duration (hours)
interruptions are minimal.                   TARIFF & COST                              System Average Interruption
                                                                                        Frequency (# per year)
                                             Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)              0.16
                                                                                        CO2 Emissions (electricity)
                                             Average Operational Cost of                                                 20.7
                                                                                0.12    (MTCO2)
                                             Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                        Renewables (%)                   1.82
                                             Levelized Cost of Energy
                                             (US$/KWh)                                  Avg. Time to Connect (days)       26

                                             ACCESS                                     QUALITY
                                             Rural Accessibility (%)             –      Road Quality (1–7)                6.4
Although data is unavailable for the
                                                                                        Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
RAI (because the city-state is urban),                                                  people per year)
Singapore has widespread access to
a high-quality roads system, with                                                       CO2 Emissions (road transport)
progressive technologies for safety and
traffic control.

                      WATER &                ACCESS                                     ACCESS
                      SANITATION             Piped Water, Urban (%)            >99.0    Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)        >99.0
Water and sanitation coverage are total
                                             Piped Water, Rural (%)              –      Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)          –
in Singapore. Singapore’s urban water
strategy is well known for its progressive   Piped Water, Total (%)            >99.0    Piped Sewerage, Total (%)        >99.0
approach to water security, conservation,
and use of advanced technologies,            TARIFF & COST                              TARIFF & COST
including water reuse. The corporatized
water and wastewater utility operates at     Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                1.25    Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)       0.61
a near-total cost recovery level and has     Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted         1.46    Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
the lowest non-revenue water recorded in                                                                                 0.71
                                                                                        Adjusted (US$/m3)
the region.                                  Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                 –      Operational Expenditure,
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                        Wastewater (US$/population         –
                                             Operational Cost Coverage Ratio    1.22    served)

                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)                    QUALITY
                                                                                        Wastewater Treatment (%)         100.0
                                                                                        Wastewater Connection (%)        100.0
                                             Non-Revenue Water (%)              5.00

                                             Water Quality
                                             (% passing chlorine test)

56 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                          SOLOMON ISLANDS
                          POPULATION 652,858 | GDP PER CAPITA US$2,138

                                             ACCESS                                             QUALITY
         ELECTRICITY                         Urban (%)                              73.77       Electricity Quality (1–7)           –
Despite its small population and             Rural (%)                              59.59       T&D Losses (%)                      –
middle-low-income status, the Solomon
Islands suffer from limited supply           Total (%)                              62.90       System Average Interruption
and high electricity tariffs. Although                                                          Duration (hours)
urban access has improved significantly,     TARIFF & COST                                      System Average Interruption
there is a need to increase access. Data                                                                                           1.5
                                                                                                Frequency (# per year)
for most of the quality indicators are       Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)                   0.89
                                                                                                CO2 Emissions (electricity)
lacking.                                     Average Operational Cost of                                                            –
                                                                                     0.26       (MTCO2)
                                             Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                                Renewables (%)                     2.26
                                             Levelized Cost of Energy
                                             (US$/KWh)                                          Avg. Time to Connect (days)        53

Roads in the Solomon Islands are
scarcely paved and extremely vulnerable
to climate change impacts. With the
country ranked among the ten countries
with the highest vulnerability and
                                             ACCESS                                             QUALITY
exposure to natural disaster risks, the      Rural Accessibility (%)                 9.3        Road Quality (1–7)                  –
road infrastructure is vulnerable to
                                                                                                Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
serious damage. This is compounded by                                                           people per year)
the lack of routine maintenance. Further,
the mountainous terrain presents an                                                             CO2 Emissions (road transport)
additional construction challenge. This
has prompted increased technical support
from development agencies on design
and implementation readiness of the
government’s priority transport projects
as well as on enhancing resilience to
weather hazards and climate change.
                                             ACCESS                                             ACCESS
                                             Piped Water, Urban (%)                 70.50       Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)         22.96
                    WATER &
                                             Piped Water, Rural (%)                 38.88       Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)          1.98
                                             Piped Water, Total (%)                 46.24       Piped Sewerage, Total (%)          6.87
Water access, although low, has
improved, but sanitation access indicators
are missing. Levels of NRW are extremely     TARIFF & COST (GUADALCANAL PROVINCE)               TARIFF & COST (GUADALCANAL PROVINCE)
high, indicating deterioration of                                                               Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)         0.37
                                             Water Tariff (US$/m )
Guadalcanal Province’s water-distribution
network. Wastewater treatment is a key       Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted              0.75       Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
area of improvement.                                                                            Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                     2.08       Operational Expenditure,
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                                Wastewater (US$/population        503.20
                                             Operational Cost Coverage Ratio         1.37       served)

                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            QUALITY
                                                                                                Wastewater Treatment (%)           <1.0
                                                                                                Wastewater Connection (%)          30.0
                                             Non-Revenue Water (%)                  59.93

                                             Water Quality
                                             (% passing chlorine test)

                                                                           Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 57
                           SRI LANKA
                           POPULATION 21,670,000 | GDP PER CAPITA US$4,102

                                               ACCESS                                     QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                          Urban (%)                         100.00   Electricity Quality (1–7)         4.0
Sri Lanka has above-average electricity        Rural (%)                         96.99    T&D Losses (%)                    7.0
access and a high share of renewables
for production. Sri Lanka has aimed            Total (%)                         97.54    System Average Interruption
at 100 percent renewable electricity                                                      Duration (hours)
generation by 2050. The cost of                TARIFF & COST                              System Average Interruption
renewable energy, in particular wind                                                                                        3.0
                                                                                          Frequency (# per year)
and solar, has and is expected to              Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)              0.14
                                                                                          CO2 Emissions (electricity)
continue to drop, which is expected            Average Operational Cost of                                                  9.9
                                                                                  0.12    (MTCO2)
to reduce overall costs of electricity         Generation (US$/KWh)
generation and tariff rates.                                                              Renewables (%)                   48.48
                                               Levelized Cost of Energy
                                               (US$/KWh)                                  Avg. Time to Connect (days)      100.00

With a lower percentage of paved roads,        ACCESS                                     QUALITY
Sri Lanka faces a road-quality challenge.      Rural Accessibility (%)            68.7    Road Quality (1–7)                3.8
Although rural accessibility is high, the
aim should be to improve road conditions                                                  Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
and traffic safety. The World Bank is                                                     people per year)
working closely with the government on                                                    CO2 Emissions (road transport)
the Transport Connectivity and Asset                                                      (MTCO2)
Management Project to improve road
network connectivity and quality.

                     WATER &                   ACCESS                                     ACCESS
                     SANITATION                Piped Water, Urban (%)            73.83    Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)        12.59
Sri Lanka has poor sanitation-access and
                                               Piped Water, Rural (%)            30.27    Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)         2.30
wastewater-treatment rates, especially in
rural areas, but its overall DALY rate is      Piped Water, Total (%)            38.28    Piped Sewerage, Total (%)         4.19
not as high as might be expected. Rural
access to water is also low, and high levels   TARIFF & COST (COLOMBO)                    TARIFF & COST (COLOMBO)
of NRW in Colombo suggest a need to
improve urban networks.                        Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                  0.09    Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)        0.11

                                               Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted         0.26    Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                          Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                               Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                  0.13    Operational Expenditure,
                                               and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                          Wastewater (US$/population         –
                                               Operational Cost Coverage Ratio    0.90    served)

                                               Operational Expenditure, Water
                                               and Wastewater (US$/m3)                    QUALITY
                                                                                          Wastewater Treatment (%)         <1.0
                                                                                          Wastewater Connection (%)         2.5
                                               Non-Revenue Water (%)             24.90

                                               Water Quality
                                               (% passing chlorine test)

58 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                           POPULATION 69,428,524 | GDP PER CAPITA US$7,274

                                              ACCESS                                             QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                         Urban (%)                              100.00      Electricity Quality (1–7)          5.2
Thailand has a well-maintained                Rural (%)                              100.00      T&D Losses (%)                     6.2
electricity-generation and distribution
system that provides widespread access        Total (%)                              100.00      System Average Interruption
to electricity services. The government                                                          Duration (hours)
could turn its focus to reducing tariffs      TARIFF & COST                                      System Average Interruption
and exploring cost-efficiency options                                                                                               0.7
                                                                                                 Frequency (# per year)
via renewable sources and technological       Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)                   0.11
                                                                                                 CO2 Emissions (electricity)
innovation.                                   Average Operational Cost of                                                           88.2
                                                                                      0.04       (MTCO2)
                                              Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                                 Renewables (%)                     8.54
                                              Levelized Cost of Energy
                                              (US$/KWh)                                          Avg. Time to Connect (days)        30

                                              ACCESS                                             QUALITY
                                              Rural Accessibility (%)                 46.1       Road Quality (1–7)                 4.4
In terms of road quality, Thailand has
                                                                                                 Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
developed a strong infrastructure base                                                           people per year)
with fair quality. Nevertheless, rural road
access and road-traffic safety remain areas                                                      CO2 Emissions (road transport)
in need of improvement.

                     WATER &                  ACCESS                                             ACCESS
                     SANITATION               Piped Water, Urban (%)                 86.77       Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)         11.91
Access to piped supply is above the
                                              Piped Water, Rural (%)                 54.33       Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)          5.41
regional average, but access to piped
household sanitation and sewerage-            Piped Water, Total (%)                 70.29       Piped Sewerage, Total (%)          8.61
treatment and connection rates remain
extremely low. There is little data           TARIFF & COST (BANGKOK)                            TARIFF & COST (BANGKOK)
available on the quality of water supplied.
                                              Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                      0.25       Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)          –

                                              Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted              0.66       Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                                 Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                              Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                       −         Operational Expenditure,
                                              and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                                 Wastewater (US$/population          −
                                              Operational Cost Coverage Ratio         0.62       served)

                                              Operational Expenditure, Water
                                              and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            QUALITY
                                                                                                 Wastewater Treatment (%)           <1.0
                                                                                                 Wastewater Connection (%)          <1.0
                                              Non-Revenue Water (%)                    –

                                              Water Quality
                                              (% passing chlorine test)

                                                                            Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 59
                           POPULATION 1,267,972 | GDP PER CAPITA US$2,036

                                               ACCESS                                     QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                          Urban (%)                         100.00   Electricity Quality (1–7)          –
The electricity sector has seen slight         Rural (%)                         71.89    T&D Losses (%)                     –
improvement in recent years, with
respect to access. Tariff and quality          Total (%)                         80.38    System Average Interruption
data remain limited. The time needed                                                      Duration (hours)
for businesses to acquire power                TARIFF & COST                              System Average Interruption
connectivity is higher than the regional                                                                                     –
                                                                                          Frequency (# per year)
average.                                       Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)               –
                                                                                          CO2 Emissions (electricity)
                                               Average Operational Cost of                                                  –
                                                                                   –      (MTCO2)
                                               Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                          Renewables (%)                   0.00
                                               Levelized Cost of Energy
                                               (US$/KWh)                                  Avg. Time to Connect (days)       93

Rural road accessibility is relatively low.    ACCESS                                     QUALITY
Although road-quality data is missing,         Rural Accessibility (%)            46.1    Road Quality (1–7)                 –
high traffic death rates indicate road
condition problems. The government                                                        Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
has affirmed a clear intention to invest in                                               people per year)
improving road connectivity and quality,                                                  CO2 Emissions (road transport)
especially in rural areas. Damages are                                                    (MTCO2)
attributed to the poor weather resilience
of current infrastructure.

                      WATER &                  ACCESS                                     ACCESS
                      SANITATION               Piped Water, Urban (%)            82.67    Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)        18.15
There has been a notable increase in
                                               Piped Water, Rural (%)            56.71    Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)        8.33
water access. The biggest challenge for
the urban water sector is improving            Piped Water, Total (%)            64.55    Piped Sewerage, Total (%)        11.30
efficiency. Dili’s master plan and legal
framework for billing and pricing is in        TARIFF & COST (DILI)                       TARIFF & COST (DILI)
progress. Sanitation access remains very
low. There is little utility information       Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                   –      Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)        −
available and a high burden of diarrheal       Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted          –      Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
disease. No wastewater tariff or utility                                                                                    −
                                                                                          Adjusted (US$/m3)
operational cost data are available. Tariffs   Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                   −      Operational Expenditure,
                                               and Wastewater (US$/m3)
are established, but the installation                                                     Wastewater (US$/population        −
of meters and consistency of billing           Operational Cost Coverage Ratio     −      served)
collection is low (ADB, 2015a).
                                               Operational Expenditure, Water
                                               and Wastewater (US$/m3)                    QUALITY
                                                                                          Wastewater Treatment (%)          5.0
                                                                                          Wastewater Connection (%)         6.0
                                               Non-Revenue Water (%)               −

                                               Water Quality
                                               (% passing chlorine test)

60 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                           POPULATION 292,680 | GDP PER CAPITA US$3,124

                                              ACCESS                                             QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                         Urban (%)                              92.67       Electricity Quality (1–7)           –
Vanuatu’s low rural electricity access is a   Rural (%)                              52.74       T&D Losses (%)                      –
key challenge. The government’s energy
roadmap lists “100% access and 65%            Total (%)                              62.78       System Average Interruption
renewable based electricity generation”                                                          Duration (hours)
as key targets.                               TARIFF & COST                                      System Average Interruption
                                                                                                 Frequency (# per year)
                                              Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)                   0.61
                                                                                                 CO2 Emissions (electricity)
                                              Average Operational Cost of                                                            –
                                                                                       –         (MTCO2)
                                              Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                                 Renewables (%)                    21.26
                                              Levelized Cost of Energy
                                              (US$/KWh)                                          Avg. Time to Connect (days)        120

Due to the climatic and geographic
features of Vanuatu, road infrastructure
is heavily exposed to climate and natural
disasters. This is compounded by high
sensitivity of the road network to heavy
rainfall, flooding, and landslides due
                                              ACCESS                                             QUALITY
to poor structural characteristics and        Rural Accessibility (%)                  –         Road Quality (1–7)                  –
inadequate road maintenance. Close to
                                                                                                 Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
90 percent of the network is unsealed,                                                           people per year)
making it frequently impassable during
heavy rain. In addition, much of the road                                                        CO2 Emissions (road transport)
network is situated on the perimeter of
the islands and is extremely vulnerable
to cyclone and storm surges with even
minor sea level increases. For this reason,
a strong focus on climate resilient
transport is needed.

                                              ACCESS                                             ACCESS
                                              Piped Water, Urban (%)                 78.47       Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)         15.23
                      WATER &
                      SANITATION              Piped Water, Rural (%)                 37.25       Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)         11.01

                                              Piped Water, Total (%)                 47.62       Piped Sewerage, Total (%)         12.07
Access to water is far below the regional
average, although water quality is rated
at 100 percent. Nevertheless, the high        TARIFF & COST (PORT VILA)                          TARIFF & COST (PORT VILA)
diarrheal burden indicates a lack of
                                              Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                      0.61       Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)          –
proper sanitation and a lack of clean
water access in rural areas.                  Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted              0.63       Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                                 Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                              Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                      0.59       Operational Expenditure,
                                              and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                                 Wastewater (US$/population          –
                                              Operational Cost Coverage Ratio         1.28       served)

                                              Operational Expenditure, Water
                                              and Wastewater (US$/m3)                            QUALITY
                                                                                                 Wastewater Treatment (%)            –
                                                                                                 Wastewater Connection (%)           –
                                              Non-Revenue Water (%)                  32.28

                                              Water Quality
                                              (% passing chlorine test)

                                                                            Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 61
                           POPULATION 95,540,395 | GDP PER CAPITA US$2,567

                                             ACCESS                                     QUALITY
          ELECTRICITY                        Urban (%)                         100.00   Electricity Quality (1–7)         4.3
Vietnam has attained nearly universal        Rural (%)                         100.00   T&D Losses (%)                    9.1
access to electricity. However, rapid
growth in demand places a pressure           Total (%)                         100.00   System Average Interruption
on increasing capacity, quality,                                                        Duration (hours)
and efficiency of the electricity            TARIFF & COST                              System Average Interruption
infrastructure. While average tariff rates                                                                                1.6
                                                                                        Frequency (# per year)
are higher than some regional peers,         Avg. Tariff (US$/KWh)              0.08
                                                                                        CO2 Emissions (electricity)
continuous tariff reform is necessary to     Average Operational Cost of                                                 71.6
                                                                                 –      (MTCO2)
keep up the required investment rate.        Generation (US$/KWh)
                                                                                        Renewables (%)                   36.73
                                             Levelized Cost of Energy
                                             (US$/KWh)                                  Avg. Time to Connect (days)       31

                                             ACCESS                                     QUALITY
                                             Rural Accessibility (%)            66.7    Road Quality (1–7)                3.2
In terms of roads quality, Vietnam falls
                                                                                        Traffic Deaths (# per 100,000
behind many of its regional neighbors.                                                  people per year)
With heavy usage of motorbikes and
frequent congestion, Vietnam needs                                                      CO2 Emissions (road transport)
to concentrate attention on improving
surface conditions and reducing traffic
death rates.

                     WATER &                 ACCESS                                     ACCESS
                     SANITATION              Piped Water, Urban (%)            81.00    Piped Sewerage, Urban (%)        1.73
Urban access is fair, but piped sanitation
                                             Piped Water, Rural (%)            22.14    Piped Sewerage, Rural (%)        <1.0
services are very limited. Wastewater
treatment and connection scores are also     Piped Water, Total (%)            42.87    Piped Sewerage, Total (%)        <1.0
very low, although Vietnam has a lower
burden of diarrheal disease.                 TARIFF & COST (HO CHI MINH CITY)           TARIFF & COST (HO CHI MINH CITY)
                                             Water Tariff (US$/m )
                                                                                0.24    Wastewater Tariff (US$/m3)       0.02

                                             Water Tariff, PPP-Adjusted         0.61    Wastewater Tariff, PPP-
                                                                                        Adjusted (US$/m3)
                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                                                                0.23    Operational Expenditure,
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)
                                                                                        Wastewater (US$/population       4.07
                                             Operational Cost Coverage Ratio    1.55    served)

                                             Operational Expenditure, Water
                                             and Wastewater (US$/m3)                    QUALITY
                                                                                        Wastewater Treatment (%)         10.0
                                                                                        Wastewater Connection (%)         2.0
                                             Non-Revenue Water (%)             23.79

                                             Water Quality
                                             (% passing chlorine test)

62 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific

        Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 63
                          Appendix 1: Infrastructure Data
                                by Sector and Dimension

                      ELECTRICITY ACCESS
       GROUP                    COUNTRY                         ACCESS TO ELECTRICITY (% OF POPULATION)
                                                           TOTAL                    RURAL                    URBAN
                            Brunei Darussalam              100.00                   100.00                    100.00
                                   Japan                   100.00                   100.00                    100.00
  EAP High Income                  Korea                   100.00                   100.00                    100.00
                               New Zealand                 100.00                   100.00                    100.00
                                 Singapore                 100.00                   100.00                    100.00
                                Cambodia                    89.07                    86.09                    99.06
                                   China                   100.00                    99.97                    100.00
                                 Indonesia                  98.14                    95.66                    100.00
                                 Lao PDR                    93.60                    90.51                    99.50
                                 Malaysia                  100.00                   100.00                    100.00
      East Asia                  Mongolia                   85.87                    55.74                    99.82
                                 Myanmar                    69.81                    59.92                    92.55
                                Philippines                 93.00                    90.02                    96.40
                                 Thailand                  100.00                   100.00                    100.00
                                Timor-Leste                 80.38                    71.89                    100.00
                                  Vietnam                  100.00                   100.00                    100.00
                                    Fiji                    96.00                    91.06                    99.92
                            Papua New Guinea                54.43                    50.42                    81.03
    Pacific Islands               Samoa                     96.80                    96.08                    100.00
                             Solomon Islands                62.90                    59.59                    73.77
                                  Vanuatu                   62.78                    52.74                    92.67
                                Afghanistan                 97.70                    97.09                    99.50
                                Bangladesh                  88.00                    81.28                    99.50
                                  Bhutan                    97.70                    96.76                    99.10
                                   India                    92.62                    89.31                    99.21
     South Asia
                                 Maldives                   99.80                    99.86                    99.70
                                   Nepal                    95.51                    94.74                    98.69
                                  Pakistan                  70.79                    54.14                    100.00
                                 Sri Lanka                  97.54                    96.99                    100.00

Source: Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) database, 2020 (using 2017 data). World Bank, International Energy Agency, and the
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program.

64 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                                                      TRANSMISSION &            QUALITY OF SUPPLY             AVERAGE TIME
       GROUP                   COUNTRY                  DISTRIBUTION               (1-7, WORST                 TO CONNECT
                                                     LOSS (% OF OUTPUT)              TO BEST)                     (DAYS)
                           Brunei Darussalam                   6.41                      5.4                       25
                                  Japan                        4.31                      6.7                       81
  EAP High Income                 Korea                        3.35                      6.4                       13
                              New Zealand                      6.54                      6.5                       58
                                Singapore                      2.03                      6.9                       26
                                Cambodia                      23.42                      3.5                       179
                                  China                        5.47                       5                        32
                                Indonesia                      9.40                      4.4                       32
                                Lao PDR                       12.28                      4.8                       87
                                Malaysia                       5.79                      5.9                       24
      East Asia                 Mongolia                      14.75                       4                        79
                                Myanmar                       20.49                       –                        70
                               Philippines                     9.41                      4.2                       37
                                 Thailand                      6.11                      5.2                       30
                               Timor-Leste                      –                         –                        93
                                 Vietnam                       9.29                      4.3                       31
                                   Fiji                         –                         –                        81
                           Papua New Guinea                     –                         –                        66
    Pacific Islands              Samoa                          –                         –                        34
                             Solomon Islands                    –                         –                        53
                                 Vanuatu                        –                         –                        120
                               Afghanistan                    33.00                       –                        114
                               Bangladesh                     11.40                      3.7                       125
                                 Bhutan                         –                        5.8                       61
                                  India                       19.33                      4.7                       53
     South Asia
                                Maldives                        –                         –                        75
                                  Nepal                       32.21                      2.8                       49
                                 Pakistan                     17.14                      2.9                       113
                                Sri Lanka                     11.44                       4                        100

Sources: Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Loss: OECD/IEA, IEA Statistics, 2018 (using 2014 data);
Quality of electricity supply: World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Index, 2017-2018; and
Average time to connect: World Bank, Doing Business, 2019.

                                                                 Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 65
                                                                                  ELECTRICITY QUALITY
                                                                  SYSTEM AVERAGE                 SYSTEM AVERAGE INTERRUPTION
                                                              INTERRUPTION DURATION                     FREQUENCY INDEX
       GROUP                       COUNTRY                             INDEX                          (AVERAGE NUMBER OF
                                                                (AVERAGE HOURS PER                INTERRUPTIONS PER CUSTOMER
                                                                CUSTOMER PER YEAR)                          PER YEAR)
                               Brunei Darussalam                           0.4                                     0.3
                                 Japan (Tokyo)                             0.0                                     0.0
  EAP High Income                    Korea                                 0.0                                     0.1
                                 New Zealand                               3.8                                     2.1
                                   Singapore                               0.1                                     0.1
                                   Cambodia                               20.8                                    15.4
                                 China (Beijing)                           0.8                                     0.2
                              Indonesia (Jakarta)                          2.6                                     2.2
                                    Lao PDR                                4.0                                    22.7
                                    Malaysia                               0.5                                     0.5
      East Asia                    Mongolia                               62.0                                    15.0
                                   Myanmar                                30.3                                    26.4
                                   Philippines                             3.6                                     2.2
                                    Thailand                               0.4                                     0.7
                                  Timor-Leste                               -                                       -
                                    Vietnam                                2.1                                     1.6
                                       Fiji                                5.0                                     4.7
                              Papua New Guinea                            940.0                                   500.0
    Pacific Islands                  Samoa                                35.9                                    15.8
                                Solomon Islands                            3.1                                     1.5
                                    Vanuatu                                7.3                                     5.1
                                  Afghanistan                               –                                       –
                                  Bangladesh                                –                                       –
                                     Bhutan                                7.1                                     2.9
                                  India (Delhi)                            4.6                                     2.6
      South Asia
                                    Maldives                              168.0                                    2.5
                                     Nepal                                  –                                       –
                               Pakistan (Karachi)                         99.0                                    90.0
                                    Sri Lanka                              4.0                                     3.0

Note: System Average Interruption Duration is the average total duration of outages over the course of a year for each customer
served, while System Average Interruption Frequency is the average number of service interruptions experienced by a customer in
a year. SAIDI and SAIFI figures are national, except for city-level figures for China (Beijing), India (Delhi), Indonesia (Jakarta), Japan
(Tokyo), and Pakistan (Karachi).

Source: World Bank, Doing Business (2019).

66 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                                                            RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY
                                                                                             TOTAL CO2 EMISSIONS FROM
       GROUP                     COUNTRY                                                       ELECTRICITY AND HEAT
                                                             (% TOTAL ELECTRICITY
                                                                                                PRODUCTION (MTCO2)

                             Brunei Darussalam                         0.05                                2.6
                                   Japan                              15.98                               554.9
  EAP High Income                  Korea                               1.89                               322.1
                                New Zealand                           80.08                                5.1
                                 Singapore                             1.82                               20.7
                                 Cambodia                             46.42                                4.1
                                    China                             26.00                              4618.2
                                  Indonesia                           10.65                               195.9
                                  Lao PDR                             81.00                                 –
                                  Malaysia                             9.96                               106.9
      East Asia                   Mongolia                             7.00                               12.8
                                  Myanmar                             58.85                                8.1
                                 Philippines                          25.41                               63.1
                                  Thailand                             8.54                               88.2
                                 Timor-Leste                           0.00                                 –
                                  Vietnam                             36.73                               71.6
                                     Fiji                             45.02                                 –
                             Papua New Guinea                         34.53                                 –
    Pacific Islands                Samoa                              30.35                                 –
                              Solomon Islands                          2.26                                 –
                                  Vanuatu                             21.26                                 –
                                 Afghanistan                          12.67                                 –
                                 Bangladesh                            1.23                               36.9
                                   Bhutan                             99.99                                 -
                                    India                             15.34                              1100.4
     South Asia
                                  Maldives                             1.28                                 –
                                   Nepal                               100                                 0.0
                                  Pakistan                            31.43                               54.5
                                  Sri Lanka                           48.48                                9.9

Sources: Renewable electricity generation: All countries except Afghanistan, China, Lao PDR, and Mongolia: OECD/IEA, IEA
Statistics, 2018 (using 2015 data); Afghanistan source: World Bank estimate, based on Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat data,
2020; China source: China Power Industry Statistics Express, 2019; Lao PDR source: Calculated by World Bank Energy Team based
on the MEM consolidated power development projects, 2020; Mongolia source: World Bank Energy team estimate, 2019: CO2
emissions: IEA Statistics, Total CO2 Emissions from Electricity and Heat Production, 2019 (using 2017 data).

                                                              Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 67
                      ELECTRICITY TARIFFS AND COSTS
                                                         AVERAGE             OPERATIONAL COST         LEVELIZED COST OF
       GROUP                    COUNTRY             ELECTRICITY TARIFF        OF ELECTRICITY             ELECTRICITY
                                                        (US$/KWH)              GENERATION                 (US$/KWH)
                            Brunei Darussalam                 –                        –                        –
                                   Japan                    0.25                     0.05                     0.08
  EAP High Income                  Korea                    0.10                     0.21                     0.05
                               New Zealand                    –                        –                        –
                                Singapore                   0.16                     0.12                       –
                                Cambodia                    0.19                     0.08                       –
                                   China                    0.10                     0.05                     0.04
                                 Indonesia                  0.09                     0.10                     0.12
                                 Lao PDR                    0.08                     0.09                       –
                                 Malaysia                   0.10                     0.06                     0.11
      East Asia                  Mongolia                   0.06                       –                        –
                                 Myanmar                    0.06                     0.07                       –
                                Philippines                 0.17                       –                      0.12
                                 Thailand                   0.11                     0.04                     0.08
                                Timor-Leste                   –                        –                        –
                                 Vietnam                    0.08                       –                      0.17
                                    Fiji                      –                      0.10                       –
                            Papua New Guinea                  –                    0.10-0.12                    –
    Pacific Islands               Samoa                       –                        –                        –
                             Solomon Islands                0.89                     0.26                       –
                                 Vanuatu                    0.61                       –                        –
                               Afghanistan                  0.10                     0.03                       –
                                Bangladesh                  0.08                     0.07                       –
                                  Bhutan                    0.04                     0.08                       –
                                   India                    0.09                       –                      0.09
     South Asia
                                 Maldives                   0.31                   0.30-0.40                    –
                                   Nepal                    0.09                     0.01                       –
                                 Pakistan                   0.12                     0.05                       –
                                 Sri Lanka                  0.14                     0.12                       –

Note: Average electricity tariff for all users (US$/KWh) based on $ revenue / total KWh consumed			

Sources: Average electricity tariffs: RISE database, various years, except Bhutan, and Singapore, see Appendix 4;
Operational cost of electricity generation, various sources, see Appendix 5;
Levelized cost of energy calculated by authors based on inputs from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (2017) and Lazard (2016).

68 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                                                      PROPORTION OF POPULATION USING IMPROVED WATER, PIPED
       GROUP                  COUNTRY
                                                                        (% POPULATION)
                                                           TOTAL                     RURAL                     URBAN
                           Brunei Darussalam                >99.0                     >99.0                     >99.0
                                 Japan                      97.90                       –                         –
  EAP High Income                Korea                      98.79                       –                         –
                             New Zealand                    >99.0                     >99.0                     >99.0
                               Singapore                    >99.0                       –                       >99.0
                               Cambodia                     26.13                     10.87                     77.28
                                 China                      76.06                     53.77                     92.22
                               Indonesia                    18.28                     13.01                     22.66
                               Lao PDR                      49.48                     32.28                     82.34
                               Malaysia                     94.54                     81.20                     98.88
      East Asia                Mongolia                     25.13                     4.98                      34.45
                               Myanmar                      24.55                     10.50                     56.85
                              Philippines                   40.12                     34.26                     46.81
                               Thailand                     70.29                     54.33                     86.77
                              Timor-Leste                   64.55                     56.71                     82.67
                                Vietnam                     42.87                     22.14                     81.00
                                  Fiji                      86.97                     74.32                     97.01
                          Papua New Guinea                  18.38                     12.80                     55.43
    Pacific Islands             Samoa                       84.90                     83.73                     90.07
                            Solomon Islands                 46.24                     38.88                     70.50
                                Vanuatu                     47.62                     37.25                     78.47
                              Afghanistan                   21.67                     13.76                     45.10
                              Bangladesh                    14.90                     2.50                      37.08
                                Bhutan                      >99.0                     >99.0                     >99.0
                                 India                      43.74                     31.53                     67.87
     South Asia
                               Maldives                     47.80                     15.00                     98.30
                                 Nepal                      47.40                     45.51                     55.31
                                Pakistan                    28.37                     15.25                     51.26
                               Sri Lanka                    38.28                     30.27                     73.83

Note: This measure includes access to improved, piped water sources, sources, shared and on-premises.

Sources: WHO / UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene, 2019 (using 2017 data).

                                                               Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 69
                      WATER QUALITY
                                                                                               QUALITY OF WATER SUPPLIED
       GROUP                       COUNTRY                   NON-REVENUE WATER (%)              (% SAMPLES PASSING ON
                                                                                                  RESIDUAL CHLORINE)
                               Brunei Darussalam                           –                                   –
                                      Japan                              2.74                                  –
  EAP High Income                     Korea                              16.28                                 –
                                  New Zealand                            23.41                                n/a
                                    Singapore                            5.00                               100.00
                                   Cambodia                              6.74                               100.00
                                      China                              20.54                               99.60
                                    Indonesia                            32.80                                 –
                                    Lao PDR                              29.17                                 –
                                    Malaysia                             34.40                                 –
      East Asia                     Mongolia                             14.44                              100.00
                                    Myanmar                                –                                   –
                                   Philippines                           25.33                                 –
                                    Thailand                               –                                   –
                                   Timor-Leste                             –                                   –
                                     Vietnam                             23.79                               95.95
                                       Fiji                              45.06                               95.11
                               Papua New Guinea                          55.55                               99.98
    Pacific Islands                  Samoa                               50.84                               98.84
                                Solomon Islands                          59.93                               75.23
                                     Vanuatu                             32.28                              100.00
                                   Afghanistan                           41.24                                 -
                                   Bangladesh                            21.56                               98.71
                                     Bhutan                              33.96                              100.00
                                      India                              32.90                               81.70
     South Asia
                                    Maldives                               –                                   –
                                      Nepal                              36.30                               86.84
                                     Pakistan                            44.00                              100.00
                                    Sri Lanka                            24.90                                 –

Note: For Bhutan, China, India, “Quality of water supplied” refers to the percentage of water samples that meet or exceed the
specified potable water standards. For all other countries, this indicator measures the proportion of samples passing residual
chlorine tests. For Philippines, the NRW rate is an average of rates across Manila and Davao. For Singapore, the NRW value refers
to Singapore’s reported rate of ‘Unaccounted-for Water’.

Sources: Various sources and coverage at national or municipal levels, see Appendix 7.

70 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
       GROUP              COUNTRY (MUNICIPALITY)                  TARIFF (US$ PER M3)
                                                                                                 (PPP-ADJUSTED US$ PER M3)
                               Brunei Darussalam
                                                                          0.08                                 0.14
                             (Bandar Seri Begawan)
                                 Japan (Tokyo)                            1.03                                 1.08
  EAP High Income
                                 Korea (Seoul)                            0.53                                 0.60
                            New Zealand (Auckland)                        1.09                                 0.94
                             Singapore (Singapore)                        1.25                                 1.46
                            Cambodia (Phnom Penh)                         0.15                                 0.38
                                China (Shanghai)                          0.28                                 0.50
                               Indonesia (Jakarta)                        0.46                                 1.23
                              Lao PDR (Vientiane)                         0.19                                 0.49
                            Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)                       0.13                                 0.34
      East Asia             Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar)                        0.33                                 0.91
                               Myanmar (Yangon)                           0.02                                 0.10
                              Philippines (Manila)                        0.71                                 1.80
                               Thailand (Bangkok)                         0.25                                 0.66
                                Timor-Leste (Dili)                          –                                   –
                          Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City)                      0.24                                 0.61
                                   Fiji (Suva)                            0.08                                 0.12
                              Papua New Guinea
                                                                          0.43                                 0.51
                                (Port Moresby)
    Pacific Islands              Samoa (Apia)                             0.30                                 0.46
                                Solomon Islands
                                                                          0.75                                 0.75
                             (Guadalcanal Province)
                               Vanuatu (Port Vila)                        0.61                                 0.63
                              Afghanistan (Kabul)                         0.34                                 1.27
                              Bangladesh (Dhaka)                          0.12                                 0.29
                             Bhutan (Thimphu City)                        0.04                                 0.11
                                 India (Mumbai)                           0.19                                 0.61
     South Asia
                                Maldives (Male)                           3.87                                 5.80
                              Nepal (Kathmandu)                           0.17                                 0.47
                               Pakistan (Karachi)                         0.08                                 0.27
                              Sri Lanka (Colombo)                         0.09                                 0.26

Note: Water tariffs recorded are for the household tariff block associated with the first 15 m3 consumed in a month.

Source: Various sources, see Appendix 6.

                                                                 Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 71
                      WATER COSTS
                                                  OPERATIONAL EX-
                                                                                 OPERATIONAL                  OPERATIONAL
                                                PENDITURE, WATER &
       GROUP                  COUNTRY                                        EXPENDITURE, WATER              COST COVERAGE
                                                                             (US$/M3 WATER SOLD)                 RATIO
                                                (US$/M3 WATER SOLD)
                          Brunei Darussalam                 –                            –                            –
                                 Japan                      –                          1.58                           –
  EAP High Income                Korea                    0.97                         0.61                         2.48
                             New Zealand                  0.69                         0.69                         2.43
                               Singapore                    –                          1.13                         1.22
                              Cambodia                    0.12                         0.12                         2.57
                                 China                    0.43                         0.41                         0.76
                               Indonesia                    –                            –                          1.05
                               Lao PDR                    0.33                           –                          0.87
                               Malaysia                     –                            –                          1.15
      East Asia                Mongolia                   0.56                         0.36                         0.84
                               Myanmar                      –                            –                            -
                              Philippines                   –                            –                          1.20
                               Thailand                   0.18                           –                          0.62
                              Timor-Leste                   –                            –                            –
                                Vietnam                   0.24                         0.23                         1.55
                                  Fiji                    0.80                         0.75                         0.81
                          Papua New Guinea                1.06                         0.90                         1.64
    Pacific Islands             Samoa                     0.67                           -                          1.27
                           Solomon Islands                2.61                         2.08                         1.37
                                Vanuatu                   0.59                         0.59                         1.28
                              Afghanistan                 0.16                           -                          1.01
                              Bangladesh                  0.14                         0.11                         1.33
                                Bhutan                      –                            –                          1.75
                                 India                      –                            –                          0.39
     South Asia
                               Maldives                     –                            -                            –
                                 Nepal                    0.17                         0.17                         1.18
                                Pakistan                  0.15                           –                          0.43
                               Sri Lanka                    –                          0.13                         0.90

Note: Unit Operational Expenditure, Water & WW (US$/m3 water sold) = total annual operational expenses / total volume of
water sold, and Unit Operational Expenditure, Water (US$/m3 water sold) = annual water service operational expenses / total
volume of water sold. Operational cost coverage is the ratio of total annual operational revenues to total annual operational

Source: Various sources, see Appendix 7.

72 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                             COUNTRY                  PROPORTION OF POPULATION USING IMPROVED SANITATION
                                                          TOTAL                    RURAL                     URBAN
                          Brunei Darussalam               95.29                     95.60                     95.20
                                Japan                     76.45                       –                         –
  EAP High Income               Korea                     >99.0                       –                         –
                            New Zealand                   83.76                       –                         –
                              Singapore                   >99.0                       –                       >99.0
                              Cambodia                    14.32                     3.43                      50.83
                                China                     62.18                     38.50                     79.36
                              Indonesia                   11.34                     13.53                     9.52
                               Lao PDR                     1.11                     <1.0                      1.94
                               Malaysia                   79.18                       -                         -
      East Asia               Mongolia                    21.09                     3.11                      29.41
                              Myanmar                      <1.0                     <1.0                      <1.0
                             Philippines                   4.29                     3.04                      5.72
                               Thailand                    8.61                     5.41                      11.91
                             Timor-Leste                  11.30                     8.33                      18.15
                               Vietnam                     <1.0                     <1.0                      1.73
                                 Fiji                       –                         –                         –
                         Papua New Guinea                  3.92                     1.00                      23.30
    Pacific Islands            Samoa                       <1.0                     <1.0                      <1.0
                           Solomon Islands                 6.87                     1.98                      22.96
                               Vanuatu                    12.07                     11.01                     15.23
                             Afghanistan                   2.60                     <1.0                      8.14
                             Bangladesh                    5.24                     <1.0                      14.36
                               Bhutan                      5.63                     1.15                      12.30
                                India                     10.56                     <1.0                      29.55
     South Asia
                              Maldives                    60.13                     34.24                      >99
                                Nepal                      5.13                     1.75                      19.22
                               Pakistan                   25.23                     5.37                      59.87
                              Sri Lanka                    4.19                     2.30                      12.59

Source: WHO / UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene, 2019 (using 2017 data), except
Brunei (2016 data).

                                                             Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 73
                      SANITATION ACCESS
                                                                 PROPORTION OF POPULATION USING IMPROVED
       GROUP                    COUNTRY
                                                                 SANITATION FACILITIES (INCLUDING SHARED) (%)
                                                               TOTAL                     RURAL                     URBAN
                            Brunei Darussalam                  96.33                      97.34                      96.03
                                   Japan                       >99.0                      >99.0                     >99.0
  EAP High Income                  Korea                       >99.0                      >99.0                     >99.0
                               New Zealand                     >99.0                      >99.0                     >99.0
                                 Singapore                     >99.0                      >99.0                     >99.0
                                Cambodia                       65.70                      55.46                     >99.0
                                   China                       90.74                      81.96                      97.11
                                 Indonesia                     85.37                      76.76                      92.52
                                 Lao PDR                       77.24                      66.35                      98.03
                                 Malaysia                      >99.0                      >99.0                     >99.0
      East Asia                  Mongolia                      86.48                      65.13                      96.36
                                 Myanmar                       73.69                      67.62                      87.62
                                Philippines                    91.42                      88.25                      95.04
                                 Thailand                      >99.0                      >99.0                     >99.0
                                Timor-Leste                    62.60                      50.32                      90.95
                                  Vietnam                      87.28                      82.07                      96.86
                                    Fiji                       >99.0                      >99.0                     >99.0
                            Papua New Guinea                   15.21                       9.14                      55.52
    Pacific Islands               Samoa                        98.00                      98.00                      98.00
                             Solomon Islands                   39.13                      21.97                      95.64
                                  Vanuatu                      68.61                      60.88                      91.60
                                Afghanistan                    53.24                      42.97                      83.65
                                Bangladesh                     70.88                      64.40                      82.46
                                  Bhutan                       78.30                      72.14                      87.48
                                   India                       72.05                      61.11                      93.66
      South Asia
                                 Maldives                      >99.0                      >99.0                     >99.0
                                   Nepal                       75.74                      71.92                      91.69
                                  Pakistan                     70.05                      62.92                      82.49
                                 Sri Lanka                     98.85                      >99.0                      97.08

Note: Access to improved sanitation includes access to improved sanitation facilities (including shared) such as latrines and
household or shared toilets connected to septic tanks or sewer connections.

Source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme, 2019 (using 2017 data).

74 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                                                                    WASTEWATER                 WASTEWATER CONNECTION
       GROUP                      COUNTRY                         TREATMENT RATE                RATE (% OF HOUSEHOLDS
                                                                    (% TREATED)                       CONNECTED)
                              Brunei Darussalam                            –                                44.0
                                    Japan                                75.8                               76.3
  EAP High Income                    Korea                               92.1                               92.1
                                 New Zealand                             82.0                               85.6
                                  Singapore                             100.0                               100.0
                                  Cambodia                               <1.0                               10.0
                                     China                               <1.0                               56.0
                                   Indonesia                              1.0                                2.5
                                   Lao PDR                               <1.0                               <1.0
                                   Malaysia                              61.6                               31.8
      East Asia                    Mongolia                              10.0                               33.0
                                   Myanmar                               <1.0                               <1.0
                                  Philippines                            63.0                                4.1
                                   Thailand                              <1.0                               <1.0
                                  Timor-Leste                             5.0                                6.0
                                   Vietnam                               10.0                                2.0
                                      Fiji                               10.0                               39.0
                              Papua New Guinea                           <1.0                               10.0
    Pacific Islands                 Samoa                                  –                                  –
                               Solomon Islands                           <1.0                               30.0
                                   Vanuatu                                 –                                  –
                                  Afghanistan                            <1.0                                8.0
                                  Bangladesh                             <1.0                                2.0
                                    Bhutan                               <1.0                               10.0
                                     India                               19.2                               11.7
     South Asia
                                   Maldives                                –                                <1.0
                                    Nepal                                <1.0                               10.0
                                   Pakistan                               1.0                               10.0
                                   Sri Lanka                             <1.0                                2.5

Notes: Wastewater treatment rate measures the percentage of collected wastewater treated; wastewater connection rate
measures the percentage connected to wastewater treatment.
Source: Yale University Environmental Performance Index (EPI), 2018 (using 2015 data).

                                                                Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 75
                      SANITATION TARIFFS
                                                        WASTEWATER TARIFF   PPP-ADJUSTED WASTEWATER
       GROUP              COUNTRY (MUNICIPALITY)
                                                           (US$ PER M3)         TARIFF (US$ PER M3)
                               Brunei Darussalam
                                                                –                      –
                             (Bandar Seri Begawan)
                                  Japan (Tokyo)               0.85                   0.89
  EAP High Income
                                  Korea (Seoul)               0.29                   0.33
                            New Zealand (Auckland)            2.32                   1.93
                             Singapore (Singapore)            0.61                   0.71
                            Cambodia (Phnom Penh)             0.02                   0.02
                                China (Shanghai)              0.23                   0.40
                               Indonesia (Jakarta)              –                      –
                               Lao PDR (Vientiane)              –                      –
                             Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)          0.05                   0.12
      East Asia              Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar)           0.17                   0.48
                               Myanmar (Yangon)                 –                      –
                               Philippines (Manila)             –                      –
                               Thailand (Bangkok)               –                      –
                                Timor-Leste (Dili)              –                      –
                           Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City)         0.02                   0.06
                                    Fiji (Suva)               0.10                   0.16
                               Papua New Guinea
                                                              0.20                   0.24
                                 (Port Moresby)
    Pacific Islands               Samoa (Apia)                1.38                   1.88
                                Solomon Islands
                                                              0.35                   0.35
                             (Guadalcanal Province)
                                Vanuatu (Port Vila)             –                      –
                               Afghanistan (Kabul)              –                      –
                               Bangladesh (Dhaka)             0.12                   0.29
                             Bhutan (Thimphu City)              –                      –
                                 India (Mumbai)               0.05                   0.17
      South Asia
                                 Maldives (Male)                –                      –
                               Nepal (Kathmandu)              0.08                   0.24
                                Pakistan (Karachi)            0.01                   0.03
                               Sri Lanka (Colombo)            0.11                   0.33

Source: Various sources, see Appendix 6.

76 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                                                                           OPERATIONAL EXPENDITURE, WASTEWATER
       GROUP                                 COUNTRY
                                                                                  (US$/POPULATION SERVED)
                                       Brunei Darussalam                                          –
                                               Japan                                              –
  EAP High Income                              Korea                                            38.91
                                            New Zealand                                         78.37
                                             Singapore                                            –
                                             Cambodia                                             –
                                               China                                              –
                                              Indonesia                                           –
                                              Lao PDR                                             –
                                              Malaysia                                            –
      East Asia                               Mongolia                                          9.24
                                              Myanmar                                             –
                                             Philippines                                          –
                                              Thailand                                            –
                                             Timor-Leste                                          –
                                              Vietnam                                           4.07
                                                 Fiji                                           33.07
                                      Papua New Guinea                                          33.22
    Pacific Islands                            Samoa                                              –
                                           Solomon Islands                                      503.2
                                              Vanuatu                                             –
                                             Afghanistan                                          –
                                             Bangladesh                                         4.67
                                               Bhutan                                             –
     South Asia
                                              Maldives                                            –
                                               Nepal                                              –
                                              Pakistan                                          2.79
                                              Sri Lanka                                           –

Note: Operational Expenditure, Wastewater (US$/population served) = annual operational wastewater expenses / population

Source: Various sources, see Appendix 7.

                                                             Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 77
                      ROAD TRANSPORT ACCESS
                                                                  RURAL ROAD              RURAL POPULATION DENSITY
       GROUP                       COUNTRY
                                                                 ACCESS INDEX               (POPULATION PER km2)
                               Brunei Darussalam                         –                           –
                                      Japan                            93.30                        0.02
  EAP High Income                     Korea                            90.88                        0.01
                                  New Zealand                          85.07                        1.85
                                    Singapore                            –                           –
                                    Cambodia                           38.09                        68.06
                                      China                            57.37                        69.51
                                    Indonesia                          47.92                       787.58
                                     Lao PDR                           31.46                        24.27
                                     Malaysia                          50.13                       106.66
      East Asia                     Mongolia                           18.87                        6.90
                                    Myanmar                            38.34                        60.12
                                   Philippines                         64.09                       198.91
                                     Thailand                          46.06                        78.90
                                   Timor-Leste                         46.08                        71.64
                                     Vietnam                           66.68                       197.71
                                       Fiji                              –                            –
                               Papua New Guinea                        11.72                       134.02
    Pacific Islands                  Samoa                             31.62                        57.58
                                 Solomon Islands                       9.30                        135.49
                                     Vanuatu                             –                            –
                                   Afghanistan                         20.31                        0.12
                                   Bangladesh                          47.03                       856.32
                                     Bhutan                            34.19                        16.04
                                      India                            42.80                       2857.23
      South Asia
                                    Maldives                           6.52                        880.81
                                      Nepal                            51.65                       135.19
                                     Pakistan                          39.89                       1238.31
                                    Sri Lanka                          68.72                       340.20

Source: Mikou, et al, 2019, based on World Bank RAI methodology by Roberts et al, 2006.

78 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                                                      QUALITY OF ROAD           ESTIMATED ROAD               TOTAL CO2
                                                       INFRASTRUCTURE            TRAFFIC DEATH            EMISSIONS FROM
       GROUP                   COUNTRY
                                                      (1–7, FROM WORST          RATE (PER 100,000         ROAD TRANSPORT
                                                            TO BEST)              POPULATION)                 (MTCO2)
                           Brunei Darussalam                   4.9                       –                        1.3
                                  Japan                        6.0                      4.1                      184.2
  EAP High Income                 Korea                        5.7                      9.8                       97.9
                              New Zealand                      4.7                      7.8                       14.3
                               Singapore                       6.4                      2.8                       6.7
                               Cambodia                        3.3                      17.8                      4.5
                                  China                        4.6                      18.2                     726.3
                                Indonesia                      3.9                      12.2                     124.5
                                Lao PDR                        3.2                      16.6                          -
                                Malaysia                       5.5                      23.6                      58.9
      East Asia                 Mongolia                       3.1                      16.5                      1.4
                                Myanmar                         –                       19.9                      4.3
                               Philippines                     3.5                      12.3                      30.0
                                Thailand                       4.4                      32.7                      71.6
                               Timor-Leste                      –                       12.7                          -
                                Vietnam                        3.2                      26.4                      35.8
                                   Fiji                         –                       9.6                           –
                           Papua New Guinea                     –                       14.2                          –
    Pacific Islands              Samoa                          –                       11.3                          –
                            Solomon Islands                     –                       17.4                          –
                                 Vanuatu                        –                       15.9                          –
                               Afghanistan                      –                       15.1                          –
                               Bangladesh                      3.1                      15.3                      8.4
                                 Bhutan                         –                       17.4                          –
                                  India                        4.4                      22.6                     265.7
     South Asia
                                Maldives                        –                       0.9                           –
                                  Nepal                        2.6                      15.9                      4.8
                                Pakistan                       3.9                      14.3                      52.6
                                Sri Lanka                      3.8                      14.9                      10.6


Sources: Quality of Road Infrastructure: World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Report, 2018;
Road traffic death rate: WHO Global Health Repository, 2019 (using 2016 data);
CO2 emissions from road transport: IEA Statistics, Total CO2 Emissions from Road Transport, 2019 (using 2017 data).

                                                                Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 79
                                                          Appendix 2:
                                              Methodology and Sources
Infrastructure can refer to a wide array of services, including assets that accommodate social services, such as
schools, hospitals, and housing developments, as well as economic infrastructure assets that facilitate trade and
production, including energy, water, and transport. This report focuses on the provision of three key economic
infrastructure sectors: road transport; water and sewerage; and electricity.
Geographically, this report assesses the status of infrastructure services in four sub-regions. High-income regional
benchmark countries are Brunei Darussalam, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, and Korea. These benchmark
countries were selected as points of comparison due to their higher levels of income and proximity to the EAP/
SAR countries being studied. Emerging East Asian countries included in the study are Cambodia, China,
Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam.
South Asian countries are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri
Lanka. Lastly, the Pacific Islands countries included in this study are Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, the
Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu. The Pacific Islands sample includes countries in which The World Bank Group
has operational presences; however, because of significant data insufficiencies, some states were not included.
The status of infrastructure in EAP is assessed based on three aspects—access, quality, and tariffs and costs. Data
sources and indicators used for each section are detailed in the remaining appendices. Descriptive statistical
analyses are given at the regional and national levels.

Data Sources and Challenges
Data was sourced from a wide variety of sources, including public data sets; subscription data sets produced by
industry and market-research companies; and government, industry, and company utility reports. These include
statistical and geospatial data drawn from the World Bank; the Asian Development Bank; ASEAN; the United
Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP); U.S. National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) and country data sets; market intelligence for the energy and water sectors;
and open-access map data. Data on access to electricity services and water supply was the most readily available.
Data for road-transport access required geospatial modeling and advanced computational techniques to estimate
the degree of access to paved rural roads, based on open road-map data and population data. Data sources are
described in further detail in Appendices 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Compiling data for tariffs and costs of service required drawing information from numerous sources. In some
cases, data sets covered a number of countries, but with varying degrees of generalizability to the national level.
To make these variations explicit, the coverage of data sources for electricity and water and wastewater tariffs and
costs is described in detail in Appendices 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Although data was available, at least partially, on operational expenditures for electricity and water and sanitation,
data on capital expenditures was grossly insufficient. No readily comparable data sets exist to capture these
kinds of costs across countries. Moreover, capital expenditures are often not publicly and consistently reported
in financial reports or by governments. Similarly, data on road costs at the national level was unavailable, and
estimations of comparable per-kilometer road construction costs are difficult to make, due to high degrees of
variance in road quality, width, materials, and terrain.

80 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
This study uses multiple databases to source access data for electricity, water, and sanitation. Road access data was
generated using geospatial models. The following set of indicators was used to evaluate access of the population
to essential infrastructure services:

     SECTOR                 INDICATOR                 UNIT OF MEASURE                          EXPLANATION
                  Access to electricity                                       Percentage of population (total, rural, urban) with
 Electricity                                          % of total population
                  (total, rural, urban)                                       access to household electricity service.
                                                                              Percentage of population (total, rural, urban) with
                  Access to piped water on
 Water                                                % of total population   access to an improved water source via piped
                  premises (total, rural, urban)
                                                                              water on premises.
                  Access to sewerage connection                               Percentage of population (total, rural, urban) with
 Sanitation                                           % of total population
                  on premises (total, rural, urban)                           access to piped household sewer connection.
                                                                              Percentage of population (total, rural, urban) with
                  Access to improved sanitation
                                                      % of total population   access to either household or shared improved
                  (Total, Rural, Urban)
                                                                              Percentage of rural population with access (within
 Road Transport   Rural Access Index (RAI)                     %
                                                                              two kilometers) to all-season roads.

Electricity access data was drawn from the World Bank Development Indicator database 2016 update. The
access data draws on country-level reporting to provide the share of the total, urban and rural populations with
access to electricity services. Electrification data are collected from industry, national surveys, and international
sources, and are maintained in the World Bank’s Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) database.
Data for water and sanitation access are drawn from the 2017 update to the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring
Programme (JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation, which collects and publishes an extensive and comprehensive
global dataset on access to water and sanitation. The JMP database collects data about access to improved water
and sanitation facilities, and the share of total, urban and rural populations with access.
Definitions of “access to an improved sanitation facility” capture services that are broader than those particular
to networked infrastructure systems. They include, for example, households with a well, septic tank, or other
non-grid-based access as quality infrastructure. To further narrow the definitions to more accurately reflect the
state of infrastructure, this study also uses data from two JMP sub-indicators (“access to an improved water
source, piped on premise” and “access to improved sanitation facility, to piped sewer system”) to consider
household, grid-based access to water supply and sewerage infrastructure.
The Rural Access Index (RAI) indicators reported are drawn from work by Mikou, et al (2019). The RAI, as
defined by Roberts, et al (2006), measures the proportion of the rural population with access to all-season roads
within a walking distance of two kilometers (typically about 20 to 25 minutes’ walk). All-season roads should be
accessible throughout the year, regardless of seasonality or weather events such as intensive rainfall. Estimating
the RAI with geospatial data requires two kinds of information: the road network and population data. Mikou,
et al, generate updated RAI calculations based on data from open-access sources rather than household surveys.
Mikou, et al, utilize Open Street Map (OSM) road networks to consider road networks in each country. Because
OSM does not contain information on road quality, however, published road classification information is taken
into account to make assumptions about road seasonality. The “all-seasonality” of roads is based on the surface
type and roughness of each road. The RAI calculations take into account paved roads in good and fair condition

                                                               Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 81
and unpaved roads in good condition as proxies of all-season roads. Because this data is not necessarily available
for OSM across countries, however, the authors classify roads in OSM in four categories: primary, secondary,
tertiary, and tracks. The authors calculate the RAI under the assumption that all-season roads are either: (i)
primary and secondary roads only; (ii) primary, secondary and tertiary roads; and (iii) all roads. They then
compare results to previous RAI estimates as well as the fraction of paved roads provided by the International
Roads Federation and conclude that the best proxies for all-season roads are primary and secondary roads.
The RAI is then calculated by overlaying the roads with the population layer, drawing a buffer around the
roads, and counting the number of people in the buffer (World Bank, 2016a). To estimate the populations
surrounding particular road segments, the authors utilize the WorldPop data set, which provides geocoded
population density data, and is considered the most accurate and robust population-density data set available.
The authors additionally utilize the Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP) dataset for urban-rural
The authors note several limitations to their approach. For one, WorldPop uses roads as a factor to model
population distribution, so endogeneity in the analysis could lead to overestimation of rural access. Moreover,
the “all-seasonality” of road segments must be assumed based on available data, particularly because many
low-income countries lack updated road-network data. OSM classifies roads based on function but does not
provide full information on road quality. In the analysis, the authors classify roads in OSM in four categories
(primary, secondary, tertiary, and tracks) and calculate the RAI assuming that all-season roads include primary
and secondary roads.
Rural population density captures the average population per square kilometer in rural areas of each country.
Calculations use GRUMP data for rural land area for all countries, except the Maldives.8 WorldPop is used
to source 2015 rural population data for all countries except the Maldives and New Zealand. For the latter
countries, rural population is calculated using the percentage of population that is rural, and the total population
of the country, drawing on 2015 World Bank data.
First the GRUMP data was converted to geographic information system (GIS) format-vector data. The GRUMP
dataset is in raster format, consisting of a matrix of cells (pixels) of urban extents (which could include rural
areas). The raster format was converted to polygon format using the “Raster to Polygon” tool. Thereafter, rural
areas could be extracted by using the “Select” tool. To compute the rural areas for each country, country-
boundary data in the GIS format was used along with the “Clip” tool to isolate rural regions. The areas were
then calculated using the “Calculate Geometry” tool.
The WorldPop data set was then used to compute the total rural population for each country. The WorldPop
dataset is in raster format, consisting of a matrix of cells (pixels) with estimated populations. By overlaying each
country’s rural area, the sum of the raster values was calculated using the “Zonal Statistics by Table” tool. The
rural population density was then calculated by dividing the rural population by the rural land area. The unit
is population per square kilometer.

8 	 Maldives’ rural land area (1995) is retrieved from World Bank data,

82 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
Data on the quality of services captures measures of reliability and efficiency of infrastructure services and,
in some cases, the quality of the outputs (e.g., water quality). The following indicators were selected for the
purposes of evaluating the quality:

    SECTOR                  INDICATOR               UNIT OF MEASURE                         EXPLANATION
                  Transmission & distribution                             Amount of electricity produced that is lost during
                  losses                                                  transmission and distribution.
                                                       Score (1-7,
                  Quality of electricity Supply                           Perceptions of overall electricity supply.
                                                      worst to best)
                                                                          Average time to connect businesses to
                  Time to Connect                          Days
                                                                          electricity services.
                                                                          Electric power transmission and distribution
                  Electric-power transmission and
   Electricity                                       % of total output    losses as a percentage of output to the
                  distribution losses
                                                                          transmission-and-distribution system.
                  System Average Interruption        # of interruptions   Average frequency (occurrence) of annual
                  Frequency Index (SAIFI)                 per year        interruptions to electricity services.	
                  System Average Interruption         Average days
                                                                          Average duration of interruptions to service.
                  Duration Index (SAIDI)             per interruption
                                                                          Percentage of domestic electricity production
                  Share of renewables                        %
                                                                          from renewable energy sources.
                                                                          Percentage of water that enters the piped
                                                                          distribution for which revenues are not collected,
                  Non-revenue water                          %            due to leakages, theft, non-metering, or non-
                                                                          collection; represents the amount of water
                                                                          “lost” in the supply system.
     Water                                                                Percentage of samples passing the residual
                                                                          chlorine test, which indicates whether sufficient
                  Water quality                              %            chlorine remains in the water supply after
                                                                          distribution, to prevent microbial contamin-
                                                                          ation during transport.
                  Water service continuity          # of hours per day    Average daily hours of water service.
                                                                          Percentage of collected wastewater that is
                  Wastewater treatment rate                  %
                                                                          Percentage of households connected to a
                  Wastewater connection rate                 %
                                                                          wastewater-treatment facility.
                                                       Score (1-7,
                  Quality of road infrastructure                          Perceptions of overall road quality.
                                                      worst to best)
 Road Transport
                                                      # per 100,000       Number of road-traffic deaths per 100,000
                  Annual road-traffic death rate
                                                     people per year      population per year.	

                                                            Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 83
Data on quality of infrastructure services suffers from some general limitations. First, because it is aggregated
at the country level, data does not capture within-country variations, which can be significant. Furthermore,
publicly available data on service-quality issues is largely focused on urban areas and each country’s largest cities.
Therefore, although the indicators used in this chapter reflect the latest available information on the selected
aspects of infrastructure quality in each country, they do not provide granularity with respect to levels of quality
at the subnational level, which may vary significantly. Lastly, the quality of road infrastructure and electricity
services is survey-based and subject to sampling limitations.
Electricity infrastructure quality is captured using several indicators. Electric-power transmission and
distribution (T&D) losses are technical and non-technical losses that are not observed by households. Electric-
power transmission and distribution losses include losses in transmission between sources of supply and points
of distribution, and in the distribution to consumers, including pilferage. Thus, although not a measure of loss
perceived by consumers, it is an important indicator of efficiency within the electricity-distribution system. The
data was drawn from the World Development Indicators, which use information collected by the International
Energy Agency (IEA), which in turn is drawn from national energy agencies.
The System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) measures the number of interruptions per customer
per year. It is calculated as a ratio between the number of customer interruptions and the number of total
customers served, measured over the course of a year. Similarly, the System Average Interruption Duration Index
(SAIDI) estimates the average length of service interruptions. SAIFI and SAIDI data are drawn from the World
Bank Doing Business report, which sources information from national regulators for the largest business city in
each economy. There are some limitations with respect to representativeness of the data, because the indicators
cover only the main business city in each economy (as well as the second-biggest city for countries with more
than 100 million residents).
Data regarding the quality of water-infrastructure services comes primarily from the International Benchmarking
Network (IBNET) database. IBNET is the world’s largest database for water and sanitation utilities’ performance,
gathering data for more than 4,000 water utilities in 130 countries. For most countries in the EAP region, the
utilities covered by the database account for approximately 75 percent (or more) of each country’s urban-service
coverage. Although IBNET is one of the most comprehensive utility data sources available for water costs and
quality, some data is outdated. In particular, IBNET data for Indonesia (2004), Malaysia (2007), Singapore
(2008), and the Philippines (2009) required additional research to bring observations up to date (see Appendix
7). It is also important to note that the representativeness of IBNET data at the country level is low in China
(3 percent). Moreover, all data in the IBNET database is self-reported by the participating utilities. These
conditions must be acknowledged in the interpretation of comparative results.
With respect to water quality, non-revenue water (NRW) is a measure of the efficiency and technical health
of the distribution network. NRW represents the water that has been produced by the utility but is “lost”
before it reaches the customer, typically due to leakage; theft through illegal connections; or unmetered legal
connections. A second indicator—the percentage of water samples that pass a residual-chlorine test—is a proxy
for the cleanliness of supplied water with respect to microbial contamination. Residual chlorine is the low level
of chlorine that remains in water after the chemical is applied to decontaminate and safeguard water against
future microbial contamination during transportation to households. Data on NRW and water quality are also
sourced from IBNET. Lastly, water-service continuity measures the average number of hours per day that a
piped water system is reliably supplying water to customers.
Sanitation quality is proxied by measures of overall system hygiene (an indicator of waste management and

84 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
wastewater-treatment quality) and wastewater treatment. First, the diarrheal disability-adjusted life years
(DALY) per 100,000 people accounts for years of life lost (due to disability or early death) because of diarrhea.
One DALY can be thought of as one lost year of “healthy” life. Therefore, a low DALY count reflects safe
water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions in the country. Data is drawn from WHO Global Health Estimates.
The diarrheal DALY does not solely capture the prevalence of the disease caused by poor sanitation access or
quality; it may also be affected by cultural or behavioral norms. Nevertheless, the indicator reflects the severity
of problems associated with the presence of human waste in the water supply and in the built environment that
lead to diarrheal incidences.
Second, the report assesses levels of wastewater treatment, drawing on Yale University’s 2018 Environmental
Performance Index report. The wastewater-treatment rate captures the percentage of wastewater collected that
receives treatment, and the wastewater connection rate captures the percentage of households connected to a
wastewater-treatment system. The variables capture five-year averages for each country. The original values used
to calculate these variables are collected from a variety of sources, including country-level statistics; OECD data;
UN Statistics Division data; secondary treatment levels from the Pinsent Masons Water Yearbook; and FAO-
AQUASTAT values. This variety of sources may limit comparability across countries.
With respect to road-transport quality, the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report (2018)
provides national-level perceptions data on the quality of road infrastructure, with measurement from 1 to 7
(worst to best). Data was collected via an extensive survey of industry experts, who were asked, “In your country,
how is the quality (extensiveness and condition) of road infrastructure?” Additionally, some information to
provide context is available from the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia (UNESCAP) Asian
Highway Database, which records country-reported assessments of the quality of Asian Highway Network
(AHN) roads as “good,” “fair,” or “poor,” as well as from the ASEAN-Japan Transport Partnership, which
records the percentage of paved roads of the overall road network of ASEAN states. This data is self-reported
annually by member states.

                                                         Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 85
Despite data limitations, this report presents information at the national and municipal levels on tariffs, costs of
production, and rates of cost recovery.

     SECTOR                    INDICATOR             UNIT OF MEASURE                        EXPLANATION
                                                                         The average retail electricity tariff across all tariff
                    Average electricity tariff         2016 US$/kWh      blocks and consumer types, calculated as total
                                                                         collected revenues divided by total kWh sold.
                    Operational cost of generating                       Average operational cost of generating
                                                       2017 US$/kWh
                    electricity                                          electricity.
                                                                         Unit cost of producing 1 kWh, calculated using
                                                                         data from the energy mix for each country by
                    Levelized cost of energy           2016 US$/kWh      source of production (e.g., solar, hydro-electric,
                                                                         coal, etc.) and the unitary costs of electricity
                                                                         production for each type of input.
                    Water tariff for consumption                         Water tariff for a block of monthly consumption
                                                       2016 US$/m3
                    block of 15m3, largest city                          of 15m3 for the largest city in the country.
                    PPP-adjusted water tariff for                        Water tariff for a block of monthly consumption of
                                                       2016 US$/m3,
                    consumption block of 15m3,                           15m3 for the largest city in the country, adjusted
                                                      adjusted for PPP
                    largest city                                         for purchasing power parity (PPP).
                                                                         Water utilities’ operating expenditure coverage
      Water                                                              ratio represents the extent to which a utility’s rev-
                    Operating expenditure cover-                         enues cover its basic operating and maintenance
                                                        Ratio score
                    age ratio                                            costs. It is a measure of total annual operational
                                                                         revenues divided by total annual operating
                                                                         Operating costs of producing and distributing
                    Operating expenditure, com-            US$/m3
                                                                         water and, where applicable, collecting and
                    bined water and wastewater         (various years)
                                                                         treating wastewater.
                                                                         Wastewater collection and treatment tariff for
                                                                         a block of monthly consumption of 15m3 for
 Road Transport     Wastewater tariff                  2016 US$/m3
                                                                         the largest city in the country, adjusted for
                                                                         purchasing power parity.

For the electricity sector, data on residential tariffs and operational costs for some countries are extracted from
the Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy (RISE) database, which is the most comprehensive World Bank
database on energy. Electricity tariffs are recorded for a benchmark subsistence electricity consumption of 30
KWh/month in 2016 US$. Average unitary operational costs provided by the RISE database are representative
of the operational costs for electricity generation in the year 2014, for the largest utility in the largest business
city of each country, and do not include the operational costs of transmission and distribution. For countries
whose tariffs and operational costs were not included in the RISE database, country-specific research was carried
out to extract relevant data from the publicly available information of the major electricity utility of the country’s
capital city. The complete list of countries covered by the RISE database, as well as by other sources, is presented
in Appendix 4.
For review of cost-recovery levels, this report draws on the average retail electricity tariffs and levelized costs
of energy (LCOE), as calculated based on inputs from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) (2017) and
Lazard (2016). The LCOE is internationally recognized as the closest measure to the full cost of producing

86 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
one unit of energy. The LCOE model is based on a pro-forma, project-finance schedule, which runs through
the full accounting of the project based on a set of project inputs, including capital expenses, capacity factors,
fixed operations, and management (O&M) expenses; debt ratio; and the cost of equity. For each country, the
LCOEs (in 2017 US$/KWh) for each fuel technology are considered to determine a country-wide average cost
of producing electricity (per KWh). To calculate these values, the Levelized Costs of Energy (LCOE) for Coal,
Gas, and Renewables were taken from Bloomberg New Energy Finance and Lazard. The share (%) of each
technology in the electricity mix was taken from the 2017 World Bank World Development indicators, Sources
of Electricity Production (2014 data). The LCOE calculations, weighted by technology and considering the
energy mix, are based on the following formula: LCOE_Coal * %Coal + LCOE_NGas * %NGas + LCOE_
Ren* %Ren + LCOE_Oil * %Oil. Since LCOEs are expressed in MWh, values are transformed into KWh.
The share of renewables has been further weighed, taking into account the country-specific data of electricity
generation by renewables technology from the International Energy Agency’s (IEA’s) IEA Energy Atlas. Finally,
LCOE figures are compared to the average electricity tariff, in order to estimate the extent of cost recovery for
electricity generation for the six EAP countries for which LCOE data were readily available.
Data on tariffs, operational costs, and operational-cost coverage ratios were collected separately for water and
wastewater (used as a proxy for sanitation). Unfortunately, tariff data were available only for a subset of utilities.
Because there are no reliable, up-to-date data sets available that measure average water tariffs at the national
level across countries, data are not representative of a country’s average rates. It is also important to note that
water tariffs do not necessarily immediately reveal the relative performance of utilities, because tariff rates are a
function of geography and proximity to reliable, quality water resources; tariff policy; efficiency of operations;
the geography of distribution; and the costs of inputs. Taking these limitations into account, this report compares
municipal-level tariffs in the largest cities (by population) for each country, for informational purposes.
The main sources of data are the IBNET database, supported by the World Bank since 1997, and Global Water
Intelligence (GWI), a water-market intelligence company. Water-supply tariff data are available at the municipal
level, with the latest data available from Global Water Intelligence in 2016. For countries not included in the
GWI and IBNET databases, country-specific research was conducted to extract the relevant data from reports
or websites of major water-utility companies. Water tariff and cost data also face limitations due to age and
representativeness (see Appendices 6 and 7).
Water-supply tariffs for 2016 are reported for the largest cities in each country, for tariff blocks at the subsistence
level of 15m3 per month, in 2016 US$. Data on wastewater tariffs, operating costs, and operating-cost
coverage ratios (OCCRs) are gathered from the IBNET tariffs database (for wastewater tariffs) and the IBNET
benchmarking database (for water and wastewater operational costs). The OCCR represents the extent to which
a utility covers its basic operating and maintenance costs by its revenues and is a measure of total annual
operational revenues divided by total annual operating costs. Although this measure does not fully assess cost
recovery (which would require consideration of capital expenditures), it remains a valuable measure of the
extent to which operating costs are met by collected revenues. OCCR figures are the result of a weighted average
of all water utilities covered by the IBNET database for each country and can be considered representative of
the majority of the urban population.
Because the IBNET figures are based on self-reported data from water utilities, the data presented for each
country represents different numbers of utilities and population coverage for each country. Most countries have
data representing at least 60 percent of the country’s total urban population, suggesting a relatively high level of
representativeness for urban services. Those that do not are noted in Appendix 6.

                                                           Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 87
                                                Appendix 3: References

               ADB, 2010. Bhutan: Energy Sector Evaluation Study.
               ADB, 2018. Mongolia: Development of Road Safety Policy and Action Plan, Volume II: Appendix 3.
               Bhalla, M.S. 2000. Transmission and Distribution Losses (Power). New Delhi: The Energy and
                 Resources Institute (TERI).
               Brovelli, M. A., M. Minghini, M. E. Molinari, and G. Zamboni. 2016. “Positional Accuracy
                  Assessment of The Openstreetmap Buildings Layer Through Automatic Homologous
                  Pairs Detection: The Method and a Case Study.” ISPRS - International Archives of the
                  Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLI-B2 (June 8): 615–20.
                  doi: 10.5194/isprsarchives-XLI-B2-615-2016.
               Cambodia Chamber of Commerce. 2015. “Cambodia – In Depth Study on Electricity Cost and
                 Supplies March 2015 Final Report.”
               Chian, Koh Wee. 2014. “A New Electricity Tariff in Brunei Darussalam: Welfare Implications for
                 Households.” Journal of Southeast Asian Economies (JSEAE), 31 (2): 276-291.
               EDL 2018. EDL Statistic Report 2018.
               El-Ashmawy, Khalid L. A. 2016. “Testing the Positional Accuracy of OpenStreetMap
                  Data for Mapping Applications.” Geodesy and Cartography, 42 (1): 25–30. doi:
               Fukubayashi, Y. and M. Kimura. 2014. “Improvement of rural access roads in developing
                 countries with initiative for self-reliance of communities.” Soils and Foundations, 54 (1): 23-35.
               Global Water Intelligence. 2017. Global Water Report. GWI Database.
               GRUMP. nd. file://localhost/Retrieved from http/
               Hsu, A. et al. 2015. “Environmental Performance Index.” New Haven, CT: Yale University.
               Iimi, Atshushi, Farhad Ahmed, Edward Charles Anderson, Adam Stone Diehl, Laban Maiyo,
                  Tatiana Peralta-Quiros, and Kulwinder-Singh Rao. 2016. “New Rural Access Index : Main
                  Determinants and Correlation to Poverty.” Policy Research Working Papers, World Bank

88 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
International Benchmarking Network (IBNET). Benchmarking Database.
International Benchmarking Network (IBNET). Tariff Database.
International Energy Agency, 2019. “Total CO2 Emissions from Electricity and Heat
   Production.” IEA Statistics.
International Energy Agency, 2019. “Total CO2 Emissions from Road Transport.” IEA Statistics.
JICA. 2015. “The Project for the Improvement of Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage System
   in Yangon City, in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar - Vol VI.” Sewerage and Drainage
   System Master Plan. Japan International Cooperation Agency.
Lazard. 2016. “Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis 10.0.”
Maynilad Water. 2017. “Customers FAQ.” - one_13.
McKinsey Global Institute. 2016. Bridging Global Infrastructure Gaps. McKinsey & Company.
Metropolitan Waterworks Authority. 2017. “Tariffs and Services, New Connections.”
Mikou, M., J. Rozenberg, E. Koks, C. Fox, and T. Quintos. 2019. Assessing rural accessibility and
  rural roads investment needs using open source data. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
Nam, Kee-Yung, Maria Rowena Cham and Paulo Rodelio Halili. 2015. “Power Sector
  Development in Myanmar.” ADB Economics Working Paper Series, No. 460. https://www.
OECD and International Energy Agency. 2018. IEA Statistics 2018. https://data.worldbank.
OpenStreetMap. 2017. OpenStreetMap Wiki.
Palyja. 2017. “Jakarta West, New Connection Information.”
PNG Power Ltd. 2016. “Planned Outages.”
Roberts, P., Shyam KC and Cordula Rastogi. 2006. Rural Access Index: A Key Development
  Indicator. Washington, DC: World Bank.
SP Group, 2020. Q1 2020 Tariff Rates explanation.
Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All). 2019.

                                         Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 89
                United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific. 2015. Asian Highway
                World Bank Group. 2016. Measuring rural access : Using new technologies. Washington DC:
                  World Bank Group.
                World Bank Group. 2018. Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy (RISE) Database.
                World Bank. 2019. Population data. Data sourced from United Nations Population Division,
                  World Population Prospects: 2019 Revision; Census reports and other statistical publications
                  from national statistical offices; Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, United Nations Statistical
                  Division; Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), U.S. Census Bureau
                  International Database, and Secretariat of the Pacific Community Statistics and Demography
                World Bank, Doing Business. 2019. Doing Business 2019, Getting Electricity.
                World Bank national accounts data and OECD National Accounts data files. 2018.
                World Bank, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) database. 2020. World Bank, International
                  Energy Agency, and the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program.
                World Economic Forum. 2018. Global Competitiveness Index, 2017-2018,
                World Health Organization and UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) for Water
                  Supply and Sanitation. 2019. Progress on Household Drinking Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
                World Health Organization. 2019. Road traffic deaths data by country. Global Health
                  Observatory data repository.

90 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
Appendix 4: Electricity Tariff Sources

The following is a list of sources for average electricity tariffs across all user groups (US$/KWh). Values are
calculated based on the total revenues divided by total capacity sold.

                   COUNTRY                                               SOURCE/YEAR

 Afghanistan                               RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

 Bangladesh                                RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

                                           ADB, 2010. Bhutan: Energy Sector Evaluation Study.

 Cambodia                                  RISE database, 2017 (using 2013 data)

 China                                     RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

 India                                     RISE database, 2017 (using 2012 data)

 Indonesia                                 RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

 Japan                                     RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

 Korea                                     RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

 Lao PDR                                   RISE database, 2017 (using 2013 data)

 Malaysia                                  RISE database, 2017 (using 2013 data)

 Maldives                                  RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

 Mongolia                                  RISE database, 2017 (using 2013 data)

 Myanmar                                   RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

 Nepal                                     RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

 Pakistan                                  RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

 Philippines                               RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

                                           SP Group, 2020. Q1 2020 Tariff Rates explanation.

 Solomon Islands                           RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

 Sri Lanka                                 RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

 Thailand                                  RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

 Vanuatu                                   RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

 Vietnam                                   RISE database, 2017 (using 2014 data)

                                                         Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 91
                                 Appendix 5. Operational Costs of
                                   Electricity Generation Sources
       The following is a list of sources, regions of source coverage, and specific utility sources (where applicable) for
       average operational cost of electricity generation (US$/KWh). Because definitions and approaches to calculation
       differ somewhat across sources, specific terms included the each source are also specified.

COUNTRY               REGION               UTILITY                          SOURCE/YEAR                        SOURCE COST DEFINITION
                                          DABS Da          World Bank estimate for average cost of
                                                                                                              Average operational cost of
Afghanistan      National average        Afghanistan       electricity generation (domestic), based on Da
                                                                                                              electricity generation
                                       Breshna Sherkat     Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat data. 2020
                 National average
                                         Bangladesh        BPDB Annual Report 2016-17 (using 2016 data).
Bangladesh          of national                                                                               Per unit generation cost
                                        Development        annualreports/annualreport_1542104191_Annual_
                 coverage and all
                                           Board           Report_2017-18_2.pdf
                   urban areas)
                                                                                                              Unsubsidized cost of supply
                                        Druk Green
                                                                                                              per unit of electricity to
                                          Power            Druk Green Power Corporation, 2020.
                                                                                                              residential consumer; recorded
Bhutan           National average     Corporation and
                                                                                                              generation cost includes
                                       Bhutan Power        revision-proposed/
                                                                                                              financing cost, returns on
                                                                                                              equity and operational costs.
                                                           World Bank, 2017. ESMAP: Mini Grids in
                                                           Cambodia - Case Study of a Success Story.
                                         World Bank
Cambodia         National average                            Average cost of generation
                                        ESMAP report
                                                           Huadian Energy, 2017. 2017 Annual Report,
                                                                                                              Estimated average cost of
                                                                                                              generation estimate based on
China                  Beijing         Huadian Energy      announcement/c/2018-04-26/600726_2017_n.
                                                                                                              recorded expenditures and
                                                           pdf; Comments: 6.759 LCU per 2017 USD; total
                                                                                                              total power generation
                                                           power generation - 23.828 billion kwh
                                                                                                              Estimated cost of generation
                                                           Fiji Electricity Authority, 2016. 2016 Annual      based on total generated
                                        Fiji Electricity
Fiji             National average                          Report,              output, generation
                                                           uploads/2017/08/fea-annual-report-2016.pdf         expenditure including thermal
                                                                                                              and IDO fuel expenditures

India                     –                    –           –                                                  –

                                                           PWC, 2017. Power in Indonesia 2017 (using
                                                           2016 data).      Estimated average electricity
Indonesia        National average              –
                                                           utilities-mining/assets/power/power-guide-2017.    supply cost
                                                                                                              Electricity unit cost based
                                                           Institute of Energy Economics, Japan, 2017.        on sum of fuel cost, FIT
Japan                  Tokyo                   –           Economic and Energy Outlook of Japan through       purchasing cost, and grid
                                                           FY2018.    stabilising cost divided by total
                                                           PWC, 2016 (using 2015 data). Enhancing Financial
                                                           Sustainability of the Power Sector in Laos and
Lao PDR          National average              –                                                              Average cost of supply
                                                           Developing a Suitable Tariff Regime: Task 1
                                                           Report, internal communication.

       92 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
COUNTRY        REGION              UTILITY                           SOURCE/YEAR                           SOURCE COST DEFINITION
                                                                                                          Estimated generation cost
                                                    Tenga Nasional Berhad, 2017. TNB Annual Report        based on operating costs
                                Tenga Nasional
Malaysia     Kuala Lumpur                           2017.           (excluding transmission
                                                    report/TNB_Annual_Report_2017.pdf                     and distribution costs) and
                                                                                                          recorded KWh sold
                                 State Electric     World Bank, 2015. PID: Small Island ASPIRE
                                   Company          Supplement.           Average cost of electricity
Maldives    National average
                                    Limited         curated/en/534201468263694275/pdf/SG-PRW-             generation
                                   (STELCO)         PID-CP-P155126-07-24-2015-1437756406859.pdf

Mongolia           –                   –            –                                                     –

                                                    EuroCHAM Myanmar, 2018. Energy Guide
                                    Yangon                                                                Estimate based on range of
Myanmar         Yangon         Electricity Supply                                                         average costs of generation for
                                  Corporation                                                             hydropower and gas

                               Nepal Electricity    Nepal Electric Authority, 2019. 2019 Annual           Estimate based on generation
Nepal       National average
                                 Authority          Report.           operating costs and KWh sold

                                                    Pakistan Today, 2017. https://profit.pakistantoday.
                                Karachi Electric
                                                       Average electricity generation
Pakistan        Karachi        Supply Company
                                                    plants-electricity-generation-cost-jacks-up-to-       cost
                                                    The World Bank, 2017. PNG Electrification
                                                    Project - Project Information Document.
Papua New                                                                                                 Average electricity generation
            National average     PNG Power
Guinea                                                                                                    cost
                                                                                                          Energy Cost (paid to the
                                                    SP Group, 2020. Q1 2020 Tariff Rates explanation.
Singapore      Singapore           SP Group                                                               generation companies) per

                               Solomon Islands      Solomon Power, 2018. Annual Report 2018.
Solomon                                                                                                   Estimate based on generation
                Honiara           Electricity
Islands                                                                                                   cost per KWh
                                  Authority         reports/

                                                    Ceylon Electricity Board, 2018. Statistical Digest
                               Ceylon Electricity                                                         Estimate based on average
Sri Lanka   National average                        2018.
                                 Board (CEB)                                                              cost per unit at selling point
            National average       Electricity
                                                    Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand,
              for operator        Generation                                                              Estimate based on operational
                                                    2017. Annual Report 2017. http://www.egat.
Thailand     supplying 37%         Authority                                                              costs of generation and fuel
               of nation's      (includes MEA                                                             inputs for electricity generation
               electricity         and PEA)

                                                                    Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 93
                                                Appendix 6. Water and
                                              Wastewater Tariff Sources
The following is a list of input sources and municipalities associated with the retail water tariffs (US$/m3) for
the consumption band of 15 m3 per month and wastewater tariffs (US$/m3)

        COUNTRY            MUNICIPALITY                  UTILITY / AUTHORITY                      SOURCE / YEAR

                                               Afghan Water Supply and Sewerage          World Bank estimate based on local
 Afghanistan            Kabul
                                               Corporation                               utility data (2020)

                                               Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage
 Bangladesh             Dhaka                                                            GWI database (2017)

 Bhutan                 Thimphu City           Thimphu City Corporation                  GWI database (2017)

 Brunei Darussalam      Bandar Seri Begawan    Jabatan Perkhidmatan Air                  GWI database (2017)

 Cambodia               Phnom Penh             Phnom Penh Water Authority                GWI database (2017)

 China                  Shanghai               Shanghai Water Supply Company             GWI database (2017)

 Fiji                   Suva                   Water Authority of Fiji                   IBNET database (2017 data)

 India                  Mumbai                 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai   GWI database (2017)

 Indonesia              Jakarta                Palyja                                    GWI database (2017)

 Japan                  Tokyo                  Bureau of Waterworks Tokyo                GWI database (2017)

 Korea                  Seoul                  Arisu                                     GWI database (2017 )

 Lao PDR                Vientiane              Nampapa Nakhone Luang                     IBNET database (2018 data)

                                               SYABAS (water) and Indah Water (sewer-
 Malaysia               Kuala Lumpur                                                     GWI database (2017)

 Maldives               Male                   Maldives Water and Sanitation Company     IBNET database (2015 data)

                                               Water Supply and Sewerage Authority of
 Mongolia               Ulaanbaatar                                                      GWI database (2017)

94 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
    COUNTRY            MUNICIPALITY                UTILITY / AUTHORITY                         SOURCE / YEAR

Myanmar            Yangon                Yangon City Development Committee            IBNET database (2020 data)

                                         Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited
Nepal              Kathmandu                                                          GWI database (2017)

New Zealand        Auckland              Watercare                                    GWI database (2017)

                                         Karachi Water and Sewerage Board
Pakistan           Karachi                                                            GWI database (2017)

Papua New Guinea   Port Moresby          Eda Ranu Water and Sewerage Company          GWI database (2017)

                                         Maynilad Water Service Inc, Manila Water
Philippines        Manila                                                             GWI database (2017)

                                                                                      Samoa Water Authority, 2020. Wa-
                                                                                      ter & Wastewater Tariffs. https://
Samoa              Apia                  Samoa Water Authority (SWA)

Singapore          Singapore             Public Utility Board (PUB)                   GWI database (2017)

Solomon Islands    Guadacanal Province   Solomon Islands Water Authority              IBNET database (2016 data)

                                         National Water Supply and Drainage
Sri Lanka          Colombo                                                            GWI database (2017)

Thailand           Bangkok               Metropolitan Waterworks Authority            GWI database (2017)

Timor-Leste        –                     –                                            –

Vanuatu            Port Vila             Unelco Vanuatu                               IBNET database (2019 data)

Vietnam            Ho Chi Minh City      Ho Chi Minh City Water Company               GWI database (2017)

                                                          Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 95
                               Appendix 7: Water Quality and
                                        Expenditure Sources
The following is a list of sources for Non-Revenue Water (%); Quality of Water Supplied (% samples passing
on residual chlorine); Operational Expenditure, Water & Wastewater (US$/m3 water sold); Operational
Expenditure, Water (US$/m3 water sold); Operating Cost Coverage (ratio); and Operational Expenditure,
Wastewater (US$/population served).

                                          % URBAN
                  # UTILITIES IB-
   COUNTRY                               POPULATION                                  SOURCES
                  NET DATABASE
                                       COVERED BY IBNET

 Afghanistan              1                   21%         IBNET Benchmarking database (2013 data)

 Bangladesh              47                   42%         IBNET Benchmarking database (2017 data)

                                                          Annual Performance Report, 2017, Thimphu Thomde. http://
 Bhutan                  n/a                  n/a

 Cambodia                 1                   66%         IBNET Benchmarking database (2013 data)

 China                   42                   3%          IBNET Benchmarking database (2012 data)

 Fiji                     1                   63%         IBNET Benchmarking database (2018 data)

                                                          Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. 2011. Ser-
                                                          vice Levels in Urban Water and Sanitation Sector Status Report,
                                                          2010-2011. National averages for non-revenue water, quality,
 India                   n/a                  n/a         and cost coverage.

 Indonesia               n/a                  n/a         KPI for Indonesia Water Utilities, direct communication, 2017

                                                          Operational expenditure data source: Japan Water Works Asso-
 Japan                   n/a                  n/a         ciation (2016). Water Supply in Japan 2016. Tokyo, Japan. http://

 Korea                   161                  100%        IBNET Benchmarking database (2014 data)

 Lao PDR                  1                   20%         IBNET Benchmarking database (2016 data)

                                                          Ministry of Energy, Green Technology, and Water, 2020 (2015-
 Malaysia                n/a                  n/a         2016 data).

 Mongolia                 1                   48%         IBNET Benchmarking database (2017 data)

                                                          IBNET Benchmarking database (2015 data); except wastewater
 Nepal                   26                   60%
                                                          expenditure (2017 data)

96 • Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific
                                   % URBAN
              # UTILITIES IB-
 COUNTRY                          POPULATION                                  SOURCES
              NET DATABASE
                                COVERED BY IBNET

New Zealand         51                99%          IBNET Benchmarking database (2018 data)

                                                   IBNET Benchmarking database (2016 data); except wastewater
Pakistan            1                 9%
                                                   expenditure (2012 data)

Papua New
                    2                 89%          IBNET Benchmarking database (2018 data)

                                                   World Bank Water and Sanitation Program, 2015. Water Supply
                                                   and Sanitation in the Philippines: Turning Finance into Services
Philippines         n/a               n/a          for the Future.

Samoa               1                >99%          IBNET Benchmarking database (2018 data)

                                                   Singapore Public Utilities Board, 2018. Annual Report
                                                   port2018.pdf; Unaccounted-for water value from Government
Singapore           n/a               n/a          of Singapore, 2015
                                                   ries-unaccounted-for-water-e5523c4c6058; Data for operational
                                                   expenditure from Public Utilities Board, 2018

                    1                 53%          IBNET Benchmarking database (2019 data)

                                                   NRW, OCCR: Central Bank of Sri Lanka, 2018. Annual Report
Sri Lanka           n/a               n/a
                                                   pdf; Unit Operational Expenditure based on estimates from
                                                   Dharmaratna and Parasnisand, 2012. https://globalwaterforum.

                                                   Metropolitan Waterworks Authority (2017). “Annual Report
Thailand            n/a               n/a
                                                   2017.” Bangkok

Vanuatu             2                 80%          IBNET Benchmarking database (2018 data)

Vietnam             75                97%          IBNET Benchmarking database (2015 data)

                                                    Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 97
Photo Credits
Cover photo by Mariusz Kluzniak / CC BY
Pages 4–5 photo by Roy Luck / CC BY
Page 35 photo by Sergei Gussev
Pages 64–65 photo by Asian Development Bank / CC BY ND
Road Transport, Electricity, and Water & Sanitation Services • 3
June 2020