64961 v1 Document of The World Bank Report No: RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF UTTAR PRADESH WATER SECTOR RESTRUCTURING PROJECT CREDIT NO. 3602-IN February 19, 2002 TO THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA OCTOBER 13, 2011 INDIA: UTTAR PRADESH WATER SECTOR RESTRUCTURING PROJECT RESTRUCTURING PAPER A. SUMMARY 1. The proposed changes will support a requested cancellation of an amount of INR 250 million (SDR 3.2 million or US$ 5.1 million equivalent as of October 12, 2011) from the Uttar Pradesh Water Sector Restructuring Project (Credit No. 3602-IN). The project will close October 31, 2011. B. PROJECT STATUS 2. The project is scheduled to close October 31, 2011. As of October 12, 2011, of the IDA Credit of SDR 90.47 million, approximately SDR 76.5 million (85%) has been disbursed (as of October 12, 2011). The key project data are: Project Data Performance Rating Board Approval February 19, 2002 Summary Ratings Project Development Effectiveness Date March 27, 2002 MS Objective Original Closing Date of IDA October 31, 2007 Implementation Progress MS Credit Revised Closing Date of IDA October 31, 2011 Procurement MS Credit Mid-Term Review (MTR) Date None Financial Management MS Original IDA Amount SDR 117 million Revised IDA Amount SDR 90.47 million Total Amount Disbursed (as of SDR 76.5 million October 12, 2011) 3. The Project Development Objectives are to (i) to set up an enabling institutional and policy framework for water sector reform in the State for integrated water resources management; and (ii) to initiate irrigation and drainage sub-sector reforms in the State to increase and sustain water and agricultural productivity. 4. Of the remaining project resources, several withdrawal applications are in the claims pipeline (see table below). This includes claims that were i) earlier rejected due to insufficient resources in the civil works category, ii) earlier deducted due to audit disallowances, iii) rejected for other reasons and iv) claims to be submitted for the period August 2011 to October 2011. After these claims are resolved, it is estimated that Rs. 30.96 crores will remain (about SDR 4 million). The proposed cancellation before the project closure is necessary to relinquish these funds to the India program. 2 Table: Remaining Claims Assessment Rs. crores Remaining credit as per World Bank Client Connection 102.39 dated Sep 17, 2011 A. Rejected due to insufficient credit in civil works 29.36 category B. Deducted due to audit disallowances 2.72 C. Rejected due to other reasons 9.21 D. Claims to be submitted (Aug 2011 to Oct 2011) 30.14 Total (A + B + C + D) 71.43 Expected Savings 30.96 (about SDR 4 million) C. PROPOSED CHANGES 3. Due to project closure scheduled for October 31, 2011, a portion of the remaining credit will be cancelled. The remainder un-cancelled amounts are preserved to allow for the outstanding payments mentioned above. IDA has received a request from the Government of Uttar Pradesh through the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) requesting cancellation of INR 25 crore. Accordingly, the revised allocation is given below. Category of Allocation (Expressed in % of Financing Expenditure SDR Equivalent) Current Current Revised Current Revise (1) Works 53,990,000 52,690,000 90% Unchanged (2) Goods, 9,276,000 8,676,000 100% of foreign Unchanged equipment, expenditures, 100% of machinery and local expenditures (ex- materials factory cost) and 80% of local expenditures for other items procured locally (3) Consultants’ 19,303,000 18,003,000 100% Unchanged services and Training (4) Incremental 7,902,000 Unchanged 85% until March 31, Unchanged operating costs 2004; 75% until March and incremental 31, 2005; 60% until salaries March 31,2006; and 30% thereafter (5) Unallocated 0 0 Cancellation as on 3,200,000 October 12, 2011 Total 90,471,000 90,471,000 3 4