CARBON TAX GUIDE A Handbook for Policy Makers CARBON TAX GUIDE A Handbook for Policy Makers MARCH 2017 © 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: Some rights reserved 1 2 3 4 19 18 17 16 This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Nothing herein shall constitute or be considered to be a limitation upon or waiver of the privileges and immunities of The World Bank, all of which are specifically reserved. Rights and Permissions This work is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license (CC BY 3.0 IGO) http://creativecommons. org /licenses/ by/3.0/igo. Under the Creative Commons Attribution license, you are free to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt this work, including for commercial purposes, under the following conditions: Attribution—Please cite the work as follows: Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) 2017. Carbon Tax Guide: A Handbook for Policy Makers. World Bank, Washington, DC. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO Translations—If you create a translation of this work, please add the following disclaimer along with the attribution: This translation was not created by The World Bank and should not be considered an official World Bank translation. The World Bank shall not be liable for any content or error in this translation. Adaptations—If you create an adaptation of this work, please add the following disclaimer along with the attribution: This is an adaptation of an original work by The World Bank. Views and opinions expressed in the adaptation are the sole responsibility of the author or authors of the adaptation and are not endorsed by The World Bank. Third-party content—The World Bank does not necessarily own each component of the content contained within the work. The World Bank therefore does not warrant that the use of any third-party-owned individual component or part contained in the work will not infringe on the rights of those third parties. The risk of claims resulting from such infringement rests solely with you. If you wish to re-use a component of the work, it is your responsibility to determine whether permission is needed for that re-use and to obtain permission from the copyright owner. Examples of components can include, but are not limited to, tables, figures, or images. All queries on rights and licenses should be addressed to the Publishing and Knowledge Division, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2625; e-mail: Design: Eszter Bodnar ( DESIGN CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This Carbon Tax Guide was prepared for the Partnership (British Columbia); Nicola Borregaard, Francisco Javier for Market Readiness (PMR), by a team of consultants from Pinto Pardo, Juan Pedro Searle, Paula Tassara, and Climate Focus, the University of Indiana, School of Public Nicholas Westenenk (Chile); Felipe De Leon (Costa Rica); and Environmental Affairs (SPEA), and the Gnarley Tree Jean Giraud (France); Malin Ahlber and Nadine Pauly Sustainability Institute (GTSI). Pauline Kennedy (World (Germany); Shweta Kumar (India); Ciran Conroy, Gerry Bank) provided substantive input and managed the project. Kenny, and Ambrose Murray (Ireland); Reo Kawamura, Toshiali Nagata, and Yuji Mizuno (Japan); Juan Carlos The lead authors of the Carbon Tax Guide were Darragh Arredondo, Soffia Alarcon Diaz, Saul Pereyera Garcia, Conway (Climate Focus) and Kenneth Richards (SPEA). Victor Hugo Escalona Gómez, Carlos Muñoz-Piña Stephanie Richards (GTSI) led the preparation of the tech­ (Mexico); Ingrid Hoff (Norway); Memory Matchingambi, nical appendix. Several contributing authors also provided Sharlin Hemraj, and Deborah Ramalope (South Africa); substantial inputs: Paul Keenlyside, Szymon Mikolajczyk Susanne Åkerfeldt, Henrik Hammar, Mats-Olof Hansson, and Charlotte Streck (Climate Focus), and Justin Ross, and Johan Nylander (Sweden); Andrea Burkhardt Antung Anthony Liu, and Ahn Tran (SPEA). (Switzerland); and Sila Guiance and Joanna Wain (United Kingdom). In addition, the following persons provided valuable search, editing, and other kinds of support in the pre­ re­­­ We also wish to acknowledge input and peer review ration of the Carbon Tax Guide: Leo Mongendre, Sai pa­­­ provided by a range of other experts: Claudia Dias Soares Sindhura Mamillapalli, Ingrid Schulte, and Sebastian Müller (Green Budget Europe); Ian Parry (IMF); Richard Baron, (Climate Focus); Elisabeth Andrews, Keyao Sun, Jingyao Nils-Axel Braathen, Floren Flues, and Kurt Van Dender Gu, and Zoya Atiq (SPEA); and Yu Song, Delaney Bolger, (OECD); Perumal Armugam and Phillip Eyre (UNFCCC); and Logan Pfeiffer (GTSI). and Martina Zahno (University of Zurich). We sincerely thank those government experts who shared Finally, we thank colleagues at the World Bank Group their practical insights and knowledge relating to carbon tax who also reviewed the report and provided useful input design and implementation through meetings, inter­ views, and feed­ back: Adrien de Bassompierre, Dirk Heine, and review of the Guide. These include Kate Hancock, Blanca Moreno-Dodso, Maja Murisic, Grzegorz Peszko, Gareth Prosser, and Matthew Stuchbery (Australia); Aloisio and Suphachol Supachalasai. The Guide (including the de Melo and Ludmila Vidigal Silva (Brazil); Anne Foy Technical Appendix) was edited by Inge Pakulski. 4 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS LIST OF ACRONYMS Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land MNC Multinational Corporation AFOLU Use BAU Business As Usual M&E Monitoring and Evaluation BCA Border Carbon Adjustment MRV Measuring, Reporting and Verification CCS Carbon, Capture and Sequestration National Atmospheric Emissions NAEIS Inventory System CDM Clean Development Mechanism NGO Non-governmental Organization CER Certified Emission Reduction NOx Nitrogen Oxide Computable General Equilibrium CGE (model) OAIS Old-Age Insurance System CPI Consumer Price Index Organisation for Economic OECD EITE Emission-Intensive Trade-Exposed Co-operation and Development Metric tons of carbon dioxide ETS Emissions Trading System tCO2e equivalent European Union Emissions Trading Particulate Pollution that is 2.5 EU ETS PM2.5 System micrometers or less in diameter EU European Union PMR Partnership for Market Readiness Food and Agriculture Organization of FAO RPS Renewable Portfolio Standard the United Nations General Agreement on Tariffs and Pollutant Release and Transfer GATT PRTR Trade Register DGP Gross Domestic Product SARS South Africa Revenue Service GHG Greenhouse Gas SCC Social Cost of Carbon Institute for European Environmental United National Framework IEEP UNFCCC Policy Convention on Climate Change Intergovernmental Panel on Climate U.S. REP United States Regional Energy Policy IPCC Change VAR Vector autoregressive (models) NDC Nationally Determined Contribution VAT Value added tax MAB Marginal Abatement Benefit World Business Council for WBCSD MAC Marginal Abatement Cost Sustainable Development MEB Marginal Emissions Benefit WRI World Resources Institute MW Megawatt WTO World Trade Organization TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Synthesis Introduction SYNTHESIS: CARBON TAXES IN BRIEF 9 Introducing the design process 10 When is a carbon tax the right choice? 10 Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax Setting the stage for tax design 12 Designing carbon taxes 13 Evaluate outcomes and review 19 Capitalizing on carbon taxes’ potential 21 INTRODUCTION 22 Preparing for Carbon Tax Adoption 1.1 Background: growing interest in carbon taxes 22 1.2 Purpose of this Guide 22 1.3 How to use this Guide 22 DECIDING WHETHER TO ADOPT A CARBON TAX 26 Carbon Taxes 2.1 Introduction 26 Modeling 2.2 Introducing carbon taxes 27 2.3 Carbon taxes and policy instrument options 29 Defining the PREPARING FOR CARBON TAX ADOPTION 41 Tax Base 3.1 Introduction 42 3.2 Determining policy objectives 42 the Tax Rate 3.3 Framing the national context 47 Determining 3.4 Principles of carbon tax design 52 MODELING CARBON TAXES 56 Effects of the Carbon Tax 4.1 Introduction 57 Avoiding Unwanted 4.2 Uses of modeling analysis 57 4.3 Overview of modeling approaches 57 4.4 Partial economic and technology models 59 4.5 Systemic economic and technology models 65 4.6 Choosing among the modeling approaches 70 Determining Use DEFINING THE TAX BASE 74 5.1 Introduction 75 of Revenues 5.2 Scope of taxation 75 de­ 5.3 Crosscutting consi­­ tion – administration and MRV ra­­ 85 Ensuring Oversight and Compliance DETERMINING THE TAX RATE 89 6.2 Basis for the carbon tax rate 90 6.3 Dynamics of the tax rate 95 AVOIDING UNWANTED EFFECTS OF THE CARBON TAX 99 Evaluating Policy 7.1 Introduction 100 Outcomes 7.2 Understanding leakage, competitiveness, and distributional impacts 100 7.3 Assessing leakage and distributional risks 102 7.4 Designing measures to mitigate unwanted impacts 106 6 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS DETERMINING USE OF REVENUES 114 Synthesis 8.1 Introduction 115 8.2 Options for revenue use 115 8.3 Revenue use in practice 126 Introduction ENSURING OVERSIGHT AND COMPLIANCE 131 9.1 Introduction 132 9.2 Defining institutional arrangements 132 Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax 9.3 Measuring, reporting, and verification (MRV) 138 9.4 Designing for compliance 143 EVALUATING POLICY OUTCOMES 150 10.1 Introduction 151 10.2 Understanding the rationale of reviews 151 Preparing for Carbon 10.3 Types of reviews 152 Tax Adoption 10.4 Adjusting carbon tax programs following review 156 APPENDIX A: GLOSSARY OF TERMS 159 ANNEX 4A: EXAMPLE ECONOMETRIC AND HYBRID MODELS OF CARBON PRICING 162 Carbon Taxes Modeling ANNEX 4B: EXAMPLE CGE MODELS OF CARBON PRICING 164 LIST OF BOXES Defining the Box 1. The FASTER Principles for Successful Carbon Pricing 13 Tax Base Box 2. Technical Note: Carbon Taxes vs. ETSs 34 Box 3. Implications of GHG Mitigation Objectives for Carbon Tax Design 43 the Tax Rate Determining Box 4. Implications of Revenue Objectives for Carbon Tax Design 44 Box 5. Implications of Objectives Relating to Low-Carbon Development and Local Environmental Benefits for Carbon Tax Design 45 Effects of the Carbon Tax Box 6. Implications of Objectives Relating to Tax System Efficiency for Carbon Tax Design 46 Avoiding Unwanted Box 7. Implications of Government Capacity and Rule of Law for Carbon Tax Design 48 Box 8. Case Study: Liberalization of the Mexican Energy Market and the Carbon Tax 50 Box 9. Implications of Emissions Profile and Economic Context for Carbon Tax Design 51 Box 10. Case Study: Stakeholder Engagement in Designing the South Africa Carbon Tax 51 Determining Use Box 11. Implications of Political Feasibility and Public Opinion for Carbon Tax Design 52 of Revenues Box 12. Technical Note: Price Elasticities of Demand 60 Box 13. Technical Note: Estimating Tax Revenue in Agnostia 61 Box 14. Technical Note: Exogenous and Endogenous Variables 66 Ensuring Oversight and Compliance Box 15. Comparison of Approaches to Implementing a Carbon Tax 79 Box 16. Technical Note: Setting a Carbon Tax at the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) 91 Box 17. Case Study: Linking the Tax Rate to Emission Reduction Targets in Switzerland 96 Box 18. Case Study: Linking Exemptions and Rebates to Agreements in Denmark and Switzerland 108 Evaluating Policy Outcomes Box 19. Technical Note: BCAs – The Risk of a WTO Legal Challenge 112 Box 20. Case Study: Iran and Budget Neutrality 116 Box 21. Technical Note: How Do General Taxes Lead to Social Costs? 117 TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 Box 22. Technical Note: Are the Social Costs of All Taxes the Same? 118 Synthesis Box 23. Technical Note: Can Carbon Taxes Reduce the Social Costs of Raising Revenue? 119 Box 24. Technical Note: Are Carbon Taxes Stable Sources of Revenue? 120 Introduction Box 25. Case Study: British Columbia and the Revenue-Neutral Approach 120 Box 26. Contrasts in Revenue Use 122 Box 27. Case Study: Ireland Carbon Tax – Used to Raise Money to Repay National Debt Arising Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax from Financial Crisis 123 Box 28. Case Study: Offsets in the Mexico Carbon Tax 129 Box 29. Case Study: Coordination in the South African Carbon Tax 137 Box 30. Case Study: Data Management System for the Chilean Carbon Tax 142 Preparing for Carbon LIST OF FIGURES Tax Adoption Figure 1. Carbon Taxes in Operation, Scheduled, or under Consideration (as of February 2017) 9 Figure 2. Stages of Carbon Tax Design and Interlinkages between Design Options 11 Figure 3. Carbon Taxes in Operation, Scheduled for Implementation, or under Consideration Carbon Taxes (as of February 2017) 28 Modeling Figure 4. Environmental Policy Instruments Designed to Address Externalities 31 Figure 5. Carbon Taxes vs. ETSs 34 Defining the Tax Base Figure 6. Elasticity of Demand for Energy and Reductions in Energy Use 36 Figure 7a: Steadily Declining Emissions 43 Figure 7b: Emissions Peak, Plateau, Decline 43 the Tax Rate Determining Figure 8. Relative Global Use of Energy in 2010 49 Figure 9. Sankey Diagram of World GHG Emissions by Sector, End Use, and Gas in 2005 49 Effects of the Carbon Tax Figure 10. Sankey Diagram of Estimated Energy Consumption in the United States in 2015 (Quads) 50 Avoiding Unwanted Figure 11. Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC) for Carbon Emissions Reduction in Hypothetical Jurisdiction 63 Figure 12. Estimated MACCs for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Kalimantan, Indonesia (2014–23) 64 Figure 13. General Categorization of Potential Points of Regulation for Fossil Fuels 80 Figure 14. The Gasoline (Petrol) Supply Chain 81 Determining Use of Revenues Figure 15. Setting the Carbon Tax Rate through the SCC Approach Figure 16. SCC Values Used in Ex Ante Cost-Benefit Analyses of Public Policies 92 Figure 17. Setting the Carbon Tax Rate through the Abatement Target Approach 93 Ensuring Oversight and Compliance Figure 18. Setting the Carbon Tax Rate through the Revenue Target Approach 94 Figure 19. Revenue as a Percentage of GDP from a Hypothetical US$30 per tCO2e Emissions in 2012 115 Figure 20. Steps for Establishing Institutional Arrangements for a Carbon Tax 132 Figure 21. Institutional Roles and Tasks for Carbon Tax Implementation 133 Evaluating Policy Outcomes Figure 22. Key Design Elements of a GHG Measuring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) System 138 Figure 23. The Public Policy Cycle 152 Figure 24. Organization of Reviews 153 8 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS LIST OF TABLES Synthesis Table 1. Carbon Tax Design Issues that Can Benefit from Modeling 14 Table 2. Checklist for the Five Steps of Carbon Tax Design 14 Introduction Table 3. Coverage of Selected Existing and Planned Carbon Taxes 15 Table 4. Examples of Carbon Tax Rates for 2015 17 Table 5. Typology of Measures to Address Leakage and Distributional Risks 18 Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax Table 6. Revenue Use in Selected Jurisdictions 20 Table 7. Milestones in Adoption of Carbon Taxes 29 Table 8. GHG Emission Mitigation Issues and Policy Tools 30 Table 9. Example Studies Comparing Policy Instruments for Carbon Emission Reductions 35 Preparing for Carbon Table 10. Examples of Potential Synergies and Conflicts between Objectives 47 Tax Adoption Table 11. Example Evaluation Questions Based on the FASTER Principles 53 Table 12. Summary of Ways That Modeling Can Support Decision Making on Carbon Taxes 58 Table 13. Categories of Models 59 Carbon Taxes Table 14. National Price Elasticities for Residential Electricity, Commercial Electricity, Modeling and Residential Natural Gas, United States 60 Table 15. Summary of Modeling Approaches and Their Characteristics 70 Defining the Table 16. Sectoral Scope and Point of Regulation across Existing and Planned Carbon Taxes 76 Tax Base Table 17. Actor-Influence Considerations across Emission Sources 82 Table 18. MRV and Administration Factors Influencing Carbon Tax Design 85 the Tax Rate Determining Table 19. Examples of Carbon Tax Rates 90 Table 20. Channels of Leakage and Reverse Leakage 101 Table 21. Factors behind Leakage Risk 105 Effects of the Carbon Tax Avoiding Unwanted Table 22. Overview of Measures to Address Leakage and Distributional Risks 107 Table 23. Benefits and Drawbacks of Permitting Offsets in a Carbon Tax 127 Table 24. Carbon Tax Revenue Use, by Jurisdiction 128 Table 25. Institutional Arrangements for Implementing Chile’s Carbon Tax 134 Determining Use Table 26. Examples of Relation between Performance and Impact Factors and of Revenues Potential Carbon Tax Adjustments 156 Ensuring Oversight and Compliance Evaluating Policy Outcomes SYNTHESIS: CARBON TAXES IN BRIEF 9 SYNTHESIS: CARBON TAXES IN BRIEF Synthesis Recent years have seen renewed and growing interest Paris Agreement and are increasingly looking for cost- in policy instruments that put a price on greenhouse gas effective ways to turn these goals into actions. It has also (GHG) emissions through the adoption of carbon taxes. developed alongside a gradual shift toward taxes on goods While up until 2008 only a handful of European countries and services, with many jurisdictions seeking to use the had adopted explicit taxes on GHG emissions, by February tax system to achieve greater economic efficiency and to 2017 some 24 countries and subnational jurisdictions— pursue a range of policy goals beyond raising revenue. spanning a diverse range of developed and developing countries across five continents—had adopted or were The versatility of carbon taxes also means that it is important sche­duled to adopt a carbon tax (figure 1). As the schemes for policy makers considering their adoption to have a clear have multiplied they have become increasingly varied, picture of the options available and how those options fit co­vering a broader range of sectors and adopting novel with the jurisdiction’s context and policy goals. With this in features that have shown carbon taxes to be a versatile mind, this Guide provides a practical tool for policy makers instrument capable of being adapted to a wide range of and stakeholders in Partnership for Marketing Readiness policy goals and national contexts. (PMR) Implementing Countries and elsewhere that (i) helps them determine whether a carbon tax is the right instrument The resurgence in interest in carbon taxes has come as to achieve their policy aims and (ii) supports them in de­­ over three-quarters of the world’s nations have developed signing and implementing the tax that is best suited to their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the specific needs, circumstances, and objectives. Figure 1. Carbon Taxes in Operation, Scheduled, or under Consideration (as of February 2017) EUROPE ESTONIA BRITISH ICELAND NORWAY COLUMBIA ALBERTA CANADA DENMARK UNITED KINGDOM SWEDEN LATVIA IRELAND MANITOBA PORTUGAL POLAND NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR SLOVENIA MEXICO SWITZERLAND JAPAN COLOMBIA REPUBLIC OF KOREA INDIA BRAZIL SINGAPORE SOUTH AFRICA CHILE IMPLEMENTED - National carbon tax UNDER CONSIDERATION - National carbon tax IMPLEMENTED - Subnational carbon tax UNDER CONSIDERATION - National, type of carbon price undecided SCHEDULED - National carbon tax UNDER CONSIDERATION - Subnational, type of carbon price undecided 10 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS INTRODUCING THE DESIGN How does a carbon tax work? Synthesis PROCESS Countries and subnational jurisdictions worldwide fre­ quent­ly tax goods and processes that produce GHG Adopting a carbon tax is a significant policy decision, emissions. Some of these taxes are general taxes that and careful consideration and planning will help ensure apply to all goods or activities, such as value-added the tax is successful in achieving its goals. While some taxes or corporate taxes, while others apply specifically jurisdictions have adopted a carbon tax relatively quickly, to carbon-inten­ sive goods, such as excise taxes on fossil others have invested several years in getting the design fuels. Such taxes—in particular those specifically targeting right, next putting the building blocks in place, and finally carbon-intensive goods or processes—may have the bringing the system into operation. How much time is sion reductions. While in some effect of incentivizing emis­­ needed will depend, in part, on the type of carbon tax cases these taxes may be designed with environmental adopted—for example, upstream taxes on fuels generally require substantially less time to develop and implement objectives in mind, a carbon tax goes one step further by than downstream taxes, which require additional capacities directly putting a price on GHG emissions. for measuring, reporting and verification (MRV). While they vary in approach, a typical carbon tax The design process—depicted in figure 2—typically begins es­tablishes a direct link between the GHG emissions with comparing policy options and determining whether (measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent a carbon tax would be the right instrument to meet the or tCO2e) of a product or process and the tax that must jurisdiction’s policy objectives. At this stage, governments be paid on it. This provides a financial incentive for tax­ might also consider how the tax would fit in with the payers to lower their emissions in order to reduce their tax jurisdiction’s overall climate, as well as with the energy and obligations, whether through switching to more efficient fiscal policy framework. Where it is decided to adopt a tax, practices, choosing cleaner fuels or, in the case of con­su­ jurisdictions often engage in preparatory work, defining mers, changing their lifestyle habits. This price per tCO2e spe­ cific policy objectives and thinking about the economic is fixed, though in some cases participants may be given and institutional factors that will inform tax design. At this options to reduce their tax obligations, for instance, by stage, jurisdictions will usually begin to consult and engage purchasing offsets or entering into binding agreements to with stakeholders to gain insight into their concerns and reduce emissions. priorities. Moving from preparation to design, there are five central Comparing carbon taxes to other design questions to consider. While each raises its own instruments set of questions and decisions, a whole range of linkages exists between them (lower part of figure 2), and designing Governments seeking to reduce GHG emissions have the tax as a whole has many advantages. For instance, a range of instruments at their disposal. In most cases, governments considering what is the right tax rate to sup­ jurisdictions will adopt a suite of policy measures that port meeting a given emissions target at the same time seek to address the different characteristics of emitting need to consider which sectors and emissions the tax will sectors as well as the different underlying factors causing be applied to. Similarly, revenue use decisions can be emissions and preventing mitigation action. To determine designed to help win the support needed for a broader tax whether to adopt a carbon tax as part of this policy mix, or a higher rate. jurisdictions need to consider several important questions, Throughout the process, economic modeling can be used outlined below. to provide insights into the potential impacts of a carbon tax and of different design options on various policy goals. What are the characteristics of key emitting Modeling can also support the process of evaluation and sectors? review of the tax, which in turn leads to adjustments in the Carbon taxes are a flexible instrument that can be various design elements based on how the tax performs in applied to a broad range of sectors, yet in some sectors practice. applying a tax may be more challenging. Studying the emissions profile of the jurisdiction and understanding WHEN IS A CARBON TAX THE the practical implications of applying a carbon tax in the RIGHT CHOICE? key emitting sectors is therefore an important step in the decision-making process. The economic characteristics There are many steps to determining whether a carbon tax of the sector in question—for example, how strongly the is the right choice, including understanding how it works, economy relies on markets—will also be an important com­ paring the carbon tax to other policy instruments, and factor in determining whether the price signal is likely to evalu­ating various policy instruments in light of specific be effective in influencing emitters’ behavior. objectives. SYNTHESIS: CARBON TAXES IN BRIEF 11 Figure 2. Stages of Carbon Tax Design and Interlinkages between Design Options Synthesis Compare policy options & determine whether to adopt a carbon tax Getting started Define policy objectives and national circumstances Modeling to inform decision making Tax base % Tax rate DESIGN TAX Design Institutions phase Revenue use Avoiding unwanted effects Evaluation phase Evaluation & Improvement Revenue recycling may help win support for higher rate % Tax rate Tax rate affects revenue generated Revenue use Characteristics of covered Scope affects sectors affect tax rate revenue generated Tax rate affects leakage Some options require and distributional risks additional capacities Can use revenue to address leakage and distributional risks Tax base sector scope influences Tax base affects distributional and leakage risks institutional & MRV needs Some options require additional capacities Avoiding unwanted effects Institutions Note: MRV = Measuring, Reporting and Verification. 12 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS What are the main barriers to emission mitigation? can offer economic efficiency gains by focusing on emission Synthesis reductions in companies with the lowest mitigation costs, Carbon taxes work by putting a price on carbon, and thus though this benefit assumes well-functioning markets and are a good choice when aiming to address situations where a sufficient number of participants. emitters do not have sufficient incentives to reduce emis­ sions. Where there is a lack of technical mitigation op­tions, Carbon taxes also have the advantage of not requiring the carbon taxes can encourage investment in re­­ search, but operation of trading infrastructure, making them relatively may need to be complemented by other poli­ cies that help easy to administer. This aspect can make them less of a spur technology development. Where cost-effec­ ga­ tive miti­ strain on government capacities than an ETS. tion opportunities are already available, on the other hand, non-price based policies may be needed to address the reasons these opportunities are not being capitalized on. Carbon taxes as part of the policy mix Carbon taxes will typically form part of a larger climate, Who should bear the cost of emission reductions? energy, and fiscal policy mix. Understanding how these Like other forms of carbon pricing—and in contrast to policies can complement, overlap with, and counteract command and control regulation—carbon taxes allow each other will facilitate effective policy design. emitters to choose how to reduce their emissions, thereby letting them seek out the lowest cost mitigation options. One important consideration is the interaction of the carbon Carbon taxes also require emitters to pay for the costs tax with other relevant taxes (income taxes, corporate of mitigating emissions (e.g., by investing in emission re­­ taxes, fuel taxes, etc.). Energy taxes on fossil fuels can duc­ tion technologies) and for their remaining emissions be particularly relevant since the amount of tax is directly (through tax payments). This means that carbon taxes not related to the amount of energy used (if not the carbon only avoid putting a strain on government budgets, but content of the energy). They therefore combine with car­ can also be a source of revenue. In that way, a carbon tax bon pricing instruments to form what the Organisation for differs from policies such as subsidies, where the govern­ Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has ment compensates emitters for emission reductions and termed the “effective carbon rate.” In designing a carbon those emitters do not pay for their remaining emissions tax, it is useful for governments to consider not only the either—leaving these costs to be borne by society. rate of the carbon tax itself, but the overall effective carbon rate applied to energy. Carbon tax or ETS? Other climate and energy policies that might interact with Carbon taxes and Emissions Trading Systems (ETSs) the carbon tax include, for example, government-funded have many similarities. Both put a price on carbon, pro­ research, renewable energy subsidies, energy and fuel d­ vi­ ing a direct financial incentive to mitigate emissions. efficiency standards, and technology standards for electri­ Both also require emitters to pay for the cost of reducing city generation. Many of these can complement the carbon their emissions and—in the case of ETSs with auctioned taxes, but ideally the mix of policies will avoid unnecessary allowances—also require them to pay for emissions they overlap, and remove any counteracting incentives. do not reduce.1 The role the carbon tax is expected to play within the Several important differences also exist between the two. broader policy mix will also be an important determinant in Fundamentally, carbon taxes fix the price, while an ETS its design. For example, several jurisdictions have adopted fixes the maximum quantity of emissions. Carbon taxes a carbon tax as their “flagship” climate policy, while others thereby provide a more stable price signal to investors, have used it to cover emissions not covered by other and often bring the additional benefit of significantly higher po­licies (such as an ETS), resulting in quite a different tax prices. This price holds regardless of other climate and de­sign (in terms of their tax base, tax rate, etc.). energy policies, making carbon taxes potentially the better choice where governments intend to provide multiple mitigation incentives. Emissions trading, on the other hand, SETTING THE STAGE FOR TAX DESIGN 1 In the case of both carbon taxes and ETSs with auctioned allowances, liable entities pay for any investments in emission Once a government has decided to adopt a carbon tax, it mitigation, and also pay for each tCO2e of their remaining may be useful to do some preparatory work before delving emissions. This contrasts with ETSs with free allocation, where into the actual design of the tax. Experience shows that liable entities have to assume the costs of reducing emissions to the level that is equivalent to the number of allowances they are developing a clear picture of policy goals and national allocated, but they do not incur a direct cost for the emissions circumstances at the outset can lay a solid foundation for they emit below this level. Nonetheless, in this situation there is informed decision making. Economic models, meanwhile, an opportunity cost associated with emissions, since if they did help provide insights into the potential effects of different not emit they would be able to sell their allowances. design options on key policy objectives. SYNTHESIS: CARBON TAXES IN BRIEF 13 Determine policy objectives Define principles Synthesis The policy objectives a government seeks to achieve with When considering design options based on policy objec­ the tax—for example, GHG emission mitigation, revenue tives and national context, policy makers can make use raising, promoting green development, or increasing the of a set of principles to help evaluate and inform these effi­­ ciency of the tax system—will affect a range of design different options. While the choice of principles applied in op­tions. The more specific these objectives are—for this context will vary for each jurisdiction, a useful starting example, in terms of emission trajectories or revenue- point is provided by the FASTER Principles for Successful raising targets—the better governments can design the Carbon Pricing (box 1). tax in a way that best meets their objectives. Jurisdictions will typically have mul­ t­ iple objectives, and prioritizing and Consider using models to support aligning objectives will often be necessary. Carbon tax decisions modeling (see below) can support decision makers in While many carbon taxes have been adopted without choosing design options that overall contribute the most to undertaking in-depth economic modeling, where sufficient their collective policy objectives. data and resources are available, models can serve as a valuable tool to help inform decision making—by helping Understand national circumstances decision makers gain insights into a range of issues that Carbon taxes will be most effective when they are designed are relevant to carbon tax design (table 1). taking into account the specific context of the jurisdiction. Different modeling tools are available to jurisdictions Understanding the emissions profile of the jurisdiction and seeking to answer the types of questions listed in table 1. the dynamics and economic structures of key emitting sec­ They vary significantly in the approach they take, and each tors can help in determining where a carbon tax will be tool has its own strengths and limitations, making it more most effective. Having a clear picture of relevant capacities or less suited to certain questions. An important first step and governance constraints also informs decisions on is therefore to identify the specific issues governments scope, since some designs will require greater and more want to gain insight into. Where resources and data allow, complex administration than others. At the same time, the combining multiple approaches can provide a more comp­ level of support for mitigation action among the public, lete picture of potential effects. ticians, and key industries may be a factor in deciding poli­ which emissions should be included or how high the rate should be set. Moreover, understanding key areas of re­ sis­ DESIGNING CARBON TAXES tance early on can allow governments to develop ways to Designing a carbon tax involves making decisions ac­ ross overcome them, for example, through revenue re­ cycling a broad range of questions. This Guide presents these d­e­ and effective communication strategies. cisions under five broad design elements, as summa­ rized Box 1. The FASTER Principles for Successful Carbon Pricing The FASTER Principles for Successful Carbon Pricing were developed jointly by the World Bank and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), based on the practical experience of different jurisdictions with carbon taxes and Emissions Trading Systems (ETSs). The FASTER Principles are the following: l Fairness: Reflect the “polluter pays” principle and contribute to distributing costs and benefits equitably, avoiding disproportionate burdens on vulnerable groups; l Alignment of Policies and Objectives: Use carbon pricing as one of a suite of measures that facilitate competition and openness, ensure equal opportunities for low-carbon alternatives, and interact with a broader set of climate and non-climate policies; l Stability and Predictability: Implement carbon prices, within a stable policy framework, that give a consistent, credible, and strong investment signal, whose intensity should increase over time; l Transparency: Be clear in design and implementation; l Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness: Ensure that design promotes economic efficiency and reduces the costs of emission reduction; and l Reliability and Environmental Integrity: Allow for a measurable reduction in environmentally harmful behavior. 14 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Table 1. Carbon Tax Design Issues that Can Benefit from Modeling Synthesis Issue How modeling can support decision making Comparing carbon taxes Assessing relative performance of climate policy instruments to other instruments Evaluating interactions with other policy instruments and reforms Evaluating economic costs/benefits of a given carbon tax design Evaluating distribution of costs and benefits across income groups, geographic Evaluating the broad regions, and economic sectors impacts of alternative Predicting non-GHG environmental benefits taxes Estimating changes in GDP associated with different tax rates Evaluating compatibility with FASTER principles Evaluating mitigation potential of technologies and practices Determining sectoral Estimating specific changes in economic sectors in response to a carbon tax. responsiveness to Evaluating impact of alternative sectoral coverage arrangements carbon tax Estimating effects of tax on fossil fuel consumption Forecasting technological changes due to a carbon tax Estimating effects Estimating emissions responses to different carbon tax rates of tax rate decisions Estimating revenue arising from different carbon tax rates Assessing potential Estimating the extent of leakage likely to arise from the carbon tax effects on leakage and Estimating effects on different income groups or regions distribution Evaluating the effectiveness of mitigation measures Estimating current marginal cost of public funds and relative marginal cost of Modeling the effects of various types of tax options for revenue use Estimating economic value of substituting a carbon tax for other taxes Analyzing expost When conducting an expost analysis of the impacts of the carbon tax, many of the impacts issues listed above could be addressed retrospectively rather than prospectively. Table 2. Checklist for the Five Steps of Carbon Tax Design Define the tax Determine the Address potential Determine use Ensure oversight base tax rate undesirable effects of revenues and compliance a Decide which a Determine the a Assess the risk of a Calculate a Map the required sectors to basis for setting the tax leading to projected roles and functions for cover the tax rate carbon leakage or revenue from administering the tax producing negative the carbon tax a Decide which a Determine how a Determine whether distributional gases to cover the rate will a Determine these roles and effects develop over whether to functions can be a Choose the time a Consider the costs redistribute carried out with points of and benefits of revenues, existing capacities regulation a Consider using adopting measures lower income or require new roles modeling to a Choose the to mitigate risks taxes, increase to be defined and predict the effects entities to spending, or to different capacities of different tax a Consider the costs regulate and and benefits of do all three a Establish clear rates on meeting set thresholds different measures procedures and policy objectives a Decide whether (if relevant) ensure coordination a Develop criteria to to allow offsets of key entities determine eligibility for assistance a Include clear and measures (if meaningful penalties relevant) for noncompliance SYNTHESIS: CARBON TAXES IN BRIEF 15 in table 2. As indicated in figure 2, many of these decisions The tax base of a carbon tax refers to the fuels, sectors, Synthesis are linked, and so it is important to step back and consider and specific entities that are liable for paying the carbon how the different options fit together and, to the extent tax. Defining the tax base is among the first and crucial possible, aim to decide on an integrated tax design rather decisions to be made in designing a carbon tax. How the than making piecemeal decisions on individual questions. base is defined will affect the degree of emission reductions that can be achieved, the amount of revenue that can be Define the tax base raised, and the industries and groups that will be affected by the tax. It also has implications for every other major decision that needs to be made in relation to carbon tax a Decide which fuels and sectors to cover design, from the tax rate that will be needed to achieve a a Decide which gases to cover given emission or revenue target to the kind of institutional arrangements required to implement the tax. a Choose the points of regulation Though the tax base can be defined in many ways, a basic a Choose the entities to regulate and set thresholds distinction can be drawn between so-called upstream and (if relevant) midstream taxes on the production, import, and sale of fossil fuels, and those on direct emissions (whether based Table 3. Coverage of Selected Existing and Planned Carbon Taxes TAXES ON FUELS JURISDICTION FUEL COVERAGE MAJOR EXCLUSIONSa British Columbia All Agriculture, international aviation, and maritime transport Denmark All EU ETS sectors, international maritime France All EU ETS sectors, agriculture, commercial transport India Coal Not applicable Ireland All EU ETS sectors, agriculture, international maritime transport Japan All Agriculture; forestry; air, rail, and maritime transport Mexico Coal, oilb Not applicable EU ETS sectors, international maritime transport; fishing and Norway Oil, gas agriculture (partially excluded) Portugal All EU ETS sectors, international maritime transport EU ETS sectors, agriculture (partially excluded), international Sweden All maritime transport Switzerland All Transport; Swiss ETS-covered companies EU ETS sectors, agriculture (partially excluded), international United Kingdom All maritime transport TAXES ON DIRECT EMISSIONSc JURISDICTION EMISSIONS COVERED Australia (former) Electricity generation, industry, waste, fugitive emissions Chile Large boilers and turbines South Africa d Fossil fuel combustion, industrial processes, product use, fugitive emissions Note: EU ETS = European Union Emissions Trading System a. This column indicates the most important exclusions for each carbon tax. For a more detailed description of the coverage and major exemptions of each tax, see table 16 and the technical appendix. b. Includes coverage of oil products. c. Taxes on direct emissions can typically be more precisely targeted to certain sectors and other emissions sources, and so it is less common to have major exclusions than it is for upstream taxes, where a tax is levied on a fuel that may be used for a number of purposes. More specific exclusions to taxes on direct emissions are listed in table 16 and the technical appendix. d. In addition to applying the tax directly to emitters in the sectors mentioned, South Africa also intends to apply an upstream fuel tax to cover transport emissions. 16 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS on fuel or not) such as those from electricity generation, Setting the tax rate is among the most important deci­sions Synthesis industrial processes, and waste disposal. Taxes on fossil facing jurisdictions when they adopt a carbon tax. This fuels are typically the most straightforward, since most volves two major elements. First, policy makers have to in­ ris­ ju­ dictions can “piggyback” on existing systems for ad­ mi­ choose the basis for setting the original carbon tax rate, nistering excise taxes. To date, they have also been the and then they have to decide whether to set a trajectory for most common (table 3). These kinds of carbon taxes often ture prices or adopt a specific mechanism for adjusting fu­ require minimal additional administration and do not re­ quire the rate over time. MRV of emissions. Furthermore, the identification of the entity legally responsible for the tax typically follows exis­ ting Four main approaches can be taken to setting the original excise tax rules. carbon tax rate, each of which is linked to different policy objectives. Governments can set the tax rate so as to seek Taxes on direct emissions may require more administra­ a certain level of emission mitigation, to raise a certain level tion and building additional capacities for MRV, but may of revenue, or to reflect the social costs of emissions. In also allow for targeting a broader scope of emissions in each of these three approaches, models can be used to help certain jurisdictions. Since they generally require creating determine the rate that will help achieve a specific objective. new ad­ ministrative structures or at least adapting existing In addition, jurisdictions can develop benchmark according tures, they also raise a number of additional ques­ struc­ to tax rates in jurisdictions with similar circumstances or tions, such as where in the supply chain to apply the tax, those jurisdictions who are competitors in key commodities which legal entity to make liable, and whether to apply affected by the tax. Alternatively, jurisdictions that have an thresholds. Jurisdictions seeking to ensure the broadest ETS may choose to make a link between the carbon tax possible coverage of emissions can apply elements of rate and the ETS price, for example, by setting a limit on the both systems—for example, by applying a direct tax to differential between them at any given time. emissions of large installations and an upstream tax on fuel used by dispersed sources such as vehicles and buildings. Several options are available to determine how the rate will develop over time, among others, defining a trajectory for the price over a given period, building in a rate adjustment Lessons learned formula, and making the rate subject to periodic review by experts, policy makers, and other stakeholders. Which of All else being equal, broader taxes will typically maxi­ these options are actually available will partly depend on mize emission mitigation and revenue-raising poten­ jurisdictions’ constitutional contexts. tial, and be more cost-effective. At the same time, which option (or combination of options) works best in a given jurisdiction will depend on factors such as Lessons learned the emissions profile of the jurisdiction; existing and planned climate, energy, and tax policies; the structure Practice has seen jurisdictions adopting a wide range of key sectors; and government capacities for tax of tax rates—ranging from US$3 to US$168 per ton of administration and MRV. CO2e (table 4)—and jurisdictions will need to consider their policy goals as well as their economic, social, and Jurisdictions that have an existing ETS have tended political context in determining the rate that will work for to adopt carbon taxes to cover much of their non-ETS them. A range of jurisdictions have sought to set rates emis­sions, though some have also used the carbon that achieve a certain level of emission abatement or tax to apply a price floor to ensure some level of price raise a certain amount of revenue, and several have stability in their ETS-covered sectors. Jurisdictions used some form of benchmarking to inform the tax rate. using the car­ bon tax as their “flagship” policy have sought to make coverage as broad as possible which, Given the often broad range seen in estimates of the at least in the case of ju­ risdictions with a significant social cost of carbon (SCC), to date few jurisdictions share of non-fuel emissions, will often mean designing a have used this cost component as the basis for their stand-alone tax system that directly targets emissions. carbon tax rate. On the other hand, jurisdictions do use the SCC estimate for other policy decisions, and there is a convincing argument for at least using these Determine the tax rate estimates to determine the range of prices that can be considered economically efficient. a Determine the basis for setting the tax rate In all cases, the approach taken is often only used as a starting point, and in most cases the final rate is a Determine how the rate will develop over time deter­mined as part of a political process that balances a Consider using modeling to predict the effects of multiple policy objectives. Most jurisdictions have different tax rates on meeting policy goals started with a relatively low rate and increased it over SYNTHESIS: CARBON TAXES IN BRIEF 17 Avoiding undesirable effects of the time. This has been highlighted as an important factor Synthesis in gaining support for the tax and providing industries carbon tax and consumers time to adapt their behavior to the price signal, as well as being economically efficient. Where a Assess whether the carbon tax risks causing possible, defining the trajectory of the tax rate—at least leakage or undesirable distributional impacts in broad terms—or linking the rate to external factors such as progress in meeting emission reduction a Consider costs and benefits of adopting targets helps to provide the certainty needed to foster measures to address these impacts investments in low-carbon technologies. Opting for a variable rate can also be valuable where rate increases a Define mitigation measures would otherwise require new legislation or be subject a Develop tests for determining eligibility, and to challenging political processes. consider whether to link eligibility to performance Table 4. Examples of Carbon Tax Rates for 2015 Carbon taxes may sometimes have effects that were not intended as part of their design, such as causing carbon PRICE IN 2015 leakage—where emissions in the taxing jurisdiction are JURISDICTION (US$/tCO2e) offset by an increase in emissions in jurisdictions without equivalent climate policies in place—or disproportionately British Columbia 22 affecting low-income groups or certain geographical regions. Chile 5 The extent to which these risks arise depends on a range of factors and in many cases will be limited. Nonetheless, the Denmark 31 these risks are important political concerns and should at Finland 48–83 least be considered during the carbon tax design process. France 24 Models can be useful in predicting potential leakage or distributional impacts, though they are also subject to un­­ Iceland 10 certainty and should only be used as an overall guide. Eco­ India 6 nometric, ex post evaluations can also be used to assess im­pacts in practice, helping to inform periodic adjustments Ireland 28 to measures designed to address undesirable effects. Ju­ris­dictions can also adopt a set of criteria to determine Japan 3 whether specific sectors, companies, or population groups Mexico 1–4 qua­ lify for special support measures. In the case of leakage, most jurisdictions have focused on the emissions intensity Norway 4–69 of a given economic activity and the exposure of the sector Portugal 5 to international trade, though including other factors such as the level of carbon prices in other jurisdictions can help South Africa 8.50a provide a more robust assessment of that risk. Eligibility Sweden 132b for distributional reasons will in many cases be linked to existing categories within the welfare system. Switzerland 87 If jurisdictions determine that significant risks of leakage or United Kingdom 16 negative distributional impacts exist, several measures can be adopted to mitigate those risks (table 5). What measure Note: US$ = U.S. dollar; tCO2e = metric tons of carbon dioxide is chosen has important implications for the effective­ ness equivalent. of the tax. The most commonly used are measures that re­duce tax contributions, such as exemptions, rebates, a. This rate is the “headline” rate for the South African carbon tax. In the first phase of the tax, liable entities are allocated and offsets, or provide in-kind support, such as subsidies. tax-free allowances of 60–95%, meaning that the effective tax These measures can be applied to address both leakage rate paid by liable entities will be significantly lower than the and distributional concerns. Other measures that have headline rate. been discussed specifically in relation to addressing b. Sweden currently still applies a lower tax rate to industrial, leakage—but have not yet been applied in the carbon tax agricultural, forestry and fisheries operations than to con­ text—include border measures to extend the tax to im­­ households and the service sector. However, from 2018 on, ports and/or rebate it for exports; and reciprocal carbon the industry rate will rise to the same level as the general rate, price floor arrangements that reduce or eliminate the price and for that reason only the general rate is shown here. diffe­rential with competing jurisdictions. 18 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Table 5. Typology of Measures to Address Leakage and Distributional Risks Synthesis MEASURE EXAMPLES Exemptions British Columbia, Japan, Switzerland leakage and distributional Reducing carbon Reduced tax rates Sweden, France Measures addressing tax payments Rebates on carbon tax payments Denmark, Ireland, Finland Offsets Mexico, South Africa risks Output-based rebates Sweden NOx tax South Africa, Ireland, Switzerland, Support Support programs (e.g., subsidies) Japan measures (Non-carbon) tax reductions British Columbia, France Flat payments Australia leakage only Border adjustments and consumption-based taxation California ETS addressing Measures Tax coordinating measures None Determine use of revenues Lessons learned Significant evidence has yet to be uncovered of leakage a Calculate projected revenue from the carbon tax occurring under carbon pricing schemes in practice. a Decide whether to redistribute revenues, lower Other business costs are typically far more significant income taxes, increase spending, or do all three minants of competitiveness than carbon pricing. deter­ a Decide whether to allow offsets There is somewhat more evidence that carbon taxes can have negative distributional effects, though this strongly depends on the context—in some jurisdictions Carbon taxes can raise significant revenue, and how the butional effects of a tax may in fact be positive. the distri­ revenue will be used can have profound implications for The relevance of leakage and distributional risks will the overall economy, the efficiency of the tax system, and depend, among other things, on the emissions the public welfare. Broadly speaking, governments can use carbon tax is applied to. In the case of carbon taxes three strategies to decide how to use carbon tax revenue: on transport and residential energy use, distributional (i) revenue neutrality, (ii) increased spending (including on concerns will usually be more relevant, while for debt reduction), and (iii) forgoing revenue by permitting taxes on heavy industry, leakage will tend to be more entities to surrender offsets in lieu of tax payments. relevant. In its simplest form, revenue neutrality can be achieved by Given that measures to address leakage and dist­ returning revenues to households and businesses through butional risks are often costly and can themselves ri­ direct rebates. The latter can be provided equally to each reduce the en­ vironmental effectiveness of the carbon tax­payer or targeted at specific groups such as low-in­ while for jurisdictions to closely examine tax, it is worth­ come households or trade-exposed businesses. Revenue possible risks be­ fore deciding to adopt measures ne­ut­­rality can also be achieved by using the revenue to and, where they do adopt them, define strict eligibility duce other taxes such as labor or corporate taxes. This re­ criteria to avoid applying them too broadly. It is also app­ roach is commonly considered the most economically impor­ tant to carefully con­ sider which measures are cient way to use carbon tax revenue, although in some effi­ more effective. Measures that exempt or reduce the con­ texts increasing spending or lowering public debt can amount of carbon tax paid by certain entities essentially also have important economic advantages. eliminate or reduce the price signal, and are therefore highly detrimental to the environ­ mental effectiveness Where governments decide to use revenue to increase of the tax. Linking support measures to other factors spen­ ding, they may direct it toward the general budget or such as outputs or the adoption of clean technologies mark it for specific purposes such as supporting environ­ ear­ are often more environmentally effective approaches. men­ tal programs or increasing welfare support. Even funds deposited in the general budget may eventually be used for SYNTHESIS: CARBON TAXES IN BRIEF 19 cific purposes linked to the tax. Other jurisdictions may spe­ Effective tax administration requires effective institutions Synthesis use the funds for reducing the deficit or paying off national and processes to implement the tax and enforce comp­ debt. liance with tax obligations. Downstream taxes on di­ rect emissions will also require the development of sys­ tems Governments can also decide to forgo part of their re­ venue for the accurate MRV of emissions. Jurisdictions inva­ by allowing taxpayers to surrender offsets as a sub­­­ titute s­ ly already have a revenue collection framework and a riab­ for paying (part of) their carbon tax obliga­­ tions. Where revenue body in place. To the extent possible, jurisdictions domestic offsets are used, this has the effect of re­­ direc­ can also seek to align the administration of a carbon tax ting funds from the government (tax revenues) or sectors with existing frameworks and institutions. Carbon taxes covered by the tax to uncovered sectors (invest­ ment that cover direct emissions and those that adopt additional in emission mitigation), though how much fun­ ding will design features, such as offsets, or link exemp­ tions or eventually be invested in uncovered sectors will depend rebates to emission reduction agreements may, however, on a range of factors, particularly the offset price. need to develop additional capacities. Lessons learned For upstream taxes, emissions are typically estimated based on fuel sales, avoiding the need for specific MRV, In practice, jurisdictions have employed a wide range of while taxes targeting direct emissions will typically need approaches to revenue use and many have combined to establish more complex MRV systems. Where possible, multi­ ple approaches according to policy needs and risdictions can seek to build on existing systems, either ju­ prio­rities (table 6). Revenue recycling by reducing other those that already measure GHG emissions or those that taxes has been widely used by jurisdictions drawn to the eco­nomic efficiency of the approach and the potential monitor other relevant factors such as energy and indust­ it provides to reduce more distortionary taxes such rial outputs. as those on capital investments and labor. Increased Existing systems for ensuring compliance with tax obli­ spending can heighten the environmental impact of the gations—including audit procedures and penalties for non- tax where the revenue is directed to supporting climate payment—will also often be used for enforcing the car­ bon programs or incentives. While in many countries direct earmarking of funds is not permitted, funds can also tax. At the same time, compliance can also be en­ couraged be directed to specific uses through agreements linked in the design of the tax itself, for example, through simplicity to the budget pro­ cess. There is as of yet no practical and transparency, and matching design with government experience with the use of offsets under a carbon tax, capacities. though a number of jurisdictions are developing rules to allow offset use under their systems. Lessons learned Tax revenue has in some cases been used to help What are the right institutional arrangements depends increase support for the tax among the general public on the scope of the tax, how it is designed, and the and industry stakeholders, either through tax cuts, existing legal and administrative context of each rebates, or support programs. For this to be effective, jurisdiction. One of the advantages of carbon taxation it is important to have clear communication on how the as a policy option is that jurisdictions will already have revenue is being used. It is also important to consi­ a revenue collection framework and a revenue body der timing here—governments can help consolidate in place, providing a solid basis upon which to build. support by committing to providing certain benefits At the same time, often multiple government and upfront and clearly linking their continuation to the nongovernment entities will be directly or indirectly revenue generated through the carbon tax. involved in designing, implementing, and eva­ luating the carbon tax—particularly if it has a relatively broad Ensure oversight and compliance scope—and so coordination is of key importance. EVALUATE OUTCOMES AND a Map the required roles and functions for administering the tax a Determine whether required roles can be carried REVIEW out with existing capacities or if new roles and capacities are needed Carbon taxes are often characterized by “learning by do­ ing,” and getting the design right will often require a Establish clear procedures and ensure risdictions to make adjustments over time. As such, after ju­ coordination of key entities imple­ mentation of a carbon tax, jurisdictions should plan a Include clear and meaningful penalties for to conduct reviews of program performance and impacts. noncompliance They may also choose to build procedures for adjustments into the process. 20 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Table 6. Revenue Use in Selected Jurisdictions Synthesis JURISDICTION USE OF CARBON TAX REVENUE Assistance for low-income households, including income tax reform Jobs and competitiveness package Australia Compensation to coal-fired electricity Use of offsets Clean Energy Finance Corporation (a green bank) Income tax reductions and credits British Columbia Property tax reductions and credits Chile General budget, intended for spending on education and health Reduced income taxes and employer’s pension and social insurance contributions Denmark Energy efficiency and environmental programs Reduced income taxes and employer’s social insurance contributions Finland General budget Reduced income and corporate income taxes France Energy assistance to low-income households Iceland General budget India Clean energy and environment Ireland General budget / deficit reduction / debt payments Japan Promotion of low-carbon technologies General budget Mexico Use of offsets General budget Norway Reduced income and capital taxes Pension plan for low-income individuals Income tax reductions for low-income households Portugal General budget Electricity levy reduction Support for energy efficiency and renewable energy South Africa Support for public transport and rail freight transport Use of offsets General budget Sweden Reduced income and corporate taxes Reduced health insurance and social security contributions Switzerland Energy efficiency in buildings Technology fund United Kingdom General budget Different types of review exist and each has its role in the administrative authorities or even programmed to occur policy-making process. Impact evaluations assess the automatically, while more substantial adjustments might performance of the tax and support the other re­ views; be reserved for legislators. comprehensive reviews are designed to amend funda­ mental elements of the carbon tax; and regular reviews are In defining this review process, policy makers will need meant to amend administrative or technical elements of to balance the following: (i) retaining flexibility to modify the carbon tax. Jurisdictions will often try to design impact the program as the need arises; and (ii) providing the evaluations to feed into comprehensive reviews and kind of predictability that facilitates decision making for allow for evidence-based decision making. Jurisdictions covered entities. Systems with clearly defined processes should also identify a process for making adjustments and responsibilities for review and adjustment will tend to where needed. Minor adjustments may be delegated to provide “predictable flexibility.” SYNTHESIS: CARBON TAXES IN BRIEF 21 carbon taxes seems likely to continue. As an increasingly CAPITALIZING ON CARBON Synthesis diverse range of countries and subnational jurisdictions TAXES’ POTENTIAL design new carbon taxes—and those with existing taxes continue to improve and adapt—we can expect to see a rich Recent years have seen carbon taxes solidify their position landscape of designs and innovations. These experiences among the foremost policy instruments for addressing will in turn inform other jurisdictions’ efforts, leading to a climate change. Experience over the past two and half collective process of continuous improvement in which the decades has shown that, when designed well, they not potential of carbon taxes to fulfil climate, development and only provide a powerful and efficient tool for reducing fiscal policy objectives is capitalized upon. GHG emissions, but can also raise substantial government reve­nue and help achieve a range of economic and de­­ Beyond collective learning, greater coordination on carbon ment benefits. Meanwhile, the increasing diversity velop­­ pricing also has the potential to increase their effectiveness of designs that has emerged highlights that carbon taxes in meeting policy objectives. Such cooperation could can be molded to fit each jurisdiction’s particular legal, pro­vide the conditions that allow governments to adopt economic, and social context, and to fulfill different roles carbon prices that are comprehensive and provide ambi­ within its overall climate, energy, and fiscal policy mix. tious price signals that incentivize the transformational As countries begin to move toward implementation of NDCs shifts in investment patterns needed to move toward truly assumed under the Paris Agreement, the momentum on low-carbon development paths. 22 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS 1 INTRODUCTION Introduction This renewed interest is notable not just for its scale, but 1.1 BACKGROUND: GROWING also because of the broad range of geographies and sec­ INTEREST IN CARBON tors represented in recent carbon taxes. Previously the domain of advanced economies, carbon taxes have in TAXES recent years been adopted or tabled in developing count­­ ries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. And while early In November 2016, the Paris Agreement entered into force, carbon taxes focused exclusively on the purchase and becoming the first international agreement to commit all sale of fossil fuels, recent efforts have encompassed an gating climate signatory countries to collective action on miti­ increasingly diverse range of sectors such as electricity change. The Agreement requires all Parties to unde­ take r­­ gene­ ration, and waste and industrial processes. Several of “ambi­ tious efforts” to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) these taxes incorporate elements of ETSs, and may even emis­­sions,2 marking an enormous step for­ ward from its be designed bearing in mind the possibility that they’ll be pre­­­ cessor, the Kyoto Protocol, which limited miti­ de­ gation to con­verted to an ETS in the future. ve­ se­­­ ral dozen developed countries. Built on a bottom-up app­­ de­ roach, the Paris Agreement allows each count­ fine its own mitigation contribution. By October 2016, ry to 1.2 PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDE 189 countries had submitted Nationally Determined Contri­ This Guide has a dual purpose: (i) to provide policy makers butions (NDCs) setting out their intended mitigation efforts, and other policy leaders and influencers with a practical with 80 percent of these adopting some form of miti­ gation tool to help them determine whether a carbon tax is the targets (FAO 2016). right instrument to achieve their policy aims; and (ii) to support them in designing and implementing the carbon Countries have a wide range of instruments at their disposal tax best suited to their specific needs, circumstances, and to meet the targets set out in their Nationally Determined objectives. Developed within the Technical Work Prog­ ram Contributions (NDCs). Many countries, both developed of the Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR), it draws on and developing, have already adopted policies to address the rich experience of PMR participants, and other countries climate change, with the policy mix in each case reflecting and subnational jurisdictions that have de­ veloped carbon factors ranging from the specific emissions profile of the taxes to provide pragmatic guidance on the implications, jurisdiction in question to its political, economic, and legal benefits, and drawbacks of different approaches. contexts. In the wake of Paris, there is now enhanced focus on developing policy frameworks that can deliver reliable, The Guide is expected to be equally relevant to high-level long-term emission reductions on a large scale. To achieve policy makers and legislators, and technical experts in this goal, a growing number of jurisdictions are turning to governments, the private sector, NGOs, or international carbon pricing, either through Emissions Trading Systems ganizations who are directly or indirectly involved in the or­ (ETSs) or, increasingly, carbon taxes. design and implementation of carbon taxes. Each chapter contains a high-level, summary of the main issues, for the Originally introduced in the early 1990s as one of the benefit of policy makers. The more technical issues are first instruments explicitly designed to reduce GHG addressed in “Technical Notes” included throughout the emis­­­­sions, recent years have seen a renewed interest in document, and references and further reading suggestions po­ licy instruments that put a price on carbon through the are provided for those seeking a more in-depth discussion app­­ li­ cation of taxes. While up until the early 2010s only a of relevant issues. hand­ ful of European countries had adopted carbon taxes, by 2015, 4 percent of annual global GHG emissions were co­ vered by explicit carbon taxes, and several other 1.3 HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE count­ ries had scheduled the introduction of further carbon The Guide is divided into three parts: taxes in the coming years (World Bank and Ecofys 2015).3 l Getting Started. Part 1 focuses on understanding what 2 Paris Agreement, Article 3. carbon taxes are and the role they can play in your 3 At the time of writing, 12 Partnership for Market Readiness jurisdiction’s climate mitigation and energy and eco­ (PMR) Participants (implementing or contributing countries nomic policies (chapter 2). This part of the Guide also or technical partners) have scheduled or are implementing a addresses the national context and circumstances that carbon tax. will influence both the suitability of carbon taxes in your INTRODUCTION 23 jurisdiction (chapter 3) and the use of models to assess may be effective in achieving specific policy objectives and the likely impacts of a tax and determine which design how to choose the right options in the context of national options will be most effective in the specified setting circumstances. (chapter 4). Throughout the text, examples of jurisdictions that have Designing Carbon Taxes. Part 2 provides detailed Introduction l applied the approaches discussed are provided, while guidance on each of the key steps involved in de­ signing more detailed case studies contained in text boxes zoom in and implementing carbon taxes, more speci­ fically, the on specific experiences and lessons from existing practice. tax base (chapter 5), the tax rate (chapter 6), measures Full case studies that were prepared with background to address unwanted effects (chapter 7), the use of reve­ information on a wide range of carbon taxes are included nue (chapter 8), and oversight and compliance (chapter in the technical appendix. These case studies are based duction to the 9). Each chapter first gives an overall intro­ on desk review and interviews, questionnaire responses, topic, next sets out the various options available, and and peer reviews by government policy makers in most of finally offers practical guidance on choosing the right the jurisdictions concerned. options for your jurisdiction. The present Guide provides a starting point for understanding l Evaluating Policy Outcomes. Part 3 goes on to the various steps in design and implementation of a carbon ex­plore the role that monitoring and evaluation (M&E) tax, the options available, and how these options relate to can play in improving the functioning and effectiveness different circumstances and objectives. However, many of of your carbon tax over time. It provides guidance on the issues involved are complex and effectively designing how to take into account the results of M&E processes a carbon tax will often require much more in-depth analysis so as to better tailor the carbon tax to your jurisdiction’s and thinking. To facilitate this pursuit, each section contains goals and circumstances. a list of further materials to help you better understand the topics and make more fully informed choices. Reference is l Technical Appendix. This appendix includes de­ tailed also made to other PMR publications and technical notes case studies of a selection of existing carbon taxes that that cover in more detail some of the issues discussed here. were prepared as part of the research for this Guide. The BIBLIOGRAPHY case studies delve into the detailed wor­kings of each of the carbon taxes included, and provide a summary of the successes experienced and challenges faced. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. appendix is available as a separate report to the main 2016. “The Agriculture Sectors in the Intended Nationally guide. Determined Contributions: Analysis.” http://www.fao. org/3/a-i5687e.pdf#page=17. The text focuses on explaining the main issues regarding each aspect of carbon tax design, identifying the options World Bank and Ecofys. 2015 (September). State and available to policy makers, and discussing the implications Trends of Carbon Pricing. World Bank, Washington, and the strengths and weaknesses of different options. DC. Special attention is paid to highlighting which design options document/Climate/State-and-Trend-Report-2015.pdf. PART I GETTING STARTED 26 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS DECIDING WHETHER TO 2 ADOPT A CARBON TAX Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax At a Glance A carbon tax is a tax that explicitly places a price on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or that uses a metric directly based on GHG emissions. First adopted in Scandinavia in the early 1990s, recent years have seen renewed and growing interest in carbon taxes from developed and developing countries alike. This has led not only to a significant increase in the number of carbon taxes implemented worldwide, but also in their diversity in terms of regional scope, sectoral coverage, and design, producing a wealth of experience for jurisdictions to build upon. Of course, a carbon tax is just one of many policy instruments that jurisdictions can employ to reduce GHG emissions, with different instruments addressing different barriers to mitigation action. From a mitigation perspective, carbon taxes are designed to address the lack of adequate incentives for private entities to reduce emissions. Other instruments can also address this issue, including emissions trading systems (ETSs), subsidies, and command and control regulation. These instruments can be differentiated by two main factors: l The extent of discretion for private parties. Some of the instruments, such as carbon taxes, ETSs, and results-based subsidies, are linked to outcomes and so provide private parties with room for innovative action. Others, such as technology standards, require specific actions and so provide little room for innovation by private entities. l The distribution of costs. Different instruments distribute both the cost of mitigation actions and the societal costs associated with remaining emissions in different ways. Carbon taxes require covered entities to pay for abatement and pay a price for the unabated emissions. Studies have shown carbon taxes are among the most efficient policy instruments available to mitigate climate change. Carbon taxes can also be designed to generate a number of other important benefits, such as raising revenue, internalizing the social costs of emissions, and increasing the efficiency of the tax system. Nonetheless, as with any policy instrument, their suitability for a given jurisdiction will depend on a number of context-specific considerations, for example, the extent to which the local economy works through prices and markets. Liable entities that are not accustomed to responding to price signals might not respond efficiently or effectively to a carbon tax. Upstream carbon taxes on fuel require relatively little administration while downstream taxes on emissions require a good deal more. In jurisdictions with lower capacity, the suitability of a tax depends on whether an upstream tax would cover the main sources of emissions. In all cases, it is important to consider the multiple potential interactions between the carbon tax and other elements of the tax system, as well as with other climate, energy, and development policies. It is worthwhile for jurisdictions to carefully analyze these interactions and consider what complementary policy changes might have to be implemented to ensure that the carbon tax is effective in meetings its goals. 2.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces carbon taxes and guides policy makers in understanding how they work and how they Carbon taxes are one of a broad range of policy instruments compare with other policy instruments designed to reduce designed to reduce GHG emissions. When considering GHG emissions and achieve related development objec­ whether they are the right instrument for pursuing GHG tives. Section 2.2 gives an overall introduction to carbon mitigation or other goals, it is helpful for jurisdictions to taxes, distinguishes them from other taxes, and provides a compare them to the other instruments that can be used brief history of their use. Section 2.3 goes on to introduce for meeting the same goals, and consider their respec­ the different types of instruments that can be used to tive strengths, weaknesses, and implications. It is equally achieve climate change mitigation and compares carbon im­por­ tant to consider how carbon taxes relate to other taxes to the other options, considering the different barriers climate policies, as well as to other taxes, in order to create to mitigation they address and how they differ in terms of smart climate policy and fiscal policy mixes, respectively. flexibility and cost distribution. Section 2.3 also considers DECIDING WHETHER TO ADOPT A CARBON TAX 27 how carbon taxes interact with other climate policies and While this definition is used as the guiding basis for the other fiscal policy instruments. analysis in this Guide, it is also applied with some flexibility. Several jurisdictions have adopted taxes with the stated 2.2 INTRODUCING CARBON goal of furthering climate policy, even though the price is not directly linked to GHG emissions. A case in point is TAXES India’s Clean Environment Cess, which places a tax on coal. For the purposes of this Guide, these taxes are also Carbon taxes place a price on GHG emissions by taxing considered to be carbon taxes. At the same time, some goods or activities based on the emissions they produce. jurisdictions have adopted carbon taxes that, while linking This gives taxpayers a financial incentive to lower their Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax the level of the tax to the carbon content of fuels, do not emissions in order to reduce their tax obligations. In the precisely calculate the tax for each fuel based on its carbon case of industry, a carbon tax might induce investment in content, as is the case for example in Mexico. All of these cleaner technology or switching to more efficient practices. taxes should nonetheless be properly considered carbon Consumers may be incentivized to invest in energy effi­ taxes, and are so considered in this Guide. ciency, change their lifestyle habits or, where the option is available, switch to cleaner forms of energy. In liberal energy markets where additional costs are passed on 2.2.2 A brief history of carbon taxes to consumers, carbon taxes may also lead to increased Carbon taxes have been in place since the beginning of consu­mer and industry demand for renewable energy, the 1990s. Predating even the United Nations Framework ping spur investments in wind, solar, and hydro. At the hel­ Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), they were one same time, carbon taxes create a source of revenue for of the first policy tools to be employed with the specific govern­ments, which can be used to increase government objective of mitigating GHG emissions. Early carbon taxes spending or reduce other taxes. were concentrated in the Nordic countries, with Finland adopting the first such tax in 1990, closely followed by 2.2.1 Defining carbon taxes Norway and Sweden in 1991, and Denmark in 1992. It is common for countries and subnational jurisdictions These early taxes were concentrated in the energy sector, worldwide to tax goods and processes that produce GHG and invariably “piggybacked” on existing excise taxes on emissions. Apart from general taxes applicable to all goods fuels, using the same administrative system but linking the (e.g., value added tax) or activities (e.g., corporation tax), a tax rate to the carbon content of the fuels. range of taxes apply specifically to carbon-intensive goods, The Nordic carbon taxes adopted in the early 1990s in particular excise taxes on fuels and electricity taxes. con­tinue to operate today, and have undergone multiple Such taxes may have the effect of disincentivizing emitting reforms in the interim, as countries have adapted their taxes activities, and are understood to be included in the “effective based on experience and policy developments. Following carbon rate” applied to energy and energy products.4 this early wave of adoption, however, no new carbon taxes In contrast to general taxes on energy, carbon prices are were adopted for over 15 years. Various proposals for a one of a number of policy instruments that seek to miti­gate European Union-wide carbon tax tabled in the 1990s and climate change by placing a direct price on GHG emissions. 2000s failed to get the required unanimous support from And in contrast to other carbon pricing mechanisms such Member States, eventually leading to the adoption of the as ETSs, carbon taxes place a fixed price on a given unit of European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) as GHG emissions. This is typically done by levying a tax on an alternative.5 The adoption of the EU ETS, coupled with fossil fuels in accordance with their carbon content, or on the growth of the “flexible mechanisms” created by the other goods in accordance with the emissions produced in Kyoto Protocol, saw the attention of many countries focus pro­duction processes. Though several different definitions on carbon market instruments, with carbon taxes getting of carbon taxes have been formulated to date, for the less attention. pur­poses of this Guide we adopt the following guiding de­finition, based on the one used in the World Bank’s State Since the late 2000s, however, there has been a renewed and Trends of Carbon Pricing. and growing interest in carbon taxes. Following the adoption of the Swiss carbon tax in 2008, a number of “A carbon tax is a tax that explicitly states other European countries began to develop and adopt carbon taxes, together with other developed countries a price on greenhouse gas emissions or such as Australia and Japan. The early 2010s also saw, that uses a metric directly based on carbon for the first time, carbon taxes being tabled in emerging (that is, price per tCO2e).” economies, with South Africa, Mexico, and later Chile and 5 EU law requires that proposals on Union-wide taxation have 4 The effective carbon rate is defined by OECD as the sum of unanimous support of Member States to become law. An specific energy taxes, carbon taxes, and ETS prices (OECD ETS, by contrast, could be adopted by a “qualified majority” of 2016). Member States, easing its passage into legislation. 28 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Figure 3. Carbon Taxes in Operation, Scheduled for Implementation, or under Consideration (as of February 2017) EUROPE ESTONIA BRITISH ICELAND NORWAY COLUMBIA ALBERTA CANADA DENMARK UNITED KINGDOM Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax SWEDEN LATVIA IRELAND MANITOBA PORTUGAL POLAND NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR SLOVENIA MEXICO SWITZERLAND JAPAN COLOMBIA REPUBLIC OF KOREA INDIA BRAZIL SINGAPORE SOUTH AFRICA CHILE IMPLEMENTED - National carbon tax UNDER CONSIDERATION - National carbon tax IMPLEMENTED - Subnational carbon tax UNDER CONSIDERATION - National, type of carbon price undecided SCHEDULED - National carbon tax UNDER CONSIDERATION - Subnational, type of carbon price undecided India deciding to employ taxes to implement their climate achieve a range of policy goals beyond raising revenue policy goals. Figure 3 provides an overview of carbon taxes (section 3.2).6 currently in operation or scheduled for implementation as of February 2017, while table 7 provides an overview of The growing experience with carbon taxes over the past key milestones in carbon tax adoption. years provides an abundant and increasingly diverse repository of experience on the development and imple­ The resurgence in interest in carbon taxes has come in the mentation of carbon taxes. While many of the “second wave” wake of enhanced global ambition to tackle climate change of carbon taxes adopted in recent years have followed the and the increasing realization that only concerted action original Nordic model of piggybacking on excise taxes, by all countries can effectively address the problem. This other jurisdictions have instead adopted broad-based taxes trend culminated in the adoption of the Paris Agreement built around complex Measuring, Reporting and Verification in December 2015, which entered into force in November (MRV) systems and included a range of novel features 2016. In the context of the Paris Agreement, over 150 previously associated with ETSs, such as the use of offsets countries have already submitted (Intended) Nationally and benchmarking, the latter to reward early movers. Determined Contributions (NDCs) to mitigate climate Jurisdictions have similarly experimented with a range of change. The resurgence has also developed alongside an approaches to revenue use, avoiding leakage and negative overall increase in the share of tax revenue that is obtained effects on vulnerable groups, and combining carbon taxes from taxes on goods and services in recent decades, with with ETSs. These experiences have shown carbon taxes many jurisdictions gradually reducing their reliance on are versatile instruments capable of adapting to a wide come and corporate taxes, and using the tax system to in­ range of policy objectives and national contexts. 6 PwC, 2013. DECIDING WHETHER TO ADOPT A CARBON TAX 29 Table 7. Milestones in Adoption of Carbon Taxes Finland adopts first carbon tax 1990 Poland carbon tax Sweden carbon tax 1991 Norway carbon tax 1992 Denmark carbon tax 1995 Latvia carbon tax Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax 1996 Slovenia carbon tax 2000 Estonia carbon tax Switzerland carbon tax 2008 British Columbia carbon tax Ireland carbon tax 2010 Iceland carbon tax India Clean Environment Cess 2012 Australia Carbon Pricing Mechanism 2013 United Kingdom Carbon Price Floor France carbon tax 2014 Mexico carbon tax Australia Carbon Pricing Mechanism repealed South Africa publishes Carbon Tax Bill 2015 Portugal carbon tax 2016 Canada announces national Carbon Price Floor Alberta carbon tax Chile carbon tax 2017 Colombia carbon tax Singapore carbon tax announced 2.3.1 Understanding the full range of 2.3 CARBON TAXES AND instruments POLICY INSTRUMENT Different approaches exist to reduce GHG emissions— OPTIONS each with its strengths and weaknesses. As jurisdictions consider their options, determining which instruments are While carbon taxes can potentially support the achieve­ best suited to control carbon emissions will depend on ment of a range of policy objectives, governments most three main factors: commonly cite the aim of reducing GHG emissions as l The sources of emissions in the jurisdiction; the chief driver behind their adoption. Carbon taxes can potentially be very effective in supporting mitigation tar­ l The main barriers to emission mitigation; gets, since they increase the costs of emitting, thereby pro­ l National circumstances and policy objectives. viding an incentive to lower emissions in order to re­ duce tax obligations. Yet carbon taxes are just one of se­ ve­ ral Chapter 5 discusses the application of a carbon tax to tools that can support emission mitigation, and so before different emission sources, while chapter 3 discusses adopting a carbon tax it is important to understand how national circumstances and policy objectives in detail. This carbon taxes compare to the alternatives. subsection considers the usefulness of a carbon tax to address different barriers to GHG mitigation, and then sets This section first provides a brief overview of the different out some key differences between carbon taxes and other instruments that governments can employ to tackle GHG instruments in addressing these barriers. emissions (section 2.3.1), before comparing the use of Barriers to emission mitigation carbon taxes to the alternatives (2.3.2). Next it provides guidance on choosing the right instrument to fit different The main barriers to emission mitigation can be grouped contexts and on using carbon taxes as part of a broader into three categories, different types of policy instruments policy mix (section 2.3.3). being available to address each type of barrier (table 8). 30 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS l Lack of incentives. When no price is attached to GHG l Insufficient knowledge or technology. Insufficient emissions, producers and consumers have little incentive knowledge—at a societal level—on the sources of bon footprint. Even to discover ways of reducing their car­ emissions, their impacts, and the technologies avai­ when mitigation technologies and practices are available lable to reduce them, can be a barrier to mitigation. and emitters are fully in­formed about their availability, Moreover, there could well be insufficient incentives they might not adopt the technologies and practices for individual parties to incur the costs of generating without an incentive or requirement to do so. To address the necessary knowledge and technologies because ments can provide financial incentives this issue, govern­ knowledge is a public good. To address this barrier, for emission reductions, introduce regulations that limit dictions can encourage and support scientific juris­ Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax emissions, and undertake direct government actions to study, research on carbon management practices, and lower net emissions (e.g., reducing emissions in state tech­nological development. companies by enhancing energy efficiency). Table 8. GHG Emission Mitigation Issues and Policy Tools POTENTIAL MARKET PROBLEM EXPLANATION INSTRUMENTS TO FAILURE ADDRESS PROBLEM Absence of incentives to change current Carbon tax; subsidies; (high-emissions) behavior. This may command and control; Lack of be due to the high costs of mitigation Environmental emissions trading systems; incentives options and the fact that emitters are not externalities government procurement;a responsible for the externalities caused and government provisionb by emissions. Lack of understanding of the sources Insufficient Information Research programs and causes of emissions, or absence of information creation / sponsored by government; technologies to reduce emissions from or innovation as a research grants; patent these sources or strategies to address technology public good protection; and X-prizesc underlying causes. Public information campaigns; labeling Although information exists, individual requirements; government decision makers in the private and Incomplete Insufficient capacity building; public sectors (consumers, producers, access to/ information institutional support public administrators) do not have the possession of distribution programs for technological information needed to make informed information best practice dissemination; decisions. and technology transfer schemes Note: a. In this context, procurement takes on two distinct but related meanings. The first refers to the way in which a jurisdiction works through its supply chain to influence the production decisions of its supplier. For example, the jurisdiction might favor suppliers who can document that their products have a high recycle material content or have been produced with renewable energy. The second meaning of procurement refers to the jurisdiction’s capacity to directly acquire environmental services from the private sector, for example, by contracting private service providers to afforest degraded lands to increase carbon stocks in newly established forest stands. In some settings this is referred to as payment for ecosystem services. b. Government provision of services in this context refers to cases where the government operates through its own resources and personnel; the government’s provision of parks and national defense are two common examples. In the context of GHG emission mitigation, governments may, for example, undertake forest carbon sequestration projects using government land, government resources, and government personnel, or invest government funds in renewable energy projects. c. An X-prize is a public competition to encourage technological innovation. The sponsoring agency provides performance specifications for the required technology and stipulates a prize, generally a monetary amount. The first party to develop a design or perform a task that meets the specifications wins the prize. This is an outcome-oriented instrument because the participating parties are only evaluated on whether their submission complies with the required results. DECIDING WHETHER TO ADOPT A CARBON TAX 31 l Insufficient information distribution. Another barrier because they accrue to parties that are not directly involved to mitigation arises when consumers, producers, and in—or are “external” to—the production and consumption public managers do not have the information they need decisions that lead to emissions of GHGs. By putting a to lower emissions. To address this hurdle, jurisdictions price on carbon, governments price these externalities into can, for example, undertake public education programs emitting activities, providing an incentive for emitters to about the impacts of climate change, and provide tech­ produce fewer emissions. nical assistance and information about available techno­ logical options to reduce emissions. Characteristics of policy instruments to address externalities For each of these barriers to mitigation, different types Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax Several policy instruments are available that can potentially of policy instruments are available to address that issue. address externalities. In determining if carbon taxes are These three problem categories are summarized in table the right instrument, it is useful to compare them with the 8. As discussed in section 2.3.4, a robust GHG emission natives such as command and control regulations, alter­ mitigation policy will often include a mix of instruments subsidies, ETSs and government provision of services. designed to address all three of these barriers. Three key factors distinguish the various instruments: Carbon taxes fall in the first category of policy instruments— l The amount of discretion they afford covered entities; those designed to provide an incentive (or requirement) to reduce emissions. This is often conceived as requiring l The way they distribute the costs of controlling emitters to pay for the damages borne by the rest of society. sions and the costs associated with unabated emis­ These damages are often referred to as “externalities,” emissions; and Figure 4. Environmental Policy Instruments Designed to Address Externalities The Government’s Goal-Setting Instruments Abatement costs Unabated emissions Extent of Control over Production Decisions damages Private Party Control Government Control Subsidies; Government Procurement production Government/Society Government/Society Distribution of Costs Threshold-based Command carbon taxes; and control ETS with free allocation regulation Private party Government/Society Simple Private party Private party carbon tax; ETS with auctioning ? 32 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS neous­ l The way the policy instrument helps to simulta­ ly ciency standards for appliances or carbon emissions effi­ ad­­ vance other, nonenvironmental development rates for electricity generation. Private actors can deter­ ob­jec­­­tives. mine themselves how to meet those standards. Similarly, vate parties jurisdictions can enter into contracts with pri­ These differences are summarized below and illustrated in to develop abatement projects under arrangements of figure 4. It is worth noting that a thorough comparison will shared discretion. As depicted by the horizontal arrows not only look at the characteristics of the policy instrument in figure 4, a range of instruments exist between the itself, but also at the political, economic, institutional, and extremes, which represent arrangements that provide social context in which they would be introduced. partial or shared discretion for private parties. Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax Discretion afforded to private entities Distribution of abatement and unabated emissions costs The discretion afforded entities with regard to how emis­ The instruments used to address environmental exter­ sions are mitigated can vary widely. Several broad app­ na­lities can also be differentiated by how they allocate roaches can be identified: the costs—who pays and for what? In this context, two l Wide private discretion. Some instruments—such types of costs are relevant. The obvious one is the cost of as subsidies, government production, taxes, and mar­ abatement, that is, the cost of reducing GHG emissions. ketable allowances—are designed to allow private However, policy programs seldom drive emissions to zero, parties substantial discretion regarding the way the so there are also the costs associated with the unabated environmental goal is achieved. These instruments emissions—the damages to society. The allocation of focus on outcomes—typically on emissions reduced or these two types of costs differs under the various policy avoided. This may work by placing a cap on emissions instruments. (as in an ETS), incentivizing reductions (such as Starting in the middle of figure 4, command and control through reverse auctions for offsets)7, or attaching instruments, threshold-based carbon taxes, and ETSs with a financial cost to emissions (carbon tax). What the freely allocated emission allowances (where the available programs have in common is that they are outcome- allowances are given away freely to covered entities) oriented and provide the private sector considerable require the targeted parties to pay for emission abatement, freedom regarding how to achieve the desired outcome. but do not hold them responsible for the unabated emissions Compliance with the law is assessed not by the steps covered by the freely allocated allowances. By cont­ rast, that parties take, but by the results they achieve. under subsidies and government procurement or produc­ l Limited private discretion. At the other extreme there tion approaches, society (or its government) both pay for is relatively little private discretion—the government the abatement and bear the social cost of the unabated directs the processes for emission reductions through emissions. At the other end of the spectrum, under an either regulations or direct provision. For example, arrangement such as a carbon tax,8 parties pay not only for using the regulatory approach, the government might the reduction of their emissions but also for the emissions limit which technologies can be used for industrial they fail to abate.9 In these cases, the government may still processes (for example, through Best Available shoulder the administration costs of the mechanism, which Technology requirements), or which practices must be it may cover from carbon tax revenues. adopted in the design of new buildings. On the same An important implication of these distinctions is that side of the scale are actions taken directly by the the instruments at the bottom of the diagram generate government— where private discretion is, of course, government revenue while the ones at the top require non-existent. These may include measures to reduce govern­ments to pay and therefore to identify additional deforestation and forest degradation in national parks sour­ces of revenue. As such, the economic situation or other government-owned land, or measures aimed at of the government and of the private party(ies) that the increasing energy efficiency in state-owned enterprises. l Partial discretion. Many instruments—or variations in 8 Depicted in figure 4 as a “simple carbon tax,” which can be instrument design—give only partial control to private differentiated from “threshold-based carbon taxes.” Under parties. For example, rather than specifying particular the former, emitters pay for all of their emissions. Under the technologies, the jurisdictions can establish energy latter, emitters only pay tax on the portion of their emissions that exceed a specified threshold level or target baseline. The threshold or baseline can be individualized in the same way that 7 In a reverse auction, the government or other entity issues different amounts of freely allocated emissions allowances are a call for bids to sell offsets. Project developers or other generally allocated to different emitters under an ETS. offset sellers then submit their bids, specifying the number of 9 Note that the lower right-hand corner of figure 4 is unlabeled. credits and the price they bid to sell each credit for, as well as The question mark refers to a hypothetical mechanism in documentation demonstrating that they comply with the eligibility which the government both dictates abatement technologies criteria. The government will generally accept the lowest bids or practices and requires parties to pay in proportion to the made. In a variation on this design, project developer bid to buy unabated pollution. This is not a commonly used approach, and put options rather than to sell credits from a given project. so there is no established term for this kind of mechanism. DECIDING WHETHER TO ADOPT A CARBON TAX 33 government seeks to regulate will be key factors in deter­ other factors being equal, this will lead to more cost- mining the most suitable instrument. effective abatement activities than when the government directs specific activities. A related implication is that instruments at the bottom of the diagram also more fully implement the “polluter pays” l Costs paid by private party. In their purest form, principle—which has gained important recognition both in carbon taxes require that emitters not only pay for the international law and in many domestic legal systems. At one cost of reducing emissions, but also for the unabated extreme, under subsidies, procurement, and government emissions. So, if a factory decides to reduce its carbon provision, polluters clearly are not paying, as governments tax bill by cutting emissions in half, it has to pay for any new technologies or practices it needs to adopt Deciding Whether to pay for emission abatement and society bears the cost of Adopt a Carbon Tax the remaining pollution. At the other extreme, under an to achieve that cut, and must also pay a tax on the ETS with auctioning and simple carbon taxes, polluters remaining emissions. This means that carbon taxes, pay for abatement and also pay a price for any remaining like an ETS with auctioning, can be a source of revenue emissions, truly a polluter-pays outcome. for the government, and internalize the externalities created by GHG emissions. The allocation of costs is really a continuum of not only a wide variety of instrument types, but also of many different The primary difference between a carbon tax and an ETS ways to design individual instruments, with different designs is that in the former case the government determines the leading to different effects in terms of distribution of costs. price of emissions and relies on the emitting entities to For instance, both carbon taxes and ETSs can in principle decide how much carbon to emit (box 2), while in the ETS impose the costs of damages from unabated emissions on case the government decides the amount of emissions society or the emitters. In ETSs, the government assumes to permit, and allows firms, acting through the market, to the cost of unabated emissions when emission allowances decide what they will pay for the right to emit. are freely allocated, but the private party assumes this cost In carbon models, carbon taxes are often compared to when they are auctioned. In the case of a carbon tax, the other instruments with respect to their cost-effectiveness government may permit a specific amount of emissions free and efficacy.10 Table 9 provides a summary of modeling of tax (as is the case, for example, of South Africa). studies that have compared policy instruments on one or both of these criteria. A few results emerge from these 2.3.2 Comparing the performance of carbon studies as well as the broader literature: taxes with other instruments l Generally, instruments that generate a carbon price To determine whether a carbon tax is the right policy instru­ (carbon tax, ETS) as an incentive for carbon emission ment to address a jurisdiction’s GHG mitigation goals, it is reductions are more cost-effective than standards or important for policy makers to consider, first, how it com­ non-tradeable quotas. pares to the other instruments available at a general level and, second, whether the specific circumstances of the l If there are pre-existing distortionary taxes, instruments ju­ ris­ diction provide the right environment for a carbon tax that raise revenue are more cost-effective when the to work effectively. This section considers these ques­ tions revenue is recycled (used to lower other taxes) than in turn. when it is refunded directly to the public (see chapter 8) Characteristics of carbon taxes l Broader instruments–those that cover a broader range of carbon emissions rather than focus on specific Carbon taxes are primarily designed to correct externalities sectors–are generally more cost-effective than narrow and directly induce changes in emissions by putting a instruments, though this result can depend upon how price on carbon. They will encourage emitters to invest in revenue, if any, is used (see chapter 5 on targeting innovation and seek information about available cleaner carbon taxes). technologies, but do not necessarily resolve the funda­ mental problems that cause underinvestment in research l Carbon taxes may or may not be more effective at and imperfect information in decision making. reducing the level of emissions than other policy instru­ ments, depending upon the level of the carbon tax When compared to other instruments designed to address (see RFF and NEPI 2010, Parry et al. 2014; chapter externalities, carbon taxes are distinguished by two factors: 6 on setting the carbon tax rate). Where regulations and taxes have similar implicit carbon prices, taxes l High discretion. Carbon taxes allow individual decision generally offer much more cost-effective mitigation (see makers—consumers and producers—to decide how OECD 2016). best to reduce emissions. Carbon tax liabilities are based on the actual level of emissions, and not on the means 10 The elasticity of demand is a measure of how responsive the of achieving those emission outcomes. This permits amount of a good demanded is to changes in price. For highly emitters to adapt to their particular circumstances and elastic demand functions a small percent change in the price preferences without being forced to consider a given of a good will lead to a larger percent change in the amount limited range of solutions that applies to all parties. All demanded. For more on the elasticity of demand see chapter 4. 34 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Box 2. Technical Note: Carbon Taxes vs. ETSs Carbon taxes and ETSs appear in the same general region of figure 3, indicating that fundamentally they are more similar than different—both internalize the cost of GHG emissions by establishing a price on them. As illustrated in figure 5, the primary difference between the two is that where taxes specify a price on emissions and allow the market to determine the quantity of emissions (left diagram), an ETS sets the quantity and allows the market to determine the price (right diagram). In theory, it is possible to achieve exactly the same outcome (in terms of emissions levels and abatement costs) with either instrument. Both instruments can also raise revenue Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax for the government. When the government is unsure of the marginal emissions benefit (MEB) curve, as is generally the case, which of the two approaches is chosen matters. Generally speaking, taxes provide certainty regarding the carbon price over a given period, often crucial for facilitating private investment in emission mitigation. An ETS can provide more certainty regarding the ability to meet a specific mitigation target but provides less certainty on the price. In practice, prices in carbon taxes tend to be significantly higher than in ETSs (World Bank, Ecofys and Vivid Economics, 2016). Emissions trading can bring economic efficiency gains by allowing participants to exploit the lowest-cost mitigation options across covered sectors. However, this presumes well-functioning markets with sufficient numbers of participants. In the presence of thin markets, ETS participants can incur substantial transactions costs, low liquidity challenges will limit efficiency gains, and individual firms can gain market power, thereby distorting the efficient use of emissions allowances. Another challenge with ETSs is that other emission reduction policies can lead to lower market prices, dampening the price signal. Carbon taxes on the other hand are more likely to work in harmony with other emission reduction policies. Where countries are interested in linking to the programs of other countries, this can most directly be achieved with ETSs, as linking can more easily equate the marginal costs of abatement across borders than can tax systems. It is however also possible to achieve agreements on price floors across carbon taxes, thus helping to equalize competition and ambition (section 7.4). Finally, where an upstream carbon tax can often be piggybacked onto an existing tax administration, an ETS might require a new administrative structure to track and enforce allowance ownership, making carbon taxes often more suitable for jurisdictions that lack the substantial capacities needed to implement emissions trading. Figure 5. Carbon Taxes vs. ETSs CARBON TAXES EMISSIONS TRADING $/unit $/unit MED MED P* P* MEB MEB E* E0 E* E0 Emission Level Emission Level Note: P = Price; MED = Marginal Emissions Damage to the environment. MEB = Marginal Emissions Benefit (i.e., the economic value to polluters of being allowed to emit). The MEB is simply the mirror image of the Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC). DECIDING WHETHER TO ADOPT A CARBON TAX 35 Table 9. Example Studies Comparing Policy Instruments for Carbon Emission Reductions GEOGRAPHIC/ INSTRUMENTS EVALUATION AUTHORS METHODS SECTOR RESULTS COMPARED CRITERIA SCOPE Using command and control policy tools (e.g. renewable NEW ERA energy standards, renewable Market-based (integ­rated United States/ Cost- fuel standards, and national fuel Tuladhar Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax and command top-down/ electri­city and effective-ness economy standards) in place of et al. 2014 and control bottom-up transpor­tation (social cost) or in combination with a carbon model price mechanism (tax or ETS) increases the social cost by as much as 60 percent. Using command and control policy tools (e.g. renewable US REP Rausch energy standards, renewable Cap and trade (multi- United States/ Cost- and fuel standards, and national and command regional electricity and effectiveness Karplus fuel economy standards) in and control CGE transpor­tation (social cost) 2014 place of, or in combination with, model) combination with an ETS system increases the social cost. The net benefit of carbon tax approaches is much higher than emission standards when revenue from the former is recycled to Graphic Cost- Parry and Market-based reduce other distortionary effects. and United States/ effec­- Williams and command This result is larger when the numeri­cal economy-wide tiveness 2011 and control instrument is applied economy- analysis (social cost) wide rather than to the electricity sector only. This result is reversed, however, if the revenue is not recycled. Generally, a broad carbon tax or BTU tax provides higher net benefits (after considering damages from GHGs) than even an idealized performance standard. Moreover, narrow Carbon tax, quotas and narrow performance energy tax, Parry and Cost- standards substantially reduce net emissions CGE Williams United States effective­ness benefits relative to either of the tax allowances and model 1999 (social cost) options. Freely allocated quotas command and perform similarly to the carbon tax control if there are no distortionary taxes, but lose much of their advantage when tax distortions are present. The narrow gas tax was the weakest of all instruments under any conditions. Carbon tax controls multiple Integ­rated pollutants (CO2, SO2, NOx) cost- Cost- Carbon tax and top-down China/iron effectively, but with limitations for Liu et al. effective­ness command and CGE and and steel the tax range examined (~USD 2014 (social cost) control bottom-up industry 1-10/tCO2e). The command and and efficacy model control instruments examined were more effective but costlier. Note: BTU tax = a type of energy tax; CGE = Computable General Equilibrium; ETS = Emissions Trading System; U.S. REP = United States Regional Energy Policy. 36 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Figure 6. Elasticity of Demand for Energy and Reductions in Energy Use HIGH ELASTICITY OF DEMAND LOW ELASTICITY OF DEMAND Supply Supply Energy price Energy price + tax + tax Deciding Whether to Supply Supply Adopt a Carbon Tax T T PT PT P* P* Demand Demand QT Q* E0 QT Q* E0 Energy quantity Energy quantity When is a carbon tax the right choice? are low the response will be relatively small. As figure 6 illustrates, a given tax (T) on energy supply will induce a The specific national and sectoral contexts are highly larger decrease in energy use (the difference between relevant for the decision to either adopt a carbon tax or Q* and Q1) when the price elasticity of demand for other GHG policy instrument. These factors can affect energy is relatively high. In other words, to achieve not only the design of the carbon tax (chapter 3), but the same reduction when elasticity is low (demand is licy also the initial decision to use a carbon tax or other po­ inelastic) would require a higher tax. Therefore, if a instruments. Several considerations are particularly rele­ jurisdiction seeks to substantially reduce emissions and vant when considering whether to adopt carbon taxes: has a relatively low elasticity of demand for energy, it will need to levy a relatively high tax. If there are political l Taxes work best in market-driven economies. obstacles to such a high tax, alternative mechanisms Carbon taxes work through price signals. Emitters may be preferable. faced with higher prices for carbon emissions will be encouraged to decrease their GHG emissions, for l Taxes can provide benefits beyond GHG emission example, by switching to lower emissions options, such mitigation. Even where elasticities are low and as low-carbon fuel types or renewable energy use. mitigation effects are relatively small, carbon taxes can Thus, the higher the reliance on markets and prices, the bring other benefits. For example, they raise revenue stronger will be this incentive. Where prices or producer while internalizing the social cost of emissions (the budgets are to some extent determined by government externalities described above). Indeed, where elas­ and where technology choices are determined by ticities are low, more revenue is likely to be raised, as regulation, the price signal might not be an effective tool emission levels remain fairly constant. This revenue for emission reduction. can be used to reduce other taxes or fund social and environmental programs. At the same time, this l To achieve GHG emission mitigation, taxes are implements the polluter pays principle and could best applied in elastic markets. Governments that increase the efficiency of the tax system. These benefits seek to reduce emissions through price signals should are more fully described in section 3.2. examine whether producers and consumers are likely to be responsive to price changes. Economies with high Ultimately, the suitability of a carbon tax for a particular elasticities of demand for fossil fuels can, for example, jurisdiction depends not only on the nature of the carbon expect to see substantial changes in consumption (and tax policy instrument, but on the political, cultural, and hence emissions), but where the elasticities of demand economic context in which it is implemented. DECIDING WHETHER TO ADOPT A CARBON TAX 37 2.3.3 Carbon taxes as part of broader fiscal taken by itself, not approach the socially optimal rate, policy while as part of the aggregate (that is, all government levels combined) it would come much closer to it. Even When a carbon tax is adopted, it is built into an existing tax when taxing powers are uniquely assigned to one level revenue system that includes many different instruments of government, they can still face political resistance (such as income taxes, corporate taxes, fuel taxes, etc.). from the other levels that independently tax the same Within a single country, these instruments might include base. taxes levied at different levels, ranging from national to local levels, which reflect the economic and policy objec­ l Determining the right level of government to adopt Deciding Whether to carbon tax. Even where multiple levels of government Adopt a Carbon Tax tives of governments and authorities at different levels. When considering the adoption of a carbon tax, it is there­ have the legal power to adopt a carbon tax, there may be fore important to understand the ways the tax could interact advantages and disadvantages to applying the carbon with other elements of the fiscal policy system. tax at different levels. For instance, centralized taxes may benefit from lower administration costs thanks to Fitting carbon taxes within the existing tax economies of scale, while more local taxes allow for system possible gains from local knowledge about how best to administer the tax. Another important consideration is Several factors regarding the characteristics of the overall mobility: the more mobile the taxable activity, the more tax system and the existing fiscal policy mix are particularly efficient it likely is to tax at a more centralized level. For relevant in both determining whether to adopt a carbon tax example, a carbon tax might be capably implemented and choosing the right design options: at the local level for coal extraction because of its limited mobility, which would also serve to reduce the l Calculating the effective carbon rate. A carbon tax number of points to monitor in the production process. will typically be one of several taxes levied on a product By contrast, a carbon tax on motor fuels at the local or the processes involved in creating or supplying it. level may encourage consumers to travel outside their Some of these taxes are closely related to carbon taxes. jurisdiction to purchase fuel if lower taxes are paid Energy taxes on fossil fuels in particular bear close nearby. In these cases, the tax may be better levied at resemblance, since the amount of tax in this case is the central level or be subject to a national floor price, directly related to the amount of energy used (if not the as Canada has announced it would do in 2018.11 carbon content of the energy). They therefore combine with carbon pricing instruments to form what the OECD l Integrating the carbon tax with existing taxes. has termed the “effective carbon rate” (OECD 2016). Building carbon taxes into existing tax instruments In designing a carbon tax, it is useful for governments (some­ times referred to as “piggybacking”) can offer to consider not only the rate of the carbon tax itself, administ­ rative, legal, and political advantages. Many but also the overall effective carbon rate applied to jurisdictions, such as Ireland, France, and Colombia, energy (see chapter 6). The challenge of overlapping have integrated their carbon taxes with their existing taxes can be exacerbated when there are multiple fuel tax regime. taxing levels within a jurisdiction. In cases where taxing powers for a given good or process are shared among l Structuring the carbon tax for simplicity and trans­ different administration levels, it is crucial to ensure parency. A carbon tax that is expressed as a constant coordination between the different levels to get the dollar amount per unit of carbon content in the taxed appropriate effective carbon tax rate. Consolidating tax resource is the simplest form of taxing, while taxes and regulatory instruments into a single tax may help levied on an ad valorem basis (i.e., based on the value ensure that the effective carbon tax rate is realized at of the transaction) can be far more complex, given that the socially desirable level. retail and wholesale prices often fluctuate substantially. Moreover, jurisdictions can use the simplicity of the l Shared vs. unique taxing powers. In any situation carbon tax to help citizens understand the implications where different levels of government tax a common of the tax for their tax burden. For example, British economic base and the tax base reacts to the aggregate Columbia has been careful to point out that it does not tax rate, a tax rate increase by one government level may collect more taxes when the price of fuels changes. impose a negative “fiscal externality” on the other level’s tax revenues by causing a reduction in that taxable Legal, political, and institutional issues base. For example, if one government level (e.g., the In addition to these overall design considerations, a num­ federal government) taxes carbon while another level ber of institutional and legal factors are relevant for govern­ (e.g., a state) taxes fuel, a rise in the carbon tax will raise ments to consider when adopting a carbon tax: the price of fuel and subsequently reduce the quantity demanded. In this case, fuel tax revenues or sales tax revenues derived from those fuels will similarly decline. See, for instance, 11 It is also possible that a single government level would, where-carbon-is-taxed/british-columbia/. 38 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS l Whether it is called a tax can matter. Economically government-funded research, industrial energy efficiency speaking, there is no distinction between a tax, a regu­ standards, vehicle fuel efficiency standards, and technology latory fee, or a penalty on carbon production. Yet the standards for electricity generation. A government may language used can matter in the political acceptance adopt a mix of policy instruments for different reasons, of the policy, the ability of a particular level of govern­ some motivated by good policy, some precipitated by ment to adopt the instrument, and the legal rights of circumstances, and some by sheer political necessity. the stakeholders involved. For example, a given level of govern­ment seeking to expand its fiscal space will It is important to understand how these instruments can sometimes maneuver the framing of a revenue inst­ complement, overlap with, and even counteract each other. Although in practice it is sometimes difficult to isolate Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax rument as a “charge” or “penalty,” when it does not have the authority to levy a “tax,” and so each country is likely these effects, the distinction can nevertheless be useful. to have its own legal requirements for determining how Complementary policy instruments are those that work taxes, charges, fees, and penalties are defined, used, together to produce desired outcomes. Generally, comple­ and constrained. mentary instruments are most useful when either multiple l What kind of tax it is can matter. Even when the types of market failures or multiple social goals exist. Juris­ finan­ cial instrument clearly is a tax, what type of tax it dictions may sometimes need to engage in “gap-filling” is can play a role in the assignment of taxing powers. because existing systems are incomplete. In this context, One of the most frequent tax typologies distinguishes the following points should be borne in mind: bet­ ween “direct” and “indirect” in taxes. The difference bet­ ween the two is whether the tax is levied directly l Multiple market failures. Good practice suggests on persons or indirectly, through firms. Even if a tax is that when multiple market failures exist—for example, passed down the supply chain and ultimately paid by public good benefits of research, imperfect information, customers through higher prices, a tax may still be con­ and externalities—a robust instrument mix is definitely sidered indirect as long as it is collected and remitted by justified. Moreover, where multiple market failures firms. The taxonomy does matter for the tax design and exist, governments may adopt separate instruments to sometimes affects the procedure for its adoption. For address each of these, for example, by adding research example, in the United States, a direct tax levied by the and development programs and public information federal government must have an equal per capita tax programs, which address different market failures than a burden across all states, a legal requirement that has carbon tax. In the case of GHG emissions, a jurisdiction ac­ tually prevented the national government from using may (i) provide research grants to encourage innovation di­rect taxes for most of the country’s history. Canada has in energy efficiency, (ii) implement a public information the inverse approach to the definitions, indirect taxes program to educate parties about the range of cleaner be­ ing the solely prerogative of the federal govern­ ment. technologies available, and (iii) adopt a carbon tax to In Switzerland, the constitution requires that there be provide incentives to adopt those technologies. es­ tab­lished principles for aligning direct taxes across the l Preexisting and incomplete policy instruments. muni­ cipalities and cantons, as well as the confederation. In many cases, governments add carbon taxes to a l International trade agreements can affect a carbon set of provisions that are already in place. Often, the tax. International trade agreements can be relevant to carbon tax is intended to fill gaps in existing systems. the specifics in defining the context for a carbon tax. In For example, several EU countries, already subject to particular, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU (GATT) and other rules of the World Trade Organization ETS), have started levying carbon taxes on sources that (WTO) restrict the ability of countries to structure a tax in are not covered by the existing system. Governments a way that discriminates in favor of domestic producers often use complementary instruments where it is or specific importers. Parties to WTO agreements can not practical to apply a carbon tax. For example, if a apply indirect taxes to imports as long as the tax is not carbon tax program is limited to fossil fuels (as is the directly connected to the act of importation. That is, the case in most existing systems), the government might tax can be extended to imports, provided an adjustment adopt additional instruments to address emissions from is made to ensure the amount of the tax levied on agriculture and industrial processes. imports does not exceed the amount of carbon tax l Multiple social goals.12 Similarly, where there are levied on similar products manufactured domestically, related but distinct environmental goals—for ins­tance, and the domestic country has products being taxed that tants— reducing both GHG emissions and local air pollu­ are similar to those imports (section 7.4.). the government will generally need multiple po­ licy 2.3.4 Carbon taxes as part of the climate 12 In a sense, the distinction between multiple market failures and and energy policy mix multiple objectives is artificial. Where multiple market failures exist, governments have objectives to address each one. The Carbon taxes are often part of a larger climate and distinction is still useful to remind us that multiple objectives energy policy mix that could include measures such as emerge in different ways DECIDING WHETHER TO ADOPT A CARBON TAX 39 instruments. Furthermore, when the carbon tax exa­ carbon emissions, using both carbon taxes and a re­ newa­ cerbates another problem, it may be necessary to adopt ble energy portfolio standard (RPS), both covering elec­ ment complementary policy tools. For example, a govern­ tric utilities, would be an overlapping mix of instruments. concerned about the impact of carbon taxes on low- The challenge with overlapping instruments is that each income households may consider adopting measures to can interfere with the operation of the other. In the case mitigate these impacts (chapter 7). of a carbon tax and RPS, for example, if the policy goal is only to reduce emissions, then the constraints that the In some cases, the additional policy instruments will inter­ act with the carbon tax. For example, a congestion fee to RPS places on technology choice could interfere with the reduce urban traffic could also reduce the amount of carbon utilities’ ability of finding the lowest-cost abatement options Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax dioxide emissions from transportation. Similarly, regulation and thus indirectly raises the total costs of mitigation. Of of PM2.513 from electricity generation might reinforce a course, these policies do not invalidate the case for the carbon tax by reducing total energy use.14 carbon tax entirely as it offers more than just incentives for lowest-cost abatement, but such policies might dim its Overlapping policy instruments are those that share effectiveness. jec­ ob­ duce tives but may be redundant. For example, to re­ Counteracting policy instruments are those that work in 13 PM2.5, fine particulate pollution, refers to matter that is 2.5 opposition to each other. For example, carbon taxes and micrometers or less in diameter. It is composed of smoke and vehicle fuel consumption subsidies would be countervailing soot, dust and dirt, and secondary derivatives of those materials. policy instruments—one reduces emissions by raising the PM2.5 is linked to a number of health problems, most notably effective price of fossil fuels while the other increases respiratory ailments. 14 Estimates from Parry et. al. (2014: 24) suggest a significant emissions by lowering their price. Jurisdictions should carbon tax, an average of US$57.5/tCO2e among the top 20 generally seek to minimize the use of countervailing policy emitting countries. instruments. Key Considerations u Carbon taxes are designed to address the externalities associated with GHG emissions and provide a financial incentive for emission mitigation, making them a good climate policy choice where governments seek to correct the absence of incentives and internalize pollution costs. u In their purest form, carbon taxes require emitters to pay for reducing emissions and for the emissions they fail to avoid. This approach reflects the “polluter pays” principle, while also generating government revenue. u Carbon taxes can be designed to generate a number of benefits beyond GHG emission mitigation and government revenue, including local environmental benefits and higher efficiency of the tax system. u In comparing carbon taxes and ETSs, it is important to consider the relative importance of providing certainty on the carbon price on the one hand—important for investment decisions—and reaching a specific mitigation target for covered sectors on the other hand. It is also important to consider whether market conditions are suited to an ETS, and the different administrative costs associated with each instrument. u Carbon taxes are generally implemented as part of a larger tax system. It is thus important to consider how the carbon tax would fit within the existing legal and administrative system. It is equally important to consider how a carbon tax would complement (or conflict) with other climate and energy policy instruments. 40 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Parry, I., and Williams R. 1999. “A Second-Best FURTHER READING Evaluation of Eight Policy Instrument to Reduce Carbon Emissions.” Resource and Energy Economics. Aldy, Joseph; Ley, Eduardo; and Ian Parry. 2008. “What is 21:347-373. the Role of Carbon Taxes in Climate Change Mitigation?” PREM Notes; No. 2. World Bank, Washington, DC. https:// Parry, I., and Williams R. 2011a. “Moving U.S. Climate Policy Forward: Are Carbon Taxes the Only Good Alternative?” Resources for the Future. RFF DP 11-02 Parry, I., Heine, D., Lis, E., and S. Li. 2014. Getting February 2011. Energy Prices Right: From Principle to Practice. Deciding Whether to Adopt a Carbon Tax International Monetary Fund. PwC. 2013. “Shifting the Balance from Direct to Indirect World Bank, Ecofys and Vivid Economics. 2016. State Taxes: Bringing New Challenges.” and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2016. Washington, DC: skatteradgivning/assets/shifting-the-balance-from-direct- World Bank. to-indirect-taxes-bringing-new-challenges.pdf. handle/10986/25160. Rausch, Sebastian, and Valerie J. Karplus. 2014 “Markets Versus Regulation: The Efficiency and Distributional BIBLIOGRAPHY Impacts of U.S. Climate Policy Proposals.” The Energy Journal 35(01). OECD. 2016. Effective Carbon Rates: Pricing CO2 through Taxes and Emissions Trading Systems. OECD Resources for the Future (RFF) and the National Energy Publishing, Paris. doi: Policy Institute (NEPI). 2010 Toward a New National 60115-en. Energy Policy: Assessing the Options. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, 2010. Liu, Z., Mao, X., Tu, J. and Jaccard, M. 2014. A Comparative, Assessment of Economic-Incentive and Tuladhar, Sugandha D., Sebastian Mankowski, and Paul Command-and-Control Instruments for Air Pollution and Bernstein, 2014. “Interaction Effects of Market-Based and CO2 Control in China’s Iron and Steel Sector.” Journal of Command-and-Control Policies.” The Energy Journal 35 Economic Management. 144:135-142. (Special Issue): 61–88. Parry, Ian, Chandara Veung, and Dirk Heine. 2014. “How World Bank, Ecofys and Vivid Economics. 2016. State Much Carbon Pricing is in Countries’ Own Interests? and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2016. Washington, DC: The Critical Role of Co-Benefits.” IMF Working Paper World Bank. WP/14/174. handle/10986/25160. PREPARING FOR CARBON TAX ADOPTION 41 PREPARING FOR 3 CARBON TAX ADOPTION At a Glance When considering the adoption of a carbon tax and specific design options, it is important to examine the available options and consider them in light of the relevant context. Experience shows that the right design options depend closely on the policy goals and national circumstances of each jurisdiction. Developing a clear picture of these factors at the outset is therefore crucial to enabling policy makers to make informed choices when designing the Preparing for Carbon different elements of the carbon tax. Tax Adoption The following policy objectives are particularly important for informing carbon tax design: l Mitigate GHG emissions. Define the overall greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation trajectory the jurisdiction has set and the role of the carbon tax in achieving it; l Raise revenue. Clearly define how the revenue will be used—whether for the general budget or for specific policies—and the amount of money that is sought; l Promote low-carbon development and local environmental goals. Identify economic objectives for developing low-carbon sectors and for reducing local pollution; l Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the tax system. Shifting taxation from “goods” to “bads” and reduce tax evasion and avoidance. In all cases it is important to consider the interactions between these objectives. While some objectives will align, others may lead to conflicting design choices. A certain degree of prioritization is thus inevitable. Alongside policy objectives, it is important to consider the national circumstances that influence design choices, in particular: l Government capacity and rule of law. The way the carbon tax is designed will affect the capacities that are needed to effectively implement the tax. Upstream taxes often require minimal administration capacities, while downstream taxes may require significant competences. Good governance will also be important for ensuring effective implementation. l Emissions profile and economic context. Understanding the current and projected future emissions profile of the jurisdiction in question is crucial for identifying where to place the tax. Jurisdictions can also benefit from understanding the dynamics and economic structure of key sectors. l Political environment. Jurisdictions where addressing climate change is a high priority for politicians and the public will often have more flexibility in the design of the carbon tax and may find it easier to adopt a broad scope or higher rates. Jurisdictions where taxes of any kind are especially unpopular may consider using the tax revenue to lower other taxes When considering design choices based on policy objectives and national context, policy makers can make use of a set of principles to help evaluate and inform different options. While the choice of principles will vary for each jurisdiction, a useful starting point is provided by the FASTER Principles for Successful Carbon Pricing. Each of these principles can be applied to a range of carbon tax design choices, and are considered throughout this Guide. The FASTER principles are the following: Fairness Transparency Alignment of policies and objectives Efficiency and cost-effectiveness Stability and predictability Reliability and environmental integrity 42 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS 3.1 INTRODUCTION 3.2 DETERMINING POLICY Before a government proposes the adoption of a carbon OBJECTIVES tax, it is important to engage in a process through which it closely examines all available options and considers them Carbon taxes have the potential to achieve a range of different policy objectives, and the relative importance a in light of the relevant context. Engaging in this process government places on these objectives is a crucial factor early can ensure the tax is well designed and responds to informing policy makers’ design choices. An essential first both policy objectives and national circumstances, thereby step in carbon tax design is therefore to clearly define the enhancing the political acceptability of the tax and reducing objectives the government seeks to achieve through the the likelihood that substantial overhauls will be needed in tax. the short or medium term. This chapter covers three central questions that should be While most governments considering the adoption of addressed at the outset of carbon tax design: a carbon tax will have a fairly clear idea of high-level objectives such as “reducing GHG emissions” or “raising revenue,” for maximum effectiveness of the carbon tax, Preparing for Carbon 1. What are the main policy objectives that the tax seeks to achieve? the definition of these objectives should go further and Tax Adoption consider the specific targets pursued within these general 2. What are the national circumstances that are likely objectives as well as their relative importance. This section to influence the adoption and implementation of the therefore first discusses four headline objectives that drive carbon tax? carbon tax adoption—GHG emission mitigation, revenue raising, low-carbon development benefits, and increased 3. What principles should guide the design and imple­ efficiency of the tax system—and the specific objectives to mentation of the carbon tax? be determined in each case. Second, it presents practical considerations for weighing the relative importance of the These questions are closely related and, when designing different objectives pursued. The implications of different a carbon tax, they should be considered together. For policy objectives for the design of specific elements of a stance, the principles of carbon tax design will reinforce in­ carbon tax are discussed more at length in the subsequent po­ licy objectives, while policy objectives (for example, a chapters. GHG mitigation target or support for a certain sector) will be influenced by national circumstances. 3.2.1 Defining specific objectives From a procedural point of view, it is important to put in place This section discusses the four most commonly cited mechanisms at the outset that support effective design. policy objectives for adopting carbon taxes: GHG emission Establishing interministerial committees, for instance, can gation, raising revenue, contributing to low-carbon miti­ help ensure that policy objectives are aligned across diffe­ ve­ de­ lopment and other environmental protection aims, rent sectors (e.g., climate, energy, finance). Aside from and increasing the efficiency of the tax system. generally enhancing policy coherence, this also increases the likelihood that the carbon tax will be effective and gain GHG emission mitigation broader political acceptance. Interinstitutional coordination Limiting GHG emissions is consistently cited by policy is further discussed in section 9.2. makers as one of the principal objectives underlying car­ bon tax adoption.16 With more and more countries and It is also important to develop mechanisms early on for subnational jurisdictions adopting quantifiable mitigation engaging nongovernmental stakeholders such as the targets—whether as absolute targets or as a range of private sector, civil society, and the general public. This relative and intensity-based targets17—carbon taxes are issue is touched upon in section 3.3.3, and is more fully becoming an increasingly prominent policy tool to achieve addressed in other PMR technical notes.15 them. The more specific a GHG emissions objective pur­ sued is, the more effective the carbon tax designed to This chapter is structured as follows. Section 3.2 focuses support it will be. on policy objectives that are relevant to tax design, and identifies the main decisions these objectives affect. Section 3.3 looks at national circumstances under the 16 In a survey conducted for this study of seven jurisdictions same light. Finally, section 3.4 lays down the principles designing, implementing, or considering a carbon tax, GHG that can be used for guiding the choice of design options. emission mitigation was cited by all respondents as a “very important” objective of the carbon tax, and in all cases as the single or joint most important reason for adopting the tax. 17 See UNFCCC INDC Portal: 15 PMR & ICAP, 2016; Singh & Bacher, 2015. submissions/indc/Submission%20Pages/submissions.aspx. PREPARING FOR CARBON TAX ADOPTION 43 Figure 7a: Steadily Declining Emissions Figure 7b: Emissions Peak, Plateau, Decline 400 400 350 350 GHG annual emissions (MCtO2e) 300 300 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 Preparing for Carbon Tax Adoption 50 50 0 0 2015 2020 2025 2030 2015 2020 2025 2030 Year Year The first and most obvious specific objective a jurisdiction A second feature to determine is the emissions trajectory must determine is the emissions target it seeks to achieve the jurisdiction seeks to achieve over time or, in other and over what time frame it is pursued. Most jurisdictions words, the rate at which it wishes emissions to decline, have already defined such targets as part of their Natio­ or the date by which emissions should peak, plateau, and nally Determined Contributions (NDCs), as well as through sub­sequently decline. Figures 7a and 7b illustrate two na­tional or subnational climate policies and strategies. In po­ tial emission reduction trajectories in jurisdictions ten­ some cases, targets apply to the whole economy, while with the same absolute emission reduction target. in others they apply only to specific sectors. Some juris­ dictions have both economy-wide and sectoral targets. Box 3. Implications of GHG Mitigation Objectives for Carbon Tax Design ISSUE IMPLICATIONS SEE FURTHER Understanding the role different sectors are expected to play in achieving mitigation targets and the different (present and future) Tax base Chapter 5 policies that apply to those sectors can help determine what to focus the carbon tax on. The overall emission reduction target (economy-wide or sectoral) will influence the tax rate, while the desired trajectory will influence the Tax rate Chapter 6 change in the rate over time. The level of existing or planned energy taxes will also influence these decisions. Emission reduction targets and the chosen policy mix can influence the decision on how to use tax revenues. Where there is a policy or funding gap for reducing emissions in uncovered sectors, for instance, Chapter 8 Use of revenues earmarking revenue for these industries can be an option, as well as providing targeted tax reliefs. Permitting the use of domestic offsets from those sectors can serve a similar purpose. 44 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS While in country A, emissions are reduced gradually from tax in a way that reflects the intended contribution. For the base year (2015) to the target year (2030), in country B instance, by calculating the “effective carbon price” set by emissions rise slightly, before peaking, plateauing, and then energy taxes, carbon taxes, and emissions trading systems declining to the target. Naturally, in country B, the decline (ETSs) for a given product (section 2.1), jurisdictions can happens much faster once it sets in because it needs to understand the interactions of these different instruments compensate for the country’s growth since 2015 to be able in creating a price signal for emission reductions in a given to meet the same target. In addition, its total emissions sector. This in turn can help determine the appropriate tax over the period 2015–30 are substantially higher than in rate. country A. Since the intended trajectory affects how much emission reduction a jurisdiction seeks to achieve over Raising government revenue a period of time, it influences the temporal dimension of carbon tax design. For instance, a jurisdiction may expand Alongside mitigating GHG emissions, raising revenue is the tax to more sectors or increase the tax rate over time to a commonly cited reason for introducing carbon taxes.18 achieve a certain emissions trajectory. Revenue raising should be understood broadly not only where jurisdictions seek to raise additional revenue In jurisdictions with targets relative to a baseline (typically through the carbon tax—whether for general government Preparing for Carbon a business as usual, or “BAU” projection) or intensity- spending or for specific purposes—but also where they Tax Adoption based targets (e.g., reductions per unit of GDP), similar seek to use it as a substitute for other sources of revenue. considerations apply. A jurisdiction with a target relative to Several jurisdictions place high importance on “revenue- BAU must decide the trajectory through which emissions neutral” carbon taxes since they allow them to reduce will deviate below the BAU scenario, for instance, through taxes in other areas, for example labor or corporate taxes. a steady gradual reduction relative to the BAU or by con­ tinuing to stay close to the BAU scenario for a certain period Within the broad objective of raising revenue, two questions and then reducing at a faster rate. An intensity-based stand out: get can similarly be met through gradual reductions in tar­ 1. How will the revenue be used? emission intensity or through a less regular trajectory. 2. How much revenue is sought for each specific area Alongside defining the emission reduction target and tra­ of funding? jectory, it is important for policy makers to consider the role or contribution of the carbon tax in achieving the target. As discussed in section 2.3, carbon taxes can be used as 18 In the survey conducted for this study, four out of seven jurisdictions indicated that raising revenue for government a complement to a range of policies—whether ex­ plicitly spending was an important or very important consideration in climate-driven or otherwise—to achieve mitiga­ tion adopting the carbon tax and one indicated it was a “relevant’ objectives. The better a jurisdiction can define what policy consideration.” By contrast, one of the seven jurisdictions mix it will use to achieve its objectives and what contribution indicated that the ability to reduce other taxes was an important it wants the carbon tax to make toward achieving mitigation consideration in adopting the tax, while three jurisdictions targets, the better positioned it will be to define the carbon indicated this was a “relevant consideration.” Box 4. Implications of Revenue Objectives for Carbon Tax Design ISSUE IMPLICATIONS SEE FURTHER The level of revenue-raising ambition can affect the breadth of sectoral coverage, that is, the tax base. Where significant revenue is Tax base sought, governments may choose to include more sectors, or those Chapter 5 with the highest level of emissions and/or highest ability to pay. The level of revenue-raising ambition can also affect tax rates, with Tax rate different rates having different effects on the amount of revenue Chapter 6 raised within a given sectoral scope. The key issue affected by revenue-raising objectives is how the Use of revenues Chapter 8 revenue is to be used. PREPARING FOR CARBON TAX ADOPTION 45 Box 5. Implications of Objectives Relating to Low-Carbon Development and Local Environmental Benefits for Carbon Tax Design ISSUE IMPLICATIONS SEE FURTHER Where governments have local environmental objectives such as reducing air pollution, they may seek to target the sectors and gases primarily responsible for the pollution. Sectoral development objectives may also influence the choice of tax base. For example, Tax base applying a carbon tax to electricity generation can help foster Chapter 5 renewable energy investments and incentivize modernizing the electricity distribution system, while a tax on heavy industry can incentivize modernization and energy efficiency in those industries. In net energy-importing countries, taxes on fossil fuels can improve Preparing for Carbon the country’s balance of trade. Tax Adoption Where development or local environmental objectives are relevant, governments may set the tax rate at the level of incentive projected to be needed to achieve these. For instance, the level of competitive Chapter 6 Tax rate advantage currently enjoyed by a polluting industry may influence the tax rate necessary to level the playing field vis-à-vis cleaner industries. Where governments wish to stimulate investment in specific low- carbon industries, they may consider providing exemptions/rebates Use of revenues to those sectors or permitting the use of offsets from those industries. Chapter 7 and 8 These incentives could also be given to entities that reduce their GHG emissions or achieve other environmental objectives. These questions will generally need to be considered in lating to low-carbon development19 or environmental re­ light of broader policy objectives, often beyond climate pro­tection20 beyond GHG mitigation as ancillary objectives change policy. For instance: be­hind the introduction of a carbon tax. In many developing count­ ries, incentivizing the development of new or nascent l Jurisdictions under overall fiscal stress may seek to economic sectors or addressing local environmental issues raise revenue for the overall budget or to pay off their are often more immediate and pressing political objectives national debt as, for example, Ireland did. than GHG mitigation. Carbon taxes can provide a financial l Jurisdictions planning major social or economic incentive for consumers and businesses to adopt cleaner reforms (e.g., education or health care reform) may technologies, purchase greener products, or switch to less seek to raise revenue to fund these plans, as is the polluting fuels. This in turn can help to address a range case of Chile. of government objectives, for example, modernizing the l Jurisdictions may also promote employment by using energy system, limiting the growth in energy demand, revenue to reduce labor taxes as, for example, France supporting the development of public transport systems, did. or supporting growth and employment in green industries. In each case it is important to have a clear idea of the Carbon taxes can support these and other policy objectives contribution carbon tax revenue is expected to make in two major ways. First, they can provide an incentive toward reaching these objectives, and in turn the level of for shifts in behavior or investment that support policy revenues targeted through the carbon tax. 19 All of the jurisdictions surveyed indicated that “encouraging Achieving low-carbon development and the development and deployment of low-carbon technologies” local environmental benefits was an important consideration in adopting their carbon tax. 20 Five of the seven jurisdictions surveyed characterized this Besides the central objectives of GHG mitigation and as either a “relevant” or “important” consideration in adopting a raising revenue, several jurisdictions cite a range of aims carbon tax. 46 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Box 6. Implications of Objectives Relating to Tax System Efficiency for Carbon Tax Design ISSUE IMPLICATIONS SEE FURTHER Where jurisdictions seek to reduce the deadweight loss of taxation, they may look to tax products or activities that are currently not taxed or taxed at low rates. Where they seek to increase the tax base by Chapter 5 Tax base expanding the number of taxes paid by the informal sector, they may place the tax upstream and target the fuels most used in the informal sector. Where governments aim for revenue neutrality, it is important to Tax rate consider the level of revenue expected to be raised at different tax Chapter 6 Preparing for Carbon rates and how this relates to the revenue forgone from reducing other Tax Adoption taxes. Jurisdictions aiming to improve the efficiency of their tax system will Use of revenues generally want to use at least part of the revenue to reduce other Chapter 8 taxes. objectives. Second, they can raise revenue that can be incorporated into the purchase price of fuel, and therefore used to fund programs or incentives that further support be paid by both formal and informal businesses. On the those aims. Moreover, these two effects can be mutually other hand, only formal businesses pay corporate and reinforcing—the incentive provided by the tax com­ bined income taxes. Upstream carbon taxes can also reduce tax with the incentives funded by tax revenue providing a administration costs, and are often associated with reduced double “carrot-and-stick” incentive that supports the tax evasion rates compared to other forms of taxes.24 govern­ment’s policy. 3.2.2 Prioritizing and aligning objectives Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the tax system Most jurisdictions adopting or considering carbon taxes have multiple overall objectives, which will often each For some jurisdictions, improving the efficiency of the consist of a range of specific targets. While in some cases taxation system by shifting taxation from “goods,” such as these objectives are naturally compatible, sometimes a labor and capital, to “bads,” such as GHG emissions, is more proactive effort will be needed to ensure compati­ an important motivation for adopting a carbon tax.21 Such bility. In other cases, objectives may conflict, and political “revenue-neutral” carbon taxes22 may improve the efficiency de­ cisions will have to be made to prioritize the most impor­ and effectiveness of the taxation system in different ways. tant objectives. Table 10 provides a simple illustration of For example, they can reduce the deadweight loss of this, while subsequent chapters will discuss the different taxation by reducing the tax rate on tax bases that are often decisions that need to be made in the context of different already highly taxed (e.g., labor and capital) and shifting it design options. to a product that is not currently taxed (GHG emissions).23 In jurisdictions with large informal sectors, reducing labor Prioritizing and aligning objectives will often come down to or corporate taxes while increasing upstream taxes on fuel political decisions, frequently in the context of negotiation can increase the effective tax base, since the tax will be between different political parties and consultation with key stakeholders. Yet a number of practical tools exist to sup­port 21 Four out of the seven jurisdictions surveyed indicated that eliminating other taxes was either a “relevant” or “important” 24 In the United Kingdom, for example, the total “tax gap” consideration in adopting the carbon tax, and several other (defined as the difference between the amount of tax that jurisdictions that participated in interviews for this study should, in theory, be collected by HMRC, and what is actually also emphasized this aspect. Two jurisdictions also cited collected) is less than 1 percent for excise taxes on petroleum “improving economic efficiency of the tax system” as one of the products, compared to 10.3 percent for VAT, 7.6 percent considerations determining their use of revenue. for corporate tax, and 5.2 percent for income tax, National 22 See further section 8.2. Insurance contributions, and capital gains tax (HM Revenue and 23 See section 8.2. Customs, 2016). PREPARING FOR CARBON TAX ADOPTION 47 Table 10. Examples of Potential Synergies and Conflicts between Objectives POTENTIALLY ALIGNING POTENTIALLY CONFLICTING SEE ISSUE OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES FURTHER In sectors with highly elastic demand for Ambitious goals on GHG taxed products (e.g., fuel), the price signal mitigation and revenue raising is likely to be very effective, leading to may both point toward broad significant emission reductions. In the coverage. Similarly, where long run, however, this will entail lower governments seek to raise revenues, since reduced emissions will TAX BASE significant amounts of revenue in Chapter 5 result in less tax being collected. Where the short term and achieve short- the carbon tax only covers a limited term emission reductions across number of sectors, the objectives of the economy, they may seek to emission mitigation and long-term revenue apply the tax to all sectors within Preparing for Carbon raising may therefore point to different a relatively short period of time. decisions on which sectors to cover. Tax Adoption Ambitious GHG mitigation Where a jurisdiction has long-term revenue targets and growth plans for needs and pursues a medium-term low-carbon energy may both emissions target, it will need to choose point toward high tax rates for between adopting a high tax rate straight high-carbon energy industries, TAX RATE away and thereby encourage short- and Chapter 6 and where the government has medium-term emission reductions, or short- to medium-term targets in gradually raising the rate, in that way only these areas, they may consider encouraging emission reductions in the introducing a high rate right away long run. or quickly moving to one. the decision-making process. Carbon tax modelling, in inten­tion of this section is to identify the key factors and particular, can help policy makers assess the likely (overall prepare policy makers to consider these factors from the and sector-specific) impacts of different design options on outset. Early consideration will be particularly important factors such as GHG mitigation, economic perfor­ mance, for factors that are not immediately obvious, and therefore revenue generation, and local environmental protection. require further investigation. It can support decision makers in choosing the design op­tions that will contribute the most to their collective 3.3.1 Government capacity and rule of law po­licy objectives, or at least put the different objectives in context. Approaches to carbon tax modeling are discussed Administering a carbon tax is typically simpler than admi­­ in chapter 4. nistering an Emissions Trading System (ETS) (section 2.3.2), and some carbon tax designs may require 3.3 FRAMING THE NATIONAL significantly less administration than many other taxes. Effec­tive administration does nonetheless require that CONTEXT ade­ quate capacities be in place in areas such as tax admi­ nistration and enforcement, while some tax de­ sign options Having defined the policy objectives sought by the carbon may also require capacities in emissions Mea­ suring, tax, it is important for policy makers to have a clear picture Reporting and Verification (MRV) or in the administ­ ration of the relevant national context. These circumstances of complementary programs (section 9.2) It is there­ fore affect a wide range of decisions, from whether to adopt a important for jurisdictions to understand govern­ ment capa­ carbon tax, to determining the tax design options that are cities and the overall level of governance in key areas of tax best suited to the jurisdiction. administration, and identify any existing issues relating to non-compliance with tax obligations (e.g., smuggling and This section therefore identifies the major economic, social, tax evasion). legal, and political circumstances that have the greatest influence on carbon tax design. As with the discussion The determination of the requisite capacity needs and of policy objectives, the specific implications of different whether these are met by current systems has to be based circumstances will be discussed in the subsequent on the specific needs of different design elements and chap­ ters on specific elements of carbon tax design. The options. For example, applying the carbon tax to certain 48 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Box 7. Implications of Government Capacity and Rule of Law for Carbon Tax Design ISSUE IMPLICATIONS SEE FURTHER Upstream taxes on fuels are typically far simpler to implement than taxes on other products or processes, and so jurisdictions with lower Tax base Chapter 5 capacities might consider applying taxes only to fuels rather than to industrial processes or waste, for instance. Administering offset and similar programs can be administratively complex and present opportunities for gaming the system. Such Use of offsets, programs may therefore be challenging for jurisdictions with low Chapter 7, 8, exemptions, overall capacities. Exemptions and rebates are, by contrast, relatively and 9 and rebates Preparing for Carbon easy to administer. However, they do require a minimum level of tax Tax Adoption administration capacities and can erode the price signal of the tax. sectors only will require more complex MRV systems, and to do some preliminary data gathering and economic adopting features such as offsets or conditional rebates will analysis. The following sets out some of the key economic require additional administrative capacities. Studying the and emissions data that can help inform decision making. experience of jurisdictions with similar circumstances and speaking to counterparts in those jurisdictions can also help Emissions profile and trends to understand how these needs play out in practice. Where it is not obvious whether existing country capacities match Mapping GHG emissions in the jurisdiction is central to up to the needs of given design options, governments can determining where the largest amount of emissions is use a range of capacity needs assessment tools to support released, and therefore where the tax is likely to have this assessment,25 and can integrate capacity building into the biggest impact on emission reduction and revenue the design of the carbon tax (section 9.2.4). raising. Jurisdictions’ emissions can be broken down by economic sector or by emission sector as defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2014). 3.3.2 Emissions profile and economic Since most countries submit at least biennial reports to the context UNFCCC that show the distribution of emissions across sectors and in many cases also subsectors, these reports The economic structure of the economy as a whole, can provide crucial input to help identify where the major and key emitting sectors in particular, has a substantial emission abatement opportunities lie. influence on how a carbon tax will affect the economy, generate revenue, and result in GHG emission reductions. The more disaggregation is possible in mapping emissions, It is therefore a central factor for jurisdictions to consider the more useful it will be for policy makers deciding on in determining whether a carbon tax makes sense and in what—more specifically, which actors, products, and/or selecting the right design options. Carbon taxes are classic activities—to direct the carbon tax at. For example, where it market instruments, and so the effects they have depend is possible to break down residential and consumer energy on how the market in question works. In general terms, use (figure 8), this can help policy makers determine which the price signal provided by a carbon tax will have greater fuels or fuel users to target. mitigation effects in liberalized markets with highly elastic demand. Another relevant consideration is what other Understanding emissions trends over time and projections policies are in place in the sector—for example, subsidies for the future is also important for enabling policy makers for fossil fuels or agriculture—and the effects these have to target the tax so as to limit emission increases. All on the price signal (section 2.3.4). Before engaging in the developed (“Annex I”) countries and some developing details of carbon tax design, it is worthwhile for jurisdictions countries have been measuring emissions for some time and so have relatively reliable information to base trends 25 A range of such tools have been developed by international on. Many developing countries have also developed BAU organizations such as the Asian Development Bank, the Global projections as the basis for the targets included in their Environmental Facility, and the International Monetary Fund NDCs, and these targets can also provide valuable input (see further reading below). for carbon tax design. PREPARING FOR CARBON TAX ADOPTION 49 Figure 8. Relative Global Use of Energy in 2010 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Appliances 29% Cooking 32% 32% 33% Space Heating Water Heating Lighting 7% 12% 9% Cooling Preparing for Carbon 16% Other Tax Adoption 24% (IT Equipment, etc.) 2% Total = 8.42 PWh 4% Total = 24.3 PWh Source: IPCC 2014. Note: AFOLU = Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use. Figure 9. Sankey Diagram of World GHG Emissions by Sector, End Use, and Gas in 2005 Source: World Resources Institute 2017. 50 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Figure 10. Sankey Diagram of Estimated Energy Consumption in the United States in 2015 (Quads) Preparing for Carbon Tax Adoption Source: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the U.S. Department of Energy 2016. Analyzing the dynamics of key sectors energy, industrial and transport policy. For instance, in figure 10, a tax on petroleum products would mostly affect Besides analyzing the national inventory on a sectoral and industry and transport emissions, which would align both subsectoral basis, it is useful for jurisdictions to analyze with reducing emissions in these sectors and in incentivizing in more detail the structure of key sectors, assessing the modernization in industry and the development of the different activities and gases connected to each. This can market for low-emissions transport. be accomplished using a Sankey diagram that illustrates connections between a range of different factors and pro­ Economic structure of key sectors cesses, such as between activities and emissions (figure 9), or between sources of energy and their end uses Carbon taxes work by sending a price signal to businesses (figure 10). and consumers to change their behavior in a way that re­­ du­ces emissions. As such, they work best in sectors that This disaggregation of emissions from specific activities are responsive to price signals (section 2.3.4). Some ju­ ris­ and sources of energy can provide useful insights into the dictions have therefore introduced carbon taxes toge­ ther implications of particular carbon tax designs, not only in with broader liberalization of the energy sector (box 8). terms of determining optimal coverage, but also in setting the point of taxation, the level of reporting obligation, and To better understand the potential impact of a carbon tax on possible thresholds. Understanding energy flows is also emissions, jurisdictions can engage in economic analyses, important when considering the relationship of the carbon which can range from a very simple analysis of the elasticity tax with other policy objectives, such as those related to of demand in key energy markets to advanced modeling Box 8. Case Study: Liberalization of the Mexican Energy Market and the Carbon Tax The Mexican government introduced a carbon tax on fossil fuels in 2013 in conjunction with wider fiscal and energy sector reforms. In December 2013, the Mexican Congress approved constitutional amendments that ended the state monopolies of electricity and petroleum to encourage private investment. A series of related laws were passed in August 2014, and investments in the energy sector rose to US$2.4 billion in 2014. This was key to the decision to introduce a carbon tax, since in a monopolized market the price signal would have had little effect and more command and control type of regulation would have made more sense. PREPARING FOR CARBON TAX ADOPTION 51 Box 9. Implications of Emissions Profile and Economic Context for Carbon Tax Design ISSUE IMPLICATIONS SEE FURTHER To have a tangible effect on reducing emissions, the carbon tax could Tax base be focused on sectors that have been liberalized and characterized Chapter 5 by elastic demand. Where the government seeks a given mitigation outcome in the energy sector, a range of characteristics of the energy market can be modeled Tax rate to help determine the optimal tax rate. Knowing the cost of available Chapter 6 mitigation options in these sectors can also help determine the rate. Preparing for Carbon Addressing Factors such as the interconnectedness of the energy market and leakage the trade exposure of key sectors affect the likelihood of leakage. Chapter 7 Tax Adoption Government revenue raising generally distorts prices and imposes costs on the economy. Governments should carefully consider how Chapter 8 Use of revenues they use the revenue from carbon taxes, including the opportunity to reduce other distortionary taxes. of the entire economy that captures the interaction across forward with carbon tax adoption, as well as continuous sectors (called general equilibrium modeling). Chapter 4 assessments throughout the process of designing, provides further guidance on using modeling to support adopting, and reviewing the carbon tax. carbon tax design. The most effective way to both assess the state of politi­ 3.3.3 Political feasibility and state of public cal and public receptiveness to a carbon tax and foster greater acceptance is to implement a broad and in-depth opinion stakeholder engagement process. Engaging stakeholders In jurisdictions with high public concern over climate change at an early stage can serve to understand their concerns and support for green industry, carbon taxes can enjoy and map areas of support and opposition, including the significant public support. However, carbon taxes can be sectors that are likely to be more or less resistant. The most unpopular in jurisdictions where addressing cli­­ mate change effective stakeholder engagement process makes use of is a lower priority, and in these cases it may be challenging a variety of tools, including inviting written submissions to muster the required political and public support. It is and organizing face-to-face meetings and working groups. therefore worthwhile for jurisdictions to conduct a general Ideally the process should be inclusive and transparent, assessment of the political climate before deciding to move and involve different political parties, key industries, the Box 10. Case Study: Stakeholder Engagement in Designing the South Africa Carbon Tax South Africa’s proposed carbon tax covers multiple sectors and a large portion of the country’s emissions. It was therefore key to ensure broad and effective stakeholder engagement to gain the support needed for the tax to be adopted. South Africa involved stakeholders in the carbon tax design process through a number of channels. On the one hand, an Intergovernmental Committee on Climate Change and a number of Technical Working Groups have helped to involve government stakeholders from different departments and ensure a coordinated position. A broad range of nongovernmental stakeholders—including key businesses, civil society groups, labor unions, and academia—were meanwhile involved through the National Climate Change Committee. In parallel, stakeholders were given the opportunity to comment through written submissions on multiple iterations of the design of the carbon tax, including the Carbon Tax Discussion Paper, the Carbon Tax Policy Paper, and the draft legislation and implementing regulations. 52 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Box 11. Implications of Political Feasibility and Public Opinion for Carbon Tax Design ISSUE IMPLICATIONS SEE FURTHER In sectors that are influential, well-organized, and where substantial resistance exists to climate policy, introducing a carbon tax will be Tax base Chapter 5 more challenging and an effective stakeholder engagement strategy will be needed. In jurisdictions where there is less support for climate action, intro­ Tax rate Chapter 6 ducing the tax at a low rate—at least at first—may be more acceptable. Revenue-neutral options can increase acceptability where this is Preparing for Carbon lacking, as can directing revenues to rebates or social programs. Use of revenues Redirecting revenues to areas of high political importance in the Tax Adoption Chapter 8 jurisdiction (e.g., job creation and protection of vulnerable segments of society) can be especially effective in increasing acceptability. media, NGOs, and citizens’ groups. At the same time, as Some of the criteria of the FASTER principles relate to the process evolves, it will become necessary to deal with environmental and social circumstances. “Fairness” and those whose support is particularly important to passing “transparency” address political feasibility or acceptability and implementing the carbon tax.26 and social impacts. “Alignment of policies and objectives” and “reliability and environmental integrity,” meanwhile, 3.4 PRINCIPLES OF CARBON address issues of environmental efficacy. TAX DESIGN The other criteria are more closely related to the eco­ nomic costs of the policy tool choice and design. “Cost-effec­ As discussed in the previous sections, jurisdictions can tiveness” generally refers to the capacity to reach a specified prepare for the carbon tax design process by identifying ciency” refers to target at the lowest cost possible, while “effi­­ and prioritizing their objectives, and by clarifying the salient the capacity to select a target that balan­ ces environ­ men­tal elements that define the national context for the new tax. In benefits and the costs of emission cont­ rols. Cost-effec­ addition to this, it is useful for governments to have a set of ness is often divided into static and dynamic cost- tive­ criteria to evaluate alternative carbon tax designs that will tiveness: the capacity to induce adop­ effec­­ tion of low-cost meet their policy objectives. technologies in the short run and to encou­ rage innovations To aid governments as they evaluate the merits of alter­ to further lower costs in the long run. Cost-effectiveness native designs, the OECD and World Bank (2015) have incorporates the overall costs to the economy of the tax as developed a set of principles to guide carbon pricing design well as its administrative costs. generally—the FASTER principles: “Stability and predictability” refer to the capacity to facilitate l Fairness a smooth transition of the economy as the environmental l Alignment of policies and objectives program is implemented. To this, a few analysts have added l Stability and predictability the need for the government to be able to credibly commit to the tax into the future. Unstable taxes (or other policy l Transparency instruments) that are highly sensitive to political swings l Efficiency and cost-effectiveness will not effectively induce investment in environmental l Reliability and environmental integrity protection or energy efficiency. These principles, which are broadly organized around the Each of these elements relates to specific principles that concepts of cost-effectiveness and feasibility, can be used governments can use to guide their specific carbon tax in the design process. The subsequent chapters of this design. Table 11 presents some examples of questions Guide will highlight ways in which the FASTER principles that take the principles from the general to the specific. can be practically applied and demonstrate how they can However, policy designers will need to customize the be integrated into the design process. application of the principles to their jurisdiction’s specific contexts, including their social values, priorities, and cir­ 26 See further PMR & ICAP, 2016. cumstances. They will also need to balance and prio­ ritize PREPARING FOR CARBON TAX ADOPTION 53 certain principles in cases where these conflict. For criteria. For example, legal feasibility may be relevant to example, in examining the fairness principle, a country that determining whether a particular design option is permitted lation has embraced the “polluter pays principle” in its legis­ by relevant national laws and administrative structures. or policy may place more emphasis on this, for example by Jurisdictions with multitier tax systems that share control seeking to ensure that the tax targets the largest pollu­ters between national, regional, and local tax authorities might and by limiting exemptions and other flexibilities. However, also want to consider this factor as they develop their where targeting some major emitting sectors poses techni­ criteria for evaluation of alternative carbon tax designs. cal or administrative challenges, this may not prove to be cost-effective. Perhaps most important for consideration of the merits of carbon taxes and evaluation of their specific design is to The FASTER principles are not necessarily exhaustive, understand the costs (and benefits) they can bring to a but do provide a solid foundation for examining tax design nation’s system of public finance. Revenue-raising policy options. Some jurisdictions might decide to add other tools such as carbon taxes have fundamentally different Table 11. Example Evaluation Questions Based on the FASTER Principles Preparing for Carbon Tax Adoption FASTER EXAMPLE EVALUATION QUESTIONS PRINCIPLES • Is the tax design consistent with the “polluter pays” principle or a similar approach? • How are the costs of compliance distributed among consumers and industries, across income groups and between private parties and the government? Fairness • Will the economic burden fall unfairly on low-income households? • Will energy-intensive industries be placed at a significant disadvantage as they compete in international markets? Alignment of • Will the tax design promote the jurisdiction’s key objectives? Will it be effective? policies and • Will the tax design have counterproductive effects related to other policy goals (such as objectives improvements in energy security, reductions in water use, preservation of habitat)? • Is there a strong likelihood (given the jurisdiction’s legal and political context) that adopted policies will be overturned in the future? • Will private parties be willing to make investments based on the jurisdiction’s policies? Stability and • Is there a sufficiently clear indication of how the tax rate will develop over time to allow investors predictability to undertake long-term planning? • Can the tax be altered if there is a perceived policy justification? Does that adaptability undermine the tax’s value as an incentive mechanism? • Will the public understand how the policy instrument works? • Will the public be able to understand the distribution of costs and benefits arising from the Transparency instrument? • Is the tax sufficiently transparent to allow the public to monitor progress? • Will the tax provide an incentive to adopt cost-effective practices to lower emissions? Efficiency • Will the design encourage technical innovation? and cost- • Will the government’s information requirements and implementation costs be reasonable? effectiveness • Will private parties incur high transactions costs to report their emissions? • Is the tax (and related initiatives) sufficiently broad to cover all major abatement opportunities? • Will the covered sectors try to lower their emissions in response to the tax? By how much? • Will the tax (and related initiatives) result in the country meeting its GHG abatement goals? Reliability and • Will emission reductions be lost to leakage? environmental integrity • Does the design of the tax minimize opportunities for tax evasion? • Are the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) requirements adequate to assure the integrity of the system? 54 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS impacts than instruments such as subsidies or direct and cost-effectiveness FASTER principle, juris­ dictions government action. This actually is a critical element of might want to add a specific criterion related to the impact the so-called “double dividend” effect (see chapter 8). of the carbon tax on the social cost of the nation’s tax While this criterion is arguably embedded in the efficiency system. Key Considerations u Having a clear picture of the different policy objectives the government seeks to achieve with the carbon tax, while also understanding their relationships and being able to prioritize between them, is important for guiding the decision-making process. Cross-government consultation can help to align and prioritize objectives across different ministries. u To understand how the carbon tax can contribute to mitigation of GHG emissions, it helps to have a clear idea of the specific emission reduction or abatement target of the jurisdiction and the role of the carbon tax in meeting Preparing for Carbon those targets. It is equally important to understand the emissions profile of the jurisdiction and the value chains in key sectors. Tax Adoption u As a carbon tax works through the price signal, it is important to understand the economic characteristics of key sectors and the level of responsiveness to price signals. u Having a clear picture of the government’s capacities in key areas is important for informing a number of design decisions. Where this is unclear, capacity assessments can help inform decision making. u Gaining a thorough understanding of the political landscape early on, including the main areas of support for and resistance to a carbon tax, is crucial for informing both the substantive design of the tax and the design of an effective stakeholder engagement process. u The FASTER Principles for Successful Carbon Pricing can serve as a valuable tool to guide the evaluation of potential carbon tax design options PREPARING FOR CARBON TAX ADOPTION 55 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the US FURTHER READING Department of Energy. 2016. Estimated US Energy Use in 2013. Asian Development Bank. 2008. “Capacity Assessment energy_archive/energy_flow_2013/2013USEnergy.png. and Capacity Development in a Sector Context.” Tool Kit. OECD and World Bank. 2015. The FASTER Principles CD_Toolkit.pdf. for Successful Carbon Pricing: An Approach Based on Initial Experience. http://documents.worldbank. Global Environment Facility. 2001. “A Guide for Self- org/curated/en/901041467995665361/pdf/99570- Assessment of Country Capacity Needs for Global WP-PUBLIC-DISCLOSE-SUNDAY-SEPT-20-4PM- Environmental Management.” CarbonPricingPrinciples-1518724-Web.pdf. cooperation_and_support/capacity_building/application/ pdf/gefsecncsabookeng.pdf. Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) and International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP). 2016. International Energy Agency. 2017. “Sankey Diagrams.” Emissions Trading in Practice: A Handbook on Design and Implementation. World Bank, Washington, DC. Preparing for Carbon License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO. Tax Adoption nos­ International Monetary Fund. “Tax Administration Diag­ tic Assessment Tool.” IPCC. 2014. “Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU).” In Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth BIBLIOGRAPHY Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (eds.). Cambridge University Press, HM Revenue and Customs. 2016. Measuring Tax Gaps Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. 2016 Edition: Tax Gap Estimates for 2014–15. https:// World Resources Institute. 2017. “World Greenhouse Gas attachment_data/file/561312/HMRC-measuring-tax- Emissions in 2005.” gaps-2016.pdf. world_ghg_flow_chart_2005.png. 56 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS 4 MODELING CARBON TAXES At a Glance The process of designing a carbon tax raises many technical questions, ranging from which policy instruments are likely to be most effective in reducing GHG emissions to how specific sectors (or the economy as a whole) are likely to respond to a carbon tax and what effects can be expected in terms of emission mitigation, revenue generation, and social and economic impacts. Many types of analytical tools are available to help policy makers explore these questions, ranging from simple cost curves to sophisticated economic models. By providing insights into the relative effects of different options, these tools can provide useful input for decision making. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that models are subject to a number of limitations and should be seen as only one of several inputs for the decision- making process. Among these models there are two common distinctions: Carbon Taxes Modeling l Partial/focused approaches vs. systemic approaches. Some models focus on specific industries/sectors of the economy or on specific sets of technologies or practices. Others attempt to capture the interaction of many different elements of the energy-economy system by taking a system-wide approach. l Top-down vs. bottom-up approaches. Top-down models are those that depict the responses of economic actors or the economy as a whole. Bottom-up models focus on technologies and practices instead. Given these two distinctions, four basic approaches to modeling can be identified, although many variations within each category exist and some models cross categories. l Partial equilibrium models are top-down models that focus on a specific industry or sector. While they do not capture the interaction among the various parts of the economy, they can be very useful for understanding how a carbon tax would affect a specific part of the economy. l Engineering cost models are bottom-up models that focus on identifying and comparing specific practices and technologies. They are particularly useful for identifying the potential costs and contributions of particular technologies and practices available to reduce emissions. l Energy-economy models are top-down models that depict the entire economy. A wide variety of these models exist. Some of the most common are: Econometric models that are based on statistical analyses of past economic relations. They are particularly useful for evaluating the impact of carbon taxes on macroeconomic performance indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment, and consumption. Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models, which are designed to capture (i) the ways in which economic actors adjust their behavior to changes in prices and (ii) the interactions of many parts of the eco­ nomy. These models are particularly useful for estimating the level and distribution of costs of a carbon tax. l Energy system models are bottom-up models that can help to identify the combination of technologies that can meet a jurisdiction’s energy demand at the lowest cost. These models are most useful for examining the potential to meet mitigation targets and for understanding how the technology mix might adapt to a carbon tax. In determining whether to use modeling and, if so, which models to use, it is important that jurisdictions first identify the questions they want answered. Different models can provide different insights, and taking multiple approaches can help provide insights into a range of relevant factors. Policy makers also need to consider their resources for the modeling process—particularly available funding, personnel skills, and data—and plan ahead, especially in the case of more complex models. MODELING CARBON TAXES 57 4.1 INTRODUCTION 4.2 USES OF MODELING As policy makers consider options to reduce greenhouse ANALYSIS gas (GHG) emissions, raise revenue, or other policy ob­ jec­ tives, they will need to evaluate alternative policy inst­ ru­ Modeling can support policy makers throughout the carbon ments used individually or in combination. If they de­ cide tax design and implementation process, first by facilitating to develop a carbon tax, they may want to forecast the the comparison of alternative policy instruments (chapter potential impacts of their design options. Once a car­ bon 2), next in the design of carbon taxes (chapters 5 to 8) and tax has been implemented, jurisdictions will have to perio­ the evaluation of specific national circumstances (chapter dically evaluate the impact the tax has had in practice and 3), and finally in the post-implementation evaluation of consider options for revising the tax. ob­served performance (chapter 10). Throughout the chapters of this Guide dealing with these Several modeling tools can be used to address these design and evaluation questions, reference is made to questions; they vary in design, application, and complexity. where and how modeling can support decisions. The To choose among them, policy makers need to determine purpose of this section is to provide an overview of these in detail what questions they want the tools to help answer. decisions—indicating the parts of the Guide where they Once these questions have been clearly identified, policy are discussed in detail—and in each case identifying the makers can assess the suitability of alternative modeling specific questions that modeling can provide insights approaches. into and support for. It is worth noting that the range of The purpose of this chapter is to help policy makers questions that can benefit from some form of modeling understand the various modeling approaches and tools may vary substantially, depending on the stage of the Carbon Taxes design process and the specific context of the jurisdiction. Modeling available, and to assess which might be most suitable to address specific questions that arise throughout this A preliminary consideration of the types of questions that Guide. This chapter has been structured in such a way that policy makers might face are summarized in table 11, and it can easily be used in combination with the other chapters referenced throughout the chapter. of this Guide, supplementing the substantive discussion on design options and decisions with more detailed guidance on tools available to support those decisions. 4.3 OVERVIEW OF MODELING A few caveats may aid the use of this chapter. First, it is APPROACHES not strictly necessary to model the assumed impacts of a Various analytical tools and approaches may be used to carbon tax ex ante. If modeling resources are not available, examine each of the questions set out in section 4.2. The government agencies may choose to phase in a carbon tax range of tools is very wide, so this chapter focuses on the over time and monitor its impacts. The initial carbon tax modeling tools that are most useful in answering the issues rate can be based on that of other countries or on the social identified above. cost of carbon. Second, modeling is inherently limited by the quality of the inputs entered into the model. Most Choosing the correct tool is crucial: when modeling the models make a number of assumptions, many of which connections between energy and the economy, the choice will have a significant impact on the results of the model. of model has profound impacts on results (Jaccard et al. Consequently, all models have a degree of uncertainty, 2003; Rivers and Jaccard 2005). and model results should be interpreted keeping in mind Those tools, and the approaches to their use, can be this uncertainty. differentiated in several ways: However, in many situations, models can illuminate impor­ l Partial vs. systemic analysis. Some models focus tant trends or provide analyses of regulations that are narrowly on specific activities, technologies, markets, being implemented for the first time. Models are particularly or industries. Others are designed to capture the strong at comparing policy options quantitatively to yield tions across entire economies, energy systems, interac­ qualitative conclusions about which option is the most or both. appropriate for a given context. l Top-down vs. bottom-up analysis. Traditionally, The chapter first discusses the decisions that modeling can sear­ re­ chers have had to choose between “bottom-up” help support and the specific questions it seeks to answer mo­ dels, often employed by environmentalists, (section 4.2). It next provides a high-level overview of engineers, or physicists, and the “top-down” models modeling approaches (section 4.3) before describing them often preferred by economists. Top-down models depict in more detail (sections 4.4 and 4.5). Finally, it provides market behavior in response to price changes—for guidance on choosing between the different approaches instance, how the quantity of energy demanded responds available (section 4.6). to changes in price. Bottom-up models emphasize 58 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS engineering cost analysis of specific technologies; the jurisdictions. Models vary in the geographic scope of underlying assump­ tion is generally that economic actors their coverage, ranging from local to global. will choose the lowest-cost option. l Ex ante design vs. ex post evaluation analysis. Policy l Domestic vs. international analysis. Many models makers use ex ante analysis to evaluate the expected focus on individual jurisdictions. For some applications, effects of various carbon tax designs. They will typically however, it is necessary to capture interactions among also want to assess the impacts of the carbon tax after it has been in place for a year or more (chapter 10). At Table 12. Summary of Ways That Modeling Can Support Decision Making on Carbon Taxes CHAPTER TOPIC HOW MODELING CAN SUPPORT DECISION MAKING Assessing the relative performance of alternative policy instruments for Comparing carbon reducing GHG emissions Chapter 2 taxes with other instruments Evaluating how a carbon tax will interact with other policy instruments and reforms Evaluating the economic costs/benefits of a given carbon tax design Carbon Taxes Evaluating how the costs and benefits of a carbon tax would be Modeling distributed across various income groups, geographic regions, and Evaluating the economic sectors in the jurisdiction Chapter 3 broad impacts of Predicting the environmental benefits of a carbon tax not related to GHG alternative taxes emissions Estimating changes in GDP resulting from different tax rates Evaluating compatibility with FASTER principles such as fairness, cost- effectiveness, and efficiency Evaluating the potential contribution to emission reductions from alternative technologies and practices Determining Estimating specific changes in economic sectors in response to a carbon tax sectoral Chapter 5 Evaluating the impact of alternative sectoral coverage arrangements responsiveness to carbon tax Estimating changes in consumption of specific fossil fuels in response to a carbon tax Forecasting technological changes deriving from a carbon tax Effects of tax rate Estimating emission responses to different carbon tax rates Chapter 6 decisions Estimating revenue arising from different carbon tax rates Assessing potential Estimating the extent of leakage likely to arise from the carbon tax effects on leakage Estimating the expected distribution of cost associated with the carbon tax Chapter 7 and distribution of Evaluating the effectiveness of leakage mitigation measures or measure the costs to address distributional concerns Estimating the current marginal cost of public funds and the relative Modeling the marginal cost of various types of tax Chapter 8 effects of options for revenue use Estimating the value to the economy of substituting a carbon tax for other revenue-raising mechanisms When conducting an ex post analysis of the impacts of the carbon tax, Ex post analysis of many of the issues listed above could be addressed retrospectively rather Chapter 10 impacts than prospectively. Again, various models and tools are available for such an analysis. MODELING CARBON TAXES 59 Table 13. Categories of Models TOP-DOWN BOTTOM-UP Partial/focused Partial equilibrium models Engineering cost studies Econometric and computable general General/systemic Energy system optimization models equilibrium (CGE) models this point, decision makers ask many of the questions How partial equilibrium models work listed in table 12, but frame them in terms of what was Partial equilibrium models provide a tool to analyze the the observed change rather than the expected change. effects of price changes (such as those resulting from a carbon tax), resource availability, and other policy Of these dimensions, the first two are the most commonly instruments within a limited segment of the economy. They used to differentiate the model types or methods (table generally use historical supply and demand elasticities 13). Some researchers have also developed approaches (box 12) to determine how key elements of the economy that combine bottom-up engineering models with top- such as the electricity sector, the auto industry, or the steel down economic models to form hybrids that draw on the industry will respond to changes such as the introduction strengths of each. of a carbon tax. The latter two are more related to how the models are Carbon Taxes By focusing on a specific industry or sector, a partial Modeling applied. The choice among modeling options will largely be lib­ equi­ rium model provides a relatively detailed repre­ determined by which questions policy makers are asking. sentation of the factors and impacts that act directly on The following sections describe the most important forms the subject industry or sector, though they do not usually of modeling in more detail. capture indirect effects. For example, a partial equilibrium model of the impact of a carbon tax on the auto industry 4.4 PARTIAL ECONOMIC AND might capture the direct effect of the cost of energy on the TECHNOLOGY MODELS manufacturing process and the shift in demand toward more energy-efficient vehicles, but not the second-order effects on the price of steel or the change in consumer Partial models are those that focus on a specific market, income that could shift the demand curve. activity, or technology. This section discusses two broad types of partial models: (i) partial equilibrium models Partial equilibrium models are important tools for designed to depict how markets respond to changes in un­derstanding the relation between prices and levels of prices and (ii) partial equilibrium models that model how supply and demand. In the context of carbon taxes, partial specific technologies or practices could contribute to rium models are most commonly applied to energy equilib­ emission reductions (known as “engineering cost studies”). markets; however, they could also be applied to industrial emissions, agricultural practices, and virtually any market 4.4.1 Partial equilibrium models where the price effect of a carbon tax could shift the costs of production or consumption. Understanding this rela­ Partial equilibrium models are designed to examine the ship is critical in setting the carbon tax rate since it tion­ effects that economic changes, such as the introduction of determines the effects that different tax rates will have on a carbon tax, will have on particular markets. consumption, which in turn affects the amount of emissions that will be reduced and the revenue that will be raised. Best uses of partial equilibrium models: For example, while a very basic approach to estimating carbon tax revenues might be to simply multiply the a Modeling the response of how consumption carbon tax rate by the amount of carbon currently emitted of specific fuels will respond to a carbon tax, in the covered sectors or activities, this approach does particularly in the case of a relatively low tax. not capture the effects of adjustments in producers’ and a Generating approximations of how energy use consumers’ behaviors in response to the tax. Partial will broadly respond to a carbon tax. equilibrium models enable policy makers to factor this key variable into their assessments. a Comparing the responsiveness of different fossil fuels to an energy tax and determining the most To capture the relation between price and consumption, responsive one. policy makers need to identify the demand elasticities of key sectors (for a given good, the ratio between percent 60 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Box 12. Technical Note: Price Elasticities of Demand Price elasticity is a measure of how responsive the quantity demanded is to changes in price. Specifically, price elasticity, ε, is expressed as: ε = (ΔQ/Q)/(ΔP/P) or price elasticity is equal to the ratio of percent change in quantity to percent change in price (Δ is the symbol for “change” or “difference”). In general, when the price of a market good rises, the quantity demanded drops. Thus, price elasticities are expected to be negative. When ε is between 0 and -1, demand is referred to as “inelastic,” meaning that the relative decline in quantity is smaller than the rise in price. When ε is equal to -1, it is referred to as “unit elasticity,” meaning the change in quantity perfectly matches the change in price. And when ε falls beyond -1 (that is, is more negative), it is called an “elastic” demand, indicating that the magnitude of the change in quantity is relatively greater than the change in price. changes in the quantity demanded and percent changes For a jurisdiction that is designing a carbon tax to cover in its price (box 12)). Estimates of elasticities are based all energy sources, this approach requires that the impact on actual observed changes, generally in response to of the carbon tax on each major energy source—oil, natu­ Carbon Taxes Modeling natural fluctuations in prices over time. Estimates vary ral gas, coal, and electricity—be estimated separately. across jurisdictions, fuels, and income groups (table 14). However, since the elasticity estimates are tied to spe­ cific A carbon tax is likely to provide incentives to switch toward markets, they will very much depend on how the market a low-carbon fuel mix; these elasticity-based estimates was defined and which data were used. For example, provide a first approximation of the impacts of a carbon it is possible to develop an estimate of the elasticity of tax on consumption levels. de­ mand for a national electricity market, or to disaggregate that mar­ ket and estimate separate elasticities of demand In the very simplest model, where domestic demand does for different geographic regions, economic sectors (e.g., not affect the price of a good (as, for example, may be the indust­rial, commercial, and residential), types of end uses, case of oil, where the supply cost is determined on the or demographic groups (e.g., income classes). The more world market), the percent change in the quantity of the disaggregated the elasticity estimates are, the more data good demanded will simply be the product of the elasticity and calculations will be required. and the percent change in the price of the good caused by the introduction of the carbon tax. Box 13 provides an example application of how the elas­ ticities of demand can be used to estimate the impacts of Because adjustments to changes in price can take time— carbon taxes on revenue, and how those revenues might years in some cases, such as when shifts in automobile change as the carbon tax rises. This example raises an fleets or changes in heating systems occur—it is generally important practical observation for policy makers who re­ nized that demand is less elastic (responsive) in the cog­ choose to employ partial equilibrium models: it is important short run than the long run. This is often reflected, as shown to have separate estimates of elasticities of demand for all in table 14, by estimates for short-run elasticity, which in fossil fuels (and possibly for each covered sector) because ciple capture changes in behavior (e.g., less driving) prin­ these elasticities can vary significantly. It will be necessary and long-run elasticity, which capture changes in invest­ to do separate calculations for each application. ment (e.g., switching to a more energy-efficient vehicle). Table 14. National Price Elasticities for Residential Electricity, Commercial Electricity, and Residential Natural Gas, United States RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY NATURAL GAS Short-run elasticity -0.24 -0.21 -0.12 Long-run elasticity -0.32 -0.97 -0.36 Source: Bernstein and Griffin, 2006. MODELING CARBON TAXES 61 Box 13. Technical Note: Estimating Tax Revenue in Agnostia Suppose the hypothetical country of Agnostia is designing a new carbon tax. The government is interested in evaluating the impact of a carbon tax on its national revenues, starting with the income derived from residential natural gas. It has the following information: • Annual residential consumption of natural gas: 5 billion cubic meters per year (BCM/Year) • Current price of natural gas: US$300 per thousand cubic meters (TCM) • Proposed carbon tax: US$10 per metric ton of CO2 • Short-run price elasticity of demand at current price: -0.20 • Long-run price elasticity of demand at current price: -0.40 The government also has the following conversion factor: • Metric tons of CO2 emissions per cubic meter: 0.0169 With this relatively simple information, Agnostia’s policy analysts can produce a rough estimate of the revenues from the proposed carbon tax. First recognize that the carbon tax will lead to a rise in the price of natural gas of US$169 per 1,000 cubic meters (16.9 TCO2/TCM * US$10/ton). Carbon Taxes Modeling The short-run elasticity indicates each one percent rise in the price of residential natural gas will entail a 0.2 percent decline in consumption (i.e., this is an inelastic demand). So, -0.2 = (ΔQ/5BCM/year)/(169/300) (1) Solving for the change in quantity, ΔQ, it is clear that the use of natural gas in the short run is expected to decline by 0.56 BCM/year, leading to a new annual consumption of 4.44 BCM/year (or 4.44 x 106 TCM/year). Thus, in the short run, the expected tax revenue from the residential natural gas market will be: 4.44 x106TCM/year * US$169/TCM = US$750/year (2) In the long run, as residential home owners have the time to adjust to the higher prices, the elasticity is expected to shift to -0.40. Thus, equation (1) becomes: -0.4 = (ΔQ/5BCM/year)/(169/300) (3) The long-term reduction is 1.12 BCM/Y and the revenue calculation in (2) becomes 3.87 x106TCM/year * US$169/TCM = US$655/year (4) So the revenue in the long run drops as households make additional adjustments to the higher price of natural gas, be it only slightly. Now suppose that Agnostia is considering a rising carbon tax, as discussed in chapter 6. If the tax is in the long run allowed to rise to US$30 per metric ton of CO2, the effective tax becomes US$507 per TCM. In the long run, equations (3) and (4) become -0.4 = (ΔQ/5BCM/year)/(507/300) (5) 1.62 x106TCM/year * US$507/TCM = US$821/year (6) While the consumption of natural gas in the residential sector drops to 1.62 BCM/year, the revenue rises to US$821M/year. This rise in revenue with higher carbon taxes is a function of the inelastic nature of the demand for residential natural gas. Conversion factor taken from: 62 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Advantages of partial equilibrium models researchers and analysts. They should thus always be used with caution and as estimates only. Partial equilibrium models have several advantages: • Many factors change at once. Estimates of elas­ l Simplicity and cost. These models can be relatively ticities are based on the assumption that all other quick and inexpensive to develop, often drawing on critical factors are held constant. However, economic data and information that is readily available. They are theory suggests that a carbon tax will also affect the generally easy to solve. prices of substitutes like solar power and of other l Transparency. Partial equilibrium models realistically goods that use energy as an input for production. To capture the key relations between fuel use and carbon also incorporate these changes into the calculation prices, but without the detailed model structure provided would require substantially expanding the model in CGE models. to include cross-price elas­ ticities (the effect that a change in the price of one good has on the quantity l Flexibility. With a partial equilibrium model, you can demanded of another good). This would in turn lead to plug in the responsiveness of fuel use inferred from a a substantially more challenging calculation. wide range of other models to the problem at hand. They are easy to apply to a wide range of other analyses. • Policy interactions. Using elasticities of demands alone does not allow for analyzing interactions with l Focus on target industries or sectors. These models other policies and instruments, such as public infor­ can be disaggregated to whatever level is needed for mation programs, energy efficiency regu­ tions, and la­ decision making, potentially providing great detail in the technology diffusion initiatives. particular area of interest. This is useful for narrowly focused policy and impact analysis. These limitations can, to some degree, be addressed by using the results of other types of models to provide Carbon Taxes Limitations of partial equilibrium models measures of key variables. Modeling Partial equilibrium models also have a number of important l Simultaneous actors. When a carbon tax is applied, limitations: the cost of the energy supply will increase, leading to an l Indirect effects are missing. Partial equilibrium models increase in the price of energy. How large the price rise only look at the direct price change, as measured by is depends on how participants in the market respond, aggregate estimates involving historical changes. They particularly consumers. However, in jurisdictions with do not account for the effect that the price change could domestic energy supply, it is important to also consider have on other elements of the economy—the secondary the elasticity of supply and the simultaneous effect of effects—which could be substantial. energy producers’ response. l Challenges with applying elasticities. Partial equilib­ 4.4.2 Engineering cost studies rium models generally are based on estimates of various Estimates of elasticities are based on observed historical types of elasticity. Elasticities are used to provide in­­ mar­ket responses to price changes. As such, they do not sights into how actors will change their behavior in res­ take into account sudden substantial changes in technology ponse to changes in key factors, particularly prices. But or practices. Since one of the effects of a carbon tax could using elasticities to model changes in future be­­ havior be to accelerate technological changes, some simple tech­ can present challenges. nology-based or practice-based models are rooted in esti­ • Required extrapolation. In practice, elasticities are mated costs of abatement rather than historical behavior. generally estimated within a relatively narrow range of observed prices. Extrapolating from the observed range to a much broader range—as is probably Best uses of engineering cost models: necessary in the case of carbon taxes—can be problematic. These extrapolated elas­ cities are not ti­ Modeling the potential contribution that specific a necessarily good estimates of what happens when technologies or practices—or a set of technologies large changes in the prices occur. and practices—can make to emission reductions. • Historically based. The elasticities are estimated Evaluating the total emission reductions that could a on the basis of historical observations. Since they be achieved by specific technologies or practices are a measure of the responsiveness of producers at a specific carbon tax. and consumers, if consumers and producers be­­ come Evaluating the marginal and total costs of achie­ a more adaptable over time thanks to better in­ for­ ving a specific emissions target with specified no­­­ mation, lower transaction costs, or new tech­ logies, techno­logies or practices. the energy demands might become more elastic. Evaluating the potential impact of applying the a • Empirical challenges. Estimates of elastici­ ties carbon tax to non-fuel sources of carbon emis­ show very wide ranges, indicating substantial un­­cer­­ sions and emission reductions. tainty, even when carried out by highly com­ pe­ tent MODELING CARBON TAXES 63 How engineering cost studies work First, identify the array of technical options for reducing carbon emissions, among others, expanded wind energy, These engineering approaches to cost estimates are often improved building efficiency, and enhanced reforestation. referred to as “bottom-up” models to distinguish them from For each technical option, estimate the potential amount of the economic, historically based, “top-down” approaches. CO2e emission reductions per year, and the average cost They are generally developed by specialists who are per ton of that reduction. To construct the graph, recognize miliar with the costs, performance, and opportunities for fa­ that each technology is represented by a separate bar, sion specific to the technology or practice in question. diffu­ where the width of the bar represents the annual GHG Marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs) are derived emissions reduction potential associated with that tech­ from engineering-style analyses of the costs of individual nical option, while the height of the bar corresponds to technologies or practices. The cost of each individual prac­ the average cost of reducing emissions by 1 tCO2e with tice (possibly broken down by sector or geographic region) this option. The bars are then arranged sequentially from is estimated along with the related quantity of emission lowest to highest cost. reductions that is feasible. The various applications are then sorted in order from lowest to highest cost and plotted MACCs are a convenient mechanism to convey a great deal so as to sum the cumulative quantity of potential abatement of information efficiently. They inform the user regarding 29% at or below any specific abatement cost. the range of technical options available, and the relative cost effectiveness of those options. This information can For example, the hypothetical cost curve depicted in figure help prioritize programs to concentrate first on the low-cost 11 represents a cost curve for a number of carbon mitigation technical options. options. Producing such a curve involves several steps. Carbon Taxes Modeling Figure 11. Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC) for Carbon Emissions Reduction in Hypothetical Jurisdiction 70 60 50 40 30 20 $/megatons CO2e 10 100 200 Megatons CO2e/year cumulative abatement 0 300 400 500 -10 -20 Lighting Wind Energy -30 Building Efficiency Engine Efficiency -40 Smart Grid Municipal Waste Hybrid Cars Reforestation -50 Appliance Efficiency Nuclear Energy Public Transport Solar PV -60 Soil Sequestration Biomass -70 Coal Plant Efficiency 64 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS The MACC also indicate the amount of carbon abatement Figure 12, which depicts the marginal cost to reduce available below a particular price or marginal cost. In emis­ sions from deforestation in Kalimantan, Indonesia, the hypothetical jurisdiction of figure 11, GHG emissions rates one of the more useful features of engineering illust­­ could potentially be reduced by approximately 300 tons cost analyses in which the costs are represented by MAC per year for $20/tCO2e or less. Note that the average cost curves. In this figure, the two curves on the left represent of each successive technical option increases, depicting the costs of GHG emission abatement with two different increasing marginal costs of abatement. land types. Provided the two curves are independent (i.e., there is no overlap in coverage), they can be summed The hypothetical MACC also indicates that many of the across (horizontally) to produce a total cost curve for all op­ tunities to reduce emissions actually incur a nega­ por­ tive the options studied. cost (i.e., save money) by, for example, investing in buil­ ding ener­ gy efficiency measures, appliance efficiency, and Advantages of engineering cost models public transportation. This raises the question why these cost-saving practices have not yet been adopted. Many Engineering cost models have several advantages, among explanations have been offered, including the possi­ bility others: that the individuals who control these activities (in many cases homeowners and industrial process managers) l Simpler to construct than complex economic mo­­ are unaware of these cost-saving opportunities. If that is dels. This approach concentrates on the direct costs indeed the case, it may be worthwhile linking a carbon of particular practices and technologies. It does not tax with public education and technical assistance prog­ require modeling an entire economy or complex rela­­ rams, among others (see chapter 2 for a discussion of tions among different sectors. complementary policy instruments). Carbon Taxes Modeling Figure 12. Estimated MACCs for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Kalimantan, Indonesia (2014–23) Source: deforestation-zones/. Note: MACC = Marginal Abatement Cost Curve. MODELING CARBON TAXES 65 l Focus on specific activities. By identifying the costs of changes in government revenue-raising practices,27 distri­ adopting specific practices or technologies, bottom-up bu­tional effects, price adjustments across fuels, dynamic models help policy makers identify promising areas for effects of the carbon tax, and international leakage impacts, government support. For example, if engineering cost more advanced types of models may have to be used. studies demonstrate that energy efficiency invest­ ments As with the partial or focused models described in sec­ are more cost-effective than investing in renewable tion 4.4.1, the systemic models also encompass both energy jurisdictions could prioritize that approach in top-down economic models and bottom-up engineering their spending. Similarly, if cost studies demonst­rate that models. These different models generally answer different forest carbon sequestration is generally less ex­ pensive questions. Bottom-up models estimate how financial costs than options in the energy sector, but the carbon tax and other outputs respond to changes in the infrastructure, does not cover land use, the jurisdiction may decide to technology, or efficiency landscape (Jaccard et al. 2003) include other provisions to promote tree planting and while top-down models use economic data to estimate forest conservation in its broader climate change policy. the broad economic impacts and costs of energy policies l Identification of potential contribution. Cost curves (Rivers and Jaccard 2005). demonstrate not only the costs per ton of emission By linking together various parts of the economy, top-down reduction for a particular practice or technology, but models may give a more realistic picture of the economic also how those costs change as the level of deployment effects of energy activities. However, these models are often rises. This means that if a jurisdiction has a ceiling criticized for taking technological change as a constant, on the marginal cost it is willing to impose, the cost naturally unfolding process, and thus ignoring the fact that curve can indicate the potential amount of emission future rates of technological advance may not be reflected reduction to be derived from that particular technology in historical economic data (Grubb, Köhler, and Anderson or practice. 2002). More recently, hybrid models that combine these Carbon Taxes Modeling l Transparency. The MACCs that engineering models two types of models have been developed in an effort to pro­duce are more intuitive for many non-specialists. address the deficiencies of the traditional models. They can thus facilitate discussion and planning of This section describes the top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid tions across a broad range of stakeholders. op­ models that are most useful for policy makers considering or designing carbon taxes. Limitations of engineering cost models While engineering cost models have the advantage of simp­­­ 4.5.1 Econometric energy-economy models tations: licity and accessibility, they also have important limi­­ Econometric models are top-down models that attempt to capture the behavior of the economy by identifying l Secondary impacts are missing. Engineering cost relationships between key variables that have been sus­ studies focus on the immediate, obvious costs and tained over time. When an econometric model includes potential contributions of adopting a new technology or details of the energy sector behavior, such as how energy practice. However, like partial equilibrium models, they consumption responds to changes in prices or industrial do not generally reflect the secondary effects. output, the econometric model can be used to analyze the l Reference case. All engineering cost analyses and the effectiveness of energy policies. MACCs that they produce are based on a comparison, that is, costs are estimated based on some reference case or baseline. However, sometimes these reference Best uses of econometric models: cases can be difficult to generate, particularly when the Capturing observed historical responses to a proposed action is an expansion of activities that are changes in prices already occurring (e.g., wind power). Estimating the level of government revenue from a various carbon tax designs 4.5 SYSTEMIC ECONOMIC AND Estimating impacts of a carbon tax on labor, a TECHNOLOGY MODELS income, and related economic indicators Evaluating how a number of economic sectors a The previous section described both top-down (economic) could react to a carbon tax and bottom-up (technology) approaches that focused on individual markets, industries, technologies, or practices. Evaluating the implications of narrow versus broad a How­ ever, these are very limited approaches that do not carbon taxes cap­ture broader adjustments across economic and energy Estimating the effects of a carbon tax on economy- a sys­tems as prices change. Nor do these simpler models wide emissions cap­ture the distribution of impacts across income groups. For jurisdictions seeking to address questions related to interactions among taxes, the social cost implications of 27 See, for instance, Goulder and Williams, 2003. 66 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS How econometric studies work found, for example, the finding that historical natural Econometric models28 use data on historical patterns of gas consumption patterns are statistically linked to per economy-wide responses to key exogenous variables (box capita earnings or retirement payments. 14) and policy variables to simulate aggregate sector and l No need to assume functional forms. In CGE economy-wide responses to similar variables in the future. modeling (section 4.5.2), modelers must assume the They rely upon statistical analysis to infer historical relations form of the relation between certain variables at an between changes in key economic factors (e.g., prices) aggregate level (e.g., an assumption regarding the form and changes in the economy as a whole. The approach is ne­ of the utility function for consumers). This is not ge­ based on the assumption that historical relations that have rally required for econometric modeling. served as reliable predictors of economic relations in the past will continue to be useful predictors in the future. l Capture general equilibrium effects. Econometric mo­dels allow modelers to incorporate general equilib­ Because econometric models are based on economy-wide rium effects in actual historical outcomes. responses, they make no assumptions about the behavior of individual actors. That means they do not assume any l Flexible. Modelers have quite a bit of freedom to include particular behavior on the part of consumers and producers. a range of variables that are of particular interest to In contrast to other models that provide estimates of policy makers. the costs of a carbon tax, econometric models provide estimates of the impacts on key aggregate measures Limitations of econometric models such as changes in GDP, employment, consumption, and The econometric energy-economy approach has important sectoral production. limitations: Annex II provides a brief summary of econometric studies Carbon Taxes l Data requirements. Econometric models tend to Modeling of carbon taxes. have very high historical data requirements, which Advantages of econometric models may be prohibitive for some jurisdictions. Generally, eco­nometric models of this type are based on annual Econometric models present certain advantages: data going back two or more decades. Generally, eco­ nometric models improve when based on large amount l Open to discovery. Econometric models, particularly of data—for instance, across sectors, covering rela­ the VAR type models (see footnote 27), start with rela­ tively long periods of time—but this means that getting tively relaxed assumptions regarding which va­ riables worthwhile modeling results can require very large are included in a relationship. This allows for the dis­ amounts of data. co­very of relationships among variables that may not be obvious at the outset, sometimes referred to as l Data mining. The vast data sets to draw upon may letting the data speak. For example, while it might be necessitate “data mining,” that is, testing large num­ expected that consumption of natural gas is linked to bers of relationships until one is found that has a high the price of natural gas and oil, econometric modeling correlation. Where these correlations are the result of allows less obvious statistical relationships to be chance and not of actual links (in other words, cau­ sation) between the two factors, these results may act 28 Different varieties exist of econometric models, including as “red herrings” that prevent the identification of the the two primary types used in energy-economy applications— real causal relationships. macroeconometric models and vector autoregressive (VAR) models. The former emphasize macroeconomic and financial l Technology blind. Top-down models are bound by past variables, such as investment, savings, and money supply, while patterns, including technology choices. In a world of the latter emphasize key macroeconomic variables such as rapidly evolving technologies, this can be an impor­ tant employment, earnings, and consumption. limitation on the insights this type of model can provide. Box 14. Technical Note: Exogenous and Endogenous Variables Virtually all modeling applications use two types of variables: exogenous and endogenous variables. Exogenous variables are those that are specified outside the model, prior to running it, and so they remain fixed regardless of the results the model produces. For example, in many models, population levels and world energy prices are exogenous. While these may be very important variables for understanding the economic impacts of the carbon tax, they are generally beyond the scope of the model. Endogenous variables are those that are estimated by the model. For example, in a carbon tax model, the tax revenue and energy consumption would probably be endogenous variables. MODELING CARBON TAXES 67 4.5.2 Computable General Equilibrium historical data used to derive key parameters. In theory, all (CGE) models of the economic relationships in the model can be estimated based on past behaviors. In practice, only the key relations CGE models (also known as Applied General Equilibrium are estimated; the rest are based on judgement and theory. or AGE models) are useful for addressing a broad range of The “mechanics” or “drivers” behind a CGE model is the issues. They are based on microeconomic theory and are assumption that consumers maximize utility, that producers potentially data-intensive. maximize profits, and that the operation of markets will lead to supply (production) equaling demand (a condition known as “market clearing”). Consumers operate under Best uses of CGE models: budgets and producers compete for inputs (called “factors Comparing the performance of alternative policy a of production” or just “factors”). In this sense, CGE is based instruments on the presumption of optimization: the consumers act to maximize their own welfare while the producers act to Estimating the level of government revenue from a various carbon tax designs maximize profit. Estimating how total emissions would respond to a a One challenge with this approach, as with any top-down carbon tax type of model, is that in practice these models tend to be highly aggregated and do not provide the level of detail Estimating the impacts on households of different a required to examine specific effects. For example, the highly income levels regarded Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model, Evaluating how different economic sectors could a which covers 57 sectors, still aggregates the transportation react to a carbon tax and communications sectors. While particularly relevant Carbon Taxes Modeling Evaluating the implications of narrow versus broad a to carbon tax modeling, many CGE models will aggregate carbon taxes energy demand in a way that masks differential effects across fuels or among specific manufacturing industries. Estimating changes in GDP caused by the carbon a They tend to miss sector-specific market structures and tax competitive responses. Estimating changes in energy prices caused by the a Annex III provides a summary of results from several carbon tax CGE models, indicating the range of impacts that has Evaluating cross-jurisdiction impacts a been estimated for carbon taxes implemented in different Estimating the marginal cost of public funds and a countries. evaluating alternative uses of revenue. Advantages of CGE models CGE models have several appealing attributes: How CGE models work l Theoretically rigorous. By working from an initial CGE models look at the economy as a system of inter­ specified set of relationships that capture the relations connected actors and markets in which changes in one among major economic activities, modelers develop a area can have impacts on many other areas. For exam­ ple, rigorous, systematic model that depicts the feedback a rise in the price of flour could cause a rise in the price of loops throughout the economy. This is consistent with bread, which could in turn affect inflation, then wa­ ges, and a modeling philosophy that argues structure should be next returns on investment. im­posed on the data rather than allowing the data to determine the structure. This is the first great strength of CGE models: they are particularly suitable to capture feedback loops among l Estimations of welfare impacts. CGE models work sectors—the fact that activities in one part of the economy through welfare and profit-maximizing actors. Whereas can have broader, economy-wide impacts. econometric models can estimate the impact of a bon tax on important economic variables such as car­ The second strength of a CGE model stems from the fact national GDP, CGE models provide estimates of wel­ that it is based on the microeconomic theory of consumer fare impacts, measured in monetary units (e.g., euros and producer behavior. This means it can capture the or dollars). effects of the behavior of many types of actors (producers and consumers acting in any number of different sectors) l Representation of consumer and producer behavior. to adjust in response to new “shocks” like a carbon tax. Because the model explicitly models consumption pre­ ferences and production processes, it is possible to The model comprises a system of equations that describe identify how both consumers and producers respond the relation among key variables (consumer purchases, to various changes in policy or other variables such as industry production, resource use, etc.) and a database of prices. 68 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS l Estimations of distributional effects. Some models challenge of obtaining the large amounts of data needed dis­aggregate their representation of consumers to to support a disaggregated CGE model. rentiate the behavior of different income classes. diffe­ This can be critical, for example, to examining whether l Unresponsive to technology changes. Because the a carbon tax will be regressive in a particular setting. models impose assumptions regarding the form of the Micro­ simulations using household or firm-level data production process (referred to by economists as the can assist in assessing these impacts. “production function”), the estimated relations do not have high correlations with observed behavior. Like l Highly flexible. CGE models are particularly well suited the econometric models, CGE models do not readily to analyze a range of policy initiatives (on tax, trade, accommodate sudden changes in technology that are pollution control, etc.), even when multiple initiatives not consistent with historical trends. are considered for simultaneous implementation. l Lack of transparency. One criticism of CGE models is l Capture resource limits. Because CGE models look that because they are relatively complex, they provide at a closed system of relations, resource limits are built fewer insights into the underlying factors that determine in—households are subject to budgets, the economy consumer and producer responses to carbon pricing. cannot consume more of a resource than it produces, However, this shortcoming can be partly addressed by and the like. conducting a sensitivity analysis. l Tracking policy impacts. Unlike the econometric 4.5.3 Energy system optimization models modeling approach described in section 4.5.1, CGE In contrast to the econometric and CGE models, bottom-up models explicitly track the impacts of a policy from one energy system models are technology- rich, allowing Carbon Taxes actor to another. So the model shows not only the final Modeling modelers to examine the effect of technological adaptation impact, but also the series of relations through which and innovation in the face of new policies. the impact developed. Limitations of CGE models Best uses of energy system models: While CGE models are very powerful, they also have their Analyzing a potential technological adaptations in limitations: response to a carbon tax l Challenging to build and subject to imprecisions. a Analyzing potential changes in fuel use and GHG Building a CGE model can be a challenging process emissions motivated by a carbon tax that requires a great deal of skill. More specifically, Evaluating the effect of potential new technology a the modeling requires identifying the key relations in developments (cost reductions) on emissions. the economy and choosing how to portray them. This can require a combination of theory, intuition, and guess­work. Even once key relations and their forms How energy system models work have been specified, modelers still have to identify the values of key parameters (e.g., the elasticity of demand Energy system models are depictions of physical sys­ for each good). Even a well-structured model produces tems that deliver energy services. As such, they include results characterized by great uncertainty. models of, for instance, electricity generation, process try, or motor fuel use for transport. Generally, heat for indus­ l No statistical validation of the model. CGE models the model assumes a given level of demand—including are fundamentally theoretical. There is no way to de­mand for energy production, energy conversion, and validate or test CGE models against observed beha­ end-use technologies—and then seeks the most cost- vior. Indeed, their highly constrained structures can tive combinations of technologies that can meet the effec­ also force modelers to make assumptions that might given demand. be considered unrealistic (e.g., some CGE models im­pose structural assumptions that force all fuel price The TIMES-MARKAL model, for example, works from the elasticities to unity, whereas most empirical evidence assumption that energy systems are managed to supply suggests these elasticities are much lower). energy services (e.g., residential heating) at the lowest possible cost. An array of technologies is avail­ able to l Aggregated sectors. Because they attempt to rep­ re­ supply each energy service, and the model is prog­­ rammed sent the entire economy, CGE models tend to aggre­ gate to identify the lowest-cost configuration that meets specified at a fairly high level. Particularly relevant to carbon tax energy demands. Assumptions about the avai­ lability and modeling, CGE models tend to focus on the energy costs of various technologies over time can then be adjus­ demand of entire countries, perhaps because of the ted to test different potential scenarios. MODELING CARBON TAXES 69 Advantages of energy system models 4.5.4 Hybrid models Energy system models offer important advantages: To take advantage of the relative strengths of both the top- down economic and bottom-up engineering approaches, l Explicit technological representation. The top- researchers in recent years have concentrated on down models represent technological change as developing hybrid models that blend the two approaches. either an autonomous process of improvement that This has, at times, been an uneasy marriage but many is independent of policy and that will continue at the of the initial challenges have been met. The primary same pace as in the past (econometric models) or as disadvantages of this hybrid approach are that the models chan­ges in aggregated production processes (CGE are complex, even more data-intensive than the other models). As energy systems models involve highly approaches, and not very transparent. detailed representations of technologies, modelers can build in very specific assumptions about future techno­ logical developments (e.g., electric vehicles will meet Best uses of hybrid models: 25 percent of new vehicle demand by 2025). Analyzing a potential technological adaptations in l Adjustment potentials. Energy system models facili­ response to a carbon tax tate testing the energy sector’s technical capacity to adjust to changes in relative energy prices and to Analyzing potential changes in fuel use and carbon a examine the effect that this would have on costs and dioxide emissions motivated by a carbon tax emissions. In the case of a new carbon tax, an energy Evaluating a the effect of potential new technology system model would indicate which technologies would developments (cost reductions) on emissions. be added or expanded, which would be replaced, Carbon Taxes and how this would affect the mix of fossil fuels and Modeling renewable energy. How hybrid models work l Response to a change in demand. These models can Hybrid models generally have two components or also examine how energy systems would adjust to a modules—a top-down model of the economy (either an change in the demand for energy services, such as a econometric or CGE model) and a bottom-up, energy given rise in the industrial demand for electricity. system model. Limitations of energy system models While many variations on this approach exist, the models are generally linked by (i) energy prices and (ii) energy service While these bottom-up models provide a great deal of demands. In a typical arrangement, the models start with a insight into potential means and costs of adaptation in the set of demands for various energy services. These demands, energy system, they also have several limitations: combined with fuel and technology prices, are run through the energy model, which in turn produces a set of costs l Adaptive behavior. Where CGE and econometric or prices for the energy services. These are transferred to mo­dels can capture adjustments to changes in prices or the economy model which, based on the estimated energy income, energy system models take demand as being service prices, revises the demand estimates. This process independent of price. They generally do not take into is cycled through the two components until they converge account changes in consumer behavior (e.g., consuming on a set of prices and demands. less energy services when the price of fuel rises) or To examine the implications of policy changes, modelers feedback loops in the economy (e.g., lower demand for can introduce a price change (e.g., through a carbon tax energy services in response to lower economic growth). that raises the price of fossil fuels) or a constraint (e.g., a limit on carbon emissions associated with an ETS). l Assumed technological optimization. Energy sys­ tem models are based on the assumption of cost mini­ Advantages of hybrid models mization. However, consumers do not always op­ timize their energy consumption. Where econometric mo­ dels The hybrid model combines the explicit technology depiction can capture lagged or partial adoption of cost-effective of the bottom-up models with the economic insights of the technologies, bottom-up models generally assume top-down models. It allows modelers to better anticipate complete adoption of the least-cost technology. how technological advances might affect the economy and how changes in the economy might shift the technology l No connection to other sectors. Bottom-up models mixes in energy production and consumption. do not take into account relations between energy and other sectors of the economy (Murphy, Rivers and Limitations of hybrid models Jaccard 2007). The primary limitation of the hybrid model is that it carries the data and modeling requirements of both types of 70 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Table 15. Summary of Modeling Approaches and Their Characteristics PARTIAL/FOCUSED GENERAL/SYSTEMIC MODELS MODELS Computable Partial Engineering Energy Econometric General Hybrid Equilibrium Cost System Equilibrium Top- down vs. Top-down Bottom-up Top-down Top-down Bottom-up Blended bottom-up Estimates Estimates of im- Evaluation Evaluation of Sector- of costs of pacts on macro- Estimates of cost and adaptation of specific abatement economic of costs potential energy system Best uses carbon tax based on indicators and their for to changing modeling specific (e.g., GDP and distribution emission economic technologies employment) reductions conditions Theoretically Portrays Allows Simple; Flexible; anchored; interaction of Primary Transparent; adaptation focused; historically estimates economic and advantages focused of inexpensive anchored welfare technology technology impacts adjustments Carbon Taxes Modeling models—bottom-up and top-down. Moreover, it can be l Geography/economy specific. Each model needs to challenging to combine the outputs of the economic model be adapted to the specific economy, geography, and (generally, energy quantity demanded by fuel type) with the demographics of the jurisdiction that it is applied to. input requirements of the energy model (energy service Even for existing models, this can be a data- and labor- demands), just as it can be difficult to match the outputs intensive undertaking. of the energy model (total energy service costs) with the inputs of the economy model (generally, energy prices of l Time-intensive. Advanced models can take a subs­ each fuel type). From the perspective of a policy maker tantial time to develop—months or even years, in some or carbon tax administrator, this could require assembling cases. Policy makers should plan well ahead if they and maintaining a substantial modeling team with a wide intend to commission a sophisticated modeling exercise. range of skills in economic and technology modeling. l Expected level of tax. If the tax rate is expected to be quite low, advanced modeling is probably not necessary 4.6 CHOOSING AMONG THE as the economic impacts will probably also be relatively low. Even if the potential tax is expected to be quite MODELING APPROACHES high but to fall within a narrow band, advanced analysis is still probably not required to compare the effects As can be seen from the discussion above, a wide range of different rates. Given the uncertainties inherent in of modeling approaches is available to support decision complex economic models, these models might not be making on carbon taxes, each with their respective sensitive enough to meaningfully estimate the different strengths and weaknesses. Table 15 provides a summary impacts across these kinds of narrow ranges. of the main options. In choosing which model to use, it is important to bear in l Data requirements. The advanced models, especially mind the following factors: of the top-down variety, can be very data-intensive. Policy makers should inquire whether the available l Analytical and financial resources. Because some data are of sufficient quality and scope to support a models can be data- and labor-intensive, they can also meaningful modeling exercise. Where a jurisdiction be very expensive. The impact of a carbon tax can has extensive economic data—on tax behavior, energy be substantial and the cost of the modeling process mar­kets, abatement opportunities, international trade, may well be justified, but jurisdictions should plan to etc.—the outputs of more advanced modeling app­ budget for that undertaking. At the same time, some roaches will be of higher quality and therefore more of the approaches described above require very little informative. On the other hand, where a government resources. has limited data, developing or running models will not necessarily generate meaningful insights into likely carbon tax impacts. MODELING CARBON TAXES 71 l Level of disaggregation. As policy makers consider to a range of prices and related factors, can provide insights initiating an advanced modeling project, they should into the economy’s responsiveness to changes in carbon clarify the type and level of disaggregation of results. pricing. This could be supplemented with a richer model For example, is it important to be able to distinguish that accommodates a wider range of important factors, among impacts on low-, middle- and high-income interactions, and impacts. households? Between the mining sector and the Additional guidance on evaluating and modeling options building sector? Among impacts in different regions of for GHG emission reduction policy is provided in the the jurisdiction? Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) “Checklist on Given the lack of a single “best” model, jurisdictions might Establishing Post-2020 Emission Pathways.” 29 choose to create multiple models with the understanding that each can yield its own insights. For example, a simple analysis based on a partial equilibrium model, with its 29 See emphasis on how consumers and producers might respond handle/10986/21877/EPEP_eBook.pdf. Key Considerations u Many types of models and analytical tools are available. They vary significantly in the approach they take, and each has its own strengths and limitations, thereby making it more or less suited to answering different kinds of questions. Carbon Taxes u Where sufficient data and resources are available, it may be worthwhile conducting assessments with multiple Modeling types of models to take advantage of their different strengths. u In choosing modeling approaches, jurisdictions should carefully consider which policy questions are most im­portant to them—the ones primarily dealing with economic impacts or technological issues; the questions main­ ly addressing specific sectors/industries and technologies or system-wide impacts and adjustments; and the like. u Models are seldom meant to be actual predictions of outcomes, but rather are intended to provide insight into the relative impacts of alternatives. They should therefore be used as part of, rather than as a substitute for, the decision-making process. u In choosing among various modeling approaches, jurisdictions should consider the costs, amount of time to completion, and skill sets required. 72 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Goulder, L., and R. Williams. 2003. “The Susbstantial Bias FURTHER READING from Ignoring General Equilibrium Effects in Estimating Arora, V. 2013. “An Evaluation of Macroeconomic Excess Burden and a Practical Solution.” Journal of Models for Use at EIA.” U.S. Energy Information Political Economy 111(4): 898–927. Administration Working Paper Series. https://www.eia. Jaccard, M., Loulou, R., Kanudia, A., Nyboer, J., Bailie, gov/workingpapers/pdf/macro_models-vipin-wappendix. A., and M. Labriet. 2003. “Methodological Contrasts pdf. in Costing Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policies: Andre, F., Cardenete, M., and C. Romero. 2010. Optimization and Simulation Modeling of Micro-Economic “Economic Policy Using General Equilibrium Models: An Effects in Canada.” European Journal of Operational Overview.” Chapter 2 in Designing Public Policies, Lecture Research 145:148–164. Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 642: Grubb, M., Kohler, J and Anderson, J. 2002. “Induced 9–31. Technical Change in Energy and Environmental Modeling: Jaccard, M., Loulou, R., Kanudia, A., Nyboer, J., Bailie, Analytic Approaches and Policy Recommendations.” A., and M. Labriet. 2003. “Methodological Contrasts Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 27: in Costing Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policies: 271–308. Optimization and Simulation Modeling of Micro-Economic Effects in Canada.” European Journal of Operational Murphy, R., Rivers, N., and M. Jaccard. 2007. “Hybrid Research, 145:148–164. Modeling of Industrial Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions with an Application to Canada.” Energy Economics 29: 826–846. BIBLIOGRAPHY Rivers, N., and M. Jaccard. 2005. “Combining Top-Down Carbon Taxes Modeling Bernstein, M.A., and J. Griffin. 2006. “Regional and Bottom-Up Approaches to Energy-Economy Modeling Differences in the Price-Elasticity of Demand for Energy.” Using Discrete Choice Methods.” Quarterly Journal of NREL Technical Monitor/SR-620-39512. http://www.nrel. the IAEE’s Energy Economics Education Foundation 26: gov/docs/fy06osti/39512.pdf. 83–106. PART II DESIGNING CARBON TAXES 74 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS 5 DEFINING THE TAX BASE At a Glance The tax base of a carbon tax refers to the taxable products, activities, and persons that will be liable for making carbon tax payments. Defining the tax base is among the first and crucial decisions to be made in designing a carbon tax. Carbon taxes are typically applied to the production, import, or sale of fuels, or to emissions from specific processes, such as those from electricity generation, industrial processes, or waste disposal. Deciding whether to apply the carbon tax to fuels, to processes, or to a combination of both will often be the first step in determining the tax base, since a range of other design choices depend on the broad approach that is taken on this question. The following are the key decisions policy makers will have to make in determining the tax base: 1. Which emissions should be taxed? The first step in defining the base is determining which emissions to target. Taxing the production, import, and sale of fossil fuels is the most straightforward way to tax carbon emissions, since most jurisdictions can “piggyback” the new tax on existing systems and will only need limited additional tax administration capacities. Also targeting other emissions such as those derived from electricity generation, industrial processes, and waste disposal may require more administration, but Defining the Tax Base may also allow for targeting a larger amount of emissions. All other factors being equal, broader taxes can bring important benefits in terms of maximizing emission reductions and economic efficiency, and governments can choose to phase in sectors over time as administrative capacities are developed. Factors influencing the scope chosen include the policy objectives of the tax, the emissions profile of the jurisdiction, the broader political climate, the energy and tax policy landscape, and the structure of key sectors and government capacities for tax administration and Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV). 2. At which point in the supply chain should the tax be placed? The tax can be applied to a range of different actors along the supply chain, from importers and producers (upstream) to distributors or electricity generators (midstream) and consumers (downstream). Where the tax is applied to fuels, it is common to place the obligation upstream or midstream, since this is the approach followed under existing excise tax rules. For taxes applied to direct emissions, several options may exist. Decisions will have to take into account which actors are likely to respond to the price signal of the tax by reducing emissions, as well as the implications for MRV and administration of the tax at different points in the supply chain. 3. Which actors will be legally responsible for tax payment? Even at a specific point in the supply chain, various legal entities may be involved in trading fuels or producing emissions. The government must therefore determine which of these entities will be legally responsible for paying the tax. In the case of taxes applied to fuels, this will generally be determined by existing rules on the payment of excise taxes. In the case of taxes on emissions from a facility, such as from power plants, landfills, or factories, the tax will usually target the entity with ownership or operational control of that facility. Other decisions include whether to require self-identification of entities or government-led identification, and how to apportion emissions in highly interconnected facilities. 4. Will thresholds be applied below which no tax is payable? A threshold is a minimum level of activity that will trigger responsibility for paying the tax, usually adopted to reduce the costs of reporting and administration. The use of thresholds is common in the case of carbon taxes applied directly to emissions (i.e., not to fuel) and where there is a relatively high number of actors and a significant variety in their size and capabilities. DEFINING THE TAX BASE 75 5.1 INTRODUCTION gas and coal, while Mexico taxes coal and petroleum, and India taxes only coal. In these cases, the tax is One of the first steps in designing a carbon tax is determining typically applied upstream or midstream (section the scope of the tax: which gases, which economic sectors, 5.2.2)—to fuel producers, importers, or distributers— and which activities will the tax cover? A closely related and the tax is calculated based on the carbon content issue is determining the point of taxation and possible of the fuels, not on the actual emissions occurring thresholds of application, which determine the actors that downstream. will be targeted within a given sector. Jurisdictions also take different approaches to deciding which legal entity It is nonetheless also possible to tax fuel used for will be liable for tax payment. Decisions on these issues spe­ cific purposes, such as the United Kingdom does, have important implications not only for the coverage of the where the Carbon Price Support is applied to fuel used tax, but also for issues such as administrative burden and by electricity generators. Some jurisdictions have, political acceptability. in addition, included exceptions when applying this approach. Japan, for example, applies its carbon tax Determining the tax base requires making decisions on all to the use of gas, oil, and coal, but excludes their use of these issues. Though they are distinct decisions, they in the petrochemical, agriculture, and fisheries sec­ are closely related and, when defining the tax base, it is tors, among others. EU jurisdictions exempt the use important to carefully consider the overall design—how of fuel by entities covered under the European Union the four key decisions come together—in determining Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). Jurisdictions each one. For instance, taxes targeting fossil fuels carry may also choose to exempt fuels used by companies ficantly different considerations in terms of point of signi­ ope­ rating Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) gulation and thresholds than taxes targeting non-fossil re­ tech­ nology, as the United Kingdom does. fuel-based emissions. Targeting specific fuels can be attractive from an This chapter sets out the key issues that need to be ad­ministrative perspective and support cost-effec­ tive­ con­sidered in determining the scope of taxation, and ness, as fuels are typically already subject to excise in each case reviews the broad options available and Defining the Tax Base taxes, and carbon tax administration can “piggy­ back” the implications of different decisions. It then goes on to on the systems already in place for these by applying discuss a key, crosscutting issue that influences all of differentiated carbon tax rates for fuels based on their these decisions, namely MRV and administration. carbon content. Such taxes are broadly consi­ dered “indirect taxes,” since eventually the taxpayer (i.e., the 5.2 SCOPE OF TAXATION consumer) pays the tax indirectly through the purchase of fuel, rather than directly to the tax authorities. Determining the scope of taxation involves a number of decisions. In the first place, policy makers must decide l Targeting direct emissions. Other jurisdictions have which emissions they want to target, including which structured the tax so as to target specific sectors or specific sectors, activities and gases. Next, the point in economic activities, such as in the case of Chile, where the supply chain at which emissions are taxed needs to the tax targets emissions from large boilers and turbines be determined. Closely related to this, is determining the (regardless of the type of fuel they use). A variation on legal entity that will be held liable, and finally governments this approach is to focus on certain processes and types should consider whether they will exclude emissions below of emissions, as is done in South Africa, where the tax a certain threshold from the tax. These decisions are targets fossil fuel combustion, industrial processes, elaborated in the following sections. product use, and fugitive emissions. 5.2.1 Choosing which emissions to tax This approach allows for coverage of activities beyond A first step in defining the scope of the carbon tax is deciding fossil fuel combustion and, therefore, also of GHGs which emissions it will cover. The definition of coverage other than CO2, and can align with the emissions can be based on the targeted sectors or subsectors, the sectors used under United Nations Framework Con­ types of greenhouse gases (GHGs), or the types of fuels. vention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting (as, Though the approaches taken by jurisdictions vary (table e.g., in Australia’s former system and in South Africa). 11), two broad starting points can be identified based on In this way, jurisdictions may be able to ensure broa­ existing experience. der coverage, especially where a large part of their emissions are not fuel-based. On the other hand, in the l Targeting fuels. Many jurisdictions have applied case of taxes based on actual emissions rather than carbon taxes to one or more specific fuels, primarily on the carbon content of fuels, jurisdictions may need oil, gas and coal, and their derivative products. For to establish new systems for MRV of emissions (table example, British Columbia taxes 23 fuels, including oil, 16). 76 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Table 16. Sectoral Scope and Point of Regulation across Existing and Planned Carbon Taxes TYPES COVERED FOSSIL FUELS APPLICATION EXEMPT­IONS FOSSIL FUEL COVERAGE COVERAGE COVERED (%) GHGs SECTORS POINT OF OF NON- MAJOR ISSUE Electricity generation, Midstream and Australia All Yes 60 industry, Legacy landfills downstream waste, fugitive emissions Interjurisdictional commercial marine, interjurisdictional Tax is payable British Purchase and commercial aviation, exports, downstream All No 70 Columbia sale of fuels and colored gasoline and but collected diesel used solely for farm upstream purposes Boilers and turbines with Midstream on Chile All No 38 capacity equal None power producers to or greater Defining the Tax Base than 50 MW Upstream on Purchase and producers and Denmark All No 45 sale of fossil EU ETS sectors importers, and fuels midstream on distributors EU ETS sectors, freight Upstream on Purchase and transport, public transport, producers and sale of fossil France All No 35 taxi operators, farmers, air importers, and fuels for heating transport, fishing, navigation, midstream on and transport and shipping distributors Coal mined by local tribes in Upstream at India Coal No 46 Coal extraction the state of Meghalaya mine mouth EU ETS sectors, agriculture, Upstream on Purchase and heavy oil and LPG (partial), producers and Ireland All No 33 sale of fossil high-efficiency CHP (partial), importers, and fuels and fuel used in agriculture midstream on (income tax relief) distributors Coal for electricity generation in Okinawa; volatile oil for petrochemicals; domestic oil asphalt; oils for agriculture, Purchase and forestry, and fisheries; fuels Upstream at Japan All No 70 sale of fossil for domestic flights; rail mine mouth fuels transportation; domestic cargo and passengers ships; and imported coal used for home production of caustic soda and salt DEFINING THE TAX BASE 77 Purchase and Upstream on Coal, Mexico No 40 sale of fossil Gas is not subject to the tax producers and oil fuels importers Partial exemption for Purchase and Upstream on EU ETS sectors, except sale of fossil oil and gas for offshore petroleum fuels companies in production; international Oil, continental Norway Yes 60 air and maritime transport; gas Hydrofluoro- shelf and HFC/ fishing in distant waters; carbons (HFCs) PFC importers; herring meal industry; and Perfluoro- midstream on fishing meal industry; and carbons (PFCs) fuel suppliers commercial greenhouses Purchase and Portugal All No 26 sale of fossil EU ETS sectors Midstream fuels All sectors Upstream involving (fuel refiners), fossil fuel midstream combustion, South International flights (electricity All Yes 75 industrial Africa and ships generators), and processes, downstream product use, (industrial Defining the and fugitive Tax Base facilities) emissions Full exemptions for EU ETS installations; Partial Upstream on Purchase and exemption for heating fuels producers and sale of fossil Sweden All No 42 used in industry agriculture importers, and fuels for heating (up to 2017), and diesel for midstream on and transport agricultural vehicles and distributors vehicles used in mining Energy-intensive companies subject to Upstream on international competition, producers and Switzer- Electricity and All No 35 large companies that are importers, and land heat production covered by the Swiss ETS, midstream on SMEs that make emission distributors reduction commitments Use in small generating stations, use in small CHP plants, use in CHP plants Electricity that use electricity on-site, Midstream United generation All No 25 use in stand-by generators, (electricity Kingdom covered by EU use of coal slurry, use in generators) ETS Northern Ireland, use in generating stations with CCS Note: For a full list of sources used for this information, please refer to the appendix. 78 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Considerations for determining scope assess the general potential for emission reductions. Where this does not exist, the tax will only act as a dic­ In practice, the definition of the coverage across juris­ revenue-raising measure. tions reflects a wide range of combinations of the app­ roaches described above. This is because determining the l Responsiveness to price signals. Related to the right coverage is very context-specific and depends on a previous point, whether a sector or an actor is res­ number of national circumstances (chapter 3). Some of ponsive to the price signal provided by the tax is key to the most important factors to consider are the following: whether the tax will incentivize emission reductions. This question can be settled using tools such as marginal l Policy objectives. Jurisdictions will want to align the abatement cost curves, elasticities of demand for fossil carbon tax with their climate and economic policy fuels, and energy systems models and econometric objectives (section 3.3). Where the carbon tax is models. These approaches are discussed in detail in primarily an emission reduction policy, jurisdictions tend chapter 4. to focus on sectors that are high emitters and are not yet targeted by other climate policies. In jurisdictions l Policy mix. The presence of existing emission miti­ without a carbon pricing system in place, a broader gation policies is an important consideration in de­ ter­ carbon tax will typically provide greater opportunities for mining sectoral scope. To the extent possible, juris­ emission reductions and can offer important economic dictions should seek to align the carbon tax with other efficiency gains compared with narrower carbon taxes. existing and planned policies. As discussed in chapter Jurisdictions keen to raise revenue may focus on 2, some policies can be complementary to a carbon tax sectors with high emissions and where higher taxes are (e.g., those encouraging research and de­­ velopment), not expected to lead to reduced economic activity. while others may overlap (e.g., an ETS). Other policies might counteract the price signal of the carbon tax, such l Political considerations. Closely related to policy as subsidies for taxed activities (e.g., for fossil fuels goals are political considerations, which will invariably or agriculture). In some sectors, a carbon tax might play a role both in determining scope and in exempting even run contrary to other low-emissions policies. For particular fuels and industries. For example, Ireland de­­ example, where a government is seeking to incentivize Defining the Tax Base cided to effectively exempt agricultural fuel use because switching from biomass to gas in buildings and the of a preexisting commitment by the government not biomass market is mostly local and informal (and to introduce new taxes for the agricultural sector, hence difficult to tax), placing a carbon tax on the use and Mexico exempted natural gas in the context of a of gas in buildings could be counterproductive. na­ nal policy push to expand natural gas use. These tio­ con­­ siderations may arise from interest group pressure, l MRV and administration capacity. The availability of or be motivated by fairness concerns, especially re­­ appropriate capacities for monitoring emissions and gar­­ding the impact that the carbon tax can have on collecting taxes in certain sectors or from certain fuels low-income households. While the political and equity can greatly facilitate the implementation of a carbon const­­ raints are legitimate concerns for policy makers, tax. Where these are not available, the level of new they can to some extent be addressed through the use capacity needed for different sectors will often be an of the carbon tax revenues (chapter 8). In all cases, important consideration in determining the scope of it is important that the process of deciding which sec­ the tax. This aspect is discussed in detail in section tors will be covered be undertaken transparently and 5.3. Where capacity is stronger in some areas than in the reasons behind those decisions be effectively others, as is often the case, jurisdictions can consider communicated. beginning with coverage of some emissions (e.g., those from fuels already subject to excise tax) and then l Emissions profile. Mapping GHG emissions in the gradually expand the scope as capacity is developed. jurisdiction is central to determining where the highest emissions take place, and therefore where the tax is l Legal authority. Some governments may be restricted likely to have the biggest impact on emission reductions in their ability to tax certain products, activities, or and carbon tax revenues. This process is described persons. This is most obviously the case in countries further in section 3.3.2 with federal or similar systems, where the federal and state/province governments will each have a distinct l Emission reduction opportunities. Where a key goal set of taxing powers. This is discussed in more detail in is to reduce emissions, the jurisdiction may choose section 2.3.3. not to apply the tax where few opportunities exist for emission reductions, with a view to maximizing Approaches taken in practice environmental integrity and cost-effectiveness. Though one of the advantages of a carbon tax is that it can While approaches taken by jurisdictions will be context- trigger innovation and discovery of unknown abatement specific, existing experience suggests four broad app­ options, it is nonetheless important for policy makers to roaches may be identified, as shown in box 15. DEFINING THE TAX BASE 79 5.2.2 Determining the point of regulation con­sumption. This is often at the point of processing: for example, where the oil is refined (refineries); where The generation of emissions from a given sector or activity the fuel is converted to electricity (power plant); or when typically involves a range of actors operating at different meat is processed (processing plant). A tax applied to points in the supply chain. In addition to determining which intermediate distributors of a product (e.g., fuel dist­ribu­ sectors or activities will be subject to the tax, jurisdictions tors) can also be considered a midstream tax. must therefore also determine which of the various groups of entities involved will be responsible for paying the carbon l Downstream: A downstream carbon tax is applied tax. Though the number of points in the supply chain will at the point of consumption, whether by consumers, differ across sectors, they can broadly be categorized by busi­nesses, or industry. Examples include a tax app­ three distinct points of taxation (see figure 13 for an illust­ lied to the use of energy by businesses, fuel use by ration of where the tax can be applied in the case of fossil a transport company, or a tax on the consumption of fuels). meat. In the waste sector, the inverse is true, since waste is generated upstream by consumers and flows l Upstream: Upstream carbon taxes are applied to fuels downstream to a landfill or incinerator operators. at the point where the product associated with the emissions enters the economy. In the case of fuels, In determining the point of regulation, two factors are this would include a coal mine mouth, a gas wellhead, cucial: (i) targeting actors responsive to the price sig­ nal; or a port for imported fuels. In the case of agricultural and (ii) administrative and MRV considerations. Both of emissions, the farm would be the upstream point, while these factors are important to ensuring the effi­­ ciency and in the case of emissions from landfills, upstream would cost-effectiveness, as well as the envi­ mental integrity ron­ refer to the point of waste disposal. of the carbon tax. As MRV and ad­ ministrative conside­ rations are closely interlinked with the determination of the l Midstream: A midstream carbon tax refers to a tax op­timum scope and the issues of thresholds and level of that is applied somewhere between the point where reporting obligation, they are considered separately as a the product enters the economy and the point of crosscutting issue in section 5.3. Defining the Tax Base Box 15. Comparison of Approaches to Implementing a Carbon Tax The expansive approach The complementary approach The expansive approach, taken by British Columbia, Under the complementary approach, jurisdictions South Africa, and previously Australia, for example, apply the tax to sectors and activities not covered seeks to apply the carbon tax as broadly as is fea­ under other emission reduction policies. It has been sible within the limitations presented by factors broadly applied by EU jurisdictions such as France, such as MRV and administration, using the tax as Ireland, Denmark, and Portugal, to cover the use of their “flagship” emission abatement policy. This app­ fossil fuels not covered by the EU ETS. Mexico has roach is often economically the most efficient, as it also adopted this approach, having decided to apply reduces the overall costs of emission reductions in an ETS to large emissions sources in industry and the economy by creating more opportunities for cost- electricity generation. In many cases, an upstream effective abatement. It can also reduce opportunities or midstream tax is applied to sectors with dispersed dic­ for intrasectoral leakage and is attractive to juris­ emissions sources such as in the transport sector tions with ambitious emission reduction or revenue- and buildings, where EU ETS coverage was deemed raising targets. too costly or impractical. The “top up” approach The policy-specific approach In contrast to the complementary approach, some Some jurisdictions have used a carbon tax to add­ jurisdictions may seek to enhance the incentive an ress specific policy objectives by applying it to just exis­ting policy provides by applying the tax to sectors one or a few activities. India, for example, has app­ already covered. This is the approach taken by the lied the tax only to coal in order to raise funds for United Kingdom, which responded to the weak price clean energy development. In Mexico, the carbon tax sig­nal provided by the EU ETS by applying a Carbon targeting oil and coal was adopted in the context of Price Floor to “top up” the EU ETS price paid by national policies to boost natural gas production. electricity generators so long as that price remains below the floor. 80 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Figure 13. General Categorization of Potential Points of Regulation for Fossil Fuels Oil wells Natural gas wells Coal mines Importers UPSTREAM Electric utilities Fuel distributors MIDSTREAM Defining the Tax Base Vehicles Households Commercial buildings Industry DOWNSTREAM Source: Ramseur and Parker 2009. Identifying actors responsive to price signals Applying a tax to refinery operators or consumers would not be effective, since these actors have limited In order for a carbon tax to be effective in reducing influence over decisions taken at the point of extraction. emissions, it is essential that the increased costs fall on It is also worth noting that the costs of a tax applied at entities whose behavior affects the level of emissions. If this point may be passed through to distributors and actors who do not have decision-making power or whose consumers, and thereby induce lower use of gasoline, decisions are not responsive to price signals are targeted, further reducing emissions. the increased cost will add to their financial burden, but their emissions will not change. l To reduce CO2 emissions from oil refining, the actor with the most scope for emission reductions is the In determining which actors’ behavior is relevant for refinery operator, who can substitute energy sources emission reductions, it is important to first consider which or increase efficiency. Here again, increased costs may emissions are being targeted and the point in the supply be passed on to consumers, but consumers will have chain where emissions actually occur. Take, for instance, little direct influence over decisions made in the refining the different considerations that apply to taxing the gaso­ process, so taxing the consumers directly is unlikely to line supply chain depicted in figure 14, which depend on induce emission-reducing behavior. the emissions that are targeted. l To reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use by l To reduce methane emissions from oil extraction, consumers, policy makers have more flexibility. While the tax would be applied most effectively if applied to the emissions themselves occur upon use by the extraction companies who have the option to either consumer, the amount of carbon contained in the fuel at introduce practices that reduce methane leakage or any stage in the process is roughly equal to the amount capture the methane and convert it to energy. Another that is eventually released in emissions, for example, practical advantage of this strategy is that this is the from vehicles or home heating. Thus, a tax could be point where emissions can actually be measured. applied upstream (at the extraction well or refinery), DEFINING THE TAX BASE 81 Figure 14. The Gasoline (Petrol) Supply Chain Imported oil Refinery Refinery Tanker Train with storage or barge ethanol Domestic oil Tanker truck Gas station Pipeline Common Balk terminal storage pipeline storage and blending Tanker truck Gas station Imported gasoline Tanker truck Gas station Source: United States Energy Information Administration, 2013. Defining the Tax Base midstream (at the distributor level), or downstream (at consumer. For example, if regulated electricity generators the consumer level), and in principle equally influence are not able to pass along increases in their costs to the decisions concerning the eventual emissions from consumers, consumers will not be incentivized to adjust that fuel. As long as the price is passed down (section their behavior. In this case, unless the barriers that make it, the consumers’ behavior is thus directly impossible for the generators to pass on their costs can be targeted. removed, a downstream tax will be more likely to change consumer behavior, while a midstream or upstream tax The gasoline supply chain example illustrates how the won’t affect consumers but should still incentivize a lower- effect of a carbon tax on the behavior of different actors is carbon energy mix. An alternative option, adopted by the strongly influenced by where the tax is placed. In general, South Korea ETS and several Chinese ETS pilots, is to upstream taxes have the ability to flow downstream and cover electricity generators for the emissions they generate affect multiple actors in the supply chain, while the reverse and to cover large downstream electricity users such as is less true. The specific influence on actor behavior does, industrial facilities for the emissions associated with the however, vary considerably per sector and type of emission. electricity they consume in addition to any emissions they Table 17 illustrates how this actor-influence consideration directly generate. applies across the most important sectors and emission sources. An additional important consideration is the “visibility” of the carbon price to the relevant actors. Even where the Cost pass-through and visibility full cost of the carbon tax can be passed through to actors Despite the general rule that price signals flow downward further down the supply chain, the actual effects of this as they are passed on to consumers, it is important to cost may depend on how visible the carbon price is to the consider whether there are any barriers that prevent the actors in question; in other words, whether the cost is faced price signal provided by the carbon tax from reaching the directly, per ton of CO2e emitted, or indirectly, as increased consumer. In a well-functioning market with flat supply fuel prices. Organizational and behavioral factors suggest curves, a tax that is levied upstream or midstream will that where actors can directly see the price being paid per be passed through to the consumer. In these cases, an ton of CO2e, they are more conscious of the effects of their upstream or midstream tax will be just as effective in emissions on costs and more likely to actively try to find reaching the consumer as a downstream tax. On the other ways to reduce their emissions. This also enhances the hand, where markets do not function perfectly, the price transparency of the tax. Though applying the carbon price signal of an upstream or midstream tax may not reach the directly to the actor whose behavior is targeted is the most 82 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS obvious way of doing this, other options exist. For instance, 5.2.3 Determining the legal entity in Switzerland, the carbon levy is applied to importers and responsible for tax payment distributors; nonetheless, the portion of the final price paid by consumers is clearly indicated on the invoice for the A further important design decision concerns who is legally energy delivered, making the signal visible. Requiring or responsible for paying the carbon tax. The answer will encouraging electricity and fuel distributors to highlight the depend on the scope and point of regulation of the tax— carbon price portion on invoices or through other means in particular, whether the tax is placed on fuels or direct can therefore help to increase the visibility of the tax. emissions—and the legal system of the jurisdiction. Table 17. Actor-Influence Considerations across Emission Sources SECTOR OR MAIN SOURCES CONSIDERATIONS PRODUCT OF EMISSIONS Fugitive emissions occur at extraction, and mitigation options are Fugitive largely in the hands of extraction companies. Placing a tax anywhere emissions from other than at the point of extraction is likely to have a limited effect on extraction these emissions. Emissions from energy use in refining occur at the refinery if energy is produced on-site, or else at the electricity generator. Refiners can Energy use in mitigate emissions by switching to lower-carbon forms of energy or refining increasing efficiency. A tax placed upstream at extraction, midstream at generation level, or downstream on energy use at the refinery would in principle have equal effects on the refiner’s decisions. Defining the Tax Base Emissions from electricity generation occur at the point of combustion Fossil fuels at the power plant. Mitigation options are, however, available at the plant itself—through use of low-carbon energy sources and more efficient generation—and at the consumer level, since consumers can Electricity switch to providers that use lower-carbon forms of energy. A tax levied generation upstream or at the generator level will, assuming cost pass-through, reach all these actors, whereas a tax levied downstream at the consumer level will influence consumer behavior but not incentivize the generator to make generation more efficient. Emissions in transport and heating occur downstream when the fuel Transport and is used by consumers. Assuming the cost of the tax can be passed heating through, a tax applied at any point in the supply chain will incentivize consumers to reduce fuel use or switch to lower-carbon fuel sources. Emissions from industrial processes are released where the process Industrial Industrial occurs. The operators of industrial facilities have mitigation options. processes processes Carbon taxes in this sector will therefore almost invariably be levied at this point. In the case of both landfills and incinerators, emissions occur on-site and mitigation options include those available on-site and the overall reduction of waste. Landfill/incinerator operators have the capacity to adopt on-site mitigation options, while waste producers (among Landfills and Waste others, households) can reduce the amount of waste they produce. incinerators Where a tax is applied to operators, they may have an incentive for on-site mitigation, but they can also pass through the costs to the waste producers. Where the tax is applied to waste producers, there is an incentive to reduce emissions, but not for on-site mitigation. DEFINING THE TAX BASE 83 Land-use change emissions occur when farmers convert forest or peat land to agricultural land. A carbon tax that seeks to address this issue would arguably best be levied on farmers, based on the emissions deriving from such conversion. A tax levied further downstream on Land-use change consumers, based on their consumption of products associated with deforestation, may be effective if accompanied by strong labelling schemes that can distinguish products grown on converted land, but this approach is hindered by multiple technical challenges. Similar to land-use change, a tax on carbon emissions from forest management (e.g., on average reductions in forest carbon stock) would also best be placed at the level of the land/forest owner or manager. This could incentivize forest owners to implement Forest sustainable management practices or increase stock. However, such management an approach would need to grapple with the high cost of monitoring emissions from forest management at the site level. An alternative option is to place a tax on the sale of raw timber, with exemptions or reductions for timber from certified sustainable forests. Emissions from enteric fermentation and manure from ruminant Agriculture and animals occur on the farm. Some jurisdictions will have options forestry for reducing the level of emissions from these sources through improved farming practices, and in these cases the switch to cleaner Enteric practices can be incentivized by taxing the farmer, being the one fermentation and who can decide to introduce these practices. In other jurisdictions, manure limited technical mitigation opportunities may exist, and so any Defining the mitigation would stem from reduced consumption. In this case, Tax Base applying the tax at the farm or consumer level will have the same effect, provided the costs can be passed through. Emissions from fertilizer use are generated through the overuse of fertilizer on crops, and subsequent nitrous-oxide emissions from the soil into the atmosphere. Mitigation options include reducing fertilizer use to better match plant needs, which requires a significant Fertilizer use knowledge investment that could be incentivized by a price signal. As the key actor here is the farmer, a carbon price applied at the farm, or further upstream at the fertilizer manufacturer, can be effective. A tax applied further downstream, at the consumer level, would have limited effects. The same considerations apply here as in the case of transport Fuel use emissions, above. Tax on fuels or transport. This provides a secure and tested system for ensuring that tax obligations are met. Carbon taxes on fuels Taxes placed on fuels will in most cases follow the existing in EU countries (i.e., in Denmark, France, Finland, Ireland, rules applicable to the payment of excise taxes. In many Portugal, and Sweden) are levied in this way. jurisdictions, the entity responsible for excise taxes is either a wholesaler or distributor, or a large fuel user. For An alternative approach in the case of taxes on fuels is example, in the EU, fuels that are not taxed at the time to levy the tax on consumers, but enlist fuel distributors of production or import may be stored and distributed by as “tax collectors” to reduce the administrative burden. registered taxpayers in registered “tax warehouses.” The This is the approach taken in British Columbia, where moment the fuel is either sold to a non-taxpayer such as fuel vendors must be appointed as tax collectors by the a gasoline station or business consumer, or is used for revenue authorities and are then responsible for charging own consumption by a registered taxpayer (usually in the tax to purchasers upon sale. Vendors are required to pay a case of large consumers), the tax must be paid. Registered security to the government equivalent to the full amount of taxpayers pay a security to cover potential losses in storage the tax payable by the consumer. 84 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Tax on direct emissions 5.2.4 Thresholds For taxes levied on direct emissions such as emissions A threshold is a minimum level of activity that will trigger from electricity generation, industrial processes, or waste responsibility for paying the tax—that is, a minimum level disposal, obligations will generally be levied on the legal of emissions per entity for the taxation to apply. A threshold entity producing those emissions. Two main approaches can reduce the costs of reporting and administration. The exist to define the legal entity: use of thresholds is common in the case of carbon taxes applied directly to emissions (i.e., not to fuel upstream) l Ownership. The entity that owns the emitting facility is and where a carbon tax is applied at a point where the liable for tax payment. In the case of multiple owners, number of actors is relatively high and their size and the obligation may be placed on the entity with the capabilities vary significantly. For instance, in Australia’s controlling share, or divided between the entities based Carbon Pricing Scheme, emissions were taxed at the on their equity. point where they were released into the atmosphere, for instance at electricity generators, industrial facilities, and l Control approach. The entity that exercises operational landfill operators. In this case, the government opted for control over the emitting facility (i.e., has the authority to a 25,000 tCO2e threshold in order not to burden smaller adopt and implement operational policies for the facility) facilities with reporting obligations. Similarly, Chile decided is liable for tax payment. to apply its midstream tax on electricity generators—only to plants with a minimum capacity of 50 MW. Often the choice of approach will depend on existing regulatory structures. To date, the control approach has Key considerations for choosing the threshold include:30 been more commonly used, for instance in the carbon l Proportion of emissions attributable to small emit­ tax in South Africa and the former Australian tax. In cases ters. If there are many small sources of emissions in where a single company owns or controls multiple emitting sectors covered by the carbon tax, a relatively low facilities covered by the carbon tax, emissions from each threshold may be needed to ensure that, in totality, a facility may be reported separately (section 9.3) but significant proportion of emissions is covered. will nonetheless be subject to a single tax liability for all Defining the Tax Base emissions. l Cost of reporting in relation to tax amount. With res­ pect to actors responsible for relatively low emissions, In either case, jurisdictions may decide to require self- the expected costs of reporting can be excessive rela­ identification of tax liable entities, as in Australia and South tive to the actual taxes owed. The effective tax on the Africa, or to provide the government with the authority to emitter can be understood to equal the tax levied plus identify tax liable entities, as in Chile. In the former case, the reporting costs. Policy makers may decide not to emitting entities are responsible for checking whether apply the tax in cases where reporting costs would the tax applies to them and, if so, taking the necessary equal or exceed actual tax payable. steps to report and pay tax obligations. The introduction of emissions monitoring systems covering all liable entities l Capabilities of firms and regulators. If small firms prior to the carbon tax in both Australia and South Africa have limited financial and human capacity to administer has meant that in these cases it is relatively straightforward the carbon tax or if the ability of the regulator to oversee smaller firms is limited, a more generous (higher) thres­ for entities to self-identify. In Chile, by contrast, not all hold may be preferred. liable entities were subject to prior emissions monitoring obligations or registered in a single database, resulting in l Likelihood of intrasectoral leakage. A threshold the need for a detailed assessment of the entities that are above which entities are subject to a carbon price and covered by the tax. below which they are not, may distort competition bet­ ween the two groups. It may thus be worthwhile to try to In cases where multiple companies interact within one find a threshold that is consistent with the competitive installation, the attribution of emissions to particular com­ dynamics within the sector. panies can be difficult. These problems may be particularly pronounced, for example, in highly integrated chemical l Possibility of market distortions as a result of production sites, where several companies or subsidiaries thresholds. A threshold for entity inclusion can create may run numerous production processes and where—in an incentive to break up existing production facilities order to improve the overall efficiency of production— into smaller units in order to bring each unit’s emissions different processes may constantly exchange energy below that threshold to avoid compliance obligations. (in the form of waste heat, waste gas, cooling capacity, Similarly, firms just below the threshold may choose to power, etc.) or products (e.g., hydrogen, pre-products, and stay there, purposely curbing their growth. hydrocarbons). In these cases, the government will need to adopt clear accounting rules that clarify which entities are responsible for accounting for which emissions. 30 Adapted from PMR and ICAP, 2016. DEFINING THE TAX BASE 85 By contrast, jurisdictions that apply their tax to fuels at the the main MRV and administration considerations that will level of distribution have typically not applied thresholds. influence each of the decisions considered in this chapter. Applying a tax to fuels normally does not require direct measurement of emissions and is relatively easy to apply; MRV and administration considerations differ depending on more­ over, it is in any case often built upon existing excise whether jurisdictions focus the carbon tax on targeting fossil taxes, thereby making thresholds less necessary. Applying fuels or other sectors and activities. The considerations for thresholds in these cases would also create distortions each case are laid out in the following sections. by encouraging consumers to purchase from smaller wholesalers. 5.3.1 Targeting fossil fuels By far, most jurisdictions that have adopted a carbon tax to 5.3 CROSSCUTTING date have focused it on the use of fossil fuels. This has the distinct advantage of allowing the carbon tax to “piggyback” CONSI­­DE­RA­­TION – on existing customs and excise taxes. In these cases, MRV tends to be relatively simple and straightforward. ADMINISTRATION AND Most jurisdictions will already have systems in place for MRV monitoring quantities of fuel produced, imported, and sold for the purpose of levying excise taxes, and so carbon emissions are easily calculated by applying an emissions A key consideration informing decisions on scope, point of factor, based on the carbon content of the fuel. While this regulation, thresholds, and the determination of liable entities will require some additional capacities and processes, in will be the implications of different decisions for the ability most cases these will be relatively limited. to accurately measure, report and verify emissions. Closely related considerations are the costs and effort associated The point of regulation will in most cases be placed with MRV and with tax administration more broadly. While upstream, at the point of production or import, or mid­ in an ideal world a carbon tax would be applied to the stream, at the point of distribution. Downstream users sectors and at the point where it is most environmentally may also be targeted in the case of large facilities that are effective, in practice the decision will be influenced by the Defining the registered taxpayers. In both of these cases the number of Tax Base administrative burden involved in applying the price at entities is relatively small, thereby making the oversight of different points in the supply chain. Table 18 summarizes transactions more manageable. Table 18. MRV and Administration Factors Influencing Carbon Tax Design DECISION MRV AND ADMINISTRATION FACTORS Availability of preexisting systems for monitoring inputs, outputs, or transactions in different sectors Sectors and Availability of preexisting systems for tax collection and administration in different sectors activities Availability of (general and country-specific) emissions factors in different sectors Number of participants in different sectors Number of emitters at different points of taxation Point of Availability of preexisting systems for MRV or tax administration at different points of taxation regulation Technical capacity of emitters at different levels to undertake monitoring and reporting of emissions or proxies (e.g., fuel use) Level of Access of different entities to data required for measuring and reporting emissions (entity with reporting operation control most likely to have best access) obligation Share of small emitters in covered sectors Question whether emitters need to directly measure and report their emissions for tax reporting Thresholds purposes (as opposed to only reporting on fuel use/sales) Technical capacities of smaller emitters in covered sectors 86 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Where jurisdictions provide exemptions for certain fuels the tax at a point in the supply chain where the number or fuel uses, they will need to have systems in place for of actors is lower and more easily identifiable will imply a applying these. Where an exemption is applied to a given lower administrative burden for regulators, while targeting fuel that can be physically distinguished from other fuels, the larger actors avoids putting disproportionate burdens it will usually be possible to simply exclude that fuel from on smaller entities. payment obligations. Where fuels are physically similar but sold through different channels, governments can Typically, the largest number of actors is found downstream, use markers such as dyes to distinguish taxable and non- while the numbers are far more limited upstream and taxable fuels. In the cases where only certain uses of a midstream. For example, electricity generation plants taxed fuel are exempted, governments will usually provide typically serve very large numbers of consumers. This is for eligible persons to claim tax rebates, requiring evidence one of the key factors explaining why carbon taxes in the that the fuel was used for the stated purpose. In the case electricity sector are applied midstream (e.g., Chile). By of exemptions for entities that are using Carbon Capture contrast, the agricultural sector may not have any point in and Sequestration (CCS) technology or capturing and the supply chain with relatively few actors, unless either destroying industrial gases, the government may require production or distribution is concentrated in a small number that entities claiming such rebates provide proof for the of large companies. amount of fuel used in facilities with CCS technology, and for the amount of carbon captured. Capacity of entities to monitor and report emissions 5.3.2 Targeting direct emissions In sectors where reporting entities have developed A limited number of carbon taxes have targeted direct technical capacities to monitor inputs (e.g., fuel) or outputs emissions, most notably in Australia, Chile and South (e.g., electricity), these capacities can often be adapted to Africa. In these cases, the following considerations inform measure and report emissions. This will often be the case decision making. of large industrial installations, which will typically already have systems in place for monitoring inputs, outputs, Ability to accurately monitor emissions and other emissions proxies. Where reporting entities Defining the Tax Base In some sectors, reliable proxies and emissions factors have little or no experience with MRV, this can present a exist, as is often the case in the electricity sector, for challenge. example. Emissions from industrial processes, such as The inclusion of landfills under Australia’s former Carbon CO2 emissions from cement production and emissions Pricing Mechanism highlights this difference. Many large from landfills and waste treatment, are slightly harder to landfills were commercially run, already charged based monitor because of the greater number of inputs involved on volume, and had relatively detailed data on waste and the higher variability in emissions levels across composition. Many also already had gas capture facilities installations. Agriculture emissions can be even more that were generating emission reduction credits under difficult, and estimation of emissions from land-use change various government schemes. These entities therefore can be especially challenging. The ability and level of had few problems adapting to the carbon tax. By contrast, efforts needed to monitor emissions meaningfully in a given other landfills were operated by local authorities, most of sector can therefore be a key consideration in determining whom did not have these capacities, and so several of sectoral scope. these needed to quickly build capacity for measurement MRV standards and processes may also be less or more and reporting. developed at different points in the supply chain. For instance, the measurement of emissions from electricity Availability of preexisting systems production by generators typically follows well-established Many jurisdictions are already operating or developing procedures in most jurisdictions; benefits from the use of MRV systems for national accounting, which often requires established grid emissions factors; and builds upon existing certain entities to measure and report their emissions to reporting of energy use by generators, thereby easily national authorities. Where this is the case, applying the allowing a tax to be applied midstream in that sector. By carbon tax to these entities avoids the need for new systems contrast, downstream energy users may not always have to be established. South Africa, for example, intends to link such sophisticated energy monitoring systems in place. MRV under the carbon tax to the South African National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory System (NAEIS). In Number of entities involved other cases, an MRV system can be built upon systems for Applying the carbon tax in sectors where there is a point repor­ting on factors that can be used as emissions proxies. in the supply chain with relatively few actors will be more For example, in Chile, data on energy use, provided by feasible since it limits the number of entities that have to ricity generators and industry, will feed into the MRV elect­ measure and report emissions and pay the tax. Applying system. DEFINING THE TAX BASE 87 Key Considerations u Having a clear picture of the different policy objectives the government seeks to achieve with the carbon tax, while also understanding their relationships and being able to prioritize between them, is important for guiding the decision-making process. Cross-government consultation can help to align and prioritize objectives across different ministries. u To understand how the carbon tax can contribute to mitigation of GHG emissions, it helps to have a clear idea of the specific emission reduction or abatement target of the jurisdiction and the role of the carbon tax in meeting those targets. It is equally important to understand the emissions profile of the jurisdiction and the value chains in key sectors. u As a carbon tax works through the price signal, it is important to understand the economic characteristics of key sectors and the level of responsiveness to price signals. u Having a clear picture of the government’s capacities in key areas is important for informing a number of design decisions. Where this is unclear, capacity assessments can help inform decision making. u Gaining a thorough understanding of the political landscape early on, including the main areas of support for and resistance to a carbon tax, is crucial for informing both the substantive design of the tax and the design of an effective stakeholder engagement process. u The FASTER Principles for Successful Carbon Pricing can serve as a valuable tool to guide the evaluation of potential carbon tax design options. Defining the Tax Base 88 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS FURTHER READING BIBLIOGRAPHY Australia Department of Climate Change. 2008. “Carbon Ramseur, J., and L. Parker. 2009. “Carbon Tax and Pollution Reduction Scheme Green Paper.” http://pandora. Greenhouse Gas Control: Options and Considerations for Congress.” Congressional Research Service. https://www. Ramseur, J., and L. Parker. 2009. “Carbon Tax and Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) & International Greenhouse Gas Control: Options and Considerations for Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP). 2016. Emissions Trading Congress.” Congressional Research Service. https://www. in Practice: A Handbook on Design and Implementation. World Bank, Washington, DC. https://openknowledge. pdf?sequence=11&isAllowed=y. United States Energy Information Administration. 2013. “Weather and other events can cause disruptions to gasoline infrastructure and supply.” todayinenergy/detail.php?id=9811. Defining the Tax Base DETERMINING THE TAX RATE 89 6 DETERMINING THE TAX RATE At a Glance Setting the tax rate is among the most important decisions in adopting a carbon tax. Jurisdictions have adopted a wide range of tax rates—ranging from US$3 per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) in Japan to US$132 per tCO2e in Sweden—and jurisdictions will need to consider their policy goals as well as their economic, technological, social, and political context in determining the rate that works best for them. The design of the carbon tax rate involves two major decisions: (i) choosing the basis for setting the original carbon tax rate; and (ii) deciding the process for the development of the tax rate. Policy makers have generally adopted one of four basic approaches to setting the carbon tax rate: l The social cost of carbon (SCC) approach.This approach matches the carbon tax rate to estimates of the social costs of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It is one of the most economically efficient approaches. While the wide range of estimates of the SCC makes this approach challenging, there is a strong argument for not permitting the effective carbon tax rate to fall below the minimum estimates of the SCC, as lower rates would go against the polluter pays principle. l The abatement target approach.This approach involves choosing a carbon tax rate that is expected to result in abatement levels consistent with the jurisdiction’s emission reduction objectives; it is thus a good choice for jurisdictions seeking to meet specific mitigation targets. l The revenue target approach.This approach is designed to generate a particular amount of revenue through the application of the carbon tax. It is particularly useful for jurisdictions motivated by the need for the Tax Rate Determining additional public funds. l The benchmarking approach.This approach links the tax rate to carbon prices in other jurisdictions, particularly neighboring countries, trading partners, and competitors. Each of these bases for the carbon tax rate will often merely be a starting point, as it will in practice often be adjusted during the political process leading up to the adoption. Policy makers will also need to identify whether and how to adjust taxes in the years following initial implementation. The main options in this context are the following: l Static carbon tax rate. The carbon tax remains constant over time, and it may or may not be tied to the rate of inflation. l Gradually increasing carbon tax rate. A carbon tax trajectory is defined in the original carbon tax design, generally starting from a relatively low level, and rising over time. l Matching the SCC. The tax rate is stipulated to change with adjustments in the official estimates of the SCC. l Adjustment formula. During the design process, policy makers stipulate a formula to be used for periodically adjusting the tax rate. l Periodic review. Experts, government administrators, and other stakeholders undertake reviews and recommend adjustments in tax rates. l Ad hoc political approach. Adjustments to the tax rate are handled by legislators or policy makers on an occasional or periodic basis. Many jurisdictions have adopted a combination of these approaches for adjusting the carbon tax rate. In choosing among approaches, policy makers must balance the need for predictable tax rates with the need to adjust the tax rate in response to performance, impacts, and a range of external factors. It is also often desirable to set clear objectives (for setting the initial tax rate) and clear rules (for adjusting the tax rate) in order to mitigate the risks associated with policy changes for investments in low-carbon technologies and practices. 90 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS jurisdictions have adopted a wide range of tax rates (table 6.1 INTRODUCTION 19). For example, Chile, India, Japan, and Portugal have all adopted tax rates between the equivalent of US$3 and Perhaps the most important element of carbon tax design US$6 per tCO2e. By contrast, Switzerland has adopted a is determining the tax rate. The tax rate chosen, coupled with the decision on the coverage of the tax, will ultimately tax rate equivalent to US$87/tCO2e, while Sweden’s rate is determine the amount of emissions abatement achieved, US$132/tCO2e. the revenue raised, and the economic impact of the tax. This chapter will consider the options and considera­ tions related to both these major decisions. Section 6.2 dis­ Two key decisions typically underlie these tax rates: cusses four main approaches to setting the tax rate, and l Identifying the basis or principle to be used in setting their respective uses and implications. Section 6.3 goes on the tax rate to discuss approaches to defining the dynamics of the rate, that is, how it will develop over time. l Determining whether and how the tax rate will vary over time after its initial implementation. 6.2 BASIS FOR THE CARBON These key decisions can be approached in different ways, and the approach chosen will largely depend on TAX RATE the underlying objectives of the jurisdiction. In practice, As discussed in chapter 3, as governments design carbon tax systems, it is important to clearly define the goals to be Table 19. Examples of Carbon Tax Rates pursued with the tax. This is particularly relevant to the tax rate decided on, since the rate can potentially be designed PRICE IN 2015 USD to achieve certain policy objectives, such as reaching a GOVERNMENT PER TON OF CO2ea given level of emission abatement or revenue. There are British Columbia 22 several strategies for setting the carbon tax rate, and the Chile 5 best approach will depend in large part on the government’s policy objectives. Denmark 31 This section will review four basic approaches to setting Finland 48–83 the tax rate: France 24 l The social cost of carbon (SCC) approach the Tax Rate Determining Iceland 10 India 6 l The abatement target approach Ireland 28 l The revenue target approach Japan 3 l The benchmarking approach. Mexico 1–4 Norway 4–69 6.2.1 The social cost of carbon (SCC) Portugal 5 approach South Africa 8.50b The SCC approach involves reducing emissions to a level Sweden 132c that is consistent with the economically efficient use of resources, thereby balancing the costs and benefits of Switzerland 87 GHG emission abatement. United Kingdom 16 In its broadest sense, the SCC refers to the global dama­ Note: a. The carbon tax rates shown represent the tax rate ges caused by emitting one additional ton of CO2e (i.e., in force in 2015, expressed in 2015 U.S. dollars, at the then in theory, the last ton emitted). Reducing emissions prevailing exchange rates. For more details, see the cases of avoids these costs and results in marginal abatement carbon tax case studies in the technical appendix to this report. benefits (MAB), depicted in figure 15 (box 16). Based on b. This rate is the “headline” rate for the South Africa carbon this approach, a jurisdiction promoting global economic tax. In the first phase of the tax (from its implementation up to efficiency would set the carbon tax equal to the SCC. 2020), liable entities are allocated tax-free allowances of 60– 95 percent, meaning that the effective tax rate paid by liable The SCC is based on estimates of the relationship between entities will be significantly lower than the headline rate. GHG emissions, climate change, and the (estimated) c. Sweden currently still applies a lower tax rate to industry. damages related to climate change. SCC estimates depend However, as from 2018, the industry rate will rise to the same upon a large number of factors, including assump­tions about level as the general rate, and for that reason only the general the level of emissions and atmospheric concent­ rations of rate is shown here. GHGs, estimates of the type and extent of damages, the DETERMINING THE TAX RATE 91 Box 16. Technical Note: Setting a Carbon Tax at the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) Conceptually, the SCC approach is simple. Policy makers set the carbon tax rate at the level where the marginal abatement cost (MAC) equals exactly the marginal abatement benefit (MAB), shown as T* in the figure. At this point, the cost of an additional ton of abatement equals the value of the abatement. When the tax rate equals T*, emitters will abate up to point A*, where the tax is just equal to their costs of additional abatement. If they abated more (that is, beyond A*), the cost of abatement would exceed the cost of the tax payment. The shaded area in figure 15 represents the total gain in value to society. Note that if the MAB curve is flat, it is optimal to set the tax, T*, equal to that (constant) MAB value. Figure 15. Setting the Carbon Tax Rate through the SCC Approach Marginal Value ($/ton) MAC T* MAB A* Abatement Level (tons per year) the Tax Rate Determining Note: MAC = Marginal Abatement Cost; MAB = Marginal Abatement Benefit. valuation of those damages, and the applied discount rate31 l Health benefits, such as decreased incidence of di­­ (lower discount rates result in a higher SCC). sease thanks to reductions in correlated pollutants, clu­ in­­ ding sulfur dioxide and particulate matter from Although climate change impacts are often the primary ricity generation. For example, an analysis of recent elect­­ consideration in setting the SCC, jurisdictions implementing carbon dioxide regulations in the United States indi­ cated carbon taxes to promote economic efficiency may expect that the health benefits from PM2.5 emission re­ duc­ tions additional benefits to be derived from abatement. By were larger than the benefits associated with the SCC; ad­justing the MAB curve (and the implied SCC) to take into account additional benefits associated with the emission l Better land and soil quality, in particular through a reduc­tions and shifts in fossil fuel use, these jurisdictions range of activities in agriculture and forests; may achieve a fuller representation of benefits. Relevant benefits include: l Enhanced energy security, thanks to a lower depen­ dence on imported fuels; l Improved transportation system, thanks to reduc­ 31 The discount rate refers to the rate at which future costs and tions in the degree of traffic congestion, the number benefits are discounted relative to current costs and benefits. of accidents, and the amount of pollutants from trans­ Generally, benefits that occur in the future are valued less por­tation sys­tems. (These externalities may, however, than similarly sized current benefits. In valuing future costs or benefits, the higher the discount rate and the further in the future already be addressed through other measures such as the costs or benefits occur, the lower they are valued. Because con­ gestion taxes and fuel excises.) the negative impacts of a current ton of carbon emissions occur over a long time horizon, often decades, they have to be Several governments have calculated the SCC and used it discounted compared to their value if they occurred today; and as an input for their policy-making processes based on cost- the higher the discount rate, the lower the value of the damages benefit analyses (though not necessarily for the purpose of associated with the emissions and hence the lower the SCC. setting a carbon tax rate). Because estimates of SCC have 92 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Figure 16. SCC Values Used in Ex Ante Cost-Benefit Analyses of Public Policies 500 450 400 2014 USD per metric ton CO2 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 CANADA CHILE FRANCE GERMANY IRELAND UNITED UNITED KINGDOM STATES 2014 2020 2030 2050 2100 Source: Smith & Braathen 2015. Note: All amounts shown represent U.S. dollars. varied so widely, governments have used a broad range of from an additional ton of emissions will rise in the future values in their policy process (figure 16). For instance, while because of, at least in part, increasing concentrations of the United States and Canada have esti­ mated that the 2014 GHGs in the atmosphere. The SCC should generally also SCC is about US$40 per ton, several European jurisdic­ take into account the time lag between emissions being the Tax Rate Determining tions have used much higher valua­ tions—even more than released into the atmosphere and the climate damage US$130 per ton in the case of Germany. The differences occurring. This delayed effect means that a carbon tax with among these estimates stem in part from differences in the the primary objective of promoting efficiency would also models used: the physical impacts considered, the valuation have to rise in the future to match the expected trajectory of damages, and the dis­ count rates applied. Substantial of the SCC. differences in SCC esti­ mates can also arise depending on whether the SCC takes into account only damages within a 6.2.2 The abatement target approach jurisdiction or global damages. Carbon taxes can be an effective tool to reduce emissions. While these estimates have been developed for use in cost- For example, a rough estimate of the mitigation effects of benefit analyses of public policies, the same calculation the carbon taxes in Norway suggests that emissions would principles would apply if a jurisdiction were to set its carbon have been more than 6 to 7 million tons CO2e higher in tax rate at the SCC. 2010 than they were with the tax in place (Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, 2014). The broad range of estimates associated with the SCC can prove challenging for jurisdictions that want to base their In cases where the primary goal of the carbon tax is to carbon tax on the SCC. For example, in setting its carbon meet a specific emission reduction target—for example, tax rate, Chile had originally intended to use the SCC as targets set out in Nationally Determined Contributions its standard. However, given the lack of consensus on the (NDCs) under the United Nations Framework Convention value of the SCC, the government concluded this approach on Climate Change (UNFCCC), or in national laws and was not feasible in the short term and used international policies—governments can decide to set the carbon tax carbon prices as a proxy instead. Given that current rate at the level that is expected to enable the required international carbon prices are the product of market forces abatement target to be achieved. Even where jurisdictions and an array of global political factors, this decision shifted are concerned about long-term goals or are considering the tax design process from using the SCC approach to, in global-level targets, they will translate those to domestic fact, using a benchmarking approach (section 6.3.4). targets for purposes of policy formulation. As illustrated in figure 15 (box 16), the SCC also varies over Conceptually, the abatement target approach is similar to time, which is related to the expectation that the damages the one described in section 6.1.1, except that in this case DETERMINING THE TAX RATE 93 the government is working toward a specific abatement The shape and level of the aggregate MAC will be level rather than calculating the cost and benefit of determined by many factors, including the coverage of the different potential levels of abatement. This distinction can carbon tax relative to the country’s emissions (chapter 5) be understood by revisiting the marginal abatement cost and the existence of complementary policies (chapter 2). curves (MACCs) introduced in figure 15 (box 16). In the Note that the MAC may be lower in contexts where the SCC approach, the policy starts by setting the tax, T*, equal government has instituted other policies to complement to the SCC at the intersection of the MAC and MAB curves. the carbon tax, such as public information programs, and The expected emission reduction is then determined by technological development and diffusion programs. how entities respond to the tax. Under the abatement target approach, on the other hand, the reduction target pursued While the MAC approach is relatively simple to apply, is known, and the MACC can be used to set the tax T* because it focuses on technologies and practices from a (without need for the MAB), as illustrated in figure 17. bottom-up perspective, it can miss important interactions among abatement alternatives as well as economic Jurisdictions that use MACCs can determine the carbon adjustments by producers and consumers. As described in tax for achieving a given level of reduction by identifying chapter 4, more advanced modeling options are available the T* (tax rate) that corresponds to A* (targeted level of that take into account observed economic behavior and abatement) on the MAC curve (figure 17). Two related energy system interactions. When these models are assumptions are implicit in this approach. Where there is run with an imposed constraint, for example, “annual uncertainty about the estimated MAC, as is generally the emissions cannot exceed X,” the model calculates an case, there will also be uncertainty about the reduction implicit marginal cost of carbon abatement (often referred level that will result from a specific tax rate. Secondly, it to as a shadow price). That marginal cost provides an is assumed that liable entities will respond to the price estimate of the carbon tax that will induce the prescribed stimulation of T* by adopting all abatement technologies limit on emissions. and practices that have a lower cost than T* per tCO2e. If there is “stickiness” in the system—that is, liable entities Australia is an example of a country that has used the are not perfectly efficient in their response to the carbon abatement target approach. The Australian Treasury con­ tax price signal—the level of abatement can fall short of ducted extensive modeling to examine the relationship the expected level. between carbon tax levels and abatement outcomes. That exercise examined the costs of meeting Australia’s emission For example, to estimate the costs of GHG emission targets and derived the marginal cost associated with those the Tax Rate targets. It also examined the emission reductions effect of Determining abatement, a jurisdiction might develop MACCs for house­ hold energy conservation, forest carbon sequestration, or carbon taxes initially set at US$20.34 and US$30.51, and re­ newable energy options. Generally, MACCs apply to one allowed to rise over time. Although the final carbon tax of activity or to a subset of abatement activities. They can, US$20.39 was determined through political negotiation, however, easily be combined to give a more complete the results of these modeling exercises provided important picture of options, as explained in chapter 4. input for the negotiations. Figure 17. Setting the Carbon Tax Rate through the 6.2.3 The revenue target approach Abatement Target Approach In some cases jurisdictions adopt carbon taxes primarily aimed at raising revenue. For example, in Chile, one of the main driving forces behind the carbon tax was the policy commitment to raise funding for education reforms. In cases where the jurisdiction is driven primarily by raising Marginal Value ($/ton) revenue through the carbon tax, the tax rate can be set so MAC that it generates a specific level of revenue, though within T* the constraints dictated by supply and demand. When the government introduces a tax on a commodity, it essentially drives a wedge between the supply and de­ mand ted as curves. In the diagrams of figure 18, this effect is depic­ shifting the cost of production up, moving the supply curve from S to S’. Before the introduction of the tax, the supply and demand curves, S and D, intersect at a point corresponding to the market price (P) and quantity (Q). With the new, higher supply curve, S’, the new point of inter­ section is P” and Q’. A* The tax revenue is, therefore, the pro­ duct of the tax rate, T, Abatement Level (tons per year) and the new (lower) quantity, Q’, that is, T × Q’. 94 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Figure 18 also illustrates how the tax revenue (the shaded In fact, there is an intermediate tax level between the two areas in each diagram) changes with different tax levels. extremes that will maximize the revenue. Policy makers Given an initial “medium” tax (upper graph), a certain who seek to maximize revenues from a commodity can use revenue may be expected. It might be possible to increase these simple models to estimate the revenue-maximizing that revenue by increasing the tax, but only up to a certain tax rate by identifying the point where the additional tax point. The center and lower graphs illustrate that either very revenue from an increase in the tax is just offset by the low or very high taxes, respectively, can lead to lower tax loss in tax revenue from a decrease in the quantity that revenues. clears the market. This will correspond to the point where the shaded areas in the diagrams are the largest. Figure 18. Setting the Carbon Tax Rate through the For carbon pricing, revenue maximization is a bit more Revenue Target Approach complicated because the carbon tax is often translated from a price on carbon to a tax on fossil fuels. As each fuel has a different carbon content and a different supply and S’ demand function, a tax that maximizes revenue from one P” fuel will not necessarily maximize revenue from another S fuel. If a jurisdiction seeks to maximize revenue in this case, T P it could apply different carbon taxes to each fuel, although P’ this approach is inconsistent with reducing emissions as MEDIUM TAX D efficiently as possible. As described in the previous chapters, governments that seek to both reduce GHG emissions and raise revenue could encounter a tension between the two goals. At the outset, adding a small tax will simultaneously increase revenue and decrease emissions. However, as the tax Q* Q rises, it will eventually reach a point where the carbon tax revenue hits a ceiling. Any additional increases in the carbon tax will enhance GHG emission abatement but S’ decrease total revenue. P” S T P 6.2.4 The benchmarking approach the Tax Rate Determining P’ LOW TAX Benchmarking provides one of the simplest and lowest-cost D approaches to examining options for setting the carbon tax rate. Benchmarking involves simply examining what other, similarly situated jurisdictions—and international competitors—have done in terms of the overall tax design they adopted, and particularly the tax rate they chose. Q* Q To identify jurisdictions appropriate for carbon tax design S’ benchmarking, the following factors may be considered: P” l Similar demographics. Demographics (including popu­ lation size and density, education level, and employment T S type) can be a critical consideration in designing the car­ P bon tax. P’ l Similar economies/politics. Because both political HIGH TAX D and economic circumstances are critical factors in setting the carbon tax and determining its ultimate impacts (sections 3.3 and 3.4), policy makers will often seek to benchmark against similarly situated juris­ dictions. For example, in developing economies, policy makers might find it more useful to consider what other Q* Q developing economies have done than to examine the approach taken by jurisdictions operating in more Note: D = Demand; P = Price; Q = Quantity; S = Supply; T = advanced economies. Tax. The size of the shaded area corresponds to the tax revenue l Similar patterns of energy use. Policy makers could associated with each tax level (medium, low, and high, tions find it useful to examine the approaches of jurisdic­ respectively). with similar emissions profiles and consumption patterns. DETERMINING THE TAX RATE 95 l Pricing of key trading partners and competitors. Ideally, policy makers will consider the issue of tax adjust­ Policy makers might consider the carbon tax rates set ment processes at the same time as they determine by economies with strong trading ties to their own, in which approach to use to set the tax rate, as the two can particular when taxing economic activities that can be interact to affect important policy outcomes such as the moved. This comparative approach, taking into account amount of cumulative carbon abatement and the amount post-tax prices of affected goods in competing juris­ of cumulative revenue. dictions, can reduce the risk of leakage of firms and While many approaches can be used to address the markets across borders (chapter 7). question of whether and how carbon taxes should change l Linking to an ETS price. Where examples of similarly over time, this section focuses on the most prominent situated jurisdictions employing carbon taxes are options and compares the relative merits of each one. limited, carbon prices observed in ETSs may provide additional context for benchmarking. Although the ETS 6.3.1 Static carbon tax rate is a different approach than the carbon tax, both work A fixed, or static, tax is one that simply stays the same on the basis of a price signal and so have a similar after its implementation. This approach has the advantage effect on actor behavior (chapter 2). Moreover, where of giving a stable and highly predictable price signal. This a country is already participating in an ETS, it may use stability facilitates private investment. Indeed, one of the the ETS price to determine the tax on emissions that advantages of carbon taxes over an ETS approach is are not covered by the ETS. For example, both Portugal that carbon taxes potentially provide more stable price and Iceland derived their tax rates by examining the EU signals. However, the advantages of stable prices depend ETS carbon price and using this price as one of the upon governments’ capacity to convince the liable entities factors determining their own carbon tax rate. that they will not adjust the rates in response to political pressure. In carrying out the benchmarking study, policy makers should examine the approach and experience of a range of The disadvantage of this approach is that it can give a other jurisdictions, the tax levels they adopted, the scope substantial shock to the economy if the introduction of the of their taxes, and the impact those taxes have had. tax results in a sudden rise in the price of fuels without the opportunity to adjust practices (production technologies, 6.2.5 The role of politics building design, and the like) in anticipation. Also, the static While this discussion has identified four distinct approa­ approach does not allow for adjustments even in the face the Tax Rate of new experience, changing policy objectives, or a rising Determining ches for setting the carbon tax rate, it is clear that much po­litical compromise is involved as well. In some cases, SCC. the local context may be such that the carbon tax rate Where they do use static tax rates, jurisdictions might selected is entirely based on political feasibility. For choose to index the rate to inflation, so that the tax rate in examp­ le, it is reported that Norway’s initial carbon tax rate real terms is constant. For example, after its initial phase-in was determined entirely through political negotiation.32 In period concluded in 2012, Iceland stipulated that its tax other contexts, such as the example of Australia discussed rate would rise by at least the rate of inflation. above, economic models and other approaches will play an important role in feeding into political negotiation 6.3.2 Gradually increasing carbon tax rate processes. Whether politics is a small factor or major de­ter­minant, policy makers should carefully consider the Jurisdictions may choose to soften the impacts associated political landscape as they analyze and recommend car­ with suddenly putting a price on emissions by starting at a bon tax rates for their jurisdictions (section 3.3.3). relatively low level and gradually increasing it to the long- term tax level intended. It takes time for liable entities to 6.3 DYNAMICS OF THE TAX adjust to the new costs and adopt emission abatement technologies and practices. To achieve this gradual intro­ RATE duc­tion, jurisdictions may set a trajectory for the carbon tax at the time of implementation. In practice, even with a very Some jurisdictions will set a single carbon tax rate (or set modest rate, Japan phased in its carbon tax from 2012 to of tax rates) that remains the same over time. In many 2016, the tax eventually reaching US$3/tCO2e. Similarly, in cases, however, taxes follow a dynamic schedule or are South Africa, the proposed tax rate would begin in 2017 at otherwise adjusted over time. This variability can serve 120 Rand/ton of CO2e (US$8.50/ton) and increase by 10 a number of purposes, such as allowing liable entities percent each year through 2019 (145.20 Rand ≈ US$9.50). (and the economy as a whole) to adjust to the carbon tax over time, or to adapt to changing policy objectives and Jurisdictions can also set a target rate for a given date in economic conditions. the future while leaving flexibility as to the exact trajectory to that level. This is the approach taken by France, where 32 IEEP (2013, 81). in 2015 the government set the carbon tax rates for each 96 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS year up to 2020, when it will reach €56/tCO2e, and also set 6.3.5 Periodic review the rate for 2030 (at €100). However, rates for the years 2021–29 will be determined in subsequent legislation. The carbon tax scheme can also include provisions for a periodic review and adjustment of the tax conducted by a Gradual increases allow the economy to accommodate panel of experts or government officials (chapter 10). The rather than experience a sudden major shock. This app­ government can review tax performance, revenue raised, roach may also be taken to reflect the social discount rate, and changes in emissions on a regular basis and make which is based on the idea that the atmosphere represents changes if the tax overshoots or undershoots its targets. a fixed, exhaustible natural resource, and that the resource For example, each year Ireland reviews the status and will only be used efficiently if the price (that is, the carbon performance of its carbon tax, and particularly marks what tax rate) is increasing at a rate that matches the market rate is happening to carbon prices in Europe. It then makes of return on other investments. adjustments to the carbon tax if conditions warrant. 6.3.3 Matching the social cost of carbon Under this approach, carbon tax legislation that incorporates This approach stipulates that the carbon tax will adjust to the same factors listed for the adjustment formula, but match official estimates of the SCC calculated or adopted without a specific mathematical constraint on the mag­ by the jurisdiction. As a practical matter, given that the SCC nitude of the adjustment could also provide guidance to is generally understood to rise over time, this approach the periodic reviewers. While this guidance approach pro­ will have some of the same advantages as the previous vides more flexibility and discretion than a strict formula, it approach, that is, the tax rate itself will rise gradually, as if potentially also allows for more political manipulation and it were phased in. ensuing uncertainty for liable entities. 6.3.4 Tax adjustment formula 6.3.6 Ad hoc political intervention Whether jurisdictions adopt a static tax rate or a dynamic Jurisdictions can, of course, allow the political process trajectory, many important developments—as economic to determine the adjustments to be made to the tax rate. downturns, shifts in trade conditions and technological For example, Finland has undergone a series of political ad­vances that might affect the SCC, or the public willingness to accept current tax rates, for instance—are difficult to adjustments to its carbon tax rate that, over the course of foresee. For this reason, jurisdictions may choose to build 25 years, have resulted in a much higher tax rate, but one in rate adjustments that are automatically triggered by key that includes many elements typical of an energy tax rather developments (e.g., if abatement targets are not reached). than a pure carbon tax. the Tax Rate Determining The design of the carbon tax could include an adjustment Jurisdictions should be wary of resorting to a pure formula that incorporates factors such as progress in political process to make adjustments to their tax rates. meeting emission reduction targets (raising the tax rate if While investors deal in risk as a matter of course, the risk GHG abatement is falling behind schedule), revenue levels, associated with political processes is often viewed with inflation (linking the tax to some measure of inflation such particular concern. Hence, liable entities facing a carbon as the CPI), exchange rate changes, and GDP growth. In tax might be reluctant to make investments in emission- the case of the Portuguese carbon tax, for example, the reducing technologies and practices if they think the tax design incorporates an annual adjustment to reflect government will change the tax rate based on political changes in the price on carbon in the EU ETS, while rather than economic, technological, or environmental in Switzerland it is linked to compliance with emission cumstances—that is, believe that a tax reduction is cir­ reduction targets (box 17). possible—thereby diminishing the business advantage of Box 17. Case Study: Linking the Tax Rate to Emission Reduction Targets in Switzerland Switzerland has one of the highest carbon tax rates in the world, at US$87/tCO2e in 2016. This rate has gradually increased from US$10.68 when the tax was introduced in 2008. The tax rate is linked to compliance with economy- wide emission reduction targets Switzerland has set for sector covered by the tax. Where these targets are not met in a given year, the tax rate is raised based on a predefined formula, up to a maximum level of US$125. The gradually rising tax rate has been identified as an important factor in incentivizing mitigation in the Swiss carbon tax. At the same time, providing a pre-defined mechanism for these rate increases is crucial, since without such a mechanism rate increases would be subject to parliamentary approval and would therefore be far less certain. In addition, linking the rate increase to compliance with mitigation targets plays an important role in raising awareness among the general population and private sector regarding progress in meeting these targets (Ecoplan, EPFL & FHNW, 2015). DETERMINING THE TAX RATE 97 reducing emissions. For this reason, whichever approach is litical resistance, so ultimately the whole procedure is a po­ taken to define the carbon tax rate dynamics, the decision- process informed by an annual review. making process should be transparent and designed to In choosing among the approaches to tax rate dynamics, minimize the negative effects of political influence. jurisdictions will make decisions based on their individual priorities and circumstances. A common thread in these 6.3.7 Combining approaches to fit national decisions is the tension between predictability and adap­ circumstances tability. A government might have legitimate, efficiency-dri­ ven reasons for wanting to retain the capacity to adjust tax Many jurisdictions have combined these various app­ rates in the face of new information, greener technologies, roaches. For example, Iceland used benchmarking to set or changing circumstances. However, private parties will be its initial tax rate, indexing the carbon tax to the carbon more willing to invest in cleaner technologies (in energy- price reflected in the EU ETS. However, it phased in that efficient equipment, renewable energy, etc.) if the price rate, setting its rate to 50 percent of the EU ETS price in signal is reasonably foreseeable. Of course all businesses 2012, raising it to 75 percent of the EU ETS price in 2013, make investments in the face of uncertainty and risk. and the full EU ETS price in 2014. Following that period, However, political risks and uncertainties tend to be more the country stipulated that its carbon tax would rise by the difficult to predict and manage in a way that encourages rate of inflation or 3 percent per year, whichever was the efficient investments. For this reason, a gradually increasing highest. tax rate holds strong advantages. Similarly, the automatic adjustment formula or review by nonpolitical experts can By contrast, Norway employs a process for annual review help ensure predictability; unfortunately, few jurisdictions and recommendations for tax adjustments. However, the have implemented such a process and so few pertinent recommendations can be the object of intense scrutiny and case studies exist. Key Considerations u Setting the tax rate is among the most important decisions facing jurisdictions when they adopt a carbon tax. The tax rate chose, coupled with the decision on the coverage of the tax, will determine the amount of abatement expected, the revenue raised, and to a great extent the overall economic impact of the tax. the Tax Rate Determining u Several approaches can be used as a starting point for determining the tax rate, each reflecting different core policy objectives. Identifying and prioritizing these objectives is therefore a crucial first step in setting the right rate. u While existing carbon tax rates vary widely across jurisdictions, the vast majority have begun at a relatively low level and gradually increased over time. This approach allows liable entities—and the economy as a whole—to adjust to the tax, and provides time to invest in mitigation strategies. u At the same time, setting the rate low initially, without having a trajectory or mechanism in place for raising it in the short to medium term, creates the risk of the low rate being locked in, thereby severely limiting the environmental effectiveness of the tax. u In choosing the right approach to adjusting the tax rate over time, policy makers must balance the need to provide stability and predictability to investors with the desire to retain some flexibility to be able to take into account changing circumstances. 98 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS FURTHER READING BIBLIOGRAPHY Isacs, L., Finnveden, G.,Dahllöf, L., Håkansson, C., Ecoplan, EPFL, FHNW. 2015. Wirkungsabschätzung Petersson, L.,Steen, B., Swanström, L., and A. Wikström. CO2-Abgabe. Synthese. Schlussbericht. 17. (December). 2016. “Choosing a Monetary Value of Greenhouse Gases Commissioned by the German Federal Environment in Assessment Tools: A Comprehensive Review.” Journal Agency (UBA). of Cleaner Production 127: 37–48. Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP). 2013. OECD. 2016. Effective Carbon Rates: Pricing CO2 “Evaluation of Environmental Tax Reforms: International through Taxes and Emissions Trading Systems. Experiences.” OECD Publishing, Paris. doi: http://dx.doi. ETR_study_by_IEEP_for_the_Swiss_Government_-_ org/10.1787/9789264260115-en. Final_report_-_21_June_2013.pdf. Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment. 2014. “Norway’s Sixth National Communication Under the Framework Convention on Climate Change.” Smith, S. and N. A. Braathen. 2015. “Monetary Carbon Values in Policy Appraisal: An Overview of Current Practice and Key Issues.” OECD Environment Working Papers, No. 92, OECD Publishing, Paris. doi: http://dx.doi. org/10.1787/5jrs8st3ngvh-en. the Tax Rate Determining AVOIDING UNWANTED EFFECTS OF THE CARBON TAX 99 AVOIDING UNWANTED EFFECTS 7 OF THE CARBON TAX At a Glance In designing a carbon tax, it is important to consider the potential for unintended effects to arise, and to develop measures to address these. Two potential effects are particularly important in this context: l Carbon leakage, which refers to the risk that a mitigation policy causes a reduction in emissions in the jurisdiction where it is implemented but inadvertently leads to an increase in emissions in jurisdictions without equivalent policies. This could occur through firms in other jurisdictions gaining market share, or through emitting activities relocating outside the jurisdiction. l Negative distributional impacts, which can occur where the carbon tax falls disproportionately on certain groups, and in particular where these are vulnerable groups such as low-income families, the elderly, or people in disadvantaged regions. No significant evidence has yet been found of carbon leakage occurring in practice, and it is generally accepted that other business costs will typically be far more significant determinants of competitiveness than carbon pricing. At the same time, losses in short-term competitiveness (and potential associated leakage) may be compensated by long-term competitiveness gains associated with being an early mover in adopting efficient forms of production. Nonetheless, where any such competitiveness losses do result in leakage, this creates a potential environmental integrity risk. The distributional effects of the carbon tax will often depend on the specific context, as well as on how the tax is designed. While in some cases regressive effects may occur, in other cases the carbon tax may even have progressive effects. Indeed, which effects are considered “negative” and which are considered “positive” will also depend on context-specific factors. The context-specific nature of the risks associated with leakage and distributional impacts means it is important Effects of the Carbon Tax for jurisdictions to conduct a robust analysis of the potential risks before deciding to adopt measures to mitigate Avoiding Unwanted these. Ex ante modeling can be useful in predicting risks, while ex post modeling can assess how these predictions have played out in practice. In the event that jurisdictions do decide to adopt mitigation measures, it is important to develop criteria that allow for identifying those regulated sectors and entities most at risk and avoid applying overinclusive definitions that jeopardize the effectiveness of the carbon tax. A range of potential measures exist that can be designed to address the risks associated with either leakage or distributional impacts: l Tax-reducing measures, such as exemptions and reductions, directly eliminate or reduce the amount of carbon tax paid by the liable entity. Permitting liable entities to substitute tax payments with surrendering offsets provides a variation on this approach. l Support measures, such as output-based rebates, support programs, and other subsidies, do not reduce the amount of carbon tax paid, but instead provide a separate form of support that reduces taxpayers’ overall financial burden on account of the carbon tax. A number of additional measures may be applied to reduce leakage risks. For example, border carbon adjustments and consumption-based taxation can extend the effective reach of the tax by subjecting imports to the same tax as domestic goods. Tax-coordinating measures, such as reciprocal arrangements with other jurisdictions on carbon price floors, reduce the risk of leakage by leveling the playing field between them. What specific measures are adopted has important implications for the effectiveness of the carbon tax, and so it is important to carefully consider their relative advantages and disadvantages. 100 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS related. At the same time, they are fundamentally distinct 7.1 INTRODUCTION concepts—where leakage relates to the environmental Carbon taxes are designed to alter the economic costs effectiveness of a carbon tax, competitiveness relates to of certain behaviors that produce GHG emissions. While economic impacts. It is therefore important to understand they can be expected to reduce emissions and may bring each in terms of the specific factors shaping these a range of additional benefits (section 3.2), the resulting phenomena. This subsection thus begins by examining economic signal could also have some unwanted effects. leakage and the possible channels through which it may For example, where the additional costs make companies in arise, and subsequently discussing its relationship with certain sectors less competitive compared with companies international competitiveness. in jurisdictions with the same or higher emissions intensity, Leakage channels “carbon leakage” could occur, negating the environmental benefits of the tax. Moreover, where a carbon tax places Carbon leakage occurs when an emission-reduction policy a disproportionate burden on vulnerable groups or certain such as a carbon tax inadvertently causes an increase in geographic regions, it may have negative distributional or lent emissions in other jurisdictions that do not have equiva­ social impacts. emission-reduction policies. Past analyses have identified three channels for leakage and one channel for “re­ verse These potential negative effects of carbon taxes are leakage” (where carbon regulation in one jurisdiction often important for policy makers in many jurisdictions. gers a reduction in emissions in another jurisdiction), trig­ It is therefore important to understand the nature of summa­ rized in table 20.33 the associated risks, how to assess their probability of materializing, and how to create an effective policy to Policy makers generally focus on the first two channels, as address them while maintaining the effectiveness of the they constitute risks (rather than reverse leakage, which carbon tax as a climate and economic policy tool. is a co-benefit), and have a number of options for leakage mitigation. Leakage through the fossil fuel price channel Against this background, this chapter provides guidance is harder to target directly through policy because of the on understanding and assessing risks related to leakage comp­ lex determinants of global fossil fuel prices, resulting and negative distributional impacts, and on the measures in a lack of leakage mitigation options. available to address these. It begins by providing an introduction to leakage and distributional impacts (section International competitiveness 7.2). It goes on to provide guidance on assessing leakage International competitiveness refers to the ability of and distributional risks, for instance, through the use of companies to maintain or increase their international models and the development of tests to determine the mar­ket share. One of the key determinants of companies’ risks for specific sectors, companies, or citizens (section competitiveness in a given industry is input costs, and for 7.3). Finally, it sets out the principal policy tools available energy-intensive and/or emissions-intensive production, to mitigate leakage and distributional risks, and evaluates a carbon tax will increase input costs, which may put Effects of the Carbon Tax their respective advantages and drawbacks, while pro­ co­vered firms (or sectors) at a competitive disadvantage. Avoiding Unwanted viding guidance on their use in practice (section 7.4). Where this leads to market share shifting to firms that have the same or higher emission intensity, this undermines the 7.2 UNDERSTANDING envi­ronmental effectiveness of the carbon tax, known as “inefficient” carbon leakage. LEAKAGE, It is important to distinguish this form of leakage from COMPETITIVENESS, AND the situation where increased costs due to the carbon DISTRIBUTIONAL IMPACTS price result in a shift in production to firms with a lower emission intensity. This type of leakage in fact reflects To be able to assess any potential risks relating to the policy objective pursued by putting a price on carbon leakage, competitiveness, and distributional equity that since it leads to emission reductions, and can therefore may be presented by a carbon tax, it is necessary to first be considered “efficient” carbon leakage. It is important for policy makers to distinguish these two kinds of leakage understand how these risks arise and be familiar with when devising a leakage mitigation policy, as providing some key concepts surrounding their causes and effects. assistance to protect firms that would otherwise lose This section therefore provides an introduction to leakage, market share to more efficient firms would itself undermine international competitiveness, and distributional equity. the environmental effectiveness of the tax. 7.2.1 Leakage and international It is also important to distinguish between short-term and competitiveness long-term competitiveness effects. A carbon tax, while Some overlap exists between the risks associated with po­ tially creating a short-term competitive disadvantage ten­ carbon leakage and those associated with international competitiveness; the two are often considered closely 33 Partnership for Market Readiness, 2015. AVOIDING UNWANTED EFFECTS OF THE CARBON TAX 101 Table 20. Channels of Leakage and Reverse Leakage LEAKAGE DESCRIPTION CHANNEL The output channel Higher carbon emission costs cause firms affected by the carbon tax (covered (short-term firms) to lose market share to those firms not covered by the carbon tax competitiveness) (uncovered firms). Carbon tax leads to reduced investment in maintenance capital to sustain The investment Leakage output levels from covered firms and possible long-term closure of plants in the channel (long-term taxing jurisdiction. At the same time, investment increases and new plants start competitiveness) production in non-taxing jurisdictions. Firms in taxing jurisdictions are likely to reduce fossil fuel consumption, The fossil fuel price which can lower the price of globally traded fossil fuels, triggering increased channel consumption in non-taxing jurisdictions. A carbon tax spurs innovation in the taxing jurisdiction, leading to the Reverse leakage Technological development of more cost-effective technologies that are subsequently adopted spillovers channel in non-taxing jurisdictions. for some firms, also creates an economic incentive for of arguments that conflate the competitiveness of certain covered firms to invest in more efficient production methods firms or sectors with international competitiveness. that, in the medium term, can increase their com­­petitiveness in relation to uncovered firms using business as usual 7.2.2 Distributional impacts (BAU) production methods. In the long term, firms able to compete in a global market where low-carbon production A carbon tax can have significantly different impacts is highly valued may also enjoy an early mover advantage. on different sections of society, depending on a range Thus, it is worthwhile for policy makers to balance expected of factors regarding both its design and the geographic, short- and long-term impacts in determining whether to economic, and social realities of the jurisdiction. Where the provide firms some kind of support. carbon tax falls disproportionately on certain groups, this can have negative distributional effects—it distributes the Effects of the Carbon Tax The cost impact of carbon pricing and the associated risk cost of the carbon tax in an uneven or unfair way. Though Avoiding Unwanted of carbon leakage must be seen in the context of a range this can happen in a number of ways, this chapter focuses of other business costs. Other input cost differentials, such on two types of distributional impacts: as background energy prices and labor costs, are typically far more significant determinants of competitiveness than l Income groups. A carbon tax may affect more heavily carbon pricing. Other important, non-input competitiveness one income group than another. Particularly, it has factors include level of labor skill, brand loyalty, and been suggested that low-income households spend proximity to markets (section 7.3). larger shares of their household budgets on energy than the rich; therefore, where a carbon tax increases Finally, it is important to distinguish the impacts on the energy prices, it hits the poor harder. If this happens, competitiveness of firms with the impacts on countries or the carbon tax can have a regressive effect. jurisdictions in which they are based. Competitiveness at the international level is far harder to define and understand l Geographic regions. A carbon tax may also fall more than competitiveness between firms. Countries are one heavily on certain regions. For example, regions with another’s export markets and sources of imports, and high concentrations of emissions-intensive industries the trade balance between them is not a straightforward or that rely on extraction of fossil fuels may experience zero-sum game for market share. Further, it is recognized greater economic impacts than regions with a larger that the quality of infrastructure, institutions, education share of service-based industries. Similarly, regions levels, and other structural factors can be far more impor­ where people spend more on energy bills because of tant determinants of national productivity than environ­ climate conditions (e.g., extreme heat or cold) could be mental legislation.34 Policy makers should thus be wary disproportionately affected by rises in energy bills, as is the case in the northern regions of British Columbia, while people in rural areas might have higher exposure 34 Partnership for Market Readiness, 2015. to transport fuel costs. 102 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Because energy consumption and income patterns vary be passed through to consumers and in many cases significantly between different jurisdictions, it is impossible the poorer sections of society—if not given additional to say that carbon taxes will always be regressive or government support—will have fewer options to reduce progressive, or that they will fall disproportionately on their energy use. Thus, these taxes risk having negative urban or rural populations. The direction of either of these distributional impacts. On the other hand, in the case of effects will depend on a range of factors, including the level heavy industry, the direct effects on consumers are often of economic development of the jurisdiction. These factors limited. Nonetheless, some regions or sections of society are discussed further in the following section. may be disproportionately affected if reduced output in certain sectors leads to job losses. 7.3 ASSESSING LEAKAGE AND One way in which taxes ultimately paid by consumers could DISTRIBUTIONAL RISKS lead to leakage is if those consumers have the option to purchase taxed goods in another (non-taxed) jurisdiction, Where policy makers are considering the development particularly in border areas. This has been a concern, for of policies to mitigate leakage or distributional risks, it is example, regarding the Irish and Danish carbon taxes. important to understand two things: (i) whether either Most jurisdictions will have strict legal limits on the amount of these potential risks associated with the carbon tax is of products subject to excise tax (e.g., fuel and alcohol) substantial, and, if so, (ii) which sectors or subset of actors that can be imported without additional tax being paid, and are these risks likely to materialize for. Understanding the so where this takes place at anything other than on a very answers to these questions will enable policy makers to small scale, it will usually amount to illegal smuggling. It decide whether mitigation measures are required and, if so, is therefore principally an enforcement issue (section 9.4). which sectors or specific actors should be targeted by those It is worth noting that there is a similar risk of businesses measures and what level of assistance is required. A robust smuggling fuels across borders, though in well-regulated assessment of the nature and extent of risks can help to systems this will generally be more difficult to conceal. design a policy that adequately addresses those risks, On the other hand, transport companies whose vehicles while avoiding undermining the environmental benefits of frequently cross borders between taxed and non-taxed the carbon tax or unnecessarily straining public budgets. jurisdictions can take advantage of this fact by simply This section first sets out some considerations in assessing refueling in the non-taxed jurisdiction. the potential negative impacts that may arise from a carbon tax. It goes on to describe how ex ante modeling 7.3.2 Using ex ante modeling to estimate can be used to help predict the possible impacts of a leakage and distributional risk planned carbon tax or from different potential carbon tax designs, and then considers the development of criteria Where jurisdictions have reason to believe that a proposed for determining which sectors or actors are eligible for carbon tax may lead to leakage or negative distributional mitigation relief measures. Finally, it considers how ex post impacts, ex ante modeling can be useful in testing these Effects of the Carbon Tax modeling can be used to periodically assess the effects of assumptions and helping to determine the risks involved. Ex Avoiding Unwanted a carbon tax, and thereby inform future adjustments to the ante models provide evaluations of proposed new policies, carbon tax design. forecast into the future. They generally involve comparison of a “with policy” and “without policy” simulation, the latter 7.3.1 Initial considerations based on a BAU scenario. The way a carbon tax is designed has an important bearing Basically, two types of ex ante models can be used to on the potential for carbon leakage and distributional assess leakage or distributional risks under a carbon tax , impacts, respectively, to arise. provided they have the appropriate levels of detail: First, where the majority of entities affected by a carbon l Partial equilibrium models. These models examine tax are consumers and nonenergy-intensive and nontrade- the effects that a carbon tax can be expected to have exposed businesses (e.g., the services sector), leakage on particular sectors of the economy. This can be useful is unlikely to pose a real risk. This is frequently the case, for assessing leakage risks for specific sectors. They for example, with taxes on transport and space-heating are less useful for assessing the distributional impacts fuels. Taxes on electricity generation also generally pre­ sent on different income groups, though they may be used low leakage risks, since this sector is often less trade- for assessing risks in a specific region. exposed and companies can typically pass costs through to consumers. On the other hand, taxes that target heavy l Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models. industry have a relatively high likelihood of entailing leakage CGE models are large-scale representations designed risks. to capture the interplay among a range of economic forces, particularly among economic sectors. This can In the case of distributional impacts, the situation is at least be used for assessing leakage or distributional impacts partially inverted. Taxes on fuel and electricity will typically on the economy as a whole. AVOIDING UNWANTED EFFECTS OF THE CARBON TAX 103 Detailed guidance on the kinds of modeling approaches as a tool to support the formulation of new policy, available and how they can be used for different aspects which necessarily takes place in the present, it does of carbon tax design is provided in chapter 4. The following not allow for adjustments in important factors that might sets out, based on experience with models of the effects be expected and incorporated for the future, such as of carbon pricing,35 some of the key considerations that population changes and further economic growth. should be kept in mind when using models to identify risks related to leakage or negative distributional impacts. Specific considerations in assessing distributional impacts Considerations relating to leakage or When looking at the possible distributional impacts, the negative distributional impacts following factors should be duly considered: When looking at leakage risks and possible negative im­­ l Impacts depend upon context. Broadly speaking, pacts on income distribution, the following aspects should it appears that carbon taxes are more regressive in be borne in mind: developed economies. Conversely, a carbon tax may be progressive in less developed economies. For l Models can provide useful insights, but also have example, a carbon tax in China seems to favor low- their limitations. In general, it is useful for policy makers income households because they use so little fossil fuel to review ex ante modeling studies to gain insight (Brenner et al. 2006). Research results also suggest into the nature and magnitude of potential impacts, that a carbon tax would fall more heavily on urban than particularly as a way to test claims made by economic rural households in China, for the same reason. entities that have a vested interest in exaggerating the potential negative impacts that secondary effects could l Impacts depend on the level of the tax. When have on the environment and the domestic economy. modeling the distributional effects of a carbon tax, it is They should nonetheless be used with caution, as they important to consider the level of the tax and whether are subject to much uncertainty and their outcomes that will change over time. For example, a CGE model can be affected by the structures of the models and the of a carbon tax in Canada found that the tax would be underlying assumptions on which they are based. progressive at low levels, but become regressive at higher levels (Dissou and Siddiqui 2014). l The accuracy of outcomes will depend on the availability of reliable inputs. Models rely on a large l Impacts depend on the way income is measured. number of inputs to work, and where sufficient and Modelers generally use two primary definitions of reliable data are not available the results obtained income: annual income and lifetime income. A CGE are not likely to be reliable either. Models will require model of a hypothetical carbon tax in the United States well-developed, BAU forecasts, elasticities of demand suggests that the extent of regressivity measured and supply for key factors, relative costs of production, in terms of annual income is twice as high as when and economic growth rates. In the case of models of Effects of the Carbon Tax measured using lifetime income (Grainger and Kolstad Avoiding Unwanted dist­ributional impacts, models will require detailed 2009). This is, in part, because lifetime income in the house­ hold income and spending data. Leakage models United States is more evenly distributed than income in will require data on international trade in given products any single year. and international trade dynamics. l Impacts depend on the breadth of the tax. The l Different reference cases and policy questions can distributional effects of a tax may depend on the cove­ be used to answer different questions. In both CGE rage of the tax. A study of the Netherlands, for examp­ le, and partial equilibrium models, the reference cases found that a broad GHG tax was more cost-effec­ tive and are historical in some cases and forecast in others. slightly less regressive than a comparable but narrower These two approaches can serve different purposes. tax on carbon alone (Kerkhof A. et al. 2008) The historical reference case is designed to address the question “what would have been the impacts in Specific considerations in assessing the past if the policy had been adopted in the past?” leakage impacts The forecast approach supports estimation of “what When assessing the possible impacts of leakage, the will happen in the future if the policy is adopted now following factors should be duly considered: (or in the near future)?” The advantage of the former approach is that the reference case does not need to l Different types of models yield different results. be estimated; it has actually been observed. However, In particular, estimates of leakage from CGE models tend to be considerably lower than those from partial 35 On models addressing leakage, see the summary provided equilibrium models. While CGE estimates tend to find in table 1 of Partnership for Market Readiness 2015. Many of risk probabilities under 15 percent, and in some cases the models described in annex 4A and annex 4B of this Guide predict no leakage at all or even a negative leakage, address distributional issues. partial equilibrium study estimates tend to be higher, but 104 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS also have much wider ranges. This may be explained the volume of emissions created per unit of output, by the tendency of partial equilibrium studies to focus revenue, profit, or similar economic metric (the term on industries that are expected to have the highest “emission intensity” can be used interchangeably in leakage rates. The different results from CGE and par­ this context). As carbon leakage is driven by carbon tial equilibrium models indicate that different models emission cost differentials between jurisdictions with will be differently suitable, depending on whether policy and without carbon prices, greater impacts of a carbon makers are more concerned about leakage across the price on sectors or firms can in principle be expected to aggregate economy or in one or more strategic sectors. correlate with greater leakage. l Partial and general equilibrium models should l Trade exposure. This is used as a proxy for the ability ideally be used in concert. While the outcomes of of a firm or sector to pass on costs to the consumer partial and general equilibrium approaches are some­ without significant loss of market share, and hence what difficult to reconcile, their different strengths and their exposure to carbon prices. Trade, or the potential focuses make both approaches valuable to modeling to trade, allows competition between producers in leakage, and they should ideally be used in combination. different jurisdictions and therefore exposes firms The drawback of this approach is the time and modeling subject to the carbon tax to competition from firms not effort associated with iterating models, and the potential subject to a carbon price (or subject to a lower price), difficulty in achieving consistency between results from thereby limiting their ability to pass through costs. the two approaches. In the absence of a combined In most cases (e.g., Australia, France, South Africa, and approach, general and partial equilibrium results may Swit­zerland) jurisdictions have applied a combination be more easily reconciled by separately reporting of both criteria to determine leakage exposure. Some sector-level results from general equilibrium models to dictions (e.g., Denmark, Finland) have, on the other juris­ ensure a like-for-like comparison. hand, only looked at whether a company is carbon- or energy-intensive. l Models that factor in measures in other countries will provide a more realistic result. In particular, While jurisdictions in practice have to date focused on given the concerted and scaled-up climate mitigation these two criteria, it is broadly accepted that, while they are efforts expected in the wake of the Paris Agreement, it important, a range of other factors are also likely to play a is important to seek to factor in actors in key competitor significant role in the leakage exposure of a sector or firm. countries when modeling the leakage risk posed by a The reluctance to incorporate these additional factors can carbon tax. The analysis by Paroussus et al. (2014), in many ways be explained by the challenges presented for example, illustrates the importance of this point, in accurately assessing them.36 Nonetheless, to the extent demonstrating a (modeled) reduction in leakage from that relatively reliable data are available, inclusion of these 28 to 3 percent when carbon pricing was extended from factors can support a more accurate assessment of the EU only to the EU, the United States, and China. extent of leakage risks faced by particular actors or sectors. Effects of the Carbon Tax 7.3.3 Criteria for determining the need for Table 21 presents a summary of the main factors behind Avoiding Unwanted leakage risk, which incorporates the two most common mitigation measures ones described above, as well as a several other factors. Where jurisdictions determine that the risks of leakage or negative distributional impacts are significant, they Criteria for measures to address negative still need to decide whether to adopt leakage mitigation distributional impacts mea­ sures. To facilitate this decision process, and to The criteria by which a jurisdiction judges whether to add­ make it more objective, they may adopt a set of criteria ress a potential negative distributional impact are highly for determining the eligibility of specific economic groups, de­pen­­dent on politics, culture, and capacity. However, sec­ tors, or companies for those measures. Adopting such po­licy makers may consider the following factors in making criteria helps to make the provision of relief measures more this decision: trans­ parent and can allow for greater distinction between l Direction of the distributional impact. Not all distri­ subsectors or population groups, helping to better focus tional impacts are negative. There is, for example, bu­­ measures on where they are actually needed. some evidence that in developing economies a car­ bon tax is progressive, falling disproportionately on the Criteria for leakage and international high-income households, which can afford a substantial competitiveness mitigation measures ener­ gy component in their budget (Callan et al. 2009). To date, jurisdictions that have tests to determine the In these cases, jurisdictions might consider treating exposure of a given sector or entity to leakage have the carbon tax as an efficient income redistribution focused on two criteria: mecha­­nism. l Carbon intensity. This captures the impact that carbon 36 See further Partnership for Market Readiness, 2015 (section pricing has on a particular firm or sector by assessing 4.2). AVOIDING UNWANTED EFFECTS OF THE CARBON TAX 105 Table 21. Factors behind Leakage Risk FACTORS CATEGORY EXPLANATION INFLUENCING RISK Emission intensity The lower the CO2 intensity of production, the lower the tax of the production exposure and hence a reduced competitive disadvantage per unit of process output compared with the same, non-taxed product. Direct costs Availability of Limited abatement options will limit the ability of firms to lower their abatement options tax exposure and compete with uncovered firms. Cost of abatement More expensive abatement options limit the cost effectiveness of options adaptive measures to lower tax exposure. Uncovered firms—and in some cases even covered firms—in a Reliance on taxed taxing jurisdiction will be affected by a carbon tax if it leads to an products increased cost of their inputs, such as electricity. Indirect costs A carbon tax may increase the perceived riskiness of carbon- Perceived investment intensive investments, which may lead to increased interest rates on risk loans for liable entities. Liable entities that cannot pass through their costs to customers Cost pass- Ability to pass (e.g., because of price controls or sensitivity of consumers to prices) through increased costs will be at a competitive disadvantage with respect to nonliable capacity through to customers entities. The more a taxed product is internationally traded, the more Extent of international covered firms are likely to be subject to increased competition from trade in relevant products produced by firms in jurisdictions without a carbon price, products Exposure to both in the domestic market and international market. competition Effects of the Carbon Tax Where many firms compete in a market, including a substantial Competitiveness of Avoiding Unwanted number of unregulated firms, the probability of market share shifting sector to unregulated firms will be much higher. Existence of carbon If competing countries introduce carbon pricing policies of International pricing or similar equivalent stringency, this should lessen the risk of leakage, though policies policies in competing this is subject to leakage mitigation measures in those jurisdictions. jurisdictions Production may be physically bound to the jurisdiction in which Ability to shift products are consumed (e.g., infrastructure, construction, certain production overseas agricultural goods). Some industries require significant public infrastructure and production facilities, and a skilled labor force. Where these enabling Upfront capital conditions exist in a taxing jurisdiction, loss of competitiveness to Mobility requirements entities in a non-taxing jurisdiction without these enabling conditions is unlikely. For jurisdictions in which foreign direct investment represents a high share of total investment or where domestic investment can Mobility of capital easily be shifted abroad, the leakage risk will be higher than for jurisdictions where these conditions don’t apply. 106 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS l Magnitude of the distributional impact. Where the Econometric studies rely on statistical analysis to infer a costs of a carbon tax are particularly burdensome for relation between changes in key economic factors (e.g., a low-income households, jurisdictions may be inclined new carbon price) and changes in observed effects (e.g., to adopt mitigating measures. In some cases, however, household income distribution). Econometric studies of even where carbon taxes are expected to be regressive, leakage have shown little evidence of significant carbon jurisdictions may decide not to try to mitigate that leakage in jurisdictions that have implemented carbon outcome if the magnitude of the regressive effect is pricing.37 However, this finding may have been influenced relatively small, as some studies have suggested (Zhang by specific factors such as the fact that most jurisdictions and Baranzini 2004). This is particularly relevant where have adopted measures to address the risk of leakage the programmatic and economic costs of redistributing as part of their carbon taxes. Thus, it remains useful for income are substantial and are therefore too high to jurisdictions to conduct their own econometric analysis on justify the social benefits of redistributing income. a periodic basis to assess the actual effects of their carbon tax. l Context of the distributional impact. In some cases, the incidence of a carbon tax may fall more heavily Possible approaches to conducting an ex post evaluation on certain regions of a jurisdiction than others. While of the carbon tax are further discussed in chapter 10. this might incline policy makers to seek measures to mitigate the uneven impact, it is worth considering the context behind the impact. For example, if the 7.4 DESIGNING MEASURES disadvantaged region has been slow to adopt available green technologies or has refused to adapt to clear TO MITIGATE UNWANTED economic and social signals, the jurisdiction might IMPACTS deem it fair to expect the slow adapters to bear the full cost of their emissions. Policy makers can adopt different measures if they decide to support firms considered to be subject to leakage risks Where jurisdictions do decide to target mitigation measures or vulnerable sections of society. These measures can be at specific groups, they will often define eligibility based on grouped by type of support. existing categories and definitions used to determine who is eligible for welfare assistance. For example, in Ireland, the Measures that can target leakage and distributional risks Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme is available, among comprise: others, to those who are eligible for unemployment (“job seekers”) benefits or allowances for single-parent families. l Tax-reducing measures, such as exemptions and reductions. These directly eliminate or reduce the 7.3.4 Using ex post evaluations to review (carbon) tax burden faced by the liable entity. Per­ mitting liable entities to substitute tax payments with surren­ leakage and distributional impacts dering offsets provides a variation on this approach, Effects of the Carbon Tax Ex post evaluation of leakage and distributional impacts since it also allows entities to reduce their tax obligations. Avoiding Unwanted can help policy makers determine how significant any l Support measures, such as output-based rebates, negative effects are under the carbon tax and adjust the support programs, and other subsidies. These do scope and breadth of assistance accordingly. This can not reduce the amount of carbon tax paid, but instead help ensure, on the one hand, that measures to address these impacts are achieving their aim of mitigating leakage provide a separate form of support that reduces tax­ and decreasing distributional impacts, but also to highlight payers’ overall financial burden from the carbon tax. where measures may be too generous and could be scaled Measures targeting leakage only comprise: back without significantly increasing the negative effects. l Border adjustments and consumption-based taxa­ Ex post evaluations generally take one of two forms: tion, such as border carbon adjustments. These ex­­ em­pirical econometric studies and industry or citizen ports tend the effective reach of the tax by subjecting im­ surveys. The survey approach tends to be dismissed by to the same tax as domestic goods and exemp­ ting policy analysts as subject to the biases of respondents. exports. The criticism of surveys arises from the fact that those who are in the best position to provide first-hand observations of l Tax-coordinating measures, such as reciprocal carbon tax impacts are the same individuals and firms who arran­ ge­ments on carbon pricing with other juris­ are likely to experience the greatest economic impacts. dic­tions. These reduce the risk of leakage by reducing Thus, they also have the greatest incentive to exaggerate or eliminating the price differential with competing the impact and may not provide a reliable account of jurisdictions, which is the main factor underlying the whether negative effects have materialized, though they leakage risk. may give an indication of the upper limit of the negative impact. An alternative is to survey third parties with close 37 See table 2 of Partnership for Market Readiness 2015 for a knowledge of the operations of relevant firms. summary of empirical studies of leakage. AVOIDING UNWANTED EFFECTS OF THE CARBON TAX 107 Table 22. Overview of Measures to Address Leakage and Distributional Risks Measure Pros Cons Examples British Relatively straightforward to Columbia, Negate price signal of tax Reducing carbon tax payments implement Japan, Exemptions Difficult to determine appropriate South Can be directly targeted at level and extent ex ante Africa, affected industries Switzerland Risk of domestic legal challenge Unlikely to present international from non-exempted industry Reduced legal challenges Sweden, rates Loss of tax revenue France Can be made contingent upon Contrary to polluter pays principle Measures addressing leakage and distributional risks Rebates on emission reduction agreements Denmark, carbon tax Ireland, payments Finland Incentive for emission reductions in Administratively complex uncovered sectors Reduced tax revenues Mexico, Offsets Incentivize private investment in Environmental integrity South Africa emission reductions challenges High and uncertain costs to public budget Output-based Retain price signal Sweden Significant data requirements rebates Strong leakage protection NOx tax Reduce incentive to shift to other products Retain price signal and offer additional emission reduction Costly to public budget (though South Africa, Support measures incentive often less than exemptions) Australia, Support Popular with industry groups May present challenges as far as Ireland, programs Flexible in design, as can take the complying with state aid rules is Switzerland, form of grants of tax credits, loans, concerned Japan guarantees etc. Retain price signal Cost to public budget British (Non-carbon) Potential for net positive effect on Difficult to target directly at Columbia, Effects of the Carbon Tax tax reductions business and economy affected entities France Avoiding Unwanted Retain price signal Simple for citizens to claim Flat payments Popular with general public Cost to public budget Potential for net positive social and economic benefits Politically unpopular internationally and risk damaging Border adjustments Measures addressing leakage only and consumption- Maintain price signal for domestic international relations based taxation industry Administratively challenging Border Prevent free-riding by companies Potential negative economic carbon tax California ETS from non-taxing jurisdictions impacts on importers adjustments Do not put pressure on public May be challenged as trade budgets barrier under WTO or other trade law, though well-designed measures can likely be defended Retains domestic price signal coordinating measures Difficult to negotiate across many Tax- Leverages domestic carbon price countries, so may be unworkable Tax- coordinating to encourage carbon pricing in None for sectors with large numbers of measures partner jurisdictions international competitors No domestic administration needs 108 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS These different types of measures and their main benefits above that threshold. For example, the threshold could and challenges are summarized in table 22 and discussed be set to a benchmark representing the average emis­ in more detail in the following subsections. sions using the most efficient practices, giving com­ panies an incentive to reduce their emissions to this 7.4.1 Measures that can target leakage and threshold (sometimes known as a “target baseline tax”). distributional risks Exemptions can also be provided to certain regions, such as remote regions with relatively few mitigation The following describes two categories of measures that options, as in the case of coal for electricity generation can broadly be designed to either address leakage risks or used on Okinawa Island in Japan. distributional risks. l Reduced tax rates. Jurisdictions can set multiple tax Reducing carbon tax payments rates, offering lower rates to sectors deemed at risk Jurisdictions can reduce the amount of carbon tax paid by of leakage. This was the approach initially taken by companies deemed to be exposed to leakage risks or by Sweden, where a two-tier system until recently applied vulnerable sections of society in a number of ways, most a lower tax rate to energy-intensive and trade-exposed commonly through: sectors. l Rebates on carbon tax payments. In the case of l Exemptions. In the case of downstream taxes on direct upstream and midstream taxes, any (full or partial) emissions, the most straightforward way to reduce exemption of downstream actors will, in practical terms, companies’ tax burden is to provide an exemption from usually be effected through a rebate, that is, repayment tax obligations. Full exemptions completely exclude a of all or part of the carbon tax paid by a liable entity, company from direct tax obligations (i.e., those on their such as in Denmark (box 18). This is because the direct emissions), while partial exemptions allow it to downstream actor being exempted does not pay the avoid paying tax on a certain portion of its emissions. tax directly, but through the purchase of taxed products This is the case, for example, in South Africa, where (e.g., fuel, electricity). As long as the rebate is claimed under current proposals all covered sectors will have by the taxpayer, the ultimate effect is very similar to an a tax-free threshold of 60 percent of their emissions, exemption. Rebates do, however, require administration and sectors at risk of leakage will be entitled to exclude for examining and verifying rebate applications. an additional 10 percent. An alternative approach is to set a threshold below which no tax is payable, and so Exemptions, reductions, and rebates are the most direct only require liable entities to pay tax on their emissions means of addressing leakage risks and distributional Box 18. Case Study: Linking Exemptions and Rebates to Agreements in Denmark and Effects of the Carbon Tax Switzerland Avoiding Unwanted Denmark and Switzerland faced a similar challenge in designing their carbon taxes, namely how to avoid placing a heavy burden on emissions-intensive and trade-exposed industries, while avoiding reducing the environmental effectiveness of the carbon tax. The two jurisdictions took a similar approach to addressing this challenge, namely to make eligibility for exemptions (Switzerland) and rebates (Denmark) contingent upon companies entering into agreements with the government under which they commit to reduce their emissions (Switzerland) or energy use (Denmark). Agreements under both systems are legally binding undertakings that provide for penalties in case of noncompliance. Agreements can be entered into with individual companies or with groups of companies, for example, covering a given sector. Experience with agreements in both jurisdictions has for the most part been positive. The Danish scheme enjoyed high industry engagement, with 98 percent of heavy process industries entering into agreements. Compliance rates were high, with only a handful of noncompliance cases. Effects on emissions were believed to be significant, though assessments were subject to uncertainties. Key drawbacks were the relatively high administrative cost associated with the program, as well as the forgone public revenue as a result of the exemption.* The Swiss scheme, meanwhile, has seen successful in engaging companies at high management levels in the challenge of identifying and realizing emission reduction opportunities. The system has also seen the development of a new service industry to support companies in reducing their emissions, and helping to develop knowledge and expertise in the country. There is, however, little analysis comparing the emission reductions achieved through these agreements with those that would have been achieved in the absence of the application of exemptions. * Ericsson, 2006. AVOIDING UNWANTED EFFECTS OF THE CARBON TAX 109 concerns, since they directly reduce or eliminate altogether even though this will eliminate the incentive to switch from the effect of the tax on companies and consumers. They gas to renewables. are also relatively straightforward to implement from an administrative point of view, as most jurisdictions An alternative (or complementary) means of reducing the will already have mechanisms in place for applying and tax burden is by permitting liable entities to meet part of managing exemptions, differentiated rates, and rebates their compliance obligation through the use of offsets. This within their tax system. However, in the case of upstream can reduce the compliance costs faced by entities while taxes, capacity will be needed to review and verify rebate still ensuring the achievement of emission reductions. applications. Additionally, it is worth noting that getting the However, as in the case of exemptions, this results in design of exemptions and rebates right can be challenging, reduced revenues. While it is common in carbon pricing particularly elements such as accurately identifying the systems that allow offsets to permit all entities to use them, entities that are at real risk of leakage or negative dist­ some jurisdictions (e.g., South Africa) have set different ributional effects. offset use limits for different sectors, depending on their leakage exposure. The use of offsets is further discussed The key drawback of these tools is that they essentially in section 8.2.3. eliminate or dampen the price signal provided by the carbon tax, thereby removing or reducing the incentive Support measures to reduce emissions. This compromises the effectiveness In contrast to exemptions and rebates, support measures and environmental integrity of the tax, while also reducing reduce the overall financial burden of entities subject to revenues and going against the polluter pays principle. the carbon tax while leaving the price signal to reduce The dampening of the price signal reduces the effective emissions unaffected. These support measures can take coverage of the carbon tax, which can in turn increase the a number of forms: cost of mitigation in other sectors. It also forgoes a valuable revenue source, which could otherwise be used for a range l Reducing (noncarbon) tax obligations. One of the of productive purposes (chapter 8). most common measures jurisdictions have taken to reduce the effects of the carbon tax on both industries In determining whether to allow exemptions and reductions, and consumers is recycling the revenue through and if so, their extent, policy makers need to balance the reductions in other taxes, such as corporate or labor cost of these measures for the carbon tax policy, in terms taxes (chapter 8). Such reductions can target the of reduced coverage, mitigation ambition, and revenue, economy as a whole through overall reductions in against the benefits for the affected sectors and the broader corporate or labor taxes, as happened in France, or economic implications. Where governments do conclude by reducing health and social insurance contributions, exemptions or rebates are necessary, defining eligibility as happened in Switzerland. Alternatively, they can narrowly can help avoid applying the measures more more specifically target leakage-exposed sectors or broadly than absolutely necessary, thereby limiting the vulnerable groups such as low-income families, as was Effects of the Carbon Tax negative impact on environmental integrity and revenues. done in Portugal. Avoiding Unwanted A potential compromise is to choose design options that l Output-based rebates. These are rebates provided to at least partially retain the emission reduction incentive. firms based on their level of output (i.e., units of goods Tax-free thresholds that require entities to pay tax only produced), using an emissions benchmark established on the portion of their emissions above the threshold, for the sector in question. The level of assistance is for example, partially retain the price signal, since liable therefore raised as firms increase their output, directly entities are still encouraged to reduce the portion of their protecting the firms against leakage. This approach has emissions that exceeds the threshold. Some revenue been applied in the context of the Swedish NOx tax, is also still raised in this case, though how much will while several emissions trading systems (ETSs) have depend on the level of the threshold and the amount by applied a similar approach by providing output-based which entities reduce their emissions that exceed the allocations.38 threshold. Another option is to link exemptions or rebates to emission reduction measures (box 18). In these l Supporting emission reduction actions. Jurisdictions cases, effectiveness in encouraging emission reductions can also provide direct support to companies through is naturally dependent on the stringency and effective subsidies39 or technical assistance programs. These implementation of agreements. forms of support will often focus on encouraging the adoption of climate-smart technologies that reduce the Exemptions and rebates are often used to address cost of emission abatement while combining with the other policy objectives beyond addressing leakage and distributional concerns. For example, Mexico has exempted 38 See further Partnership for Market Readiness, 2015 (section emissions from gas-powered electricity generation, aiming 5.3.3). to further increase the incentive for shifting from coal to 39 Subsidies in this context may take a variety of forms, including gas, beyond the incentive already built into the carbon tax, grants, low-interest loans, and tax credits or rebates. 110 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS carbon price to provide a double incentive for reducing by the carbon tax, as was the case in Australia’s Household emissions. They may be targeted at households, as Assistance Package. Where revenue is recycled through in the case of Ireland’s Better Energy Warmer Homes tax cuts, targeting cuts that lead to a net positive effect for Scheme; at businesses, as with Japan’s incentives for many businesses and households can have a net positive energy-saving equipment for SMEs; or at both, as in the economic impact and be politically popular—in British case of South Africa’s energy efficiency tax credits for Columbia, this has been a key factor in gaining broad both companies and consumers support from large parts of the business community for the carbon tax.42 l Flat payments. These are direct financial transfers made to households or industry, often using carbon tax Support measures can be costly for public budgets. In revenue. They are not linked to a given action on the many cases, this is compensated by the generation of part of the taxpayer. Examples of these are the various revenue from the carbon tax—whether or not tax revenue direct payments that were made to different vulnerable is formally earmarked or substituted. Overall, several groups (including low-income households and the studies have estimated the costs of support measures to elderly) under the Australian Household Assistance be lower than those associated with exemptions.43 They Package, introduced alongside the Carbon Pricing may also be more cost-effective in the long term, since Mechanism. Alternatively, assistance could be linked taxpayers invest in emission reduction technologies, which to the estimated additional electricity or heating costs may lead to increased competitiveness and lower costs, low-income households are expected to face. allowing support measures to be phased out. Jurisdictions use cost-benefit analyses to help determine the benefits— Since support measures reduce the overall financial burden in terms of reduced leakage and distributional risks and on taxpaying entities while maintaining the price signal overall economic effects—with the cost to the exchequer offered by the carbon tax, they are on the whole far more environmentally effective40 than tax-reducing measures. (see chapter 8 for detailed guidance on the economic In the case of mechanisms such as subsidies that effects of revenue recycling vs. other uses such as support emission reductions, there may even be a double subsidies). Generally policy makers at least seek to ensure incentive, since taxpayers who avail of these programs that financial support is only provided up to the point where will also reduce their carbon tax bill. Governments can the cost per dollar cost to the taxpayer is less than the also achieve net development benefits by implementing benefit per dollar from supporting affected companies or measures that benefit vulnerable groups and funding them households, and not beyond that point.44 through the carbon tax, which wealthier groups would likely Support measures will in some cases entail greater disproportionately pay for. administrative costs than simple exemptions and rebates On the other hand, it is important to keep in mind that linked to carbon tax payments. Subsidy programs will support measures that are designed to maintain or even typically require administrative capacity to assess and Effects of the Carbon Tax increase output levels—for example, output-based process applications and manage payments. Flat payments Avoiding Unwanted rebates—do not incentivize demand-side abatement, that and tax reductions are generally more straightforward, is, reduce the consumption of carbon-intensive goods. but when designed to target specific groups of taxpayers, Where a company’s products would, in the absence of a administrative capacity will be needed to clearly identify given support measure, be substituted by a similar product those groups and calculate assistance amounts. Output- from another jurisdiction, these measures are appropriate based rebates, meanwhile, require the availability of since otherwise leakage could ensue. On the other hand, up-to-date and high-quality data on average emission where the increase in the cost of the product due to the intensity in the jurisdiction in order to set benchmarks that carbon tax is likely to lead to substituting for other, less accurately reflect average and/or best-practice emissions. carbon-intensive options, an output-based rebate or similar They also require reliable and regular data on outputs to approach may be counterproductive. be reported.45 Well-designed support measures can be highly effective in 42 Personal communication with the British Columbia Ministry of avoiding unwanted effects of the carbon tax such as leakage Finance. and distributional risks. However, their effectiveness 43 See, for instance, Fischer and Fox, 2012. depends on their being well designed. Output-based 44 The cost per dollar to the taxpayer is equal to the total costs of rebates, for example, require appropriate benchmarks to providing a dollar of financial support. In addition to the financial be effective.41 Flat payments or targeted tax reductions or support itself, this may include administrative costs, and should incentives will be most effective when they are specifically also take into account the “deadweight loss” associated with the designed to offset expected increases in expenses caused collection of tax (chapter 8). The benefit per dollar of supporting companies refers to the total economic benefits of providing a dollar of support, such as the additional investment that is 40 Fischer and Fox, 2012. leveraged by providing a subsidy. 41 See Partnership for Market Readiness, 2015 (section 5.3.3). 45 Partnership for Market Readiness, 2015. AVOIDING UNWANTED EFFECTS OF THE CARBON TAX 111 Jurisdictions will need to design subsidies and rebates in administration. Last but not least, BCAs can be expected ways that ensure that they do not violate agreements the to generate legal challenges under international trade law, country is a party to under the World Trade Organization though a well-designed BCA may stand a good chance of (WTO), in particular the Subsidies and Countervailing being WTO-compliant (box 19) Measures Agreement. Specifically, a subsidy with “adverse effects” on the industry of another WTO member may An alternative to BCAs is to adopt a consumption-based open it up to legal challenge. Among other constraints, tax on products that generally have high emissions this means that subsidies or rebates should not be made embedded in their production processes. Such a tax contingent on export performance or the use of domestic would not be levied at the border, but at the moment of inputs, nor be based on nonobjective criteria.46 sale within the importing country. The tax rate here could be set based on the average GHG emissions emitted in producing the good in question. In many countries this is 7.4.2 Measures targeting leakage only already the approach taken for administering a carbon tax The following describes two additional types of measures on fossil fuels, though it has not been used for products that are designed specifically to address leakage. that have GHG emissions embedded in their production Such a consumption-based tax would, by itself, likely Border measures and consumption-based be WTO-compatible, and potentially more politically taxation acceptable as it fits in the established realm of domestic excise taxes.48 At the same time, while it would incentivize The main strategy to effectively broaden the reach of the demand-side mitigation (e.g., more efficient use or shift to carbon tax is through the use of border carbon adjustments cleaner products), by itself it would not incentivize cleaner (BCAs). A range of BCAs have been discussed in the production methods. To maintain incentives for producers literature, though the most commonly proposed is a tax to reduce their emissions, both domestic and foreign on certain imported goods from other jurisdictions that companies that can prove their emissions per unit of output is equivalent to the tax paid on goods produced in the lie below this average could then be entitled to a subsidy jurisdiction. An alternative form involves providing a rebate or rebate. Yet this subsidy or rebate would still need to be on exports, which helps ensure domestic firms do not lose designed in accordance with WTO rules and would likely market share in export markets. The level of the BCA would present significant administrative challenges. correspond to the carbon tax, ensuring that domestically produced products are not placed at a disadvantage Tax-coordinating measures relative to products from other jurisdictions. Countries can in principle avoid carbon leakage risks While BCAs have been much discussed in the literature, by ensuring that key competitor countries adopt similar there is little practical experience with their application in the measures to reduce GHG emissions from relevant sectors. context of carbon taxes,47 though they have been applied There are no examples yet of countries or jurisdictions to imported electricity in California’s cap-and-trade system. Effects of the Carbon Tax entering into reciprocity arrangements with regard to Avoiding Unwanted They certainly have a number of theoretical advantages, carbon tax, though several jurisdictions have linked their including protecting against leakage without reducing the ETSs, which follows a similar logic by ensuring even effect of the price signal on domestic industry, avoiding the carbon pricing across jurisdictions. strain placed on public budgets by exemptions and rebates, and counteracting the incentive of competing jurisdictions Reciprocity does not have to involve an identical carbon to gain a competitive advantage through “free riding,” that pricing policy having been adopted by all countries (e.g., is, abstaining from adopting climate mitigation policies. all adopt a carbon tax), but rather equivalent policies that It can also provide an incentive for other jurisdictions to result in a similar price on carbon in the covered sectors. adopt a carbon price. For example, if country A uses a carbon tax, country B uses an ETS, and country C uses traditional regulatory At the same time, the reluctance of jurisdictions to adopt performance standards, this scenario can nonetheless BCAs so far reflects a number of political, practical, and serve a reciprocal function where the policies result in a legal challenges to their adoption. Politically, BCAs risk similar cost of carbon, generated directly or indirectly, souring international relations with partners, fostering across the countries. distrust, and triggering retaliatory measures. Economically, BCAs can harm sections of domestic industry that rely on Reciprocity arrangements could be undertaken through a imports for their production process by raising the cost of formal agreement (treaty) or through less formal political imports (by putting an additional tax on them), while on a agreements. Though the latter would not be binding, they practical level BCAs also raise challenges in design and are probably easier to negotiate and countries would always have the option of introducing other measures, 46 Trachtman, 2016. should their partners not stick to the agreement. To be 47 There is some experience in applying analogous instruments to excise taxes such as those on tobacco and fuel. 48 Trachtman, 2016 112 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Box 19. Technical Note: BCAs – The Risk of a WTO Legal Challenge BCAs involve the application of tariffs to imports, and so countries that are party to the treaties of the World Trade Organization (WTO) must comply with those treaties’ provisions in designing a BCA. BCAs could potentially be challenged under a range of provisions under these agreements, including the “most-favored nation” and “national treatment” principles. As BCAs have not been litigated at the WTO level, it is not possible to determine with certainty how the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body would rule on such a policy. Consequently, there will always be the risk that even a well-designed BCA is held to be in violation of the treaties. Jurisdictions considering adoption of a BCA may nonetheless be able to increase the chances of compatibility by incorporating certain design features, for example:* l If any kind of assistance is offered to domestic producers (e.g., exemptions, rebates, subsidies), importers should be offered equivalent assistance l Imports from jurisdictions with comparable climate policies should be exempted from BCAs, and imports from jurisdictions with partially comparable climate policies should be partially exempted. l The “embedded” emissions of imports should be calculated based on Best Available Technology benchmarks and importers should be given the opportunity to prove their contention that their production process emissions are lower than these benchmarks. l So-called de minimis exemptions should be included for smaller quantities. * This text is provided for explanatory purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice. Jurisdictions considering the adoption of BCAs are advised to obtain legal counsel before proceeding. effective, a reciprocity arrangement would need to cover Alternatively, in the case of products that are primarily traded a sufficient portion of the trade in commodities deemed to regionally, jurisdictions may consider regional reciprocity be at risk of leakage, taking into account both the direct agreements with major competitors to be sufficient. A effects (i.e., direct tax obligations) and indirect effects special challenge arises when the jurisdictions involved (e.g., through electricity or fuel prices) on firms. This could have broad carbon taxes with uniform rates, but the trade- be modeled on the “critical mass” approach used under exposed sectors only constitute a fraction of the entities plurilateral trade agreements, whereby agreements come covered by the tax rate. Under these circumstances, the into force once countries accounting for a given percentage leakage risk for those sectors may not be sufficiently large of international trade in the covered commodities (e.g., 90 for governments to want to let uniform rates agreed for Effects of the Carbon Tax percent) become parties to the agreement. those sectors determine their overall carbon price. Avoiding Unwanted Key Considerations u Though many jurisdictions remain very concerned about carbon leakage, to date there is little empirical evidence of carbon leakage actually having occurred in practice. u Carbon taxes will in many cases have distributional impacts, but the nature of these impacts and whether they are assessed as positive or negative is very context-specific. u Carbon pricing is designed to put certain carbon-intensive activities at a competitive disadvantage; where a carbon tax results in increased market share for less emissions-intensive firms, no leakage occurs, and this can in fact be considered a positive and intended outcome of the carbon tax. u Carbon taxes that mostly target consumers will pose few leakage risks but may pose a greater risk of negative distributional impacts. The nature of these risks is highly context-dependent, and it is thus important to conduct specific risk assessments before deciding to act. u Defining eligibility for mitigation measures that address carbon leakage or negative distributional impacts narrowly can avoid unduly compromising the effectiveness of the tax or burdening public budgets. u What specific measures are chosen to address leakage or distributional risks can have important repercussions for the effectiveness of the tax. All else being equal, measures that retain the price signal of the tax will tend to be more environmentally effective. AVOIDING UNWANTED EFFECTS OF THE CARBON TAX 113 FURTHER READING BIBLIOGRAPHY Arlinghaus, J. 2015. “Impacts of Carbon Prices on Brenner, M., Riddle, M, and J. Boyce. 2006. “Distributional Indicators of Competitiveness: A Review of Empirical Impacts of Carbon Charges and Revenue Recycling in Findings.” OECD, Environment Working Paper China.” Energy Policy 35: 1771–1784. No. 87. Callan, T., Lyons, S., Scott, S., Tol, R., and S. Verde. download/5js37p21grzq. 2009. “The Distributional Implications of a Carbon Tax in Ireland.” Energy Policy 37:407–412. Bolscher, H., Graichen, V., Hay, G., Healy, S., Lenstra, J., Meindert, L., Regeczi, D., von Schickfus, M-T., Dissou, Y., and M.S. Siddiqui. 2014. “Can Carbon Taxes Schumacher, K., and Timmons-Schmakman. 2013. Be Progressive.” Energy Economics 42: 88–100. “Carbon Leakage Evidence Project: Factsheets for Selected Sectors.” Ecofys. http://ec.europa. Ericsson, K. 2006. “Evaluation of the Danish Voluntary eu/clima/policies/ets/allowances/leakage/docs/ Agreements on Energy Efficiency in Trade and Industry.” cl_evidence_factsheets_en.pdf. Ecofys. evaluation-voluntary-agreements-denmark.pdf. Braathen, N.A. 2012. “Lessons in Environmental Policy Reform: The Swedish Tax on NOx Emissions.” OECD. Fischer, C. and A.K. Fox. 2012. “Climate Policy and Fiscal Constraints: Do Tax Interactions Outweigh Carbon in%20Environmental%20Policy%20Reform-The%20 Leakage?.” Resources for the Future Discussion Paper Swedish%20tax%20on%20NOx%20Emissions%20eng. 12-19. pdf. Download/RFF-DP-12-19.pdf. Congress of the United States Congressional Budget Grainger, C and C. Kohlstad. 2009. “Who Pays a Price on Office. 2013. “Effects of a Carbon Tax on the Economy Carbon?” NBER Working Paper Series, Working Paper and the Environment.” 15239. files/113th-congress-2013-2014/reports/44223_Carbon_0. Kerkhof, A., Moll, H., Drissen, E, & Wilting, H. 2008. pdf. “Taxation of Multiple Greenhouse Gases and the Fischer, C. and A.K. Fox. 2012. “Climate Policy and Effects on Income Distribution.” Ecological Economics Fiscal Constraints: Do Tax Interactions Outweigh Carbon 67:318–326. Leakage?” Resources for the Future Discussion Paper Paroussos, L., Fragkos, P., Capros, P., and K. 12–19. Fragkiadakis. 2014. “Assessment of Carbon Leakage Download/RFF-DP-12-19.pdf. through the Industry Channel.” Technological Forecasting Gaspar, v., Keen, M., and I. Parry. 2016. “Climate Change: and Social Change 90: 2014–219. How to Price Paris.” IMF Direct. https://blog-imfdirect.imf. Effects of the Carbon Tax PMR (Partnership for Market Readiness). 2015. “Carbon Avoiding Unwanted org/2016/01/11/climate-change-how-to-price-paris/. Leakage: Theory, Evidence and Policy Design.” Technical Metcalf, G. and D. Weisbach. 2009. “The Design of a Note. World Bank, Washington, DC. http://documents. Carbon Tax.” Harvard Environmental Law Review 33: 499–556. pdf/100369-NWP-PUBLIC-ADD-SERIES-Partnership-for- Market-Readiness-technical-papers-Box393231B.pdf. Partnership for Market Readiness. 2015. “Carbon Leakage: Theory, Evidence and Policy Design.” Technical Trachtman, J.P. 2016. “WTO Law Constraints on Border Note. World Bank, Washington, DC. http://documents. Tax Adjustment and Tax Credit Mechanisms to Reduce the Competitive Effects of Carbon Taxes.” Resources for pdf/100369-NWP-PUBLIC-ADD-SERIES-Partnership-for- the Future Discussion Paper 16-03. Market-Readiness-technical-papers-Box393231B.pdf. files/document/file/RFF-DP-16-03.pdf. Reinaud, J. 2008. “Issues behind Competitiveness Zhang, Z. and A. Baranzini. 2004. “What Do We Know and Carbon Leakage: Focus on Heavy Industry.” IEA about Carbon Taxes? An Inquiry into Their Impacts on Information Paper. Competitiveness and Distribution of Income.” Energy freepublications/publication/Competitiveness_and_ Policy 32: 507–518 Carbon_Leakage.pdf. Williams, R., Gordon, H., Burtraw, D., Carbone, J., and R. Morgenstern. 2014. “The Initial Incidence of a Carbon Tax across the U.S. States.” Resources for the Future Discussion Paper 14–25. sharepoint/WorkImages/Download/RFF-DP-14-25.pdf. 114 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS 8 DETERMINING USE OF REVENUES At a Glance Carbon taxes can raise significant revenue. In many countries, even a modest tax of US$30 per metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) emissions could raise revenue amounting to as much as 1–2 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Given the magnitude of the funds involved, it is important for policy makers to carefully consider how that revenue will be used. Decisions made in this context will have profound implications for the overall economy, the efficiency of the tax system, and public welfare. Three basic strategies can guide the use of carbon tax revenue: l Revenue neutrality. Revenue neutrality means that the government budget essentially remains unaffected. Any revenue from the carbon tax is either passed directly along or offset by reductions in other taxes. Revenue neutrality is generally achieved through one of two approaches: Rebates to households or businesses. Redistributing revenue back to households, either on a per capita basis or directly to low-income households, is the simplest and most transparent form of revenue neutrality. Household rebates are often progressive and potentially politically popular because of their high visibility. Rebates can also be provided to businesses, as is the case with output-based rebates to address leakage. Reductions in other taxes. Using revenue from the carbon tax to reduce other taxes often has the advantage of increasing the efficiency of the tax system, since carbon taxes typically have fewer inefficiencies and social costs than other taxes (e.g., labor taxes, capital taxes, and sales taxes). For that reason, this option is broadly considered the most economically efficient use of carbon tax revenue. l Increased spending. Many jurisdictions have used carbon tax revenues to support government initiatives and pursue public policies. These are often climate-related policies (e.g., renewable energy subsidies or reverse auctions for emission reductions), but governments sometimes also choose to fund policies unrelated to climate change, including education, social programs, and investment incentives. Increased spending can benefit three main areas: General budget. In many cases jurisdictions have moved the revenue directly into the general budget for unrestricted spending. In some cases governments have nonetheless agreed in broad principle how the new funds will be spent as guidance to government budget processes. Earmarks (hypothecation, ringfencing). Some jurisdictions have employed earmarks to constrain the allocation of the new carbon tax revenue to specific uses. While this provides greater certainty that initial Determining Use agreements about revenue use struck during the design process will be honored over time, it may also of Revenues result in an inefficient allocation of resources. Debt reduction. Jurisdictions can also spend the extra revenue on debt reduction. While this does not necessarily increase current spending, by paying down debt the jurisdiction can reduce the debt burden in future budgets. Forgoing revenue by permitting offsets. Offset programs allow liable entities to fulfill (part of) their tax payment obligations by surrendering credits that correspond to emission reductions typically credited from outside the scope of the tax. Offsets can help contain the costs experienced by liable entities under the carbon tax and incentivize emission reductions outside the scope of the tax, but will lead to reduced revenues and potentially lower emission reductions in covered sectors. They can also be prone to environmental integrity concerns. In practice, jurisdictions have employed all of these approaches and in many have combined multiple approaches according to policy needs and priorities. DETERMINING USE OF REVENUES 115 their different implications and relative advantages and 8.1 INTRODUCTION draw­ backs. Section 8.3 compares the use of revenues in prac­tice and sets out practical considerations for policy The question of how to use revenue generated by a carbon makers to take into account when determining how to use tax is a pivotal one that plays a role in how the new tax revenue. will affect the economy. The stakes could be quite high. For example, a national carbon tax of US$30 per tCO2e in 2012 could have raised revenue of more than 1.5 percent 8.2 OPTIONS FOR REVENUE of GDP in the United States and more than 2.5 percent in China (figure 19).49 USE Three main strategies can guide the use(s) of revenue There is no simple, universal solution to the question. from the carbon tax: To help policy makers examine options for the use of reve­nue, this chapter reviews three basic approaches l Revenue neutrality and pro­ vides guidance on assessing each, applying the l Expanded spending FASTER principles,50 and weighing some context-specific consi­dera­tions. Readers who want additional guidance on l Forgoing revenue by permitting offsets. ana­lyzing the potential economic effects of different reve­ nue use options and interactions with other taxes can also In practice, the lines between these three categories are refer to the discussion on the use of models in chapter 4. not always solid and some approaches could be charac­ terized by more than one strategy. Moreover, alter­native The chapter is divided in two sections. Section 8.2 intro­ approaches exist within these three categories. Finally, it duces the main options for revenue use and discusses is entirely possible to combine these approa­ches to suit local objectives and context. For example, revenue from 49 Parry, 2015. the Danish carbon tax has been used to reduce taxes 50 OECD and World Bank, 2015. For a discussion of the on labor, subsidize energy efficiency, and subsidize the FASTER principles, see section 3.4 of this Guide. administrative costs of small companies. Approximately Figure 19. Revenue as a Percentage of GDP from a Hypothetical US$30 per tCO2e Emissions in 2012 France United Kingdom Brazil Italy Japan Germany Australia United States Canada Mexico Korea Determining Use Indonesia of Revenues Poland Saudi Arabia Russia China South Africa India Iran Ukraine 0 1 2 3 4 5 Percent of GDP, 2012 Source: Parry, 2015. Note: GDP = Gross Domestic Product; tCO2e = metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. 116 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS 40 percent of the carbon tax revenue is used for environ­ respect to the motivation for the carbon tax. It is clear that mental incentives while the remainder is re­ turned to the government is not trying to extract additional revenue dustry through reduced social insurance and pen­ in­ from taxpayers to expand its own budget or power. Rather, sion contributions, and compensation of administrative the primary purpose of the tax is to reduce fossil fuel use, ex­penses for small businesses with limited payrolls. increase energy efficiency, and mitigate carbon emissions. Moreover, of the many revenue use options, a simple per To guide policy makers, this section focuses on the three capita rebate is typically the most transparent. This aspect primary approaches, while distinguishing two broad options can be essential in building political support. within the revenue-neutral strategy. It also highlights the relative advantages and limitations of the strategies. Secondly, this approach could also serve to redistribute come, depending on the design of the rebate. High-in­ in­ 8.2.1 Revenue neutrality come individuals, who generally consume more energy per In the context of carbon taxes, revenue neutrality refers to capi­ta, might be expected to pay more in absolute terms those strategies where the taxes are collected, but not used than low-income individuals. If the rebate were to be distri­ to expand direct government spending. Of course, what bu­ted on a per capita basis, low-income individuals would constitutes government spending is a matter of interpre­ receive more from the system of tax and rebate than they tation. In this Guide, it is defined as “government payments pay. for goods and services as well as repayment of debt” (section 8.2.3). Revenue neutrality involves jurisdictions Jurisdictions that seek to further promote distributional either redistributing the revenue back to households or interests can target rebates at low-income households, other recipients directly, or reducing other revenue streams ting payments to households below a specified income limi­ to keep net government receipts unchanged. This section level. This was the approach adopted by Australia, where discusses each of these alternatives in turn. at least 50 percent of the revenues generated went toward a Household Assistance Package—financial assistance for Revenue neutrality by providing rebates pensio­ ners and low-income households to compensate for the increase in the cost of living caused by the carbon price. The first revenue-neutral approach is to return the revenue directly to citizens or taxpayers as a lump sum pay­ In the most extreme case, the revenue refund can effec­ ment. For example, this could entail a system of periodic tively act as a top-up for welfare payments and low-income mittances in which individuals receive their pro rata re­ support programs. Targeting the payments at low-income share of the carbon tax revenue—a rebate.51 This is also households can be challenging however, as shown by the some­ times referred to as a “carbon dividend,” and has experience of Iran (box 20). been used in Switzerland, where roughly two-thirds of the reve­nue is redistributed to the public on a per capita basis Thirdly, the option of using rebates is not limited to house­ through the health insurance system and reduced Old-Age holds. In some cases, governments have provided rebates Insurance System (OASI) social insurance contributions to industries to counteract the burden of the new carbon for businesses. tax or address identified leakage risks (chapter 7). If a jurisdiction provides rebates to businesses, however, it This approach has several advantages. Firstly, jurisdictions should carefully consider how to allocate the rebate. If the that adopt this approach establish a certain credibility with bate is directly linked to the amount of carbon tax paid, it re­ has the effect of dulling the incentive to reduce emissions. It 51 Shammin and Bullard 2009. would therefore be better for jurisdictions to link the rebate Determining Use of Revenues Box 20. Case Study: Iran and Budget Neutrality While Iran does not have a carbon tax, it has developed a comparable revenue-neutral energy pricing initiative that provides an interesting parallel. In 2010, Iran instituted the Targeted Subsidy Reform by which it substantially reduced its support for liquid fuel prices. The reform removed approximately US$50–60 million in subsidies. At the same time, the government provided unrestricted cash payments totaling about US$30 billion to households, and another US$10–15 to businesses for the financing of initiatives designed to reduce energy intensity. While the government initially intended to target the household payments at low-income families, it found that identifying those families was a very difficult administrative process. In the end, the government opted for per capita payments made without regard to income level. To build popular support for the initiative, which substantially raised energy prices, the government conducted a substantial public relations campaign, emphasizing the welfare gains from the reform and especially the benefits the cash payments would entail for low-income households. DETERMINING USE OF REVENUES 117 Box 21. Technical Note: How Do General Taxes Lead to Social Costs? Markets bring together buyers and sellers at a price that is determined by supply and demand, respectively. In the figure below (below, left), aggregate market demand and aggregate market supply result in a market price of P* and a quantity sold of Q*. The demand curve comprises the aggregated demands of many different types of customers. Some of the consumers are willing to pay prices approaching PDO, but in fact only pay P* (below, left). Consumer surplus is generated when customers receive a good for a given price, but are willing to pay more than that price for the good. There is a corresponding producer surplus, which is the amount by which the revenue received by producers exceeds their costs of supply. Taken together, producer and consumer surplus are an indication of the net value the market brings to society, a concept known as social surplus. Broadly speaking, taxes are applied to various activities such as investment, labor, land, and sales of goods and services to raise revenues for government use. When a tax, T, is applied to the supply of a good in the figure below (right), it has the effect of raising the supply curve from S to S’. This leads to a new higher market price P”, an after-tax price to the producers of P’, and a new quantity supplied of Q’. The consumer surplus shrinks, because the tax increases the market price the consumers face; the producer surplus shrinks because the tax decreases the after-tax price the producers receive; and both shrink because the quantity produced declines from Q to Q’. The dark gray shaded rectangle represents the amount of government revenue, equal to the product of T and Q’. The light gray shaded triangle is the value that is lost to society, also called the Harberger Triangle. The Harberger triangle is a measure of the deadweight loss, that is, the social cost incurred by deviations from the untaxed (undisturbed) market levels of production. The deadweight loss from taxes is realized not only in consumer markets like appliances, food, and clothing, but also in markets for factors of production such as capital, labor, and energy. S’ PD0 PD0 P” Consumer S S Surplus T P* Producer P* Surplus P’ PS0 PS0 D D Determining Use Q* Q’ Q* of Revenues to other factors such as outputs (discussed in more detail health, and defense. Rebates essentially take a costly and in section 7.4). high-value resource—government revenue—and convert it to a lower-valued resource—private resources. Compared The primary drawback of rebates is that they can be with the options of government spending or lowering economically inefficient, and in some contexts extremely distortionary taxes (discussed in the next two sections), inefficient. As explained in box 21 and box 22, the social rebates will virtually always be less economically efficient. cost of raising government revenue—moving money from private pockets to government coffers—can be quite Revenue neutrality by reducing non-carbon high. Jurisdictions are willing to incur these social costs taxes because they attach much value to having public money for important investments in sectors such as education, 118 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS While providing rebates to households and businesses $0.18 dollars for the inefficiency caused by the ensuing can be politically popular, it is not the only revenue-neutral price distortion. approach. An arguably more economically efficient way to use the revenue is to reduce other taxes, also known as The social cost of different taxes may also vary substantially “tax recycling.” Although the rationale for this approach is a across jurisdictions. For example, a recent study suggested bit more complex than that for rebates, many jurisdictions that the marginal cost of labor taxes in the European Union have found it compelling, and the approach has been ranged from €1.30 (Estonia) to €2.41 (France) (Barrios et applied broadly in jurisdictions such as British Columbia, al. 2013). In the former case, this means that for each euro France, Norway, Sweden, and South Africa. of revenue raised by the government in Estonia via labor taxes, society incurred an additional loss of €0.30. In the When governments impose taxes, for example, on capital case of France, as much as €1.41 of social welfare was investment, this often causes a distortion in the price lost for each euro raised by the government through labor signals that make markets efficient (box 21), incurring a taxes. loss in social benefits. This means that when the govern­ ment raises revenue by taxing economic activity, it often Even within a single jurisdiction, not all taxes result in the actually incurs a social cost that is higher than the nominal same level of distortion (or social cost) per unit of revenue value of the tax. For example, based on the table in box (box 22). For example, it has been estimated that in 22, it costs the people of New Zealand $1.18 when the Canada, the marginal cost of public funds raised via a tax New Zealand government raises a dollar of revenue on commodities is $1.25, while the marginal cost of public through a labor tax: $1.00 for the transferred resource and funds from a labor tax is in the range of $1.38 to $1.53. Box 22. Technical Note: Are the Social Estimates of Marginal Cost of Public Funds Costs of All Taxes the Same? TAX COUNTRY ESTIMATE INSTRUMENT While taxes can cause distortions leading to dead­ Labor 1.19-1.24 weight loss, not all taxes are equally distortionary. The Labor 1.28-1.55 Australia extent to which a tax incurs deadweight loss depends Capital 1.21-1.48 significantly on the context. For example, taxes on Capital 1.15-1.51 goods and services with highly elastic demands will Sales 0.95-1.07 Bangladesh Imports 1.17-2.18 generally lead to greater deadweight loss because Sales 0.48-0.96 there will be greater adjustments in quantity (see Cameroon Imports 1.05-1.37 discussion of elasticities in section 2.3.2). Higher Commodities 1.25 taxes also result in higher distortion and higher Canada Labor 1.38 levels of deadweight loss. By this principle, when the Labor 1.39-1.53 government adds additional taxes onto preexisting China Sales 2.31 taxes, it leads to greater deadweight loss per unit of Excise 1.66-2.15 additional revenue. India Sales 1.59-2.12 Imports 1.54-2.17 Sales 0.97-1.11 The existence of this deadweight loss from taxation Indonesia Imports 0.99-1.18 means that moving a dollar of resources from private New to public coffers generally costs society more than a Labor 1.18 Determining Use Zealand of Revenues dollar—sometimes even significantly more. Estimates Switzerland All taxes 1.69-2.29 provided in the table to the right highlight three points All taxes 1.17-1.56 in this regard. First, estimates of the costs of public Labor 1.21-1.24 funds depend on the source of the revenue. Some Labor 1.32-1.47 taxes can be more distortionary than others. Second, All taxes 1.47 United Labor 1.08-1.14 the cost of public funds can vary from one country States All taxes 2.65 to another. Third, and perhaps most importantly, All taxes 1.23 estimating the marginal cost of public funds—the All taxes 1.07 extent to which taxes cause deadweight loss—can be All taxes 1.18 very difficult. In the table to the right, the estimates of the marginal cost of public funds vary significantly Source: Chisari and Cicowiez 2010. across studies, even for the same country and tax Note: The estimates above are based on ratios relative source. to a given currency unit, and so apply regardless of the currency of the jurisdiction DETERMINING USE OF REVENUES 119 Box 23. Technical Note: Can Carbon Taxes Reduce the Social Costs of Raising Revenue? Some studies suggest that because of the distortionary effect of taxes on capital, labor, and other resources, environmental taxes such as carbon taxes can provide a “double dividend,” where the revenue is recycled to reduce those existing, “traditional” taxes. The first dividend refers to the ability to reduce GHG emissions; the second dividend refers to the reductions in deadweight loss caused by the associated tax cuts. Such a tax reform can in principle reduce the overall social cost of raising government revenue by shifting away from potentially more distortionary taxes on resources such as labor and especially capital (which are often more elastic and already subject to very high taxes) to taxes that are potentially less distortionary (such as those on energy). To what extent the double dividend hypothesis plays out in practice is subject to debate. While the use of carbon tax revenues to reduce distortionary taxes clearly brings benefits—referred to as the revenue recycling effect— other effects lead to offsetting losses, or tax interaction effects. An example of a tax interaction effect would be a rise in the price of energy caused by the cost of the carbon tax, which could lead to a loss of jobs and a decrease in investment levels. Thus, it is not clear whether the double dividend is the norm. Regardless of whether a carbon tax brings a double dividend, there is broad agreement that where governments decide to regulate pollution, using revenue-raising instruments such as carbon taxes (or auctioned marketable allowances) is generally more efficient than using an approach that does not raise revenues. This is because the non-revenue raising instruments also induce all of the negative tax interaction effects, without entailing the benefits of the revenue recycling effect. The difference in marginal cost of public funds across distortions. Under this scenario, it becomes possible to types of taxes means that some jurisdictions may have an reduce the most distortionary taxes (e.g., taxes on capital opportunity to maintain the government’s level of revenue and labor) and still maintain the same level of revenue. while incurring a lower overall social cost. For example, it has been reported that in Slovakia the marginal cost There may be additional reasons to substitute a carbon of public funds from labor taxes is €2.19 whereas the tax for other taxes. Carbon taxes can be more difficult to marginal cost from green taxes (largely energy taxes) is evade than other forms of taxation because they often fall only €1.06 (Barrios et al. 2013). This suggests that even on very easy to observe, highly controlled goods like oil, as the country maintains its current level of government gas, and coal, or on highly regulated industries such as the revenue, Slovakia could actually reduce the cost of raising electricity-generation industry. These beneficial properties government revenue by lowering its labor taxes and raising can lead to net decreases in the amount of tax evasion its green taxes, essentially shifting from more distortionary when a carbon tax is levied, compared with other forms of taxes to less distortionary taxes. taxation (Liu 2013). When a government taps a substantial new source of Carbon taxes can also influence the size and composition revenue, as may be the case when adopting a new of the informal economy (Bento et al. 2016). The informal carbon tax, it could use this revenue to reduce the use sector consists of the set of activities that occur outside of the most distortionary taxes. This option has given rise the regulation, protection, and control of the state. Some Determining Use kinds of taxes, like those on labor and capital, have been of Revenues to the “double dividend” hypothesis, which suggests that jurisdictions could actually reduce the social cost of their shown to cause increases in the size of the informal public finance systems by shifting taxes from factors that economy, creating further opportunities for tax evasion. provide positive inputs to society (e.g., labor, capital, and Carbon taxes, by contrast, are typically more difficult to goods and services) to those that result in overall harm avoid, even for the informal sector. This is because even to society (e.g., emissions) (box 23). This suggests that the informal sector must purchase electricity, gasoline, and jurisdictions would be economically better off, even if they heat through government-regulated firms, though in some do not take into account the environmental gains derived jurisdictions substantial informal markets may exist for from the tax. domestic commodities such as motor fuels and coal. The merits of the double dividend hypothesis have been Carbon taxes can also be better than other taxes where vigorously debated in the economic literature. However, one they act as an indirect tax on resources such as oil and clear conclusion is that if jurisdictions are going to regulate natural gas. Taxing labor and capital can cause workers and the level of carbon emissions, it is economically efficient to investors to move activities outside the taxing jurisdiction. use revenue-raising mechanisms such as a carbon tax or This leads to an inefficient reallocation of resources. But an ETS with auctioning, because they impose no additional oil reserves, coal mines, and natural gas wells cannot be 120 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Box 24. Technical Note: Are Carbon Taxes Stable Sources of Revenue? One possible use of carbon tax revenue is to put it directly in the general treasury, either to allow reductions in other taxes or to pay for additional services. However ,some jurisdictions prefer not to rely on revenue from a carbon tax as part of their budgeting process because doing so means the revenue source will decline over time, assuming one of the objectives of the tax is to reduce emissions. This is an important concern that deserves closer consideration. To provide additional insight into this point, policy makers can consider conducting additional analyses, employing one or more of the dynamic modeling techniques described in chapter 10. It is worth noting, however, that where the carbon tax works through fossil fuels, as consumption goes down, tax revenues can go up. In most economies, the elasticity of demand for fossil fuels is inelastic (see section 2.3.2 for more details on elasticities of demand). This means that as the price of a good rises, the overall amount spent on that good also rises. To illustrate this point, imagine a jurisdiction where the price of auto fuel is US$1.00 per liter, the elasticity of demand equals 0.50, and the consumption is one million liters. Spending on fuel would be US$1.0 million. If the jurisdiction instituted a carbon tax that effectively increased the price of fuel by US$0.10 per liter (that is, a 10 percent increase), the reduction in fuel use would be of approximately 5 percent, to 0.95 million liters. The tax revenue would be roughly US$95,000. The jurisdiction then, seeking to further decrease fuel consumption, raises the tax by another US$0.10 per liter. If the elasticity remains roughly the same, consumption will decrease to approximately 0.9025 million liters and revenue from the carbon tax will rise to about US$180,500. This calculation illustrates that the dynamics of tax revenues are complex. This example assumes that the elasticity of demand is constant over the relevant range. Moreover, it assumes no technological breakthroughs occur that fundamentally change the demand for energy. Policy makers may want to conduct their analysis with different assumptions about future responses and technology developments. moved, so taxing them does not lead to inefficient flight. While there are several economic efficiency advantages Thus, generally, when immobile resources like these are to recycling the revenue from a carbon tax to reduce other taxed, less distortion and deadweight loss results than taxes, the decision regarding which taxes to reduce has when labor or capital are taxed. If the government is not implications beyond efficiency. In some jurisdictions, the already fully taxing those immobile resources, the carbon most distortionary taxes, say those on capital, are also tax provides an opportunity to do so (Bento and Jacobsen the most progressive. While cutting these taxes might 2007). entail the greatest economic efficiency gains, those gains Box 25. Case Study: British Columbia and the Revenue-Neutral Approach Each year, the Ministry of Finance is required to submit a three-year plan for recycling revenue from the carbon tax to households and businesses to ensure the carbon tax is revenue- neutral. If the Minister fails to fully recycle the Determining Use revenue, he/she may be assessed a personal penalty, in the form of a 15 percent salary reduction (Duff, 2008, 99). of Revenues Current personal tax reductions include the Low Income Climate Action Tax Credit, which reduces the first two personal income tax rates by 5 percent. Northern and rural homeowners, seniors undergoing home renovation projects, children’s fitness and art programs, small business venture capital programs, and training programs also benefit from personal tax reductions. Business tax reductions have included general corporate income tax rate reductions, an increase in the corporate income tax small business threshold, and industrial property tax credits for school property taxes payable by major industry (British Columbia Ministry of Finance, 2013). The revenue-neutral aspect has been key to gaining broad public and industry support for the carbon tax. Indeed, many businesses have even called for further raises in the carbon tax, since this can be expected to lead to tax decreases elsewhere. This outcome was also helped by taking a highly transparent approach to revenue recycling, with the Ministry of Finance required to submit plans each year to communicate to the legislature how the revenues are intended to be used. DETERMINING USE OF REVENUES 121 could be distributed disproportionately toward wealthier and energy conservation interests have opted to use their segments of society. If this were to happen, it might make carbon tax revenue to subsidize programs in those fields, this measure inconsistent with other policy goals, such as such as in India and Denmark. Box 26 illustrates a variety enhancing equality and combatting poverty. of approaches jurisdictions have taken in practice. Governments might then want to seek to reduce taxes Generally, jurisdictions have directed funds to various types that are both regressive and distortionary such as payroll of spending by increasing the general budget, through and value added taxes (VATs). In small jurisdictions with earmarks, or through debt reduction. Each of these options open economies, where returns on capital are determined is considered below. by international markets, even corporate income taxes General budget may in effect ultimately be borne by labor in the form of wage decreases, due to the high sensitivity and mobility of Jurisdictions might choose to view carbon tax revenue as capital. A number of adjustments may also be made to the simply another source of income, akin to labor, sales, or tax system, such as cutting particular tax preferences for capital taxes. In this case, the taxes are sent directly to the wealthy, which could be instituted simultaneously with the general budget to be drawn up as part of the general cuts in more distortionary taxes to make the package of budgeting process. The fact that carbon taxes are a new adjustments less regressive. source of revenue allows government spending to expand. Many jurisdictions prefer this approach for efficiency Policy makers in most jurisdictions that consider recycling reasons—each potential use of revenue is forced to com­ revenues face a trade-off between efficiency and fairness as pete with all others rather than being afforded special they decide how to use the new carbon tax revenues. This, treatment. however, is little different from the dilemma governments regularly face in any tax design situation. In many jurisdictions, all tax revenue is legally required to be deposited in the general budget, and so it is not permitted One risk of using carbon tax revenues to maintain revenue to make a specific connection between a given revenue neutrality while reducing distortionary taxes is that it may source and a given revenue use. This is the case, for lead to unstable government revenue streams as the example, in the United Kingdom, Mexico, and South Africa. economy shifts to low-carbon alternatives. This is a real Such jurisdictions may still decide to provide allocations concern if a jurisdiction has an elastic demand for fossil from the general budget for certain purposes that might not fuels, though less so in jurisdictions where demand is have been possible without the income generated by the inelastic. As discussed in box 24, the fact that fossil fuel carbon tax. consumption in most economies is not highly responsive to increases in price (at least in the short run) means that Earmarks while carbon emissions will go down as taxes rise, revenue Also referred to as “hypothecation” or “ringfencing,” will generally rise because the tax rate will often rise faster tax earmarking involves dedicating the revenue from a than the emissions will fall (as a result of the inelastic fossil particular tax stream to a specific purpose. Governments fuel demand). may earmark revenue for a variety of purposes, including: Another potential disadvantage of tax recycling is that the l Environmental. Some countries have earmarked their concept of using new revenue to reduce distortionary taxes revenues for various investments to build the infra­ and thereby improve the economy acts more indirectly to structure and technologies required for a low-carbon create benefits than some of the other approaches. It is a economy. This approach has been taken in India and more complex concept and thus may be difficult for many Japan. Determining Use of Revenues citizens to understand. Consequently, it may be diffi­ cult for jurisdictions to gain political support for the initiative, l Tax-affected groups. Earmarking for groups affected by the carbon tax, for instance, financial assistance even when it leads to significant gains in economic to communities negatively affected by tax. Most juris­ welfare. Governments can boost this support by ensuring dictions that have adopted this approach have focused trans­parency on the use of revenue (see box 25 on the the assistance on supporting energy savings by low- experience with a revenue-neutral carbon tax in British income groups, as France has done.52 Columbia). Revenue recycling may also be less popular for political reasons, because of the perception that the richest l Environmentally affected groups. Climate change companies and individuals typically benefit the most from will affect some groups more heavily so jurisdictions tax reductions. could opt to dedicate some of the carbon tax revenue 8.2.2 Expanded public spending 52 Other countries such as Ireland have also introduced The main alternative to revenue recycling is to use assistance programs for low-income households to improve carbon tax revenues to expand government spending. their energy efficiency, though this has been funded through the For example, jurisdictions with strong renewable energy general budget. 122 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Box 26. Contrasts in Revenue Use Even among jurisdictions that have opted to use the revenue from a carbon tax to fund government initiatives, there is substantial variation. l In India, the revenues raised through the Clean Environment Cess go toward the National Clean Energy Fund to finance clean energy initiatives, environmental remediation, and research on clean energy technologies. Individuals and organizations in the public and private sector can apply for funding for projects that are related to clean fossil energy, renewable/alternative energy, energy infrastructure, or installation of energy-efficient technology. Moreover, the project must be sponsored by a government department, must be self-funded by the recipient individual/organization by at least 40 percent, and must not have received funding from another government agency. l In Japan, tax revenues are to be used to promote low-carbon technologies, energy efficiency improvements, and renewable energy. l In Ireland, the tax revenues are being directed to the general budget to allow for flexibility in use. Although the carbon tax was originally intended to be revenue-neutral, the government has not been able to use the revenues to decrease labor taxes, given the significant public deficit. However, it appears the revenues from the carbon tax have prevented additional increases in labor taxes. l In France, the carbon tax is designed to be revenue-neutral, with reductions in other taxes. Reports have suggested the government plans to use at least a portion of the revenue to reduce corporate income taxes and provide energy assistance to low-income individuals. However, recently, the French government indicated a significant portion of the revenues is now used to decrease labor taxes through the “tax credit for encouraging competitiveness and jobs.” l In Iceland, carbon tax revenues simply go to the general budget. l Currently, in Mexico, all revenue is directed toward the general budget. Although in principle it is possible for Congress to provide for all or part of the revenue to be directed toward a specific cause, earmarking is generally not favored in Mexico because of legal aspects of the national tax structure. l In Norway, carbon tax revenues from the petroleum industry go to the Global Government Pension Fund—to contribute to the government savings needed for the financing of the rising public pension expenditures and to support long-term priorities for the spending of government petroleum revenues. Other revenues from the carbon tax have generally gone to the national budget. l In Chile, taxes are paid to the general budget. It has been proposed that the largest share of the revenues be spent on improvements to the education system. l Denmark has taken a mixed approach to revenue use. Revenue from the carbon tax has been used to reduce taxes on labor, subsidize energy efficiency investments, and subsidize the associated administrative costs of small companies. Approximately 40 percent of the tax revenue is used for environmental incentives, while the remaining 60 percent is returned to industry through reduced social insurance, reduced pension contributions, and compensation of administrative expenses for small businesses with limited payrolls. Determining Use of Revenues Full descriptions and references may be found in the technical appendix to this Guide. to this purpose. To date, Catalonia, which provides fun­ case of the Chilean carbon tax, the government expects ding for citizens who experience negative health effects to collect roughly US$160 million from the carbon tax and suffer from extreme weather impacts, is the only and roughly US$8.3 billion in revenue from a broader tax jurisdiction to have decided to use (part of) the carbon reform. Taxes are paid to the General Treasury and it has pricing revenue in this way. been proposed that revenues be spent on improvements to the education and health systems, and several other This list is not exhaustive or mutually exclusive. It is programs (Szabo 2015). While this is not an earmarking common for jurisdictions to use the tax revenue for a num­ approach, since the government has not established a ber of purposes rather than just one. separate fund dedicated to a particular purpose, it is clear Not all spending applications are strictly carried out through that the revenue from the carbon tax is used to help the either general budgeting or earmarking. For example, in the government fund education and health initiatives. DETERMINING USE OF REVENUES 123 Box 27. Case Study: Ireland Carbon Tax – Used to Raise Money to Repay National Debt Arising from Financial Crisis In September 2008, in the wake of the global financial crisis, the Irish government issued a broad state guarantee of the debts of Irish banks. As debts rose to €64 billion and the public exchequer struggled to meet the rising obligations, Ireland was forced to enter into a bailout program with the European Central Bank, the European Commission, and the International Monetary Fund (known as the “Troika”) in November 2010. Those organizations collectively provided financial support in exchange for the implementation of a number of revenue-raising measures. Under this program, the introduction of a carbon tax, which had already been agreed in principle in 2007, was expedited. Between 2010 and 2012, the carbon tax contributed between 21.5 and 24.6 percent of the tax increases required by the Troika (Coverny et al. 2014). Earmarking achieves several government objectives: budget process. Thus, it will decrease a government’s capacity to align its objectives when compared to an l Ensuring that the carbon tax and its revenue are used approach that directs revenue to the general budget. for related purposes. Some governments are obliged by law to satisfy this condition. For example, in California, In addition, earmarking revenue can commit a government it has been argued that a California referendum to a particular use over many years. However, this can (Proposition 218) requires that any revenue raised by be inefficient, as technology and markets are typically too an environmental tax or charge must be dedicated to fast and efficient for relatively slow legislative processes protecting, restoring, or managing the environment. to earmark money efficiently. Moreover, where governance Hence, under a subsequent law, California uses reve­ is weak, allowing earmarks may create opportunities nue from its emissions trading program auctions to fund for particular interest groups to increase their control of environmental programs, primarily in the area of air funding decisions. quality (California Assembly Bill 1532). Even where not Some argue that earmarking generally does not improve required by law, using the revenue for related purposes public spending decisions and leads to less effective may help make different aspects of a government’s spending than using the funds to augment the general climate policy mutually supportive, and help it gain budget. This is because there is a tendency to view the public support in jurisdictions that strongly support new funds as “free money,” and not to question the cost- climate action. effectiveness of the programs to which the funds are l Linking the magnitude of the funding to the magnitude of dedicated. Earmarking for a particular application (e.g., the problem. The underlying logic is that as the severity environmental protection) can also lead to insufficient of the problem declines, so too will the revenue raised resources for that application if the government budget by taxing it, leading to proportionality between the need process responds to the earmark by cutting other budgeted for funds and their availability. For example, some funds for the application. More directly, if the carbon tax jurisdictions might dedicate the carbon tax revenue to is repealed, the program receiving the earmarks loses its developing renewable energy supplies. If that approach funding source, regardless of the merits of the program works, in terms of spreading the use of renewable itself. energy and reducing carbon emissions substantially, the carbon tax revenue might also decrease, coinciding An alternative argument in favor of earmarking is that Determining Use of Revenues with a decrease in the original need for the revenue. setting the carbon tax revenue aside for environmental and low-carbon applications will lead to more certain l Earmarking avoids the budget process. By dedicating environmental protection. While this is true, it presumes funds from carbon taxes to preferred projects and that environmental integrity is a higher priority for spending programs, the government can avoid periodic budget than other social objectives such as education, health, and reviews and the attendant uncertainty. economic development. Like some of the revenue-neutral options, earmarking can Debt reduction also be used to gain political support from specific interest groups. In this case, the incentive comes in the form of Revenue can be used to help pay down national debt, in-kind payments or beneficial programs rather than direct which can also have a positive impact on the economy payments or tax benefits. (box 27). Some jurisdictions have chosen this approach, as it has broad political appeal and leads to decreased While earmarking has some advantages over alternative government debt payment obligations over time. Thus, approaches to spending, generally speaking it removes even if the revenue stream declines over time, the benefits revenue use from competing with broader goals in the of reduced debt are spread over many years. 124 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS 8.2.3 Forgoing tax revenue to finance offsets, since they seek to reduce tax obligations while offsets still achieving emission reductions. Since they are mostly considered in the context of avoiding carbon leakage, they Jurisdictions may decide to allow liable entities to are discussed in section 7.4.1. compensate part of their tax obligations with surrendering offsets. In doing so, the government forgoes a certain Offsets in the context of a tax program amount of revenue that would otherwise be generated Offsets are less common in carbon tax programs than through tax payments. There is significant experience with under ETSs. The Mexican carbon tax is the only existing using offsets in the context of ETSs, though jurisdictions system that permits offset use and is still in the process of have only recently begun to permit their use under carbon designing the modalities for how this will work, although tax programs. This section explains the main considerations the former Australian Carbon Pricing Mechanism also that are relevant to determining whether to include offsets made provision for offset use. South Africa has also in a tax program, beginning with defining offsets and provided for the use of offsets in its draft Carbon Tax Bill, discussing the specifics of their use in tax programs. It and has published draft regulations to guide this; both of goes on to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of including these instruments are currently under revision, following offsets, and highlights policies and national circumstances consultations. Switzerland does not allow offsets for car­ that affect this decision. bon tax compliance, but allows companies to join the ETS instead of paying the carbon tax, where they can then use What is an offset? offsets toward their compliance obligations.54 Offsets are credits representing emission reductions (or There is, therefore, still very little practical experience with removals) that have taken place outside of the scope of the use of offsets in the context of tax programs. The main the carbon tax and have been verified in accordance with a experience with offsets is, rather, drawn from their use recognized offset standard. Offsets are usually genera­ ted under international emissions trading and domestic ETSs. under so-called “baseline and credit” projects or programs, This experience can inform many of the issues that arise whereby emissions are measured in accordance with when considering offsets in a tax program. For instance, criteria established by the offsets standard—against the the process of establishing offset programs is broadly predicted level of emissions in the absence of the pro­ ject the same, whether the program will feed offsets into an or program (known as a “baseline”). Offsets are typically ETS or a carbon tax, with issues such as additionality and issued for the quantity of emissions reduced or seques­tered ensuring robust methodologies and verification processes (e.g., in forest enhancement projects), and are measured remaining key. Moreover, the core motivation for permitting in terms of tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e), which offsets—reducing the costs of compliance for covered represents the difference between the baseline and actual entities—is also the same. These issues are discussed in emissions. depth in the PMR ETS Handbook (PMR & ICAP, 2016) and The primary purpose of offsets is to substitute liabilities are not repeated here. for reducing emissions under compulsory carbon pricing On the other hand, a number of issues more specific to the schemes, in particular ETSs or carbon taxes. The surrender use of offsets under a carbon tax are important to consider. of an offset will typically entitle the liable entity to reduce its liability—surrendering emissions units or paying a carbon First, allowing the use of offsets will lead to reduced tax—by the same amount.53 Offsets are also used to satisfy revenues, since covered entities can surrender offsets in Determining Use international mitigation commitments—such as those of Revenues lieu of paying taxes. Deciding whether to permit offsets under the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement—and should therefore be considered in the context of decisions to meet voluntary mitigation commitments or for voluntary on the use of revenue. To the extent that international offsetting of emissions by companies or individuals. offsets are permitted and used, the forgone revenue is essentially lost from the economy, though the country An alternative to offsets that has been used under some receives a benefit to the extent that it can use those offsets carbon tax programs involves permitting liable entities to toward its international mitigation contributions. On the reduce their tax obligations by entering into agreements other hand, where domestic offsets are used, the forgone with the government under which they reduce their emis­ revenue can be considered an investment in reducing sions. These programs share several characteristics with emissions in the sectors from which offsets are permitted, which are typically not covered by the carbon tax. 53 In an alternative design, jurisdictions may also determine that an offset has a lower value, for example, requiring that two offsets be surrendered to reduce one tCO2e in liability under the 54 The motor industry is also obliged to surrender offsets to cover ETS or carbon tax. 10 percent of its emissions annually. DETERMINING USE OF REVENUES 125 The effect of this is comparable to that under earmarking, rather than use offsets.55 In the event of scarcity of since funds are diverted from the general budget to a offsets or high offset costs, the market price may move specific objective, in this case, reducing emissions in closer to the tax rate and there may be little incentive to uncovered sectors. There is an important difference, purchase offsets. How responsive the offset market is however. While, with earmarking, the amount of money that to fluctuations in demand will to some extent determine is diverted to a given objective is exactly equivalent to the its usefulness as a cost-containment tool. revenue forgone from the general budget, with offsets this is not necessarily the case: the actual amount of money l Transaction costs. The process of generating off­ invested in emission reduction projects will depend on a sets requires substantial time and effort not only in range of factors, such as: generating emission reductions, but also in developing and applying methodologies, measuring, reporting, l Type of offsets permitted. Whether allowing the and verifying emission reductions, and in issuing and use of offsets results in new investments in emission transferring the offset units. Many of these steps will reduction projects depends on whether the rules typically require project developers to invest significant on offset use are designed so as to encourage such time and hire external consultants, often incurring investment. On the one hand, this requires robust substantial costs. While efforts by liable entities to rules on additionality of credits, so that jurisdictions re­duce their emissions (i.e., to reduce tax liability) will ensure only offsets from projects that would not have gene­ rally involve transaction costs regarding seeking occurred in the absence of the carbon incentive out opportunities, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), are allowed. In this case it is even possible that the etc., the use offsets entails a range of additional costs finance raised through offset generation can leverage that would not otherwise be incurred. This may result a significant amount of additional investment that would in the actual costs of offsets being significantly higher not otherwise have been made. On the other hand, it than the cost of the underlying emission reductions, means jurisdictions should consider restrictions on the reducing the efficiency of the revenue use as a tool to use of credits generated or projects registered before reduce emissions. It is worth noting that earmarking the carbon tax or a given date prior to the carbon tax, in revenue for low-carbon incentives will also entail a particular if they estimate that these credits would have certain amount of administration and transactions costs been generated regardless of the demand created by (PMR & FCPF 2016). the carbon tax. This latter consideration is particularly important where there is a large surplus of offset credits A second important consideration is that, while an ETS on the market, as is the case, for example, with the is itself a market-based instrument that by definition global supply of credits from the Clean Development includes a full trading and registry infrastructure, a Mechanism (CDM)—though this may be different at the carbon tax does not and will therefore need to develop national or jurisdictional level. this infrastructure, especially for the purpose of offset use. At a minimum, this will include a registry system that l Cost of emission reductions. As discussed in chapter serves to store, cancel, and retire carbon offsets. Such a 4, the cost of achieving emission reductions varies system will need to be sufficiently sophisticated to enable significantly across sectors and activities, and so will it to accurately differentiate and track offsets so as to therefore the amount of money invested in achieving avoid double counting,56 and must be sufficiently secure them. One of the chief advantages of offsets is that the to protect against theft and fraud. The responsibility for market seeks out the lowest-cost reductions. On the the development and operation of the registry itself can be assumed domestically or outsourced to one of Determining Use other hand, investors will generally only invest where of Revenues the cost of producing the offset is less than the carbon several existing registry platforms. In either case, it will tax rate. Where achieving emission reductions is very cheap and there is a significant demand for offsets, 55 An exception to this is where offsets can be banked (used bringing the price close to the tax rate, offset providers in the future). In this case, prices may reflect future tax rates may make substantial profits, and governments may as well. Thus, if the tax rate increases at a faster rate than the forgo substantial revenue for little investment. In this market discount rate, the offset price could move above the tax case, earmarking or the design of government purchase rate at a given moment. programs for low-cost offsets may be a more attractive 56 Double counting involves the use of the same emission option. reduction more than once toward an emission goal or target. It can arise in a variety of forms, for instance, through the same project being registered under two different offset l Market price. In the case that the carbon tax provides standards or two different projects claiming the same emission the only or main source of demand, a market for offset reduction. Improperly functioning registries can also lead to credits can be expected to develop. The market price double counting, for example, where a unit is duplicated in a will in general not be higher than the carbon tax rate, given registry or transferred twice, or if a unit is used toward a as otherwise participants would simply pay the tax rate mitigation contribution but not subsequently retired. 126 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Box 28. Case Study: Offsets in the Mexico Carbon Tax Under the Mexican carbon tax, companies will be allowed to substitute the payment of tax obligations by surrendering CDM credits (Certified Emission Reductions or CERs) from Mexican projects. The value of offsets for purposes of substituting for carbon tax obligations will be determined according to the monetary value of CERs purchased, not the carbon value. It is not clear yet how this will work in practice, though one option under consideration is taking the international market price on the day of surrender as the value of the credit. This system will be launched in 2017. The potential advantage of using the monetary value of credits to determine their worth in terms of substituting tax obligations is that it avoids the scenario of an oversupply of credits undermining the disincentive to emit, established by the tax, and discourages offsets targeting very cheap emission reductions. On the other hand, the approach limits the opportunity for offset developers and intermediaries to make profits, which may discourage the development of a strong and dynamic market. be necessary to develop laws and regulations that govern l Climate policy mix. The existing and planned climate the functioning of the registry and the accounting process policy mix is a crucial factor. Where few climate miti­ for offset use. gation incentives exist or are planned in sectors not covered by the carbon tax, providing for (domestically If jurisdictions seek to have a dynamic and well-functioning gene­ rated) offset use can be a good way to encourage market, they may also want to establish or designate a emission reductions in these sectors. On the other hand, trading platform and infrastructure. While this will already if the objective is to seek maximum emission re­ ductions be a fundamental part of ETSs, this is not the case of carbon in covered sectors, offsets can disrupt this goal. taxes, and jurisdictions that do not already have functioning offsets markets may need to consider developing these l Conditions for offset market. Policy makers should systems from scratch, adding an additional cost. consider whether a functioning offset market already exists in the country (e.g., existing projects, involvement All these tasks involve—sometimes substantial—costs, of private sector in offset trading). If not, it is worthwhile which should be taken into account when considering offset to consider why this market failed to develop, and if use.57 At the same time, offset schemes can build in fees there are certain factors that would prevent offset tra­ for participation or credit issuance, which can compensate ding from operating successfully with respect to the for public expenditures. These systems can also help build carbon tax scheme. capacities and provide the basis for future trading schemes where the jurisdiction has a long-term goal to implement l Capacities and reduction opportunities. Jurisdictions emissions trading. wishing to establish an independent offset system will need to have strong institutional capacities and should Determining whether to include offsets in a consider whether there are sufficient suitable emission tax program reduction opportunities as well as private sec­tor capa­ There are a number of potential benefits and drawbacks to cities in sectors that would be covered by the offset Determining Use program in order for it to be feasible. of Revenues permitting the use of offsets in a carbon tax program, and the decision will inevitably involve a number of trade-offs. Table 23 compares some of the main considerations on 8.3 REVENUE USE IN each side. PRACTICE National circumstances and policy objectives As illustrated by table 24, jurisdictions have adopted a very wide range of practices regarding carbon tax revenue use. When considering whether to allow the use of offsets in In most cases, jurisdictions have opted to allocate funding the carbon tax program, jurisdictions will need to take to multiple uses, often spanning the different cate­ gories into account their broader national context and climate of revenue use discussed in this chapter. This reflects the policy objectives. Among the most relevant of these consi­ various strengths and weaknesses of the different options, derations are the following: and the fact that governments will typically have multiple policy goals they want to support through revenue use. It 57 These issues are explained in more detail in PMR and ICAP, also reflects the practical side of carbon tax adoption— 2016. revenue use strategies can be a power­ ful tool for gaining DETERMINING USE OF REVENUES 127 Table 23. Benefits and Drawbacks of Permitting Offsets in a Carbon Tax BENEFITS DRAWBACKS The use of offsets can reduce costs for covered entities by permitting them to reduce emissions in sectors where mitigation costs are lower. The extent to which costs are reduced will As discussed above, permitting offsets will reduce Cost- depend on factors such as the cost of Reduced the amount of revenue generated by the carbon contain- emission reductions in other sectors revenues tax, and so reduce the scope for other revenue ment and the supply and demand on the use options. offsets market. This reduced cost can make the carbon tax more palatable and provide a means to counteract identified leakage risks. Applying a carbon tax may not be Reduced To the extent offsets are permitted and available at Emission feasible for certain sectors and incentive a lower price than the tax rate, covered entities will reductions activities due to high administrative for have less incentive to reduce their own emissions, in or MRV costs in the sector as a emission undermining the effectiveness of the carbon tax in uncovered whole. Offsets can provide a way to reduc-tions reducing emissions in covered sectors. This risk sectors target at least part of the emission in covered is lower when technical mitigation options in the reductions in these sectors. sectors sector are limited anyway. Since offsets are based on the estimation of emission A dynamic and well-functioning reductions relative to a counterfactual scenario, there offsets market can work to engage are inherent environmental integrity risks that do not the private sector in identifying arise under carbon taxes themselves. Existing offset Private emission reduction opportunities standards have experienced significant challenges in Environ- sector and foster the development of ensuring the integrity of baselines and additionality mental capacity private sector capacities in project tests, as well as the monitoring and verification integrity develop- development, MRV, and trading. process, leading to questions over whether credits risks ment This is particularly useful where the actually represent emission reductions. While jurisdiction foresees a future ETS, some of these concerns have been addressed but is also useful in the absence of and experience has allowed for improvements to emissions trading. be made, some challenges are inherent to offset systems and may always present a risk. Offsets are a market-based tool, and their The development and operation introduction can reduce the price certainty of an offsets program and market that is one of the carbon tax’s main strengths. regulation bodies facilitates the Govern- Previous experience under the Kyoto Protocol’s development of government ment Risk of mechanisms saw an oversupply of offsets leading capacities in emissions capacity market to markets being flooded and prices dropping to measurement and auditing, and in develop- flooding near zero. Governments can potentially mitigate trading systems. As with the private ment this risk by limiting offset use or setting the value sector, this is particularly useful of offsets for compliance purposes based on where emissions trading is foreseen, their market price, rather than on the amount of Determining Use but can also be useful otherwise. of Revenues emission reductions they represent (box 30). Offset programs require a good deal of While some limitations may be administration, which can involve substantial Administ- placed on eligible project types, costs for the government, though these costs can rative costs within these limitations, offsets are in many cases be recovered through participation technology-neutral, allowing the or issuance fees. market to identify the most cost- Offsets typically involve high transaction costs for Techno- effective emission reductions. This liable entities, which may reduce their economic logy has the advantage of incentivizing efficiency relative to the direct emission reduction neutral innovation and not artificially incentive provided by the tax. A related issue is creating “winners,” though in some Transac- where reductions are achieved relatively cheaply, cases it can lead to offsets being tion costs but a high price is paid for offsets, resulting in generated for many “low-hanging large profits for offset providers. This means fruits” that could have been more the forgone revenue from the carbon tax has cheaply accessed by other policies. funded these profits rather than only financing the emission reductions. 128 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Table 24. Carbon Tax Revenue Use, by Jurisdiction JURISDICTION USE OF CARBON TAX REVENUE Assistance for low-income households, including income tax reform Jobs and competitiveness, including emissions-intensive trade-exposed (EITE) companies Australia Compensation for coal-fired electricity Use of offsets Clean Energy Finance Corporation (a green bank) British Income tax reductions and credits Columbia Property tax reductions and credits Chile General budget, intended for spending on education and health Reduced taxes on labor Denmark Energy efficiency and environmental programs Reduced industry contributions to government programs Income tax reductions Finland Decreased employer social security payments General budget Reduced corporate income taxes France Reduced labor taxes Energy assistance for low-income households Iceland General budget India Clean energy and environment Ireland General budget / deficit reduction / debt payments Clean energy technology Japan Energy efficiency Mexico General budget General budget Reduced labor taxes Norway Decreased capital income taxes Pension plan for low-income individuals Income tax reductions for low-income households Portugal General budget Electricity levy reduction Determining Use Energy efficiency of Revenues Solar tax credit South Africa Renewable energy Energy services for low-income individuals Public transport Rail freight transport General budget Sweden Reduced labor and corporate taxes Reduced health insurance premiums Decreased social security contributions Switzerland Building energy efficiency Technology development United General budget Kingdom DETERMINING USE OF REVENUES 129 acceptance of the carbon tax from key constituencies, and assess their tax structures and evaluate their marginal port from different groups, where it is important to gain sup­ costs of public funds. multiple strategies may be needed. l Administrative capacity. Some options will require Jurisdictions have of course also adapted their practice addi­tional administrative capacities and resources. to their individual contexts. Relevant circumstances that Deve­ loping and administering an offset program, in might influence jurisdictions’ choices regarding spending particu­ lar, requires substantial administrative capacity. include: Where this is lacking, there is a real risk of the program not functioning properly and low-quality offsets entering l Legal restrictions. Each jurisdiction will be making the market. its decision within a specific legal system that may constrain options. For example, some jurisdictions have l Public awareness opportunities. Some of the restrictions on how tax revenues can be used, such options, particularly reducing distortionary taxes, are as the United Kingdom or Chile, where earmarking is not highly transparent to the public. Jurisdictions should prohibited, or California, where it is required. assess their capacity to communicate the advantages of such approaches to the public, particularly where l Existing taxes. To assess the opportunities for effi­ public sup­port is a major concern in the adoption of the ciency-enhancing tax reform, jurisdictions will need to carbon tax. Key Considerations u Carbon taxes can raise significant revenue and how this is used can have important effects on the overall economy, the efficiency of the tax system, public welfare, and potentially the acceptability of the tax by key stakeholders. For these reasons, it is important for policy makers to carefully consider how the revenue will be used. u Recycling revenue to allow for tax cuts elsewhere in the economy is widely considered the most economically efficient means of using carbon tax revenue, and has been broadly used by governments seeking to improve the efficiency of the tax system. u Jurisdictions seeking to increase the mitigation impact of the carbon tax can direct revenue to low-carbon programs and incentives. Jurisdictions concerned about the distributional impacts of the tax may also direct these incentives toward low-income groups, for example, through subsidies for home insulation. u Tax revenue can be used to help increase support for the tax among the general public and industry stakeholders, through tax cuts, rebates, or support programs. For this to be effective, it is important to clearly communicate to the public how the revenue is being used. u Permitting offsets can promote cost-containment and encourage emission reductions in uncovered sectors, but will lead to reduced revenue. While this can be conceived as directing tax revenue to emission reductions beyond the scope of the tax, it will also result in reduced mitigation within taxed sectors. Determining Use of Revenues 130 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Chisari, O. and Cicowiez, M. 2010. “Marginal Cost of FURTHER READING Public Funds and Regulatory Regimes: Computable General Equilibrium Evaluation for Argentina.” Revista de Carl, J. and D. Fedor. 2016. “Tracking Global Carbon Analasis Economico, 25(1):79-116 Revenues: A survey of carbon taxes versus cap-and-trade in the real world.” Energy Policy 96: 50–77. Convery, F., Dunne, L., and J. Deirdre. 2014. “Ireland’s Carbon Tax in the Context of the Fiscal Crisis.” Cyprus Marron, D. and A. Morris. 2016. “How Should Economic Policy Review 8(2): 135–143. Governments Use Revenue From Corrective Taxes?” Tax Policy Center, Urban Institute and Brookings Insitution. Duff, D.G. 2008. “Carbon Taxation in British Columbia.” Vermont Law Journal (Volume 10), 87–107 How-Should-Governments-Use-Revenue-from- Liu, A. 2013. “Tax Evasion and Optimal Environmental Corrective-Taxes-Marron-Morris-1.pdf. Taxes.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 66(3): 656–670. Tuladhar, S., Montgomery, W.D., and N. Kaufman. 2015. “Environmental Policy for Fiscal Reform: Can a Carbon OECD and World Bank. 2015. The FASTER Principles for Tax Play a Role?.” National Tax Journal 68(1): 179–194. Successful Carbon Pricing: An Approach Based on Initial Experience. World Bank, Washington, DC. https://www. BIBLIOGRAPHY pricing.pdf. Barrios, S., Pycroft, J., and B. Saveyn. 2013. “The Parry, I. 2015. “The Right Price.” Finance & Development Marginal Cost of Public Funds in the EU: The Case 52(4): 10–13. of Labour versus Green Taxes.” In Banca D’Italia fandd/2015/12/pdf/parry.pdf. Eurosistema, Fiscal Policy and Growth, Workshops and Conference No.13. July 2013. Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) and Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. 2016. Emissions Trading Bento, A., Jacobsen, M., and Antung A. Liu. 2016. Registries: Guidance on Regulation, Development and “Environmental Policy in the Presence of an Informal Administration. World Bank, Washington, DC. https:// Sector.” UCSD Working paper. http://econweb.ucsd. edu/~m3jacobs/Informal_Sector_Paper.pdf. Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) and International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP). (2016). Bento, A., and M. Jacobsen. 2007. “Ricardian Rents, Emissions Trading in Practice: a Handbook on Design Environmental Policy and the ‘Double-dividend’ and Implementation. World Bank, Washington, DC. Hypothesis.” Journal of Environmental Economics and License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO. Management 53: 17–31. Shammin, M., and C. Bullard. 2009. “Impact of Cap-and- British Columbia Ministry of Finance. 2013. Carbon Tax Trade Policies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report and Plan. on U.S. Households.” Ecological Economics 68: Carbon_Tax_Report_and_Plan_Topic_Box.pdf 2432–2438. British Columbia Ministry of Finance. 2013. Carbon Tax Szabo, M. 2015. “Chile Considering Eventual Shift to ETS Report and Plan. As It Readies Carbon Tax.” Carbon Pulse. http://carbon- Carbon_Tax_Report_and_Plan_Topic_Box.pdf Determining Use of Revenues ENSURING OVERSIGHT AND COMPLIANCE 131 ENSURING OVERSIGHT 9 AND COMPLIANCE At a Glance Effective tax administration requires effective institutions and processes to implement the tax; ensure accurate measuring, reporting, and verification (MRV) of emissions; and enforce compliance with tax obligations. What are the right institutional arrangements will depend on the scope of the tax, how it is designed, and the existing legal and administrative context of each jurisdiction. The development of institutional arrangements for carbon tax implementation involves five main steps: 1. Map required roles and functions. These functions can broadly be grouped under three headings: determining tax liability, overseeing tax administration, and enforcing the tax, though specific needs will depend on the scope of the tax and how it is designed. 2. Map existing competences and assign functions. This allows jurisdictions to determine which existing institutions can assume those functions and where new structures are needed. 3. Establish procedures. Develop procedures for issues such as MRV of emissions, tax assessment and payment, audits of tax reports, and determining eligibility for rebates and exemptions. These may follow existing rules or require new or adapted rules. 4. Strengthen capacities. New or strengthened capacities will often be needed, both in the government and in liable entities, and in other parties such as external verifiers. 5. Ensure coordination. Carbon taxes often interact with a range of policies, thus coordination between government departments is important throughout the processes. This will typically be a greater concern for broader carbon taxes with a range of novel design features. Some carbon tax designs will also require a robust framework for MRV. This can also be conceived in five main steps, as follows: 1. Program coverage. The sectoral scope of the tax and the point of regulation are major factors in determining the type of MRV that will be needed. 2. Emission quantification. Carbon taxes may apply direct monitoring or calculation-based approaches. The sectoral scope and point of regulation strongly influence this decision. 3. Reporting procedures. In either case, the government needs to establish reporting templates and timelines, whether for reporting actual emissions or proxies such as fuel sales. 4. Reporting platform. Regulating authorities need to develop a data management system that collects and stores corporate-level emissions data or proxies such as fuel sales from liable entities. 5. Quality control and assurance. This includes auditing tax declarations and, where liable entities are responsible for measuring and reporting emissions, verifying the accuracy of reports. Finally, for a carbon tax to be effective, liable entities must comply with their tax obligations. To promote Ensuring Oversight compliance, it is important to first understand the main avenues of noncompliance prevalent in the jurisdiction. and Compliance Once this is understood, there are two key strategies to address noncompliance: l Include clear and meaningful penalties for noncompliance. Some liable entities might intentionally avoid payment. To discourage this behavior generally, jurisdictions can specify clear penalties that are sufficiently high to make compliance more attractive than noncompliance. l Design the carbon tax itself to minimize noncompliance. By understanding the strategies and avenues by which liable entities avoid compliance, it may be possible to design the tax in a way that limits opportunities for illegal behavior, for example, by ensuring simplicity, transparency, and a design that matches government capacities. 132 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS an understanding of the actions needed to oversee and 9.1 INTRODUCTION implement the tax, and then designing a set of institutional Implementing a carbon tax requires adequate gover­ arrangements to meet these needs. This section discusses nance and oversight for administering the carbon tax; the basic steps involved in this process, as depicted in ensuring accurate MRV of emissions or proxies such as figure 20. fuel use; and providing for oversight and compliance with tax obligations. One of the advantages of carbon taxation 9.2.1 Map required roles and functions as a policy option is that jurisdictions will already have a The first step in designing institutional arrangements for reve­nue collection framework and a revenue body in place, the carbon tax is to map the various functions that need to and to the extent possible, jurisdictions will seek to align be carried out in administering the tax. These functions can the administration of a carbon tax with existing frameworks broadly be grouped under three headings: determining tax and institutions. A carbon tax will in some cases however liability, overseeing tax administration, and enforcing the require new institutional capacities and new institutional tax. Figure 21 identifies the main tasks normally involved relationships in and between public bodies. in each of these areas. It also shows the links between tax implementation and the policy formulation and rulemaking Developing the right institutional arrangements for ad­ mi­ stage. These latter functions tend to follow the general nistering a carbon tax will be a function of the scope of the tax, policy-making procedures of each jurisdiction, and are not how it is designed, and the existing legal and admi­ nistrative considered in detail here, although chapter 3 sets out some context of each jurisdiction. This chapter pro­ vides guidance of the specific considerations carbon tax adoption raises. to help jurisdictions determine their insti­ tional needs and tu­ develop context-appropriate arrange­ ments based on these As can be seen in figure 21, some functions of carbon tax needs (section 9.2). Beyond pro­ viding overall guidance on implementation are relatively standard, while others are establishing institutional arrangements, it also zones in on more strongly affected by its design. Two design features two important issues in carbon tax administration: designing have particular relevance in this context: the scope of the an MRV system (section 9.3) and ensuring compliance with carbon tax and the existence of flexibilities and comp­ carbon tax obligations (section 9.4). lementary programs. 9.2 DEFINING INSTITUTIONAL Relevance of scope of carbon tax ARRANGEMENTS The sectoral scope and point of regulation of a carbon tax affect, among other things, the kinds of entities the tax Administering a carbon tax requires that there be institutions gets and the way tax liabilities are measured. These tar­­­ with the functions and capacities necessary to implement it. ments have important implications for institutional ele­­­­ Designing effective institutional arrangements requires first arrange­­­ments. Figure 20. Steps for Establishing Institutional Arrangements for a Carbon Tax Map required roles and functions Map existing competencies and assign functions Establish procedures Ensuring Oversight and Compliance Strengthen capacity Ensure coordination ENSURING OVERSIGHT AND COMPLIANCE 133 Figure 21. Institutional Roles and Tasks for Carbon Tax Implementation Legislative body adopts legislation and delegates rulemaking powers to ministries 1 Legislation or agencies to create secondary legislation/policy where primary legislation is silent 2 Policy coordination Tasks Potential Institutions Create interinstitutional body(s) Lead ministry or agency Coordinate rulemaking and implementation strategies across ministries or agencies Interministerial group Review effectiveness and propose legislative amendments to lawmakers Interministerial group Consultative forum for civil Inform policy making with input from stakeholders society experts and private sector 3 Rulemaking Tasks Potential Institutions Determine methodologies for calculating Environment and/or energy Finance Env. Energy carbon emissions (if not in legislation) ministry or agency ministry ministry ministry Determine enforcement regime (if not in legislation) Revenue authority The relevant government ministry Oversee comment submission process on rules or agency 4 Implementation Tasks Potential Institutions Oversee reporting for upstream Entity responsible for excise tax suppliers/refiners of fossil fuels (e.g., revenue authority) Oversee emissions reporting and Environment ministry or agency / Tax liability verification for midstream electricity utilities Energy ministry or regulator Oversee emissions reporting and Environment ministry or agency verification for downstream electricity utilities Determine tax owed based on above data Liable entities / Revenue authority Determine tax liability for importers Customs authority Environment agency / Auditing of emissions reports Independent verifiers Administration of offset program Environment or Energy ministry or agency Ensuring Oversight Process and review tax returns Revenue authority and Compliance Tax administration Assist liability entities to meet tax responsibility Revenue authority and identify potential non-compliance Revenue authority and law Investigate noncompliance enforcement agencies (if not within revenue service) Tax enforcement Revenue authority and Prosecute noncompliance judicial system 134 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Table 25. Institutional Arrangements for Implementing Chile’s Carbon Tax TASK INSTITUTION Determining social price of carbon (which informed tax rate) Ministry of Social Development Identifying entities liable to pay tax and publishing list of liable Ministry of Environment entities Establishing administrative procedures for tax application Ministry of Environment Establishing measuring, reporting, and verification (MRV) Superintendence of the Environment requirements Ensuring compliance with MRV requirements Superintendence of the Environment Consolidating the emissions reporting of covered entities Superintendence of the Environment National Energy Commission and Managing interactions between carbon tax and electricity Independent Coordinator of the National market / electricity pricing regulation Electricity System (CISEN) Receiving taxes General Treasury Collecting taxes and enforcing tax obligations in case of Internal Tax Service noncompliance As discussed in chapter 5, most carbon taxes implemented Relevance of flexibilities and to date have applied the tax to specific fuels, primarily complementary programs oil, gas and coal, and in some cases peat. These taxes typically “piggyback” on existing excise and customs taxes Several jurisdictions have built flexibility into their carbon on mineral oils or solid fuels, and so are administered tax that allows liable entities to be partially or fully exempted according to existing processes. This is the case, for from their tax obligations. For example, entities may be example, in British Columbia, Portugal, and Japan. In most allowed to enter into voluntary agreements to reduce their cases, the creation of additional functions is limited, since emissions in return for partial refunds (as in the case of revenue authorities already have a system in place for Denmark) or may be exempted from the carbon tax (as monitoring and collecting tax (based on fuel volume), and in Switzerland). Similarly, entities may be allowed to use so can easily calculate carbon tax obligations (based on offsets to pay for part of their tax obligations (as foreseen the application of a defined emissions factor). in Mexico). One additional function that may be required in these Including additional features such as these will in most cases is to distinguish between fuels with similar external cases require additional institutional capacities to manage properties but different carbon contents. For instance, in these programs. Institutional responsibilities will therefore Mexico, customs authorities received additional training to need to be assigned for their administration, including help them distinguish between oil-based fuels and biofuels. ensuring oversight and determining the eligibility of liable entities for these flexibilities. The entity in charge will also In the case of jurisdictions that decide to target direct need to ensure coordination with those overseeing the Ensuring Oversight emissions, a range of new functions may be required actual administration of the tax (i.e., revenue collection and and Compliance in addition to those involved in basic tax administration. enforcement). In particular, monitoring emissions will typically be more complex in other sectors and will usually involve 9.2.2 Map existing competences and establishing frameworks for MRV and assigning institutional assign functions responsibility for overseeing reporting and verification of emissions and calculating tax liabilities (section 9.3). The The second step, once the required functions for carbon case of Chile (table 25), which has adopted a midstream tax implementation have been determined, is therefore to tax on electricity generators and other large boilers and map the existing institutions that have the relevant (legal) turbines, provides an illustration of the range of functions competences and institutional capacities to carry out those that may be required under this kind of carbon tax. functions. Jurisdictions differ in the relative division of ENSURING OVERSIGHT AND COMPLIANCE 135 responsibilities between departments of government, and functions such as overseeing the Renewable Energy the institutional arrangements for a carbon tax will reflect Trading Scheme and the Carbon Farming Initiative. these historical institutional structures. Capacities for carrying out different tasks will also vary across institutions. A related issue to consider together with mapping existing institutions is the jurisdiction’s broader policy One of the advantages of carbon taxes as a policy option framework. A carbon tax may only be the first step in a is that jurisdictions will already have a revenue collection government’s long-term plan to control emissions, and framework and a revenue institutional setup in place. In the the division of responsibility between institutions for case of carbon taxes on fossil fuels, all the main functions administering a carbon tax should ideally feed into the for implementing the tax can often be fulfilled by existing institutional arrangements required to implement policies tax administration authorities. For example, in Japan and in the long term. For example, a government may wish British Columbia, the Ministries of Finance administer the to introduce a carbon tax as a carbon-pricing stepping tax, while in Ireland and the United Kingdom, the tax is stone to the introduction of a more complex ETS in the administered by the Revenue Commissioners and HM future. For example, Chile’s carbon tax and MRV system Revenue and Customs, respectively. In some jurisdictions, were designed in a way that would facilitate the possible tax authorities will cooperate with justice authorities in the implementation of an ETS in the future, among others, by enforcement of tax obligations. For example, in Mexico, seeking to align methodologies with existing ETSs in other the Federal Attorney General’s Office for the Protection jurisdictions. Similarly, Australia’s decision to create a new of the Environment plays an important role in ensuring regulatory entity was influenced by its intention to transition compliance with tax obligations. the carbon tax to an ETS. In the case of carbon taxes that are applied to direct 9.2.3 Establish procedures emissions, entities other than tax collection authorities will often be charged with overseeing emissions monitoring. Once institutional roles have been determined and assigned, Where entities already exist with similar functions, these it is important to define the procedures to be followed in responsibilities will often be assigned to these entities. carrying them out. Clearly defining rules and procedures For example, in Chile, the Superintendence of the through legal instruments and policy guidance documents Environment, which is the authority with responsibility for helps to provide clarity to regulators and regulated entities ensuring compliance with environmental laws, was tasked alike, and facilitates a smooth administration of the carbon with developing the MRV system and overseeing emissions tax. Procedures may need to be adopted for a range of reporting. Other existing competences and processes that actions, including: can be built on include the monitoring of sulphur dioxide, l MRV of emissions (section 9.3) nitrous oxide, and other pollutants from fossil fuel power stations, or the monitoring of industrial output. Energy l Tax assessment and payment ministries may also participate by providing information on l Claiming rebates energy usage to entities overseeing emissions monitoring, as is the case in South Africa. l Audit and inspection l Investigation of fraud and prosecution Where carbon taxes include flexibilities, jurisdictions will also seek to involve entities that already implement similar l Surrendering offsets or claiming exemptions based on programs. In Denmark, the Danish Energy Agency— flexible mechanisms already responsible for the implementation of the energy l Undertaking revisions to carbon tax rules. efficiency measures (including subsidies) in all sectors, except the transport sector—was made responsible for Jurisdictions will invariably already have a range of existing administering agreements with liable entities under which procedures that apply to tax administration. Whether new they could earn carbon tax rebates by entering into binding procedures are required or existing procedures need to energy efficiency agreements with the government. In be adapted will depend to a large extent on how easily this way, Denmark was able to take advantage of existing the design of the carbon tax fits within the legal framework Ensuring Oversight capacities as well as ensure alignment with other programs. and Compliance of existing taxes and what additional design elements it contains that may require special consideration. This will By contrast, where there is no institution with the right legal differ significantly depending on the specific characteristics competences and the required institutional capacities to of each carbon tax and the existing tax administration undertake the tasks required, jurisdictions may establish framework. Nonetheless, the experience to date highlights new structures. This was the case, for instance, in three broad approaches: Australia’s Carbon Pricing Mechanism, which had a broad scope and required significant new competences to be l Full integration. The carbon tax can be fully integrated developed. For that reason, the government established within an existing tax, usually an excise tax, so that the a new entity, the Clean Energy Regulator, to oversee amount of the carbon tax is simply fused with the amount administration, which also assumed a number of existing of the excise tax to form, for administrative purposes, a 136 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS single combined tax rate. This is the approach adopted l Government departments involved in carbon tax for the portion of the Irish carbon tax that covers mineral de­sign and implementation will need the capacity to oils, where mineral oil traders file only one return for fulfil new functions, such as: their mineral oil sales. w Identifying and evaluating carbon tax design l New instance of existing category. The carbon tax options can be defined as a specific tax or subcategory of w Drafting carbon tax legislation, regulations, and taxes within an existing tax category. This allows for technical guidelines the application of the overall rules of that tax category, while differentiating or adding supplementary rules w Administering core carbon tax functions: measure- as necessary. This is the approach taken in Mexico’s ment and verification of emissions, tax collection carbon tax, which is deemed part of the Special Tax and administration, enforcement, assessment, and on Production and Services. Similarly, in South Africa, review the proposed tax would be administered as if it were an w Administration of flexibility mechanisms such as environmental levy as defined under existing legislation, offsets or energy efficiency agreements but would also be subject to a range of rules defined through the (currently proposed) Carbon Tax Act and its w Managing the carbon tax’s fiscal implications for subsidiary legislation. and impacts on other government policies, mea- sures, and administrative systems. l Stand-alone tax category. Where the tax does not fit within existing categories or certain design features l Regulated entities will need the capacity to meet their require tailored procedures, jurisdictions may define carbon tax (payment) obligations. In cases where the a new tax category and a specific set of procedures. carbon tax uses simply proxies such as fuel use or For example, in British Columbia, constitutional consi­ “piggybacks” on existing systems, regulated enti­ ties derations necessitated that the tax be levied on purcha­ will often need new capacities to monitor and report sers of fuel; however, as it would not be practical for on emissions.58 They will also need to develop new the government to collect taxes from each individual skills and processes for factoring carbon prices into purchaser, it developed a new system whereby the busi­ness decisions, developing overall mitigation and suppliers are required to pay securities and then collect invest­ment strategies, and hedging against new risks the tax from the purchasers. and uncertainties.59 Where the carbon tax seeks to change the behavior of consumers, they will similarly 9.2.4 Strengthen capacity need information on available options to reduce their It can be expected that any new carbon tax will require emissions. the development of new capacities or the strengthening of l Other entities will, where relevant, need the capacity to existing ones. This need will be greater where the carbon design facilitative services such as supporting regulated tax has design features that require new competences, and entities to reduce their emissions or engage in flexible in jurisdictions with less well-developed tax administration mechanisms. Auditors and third-party verifiers will also capacities, though in all cases some additional capacities need capacities to perform these tasks for the carbon are likely to be needed. The following sets out the most tax. important needs that can be expected to arise and the principal methods that can be used to build capacities. Methods and tools for capacity building Identification of capacity-building needs Following an assessment of stakeholders’ current capacity, the gaps that need to be filled can be identified. A program “Capacity” can be defined as the specialized understanding, for capacity building can be designed based on the gap skills, institutions, processes, and resources required to analysis. Key elements of this program could be: design and implement a carbon tax. Capacity-building needs can be assessed by conducting capacity needs l Providing basic educational materials with plain- Ensuring Oversight assessments that compare the roles and functions iden­ tified language information about carbon design, impacts, and Compliance above (section 9.2.1) with the capacities of the institutions and obligations that have been designated to implement that carbon tax. It is worth noting that where governments adopt revenue- l Developing guidelines and technical documentation neutral carbon taxes, the reductions in other taxes may free through a process of participant input and review, to up capacity that can be used to administer the carbon tax. ensure they are comprehensible and practical While it is important that the broader government, business community, and general public have sufficient information 58 For detailed guidance on the capacity needs for monitoring, to understand the rationale and overall functioning of reporting, and verification, see Singh & Bacher, 2015. the carbon tax, several stakeholders will require more 59 For case studies on companies’ practical experience with specialized capacity. Important among these are: preparing for emissions trading, see PMR, 2015. ENSURING OVERSIGHT AND COMPLIANCE 137 l Holding workshops that create an opportunity for multisectoral and interministerial committees—which in information sharing many countries already exist for environment or climate policy development—may prove useful for coordinating l Providing training to staff who will be involved in car­ design questions that touch on multiple policy areas. Beyond bon tax-related activities coordinating design-related matters, an interministerial l Engaging researchers to help develop a carbon tax body may also play a role in carbon tax implementation, lored to the local context, based on experiences tai­ as well as in reviewing its effectiveness and proposing gained elsewhere necessary legislative adjustments. l Encouraging learning from other systems by enga­ At the administrative level, the extent of coordination ging those with prior experience in carbon tax design. will naturally depend on the number of entities involved Study tours and inviting experts from other jurisdictions in implementing the tax, which largely depends on its to present can be helpful in showing stakeholders how other carbon taxes are operating. The PMR and other design features. In relatively straightforward carbon taxes organizations, as well as donor countries assist with focused only on fuel use and without direct connections capacity building through information resources, techni­ to other programs, tax administration authorities will often cal training, professional accreditation programs, and take on the lion’s share of administration. In these cases, country-to-country exchanges. informal and ad hoc coordination with other agencies (such as environmental authorities) may be sufficient. Learning by doing This is the case, for example, in Ireland. By contrast, taxes that include other sectors will often involve several Where a carbon tax requires relatively more complex authorities—including revenue authorities, environment systems to monitor the emissions of covered entities, ministries, and energy regulators—and so will need more there may be room for learning by doing through the comprehensive coordination mechanisms. This is the case development of a GHG reporting system before adopting of South Africa (box 29). For taxes that apply to fuel use but a carbon tax. In Australia, the prior existence of a system are linked to flexible mechanisms or other complementary of MRV of emissions from large emitters greatly facilitated programs, coordination will typically be needed between the smooth rollout of the carbon tax, and was expected to the revenue authorities and the authority implementing the allow a relatively quick transition to an ETS. complementary program, as is the case in Switzerland and Denmark. 9.2.5 Ensure coordination Carbon taxes typically bring together multiple sectoral Some principles to consider in designing coordination policies (e.g., energy, environment, economic/fiscal), and mechanisms include: so coordination of both development and implementation strategies between government departments responsible l Ensure appropriate leadership. Clear executive and for various aspects of tax implementation is important ministerial leadership and commitment helps secure throughout the processes. At the policy development level, departmental engagement and support. Box 29. Case Study: Coordination in the South African Carbon Tax The South African carbon tax is set to be one of the broadest carbon taxes adopted to date and will include a range of sophisticated mechanisms to address leakage and compliance costs, including offsets and linking tax obligations to sectoral benchmarks, and participation in other emission reduction initiatives. These factors mean that multiple government entities need to be engaged in ensuring the tax is effectively administered. Overall responsibility for administration of the tax, including receiving and reviewing reports on emissions from liable entities, will be the responsibility of the South Africa Revenue Service (SARS). The Department of the Ensuring Oversight and Compliance Environment is responsible for operating the South African National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory System (NAEIS), and will make data reported to this system by liable entities available to SARS to facilitate verification of reported emissions data. Both the Department of Energy and the Department of Transport will feed data into NAEIS to ensure accuracy of emissions reporting. The Department of Energy will administer South Africa’s offset program and the development of an offsets registry. When international credits are surrendered, the Department of Energy will transfer those credits to the SARS account and issue a certificate to the surrendering entity that can be used within 15 years against tax liabilities. In this way, SARS can easily verify the validity of the certificate presented by a liable entity. 138 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Figure 22. Key Design Elements of a GHG Measuring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) System 1 Program coverage Reporting entities and covered emissions 2 Emissions Quantification Approaches to calculating and measuring emissions 3 GHG Reporting procedures Scope and frequency of reporting 4 Reporting platform Setting up data management systems 5 Quality control and assurance Ensuring emissions data are accurate Source: Singh & Bacher 2015. Note: GHG = greenhouse gas. l Designate decision makers. Assigning a specific To a large degree, the considerations in designing MRV de­partment, team, or manager to lead carbon tax deve­ systems for carbon taxes are the same as those for deve­ lop­­ ment and be accountable for delivery, including to loping MRV frameworks generally, a subject that has been other government departments, will help define clear comprehensively covered in a recent PMR guidance docu­ lines of authority and avoid uncertainty. ment.60 At the same time, a number of design choices in designing MRV systems are influenced by the design of the l Establish special working groups. These can faci­ carbon tax itself. This section focuses on the implications vels, litate interdepartmental collaboration at different le­ of different carbon tax design choices for each of the key where challenging issues can be raised and dis­ cussed. design elements of an MRV system, as depicted in figure 22. l Develop communication channels. Coordination can also be supported by establishing regular channels 9.3.1 Program coverage Ensuring Oversight to communicate progress, and share information and and Compliance document decisions. The coverage of an MRV system for a carbon tax will naturally be matched to the coverage of the carbon tax 9.3 MEASURING, REPORTING, itself (chapter 5). In some cases, it may be extended to cover sectors not covered under the carbon tax, for AND VERIFICATION (MRV) example, to accommodate future expansion of the carbon tax or effective information management. To reduce the Carbon taxes need to be accompanied by MRV systems administrative burden on both the tax administrator and that provide the basis for the accurate calculation of tax liabilities, though the extent of MRV required varies signi­ ficantly depending on the specific tax design (see below). 60 Singh and Bacher, 2015. ENSURING OVERSIGHT AND COMPLIANCE 139 the reporting entities, simplified rules and procedures can entity’s activities that are not owned or directly controlled be devised for participants that are not initially covered by by the entity in question (“indirect emissions”), for instance, the tax but could be covered in the future. emissions from electricity consumption by industry (section 5.2.2). In these cases, jurisdictions will need to ensure Carbon taxes that are applied only to fuels are usually reporting of electricity consumption by regulated entities applied upstream or midstream at the point of distri­bution, and establish emissions factors for calculating these and emissions are measured based on the application of emissions. an agreed emissions factor (based on the carbon con­ tent of the fuel) to the amount of fuel sold. In most cases, this Depending on data availability, the calculation of elect­ is done by revenue authorities, who will typically already ricity emissions may be based on national or subnatio­ have systems in place for measuring the amount of fuel nal emission factors or on more accurate, utility-specific sold for excise tax purposes. In these cases, there is no emis­ sions factors that better reflect the GHG emissions need for the establishment of an independent MRV frame­ asso­ ciated with the electricity an entity has purchased.61 work, although it will be necessary to identify ac­ cu­rate In the case of downstream taxes that include Scope 2 emissions factors for different fuels used in the economy. emissions62 from electricity use, emissions factors that more accurately reflect actual GHG emissions will provide Additionally, where rebates are tied to fuel used for cer­ grea­ ter incentives to electricity users to purchase cleaner tain purposes, jurisdictions will need systems to verify the forms of electricity. information provided on fuel use, while rebates or exemp­ tions linked to agreements to reduce emissions will require The scope of an MRV system will also be linked to the MRV systems for those emissions. amount of uncertainty that a carbon tax program will allow for. This relates to the concept of materiality, which posits In the case of carbon taxes applied to other sectors—such that more attention should be paid to larger numbers than as electricity generation, industrial processes, or waste to smaller ones, and that consequently larger polluters dis­posal—and of downstream taxes on fuel consumption, should face more stringent monitoring requirements than rele­vant MRV systems will often not exist. Moreover, the smaller entities. The EU ETS, for instance, does not cover wide range of factors that influence the amount of emis­ small power producers. Where thresholds are lower and sions pro­­duced accounts for larger than normal comp­ lexity, large numbers of smaller entities are included, jurisdictions ma­ king it challenging to determine accurate, comp­ lete, and may opt to apply relatively simple MRV requirements to consistent emissions data. One example is the accounting accommodate the lower capacities of smaller entities. for emissions generated in the chemical pro­cessing industry, Where there is a mix of larger and smaller entities, the sions to individual where it is often difficult to relate emis­ jurisdiction may decide to adopt a multitier system that input materials or attribute them to a specific part of the pro­ applies more stringent requirements to the larger entities, duction process. Carbon taxes in these sectors will typi­ cally as the latter are not only more challenging but also more require a comprehensive MRV framework be put in place. However, as noted above, such a framework can be built on costly to implement. existing systems used, for instance, for reporting electricity production and consumption. 9.3.2 Emissions quantification Once policy makers have determined the coverage of Limited experience has been gained with the application an MRV system, the next step is to develop guidance on of carbon taxes in sectors other than fuel use, as only two how GHG emissions are to be monitored and quantified. jurisdictions (Australia and Chile) have done so. Lessons Basically two main approaches can be taken to quantify can, however, be drawn from MRV frameworks put in emissions, which differ in their practical implementation, place for other programs or purposes, such as ETSs. For degree of accuracy, and realization cost:63 example, the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) covers power stations and other combustion l Direct measurement approaches. These approa­ches ins­tal­ lations with installed capacities exceeding 20 MW. involve directly measuring the gas particulates being Individual installations are required to monitor their GHG emitted from a covered emissions source. Emissions emissions from all types of combustion processes, inc­ are monitored at the source, by means of installed Ensuring Oversight and Compliance luding the fuels used as process inputs. Data from the equip­ment that records the GHGs vented into the sector have been monitored, reported, and verified atmosphere. annually since the first phase of the EU ETS was launched l Calculation-based approaches. These represent indi­ in 2005, providing valuable experience for conducting MRV rect ways of quantifying emissions by relating a given in the power sector. GHG content to a quantity of a specific input or activity, Where carbon taxes only cover direct emissions—that is, emissions from sources owned or directly controlled by the 61 WBCSD and WRI, 2004. reporting entity—the MRV system will focus on measuring 62 Scope 2 emissions are indirect GHG emissions from emissions at the source. In some cases, jurisdictions may consumption of purchased electricity, heat, or steam. choose to also include certain emissions resulting from the 63 See further Singh and Bacher, 2015 (section 4.2). 140 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS for instance, by applying a fuel emissions factor to the by applying standard emission factors to quantities sold quantity of fuel used in electricity generation. or purchased. In these cases, covered entities will usually not be required to report emissions, but simply report on As indicated above, for upstream taxes on fuel, emissions fuel quantities. Supplementary information may also be are almost invariably measured through calculation-based required, such as on the details of major sales or on the approaches, specifically by applying an emissions factor largest purchasers. to the quantity of fuel sold or purchased. This approach is used because the entity making the tax payment to the In the case of taxes applied to direct emissions sour­ government is not the direct emitter. It is applied, among ces, GHG data reporting typically consists of information others, in Mexico, Sweden, and Japan. Similarly, where re­lating to the reporting entity’s covered assets, total downstream electricity users are taxed, calculation-based emis­­ ren­ sions generated over the monitored period, diffe­ approaches will have to be applied, as is the case in the tiation between various tiers of GHG emissions, and the Japanese ETS, since the point at which emissions occur is underlying emissions calculation models. For some indus­ different from the point at which the tax is collected. tries, such as the power supply sector, the monitoring pro­­cedures and data analysis steps will be broadly in line In the case of taxes applied to entities in whose facilities with what entities are already tracking under a business as emissions actually take place—for example, electricity usual (BAU) scenario for their daily business operations generators, industrial facilities (in the case of emissions (e.g., under ISO data management standards). For others, from industrial processes or on-site energy combustion), such as chemical processing or cement production, the or landfill operators—either direct measurement or calcu­ associated monitoring costs may be higher, depending on lation-based approaches can be applied. The direct mea­ the MRV scope, as sometimes the monitoring parameters sure­ment approach is particularly useful to measure GHG under approved MRV methodologies are not captured in emissions if various fuels and other inputs are used in a plants’ usual operation monitoring systems. given process, for example, in cement kilns. In prac­ tice, however, calculation-based approaches are still more As indicated in the previous section, the level of uncertainty commonly used, as they are usually less costly and less permitted will also define the amount of resources that will resource-intensive. This was the case, for example, in have to be dedicated to GHG monitoring and reporting Australia’s former Carbon Pricing Mechanism. Similarly, the procedures. For example, minimum tier levels defining draft South African Carbon Tax Bill refers to a calculation- data quality levels of specific parameters will need to be based approach to both energy and industrial process defined for the determination of emissions reporting. The emissions. Chile is expected to require direct monitoring EU ETS Monitoring and Reporting Regulation, for example, at installations that already have “continuous emissions clearly specifies what minimum tier levels are required monitoring” systems in place, in particular electricity gene­ per monitored activity, and only allows for deviation in rators, and calculation-based monitoring approaches at circumstances where entities can demonstrate that the other installations. highest tier is technically not feasible or implies incurring Regardless of the measurement approach used, monito­ unreasonably high costs. ring guidelines must be available for each sector covered Other relevant considerations are the reporting period and by the carbon tax. These guidelines can draw on a wide timelines for submitting documentation to the overseeing range of methodologies, emissions factors, calculation authority. Reporting periods will typically be aligned with mo­­dels, and default factors, although in some cases the accounting period for payment of the tax. Where the they will need to be tailored to the specific context of the carbon tax is, for administrative purposes, defined as part jurisdiction and/or specific design features of the carbon of an existing tax (section 9.2.3), the accounting periods tax. The degree of accuracy that is imposed through for that tax will also apply to the carbon tax. This is the these guidelines will depend on the technical feasibility of case, for example, in Ireland, where tax returns covering quan­ fying emissions (including the availability of national ti­ or subnational emissions factors), the associated costs, the liquid fuel carbon tax are filed monthly as part of overall and the maturity of the carbon tax program or preexisting tax returns on mineral oils. monitoring programs. Ensuring Oversight By contrast, where independent procedures for the carbon and Compliance tax are adopted, the government will have to make an 9.3.3 GHG reporting procedures independent decision on reporting periods. Here it is GHG reporting procedures are put in place with the important to take into account the burden on the reporting objective of regulating the scope and frequency of reporting entity. Where the type and amount of information to be by covered entities. Well-defined reporting templates, GHG reported is minimal, more frequent reporting is feasible. emission models, and verification procedures are key to This is the case under the Clean Environment Cess in ensuring timely compliance and enforcement. India, where producers are only required to report on the quantity of fuel mined or imported, and reporting must As discussed above, where carbon taxes are applied to be done monthly. In South Africa, on the other hand, fuel sales, taxing authorities typically calculated emissions where covered entities are expected to be responsible for ENSURING OVERSIGHT AND COMPLIANCE 141 culating emissions based on defined methodologies, it cal­ l Available technical (IT) capacity to design and maintain is proposed that reports be submitted biannually. the platform Besides regulatory requirements for the frequency of l Possibility to engage third-party verifiers. monitoring and reporting, liable entities may also de­ cide to monitor more regularly or even monitor on a con­ tinuous The definition of the tax base and point of taxation will guide basis to gain a better understanding of evol­ ving out­ the design of the appropriate data management platform. standing tax liabilities. Finally, MRV schemes that accept For example, a tax on the supply of fuel will typically be lower certainty levels (i.e., permit the use of lower tiers) based on a standard emissions factor per fuel supplied, may also allow for less frequent monitoring inter­ vals to which is relatively easy to monitor and will not require avoid the incurrence of unreasonable costs. In the case of laye­red data input functions. Applying taxation to electricity gene­ ration at the generator level, on the other hand, is jurisdictions with relatively onerous reporting requirements more complex, and will require a more sophisticated data of this kind, governments will often provide some time mana­ gement system that consolidates and verifies inputs between the end of the reporting period and the final (see the case of Chile, described in box 30). Whether a submission to the respective authority, usually 2–4 months, carbon tax is applied downstream or upstream will also depending on the complexity of reporting. be a factor in the design of the reporting platform—due to the variable taxation base (e.g., larger amount of entities 9.3.4 Reporting platform and data further downstream) and different emissions quantification management system approaches. To effectively administer a carbon tax, regulating autho­ri­ties Regardless of the underlying software solution, a number need to develop and implement a data management sys­ of elements need to be in place for any reporting platform tem that collects and stores corporate-level GHG inventory to work effectively. Given the link between GHG emissions data from companies and organizations.64 This is impor­ tant generation and performance, sharing emissions data is a for ensuring accurate determination of tax liabilities, but sensitive issue. Ensuring security and data confidentiality also for keeping overall track of the implementation of the should therefore be at the forefront of any reporting plat­ carbon tax—for instance, changes in emissions of cove­ red form to gain the trust of the reporting entity. Moreover, int­ entities over time—which is important for feeding data into roducing differentiated levels of access to qualified users policy evaluations and reviews. This data management and incorporating tested security provisions are key to sys­tem can also serve other purposes not related to the preserving the integrity of the data management system carbon tax, such as complementing national GHG inven­ used. tories and reports. Another important consideration is the standardization of The intricacy of the applied system will depend on the level data forms to improve consistency in reporting and minimize of detail that is needed to meet predefined MRV require­ the incidence of errors. Including data such as approved ments, and can range from relatively straightforward emissions factors and narrowly defining data entry fields spread­ sheets to more sophisticated online systems. To de­­ can serve to increase transparency and accuracy. cide on the scope and technical specifications of the repor­ ting platform, po­licy makers should consider, among others: 9.3.5 Quality control and assurance l Type of data that needs to be reported Quality control and quality assurance—including verifi­ca­ l Frequency of reporting tion of emissions measurement and reporting—form an in­tegral part of a carbon tax MRV system. The activities l Number of entities covered under the scheme lated to them ensure that the outputs produced along re­­ l Potential to scale up the coverage of the scheme in the the entire chain, starting with data collection and ending future with emissions verification, are accurate and complete. It is important to distinguish between two terms: l Capacity and comfort of the reporting entities (relevant Ensuring Oversight for online platforms) l Quality control. This refers to the checks applied on the and Compliance side of the reporting entity. The basis for ensuring qua­ l Setup and operating costs lity and consistency is a monitoring plan that reporting l Availability of existing platforms that can be adapted for en­ ties should be incentivized to develop. A monitoring ti­ this purpose plan serves to set out in detail all procedures relating to the data collection process, including the emissions quan­ tification approach, monitoring parameters, and 64 Detailed guidance on the development of such data measu­ rement frequencies. Quality control is an impor­ management systems has been provided in the recent PMR tant part of the MRV of direct emissions, but is less technical note, Greenhouse Gas Data Management Building relevant for the simpler reporting process in the case of Systems for Corporate/ Facility-Level Reporting (PMR, 2016). upstream fuel taxes. 142 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Box 30. Case Study: Data Management System for the Chilean Carbon Tax In Chile, the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) is a one-window system that is being leveraged to report CO2 emissions for the purposes of the carbon tax. The government expects to undertake a three-year development process (2015–18). The system is designed to be ETS-compatible, so as to accommodate potential future policy changes. The PRTR system registers contaminants at the source―capturing 90 percent of all sources in Chile―and enables disclosure of information to the necessary stakeholders, including communities and the public. Chile designed and conceptualized the structure, but subcontracted experts to develop and implement the information system, and to support the government in developing additional modules (on environmental expenditures, voluntary GHG reporting, etc.). l Quality assurance. This consists of an additional check are used, it is important to adopt measures to ensure the to verify that the reported GHG emissions data indeed qualifications and impartiality of verifiers, and to provide for reflect the best possible estimates, given available data government oversight, for example, through random audits and the applied measurement approach. Generally, and complaint mechanisms. this step is undertaken by authorities administering the policy measure or certified third-party auditors. Verifi­ Governments can also opt for a hybrid approach. In cations typically target key monitoring parameters, and South Africa’s National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory reviewing the accuracy of the underlying data collection System (NAEIS)—intended to be used for the assessment process and quality control measures applied. of obligations under the forthcoming carbon tax—local “air quality control officers” have the power to request The extent of quality control and assurance needed in a cla­ fications regarding information they believe may be ri­ given jurisdiction relates to the coverage of the carbon tax incomp­ lete or inaccurate. Where they are not satisfied with regime and the point of taxation. Where covered entities these clarifications, the air quality control officers can order are only required to report on quantities (e.g., of fuel sold), that the information be verified by an independent verifier. auditing will only need to cover this information. For exa­ mple, under India’s Clean Environment Cess, excise offi­ In systems that adopt offsets or other complementary cers are allowed to inspect the premises of registered coal prog­rams such as energy efficiency agreements linked to producers and audit records to determine compliance with tax exemptions, third-party verifiers may be able to cover tax payments. both verification of covered entities’ emissions reports and offsets or other programs. However, if entities are required to measure emissions according to defined methodologies, more complex verifi­ 9.3.6 Practical considerations cation that looks at the accuracy of measurement will be required. The type of emissions quantification approach is Most jurisdictions will already have a system in place for also important in this context—direct measurement app­ reporting and verifying quantities of fuel used, and in the roaches are usually more complex and will require more case of upstream or midstream taxes on fuel, this can be in-depth verification than calculation approaches.65 used as the basis for calculating carbon tax obligations. This is, for example, the case of carbon taxes applied in EU Policy makers can support quality control efforts by pro­ Member States such as Sweden, Denmark, and France, ducing templates and manuals for developing monitoring where fuel production, import, and sale are monitored plans, and assisting with the reporting by disseminating pursuant to the Excise Movement and Control System. online resources (on reporting best practices) or organizing courses for participants. Preceding the carbon tax with a ron­ For jurisdictions that have not yet adopted related envi­ voluntary monitoring system, as was done in Chile (box mental legislation and lack institutional capacity to intro­ 30), can also help covered entities improve their quality duce, administer, and enforce broad taxation, the car­ bon Ensuring Oversight taxes and underlying MRV system could be imple­ mented and Compliance control processes. in phases. By starting with the implementation of MRV, tar­ A key consideration in defining quality assurance pro­ geting one key sector or several large emission sources, ces­ses is determining whether to assign responsibility to both the capacity of the authorities administering and gover­ ment entities or to independent verifiers. Where n­ enfor­cing taxation and the entities covered by the scheme ments want to assume this role internally, they need govern­­ can be enhanced. Following the initial learning period, to ensure adequate in-house capacity and resources are MRV obligations can be extended to other sectors. available. On the other hand, where third-party verifiers MRV systems supporting the administration of a carbon 65 National Atmospheric Emission Reporting Regulations, No. tax can also build on or relate to existing institutional R.283, 2 April 2015. lar capacities that have been put in place to implement simi­ ENSURING OVERSIGHT AND COMPLIANCE 143 policies. Jurisdictions may already have implemented spe­ of noncompliance. To understand how best to design and cific renewable energy or energy efficiency programs enforce taxes for compliance, however, it is important to first that at least partially cover the requirements set forth in consider the avenues by which intentional noncompliance the MRV system supporting carbon taxation. Jurisdictions arises. where a cap-and-trade scheme is envisaged or is already operational will also have certain MRV procedures in place, Risks of noncompliance which could also be applicable to sectors targeted by a The channels of noncompliance follow two basic patterns. carbon tax. For example, Australia’s former Carbon Pricing First, liable entities may act independently to evade their Mechanism MRV was based on the preexisting National obligations by using different strategies, including: Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme. l Nonreporting or misreporting of emissions or emis­ Jurisdictions can also adopt a voluntary system prior to sions proxies. Because so much of the mon­ ring in a ito­ carbon tax adoption to build the capacities of both regu­ carbon tax system is conducted through self-reporting, lators and covered entities. For example, Chile adopted liable entities might seek to reduce their tax bill by a voluntary emissions reporting system known as Huella misreporting key factors that are used in calculating Chile, which was applied to the power sector prior to car­ GHG emissions, for example, the amount of fuel bon tax adoption. consumed or sold, the amount of land brought under low-carbon tilling practices, or even the tech­nologies 9.4 DESIGNING FOR that are used in an industrial process (e.g., cement COMPLIANCE manufacturing). l Providing false information to auditors. Liable enti­ For a carbon tax to be effective, it is essential that liable ties may produce false or reworked records, attemp­ ting entities comply with their tax obligations. To promote comp­ to hide or obfuscate their activities. To enforce comp­ liance, three mutually reinforcing strategies may be used: liance, tax authorities should conduct both random l Ensure that liable entities understand their obli­ and targeted auditing of tax records. For example, ga­tions. Not all tax noncompliance is intentional. To in Australia, the National Greenhouse and Energy comp­­ ly, liable entities must understand their obligations Reporting Act gives regulators the authority to enter and under the carbon tax. Jurisdictions can organize public ins­pect the property of regulated entities if they expect in­for­­ mation campaigns to promote awareness. By es­­ tab­ efforts to violate the act. In addition, regulators have lishing public education initiatives and capacity buil­­ ding the authority to order an audit into regulated entities’ emis­sions reporting. Similarly, in Chile, the Internal Tax in the private sector, the jurisdiction enables en­ ties to ti­ Revenue Service can order audits of taxpayers sus­ under­ stand the processes by which their tax lia­­ bilities pected of evasion. are determined and met. l Design the carbon tax itself to minimize non­ comp­ l Nonpayment of tax liability. Some liable entities might accurately report their emissions but still not pay their liance. By understanding the strategies and ave­ nues taxes, either because they are unable to pay or because by which liable entities avoid compliance it may be they hope to avoid the cost of payment. possible to design the tax in a way that limits oppor­ tunities for illegal behavior. l Smuggling of carbon-intensive goods. Where ju­ris­­ dictions have implemented carbon taxes on fossil fuels l Include clear and meaningful penalties for non­ or border adjustments on carbon-intensive goods, some comp­­liance. Some liable entities might intentionally parties might attempt to smuggle the goods to avoid car­ avoid payment. To discourage this behavior generally, ation bon taxes levied at the jurisdiction border. In a vari­ dictions should specify clear penalties that are juris­ of smuggling, importers could mislabel goods, clai­ ming ciently high to make compliance more attractive suffi­ they originated in a country that has a carbon tax. This than noncompliance. can be a problem especially when there is a differential Ensuring Oversight and Compliance tax across fuels that appear similar. In Mexico, for This section focuses on the latter two strategies for example, the customs authorities have been provided rolling intentional noncompliance—tax design and cont­ with additional technical support so they can distinguish pe­nalties. between different fuels, in particular between biofuels and liquid petroleum. 9.4.1 Maximizing compliance through carbon tax design features All of these are forms of tax evasion—illegal practices to avoid payments. The specific design of a tax system (e.g., whether the tax is applied upstream or downstream, the breadth of Secondly, in some jurisdictions liable entities may seek to coverage of the tax, and the tax rate) can affect the level enlist government representatives to undermine the integ­rity 144 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS of the tax system by rendering preferential treatment in to bribe officials for favorable treatment. A system return for payment (bribes) or career advancement (jobs). that applies the same tax rate to all sources, which is Preferential treatment can include rendering favorable also consistent with cost-effective emission mitigation interpretations of the tax code, reduced monitoring of design, is easier to monitor and enforce and minimizes emissions, and intentional adjustment of either emissions opportunities for corruption. or tax records. In some cases, government officials attempt to influence the tax rules themselves to create oppor­ tunities l Transparency. Generally, transparency in design and for corruption, for example, by constructing overly complex implementation of a carbon tax will increase the integrity tax structures or employing deliberately vague rules that of the overall system. It is easier for third-party observers provide government officials substantial ad­ ministrative to monitor both private and public compliance with the discretion. rules when the system is clearly defined and based on simple rules. To increase transparency, governments Designing to minimize noncompliance can provide as few exemptions and exceptions as possible and publicize annual and geographic carbon Once policy makers understand the avenues of non­ tax revenue collection data by source and activity. compliance, they can use the tax design process itself to This will increase the accountability of the responsible minimize the incidence of noncompliance. government agencies. To address unilateral noncompliance by entities—in other l Use of clear emissions proxies. Carbon emissions words, tax evasion—policy makers can first carefully can be difficult to measure directly (see discussion of de­velop the MRV systems described above (section 9.3). MRV in section 9.3). For many applications, it is easier A rigorous, systematic approach will provide tax authorities for governments and third parties to monitor fuel use the information they need to enforce the laws. than emissions. In these cases, adopting a transparent and easy-to-measure proxy for carbon emissions can Other elements in the tax design can also increase comp­ reduce noncompliance by further promoting trans­ pa­ liance. These generally involve a few general princi­ ples, rency. For example, applying the tax to the carbon con­ such as: (i) keeping the system simple and transparent; tent of fossil fuels can serve as an effective and simple (ii) minimizing the rewards for noncompliance; (iii) mini­ proxy for CO2 emissions. Applying that proxy upstream mizing the need for discretion by public officials; and (iv) or midstream to fossil fuel production or sales at the oil incorporating internal procedures and external accoun­ refineries, natural gas processing plants, coal mines, tability to provide checks on corrupt behavior. or electric utilities can further promote comp­ liance by These principles can be promoted by the following design limiting the number of entities that have to be monitored. practices: As discussed in chapter 5, applying this approach to fossil fuels will often also minimize administrative costs. l Simple design. Complex tax systems create oppor­ tunities to hide information, and to claim unwarranted l Appropriate design to match institutional and tech­ exemptions. Moreover, complex taxes generally will nical capacities. Some design options (e.g., offset provide more discretion to tax officials. Jurisdictions prog­rams, selective exemptions, and differentiated where noncompliance is a significant concern can tax rates) will require greater monitoring capacities minimize both misreporting and corruption by designing than others. Jurisdictions with a comprehensive and as simple a carbon tax system as possible. For example, well-functioning national MRV system can probably upstream and midstream taxes on fuels are generally apply the carbon tax to a choice of sectors and at diffe­ easy to implement and provide fewer opportunities for rent points in the supply chain, while a government misreporting. whose MRV systems are weak may consider it easier to apply monitoring approaches that limit the need for l Uniform rates. One specific way to design a simple de­tailed information about specific activities. This could system is to adopt uniform rates across covered entities. be achieved, for example, by limiting the tax to fossil Any difference among carbon tax rates would provide fuels (which limits the range of activities that must be Ensuring Oversight an opportunity to evade tax by misreporting the true monitored) and applying it upstream (which limits the and Compliance origin or use of the fuel. For example, where tax rates number of entities that must be monitored). are different for different sectors, across subnational districts, across fuel types, or among users, misreporting l Targeting entities regulated by international stan­ could be encouraged and monitoring can be difficult. dards. For some jurisdictions, a significant part of Similarly, if the carbon tax rate for households is lower their emissions might be traced back to multinational than for commercial units, it could induce unrecorded porations (MNCs). Many MNCs are subject to cor­­­ transfer of fuel from the former to the latter. Moreover, regu­lations outside of the host country. For example, where tax rates are highly differentiated across covered Orga­ sation for Economic Co-operation and Deve­ ni­ entities, the process of determining exemptions and lopment (OECD) countries generally have strict rules classifications creates an opportunity for liable entities hibiting corruption. In jurisdictions where corrup­ pro­ tion ENSURING OVERSIGHT AND COMPLIANCE 145 is a significant concern, placing the tax there where the makers and implementing agencies should work together con­ centration of companies subject to OECD corporate to review the adequacy of the existing system and consider rules is the highest can reduce noncompliance. Simi­ whether new measures might be warranted. larly, in jurisdictions where stock exchange rules require greater transparency and impose specific ethics Some of the most common categories of penalties that can stan­ dards, applying the tax where there is a relatively be used for carbon taxes are: large concentration of publicly traded companies can l Publicizing noncompliance data. This relatively mild also reduce evasion. By designing the carbon tax to penalty involves simply publicizing the noncompliance target entities that are subject to penalties beyond status of liable entities. In some cultures and in the case the jurisdiction’s own provisions, policy makers can of certain entities (e.g., those with a high sensitivity to encourage compliance. public opinion), this “naming and shaming” approach l Gradual increase in tax rate. Although policy makers alone may be sufficiently strong to induce compliance. may decide on a certain carbon tax rate, it can be beneficial to start out with a lower rate and gradually l Requiring tax repayments. This approach requires raise it to the desired rate over the course of several noncompliant parties to pay all unpaid taxes. Given that years. Where jurisdictions apply the chosen rate right the noncompliant party only has to pay what they were from the beginning, the tax burden may be so sudden liable to pay anyway, make-good requirements do not for some covered entities that they may be tempted to ne­cessarily comprise a strong disincentive to comp­ ly evade it. In this case, other liable parties that would in the first place, especially where there is a fairly good otherwise be willing to pay the tax may feel forced to chance of nondetection. Make-good require­ ments may, evade it as well because they have to compete with nonetheless, be a reasonable option in the case of tax-evading parties in the market. This creates an unde­ unintentional noncompliance, for instance, good faith sirable equilibrium. By starting with a lower tax rate, errors in emissions reporting. Moreover, many juris­ jurisdictions can encourage early compliance and keep dictions (e.g., Norway and India) charge interest on late liable parties in a better equilibrium, where everyone tax payments. pays the tax. Early compliance with the lower tax could, l Imposing fines and penalties. Most jurisdictions in some cases, be “habit forming,” so that parties are emp­ loy some form of fine for parties that intentionally less inclined to evade taxes once they are raised. evade their carbon tax obligations, whether through l Benchmarking. One of the avenues for noncompliance non­ reporting or other evasion tactics. For example, is smuggling carbon-intensive goods (e.g., fuel or In British Columbia, the Ministry of Finance has been energy-intensive manufactured products such as given significant inspection and audit powers, with the glass and steel) to avoid paying taxes at the border. ability to assess interest and penalties (ranging from One practice that can reduce this particular form of 10–100 percent of the tax amount owed). Generally, noncompliance is to benchmark the tax rate to reflect when firms consider the potential savings of evading the carbon tax of major trading parties and neighboring carbon taxes, they will weigh those against the risks countries. When countries with strong economic ties and penalties associated with being caught. Hence, have similar tax rates, the benefits of tax evasion by the fines imposed should be sufficiently high that firms smuggling are substantially reduced. will not want to risk detection. The value of the fine can be set in proportion to the fines on tax evasion 9.4.2 Minimizing noncompliance through for other taxes in the jurisdiction. A fine may be higher penalties for intentional noncompliance than for unintended noncompliance (resulting from good faith errors). Board In addition to carefully designing the carbon tax to minimize members of corporations may also be held jointly and opportunities and incentives for corruption and tax evasion, severally liable for unpaid taxes, penalties, and interest. the carbon tax policy must incorporate sufficiently severe In Ireland, where the carbon tax is assessed on fuel and credible penalties to discourage tax evasion. Where suppliers, the Revenue Commissioners can revoke a Ensuring Oversight governments already have well developed systems for trader’s license and assess a fine of up to €5,000 for and Compliance evaluating and sanctioning violations of the tax code, the noncompliant entities. adoption of a carbon tax may not require any additional measures. l Criminal charges. In severe cases, jurisdictions may bring criminal charges against repeated and egregious However, jurisdictions should recognize that because the offenders, particularly those who have engaged in carbon tax could substantially increase the tax liability corruption of government officials. An extension of the of some entities, this might increase the temptation to criminal charges would be to hold financial and chief engage in evasion in some cases. Also, in the early stages, executive officers of corporations criminally liable for some parties might not believe the government intends to their corporation’s intentional liability. For example, the vigorously enforce the new tax. For these reasons, policy French government has stated that it could make use of 146 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS criminal charges for noncompliant behavior. In Norway, in British Columbia, the Ministry of Finance is granted audit failure to comply with the carbon tax law is subject to powers, with the authority to assess noncompliant entities’ fines and up to three months imprisonment. interest and penalties (ranging from 10 to 100 percent of the tax amount). For the authority to be meaningful though, A typical tax system has a range of potential penalties, with authorities must have sufficient capacity (training, staffing the type and level of the penalty differentiated according to levels, and budget) to investigate, pursue, and prosecute the degree of noncompliance. Overall, penalties must be cases of noncompliance (section 9.2.4). set at a level such that the benefits of noncompliance do not outweigh its costs (taking into account the likelihood If MRV is conducted by an entity other than the tax of detection). The level of the penalty should therefore authorities, it is important to ensure that the entity in be adjusted according to the scale and frequency of non­ question has sufficient authority to investigate suspected compliance and whether noncompliance is deliberate discrepancies in reporting and the power to apply penalties or accidental. For example, the Mexican environmental directly, or advise the tax authority to apply penalties. agency, PROFEPA, can impose a fine of 3,000 days of mini­mum wage for a violation. If the federal prosecutor finds It is sometimes suggested that a check by an independent evidence of falsified data or noncompliance with reporting third party would help mitigate collusion between taxpayers requirements, he can impose a fine of up to 10,000 days of and public officials. However, this proposition should be the minimum wage. For a second violation, the fine can be approached with caution, as an independent third party up to three times the original amount. Violators can also be can also be corrupt and simply increase the total amount charged with additional civil and criminal liabilities. paid in bribes by tax evaders. To address this possibility, jurisdictions may also assess penalties for collusion or Penalties will only act as a credible disincentive if they are misreporting by third-party verifiers. consistently and fully enforced. An advantage of a carbon tax (over, for example, a cap-and-trade scheme) is that The effectiveness of enforcement and penalties is also governments will have existing rules and institutions for enhanced by timely application. To this end, the judicial enforcing their tax regime and, where these are functioning process for determining noncompliance or appealing a well, it can provide a strong basis for safeguarding the noncompliance ruling should be efficient. If the relevant integrity of the carbon tax. To ensure proper functioning, tax judicial processes are typically slow, governments can authorities must be granted sufficient powers to investigate consider adopting expedited processes for prosecuting suspected noncompliance with the carbon tax. For example, noncompliance with the carbon tax. Key Considerations u The scope and design of the carbon tax have major implications for the extent of institutional capacity needed to oversee implementation of the carbon tax. Taxes covering emissions beyond the production and sale of fossil fuels and those that include flexibilities will typically have substantially greater administration needs. u Coordination is of key importance in the administration of carbon taxes covering multiple sectors or those with links to other programs, such as offset programs or conditional exemptions. Establishing clear procedures and open and regular channels of communication can facilitate smooth implementation. u Where governments use revenue from the carbon tax to reduce other taxes, this may free up tax administration capacity that can be used to support carbon tax administration. u MRV of emissions is typically not needed for taxes targeting fuel production and sale, where liabilities are usually based on volumes purchased multiplied by the carbon content of fuels, while taxes targeting other emissions will typically require more complex MRV systems. Ensuring Oversight u Jurisdictions that want to apply the tax to direct emissions but don’t have suitable MRV systems in place may and Compliance consider applying the tax to fuels, as an interim step, while they develop their MRV arrangements. u While adopting clear and meaningful penalties is an important deterrent against noncompliance, a well-designed tax that is adapted to local circumstances and administrative capacities can significantly reduce opportunities for noncompliance in the first place. ENSURING OVERSIGHT AND COMPLIANCE 147 Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR). 2015. FURTHER READING “Technical Note 9: Preparing for Carbon Pricing.” https:// Singh and Bacher. 2015. “Guide for Designing Mandatory Technical%20Note%209_Case%20Studies.pdf. Greenhouse Gas Reporting Programs.” World Resources Institute and Partnership for Market Readiness. http:// Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR). 2016. “Technical Note: Greenhouse Gas Data Management mandatory_greenhouse_gas_reporting_programs.pdf. Building Systems for Corporate Facility-Level Reporting.” https://openknowledge.worldbank. org/bitstream/handle/10986/23741/K8658. BIBLIOGRAPHY pdf?sequence=5&isAllowed=y. Singh and Bacher. 2015. “Guide for Designing Mandatory World Business Council for Sustainable Development Greenhouse Gas Reporting Programs.” World Resources (WBCSD) and World Resources Institute (WRI). 2004. Institute and Partnership for Market Readiness. http:// “The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.” Rev. ed. file:///C:/Users/ mandatory_greenhouse_gas_reporting_programs.pdf. Sebastian/Downloads/ghg-protocol-revised.pdf. Ensuring Oversight and Compliance PART III POLICY OUTCOMES 150 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS 10 EVALUATING POLICY OUTCOMES At a Glance Designing and implementing a carbon tax will be new territory for many jurisdictions, and even for experienced policy makers the process is characterized as “learning by doing.” Reviews of program performance and impacts help to assess whether the tax is meeting its objectives, and identify areas for improvement. Governments may also choose to build procedures for adjustments to the policy into the process. Three types of reviews are helpful in evaluating the performance and impacts of a carbon tax and identifying opportunities for improvement: l Impact evaluations assess the performance of the tax and feed into the other reviews. These are analyses that identify primary indicators and evaluate impacts. Primary indicators may include emissions levels, tax revenue levels, output production, and energy price changes. Relevant impacts may include those on economic growth, social costs, and their distribution, as well as trade effects, technological innovation, and diffusion effects. l Comprehensive reviews are designed to amend fundamental elements of the carbon tax. The results of the impact evaluation can help identify opportunities for structural changes to specific tax design features. Review of key factors such as emissions levels and revenue levels, or major impacts such as economic costs and the burden on low-income households, for example, may lead a jurisdiction to adjust the tax rate or rethink the use of revenue. l Regular reviews amend administrative or technical elements of the carbon tax. They provide an opportunity to review stakeholder and administrator experience regarding factors such as tax administration, reporting, transparency of requirements, and information support systems. These reviews can be scheduled periodically (e.g., annually) or held as needed to respond to new issues such as conflicts with other laws or unanticipated loopholes. A primary reason to conduct reviews is to identify opportunities for adjustments to the carbon tax program. Various approaches can be taken to manage the modification process, including: l Automatic adjustments. This approach provides a prescribed formula for adjusting specific elements of the tax’s design, such as tying tax rate adjustments to emissions or revenue levels. l Administrative adjustments. Some jurisdictions might choose to vest authority to make minor modifications in the administrating agency. This approach emphasizes the technical expertise of the agency in evaluating the performance of the program. l Legislative adjustments. The legislative branch will in many cases choose to retain the power for modi­ fications of the more fundamental elements of the tax program, or those that are particularly sensitive politically. In both the review process and management of adjustments to the carbon tax design, policy makers should be aware that covered entities benefit from predictability in their tax liabilities. For this reason, jurisdictions should Evaluating Policy seek review and adjustment processes that balance the flexibility to respond to experience and changes in Outcome circumstances with predictability (to the largest extent possible). Systems with clearly defined processes and res­ponsibilities for review and adjustment will tend to provide “predictable flexibility.” EVALUATING POLICY OUTCOMES 151 fica­ performance reviews can facilitate the identi­ tion 10.1 INTRODUCTION and resolution of unexpected issues that arise in program administration. An integral part of the carbon tax design process is planning ahead for regular, and in some cases also unscheduled, l Uncertainty and “learning by doing.” As indicated reviews and revisions of the program as it develops. To get in the previous chapters, many of the inputs that policy the most benefit from a review process, it can be helpful if makers will use to inform carbon tax design—such as policy makers have a clear understanding of the rationale estimates of emissions trends, abatement costs, and for reviews, the forms they can take, and how they fit in the the demand elasticity of certain sectors—are commonly policy process. subject to uncertainty. Reviews can help adapt the carbon tax based on observation of how these factors This chapter gives an introduction to the topic and provides played out in practice. For instance, where fossil fuel guidance on using reviews to continuously improve the consumption is more responsive to price increases than carbon tax. Section 10.2 explains the rationale for under­ expected, a government might adopt a more aggressive taking reviews and how they fit into the policy-making emission reduction target or lower the tax rate. process. Section 10.3 goes on to describe the main types of reviews, and section 10.4 discusses the link between l Changing goals. A jurisdiction’s goals might change reviews and changes made to the carbon tax. over time, either because of changes in the science or changes in international politics. For example, a 10.2 UNDERSTANDING THE jurisdiction might increase the ambition of its climate goals in line with the process of updating Nationally RATIONALE OF REVIEWS Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Carbon taxes can be complex programs that evolve in an (UNFCCC). Reviews provide an opportunity for adjus­ uncertain and dynamic environment. It is impossible to ting the tax in line with changing goals, while evaluations predict how even the best-designed carbon tax will unfold of tax performance can inform the process of adjusting over time. Reviews facilitate the regular evaluation and policy to meet these goals. development of the tax in response to changing policy objectives and circumstances, as well as the evolving l Economic fluctuation. Economic fluctuations can experience with the implementation of the tax. change the impact of the carbon tax on a jurisdiction’s economy, as well as on emissions levels and other In some cases, reviews of system operations uncover the factors. Reviews can help evaluate the tax’s impacts need for adjustments in the design or administration of on specific elements of the economy, for example, on the system. In other cases, reviews of the impacts of the par­ticular regions, demographic groups, industries, or system can lead to adaptation of the system. For example, international trade. where the carbon tax is having a particularly negative impact on low-income households, the government might l Public support. The creation of a carbon tax can be adopt new social measures to counter those impacts. a politically sensitive decision. It is therefore important to create and maintain public support for any major The review process can facilitate adaption and improvement tiative. Transparency and a well-documented per­ ini­ of the carbon tax. Jurisdictions may need to adapt their mance record can help build and sustain political for­­ carbon tax over time for several reasons, including: viability. l Complexity. Carbon taxes are implemented in complex cess The evaluation process is often built into the policy pro­ economic and political environments, and the impacts itself. While a carbon tax might start with recognition of of a tax on different areas—including GHG emissions, the need for the tax and the formulation of policy, the pro­ public finance system, income distribution, economic cess is cyclical through review and evaluation (figure 23). growth, and trade and international relations—are The information from the reviews can be used to identify often difficult to predict. It is therefore challenging to get addi­tional opportunities for adjustments. If well-defined the carbon tax “right” from the start and the program and well managed, this cyclical process of formulation, will often require adjustments over time. Reviews and imple­ mentation, and evaluation can lead to a process of evaluations facilitate the process of adaptation in the continuous improvement in the policy. face of new experience. Policy makers undertaking reviews of the carbon tax Evaluating Policy l Administrative performance. Administration of the will need to balance the parallel goals of predictability— Outcome tax can also be challenging, particularly where this important for allowing liable entities and other stakeholders involves new processes for measuring, reporting, and to plan their investments—and flexibility to adapt to verification (MRV), administering offsets, or deter­mi­ changing goals and circumstances. Setting out a clear duc­ ning eligibility for exemptions and rebates. Con­ ting approach for reviews, evaluations, and adjustments as 152 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Figure 23. The Public Policy Cycle Problem Identification Policy The Public Policy Evaluation Policy Process Formulation Policy Policy Implementation Adoption Source: Note: In the simplest terms, the policy cycle begins by identifying an underlying problem or challenge, such as the need to reduce emissions (chapters 2 and 3). The process moves on through policy formulation (chapters 5 to 7) and adoption and implementation (chapter 8 and 9). As described in this chapter, the cycle is completed with policy evaluation leading to revised problem identification and policy revisions. The cycle repeats periodically. part of the carbon tax design can promote “predictable l Impact evaluations that assess the performance of the flexibility.”66 While the carbon tax itself remains adaptable, tax and support the other reviews the process by which it is evaluated and adjusted can be l Comprehensive reviews designed to amend funda­ predictable. Thus, when the review and adjustment process mental elements of the carbon tax is well-defined, the process is not arbitrary, and parties will perceive greater predictability even if the carbon tax itself l Regular reviews to amend administrative or technical might change. elements of the carbon tax. To further enhance predictability, jurisdictions can assign Jurisdictions will generally find it useful to incorporate responsibility for the performance assessment to a specific all three types of reviews in their evaluation processes. agency, ministry, or department, with the charge to engage As indicated in figure 24, the impact evaluation process a broad range of government entities (including national involves both a separate review and a critical input for the data collection agencies and statistics offices), private comprehensive review. Each type of review is considered par­ties, civil society, and academia. A clear assignment in more detail below. of the responsibility enhances accountability, allocation of re­ sources, continuity, and transparency. 10.3.1 Impact evaluations The comprehensive and regular reviews described below 10.3 TYPES OF REVIEWS are specifically aimed at identifying opportunities to improve the carbon tax system by adjusting fundamental Clearly specified objectives are needed for reviews to be elements, rules, and procedures of the carbon tax. By effective. For carbon taxes, reviews can be tied to one contrast, impact evaluations provide assessments of the or more of the rationales listed above. Broadly speaking, social, economic, and environmental effects of the carbon there are three basic types of review: tax. The results of an impact evaluation can be used inde­­ pendently to understand the effects of the carbon tax; 66 The World Bank Institute (2010) defines “predictable flexibility” they also become important inputs for the other reviews, as allowing “for timely revision when the underlying social and particularly the comprehensive review. political circumstances have changed” while being “explicit Evaluating Policy in defining the conditions under which its terms should be To prepare for impact evaluations, jurisdictions will need Outcome revised.” Similarly, among many others, Stern (2008) notes the to make several decisions, including how to define the importance of predictably flexible policy to provide long-term baseline that will serve as the point of comparison for planning while being flexible enough to adapt to changing ob­served impacts, the selection of key indicators and met­ circum¬stances. rics that will be used to evaluate the impacts, and how the EVALUATING POLICY OUTCOMES 153 Figure 24. Organization of Reviews Impact Evaluation Implementation Comprehensive Revisions Review Feedback Regular Review evaluation process itself will be managed. Each of these reductions relative to that baseline, but also estimated the points is discussed below. contribution that various factors—for example, efficiency programs, industrial closures, and renewable energy—had Defining the baseline made to the reduction. It concluded that price effects, Evaluations of any type need clearly specified baselines ding the carbon tax, accounted for 14 percent of the inclu­ that serve to portray a hypothetical (or “counterfactual”) reduction in emissions (Climate Change Authority, Aust­ scenario under which the carbon tax was never adopted. ralian Government, 2014). The difference between this counterfactual scenario and the observed world can then be used to infer the impact Identifying key indicators of the carbon tax on selected outcomes. If done prior to Jurisdictions can tailor impact evaluations to their specific the implementation of the carbon tax, the baseline can circumstances and policy goals. Some primary indicators— also help serve as a benchmark from which to measure those that can be directly observed or calculated with little progress over time. In addition to aiding in the assessment or no modeling—of impacts might include the following: of the results, the establishment of a clear baseline can aid in the comparison of alternative policies that adopt the l Emission levels. For most jurisdictions, reducing same baseline. Furthermore, the process of defining the emis­sions is among the main objectives of the carbon baseline aids in refining data needs and key indicators to tax. Tracking emissions levels in covered sectors monitor. vities over time provides insight into progress or acti­ Defining a baseline can be challenging when policy made toward meeting abatement targets and how the is uncertain or multiple policies are considered simul­ tax is cont­ ributing to meeting them. Information on taneously. If the policy package accompanying the carbon emissions in covered sectors is often already gathered tax involves other changes to programs or policies that as part of the tax administration process, for example, influence car­ bon emissions levels (e.g., tax revenues as where records of the production or sale of fossil fuels subsidies for low-emission investments), the baseline are collected for tax or other monitoring purposes. can be set to either assess the impact of the collective However, separating the effect of the carbon tax from policies or just the carbon tax component. Consequently, the effect of other factors (e.g., economic growth, governments need to carefully consider what it is they want technology development) can be challenging (see to measure when deciding how to calculate the baseline. discussion of baselines above). For example, a Swiss assessment of the country’s carbon tax found the levy To illustrate, from 1990 to 2012, Australia’s emissions was highly efficient in emission reductions. Between mained approximately the same, despite a doubling of re­ 2008 and 2013, the total cumulative reduction effect was the size of its economy over that time. To understand the estimated at 2.5–5.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide Evaluating Policy underlying drivers, particularly with respect to electricity, equivalent (tCO2e) (Ramer, 2016). Early evaluations of Outcome the country relied on a 2013 report in which the baseline Australia’s Green Energy Package, which included the had simply been estimated by projecting the growth of carbon tax, suggested the policy had resulted in a 5 emissions after 2005 based on the growth rate from1985 to percent decrease in CO2 emissions between 1996 and 2005. The study not only estimated observed total emission 2005 (Danish Energy Agency, 2000). 154 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS l Revenue raised. Whether or not raising revenue is a social welfare, or both. For example, if the revenue is primary goal of the carbon tax program, it is an important used to reduce other taxes, both policy makers and the element of the impact. As discussed in chapter 5, if the public might want to understand how much taxes have tax rate is high enough to significantly lower emissions, been reduced and how the benefits of those reductions it is likely to raise a significant amount of revenue. are distributed across income groups and industries. For example, in France, the carbon component of the Domestic Consumption Taxes is expected to generate l Technological innovation and deployment. A signi­ close to €4 billion in revenues. That can have a major ficant carbon tax will induce changes in consumption impact on spending or on the broader tax system. This and investment decisions, which can in turn lead to information is tracked as part of the tax collection and techno­ logical innovation and deployment. For some general budgeting process. dictions, this could be a primary motivation for the juris­ carbon tax, as it supports sustainable development. For l Energy prices. Because energy prices can be a politi­ example, Sweden’s use of heating fuel for households cally charged issue, jurisdictions might choose to monitor and services has decreased dramatically since the these closely. Because of the natural volatility of energy introduction of that country’s carbon tax. At the same prices, however, identifying causality with carbon tax time, the production and use of biofuels, which are rates can be a particular challenge with this metric. exempted from the tax, have increased significantly (Ludovino Lopes Advogados, Climate Focus and The evaluation can also track secondary indicators for WayCarbon 2014). the carbon tax. Any of the ex ante policy criteria (e.g., the FASTER principles described in chapter 3) or concerns l Leakage and impacts on trade. As discussed in chapter could be important performance measures. For example, 7, many industries have expressed particular concern jurisdictions might seek to design carbon taxes that are that they might be disadvantaged by the imposition of cost-effective and fair, and bring economic improvements. a carbon tax. In jurisdictions where this is a special Generally, these secondary indicators will require more concern, the government could conduct an ex post involved program evaluation methods and interpretation. evaluation of leakage and trade impacts.67 For example, Potential indicators include: in British Columbia, there had been widespread pub­ lic concern about the impacts of the carbon tax on inter­ l Cost-effectiveness. One of the primary advantages of national competitiveness, but ex post analysis found a carbon tax is that it is expected to induce cost-effec­ that only a small percentage of industries was actually tive emission abatement. If businesses and consumers vulnerable (Sustainable Prosperity, 2012). are not adopting abatement measures that are cost- effective given the carbon tax, policy makers might l Impact on the economy. Jurisdictions are often con­ consider additional measures, such as public edu­ cation cerned about the carbon tax’s impact on their economic initiatives, to address the barriers to their adoption. For growth. While evaluating the impact of a carbon tax on example, if there is evidence that commercial property the economy can be challenging, some jurisdictions operators are not reducing their cooling loads or may find this exercise informative. households are not shifting to more efficient app­ liances in the face of increased energy costs, the govern­ ment Managing the evaluation might consider developing programs to raise awareness Once indicators have been agreed, each indicator should of energy efficiency options. Similarly, if electricity be evaluated in a two-step process: data gathering and generators are not shifting their generation toward low- assessing impacts. carbon fossil fuels and renewable energy, the jurisdiction might investigate whether there are market or regulatory 1. Data gathering. To conduct a meaningful ex post eva­ impediments to cost-effective adaptation to the carbon luation of a carbon tax, jurisdictions will need to gather price signal. sufficient and reliable data. Some of the important data are gathered as part of the tax administration pro­ cess l Tax impacts by income group and geographic or regular national data monitoring processes, for region. Many jurisdictions are particularly concerned example, tax revenues, energy prices, trade activity, about the potential impacts of a carbon tax on vulnerable wages, and emp­ ment figures. The MRV system will loy­ parts of society. Similarly, some regions of the jurisdiction meanwhile gather data on emissions, at least for the (e.g., those with heavy manufacturing industry or coal- covered sectors. powered electricity plants) might experience higher Some of the analyses, however, will require additional Evaluating Policy impacts than others. The actual impact will be context- data, in some cases at the household or company level. Outcome specific and can be evaluated in a periodic assessment. l Revenue impacts. Jurisdictions may want to understand 67 See section 7.3 for a discussion of modeling approaches to the impact of the carbon tax revenue on their economy, evaluate leakage potential and impacts. EVALUATING POLICY OUTCOMES 155 Prior to implementation of the carbon tax, therefore, it in public support, and economic fluctuations—may make it can be useful for policy makers to assess whether estab­ necessary to adjust certain elements of the carbon tax from lished surveys, censuses, and reporting systems will time to time. Providing for regular, clearly defined, comp­ provide the data needed to support the types of evalu­ rehensive reviews can add predictability to this process of ation that the jurisdiction will require. This will serve to evaluation and adjustment. determine whether the additional data can be gathered by modifying existing data collection mechanisms or Jurisdictions that provide for regular comprehensive re­views entirely new approaches are needed. could include the following performance and im­ pact factors: 2. Assessing impacts. Assessing the impact of the l Review of the current tax rate in light of objectives for carbon tax can be more challenging because it requires revenue and emissions levels. Such a review could take distinguishing the effect of the tax itself from the effect into account a number of factors, among others, trends of other factors. For example, if a jurisdiction observes in revenue and emissions levels, new technologies, dec­lining carbon emissions following implementation of macro­ economic developments, international financial a carbon tax but wants to understand if the tax is respon­ de­ lopments, and the effectiveness of other climate ve­ sible for the decline, it must first control for the influence policy initiatives. of all other factors such as changes in international energy prices, autonomous improvements in technology, na­ l Evaluation of compliance costs, leakage, and inter­ and changes in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). tional competitiveness. Most of the indicators listed above will require substan­ l New developments in measuring, reporting, and verifi­ tial modeling efforts. Chapter 4 describes a broad range cation (MRV) practices. of modeling approaches. For this impact evaluation, the l Review of the extent to which the tax has affected eco­ nomy-wide approaches, particularly general equilib­ behavior, technology diffusion, and investments relative rium models, will probably be the most useful. These to other factors such as other climate policies, economic app­ aches capture both direct and indirect impacts of the ro­­ growth, and prevailing energy prices. carbon tax and are particularly useful for assessing distri­ butional effects on different income classes, the impact on The comprehensive review can also provide an the economy, leakage, and the impact on trade. opportunity to augment public understanding and support. Econometric studies may also be useful for assessing the A transparent, competent, and comprehensive review effect of the tax on covered entities. These studies, often assures stakeholders that the jurisdiction is carefully re­ ferred to as “natural experiments,” compare the behavior considering the full impacts of the program as well as of covered entities before and after implementation of the opportunities for adjustments. tax or, alternatively, the behavior of firms covered by the tax with that of firms that are not covered. To engender credibility, the comprehensive review process can involve individuals, organizations, and government bon In practice, much of the ex post impact evaluation of car­ units with recognized competence in the field of climate taxes has been conducted by academics, research groups, policy, economics, finance, social processes, and gover­ and consultants. For example, Australia’s assessment of nance. The process will also be more credible if the the role that its carbon tax played in substantially lowering participants are generally regarded as objective and non­ its emissions intensity was based on ex post analysis political. To this end, jurisdictions might consider having of relevant academic studies and consulting reports. In the tracking and evaluation done by an agency other than part, this is because building and applying the complex the unit that administers the tax. For example, in Australia, economic models required is a highly specialized skill entities were required to report their GHG emissions to that many governments do not have. However, these the Clean Energy Regulator (Walters and Martin 2012), inde­ pendent analyses are still available to inform the while the Climate Change Authority was responsible for comp­ rehensive review. They may even have greater cre­ reviewing the results of the Clean Energy Package and di­bility if they are conducted outside the direct control of making recommendations to Parliament (Environmental the government. Jurisdictions can encourage this outside Defense Fund, CDC Climat Research, Caisse des Dépôts analysis by budgeting research funds and providing grants Group, and IETA, 2015). for evaluative studies. It is possible, however, that as the carbon tax revenues become a significant portion of The frequency of the comprehensive reviews will vary national budgets, jurisdictions may choose to develop and according to the needs and capacities of the jurisdiction. maintain an internal modeling capacity. Evaluating Policy For example, where there is considerable uncertainty in Outcome setting the tax rate, where the economic climate is parti­ 10.3.2 Comprehensive reviews cularly unstable, or where political support for the carbon Several of the factors listed in section 10.2—for instance, tax needs to be bolstered, jurisdictions might choose to complexity, uncertainty, changing goals and targets, shifts conduct more frequent comprehensive reviews. 156 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS 10.3.3 Regular reviews l Unanticipated loopholes in the carbon tax; Where comprehensive reviews focus on the overall impacts l Extraordinary circumstances, which could result in of the carbon tax and progress toward policy goals, regular liable entities unintentionally becoming noncompliant; reviews are aimed at identifying the performance of the l Conflicts with other laws and regulations. carbon tax from an administrative and legal perspective. Regular reviews provide an opportunity to assess a number Where comprehensive reviews are generally most credible of elements of the carbon tax, including: when conducted by independent, subject-matter experts, the regular reviews can be managed by government admi­ l Stakeholder experience. Jurisdictions may particu­ nistrators and legal experts. At the same time, the process ly examine whether the requirements are clear, lar­ can often benefit from seeking input from stakeholders. the procedures easy to follow, and the information accessible. l Implementing agency experience. Jurisdictions can 10.4 ADJUSTING CARBON TAX draw on observations from personnel in the imple­ PROGRAMS FOLLOWING menting agency to identify opportunities for improve­ ment of the system. REVIEW l Compliance rates. It is important to periodically assess The purpose of the review process is to maintain the whether liable entities are accurately reporting and effectiveness and efficiency of the program and, as part meeting their obligations. Jurisdictions can use the of this, to inform jurisdictions of the need for adjustments. re­ sults of regular audits to assess trends in compliance Table 26 provides several examples of the types of and determine whether additional measures are needed. observations that might arise from a review, and the types of adjustments a jurisdiction might make in response. While these elements may be the subject of regular review, jurisdictions may also need to conduct urgent reviews to The way jurisdictions use the results of reviews is also address unexpected, new developments such as: important. Jurisdictions will enhance predictability if they Table 26. Examples of Relation between Performance and Impact Factors and Potential Carbon Tax Adjustments EXAMPLE ADJUSTMENTS IN CARBON FACTOR EXAMPLE OBSERVATION TAX DESIGN Emission levels Emission levels are above target levels Increase carbon tax rate Revenue Lower other taxes, increase spending, Revenue is above targeted level collected lower carbon tax rate Adopt measures to reduce transaction costs Economic costs of carbon tax are higher Economic cost and promote information diffusion, adjust than expected emission targets, or lower carbon tax rate New methods of measurement lower the Expand coverage of tax to include MRV techniques cost of MRV in untaxed sectors/sources additional entities Technology Cost of renewable energy technologies has Decrease carbon tax rate or increase development declined more rapidly than expected abatement target Liable entities have not adopted energy Technology Organize outreach campaigns to conservation practices as rapidly as diffusion communicate options to liable entities expected Increase carbon tax rates, expand International Increase in ambition of Parties to Paris coverage of carbon tax, use revenue to commitments Agreement following five-year reviews achieve greater emission reductions, and invest in greater technology diffusion Trade partners have adopted similar Reduce exemptions or other leakage Evaluating Policy Leakage carbon tax rates mitigation measures Outcome Impacts on Adjust other tax rates so they are more Low-income households incurred higher vulnerable progressive, adopt support schemes economic costs than anticipated groups targeted at low-income families EVALUATING POLICY OUTCOMES 157 specify not only the type and timing of reviews, but also if judgment before making adjustments in the tax. This and how the information will be used to adjust the design app­ roach is particularly useful for adjustments that of the program. This is particularly relevant for the comp­ are less amenable to formulaic determination, such rehensive review, which could lead to changes in major ele­ as those involving administrative procedures, appeals ments such as the tax rate, tax base, and use of revenue. pro­cesses, MRV programs, and conflicts with other statutes and programs. Administrative discretion has Basically, the review and evaluation feedback can be linked the advantage of adaptability in the face of complex to adjustments in the carbon tax through three approaches: decisions, but still shields the process from political influence. l Automatic adjustments. For some elements of the carbon tax, it is possible to link prescribed adjustments l Legislative adjustments. Policy makers can also directly to the results of the review. For example, the stipu­ late that adjustments to the carbon tax require initial design of the carbon tax program could include legis­­ tive approval. This places control directly with la­ an adjustment formula that incorporates factors such elec­­ted rep­re­­sentatives. Jurisdictions might con­sider as progress in meeting emission reduction targets some poten­ tial adjustments (e.g., coverage, exemp­ (raising the tax rate if GHG abatement is falling tions, reve­­ nue spending) so closely related to either behind schedule), revenue levels, inflation (linking po­licy goals or personal rights that they choose to the tax to some measure of inflation such as the CPI), re­serve these decisions for the legislature. exchange rate shifts, and GDP growth. The advantage of this approach is that it enhances predictability and As discussed in section 10.2, the ideal adjustment mecha­ moves the adjustments outside the realm of political nism will recognize the tension between the need for influences. flexibility and the need for predictability. Generally, systems that are more bound by formula and prescription are more l Administrative adjustments. Policy makers can predictable but less flexible. Review and adjustment pro­ de­ gate responsibility for adjusting certain carbon tax le­ cesses that are more open to political influence can be design features to specific agencies or executives in more flexible but less predictable. Each jurisdiction will the government. Under this approach, the responsible need to balance these two aspects as it defines the aims, viduals interpret the results of the review and any indi­ pro­cedures, and responsibilities for its carbon tax review associated recommendations in the light of professional and adjustment process. Key Considerations u Implementing a carbon tax is often characterized by “learning by doing.” Undertaking regular evaluations and reviews helps keep track of whether the tax is meeting its objectives and identify areas for adjustment and improvement. u Clearly defining the aims of the review is crucial for determining what should be assessed and how it should be designed. Policy makers should have a clear idea of what they expect to learn from the evaluation and what outcome they expect from the review. u Effective evaluations depend on the availability of consistent and reliable data. Jurisdictions that design their review processes concurrently with the carbon tax itself can identify data needs early on and may be able to build data gathering into the administration of the tax. u In defining the scope and frequency of reviews, most jurisdictions will seek to balance the need to retain flexibility to modify the program over time with the need to provide the predictability that allows liable entities to make long-term investment decisions. Evaluating Policy Outcome 158 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Environmental Defense Fund, CDC Climat Research, FURTHER READING Caisse des Dépôts Group, and IETA. 2015. “Australia: An Emissions Trading Case Study.” https://ieta.wildapricot. Roberts, Dawn and Nidhi Khattri. 2012. “Designing a org/resources/Resources/Case_Studies_Worlds_Carbon_ Results Framework for Achieving Results: A How-To Markets/australia_case_study_may2015.pdf. Guide.” The World Bank, Washington D.C. https:// Ramer, R. 2016. “Faktenblatt Wirkungsabschätzung und Resources/designing_results_framework.pdf. Evaluation der CO2-Abgabe auf Brennstoffe” (Fact sheet Impact Assessment and Evaluation the CO2 tax on fuels). World Bank Institute (WBI). 2010. “Institutional Capacities and Their Contributing Characteristics for Institutional Stern, N. 2008. “The Economics of Climate Change.” Diagnostics, Program Design, and Results Management.” American Economic Review 98: 1–37. No. 80636. World Bank Institute Capacity Development and Results Practice. Washington, DC. http://www-wds. Sustainable Prosperity. 2012. “British Columbia Carbon Tax Review.” Ottawa, Ontario. http://www. WDSP/IB/2 015/11/05/090224b08317d902/1_0/ Rendered/PDF/ Institutional00d0results0management. files/Read%20Submission%20here.pdf pdf. Walters, R. and Martin, P. 2012. “Risks of Carbon Fraud.” Centre for Crime and Justice, Queensland University of BIBLIOGRAPHY Technology, Brisbane, QLD. Climate Change Authority, Australian Government. 2014. World Bank Institute (WBI). 2010. “Institutional Capacities “Targets and Progress Review Final Report.” http://www. and Their Contributing Characteristics for Institutional Diagnostics, Program Design, and Results Management.” Review/Targets%20and%20Progress%20Review%20 No. 80636. World Bank Institute Capacity Development Final%20Report.pdf. and Results Practice. Washington, DC. http://www-wds. Danish Energy Agency. 2000. “Green Taxes for Trade WDSP/IB/2 015/11/05/090224b08317d902/1_0/ and Industry: Description and Evaluation.” Copenhagen, Rendered/PDF/ Institutional00d0results0management. Denmark: Danish Energy Agency. pdf. Evaluating Policy Outcome APPENDIX A: GLOSSARY OF TERMS 159 APPENDIX A: GLOSSARY OF TERMS The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, either in absolute terms or relative Abatement to a baseline or other metric. A State Party included in Annex I to the UNFCCC, which includes all countries Annex I Party considered to be developed economies or economies in transition at the time of adoption. A hypothetical projection of the level of GHG emissions over a given period of Baseline time in the absence of a given policy or project. A point of reference for a comparison; a comparison of performances or Benchmark standards. The universal unit of measurement to indicate the global warming potential Carbon dioxide equivalent (GWP) of each of the seven GHGs covered by the United Nations Framework (CO2e) Convention on Climate Change, expressed in terms of the GWP of one unit of carbon dioxide. Where a mitigation policy causes a reduction in emissions in the jurisdiction Carbon leakage where it is implemented but inadvertently leads to an increase in emissions in jurisdictions without equivalent policies. What would have happened in the absence of a policy or action. In the process Counterfactual of policy evaluation, the counterfactual is used to develop the baseline for evaluating the impact of a policy, project, or program action. An economic cost to society caused by market inefficiencies, often due to a Deadweight loss government policy intervention such as a price control or tax, but which also arises when production and consumption activities have externalities. A tax where the taxpayer makes the payment directly to the revenue authorities. Direct tax Personal income and property taxes are common examples of direct taxes. The rate at which future costs and benefits are discounted relative to current costs and benefits. Generally, costs and benefits that occur in the future are Discount rate valued less high than similarly sized current costs and benefits. In valuing future costs or benefits, a higher discount rate lowers the value of costs or benefits that occur in the future. Distributional impacts refer to the way the economic burden of a policy action falls on differently situated individuals. Most commonly, they refer to how a Distributional impacts policy action (such as a tax) affects different income groups. However, other distributional impacts of interest can include region, economic sector, age, and other demographic characteristics. The optimal allocation of resources; the use of resources in their highest valued Economic efficiency use. The elasticity of demand is a measure of how responsive the amount of a good demanded is to changes in price. For highly elastic demand functions, a small Elasticity of demand percent change in the price of a good will lead to a larger percent change in the amount demanded. 160 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS A factor that converts activity data into GHG emissions data (e.g., kg of CO2e Emissions factor emitted per liter of fuel consumed, kg of CO2e emitted per kilometer traveled). Actions taken to limit the accumulation of GHGs in the atmosphere. These can be direct, as in reducing fossil fuel consumption or capturing and storing carbon Emission mitigation dioxide before it is emitted. They can also be indirect, as in protecting and expanding the stock of carbon in forests and agricultural soils. Also known as a cap-and-trade system, an ETS sets a desired maximum ceiling for emissions (or cap) and lets the market determine the price for keeping Emissions Trading System/ emissions below that cap. To comply with their emission targets at the lowest Scheme (ETS) possible cost, regulated entities can either opt for internal abatement measures, acquire allowances, or reduce their emissions, depending on the relative costs of these options. Before the event; in the case of policy analysis, assessing the expected results Ex ante of a policy in advance of its implementation. Exemptions The amount of a tax that liable entities can deduct from their tax liability. After the event; in the case of policy analysis, an investigation of the observed Ex post results following implementation of a policy. The positive or negative effect that a market transaction has on other parties Externality that were not involved in that transaction. The classic example of a negative externality is pollution deriving from emissions. Emissions that are not physically controlled but result from intentional or unintentional releases of GHGs. They commonly arise from the extraction of coal Fugitive emissions and natural gas, and the processing, transmission, storage, and use of fuels and other chemicals. Leakage can sometime occur through joints, seals, packing, or gaskets. Both natural and anthropogenic, GHGs trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, causing the greenhouse effect. Water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and ozone (O3) are the primary GHGs. The Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission of GHGs through human activities (such as fossil fuel combustion and deforestation) and their accumulation in the atmosphere are the main factor responsible for climate change. A tax where the ultimate taxpayer is not the person that makes the payment Indirect tax to the revenue authorities. VAT and excise taxes, which are collected from consumers by retailers, are common examples of indirect taxes. For the purposes of this Guide, jurisdiction refers to the geographic area within Jurisdiction which a carbon tax is administered. Jurisdictions can be subnational, national, or multicountry regions. The additional total cost associated with increasing the production of a good or Marginal costs service by one unit, the cost of the last unit produced. The cost to society of raising government revenue by one unit (e.g., euro or Marginal Cost of Public yen). The MCPF is generally expected to be greater than one because the act Funds (MCPF) of taxing market transactions (like labor and investment) distorts efficiency- promoting price signals. Nationally Determined The individual GHG emission mitigation and adaptation contributions developed Contribution (NDC) by and agreed to by Parties to the Paris Agreement. APPENDIX A: GLOSSARY OF TERMS 161 Non-Annex I Party All State Parties to the UNFCCC that are not included in Annex I. A unit representing emission reductions (or removals) that have taken place Offset outside of the scope of a carbon tax or ETS program, and have been verified in accordance with a recognized offset standard. Emissions generated through manufacturing processes, such as, for example, Process emissions CO2 that is released during the breakdown of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in cement manufacturing. A tax has a progressive impact when high-income households pay a higher percentage of their income for the tax than do low-income households. For Progressive impacts example, Income taxes with marginal rates that increase with income level are generally progressive. Rebate An amount of tax paid that is later returned to the taxpayer by the government. A tax has a regressive impact when low-income households pay a higher percentage of their income for the tax than do high-income households. Taxes Regressive impacts on necessities tend to be regressive because necessities make up a larger share of low-income household budgets than of high income-income household budgets. An approach to changes in tax structures that leaves the total government revenue unchanged. Any increase or decrease in tax rates in one area of the Revenue neutrality tax code is offset by increases or decreases in other areas, leaving the level of overall government revenue unchanged. An estimate of the costs of damages—environmental, economic, health, and Social Cost of Carbon social—associated with the release of one tCO2e. Often, this figure is tied to a (SCC) particular year and varies year-to-year (and is generally believed to climb over time), and used for purposes of public policy formulation. A carbon tax under which liable entities only pay for the level of their covered Target-baseline carbon tax emissions above a given baseline or benchmark. The assessment of the reliability, completeness, and accuracy of emissions- Verification related information submitted by reporting entities. A carbon tax under which liable entities pay for all their covered emissions. Most Zero-baseline carbon tax existing carbon taxes are zero-baseline taxes. 162 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS ANNEX 4A: EXAMPLE ECONOMETRIC AND HYBRID MODELS OF CARBON PRICING Country/ Tax rate Pros- state/ Abatement (USD/tCO2e pective Emission Effect on Government revenue province Model type emissions) Tax base (P)/ ret- reduction economy (2015 value) and year of (Name) in 2015 ro-spec- study value tive 10% 0.29% US$88.79 reduction increase in Hybrid (2010–20) GDP Recycle revenue by Japan econometric 15% 0.50% lowering other taxes, (Pollitt et model US$205.77 CO2 reduction increase in P that is, income tax and al. 2014) (E3MG (2010–20) GDP corporation tax model) 25% 0.82% US$592.62 reduction increase in (2010–20) GDP 40% US$20–46 reduction United (1990–2050) Hybrid Kingdom US$107.63– econometric 60% Recycle revenue to (Dagou- 254.43 billion model US$88–176 CO2 reduction P subsidize energy mas and increase (E3MG (1990–2050) sector investments Barker (2015 price) model) 80% 2010) US$332–489 reduction (1990–2050) Japan Hybrid partial (Nakata CO2 from equilibrium 20% and US$277.76 energy Not available P US$97.98 billion model reduction Lamont sector (META.Net) 2001) -0.11% GNP US$326.69 US$21.76 billion Hybrid Stabilize CO2 change Japan dynamic emission at Add CO2 P Recycled to invest (Goto 1995) CGE model 1990 level in additional US$290.15 energy-efficient (GDMEEM) 2020 US$122 technologies billion GNP These duties are EU-11 Carbon tax-revenue-neutral Dynamic 10% (Barker content +1.4% GDP via reductions econometric US$61.52 reduction P and Kohler in energy change in employers’ (E3ME) (1999–2010) 1998) products contributions to social security. US$341.70 billion (2015 value) by 2030. Recycle 90% in rebates on US$28.15 payroll taxes or their Hybrid (2015) United equivalent in payments (NEMS, (tax rate 30% States 0.8% GDP to households. The National increases CO2 reduction P (Shapiro et change remaining 10% would Energy about (2010–30) al 2008) be used to support Modeling US$1.80 energy and climate- each year) related research and development, and new technology deployment. Note: tCO2e = metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent; tCGE = Computable General Equilibrium; GDP = Gross Domestic Product; GNP = Gross National Product ANNEX 4A: EXAMPLE ECONOMETRIC AND HYBRID MODELS OF CARBON PRICING 163 BIBLIOGRAPHY Nakata, T., & Lamont, A. 2001. “Analysis of the Impacts of Carbon Taxes on Energy Systems in Japan. Energy Barker, T., & Köhler, J. 1998. “Equity and Ecotax Reform Policy 29 (2): 159–166. in the EU: Achieving a 10 per Cent Reduction in CO2 Pollitt, H., Park, S. J., Lee, S., & Ueta, K. 2014. “An Emissions Using Excise Duties.” Fiscal Studies 19 (4): Economic and Environmental Assessment of Future 375–402. Electricity Generation Mixes in Japan – An Assessment Dagoumas, Α. S., & Barker, T. S. 2010. “Pathways to Using the E3MG Macro-Econometric Model.” Energy a Low-Carbon Economy for the U.K. with the Macro- Policy 67: 243–254. Econometric E3MG Model. Energy Policy 38 (6): 3067–3077. Shapiro, R., Pham, N., & Malik, A. 2008. “Addressing Climate Change without Impairing the US Economy: The Goto, N. 1995. “Macroeconomic and Sectoral Impacts Economics and Environmental Science of Combining a of Carbon Taxation: A Case for the Japanese Economy.” Carbon-Based Tax and Tax Relief.” Washington, DC: The Energy Economics 17 (4): 277–292. US Climate Task Force. 164 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS ANNEX 4B: EXAMPLE CGE MODELS OF CARBON PRICING Country/ Tax rate Pros- state/ Abatement (USD/tCO2e pective Emission Effect on Government revenue province Model type emissions) Tax base (P)/ ret- reduction economy (2015 value) and year of (Name) in 2015 ro-spec- study value tive Hybrid partial CO2 from equilibrium 20% United US$277.76 energy Not available P US$97.98 billion model reduction sector (META.Net) 25.8% Recycle the revenue US$15.94– reduction by lowering other 0.3% welfare taxes, which may Ireland CGE with US$23.91 by 2012 CO2 from reduction further reduce welfare (Wissema detail in tax Carbon tax compared to fossil P loss in the model and Dellink and energy 1998 levels. energy 2007) use US$55.78– 0.9% welfare US$63.75 reduction Uniform tax 0.15% 5% reduction US$2.74 real GDP 1.5% Increase (2010–20) reduction 10% 0.32% US$5.82 reduction real GDP 2.08% Increase CO2 from China (Guo (2010–20) reduction CGE fossil P et al 2014) 20% 0.75% energy US$12.91 reduction real GDP 0.36% Increase (2010–20) reduction 30% 1.33% US$21.02 reduction real GDP 5.60% Decrease (2010–20) reduction 0.23% welfare US$895 Million (2015 increase Value) in Gov. Tax (perfect Revenue 10% competition) reduction Russia 0.16% Losses CO2 from (time (Orlov and CGE US$6.19- (Cournot -US$1135 Million fossil unspecified) P Grethe (STAGE) US$12.39 Oligopoly (2015 Value) in Gov. energy (158.61 2012) blocked Entry Tax Revenue million tCO2e & Exit) emissions) 0.30% Losses (Cournot -US$1158 Million Oligopoly free (2015 Value) in Gov. Entry & Exit) Tax Revenue 0.00% GNP US$66.81 change -0.08% GNP US$67.14 change UK -0.03% GNP US$67.47 20% change Revenue recycled (Edwards CGE CO2 reduction 0.17% GNP P via reduction in other and Hutton US$66.60 (1992–2010) change taxation4. 2001) 0.18% GNP US$69.02 change 0.03% GNP US$67.05 change ANNEX 4B: EXAMPLE CGE MODELS OF CARBON PRICING 165 Tax rate Country/ Pros- (USD/ state/ Abatement pective tCO2e Emission Effect on Government revenue province Model type Tax base (P)/ ret- emissions) reduction economy (2015 value) and year of (Name) ro-spec- in 2015 study tive value Carbon tax revenue: US$16.97 4.6% of labor and US$62.60 billion welfare capital tax revenue in West decrease 1990 Germany CO2 from 20% US$19.42 (Bohringer Carbon tax revenue: Static CGE US$87.01 fossil reduction billion welfare P and 5.5% of labor energy (1990–2005) decrease Rutherford 1997) Carbon tax revenue: US$15.92 5.0% of labor and US$66.84 billion welfare capital tax revenue in decrease 1990 -1.52% GNP 20% change reduction 4.52% increase (tax US$37.56 -1.08% (1990— retained by gov.) welfare 2010) change 2.76% GNP 30% change 7.33% increase (tax US$73.02 reduction -1.75% retained by gov.) (1990–2010) welfare China change (Zhang CGE CO2 P -1.47% GNP 1998) 20% change -1.47% GNP change US$37.56 reduction 0.23% 0.23% welfare change (1990–2010) welfare change -2.18% GNP 30% change -2.18% GNP change US$73.02 reduction -0.25% -0.25% welfare change (1990–2010) welfare change US$108.81 -0.47% (Germany GHGs for welfare impose tax Germany change alone) Germany Revenue-neutrality: Germany & 25% -0.26% recycle revenue from India joint Static CGE US$54.40 reduction welfare P environmental taxes (Bohringer Joint Indian (1990–2005) change through cuts in labor et al. 2003) implemen- Electri-city Germany; costs tation with sectors 2.49% India welfare change India 10.05% -0.35% GDP US$15.48 reduction US$4.5 billion (1st year) change (2000–20) Australia 12.44% Static CGE -0.68% GDP US$6.58 billion (1st (Siriwar- US$23.74 GHGs reduction P (ORANI-G) change year) dana 2011) (2000–20) 15.18% -0.88% GDP US$8.09 billion (1st US$30.97 reduction change year) (2000–20) -0.9% GDP US$13.92 billion Australia 20% change (after Static CGE CO2 from (1991-1992) (McDougall US$43.51 reduction two years of P (ORANI-G) fossil fuels Recycled to reduce 1993) (1988–2005) implemen- income tax tation) 166 CARBON TAX GUIDE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS Tax rate Country/ Pros- (USD/ state/ Abatement pective tCO2e Emission Effect on Government revenue province Model type Tax base (P)/ ret- emissions) reduction economy (2015 value) and year of (Name) ro-spec- in 2015 study tive value 10.37% increase in government -0.74% GDP consumption, based change on fiscal revenue from carbon tax 0.96% increase Dynamic in government China (Lu CGE model 11.96% -0.71% GDP US$33.63 CO2 P consumption (Recycled et al 2010) (THCGE reduction change to enterprise as -DR) subsidies) 0.76% increase in government -0.67% GDP consumption (Recycled change to households as subsidies) Stabilize Norway Dynamic CO2 -0.66% GNP (Aasness CGE US$130.23 CO2 emissions at P Not reported change et al 1996) (MSG-EE) 1990 level in 2020 -0.04% GDP Fiscal surplus scenario change Indonesia Fiscal neutral: recycled Stabilize (Yusuf and -0.02% GDP back to reduce ad CO2 Resosu- Static CGE CO2 from change valorem sales taxes of US$42.19 emissions P darmo (ORANI-G) fossil fuel all commodities (time 2007) Fiscal neutral: recycled unspecified) -0.03% GDP back as a uniform change lump-sum transfer to all households Canada Stabilize CGE, I/O, (Hamilton CO2 Transferred to and micro CO2 from -0.5% real and US$27.70 emission at P household as a lump simulation fossil fuel GDP change Cameron 1990 level in sum (SPSD/M) 1994) 2000 Stabilize carbon -6.3% GDP US$185.21 emissions at change by on average 1990 level 2030 India (timeline Recycled back to the GHGs unspecified) (Fisher- CGE household sector as from fossil P Vanden et (SGM) Stabilize additions to personal fuels al 1997) carbon income. -2.9% GDP US$26.98 emissions change by on average at two times 2030 the 1990 level South Transferred to Africa 15% -0.5% real Static CGE US$16.39 CO2 P household as a lump (Devarajan reduction GDP change sum et al 2011) -0.7% GDP Spain change 7.7% Revenue recycled (Laban- US$564 Static CGE US$27.15 CO2 reduction P to reduce other deira et al million (1985–1995) distortionary levies. 2004) increase in social welfare ANNEX 4B: EXAMPLE CGE MODELS OF CARBON PRICING 167 Tax rate Country/ Pros- (USD/ state/ Abatement pective tCO2e Emission Effect on Government revenue province Model type Tax base (P)/ ret- emissions) reduction economy (2015 value) and year of (Name) ro-spec- in 2015 study tive value 13.5% Revenue recycled to -0.04% GDP US$10.88 increase invest in energy efficient change (2005–2010) technologies Japan Dynamic GHGs (Ahammad CGE from fossil P Revenue recycled to et al 2004) (GTEM) fuels 2.6% consumers through -0.58% GDP US$143.91 reduction income tax cuts or used change (2005–10) to increase government spending US$18.33 (2015) 11% U.S. (Cai Dynamic CO2 from -0.4% GDP US$202.34 billion (2015 (4.0 real reduction P 2012) CGE (G3) fossil fuels change value) increase (2012–30) tax rate) Dynamic CGE US$49.76 U.S. (EPPA, (2015) 50% -1.45% US$593.45 billion (2015 (Paltsev et Emissions (4.0 real GHGs reduction welfare P value) by 2050 al 2008) Prediction increase (1990–2050) change and Policy tax rate) Analysis) Dynamic CGE US$22.33 U.S. (USREP, (2015) 19% 0.02% (Rausch Recycled to tax relief or U.S. (4.0 real CO2 reduction welfare P and Reilly other social programs Regional increase (2015–30) change 2012) Energy tax rate) Policy) Dynamic CGE US$29.93 -1.60% U.S. (USREP (2015) 25% welfare US$305.54 billion (2015 (Rausch et - U.S. (4.0 real GHGs reduction P change by value) by 2030 al 2010) Regional increase (2015–30) 2050 Energy tax rate) Policy) Note: tCO2e = metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent; tCGE = Computable General Equilibrium; GDP = Gross Domestic Product; GNP = Gross National Product