--vot*-',',,,5O2HOANG INL-AND WATERWAYS PROJECT 1 d SUMMARY 6k) Z OF ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT 'cn (i C- Zhejiang Inland Waterways Project Administration Ofice Msy 18,1995 COIrrENTS 1. General 1.1. Policy for organization work 1.2. Bases amni stadaards of i"virousent impact assessment 1.3. Target of environment ispact assessaent report vork 2. Brief project introduction 2.1. Purpose 2.2 latroduction 3. BaseLine eAviroojeutal conditioDns 3.1 Topography and Geology 3.2 Cliaate 3.3 SociaL econoay 3.4 Traffic transportation 3.5 Bistory culture 4. Environment quatity situation 4.1. Water quality 4.2 Noise 4.3 Atmosphere quality 4.4 Bottom mud 5. Environment impact assessment and protection measures 5.1 Clarification of Environment impact problems 5.2 Impact on Local economy 5.3 Impact daring constraction 5.4 impact after operation 6. Environment protection organization and environment monitoring 6.1 Enviroament protection organization 6.2 Environment aonitoring .Ivestaent for prevention measures of environaent impact 8. Training plan for environment protection staff 9. Main points of eavironment protection action plan (see Annex) I\ ;. General The outline of the enviroment impact assessment ( EIA) report for the Zbej iaag Province Inland laterway Network Recwistruction Project was prepared by the Zhej iang Provincial Eaviroment Protection Research Institute (with class A certificate approved by the Natiomal Environmet Protection Agency (HEPA)). The report was reviewed and approved by the IEPA aAd Zhejiang Provincial Enviroweat Protection Bureau in November 192. The EIA as oart of the preliminary desig report was finished between December 1P92 and March 1993 and meets the National Environment Protection Agency condi ions. In April 1993, during the lB wission to laanznu, the Zheiiang Provincial Department of Coiunication(ZPDI) subuitte 7 subprojects environkent impact assesssent reports in English. According to the requirement of the Aide -senoire, ZPBIC coapiled 7 enviroment protection action plans in English and submitted these to the World Bank i. October, 1113. 1. 1 Policy for organization work The donestic procedures for Zhejiang Province InaEnd Waterway Network Reconstruction Project have been conpteted. 1.2 Bases and standards of EIA The EIA for the project is in terTs of the following bases and standards: (1). Bases a. Environment protection law of People's Republic of China. b. Water pollation prevention law of People's Republic of China. c. Environment protection administration law for traffic project. 2 d. Eawiroumentat protection managenent law f\r constrnctioa project (). Stardands z% Surface water environmet quatity stardand b. Atmosphere eaviroment quatity standard c. Urban enviroment noise statdard d. Regional Enviroa..'t noise stardads for urban port 3Rd river banks e. Pollttant controt stardag for agricultural md. f. Ship pottutant discharge standard. 1.3 Target of environment impact assessment report work ('). fhaael reconstruction works a. later quality: construction period: disturbance by dredging of underwater sediments. operation period: Waste discharged by shipping. 6. Vaste soi L'sediment. construction period4 froe chanmel widenaingAleepening and disposat of dredged sediment. c. Noise: construction period; non--continuous nacbinert noise opersttion period: random and not steady noise from aechanic ships. o. Port works constraction period: dust operation period: coal dust. b. later quatity: 3 construction period: rain water discharge operation peried: port area rain water nd sewerage water discharge. c. Noise: coastruction period: nonR- itinuous machinery noise operation period: handling machinary operational noise. 2. Brief project introduction 2. I Prpose Zhej itg province inland watetway reconstruction project includes: Hangzhou-eij ing Grand Canal( 53. 9gk) , Chaagxing-Ruzhoa-Shanshai Channel( 12. 51k) , lanszhou-Shanghai ChannekC 72. 3km) Zhapu-1iaxing-Suzhou-Chann l (42.1ka) (within Zhejiang province, thirteen contracts) , constrWc;ioa of terainats at liaxing railway-waterway tansfer port district ( 13 berths for 1D§dwt, 2 berths for 3godwt) , iuzhou railway-waterway transfer port district (16 berths for i1Odwwt, I berth for 300 dwt) and Hangzhcn inland river hitk cargo operation district (26 berths for l00dwt, 3 berths for 300dwt) (totatly 3 contracts). For det&ils se4 Fig. 1. The parpose is to increase channel navigational capacity sAd port throughput. After ;roject completion. the channel total length wilt be iSO. lIks with I72.S7kr of 308 tonnage capacity,class V channel standard and 1.24km of 15t capac. ty, class VI channel standar. rhe desig increase throughput capacity is 5.550 sillion tons. lith the improvement of waterway coditions, the navigational enterprise in this area will be more developed cad th.ts enhance the economy of Zhejiang Province. In additiom. afier widening, dredging and bank protection. the cihanel 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i A A~~~ ~' . I1 t---::- ~- - - --i -< I~~~z A --___ -.. - X~~ - t / >0- 1 I . .....s .-- -- -..... .-. - 7....... 7!L tJ1 0 sOv)oFeS t ,~~~ /.eii -, - 0/ _/ - /d' . -- o4 ; o / -x c34 --------.-- ---- t -- -- I w.\ / C c.'"s -\=----ofr-_~~~~~~~ I . . f ,/ -- - : ' l~ ' '- - ~?&1 Contract Sketch Map water retention capacity, irrigation capacity aad flood discharge capacity will be increased, thus the agricultarat field aid sail will be protected from washiLg, the water will be purified, the environmet will be improved and people living in this area witll benefit. 2.2 Introduction. The proposed project is tocated ia the north of Zhejiang province. This area is of flat terrain, numerous lakes, river network and developed inland waterway transport. Accordirg to 1992 data, the total transport amount by waterway, highway and railway is i13 million toxs, of which 3V. 5% is waterway transport. The total taracut amount is 137881 sillion toas, of whick 51.S% is waterway transport. This scale shows that in this area the waterway transport is the primary mode. The four arterial channels, acsgzhou-Beij ing Grand Canal, Changxing-Huzhou-Shanghai Chane l, Hangzhou-Shanghai Channel and Zhapu-Iaxinq-Suzhou Channel represent about 85% of the total waterway transport amount of this area. So far, chaanel navigational condition in Raagzhou, Huzhou and liangxiag area are not good, with a low classification and small ship tonnage ( less than 10lton) . The port conditions are also not good, with poor handling equipaent. The above have been an obstacle to developement of economy. the govenaent of Zhejiang province is determined to reconstruct four channels and to constTuCt ports for uadertaking larger transport tasks, playing an important role in Zhejiang economy development ant in offering better transporting ores and materials to Shanghai Municipality. 3. Baseline Environmental Conditions 5 3.1 Topography and geology The project is located in a take deposit ptain inclining from notkrwest to southeast with flat terrain and a dense river network. The chanmel density reaches 33.3k/IJ8ku. The geologic unit of this area belongs to Hangzhou depression of the Qiaatang fold covered by Quaternary deposits. The soil is mainly suddy soil. 3-2 Clinate Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Iuzhou area is tocated in a subtropical clinate region of east Asia with warn aad humid weather. The rainfait is sufficient and coancentrated during the sain rain season between Aprit and June; typhoon season has heaviest rains between. laty and september. Key aeteorological data are: Tesperature: ananual average te3perature is 15.7tC. highest anmuat temerature is 27C. lowest annual te-uperature is 12.2C. max. highest temperature is 39-4'C. in. towest temperature is -11. 9C. Rainfall: annual average rainfall is 1209m diurnal max. rainfall is 28gm. hourly mam rainfalI is 88.1ai llind: in ser, direction is SE, this season has high temperature, strong light and rich moisture brought by the oceaa; in winter, directioa is Ni, this season has low temperature and less rain. 3.3 Social Econamy Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Ruzhou area is the most developed iL Zhejiiang province with productive land, beoutiful products astl excellentt natural conditions. It is always called 'Rose of fish and rice'. The total area, population and gross industrial and agricultural ou.put of Ianzou city, Jiaxing city and Xuzhou city respectively occupy 30%, 276 asd 46% of those of ZhejiaRg province. The vitllag and town eaterp:ise are developed along the chaaaels The farsers are going in for agriculture, industry, comaerce, baiding and transpUrtatiCo from agricuttrue only on 0.953ka. tand. More and sore farsers have become labourers in agriculture and industry. 3.4 Traffic Transportation This area is connected f-. a compreiensive transport network incorperating Xiinhang railway and Xniang railway, Hlighway Ronts 104, 313, 320 and 329 etc. four state hiShways and many provincial highways and waterways. Waterway transport his a long history with inland river cargo transport as the major mode. In 19S2, the inland waterway transport cargo waS 61 million tons, turi-ver amount of cargo was 7. 1 billion ton- ksn respectively occupy 38% and 52% of the total transport amount by railway, waterway and highway. It is predicted that the inland waterway transport will keep increasing. Because the existing channels are not of sufficient width, depth curve radius or bridge clearance, the capacity of scattered loadingyunloading operating districts in Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou cannot seet the requirements of economic developsent. Traffic congestion, cargo loss, ship delay in port and accident etc always happea. *1 These have beea the main reasons for the project. 3.5 ifistory/ Cultture Iangzou, liaxing amd Juzou are three main cities along the route. The Misty Rain Balcouy in Nanli lake, Jiaxing city has been listed as provincial exphasized protected historic relic. In 197?, the stone tomb of stonecut pictures in East lan Dynasty was excaveted in CUsgan tow These pictures are ver:' rare in tha wortd with super art craft, active shapes and rich cowtents. hagzhon is a famous tourist city and ih opened two tourist rcutes to Suzhou city aad lixi city. This recrnstruction proj'ct wilt improve the condi:ion for increasing historical culture and devetoping tourism. 4. Environnent Quality Situation 4.1 Water Quality According to the aial water quality nonitoring results and water analysis, the water quality in the proposed chaatels and port listricts belongs to classIV-V. later quclity in river sectios can reach classN, while that in urban sections is worse,(ouly can reach class V) water quality in river section where induslr'tt pollution sources are cencentrated is seriously polluted and much hisher than classV ( main pollutants are BOD, COD, petroleus and hydrocarbors). 4.2 Noise Along four chamels, noise is serious during ship operation. After sonitoring at selected representative points in cities, villages, tows and open fields, it was found that in day hours, ship flow is 4-1 ships/5 I minutes, noise is 70-76d](A); during night hours, ihen ship flow is 8 ships/hr, noise is 63 dB(A), 4 ships/ar, noise is £4 MA). These aoise levets are aEl ahove the daytime value of 18 MB(A) and nighttime value 55d3kA) for class 1 region as specified in GB 1133i-S, <}avironment Noise StaLuard ir City Pori and River Bank Rcgi3i>. In three port districts, after point monitoring, it was founa that the aveerage Aoise base value is 41. 5-52.44B(A) during day time and 38.S-42.4 dMA) durirng night time, all Less than the standard daytime value of 68dB(A) anti night time value of SdB( A) of class l regisi as specified in GB 11331-19 . 4.3 Air Quality Based o sonitoring data, the air quality in the three proposed port districts has been assessed wit,i selected factors af TSP, S0i, NOx. According to the air quality indexTSP is from 0.18 to 0.241. Cpa:red with air quality standard, NOx except in some points belongs to ' ctear levet, in most points is "clearer level", in several points zear highway, N-Ox content is high because it is iWacted by vehicle exhaust gas. 4.4 Sediment Al the chanmels are open accepting waste water discharged by towa and city factories along the route and toxic discharges of hLuan seveage. Based on analysis of channel bottom nud samples and x assessueAt with N. L. Ne%row poltutien index method, it is found that the synthetic pollatio. iadex value is from 0.74 to 3.53. The heavy setat pollution is not serious and the clannel bottoa nud is Istightly pollUted'. The poi1tutioa ranking of each parmeter is Z>Cr>ttPbi>g>As>Cd. Althouh heavy aettl jollution exceeds that of soil base value. it less than the allowable highest cotent of acid soil as specified in the < Pollution Control Stadard of Agricultural Mud>. S. Environment Impact Assessment and protection measures 5.1 Clarification of environment impact problea The major environment impacts of the chamel reconstruction is noise impcat. water quality impact and waste soil disposal impact; that of the three port districts is air quality, noise and aste impact during construction and operation period. 5.2 Impact an Local ecolomy (0). ipact on agricuLture The borrowed land is mtaily to be ased for piling soil ad as a construction site. The land for piling soil will he changed frm wet field to dry lad. The amount of properties will be reduced which will affect the agricultaral production. The fields can be recovered after several years cultivation. The loss of agriculture will be compeasated year by year according to the average per-in yield of the last three years before leasing. Before returning the farm land, the coatractor wmst clear away the remains of constrtction on the leasedtand to recover the cultivation cOnditiorf or pay for cultivation restoration fee to the farmer who will recover cultivation condition by himself. In adition, the banks of channels after alteration will be planted with mulIerry trees. The benefit can be received in the second year with high economic value, which can intcrease economic benefit 10 and green the ba=ks. The acquired tand for channel widening will be cowpessated and also supplemented by State planming produced land. (2). Laud acquisition and resetttlesnt Ihe principle for ltand acquisition and resettlesent is first to minimize occupying agricultural land, acquiring land and demolishing hoases; scientifically designning alternatives; reasonably using ltad; and, protecting resettlement population based on laws thus facilitating the works going smoothly, improve local economy and people's liviag conditioas along the channels and ports, nile the waterway transport condition is muder deve lopent. for the land acquisition and resetttement, the affected range is 10 counties, 52 towas and 107 villages with impacted populatiol of 42?.^ representing 4. 8% of the total population (I1@4243) in IHanpho, Jlaxing and llzhou cities (For details see tables 1, 2, an 3, drawing 2). (3). Fauna and flora It is reported in EIA that along the channels there is no direct aquatic breeding production. During dredging sediment, the henthic living conditions witl be changed and will have some impact, bat the impact period w.lI be short and not extending after the work is finished. Because of the channel widening, vegetation along these banks wilt be affected. These shAl be protected awd replanted to reduce the loss. 5.3 Impact during constructiont (1). Noise impact 11\ LAND ACQUISITION QUANTITIES FOR ZHEJJIANG PROVINCE INLAND WATERWAY NETiORK RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT Table I _ Item Original culturateti Laml Acquisition Average Cuturated Lard ~er Person Loi mnd Population . T --- - Ro- Reark CulttIrated |Cuturata dNon-culturated Total Before After Reduction LaWd Populat ion Land Lad ,;e'iitiuL Acquisitiom Rate Region (ha) ((ha) I ( ha (ha/P) (ha, P) (9d) 6 rO'wiS in Hangzhou City 1868.333 307Si 19.403 4.467 23.370 0.06073 0.05996 1.27 32Tnwes in Jlaxing City 64039.633 774747 84.724 12.420 91.144 0."266 0.03253 0.15 14Towns In Hfuzhou City 19056.610 258732 40.233 3.121 43.9C4 0.073$6 0.07348 0.23 Total 84964.576 1064243 144.360 20.608 164.968 0.07968 0.20 RESETTLEMENT QUANTITIES FOR ZHEJIANG PROVINCE INLAND WATERVAY NETWORK RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT Table 2 Item House Other Electric Wire and Equipment Structures High Pressure low Pressure Trsnsforuer Reiark Region (Sq. a) (Item) (Piece) (Piece) (Item) JHangzhou City 9933 1 11 49 1 Iliaxing City 656D5 18 21 132 2 Huzhou Clty 48015 5 6 52 2 Total 123633 24 50 233 5 l able;3 SU(MMdARY OF COMPENSATION FOR LAND ACQUISITION AND HOUSE RESE'UrlfEMENT Unit:'0000 Yuan _ _LaLe 3 \ item Land Land Compensationi T'ransport Compensalion Administra Price Contingency Total Acquisitiotn Leasing For House Fee For Constrie. Fee Rise Fee RegionN Fee Fee Removal Works _lan holl 465.47 65.3 249.289 9.237 17.79 14-.4 43,61 36.34 90(.091 .1iaxing 1894.31 865.21 1623.987 61. 18 49.18 83 239.5 199.59 - .012.722 llizizoii 857.1 242.2 4.451 44.652 __.57 39.98 119.95 99.95 _ 613.852 Trotal 3216.88 1172.72 3107.727 1 5.o07 102.04 134.35 403.06 335.88 1857.665 LAND AVQTJISITIOtN AND RESETTL IM ORGANIZATION Fig. 2 Indication Acquisition and Project Administration Office Resettlement Division (PAO) Execution _ Indication Execution Indication Acquisition and Branch of PAO Resettlement Section Execution FRDCIR OF LAW AtSITJIH AM^ MT!LF Fig. 3 ~-------~- indication Resettlement Assistance Provincial Land Division r - Mmistraticn B&reau Execution I _J Supervisi. In|icatiEm Executiom Indication .Evaluation Examination z Lli~1.2icatier -I I ty Reet--nBranch of Cooperatim Coity Land Sec-io PAO hMhinistrtMon BfreaM IoorinaExecitiI Entrusting Indication Exinatiun Comty Resettleaent atoL Cu tyLad I O 'ffice MdLinistration Bureau Coordinating __ L;_ E.trusting IndicationI Ekwinatian Tomn Resettlerent | Goopertm Town land t $ ~~~~~Office Administratian Office V Village Resettlment Officer T Noise will be sainly from bucket or grab dredge, anxilary soil barges and discharging soil ships for dredging and concrete mixers for baak protection. But the actual seasured construction noise value is less thian tie standard value and can reach the limit of equivalent acoustic class of building site. During night hours, the noise will affect residents. For this reason, EIA suggests the construction method be changed to avoiding operation during night hours, as much as possibLe. (2). Water quality impact With respect to the impact of dredging on a channel water quality, it is pointed out in EIA that the water body wilt be disturbed during constzuction. The suspended solids concentration siginificantly will increase and sake the water body within the near-field muddy which will affect the benthos. The ispact is localized and short term and not extend past the finish of the works so that the impact range and degree will be small. In order to prevent impact an water quality of tributaries (there is no drinkiag -iater inlet along the reconstructed channels) , temporary isolating seasures (like building dams) shall be adopted at appropriate places where trunk streans meet with tributaries. (3). Atmosphere quality impact It is pointed out in the EIA that for the tniree port districts during the dry season of construction, the suspended partucular dust caused by disturbed soil during earthwork excavation and filling has different impact ranges depending on wind speeds. Every layer of soil is of high moisture content according to the geologic report, so that the suspended particular 12 dust impact is not serious. Only in dry season because the top solt will contain a very low moisture content. the suspended particular dust wilt have some impact. In order to protect personnel working on site, EIA recommends some relative preventive and sitigative seasures, generally based on the 'moistening method'. (O. Waste soil iupact Channel reconstruction ( widening, dredging and straight lining wilt produCe a lot of waste soil. The soil o1 land will be used for bank protectioL back filling, strengthening banks and saking bricks; Sedisent and soit under water will be discharged to old channel sections. Bottom sediment contains trace elements, which probably cause secondary poliution, but the synthetic pollution index is far tess than the highest allowable amount of acid soil specified in . The noise around a port district will not be 14 over the daytime value of MUdB(M) as a class It region specified in , but will be lSdB(A) over the standard caused by loadingyunloading and traffic during night hours, it is suggested that reasonable pltning of operation tise, strictly controlling ship traffic in/out of the port and planting additional green zones in port districts coald reduce the noise impact. 6. Envirounental protection organizat'oa and mnoitoring The enviroment protection task for traffic management is assuring that the traffic enterprises use energy and resources reasonably and control and eliminate environient pollution to protect the environment and to keep the peopte healthy during construction and operation 6.1 Environmental protection organization ihe eaviroment protection organization for the project is composed of Environment Protectizn Division under Zhejiang Province Inland Nate:-way Network ReconstrucVton Project Administration Office ( 2-3 persons) Eavironment Protection Sections under Project Administration Office Branches in Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Ruzhou (2-4 persons for each) will be responsibte for environment protectioa work during consuuction (see Fig 2). After the comptetion of tae project, Environment Protection Sections uader the Project Administratiox Office Braaches in tho three cities will be transferred to the Comunication Bureaues of the three cities and responsible for the environmental protection work during operation period. 6.2 Environmental sonitoring Is (I). The eAvironmental probles of the four channels reconstructian projects is noise and water quality impacts during the construction and operation periods (see Annex) Because channel is an opeen system, based on Zkejiang provinciaL plan (water environsent function region pLan) the water resource protection planing iffices in langzhou, Jiaxing and Xuzhou have identified (water environment function region planj and set individually normal monitoring sections monitored by city and couaty environsental monitoring stations. The routine monitoring sections set by local environaent protection bureau are as follows; - 15 routine water quality sonitoring stations for Beijing-Haagzhon grand canal. - i1 routine water quality nonitoring stations for Hangzhou-Shanghai Channel. * 19 routien water qaality tonitoring stations for Changxing-Buzhou-Shanghai Chaanel. - 15 routine water quality aonitoring stations for Zhapu-Jiaxing-Suzkot Channel. (2. The environmental problen of the port components are mainly air quality changes, noise and water quality impact in the construction and operation periods (see Annex ). Accordingly the port office monitoring stations will be set up in each port with 4 fixed air quatity smnitering points, 4 fixed noise aonitoring poiats, I fixed water quality monitoring point at the outfall of the drainage systea -nd ; water quality monitoring section downstream of the port. WVTW& PROECION WIAASM AM NI M WJN1MI WRAMMOTIc Fis. i Project Administration Office (PAO) Provinciat oweratirx Efvinriwetat Exininaticm Eavirmatat a l Protectic_ Protectitm Buau Divisiao Brahof PAO Municipal, County cwelation E:virunental Evirometal Ciotrictor Protection Bueau Protection Section Entrustaent Establisimt F Gchculel Port County Mnitoring Port Moitoring Statimi Station / . - - r East Dongting H-ili _i 5ric; - . _ianesu ProVince i .E~ -~ -.st-Changxiagte x wayDis.ricte l -; -'v -H-H-zhou. I' se- i- - 5 / - '*.5 . . . -, - - - _ Ii' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~~i waterwan,bm1k cargo district - W T' _ "- - < \ ; F ~~~~Shangha l _ = ; w_ _ tt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-O - ''t)'-- -t w jf <}!iA,Dge,E,./ X <1 <~~~~~~~~~~~~~Il z:D -:~Yx :, f - !~~~~~~ha j -'7<' 5° 7 t, .-z<; / \ f t > Hr ' '''s- _.j I~~~~~~~ \§§l _-x- -' ' \\ : [s~~~~~~g p i' X- _ Ti ;/ D - ,_ '--s ,~~~~l a g a C i T __9 .- . \ - 1-7 I;t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ g ~~~~~~~IN-\- ......,,, \£4-....... ..',' W - > | ---- ----N w ^-- ! _=, _ ,0_ *;-<1 4 Xz,,,,,,,,, ,^,,^,,, ,.,,.a,,,,w,,.,;vS,A=f_ | _ _ |-b i~~I :3 _ : i:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W.}h - j,. ZA 1. Training plan for environmetal protectioa staff The trainiAg for enviromeat protection staff is an important sethod to learn advanced technology ad adtinistration sethads. The training units are as follws: (1. Dmestic training: I perseo- 1 moth (2). Overseas trainliag: 6 person/ I onth The total cost for training is 32800 R1B yuan and 480880 US dollars (equivelant to 4189800 RB Yuan). S. total investment for environmentaL protection The environmental protection investaent for this project include receiving facilities, treating of oily waste water, treating of human sewage, treating of drainage/wastewater containing coal, dust control engineering, forestation and training of environmental protection managesent personnel. The total investment is 4108200. ( For detail refer to Table 4). In addition, the iavestent of noise reduction walls for the terminal is not intcluded in the total investment. The reason is, the proposed three terminals are all located in the suburbs with a thin population density. The enc.osures ( height of 2.4m) built for safety can also serve as a noise harrier. The investment of enclosures have already been listed uander 'Civit Engineering'. 9§ Key elements of ħhe environmental protection action plan are provided in the Annex. 1T ENVIRONMENT PROMC (Channelt Recon Item Oil Life Coal. Port Watering Rabi Abmt No. (low Yuan) Sewerage Sewerage Run-off Nae Treatment Treatwet Treatbent Dostproof Car Car Beij ing-%ngdw. 1GrandCant 2 t9iangi -I hazh- Shsnghai aimet 3 1Ianhcu-Smh ai U tanne 4 ZbZpu-Jiaxing--zhou. Chamel ! Jiaxing Port 25 I5O 4% 8G 85 6 THhouPort 25 15I a 8so 85 I I_ I 7 gansh6m Port 25 A 43 22 85s -H-- -_ __ .__ ._ _ _ Total 75 300 129 389 255 1! \\ 0 - _ 1 ._. Notes: l.Since the three terainals all Locate in the surburb, enclosures proposed f separate walls. their investment has been included in item of "Civit Enginee: 2. A: Life seweage shall be drained into urban sewers. AA- The cleanini and transporting of garbage shal be undertaken by a: AAA. The tand acquisition fee of greening has been listed in that of t] .CTION INVESTMENT TSBLE nstruction Project) Table 4 ibbish Port Greening *kitor Analysis Other Civil tSwerage Oil Water Persxiael Total lad1 Statimn | ttectioa __ Greening ___ Cost Huse Eaipent Engineeri Ship Separator Traning (1000 Yua) 30 5 350 30 5 350 31 ~~5 1 350 30 5 350 82 j 53 95 81 SO 33 774 _ S _ _ _ _ _ _- ., I- . _. .2 53 9 8l 5s1 18 is_7 ] AA 2o AAA 54 50 36 719 16i4 | 306 1 9 214 150 | 7 'S MD 450 4102.0 for safety can also serve as souad :ering'. arbanLenviromental sanitation division. the teraisal. Annex Sunmary of Requirements for EnvironmentaL Management ani Monitoring Table 16 Eavironuent Action Plaii Executive - - Problem Agency documents A.Preparation phase ,klternative The exstilnQ center itr!e of channel snai' be ZPZIC of cen,er utiLized as much as possible or ais tc widen line at the singie side in order to minimize the - iand a.quicsin, house c.nmotishirnq and -.ther structi.Lres. Reviewing aLternatives Protect Revetment shall be provid'G at Uhe newLy exca- ZPnIC Farm land vated side in order to stalilize the revetment and prevent slope. soil erosion Qcmauni- Normally demolished bridges sha.' be rebuiLded ZPDiC catiors tc ensure the loca; communicatione f'r pecule. PAD Land Soil s ba e be uS -C for brick makiig.stockailed ZPDIC inrLuence for mulie-rry planting,1tilLed in brckeni river for net: land in ada:tion to backftiL revetment 1aaL and reinforce two side banks PAO Port Normalliy,Lort site alternatives shaL confo,s lIre the genera' munic:pai planning with sTininum ZPIC land ac2uis5cn.hocse demoLishina and :nviron- vental -nppects RJen-.ra wi!' ?orin,g area s1hail be arranged separately zpnlil 3lian c froe othe wc-rking sections in accordance eithr port carefui tv consiered oLan based cn topograohical and env;ironmentai impactes. Normally coal area shalt be provided in the Lee direction with 13 protection tree belts provided between coal work- ing section and others from being polluted each other. B.Construction phase Channel technical Noise Noisy construction activity shall he prohibited Contractor specification to be carried out in night(eg.piling) 53, 103. l-1-(SO) - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~103. 05-3-(9) Navigation Single side canstructing schedule shall be Contractor Channel during arranged to minimize the influence of navisa- tiechicat constructiontion, channet patrolling shall be enhanced Navigatron to ensure safe navigation. supervision 1 305 204.01 204.02 material Normally material transportation shall avoid Contractor ChamIel trans- the peak tine of navigation- technical portation specification 103.05 _u- AThe mud throwing area shalt be away from the drink- throwing ing water source and fish ponds as auch as Contractor Channel area possible, normlly shatl be IQQm and 1%Oom from technical water source at up stream and down stteas respec- spe3ifiation tively- Dredged soil shall not he stackpiled in 03.05- the area of 30m in well and fish pond. !jnpoltuted Z03.07-1 soil shalI be filled upon the waste soil from 203.G7-3 poltuting water body- F-ishing The fishing activity might he influenced by the Contractor Channel rnftuence locally polluted water as the working activity technical caused by dredqing ship. The contractor is re- specification quired that coffer dam made by unpolluted soii 204.03 shall be-provided to separate-the-fish pond from inland channel- Cons- Higi6ne stipulations shali be strictLy carried out Contractor Chamnel truction in order to prevent infectious disease and fly technical cam- &masquito. Man waste shall be collected in septic Local,ygin 101 tank and be away from drinking water source. Hygene 105. l Packing material shall be recycled rather than Agenc' 15.0- _____ i 1 throwinig inlo waler body !1rinkintg waler sourme shalt be away frok septic Lani as much as possible. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Land All aUfected people caused by Lbe land acquisitiont I'AU Channel acquision house demoLishing and land borrowing shall be tecinical anid rcasoatablty rmupectsaLcd and pracLically arranged soitaror specification retocaLion itn accordance with the rclated goveritental pro- 1i.91 vision.AII stone and construction residue shall I.o-al be cleaned by the Contractor to rehabi iItaLe qovelr,efac.i lihc land Lo be arable or the locai farmer shali be paied by the Contractor to rehaliLitate the land by himself. Cu tIurse Site sisatl be protected artd Ltic toml culture l-li;-at-lf generaL relics relics authiority shaLl he informed ii L-ime as sonc loral conditions cullure relics to be found duri-ig construcLion. nil)itrr .r \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tel ics autlioi i ls Dust Temporary enclosure shalL be setup it tee way proof of port arca- Water shalt be sprayed legularly toichaicoa Plrt to construcLion SiLC. specification 102.04 t102.12 liraitiage fDrainage &itch and sedimentation basin shall be Vo0itiaIty. Port during provid.ed and clear water after sedimentation technical rainy shall be dischsrged into river to avoid soil specification erosion and the second pollution. 102.04 102.12 -- - --::----- C.Operation phase Chaanel. Poilution Ship waste collecting and treatment facilities Ship from ship shall be provided for all ships, oil-water inspection separater and tank shall be provided for ships. Agency Navigation Company Owner Noise Noise barrier and noise proof eouipment shall Navigation from be installed on ships, ship shall meet the Company naviga- the requirements of noise proo f Ship tion Noise controlling and baning sign shall be inspection provided Agency PAO Port: Bust The water contents of coal shall not be less Port than 6% with water sparying for bulk loading Enterprise and stockpitling place. Wind proof cover or Loca' fender shall be provided for longitudinat Envirnenta conveyer. Heignt difference of transfer shall Aaency not be exceed 3a. Planting belts shaltl he provided at leeward of coal area. Running- speed shall be liaited to lessen pollutioa. later spraying vehicle shall be provided. Seste Sevege treatment stat;on snaLl be prcviedd in sater port area to treat the water in accordance Enter2- se with different water quality requirements 21 Noise Noise satli not exceed 85dB(A) in daytime in Port port area with less than 65dB(A) ,in auxiliary Enterprise working section. Actions such as noise barrie; Environmental noise absorbino, plantina etc. shall, be taken Monitoring tc teet the requirements. station Rubbish Ail living rubb,sh and soLid wErfte shall be Port removed immediately. Rubbish kin shall be Enterprise made, municipal rubbish clea.ing service Local shall be provided Medium size rubbish clear'ng Environmental vehicie shaLt be provided Agency shs =aste ili-water separater and tank sliRL be provided !nsnection from for ships in accordance with relateA stinuLations k(len.Cy ship waste coilecting faciLity shall be instatled NavIcati on for treatment in port. Campany (iwner Harbour (Ncte Supervision ZPD?C is ZHEMIANG Provinc;al gesian institute of communications PAI3 is Project AdTninIsttraticol Office ) ___ ~ ~ ~ 2 _ 22 -----\-- Mni torin5S 1. construction (f) Channel reconstruction project period a. Rater quality monitoring: The contractor, monitoring itgmst COD"W,BOft5SSFvolatile Local pheno I,CN petroleum,,NO,N0,, s environment&l In, Cd,Pb, Cr' No. One time in eich south monitoring during construction period1 the last month station before construction and on the next day after construction, two continuous days eaoh. time, two times per day (morning md after- Tecificat noon), especially eight tiaes each south 183.13 Special during construction period for C1MV.BOW, conditions SS_ Monitoring position-.the first tegntar 19.1 monitoring position at dommstream of con- struction site. b. Noise: The contractor, Monitoring items: construction aoise Local (including noise caused by transporting environmentat construction materials), 18a away from monitoring construction site at both upstream and station Technicat downstream. One day each week, two tiaes specification each day (morning and afternoon). 103.13 Special (Z Terminal construction project conditions a. Ataosphem.~~~~~~~~~~~~19 a. Atmosphere: Environmental Monitoring itenss SOz,NOk,TSP. At monitoring leeward of normal wind direction in station for terainal and surrounding four fixed the terainaL monitoring points. One time each week. Geaeral b. Noise: conditions Monitoring items: construction noise (including noise caused by transport- -~~ -------.----.--.~---------. --23- - ing construction materials). The moni- toring points and frequency are as same as that af atmosphere. c. later quality:. Local Mon.itoring items: as same as that of the Eavironsental chaaeal. The first regular monitoring montoring position at downstream of the terminal. Station BePs*. ss- One time each month, Technical specification 281.02 2. Operation (1). Channel reconst3iction project period a, later quality: Locat monitoring items: is same as that turing ELvirwimentat construction pe-iod. Three times each KanitoriAs year, -naueiy i: the first ten-days period Station in April,Jul),and November, two contina- ous days each time, one time each day. Totalty fifty-Ane regular mouitoring cross sections. h. Noise Local Monitoring items: shipping noise of ships, Environmental noise resources of slCps; Totally fifty- Monitoring nine monitoring point, as same as that Station for water quality, in a-ay from banks or Ship the construction along the river, sound- Inspection level meter shall be 1.2n higher than Bareau the ground. gonitoring frequency and period: two times each year and two continuous days each time. aħ rew-o Dr ZZOo Ship noise resources: one tise each year 24 - -~~~~~~~~~, - - - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~ . - - . - of monitoring, selective examinatios of S5 ships of the total amount. MInitor- ing for noise resources, engine rom, driver's cah, and residential area. (2) Termialt construction project a. Atmosphere. i :.eaL £)nitoriag item: SO.,NOx, TSP monitoring Monitoring point: as sane as that during station for construction period. Monitoring frequency the terminal sad period: one time eachgurter. oec.at s e i. N'ise: Ezvironmental Monitoring items: noise caused by loading monitoring and. unloading operation. The monitoring statiot for point is as same as that for atmosphere, the terminal One time each month, two continuoUs days each time ad one time each day, c. later quality: Environental Monitoring items: water discharge exit monitoring in terminal, CODm*RBUDG,petroleum, SS. Station for The first regular aonitoring cross sec- the terminal, tion with monitoring parameter equaling Local to that for channel. EnvironuentaL Monitoring frequency aad period: one tine Montoring each day for water discharge-exit in- Station terminal; for the first regular monitoring cross-section, three times each year, namely in the first ten-days period in April,.uLy, and November, two continu- ous days each time aend one time each day. a --- ~-- ---- --- --.----~--- - -