Report No. 1682-NIR3 1 b/; 1? 5 Appraisal of an Irrigation Project Niger Septemnber 11, 1978 FILE COPY Agriculture Projects Department Western Africa Regional Office FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Dom^S--ivnt of the World Bank This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS Currency Unit = CFAF Franc US$1 = CFAF 245 CFAF 1 = US$0.00408 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 kilometer (km) = 0.6215 mile I centimeter (cm) = 0.033 feet 1 hectare (ha) 2.47 acres 1 metric ton (t) = 2,207 lbs 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.207 lbs ABBREVIATIONS ADF African Development Fund BADEA Banque.Arabe pour le Developpement en Afrique CNCA Caisse National de Credit Agricole FAC Fonds d'Aide et de Cooperation FNT Fonds National d'Investissement GR Service du Genie Rural IRAT Institut de Recherches d'Agriculture Tropicale MRD Ministry of Rural Development ONAHA Office National des Amenagements Hydroagricoles OM Operation and Maintenance OPVN Office des Produits Vivriers du Niger SOGREAH Societe Grenobloise d'Hydraulique Agricole UNCC Union Nigerienne de Credit et de Cooperation FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT APPRAISAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ...... ...................i - iii I. INTRODUCTION ..................... ..................... II. BACKGROUND ...................... ...................... A. General .......................................... I B. The Agricultural Sector .......................... 2 III. THE PROJECT AREA ...................... 4 IV. THE PROJECT .......................................... 5 A. Objectives and Components ........................ 5 B. Detailed Features .... .......... 6 V. COST ESTIMATES AND FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS .10 A. Project Costs ..10 B. Proposed Financing . .11 C. Procurement ..12 D. Disbursements ..13 E. Accounts and Audit . .14 VI. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT .14 A. Organization ...14 B. Staffing ...15 C. Training.. 16 D. Farmers' Settlement and Organization ... 17 VII. YIELDS AND PRODUCTION, DEMAND, PRICES, MARKETING ARRANGEMENTS, FARMERS' BENEFITS AND COST RECOVERY ... 18 A. Yields and Production . .18 B. Demand, Prices and Marketing Arrangements . .18 C. Farmers' Benefits.... 19 D. Cost Recovery and Impact on Government Revenues 20 VIII. ECONOMIC BENEFITS AND JUSTIFICATION .. ........ 20 IX. RECOMMENDATIONS . 22 This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their oMcial duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page No. ANNEXES Annex 1 - IDA Financed Projects in the Agricultural Sector, 25 Niger's Food Self-sufficiency and the Irrigated Sector 26 Table I - Main Crops 29 Table 2 - Forecast of Food Supply and Demand 30 Table 3 - Maximum Area to be Irrigated Under Double Cropping Without Regulation of the Niger River 31 Annex 2 - Irrigation Schemes Present Organization 32 Annex 3 - Summary Description of Existing Schemes and Schemes to be Built in the "Arrondissements" of Tillabery and Tera 36 Annex 4 - Climate and Hydrology of the Niger River 38 Annex 5 - Population 42 Table 1 - Composition of Farming Unit 45 Annex 6 - Agricultural Development 46 Table 1 - Area Under Cultivation in 11 Villages of the TillaLbery Area 59 Table 2 - Project Area 60 Table 3 - Monthly Allocation of Time Requirements 61 Table 4 - Timing of Cultivation 62 Table 5 - Area Cultivated and Production on Schemes in the Project Area 63 Table 6 - Agricultural Production with Project 64 Table 7 - Farm Budget A Without Project 65 Table 8 - Farm Budget B Rice Cultivation 66 Table 9 - Farm 'Budget C Mixed Cropping 67 Table 10 - Farm Budget D Wood Plantations 68 Table 11 - Farm Budget E Rainfed Development 69 Table 12 - Farm Budget F Livestock Sub-project 70 Annex 7 - Namarigoungou Irrigation Works 71 Table I - Quantities of Main Works 76 Annex 8 - Water Demand 77 Table 1 - Water Demand 78 Annex 9 - Project Costs 79 Table 1 - Project Cost and Financing 80 Table 2 - Namarigoungou Irrigation Works Construction 81 Table 3 - Staff Costs 82 Table 4 - Construction 83 Table 5 - Equipment 84 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page No. ANNEXES Table 6 - Vehicles 85 Table 7 - Administrative and Indirect Expenses 86 Table 8 - Agricultural Equipment and Incremental Inputs 87 Table 9 - Training Program, Audit, Visiting Consultants 88 Table 10 - IDA Disbursement Schedule 89 ANNEX 10 - Construction of Irrigation Works By Force Account 90 Annex 11 - Organization and Training 93 Appendix I - Terms of Reference for Engineering Consultant Firm 98 Appendix 2 - Organization Chart Annex 12 - Prices and Impact on Government Finances 107 Table I - Prices for Paddy and Rice 107 Table 2 - Rent and Recovery Indices 108 Table 3 - Prices and Impact on Government Finances 109 Annex 13 - Economic Calculations 110 Table 1 - Rate of Return Calculations 113 Annex 14 - Implementation Schedule 114 MAPS NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS (i) The Government of Niger has asked IDA to help finance the develop- ment of the country's irrigation subsector. A major component of the project would be the development of a 1,550 ha scheme at Namarigoungou. The project is based on a feasibility study by SOGREAH, and on the findings of an ap- praisal mission which visited Niger in February 1977. (ii) Because of the increasing demand for food the country is no longer self-sufficient, even in normal years, and is unlikely to become so in the next decade, even assuming that all planned rainfed improvement projects and all irrigation projects (some 1,300 ha annually) for the period 1977-1983 are realized. While rainfed projects are necessary to help the great majority of the rural community, Government believes that equal priority should be given to investments in irrigation schemes. IDA endorses Government's policy of a balanced development of the agricultural sector. IDA is financing a producti- vity improvement project for the Department of Maradi; is assisting in the preparation of another productivity improvement project for the Department of Dosso; and considers financing a forestry and a livestock project. The pro- posed irrigation project would be the first major irrigation project. In ad- dition to its objective of food production, it would assist Government in its goal of creating the necessary institutional framework to build and develop some 1,300 ha of irrigated schemes annually through the creation of the "Office National des Amenagements Hydroagricoles" (ONAHA). (iii) The relatively high cost of the project, estimated at US$6,300/ha for investment (in constant terms) and at US$500/ha/year for annual develop- ment expenses during the development period, is due (a) to the fact that the country is landlocked which increases the cost of imported goods; (b) the lack of local expertise; and (c) the absence of effective competition in the con- tracting and supply industries. (iv) The project would comprise (a) constructing the Namarigoungou polder; 1/ (b) providing services to the farmers who would take up cultiva- tion at Namarigoungou and to the farmers already cultivating on the schemes presently under irrigation; (c) improving health services; (d) training farmers in modern agricultural techniques; and (e) preparing a feasibility study for a nearby Dolder north of Namarigoungou. 1/ Polders are land reclaimed from the sea or any other body of water by constructing dikes and drying out the land so empoldered. Thereafter, the water runoff is controlled by sluicing or pumping. A "cuvette" is part of the food plain of the Niger River and is usually submerged at the time of the high flood level. - ii - (v) Project costs are estimated to total CFAF 5.1 billion (US$21 million) of which the foreign exchange component would be US$14.8 million, or 70%. Principal components are irrigation works construction (US$8.6 million); management of the project and administrative and financial services (US$2.6 million); agricultural development services and support unit (US$2.5 million); other (US$1.8 million); and contingencies (US$5.5 million). Other costs include the financing over a three year period of a financial coordinator for the IDA-financed agricultural projects (US$0.3 million). Except for the financial coordinator, who would be financed 100% by IDA, all other project items would be financed jointly by IDA and Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KFW). It is proposed that IDA make a credit of US$15.0 million. KFW would make a credit of DM 12.5 million (US$6.0 million). The IDA credit and the KFW credit would be disbursed on a pari-passu basis (70% for IDA; 30% for KFW). (vi) Analysis of the construction costs for several irrigation schemes in Niger indicates that contractor costs are unusually high reflecting partly a lack of effective competition. To stimulate competition, it is necessary to build up the capabilities of the smaller local contractors and to develop Government capability to construct the irrigation schemes by force account. The project would give ONAHA the capability to construct the Namarigoungou works by force account. This would result in cost savings of some 40% com- pared to contractor costs and give practical training to a number of local technicians and engineers.* Another advantage of the force account approach would be the greater flex:ibility in project implementation. The only civil works to be built by contractor (US$0.5 million) would be the pumping sta- tions. (vii) Thd following procurement procedures would be used: Orders or contracts for equipment, vehicles, the electrical line from Tillabery to Namarigoungou, supplies for construction, agricultural equipment and inputs with a value of more than US$50,000 would be through international competitive bidding (ICB), in accordance with IDA guidelines. Such procurement is esti- mated to have a value of US$4.0 million. Contracts of less than US$50,000, and construction of the civil works for the Namarigoungou pumping stations, of houses, storage areas and offices, which are too small to attract foreign contractors, would be procured on the basis of competitive bidding adver- tised locally and in accordance with local procedures satisfactory to IDA. However items of less than US$15,000 each could be purchased directly from local suppliers. Contracts procured under local competitive bidding would not exceed US$1.5 million. Consultants would be recruited according to IDA guidelines (US$4.3 million). Some US$5.3 million would be for operating expenses and local staff salaries. (viii) The project would be carried out by ONAHA, which would be establi- shed prior to presentation of the Credit to the Executive Directors. The organization of ONAHA would be based on the recommendations of consultants financed through a project preparation facility of US$8,500. The Regional Director of ONAHA at Tillabery would be responsible for day-to-day implemen- tation of the project. - iii - (ix) Organization of farmers on the schemes would evolve, with ONAHA's directive involvement being progressively replaced by farmers' cooperatives. Until such time as the latter are ready to assume management activities, ONAHA would assure farmers supply of water and basic services. Farmers would be organized into the smallest groups compatible with management of the schemes, comprising about 10 farming units. The group would establish the basis for financial solidarity for credit repayment. (x) The procedures for land allocation in the irrigation schemes have been proven through past testing along the Niger River and are known to be acceptable to the present land owners and to the new settlers. Under the project land would be allocated on the basis of no more than I ha per farming unit. (xi) Project induced annual production would be as follows: In the Namarigoungou polder under irrigation: 12,500 tons of rice paddy, 400 tons of sorghum and 950 tons of various vegetables; on the rainfed holdings of the Namarigoungou farmers: 1,600 tons of cereals. Production increases on the existing schemes are estimated at 900 tons for rice paddy in the polders, and 700 tons for cereals under rainfed cultivation. (xii) Without the project the farmer taking up cultivation on the Namarigoungou polder would continue to have an annual net income of about CFAF 115,900 (US$473). With the project and assuming that he is given 0.5 ha to cultivate, his net income would increase to CFAF 251,600 (US$1,027). His per capita net income would increase from US$90 to US$197. At the proposed level of water charges, Government's cost recovery index from farmers would be about 37%. (xiii) The project's direct benefits would be the increased production it would generate for the 3,000 farming units (16,000 people) who would take up cultivation on the Namarigoungou polder. The economic rate of return is estimated at 12.5% for the project components whose benefits have been quanti- fied. The project would have a number of secondary benefits not included in the rate of return calculations, namely: (a) increase in the agricultural production of farmers cultivating in other schemes in the project area; (b) creation of farm employment (some 400,000 man-days), 70% of which for the riparian populations. (xiv) The risks attached to the project have been considered from several angles: financial, technical, institutional and social. The financial risk has been reduced by having the detailed engineering study completed prior to this draft green cover report. The technical risk is mainly in the achieve- ment of the production increases contemplated. The sensitivity analysis indicates that even if the production of paddy were 25% lower, the rate of return would still be acceptable, at 8%. The institutional risk will be overcome through the creation of ONAHA, which would be adequately staffed and equipped to carry out the project. The social risk inivolved in land alloca- tion will be reduced by the use of well-established land allocation procedures. (xv) On the basis of the assurances set out in Chapter IX, the project is suitable for an IDA credit of US$15 million. NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT I. INTRODUCTION 1.01 The Republic of Niger has asked IDA for assistance in financing the development of the country's irrigation subsector mainly in the "Arron- dissements" of Tillabery and Tera. A major component of the project would be the development of a 1,550 ha scheme at Namarigoungou. A feasibility study of the Namarigoungou scheme was prepared by Consultants SOGREAH in 1974. This report is based on the findings of an IDA appraisal mission which visited Niger in February 1977. The appraisal mission consisted of Messrs. Ropiteau and Park (IDA), Boumendil, Chateau, and Reynders (Consultants). 1.02 The proposed project would be the fifth in Niger's agricultural sector to be financed by IDA. Summary statements on the implementation of the other projects are in Annex 1, including that on the Agricultural Credit Project (Credit 207-NIR) for which a completion report and an audit report are being circulated to Government for comments. II. BACKGROUND A. General 2.01 Niger is one ot the largest landlocked countries in Africa, cover- ing about 1.3 million km , between latitudes 100 and 250 (map). Rainfall decreases from between 700 and 800 mm annually in the south, to less than 350 mm 150-200 km further north. About 10% of the area is suitable for crop production, but of very low potential. About 2% of the land area is culti- vated. Drought to one degree or other is a common occurrence and in 1968-1973 drought reached catastrophic proportions. 2.02 About half of the country's some 4.7 million people live between the southern border pnd the 500 mm isohyet, where population pressure averages only about 20/km , although in valleys it may be as high as 100 km . Popula- tion growth rate is high at 2.7% per annum. 2.03 The per capita GNP increased between 1972-75 to US$130, owing to greater mining activities. Uranium mining began in 1971. The present production of 1,600 tons should increase to 3,500-4,000 tons in 1979, making Niger the fourth largest producer of uranium in the world. The earnings resulting from increased uranium production and quadrupling of its price make it possible for Government to allocate greater local resources for productive investments. The "Fonds National d'Investissement" (FNI) is the vehicle for such investments. Government's allocation to the FNI was CFAF 10 billion in 1976/77 (US$40 million) compared to CFAF 4.5 billion in 1975/76. -2- B. The Agricultural Sector 2.04 The agricultural sector directly supports about 90% of Niger's population. It contributes about 47% to GDP. Prior to 1973 Niger used to be self-sufficient in food, but it was obliged to import some 500,000 tons of cereals over the period 1973-1975. Because of the increasing demand for food the country is no longer self-sufficient, even in normal years, and is unlikely to become so in the next decade, even assuming that all planned rainfed improvement projects and all irrigation projects (some 1,300 ha annually) are realized. 2.05 As far as rainfed farming is concerned, there is a limit to the level of increases that productivity improvement projects can generate. Income levels in the rainfed areas of Niger are less than US$70 per capita and with present technology these can be increased by perhaps 50%, but the beneficiaries of such pro;jects will continue to remain very poor, and the food base of the country will continue to depend upon unreliable rainfall which from time to time fails catastrophically. Nevertheless, Government intends to improve productivity and farm incomes as much as economically justified. It intends to develop the general use of farm inputs through the development of agricultural credit and the strengthening of agricultural extension services; and over the next few years plans productivity improve- ment projects throughout the southern tier of the country where rainfed cultivation is possible. 2.06 While rainfed projects are necessary to help the great majority of the rural community, Government correctly believes that equal priority should be given to investments in irrigation schemes. At present, some 8,000 ha of modern irrigation schemes have been developed: 3,700 ha along the Niger river valley. This compares to a total irrigation potential of about 200,000 ha (Annex 1): 100,000 ha along the Niger River. The latter, however, cannot be fully developed for double cropping irrigation until the flow of the Niger River is regulated by a dam to be built at the site of Kandadji (1985). Still, there are some 16,000 ha that could be developed for double cropping irrigaltion along the Niger River prior to the construc- tion of the dam. At the present rhythm of development of 1,300 ha per year, this would take more than 10 years. 2.07 IDA endorses Government's policy of a balanced development of the agricultural sector: IDA is financing a productivity improvement project for the Department of Maradi whose content and organization is intended as a model for future similar projects, and is assisting in the preparation of another productivity improvement project for the Department of Dosso. The two Departments comprise about one-third the area of the southern tier of Niger. IDA also intends to finance a pilot forestry project and a livestock project which would include 30% of all cattle in Niger. -3- 2.08 The proposed irrigation project is a necessary complement to these various projects. It would be the first major irrigation project in Niger, and in addition to its objective of food production, it would have a number of other benefits: (a) It would assist Government in its goal of creating the necessary institutional framework to build and develop some 1,300 ha of irrigated schemes annually, through the creation of the "Office National des Amenagements Hydroagricoles" (ONAHA), which would integrate and strengthen the activities of construction and manage- ment of the irrigation schemes hitherto carried out by the "Service du Genie Rural" (GR) and the "Union Nigerienne de Credit et de Cooperation" (UNCC), res- pectively. (b) It would not only produce rice, which is increasingly becoming a staple food for the populations along the Niger River and the city dwellers, but also a variety of vegetables, and it would provide the means for a better utilization of the local livestock resources. Irrigated fodder and crop by-products and residues would be used for finishing stock for sale, and this would help reduce the long cattle migrations, often to Nigeria, during the dry season. (c) It would allow the use of modern agricultural tech- nology on the schemes, and to some extent, the use of improved methods on the rainfed holdings of project participants. 2.09 The relatively high cost of the project, estimated at US$6,300/ha for investment (in constant terms) and at US$500/ha/year for annual devel- opment expenses during the development period, is due to a number of fac- tors, including (a) the fact that the country is landlocked which increases the cost of imported goods, (b) the lack of local expertise, (c) the small scale of the project and (d) the absence of effective competition in the contracting and supply industries. Cheaper alternatives to the proposed technical design (full water control) were studied and rejected because they were less economical or impractical, namely: improved flood recession, which will no longer be possible once the Kandadji dam is built (para 2.06), limited water control, which is less economical, and development through wells, which is impossible. The project would be built by force account, which would result in savings of about 40% compared to the contractor costs, would make possible a transfer of expertise in the construction of irrigation works to the local technicians, and would introduce some competition in the contract- ing and supply industries. III. THE PROJECT AREA 3.01 Location. The project area is the "Arrondisements" of Tillabery and Tera (see map). There are a number of existing irrigation schemes (1,200 ha) described in Annex 3, and one new scheme to be built in 1978, Lossa third phase (162 ha), with financing from Fonds d'Aide et de Coopera- tion (FAC). 3.02 Access. The major town in the project area is Tillabery, 130 km northwest of Niamey (see map) by tar-surfaced road. The Namarigoungou scheme would be linked by a 30 km dirt road to Tillabery, and the other schemes are within a 60 kin radius of Tillabery. 3.03 Climate. The climate is Sahelian, characterized by high day time temperatures, sharp intra--day variations, and a long dry season, from October through June. Average annual rainfall is about 430 mm (Annex 4), which is only adequate for the production of low yielding crops of drought resistant plants such as millet. 3.04 Hydrology. The discharge of the Niger River is monitored through 5 water gauges a ong the 550 km of the Niger River. The average flow in Niamey is 985 m /sec. Highest floods occur in the period September through March, and lowest floods in June. Considering the period of seference as 1964-1974, the dry season monthly discharge would exceed 15 m /sec nine years out of ten. This figure limits double cropping irrigation from the Niger River north of the town of Say to around 12,000 ha (Annex 1, Table 3). South of the town of Say the river benefits fsom a number of tributaries and the dry season flow is rarely below 50-60 m /sec. 3.05 Soils. The soils of the polders along the Niger River are usually clay and are suitable for rice cultivation. The soils classification map for the Namarigoungou polder (scale 1/10,000) and the soils analyses indicate that soils are clay (60%) and sandy/silty soils (10%) and that the remaining 30% are unsuitable for cultivation. Double cropping of rice is possible on the clay soils, and double cropping of sorghum and vegetables on the sandy/silty soils. 3.06 Population. The main beneficiaries of the project would be the 3,000 farming units (16,000 people), who would take up cultivation on the Namarigoungou polder. Other beneficiaries would include the 2,200 farming units already cultivating on the existing schemes. At least 75% of partici- pants would belong to the Wogo tribe, who are traditionally good at farming. The rest would belong to the Kado tribe. (Annex 5). The average farming unit size of about 5.25, with 1.50 male adults, is the same for both ethnic groups. Ihe present per capita income of farmers likely to participate in the project is about US$79, or some 25% above the absolute per capita poverty level of US$63 for Niger. 3.07 Farm Size and Land Tenure. Socio-economic surveys conducted during project preparation indicate that the average Wogo farm comprises - 5 - 4.10 ha under cultivation: millet and cowpeas (rainfed, 2.60 ha); rice (traditional irrigation, 1.15 ha); sorghum (flood recession, 0.15 ha); tobacco and gardens (0.20 ha) (Annex 6); the study also showed that farmers do not give up traditional cultivation when they participate in modern irrigation schemes. The Wogos rent about 20% of the land they cultivate from the Kados. The land in the schemes becomes property of the nation, and previous owners are given priority for land allocation. 3.08 Health. There are no reliable statistics on the health situation in the area. Waterborne diseases (malaria and bilharzia) are the most frequent, especially affecting the young children, but the proposed project would not exacerbate the present situation, and it includes a limited health component (para 4.22). IV. THE PROJECT A. Objectives and Components 4.01 The project (1978-1982) would seek (i) to increase Niger's produc- tion of rice through the development of irrigated agriculture and (ii) to improve the income of participating farmers from their holdings in the irri- gation schemes and in rainfed areas. The project would comprise: (a) Constructing the Namarigoungou polder (dike, irrigation and drainage systems and on-farm works); (b) Providing services to the farmers who would take up cultivation on the Namarigoungou polder (1,550 ha of net area) and on the Lossa III scheme (162 ha of net area); and to the farmers already cultivating on 1,215 ha presently under irrigation development. Such services would include: delivery of irrigation water, assistance in organi- zation, extension, applied research and seed multiplication, pro- curement of inputs, agricultural credit and crop marketing; (c) Improving health services; (d) Training project staff, farmers and artisans; (e) Providing the necessary physical infrastructure and equip- ment to carry out project activities; and (f) Preparing the feasibility study for a nearby polder (3,300 ha net area) north of Namarigoungou. The project would be carried out by ONAHA (para 2.08). -6- B. Detailed Features Development of the Namarigoungou Polder 4.02 Works to be built in the Namarigoungou polder include (Annex 7): (i) a dike some 12 km long and 3.0 m high to protect the polder against the maximum flood levels occurring in a one to one hundred year frequency; (ii) two pumping stations, each serving a separate district, designed to allow gravity irrigation as often as possible, with the lowest pumping station serving during floods to drain water back to the river. The pumps would be vertical axial flow type, and the power would be supplied by a 20 KV power line drawn from Tillabery. (iii) an irrigation network, including some 30 km of primary and 40 km of secondary canals, and a tertiary network; and (iv) a drainage network, using as much as possible the existing streams. 4.03 Concrete Lining of Canals. The cost and financing plan of the project are based on the assumptions that primary and secondary canals would be concrete lined. Since concrete lining cannot always be economically justified, assurances were obtained at negotiations that this would be done when criteria agreed upon between Government and the Association are met. The criteria proposed by the Association were that the canals be lined where (i) the soil permeability imeasured in situ was equal to or greater than 0.4 m/day, and (ii) necessary as protection upstream and downstream of canal structures and connections. Additional criteria could be submitted by the Borrower for the co-lenders' review and acceptance no later than one month prior to the commencement of canal construction. 4.04 Namarigoungou Irrigation System Design and Capacity. The capacity of the main canals is designed for 2.8 1/s/ha (Annex 8). Farmers would irrigate 16 hours per day. The secondary canals irrigating mixed cropping areas are designed for 2 1/s/ha. The perimeter would be divided into two irrigation units. Based on a discharge for the tertiaries designed at between 20 1/sec and 40 1/sec, the size of the irrigation blocks would vary between 7 and 14 ha. The average size of the individual farms would be 0.5 ha. They would be irrigated by rotation. 4.05 Namarigoungou Drainage System Design and Capacity. Drains would have a design capacity of 1.2 1/s/ha. During the normal flows of the river drainage would be assured by gravity through flap gates at the southernmost tip of the scheme; during the flood season drainage waters would be pumped out at the pumping station SP2' -7- 4.06 Water Demand and Supply. At full development (by year 1982) total yearly requirements ior the Namarigoungou scheme (1,550 ha of net area) would be some 48 million m at the source, based on requirements on the existing irrigation schemes. Its requirements in June when the water level is lowest in the Niger River would amount to 16% of the minimum flow occurring in a one to ten year frequency (Annexes 1 and 2). 4.07 Water Quality. The waters of the Niger River are excellent for irrigation and can be classified CI SI on the USBR classification. 4.08 Status of Engineering. Maps of the Namarigoungou polder (scale 1:2,000) and semi-detailed soil classification (scale 1:10,000) have been completed. The detailed design of the works and the update of the costs as well as the bidding documents for procurement were terminated in February 1978. This was done by SOGREAH under Government financing. The project would be executed with the assistance of consultants to be retained under the procedure described in para 6.04. 4.09 The construction schedule (Annex 14) shows procurement of equip- ment in 1978, and the works starting in February 1979 with the construction of the dike, being completed by mid-year 1981. Provision of Services to Farmers 4.10 Beneficiaries. The project would finance the provision of services to all farmers cultivating on the irrigation schemes in the "Arrondissements" of Tillabery and Tera, including the existing schemes where the services are presently inadequate (Annex 2). 4.11 Until such time as farmers are ready to assume management activities (para 6.08), ONAHA would manage the main infrastructures, provide irrigation water, assist in the creation of farmers' cooperatives, evaluate farmers' equipment requirements, organize the provision of agricultural credit for equipment and improved seeds, and importantly, provide them with effective extension advice for their holdings in the irrigation schemes and in the rainfed areas. A number of blocks in the Namarigoungou polder would be used for applied research tests and seed multiplication. Assurances were obtained at negotiations that the design of the research trials and the seed multipli- cation program would be acceptable to IDA. 4.12 Details of the production packages are given in Annex 6. The tech- niques advocated for rice cultivation and mixed cropping under irrigation are proven through past testing in the project area and known to be accept- able to reasonably receptive farmers. They include: ox-drawn plowing, transplanting, fertilizer applications, proper weeding, hand harvesting and threshing using a thresher with paddles. There is no evidence that the improved measures advocated for rainfed cultivation have been thoroughly tested in the project area under farmers' conditions (new varieties, pure stand planting, fertilizer applications). There is some indication, however, that increases in yields are possible. In any case, improved techniques would be introduced progressively, and it is not assumed that the complete package would be adopted by more than 10% of all farmers. - 8 - 4.13 The area under cultivation in the Namarigoungou scheme would be divided according to soil suitability between: rice (1,350 ha), mixed crop- ping (150 ha) and fodder crops (25 ha); in addition 25 ha of eucalyptus would be planted. Double cropping would be practiced for all annual crops. Mixed cropping would consist of one crop of sorghum during the rainy season and a variety of vegetables during the dry season. The fodder crops would enable some 500 head of cattle to be fattened annually. The eucalyptus would be cut every 3 years. In addition, project services would be extended to the 9,000 ha that Namarigoungou farmers would continue to cultivate under rainfed conditions. 4.14 The area under cultivation in the other schemes (1,180 ha total net area) would comprise 740 ha of rice in double cropping, 140 ha of rice single cropping and 300 ha of mixed cropping. In addition, project ser- vices would be extended to the 5,000 ha cultivated under rainfed condi- tions by the farmers participating in these other schemes. 4.15 Farm Inputs and Equipment, Procurement and Credit Procedures. Assurances were obtained at negotiations that the project would be granted a license to import inputs and agricultural equipment. Although the local manufacturer of agricultural equipment, SONIFAME, has recently received a line of credit to expand its facilities, it may not be able to meet the emerging demand for agricultural equipment in the country. Some 500 sets of agricul- tural equipment, comprising a plow and a hoe, would be financed under the project. 4.16 Caisse Nationale de Credit Agricole (CNCA) has been vested with overall responsibility for agricultural credit in the country, and all project funds for credit as well as for other costs would be channelled through CNCA. However day-to-day administration of farmers credit under the project would be carried out by the project staff. Farmers would be eligible for seasonal credit for fertilizer, insecticides and livestock to be fattened under the livestock subproject; and for medium term credit (3 years) for agricultural equipment, oxen and carts; blacksmiths, for 5 years' equipment credit. Prices for inputs include interest at the rate prevailing for agricultural credit; this rate is currently 8%. FParmers' and blacksmiths' repayments would be kept in a revolving fund administered by CNCA for the sole use of project partici- pants. This fund would be established no later than 1979. 4.17 Niger follows a policy of subsidization of agricultural equipment and inputs: agricultural equipment (between 32% and 73%), insecticides (25%), and fertilizers (43%). For fertilizer the policy is consistent with existing agreements in the Maradi Rural Development Project that subsidies be reduced to 50% of cost by year-end 1977. This policy is justified at the present time by the low use of equipment and inputs; but it should be recon- sidered when that use increases. Assurances were obtained at negotiations that government policy regarding subsidies for agricultural equipment and inputs would be discussed annually by Government and IDA. - 9- Improvement in Health Services 4.18 The project would finance a health training program, to be carried out under the supervision of the Ministry of Health (MOH). Assurances were obtained at negotiations that MOH would organize this training component, including post-training supervision and refresher courses; in addition, volunteer first aid assistants would be selected from among project farmers for training in basic skills. A total of some 80 first aid assistants would be trained under the program. Each person trained would be provided with a basic kit financed under the project. Renewal of the kit would be paid for by the community. The project would also provide proper water supply facilities for the two villages to be established around the Namarigoungou scheme. Assurances were obtained that Government would conduct a limited epi- demiological desk study of the area and that the results of the study would be reviewed by Government and IDA to determine whether an additional epi- demiological field survey to collect basic health information is warranted. Training Programs 4.19 The project would provide for the training of its own extension staff (about 30) and for farmer leaders, blacksmiths and other artisans (paras 6.07-6.10 and Annex 11). The project includes the subsistence costs of the trainees, the teaching equipment and the rehabilitation of a vocational school in Tillabery. Physical Infrastructure and Vehicles 4.20 The project includes the construction in Tillabery of 8 senior staff ho ses, project offices, a garage, and in Namarigoungou, 2 stores (1,000 m total area). The capacity of the Tillabery rice mill would be doubled to 10,000 tons. A total of 9 light vehicles and 3 trucks would be purchased, in addition to the heavy vehicles required for construction of the works. Feasibility Study for a Future Irrigation Project 4.21 The project would finance the preparation of the feasibility study for the Gabou-Bonfeba polder (3,300 ha), which is adjacent to Namarigoungou and shows good potential. Assurances were obtained at negotiations that the consultants to carry out the study would have qualifications and experience satisfactory to IDA, and that they would be employed under terms and condi- tions satisfactory to IDA. The Project's Impact on Ecology 4.22 It is unlikely that the project would have any undue adverse impact upon the ecology and the health of the population, since, except in the dry season, no additional area would be permanently under water. On the contrary, the concrete lining of primary and secondary canals of the Namarigoungou - 10 - scheme would increase the speed of the flow, thereby reducing the snail population, which is the vector of schistosomiasis. The project also in- cludes a limited health improvement component. V. COST ESTIMATES AND FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS A. Project Costs 5.01 Project costs are estimated to Total CFAF 5.1 billion (US$21 mil- lion), of which the foreign exchange component would be US$14.8 million or 70%. 5.02 Government will exempt the project from import duties and direct taxes. Project costs are therefore net of duties and taxes. They are detailed in Annex 9 and summarized below: Local Foreign Local Foreign % Foreign Cost Exchange Total Cost Exchange Total Exchange CFAF Million -- -- US$ Thousand ---- Irrigation Works Construction 419 1,677 2,096 1,710 6,840 8,550 80% Direction "Office National des Amenagements Hydroagricoles" 101 100 201 410 410 820 50% Administrative and Financial Services 266 178 444 1,090 720 1,810 40% Agricultural Develop- ment Services 178 179 357 720 730 1,450 50% Support Unit 103 155 258 420 640 1,060 60% Health Component and Training 9 22 31 40 90 130 70% Agricultural Equipment and Incremental Inputs 34 137 171 140 560 700 80% Other - 221 221 - 900 900 100% Base Cost Estimate 1,110 2,669 3,779 4,530 10,890 15,420 70% Physical Contingencies 145 337 482 590 1,380 1,970 70% Price Increases 267 617 884 1,090 2,520 3,610 70% Total Expected Cost of Project 1,522 3,623 5,145 6,210 14,790 21,000 70% 5.03 The cost of the project is based on the detailed engineering study carried out by SOGREAH. Expatriate staff salaries would be equivalent to those - 11 - paid in other projects in Niger. Technical assistance for the construction of the Namarigoungou works would amount to 15 1/2 man-years over the period 1978-1981 for a total cost of CFAF 356 million (US$1.5 million), averaging US$97,000 per man-year. Technical assistance for ONAHA management and agricultural development would amount to 22 man-years over the period 1978-1982 for a total cost of CFAF 506 million (US$2.1 million), averaging US$95,000 per man-year. Salaries would account for about 50% of the total expatriate costs. Project costs include a physical contingency of 15% of the cost of the irrigation works and of 10% on all other items, and in addition a contingency to cover expected inflation amounting to 25% of base costs over the disbursement period. 5.04 Other costs comprise the feasibility study of the Gabou-Bonfeba polder and the financing over a three year period of a financial coordinator for the IDA-financed agricultural projects. The financial coordinator would: provide technical assistance to the various projects in accounting and finan- cial management, coordinate processing of disbursement applications and monitor financial reporting and auditing. B. Proposed Financing 5.05 It is proposed that IDA make a credit of US$15 million. Kreditan- stalt fur Wiederaufbau (KFW) would make a credit of DM 12.5 million (US$6.0 million). 1/ Except for the financial coordinator (para 5.04), who would be financed 100% by IDA, 100% of the other project expenditures would be financed jointly by IDA and KFW. The IDA and the KFW credits would be disbursed on a pari-passu basis. The financing plan is summarized below: IDA KFW Total % …-----------US$ 000… Irrigation works construction 5,990 2,560 8,550 40 Direction "Office National des Amenagements Hydroagricoles" 580 240 820 4 Administrative and financial services 1,270 540 1,810 9 Agricultural development services 1,020 430 1,450 7 Support unit 740 320 1,060 5 Health component and training 90 40 130 1 Agricultural equipment and incremental inputs 490 210 700 3 Other 720 180 900 4 Base cost estimate 10,900 4,520 15,420 73 Physical contingencies 1,390 580 1,970 9 Price increases 2,710 900 3,610 18 Total expected cost of project 15,000 6,000 21,000 100 % of total 71% 29% 100% 1/ The terms of the KFW credit would be similar to those of IDA excepted for a commitment of 0.25% on the undisbursed amount. - 12 - 5.06 To ensure the efficient and timely execution of the project, assurances were obtained from (,overnment that it would: (a) ensure that an account in the name of the project be established with "Caisse Nationale de Credit Agricole" (CNCA); (b) deposit an initial amount of CFAF 250 million (US$1.0 million) into the accotnt; (c) replenish the account quarterly on the basis of the project cash forecasts in order to provide the project with sufficient funds to meet project expenditures for the following three months; and (d) ensure that seasonal and short term credit, repayment for farm inputs, seeds, equipment, blacksmith kits and vaccines would be made to revolving fund accounts administered by the project and deposited with CNCA. The establish- ment of the revolving fund account with an initial deposit of CFAF 250 million is a condition of credit effectiveness. 5.07 Retroactive financing by IDA of up to US$210,000 (70% of total cost) from January 1, 1978 is proposed to finance three scrapers necessary for the construction of the dike. KFW would finance its share or up to US$90,000 (30% of total cost). C. Procurement 5.08 The analysis of the construction costs for several irrigation schemes in Niger (Annex 10) indicates that contractor costs are unusually high, reflecting a lack of effective competition. To stimulate competition, it is necessary to build up the capabilities of the smaller local contrac- tors, and to develop Government capability to construct the irrigation schemes by force account. The project would give ONAHA the capability to construct the Namarigoungou irrigation works by force account. This would result in cost savings of some 40% and give practical training to a number of local technicians and engineers, who would be able to apply their expertise to the construction of future irrigation schemes. Other advantages to the force account approach would be greater flexibility in implementation and better phasing of the agricultural development of the polder. Works built on force account would amount to US$8.1 million. Only the civil works of the pumping stations would be built by contractor (US$0.5 million). ONAHA would call in small work gangs paid on a piece work basis whenever feasible. 5.09 The following procurement procedures would be used: Orders or contracts for equipment, vehicles, the electrical line from Tillabery to Namarigoungou, supplies for construction, agricultural equipment and inputs with a value of more than US$50,000 would be through international competitive bidding (ICB), in accordance with IDA guidelines. Such procurement is esti- mated to have a value of US$4.0 million. Contracts of less than US$50,000, and construction of the civil works for the Namarigoungou pumping stations, of houses, storage areas and offices, which are too small to attract foreign contractors, would be procured on the basis of competitive bidding advertised locally and in accordance with local procedures satisfactory to IDA. However items of less than US$15,000 each could be purchased directly from local suppliers. Contracts procured under local competitive bidding would not exceed US$1.5 million. Consultants would be recruited according to IDA guidelines (US$4.3 million). Some US$5.3 million would be for operating expenses and local staff salaries. - 13 - D. Disbursements 5.10 The proceeds of the proposed IDA credit (US$15 million) would be disbursed over five years (1978-1982) as follows: US$ Category I: Civil Works a) Primary and secondary canals 1,400,000 70% b) Other 400,000 70% Category II: Equipment, Vehicles, Cement, Chemicals 2,700,000 70% Category III: Tillabery-Namarigoungou Electric Line 360,000 70% Category IV: Pumping Station 470,000 70% Category V: Operating Expenses Including Salaries 4,820,000 70% Category VI: Agricultural Projects Coordinator 300,000 100% Category VII: Audit, Studies 400,000 70% Category VIII: Reimbursement of Project Prepara- tion Facility 8,500 100% of amount not reim- bursed at the date of effec- tiveness Category IX: Unallocated 4,141,500 TOTAL 15,000,000 5.11 Disbursements of the IDA credit would be against import documenta- tion and certified records of expenditures. For disbursements made against certified records of expenditures documentation would not be submitted for review as a matter of course, but would be retained by ONAHA for scrutiny by IDA missions. The estimated schedule of disbursement of the IDA credit is in Annex 9, Table 10. - 14 - E. Accounts and Audit 5.12 Accounts for the project would be kept under acceptable commercial accounting practices. The cost of concrete lining the primary and secondary canals would be recorded separately, and savings realized by not lining 100% of the canals would be cancelled from the credit (para. 4.03 and para 5.10). The project accounts and revolving fund kept by CNCA for farmers' agricultural credit (para 4.16) would be audited annually by independent auditors accept- able to IDA. The auditors' opinion on the disbursement applications made against certified records of expenditures would be submitted to IDA every six months. Audited annual accounts would be submitted to IDA within six months of the closing of the financial year. Assurances to the foregoing were obtained at negotiations. VI. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT A. Organization 6.01 The project would be carried out by ONAHA through its regional offices at Tillabery. ONAHA would be created prior to the presentation of the credit to the Executive Directors. Its organization would be based on the recommendations of consultants financed through a project preparation facility of US$8,500, approved as part of the proposed credit. ONAHA would be an autonomous public agency under the overall responsibility of the Minister of Rural Development. ONAHA's policy decisions would be taken by a Board of Directors and implemented by a General Director. ONAHA's central services would include: - General Directorate: The General Director would be account- able to the Board of Directors for ONAHA's operations. He would be assisted by a deputy responsible for technical operations and by planning staff; - Engineering Services: responsible for topographical surveys, detailed engineering and construction of irrigation works; - Agricultural Development Services: responsible for assist- ance in the management of the schemes, definition of agri- cultural development programs and development of cooperatives; - Equipment Services: responsible for management and maintenance of the equipment of ONAHA (pumping stations and water gates, earthmoving and transport equipment, agricultural equipment and central garage); - Administrative Services: responsible for personnel and general administration; - 15 - - Accounting Services: responsible for general accounting and analytical accounting. The central services would backstop ONAHA's regional offices established where justified by the number of irrigation schemes and the distance to headquarters i-n Niamey. 6.02 There would be a regional office at Tillabery. The regional director at Tillabery would report to the General Director. He would be responsible for day-to-day implementation of the project and all other ONAHA activities in his region, and would be responsible for the interface of ONAHA with the other public agencies in his region. The organization of the ser- vices at the Tillabery office would be similar to those at the central level: engineering, agricultural development, equipment, administration and account- ing. The agricultural development services would include a technical assist- ance support unit responsible for assistance in grouping the farmers on the schemes; training of extension staff, farmer leaders, herdsmen and a number of technicians including blacksmiths; and for evaluation of project results. 6.03 Project Evaluation. The support unit of the project's agricultural development services would be responsible for evaluation of the project. It would produce quarterly progress reports and an annual report giving the information outlined in Annex 11. Assurances were obtained that the unit would prepare the project completion report. B. Staffing 6.04 The lack of experienced local staff is a major constraint to the implementation of agricultural projects in Niger. Government is aware of this and agrees that the shortage of local expertise can only be alleviated in the short term by technical assistance. The Regional Director at Tillabery would be assisted by an expatriate technical adviser and a team of as many as ten other expatriate specialists. The relatively large number of expatriates reflects the fact that (a) the Namarigoungou works would be built by force account requiring technical skills that even contractors would import; and (b) the project would include a number of training programs requiring special training skills. The staff recruited internationally would be provided by a company with recognized expertise to carry out irrigation projects, including construction of works by force account and agricultural development. Govern- ment has pre-selected four consulting firms with relevant qualifications and knowledge of Niger. Assurances were obtained at negotiations that the com- pany, the terms and conditions of its employment and the qualifications and experience of the technical adviser to the Regional Director at Tillabery would be mutually acceptable to Government and IDA. Selection of the company and nomination of the technical adviser to the Regional Director are condi- tions of Board presentation. Signature of the technical assistance contract is a condition of the credit becoming effective. - 16 - 6.05 High and medium level local staff would belong to one of the following specialties: agricultural engineer or ITA ("Ingenieur des travaux agricoles"), rural engineer or ITR ("Ingenieur des travaux ruraux"), accoun- tant. There are a limited number of these specialists in the country, but some are being trained under various scholarships overseas and are expected to return to Niger after 1980. After that date recruitment of high and medium level local staff would become easier. Such staff would be seconded to the project as government employees on full pensionable service, and with posting allowances comrnensurate with their new responsibilities. 6.06 The ratio of extension staff to farmers would be one to 200 farm-- ing families. They would work with the delegates of the farmers' groups, who in turn would be expected tco serve as the relay with the other farmers. A delegate would represent 10 farming units, demonstrate irrigation techniques, organize procurement and distribution of inputs and equipment within the group, and control the use of water for irrigation. The extension staff would report to the heads of the irrigation units. C. Training 6.07 High and medium level staff would receive on-the-job training so as to be in a position to replace expatriate staff after the project development period. Extension staff who do not receive any specialization in irrigation techniques at the agricultural school in Niger (Kolo) would be given one month courses in irrigation application upon joining the project. Such training would be provided by the consultants providing technical assistance to ONAHA. Their contract would make specific provision for training programs, and assurances were obtained at negotiations that these programs would be reviewed and approved by IDA. 6.08 Farmers' training would be performed by project staff and would concern: (i) farmers' group delegates, who would receive technical training in cultivation, irrigation, network maintenance and work organization over a 5 month's period on their own plots; (ii) farmer accountants: who would be taught basic bookkeeping over a 5 month period, spent partly in the villages and the training center built under the project; (iii) herdsmen: their courses would be essentially technical in nature and taught over a 5 month period, alternating between the villages and the training center. Some 366 delegates, 82 farmer accountants and 82 herdsmen would be trained. 6.09 Village first aid volunteers would be chosen by the village and trained in emergency help situations over a 2 week period at the Tilla- bery dispensary. Some 82 first aid volunteers would be trained. 6.10 The project staff member responsible for the blacksmith training component would himself have participated either in Niger or in other countries in a blacksmith training program for a period of about 6 months, after which he would be able to provide courses to advanced blacksmiths in the use of blacksmith's equipment, fabrication of improved tools, metal - 1 7 - brazing, tampering, and fabrication of parts. The courses would last a total of 40 days broken up into a number of periods. About 25 blacksmiths would be trained. D. Farmers' Settlement and Organization 6.11 The procedures for land allocation in the irrigation schemes have been proven through past testing along the Niger River and are known to be acceptable to the present owners and to the new settlers (Annex 2). They are based on Law No. 60-28 of May 25, 1960 and entail: (a) ascertaining present land use rights through a series of interviews with the local population; (b) giving priority for land allocation to the farmers whose rights can be established; (c) selecting farmers according to a number of criteria including: proximity to the schemes, size of the family, farming experience, and existing assets, including ownership of bullocks; and (d) allocating no more than 0.25 ha per male adult. Some flexibility should be shown in the application of these procedures. Land allocation would be handled jointly by the "Comite Technique d'Arrondissement," (the advisory body to the Sous-Prefet of Tillabery, the population, and the Nigerien head of the project's agricultural development services. To ensure that the Namarigoungou scheme would benefit as many farmers as possible, assurances were received that IDA would be consulted before farmers would be allotted more than I ha per farming unit. 6.12 The organization of farmers on the schemes would evolve with ONAHA's directive involvement being progressively replaced by farmers' cooperatives (para. 4.11). Until such time as the latter are ready to assume management activities, ONAHA would assure farmers supply of water and basic services. Farmers would pay for operating and maintenance costs incurred by ONAHA and a capital recovery charge (para. 7.11), but not for extension services. If farmers do not comply with their obligations, their lands could be repossessed. The decision to repossess holdings or to impose other disciplinary action would be made by ONAHA, but advice would be sought from the irrigation unit councils. Unit councils would be created for each irrigation unit (para. 4.04) and would include representatives of farmers and the extension staff assigned to the unit. 6.13 Farmers would be organized into the smallest groups compatible with the management of the schemes comprising about 10 farming units each. The group would establish the basis for financial solidarity for credit repayment. - 18 - VII. YIELDS AND PRODUCTION, DEMAND, PRICES, MARKETING ARRANGEMENTS, FARMERS' BENEFITS AND COST RECOVERY A. Yields and Production 7.01 The yields for the crops grown on the Namarigoungou polder have been estimated at full development (1982) as follows: paddy (4,800 kg/ha per ssason), sorghum (2,500 kg/ha), cowpeas (1,200 kg/ha); eucalyptus (20 m /ha year). In addition, the millet yields under rainfed conditions would increase from 310 kgJha to 390 kg/ha. The paddy yield is lower than the 5,200 kg/ha actually obtained on the comparable Toula scheme (Annex 6, Table 5). The yields for mixed cropping are those currently obtained where mixed cropping is practiced. 7.02 The yield increases are estimated to result in the following an- nual production increments (1982): In the Namarigoungou polder under irri- gation: 12,500 tons of rice paddy, 400 tons of sorghum and 950 tons of var- ious vegetables; on the rainfed holdings of the Namarigoungou farmers: 1,600 tons of cereals. In addition, wood pole production would have an annual value of some CFAF 16 million, and the livestock subproject would gross some CFAF 6 million annually. 7.03 Production increases on the existing schemes are estimated at 900 tons for rice paddy cultivated in the polders, and 700 tons for cereals under rainfed cultivation. B. Demand, Prices, and Marketing Arrangements 7.04 Rice. Local demand for rice has been increasing over the past few years and is expected to continue to increase as a result of the popula- tion growth and the rapid urbanization. (Annex 1, Tables I and 2). There is at present a deficit of some 6,000 tons of rice between local production and consumption. 7.05 The official producer price for paddy at CFAE' 45/kg gives farmers working on the irrigation schemes adequate incentives. Assurances were obtained that the official paddy price would be reviewed annually to determine its adequacy, taking into account the necessity to maintain economic incen- tives for farmers and the overall supply and demand situation. The financial price of CFAF 45/kg of paddy was used for the farm budgets, and the farm gate economic price of CFAF 53/ kg for the economic rate of return calculations. 7.06 Rice produced on the Government schemes is sold by "Office des Produits Vivriers du Niger" (OPVN) at CFAF 105/kg, which is about the import substitution price, (Annex 12, Table 1). It is estimated that OPVN makes a profit of CFAF 5/kg of rice. - 19 - 7.07 ONAHA would organize the transport of the paddy produced under the project (para. 6.12) for delivery to the government mill at Tillabery. The mill's processing capacity would be doubled to 10,000 tons of paddy with relatively small investments in equipment. 7.08 Thp demand for the project's other products (cereals, vegetables, wood and meat) is strong given the proximity of Niamey. They would be mar- keted through the traditional network of private traders. The prices used for farm budgets and in the economic rate of return calculations are: millet, CFAF 40/kg, sorghum, CFAF 35/kg; cowpeas CFAF 45/kg; onions, CFAF 196/kg; tomatoes, CFAF 38/kg; gombos, CFAF 340/kg; trees, CFAF 1,600/tree; liveweight meat, CFAF 180/kg. C. Farmers' Benefits 7.09 Benefits of the project have been quantified only for the farmers taking up cultivation on the Namarigoungou polder. Farmers on the other schemes would increase their present income level slightly. It is assumed that the average farming unit would comprise two male adults; would be given 0.5 ha of the Namarigoungou polder, and would keep its present holdings under rainfed cultivation and traditional irrigation. Since prospective project participants are presently self-sufficient in terms of food, it is assumed that they would sell all their production under the scheme, and would not increase their family consumption. 7.10 Without the project the farmer taking up cultivation in the Nama- rigoungou polder would continue to have an annual net income of CFAF 115,900 (US$473) (Annex 6, Table 7). With the project, and assuming that he is given 0.5 ha to cultivate, his net income would increase to CFAF 251,600 (US$1,027) (Annex 6, Table 8). His per capita net income would increase from US$90 to US$197. In addition, the family cultivating 0.1 ha of mixed cropping would increase its net income by an additional CFAF 57,200 (US$233). While incomes would increase substantially, the amount of work required would also increase: family labor from 343 man-days to 440 man-days and hired labor from 40 man- days to 121 man-days for the family cultivating 0.5 ha of rice. Net income per man-day would increase from CFAF 339 to CFAF 1,399. 7.11 The net income figures have been calculated after deducting direct production costs (seed, fertilizer, debt service on credit received, payments for hired labor, etc.), the operation and maintenance cost of the irrigation system (O.M.) and a capital recovery charge. The governmental policy has been that farmers be charged for all O.M. expenses, but that they should not be asked to pay for extension services or to contribute to the amortization of the investment in the schemes. As a major improvement upon this policy and to ensure some degree of financial viability and replicability of the investment, assurances were obtained at negotiations that farmers on the Namarigoungou scheme would pay water charges including a capital recovery charge. These water charges would initially be set at CFAF 100,000/ha/year, starting June 30, 1980, and would be maintained at a level acceptable to the Government and the Association which would be the maximum allowed under the - 20 - Government's regulations at any one time. ONAHA would maintain separate accounts for the water charges recovered from farmers. Since O.M. expenses in the Namarigoungou scheme would be about CFAF 34,000/ha/year in 1978 terms, the capital recovery charge wou:Ld be about double at CFAF 66,000/ha/year. This relatively high level of capital recovery charges compared to O.M. expenses and past practice is justified given the high cost of the project and the substantial benefits expected for project participants. D. Cost Recovery and Impact on Government Revenues 7.12 At a discount rate of 10% per annum the present value of Govern- ment's initial and recurrent investment in the Namarigoungou scheme is CFAE' 3.7 billion (Annex 12, Table 2). At the agreed level of water charges of CFAF 100,000 per ha per year, the cost recovery index of these water charges (totalling CFAF 155 million annually) discounted at 10% compared to Government investment in the scheme is 37%. The rent recovery index or ratio of total direct charges to farmers' rent would be 33%. Impact on Government Revenues 7.13 Government revenues from the project would consist of direct charges paid by farmers, indirect taxation induced by the increase in farm production and trading profits made by OPVN. Government outflows would be operating and maintenance expenses, extension and administrative expenses after project, and service charges and amortization of the IDA credit. The cash flow (Annex 12, Table 3) shows a surplus from 1980 onwards. VIII. ECONOMIC BENEFITS AND JUSTIFICATION 8.01 The project's direct benefits would be the increased production it would generate for the 3,000 farming units (16,000 people), who would take up cultivation on the Namarigoungou polder. The economic rate of return is estimated at 12.5% for the project components whose benefits have been quantified. These components account for 95% of project costs. This return excludes the health component, the technical training pro- grams and the studies, for which no meaningful rate of return could be estimated because of the predominance of non-quantifiable effects. 8.02 The main assumptions for the economic rate of return calculations at Annex 13 include: (a) incremental producti'on from the Namarigoungou scheme only (para. 7.02); (b) economic farm gate prices in constant prices as shown in paras. 7.05 and 7.08; - 21 - (c) inclusion in the cost streams of all on-farm production costs, including hired labor costed at the prevailing wage rate (about CFAF 200/day) throughout the year and family labor costed for the periods of the year when it is fully employed (estimated at 55%) at the wage rate of CFAF 200/day and for the other periods of the year (45%) at CFAF 100/day; and (d) based on a standard conversion factor of 0.86, foreign exchange costs and benefits have been converted to the rate of exchange of CFAF 285 = US$1. (16% lower than the present official rate of CFAF 245 = US$1). 8.03 A number of sensitivity tests have been run and indicate that the project would be equally sensitive to variations in benefits and costs. A variation of benefits or costs of 10% would result in an absolute change of about 2 percentage points in the project's rate of return. Other tests indicate that: - Without an increase in production on the rainfed'holdings of the Namarigoungou farmers the rate of return would be 1 percentage point lower (11.55%); - Keeping the technical assistance five years after project comple- tion would decrease the rate of return about 1 percentage point (12.15%); and - Reducing the cropping intensity from 200% to 175% would lower the rate of return 1.5 percentage points (10.45%). 8.04 The project would have a number of secondary benefits which have not been included in the economic rate of return calculations: (a) an increase in the agricultural production of farmers cultivating in other schemes of the project area outside Namarigoungou. (b) the creation of farm employment, estimated at some 400,000 man-days, about 70% of which for the riparian populations which otherwise would continue migrating to the south; and 30% for casual laborers, mostly from the "Ouallam Arrondissement," one of the poorest in Niger. (c) it would help reduce the income disparities between the local tribes and between the rural and urban populations. (d) it would provide a reliable source of cereals which could soften the impact of drought. - 22 - (e) it would provide the demonstrative effect of an integrated approach to provide farmers with comprehensive extension and marketing services, not only for their holdings on the modern irrigation schemes, but also for those cultivated under rainfed conditions, and it would establish the proper institutional framework for Government to meet its goal of developing some 1,000-2,000 ha of irrigated land annually over the next five years. (f) it would have other secondary benefits including the impact of the health and training programs, the expansion of non- farm rural employment, for example in blacksmithing and at the Tillabery rice mill, and the improvement of nutrition and health. 8.05 The risks attached to the project have been considered from several angles: financial, technical, institutional and social. The financial risk has been reduced by having the detailed engineering study completed prior to this draft green cover report. The technical risk is mainly in the achieve- ment of the production increases contemplated. The sensitivity analysis indicates that even if the production of paddy were 25% lower, the rate of return would still be acceptable, at 8%. The institutional risk will be overcome through the creation of ONAHA, which would be adequately staffed and equipped to carry out the project. The social risk involved in land alloca- tion will be reduced by the use of well-established land allocation procedures. IX. RECOMMENDATIONS 9.01 Conditions of Board presentation are receipt of evidence that: (a) ONAHA would have been established (para 6.01); (b) A company would have been selected to provide the interna- tionally recruited staff; and the Technical Adviser to the Regional Director at Tillabery would have been nominated (para 6.04). 9.02 Assurances were obtained at negotiations that: (a) The primary and secondary canals would be concrete lined only if agreed upon technical criteria were met (para 4.03). (b) The design of the applied research trials and of the seed multiplication program on the Namarigoungou polder would be acceptable to IDA (para 4.11). (c) ONAHA would be granted a license to import agricultural equipment and inputs (para 4.15). - 23 - (d) Government policy regarding subsidies for agricultural equipment would be discussed annually by Government and IDA (para 4.17). (e) The Ministry of Health would organize the training of first aid volunteers including post-training supervision and refresher courses (para 4.18). (f) Government would conduct a limited epidemiological desk study of the area; and the results of the study would be reviewed by Government and IDA (para 4.18). (g) The consultants who would carry out the study for the development of a second irrigation project would have qualifications and experience satisfactory to IDA, and they would be employed under terms and conditions satisfactory to IDA (para 4.21). (h) Government would: Ci) ensure that an account in the name of ONAHA would be established with "Caisse Nationale de Credit Agricole"; (ii) deposit an initial amount of CFAF 250 million into the account; (iii) replenish the account quarterly to provide ONAHA with sufficient funds to meet project expenditures for the following three months; and (iv) ensure that seasonal and short term credit repay- ments for farm inputs, seeds, equipment, blacksmith kits and vaccines would be made to revolving fund accounts administered by ONAHA and deposited with CNCA (para 5.06). Ci) The project accounts and revolving fund kept by CNCA for farmers' agricultural credit would be audited by independent auditors acceptable to IDA. The auditor's opinion on the disbursement made against certified records of expenditures would be submitted to IDA every six months (para 5.12). (j) The support unit would prepare the project completion report (para 6.03); (k) The company providing the internationally recruited staff, the terms and conditions of its employment and the quali- fications of the Project Manager would be mutually acceptable to Government and IDA (para 6.04). - 24 - (1) The contract of the company providing internationally re- cruited staff would make specific provision for training programs, and these programs would be reviewed and approved by IDA (para 6.07). (m) IDA would be consulted before farmers would be allotted more than 1 ha per farming unit (para 6.11). (n) The official paddy price would be reveiwed annually to de- termine its adequacy, taking into account the necessity to maintain economic incentives for farmers and the overall supply and demand situation (para 7.05). (o) Farmers on the Namarigoungou scheme would pay a capital re- covery charge at a level mutually acceptable to Government and IDA, and this level would be reviewed from time to time (para 7.11). 9.03 Conditions of effectiveness of the IDA credit are (a) the establishment of a revolving fund with an initial deposit of CFAF 250 million (para 5.06); and (b) signature of the contract with the company providing technical assistance for the project (para 6.04). 9.04 With the above assurances and recommendations the project is suit- able for an IDA credit of US$15 million to the Republic of Niger. - 25 - ANNEX 1 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT IDA Financed Projects in the Agricultural Sector, Niger Food Self-Sufficiency and the Irrigated Sector A. IDA Financed Projects in the Agricultural Sector 1. There have been four IDA agricultural projects in Niger as follows: (i) Agricultural Credit (207-NIR) for US$0.6 million made in 1970 for the financing of agricultural credit, technical assistance to Caisse Nationale de Credit et de Cooperation (CNCA) and extension staff training. Although the tech- nical assistance and training components were completed satisfactorily, the agricultural credit component lagged considerably. One reason was that it coincided with the worst drought of the century. An equally, and probably, more significant constraint was Niger's poorly developed credit, input and extension delivery systems. Disburse- ments for agricultural credit were about 23% of the appraisal estimate. Credit 207-NIR was closed with an amount of US$44,000 remaining undisbursed. (ii) Drought Relief Fund (441-NIR) for US$2 million made in 1973 to help people in drought affected areas to re-estab- lish as far as possible, their self-sufficiency through assisting them to redevelop and improve their farms and herds. The fund financed a range of subprojects. The project is nearing satisfactory completion. (iii) Maradi Rural Development Project (608-NIR) for US$10.7 million made in 1976 to provide production improvement packages to farmers grouped in 15 cooperatives ("Associa- tions Locales de Cooperatives") in the "Departement de Maradi" together with 80 km of agricultural tracks, planting of 500 ha of wood fuel plantations, study of the irriga- tion potential of the area and improvements of livestock services. The project is progressing satisfactorily. (iv) Forestry Project (800-NIR) for US$4.5 million, made in 1978. This project will assist Government in its efforts to establish 400 ha of pilot irrigated plantations and 700 ha of pilot rainfed tree plantations; improve the rural forestry activities of the Forestry Department; finance a training pro- gram in extension services; provide assistance to research and a workshop maintenance unit. A project unit will be established within the Forestry Department to assist in coordinating and monitoring the various project activities, plan rural forestry programs and prepare a second phase suitable for Bank support. - 26 - ANNEX I B. Niger Food Self-Sufficiency Millet and Sorghum 2. Table 1 shows the total production for millet and sorghum at 1.3 million tons in 1976, and Table 2 the total consumption for these staple foods at about 1.1 million tons, leaving a surplus of some 11,000 tons in 1976/77 after seed requirements and losses have been deducted. The slight 1976 surplus is due to better than average rainfalls in 1976. During the recent series of drought years Niger imported a total of about 500,000 tons (1973-1975). 3. Projections at Table 2 are based on the expected population growth rate of 2.7% per year and the historical consumption of 220 kg/capita/year of coarse grains. Even under normal rainfall, and assuming that all productivity improvement projects unti:L 1983 are implemented, there would likely be an increasing deficit of mil:Let and sorghum starting in 1977/78. Rice 4. Paddy production was estimated at 29,000 tons in 1976, with 20,000 tons produced traditionally, and 9,000 tons on the development schemes. All paddy comes from the Niger valley. Corresponding rice quantities after deduction of losses and seed requirements totalled 17,000 tons, with 11,000 tons produced traditionally and 6,000 tons coming from the modern irrigation schemes. 5. The government investment program to develop a total of some 4,000 ha between 1977 and 1980 would increase rice production from 17,000 to 37,000 tons by 1982/83. The rice consumption forecast at table 2 takes into account (i) the country's overall population growth (2.7% per year); (ii) the migra- tion towards the towns (Niamey's growth is estimated at 7.7% per year and that of the other towns at 5.5%); and (iii) the growth of consumers' real income (estimated at 2% per year). Overall Food Self-Sufficiency 6. The analysis at Table 2 shows that (i) even under normal rainfall, and assuming that all productivity improvement projects for the rainfed area are implemented, there would likely be an important millet and sorghum deficit in years to come, (ii) that the present rice deficit will be offset only if the irrigation program embarked upon by Government is implemented without delay, and (iii) that irrigation is unlikely to help reduce the deficit in millet and sorghum unless more investments in irrigation schemes are made beyond those proposed over the period 1977-1982. 7. Since the problem stems from the very high rate of population growth, little can be done in the short term to improve the situation. The Government welcomes the Bank's assistance to help in establishing the insti- tutional framework necessary to carry out the various productivity improvement projects for the rainfed area and achieve its goal of building some 1,000- 2,000 ha of irrigated schemes annually. - 27 - B. The Irrigated Sector 8. The area of the country under irrigation development totals some 8,000 ha, 3,700 ha along the Niger River (Table 4), 3,000 ha in the Konni scheme, and the rest distributed throughout the country. 9. The total potential for irrigation development in Niger is esti- mated as follows: Niger River valley - "polders" 22,000 ha - terraces 80,000 ha Maggia River - valley 5,000 ha - hillside retaining basins 5,000 ha Komadougou River 5,000 ha Lake Chad 35,000 ha Dry valleys ("dallols," "goulbi") 50,000 ha Telak/Errazer 15,000 ha 217,000 ha Of the 217,000 ha, about 50% are along the Niger River, and the rest located throughout the country, mostly in areas of low population density. Because of its comparatively large potential and its high population pressure, the valley of the Niger River is the priority area for irrigation. (The assess- ment of the potential for "polders" and terraces development is based on a 1976 study by consultants SOGREAH.) However, as can be seen below, the total potential of about 100,000 ha for irrigation development could only be obtained after the flow of the Niger River has been regulated; until that time only 16,000 ha can be developed. 10. The potential for further development of double cropping irrigation along the valley of the Niger diver north of Say (see Annex 4) is limited by the river minimal flow of 15 m /sec ( 9 years out of 10). This limit does not apply to single cropping done during the rainy season when the Niger River flow is more than adequate to provide the complement of water that cultivation requires, but since double cropping is essential So economically justify investment in modern irrigation schemes, the 15 m /sec flow should be con- sidered the limit for irrigation development north of Say at the present time. Table 3 indicates that this corresponds to a total area of 12,000 ha under double cropping irrigation. South of Say, where the Niger River re- ceives a number of local tributaries, and the minimum flows rarely drop below - 28 - 50 m /sec, there is a potential 8,000 ha of "cuvettes." All told there is a 16,000 ha potential for double cropping irrigation before the flow of the Niger River needs to be regulated. 11. Such a regulaticon would be obtained through the construction of- the Kandadji dam, likely to be built starting in 1985 with Arab financing. The dam would cost an estimated US$100 million and would be multipurpose, providing Niger with its own source of energy, and regulating the river for agricultural and transportation purposes. NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT/PROJET D'IRRIGATION Niger Food Self-Sufficiency and the Irrigated Sector/Autosuffisance alimentaire du Niger et le secteur d'irrigation Main Crops/Cultures principales 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 Millet - Area ('000 ha) 2,531 1,693 2,230 2,008 2,195 Mil - Surface ('000 ha) - Production ('000 tons) 1,091 581 883 627 919 - Production ('000 tonr&es) - Yield (kg/ha) 431 343 395 312 391 - Rendement (kg/ha) Sorghum - Area ('000 ha) 856 893 919 823 920 Sorgho - Surface ('000 ha) - Production ('000 tons) 257 254 219 126 208 - Production ('000 tonnes) - Yield (kg/ha) 406 320 404 282 344 - Rendement (kg/ha) Cowpeas - Area ('000 ha) 856 893 919 823 920 Niebe - Surface ('000 ha) - Production ('000 tons) 236 219 133 92 144 - Production ('000 tonnes) - Yield (kg/ha) 276 260 144 112 136 - Rendement (kg/ha) Rice - Traditional Area ('000 ha) 20 16 15 18 17 Riz - Surface en culture traditionnelle ('000 ha) (Paddy) - Production ('000 tons) 29 29 30 46 32 (Paddy) - Production ('000 tonnes) - Yield (kg/ha) 1,381 1,812 2,000 2,555 1,882 - Rendement (kg/ha) Groundnuts - Area ('000 ha) 178 320 256 365 419 Arachides - Surface ('000 ha) - Production ('000 tons) 96 42 129 77 260 - Production ('000 tonnes) - Yield (kg/ha) 539 130 504 211 385 - Rendement (kg/ha) F- m - 30- ANNEX 1 Table 2 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT/PROJET D'IRRIGATION Niger Food Self-Sufficiency and the Irrigated Sector/Autosuffisance alimentaire du Niger et le secteur d'irrigation 'DJ o oo. jupply and Demand/Previsions de la production et des besoins alimentaires ('000 tons/'000 tonnes) 1976/77 1977/78 1978/79 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 Millet and Sorghum Mil et sorgho A. Production A. Production 1. Base year production /1 1,268 1,268 1,268 1,268 1,268 1,268 1,268 ll Production de l'ann6e de refErence /1 2. Incremental production 18 40 68 104 143 153 2. Production supplementaire des of productivity im- projets de productivite provement projects 3. Seed requirements and (190) (193) (196) (200) (206) (212) (213) 3. Besoins en semences et pertes losses 4. Total production 1,078 1,093 1,112 1,136 1,166 1,199 1,208 4. Production totale B. Consumption B. Consommation des familles 1. Population ('000) /2 4,850 4,986 5,126 5,272 5,421 5,577 5,737 1. Population ('000) /2 2. Consumption /3 1,067 1,097 1,128 1,160 1,193 1,227 1,262 2. Consommation /3 C. Millet-Sorghum Surplus 11 (4) (16) (24) (27) (28) (54) C. Surplus ou deficit en mil et (Deficit) sorgho Rice Riz A. Production /4 A. Production /4 1. Traditional 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1. Traditionnelle 2. Incremental production of 6 7 11 15 20 23 26 2. Production supplementaire des irrigation schemes projets d'irrigation 3. Total production 17 18 22 26 31 34 37 3. Production totale B. Consumption B. Consommation Average forecast /5 23 25 27 28 30 33 35 Projection moyenne /5 C. Rice Surplus (Deficit) (6) (7) (5) (2) 1 1 2 C. Surplus de riz (deficit) Overall Food Surplus (Deficit) 5 (11) (21) (26) (26) (27) (52) Surplus global (deficit) /1 1976 actual production was reduced by 40,000 tons /1 La production de 1976 a Ete reduite under the assumption that some 250,000 ha would de 40.000 tonnes dans l'hypothase not have been planted in cereals in 1976 if farmers que 250.000 ha de cereales n'auraient had been able to get enough groundnut seeds. pas ete plantes en 1976 si les fermiers avaient ete capables d'obtenir assez de graines d'arachide. /2 Assumes a 2.7% annual increase. /2 Hypothese de 2,7 % par an. /3 220 kg/capita corresponding to 1,687 calories per /3 220 kg par tEte correspondant a 1.687 day. calories par jour. A4 Net of seed requirements and losses. /4 Net des besoins en semences et des pertes. /5 Between projections based on total population /5 Entre des projections basees sur une growth and average national consumption of 5.21 croissance de la population entiere et kg/capita, and projections based on urban growth une consommation moyenne de 5,21 kg with an average consumption of 50 kg/capita. par tete et des projections bas3es sur la croissance urbaine et une consomma- tion de 50 kg par tEte. NIGhR IRPIGATION PROJECT/PROJET D' IRRIGATION Niger Food Self-Sufficiency and the Irrigated Sector/Autosaffisance al1mentaire du Niger et le secteur d 'irrigation Maximum Ares to be Irrigated Under Double Cropping Without Regulation of the Niger River/ Surfaces maximas qui peuveot 6tre irriguees en double culture snoo r6gularis3tion ou Fleuve Niger Requirements in June at nater Losses Returned the Pumping Station/ to the River Existing Possible Besins 0U mois le juin (:i of pumped flow)/ Schemes Schemes a la station de pompage Pertes d'eau Net Requirements! 1m/ecnha mVmec revenant a la Besoins en oau Surface mett Gontinuous/ Continuous/ riviere nets (ha) Continu Continu (3 du debit) (m3/sec) 1. Irrittion Sche-me North of the Town of Say 1. Ouvrages d'irrigation au nord de Say "Cuvette6" Cuvettes Rice 3,490 8,900 i.6 14.2 15 /1 12.1 Riz "Polyculture" 3°° 0.7 0.2 30 '2 0.2 Polyculture Total "Cuvettes" 3,490 9,200 12.3 Total des cuvettes "Terrasses" Terrasses Sugar Cane 240 2,500 1.0 2.5 20 13 2.0 Canne a sonre "Polyculture" 500 0.5 0.4 30 0.3 Polyculture Total "Terrasoes" 24C 3,000 2.9 2.3 Total des terrasses Grand Total 3,730 12,200 17.3 14.6 Total global 2. Urban and Industrial Requirements 1.0 /4 80 0.8 2. Besoins urbains et industriels 3. Possible Schemes South of the Town of Say 6,760 1.6 10.8 3. Ouvrages possibles au sud de Say /1 2/' of water losses (25% of pumped water) are returned to the /1 2/5 des pertes d'eau (25 ?6 del 'e.u pompee) snot river and likely to be reused by the schemes downstream. retourn6s A la riviere et utilimAm en aval. /2 3/4 of water losses (409 of pumped water) are returned to the /2 3/4 des pertes d'eau (40 % de P'esu pomp6e) sont river. retournes a la riviere. /3 2/7 of water losses (3509 of pumped water) are returned to the /3 2/3 des pertes d'eau (30 % de lPeau pompee) sont river. retournes A la riviere. /4 Niamey urban requirements were only 0.23 m /sec in 1974. A4 Les besoins de la ville de Nianey etaient de 0,25 m3/.e. en 1974. /5 The minimum Niger River flow in Jdne at that location is /5 L'etiage minimum en juin du Niger ext de 50 m'/sec 50 m3/sec because of the numerous tributaries flowing into a cause de l'apport des nombreux affluents du the Niger. Niger sur cette portion du parcours. -3 S - 32 - ANNEX 2 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT Irrigation Schemes Present Organization A. General 1. Although the activities of construction and management of the irrigation schemes are the overall responsibility of the "Ministere du Developpement Rural," these activities have been carried out separately, without much cohesion by two government agencies: the "Service du Genie Rural," which constructs the schemes, and the "Union Nigerienne de Credit et de Cooperation" (UNCC), which manages them. Furthermore, there is a great deal of confusion in the management of the schemes between the central staff of UNCC and the UNCC repres(entatives in the various "departements" (Niamey, Tahloua, Dosso, etc.). Although the local UNCC representatives are nominally responsible for management of the schemes within their jurisdiction, they usually do not have the required technical capability, and the unit which is responsible for backstopping them at the central level is under-equipped, understaffed and usually does not have enough authority over the local re= presentatives to implement a cohesive policy. For these reasons Government has decided to create a new "Office National des Amenagements Hydroagricoles", which would assume the functions until now entrusted to the "Service du Genie Rural" and UNCC. ONAHA is discussed at Annex 11. 2. The "Service du Genie Rural" is one of the four directorates of the "Ministere du Developpement Rural." It is subdivided into the four divisions listed below with their main activities: (1) "Hydraulique Agricole" (Agricultural Hydraulics) - Use of surface and ground waters applied to the rural world. Irrigation, drainage, construction of dams, pumping stations and bottomland improvement:. (2) "Hydraulique Pastorale" (Livestock Hydraulics) - Construction of dams on intermittent streams for livestock use. (3) "Equipement Rural" (Rural Equipment) - Construction of rural tracks, rural buildings (houses, laboratories, classrooms, sheds for storage). (4) "Hydrologie des Eaux de Surface" (Surface Water Hydrology) - Control of high floods, construction of dikes, measurement of the river flows and depths, anti-erosion measures. Of particular relevance to trie construction of irrigation schemes along the Niger River is the division Df "Hydraulique Agricole" (Agricultural Hydrau- lics). This division would be transferred to ONAHA. - 33 - 3. "Union Nigerienne de Credit et de Cooperation" (UNCC) was created by Law 62/37 of September 1962 and includes two main departments, listed below with their main responsibilities: (1) "Service de la Cooperation" - to promote the cooperative movement; train cooperative agents; to organize, inform and train farmers; provide them with agricultural credit and market their production. (2) "Service de la Production" has three divisions: - "Division des Operations" (Operations Division) - to supervise the production improvement projects entrusted to UNCC; - "Division des Artisans Ruraux et Machinisme Agricole" (Rural Artisans and Agricultural Equipment Division); - "Division de la Gestion des Amenagements "Hydroagricoles" (Management of Irrigation Schemes Division). The latter is responsible for managing the irrigation schemes. This division would be transferred to ONAHA. 4. Terms and conditions of the management of the irrigation schemes are set out in Law No. 60-28 of May 25, 1960, and their application is the object of Decree No. 69-149 MER/CGD of October 19, 1969. These legal in- struments specify: the ownership. The land in the schemes obligatorily belongs to the State. the farming system. The schemes should be allocated to individual families, although industrial farming is possible in the case of an agro-industry. the organization to be set up along cooperative lines, with Government replacing cooperatives only in the case of failure of the cooperatives. These legal instruments have not been translated into any formal procedures: land registration, management contract for the scheme, or individual contract for the farmers. Under the proposed project farmers would receive individual leases giving them adequate security of tenure. This may induce them to re- duce their rainfed holdings, or their traditional rice fields, and eventually assume larger holdings on the schemes. 5. The first schemes built in Niger were managed by the "Service de l'Agriculture," a directorate of the "Ministere du Developpement Rural." UNCC started taking over from the "Service de l'Agriculture" in 1967. In 1977 all existing schemes are under UNCC. - 34 - 6. Present Organization of the Schemes in the Department of Niamey. In the six "Arrondissements" which comprise the Department of Niamey, there are irrigation schemes in only two: Niamey and Tillabery. The UNCC staff situation in these "Arrondissements" in the summer of 1976 was as follows: "Direction" - 1 Chief of Division "Amenagements Hydroagricoles" (Technical Assistant) Niamey - "Delegation Departementale" I "Delegue departemental" + supporting staff I Training Assistant I Assistant for Management of the Schemes (Technical Assistant) I Procurement Officer and 1 Accountant I Mechanic On the schemes, I extension agent for 50 ha. Extension agents on the schemes are seconded by the "Ministere du Developpe- ment Rural." Because of the overall shortage of agricultural technicians and the priority given to staffing the various branches of the "Ministere," the ratio of extension agents is rather low. Furthermore, these agents are not formally trained in the management of irrigation schemes since the Kolo agricultural school, which supplies all agricultural technical agents, does not specialize in water management, and since UNCC does not provide in-ser- vice training. 7. Farmers' Organization. The models of land allocation, organization of farmers, extension techniques and training activities presently applied on the schemes along the Niger River were first designed in 1970 for the schemes of the Adder Douchi Maggia. The system was supposed to rely on a low ratio of agricultural technicians being assisted in extension work by farmer leaders. Because of the limited number of technicians and of their poolr qualifications, and because there were no programs for the training of iarmer leaders, extension services on the schemes lagged considerably. In 1975 "Projet Fleuve," financed by USAID, started training farmer leaders for the Toula scheme. 8. The Toula Case. The FED-financed Toula scheme was built in 1974. Farmers are organized in pre-cooperatives, "Groupements Mutualistes de Progres" (GMP), covering 50 ha each and comprising 100 farmers, usually from - 35 - the same village. The GMPs are integrated in a formal vertical structure and linked by a number of committees. The farmers trained under the "Projet Fleuve" have become the key staff in this organization and are perceived by the other farmers to represent the organization. In fact, because of the multiplicity of committees (8) and the great number of paid farmer staff (65 leaders and 15 accountants) for 250 ha under cultivation, the cooperative framework is no longer thought to represent the interests of the land users, and it is feared that the traditional chieftains will take over the actual management of the scheme, leaving only the appearance of a cooperative. In addition, this structure hides the sociological and other problems which exist between farmers on the same scheme. 9. To draw from the Toula experience: (i) priority should be given to the in-depth training of as many farmers as possible, with training taking place in the field prior to the first cultivation season; (ii) paid farmer leaders should be avoided; (iii) the cooperative structure should be kept as simple as possible, i.e., for Namarigoungou only one committee where the representatives of the GMPs would meet should suffice; (iv) joint financial responsibility should be introduced at the GMP level or even within smaller groups where farmers have chosen to cooperate on the basis of inter-individual affinities; and lastly (v) the management of a scheme should conduct a con- stant analysis of the sociological problems on the schemes. The proposed project intends to apply these principles. - 36 - ANNEX 3 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT Summary Description of Existing Schemes and Schemes to Be Built in the "Arrondissements" of Tillabery and Tera Existing Schemes Fergoun (300 ha) 1. Development of the "polder" in 1955 included construction of a protection dike, with flood control gates. Because the control of the water level is not guaranteed, only the lower parts of the "polder" are cultivated (132 ha in 1976 in the rainy season with an average yield of 3 tons of paddy per ha). 2. The reconditioning of Fergoun in a scheme with full control of the water level and land levelling is being considered. A number of donors have been approached. Fergoun would be submerged if the Kandadji dam 35 km down- stream is built. Toula (260 ha) 3. This "polder" downstream adjacent to Tillabery was developed in 1974/1975 under FED financing. The full water control is obtained with a dike, a pumping station for irrigation and drainage, concrete lined primary and secondary canals, tertiaries every 200 m limiting 7 ha plots. The design of the scheme is excellent, and explains in a large part the yields obtained (more than 5 tons/ha per cropping season, with two crops per year). 4. To ensure that yiealds are maintained, it will be necessary to introduce better maintenances practices and reorganize farmers' cooperative arrangements (Annex 11). Lossa-Sona (402 ha) (First and second phase) 5. This "polder" was developed in several phases. This scheme has full water control and land levelling, but the transport of water from the pumping station is by concrete pipes under low pressure. This method allowed savings in investments, but because of the considerable loss of head pressure in the pipes, the pumping cos s are almost thres times as much as in Toula (be- tween CFAF 2.6 and CFAF 2.9//m , versus CFAF 1/m ). In addition, there have been many repairs and incidents in operations, such as malfunctions of the gates and breaks in the pipes. - 37 - Schemes Planned for the Period 1977-1980 Yelewani and Daibery (120 ha and 357 ha) 6. The feasibility studies and detailed engineering for the two schemes were done by consultants "Agrar und Hydrotechnik" in 1975. The works are similar to those of Toula and Namarigoungou. Lossa (162 ha, third phase) 7. The third phase will be the development of a terrace with pumping station and concrete lined canals. It will be financed by FAC. Crops in- tended are legumes and cowpeas during the dry season, and sorghum during the rainy season. Other Possible Schemes in the Project Area Gabou-Bonfeba (3,270 ha) 8. This "polder" is just downstream of the site of the future Kandadji dam, and upstream of Namarigoungou. Its southern part, and, if Kandadji is built, all the "polder" area, could be irrigated without pumping. 9. The feasibility study for this scheme is included in the proposed project. The study should examine the possibility of gravity irrigation of Namarigoungou from Gabou-Bonfeba, after the Kandadji dam is built. The pumping stations included in the proposed Namarigoungou project would for the most part have been depreciated by that time, but would still be necessary for drainage during high floods. - 38 - ANNEX 4 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT Climate and Hydrology of the Niger River A. Climate Rainfall 1. Along the 550 km of the Niger River in the Republic of Niger (from Ayorou, in the north at the Malian border, to Dole in the south at the Nigerian border), the climate evolves progressively from Sahelian to tropical-Sudanian. Average rainfall and periods of rainfall registered are shown below: Number of Years Annual average Period Average Registered Rainfall (mm) of Rainfall monthly peaks Ayorou 15 370 June to September August 150 mm Tillabery 30 509 May to September August 200 mm Niamey 30 566 May to September August 200 mm Say 30 685 May to October August 230 mm Gaya 30 871 April to Oct/Nov. August 280 mm 2. As is well knowr, in the Sahelian zone rainfalls vary greatly from year to year as shown belciw: Variations of Average Monthly Rainfall at Tillabery (mm) J F M A M J J A S 0 N D Total Average (1960-1974) - - 3.1 6.8 19.2 54.7 100.6 166.4 70.0 9.8 0.6 0.3 431 Maximum monthly rainfall - 0.6 35.7 67.4 63.2 98.5 189 358.7 170.6 46.8 9.7 4.2 Minimum monthly rainfall - - - - - 32 50.1 65 23.5 - - - Monthly rainfall with probability > 0.8 - - - - - 35 65 95 30 - - - 3. The maximum daily rainfall, on which the drainage works are cal- culated, is estimated at 85, mm day for the I to 5 year frequency (f=0.2). - 39 - 4. Temperature. Recorded temperatures at Tillabery were as fol- lows: (C ). J F M A M J J A S 0 N D Average temperature 25.0 27.5 30.1 32.3 34.0 32.0 29.6 27.5 29.0 30.5 27.5 24.8 Minimum temperature Record 10.2 10.4 14.1 17.0 18.0 18.5 18.4 19.4 17.5 15.4 11.7 8.6 Average 16.6 18.7 21.6 24.1 27.0 25.8 24.4 22.9 23.0 22.0 18.6 16.1 Maximum temperature Record 39.6 41.9 43.6 44.8 45.2 44.6 41.3 37.8 39.6 41.2 40.4 39.5 Average 33.3 36.2 38.6 40.5 40.9 38.1 34.8 32.1 34.4 38.2 36.4 33.5 5. Evapotranspiration Potential evapotranspiration has not been measured in Niger. Best estimates are as follows based on Penmant formula: Monthly Average Evapotranspiration Over Free Water in the Tillabery Area (mm per month) J F M A M J J A S 0 N D Total 166 155 177 204 222 237 198 140 159 200 180 160 2,200 B. Hydrology 6. General. Except for the area around Gaya near the southern border with Nigeria, no sizeable tributaries enter the Niger River between Tossoye (Mali) and the border with Nigeria, and the upstream flow is not augmented. High flood level at Niamey occurs four to five months after the Segou-Mopti area, i.e., in January/February. It makes traditional irrigation possible during the dry season. 7. Average Flows. There are five gauges that are read regularly at Ayorou, Tillabery, Niamey, Say and Gaya. The discharges calculated from gauge rating curves show a very good correlation. The average monthly flows at Niamey and Malanville (in Benin) opposite Gaya are as follows: 3 Average Monthly Flows at Niamey and Malanville (m /sec) J A S 0 N D J F M A M J Mean Niamey (1928-1967) 125 503 1085 1262 1422 1605 1745 1750 1434 854 340 125 985 Malanville (1952-1967) 215 791 1705 1638 1442 1599 1871 2074 1890 1220 523 237 1262 - 40 - High Water Level 8. The preceding table indicates that the water level in Niamey increases progressively from July until January-February and decreases progressively thereafter. On the other hand in Malanville the water level rises in September because of rainfall occurring in June-July in the catchment areas of the local tributaries, then recedes and rises again at the onset of the Niger's own flood levels. This observation shows that any development upstream would have limited impact on the development of irrigation in the Gaya-Malanville area. 9. As indicated in the same table, the maximum flow 'n Niamey occurs in Januiry-February. Since 1928 it has varied from 1,430 m /sec (1943) to 2,150 m (1956). UnSil 1962-1964 the one/hundred year frequency flood was estimated at 2,200 m /sec. Until that time there was a very good correlation between the flood in Dire (Mali) and that in Niamey. Since 1962 this correla- tion has been modified. The floods in Niamey are higher (the one/hundred year frequency flood is now estimated at 2,800 m /sec). They occur earlier and decrease faster. The minimum flows are more pronounced and occur earlier. The likely explanation could be a deepening of the channels of the internal Niger delta in Mali, with lower evaporation losses and an increase in the speed of the flow; besides overgrazing has probably resulted in an increase in the flow coefficient. 10. The increase in the one to one hundred year maximum flow would re- sult in a higher water level in Niamey of 75 cm. Offsetting this, the dam to be built at Kandadji (70 km upstream of Tillabery) would reduce the height of the average flood by some 0.5 m at Tillabery. The reduction for the 1 to 20 year and for the 1 to 50 year flows, which are the measures used in the construction of the dikes that protect the schemes along the Niger River, would be smaller. 11. A study of the evolution of the maximum flows of the Niger River since 1962 is being financed by FAC and carried out by ORSTOM. 12. Lowest Flows. The 3flows occur in June-July; monthly val es varied between 13 m /sec and 200 i /sec until 1965-1966, and reached 5 m /sec with a minimum daily low of 0.4 m /sec during the period 1972-1974. Based on the last 40 years' data, the monthly lowest flows at Niamey corres onding to a return period of 1/10 year frequency would be as follows: (m /sec) J A S 0 N D J F M A M J 40 350 820 1170 1275 1490 1400 1200 570 160 45 25 - 41 - ConsideriSg only the 1364-1974 period, 3the minimum flow in June would decrease from 25 m /sec to 15 m /sec. The 15 m /sec can be considered the limiting natural flow to irrigation development upstream. On the other hand, further downstream in3the Gaya-Malanville area, the dry season flow rarely decreases below 50-60 m /sec and a storage dam is no longer as necessary for large irrisation development as it would be for the upstream areas where the 15 m /sec discharge is fully committed. 14. Profile of the Riverbed between Ayorou and Dole. The slopes of the free water surface at the highest floods are as follows: Ayorou Tillabery Niamey Say Gaya Dole Cumulated distance (km) - 100 218 280 516 554 Average slope (cm/km) 27 16 7.5 7 7 - There are great variations in these average slopes because of rock formations in the riverbed. In the Namarigoungou polder the average slope is 10 cm/km. Turbidity and Water Quality 15. There have been no turbidity analyses. However, because of the sedimentation which occurs in Mali, the waters between Gao (Mali) and Say have very little turbidity. 16. Waters are excellent for irrigation and can be classified Cl-SI in the USBR classification. - 42 - ANNEX 5 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT Population 1. Project Area 1.01 The main beneficiaries of the project would be the 3,000 farming units (16,000 people), who would take up cultivation on the Namarigoungou polder. Other beneficiaries would include the 2,200 farming units already cultivating on the existing irrigation schemes, and the 300 farming units who would take up cultivation on the Lossa scheme. Therefore, some 5,500 farming units (or about 30,000) people would benefit from the project to one degree or another. This is 60% of the population in the project area, which is estimated at 50,000 people. 1.02 A number of studies of the population in the "Arrondissement" of Tillabery indicate that the average farming unit is comprised of 5.25 people, including 1.54 adult males (Table 1), and that this is fairly constant within the various ethnic groups. 1.03 Allocation of Land in the Namarigoungou Irrigation Scheme. It is proposed that 0.50 ha be allocated to each farming unit, giving preference to the people already cultivating the polder. Since the scheme would cover 1,550 ha, some 3,000 farming units (16,000 people) would be given land on the Namarigoungou scheme. The population of the various villages around the Namarigoungou polder is as follows: 1st group: (less than 1 km) Namarigoungou 1,870 people Diamballa 2,722 Gari (I) 1/ 1,103 Darbani (I) 591 6,286 2nd group: (1 to 5 km - 2 hours maximum of travel per day) Norandla 279 people Bonfeba 710 Sawani (I) 1,118 Soudani (I) 2,485 Sinder-Boura (I) 953 M'Bida (I) 854 Wissili (I) 2,178 Fala (I) 1,357 Sinder-Tiendadji (I) 255 Sayani (1) 546 12,735 1/ I = from the islands. - 43 - 3rd group: (5 to 8 km - 3 hours of travel per day) Tessa (I) 960 people Dionte Niargou (I) 1,912 Dangala (I) 655 3,527 4th group: (beyond 8 km - Anzouron "Canton") Doukou Dindje 390 people Doukou Makani 328 Doukou Saro 831 1,549 1.04 Assuming that 75% of the population in the villages of groups 1 and 2 participate, giving 2,700 farming units (14,300 people), only 30% of group 3 villages (200 farming units or 1,000 people) and 34% of group 4 villages (100 farming units or 1,600 people) need participate. Farmers from group 3 villages would need to cultivate their rainfed crops closer to the scheme, and farmers from group 4 villages may need to relocate. Establishment of two new villages would be planned under the proposed project. 75% of farmers in groups 1 and 2 are Wogos from the islands. 1.05 Since there is no way to ascertain at the present time whether farmers belonging to the various villages will participate in the proportions indicated at para 1.03, project management should use flexibility in allocating land in the scheme, and may even try out mechanized cultivation on a limited scale. 1.06 Allocation of Land in the Lossa Scheme. Study of the population in the villages within 1 km of the Lossa scheme indicates that no farmers from outside the project area would be required. Scheme net area 160 ha Number of farming units 320 ha Number of people 1,700 % of the population of 30% surrounding villages 2. Sociological Characteristics of the Population 2.01 The Kados belonged to the Songhai Empire, which spread from the source of the Niger to Say (500 km downstream from Tillabery), and are consi- dered the first settlers of the area with the Gourmantches. At the end of the 18th century the Gourmantches disappeared from the islands and were re- placed by the Kourthey. The Wogos, whose origin is unknown, appeared around 1810. They live in the islands between the Kourthey chiefdoms of Dessa in the north and Sonsonni in the south. All these ethnic groups share the same characteristics of the Songhai civilization: language (Zerma), socioeconomic organization and political structure, but differ markedly in their agricul- tural practices. The Kados cultivate essentially in the rainfed areas and practice little rice cultivation. The Wogos practice traditional rice irriga- tion and flood recession cultivation. The Wogos lack land and are expanding into Kado territory. The Wogos would constitute 75% of project farmers. - 44 - 2.02 Sociological Characteristics. Originally the various racial groups were fairly autonomous. The groups themselves were organized into micro-groups corresponding to the villages. The villages were made up of one extended fam- ily or several related famil:ies. In the extended family the chief had under his jurisdiction several households integrated into the same economic unit. The power of the chiefs was backed by a regime of slavery in which the slaves were assimilated into the family as perpetual junior members. The abolition of slavery transformed the social structure and led to a splitting of the families into smaller farming units. The heads of families as well as the traditional chiefs lost power. The remaining chieftains at the village or "canton" levels, although thetoretically backed by the central administration, today have only powers of representation. They can no longer levy taxes, and their lands belong to those who cultivate them. The various groups remain cohesive, especially the Wogos. In 1968 in Tessa, 99 of the 100 marriages involved 2 Wogos, and 66 weret between persons of related families. 2.03 The Basic Social Units: Compound, Family, Farming Unit. Originally the compound was the basic unit for habitat, production and consumption, and in more than 80% of the cases corresponded to one family group; in the other 20% compounds comprised 2 family groups. Compounds are still the basic unit for habitat and they can still house from 9 to 11 people, but today only the unmarried children are under the direct authority of the head of the family. When married, children set up their own production and consumption units. 3. Labor Situation 3.01 As can be seen at Annex 6, even under traditional cultivation farmers use hired labor at the time of peak labor requirements such as for seeding and weeding millet, and for land preparation of the rice fields and planting of rice. It is estimated that between 30 and 50% of farming units use hired labor under traditional cultivation conditions. Laborers are either young Kados without land or prospective emigrants, seeking to acquire some cash for the journey, or are Djermas coming from the "Arrondissement" of Ouallam, which is considered one of the poorest in Niger. Laborers are organized into groups of 2 to 5 and are hired as a group for periods not exceeding 3 days. Wages vary between CFAF 200 and CFAF 300 per man-day. Kado farmers use more hired labor than Wogos. 3.02 The "bogu" is another form of hired labor. It is the organization of Wogo farmers into an association of 6 to 15 members to cultivate each others plots at specific times. The "bogu" covers every detail of the association: working hours, salaries and fines. Although somewhat disappearing, the "bogu" is still very much alive in the "Canton" of Sinder. 3.03 It is proposed that the project consider the "bogu" as an important step in the organization of the farmers on the scheme. The "bogu" main ad- vantages are that it is a spontaneous organization of farmers and that it is neither too small (like the family compound) nor too large to be ef- fectively controlled by the traditional chieftains. - 45 - ANNEX 5 Table 1 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT PROJET D'IRRIGATION Traditional Cultivation Culture traditionnelle Composition of Farming Unit Composition familiale des exploitations Il I I Average number | I Average number | of male adults | Number of farming | of people per | per farming unit Sources | units studied | farming unit | (man > 14 years old) …-----------------I…_- --- --- -- --- --_ --I --------- ---…----I…---------------- I I | Nombre moyen | Nombre moyen de | d'actifs par Sources | Nombre d'exploi- | personnes par | exploitation citees | tations etudiees | exploitation | (hommes > 14 ans) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I_ _ I .1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Olivier de Sardan I 62 | 5.30 | 1.52 AHT 325 | 6.23 | 1.92 Enquete agricole | 100 | 5.56 | 1.53 S/Prefecture I Tillabery I 2,800 I 5.11 | 1.50 _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ I .__ _ I _ _ _ _ _ - 46 - ANNEX 6 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT Agricultural Development 1. Present Situation in the Project Area 1.01 Average Farming Jnit. Annex 5 defines the average farming unit as composed of 5.25 people, including 1.54 adult males. 1.02 Average Farm Size. A recent study conducted in the "Arrondissement" of Tillabery with 325 farming units indicated that on the average the tradi- tional farm comprises 4.10 ha under cultivation, 1.0 ha under fallow in the rainfed area, and 0.20 ha tunder fallow in the flood plain (Table 1). The area under cultivation would on the average be distributed as follows: - Millet and cowpeas (rainfed) 2.60 ha - Rice (traditional irrigation) 1.15 ha - Sorghum (flood recession) 0.15 ha - Tobacco and gardens 0.20 ha Total 4.10 ha 1.03 Cowpeas are grown in association with millet over 50% of the mi:Llet area. Traditional yields are: Millet: 312 kg/ha Cowpeas: 118 kg/ha Sorghum: 450 kg/ha Traditional Cultivation Methods 1.04 Rainfed crops (millet, cowpeas, sorghum, sesame) are sown in June after a slight scarifying of the soil. Millet is weeded twice during the season. Cowpeas and at times groundnuts are planted between the rows of millet. No fertilizers are used. Cultivation is carried out almost exclu- sively by men. - 47 - 1.05 In the flood plain farmers practice traditional flood submersion. For rice, the soil is turned over by hoe in July after the first rains, and the plants are weeded a couple of times after submersion starts. Paddy is harvested from pirogues in December when the "polders" are still underwater. After being dried from 10-20 days, paddy is threshed collectively. The difficult harvesting conditions result in a product of inferior quality suitable only for home consumption or the traditional market. Varieties used are floating or semi-floating rice and are progressively being replaced by the D 52-37 variety, which is produced on the modern schemes. There are also some traditional varieties (orysa glaberrima) used as early maturing types and harvested in September. The latter must be transplanted. Yields vary from 800 kg/ha for the traditional variety to 1,200 kg/ha for the D 52-37. 1.06 Sorghum is sown in March, in border strips where it is watered by hand for about three weeks. It is then transplanted following the flood receding line. Sorghum requires a very long cycle (7 months) and four to five weedings. For these reasons sorghum cultivation is regressing, the Wogos starting to cultivate millet instead. 1.07 Tobacco is grown exclusively by the Wogos, in the terraces border- ing the flood plain. Its cycle is from November to February. Cassava is at times grown in association with tobacco, and unearthed as the need arises. The gardens belong to the men and women, and produce vegetables of local and European origin. The cultivation of a local pimiento is especially important, and it is done by women. 1.08 Livestock. The various studies show that 75% of the farms own cattle, and some sheep and goats (5.1 animals per compound). The average income per animal is estimated at CFAF 6,000 for cattle and CFAF 1,000 for sheep and goats. 1.09 Existing Irrigation Schemes. The technical characteristics of the main irrigation schemes of the project area are described at Annex 4. The schemes are the following: Scheme Gross Area (ha) Polder Terrace Fergoun 300 - Sakoira - 42 Tillakeina - 101 Toula 260 - Daikena 110 - Sona 212 - Lossa 190 - Total 1,072 143 - 48 - 1.10 Table 2 shows the production of the schemes in 1975 and 1976. Some 736 ha were under rice in the rainy season of 1976 with a production which averaged 4.5 tons/ha for the season. 1.11 The new schemes for which financing is being sought include: Namarigoungou 1,550 ha Yelewani 120 ha Daibery 357 ha Lossa Terraces 162 ha Total 2,189 ha 2. Agricultural Research 2.01 Agricultural research in Niger is the responsibility of INRAN. Rice research under irrigated conditions started in 1953 under IRAT management and was transferred to INRAN when the latter was created in 1975. Tests for applied rice research are conducted in three schemes, none of which can duplicate proper irrigation conditions. 2.02 The inadequate infrastructure for applied research under irriga- tion explains why there is not much difference between the yields obtained by farmers and those obtained under research conditions. Still, the comparisons made by the research staff are useful since their tests are made under similar conditions for all varieties tested. The results of research for the two cropping seasons 1975/1976 dry season and 1976 rainy season were: (a) Irrigated rice with full water control. The tests comprised preliminary tests for new varieties, and comparison tests for varieties already selected and tested during preceding two years. The new varieties were provided by ADRAO. It is unlikely that any of the varieties introduced in 1976 would be retained. The two highest yielding varieties were eliminated because their vegetative cycles were too long (140-145 days). Among the varieties already selected and tested the short cycled varieties IR 28 and IR 30 (90- 115 days) confirmecl their high yielding potential. Further- more they are resistant to disease and lojing. The middle- length cycled varieties (120-130 days), IR 269-26-333 and IR 1529-680-3, confirmed their high yielding potential. The latter should replace IR 22 now distributed to farmers. - 49 - (b) Deep submersion rice. For this type of rice cultivation without full water control the variety D-52-37 is still the best suited because of the length of its vegetative cycle and its adaptability to the various levels of submersion. (c) Floating rice. Under traditional cultivation the varie- ties Nang-Kiew, Khao-baew and Mali-Sawn remain, as in Mali, the best varieties recommended. 2.03 Fertilizer trials concerned the two varieties used on the irri- gation schemes, IR 22 and D-52-37. For the D-52-37 the most economic yields are obtained with 45 kg of nitrogen at seeding and 45 kg at tillering; for IR 22 it takes 135 kg of nitrogen, either applied all at once or in two applications: 90 kg at seeding and 45 kg at tillering. The study of the soils under permanent cultivation does not show a lack of P 205 or K20 after 8 years of cultivation. 2.04 For rainfed cultivation. The varieties recommended for millet are: P Kolo where rainfall is greater than 400 mm, and HKP between 300 and 400 mm. The cowpea variety recommended is the TN 88-63, which is better yielding, has a shorter cycle and is more drought-resistant than the local varieties. Fertilizer trials conducted between 1967 and 1973 show that for a groundnut/ millet rotation the best applications are 66 kg/ha of triple phosphate on groundnuts and 50 kg/ha of urea on millet. For a millet/millet rotation applications would be 35 kg/ha of triple phosphate and 50 kg/ha of urea for each crop of millet. 2.05 Future research programs. The emphasis put by Government on the development of the modern irrigation sector requires that rice research be strengthened and given adequate physical infrastructure: in this con- text it has been proposed that all comparison and fertilizer tests be regrouped on one scheme: Saadia-South, and that new varieties be tested at Gabougoura. It is also proposed that a limited number of plots in the Namarigoungou "polder" be dedicated to applied research to test new tech- niques (row seeding) and study the problems which might arise on the polder itself (disease, pests, fertility). 3. Rice Development 3.01 Improved cultivation methods recommended by the agricultural re- search service and already tested on a number of schemes include: Nursery: - Allow 0.7 ha for each 1.0 ha cultivated; - Broadcast seeding of 8 kg of already-dressed seeds per 0.10 ha; - 50 - - Fertilizer £Lpplications (per 0.1 ha) 2 kg of urea 2 kg of triple superphosphate 2 kg of potassium chloride; - Amount of time plants are left in the nursery: 25 days during the rainy season 35 days during the dry season. Fields: - Ox-drawn plowing; - Submersion of fields with 10 cm - 15 cm of water and levelling; - TransplantirLg, four seedlings every 20 cm x 20 cm; - Fertilization: (200 kg of urea) 100 kg aft:er transplanting 100 kg one month later; - Weeding: 1st weeding - 8-10 days after transplanting 2nd weeding - 20 days later; - Maintain 10-20 cm of water in the field up to 25 days before harvesting; - Harvesting with a sickle, and drying of paddy in small stacks before - Threshing with a thresher with paddles. When farmers have mastered the techniques of rice cultivation, they would be introduced to row seeding, which would replace transplanting. 3.02 Introduction of Row Seeding. Transplanting has a number of advan- tages, among which, regularity of planting, optimum density, better resis- tance against weeds and better use of seeds (30% less than direct seeding). - 51 - However, transplanting requires extra labor and is more expensive than the modern method of direct seeding. There is a new seeder with four bins (Nodet-Gougis) which has been successfully tested in Mali, where 150 units were placed in 1976. Since the seeder has a capacity of 2 ha per day and requires 2 men and 2 oxen, planting with the seeder requires 1 man-day per ha, while transplanting requires 25-30 man-days per ha. The seeder costs CFAF 175,000, and assuming a life of 5 years and the use over 100 ha per year (25 days in January - February and 25 days in July), the per ha cost of the seeder is CFAF 350/ha, which is cheaper than hiring extra help at 25 x CFAF 200 = CFAF 5,000/ha. From an agronomic standpoint, a number of tests have shown that the yields obtained with both methods (row seeding and transplant- ing) are equivalent when there has been land levelling and there is full water control. 1/ 3.03 Labor Availability: Experience in Niger has shown that farmers participating in modern irrigation schemes do not give up cultivation of their traditional farms and often give priority to cultivation of their rainfed holdings. Consequently, the time they can spend on the schemes, and therefore the size of the lots they should be allocated, must take into account what time they have left after cultivating their traditional farms. 3.04 Labor requirements for traditional cultivation have been calculated for an average farm size as defined at para 1.02, assuming the following per ha requirements for the various crops: Man-days Traditional Flood Recession Millet and Tobacco and Rice Sorghum Cowpeas Gardens Nursery 5 5 Hoeing 5 Hoeing and Transplanting 15 20 Land Preparation 15 12 Direct Seeding 1 4 Weeding 35 50 25 Irrigation 5 Harvesting 20 15 18 15 (tobacco) Garden Work 14 Threshing - Transport 15 10 12 Total 86 100 71 59 1/ Cf. B. A. Stout in Etude FAQ No. 84 (1966): A. Alim, "Effect of Direct Sowing and Transplantation on the Yield," in Agric. Pakistan (1960); M. Vaugh in IRC Newsletter (1954); R. F. Chandler, "An Analysis of Fac- tors Affecting Rice Yields" in IRC Newsletter (1963). - 52 - Table 3 indicates that on the average the farm under traditional cultivation would require some 341 man-days throughout the year, and that family labor is supplemented by hired labor in the period from most of July through December. 3.05 Labor Requirements for Rice Cultivation. The following table is based on actual time studies made on the Toula scheme: Man-days Required per ha With Transplanting Direct Seeding Nursery /1 - - Land Preparation 6 6 Submersion 10 - Planing - 2 Transplanting 25 _ Direct Seeding - I Fertilizer Application 2 2 Weeding 20 20 Irrigation 5 5 Harvesting and Stacking 15 15 Threshing (with paddle thresher) 10 10 Transport 4 4 97 65 /1 By the scheme management. Draft animals are used 3 days in the case of cultivation with transplanting (land preparation) and 5.5 days in the case of direct seeding (land prepara- tion, planing and direct seeding). Farms equipped for direct seeding could also use the Arara toolbar for weeding. Weeding in this case would take 2 days with two men per ha. It would reduce the time required for weeding from 20 man-days to 8 man-days, and total labor requirements from 65 man-days to 53 man-days. The timing of labor requirements for irrigation cultivation with transplanting is in Table 4. 3.06 For an average farming unit of 1.54 adult males family labor available is estimated at 1.54 x 25 x 12 = 461 man-days. Table 3 indicates that the average farming unit requires hired labor even under traditional cultivation conditions during the rainy season (July) when the rice fields are prepared and the rainfed crops need weeding, and in the dry season (October) when millet is harvested. While in October the harvested crop is unlikely to be spoiled since there is no rainfall, the conflict exists in July, and farmers usually give priority to millet over rice. For this reason it is proposed to limit land allocations in the Namarigoungou scheme to 0.50 ha per farming unit (the same as in Toula). A smaller plot would be unattractive to farmers and would not be consistent with past practice on the other schemes. In addition, there may not be enough people to work on the schemes (Annex 6) if (say) only 0.25 ha were allocated to each farming unit. - 53 - 3.07 Rice Paddy Production. Paddy production for the project area is at Table 6. Total paddy production would increase from 6,000 tons in 1976 to 20,400 tons by 1982. Production from the Namarigoungou scheme alone would start in 1980 (2,700 tons) and reach 13,000 tons by 1982. 4. Mixed Cropping Development 4.01 Project farmers would practice mixed cropping on the irrigation schemes where rice cultivation is not possible: soils being too sandy, too slopy or impossible to land-plane. There are already two schemes Sakoira (42 ha) and Tillakeina (36 ha) established on the terraces where mixed crop- ping is practiced. Another terrace, Lossa (162 ha), should be completed in 1977, and in the Namarigoungou scheme there are an estimated 300 ha unsuitable for rice cultivation, of which 150 ha would be allocated to mixed cropping. 4.02 The other 50 ha would be divided into 25 ha for wood plantations and 25 ha for fodder crops. Wood plantations would belong to the farmers' cooperative units, while fodder crops and mixed cropping plots would be allotted to interested farmers. On the mixed cropping plots several crop rotations are possible. It is proposed here: rainy season: sorghum; dry season: cowpeas, onions, tomatoes, gombos. 4.03 Mixed cropping cultivation assumes (a) no irrigation in the rainy season, or only complementary irrigation, and (b) full irrigation during the dry season. Water requirements 1/ would be: Rainy season - Sorghum complementary irrigation 4,500 m /ha Dry season - Cowpeas 9,500 m /ha - Vegetables 12,000 m /ha During the dry season the 200 ha would be divided as follows: - Cowpeas 120 ha - Onions 10 ha - Tomatoes 25 ha - Gombos 25 ha - Other 20 ha TOTAL 200 ha 1/ Based on volumes used at Sakoira and Tillakeina. - 54 - 4.04 Plots under mixed cropping as well as those under rice irrigation would be supervised by the extension staff. Modern agricultural techniques would be taught to achieve the following yields: Estimated Yields Cowpeas 1,200 kg/ha Sorghum 2,500 kg/ha Tomatoes 25,000 kg/ha Gombos 700 kg/ha (dry) 4.05 Tree Plantations. Following the success of the tree plantations in the Toula scheme, some 50 ha in the Namarigoungou scheme would be allocated to tree plantations. Soils selected would be those least adapted to crop cultivation, but where watering would still be possible. Plantations would also serve to protect the perimeter against wind erosion. Eucalyptus varie- ties would be used. Planting density would be 1,200 trees per ha, assuming that 1,000 trees emerge. Felling would take place in the third year. At least three crops would be grown on the same plot. 5. Rainfed Development Project services would be extended to the holdings that farmers participating in the schemes would continue to cultivate under rainfed conditions. 5.01 Improved cultivation methods would be introduced progressively, and adopted by a minority of farmers. Millet: - Abandoning cultivation of cowpeas between two rows of millet. Cowpeas would be cultivated in pure stand at the start of the crop rotation; - Scarifying the soil with an ox-drawn hoe; - Using improved varieties P3 Kolo or HKP; - Seeding after the first useful rains at a den- sity of 10,000 seeds/ha; - Dressing seeds with 2 g of Thioral per kg of seeds; - Thinn:ing to 3 plants per hole between 15 and 21 days after emergence; - Weeding 10 days after emergence and again 20 days after the first weeding; - 55 - - Applying 35 kg/ha of triple phosphate during soil preparation and 35 kg of urea after the first weeding. Cowpeas: - Scarifying the soil; - Using improved variety TN 88-63; - Applying 75 kg/ha of superphosphate at the time of soil preparation; - Seeding at a density of 60,000 seeds/ha; - Weeding 10 days after emergence and again 20 days after the first weeding. Sorghum (on the dunes): - Planting in the crop rotation after millet; - Scarifying the soil; - Seeding at 10,000 plants/ha; - Applying 35 kg/ha of triple superphosphate before soil preparation, and 50 kg/ha of urea at thinning before the second weeding; - Thinning early (20 days after emergence); - Weeding twice, 8 days after emergence and 15 days later. 5.02 The application of these improved techniques would result in the following yield increases: Stages of Adoption of Improved Yields under improved Techniques Improved Techniques Yield Increases Conditions Millet (yield under traditional cultivation 312 kg/ha) 1 Proper seeding density; correct 25% 400 kg/ha thinning and weeding 2 Preceding methods 4- improved seeds 45% 450 kg/ha 3 Preceding methods + fertilizer application ox-drawn cultivation 110% 650 kg/ha Cowpeas (Yield under traditional Pure stand, at head of rotation cultivation 118 kg/ha) 1 Proper seeding density; correct 40% 165 kg/ha thinning and weeding 2 Preceding methods + improved seeds 85% 220 kg/ha t insecticides treatment 3 Preceding methods + fertilizer 150% 300 kg/ha application + ox-drawn cultivation Sorghum (Yield under traditional 1 Proper seeding density 30% 585 kg/ha cultivation 450 kg/ha Early weeding 2 Preceding methods + Improved seeds 45% 650 kg/ha 3 Preceding methods - fertilizer 100% 900 kg/ha application + ox-drawn cultivation H a% - 57 - 5.03 Adoption of improved cultivation methods could be as follows (% of total farming units): Stages of Improved Methods 1980 1981 1982 Millet 1 15 20 30 2 15 25 3 5 10 Cowpeas 1 5 15 20 2 10 15 3 5 10 Sorghum 1 10 15 20 2 10 20 3 5 10 5.04 Rainfed Production. The incremental production under this component is estimated at about 2,400 tons by 1982 (Table 6). 5.05 The equipment for rice cultivation was calculated at the ratio of one basic unit per 5 ha, which would leave sufficient time for work on the rainfed holdings since it is generally estimated that one unit should be used on 6 ha per year. Some specific attachments would, however, be required for scarifying (estimated at 340 units). No additional labor would be required. 6. Livestock 6.01 The favorable elements for a livestock development program are: - present ownership of cattle estimated at 5.06 head per compound; - production of rice by-products at Tillabery rice mill (12-16% of tonnage of paddy) with high nutrient: 1 kg = 0.29 UF; - proposed production of fodder crops under irrigation in Namarigoungou (25 ha with yields of 30 to 40 tons per ha). 6.02 The proposed development program is limited to stall fattening of 3-4 year old cattle (live weight 225-275 kg) for 3 months, with green fodder and rice by-products for a daily gain of 600/700 grams. 6.03 The problem with stall fattening is the purchase of lean animals at a reasonable cost. No purchases should be made between July and November because at that time the animals are in demand and cost too much. Purchases - 58 - would start in December. Sheds would be built with local materials, and no more than 2 or 3 head of cattle would be fattened at the same time. Fatten- ing would last 90 days and would be done twice a year. 6.04 Daily ration by animal would be: Green fodder 20 kg Rice by-products 4 kg Salt 0.3 kg 6.05 Fodder varieties would be any of the following: Andropogongayanus, Panicum maximum, Brachlaria mutica and Cynodon dactylon. All varieties were tested in a pilot program over the period 1970-1973 at Kirkessoye. 1/ Yields on the scheme were estimated at 40 tons per hectare of green fodder. Fodder is cut 5 to 6 times a year, and fertilizer is applied after each cut (for a total of 300 kg/ha). 6.06 Assuming that a fiamily unit fattens on the average 3 head of cattle during 90 days and has 2 fattening cycles per year, total green fodder consumption would be 10.8 tons per farming unit (rounded to 12 tons with losses). If yields of 40 tons per ha are obtained, each farming unit participating in this project component should receive 0.30 ha. Assuming that the area under fodder crops in Namarigoungou is 25 ha, some 83 farmers could participate (some 3% of all farmers). The number of animals fattened would be 250 per cycle, or 500 per year. 1/ The pilot program was technically successful, but farmers were unable to sell their animals once fattened. Today marketing arrangements are better, and there should not be any problem selling the project pro- duction. - 59- ANNEX 6 Table 1 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT PROJET D'IRRIGATION Agricultural Development Developpement agricole Area under Cultivation in 11 Villages of the Tillabery Area Superficie cultivee des exploitations de 11 villages de la region de Tillabery I Total area | Number of Farming | Area cultivated per farming unit | cultivated per Villages | units surveyed I Milletl Rice |SorghumITobacco (ha)l farming unit …_______I - - - - - - --I- ----------------------------------…I…-------------- I I I Surface totale I Nombre d'exploita- ISurfaces cultivees par exploitationi cultivee par Villages I tions enquetees I Mil I Riz ISorghol Tabac (ha)| exploitation I I I Maloumbery | 6 j 1.06 | 1.12 | - | - | 2.18 Kiekietondo | 8 | 2.93 I 1.49 I - I - 4.42 Diadia Kado I 53 | 2.38 | 1.06 | - | - I 3.44 Darbey Goumbia | 10 | 1.78 | 0.84 | - I - | 2.62 Daibery | 104 | 2.57 | 0.94 | 0.01 I - | 3.52 Toulame I 12 | 4.76 | 0.85 | 1.63 | 0.06 I 7.30 Yelewani Kado I 15 | 4.32 | 0.13 | 0.09 | - | 4.54 Yelewani Goungou | 33 | 3.60 | 1.58 | 0.29 | 0.12 | 5.59 Neyni I I 22 | 1.11 | 1.12 | 1.20 | 0.10 | 3.53 Neyni II I 42 | 2.02 | 1.62 | 0.40 | 0.08 | 4.12 Neyni III | 20 | 3.56 | 2.12 | 0.59 | 0.13 | 6.40 Total5 I l Total | 325 I _ _ ,, _ _ I I__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N IGE1 IRRIGATION FRC ECT/PROJET D'TRPIGATION Project Area/Zone du nrojet Area Under Irrigation/ Area Cultivated in 1975 (ha) Area Under Rainfed Cultivation/ Farming Units/ Total Ponulation/ Surface amenagee en Surface cultivee en 1975 (ha) Surface en culture pluviale A. Existing Fchemes/Am&nagements existants Exoloitations Poculation totale irriration, moderne ( Rainy Season Dry Season Millet/Mil SorghumjSorgho Saison des pluies Saison seche Fergoun 202 1,060 500 132 500 100 Sakoira 275 1,444 36 42 700 100 Tillakeina 124 651 42 36 =00 100 Toula 450 2,367 2601 242 24o 100 200 Daikena .6i 1,695 110 100 110 900 200 Sona 470 2,468 212 149 115 1,150 200 Losaa 288 1,5i2 390 115 113 700 100 Totol 2,170 11 391 1,150 738 656 5,350 1,000 3. New Schemes/aiouveaux amenagements Namaripoungou .,000 5,75o 1,550 7,400 1,400 Yelewani 240 1,260 120 600 100 Daibery 720 3,760 360 1,700 300 Lossa - Terrasses 320 1,700 160 800 200 Total 4,200 22,4710,500 2,000 Grand Total 6,450 73,863 3,340 15.850 /300 /1 Of the 15,850 ha under millet cultivation, 9,350 ha (or 59,,) are mixed with cowneas. /2 Sur les 15.850 ha ou ae cultivent le mil, le mil est plant6 avec du ni6b6 sur 9.35C ha (59 -f)3 '13 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT/PROJET D'IRRIGATION Agricultural Development/Developpement agricole Monthl.y Allocation of Time Requirements/R&partition mensuelle des temps de travaux January February March April May June July August September October November December Total A. Culture traditionnelle Janvier F6vrier Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet Aout Septembre Octobre Novembre Decembre Total A. Traditional Cultivation Hommes/jour/mois 39.00 36.oo 39.00 50.00 59.00 30.00 3o9.0o 39.00 38.oo 39.00 38.00 39-00 461.00 Man-days/month Riz traditionnel Traditional Rice Nouage 17.25 17.25 Hoeing Semis 1.15 1.15 Seeding Oseherbages 20.00 20.25 40.25 Weeding Recolte 23. 17.005 Harvesting Battage 17.25 .25 Threshing Sorgho de decrue Flood Recession Sorghum Semis en pepinieres 0.75 0.75 Nursery Houage et repiquage 3.00 3.00 Hoeing and transplanting Sarclages 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 7.50 Weeding Ricolte - battage 3.75 3f75 Harvesting-threshing Mil et niebe dunaire Millet and Cowpeas Preparation du sol 31.20 31.20 Soil preparation Semis 10.4 10.40 Seeding Sarclages 30.00 35.00 65.00 Weeding Recoltes 20.00 26.80 46.80 Harvesting Battage -transport 15.60 15.60 31.20 Threshing-transport Tabac et Jardinf Tobacco - Gardens P4pini4resi 1.00 1. oo0 Nurseries PpNougeetrepiug 4.00 4.00 Nosing and transplanting Houage et repiquage 10Irgtio Irrigation 1.00 1.00 Irrigation Recolte tabac 3.O0 3.00 Tobacco harvest Travail sur jardins 0.75 1.00 1.00 2.75 Work in gardens Total traditionnel 18.25 3.75 1.75 4.00 32.70 11.90 49.90 36.50 41.50 50.80 47.80 4z.60 341.45 Total Traditional ELin d'oeuvre familiale 20.75 -2.25 7.25 34.00 6.30 26.10 (10.90) 2.50 ('.50) (1 .RO) (O.Ao) (0.60) 119.55 Family Labor disponible (deficit) B. Temps de travail 3.00 19.00 6.oo 5.50 8.00 10.00 19.00 6.0oo 5.50 0.50 7.50 7.00 97.00 B. Labor Requirements (0.5 ha (0.5 ha riz repique) of transplanted rice) Main d'oeuvre familiale restant 17.75 13.25 31.25 28.50 (1.70) 16.10 (29.90) (3.50) (9.00) (12.30) (17.30) (10.60) 22.55 Family Labor Left Over disponible (d6ficit) 71 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT - PROJET D'IRRIGATION Agricultural Development - DEveloppement agricole Rice Cultivation Under Modern Irrigation With Transplanting - Culture du riz sur am6nagement avec repiquage Timing of Cultivation - Calendrier Cultural lay | June % Jul IAupset peptmbet Ort. I Nov. Dpec; jlanuarvyF.ehra-l r ril sai ju I! Kt S~epxesDe ictou', Noo,nbre 0&cebloe Janvier~ F0v,ier Mas tf Ma 10 ~u 10 10 10 70 10 2Q t1 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 1 20 Preparation 10 i 1020 K…… Pr6paration Submersion M~Fise en eau S,eeding Nursery Semis Maintenance p6pkinies Irrigation d 'entretien Fertilizer application Fumure Uprooting Arrachage dee plants Soil preparation P6aaind o Submersion Remplissage Transplanting PRepiqaraioe uo Maintenance irrigation - - -Iritondet'in First fertilizer application Rice Field Premier 6pandase d engrais Weeding-Spraying ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --D4sherbage-Traite-uets Phytosanitaires htmLntie S,econd fertilizer anplication Deuxi4rae 6psndage dlengrais Harvesting R6colte paddy P,'eei re eampaone I,j campagne d' hiverni First season or wintre oesaiOie capagne ou caspagne de saison sOche Second 'season or dry season.. NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT - PROJET D IRRIGATION Agricultural Development - Developpement Agricole Area Cultivated and Production on Schemes in the Project Area - Surfaces cul tivAes et prodvctien sur amenagement dan. la sone du projet Rainy Season 1975/Campagne SP 1975 Dry Season 1975-76/Campagne SS 1975-76 Rainy Season 1976/Canlagne SP 1976 Average area Area/ Yield/ Production/ Area/ Yield/ Production/ Area/ Yield/ Production/ No. of farmers' cultivated/ Surface Rendement Production Surface Rendement Production Surface Rendement Producticn Nombre d.e- Surface *oy. (ha) (kglha) (tons/tonnes) (ha) (kg/ha) (tons/tonnes) (ha) (kg/ha) (tons/tonnes) ploitants cultiv6e Iergoun Paddy/Riz 132 3,500 456 - - 132 3,500 462 202 o.65 Sakoira /1 Onions/Oignons - - - 19.5 30,000 585 - - - 275 0.07 Cowpeas/Ni4bgs - - - 22.5 1,500 34 _ _ - 275 0.08 Tillakeina /1 Cowpeae/Ri6b6s - - - 36.4 1,300 47 - - - 124 0.29 Toula Paddy/Riz 242 4,600 1,113 240 5,200 1,248 240 5,200 1,248 450 0.53 Daikena Paddy/Rim 100 4,000 400 110 4, 150 456 105 4,000 420 361 0.29 Sona Paddy/Riz 149 4,000 596 215 4,660 536 124 4,000 496 470 0.26 Losea Paddy/Ri. 115 4,400 504 113 3,600 407 135 5,100 688 288 0.47 Total cultivated/total cultive 738 - _ 656.4 - - 736 - - Total paddy/total riz 738 - 578 - - 736 - Paddy production/Production riz - - 3,069 - - 2,647 - 3,314 Paddy yoeld/Rendement riz - 4,160 - - 4,580 - - 4,5oo - - Total project beneficiaries/total attributaires - - - - - - - - 2,170 /1 Schemes where sorghum is cultivated without irrigation during winter season. Am6nagements cultiv6s en sorgho pendant lhivernage sans irrigation. \J@ o ANNEX 6 Th8IGATION PROllCT/PR°JIT D0IBR IATZION Agricultural D velop Dt/D6- lopp=..t gari-ol Agr,oolt-rl Produotion With Projeet/Froduotiom aricole *0- 1i Pr0Jet Area Cultivated (h.)/1 Yield. (k ) Preduction (too.) A. l'Ood-t-O of lOddy S... foi.. oulti,Ica (haY/il t.otS!g Pred-tioc (toe-..) A. Prod-t.eto d. paddj WithoAt Project With Project With-t F-23.T Pinrroi Without Projeot With ProJect -iootgngu.oh.e.e Sen. projot A-yoc Drjt S2.- projet Avee.Proit S-en pro eto A.;L.M Drp26 ..!t. eOittent- Fergoun 140 140 3,500 3,50D 5rgoc_ 'loula 480 520/2 5,000 5,000 2,400 2,600 Toul. locken. 200 220 4,000 4,500 800 1,000 Daik en .000 350/3 380 4,300 4,500 1,500 1,700 Soaa l oscc 300t/3 360 4,400 4,500 1,300 1.600 LoeDa Totol Area (h.)/ totale (h.) 1,470 1,620 Total Produotion (to e) 6,500 7,400 Produotlon totale (toacee) aere. et.l Prodeetioe (to-e) 0oo Prodootioo .cppl6ee.taire (tonn m) Area Coltipated (a) /1 Yield. (k ) Produotion (toe.) New (ohbe 16 SoPerfuodee oltioWee (hl7T /1 RB,de_.t. (ha/) ProdotMoo (toopee) Aewnt nouvu /6 61980 1982 1980 1982 A t198 Nucsrogounpoo 2.700 ~~~~~3OD4.300) N.0 1'0 1.,0 1e,rigooegoo Total Are (he)/Sup.rfo... totale (ho) 300 270 eoo 1tee) 1, 000 t004 Prducton totele (tore..) Area Ocitivlted (ha) Yield. (kg/ha) Prodeotrec (tooe) Mooed CropDn-g /4 Sdcerfionet .ultuchee (ha) Bode.eote (kg/ha) Prodootioo (to_ee) B. P1yiooltore /4 N- S~~~~~h... q196 192 1980 L98 o,ea -Srh L... 1 q12 l :. 6-g ....~~~___ 192 ocvoo odaecte loew Scbeme - orti2 163 2,200 2 500 SCghO - Coepeoc 98 98 1100 1 200 110 120 - Ni6b6 - nQoooc 8 8 27,000 30,000 210 240 - Oognooe - 7oe.toeo 20 20 22,500 25,000 450 500 - Tocatee - Otter Vegethblec 36 36 900 1,000 30 40 - A,trec 324 324 1,160 1,300 lamarigo n.o. - Sorghum 50 150 2,200 2,500 110 400 Nemarugo.ogoc - Sorgho C.oepeec 30 90 1,100 1,200 30 120 - Niibh - Oo.. 3 10 27 000 30,000 80 300 _ Oogeooe To.atoe. 6 20 22,500 25,000 140 500 - Yo.atee Other Vegetollee 11 000 1 0010 30 1 Autree 100 300 370 1,350 C. Wood Pleutotiooc pad Liveetook Arm. Oltiv-ted (ha) Productioc (CFAF .011,0cc) C. Pleotatic. et 6levage On Na-arigocogoc Surie. cultai (a Prodwtion (cc 1flio.a do FOFA) a Ncmarimooccou ,oo.l rlpatotloon 10 25 PicPtati ce lveetock - 25 13 21.0.go D. (Woofed (Incremental Product.oo cn Pamfed D. Culture.. echee (prodoot.on Holdmg. of Schec .. rt.cipoute) (too.) 1980 1981 1982 topplI.eot.rh dee 001(00cc .eohee dee Partichpootadup9p24 --lti.g Sch.... /5 Pngmn_ xsat Millt 120 400 680 Mil Sorgip- 20 70 130 Soagho (Coopeso) (30) (50) 13 (Ni6bO) Total 110 420 2T0t1 boor Soheme I 00cc lMl1lt 20 80 130 mil Sorghum 10 20 30 Sorgho mCoop..) (10) (101 (20) (N6bA6) Tota1 20 90 140 Total Apsaorogooogoo Nocorgooungou Plit 260 860 1,460 Mil orghum 50 160 280 Sorgho (coovreo) (60) (1'0) (160) (NodhA) Total 250 S90 1,50 /1 Lohble .c.ept for Fergou-. /1 D.ux r60o1tec, Fergoun except6. 1'7 orc reolao1cd from curocrce. /7 Soperfocie gga.Be eon los pla-totooc. Inve-t.entt to expand thee. too -che-e. ore 000 ,t Leo mve0tceoete pour re-foro-r 0cc o-clud.d On projeot cot, no aoot p-e 000pri d... 1 ooat do projet. /4 10 orodoc.oi ioore.e .oo.templutod oo the 2 /4 P_. do prodootioo pr6voe dpac cooctong .che.e. where clued oroppmg 1. lc de.u -eWoagee..t. cucet-ot. od 10 pr-ot .ed (, Tillakema) polycolture ..t protiqoe (Sakoira, Tollklocn). /5 Inoludec Sukooro - Icoheco /5 Comprcod Skolira, Tillalekeco /6 Prodwtien eithoot project (300 to.). /6 predeetic, _n 1. pr_ejt (500 te..). NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT - RGTET D'IRRIGATION Agricultural Development - Piveloppement agricole Farm Budget/Budget de ferme Area/ Yield/ Farm Price/ Total/ Surface Rendement Prix au producteur Total (ha) (kg/ha) (CFAF/kg/FCFA/kg) (CFAF/FCFA) A. Without Project A. Sans le projet Crop Production Groso Income Pevenu brut de la production agricole Paddy 1.15 1,200 45 62,100 Piz Millet 2.6o 312 40 32 4YI Nil Cowceas /1 1.05 113 45 5,580 Niebe /1 Gardens and Sorghum (net income) 18,000& Jardins et sorgbo (r*nn me) Total Crop Production Gross Income 118,130 Revenu total brut de la production agricole Cron Production Expenses Frais de production Seeds Gemences: Rice 1.15 80 45 4,14o Riz Millet 2.60 15 40 N.56o Mil C-ceas 1.05 12 45 570 Niebe Total Seeds 6,270 Total semenceso Hired Labor 39.6 man-days at CFAF 200/man-day 7,920 Main-d'oeuvre salariee 39,6 hommnee-jours a FCFA 200 par hoome-jour Land Pent: /2 Location des terres: /2 Rice 25 a at 10>W of gross income Rir - 25 % A 10 % du revenu brut Millet 18. at 5 of gross income . Mil - 18 % A 5 Ii du revenu brut Total Rent 1.840 Total location dee tefrem Total Crcr Production Expenses 16,030 Total frais de production Crop Production let Incoae 102,100 tevenu net de production agricole Livestock Net Income 13,800 Revenu net de 1'elevage Total FEarming bnit Gross Income 131,9'0 Revenu brut par exploitation Total Farming linit tlet Tcome 115,900 Revenu net par exploitation Labor Requirements (341.45 man-uay.) besoins en min- loe.vre (341,45 hommes-jours) Purmers' Gross Income ocr (an-o 386 Revenu brut -es fermiers ar jour de traseil .armers ' Net Income ner tan-as Pevenu net cen fersiers oar jour de travail Parsers' Gross Income ner Casito (3.25 neocle in farming unit) 25 130 Pevenu brut fermiers nar tete (5.25 pernonnes par exploitation) Farmers' Nlet Income ner Capita 22,080 Reven net (en fermiers par tete /1 Grown with Millet. /1 Plant6 en association avec le mil. /3 This is the farm budget (without the project) of a Wogo farmer who /T C'met le budget de ferme (sans le projet) d'un fermier lWogo qui rents an estimated 25% of the land cultivated in rice, and an loue 25% des terres cultivbes en rim et 18% des terree en estimated 18% of the land cultivated under rainfed conditions from Kado owners. culture sache des proprietaires Kados. C o C NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT/PBOJET D' IRRIGATION Agricultural Development/D6veloppement Agricole Fam Budget/Budget de feree CFAF/FCFA B. Riziculture (1 ha - 1 r6colte) B. Rice Cultivation (one ha -one crop) Farsers' Gross Income Revenu brut des fermiers Paddy 4,BOO kg at CFAF 45 216,000 Paddy Farmers' Cultivation Expenses Frais de culture des farmiera Soil Preparation /1 2,007 Preparation du aol /1 Nursery /2 6,522 Pepini-re /2 Fertilizer (200 kg of urea) 8,000 Engrais (200 kg d'ur6e) Insecticides /2 812 Insecticides /} Rent of Paddle Threshers /4 3,500 Location de batteuses a p4daisa /4 Crop Transport 7/572 Transport de la recolte /2 Sub-total 22,413 Total partiel Rired Labor /6 7,900 fr5io de main-d'oeuvrc salaries /6 Irrigation Water /7 1715 Frais d'irrigation /7 Total Farmers' Cultivation Expenses 47a46j Tot.! ann trais de cuiture dee fermiers Capital Recovery Charges 32,850 Cbarges de recouvrement de l'investisasent Total Farmero' Expensem 631 Total des frais des fermiers Farmers' Net Income (one ha - one crop) for half a year 135,687 Revenu net des fermiers (1 ha - 1 recolte) pour six mois or(O.5 ha - two crops) for a year ou (0,5 ha - 2 recoltes) pour un an Labor Requirementa (0.5 ha - two crope: 97 man.-daym per year) Bcsoins de main-d'oeuvre (0,5 ha - 2 r6coltes: 97 hoee-jours par an) Earners' Grosls Income per Man-day 2,227 Revenu brut des fermiers pour un homme-jour Farmers' Net Income per Man-day 1,399 Revenu net des fermiera pour un homme-Jour Farmers' Gross Income per Capita (5.25 people in farming unit) 41,143 Revenu brut den fermiers par tdte (5,25 personese per exploitation) Farmers' Net Income per Capita 25,845 Revenu net des fermiers par t6te Subsidies Subventioos Soil Preparation - Plowing equipment sold to farmers at CFAF 8,000 410 Preparation des sols - materiel agricole de labour vendu aux (73% subsidy from coat of CFAF 29,400) fermiers & FCPA 8.000 (sobvention de 73 % pour un covt a. FWAM .400) Fertilizer - Urea sold to farmers CFAF 40/ke (43% subsidy from 6, O0 Engrais - uree vendue aol ferniereri FCFi 40/kg (subvention de 43 % pour un coat cost of CYAP 70/kg) de FCPA 70/kg) Insecticides - Insecticides sold to farmers CFAF 600/liter (25% submidy 271 Insecticides - insecticides vendua cur fera±ersi rGFi 60h0itrs (subvention de from cost of CFAF 800/liter) 25 % pour un cout de FcFA 800/litre) Crop Transport - Cart sold to farmers CPA-F 48,000 (3256 subsidy from 161 Transport de la r6colte - charrattes vendues aux feriere & FPF0 48.000 cost of CFAF 71,000) (subvention de 32 % pour mn cout de FCFA 71.000) Total Subsidies (one ha - one crop) 6,842 Total des subventiona /1 3 days of plowing. A pair of oxen cost CFAF 618 per day. Under the assumption /1 3 Jours de labour. La paire de boeufa codte FCFA 618 par Je. lo supposant that the pair costs CFAF 59,300 per year and works 96 days per year. qua is pairs revient A FCFA 59.300 par an et travaille 96 homes-jours par an. The plow and the Arara tool bar (CFAF 8,0oo to farmers) are used on 12 ha yearly La charrue et le bA-ti Arare (venduz FCFA 8000 aux fersiers) sont utilisa sunr and lest 6 years. 12 ha par ann6e et durent 6 ar. /2 At cost. The project proposes to eliminate the subsidy on seedlinga from the /2 Au pric de revient. La projet propose dl&limi... la subvention au niveau de la nursery. In 1976 seedlings were mold at a cost of CFAF 3,444/ha to farmers (43% pepiniere. En 1976 lea plants avaient ete vendus au coudt soyen de FCFA 3.444 subsidy from coat of CFAF 6,522). l'hectare aux fermiers (43 % de subvention pour un cout de MdEA 6.522). Main assumptions for nursery: Lea hypothbses prinoipales pour lee frais de pepinieres: 1 ha of nursery for 14 ha of rice cultivation; I ha de pepiniere pour 14 ha de riziculture; 3,000 m3 of water/ha; 3.0C0 m3 d'eau A l'hectare; 37 man-days of labor; and 37 oums-jours ds travil; et 600 kg/ba of fertilizer. 600 kg d'engrais. /3 Based on the average used fer all schemes in 1976. /3 Sur is base de la moyesne utilise, sur l'ensemble des smnnagements en 1976. /Z(~ 10 days at CPA-F 350/day. /4t 10 flours, A- PPA- 3.50/jour. 2 days of carting. The cart (CFAF 48,000) is used 60 days yearly and lasts 6 years. / 2 fours de charrois. La charrette sert 60 (ours par an et dure 6 ans /079 sun-days of hired labor/ha at CFAF 200/man-day are required during the rainy /6 79 hommes -joure par bectare id main-d'oeuvr e larA-e A Z(20 par h s-Jour requie season. (39.5 man-days as an average for the year). 7 main-dhoerasjura e noystr /7 17,500 m3 per cropping season at CPAF 0.98/m3 (Cost of T-ola works). pendant sa saison de= ulte FCFAn 098/m3 (cout sur l por n 'semnt de Toula)) - 67 - NSlR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Table 9 IRRIGATION PROJECT/AFROJRT DIIRRIATION Agrioolt l D 1e0elcoaNt-veloapseent awi±ol. FPe ftdact/Rdget d. fer. Yield/ Prod.por Prie./ Rendemest Pr-a eu Prodoteur Sorghc/ C0oopae/ OCno. / To,ato.e/ Goeboe/ Other Vegetablee/ Total Kt/ha CFaFAP - FCFAAgR Boxrgho Ni6b6 0inows Toate. Goeboc Autres lUgame. (CFAF 'o00) CFAF/FCFA C. Ml-ed Croppng (N -oarigiongo.) C. Poloultore (N-uri-goaogo,) (armor GO-pen mneaee Rev-n. btrt des ferxcer- So-heh 2,500 S 87.500 Sorgho Coaxcoo 1,200 45 54,O00 Ni6b6 Inioto 30,000 196 5,880,ooo 0go.n. Toentoan 25,000 38 950,000 TorAt.e Gbab 700 340 238,000 Go-bo. Other Onnegeblec 1,500 i6o 240,o00 Autree lgoces iarx-px-n' Ores. Incore per ba (CFAF) 87500 54,000 5,880,000 950,000 238,000 240,OoC R-soe- brut par ht (FCFA) A-no Under Clit-t-on (ha) Io 90 10 20 20 10 Sope-fiAi n nat-ee (ha) Fix-oc-n' Urea, rIacre fi- the 13.125 4.860 58,800 19,000 4.760 2.4W0 1a2,-4 Reveso btrt des ferie-rs Area (CFAF '000) po-r l'escetble (FCFA'00)' Ciltnvtt-o topens.. Frsne de des fox-mcro 'bail Prepix-atien /1 2,007 2,007 2,007 2,007 2,007 2,007 P-pirptio. do roi /1 Lood nI ox-tag- 771 771 771 771 771 Affimage :tp l:o-r /2 6,o0o 3,000 13,000 21,000 17,000 17,000 Ingxe-i /2 ,cens ax- Jecdliogs 640 1,350 10,000 1,200 12,800 12,800 S..eno.c .. plhoto Ix-ocottoidec /5 5,600 14,400 InJecotoidcie /2 nh-tatal 0,647 10,720 25,77S 39,537 32,570 32,570 Total px-tic1 r[t-c Latex- /4 5,400 3,400 5,400 5,400 5,400 Mam_-d'oeao-c il1-ixi /4 Irrigetian Water /5 4 410 9.510 11.760 111.60 760 11, 7to Fae W0ir.d-gcti.o /5 lox-ocx-' Oalttpatio Eaneon.. po- ho f7/ 25 450 4Z 93 5 5t5 49 (3F 49,730 P-ooo We cul-trs po- ho loxmers' CutIaat-ot E.x..-ot fa- the erem (CFAF'000) 1.959 2.289 429 1.131 998 497 7,300 Fx-iA dc palt-re pier 11'c-bele (FC3A 10001 Ca-ito1 Ro--cry Otaxgan /6 fa- the ax-s (CFAF 000) 4,928 2,957 329 657 657 329 9,857 re,g pit recoat (C ox-ox-' loet I-oeoe fax the trot (0FAF '000) 5.113 (386) 58,042 17,212 3.108 1.574 RR Iltensemb ot d(C fI..n .o la-a- Eogix-c... (t o-dao poer ha) 60 45 85 92 105 105 Assomi eiin-0'otra (h-.-ei-.or -a ha) Toth l Lnlor oaaox-ooeonto 9,00 4,050 850 1,840 2,100 1,050 18,900 aeso z totaux en cm o- fax- the ax-op (pin-Scyol d'aoeure peax- 1' ononohl (haeaci-jaari ) arx-xerx-' 3x-x-it nox-ass pox- Non-Woy 5,450 Rex-ca brut dAs fo--iern te- Nrxoar' Not IOa.o. Pox- Ma-doy 4,54hPai setoe x Forax-tlraeo6 nox-ass x-r Firmt honi /7 68,600 R.eoo brat PAr coploatatio /7 Fzrmers' Net Incoae P .r iarping UnAt /7 57,200 Reonc net per copl-ititiaa /7 Foroers' rox-ai Incoao poer 0ap4 /8 13,100 trot or tAte /0 7or-eri' Not poc or Ii iti 10,900 ks±n)±ctsJt6te /a aatniaicn Oatx-cntnono hail PrpeAreLat I /1 410/ht 164 o n .i eI /1 410/ho Pox-ilF ex-- laheati 48'f 3,193 b tgriie-ctt-otaa a 48o Itneotix-idop - Sold at _r-m GFAF 600/latc- 264 Inecotioodec - vondan aux (25z -eb-ody fx-m acbt I foir (notacotio 251o di Uptot So handle 3oo 22T.otal OcT d otbenti.o. /1 s.e Ttbl /' arhP- 50 kh,/ht af -prr nid 100 kg of a-c; aO 2oxgho 50 kg/ha P0 roper et 100 Ag (ox-c. Canaan 75 kg/ho xf sopor SAgho6 75 kg/ta do sopor. Tount. 150 kA o--er, 200 kg o-ca, 100 kg hOL. 0gneom.150 kg dc maper, 100 kg a'arto, 100 kg KCL. T6 eta-s ?50 A- -- dr, 200 kg a-so, O Ag hCt.. To.atcc:250 kg dWe cper, 200 kg d'ar-6, 100 kg KCL. / h lero fax- coa-noa and 24 intorn for tocanoon 36lte oroOt t2 irs cmtn /4 27 -n-Way er h. t CFAF 200/ian-diy tho ria-y 6an 1t2 6 t24 t-z'ha z PCA .Poo r / 4 a,500 or7/ far sarghum, 9,500 51>3/ fax--tangonoand 12,000 3/ 1h4A00 r3o g 9.00 o - po o , t far athor cgotntblo it CPAF 0.9S/rn 12.000 mo/ha pair natre. 16gioco a FCFA 0,98/m. '6 At C-AF -.,850/tia /6 A 6 FCFA 32 850/ha A 0.10to x-hx- fi_rig out. /5 A 0,10 ha p-r eapleitttat_. x-0 tc 5.2? x-sx-x-lc pcr formtogonco. /g A FCFA 5,25 p-rconaes pox soplotntioo. NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT/PROJET D' .RIGATION Agricultural Development/Developpement agricole Farm Budget/Budget de ferme Per ha Total (CFAF) 198o-84 L'hetare 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Tot D. Wood Plantations (Namarigoungou) (FCFA) D. Plantations (Nasarigoungou) Area planted per year (ha) 7 8 10 Surface plantee par annee (ha) Area planted cumulative (ha) 7 15 17 10 Surface plantee cumul6e (ha) CFAF 'OOO/FCFA '000 Income from Wood Sales Revenu des ventes de bois 1,000 trees at CFAF 1,600/tree 1,600,000 - - 12,000 12,000 16,000 40,000 1000 arbres a FCFA 1600 par arbre Wood Plantations Expenses Frais de plantation Seedling6 and pl=rtation epense. 188,500 1,414 1,414 1,885 4,713 Plants et frais d'Atablissement Maintenance and sprinkling 95,000 712 1,425 2,375 1,663 950 7,126 Entretien et arrosage Felling 71,500 537 537 715 1.789 Abattage Total Plantation Expenses 2,127 2,839 4,797 2,200 1,665 13,628 Total des frais de plantation Capital Recovery Charges /1 247 493 822 575 329 2,466 Charges pour recouvremnt de I'investissement Wood Plantations Net Income (2,374) (3,332) 6,381 9,225 14,006 23,906 Revenu net des plantations / CFAF 32,850/ha. /h 32,850 FCFA l'hectare. NI6LE IrRIGATION PROJECT/PROJET D'IRX(IGATION Agricultural Development/Developpement agricole Farm Budget/Budget de ferme 1977 (Without Praject/ Sans le Total Projet) 1980 1981 1982 1980-82 (CFAF 'OOO)/(FCFA '000) E. Rainfed Development (Namarignungou) E. Developpement en cultures seches (Namarigoungou) Farmers' Gross Income Revenu brut des fermiers Incremental Crop Production (tons) Production agricole (tonnes) - Millet 260 860 1,460 - Mil - Sorghum 50 160 280 - Sorgho - Coweeas (Co) (Wo) (160) - Niebe Value of Incremental Crop Production (CFAF '000) Valeur de la production agricole supplementaire (FCFA '000) - Millet (CFAF 32/kg) 8,300 27,500 46,700 82,500 - Mil (FCFA 32/kg) - Sorghum (CFAF 32/kg) 1,600 5,100 9,000 15,700 - Sorgho (FCFA 32/kg) - Cowpeas (CFAF 45/kg) (2Z700) (5,900) (7 200) (15.800) - Niebe (FCFA 45/kg) Total Value of Incremental Production 7,200 26,700 ,500 o2,400 Valeur totale de la production agricole supplementaire Farmers' Cultivation Expenses (CFAF '000) Frais de culture des fermiers (FCFA '000) Additional Agricultural Equipment Amortization /1 70 140 140 _ Amortissement de le6quipement agricole supplementaire /1 Fertilizer 1,810 3,530 5,340 Engrais Insecticides /2 390 640 1,030 Insecticides /2 Total Farmers' Incremental Cultivation Expenses 70 2,340 4,310 6,720 Total des frais de culture supplementaires Farmers' Incremental Net Income 7,1 2-4,6o-44=90 .6 0o= Revenu net supplementaire des fermiers '. Farmers' Incremental Gross Income per Farming Unit CFAF 16,200 Revenu brut supplementaire par exploitation au stade de plein at Full Development (1982) /3 developpement (1982) /3 Farmers' Incremental Net Income per Farming Unit at CFAi 14,700 Revenu net supplAmentaire par exploitation au stade de plein Full Development (1982) /3 developpement (1982) /3 Farmers' Incremental Gross Income per Capita at Full CFAF 3,086 Revenu brut supplementaire par tete au stade de plein Development (1982) /4 developpement (1982) /4 Farmers' Incremental Net Income per Capita at Full CFAF 2,805 Revenu net suppl6mentaire par tete au stade de plein Development (1982) /4 developpement (1982) /4 Subsidies Subventiono Additional Agricultural Equipment -Sold to farmers at CFAF 3,000/unit 804 Materiel agricole supplementaire - Vendu aux fermiers a (70,%' subsidy from cost of CFAF 9,916/unit) FCFA 3000/l 'unite (subvention de 70 % pour un coat de FCFA 9916/1'unit6 Fertilizer - Sold to farmers with 48,% subsidy 5,411 Engrais - Vendu aux fermiers avec une subvention de 48 % Insecticides - Sold to farmers with 25% subsidy 343 Insecticides - Vendus aux fermiers avec une subvention de 25 % /1 Basic equipment amortized over rice cultivation, additional equipment /1 Materiel agricole de base amorti sur le budget de'riziculture, required amortized over 6 years. l1Aquipement supplementaire est amorti sur 6 ans. /2 4.5 1/ha on cowpeas. /2 4,5 1/ha pour le niebh. 1/3 Assuming 3,000 farming units. /3 Suprosant 3,0(Oexploitations. /T Assuming 5.25 people in the farming unit. /_ Supposant 5,25 personnes par exploitation. Iz H Oa NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT/PROJET D'IRRIGATION Agricultural Development/D4veloopement agricole Farm Budget/Budget de ferme No. 1981 No. 1982 F. Livestock Sub-Project (Namarigoungou) F. Sous-projet 6levage (Namarigoungou) Animals 250 500 Animaux Increase in Liveweight Meat /1 (tons) 16 32 Gain de viande poids vif /1 (tonnes) Value of Liveweight Meat (CFAF '000) at CFAF 180/kg 2,900 5,800 Valeur du gain de viande poids vif (FCFA '000) a FCFA 200/kg Expenses: (CFAF '000) Depenses (FCFA '000) Green Fodder Hectares 13 25 Fourrage vert Hectares Plowing /2 at (TOAF 3,0001ha 38 25 72a A FFA 300/ha Fertilizer /3 at CFAF 18,000/ha 225 450 Engrais 73 A FCFA 18.000/ha Irrigation Water /4 at CFAF 24,500/ha 307 613 Irrigation /4 a FGFA 24.500/ha Cost of Green Fodder Prior to Capital Recovery Charges 570 1,138 Coit du fourrage vert avant charges de recouvrement du capital Capital Recovery Charges /5 821 1,643 Charges de recouvrement du capital /5 Total Cost of Green Fodder 1,391 2,781 Cout du fourrage vert Rice By-Products /6 Tons 90 180 Son de riz /6 Tonnes Value (CFAF '000) at CFAF 1.2/kg 108 216 Valeur (FCFA '000) a FCFA 1,2/kg Salt /7 Tons 7 14 Sel /7 Value (CFAF '000) at CFAF 12/kg 84 162 Valeur (FCFA '000) a FCFA 12/kg Total Expenses 1,583 3.159 Total des d6penses Total Net Income from Livestock Sub-project (CFAF '000) 1.312_ 2,641 Revenu net total du sous-p-ojet 61evage (FCFA '000) Farmers' Net Income per Farming Unit at Full Development (1982)/8 31,81§ Revenu net par exploitation au stade de d6veloDDement final (1982)/8 Farmers' Net Income per Capita /9 (CFAF) 6,061 Revenu net par tete /9 (FCFA) Subsidies Subventions Fertilizer (CFAF '000) 413 Engrams (FCFA '000) /1 700 g per day per animal for 90 days. /1 700 g par jour par animal pour 90 jours. /7 Every 2 years. /P Tous lea 2 ans. /3 300 kg of urea and 150 kg of superphosphate. /3 3500 kg dmur6e et 150 kg de superphosphate. 11T 2,500 .3 at CFAF 0.98/in3. /7 2.50o m3 A FCFA 0,98/m:~'. /5 CFAF 32,850/ha/season. /5 FCFA 32.850 par hectare par saison de culture. /7 4 kg per animal per day during 90 days. /7 4 kg par jour par animal pour 90 jours. /7 0.3 kg per animal per day during 90 days. /7F 0,3 kg par jour par animal pour 90 jours. /7 Assuming that 83 farming units participate. /7 Supposant que 83 exploitations participent. /9 Assuming 5.25 people in the farming unit. /g Supposant 5,25 personnes par exploitation. cr - 71 - ANNEX 7 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT Namarigoungou Irrigation Works A. Constraints to Development Under Traditional Irrigation 1. Farmers traditionally sow rice in July and harvest it in March- April. The Niger river floods are supposed to provide the water supply to replace rainfall after it stops in September. The main physical con- straints to the development of traditional irrigation are the following: (i) The river floods do not completely meet the demand for water requirements. In September the average monthly rainfall is 70 mm, 1/ while rice requirements for the month can be estimated at 270 mm (Annex 8, Table 1). Although the river level starts rising in August, it reaches only the lower polders in September, those located at an altitude of less than 3 m over the riverbed. In Niamey in September the floods of the Niger River reach, on the average, an altitude of 2.72 m, and 2.36 m with an eight to ten year frequency. In October the floods, on the average, reach 3.0 m, but it is too late. (ii) Very often the water level in the lower polders rises too fast. Between August and September when the lower polders get submerged, the rise of the water level is 3.6 cm/day in an average year, and 4.9 cm/day in the one/ten year flood. Both measures are in excess of the speed usually tolerated, 3 cm/day, for floating rice. (iii) The maximum height reached by the river level on the lower terraces usually exceeds the limit for high yielding varieties. For instance, the limit of flooding for the D 52-37 variety, which yields 2.5-3.5 tons of paddy per ha, is 0.5-0.6 m, while flooding in Niamey on the lower terraces varies between 1.64 m on the average in August and 3.76 m on the average in February, and can even reach 4.16 m in February in a one to ten year frequency. (iv) Rice-eating fish are a natural pest. 1/ The rainfall exceeds 30 mm 8 years out of 10. - 72 - B. Improved Irrigation System 2. The first irrigation works, starting in 1954, comprised essentially the construction of a dike around the polder equipped with gates and fish screens. These works could slow down the speed of the rising flood, limit flooding somewhat, and protect rice against fish. 3. However, under local conditions these works have the following deficiencies: (i) They do not help 'bridge the gap between rainfalls and the river high water levels; (ii) The height of flooding still exceeds the limits for high yielding varieties, and the lack of natural drainage still makes harvesting f-rom boats necessary; and (iii) These works do not allow double cropping. 4. Because of the above deficiencies, and also as a political choice, since Niger has limited irrigation potential and intends to use it to its fullest, schemes built according to the above model are being reconditioned. 5. Variations on the above system have been introduced, with the equipment of the schemes with: pumps, simplified irrigation networks and construction of bunds to limit the quantities of water pumped. However, the oversized irrigated lots (due to the insufficient irrigation network and limited number of bunds) and the lack of land levelling, required enormous volumes of pumped water per ha, and did not reduce the height of flooding in the schemes, which still exceeded (0.5-0.8 m) the limit for high yielding varieties. These schemes are also being reconditioned. 6. The only schemes now being considered in Niger are those with full control of the water level and land levelling. Such schemes comprise, in addition to the dike, pumping stations for irrigation and drainage, complete irrigation and drainage systems, and land levelling and bunds along contour lines. C. Proposed Works for the Namarigoungou "Polder" 7. Main Technical Characteristics. A first feasibility study was prepared in 1972 by Consultants Carlo Lotti for the construction of a scheme of the simpler design. Following Government's policy decision on the subject, a new feasibility study for a scheme with full water control was prepared by SOGREAH in 1974 with FAC financing. The following are the characteristics of the system proposed in this project. (i) Area: The Namarigoungou polder (1,550 of total net area) would be divided irnto two perimeters of equal size. Of - 73- the 1,550 ha, 1,350 ha would be under rice and 150 ha under mixed cropping; 25 ha under fodder crops and 25 ha under eucalyptus. (ii) Dike: Because the southern perimeter of the Namarigoungou polder is protected by the island of Darbani, which acts as a natural dike, the length of the dike compared to the area protected is the smallest of all existing polders. The dike would average 7.7 ml/ha compared to 20 ml/ha in Toulas and the volume of 3earth moved for the dike would be 120 m compared to 363 m /ha in Toula. The dike would be 11.6 km long and 3.0 m high. It would be built for the 1:100 year frequency flood as derived from statistical observations over the period 1962-1974. At the location of the pumping station furthest upstream (SPI) the levels for various frequencies of floods would be as follows: Flood frequency 1:20 1:50 1:100 Water level before diking 205.38 205.46 205.52 Water level after diking 205.83 205.93 206.05 Freeboard 0.60 0.60 0.60 Crest level of dike 206.43 206.53 206.65 Because of the small cost supplement (about 1%) over the 1:20 year frequency, the 1:100 frequency was selected. The width of the dike has been fixed at 3 m and the dike will be covered with a layer of compacted laterite of 10 cm. Geotechnical tests have shown that the slopes of the dike should be 2.5 horizontal to 1 vertical. The southern part of the dike would be equipped with a flap gate for gravity drainage when the river waters are low. (iii) Pumping Stations. There will be two pumping stations; each serving a separate district and equipped with 4 vertical axial electric pumps each. All pumps are identical with a discharge of 600 1/sec and a maximum manometric head of 6 m. The intakes of the pumping stations will also permit withdrawing water by gravity during the Niger floods. During the floods the lowest pumping station SP2 would also be used through gated devices to drain water from the scheme back to the river. A 31 km long, 20 KV high tension line connecting the 2 pumping stations to Tillabery is also included in the project. At peak irrigation periods the pump would operate 16 hours per day. - 74 - (iv) A complete irrigation netork: including 27 km of primary and 36 km of secondary canals: 1/ - The network for rice irrigation would be designed for 2.8 1/sec/ha, on the assumption that the maximum continuous requirements would be 1.86 1/sec/ha on a continuous basis, and that farmers would irrigate a maximum of 16 hours per day. - The network for mixed cropping irrigation would be designed for 2 1/sec/ha on the assumption that the maximum continous requirement would be 1 1/sec/ha and that farmers would irrigate the plots under mixed cropping only during the daytime (12 hours), since mixed cropping cultivation is more delicate than rice cultivation. The plants would be grown on the beds between two furrows. - Permeability tests carried out by SOGREAH determined that a significant length of primary and secondary canals should be concrete lined because of permeability and construction considerations. Since the exact amount of concrete lining cannot be deter- mined prior to negotiations, project costs include the lining of 100% of primary and secondary canals, but assurances would be sought at negotiations that concrete liniLng would be done only where technically justified. The criteria to be used to decide whether concrete lining would be justified would be agreed at negotiations. - Concrete lining would be 9-15 cm thick at the bottom of the canals and 7-12 cm on the sides. Primary and secondary canals would be built for most of their length on land fills (2703m of fills per ha for the south perimet:er and 202 m for the north perimeter). (v) A network of tertiary canals. The tertiary canals would be spaced every 200 m and their length could reach up to 700 m. Their discharge would vary between 20 and 40 1/sec and they would control irrigation blocks of up to 14 ha. 1/ The corresponding ratios are 18 ml/ha and 24 ml/ha, respectively. Ihese are relatively high. - 75 - (vi) A drainage network designed for 1.2 1/sec/ha: Using as much as possible the natural network of the existing streams, and connected to a channel of the Niger River, which would have been cut off by the construction of the dike. Because there is more natural drainage in the southern perimeter, more drains wolld be dug in the northern perimeter (85 m / ha versus 43 m /ha). The density of the drains would be identical in the two perimeters (71 ml/ha). (vii) A network of tracks along the dike and along all primary and secondary canals, and transversal tracks every 3-4 km: These would be laterite-covered. (viii) Land levelling including: - clearing and de-stumping; - plowing at 30 cm (a subsoiling had been recommended by the feasibility study but should not be carried out since it would risk increasing the subsoil per- meability); - land levelling without filling (motorgrader), and land levelling with filling (bringing in earth with motorscraper or bulldozer) in the areas of the perim- eter along the edges; and - building contour bunds so that there is not more than 15 cm of difference in the ground level in the same plot. - 76 - ANNEX 7 Table 1 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT/PROJET D' IRRIGATION Namarigoungou Irrigation Works/Ouvrages d'Irrigation de Namarigoungou Quantities of Main Works/Quantites des ouvrages principaux 1. On-farm Works 1. Am6nagements a la parcelle Clearing 1,750 ha Debroussaillage Deep plowing and Sous-solage (0,35 m) et surfacing 1,350 surfacage Levelling between Nivellement compris entre 750 and 2,000 m3/ha 700 ha 750 et 2000 m:3/ha Bunding 568,000 m Diguettes Tertiary irrigation Canaux d'irrigation tertiaires canals 75,000 m (arroseurs) Tertiary drain canals 84,000 m Drains tertiaires 2. Earthworks on Irrigation 2. Terrassements and Drainage Systems Excavations Deblais - Irrigation canals 58,000 m3 - Canaux d'irrigation - Drainage canals 225,000 m3 - Canaux de drainage Earthfills 504,000 m3 Remblais (of which for dike) (340,000) /1 (dont pour la digue) Roads along canals 79,000 m Pistes de circulation le long des canaux 3. Concrete Works 3. Ouvrages en betons Concrete 1,750 m3 Betons Reinforced concrete 350 m3 Beton arme Steel for reinforcement 65 T Acier pour armatures Concrete lining 165,000 m2 Revetement en beton (between 9 and 15 cm) (entre 9 et 15 cm) /1 Earthfills for the main canals /1 Les remblais des canaux principaux adjoining the dike are included in adjacents a la digue sont inclus that figure. dans ce chiffre. - 77 - ANNEX 8 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT Water Demand 1. Total irrigation requirements for doubie cropping of rice in the Tillabery region are estimated at about 31,000 m /year (Table 1), requiring a network capacity of: 1.86 1/s/ha on a continuous basis (24 h/24 h); 2.8 1/s/ha when pumping 16 h/24 h. 2. Total irrigation requirements for double cropping of maize and cowpeas in the mixed cropping areas of the Tillabery region are estimated at 14,000 m /year, requiring a network capacity of: 1 1/s/ha on a continuous basis; 2 1/s/ha when pumping 12 h/24 h. In this case irrigation is difficult at night and would entail much higher losses. 3. These water requirement estimates are comparable to actual ex- perience on the existing schemes. NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT/PROJET D'IURRIGATIoN Water Demand/Demande d'eau (Measured by Blaney-Briddle Modified Method/Mesur6e par is mthode du Blaney-Briddle) November June 10-30 JU1y 1-5 Ju1y 6-31 August September October 1-10 Total Juin 10-30 Juil.1-5 Juil.6-31 Ao6t Septembre Octobre Novembre A. Water RNquiremeots for Rice A. Besoins en eau pour le riz During the Rainy Season --------------------n----------e/day/ha-o/jour/ha ------------------------------------- durant la emison des pluies 1. Submersion (150 om) 6 6 1. Submersion (150 m) 2. Seepage 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2. Pertes per infiltration E7.1. 5.2 3.5 b.1 5.8 7.3 3. PTO /i 4. Kt (Rice) 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.95 4. Ki (Rio) 5. ET (Rice) 7.8 5.7 5.7 3.9 6.7 5.8 6.9 5. ET (Riz) Total 16.o 13.9 7.9 6.1 8.9 8.0 9.1 Total 6. Less useful rainfall /2 (1.1) (2.1) (2.1) (3.1) (1.0) 6. Pluie efficace /2 Water require-nts in the field 14.9 11.8 5.8 3.0 7.9 8.0 9.1 Besoins en eau a la parcelle Water requ1rementa at the pumping Besoins en ean a la station station /3 15.0 /4 11.8 /4 7.7 4.o 10.5 10.7 12.1 de pompage /3 Water requirement lI/e/ha (24h/24h) 1.74 1.37 0.89 o.46 1.22 1.24 1.40 Bemoins en eu I/s/ha (24h/24h) Water requirements I/s/ha (16h/24h) 2.61 2.06 1.34 o.69 1.83 1.86 2.10 Besoio en eau 1/s/ha (16h/24h) B. Water Requiremente for Rice During the Dec 11-31 Jan 1-15 Jan 6-31 February March April MEL B. Remain so el rsr Dry Season DOc 11-31 Jan 1-15 Jan 6-31 F6vrier Mars Avril Mai dursot is MMsorsrh 1. Subeeroino (150 m) 6 6 1. Submersion (150 am) 2. Seepage 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2. Pertes par infiltratiom 3. ETO /1 6.3 6.6 6.6 7.3 7.0 6.5 6.6 3. ETO /1 4. Ke (Nice) 1.1 1.1 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.1 1.0 4. Ke (Ric) 5. ET (Rice) 6.9 7.3 8.3 9.1 8.8 7.2 6.6 5. ET (Riz) Total 15.1 15.5 10.5 11.3 11.0 9.4 8.8 Total 6. Lees nsefa1 raInfall /2 - - - - - - - 6. Fluie efficace /2 Water requirements in the field 15.1 15.5 10.5 11.3 11.0 9.4 8.8 Besaime en san a la parcelle Water requirements at the pumping Beaoins en eau A la station station /3 15.7 /4 16.1 /4 14.o 15.1 14.6 12.5 11.7 de pompago /3 Water requirements 1/s/ha (24h/24h) 1.82 i.86 1.62 1.75 1.70 1.45 1.36 Besoins en eau l/a/ha (24h/24h) Water requirements l/s/ha (16h/24h) 2.73 2.79 2.43 2.63 2.54 2.18 2.o4 Besoine en eau 1/s/ba (16h/24h) /1 ETO. Evaporation of a green grass area, 8-15 cm high. /1 Evaporation d'une surface de matiers verte haute de 8-15 cm. /2 100l of rainfall of 0.2 frequency. /I 100 % de le plnie dane mne friquence de 0,2. /3 With a 752 efficiency. Aver efficiencs de 75 %. /4 Using the Van de Goor-Zyljstra formula to compensate the losses through evaporation in the parts of the perimeter already En utili,sant is formule de Van de Goor-Zyljstrs pour compenser underwater. le; pertee d'6vaporation dans le pAristro dejA seubaergh. NIGER IRRIOGATION PROJECT/PR0JET WI'R0IGATION Total IDA EFO 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19 78- 1982 F.nantiug Financ ing ------------ FAF '000------------- CFAF '00s0$ '000 00$ '000 us$ '000 Oqooeeted ella196,300 294 40 490.700 2,000 1,400 60 nqolsnsn- libcna' Opraig nene 232,400 163,000 70,000 465,400 1,900 1,330 50700 Gn4es d'oper-tloh Labo and ataf 0,0100 2235,00 240,000 140,500 611,000 2,490 1,750 740 Selai-r Supplies 57,800 i45,600 37,300 240,700 980 680 3 00ouilre Pumping 'st.cIung 104,800 59,200 164,0001~ 670 470 200 0ttoada Ppompag 20 kv Iitne Ieos Tiliab-ry 100.000 24.000 12400 500 360 100 Ligne ds 20 IF ds Tillab-ry Sob-total Irrigation W-rba 226,100 1,100,700 523,500 215,500 0,091,800 8.000 1,990 2,560 SocIta urae irigation Loa atff slre 6.000 6,000 4,000 6,000 6,000 30,000 120 00 30 peraaa. Iot-l Enporriae "',f -,-aioo 14,008 34,000 34,DO0 34,000 34,002 130,000 610 430 100 Oelair.. do - . pe -one e,p-rr io...iruct... 8,000 9,100 17,100 70 50 20 toet-ttl..s OrbIris, 2.00 2004000 20 10 I0 vibtenlss gob-total n-r-ci-n 30,000 51,100 40,000 40,000 40,000 201,100 820 500 240 Doeitli-ati.n Adaioiirgtiva and Finantia1 S-vin..a Sacitac adainslt-tifs et0 Lorel crft ene 3,200 14,000 15,400 16,000 14,000 64,200 260 180 80 Salai-e dn p-- IIe local npg-ia-r ateff acaia17,500 41,600 41,000 41,800 4D,000 104,700 750 530 220 Salaire do p--sane eap-tie Conste-tion oi buildings 39 000 7,300 46,300 190 130 60c.. tansri.nt.n Eqoiproent 11,800 2,8000 14,200 68 40 20 Oqolpemen Vabhrlss 5,400 67,60 .2. 850 2,00 113,01000 50 8dt -bttia Adninto-raivr and indi-eoe-p's...e 9.4200 26.70 2.0 850 650 1110500 _350 1_5(0 DOOprcr dccseie ntdrne Sub-tcotgi Adcini-trti-e and Pina..ial ISeetrs 80,700 101,000 05,400 86,300 83,100 443,500 1,010 1,270 540 ea-odsrisada. at fiaaaieea .sariaabecai' eealanast ssrviiaa Services du d-I.elormsot as- e Local staff salaries 18,700 3710 7,700 40,300 43,300 176100~ 720 510 210 -ai-icne do.rersonne Conatrotion of buildiegs 29,200 21,200 50,400 200 140 60 on-trurtion Rq0l ee60,400 17,000O 31,600 189200 440 310 130 cpent Vebirle, 340 000 17.200 214.40 90 60 30 Orbiru Oub-tota1 Agri-alt-rl 3e- Se- 80,100 81,700 91,500 60,500 43,300 357,100 1,450 1,020 430 Sosfea srln' do 4 d.v-lapp-sastaree Sareort UnIt Onirh d'seo fepariare ataff oularO- 20,000 .50,400 30,400 50,400 50,400 221,600 900 630 270 Salaice - do .p..e.ce xpatrid tonst-ttl_ of buildings 32,900 32,900 140 100 40 Cen..etoctions Vebirlec 3.800 3.0800 20 iS 10 V4hitules Sob-rot1 Support Unft 20,000 87,100 50,400 50,400 50,400 258,380 1,068 740 320 Soe-ualacr dasewal 1sls s 2'v vils 3,20 3,200 20 10 10 .ot a. dsox villae Village belikl 2,700 2,700 10 10 pbar'saie de village Triin f Piret Aid vourIe760 080 60 53010 -70 38 For,atioc d . ... acoaiste da village Sob-told1 Hsaltb imp onset and Training 13,500 10.900 6.000 30 ,200 030 90 40 gone-tota rtcs deeslopeoser ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~65,000 41,300 22,000 129,liO 530 370 160 vap etrtae tainfed deoelop 9,200 8,600 17,800 70 50 28 OSevaloppeetenna lures LIvestock enbprcJ-t 15.300 8.900 24,200 158 78 30 ospjtevg Snb-eona1 Ag. Eqoip's.ot and nrI---ta1 Input's 90,300 58,000 22,000 171,100 700 480 218 so--tota1 pinp-t,es agrinas et int-et. sappI1.alairs' lgrMiealtar' PraJsets Cees'di'star 24c35m 24,,oo 24,5733,50D 300 300 - d's' PeeJet. a ea A.ditnO p-ojeat aee..-ts 1,606 00 i6o i,6o i600 6,400 200 10 iS Aedit des captas d's pej'st Sp.. elali's' ses"itiag 6,600 3,7500 1,8oo 11,90 50 40 10 8s.-ieis' d's eesltaeta Uabea-Ea'fsba f'ssibility 'sEdy 1290012.000 570 3716o Etd's d's faetibilith d's Gblso-B'efsba 5ab-tors1Ot016c 27 -0 m Sog-leClt d8ver O... cet IEtinate 78,308 1,541,788 108, 02 880 511,T00 227,200 3,778,900 11,428 10,900 4,520 C.aot. do base rertea fgt Fbysi-1's U/ _g3 210,0 12,8 680 5,0 , 1 2482,40 1, 970 1,590 588 T 0p-.n physiq.e. j/ Prica Onarsase's 0148~~~~~~~~~~08 283.888 108208 0.0 12f1.010 89.29.0 2700Agnealad'prm / Total Repented CosE of frej-i 187,000 2.035,000 1,428,8080 726.800 871,000 5,160,800 21,000 15,000 , ~ 6,000 2/-ote colac prea' ±1 157 . on 8ic-igattoccrk ecd 107, en eb es717 sn le uvng d'irri gation et 107. au I. el. 15 51 1879 8%; 1879 . 7.57.; and 1980-82 177./ 1878 = 82; 187 .5;tn 1880-82 e 77,. 5/72. 0DA - 302 IfFW. 0001 -CRAP 242. 0841 U 010.50. 80 - ANNEX 9 Table 2 NIGER Namarigoulgou Irrigation ProJect/Projet d'irrigation de Nan*arigoungou Coastruction of Irrigation Works/Construction des ouvrages d'irrigstion CFAiF 'OO0/FCFA '000 1978 1979 1980 1981 Total A. irocurement of Equipment and Vehicles /1 A. Achat de metriels et 'Ihicule. /1 1. For earthnoving 140,700 211,000 - - 351,700 1. Pour terrassement. For concrete works 21,600 32,500 - - 54,100 2. Pour ouvrages en beton For supervision and maintenn.ce 34,000 50,900 - - 84,900 3. Pour 1s surveillance et l'entretien Total Equipment and Vehicles 196,300 294,400 - - 490.,700 Total materiels et vehicules 1. bper-ting Expensee B. Couitt d'exploit-tion 1. Fuel and Oil 12 1. Carburants et lubrifiants /2 For earthoving 71,000 49,600 21,000 141,600 - Terras.emente - For concrete works 13,000 9,500 4,500 27,000 - Ouvragem en beton - For mopervision and maintenance 38,000 26. 11.600 76.300 - Surveillance et entretien Subtotal 122,000 85, 37,100 244,900 Total partiel 2. Spares and Consumables 2. Pigces d6tachiee et connommables - For earth-oving 78,000 54,500 23,100 155,600 - Terrassementt - For concrete works 4,400 3,100 1,300 8,800 - Ouvrages n beton - For -opervimion and maintenance 28.000 19.600 8,500 56,100 - Surveillance et entretien Subtotal 110,400 77,200 32,900 220,500 Total partiel Total B - Operating Expenses - 232,400 163,000 70,000 465 400 Total couts d'ecploitaticn C. Ibior or.d Staff C. Cadres et main-d'oeuvre 1. Expatriate staff /3 125,500 135,000 95,500 356,000 1. Ex atriee /3 2. Local civil servants 2,000 8,000 10,000 5,000 25,000 2. Fonctionneiree locaux ". Local technical staff _ 30,000 35,000 15,000 80,000 3. Personnel technimue local 4. Temporary CAsUAl Labor - 60,000 60,000 30.000 150,000 4. Main-d'oeuvre tesporaire Total Labor and Staff 2,000 Z23,500 240,000 145,500 611000 uot oal mann-d'oeuvre D:. Supplies D. Fournituree 1. Cement 4 11,900 51,200 - - 73,100 1. Cmnt4 2. Stee/5 3,500 8,300 - - 11,800 2. 3. Wood for forms and miscellaneous /6 '0,100 33,600 13,400 - 67,100 3. oi de coffrage t divers /6 4. Hydro-mechanical equipment /7 12,300 28,700 - - 41,000 4. ielhydro-mecauique /7 5. Supplien from sA11 local contractors /6 . 23,800 23,900 - 47700 5. chero /6 Total Supplies 57,800 145,600 37,300 - 240,700 Total fournitures K. formation Total Technical Assistance Unit 31.000 31,000 Total unite d'assistance technique I M Total Constructions 44,300 74,000 20,000 138,300 Total cot.Jtructions I/ For base cost February 1978, 6% was added./ Pour le coot de base de fevrier 1978 on a ajoute 6%. NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT/PROJET D IRRIGATION Project Costslcoat do Proiet Equipment / Matgriel Unit Cost Mid 1977 Total (CFAF'000 No. 1978 No. 1979 No. 1980 1981 1982 1978-1982 Namarigoungou Works Construction Construction des ouvrages de Nasriacunno Included in Construction Costs Cospris dans les coufts de construction Adsinistrative and Financial Services Services admoinistratifs et financiers Office Furniture 1.300 1 1,300 1 1,300 2,600 Mat6riel de bureau, Office Machines 1,300 1 1,300 1 1,300 2,600 Equipement de bureau Safe 200 1 200 200 Coffre-fort Garage 8,000 1 8.000 , Garage Subtotal Administrative and Financial Serv. 10,800 2,600 13,400 Total partiel des services adminsitrat1fs et ft- t Aericultural DeveloPment Services Services de developpement agricole Livestock Sub-project included in Table Sous projet 6elevage dans ic tableau Rice Research 57,000 1 57 000 57,000 Recherche rizicole Rice Seed Multiplication 16,000 1 16,000 16,000 Multiplication des semences du riz Tillabery Rice Mill (Rehabilitation) 30,000 1 30,000 30,000 Rizerie de Tillabery (Rehabilitation) Subtotal Agricultural Development Serv. 57,000 16,000 30,000 103,000 Total partiel de service de d6veloppement agricole Health Sub-Project Sous-proiet sante Wells for the two new Villages Poits pour les 2 nouveaux villages @CFAF 50,000/meter x 30 th _ 2 3.000 .33,000 a FCFA 50.000/metre x 30 mstres Total Equipment 18,60033A000 119,400 Total de l'equipement 1/ For base cost February 1978, 6% was added./ Pour le cout de base de fevrier 1978 on a ajoute 6%. NIGER IRRIGATION Project Costs/Cout du Pro1et Vehicles / Vehicules Unit Cost Mid 1977 1/ Total (CFAF'000) No 1978 No. 1979 No. 1980 No. 1981 No. 1982 1978-1982 Direction Direction DireCtor "Office" - Light Vehicle 1,900 1 1,900 1,900 Directeur de l'Office - vehicule 16&. Project Unit Manager - Light Vehicle 1,900 1 1,900 1,900 Direct. du projet - vehicule leger Nagsarisouneou Works Construction Construction des ouvraRes de Namari- (Included in Cost of Works) goungou (com,pris dans lee coute des ouvrages) Administrative and Financial Services Services Administratifs et financiers Chief Accountant - Light Vehicle 1,900 1 1,900 1,900 Chef Comptable - vehicule lAger Chief Mechanic - Four Wheel Drive 3,200 1 3,200 3,200 Chef m6canicien - vehicule 'a 4 roues . Garage - Four Wheel Drive 3,200 1 3,200 3,200 Garage - vehicule i 4 roues - 5 ton Truck 4,000 _ 1 4,000 4000 - camion de 5 tonnes Total Administrative and Financial Services 5,100 7,200 12,300 Total des Services ad.. et financiers Agricultural Development Services Service de dbveloppement asricole Chief - Four Wheel Drive 3,200 1 3,200 3,200 Chef - vehicule 'a 4 roues Extension Agents motorcycles 200 4 800 1 200 1,000 Agents de vulgarisation- motocyclettes Marketing 12 ton Truck 8,000 - 2 16.000 16.000 Commerci1isation - Camion de 12 tonnes Total Agricultural Development Services 3,200 S00 16,200 20,200 Total du service de dev. agricole Technical Assistance Unit Unite d'assistance technique Agronomist (itrigation) - Pick-up 1,200 1 1,200 1,200 Agronomiste(Irrigation) - Pick-up Socioeconomist - Pick-up 1,200 1 1,200 1,200 Socioeconomiste - Pick-up Agronomist (dry land) - Pick-up 1,200 1 1.200 1 200 Agronomiste cult. seche) -Pick-up Total Technical Assistance Unit 3,600 3,600 Total de l'Assistarce technique Total Vehicles 7,000 15,900 800 16,200 39,900 Vehicules Totaux 1/ For base cost February 1978, 6% was added./ Pour le cout de base de fevrier 1978 on a ajoute' 6%. NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECr Project Cost Administrative and Indirect Expenses/Depenses administratives et indirectes Unit Cost Mid 1977 1Y 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Total (CFAF'0O0) No. No. No No. No. 1978-1982 Vehicles Running Cost Couts de fonctionnement des Vghicules Light Vehicles 1,100 2 2,200 4 4,400 4 4,400 4 4,400 4 4,400 19,800 Vehicules legers Four Wheel Drive 1,900 1 1,900 2 3,800 2 3,800 2 3,800 2 3,800 17,100 Vehicules a 4 roues Motorcycles 60 - - 4 200 5 300 5 300 800 Motocyclettes lubtotal Vehicles Running Cost 4,100 8,200 8,400 8,500 8,500 37,700 Total Partiel des Vehicules Vehicles Spares P14ces detachees 30% of Preceeding 1,200 2,500 2,500 2,600 2,600 11,400 30% du pricedent Utilities Utilites publics CFAF 300,000 per House 300 5 1,500 13 3,900 14 4,200 14 4,200 14 4,200 18,000 s FCFA 300.000 par maison Building Maintenance Entretien des Batiments 3.5% of Cost 1,600 4,100 4,800 4,800 4,800 20,100 3,5% du coiut Office Supplies Fournitures de bureau CFAF 15,000 per Employee 15 18 300 30 500 45 700 50 800 55 800 3,100 a FCFA 15.000 par employe Rice Multiplication Operating Expenses 6,000 6, 6- 06,Q 6,000 24.000 Depenses de Fonctionnement pour le multiplication des Bemences riz Total Administrative and Indirect Expenses 8,700 25,202 2_6 900 2 114,300 De penses Administratives et indirectes Totales 1/ For base cost February 1978, 6% was added./ Pour le coat de base de fevrier 1978 on a ajoute 6%. i SM NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT/PROJET D' IRRIGATION Project Cost/Coat du Pro jet Agricultural Equipment and Incremental Inputs/Equipement agricole et intrants supplementaires Unit Cost/Coat unitaire Mid-1977/mi-1977 2/ Total (CFAF) /(FCFA) No. 1978 No. 1979 No. 1980 No. 1981 No. 1982 1978-1982 --- CP------- ---------CFAF'OOO/PCFA ' -00-0 ----------------------------------- Rice Cultivation Riziculture Basic Units 1/ - Number 80 125 125 125 Unitd de base 1/_ Nombre - Value CFAF 34,878/Unit 2,800 4,400 4,400 4,400 16,000 - Valeur Oxen - Number 80 125 125 125 Boeufs - Nombre - Value CFAF 120,000/Pair 9,600 15,000 15,000 15,000 54,600 - Valeur Carts - Number 20 20 20 20 Charrettes - Nombre - Value CFAF 71,000/Unit 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 5.600 - Valeur Urea Incremental Tonnage 635 240 120 Tonnage suppl. d'uree - Value CFAF 70/Kg 44,500 16,800 8,400 - 69,700 - Valeur Insecticides Incremental Liters 4,760 1,800 940 Litres suppl. d'insecticides - Value CFAF 800/Liter 3.800 1.400 800 - 6.000 - Valeur Subtotal Rice Cultivation 62,100 39,000 30,000 20,800 151,900 Total partiel Riziculture Rain-Fed Development Developoement de la culture en seche Attachment for toolbar - Number 170 170 Attachement au multiculteur - Value CFAF 9,916/Unit 1,700 1,700 3,400 - Valeur Super phosphate incremental Tonnage 40 38 Tonnage supplementaire de super- 0 - Value CFAF 90/Kg 3,600 3,400 7,000 phosphate - Valeur, Urea Incremental tonnage 36 34 Tong sup.du| - Value CFAF 70/Kg 2,500 2,400 4,900 Tonnage suppl. d'ure- Valeur Insecticides Incremental Liters 1,080 720 Litres suppl. d'insecticides - Value CFAF 800/Liter 900 600 1.500 - Valeur Subtotal Rain-Fed Development 8,700 8,100 16,800 Total partiel Livestock Sub-Pro ject Sous-projet elevage Tractor CFAF 6,000,000 1 6,000 6,000 Tracteur Fertilizer 900 900 1,800 Engrais Oxen - Number 250 250 Boeufs - Nombre - Value CFAF 30,000 7,500 7,500 15,000 - Valeur Subtotal Livestock Sub-Project 14,400 8,400 22,800 Total Partiel de I ltevage Health Sub-Project Sous-pro et sante Village Health Kits @ CFAF 30,000 per Farmer Group 82 2,500 2,500 Pharmacie de village 1/ Arara toolbar, plow and hoe. 2/ For February 1978 base cost of 6% was added./ Pour un cout de base de fevrier 1978 on a ajoute/ 6%. 1/ Multiculteur, charrue, houe. mx1 0IGER IRRIGATION PROJECTI rOJET D'IRRIGATIOI: Project Cost,Cout du projet Training Programs - Audit - Visiting Consultants Programmes de formation - Audit des conctes - Honoraires den consultants Unit Cost mid-1977' -----------------------------_CFAF '000 FCFA '000--------------------------- coot uni- taire mi- Total 1977 (CFAF) No. 1978 No. 197 No. 1980 No. 1981 No. 1982 17ot1982 A. TraininE Programs A. Programmes de formation lnst ht Tr lainn rogram Programme de formation des forgerons Inecstrutor's Salary - D Level 420,0OO0 1 4cc 1 40cc 1 400 1, 200 Salaire do Omniteur - niveau D Blacksmiths' Subsistence, Transport CFAF 500/day (40 days) 5 100 10 200 10 200 500 Frais de nourriture, transport des forgerons Blacksmiths' Equipment 180,000 1 !1E.pmn foge. Sub-total Blacksmith Training Program 1,90 2,40o0) 2.4c 6200 Prog.amc dc fo.-ation forgerons Other Technical Training (mechanics. satermen) 2,000 4.000 4.000 10,000 Autre formation technique (mcaniciens, Total Technical Training Programs 3.4°° 6,400 6,400 16,200 Total formation technique Training of Farmers' Delegates, Farmer Accountants, Fomation des repr6sentants des feris, des and Shepherds cFoptableo ay des bouviers Subsistence CFAF '50/day (50 days) 82 1,500 82 1,500 3,0Co Friai de6n2r tret Transport 500 500 1,000 Transport Pedagogical Equipment 700 700 1,400 Equipement p6dagogique Agricultural Training Equipment 700 800 1,500 Equipement de formation agricole Aountant Tr andg ofheperds- Delogates,Frmer 40 3'5°°° 1,900 Totsl formation des repr6aentante des Accoustants and Shepherds fermiers, des comiptables paysana et des bouviers Training of First Aid Volunteers .,u, ~~~~~~~~.ntg Aid Volunteers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Formation des secouristes de village e Sbsiost CFAF 350/day (15 days) 41 200 41 200 400 Frais de nourreitwue I Transport 100 100 200 Transport Miscellaneous 100 100 200 Divers Training of First Aid Volunteers 400 400 800 Formation des secouristes Total Training Programs ±7?290 ...... .... 23 30Q Total progr ammes de formation B. Audit of Project Accounts 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6,o0o B. Audit des Comptes C. Visiting Consultants for Namarigoungos 6,000 3,500 1,700 11,200 C. Honoraires de consultants pour la construction Cons5truction. de amadAriggou D. Feasibility Study (Gabou Bonfeba). Etude de factibilit (bou Bonfeba) Topography at 1/5000 an 5,000 ha CFAF 7000/ha 35,000 . opographie A lacibit aur 500o ha Soils Classification on 6,ooo ha CFAF 3500/ha 21,000 Eotude des sola sur 6, 00 he Factibility Study 1% of Project Cost 47,000 Etude de factibilit6 1% do cout do projet (Project Cost 2,370 ha x CFAF 2 million CFAF 4.7 billion) (Codt do projet 2,i 70 hn x Fout 2 millions (CoFA d,7 milliards) xFCA mllo Other (gravity primary canal to Namarigoungou) 15,000 FCFA 4,7 pilliardi) gravitaire de Nasmarigoungou) Total Feasibility Study 122,000 Total Atude de factibilit6 1/ For base cost February 1978 6% was added./Pour us cout de base en fevrier 1978, on a ajout4 6%. '0 - 89 - ANNEX 9 Table 10 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT Project Cost IDA Disbursement Schedule IDA Fiscal Year Cumulative Disbursement and Quarter at End of Quarter (US$' 000) FY 78/79 3rd Quarter 500 4th Quarter 1,000 FY 79/80 1st Quarter 1,500 2nd Quarter 2,000 3rd Quarter 3,500 4th Quarter 5,000 FY 80/81 1st Quarter 6,500 2nd Quarter 8,000 3rd Quarter 9,000 4th Quarter 10,000 FY 81/82 1st Quarter 11,000 2nd Quarter 12,000 3rd Quarter 12,500 4th Quarter 13,000 FY 82/83 1st Quarter 13,500 2nd Quarter 14,000 3rd Quarter 14,500 4th Quarter 15,000 - 90 - ANNEX 10 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT Construction of Irrigation Works by Force Account 1. The high cost of irrigation works in West Africa is due to two factors: (a) the increasing degree of sophistication of the irrigation design; (b) the increase in the unit costs charged by the contractors. 2. Increasing Degree! of Sophistication. Annex 7 showed that the type of design for the irrigation schemes in Niger has rightly evolved from a dike with a flood gate, to a minvimum distribution network, to a system with movable pumping stations, to full water control with pumping and land levelling. 1977 costs of these different types of schemes would be: - from CFAF 400,OOC to CFAF 700,000/ha for the dike with flood gate; - from CFAF I million to CFAF 1.5 million/ha for partial control of the water level and movable pumping stations; - from CFAF 2.3 million to CFAF 3 million/ha for the recent schemes with full water control and pumping. 3. In addition to the greater security of production and the higher benefits for farmers, the schemes with full water control, despite their high cost per ha, have similar economic returns to those of the least sophisticated schemes because they make possible double cropping at high yields. 4. The following table compares the cost of the most recent and most comparable scheme, Toula, with the three schemes to be built in the "polders" under this project. - 91 - Toula Namarigoungou Daibery Yelewani Net area (ha) 260 1,500 357 120 Cost per ha (CFAF '000 - 1977 Terms) (Actual) Dike 580 193 750 640 Pumping stations (including electrical equipment) 197 232 490 803 Irrigation and drainage networks 1,400 1,625 990 1,105 Land planing, tertiary distri- bution and drainage system 435 360 290 262 Tracks, miscellaneous /1 /1 120 81 Total 2,612 2,410 2,640 2,891 /1 Included in preceding items. Except for Toula, for which the figures are actual costs updated to 1977, the figures for the other schemes are estimates, which in the case of Namarigoungou would be modified by the change in specifications studied as part of the detailed engineering study. 5. The unit cost of 5 projects (up-dated to mid-1977) have been com- pared: Niger - Namarigoungou, SOGREAH study, 1974, estimate of cost by contractors; Niger - Toula, actual costs of contractors SFEDTP and SATOM/SNGTN, April 1974; Niger - Konni, actual costs of contractors SATOM/ SNGTN, October 1976; Mauritania - Gorgol, SCET estimate based on Dagana, Senegal; actual costs + 20% to take into account the distance; Senegal - Recent bids for an irrigation project in the Senegal delta. - 92 - 6. The results for Namarigoungou, Toula and Konni are summarized below: Namarigoungou Toula Konni 1. Land moving, filling Normal Normal 50% to 100% greater than Toula 2. Concrete and steel Overestimated Normal 30% to 40% greater by 20% than Toula 3. Concrete lining of Overestimated Normal N.A. canals 10-30% 4. On-farm Works Slightly 30% to 100% N.A. Underestimated greater than Namarigoungou 7. From the following comparisons it can be concluded that: (a) Contractors are not accustomed to do on-farm works and tertiary networks. (b) The available unit costs for Konni are much higher than those for Toula. Since Konni is the latest scheme built, it can be expected that contractors would base their offers on these prices. Since Konni is about 400 km from Niamey and Toula less than 100 km, the Konni costs could justify only a 10-20% price differential. (c) Prices obtained in Senegal are some 30% below those for Toula. 8. In light of the fact that there is limited competition among local contractors, and that there is a substantial backlog in Niger for civil works (especially roads), the tendency to higher construction costs will most likely accelerate. 9. This can only be prevented by: increasing the advertising for the works to be built over the next few years, building up the capabilities of the smaller contractors, and developing capabilities to do the works on force account within a number of government agencies. This would be one of the reasons for the establishment of the "Office National des Amenagements Hydroagricoles." - 93 - ANNEX 11 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT Organization and Training 1. The "Office National des Amenagements Hydroagricoles" 1.01 It was shown in Annex 2 that Government had decided to create an "Office National des Amenagements Hydroagricoles" to (i) overcome the de- ficiencies of "Genie Rural" and UNCC; and (ii) regroup under the same agency the construction and management of irrigation schemes. The "Office" would also introduce the principles of farmers' organization described in this annex. 1.02 Government requested FAC financing for a study of the statutes and organization of ONAHA. The study was completed in November 1977, but its recommendations have not been approved by Government or IDA. IDA has been requested to finance another study by consultants under a project preparation facility. The recommendations of the study should be available for the negotiations of the proposed project. The consultants will also determine the requirements for technical assistance, taking into account the number of local rural engineers available, and will propose a training program and a schedule to phase out the expatriate technical assistance. 1.03 ONAHA would be responsible for engineering and construction of irrigation works and agricultural development on the schemes and the rainfed holdings of scheme participants. 1.04 ONAHA could eventually cover some 200,000 ha of irrigated land. ONAHA would be set up with central headquarters in Niamey which would be responsible for general policy, planning and studies, and branches where major investments are planned. These local branches would be responsible for the implementation of the investment programs and agricultural development in their areas of jurisdiction. 1.05 The organization chart for ONAHA is attached to the present annex. 1.06 The articles of agreement creating ONAHA would incorporate the dispositions of Law No. 60-28 of May 25, 1960, referred to in Annex 2, and would, in particular, ensure that formal contracts be signed between Government and ONAHA for management of the schemes, and that farmers' right to occupancy be guaranteed by leases. 2. Farmers' Organization 2.01 The organization of farmers in the schemes should be given greater attention than in the past, so that eventually all schemes would be managed - 94 - Government meet its goal of increased food supply, and assuring a greater chance for recovery of Government's investment in the schemes. 2.02 The organization of farmers on the schemes should be evolutive, with ONAHA's directive invoLvement being progressively replaced by the cooperatives as they assume greater management activities. In the first few years ONAHA would be responsible for the procurement of services (ex= tension, credit, water, coLlection of credit, marketing of crops), for which farmers would pay whoLe or part; and the farmers would be responsible for the allocation of these services amongst themselves. 2.03 At the same time a number of problems would need to be solved: - land reallocation,, its impact on the populations; - indoctrination and motivation of farmers to join the scheme; - teaching of irrigation methods; - grouping of farmers. To help solve these problems, which basically are common to all schemes, ONAHA would be given a support unit, staffed with appropriate specialists. 2.04 The progressive transfer of all management activities to farmers should be done under the guiLdance of a union of cooperatives or a recognized cooperative body, which would transfer onto new schemes the experience learned on older ones and would support the newly-formed cooperatives with the network of the already-f-ormed cooperatives. 2.05 The organization of the farmers would therefore require that in the first years ONAHA be responsible for the procurement of services to farmers, and assist in solving the initial problems of farmers' settlement with a specialized support unit. All management activities would be pro- gressively transferred to farmers, with farmers being regrouped into co- operative units, and the cooperative units being guided and supported by a broader union of cooperatives. 2.06 Farmers would be organized in the smallest groups compatible witlh the physical management of t:he schemes. Since water application for rice cultivation is shared between 10 farming units cultivating 5 ha altogether, groups would be made up of 10 farming units each. These farming units would co-opt themselves on t:he basis of inter-individual affinities in a process similar to the "bogu" (Annex 2). The number 10 is small enough for the group to escape the cont:rol of the traditional chieftains and corres- ponds to the smallest number for water application, and could serve to establish the basis (which cloes not exist at present) for financial solidarity for credit repayment. - 95 - 2.07 Since the average village's population 1/ is 400, comprising some 80 farming units, the village would be made up of some 8 farmers' groups, represented at the village level by a delegate in each group. The village would have one paid farmer accountant keeping the books for the 8 farmers' groups. In the case of Namarigoungou (1,550 ha net area, 3,000 farming units) there would be 300 farmers' groups represented by 300 delegates. The books would be kept by 40 farmer accountants. The Namarigoungou villages would be regrouped into three zones. 3. Farmers' Training 3.01 Besides farmers' training conducted as part of the normal exten- sion work, and in addition to the training of technicians and health volunteers, there are three types of farmers who would receive specialized training under the proposed project: the delegates of farmers' groups, the farmer accountants keeping the books for the farmers' groups, and the herdsmen. The work expected of these farmers and their training require- ments are listed below: Number Work Training Delegates 1/10 farmer units Teaching of irrigation Training (cul- techniques, procurement and tivation, irri- distribution of inputs and gation, mainte- equipment of farmers' groups nance), notions and control of irrigation of organization Farmer 1/80 farmer units Keep farmers' groups accounts Notions of ac- Accountants for credit, marketing, water counting charges Herdsmen 1/80 farmer units Training of draft oxen and Technical teaching of use of ox-drawn equipment. 3.02 The delegates would be trained on their lots for a 5 month period with no subsistence allowance. Farmer accountants and shepherds would alter- nate training in Tillabery and training in their villages for a total period of 5 months. It is assumed that 50 days would be charged to the project for their training. Cost of subsistence and training is at Annex 9, Table 9. Altogether, about 400 delegates, 90 farmer accountants and 90 shepherds would be trained. Teaching would be done by ONAHA staff. 1/ Or "quartier" for the big villages. 4. Training in Technical Skills - 96 - 4. Training in Technical Skills 4.01 The proposed project includes funds for the training of a number of artisans in basic skilLs, and for providing them with some equipment. Since the needs have not yet been quantified, the number of people to be trained and their specialities have yet to be determined. This project component could address itLself to the training of small civil engineering contractors, mechanics, watermen, etc., and could follow the training of blacksmiths outlined below, which has been fairly successful in Niger and Mali. 4.02 The Blacksmith Training Program. The first step would be to miake an inventory of the number of blacksmiths in the project area and their capabilities, and to enlist the participation of the various villages to determine which blacksmiths should be trained first. The staff member responsible for the program would himself have participated in blacksmith training courses, either :in Niger (Maradi) or in other countries (Mali-Mali- Sud area) for a period of about six months. 4.03 The courses wou:Ld comprise: (i) construction of proper sheds, training in the proper use of blacksmiths' equipment; (ii) fabrication of :improved traditional blacksmith tools; (iii) teaching brazing, tempering, fabrication of plow parts and spares, and small equipment used on the irrigation schemes; (iv) teaching some eLements of management. The courses would last 40 days and would be broken up into a number of pe- riods. At the end of the courses the blacksmiths would be given some equip- ment which they would repay over a 3-year period at the going interest rate and without subsidies. Twenty-five blacksmiths could be trained under this program. 5. Monitoring and Evaluation Objectives 5.01 In broad terms the objectives of monitoring the project's perfor- mance would be to design and operate an information collection system whiLch would help to identify issues or problems of implementation and operation. This would serve the project as a management tool for both operational and policy decisions. - 97 - 5.02 The information system would supply project management with key indicators to ensure that the project meets its development objectives. Ef- ficiency of project implementation would be measured in respect to standards of performance in terms of targets set at appraisal. 5.03 Ongoing evaluation of problems of project implementation and operation would allow project management to adapt the project to changing objectives and circumstances. Design of the Data Collection System 5.04 The support unit of the project Agricultural Development Services would be responsible for design and operation of the monitoring and evalua- tion system. The design would include selected summary indicators, showing project progress, both at farm and project levels, in the following fields: - investments, both physical and costs of infrastructure and equipment; - agricultural inputs and outputs; - operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems; - irrigation water management; - reimbursements of farmers' credits; - project cost-recovery; and - the socioeconomic impact of the project. 5.05 IDA would review both the design of the system before it becomes operational and the form of presentation. - 98 - ANNEX 11 Appendix 1 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT Terms of Reference for the Engineering Consulting Firm Special Clauses I. Objective of the Bidding. General Features of the Project. Administration Organization. Objective of the Bidding 1.1 The Government of the Republic of Niger decided to call for bids from various engineering consulting firms to provide technical assistance to implement the Namarigoungou Irrigation Project, for which a joint IDA/KFW credit has been negotiated. General Features of the Project 1.2 The above mentioned project includes the following components: (a) Construction of a protection dike and irrigation and drainage networks (including on-farm works) in the Namarigoungou cuvette along the Niger river (about 1,500 net ha) located about 30 km upstream of Tillabery; (b) Farmers' training and management of the irrigation perimeters in the Tillaberry and Tera arrondissements and of the Namarigoungou perimeter during the course of its development; (c) Improvement of health conditions in the perimeters mentioned in paragraph (b) above; (d) Training of Nigerien staff, farmers and artisans; (e) Construction of infrastructure and purchase of equipment to implement the project; and (f) Preparation of a feasibility study for the Gabou-Bonfeba cuvette (about 3,300 net ha), located directly upstream of the Namarigoungou cuvette. 1.3 The technical assistance necessary to accomplish objectives (c) and (f) of paragraph 1.2 above, is not included in this call for bids. - 99 - Technical features of the Namarigoungou Cuvette Irrigation Works and Methods of Executing the Works 1.4 The works envisaged for the Namarigoungou cuvette are the following: (a) a protection dike against the Niger River floods, 12 km long and 3 m high on the average; (b) two pumping stations, equipped with electric vertical axial pumps. A 22 Kv power line will be built from Tillabery to Namarigoungou under the supervision of NIGELEC. (c) complete networks of irrigation and drainage canals and tracks. (d) on-farm works, including land clearing, land levelling, construction of bunds and irrigation and drainage ditches. 1.5 Maps and detailed engineering for the execution of these works, based on a scale of 1/2000 for the irrigation and drainage works, and 1/500 for the pumping stations, are available. They were drawn up in 1977 by con- sulting engineers SOGREAH. 1.6 Works (a), (c), and (d) above would be implemented by force account, with all the necessary equipment (the purchase of which was provided for under the project). Works (b): pumping stations (civil engineering and electro- mechanical equipment) as well as the provision of the hydro-mechanical equip- ment for all the irrigation works under the project will be done by contractor, under the supervision of the staff responsible for project implementation. Technical assistance by the engineering consulting firm is required for all the works (a) through (d) of paragraph 1.4 (i.e., the execution of works by force account and the supervision of works done by contractors. Administrative Organization 1.7 The Government of Niger is on the verge of establishing an Office National des Amenagements Hydro-Agricoles (ONAHA) to carry out studies and works on the schemes, and to handle training and management of the irrigated perimeters. ONAHA, whose central office will be located at Niamey, will theoretically be operational before end 1978. 1.8 An ONAHA Regional Office will be set up at Tillabery, and its in- stallation and operating expenses for four years will be financed under the IDA/KFW credit. The Regional Director, who will be a Nigerien, will be in charge of all project activities, as described in paragraph 1.2 above. The Regional Office at Tillabery, which will require the technical assistance of the engineering consulting firm, will comprise: (a) Equipment Services, within which a Namarigoungou Studies and Works Division; (b) Agricultural Development Services, which will cover the entire Niger River Region; - 100 - (c) Equipment Garagte (TPO and agricultural) and Regional Repair Shop; (d) Administrative and Accounting Services. 1.9 The Regional Director, who hierarchically will only be responsible to the General Director oF ONAHA, will be directly responsible for all the services in his Regional Office, which will, however, be supervised by and receive technical guidance from the corresponding services at ONAHA's central office. II. Personnel to be Recruited from the Engineering Consulting Firm General 2.1 The personnel to be recruited from the engineering consulting firm will fulfill executive responsibilities, and consequently will be fully in- tegrated into the services of the Regional Office at Tillabery. Personnel Required 2.2 The personnel required are as follows: (a) Regional Office - The Technical Adviser to the Regional Director at Tillabery, who will, in particular, be responsible for the execution of the project financed by IDA/KFW, as well as for the expa- triates provided by the consulting firm. (b) Namarigoungou Studies and Works Division - 1 TR/TP/Hydraulic Engineer, Chief of the Division - 1 Engineer-Topographer - 1 Topograhical Technician - 1 Foreman : Earthworks - 1 Foreman : Works - 1 Foreman : On-farm Works (c) Agricultural Development Services - 1 Agronomist (irrigation) ) Both will be Deputies to ) the Chief of the Agricultural ) Development Services (who will ) be a Nigerien). - 1 Agro-Economist - 101 - (d) Garage and Repair Shop - 1 Chief Mechanic, Garage and Repair Shop Chief (e) Administrative and Accounting Services - 1 Chief Accountant, Chief of Administrative and Accounting Services. 2.3 In total, 11 expatriates are required; the approximate duration of their employment is given in the attached Table I (approximate total: 35.5 man-years). The total duration of the project is four years (from 1979 to 1982). Responsibilities and Qualifications of the Personnel to be Provided by the Engineering Consulting Firm 2.4 The Technical Adviser to the Regional Director at Tillabery (a) Responsibilities: As indicated previously, he will be the Deputy of the Regional Director of ONAHA, and will primarily be responsible (under the authority of the Regional Director of course) for the execution of the project financed under the IDA/KFW credit. He will, moreover, supervise the activities of all the expatriates provided by the engineering consulting firm selected. (b) Qualifications. He should have at least 10 years' experience in the design, execution and management of irrigation schemes, preferably in Sahelian Africa, where he will have proven his technical ability and his skills in organization, extension work, and management of irrigation projects. He should, preferably, have a degree in Agronomy or Rural Engineering. 2.5 TR/TP Hydraulic Engineer (a) Responsibilities: He will be Chief of the Namarigoungou Studies and Works Division, and as such, should: - finalize designs for the construction of irrigation and drainage networks and hydraulic structures; - organize and superintend works done by force account; - supervise the construction of pumping stations (which will be done by contractor); and - supervise the preparation of surveys, detailed estimates of quantities for each type of work, basic production cost data, etc. - 102 - (b) Qualifications: He should have at least 5 years' experience in the study and execution of irrigation schemes, preferably in Africa. He will have a degree in Rural Engineering/or Rural Works/or Public Works, or in Hydraulic Engineering. 2.6 Engineer-Topograher (a) Responsibilities: He will be in charge of all the topograhical work necessary to implement the Namarigoungou works: supple- mentary maps, sitings, surveys, etc. If necessary, he will be assisted in his task by the Topographical Service of ONAHA's Equipment Services, which will monitor the quality of his work. (b) Qualifications: At least 5 years' experience in implementing irrigation schemes. He will have a degree from a school for Engineer-Geometers or for Topographers, or possibly, will be a senior topographical technician. 2.7 The Topographical Technician will assist the Engineer-Topographer and should have at least 5 years' experience in performing the topographical duties to implement irrigation schemes. 2.8 The Three Foremen (a) Responsibilities: They will be responsible for the works to be implemented by force account in the irrigated schemes in the Namarigoungou cuvette. - The first (No. 1) will be responsible for the construction of earthworks (dike, irrigation and drainage canals, access tracks); - The second (No. 2) will be responsible for the construction of concrete (or masonry) works in the irrigation and drain- age networks. In addition, he will supervise the execution of civil engineering works done by contractor for the two pumping stations; - The third (No. 3) will be responsible for the execution of on-farm works (land clearing, land levelling, construction of bunds, and digging irrigation and drainage ditches). (b) Qualifications: The three foremen should, in particular, be qualified in the execution of irrigation works by force account, and should be especially experienced in the use of heavy earth- moving equipment and other heavy equipment. The foremen should have at least 10 years' experience in the execution of this type of works, at least 5 years of which should be in the execution of works by force account. - 103 - 2.9 The Agronomists (a) Responsibilities: They will assist the Chief of the Agricultural Development Services (a Nigerien Agronomist/Manager) in training farmers, management of the schemes and assisting cooperatives in all the perimeters in the administrative arrondissements of Tillabery and Tera. - The Irrigation Agronomist will be primarily responsible for agricultural development: selection of crops, systems of production, organizing and setting up seed programs, agricultural extension, etc. - The Agro-Economist will assist in setting up and monitoring programs to create and develop cooperatives, in the execu- tion of rural economic studies, socio-economic surveys, etc. (b) Qualifications: The two Agronomists should have at least 5 years' experience in their specialties, preferably in irrigation projects in Sahelian Africa. They should have degrees in agronomy. 2.10 The Chief Mechanic (a) Responsibilities: He will be Chief of the Public Works and Transportation equipment garage, and responsible for agri- cultural equipment, as well as for the Regional Repair Shop at Tillabery. (b) Qualifications: He should have at least 10 years' experience in the repair and maintenance of heavy public works and transportation equipment. He should have a degree from a professional school. 2.11 The Chief of the Administrative and Accounting Services (a) Responsibilities: He will be the Chief of the Administrative and Accounting Services of ONAHA's Regional Office. He will be, in particular, responsible for keeping accounts of commit- ments, cash flows, and payments approved by the Regional Director. (b) Qualifications: He should have a degree in accounting, with at least 10 years' experience in the financial administration of important development projects. He should likewise be well versed in administrative questions (personnel manage- ment and general administration) relative to such projects. Detailed Curriculum Vitae 2.12 Detailed curriculum vitae will be provided for each of the 11 expatriates proposed by the engineering consulting firm, which will give, among others, complete information on: - 104 - their degrees and professional qualifications; their experience in the areas required, with details about the projects (or parts of projects) for which they have been responsible; evaluations by the administrative authorities for whom these projects were executed; etc.... Special Responsibility of the Expatriates Recruited to Train their Nigerien Counterparts 2.13 Whether they fu:Lfill executive responsibilities such as Chief of a Service or Division, or whether they serve as technical advisers, the expa- triates provided by the engineering consulting firm should devote a consider- able portion of their act:ivities to training the Nigerien counterparts under their jurisdiction. This very important aspect of the expatriates' role should not be neglected. Experience in training will be an important selec- tion criterion. The training programs will be submitted to the Association for approval. III. Special Clauses 3.1 Housing: Only .5 houses, furnished and air conditioned, will be provided free of charge to the engineering consulting firm, at Tillabery. 1/ (4 with 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom, and 1 with 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom). In view of the close contact that he must maintain with ONAHA's Central Office, the Agro-GR Engineer (Principal Technical Adviser) will be authorized to live in Niamey, at the consulting firm's expense. Utilities for the 5 houses at Tillabery (water, gas, elec- tricity) will likewise be paid by the engineering consulting firm. 3.2 Offices - Vehicles 1/: Offices and vehicles for the expatriates will be provided by ONAHA, which will likewise pay the operating costs. 3.3 Payments. The engineering consulting firm will be paid for each month spent in the field by the expatriates seconded to ONAHA at rates which will be negotiated in the contract and will be based on proposals made during bidding. The monthly rates, which will be renegotiated at the beginning of each calendar year, will include allowances, salaries and expenses during leave, overheads, and profits for the engineering consulting firm, etc., excluding travel expenses, which will be reimbursed on a case by case basis upon presentation of appropriate justification. 1/ Construction, purchasing and operating costs are provided for in the IDA/KFW credit. - 105 - 1.4 Possible Pooling of 2 Engineering Consulting Firms In view of the wide range of qualifications required by the expa- triates sought, 2 engineering consulting firms (at the most) might associate to make a joint offer. In this case, it is expressly stated that they would be mutually liable and that, in addition, the Agro-GR Engineer (referred to in para 2.4 above) will be solely responsible for all expatriates provided by the two firms under the project. 3.5 Arbitration: An international arbitration clause will be included in the contract to be concluded with the engineering consulting firm. 3.6 Start of Secondment: In principle, secondment of the required experts should begin in early January 1979. inzpvw F Ur7 =L NCE/=lLJ S1L 7E --C-_ Sor the Engineerin7g Consultant Firm/Pour e _ure?u C ' - 110 - ANNEX 13 NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT Rate of Return Calculations Assumptions 1. The economic rate of return is based on the following assumptions: (a) Rice Price. The farm gate price used for paddy in the economic calculations is derived from the commodity price forecasts at October 1977, expressed in 1978 constant terms. Appropriate adjustments have been made for freight, handling and processing (Annex 12, Table 1). (b) Benefits. The project would benefit all farmers culti- vating on the irrigation schemes in the "Arrondissements" of Tillabery and Tera. However, since the main benefi- ciaries would be the farmers taking up cultivation on the Namarigoungou polder, and since in the other schemes the project would benefit from important "sunk" costs, for the purpose of the rate of return calculations only the benefits accruing to the Namarigoungou farmers have been quantified. (c) Costs. - Project costs have been estimated in 1978 constant terms and include physical contingencies. They are net of the cost of the health and training components, audit and studies, for which no meaningful rate of return could be estimated. - Operating and maintenance costs have been estimated at CFAF 34,300/ha per year or about CFAF 1/mi based on the experience on the Toula scheme. - Extension and administration after the project period (beyond 1983) have been kept at 80% of the 1982 level. - Agricultural seasonal inputs have been kept at the level reached in 1982. - Hired labor has been estimated at 112,000 man-days for the Namarigoungou scheme, based on the farm budgets at Annex 6 estimating the total yearly requirements for hired labor at 79 man-days/ha for double cropping of rice and at 27 man-days/ha for mixed cropping. The - ill - cost of CFAF 200/man-day is the prevailing wage rate in the project area. - Family labor is estimated at 287,100 man-days for the Namarigoungou scheme, based on the farm budgets at Annex 6 estimating the total yearly requirements for family labor at 194 man-days/ha for double cropping of rice and a; 126 man-days/ha for mixed cropping. The family labor availability is determined from Annex 6, Table 3, which shows the time required for cultivating the traditional farm and the balance of labor available. The assumption is that farmers would continue cultivat- ing their traditional farms. At the time of labor deficit (May and from July until December) farmers would call on hired laborers. In these months of tight labor supply (55% of the time) family labor has been costed at the prevailing wage rate of CFAF 200/man-day; at other times the opportunity cost of family labor has been assumed to be worth 50% of the prevailing wage rate. (d) Adjustment for Shadow Pricing of Foreign Exchange. The shadow price of Niger CFAF was determined following the standard conversion factor approach per "World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 239," August 1976, and assuming minimal trade distortions on the export side where the equation for the standard conversion factor becomes L = M M + Tm i where M equals the value of imports and Tm equals the value of import taxes, has been 0.86 over the period 1970-1977, based on an average value of imports of 32.9 billion CFAF and an average value of import taxes of 5.44 billion CFAF. The shadow exchange rate therefore can be estimated at CFAF 285 = US$1, instead of the official exchange rate of CFAF 245 = US$1. In the economic calculations the foreign exchange components (100% of the incremental value of paddy production was shadow priced; 71% of project costs and operating and maintenance costs; and 80% of agricultural equipment and seasonal inputs) were shadow priced.. 2. Economic Rate of Return and Sensitivity. With the preceding assump- tions the rate of return for the base case calculations would be 12.5%, assum- ing a 25 year project life. The sensitivity results are: - 112 - Rate of Return Base Case 12.55 Benefits + 25% 17.35 + 10% Costs Unchanged 14.55 - 25% 7.05 Costs - 25% 18.75 + 10% Benefits Unchanged 10.75 + 25% 8.25 Other tests have been run: (a) Paddy production 25% lower; rest remains unchanged 8.15 (b) Cropping intensity (175%); rest remains unchanged 10.45 (c) No increase in rainfed production 11.55 (d) Keeping technical assistance 5 years after project completion 12.15 TRTI3ATI11, PROJECT/PRCJET )'lRHEIDATICl Pate of Return Calculat'ons/Culcuis ju tbuys derntoaJno ProJect Life = 25 years 1978 1979 1980 19£1 19'2 9c 3 1984 Dree du -ra et -25 ans Hamarigoongou Xhese Amenagement de Namarigcungou I. Benefits (CFAF '000) r. Avantages Race Pi, Incremental Paddy P-oduction (tons) Production auppl6mentaire (tosses) - With Project 3,300 6,500 13,000 13,000 13,000 - Avec projet - sithout Project (500) (500) (500) (500) (500) - dans Drojet Net Incremental Padcv Froduction (taos) 2,800 6,000 12,510 12,500 12,500 Production supplementaire nette (tosses) Value of Incremental Production - Paddy /1 147,300 315,600 657,500 657,500 657,500 Valeur de la production supplementaire - paddy /1 - Mixed Cropping /2 25,500 50,900 101,800 101,800 101,800 - polyculture /2 - Wood Plantations /3 12,000 12 000 16,000 - plantations / - Livestock /4 2,°900 5,800 5,800 5,800 - 6levage /4 - Painfed /5 7,200 26,700 48,500 48,500 48,500 - cultures sAches /5 Total Economic Benefits 1.80,000 394,100 825,600 825,600 825,600 Total des avantages econoeique6 II. Costs II. Co6t6 Project Costs /6 (555,900) (1,617,100) (890,700) (465,000) (240,700) Cofts du projet /6 Operating as! Maintesance (13,400) (26,900) (53,700) (53,700) (53,700) Op&rations et entretien /6 ixtensio. and Administration (50,000) (40,000) Vulgarisation et administration Agricultural Equipment (13,800) (36,000) (30,000) Equipement agricole Seasonal Inputs (48,30D) (74,400) (90,900) (90,900) (90 900) (90,900) Intrants saisonniers Hired Labor /7 (5,600) (11,200) (22,400) (22,400) (22,400) Main-d'oeuvre /7 Family Labor 78 (44,500) (44,500) (44.5Co) Travail familial /8 Total Economic Costs (555,9CO) (i,679t200) (1,020,100) (624,000) (452,200) (261,500) (261,500) Total des coats 6conomiques IITT. Adjustment for Foreign Exchange Shadow Pricing III. Ajustement Pour valeur virtuelle de la composante en - Value of Paddy /9 24,OCO 51,500 107,300 107,300 107,300 devises - paddy / - Costs /10 (64,400) (195,60D) (119 2CO) (72800) (46,ooo) (18,100) (18,100) - - couts (64,ftoO) (195,600) ( 95,200) (21,30C) 61,300 o9,200 89,200 /1 At CFAF 52,600/ton of paddy. /1 A FCFA 52.600/tonne de paddy. /2 Annex 6, Table 9. /2 Annexe 6, tableau 9. /3 Annex 6, Table 10. /3 Annexe 6, tableau 10. / Annex 6, Table 12. /A Annexe 6, tableau 12. /5 Annex 6, Table 11. /5 Annexe 6, tableau 11. /; Net of health, agricoltural equipment, training, audit, /_ Non compris sant6, equipement agricole, formation, feasibility study (Arnex 9, table 1); year-end 1977 prices. atude de factibilite, (Annexe 9, tableau 1); prix fin-1977. /7 At CFAF 200/day. (123,900 man-days). /7 A FCFA 200 par jour (123.900 hoase-jours). /g At CFAF 155/day (316.300 man-days). /F A FCFA 155 par jour (316.300 homme-jours). /9 V.lule of paddy st CFAF 285 vs 245. T/ Valeur du paddy entim6e a FCFA 285 au lieu de 245. ,'Th 71X of project costs and operating and maintenance; 8c6 of u agricultural equipmert, seasonal inputs. 806 di l'equipement agricole et intrants saisonniers. NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT/PROJET D'IRRIGATION PROJECT COSTS/COUTS DU PROJET Implementation Schedule - Bchima de r6alization 1978 1979 1980 1981 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 2 3 669 396 9 12 Negotiations .egociations Organization OrRanisation 1. Creation of the "Office" 1. Creation de l'Office des Am6nagements 2. Selection of consultants T. _ 2. Selection des ingenieurs conseils Construction bv Force A,soL"t T A D Construction "en Regie` 3. Procurement of Equipment 3. Achat du materiel 4. Access Roads, buildings, stores, - 4. Acces, batiments. installations installations 7 de chantier 5. Construction of dike 5. Construction de la digue 6. Irrigation and Drainage Systems 6. Re.eaux d'irrigation et de drainage - Upstream District (800 ha) - 6 Secteur amont (800 ha) - Downstream District (750 ha) - Secteur aval (750 ha) 7. On-farm works O 7. Amenagements "a la parcelle" 0t - Upstream district i - t ffi - Secteur Amont - Downstream district - Secteur Aval Contracted Works Travaux "a I'Entreprise" 8. Pumping Stations S. Stations de pompage - Civil Engineering j--A .I - Gdnie civil - Equipment IT IA - Materiel 2 ¸ 9. h.T. Line Tillabery Nasarigoungou A 9. Ligne H.T. Tillabery Namarigoungou i T- Tender/Appel d'offres A- Award/Selection 1= Implementation/Execution D= Delivery/Livraison :- Operation/Mise en exploitation L I B Y A REPUBLC Of NIGER NIGER IRRIGATION PROJECT I : AGRICULTURAL PRODLCTfON ;-ado . -- Trvck wtbo reguo* mt~me * ; *i ?s A>v\ Do),P8- 4~~~~~~~~~4 kLt* -NOWc 4W;- At z f ~~MALI : -we- L Lm --=7t' . 7fF,' '<-)( :. .1 .. - - < ,E,, 'A ;i A................ kor -- 4' i~- , ,- tD ; --------- "AboNG L '-4-' - Tessooua ZI DER '~ˇ ~ N21%. I UPPE ''"; 2'' >'-@ - s ''',''^,'_"''',,,' 800; 17< G E .R- -I -A- (B EN IN - \KILOMIatERS . L *" aj |Si°i - R'I I B R D 12836 MAY 1977 g ~~~~~~~~~~~N I G E R *AFIRGOUN AFRGOUN PROJECT WATER WORKS IN THE NIGER RIVER VALLEY AYOROU PROJECT AREA KANDADJI ADJ Proposed S,Ie SCHEMES CUVETTES TERRACES 'Cz,x ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~COMPLETED AND IN SERiVICE A PROJECTED 1976-1980 I 'K AFTER 1990 A .M ABOU-BONFEBA GAROU-RONFESA NOT EXISTING BUT NSIDE PROJECT AREA A NAMARIGOUNGOU ARRONDISSEMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NARRONDISSEMENT) SUGAR ESTATE S,SAKOIRA TILLAB EBy {_,: Tl I I A D CDVROADS _T I LLA KE I NA DE D/ ERBSRY LLABERY ~~~~~~~~~~~RIVERS ULAERY INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARIES YELEWANI^ 4:IKEINA DAIBERY ILE MA Lo"MR CLLOSS / 0 10 20 30 40 RD rTO TERA KOURANI ARIA LOSSA KILOMETERS ~~> GOT~~~~~HEYE fit, ARRONDISSEMENT DE NIAMEY ARRON DISSEMENT OUTO DE TERA ATA GARUGOURA *iv NAMARDE-At ^GO ODEL "N< GOUNGOU r SNIAMEY A ROKARAIGOROU D SE N \ <) 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~LAMO'RD_ K( KIR,KISSOYEttD DASSO r SJ ................................... /SAADIA-4 !~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ¾ J)i /W _ \ SAYtZ ~~~SA +' \ ) / -a ~~~~~~~~~ARRONDISSEMENT AGEIA l \UNAUANATACI I ] DEGAYADE DOSSO MALI ~ ~ ~ ~ LIY 7CRAD~~~~~~ VOpLEA Ieoset NIEI CAREROGmc Thm ~ 9/\ A L G E R I A t\ K -20° '> /- /2~~~~0°1 ARRONDISSEMENT GATAWANI-DOLE ~~D E GAYA M A L I N I G UPPEN2g C~~~~~~AMIER 1 I N _p I B R D 12837 'MAY 1977 I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~N I G. L RIX NAMARIGOUNGOU IRRIGATION SCHEME General Plan of the Proposed Project in the Feasibility Report, Sogrech 1974 I'< 0 RT' e < OU T H BSRANCH OF THE -" -N'GER CUT OFF BY PROJECT -- Diambal Th h-d,- ::- dn, -- oW -r MAIN PUMPING STATIONS Wol ok ,d L ,fIoo .... - .. . PRIMARY AND SECONDARY IRRIGATION CANALS ALGR DRAINAGE CANALS PERIMETER AND SECTOR BOUNDARIES /2 M ALI I LATERITE ROADS P2VI LLAGES NI GE R 0 2 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 I I UPPER3. KILOMETERS VOLTA N I G L R I A / E - BE/ N R IVA