KARNATAKA STATE HIGHWAYS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT-II CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF DETAILED PROJECT REPORT, BID DOCUMENTS AND ASSOCIATED INSTRUMENTS EPC PACKAGES FUNDED BY WORLD BANK I.~_----------.-."'----------------------------------------------" "" DETAILED PROJECT REPORT - EPC PACKAGES .. LINK 21 B - DHARWAD - SAUNDATTI E2436 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ... V7 .. ... iIII ,. .. . ~ . ,,"" "" ... "'" ~" , " C?j ~,. - _. - . / ... - ,.. ' :",1"1' ,",:;:, "- :" - Prepared for: Govt of Kamataka Public Works Dept. (PIU, KSHIP) ..... April 2009 " . ,,'- ' -"~ r- . .________. n. .__________________________________________________ , :& 't' .' SCOTT WIlSON LTD. UK (in JV with) SCOTT WIlSON INDIA PVT. LTD. ,... · ., · · ., .... Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume I - Main Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank DETAILED PROJECT REPORT - LIST OF CHAPTERS WITH APPENDCIES AND ANNEXURES ~ Sl. No. Volume No. Title Annexure I Appendix Annex 1: Location Maps of Contract Packages Annex 2: Highway Design Criteria Annex 3: Typical Road Cross-sections Annex 4: Typical Road Cross-section Application Annex 5: Speed Restricted Sections Annex 6: Junctions Details 1 Volume I Main Report Annex 7: Schedule of Bus Bays Annex 8: Schedule of Pedestrian Crossings Annex 9: Schedule of Concrete Drains Annex 10: Low-lying Sections to be Raised Annex 11: K.RDCL Bridges Annex 12: Contract Package Cost Breakdown Annex 13: Summary ofElectricalffelephone Utilities and Trees Annexure 1 - Highway Design Criteria Annexure 2 - Horizontal Curve Details Annexure 3 - Details of Major & Minor Junctions Design Report - Part I - Chapter 1 - Annexure 4 - Realignment Locations Highway Design Annexure 5 - Bus Bay Locations Annexure 6 - Junction Traffic Volume Annexure 8 - Accident Analysis Report Annexure 9 - Road Safety Audit App~ndix. 2. i-Visual Pavement Condition Survey Appendix 2.2 - Road Inventory Appendix 2.3 - Existing Pavement Thickness Design Report - Part I - Chapter 2 Appendix 2.4 - Plot of Existing Pavement Thickness Pavement Investigation & Design Appendix 2.5 - Laboratory Test Results 2 Volume II Appendix 2.6 - Variation of Soil CBR & Density Appendix 2.7 - Pavement Design Schedule Annexure 1- Inventory & Condition Survey with Proposed Treatment "", for Culverts, Bridges & Causeways Appendix 1.1 - Typical Design Calculations for RC Solid Slab Bridge Design Report - Part II - Chapter 1 Appendix 1.2 - Typical Design Calculation for RC Multicell Box Bridge. I - Cross Drainage Structures Appendix 1.3 - Typical Design Calculations for RC Girder Bridge Appendix 1.4 - Typical Design Calculations for Major Bridge I Appendix 1.5 - Typical Design Calculations for Precast Slabs. Appendix 1 - Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Method Appendix 2 - Discharge Estimation for lJpgradation Corridors Design Report - Part II - Chapter 2 Appendix 3 - Discharge calculation for Major Bridges - Hydrology I Hydraulic Report Appendix 4 - Designs for Drains in Rural Areas Appen,:ix 5 - Designs for Drains in Urban Areas Appendix: 1.1 - Sub-Grade Soil Laboratory Test Results at2 & 3 Energy Levels Appendix: 1.2 -Variations of Soil CBR & Density at Energy Level 2 & 3 Appendix: 1.3 - Trial Pit Log, Pavement Strata, Sub-Soil ProfIle & Part I - Materials Report Laboratory Test Results Appendix: 2.1 - Quarry Location Details 3 Volume III Appendix: 2.2 - Laboratory Test Results of Stone & Fine Aggregates Appendix: 2.3 Laboratory Test Results ofMoonnn and other Materials Appendix: 2.4 Chemical Analysis of Quicklime Powder and Limestone· Part II - Se;::tion I - Geot::chnical Appendix 6.1 - Borehole Locations Plans Report & High Embankment Aprendix 6.2 - Bor:: log, Sull'-Soil Profle ru;d Laboratory Test Results R~rt Agpenlllix 6.3 - Typical Calculations S~C & Settlement Environmental and Sod..1Impact 4 Volume IV Assessm.!llt Part I - Environmental Assessment Appendix I:Design Speed [Environmental Impact Assessment Appendix 2: Material Location Appendix 3: Major & Minor Intersection Appendix 4: Bus Bay Locations Appendix 5: Details of Cross drainage Structures of the Project Road List of Chapters with AlmendcieslAnnexures Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultahcy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume I - Main Report ,. and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank lsI. No. Volume No.1 Title Annexure I Appendix I , , Appendix6: Details of actual cross section types Details of actual cross section~es Appendix I: Disposal Site Management Appendix 2: Recharge Pits Appendix 3: Silt Trap Appendix 4: Sign! Information Boards for Tourism Enhancement I' Appendix 5: Bitumen Disposal Pits Appendix 6: Noise Barriers Appendix 7: Sampling locations for Air, Water, Noise, and Soil with National Standards. II Appendix 8: Oil Interceptor Appendix 9: Workers Safety in Common Operation and During Constructions Appendix 10: Tree Plantation Strategy { . !,Environmental Management Plan Appendix 11: Enhancement Measures L Appendix 12: Formats for Environmental Monitoring Appendix 13: Guidelines for the Management of Road Section through Forest Areas Appendix 14: Arrangement for Traffic during Construction . Ii Appendix 15: General Guidelines for Contractor's Construction Water Management Plan Appendix 16: Environment Friendly Construction Methodology . L Appendix 17: Borrow Areas Management Appendix 18: Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Appendix 19: Guidelines for RehabiIitlting Quarries and Stone Crushers Ir;;. Appendix 20: Storage, Handling, Use and Emergency Response for L IPart n - Social Assessment Hazardous Chemicals A.~endix 21: Selection and M.JI:!l8.gement of Construction Camp iResettlement Implementation Plan Annex 1.1 -Preliminary Notification ~ Annexl.1 - Map ofproject roads Annex3.2 - LA 15 Notification Annex3.3 - LA Staffing Notification Annex 3.4 - Preliminary Notification Annex 4.1 - Census Survey Schedule Annex 4.2 - Cut off date slip L Resettlement Action Plan Annex4.3- Annex 4.3: Distribution ofPAFs by Major and Minor Impacts. Annex 4.5: Tribal Population Distribution Annex 4.6: Typical Road Cross Section ., Annex 4.7: List of Community Assets l . Annex 5. t: Staffing Setup L Annex 5.2: ToR for NGO Annex 5.3: ToR for M&E It Annex 5.4: Detailed Budget L 5 Volume V Technical Specifications Annex 5.5: Monitoring Format Annex 5.6: Financial Indicators - t..,. 6 Volume VI Rate Analysis - Cost Estimates & Economic Annexure 1 - Detailed Estimate 7 Volume VII Analysis 8 iVolume VIII Bill of Quantities - 9 I VolumeIX Drawings - 10 Volume X Contract Documents - 11 I Volume XI Encumbrances Plans - I . I '- . 2 Scott Wilson Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instrwnents - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 SCOPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: .............................................................................. , .............. 1 1.3 ENvIRONMENTAL MITIGATION AND ENHANCEMENT MEASURES ............................................................ 2 1.4 CLEARANCES REQUlREDJ FOR THE PROJECT.............................................................................................. 3 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1: ROAD SELECTED FOR IMPROVEMENT IN KSHlP-ll, EPC.......................................................................... 1 TABLE 2: ENvIRONMENTAL APPROVALS AND CLEARANCES REQUIRED PRlOR TO CONSTRUCTION PHASE................ 3 TABLE 3: CLEARANCE REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT - 21B...................................................................................... 3 .. ·/111 Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Repon Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Pan 1: EMP Repon and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background The Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project (KSHIP) is an initiative by the Public Works · Department (PWD) of the Government of Karnataka (GOK), under the proposed World Bank loan, to undertake improvement of 4887.5 km of roads consisting of State Highways and major District .. f. Roads. These roads were selected on the basis of a Strategic Option Study (SOS) carried out in 2003. To facilitate this job the Government of Kamataka has appointed Mis Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick UK and Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick India as the Project Coordinating Consultants (PCe) to carry out the Feasibility study for the road up gradation. Based on the Feasibility study, the GOK selected 268.59 Km of roads for up gradation in a phased manner under KSHlP-II, EPC Package. The entire road project has been divided into five contract packages. Each contract package is defined as Route. Keeping in mind the length of routes for easy analysis and understanding of the various attributes, these have been broken into smaller links. In EIA report the general impact & mitigations of all the link roads in KSHlP-II, EPC have already been explained. This volume contains project specific Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for 2lB road link so as to facilitate the easy execution ofEMP works of the project. · L Table 1: Road selected for improvement in KSHIP-II, EPe · ILink I Description of Link Length Contract Package ... L [' LID i 67A iHoskote - H Cross~gnala Cro~~ _ _ ~ 67B H Cross - ChinatmaniBypass (Corridor 65F Junctn) M7D II-!anagal- Tad~ (kID) 23.50 29.00 43.50 WEP I ~~ ~- .' WEP2 L I T8 Haveri (NH4) - Hangal 31.78 2lB Dharwad - Saundatti 38.57 WEP3 13A Tinthni - Chinchodi - Jalhalli - Karegud - Devadurga 32.45 [ 13B Devadurga - Masarkal - Gabbur - Kalmala 41.40 I 28.67 WEP4 6C Chowdapur - Gulbarga WEP5 - Total length 268.59 L 1.2 Scope of Environmental Assessment: The scope of environmental Assessment includes screening and scoping, environmental assessment and environmental management plan for the individual project roads as required. The Environmental assessment process also envisages developing a broad environmental management framework for each of the project roads. ., !' I L Interpretation and Applicability of the MoEF Notification dated 14th September 2006, for KSHlP-II, EPC road links is as follows. Schedule I Project General Conditions ! Category A Category B L ~~~ 7 (t) i) New National i) New State High Any project or activity specified in Highways High ways; and ways; and Category 'B' will be treated as ii) Expansion of ii) Expansion of Category A, if located in whole or in National High ways National I State part within 10 km from the boundary greater than 30 KM, Highways greater of: (i) Protected Areas notified under involving additional than 30 km involving the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, L right of way greater additional right of (ii) Critically Polluted areas as notified L i than 20m involving way greater than 20m by the Central Pollution Control Board land acquisition and involving passing through acquisition. more than one State. land from time to time, (iii) Notified Eco sensitive boundaries areas, and (iv) 11"", inter-State international - Scott WIlson Karnataka State I Type of Location Area, A, No No Quarry/Source (Km) Material >(Ha) HiIloc Below k EGL f I Stone quarry locations i . Unauthorized Granite f ' Qu-lA-35 Stone Metal Quarry 10+000 At a distance of 0.7kmonRHS 15.0 - I5.0 Trap ! Unauthorized At a distance of Metal Granite Qn-1A- 36 Stone Metal 10+000 3.0kmonRHS 15.0 - 5.0 Trap Quarry Metal Unauthorized Granite At a distance of 2IB Qn-1A-37 Inamhongal Stone 21+500 2.5 km on RHS 5.0 - 10.0 Trap Meta1~_ Metal Malada Gudda At a distance of Granite Qu-lA-48 Stone Metal 33+800 0.2 km on RHS 3.0 - 10.0 Gnesis Quarry & Crusher Malada Gudda At a distance of Granite Qu-lA-49 Stone Metal 39+800 0.2 km on LHS 5.0 - 12.0 Gnesis Quarry & Crusher I Muurum Locations L r i Link No Quarry No Name of the Quarry/Source Chainage (Km) Location Appx Area, A, Appx Depth, D (m), > Hilloc Below Type of Material .. L >(Hec) ., k EGL Mll-IA- At a distance of 10 Road side murrum 10.00 3.00onLHS 10 - 5 Murrum 21B Mll-IJ\- . At a distance of 11 1 Road SIde murrum 7.00 1O.50onLHS 5 - 4.0 Murrum · Sand mines region ,. Type of t L Link Quarry Name of the Chainage Location material No No Quarry7Source (Km) I Harihara & At a distance of I , 2tB S:o:-IA-21 Chunchanur Sand 5.00 70 kmfrom Sand near Munavalli Dharwad All borrow areas will be operated and redeveloped in accordance with the IRC 1O:1961.MoRTH and applicable EMP clauses (Appendix - .17) as provided in the contract documents including EMP. I L In addition to the above arrangements, Contractor will have to establish dedicated environmentally compatible crusher units to generate adequate sand and aggregates so as to effectively utilize the excavated materials during Construction. 2.4.1 Land use Impact The major land use in the project area is extensive agriculture and existence of settlement at locations of village and small towns having active commercial and economic activity along the roadside. The accurate surveys and accurate markings and negotiations will determine land use changes and finalize the alignment to minimize acquisition procedure. Any additional land available must be put to use for · Kamataka State Highw::\ys Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank productive purposes. Mitigation related to land acquisition and resettlement will be undertaken as specified by the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). Land use Impact at Construction phase .. During construction phase contractor activity will go beyond Building line. Even in secondary construction sites like borrow areas, quarry sites and water resource points the contractor's activity will cross the limit depending upon the demand for material availability. These will create demand and disturbances to the near by agricultural area, built up area etc. In case of any such issues it should be cleared within shortest period. Potential community impact related to economy growth are closely related to land acquisition, aesthetic and landscape considerations; noise, air quality etc., Other than the mitigation in these area no additional mitigation actions are warranted. Land use impact during operation phase Immediately after the construction phase it is necessary to ensure that no further deterioration or major land use change such as ribbon development will take place. 2.5 Biological Environment '. l _ 2.5.1 Flora Total number of trees to be felled in the project area for the road expansion is presented in Table 2.6 ,..-- Table 2-6: List of Impacted Trees due to Proposed Project road Link Trees Girth Trees Girth Trees Girth Trees Link Description of Link Length (<30cm to «60cm to (<90cm to Girth Total ID (Km) 60cm) 90cm) lS0cm) (>IS0cm) 2lB Dharwad - Saundatti 38.57 126 106 88 0 320 - All trees of girth size more than 30 em cut and removed will be accountable as per the Forest laws and efforts will be maintained to plant two times the number of trees cut according to compensatory afforestation guidelines. There are no forested sections along the project road. The widening proposed in the non-forest locations will consume the productive agricultural ... land, which has potential to grow crops. The increase in suspended particulate matter has significant impact over the productivity of the crop during construction. :,iIf l , '. 2.5.2 Fauna There are no notified National parks and Wild life sanctuary identified within the boundary of i _ ... 10 km from the proposed road link. There are no endangered, critically endangered and threatened categories offauna in the near by vicinity ofthe project roads. The common traffic - animal conflict or accidents by rash driving or break down of vehicles leads to death of cattle and domestic animals these conflicts are in minor in nature which can be resolved with cash compensation pay to cattle owners. Some times there will chemical spill or indiscriminate disposal of bituminous materials in the forest area these toxic foreign materials may enter surrounding water bodies and prove detrimental to local fauna. It is necessary to comply with Hazardous Waste 1-1aterial Handling Rules, 1939 to protect animals by consuming such contaminated water. 2.6 Socio economic Environment The socio economic environment has considered the land use changes, impacts to drinking water sources, impact to land & properties and impact to cultural properties. Chapter 2. Summary of Impacts 6 Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services fur Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPe Packages Funded by World Bank A variety of utilities serving the regional needs are currently within RoW. The Categories of such utilities are as follows Table 2. 7 r' I Table 2-7: Shifting of electrical and telephone poles I Link Electrical Link Name Transformers DP Telephone Poles I l Number Poles 21B IDharwad - Saundatti 225 11 14 12 I The required mitigation measure would be to ask in advance the relevant owners of these utilities to shift those before construction start to avoid disruption of regional services. It is the PWD's I responsibilities to make the land available for construction free of all encumbrances. I Project has integrated several mitigation, avoidance and enhancement plans relating to socio economic aspects that include provision for parking areas, bus bays, rain Shelters etc., in to the engineering design to improve the quality oflife in these areas. 2.6.1 Cultural properties Temples and other Community assets ,~ Temples and other community assets located along the project roads with in RoW) are directly or I indirectly impacted from the road project. Those that require shifting will be dealt in the Resettlement L Action Plan (RAP). In order to avoid community conflicts, contractor will have to discuss with the local community prior to taking up of the construction work at such sites. The community assets, which are getting affected, are given in the following IIlble - 2.8 f. Table 2-8: Community Assets Getting Affected along the proposed road I L Link · 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total ID r 21B 0 1 6 3 2 4 1 4 1 1 2 0 0 0 22 47 l Codes of Community Assets: l.Hzgh School, 2.Primary School, 3. Temple, 4.Shnne, 5.Aralzkatte, 6.Bus shelter, 7.Hand pump, 8.MWS tank, 9. Samadhi, 10.Anganwadi, 11.Mosque, 12.Grazing land., 13.well, 14.Hospital, r 15. Others: Basement, Bore well, Compound wall, Fence, Flog pole, Govt. Land, Public toilet, Pump house, School toilet, Water tank. Water tap, Sign board, Grave yard, Statues, APMC check points. .. , j l.. Archaeological Structures · There are no archaeological properties identified along the project road 1 L 2.7 SMMARY OF PROJECT IMPACTS: This section summarizes impact of proposed improvements on existing environment. Keeping in view traffic density, human (rural/urban) congestion, socio economic viability, environmental safety, I L religious structures, obligatory points and other design parameters, options such as bypass, realignment, formation and carriageway width have been given due consideration Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instnunents - EPe Packages Funded by World Bank Table 2-9: Summary of Environmental impacts and Issues Addressed in Impacts! Issues Addressed in Design Addressed in Implementation Operation stage Tree removal 320 roadside trees will be A tree plantation programme has After planting check (flora) impacted. Since the widening been prepared to implement its survival rate is mostly confined to the existing RoW, This is largely unavoidable Erosion Identification of· erodable Slope protection measures Maintenance of all soils and erosion prone identified and incorporated in the drainage channels stretches. Treatment of design and BoQ. clean and slopes embankment slopes. identified for protection. Debris disposal Debris disposal has been The contractor shall prepare a The disposed areas given adequate importance to Debris Disposal Plan. need to be the level it requires. There The excess excavated material maintained by are many number of disposal during the road construction strengthening of locations such as burrow would be safely stored, turfing and areas identified along the transported and disposed of in the vegetation over the proposed road in consultation identified debris disposal areas. disposed site to with the local communities. avoid erosion of the Guidelines for the disposed materials. preparation of the Debris disposal plan prepared. Religious and Cultural properties will be Provide enhancement measures Other than the safety Archaeological impacted. Local community according to the cultural property monitoring and sites & consultations & alignment rehabilitation programme. The maintenance of the Properties changes to minimize the project will follow up the parking area no other impacts. implementation of the action would be .. enhancement measures with the required. permission from Dept. Demolition of All such unstable areas will An effective sequencing of the No action required Retaining wall, be rehabilitated especially construction work would be breast wall etc., those in the vicinity of the reqUired close to residenti3I buildings. structures especially houses. Air pollution Widening of the road with Siting of construct-ion camps Traffic emissions improved surface for the away from the settlements and control as per the .... smooth flow of traffic other sensitive receptors along the legal requirements. construction corridors. Contractor Regular air sampling shall resort to best practices to and monitoring reduce air pollution. during operation stage. Noise pollution Baseline data monitored and Use best equipments and Monitor noise levels recorded as a benchmark. machineries for reducing noise at periodically to Provision of noise barriers . construction sites. Follow all understand the for sensitive receptors such procedures as per the legal nonns. deviation from the as schools, hospitals etc. Use PPE wherever necessary. bench marks. Siting of construction camps away from sensitive receptors. Water Baseline data monitored and In acute water scarcity areas, the Monitor water recorded as a benchmark. use of potable water for dust quality parameters Suitable measures to prevent suppression should be reviewed periodically to the silt and other pollutants regularly. Regular water understand the from reaching the nearby sprinkling required for deviation from the water bodies . suppression of dust. benchmarks. Land The land requirement has During implementation, the Need to monitor requirements been considerably reduced by planned requirements will be ribbon pro"'er planning t@ match the r..;viewed and implemented to the dew,ln,.......-· Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - 11 Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Addressed in Impacts! Issues Addressed in Design Addressed in Implementation Operation sb!~e requirements with in the actual requirement. Reinstate new construction ROW with minimum land work areas on completion of shall be sufficiently acquisition, realignments and works. away from the bypasses. project road edge. Displacement of Minimized the displacement RAP implementation to involve Monitor and evaluate PAPs by proper planning in an NGO to ensure that the (M&E) the selecting final alignment. policies are adhered to. effectiveness of RAP t' Compensation provision as per the GOK approved R&R policy for the project. implementation. Road safety Design has incorporated all Implement a road safety, Monitor and create a (' safety measures. Provide accidents and traffic management data base for I safety barrier at bridge plan that has been prepared and accidents along the approaches, crash barriers at approved by the CSC. Display road with very critical locations, and road safety board in the camp specific details. As a included all safety provisions with no of accidents till date and follow up carry out in the BOQ for lining and the reason for the accidents. corrective measures signing. to improve safety. EWEMP Prepared during this phase Shall use during the phase. Must Shall review the documents keep one copy of all relevant effectiveness at this required at the EIAIEMP documents including stage. contractors the Environmental clearance office documents at the contractor's project site office under direct control of the Project manager. f Aggregate and Use materials only from Use the excavated materials No action required L sand legitimate sources adhering obtained during widening as far to best practices. Obtain all as possible. r L Borrow areas permissions and approvals necessary. In addition to the excavated Open and close borrow areas iii materials, identified few according to the borrow area more borrow areas for the management plan. contractors use. Land slide, land slips, flash Construction scheduling has been carried out by Contractor needs to take extra care during construction phase. Maintain all road · drainage through out flooding and experienced specialist. Insurance shall be extended to all the year. drainage Detailed assessment of labour force working at site to bridges and culvert face any un avoidable or capacities. Replace under accidental eventualities. Provide sized and damaged bridges drainage during construction even and Culverts. Provide for temporary divisions. Keep all additional culverts and drainage channels cleared during I improve channels all seasons. 1 , L ! iL. tilt I Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, 2id Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank CHAPTER 3: MITIGATION MEASURES TABLE OF CONTENTS 3. MITIGATION MEASURES ...................................................................................................................... 1 LIST OF TABLES .. TABLE 3-1: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN (PART-A) .................................................. 2 TABLE 3-2: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEASURES BRIDGES (PART-B)................................................... 20 ... .... - .... - K.amataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR. Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank 3. Mitigation Measures The Environmental management action plan (EMAP) is a table to execute the environmental management measures identified during the project preparation phase (Design) ofthe project. Details of various mitigation measures to be implemented during Pre-construction, construction and operational phases are presented in the EMAP Table-3.1 and Table -3.1 II!!! til. III" , , l . I "" Iii> 1 \ 'c' I .. ! l lI '* l1li I ... l l1li iii ill' In "" "" ., iI i .. '" til;, 111" .." · \ltc "'" .. t i t &. 'i j i I ,, · " '.l I ., .. .. i; ~ Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - ~PC Packages Funded by World Bank Table 3-1: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN (part-A) Responsibility Environmental Reference Sl. No. Management Measures Planning and Supervision! Issue Document Execution Monitorin! PRE-CONSTRUCTION STAGE Pre-construction activities by Karnataka state Hi!hways Improvement Project (KSHIP) The acquisition of land aNd private }Ilroperties shall be carried out in accordance KSHIP, LA Act 1984 and Land Acquisition with the RAP and entitlement framework of the Project. Revenue Dept, PI its Amendments, KSHIP (If required) KSHIP has to ascertain that acquisition of land in the post design phase are Collaborating KSHIP addressed and integrated into the EMP and relevant contract documents. Agencies Clearance of Advance notice, as per RAP shall be given to the encroachers & squatters present KSHIP and EncroaclunentiSqua in the Corridor of Impact, who need to be relocated. All R&R activities shall be P2 RAP documents Revemle KSHIP tters (change in undertaken. Entitlements as per KSHIP entitlement framework shall be completed Aulthority land use) before construction starts. Trees shall be removed from the Corridor of Impact before the actual commencement of the work with the p.;;;rmission from the state Forest Department. Contractor!Age Cutting shall not start until the implementation of the project in that particular CSCandl P3 Tree Cutting MoRTH201.6 ncy en~aged by location of cutting 100% confIrmed. KSHIP KSHIP Stacking, transport and storage of the wood shall be done as per the relevant norms. All efforts shall be made to preserve trees including evaluation of minor design adjustments/alternatives (as applicable) to save trees. SpecifIc attention shall be given for protecting giant trees, green tunnels and locally important trees (religiously important etc.). Detail of the trees affected due to the proposed project road in given in (Appendix - 10) Tree cutting is to proceed only after all the legal requirements including attaining Contractor!Age Preservation of of In-principle and Formal Clearances form the Forest Dept./MoEF are completed CSC and! P4 Appendix-l 0 ncy engaged by Trees and subsequently a written order is issued to the Contractor. KSHIP KSHIP Particular species declared as ''protected'' by the State's Forest Dept. in the p1;1vate land shall be felled only after due cle,"""._,,"; ~"'""' ~ "L'."""",",,,,~ p.,~.-"""" Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents . Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Environmental Reference Sf. No. Management Measures Planning and Supervision! Issue Document Execution Monitoring All religious property resources such as shrines, temples and mosques within the project road shall relocated. A list of cultural properties affeCted is given in the Chapter-2 Summary of Impacts. Relocation of If there is any relocation of the religious structures may happen then it shall be Chapter-2 affected Cultural identified in accordance with the choice of the community. KSIDP in consultation KSHIP! CSC! P6 Summary of and Religious with local people shall finalize those. Contractor KSHIP Impacts Properties The entire process (Le. selection of relocation sites and design) shall be under supervision of Environmental Specialist of CSC, during the construction stage by the Contractor. The relocation shall be completed before the construction starts in these sites. , Pre-construction activities bI the ContractorlEnvironmental S2ecialist of CSC P7 Field ------ 1------ Verification and Modification of the Contract Documents - The Environmental Specialist of CSC and the Contractor shall carry out joint field Contractor! Joint Field verification to ascertain any possibilities of saving trees, environmental and Environmental P.7.l KSHIP Verification community resources,. & these activities are to be taken up by the construction Specialist of Contractor. CSC Assessment of The Environmental Specialist of CSC shall assess impacts and revise/modify the Contractor/ Impacts due to EMP and other required sections of the project documentls in the event of Environmental P.7.2 Changes/Revisions/ changes/revisions (including addition or deletion) in the project's scope of work. KSHIP Specialist of Additions in the CSC Project Work All construction plants shall be sited sufficiently away from settlements and agricultural operations or any commercial establishments. Such plants shall be located at least 100m away from the nearest dwelling preferably in the downwind direction. The Contractor shall submit a detailed layout plan for all such sites and approval of Environmental Specialist of CSC shall be necessary prior to the establishment. MoRTH 111.1, Arrangements to control dust pollution through provision of windscreens, water Air Pollution Contractor/ Crushers, Hot-mix sprinklers, and dust extraction systems shall have to be provided at all such sites. Control Act, and Environmental P.7.3 plants and Batching KSHIP Specifications for crushers, hot mix plants and batching plants shall comply with Noise Rules Specialist of Plants Location the requirements of the relevant emission control legislations. Consent for the CSC Establishment and Operation from KSPCB shall be obtained before establishment and operation respectively and a copy should be submitted to the CSC and KSIDP. Wherever there is extremely water scarcity areas exist the Water sprinkling shall be limited to one time in the morning. To balance this deficient information boards shall be erected at appropriate locations with a message to "Dust prone area take - precautions. , Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures If , f , f" ~ e " , a , ., .. "" " · 3 t. "" ., 'I' " Scott Wilson II t ,t ic ~'. '" ~ Ii j .. I Ii ~ Ii -,"'- i II iii Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Environmental Reference SLNo. Management Measures Planning and Snpervision! Issue Document Execution Monitorinf! All vehicles, equipment and machinery to be procured for construction shall confirm to the relevant Bureau of India Standard (BIS) norms. The discharge Air pollution Other Construction standards promUlgated under the Environment Protection Act, 1986 and Motor Contractor! Control Act, and Vehicles, Vehicles Act, 1988 shall be strictly adhered to. Environmental P.7.4 Noise Rules and KSHIP Equipment and The silent/quiet equipment available in the market shall be used in the Project. Specialist of Motor Vehicle Machinery The Contractor shall maintain a record ofPUC for all vehicles and machinery used CSC Act, 1988 during the contract period which shall be produced to EO, KSHIP IPWD's verification whenever required. P8 Identification and Selection of Material Sources Finalizing soil borrowing earth and all logistic arrangements as well as compliance to environmental requirements, as applicable, shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. (Appendix-17). The Contractor shall not start borrowing earth from selected borrow area until the formal agreement is signed between landowner and Contractor and a copy is submitted to the CSC. Contractor! Locations finalized by the Contractor shall be reported to the Environmental Environmental P.8.l Borrow Areas Appendix-16, 17 KSHIP Specialist of CSC and he shall submit the report to KSHIP. Specialist of Planning of haul roads for accessing borrows areas shall be undertaken during this CSC stage. The haul roads shall be routed to avoid agriCUltural areas as far as possible and shall use the existing village roads wherever available. The environmental personnel of the CSC shall be required to inspect every borrow area location prior to approval. The CSC should include the Request for Inspection form for borrow area approval from the environmental point of view. Contractor shan finalize the quarry for procurement of construction materials after assessment of the availability of sufficient quantity of materials, quality and other logistic arrangements. In case the Contractor decides to use quarries other than recommended by DPR MoRTH 111.3 & Environmental P.8.2 Quarry consultant, then the Contractor should give substantiation. Appendix-17,19 Contractor Specialist of Contractor shall also work out haul road netWork and report to Environmental CSC Specialist of CSC and CSC shall inspect and in turn report to KSHIP before approval. In view of the special situation in Karnataka, Contractor shall prepare and implement the approved Water Management Plan in accordance with the Environmental Arrangement for Appendix-15 and P.8.3 Appendix-16, Appendix-24 and BOQ Environment mitigation works Contractor Specialist of Construction Water Appendix-16 The contractor shall use ground/surface water as a source of water for the CSC construction and may set up own bore well facility for construction work. Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 4 Scott Wilson f"""'-."",~",...,.. ...-- .......- -- Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Environmental Reference SJ. No. Management Measures Planning and Supervision/ Issue Document Execution Monitoring Contractor may take surface water from the Irrigation Canal with the written consent from the Irrigation Department. To avoid disruption/disturbance to other water users, the Contractor shall extract water from fixed locations and consult Environmental Specialist of CSC before finalizing the locations. The Contractor shall provide a list of locations and type of sources from where water for construction shall be extracted. The Contractor shall need to comply with the requirements of the State Ground Water Department for the extraction and seek their approval for doing so and submit copies of the permission to CSC and KSHIP. The Sand shall be procured from identified sand mines as far as possible. If the All riverbeds Contractor want to obtain from source other than listed in EMP, substitution shall Chapter-2 recommended P9 Sand be provided. has the details of the aggregates source and lead distance. Summary of for sand The Contractor shall obtain copy of the Lease Agreement of the supplier and Impacts extraction for submit to CSC before procuring the sand. the project. The Contractor preferably shall use unskilled labour drawn from local Environmental Labour Copy of Contract P 10 communities to give maximum benefits to the local community. Contractor Specialist of Requirements Document CSC Siting of the construction camps shall be as per the guidelines below and details of layout to be approved by CSC Resident Engineer and environment specialist. Construction camps shall not be proposed within 500m from the nearest Construction Camp settlements to avoid conflicts and stress over the infrastructure facilities with the Environmental Locations- local community. Pll Appendix-l3, 21 Contractor Specialist of Selection, Design Location for stockyards for construction materials shall be identified at least 300m CSC and Layout away from watercourses. The sewage TP and solid waste treatment for the camp shall be designed, built and operated. Contractor's camps shall be identified at least 2km awayfrom the Forest Reserves. The Contractor as per prevalent rules shall carry out negotiations with the landowners for obtaining their consent for temporary use of lands for construction Arrangements for Environmental camp/constructionlborrow areas etc. Appendix-13, 16, P 12 Temporary Land Contractor Specialist of Temporary land arrangements shall not be from the forest reserves except under 17 Requirement CSC special permission circumstances where it is un avoidable due to the vast forest reserves in the PIA. Orientation of The KSHIP shall organize Orientation Sessions and regular training sessions at all EMP and other Contractor! P13 Implementing stages of the project. This shall include on-site training (general as well as in the training plan CSCand KSHIP Agency and specific context of a su~!!>le~).-,!,hese sessions shall involve all staff of KSHIP developed by KSHIP t , Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures II I' 1 , . " \I · 'I , ~ f ,. · · , , .. " 5 " 11 f , ~ .~ Scott Wilson ~ t ~ It ' · ~ I l i 'I I '~ j a i · i 'i j I I l · Ii · t i Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project. II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Environmental Reference SI.No. Management Measures Planning and Supervision! Issuc Document Execution Monitoring Contractors involved in the implementation of EMP, Environmental Specialists of CSC and KSHIP Contractors. CONSTRUCTION STAGE Activities to be Carried Out by the Contractor Cl Site Clearance If required vegetation shall be removed from the construction zone before commencement of construction. All works shall be carried out such that the damage or disruption of flora other than those identified for cutting is minimum. Only ground cover/shrubs that impinge directly on the permanent works or necessary temporary works shall be removed with prior approval from the Environmental Clearing and Environmental Expert ofCSC. MoRTH20l & C.l.l Contractor Specialist of Grubbing The Contractor, under any circumstances shall not cut or damage trees and forest Appendix-lO,20 CSC,KSHIP reserves (refer Appendix-13). Trees identified under the project shall be cut only after receiving clearance from the Forest Dept.lDoEFlMoEF (as applicable) and after the receipt ofKSHIP's written permission in this regard. Vegetation only with girth size of over 30 cm shall be considered as trees and shall be compensated, in the event of KSHIP's instruction to undertake tree cutting. Appendix-l provides guidelines for the preparation of the contractors Debris disposal plan. This is mainly to deal with surplus debris materials that would be available after adjusting for all insitu applications. Other debris generated due to dismantling of the existing road shall be suitably reused in the proposed construction zone, subjected to the structure suitability of the materials and approval of the Resident Engineer and Environmental Expert of Disposal of Debris CSC as follows: from dismantling For filling and leveling of School grounds and proposed parking areas. Environmental structures, road The sub grade of the existing pavement shall be used as embankment fill material. Specialist and surface and hill Existing base and sub-base material shall be recycled as sub-base of the haul road MoRTH202 Resident C.1.2 Contractor ward side or access roads. Appendix'; I Engineer of excavation for The existing bitumen surface may be utilized for the paving of cross roads, access CSC, EC, widening of the roads and paving works in construction sites and campus, temporary traffic KSHIP road diversions, haulage routes etc. The Contractor shall suitably dispose offunutilized debris materials either through filling up of borrows areas located in wasteland or at pre-designated disposal locations, subject to the approval of the Environmental Expert of CSC. At locations identified for disposal of bituminous wastes, the disposal shall be I carried out over a 30 mm thick layer of rammed clay so as to eliminate the possibility of scarified percolation of leachate into the ground water. The Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 6 Scott Wilson ;--""'''''' I""'~",~,,"., .......... ....... ~ .., ·· "'I; .-- t> Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Environmental Reference SI. No. Management Measures Planning and Supervision/ Issue Document Execution Monitoring Contractor shall ensure that the surface area of such disposal pits is covered with a layer of soil & subsequent turfing. All arrangements for transportation during construction including provision, maintenance, dismantling and clearing debris, shall be considered incidental to the I work and shall be planned and implemented by the Contractor as approved and directed by the Environmental Expert of CSC. The pre-designed disposal locations shall be a part of Waste Disposal Plan in consultation and with approval of Environmental Expert ofCSC. Debris generated from pile driving or other construction activities shall be disposed such that it does not flow into the surface water bodies or for mud puddles in the area. The Contractor shall identify dumping sites as per the Debris Disposal Plan I prepared using the Guidelines provided in the Appendix I; The identified locations shall be reported to the Environmental Expert of CSC. These locations shall be checked on site and accordingly approved by Environmental Expert of CSC prior to any disposal of waste materials. The pre-identified disposal location shall be part of Comprehensive Waste Disposal Plan Solid Waste Management Plan to be prepared by the Contractor in consultation and with approval of Environmental Specialist of CSC. Location of disposal sites shall be finalized prior to initiation of the works on any particular section of the road. The Environmental Specialist of CSC shall approve these disposal sites after conducting a joint inspection on the site with the Contractor. Contractor shall of ensure that any spoils or material unsuitable for embankment fill shall not be disposed off near any water course or agricultural land, Orchards MoRTH:202.5 and Natural Habitats like Grasslands. Such spoils from excavation can be used to Environmental Other Construction MoRTH:301.11 C.1.3 reclaim borrow pits and low-lying areas located in barren lands along the project Contractor Specialist of ! Wastes Disposal (Apendix-l) road (if it so desired by the owner/community and approved by the Environmental CSC,KSHIP Specialist, CSC). Non-bituminous wastes shall be dumped in borrow pits covered with a layer of 30cm soil to ensure that borrow pit is restored to original use. No new disposal site shall be created as part of the project, except with prior approval of the Environmental Specialist of CSC. All waste materials shall be completely disposed and the site shall be completely cleaned and certified by Environmental Specialist ofCSC before handing over. The Contractor at his cost shall resolve any claim, arising out of waste disposal or " any non-compliance that may arise on account of lack of action on his part. . Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 7 Scott Wilson I · J , , , , , .. , , !II ~ " " .. ., . .. f .. " ~ '! ~ " ~ , f t J i ,i j j · i i 4 .. J II j Ii , .. Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Environmental Reference SI. No. Management Measures Planning and Issue Document r- I Execution The topsoil from all areas of cutting and all areas to be permanently covered shall be stripped off to a specified depth of ISO mm and stored in stockpiles. A portion of the temporarily acquired area andlor Right of Way shall be earmarked for storing topsoil. The locations for stock piling shall be pre-identified in consultation and with approval of Environmental Specialist of CSC. The following precautionary measures shall be taken to preserve them till they are used: (a) Stockpile shall be designed such that the slope does not exceed 1:2(Vertical to horizontal), and height of the pile is restricted to 2 m. MoRTH:301.3.2 To Retain soil and to allow percolation of water, silt fencing shall protect Stripping, stocking MoRTH:301.7 Environmental the edges of the pile. C.1.4 and preservation of MoRTH:30S.3.3 Contractor Specialist of (b) Stockpiles shall not be surcharged or otherwise loaded and mUltiple top soil and CSC, KSHIP handling shall be kept to a minimum to ensure that no compaction shall MoRTH:30S.3.9 occur. The stockpiles shall be covered with gunny bags or vegetation. (c) It shall be ensured by the Contractor that the topsoil shall not be unnecessarily trafficked either before stripping or when in stockpiles. Such stockpiled topsoil shall be utilized for » Covering all disturbed areas including borrow areas, only in case wher.:.: llhey are to be rehabilitated. » Dressing of slopes of road embankment> Agricultural fields of farmers acquired temporarily land. The Contractor shall provide safe and convenient passage for vehicles, pedestrians and livestock to and from roadsides and property access connecting the projeot road, providing temporary connecting road. Environmental The Contractor shall also ensure that the existing accesses shall not be undertaken C.l.S Accessi~ility Contractor Specialist of without providing adequate provisions. CSC, KSHIP The Contractor shall take oare that the cross roads are constructed in such a sequence that construction work on the adjacent cross roads are taken up one after one so that traffic movement in al!rgL~~!~_I1Q1:~~t affected much. Temporary diversions shall be constructed with the approval of the Resident Engineer and Environmental Specialist of CSC. Detailed Traffic Control Plans Environmental shall be prepared by the Contractor and approved by Environmental Specialist and Specialist and Planning for Traffic Resident Engineer of CSC for approval, seven days prior to commencement of MoRTH:112 and Resident C.1.6 Diversions And works on any section of road. The Traffic Control Plans shall contain details of its Amendments Contractor Engineer of Detours temporary diversions, traffic safety arrangements for construction under traffic, (Appendix-14) CSC, EO, details of traffic arrangement after cessation of work each day, safety measures for KSHIPF night time traffic and precaution for transportation of hazardous materials and Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 8 Scott Wilson - -----. Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents: Volume IV -Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank I ResponsibilitI I Environmental Reference c- SI. No. Management Measures Planning and Supervision! Issue Document Execution Monitoring ! The contractor shall ensure that the diversion/detour is always maintained in i running condition, particularly during the monsoon to avoid disruption to traffic flow. The Contractor shall also inform local community of changes to traffic routes, conditions and pedestrian access arrangements with assistance form CSC and KSHIP. The temporary traffic detours shall be kept free of dust by sprinkling of water three times a day and as required under specific conditions (depending on weather conditions, construction in the settlement areas and volume of traffic). ! C.2 Procurement of Construction Material ! No borrow area shall be opened without permission of the Environmental i Specialist of CSC. The location; shape and size of the designated borrow areas shall be as approved by the Environmental Specialist of CSC and in accordance to the IRC recommended practice for borrow pits for road embankments (IRC: 10: 1961). The borrowing operations shall be carried out as specified in the guidelines for siting and operation of borrow areas. The unpaved surfaces used for the haulage of borrow materials, if passing through Earth from Borrow MoRTH:305.2 Environmental the settlement areas or habitations; shall be maintained dust free by the Contractor. C.2.1 Areas for (Appendix-16 and Contractor Specialist of Sprinkling of water shall be carried out twice a day to control dust along such Construction 17) CSC,KSHIP roads during their period of use. During dry seasons (winter and summer) frequency of water sprinkling shall be increased in the settlement areas and Environmental Specialist of CSC shall decide the sprinkling time depending on the local requirements. Contractor shall rehabilitate the borrow areas as soon as borrowing of soil is over from a particular borrow area in accordance with the approved Borrow Area Redevelopment Plan. The Contractor shall obtain materials from quarries only after consent of the Department of Mines & Geology and District Administration. In view of special situation of excavation of the ward hill side, Contractor shall get an opportunity to Environmental Quarry Operations MoRTH: 111.3 C.2.2 use the same material for road construction. This shall require establishment of a Contractor Specialist of Crushers Appendix-l 9 number of crushers along the roadsides. The crushers and all related activities shall CSC, KSHIP be under taken as per the Appendix-19 Policy guidelines for installation of stone Crushers. Except as may be provided in the contract or ordered or authorized by the Engineer, the Contractor shall not use explosives. 301.9 (i) C.2.3 Rlasting Where the use of explosives is so provided or ordered or authorized, the Appendix-19 MoRTH:302.4 304.5 Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the following Sub-Clauses of MoRTH 302 besides the law of the land as applicable. ., Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 9 Scott Wilson .'4 r , 1) lit ,, .'" I' .. ,, If · III " It I 1 iii' II f 1 If '" t ·. ; l l 1\ J , i I t i , j · * " i Ii Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV -Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Environmental Reference SI. No. Management Measures Planning and Supervision! Issue Document '----------- Execution Monitoring The Contractor shall at all times take every possible precaution and shall comply with appropriate laws and regulations relating to the importation, handling, transportation, storage and use of explosives. The contractor shall at all times when engaged in blasting operations, post sufficient warning flagmen, to the full satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall at all times make full liaison with and inform well in advance and obtain such permission as is required from all Government Authorities, public bodies and private parties whomsoever concerned or affected or likely to be concerned or affected by blasting operations. Blasting shall be carried out only with permission of the Engineer. All the statutory laws, regulations, rules etc., pertaining to acquisition, transport, storage, handling and use of explosives shall be strictly followed. Blasting shall be carried out during fixed hours (preferably during mid-day) or as permitted by the Engineer. The timing should be made known to all the people within lOOOm (200m for pre-splitting) from the blasting site in all directions,_ Contractor shall maintain all roads (existing or built for the project), which are used for transporting construction materials, equipment and machineries as precised. All vehicles delivering fine materials to the site shall be covered to avoid Transporting spillage of materials. Environmental Constructing C.2.4 All existing roads used by vehicles of the Contractor or any of his subcontractor or Appendix-16 Contractor Specialist of Materials and Haul suppliers of materials and similarly roads, which are part of the works, shall be CSC, KSHIP Road Management kept clear of all dust/mud or other extraneous materials dropped by such vehicles. Contractor shall arrange for regular water sprinkling as necessary for dust suppression of all such roads and surfaces. Contractor need to implement the finally approved contractors Construction Water Management Plan as per the guidelines provided in Appendix 15. This is linked to the contractor's work plan. Contractor shall arrange adequate supply and storage of water for the whole construction period at his own cost. The contractor shall submit a list of source/s Environmental from where water shall be used for the project to CSC and KSHIP. C.2.5 Construction Water Appendix-IS Contractor Specialist of The Contractor shall source the requirement of water preferentially by conjuctive CSC,KSHIP use of Surface water and groundwater but with prior permission from the Groundwater Authority. A copy of the permission shall be submitted to CSC and KSHIP prior to initiatio{l of construction. The Contractor shall take all precaution to minimize the wastage of water in the construction process/operation. C.3 Construction Work_ _ _ .... .... .. - .. _- .. _. __ ._.- - - Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 10 Scott Wilson ... «""",.""",.,~~ ~~ .. ""."'"-; ---., Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility I Environmental Reference t SI. No. Management Measures Planning and Supervision/ Issue Document Execution Monitorin2 While working across or close to any perennial water bodies, Contractor shall not River Training and obstruct/prevent the flow of water. Environmental I C.3.1 Disruption to Other Construction over and close to the non-perennial streams shall be undertaken in MoRTH:304.3.2 Contractor Specialist of Users of Water the dry season. If construction work is expected to disrupt users of community CSC, KSHIP water bodies, notice shall be served well in advance to the affected community. Contractor shall ensure that no construction materials like earth, stone, or appendage disposed off in a manner that block the flow of water of any water MoRTH:30S.3.7 Environmental C.3.2 D . ratnage an C t I on ro 00 I d FI d course and cross drainage channels. Contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent any blockage to the water flow. In addition to the design requirements, the Contractor shall take all required MoRTH:306 Appendix I Contractor Specialist of CSC,KSHIP measures as directed by the Environmental Specialist of CSC to prevent temporary , or permanent flooding ofthe site or any adjacent area. The Contractor shall not excavate beds of any stream/canals/any other water body for borrowing earth for ,embankment construction. Contractor shall construct silt fencing at the base of the embankment construction for the entire perimeter of any water body (including springs and wells) adjacent to Siltation of Water I the project road and around the stockpiles at the construction sites including MoRTH:306 Environmental Bodies and C.3.3 ancillary sites close to water bodies. The fencing shall be provided prior to (Silt Fencing) Contractor Specialist of Degradation of commencement of earthwork and continue till the stabilization of the embankment Appendix-3 CSC,KSHIP Water Quality slopes, on the particular sub-section of the road. Contractor shall ensure that construction materials containing fine particles are stored in an enclosure such that sediment-laden water does not drain into nearby watercourse. The Contractor shall construct slope Protection works as per design, or as directed by the Environmental Specialist of CSC to control soil erosion and sedimentation. through use of Breast walls, Retaining Walls, Plot Bioengineering methods, dykes, sedimentation chambers, basins, fibber mats, mulches, grasses, slope, drains and I other devices. All temporary sedimentation, pollution control works and maintenance thereof MoR TH:30S.2.2.2 Slope Protection Environmental shall be deemed as incidental to the earth work or other items of work and as such MoRTH:306.2 C.3.4 and Control of Soil Contractor Specialist of no separate payment shall be made for them. & Appendix 10 Erosion CSC, KSHIP Contractor shall ensure the following aspects: and 18 ~ After construction of road embankment, the side slopes shall be covered with grass and shrubs (refer Appendix-lO and 18) as per design specifications. ~ Turfing works shall be taken up as soon as possible provided the season is l favorable for the establishment of grass sods. Other measures of slope stabilization shall include mulching netting and seeding of batters and drains . ., Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 11 Scott Wilson I '\) ~ 1I ! I il 1i f- , f ~ IF " " ", I' , if , f 'I , l! ., iii' 'It it 't , , j · J l Ii Ie j *' j · J Ii ~ :> \. Kamataka Stale Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Environmental Reference 81. No. Management Measures Planning and Supervision! Issue Document --- Execution Monitoring immediately on completion of earthworks. » In borrow pits, the depth shall be so regulated that the sides of the excavation shall have a slope no steeper than I vertical to 2 horizontal, from the edge of the final section of the bank. » Along sections abutting water bodies, pitching as per design specification shall protect slopes. C.4 Pollution C.4.1 Water Pollution The Contractor shall take all precautionary measures to prevent entering of wastewater into streams, water bodies or the irrigation system during construction. Water Pollution Environmental Contractor shall avoid construction works close to the streams or water bodies MoRTH:111.4 C.4.1.1 from Construction Contractor Specialist of during monsoon. MoRTH:ll1.1 Wastes CSC,KSHIP Contractor shall not wash his vehicles in river water and shall not enter riverbed for that purpose. The Contractor shall ensure that all construction vehicle parking locations, fuel/lubricants storage sites, vehicle, machinery and equipment maintenance and refueling sites shall be located at least 500 m away from rivers and irrigation canal/ponds. The Contractor shall submit all locations and layout plans of such sites prior to I their establishme~t and shall be approved by the Environmental Specialist of CSC. Contractor shall ensure that all vehicle/machinery and equipment operation, MoRTH:llIA MoR,TH: 111.1 maintenance and refueling shall be carried out in such a manner that spillage of (Oil Interceptors) Water Pollution fuels and lubricants does not contaminate the ground. Wastewater from vehicle Petroleum Act Environmental CA.I.2 from Fuel and parking, fuel storage areas, workshops, wash down and refueling areas shall be and Rules Contractor Specialist of Lubricants treated in an oil interceptor before discharging it on land or into surface water MoEF!CPCB CSC, KSHIP bodies or into other treatment system. Notifications In all, fuel storage and refueling areas, if located on agricultural land or areas (Appendix-S) supporting vegetation, the topsoil shall be stripped, stockpiled and returned after cessation of such storage. Contractor shall arrange for collection, storing and disposal of oily wastes to the pre-identified disposal sites (list to be submitted to CSC and KSHIP) and approved by the Environmental Specialist of CSC. All spills and collected petroleum wastes shall be disposed off in accordance with Petroleum Rules and PCB guidelines. C.4.2 Air Pollution The Contractor shall take every precaution to reduce the level of dust from MoRTH:l1I.1 Environmental C.4.2.l Dust Pollution construction plants, construction sites involving earthwork by sprinkling of water, MoRTH:lIL5 Contractor Specialist of encapsulation of dust source. MoRTH:1l1.9 esc, EO, I Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 12 Scott Wilson ,...--..., Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Environmental Reference SI. No. Management Measures Planning and Supervisionl Issue Document Execution Monitoring Due to the acute water scarcity in certain areas, Contractor should limit water MoRTH:1l1.l0 KSHIP sprinkling once in the early morning hours. Contractor should erect warning Contract through boards on dust nuisance to the road users: Agreement Engineer The Contractor shall procure the construction plants and machinery, which shall (Appendix-7 and conform to the pollution control norms specified by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. Appendix-16) I The concentration of suspended particulate matter at a distance of 40m from a , construction plant located in a cluster of industries should be less than 500 J-Ig. The environmental monitoring is to be conducted as per the monitoring plan. Alternatively, only crushers licensed by the KSPCB shall be used. The Environmental Specialist, EO and KSHIP through the Engineer shall submit required certificates and consents. Contractor shall ensure that all vehicles, equipment and machinery used for Emission from construction are regularly maintained and confirm that pollution emission levels Construction Environmental comply with the relevant statutory requirements of CPCB andlMotor Vehicles CA.2.2 Vehicles, Appendix-16 Contractor Specialist of Rules. Equipment and CSC,KSHIP The Contractor shall submit PUC certificates for all vehicles/equipment/machinery Machineries used for the Project. C.4.3 ! Noise Pollution .The Contractor shall confirm the following: » All Construction plants and equipment used in construction shall strictly conform to the MoEF/CPCB noise standards. » All Vehicles and equipment used in construction shall be fitted with exhaust silencers. » Servicing of all construction vehicles and machinery shall be done regularly and during routine servicing operations, the effectiveness of exhaust silencers Noise Rules Noise Pollution: shall be checked and if found defective shall be replaced. Published by Noise from » The equipment available in the market should be procured, if the Contractor MoEF Environmental C.4.3.1 Vehicles, Plants plans to purchase new equipment. For the old equipment, necessary or Appendix-6 Contractor Specialist of and possible alterations must be carried out to reduce the noise levels to the & CSC, KSHIP Equipments possible extent. Appendix-7 » Maintenance of vehicles, equipment and machinery shall be regular and up to the satisfaction ofthe Environmental Specialist of CSC to keep noise levels at the minimum. At the construction sites within 150 m of the nearest habitation, noisy construction work such as crushing, operation of DO sets, use of high noise generation equipment shall be slopped during the night time between 10.00 pm to 6.00 am. Workil!li hours of the construction activities shall be restricted around cducational Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 13 Scott Wilson , ,, ". ., , , .. I f · · l!I ., f · I , r , f; " ! , I: t ~ " , .. , * '. · .· .. ii 't Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated ~afeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by W orId Bank Responsibility SI. No. I Environmental Issue Management Measures Reference Document Planning and Execution Supervisionl Monitorina: institutions/Health Centers (silent zones) up to a distance of 100 m from the sensitive receptors i.e., School, Health Centers and Hospitals etc. Contractor shall provide noise barriers to the suggested locations of select Schools. List of locations for noise barriers is given in (Appendix-6). Noise monitoring shall be carried out at the locations specified in Table 5.2 by the KSHIP and the Engineer through the approved monitoring agency. C.S Safe~ Contractor shall provide: » Protective footwear, protective goggles and nose masks to the workers employed in asphalt works, concrete works, crusher etc. » Welder's protective eye-shields to workers who are engaged in welding works » Earplugs to workers exposed to loud noise, and workers working in crushing or compaction » The Contractor shall comply with all regulations regarding safe scaffolding, ladders, working platforms, gangway, stairwells, excavations, trenches and safe means of entry and egress. The Contractor shall comply with all the precautions as required for ensuring the Personnel Safety Environmental safety of the workmen as per the International Labour Organization (ILO) C.5.1 Measures for Appendix-9 Contractor Specialist of I Convention No. 62 as far as those are applicable to this contract. Labour CSC,KSHIP The Contractor shall make sure that during the construction work all relevant provisions ofBuilding and other Construction Workers (regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act, 1996 are adhered to. The Contractor shall not employ any person below the age of 14 years for any work and no woman shall be employed on the work of painting with products containing lead in any form The Contractor shall also ensure that paint containing lead or lead products is used except in the form of paste or readymade paint. The Contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction and provide erect and maintain such barricades, including signs, MoRTH: 112.4 I markings, flags, lights and flagmen as proposed in the Traffic Control MoRTH: 112.1 Environmental PlanlDrawings and as required by the Environmental Expert of CSC for the C.5.2 Traffic and Safety IRC: SP:55 Contractor Specialist of information and protection on traffic approaching or passing through the section of Appendix-9 & 14 CSC, KSHIP any existing cross roads. The Contractor shall ensure that all signs, barricades, pavement markings are provided as per the MoRTH specifications. Before taking up of construction on Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 14 Scott Wilson ----, ----. Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank ! Resllonsibilitr Environmental Reference I SI. No. Issue Management Measures Document Planning and Supervision/ Execution Monitoring any section of the existing lanes of the highway, a Traffic Control Plan shall be devised and implemented to the satisfaction of the Environmental Expert of CSC. The Contractor shall take all required precautions to prevent danger from electrical equipment and ensure that };> No material shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or inconvenience to any person or the public. Risk from };> All necessary fencing and lights shall be provided to protect the public in Environmental C.5.3 Electrical Contractor Expert of SC, construction zones. Equipments PIU , All machines to be used in the construction shall conform to the relevant Indian Standards (IS) codes, shall be free from patent defect, shall be kept in good . working order, shall be regularly inspected and properly maintained as per IS provision and to the satisfaction ofthe Environmental Expert of CSC. Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent danger to the workers and public from fire, flood etc. resulting due to construction activities. Contract Environmental Risk Force Contractor shall make required arrangements so that in case of any mishap all C.5.4 Agreement Contractor Specialist of Measure necessary steps can be taken for prompt first aid treatment. Construction Safety Appendix-9 CSC, KSHIP Plan prepared by the Contractor shall identify necessary actions in the event of an emergency. I- The Contractor shall arrange for A readily available first aid unit including an adequate supply of sterilized Contract Environmental dressing materials and appliances as per the Factories Rules in every work zone. C.5.6 First Aid requirement . Contractor Specialist of Availability of suitable transport at all times to take injured or sick person(s) to the Appendix-9 CSC, KSHIP nearest hospital. Equipment and trained nursing staff at construction camp. The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain informatory/safety signs, MoRTH:801 Environmental Informatory Signs hoardings written in English and local language (Kannada), wherever required or MoRTH:802 C.5.7 Contractor Specialist of and Hoardings as suggested by the Environmental Specialist of CSC. & CSC, KSHIP Appendix-4 C.6 Flora and Fauna: PlantationlPreservation/Conservation Measures The Contractor shall do turfing on embankment slopes, plantation of shrubs as specified in the Contract. The compensatory forestation shall be carried out by the State Forest Department. Environmental Road side Minimum 80 percent survival rate of the saplings shall be acceptable otherwise the C.6.1 Appendix-IO Contractor Specialist of Plantation Strategy ContractorlForest Department shall replace dead plants at his own cost. CSC,KSHIP The Environmental Specialist of CSC shall inspect regularly the survival rate of the trees planted by the Contractor in accordance with the plantation strategy suggested. I I , I ., . Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 15 Scott Wilson · f ., !' , · 'I r t , .. , .. " , I) f , fl f 1 l! ! I 'I ., · 'C , i j I j i J 'i j · I .fit ~ lI: " i Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Environmental Reference SI.No. Management Measures Planning and Supervisionl Issue Document Execution Monitoring The Contractor shall take reasonable precaution to prevent his workmen or any other persons form removing and damaging any flora (plant/vegetation) and fauna (animal) including fishing in any water body and hunting of arty animal. If any animal is found near the construction site at any point of time, the Contractor shall Environmental Flora and chance C.6.2 immediately upon discovery thereof acquaint in the Environmental Specialist of Appendix-I 3 Contractor Specialist of found Fauna CSC and carry out his instructions for dealing with the same. CSC, KSHIP Environmental Specialist of CSC shall report to the near by forest office (range office or divisional office) and shall take appropriate steps/measures, if required in , consultation with the forest officials. All fossils, coins, articles of value of antiquity, structures and other remains of archaeological interest discovered on the site shall be the property of the Government and shall be dealt with as per provisions of the relevant legislation. I The Contractor shall take reasonable precautions to prevent his workmen or any other persons from removing and damaging any such article or thing. He shall, Chance Found Environmental immediately upon discovery thereof and before removal acquaint the Appendix-II C.6.3 Archaeological Contractor Specialist of Environmental Specialist of CSC of such discovery and carry out the CSC's Property CSC,KSHIP instructions for dealing with the same, waiting which all work shall be stopped. The CSC shall seek direction from the Archaeological Survey of India (AS!) before instructing the Contractor to recommence the work in the site.The Archaeological structures identified along the road sides should be protected! preserved or enhanced as per the law. Contractor shall follow all relevant provisions of the Building and the other Construction Workers (Regulations of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 for construction and maintenance of labour camp. Contract 1 The location, layout and basic facility provision of each labour camp shall be Agreement Environmental C.7.! Accommodation submitted to esc and KSHIP prior to their construction. Appendix-21 Contractor Specialist of The Construction shall commence only upon the written approval of the CSC,KSHIP Environmental Specialist of CSC. The Contractor shall maintain necessary living accommodation and ancillary facilities in functional and hygienic manner and as approved by the CSC. The Contractor shaH construct and maintain all labour accommodation in such a fashion that uncontaminated water is available for drinking, cooking and washing. The Contractor shall also provide potable water facilities within the premises of Environmental Appendix-2I C.7.2 Potable Water every camp at an acces~ible place, as per standards set by the Building and other Contractor Specialist of Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) CSC, KSHIP Act, 1996. The Contractor shall alsoguarantee the following: Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 16 Scott Wilson ~., ............... r-'--~-"""" 1""-"'....._"- Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Environmental Reference SI. No. Management Measures Planning and Supervisionl Issue Document Execution Monitoring a) Supply of sufficient quantity of Potable Water (as per IS) in every workplacellabour camp (Site at suitable and easily accessible places and regular maintenance of such facilities. b) If any water storage tank is provided that shall be kept such that the bottom of the tank at least 1 m above the surrounding ground level. c) If water is drawn from any existing well, which is within 30 m proximity of any toilet, drain or other source of pollution, the well shall be disinfected before water is used for drinking. d) All such wells shall be entirely covered and provided with a trap door, which shall be dust proof and water proof. I e) A reliable pump shall be fitted to each covered well. The trap door shall ! be kept locked and opened only for cleaning or inspection, which shall be done at least once in a month. f) Analysis of water shall be done every month as per parameters prescribed in IS 10500-1991. Environmental Specialist of CSC shall be required to inspect the labour camp once in a week to ensure the compliance ofthe EMP The Contractor shall ensure that > The Sewage system for the camp are designed, built and operated in such a manner that no health hazards occurs and no pollution to the air, ground water or adjacent water courses take place Sanitation and > Separate toilets/bathrooms, wherever required, Screened from those form men MoRTH:114.14 Environmental C.7.3 (marked in vernacular) are to be provided for women Contractor Specialist of Sewage System Appendix-21 I> Adequate water supply is to be provided in all toilets and urinals .> Night soil can be disposed of with the help of local municipal extractor or CSC, KSHIP disposed of by putting layer of it at the bottom of a permanent tank prepared for the purpose and covered with 15 cm layer of waste or refuse and then covered with a layer of earth for fortnight. The Contractor shall provide garbage bins in the camps and ensure that these are Environmental C.7.4 Waste Disposal regularly emptied and disposed off in a hygienic manner as per the Comprehensive Appendix-21 Contractor Specialist of Solid Waste Management Plan approved by the Environmental Specialist of CSC. CSC, KSHIP C.8 Contractor's Demobilization The KSHIP shall undertake seasonal monitoring of air, water, and noise and soil Environmental quality through an approved monitoring agency. The parameters to be monitored, Environmental Appendix-7 and Specialist of C.B.l frequency and duration of monitoring as well as the locations to be monitored shall Contractor Conditions Appendix-12 CSC and be as per the Monitoring Plan prepared. National Standard of Air, Noise and Water KSHIP, NHAI given in AllP~endix*7. - . ., , . . Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 17 Scott Wilson , f 1 ~ , , f , , I « , , ,, I , if , !I! J . " II t j ;j, ~ '" i II , I J " it J l j l · · t! Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV -Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Environmental Reference SI. No. Management Measures Planning and Supervisionl Issue Document Execution Monitoring The Environmental Specialist of CSC shall have continuous interactions with local Environmental Continuous EnvironmeNtal people around the project area to ensure that the construction activities are not I A d' 16 Specialist of C.8.2 Community Specialist of causing undue inconvenience to the locals residing in the vicinity of project site ppen IX CSC and. Participation CSC - under construction due to noise, dust or disposal of debris etc. KSHIP, NHAI Contractor shall prepare site restoration plans, which shall be approved by the Environmental Specialist of CSC. The clean-up and restoration operations are to be implemented by the Contractor prior to demobilization. The Contractor shall I clear all temporary structures; dispose all garbage, night soils and POL (Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants) wastes as per Comprehensive Waste Management Clean-up Plan and as approved by CSC. Environmental Operations, All disposal pits or trenches shall be filled in and effectively sealed off. Residual Appendix-I and C.8.3 Contractor Specialist of Restoration and topsoil, if any shall be distributed on adjoining/proximate barren land or areas Appendix-21 CSC, KSHIP Rehabilitation identified by the Contractor and approved by the Environmental Specialist of CSC in a layer of thickness of 75 mm - 150 mm.AII construction zones and facilities including culverts, road sk~(' areas, camps, Hot Mix plant sites, Crushers, batching plant sites and any other area used/affected due to the project operations shall be left clean and tidy, at the Contractor's expense, to the entire satisfaction to the Environmental Specialist of CSC. C.9 Construction Activities by KSHIPIPWD· The plantation at the following locations shall be implemented by the KSHIP through the State Forest Department; 4. Road side 5. Enhancement sites Appendix-13 State Forest C.9.1 Tree Plantation KSHIP 6. Forest land .Appendix-ll Department 7. Community Forestation A forest area management plan is provided in Appendix-13 & 11 is the list of various enhancements sites included in the project. Oxbow lands and Development of the enhancement sites identified where PWD land is already other left over available are provided in Appendix-H. C.9.2 portions of the Appendix-II State PWD KSHIP existing project road OPERATION STAGE I 1 Activities to be Carried Out b, the KSHIP/PWD Monitoring The KSBIP shall monitor the operational performance of the various 0.1 Operation mitigation/enhancement measures carried out as a part ofthe project. Appendix-12 KSHIP/PWD KSHIPIPWD Performance The indicators selected for monitoring include the survival rate of trees; utility of Chapter 3; Mitigation Measures 18 Scott Wilson ,-"'...."'."""!" -",,-,,\ Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report ,and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Environmental Reference Sl. No. Management Measures Planning and Supervisionl Issue Document Execution Monitoring enhancement provision made under the project; status of rehabilitation of borrow areas; and effectiveness of noise barriers. PWD shall ensure that all drains (side drains, median drain and all cross drainages) Maintenance of 0.2 are periodically cleared especially before monsoon season to facilitate the quick Appendix-12 KSHIPIPWD KSHIP/PWD Drainage passage of rainwater and avoid flooding. I The periodic monitoring of the ambient air quality, noise level, water (both ground Pollution Pollution 0.3 and surface water) quality, soil quality in the selected locations as suggested in Appendix-12 Monitoring KSHIPIPWD Monitoring pollution monitoring plan through the KSPCB or its approved monitoring agency. Agency Soil Erosion and Visual Monitoring and inspection of soil erosion at borrow areas, quarries (if 0.4 Monitoring of closed and rehabilitated), embankments and other places expected to be affected, Appendix-12 KSHIPIPWD KSHIPIPWD Borrow Areas shall be carried out once in every three months as suggested in monitoring plan. However the public shall be advised to construct the noise barriers such as walls, 0.5 Public awareness N' I I ~ I~~f:v~ s an ea ec s I d, double glazed windows and tree plantation between the roads and their property_ The public awareness is necessary regarding the human health through the news papers and consultations and distribution of pamphlets during the operation stage. Appendix-6 I KSHIP KSHIP I t ~ Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures ~ ~ , ~ , , :I r , . , , .. " , . 19 I' .. · f t , Scott Wilson f a JI i I j ~fi j I j ~, Ji j · J " 'I J I j ill '.. ~ ~ Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project· II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Table 3-2: Environmental Management Measures - Bridges (Part-B) Responsibility ~1. I Environmental Management Measures Reference Planning and Supervision! ~ Issue Document Execution Monitoring I-pRE-CONSTRUCTION STAGE I Pre-construction activities by <:;onstruction Management Unit Permissh,lO from Permission from Irrigation Department shall be taken prior to start of construction P.l I Irrigation work on bridges Contract "EO KSHIP" CSC& CMU Agreement (KSHIP) Department Water Quality upstream and down stream of bridges shall be tested prior to CMUthrough initiation of any work at the site of new construction of Bridges to establish approved Pollution P.2 Monitoring baseline. [ Appendix-7 Pollution I "EO KSHIP" Monitoring Laboratory ContractorlEnvironmental Ex ert ofTA Consultant/CMU I I A I fi rrangemen . T P.3 I;,r demporaJ') ts The contractor as per prevalent rules shall carry out negotiations with the landowners for obtaining their consent for temporary use of lands for traffic ' h mery & ' detours, maten'al storage, constructIon mac' eqUlpment, veh'IC 1 park'mg etc~ Contractor shall enter into a written agreements with land owners for all such e Appendix-14 Contractor CSC&CMU Appendix-21 (KSHlP) an . t sites and Environmental Officer shall be required to ensure that the ReqUlremen rehab'l' . nJcl ' up 0 f t hSItes pnor to handl'mg over to the owners h I Itaho earmg e ' , ave been carried out aspt! !t'l'ittellllgt'eement. CONSTRUCTION STAGE I-Activities to be Carried Out by the Contractor I I The contractor shall identify disposal sites and shall report the same to the Environmental Officer, These locations shall be checked on site and accordingly approved by Environmental Officer prior to any disposal of waste materials. Contractor shall prepare Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan in consultation with Environmental Officer and after approval of plan by EO debris Dismantling of CSC& shall be disposed off accordingly. This plan also should include ways and means to Structures/Comp Appendix~l Environmental C.l dispose off the Municipal Garbage's dumped on the bridge side of the existing Contractor onents and Appendix-16 Officer, CMU alignment to the make the area congenial for working. Debris Disposal (KSHIP) No dismantling work shall be carried out at night, or during storm or heavy rain, No dismantling shall be carried out without identification and approval of site by Environmental Officer of CSC, Dismantled material shall not be stored in canal bed, embankment slopes except material which shall be reused in Construction. All debris requiring disposal sh!ilLb~ iliz'e_ct1YJ,!il<:t)nJ()Jh~J>rt) idt)nlifie_d _dls~osal Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 20 Scott Wilson -"".,,-,,,,,'"'""'1 Kamataka State Highways lmpr\lvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV -Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility SI. Environmental Reference Management Measures Planning and Supervisionl i No. Issue Document Execution Monitorin~ site and deposited as per approved Comprehensive Waste Disposal Locations. I Debris generated shall be reused in the construction of temporary diversion of i traffic, filling in embankment, slope protection work etc subject to the suitability ofthe materials and approval of the Engineer and Environmental Officer. All arrangements for dismantling, clearing debris and its transportation shall be considered incidental to the work and shall be planned and implemented by the Contractor as approved and directed by the Environmental Officer. Construction of temporary traffic diversions shall be carried out in accordance with the plans prepared and approved during pre-construction stage. Temporary diversions shall be constructed after receipt of approval from concerned authorities and under supervision of Environmental Officer. Warning boards should be placed at least 500 m and 200 m from the construction sites on both sides along with battery operated lamp/retro reflective lamps. ! Flashlights are provided at least 200 m before the construction site on either side giving warning to drivers before reaching construction sites. Signs, lights, barriers, cones, and other traffic control devices, as well as the riding surface of diversions shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition till such time they are required as directed by the engineer. CSC& Construction of Contractor shall keep the temporary traffic diversions free of dust by sprinkling of IRC:SP 55 C.l. Environmental temporary traffic water three times a day and as required under specific conditions (depending on Appendix-4 Contractor 2 Officer, CMU diversions weather conditions, construction in the settlement areas and volume oftraffic). Appendix-14 (KSHIP) Contractor shall prepare a Detailed Traffic Control Plans and shall submit it to the Environmental Officer for approval, five days prior to commencement of works on any bridge. The traffic control plans shall contain details of temporary diversions, traffic safety arrangements i.e. lighting arrangement, signage's, arrangement of flagmen etc. The Contractor shall provide specific measures for safety of pedestrians and workers as a part of traffic control plans. The Contractor shall ensure that the diversion/detour is always maintained in running condition, particularly during the monsoon to avoid disruption of traffic flow. i The Contractor shall also inform local cOmmunity of changes to traffic routes, ! conditions and pedestrian access arrangements with assistance from local bodies and KSHIP. Handling and Contractor shall not store/dump the construction material in water course. CSC& C.l. IS: 7293 storing of Area of storage of material near the work site shall be earmarked in consultation Contractor Environmental 3 IS: 7969 materials with Environmental Officer of eSc/CMU. This area shall not be at a distance of I Q!ficer, CMU I " , Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures ! tt , ,, ~ .. J , fc , f I ," ,, 21 ,. . " '!' l' Scott Wilson -"" £ ~ l: l II I · a Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part l:EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Sl. Environmental Reference No. Issue Management Measures Planning and Document Execution less than 50 from bank ofthe water course. (KSHIP) The access road should be free from water logging. Storage area should be leveled gro~!nd; stacking area should be planned and have racks, stands, sleepers, access traces etc and properly lighted, all materials consumables, including raw steel or fabricated materials shall be stored properly on platforms, skids or other supports IS: 7293 & IS: 7969 dealing with handling of materials and equipment for safe working should be followed. Contractor shall prepare a plan for handling & 'storing of material at bridge construction site and shall submit it for approval from Environmental OfficerlEngineer. Contractor shall no obstruct the flow of water while constructing/rehabilitating bridges. Contractor shall ensure that velocity in the constructed portion does not increase more then twice the lean season velocity. This shall help turbidity control in downstream and minimum disruption of flora and fauna. Contractor shall carry out the excavation for foundation & construction of substructures during lean season to reduce turbidity levels and soil erosion, which may cause disruption to flora and fauna. Construction over and close to the non-perennial streams shall be undertaken in the dry season. Contractor shall construct river training and protection work i.e. construction of Water Trainillg guide bunds, guide walls, bank protection, flooring and approach embankment CSC& C.l. and Disruption to protection etc. as given in engineering design/drawing in such a fashion that shall Environmental Appendix-l 6 Contractor 4 Other Users of provide safety to the bridge structure and its approaches against damage by Officer, CMU Water flood/flowing water and at the same time shall not pollute water. (KSHIP) Contractor shall prevent the soil erosion by minimizing the amount of exp\lIsed soil, minimizing the tittle the soil is exposed, avoiding steep cutting of slope (steeper than 1:2), and constructing all slope protection measures whether incidental or payable, temporary or permanent in time. The Contractor shall serve notice to the down stream users well in advance if construction work is expected to disrupt users of community water bodies or flow of surface water body is diverted. The Engineer/CMU shall ensure that contractor has served the notice to the downstream users of water well in advance. The Contractor shall take prior approval of the Irrigation Department or CMU (KSHIPLf~La!lys\.lchactivity. A~uatic Fauna Since the rivers along the project road are tn0~t QLtlte_titne dry, Aquatic Fauna are A,pJ!endix-16 Contractor CSC& Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 22 Scott Wilson ,..-.., Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility Sl. Environmental Reference Management Measures Planning and Supervision/ No. Issue Document Execution Monitoring very limited. Any impacts to the aquatic fauna shall be avoided. Environmental Officer, CMU r--. ~ (KSHIP) Minimum required labour should stay at night at bridge site and Contractor shall Labour make necessary arrangement of toilets, waste sanitation, and Drinking Water Appendix-21 requirement at site. C.2 Pollution C.2. Water Pollution 1 The Contractor should not discharge wastewater, generated during construction, into streams, water bodies or the irrigation system without preliminary treatment Clause No and should conform to Karnataka State Pollution Control Board. 501.86 Cofferdams or formwork shall be such as to ensure still water conditions. All MoRTH Water Pollution CSC& I1.1 C.2. from Construction waste arising from the bridges construction activity is to be disposed off in the manner that is acceptable to the State Pollution Control Board and as per approved Specification for Road and Contractor Environmental Officer, CMU Comprehensive Waste Management Plan. Bridge Works Wastes (KSHIP) Wastes must be collected, stored and reused in the construction/taken to approved W(P&C) PAct disposal sites. 1981 The Environmental Officer shall certify that all wastes generated on bridge site Appendix-16 have been disposed off as per norms or in environment friendly manner. To avoid contamination from fuel and lubricants, the vehicle and equipments shall Clause No be properly maintained and refueling/maintenance of vehicles shall not be done 50l.8.6 near the bridge sites. MoRTH CSC& Contamination of Diesel Generator set shall be placed on a cement concrete platform with oil and Specification C.2. Environmental water from fuel grease trap to control the oil ingress into soiVwater bodies. for Road and Contractor 1.2 Officer, CMU and lubricants Bridge Works (KSHIP) W(P&C)PAct 1981 Appendix-8 Contractor shall ensure that no construction materials like earth; stone or any other obstructing construction material is disposed in watercourse and shall take all CSC& C.2. Drainage and necessary measures to prevent the blockage of water flow blocking the flow of Appendix-l Environmental Contractor 1.3 runoff water. Appendix-16 Officer, CMU I Tn addition to the design requirements, the Contractor shall take all required measures as directed by the Environmental Officer to prevent temporary or (KSHIP) ., , . , . , . Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 23 Scott Wilson , ,. l! ., , .. 'I II · .. ., , 'I ,, II ~ " <, ~ '~ 4:, .. t: it " ! : .~ fo Ii " i i · 1& A !Ii Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank . Responsibility SI. Environmental Reference Management Measures Planning and Supervision/ No. Issue Document Execution Monitorine: _pennanent flooding ofthe site or any adjacent area. . The Contractor shall not excavate beds of any stream/canals/nala for borrowing Siltation of CSC& earth for embankment construction. C.2. Water Bodies Environmental Silt fencing shall be provided at bridge locations where rehabilitation /New Appendix-3 Contractor 1.4 and Degradation Officer, CMU construction is proposed as per drawing and locations attached in Appendix-3 to of Water Quality (KSHIP) avoid siltation of water bodies. C.2. Air Pollution 2 The Contractor shall follow good engineering practices during demolishing of bridges or part thereof and during Construction and rehabilitation of bridges. Clause No III (Refer Appendices EA & EMP) & 501.8.6 The Contractor should provide Screen around the demolition sites as possible MoRTH where feasible. CSC& Specifications C.2. The Contractor shall reduce dust nuisance from construction sites by sprinkling of En vironmental I Dust Pollution for Road and Contractor 2.1 water, encapsulation of dust source and by erection of screenlbarriers. Officer, CMU Bridge Works Vehicle delivering material shall be covered. End boards in loaders shall be (KSHIP) Air (P&CP) Act provided to prevent spillage. Water shall also be sprayed on temporary access Appendix-7 roads and diversions. Appendix-16 The air pollution monitoring shall be carried out as per monitoring and reporting , progranune detailed in Environment Assessment and Management Plan. C.2. Noise Pollution 3 Noise Pollution: The demolition of bridges/rehabilitation of bridges shall be done using good CSC& C.2. Noise from engineering practices so that noise levels are kept at acceptable levels. Environmental Appendix-16 Contractor 3.1 Vehicles, Plants Ifrequired screens shall be erected around the construction sites. Officer, CMU and Equipments (KSHIP) C.3 Safety Tool box meeting shall be held at least once a week in order to brief workers about safety, do's and don't during construction. Toolbox safety meetings are on the job meetings and shall keep employees alert to work related accidents and illness. A ToolBox toolbox meeting helps alert employees to workplace hazards, and by preventing .Appendix-9 Meetings accidents, illness and on the job injuries. The meeting should involve groups of people who work together and face same sort of injury risks. The meetings should be so designed to raise lfmployee's awareness following hazardous incidents, a recent injury or near miss. Toolbox meeting improve workplace safety and health, Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 24 Scott Wilson Kamataka State Highways Improvement Proje<;t - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility SI. Environmental Reference Management Measures Planning and Supervision/ No. Issue Document Execution Monitoring provide information and instructions, improve consultation and help identify hazards and deciding what action needs to be taken to reduce the risks. . Contractor shall provide: . »- Protective footwear, goggles and clothing to all workers employed on laying of wearing coat, preparing cement mortars for brick work, concreting, painting I etc. »- Welder's protective eye shields to workers who are engaged in welding works »- Earplugs to workers exposed to loud noise, and workers working with jack hammer, joint cutting machines, vibrators etc. »- Adequate safety measures for workers during handling of materials at site are taken up. »- The Contractor shall comply with all regulations regarding safe scaffolding, ladders, working platforms, gangway, stairwells, excavations, trenches and safe means of entry and egress. »- At every workplace, good and sufficient water supply shall be maintained to avoid waterborne/water related/water based diseases to ensure the health and hygiene of workers. CSC& C.3. Personal Safety »- Persons working should wear safety helmets and rubber gloves Environmental 1 Measures for »- Contractor at his own expenses shall put up necessary shoring, shuttering and Appendix-9 Contractor Officer, CMU Labour planking or cut slopes to a safer angle or both with due regard to the safety of (KSHIP) personnel and workers and to the satisfaction of the Engineer The Contractor shall comply with all the precautions as required for ensuring the safety of the workmen as per the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 62 as far as those are applicable to this contract. The Contractor shall make sure that during the construction work all relevant provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 and the Building and other Construction Workers (regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act, 1996 are adhered to. The Contractor shall not employ any person below the age of 14 years for any I work and no woman shall be employed on the work of painting with products containing lead in any form. The Contractor shall also ensure that no paint containing lead or lead products is used to except in the form of paste or readymade paint. I Contractor shall provide facemasks for use to the workers when paint is applied in I the form of sera:i or a surface having lead eaint dry is rubbed and scraeeed. I I I Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 25 Scott Wilson ! '"' i j ~ ~ ! r J ,, II " II · II · f .. II! , !!' " ~ "I ~ ,~ i.: J l t · t I I , i .. II I i , » .. f " ~ ~ Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services fur Preparation of DPR. Bid Documents Volume IV- Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility SI. Environmental Reference Management Measures Planning and Supervisionl No. Issue Document Execution Monitorin~ The Contractor shall mark 'hard hat' and 'no smoking' and other 'high risk' areas and enforce non-compliance of use PPE with zero tolerance. These shall be reflected in the Construction Safety Plan to be prepared by the Contractor during mobilization and shall be approved by SC Contractor shall install a warning device in the area to be used to warn the workers in case ofmishap/emergency. Contractor shall provide Safety Helmets conforming to IS 2925 to all the workmen engaged in dismantling work. The shed and tool boxes should be located away from work site. Goggles preferably made up of celluloid's and gas masks shall be worn at the time of dismantling, especially where tools like jack hammers are deployed to protect eyes from injuries form flying pieces, dirt, dust etc. The workers shall wear leather or rubber gloves during demolition of RCC work. Screens made up GI sheets shall be placed wherever necessary to prevent the flying pieces from injuring the workers Water should be sprayed to reduce the dust while removing concrete wearing course with jackhammer. No work shall be taken up under the span when dismantling work is progress. Contact numbers of Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance, Police Station, Engineer, EO CSC Consultant and KSHIP should be displayed at every bridge Site. Any skin contacts with epoxy materials; solvents and epoxy strippers should be avoided. Epoxy resin can cause irritation of skin particularly epoxy hardeners (B component) may cause a rash on skin in sensitive persons if incorrectly handled. The resin and hardener should not be allowed to come into direct contact with skin. The most effective protection is achieved by wearing polythene gloves, rubber gloves, with a cloth liner, and protective clothing. Handling of CSC& The official toxicity classification on container labels may be looked for before C.3. Hazardous Appendix-9 and Environmental starting work. Contractor 2 Materials I Appendix-20 Officer, CMU Barrier creams are recommended but are not substitutes for protective clothing. Chemicals (KSHIP) Eyes shall be protected where splashing could occur while spraying. Good ventilation shall be ensured and inhalation of vapors avoided. If materials are sprayed, a respirator shall be used. If skin contact occurs, it shall be immediately washed with a cleaner, followed by soap and water. Should eye contact occur, it shall be flushed immediately with plenty of water for 15 minutes and a doctor L,_,_' called for Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 26 Scott Wilson {"-, .. _'''.H.... ---.., Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank I SI. I Environmental Management Measures Reference Responsibility Planning and Supervisionl I No. I Issue Document Execution Monitorine; If contact occurs with the clothing, it shall be immediately changed to prevent further skin contact, and if the contact occurs with component A or B, the clothing shall be thrown away. Hardened epoxy is not harmful but shall break the clothing. All emptied used buckets; rags and containers shall be removed from site. These shall be stored in waste disposal bags and suitable disposed. The Contractor shall prepare a hazardous waste management and disposal plan and shall submit a copy of it to Environmental Officer (KSHIP) for review and supervision. The Contractor shall ensure that· temporary bridges constructed for diversion of traffic are as per norms and safe and approved by Environmental Officer. Speed limits shall be set for movement of traffic on temporary bridges. The Contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction and provide, erect and maintain such barricades, including sign, markings, flags, lights, warning boards and flagmen as proposed in the Traffic Control Plan/Drawings and as required by the Environmental Officer for the CSC& Traffic C.3. information and protection of traffic approaching or passing the bridge under Environmental Management and Appendix-14 Contractor 3 construction or through the temporary diversion. I Officer, CMU Safety The Contractor shall ensure that all signs, barricades markings are provided as per (KSHIP) the MoRTH specifications. Before taking up of construction on any bridge site, a Traffic Control Plan shall be devised and implemented to the satisfaction of the Environmental Expert. The Contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction and provide, erect and maintain such barricading, including signs, markings lights and flagmen etc. For the information and protection of traffic. A readily available first aid unit including an adequate supply of sterilized dressing CSC& C.3. materials and appliances as per the Factories Rules at every Bridge Construction Environmental First Aid Appendix-9 j Contractor 4 site. Officer, CMU (KSHIP) The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain informatory/safety signs, CSC& Informatory C.3. hoardings written in English and Hindi, wherever required or as suggested by the Environmental Signs and Appendix-4 Contractor 5 Environmental Officer. Officer, CMU Hoardings (KSHIP) CMU shall monitor water quality both upstream and downstream of bridges thrice CMUthrough C.3. Pollution a year at the site ofnew bridges. Appendix-7 approved EO KSHIP 6 Monitoring Pollution ., Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 27 Scott Wilson l ~ , !' " 'I' .. t · . , ., \I · " I I , f · , 11 , , j ,Ii i , j I J t i j i j , ! a '" Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Prepamtion ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Responsibility r Sl. Environmental Management Measures. Reference Planning and Supervision! No. Issue Document Execution Monitoring Monitoring Laboratory C.4 Contractor's Demobilization Contractor shall prepare site restoration plans, which shall be approved by the Environmental Officer. The clean-up and restoration operations are to be implemented by the Contractor prior to demobilization. All spaces excavated and Cleanup not occupied by the foundation or other permanent works shall be refilled with CSC& C.4. Operations, earth up to surface of surrounding ground. Environmental Appendix-21 Contractor I Restoration and The Contractor shall clear all temporary structures; dispose all surplus material Officer, CMU Rehabilitation laying in waterway or around bridge site as per Comprehensive Waste (KSHIP) Management Plan and approved by Environmental Officer. The bridge construction site shall be left clean and tidy, at the contractor's expense, to the satisfaction to the Environmental Officer, i OPERATION STAGE , _Activities to be Carried Out by the CMU (Construction Management Unit) , M 't ' The KSHIP shall monitor the operational performance of the various mitigation o 1 0 om formg measures carned out m e f,orm 0f rIver trammg works as a part 0 f th e project , 'th ' , . ' , P pera lOn fi The m lcators seIected f,or momtormg. Iude the water quar1ty status, S01 Appendix-12 'd' , . mc 'I KSHIP KSHIP er ormance erosion etc. The periodic monitoring of the surface water quality at the selected locations as Pollution Pollution suggested in pollution monitoring plan shall be responsibility of KSHIP, These Monitoring 0.2 Appendix-l 2 KSHIP Monitoring locations shall be monitored once during operation stage. Agency throughCMU Contractor shall submit Accident Safety and Hazardous Chemical Spill 0.3 Safety Measures Management Plan and shall get it approved by the "EO KSHIP". The plan should Appendix-20 also have details of detours in case of eme!8~Il.cy~ _______ _ - __ _.- - _ _.- _ _ _ __. _ __ __ _. - .... ... .. .... .... ... .... ... .... .. ... ... .... ----- .... Chapter 3: Mitigation Measures 28 Scott Wilson Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project -II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by WorId Bank CHAPTER 4: MONITORING PROGRAMME TABLE OF CONTENTS 4. MONITORING PROGRAMME............................................................................................................... 1 4.1 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS...................................................................................................................... 1 4.2 MONITORING PLAN FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................ 4 4.3 REpORTING SySTEM .................................................................................................................................. 6 LIST OF TABLES r' ! TABLE 4-1: PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND MONITORING PLAN ........................................................................... 1 L TABLE 4-2: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING FOR AIR, WATER, NOISE AND SOIL .................................................... 5 TABLE 4-3: REPoRTING SySTEM ............................................................................................................................. 7 TABLE 4-4: SUMMARy DETAILS OF REPORTING FORMATS ..................................................................................... 8 f' I '" L r . it . *' f I L. ' .' 1liii, .· .. '" r ... l Itl I ... ! I , . . lit "" II ,. I I. .' .' l til, II!' fl, ~ 1111 III ..... " ... -....:- .... n ................... .....,Y't'\A Scott Wilson Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparati~,n ofDPK, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank 4. Monitoring Programme The monitoring programme consists of performance indicators, reporting formats and necessary budgetary provision. Out of this, the budgetary provisions are confidential and are not supposed to be part of the disclosure statement. The budgetary statements are provided in section 8.0 for the purpose of evaluation of the EMP. The contractors monitoring plan should be in accordance with the baseline environmental monitoring, locations provided in the environmental impact assessment report. The monitoring plan has the following objective · To ensure effective implementation ofEMP · To comply with all applicable environmental, safety, labour and 10ca1legislation · To ensure that public opinions and obligations are taken in to account and respected to the required satisfaction level .. · To modify the mitigation measures or implementing additional measures, if required 4.1 Performance indicators Environmental components identified of a particular significance in affecting the environment at critical locations have been suggested as performance indicators (PIs). For example near the construction site, a thick layer of dust over the near by vegetation! leaf is an indication that the dust control measures are not effective. The performance indicators shall be evaluated under three heads as; · Environmental condition indicators to determine efficiency of environmental management measures in control of air, noise, water and soil pollution. · Environmental management indicators to determine compliance with the suggested environmental management measures. · Operational performance indicators and monitoring plans prepared for the road sections are presented in Table 5.1. Details of the performance indicative parameters for each of the component have to be identified and reported during all stages of the implementation. ,< Table 4-1: Performance Indicators and monitoring plan Monitoring S1. plan! Responsibi Description of Item Indicator Stage No Performance Jity indicators 1 Monitoring · No. of trees planted (Total) Road side Post Forest plan · No. of trees under and other constructi Department Compensatory Afforestation plantation on stage andKSHIP · No. ofTrees planted along areas Road sides · No. of Trees planted at other locations(such as camps, borrow areas, debris disposal sites and plant areas) · No. of trees planted at enhancement sites Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR., Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Monitoring SI. No plan! Performance Description of Item Indicator Stage Responsibi Dty I indicators i 2 Performance · Area treated with Bio Area Post Forest indicators engineering interventions treated constructi Department with on stage andKSHIP Arboricultu reand turfmg 3 Performance · No. Of Borrow Areas Borrow Pre- Contractor indicators identified and verified Area Constructi · No. Of sites for which on and restoration plans have been Post prepared Constructi · No. Of Sites restored and on rehabilitated · No. Of sites handed over 4 Performance · No. of Quarry Areas Quarry Pre- Contractor . indicators identified and verified Constructi . I · No. of sites for which restoration plans have been on and Post l. prepared Constructi on I . · No. of Sites restored and . 1 I . · rehabilitated No. of sites handed over 5 Performance · Quantity ofDebris and spoils Disposal Constructi Contractor indicators to be disposed off sites on and · No. oflocations finalized for Post Debris disposal Constructi · Quantity of Debris and spoils on disposed off i · No. of locations for which Rehabilitation works have been completed .·: 6 Performance · No. of locations identified for Constructio Pre- Contractor indicators the construction camp and ncamps constructi construction plant sites and plants on lll1d · No. oflocations approved sites Post Constructi · Lay-outs approved on · No. of sites for which site Restoration and Rehabilitation has been completed 7 Performance · No. of Trees to be cut Tree Pre KSHIP indicators · No. of Trees cut cutting constructi on · % Progress on the tree removal 8 Performance No. oflocations identified for Storage of Pre Contractor indicators temporary storage ofthe excavated excavated constructi materials to be used in embankment materials on and Iii and sub grade constructi l on I Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMF Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Monitoring SL plan! Responsibi Description of Item Indicator Stage No Performance lity indicators 9 Monitoring Statutory environmental monitoring as Environme Constructi Contractor plan per the conditions stipulated in the ntal status on consents! permission issued by PCB at constructio nplant Sites 10 Monitoring Environmental parameter monitoring Air quality, Constructi KSHIP plan in accordance with the frequency and Noise 'On and through duration of monitoring as well as the quality, Operation external locations as per the Monitoring plan Soil agency given in Table 4.2 quality, Water Quality 11 Monitoring Before the onset of monsoon all the Silting of Constructi Contractor plan debris/excavated materials shall be water on and should cleaned from the work sites and bodies be disposed of at the pre -identified supervised approved locations by the Environme ntal specialist ofCSC 12 Performance Implementation of enhancement Enhanceme Constructi Contractor indicators measures for nts on · Parking areas · Tourism · Cultural properties · Religious properties · Other oxbow land develo1l'ment 13 Performance · No. of Training sessions Training Constructi KSHIP indicators organized for Imparted on and - Department staff Operation - Contractors al Phase -Combined · No. of people trained - Department staff - Contractors 14 Performance Slope protection measures Work sites Constructi Contractor indicators · Length (by type) on · No. of Locations 15 Performance Drainage Work sites Constructi Contractor indicators · Length on · No. of Locations 16 Performance Safety provisions Work sites Constructi Contractor indicators · Signage (by type and No.) on · GuardRails · Guide Rails 17 Performance No. of chute drains provided Work sites . Constructi Contractor Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume N Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Monitoring SL No plan/ Performance Description of Item Indicator Stage Responsi1 Iity indicators I indicators on 18 Perfonnance Soil erosion prevention measures Work sites Constructi Contractor indicators · Silt fencing (No. of locations on and quantity) · Stone pitching (No. of I locations and quantity) · Any other (Grass seeding etc.,) 1 19 Perfonnance Utility ducts Utility Constructi Contractor indicators I · Length provided ducts on · No. of Locations 20 Perfonnance Water sources Work sites Constructi Contractor .. indicators No. of sources protected on No. of sources relocated 21 Perfonnance No. of mv awareness sessions Labours Constructi KSIDP ! . indicators conducted on Staze I l 22 Perfonnance indicators No. Safety awareness sessions conducted Labours Constructi on Stage KSIDP 23 Monitoring No. ofawareness sessions for Public in Constructi KSIDP plan educating the public about road safety the vicinity on Stage I . and other environmental aspects( such as waste dumping, preservation of enhanced sites, pollution and health of project road. . I l impacts etc.,) 4.2 Monitoring plan for environmental conditions For each of the environmental condition indicators, the monitoring plan specifies the parameters to be monitored, location of the monitoring sites, frequency and duration of monitoring. The monitoring plan also specifies the applicable standards, implementation and supervising responsibilities. The monitoring plan and details of monitoring locations for environmental condition indicators of the project during the construction and operation stage are presented in Table 5.2. The monitoring. will be carried out by KSHIPIPWD through the approved agency and will be supervised by the Environmental Experts ofthe CSC and KSIDPIPWD. " I: i I ~ a i · *' Ii i , I ~ \Ii j j i!' j !I Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Table 4-2: Environmental monitoring for Air, Water, Noise and Soil Attribute Parameter Special guidance Standards Frequency Duration Location No of Implementation samples Air CO,NOx, High volume sampler to be Air (prevention Once in every Two years Construction plant 42 KSHIPIPWD SPM,RPM,Pb located 50m from the plant and «ontrol of four months Sites and major or andS02 in the down wind direction. pollution) Rules. during establishments along as Use method specified by CPCB,1994 construction the project corridor directed CPCB for 24 hr sampling and operation. including base line monitpred stations Water Important Grab sample collected from IS for Inland Once in every Two years Drinking water 18 KSHIPIPWD Factors as source and analyze as per surface waters (IS: four months samples from the or decided by the standard methods for 2296,1922) and during labour camps and as ENV. examination for drinking water construction from hand pumps, directed Spe, -ialist of (IS: 10500-1991) and operation. Surface water from the theCSC water courses along the road project. Noise Noise Levels Equivalent noise levels MOEF Noise rules Once in every Two years Near the construction 42 KSHIPIPWD on db (A) scale using and integrated noise 2000 four months camps, working zones, or level meter kept at a during sensitive receptors at as desired distance of 15m from edge construction major human of pavement Leq in db (A) and operation settlements along the of day time and night time stage road *Soil Monitoring of Sample of soil collected Threshold for each Two samples Two years Construction 32 KSHIPIPWD N, P,K,Na, and analyzed using contaminant set by each during camp/plant sites and or CI, Organic absorption spectrometer IRIS database of the Pre & post productive agricultural as desired Carbon, Pb, USPEA until monsoon lands abutting traffic and Oil & standards are season for the detours and traffic Grease available to use. construction diversions and major period and intersections. operation stage. - - - , - .... .... - .... .... --.-~ ... Chapter 4: Monitoring Programme 5 Scott Wilson Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume N - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank *Accidental spillage ofhazardous and non-hazardous substances need to be dealt with as special cases largely depends on the circumstances including state of the substance (liquid or solid) Monitoring shall be carried out at a1110cations used for collection of primary data in the study. 4.3 Reporting system Reporting system for the suggested monitoring programme operates at two levels f' 1) Reporting for environmental condition indicators and environmental management indicators , 1 I 2) Reporting for operational performance indicators at the KSHIPIPWD level. Environmental monitoring involves regular checking of the environmental management issues detailed in the EMP and to ascertain whether the mitigation measures are achieving their objectives, according to the EMP, with the progress of the works. It provides the necessary feedback for pro] ect r ' management to keep the programme on schedule will still achieving the expected outcomes. j ! The contractor, CSC and KSHIPIPWD operate the reporting system for environmental conditions and environmental management indicators. The reporting system is presented in Table 5.3. Reporting i , , formats for contractors and CSC have been prepared, which will form the basis of the implementation . ! by the Contractor and monitoring by the CSC and KSHIPIPWD. The list of reporting formats prepared for the project is presented in Table 5.4 and formats are presented in Appendix -12. ! I ' · The reporting system will start with the construction contractor who is the main executor of the implementation activities. The contractor will report to the CSC who in turn shall report to I the KSHIPIPWD. As a check on that the Independent Environmental Review consultant for L EMP compliance will carryout the independent review of EMP compliance and submit a draft and final half yearly report to KSHIPIPWD along with a note specifying the critical issues and suggested actions to be taken by the KSHIP/CSCI Contractor. r ' · The Contractor will submit monthly and quarterly environme!ltal compliance reports along i l" with formal monthly and quarterly reporting to the CSC. · The CSC will submit separate quarterly environmental monitoring reports to KSHIPIPWD in I i addition to submission of the summary of the activities of the month in the formal monthly I I " report including any deviations and corrective actions. · KSHIP will be responsible for the preparation ofthe targets for identified non-compliances in association with independent environmental reviewer for the EMP compliance. · Solutions for further effective implementation may also emerge as a result of the compliance monitoring reports. · Photographic records will be kept to provide useful environmental monitoring tools. All materials source points, disposal locations, plant locations, camp locations, crusher locations etc., should be photographed and kept as a record to understand the land use. A full record of construction activities will be kept as a part of normal contract monitoring system. Reporting and Monitoring Systems for various stages of construction and related activities have been proposed in Table 5.3 and 5.4 are to ensure timely and effective ,,,, implementation of the EMP. The operation stage monitoring reports may be annual or biannual, provided the Project Environmental Completion Report shows that the implementation was satisfactory. " A . Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV -Part 1: EMPReport and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank: This reporting will be as follows: · Reporting by the contractor to the CSC · Reporting by CSC to KSHIPIPWD · Reporting by KSHIPIPWD for the information of all interested parties. Table 4-3: Reporting System Construction Supervision World bank Contractor KSBIPIPWD consultant (CSC) (WB) Item Oversee Reporting Report to Desired Supervision . compliance toKSHIP WB supervision monitorin2 Construction Sta:!e Monitoring of Before start of Regular Quarterly Quarterly Half yearly construction work site and construction camp Pollution As required As required Quarterly Quarterly After Half yearly monitoring Monitoring Debris disposal Weekly As required Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Half yearly area Monitoring Implementation Regular Quarterly Quarterly Half yearly Yearly Enhancements - Top soil preservations Borrow Weekly Regular Weekly Weekly Monthly Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Half yearly Half yearly Yearly Yearly area/quarry area / Debris disposal area I Tree cutting Weekly Weekly Monthly Quarter!!, Halfyear!y Yearly Tree plantation Monthly Monthly Monthly Quarterly Half yearly Yearly Operation stage Pollution Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Asper - After Twice Monitoring monitoring monitoring during plan operation J?hase Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Repon Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV -Part 1: EMP Repcm and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Table 4-4: Summary Details of Reporting Formats r Forest Construction Supervision , I Contractor Department Consultant (CSC) · I Format Item Stage Implementation Implementation Reporting No. & Reporting to & Reporting to Supervision toKSHIPI r I Engineer KSHIPIPWD PWD \ Identification of Pre- Onetime - Onetime Onetime temporary construction storage yards and Management 1'1an EMS I Approval of Pre- Onetime - Onetime Onetime construction construction campi plant site and its I management m,an EMS2 Approval of Pre- General- One time - Regular Quarterly Borrow construction Specific Management redevelopment Plan (General plan - One for , and S:2.ecificl each borrow area L Solid waste Management Pre- construction General- One time Specific - Regular Quarterly Plan (General redevelopment and Specific) plan - One for each camp or plant · site EMS3 Construction Construction Monthly - Regular Quarterly ! L camp and plant site management I ' EMS 4 Top Soil Construction Monthly - Regular Quarterly management I \ - , EMS 5 Construction Construction Monthly - Regular Quarterly plants and pollution control Monitorin&. EMS 6 Vehicles and Construction Monthly - Regular Quarterly Pollution Control EMS 7 Details of the Construction Monthly - Regular Quarterly EMS 8 DG sets and pollution control Details of oil Construction Monthly - Regular Quarterly I .. Storage I EMS 9 Working at Construction Monthly - Regular Quarterly water courses and pollution control I ., EMSIO Details of Water Extraction Construction Monthly - Regular Quarterly I I EMSll Details of Construction Monthly - Regular Quarterly personal protective · Equipment EMS12 Status of Construction Half yearly - Half yearly Half yearly I l consent for water extraction i I 1'1 Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR. Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMF Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by W od';! Bank Forest Construction Supervision Contractor Department Consultant (CSC) Format Stage Item Implementation Implementation Reporting No. & Reporting to & Reporting to Supervision toKSHIPJ Engineer KSHIPIPWD PWD EMS13 Deviations and Construction - Monthly Quarterly corrective Actions EMS 14 Tree plantation Construction Quarterly Quarterly and I ()peI'ation EMS15 Plantation of Construction As applicable Quarterly As As shrubs and grass and applicable applicable Operation EMS16 Implementation Construction Monthly - Regular Quarterly of Enhancement measures for cultural properties, parking areas ! and incidental i spaces Status Operation - Half yearly Regarding , \ . Rehabilitation of Borrow Areas Noise barrier Operation As applicable - Quarterly Quarterly construction \ . Survival rate of Operation Quarterly Quarterly " plants .· 1 EMS17 Debris During Through out the - Regular Quarterly l ~ generated due to construction construction peri\NAGEMENTPLAN IlHPLEMENTATJON UNIT (Et.'IPIU) Project Director ~ Chief Administrat:i~.IC Offiea' Sup ervi slor. ( >1: EnVifonmentaLEn~l~er I [ Assistant Conservator 0 f Fo:est :I r.nn ~ult:tnt;: " .... . Oulbatga RFO. Ro.bhw RFO, Db.atWad [c~li Superintending Engineers/Executive Engmee:rs mD Divisions Gulbarga. Raichur. Dharwad and Bangatore Chapter 5: Institutional Arrangement 3 Scott Wilson Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Repo:t Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank 5.1 Integration ofEMP within the Project Table 3.1 is the Environmental management action plan (EMAP), which describes the Environmental mitigation measures for project impact management. r· Detailed environmental monitoring plans for air, noise, and soil and water quality are presented in ! Table 4.2. Tentative reporting formats for the reporting of the environmental aspects of the contract are f. presented in the EMP in Appendix 12. The CSC in discussion will review EMP with the contractor \ and KSHIPIPWD within two months of mobilization of the Construction contractor or before commencement of the works. The environmental measures suggested as part of contract broadly falls into the following categories: , , ! · Specific items shown in the volume of drawings, specifications and in the BOQ and summarized in this EMP. I · Management measures that are stand-alone items and can be implemented by the ~ Contractor (as provision of oil interceptors, regulatory monitoring of environmental I I components etc.,) · Management measures that are to be taken up by the Contractor as a part of permanent works in accordance with good engineering practices. · Enhancement measures directly related to the road development to improve public safety and convenience such as parking areas, bus bays, bus-waiting sheds etc all new t. and are part of road safety enhancement. · Enhancement measures including measures indirectly related to the road construction ., , . I. (Enhancement of cultural properties, common property resources such as wastewater l ponds etc.,) ., The environmental management measures ~ve been incorporated into the permanent and temporary work items. Separate provisions have been ~de in the BOQ for the items, which can be quantified t. separately. Other items that are specified but not priced separately in the BOQ are to be included in ., the Contractors rates. .. . · .. ., · '" Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project· II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV -Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CHAPTER 6: TRAINING & CAPACITY BUILDING PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 6. TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING PLAN.................................................................................. 1 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 6-1: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAMMES ................................................................. 1 TABLE 6-2: TRAINING MODULES ................................. :............................... :.......................................................... 2 . TABLE 6-3: CRASH COURSES ON FOCUSED THEMES RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ...................... 3 .. Chapter 6: Training & Capacity Building Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank. 6. TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING PLAN (a) Training programmes by design consultants It is a fact that the design consultants who prepare the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) after detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EJA) has acquired considerable knowledge about the project, people as well as their resources. This needs to be transferred to the concerned CSC officialslEngineers. This does not show supremacy of the design consultant over the CSC but smooth I ( transfer of the experience gained during various studies. Considering this aspect and the over all requirement the following training programmes have been planned to various groups as provided in the Table-6.1. Table 6-1: Environmental Management training programmes S1. Contents ofthe f Training programmes Target groups No. training I I Legal and policy Engineers of the World bank safeguard requirements for the PWD from all policies and all Indian world bank proiects ranks , Laws 2 Environmental KSPCBand Screening and scoping screening and scoping PWD Engineers for the proj ect I .. for world bank funded i projects Forest Wild life and Forest & Brain storming session 3 Bio diversity Workshop· Wildlife officials for Bio diversity · ofKarnataka related issues 4 Environmental impact PWD Engineers EA process and the assessment ofKSHIP preparation of EMP 5 Forest I Wildlife and PWD Engineers Special studies Bio diversity issues in required during the KSHIP EA process and its requirement 6 EMP as originally PWD Engineers Implementation of 1 . planned by the Design and theCSC EMP I team i 7 Public consultation PWD Engineers Participatory process community participation and Focus in theEA preparation · , .. i . group discussions in KSHIP ! ~ . (b) Training plan The project provision for training plan will be carried out as provided in the Table No. 6.2 and 6.3. f . These. training programmes are not a part of the Contractors plan and estimates but will be a part of the project cost that includes institutional strengthening, capacity building and training. Table 6.2 .. iii :. provides training modules. i - The basic objective of giving training to different stakeholder is to enhance their capabilities for implementation ofEnvironment Management and Monitoring plan. It is recommended that training be given at least 4 times both offsite and onsite Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMF Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPe Packages Funded by W orId Bank: Table 6-2: Training Modules Environmental aspects Training Mode of SI.No. Training Recipients to be covered in training conducting training modules Agency Module for Before start of construction work Session-I Module- Staff of KSHIP, staff of Lecture Overview. Need and CSC I CSC,PWD/PIU Sessions, value of Environment Engineers, Engineering Presentation assessment staff of contractor and and discussion ! collaborating Government agencies Module- Staff of KSHIP, staff of Lecture Institutional Set up Role CSC IT CSC,PWD/PIU Sessions, and Responsibility of Engineers, Engineering Presentation Stake Holders and staff ofcontractor and and discussion Contractual obligation collaborating Government agencies Module- Staff ofKSHIP involved Lecture Overall generic CSC ill in the project, Staff of Sessions, Environment Issues, CSC, PWD engineers Presentation Regulations & Statuary involved in construction. and discussion requirements and Contractor and Mitigation collaborating Government agencies Session-IT Module- Staff of KSHIP, staff of Lectures, Projected related CSC N CSC,PWD/PIU Demonstration environmental issues and Engineers,Engineering Session mitigation measures staff of contractor and other concerned agencies Module Staff of KSHIP, staff of Group Environmentally Sound CSC -v CSC, PWDIPIU discussion and construction Management Engineers, Engineering action plan for & Environmentally staff of contractor the project sustainable operations of Highways Module- Staff of KSHIP, staff of Lectures, Supervision and CSC VI CSC,PWD/PIU Group Monitoring, Reporting Engineers, Engineering Discussions formats staff of contractor Module for Training during construction Module Staff ofKSHIP involved Lecture Implementation ofEMP, CSC -I in the project, Staff of Sessions, Environmental friendly "II! CSC, PWD engineers Presentation construction methodology involved in construction, and and workers safety during Contractor workshops ' construction Module- Staff ofKSHIP involved Lecture Interactive discussion, CSC II in the project, Staff of Sessioris, Monitoring and reporting CSC, PWD engineers Presentation system involved in construction, and Contractor workshops Module for Training during construction at site Module PWDIPIU Engineers, Lecture Environmental friendly CSC -1 Staff of CSC, All staff of Sessions, construction methodology Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Environmental aspects Training Mode of SI.No. Training Recipients to be covered in training conducting training modules Agencv contractor Presentation and workers safety during and construction workshops Module PWDIPIU Engineers, Practical on Safety Practices esc -IT Staff of esc, All staff of Site contractor Module for Training before contractor Demobilization Module- Staff of KSHIP, staff of' Lecture & Restoration of Site esc I esc, PWDI PIU Presentation r Engineers, Engineering staff of contractor Sessions r Module- Staff ofKSHIP, staff of Lecture Reporting formats for esc I I. IT eSe,PWD/PIU sessions, Restoration Engineers, Engineering presentation, staff of contractor Workshop and lesson learned Module for Mter construction before Start of Monitoring { > Module KSHIP Staff, PWDIPIU Lecture Environment Monitoring esc -I Engineers Sessions, Presentation and Workshop Module KSHIP Staff, PWDIPIU Lecture Reporting Formats esc -IT Engineers Sessions, Presentation and Workshop Table 6-3: Crash courses on Focused Themes relating to Environmental management SI. Training Institutions Target groups Contents of the training No. 1 Indian institute of Remote sensing, PWD Executive Geographic information lH Dehradun Engineers systems (GIS) 2 National Environmental Engineering . Junior Engineers Air, Water, Noise quality Research institute (NERI) Nagpur modeling National Remote sensing Agency, Assistant Engineers Application of satellite ; ; Hyderabad imageries in road planning t. . 3 Indian Institute of Ecology and Selected Engineers Ecology and Environment ! . Environment, New Delhi from all levels 4 Forest Research Institute, Dehradun Environmental Training programme on EngineersiForest environmental officers management relating to transport projects 5 Centre of Environmental Education, Selected Engineers Legal dimension of Ahmedabad from all levels Environmental management 6 Central Road Research Institute Junior and Assistant Environmental (CRRI), New Delhi Engineers Management in Transport project 7 Environment Protection Training and Junior Engineers Theoretical aspects of Research Institute, Hyderabad environmental management 8 Tata Energy Research Institute Assistant Engineers Un conventional Energy & Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Fackages Funded by World Bank Sl. Training Institutions Target groups Contents of the training No. (TERI) renewable resources and ecological ~stems 9 Kerala Forest Research Institute Senior Engineers Bio - Diversity and forest lKl' KlJ Trichur, Kerala ecosystems 10 Hind swaraj trust, Abmednagar , Junior and Assistant Soil and water Pune Engineers conservation 11 Visit to·Malaysia for overseas Selected middle level Both good and bad part of experience on road construction and Engineers Environmental Environmental Management management and modem construction practices These training programmes are expected to impart in- depth knowledge from experienced professional working at geographically distant locations. However these training programmes are only indicative and can be considered in coordination with the respective institutes in geographically distant areas of the Indian sub continent. .... Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - IT Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank CHAPTER 7: ENVIRONMENTAL BUDGETARY PROVISIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS 7. ENVIRONMENTAL BUDGETARY PROVISIONS .............................................................................. 1 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 7-1: aU,L OF QUANTITIES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN TO BE EXECUTED UNDER CIVIL WORKS CONTRACT ................................................................................................ 1 TABLE 7-2: BU,L OF QuANTITIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN -MANDATORY WORKS TO .BE IMPLEMENTED BY GoVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS! AGENCIES AS PER REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ......... 3 I i't .. ( . . l '" ., „< I I l .. fir · · ,. r I t l. . ., f . I ( l _ . ,. r t. · ,. lIIl> I ,. i !. . '" , I . · L ... IIJ f . j \Ii; Chapter 7: Environmental Budgetary Provisions Scott Wilson · Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - n Detailed Project Report . Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Instruments - EPC World Bank 7. ENVIRONMENTAL BUDGETARY PROVISIONS The budgetary provision for the implementation of the environmental management plan of the project road is present~ in Table 7.1 to Table 7.2 and can be categorized in to two types. A) Environmental Management Plan Works to be implemented by the contractor under civil works contract (not included in civil works BOQ) B) Environment Management Plan Works to be implemented by Government Departments or other agencies as per the regulatory requirements. Table 7-1: Bill of Quantities for Implementation of Environmental Management Action Plan to be executed under Civil Works Contract Sl. No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount(Rs) I A. Carting away the unserviceable materials from work site to the nearest disposal site (up to a lead of 5km) and disposing the same in disposal pits or borrow areas including depositing unserviceable materials in layers and manual compaction. Appendix - I Cum 33,309.00 92.50 3081082.50 B. The 30 cm top layer of disposal pit shall be provided with good earth, suitable for development of vegetation/plantation. All work shall be carried out as per specifications and approval of the Engineer in Charge Sqrn. 100,000.00 27.8 2780000.00 2 Turfing at ground level at disposal pits for un-serviceable material as per specifications and approval of the Engineer in Charge. Sqm 100,000.00 27.00 2700000.00 3 Regular water sprinkling (at least 4 times) per day at all construction sites for suppression of visible dust levels. Note: This item is to be operated after the completion of earthwork to suppress the visible dust levels. Cost of watering during compaction of earthwork is deemed to be already covered under civil works. Km 36.00 12000.00 432000.00 4 Construction of Recharge pits within the selected water bodies along the project road as per approved design and drawing as developed by Central Ground Water Board (Ref Appendix-2 for details). Nos. 6.00 26000.00 156000.00 5 Construction of silt traps at the discharge points of channels into to fresh water bodies across the project road as per the Standard Details provided in the Appendix-3 M 6.00 1250.00 7500.00 6 Providing informatlilry sign boards (informatory Icaution messages) for road users for providing information about - ecologically sensitive areas, wild life crossing points (if any), important tourist locations, etc as applicable. The Sqrn 2.00 10192.00 20384.00 Chap:er 7: Environmental Budgetary Provisions Scott Wilson Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank specifications of sign boards shall confonn to relevant IRC specifications. The probable I locations for infonnatory sign boards are I given in Appendix4 f i 7 Construction of 30cm thick clay lined (at bottom and sides) pits for safe disposal of scarified bitumen including carriage (up to a l ' lead of 10km), depositing bitumen in layers of 15 Cm with manual compaction and covering the pit with 20cm thick good earth ( . as top layer at ground level all complete as per specifications and details given in the Appendix-5 Nos. 24.00 83410.00 2010181.00 8 Turfmg at ground level at disposal pits for scarified bitumen as per specifications and approval of the Engineer in Charge. Sqm 8,138.00 27.8 . 226236.40 I . 9 Construction of noise barrier(s) at specified locations along Project Road as per the specifications and drawing given in the Appendix-6 M 200.00 4200.00 840000.00 10 Raising of Plantation to act as vegetative noise barrier at select locations as per specifications and details given in Appendix I . - 6. The plantation program shall be I prepared, implemented and maintained for 3 l . years as per plan. M 0.00 490.00 0.00 11 Periodic air quality monitoring during construction stage at construction camp sites, bitumen hot mix plants, crusher plants (if specifically established for Project), at major settlement areas along project road. The parameters to be monitored are SPM, RPM, S02, NOx and CO, Lead. Each monitoring schedule shall be over a duration of 24 hours (in 8 hour shifts), once in a ,. quarter and for 2 Years). The tests are to conducted in accordance CPCB nonns at locations given in Appendix- 7) Nos. 42.00 7500.00 315000.00 12 Water quality monitoring during construction phase at locations given in Appendix - 7. The sampling shall be carried out once in a quarter for 2 years and cover all parameters as per ISI0500 including heavy metals as per details given in I l iAppendix-7. Nos. 18.00 2000.00 36000.00 i _ 13 Noise quality monitoring at specified silent receptors along Project Road, at construction camp sites, bitumen hot mix plants, crusher plants(if specifically established for Project), and at major settlement areas along project road. - Each monitoring schedule shall be over a duration of 12 hours (6Am to 6PM), once in a quarter and for 2 Years). The monitoring shall be carried out in Nos. 42.00 500.00 21000.00 Chapter 7: Provisions 2 Scott Wilson Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMF Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank accordance with CPCB nonns at locations given in Appendix-7) 14 Soil quality monitoring at construction camp sites, work shop areas, oil/lubricant handling areas, bitumen hot mix plants, at all parking lay byes, vehicle servicing stations along Project Road. Paranleters shall include N, P, oil and grease, heavy metals, CIN ratio, pH, organic matter and carried out once in a quarter at all locations for 2 years as per details ~ven in Appendix-7 Nos. 32.00 3500.00 112000.00 15 Providing Oil Interceptors at the ,fuel/oil i storage camps or Construction camps. Typical Drawin~ given in Appendix-8 Nos. '1.00 5000.00 5000.00 16 Providing Personal Protective Equipment to cost! the labours during the construction phase of person! the project. Appendix-9 annum 100.00 1000.00 100000.00 17 Provision for two health check ups for the carcinogens from bituminous fumes which may be inhaled during road paving works. The first health check up prior to induction of the personnel into the construction works and the last health check up prior to the i discharge of the personnel from the cost! construction works. person 100.00 1500.00 150000.00 18 Utilistion of unserviceable material obtained from Road way excavation for widening and construction of cross roads. Cum 6,720.00 77.00 517440.00 19 Enhancement of roadside pond including gardening, construction of parking lots, internal roads, as per drawing No. Complete with all leads and lift and as directed by the Engineer. Nos. 1.00 4120000.00 4120000.00 L Total (A) 17629823.90 Table 7-2: BiII of Quantities for Envirtilnmental Management Action Plan -Mandatory Works to be implemented by Government Departmentsl agencies as per regulatory requirements SI. No.1 Description Unit Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount(Rs) 1 Compensatory Tree plantation program as per the nonns of Forest Department, Government of Karnataka. The plantation program shall be prepared, implemented and maintained for 3 years as per details given in Appendix - 10. Nos. 640.00 717.00 458880.00 2 Re-Development of oxbow land with and other left over land at realignment locations along project road as per standarci tree plantation program approved by the Forest Department, Government of Karnataka. The plantation program shall be prepared, implemented and maintained for 3 years as I per details given in Appendix - 11. Ha 1.00 84,000.00 84000.00 Chapter 7: Environmental Budgetary Provisions 3 Scott Wilson Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC I'u~Au6~~ Funded by World Bank SI. No.1 Description Unit I I Quantity . Rate (Rs) · Amount (Rs) 3 Raising Avenue Plantation along the project road length @ 200 tress per Kilometer. The Plantation programme shall be prepared, implemented and maintained for 3 years as I (. pre the details given in appendix-l 0 Krn 38.50 143,400.00 i 5520900.00 f 4 Raising of Median Plantation along selected t stretches of project road. The plantation program shall be prepared, implemented and .maintained for 3 years as per details given in 1 I Appendix 10. " Krn. 0.00 . 65,000.00 i 0.00 5 Compensatory Afforestation in lieu of forestland diverted Project Road as per the Forest Conservation Act. Compensatory Afforestation works is to be implemented by Forest Department in degraded forestlands as decided by the department Appendix - 10 Ha 0.00 84,000.00 i 0.00 6 Compensatory Provision in terms of Net f Present value (NPV cost) of the Forestland i. I diverted for the Project Road (NPV to be borne by PIU, KSHIP) Appendix 10. Ha 0.00 920000.00. 0.00 7 Providing short term Environmental Management Training for Staff of PIU, contractor's personnel by the Construction Supervision Consultant. The responsibility {" I of developing and conducting the training program shall be of construction supervision l consultant but the cost will be borne by , . ·contractor. Training shall cover for pre- · 1 I construction, construction and post I construction phase. Nos. i 7.00 · 143,000.00. 1001000.00 Total (B) 7064780.00 Total cost estimate for implementation ofEMP works of the Link Sub-Total of Table A ·17,629,823.90 Sub-Total of Table B I 7,064,780.00 { . Grand Total (A + B) ·24,694,603.90 , . i 1 , //Ilk. II' i, Chapter 7: Envirorunental Budgetary Provisions 4 Scott '" ' APPENDICES · .. · . . · . ." ... .. ., .., Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project -11 Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, ~id Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Appendix - 1: DISPOSAL SITE MANAGEMENT The locations of Disposal sites have to be selected such that: · No residential area aft~~wnwind side of these locations, . ''-'''ii9t-1-'-~' ", "" · Disposal sites are located at'least 1000 m away from sensitive locations like Settlements, Water ~ody r.otified forest areas, Sanctuaries or any other sensitive locations. · Disposal sites do not contaminate any water sources, rivers etc for this SIte should be located away from water body and disposal site should be lined properly to prevent infiltration of water. · Public perception about the location of debris disposal site has to be obtained before finalizing the location. · Permission from the Village/local community is to be obtained for the Disposal site selected. · Environment Engineer of CSC and Executive Engineer of Contract Management Unit must approve the Plan. PRECAUTIONS TO BE ADOPTED DURING DISPOSAL OF DEBRIS / WASTE MATERIAL The Contractor shall take the following precautions while disposing offthe waste material · During the site clearance and disposal of debris, the Contractor will take full care to ensure that public or private properties are not damaged/affected, there is no dwellings below the dumpsite and that the traffic is not interrupted. · The Contractor will dispose off debris only to the identified places or at other places only with prior permission of Engineer-in-Charge of works. · In the event of any spoil or debris from the sites being deposited on any adjacent land, the Contractor will immediately remove all such spoil debris and restore the affected area to its original state to the satisfaction ofthe Engineer-in-Charge of works. · The Contractor will at all times ensure that the entire existing canal and drains within and adjacent to the site are kept safe and free from any debris. · C(!)ntractor will utilize effective water sprays during the delivery and handling of materials when dust is likely to be created and to dampen stored materials during dry and windy weather. - · Materials having the potential to produce dust will not the loaded to a level higher than the side and tail boards and will be covered with a tarpaulin in good condition. · Any diversion required for traffic during disposal of debris shall be provided with traffic control signals and barriers after the discussion with local people and with the permission of Engineer-in Charge of works. · During the debris disposal, Contractor will take care of surrounding features and avoid any damage to it. While disposing debris / waste material, the Contractor will take into account the wind direction and location of settlements to ensure against my dust problems. ., GUIDELINES FOR REHABILITATION OF DISPOSAL SITES The dumpsites filled only up to the ground level COltlld be rehabilitated as per guidelines below and to be decided by the Engineer and the supervision consultant · The dumpsites have to be suitably rehabilitated by planting local species of shrubs and other plants. Local species of trees has also to be planted so that the landscape is coherent and is in harmony with its various components. Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR" Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I. EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank ---=------~----------------------------~---- · In cases where a dumpsite is near to the local village community settlements, it could be converted into a play field by spreading the dump material evenly on the ground. Such playground could be made coherent with the landscape by planting trees all along the periphery of the playground. · Some of the dumpsites could be used either for plantation or for growing agricultural produce such as ginger, turmeric or oranges etc. · Care should always be taken to maintain the hydrological flow in the area. Possible impacts due to the excavated debris materials: I \ . If not disposed off properly what would be the expected scenario? This is described in the following sub sections 5.1 to 5.5 r , . 1 Obstruction to natural watercourses The materials if not disposed off properly would be taken by the running water to the lowest portion r of the valleys/streams creating huge obstruction to free flow of natural stream water. If people were ! , residing nearby that would affect their life by way of flooding or by spoiling the premises. f 2 Siltation in surface water reservoir l Most of the materials would be ultimately taken down stream through rivers and ultimately depositing in to reservoirs leading to heavy siltation. This in turn would reduce the reservoir capacity substantially within a very short span. This could incur huge losses to the exchequer. Desiltation is r. also expensive and normally carried out after many years of operation of reservoirs in the natural circumstances. .. \ 3 Soil Erosion Massive soil erosion is the most direct impact of the debris excavation. The precipitation and the consequent run off would erode the loose materials by way of suspension and solution. Once reached up to the mainstream courses even the big boulders would be transported down due to the steep 1 gradients available along the stream courses. l 4 Spoiling of Agricultural land As a usual practice mainly due to poor piantling and limited resources, the Contractor usually. throw I 1 . the materials to the near by valley areas. This would be taken down to the private agricultural areas. · The farmer will incur huge losses and may even sue the Contractor. As a result the project could be r. stopped indefinitely leading to losses for the people of the State. ! L __ iii, 5 Destruction of Agricultural crops Destruction of agricultural crops immediately down the hill will require crop compensation there by reducing the profit margin of the Contractor. Identification of Disposal Areas: The Contractor should also try to make use of all disposal areas identified during the project preparation stage. If the road execution is approaching hilly area, rolling terrain, mountainous area or rocky area then importance should be given to screening i.e., to screen the debris into useful materials. Useful stones can be utilized as construction material and non-useful can be used as development of the public, social and cultural properties as already written above such as parking places, school playground, bus bays, ground near any temple and Mosque so that people participation can be assured Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report ConsultMcy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Fu:,ded by World Bank in the implementation of the project. So it would be good if an NGOs are introduced to perform this task more efficiently. In order to maximize the profits or at least to reduce the expenditure, the contractor usually resorts to his own methods. In that process Contractor could find a more number of feasible areas. Following are some of the burrow pits near by project road, which can be used as disposal sites for unserviceable materials derived from the project. Appx Appx. Depth, I Link Quarry Name of the Quarry/8ourc Chainage Area, D(m» Type of No. (Km) Location A Material ID\ e (Ha) Hillock BelowEGL I OnLHSata Road side M II distance of IA-IO Murrum 10+000 3.0 Kmfrom 4 - 4.00 Murram borrow pit project road 21B OnLHSata Road side distance of Mn lA-ll Murrum 7+000 10.5 Km 8 - 10.00 Murram borrow pit · from project I road Disposal methods and its limitations: There are several constraints in the disposal of materials in the identified locations. They are · Disposal areas are uneven and irregular in shape in the hilly terrain · Most ofthe disposal areas would require construction of retaining walls · Disposal areas would require compaction · Disposal areas would require plantation · No overloading and should be in small trucks or dumpers · Need to transport safely with covered trucks using tarpaulin · Consultution with all concerned · Written permission form all concerned · To transport through difficult haul roads- may require maintenance Local community Groups At each identified debris disposal locations, it is necessary to form local community groups. Entrust the duty of the supervision and all other assistance to dumping process. Ultimately the disposed area should be compacted using road rollers. Information display boards The capacity of the disposal locations, name of the location etc shall be written in an information board at each identified disposal locations. Proposed design: Contractor needs to plan the disposal in the following way .. · · Identify the disposal area Need to photograph the present land use and condition of the area · Consult with all stakeholders ... · Get written agreement from all concerned · Prepare a suitable design for the safe disposal · Construct all required structures (e.g. retaining wall) ... - Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank · Planting of fast growing popular trees on the outer potion of the retaining wall in the form of r' a linear wall parallel to the retaining wall I · Compact of the materials after disposal · Prepare a Contractors debris disposal plan with design drawings for each identified area · With regards to plan, there would be only one disposal plan with small changes for each location. Contractors need to get approvals for specific design for each identified disposal area. Penalties: Stringent action & penalties for dumping of materials in location other than the pre-identified locations is to be worked out to avoid clandestine disposal in the midnight hours. There are several f' cases of dumping of material randomly in many locations. (. i .. I . !. t · Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank APPENDIX - 2: RECHARGE PITS TYPICAL DRAWING OF RECHARGE PIT · II .. .'!iIiI" ! .iittMrilil J.' III '" '1_ _ ~ ."" ,RO' TYPICAL GROUND WATER RECHARGE PIT Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume N Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank RECHARGE PITS - LOCATION LINKNO:21B Sl. No. Chainage LHS RHS 1 10+600 Pond - 2 11+400 - Pond & lined Well I 3 13+730. Cross Drain Cross Drain 4 16+670 Cross Drain Cross Drain 5 26+540 Pond - , I I' I i I , I { i .. f · l " III' ! l III I.. 1/1 lit " . .. ! . .. lit, . L .. II' III ... . II' ., Karnataka State High ways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Commltancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by WorId Bank Appendix - 3: Typical Silt Trap r' - i ~ ~ -1 " ". ~ r--.1'UIl PLAN .., TYPICAL SILT TRAP Some of the locations for silt fencing on the proposed road are given in the following table. Silt fencing locations have been selected such that each recharge pit will have one silt fence to prevent silt from entering the nearest water bodies and also prevent choking of recharge pit by the silt coming from runoff water increasing the life of recharge pits. Silt fence are mounted in guiding drains at a distance of 3 to 5 M in the upstream direction depending on Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMF Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank the gradient of the guiding drains. However location of silt traps will depend on contractor's proposal for site facilities and work sites and should be provided in the contractor's proposals. This will be checked by Environmental engineer of. the construction supervision consultancy and monitored by KSHIP. SILT FENCING - LOCATION LINK NO: 2IB I SI. No. Chainae;e LHS RHS l 1 10+600 Pond - I 2 11+400 - Pond & lined Well 3 13+730 Cross Drain Cross Drain I I 4 16+670 Cross Drain Cross Drain I 5 26+540 Pond - . ,. '" " I .· L. . r ! . I 1 .. [ · r ., 1 I. , I Ii· ., ... 1M' · .. i Iii' · ... III' ,,- ~, .. 1'1 Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Appendix 4: Sign/ Information boards for tourism Enhancement: This relates to the information boards with regards to the tourism and pilgrimage areas so that all these structures are properly integrated to the project roads. This will be a positive step towards tourisms prospects of the state. Provision for tourist information/sign boards at the access roads is provided in this section. This is also included in the BoQ Environmental Management Plan. Routel Location of Roads Chainage Feature Enhancement Link LHS RHS 21B Dharwad - Saundatti 7.5 Temple fuformation board ... Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Appendix-5 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT RECYCLING r Introduction: I The bituminous pavement rehabilitation alternatives are mainly overlaying, recycling and construction. In the recycling process the material from deteriorated pavement, known as reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), is partially or fully reused in fresh construction. Some of the advantages associated with pavement recycling are (i) Less user delay (ii) Conservation of energy 1 (iii) Preservation of environment (iv) Reduced cost of construction (v) Conservation of aggregate and binder (vi) Preservation of existing pavement geometrics, etc. It is also reported that recycled mix has higher resistance to shearing and scuffing, which in tum ! I , increase the rutting resistance. Chances of reflective cracking are found to be less with recycled mix. The RAP is a deteriorated bituminous mix that contains aged bitumen and aggregates. Hence, its r' I performance is poorer when compared to the fresh mix. The purpose of the bituminous recycling is to regain the properties of the RAP, such that it tends to perform as good as fresh mix. Thus, the process of bituminous recycling involves mixing of the RAP, fresh bitumen, rejuvenators and new aggregates in suitable proportions. Rejuvenators are low viscosity oily substance, which helps to bring down the high viscosity of aged bitumen. The present article intends to discuss briefly the various possible methods of bituminous pavement recycling. · I t. RECYCLING METHODS: I. Based on the process adopted in recycling the bituminous mix, it can be broadly classified 1 l. as central plant recycling and in-situ recycling. If the RAP is modified at a plant, away from construction site then the process is known as central plant recycling. In-situ f . I recycling process the RAP modified in place, where from it is available. Further, the RAP i , could be heated to condition it. If heat is applied then the process is known as hot mix \ ' recycling. In case of cold mix recycling, old materials are conditioned using recycling i agent (like, low viscosity emulsion) without application of heat. ( II. Another way of classification could be based on the depth of the old pavement removed. If the top layers of pavement fail, then the upper layers are removed and laid again. This · process is known as surface recycling. However, if base failure occurs then the pavement layers up to base layer is removed and constructed again. This process is known as full I depth reclamation. · t III. The following paragraphs elaborate further the various recycling processes. HOT IN-PLACE RECYCLING: Initially the pavement intended to be recycled is heated to a higher temperature using suitable heating arrangement. This facilitates easier removal of materials. After heating, the pavement surface is scarified to the required depth. Further, depending on the requirement fresh aggregate and binder are added. The material is mixed well and compacted to the required thickness. As this process consumes less time, least disruption to traffic is caused. Also the transportation cost is less, as materials need not be taken away. Machinery required for this purpose being bulky in Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank nature, sufficient right-of-way is required. This becomes an important consideration for in-place recycling within the city areas. COLD IN PLACE RECYCLING: In cold in-place recycling process, fIrst, the pavement is scarifIed with a scarifier. The scarified material is crushed to the required gradation. Thn the required amount of fresh aggregates and binder in cold form (emulsion or cutback) is added. It is compacted and left for aeration. During this process additives like, cement, quick lime, fly ash may be used. The cold mix recycling takes care of local geometric correction, correction of pavement distresses like surface cracks. Being an in-situ process the hauling cost is considerably low. The air quality related problems during construction is almost negligible as compared to hot mix process. Similar to hot in place recycling process the machinery required being bulky, sufficient maneuvering space should be available for operating the equipment. Also, the lane needs to be closed for certain time so that sufficient time is available for curing of freshly laid course. Moisture content (when bitumen emulsion is used) needs to be given importance as it influences gradation control, mixing and workability of recycled mix to a large extent. HOT CENTRAL PLANT RECYCLING: In this process, RAP is combined with required quantity of bituminous binder, and fresh aggregates in a hot mix plant. The resultant mix is heated to an elevated temperature and mixed thoroughly. The hot mix is transported to paving site, placed, and compacted to the required compaction level. The main advantage of this process is that the mix properties and performance is comparable to that of virgin mix. It is noted that the quality control in this process is better when compared to hot in-place recycling. As RAP is susceptible to moisture, care needs to be taken while storing it. Less workspace. is required for laying the recycled mix, hence this is suitable for the roads where the right-of-way is somewhat restricted. The RAP should not be exposed to extremely high temperature as it causes pollution due to smoke emission. COLD CENTRAL PLANT RECYCLING: This is the similar process as is the hot central plant mixing, except it does not involve any heating and therefore emulsion bitumen is used binder in most of the cases. Precise control on the mixing time is important, over-mixing may cause premature breaking of emulsified bitumen, under-mixing results in insufficient coating of aggregates. Details of scarified bitumen generated frem the proposed road project and the number of Bitumen Disposal Pits (of volume 547 Cu m) required for the disposal are given in the following table. Qnantity of Scarified No of Bitumen , LinkID Bitumen generated (Cu M) Disposal Pits ! i 2IB 12658 24 I --. -----, ._ .. ,""'........; Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank ,-----lOP :3O<:'m LAYER' wrrH AVAILABLE GOOD fAl\'lH ~ r 3CeM lHICK' CLAY LINING ('3;IOE'S ANO BOll0~) A.BITUMEN DISPOSAL PIT 2'2.5m 1Sam 15.0m 10.01"r'1 B.PLAN OF BITUMEN DISPOSAL PIT FIGURE: TYPICAL DRAWING OF BITUMEN DISPOSAL PIT Appendix 5: Bitumen Disposal Pits 3 Scott Wilson · ., I , , , , · , , ·· f · , i · · " '" Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV -Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Appendix - 6: Noise Barriers 1. Typical Design for Noise Barriers Typical designs are provided in the appendix 21 design drawings. Mitigation at the sensitive receptor locations may include posting of signs prohibiting the use of horns and, to the extent possible, landscapes planting to serve as green noise barriers. Effect of noise can be reduced considerable by the combined effect of sound insulating walls and green barriers. Nevertheless the putting of green barriers requires at least 2-5m additiolli?l space between the solid barrier and the .receptor. Principle of '. the designed barrier is also explained in the design sections. Proposed project mitigation actions are cost effective and implement able when compared to the generally recommended expensive double glazed windows. 2. Sound insulating walls for silence zones .. The design of these arrangements was proposed with a brick wall to act as sound barrier. The Hospitals, Medical centre, Schools and other Educational institutions are affected by the traffic noise. . A number of schools and a few hospitals are generally observed adjacent to the road corridor. . 3. Green barriers for Silence zones These are simply a thick layer of green plantation with small leaves acting as noise attenuates. These trees may be planted just il1side and adjacent to the walL Contractors will be responsible for the implementation of the civil work. Tree plantation will be carried out by the Forest department under the tree-planting scheme of the project. The implementation aspects are provided in the EMP. In addition to the noise mitigation, the thick green layer will act as an air quality filter for traffic emission. A typical green barrier of 100m lengths will have 200 trees in 4 rows. Noise mitigation techniques will be employed as may be warranted at each of the sensitive receptor sites tabulated in Table 1.0. Definitive noiSe levels will be empirically determined at each site and - selection of the mitigation technique will be made on a site- specific basis in consultation with property owners. Co-ordination and implementation will be the responsibility of the Environmental officer of the construction supervision consultants (CSC). Mitigation cost has been estimated as a part - of the environmental costs of the project. Table: Location of the noise barriers - LINK No: 21B FO. I I Chainage Side Silent Receptors Length of Noise Barriers (m) I Remarks I I .... Milinda Convent and Budda I . 1 0.200 RHS Rakkitha Residential 60 Solid Noise Barrier L !School, Dharwad. I First Grade College, 2 1.400 RHS 30 Solid Noise Barrier I Dharwad I I 3 20.700 I LHS Govt. Higher Primary 40 ISOlid Noise Barrier School, Harobelavadi I 4 21.600 ! RHS RES Primary & High 20 Solid Noise Barrier I I Schooh Inamhongal 5 26.900 ; RHS IGO\t. Higher Primary 50 Solid Noise Barrier I iSchool, Hireulligere i ,--, Total 200 Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project· II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeg).lard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Figure: TYPICAL NOISE BARRIER !' L f' I · l [' ., ! I l, r I f l . ., (SuhHt-10) ELEVATION TYPICAL NOISE BARRIER · Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Pank Appendix 7: National standards of Air, Noise and Water Quality: 1 Ambient Air Quality Standards (National) Concentration in ambient air Time-Weighted Pollutants Industrial Residential, Rural Sensitive Average Area & other Areas Area Sulphur Dioxide (S02) Annual Avg. 8OIlg/m3 6OIlg/m3 151lg/m3 24 Hours** 12OIlg/m3 8OIlg/m3 3OIlg/m3 Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) Annual * 801lg/m3 601lg/m3 151lg/m3 24 Hours** 1201lg/m3 801lg/m3 301lg/m3 SPM Annual 36OIlg/m3 14OIlg/m3 70J.lg/m3 24 Hours** 5OOIlg/m3 2OOIlg/m3 100!J,/im3 RPM (Size;I>>;I>'&< · .......... '11' ..,.,..... ,. " ...... ~ .. '0'0 .... . . "!II"'" , " · ·11 ... .,,, I' ~ cd ~ ~ ~~ ".... , ·· t .. OJ ~ ';>. 'II" .... ", ... 9' OJ " ...... 9 ,.." ~ ....... 't ~----- SAMPLE POINT 1\ flOW RECULA10RY ~ I~O& ACCUI OEVlCE r.: ~ v '- ACCUMULATION Appendix: 8 OIL INTERCEPTOR . . , ., , . , , Appendix 8: Oil Interceptor ,, ., ~ ; ~ "! 'r Scott Wilson Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by W.~o_rl_d_B_ank _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Location of Oil Interceptors has been considered such that each construction camp having refueling stations, oil and lubricants storage places will have one oil interceptor to stop & separate the floating oils. However the number of interceptors shall be increased as the situation demands or during the accidental spillages with the consent of Environmental Engineer of Construction Supervision Consultants. Provision has been mada to provide one oil interceptor for each construction campsite in theEMPBoQ. . - .. Appendix 8: Oil Interceptor 2 Scott Wilson Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank APPENDIX: 9 WORKERS SAFETY IN COMMON OPERATION AND DURING CONSTRUCTIONS HOUSE KEEPING PRACTICES 1. Maintain washrooms and canteens clean 2. Keep all walkways clear and unobstructed at all times 3. Ensure that spillages of oil and greasy 4. Stack raw materials and finished products clear ofwalkways or inside roads 5. Do not leave tools on the floor or in ally location where they can be easily dislodged 6. Keep windows and light fitting clean 7. Maintain the workplace floors dry and in a non-slippery condition 8. Provide and maintain proper drainage system to prevent water stagnant. 9. Use metal bins for oily and greasy rags and store all flammable materials in. appropriate bins, racks or cabinets. Ensure that the meal bins for storing oily and grease rags should be covered with lids. 10. Ensure that protruding nails in boards or walls are moved or bent over so that they do not constitute a hazard to people 11. Make sure that hazardous/dangerous chemicals are kept in the goods stores with the appropriate labeling, display of the material-safety-data-sheet (MSDS) and other precautionary measures 12. Display 'no smoking' signs in areas with high fire risks, e.g. paint stores, wood working area and others SAFE LAYOUT IN THE CONSTRUCTION PLANT, CAMP AND QUARRY AREAS I) Arrange border to perimeter fencing 2) Ensure good visibility and safe access at site entrances 3) Provide adequate warning signs at the entrance and exit where necessary 4) Provide adequate space/area for loading and unloading, storage of materials, plant and machinery 5) Display emergency procedure and statutory notices at conspicuous location 6) Consider welfare facilities required 7) Provide areas for dumping garbage and other waste materials, and also arrange their regular clearance. 8) Arrange storage, transport and use of fuel, other flammable materials and explosives in line with the license requirements to be obtained from appropriate authorities 9) Plan emergency assembly points, fire escape routes and locate fire-fighting equipment 10) Provide access roads and plant movement areas within the site. 11) Ensure the availability of first aid facilities and display notices at the various works to show the [ . r location ofthese facilities 12) Provide proper drainage and sewage & drainage facilities · \ TREE FELLING · Use hard hats during tree felling · Ensure tools such as the axes are in good condition ! · Determine proper foot and body position when using the axe. Do not cut above your head · Wear appropriate foot protection .. ,* ( · Carry a first aid kit to the site · Determine possible hazardous in the area, e.g. electrical or telephone or other utility lines · Prior to felling, determine the safest direction for the fall · Determine the proper hinge size before directing the tree fall. NOISE HAZARDS AND ITS CONTROL 1) Note that indications of noise levels are: · You have to shout to be heard; · Your hearing is dulled just after work; · You get head noises or ringing in the ears after work; Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project-II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Prepar.ltion ofDPf{, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank · You have difficulty hearing people while other are talking 2) Use sound level meters to measure. If the sound level exceeds 85 dB (A), then preventive measures should be taken 3) Make personnel aware of noisy areas by using suitable warning signs and insisting that ear protectors should necessarily be worn. 4) Reduce noise at source by impro,:ed maintenance, replacing noisy machines, screening with noise absorbing material, making changes to the process/equipment, controlling machine speeds, ensuring that two noise-generating machines are not running at the same time, using cutting oils and hydraulic breakers. 5) Appoint a competent person to carryout a detailed noise assessment of the site, designate ear protection zone, and give instructions on the necessary precautionary measures to be observed by site personnel, including the use of suitable type of ear protections. 6) Wear and maintain ear muffs and ear plugs as required 7) In construction or repair work, noise should be kept to a low-level bearing in mind the disturbance to local residents. ROADWORKS I) The use of signage is most important to caution the road users of possible unsafe conditions due to the road works. 2) Use of appropriate signage devices as required by the site conditions/situation. The devices include regulatory signs, delineators, barricades, cones, pavement markings, lanterns and traffic control lights. 3) In using signs, make sure that they are (i) simple, easy-to-understand and convey only one message, (ii) luminescent and with reflective properties, and (iii) broad, prominent and of appropriate size. 4) In using barricades, make sure that you keep traffic away form work areas and you guide the drivers to keep along a safe, alternative path. 5) Ensure that proper personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided to all the workers. 6) Cover existing road signs and install new ones at appropriate locations taking into account the distances that would be required and reaction times. 7) Plan layout and traffic management so that hazard are not created. 8) Deploy flagmen, who control traffic at the work areas. The flag should be 600mm x 600mm fastened to a 1m length staff. 9) Flagmen should wear reflective safety vests along with hard hats 10) If required, use wireless devices for flagmen to co-ordinate form either ends of the road, where works are being carried out. ELECTRICAL HAZARDS IN CONSTRUCTION AREAS 1) Treat all wires as live wires 2) Never touch dangling wires, but report them to your manager 3) Unless you are a qualified electrician, do not attempt electrical repairs 4) Never use electrical equipment if you hands are wet or you are standing in water 5) If electrical equipment is sparking or smoking, turn the power off and report the condition to your supervisor 6) Never use electrical wires that have physical damage 7) Never allow equipment or traffic to run over electrical wires. USE AND STORAGE OF GASILPG 1) Store filled gaslLPG cyiinder in the open area, i.e. outside ofthe building 2) Transport, store, use and secure cylinders in upright position 3) Ensure proper ventilation at the ground level in locations where gaslLPG is in use 4) A\'oid physical damage to the cylinder 5) Nf~ver weld or cut on or near the cylinder 6) Store empty cylinders secured and upright 7) Make sure that the cylinder is closed immediately after use Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank 8) Investigate immediately if there is the smell of LPG or gas r 9) Never use destenched gaslLPG on site. I 10) Make sure that there is no other unrelated fire in the vicinity of the cylinder OPERATION OF EXCAVATORS 1) Ensure that excavators are operated by authorized persons who have adequately trained. 2) Prevent unauthorized movement or use of excavators 3) Check regularly and maintain the machine thoroughly 4) Ensure that all relevant information, including those related to instruction, training, supervision and safe system of work are provided to the operators. 5) Ensure that the operation and maintenance manuals, manufacturer's specifications, inspection and f maintenance log books are provided for the use of the machines, service engineers or other safet) I personnel during periodic maintenance, inspection and examination. 6) During tipping or running alongside the trenches, excavators must be provided with stop blocks. 7) Excavators must be rested on firm ground during operation 8) A void operating the machine too close to an overhand, deep ditch or hope and be alter to potential carving edges, falling rocks and slides, rough terrain and obstacles. I' 9) Locate and identify underground services by checking with all utility companies before i excavations. 10) Ensure that all excavations are supervised by experienced and competent persons. 11) When reversing or in caste the operator's view is restricted, adequate supervision and signaling should be provided. 12) Ensure that the type and capacity of the excavator are properly chosen for the intended purposes and site conditions. Never use a machine for any purposes other than it is designed for. 13) Check and report for excessive wear and any breakage of the bucket, blade, edge, tooth and other working tools ofthe excavator. , 14) Check that alllinkageslhinges are properly lubricated and ensure that the linkage pins are secured. Never use improper linkage pins. l. 15) Never dismount or mount a moving machine 16) Work only with adequate ventilation and lighting 17) Ensuring that the protective front screen of the driving cabin IS fixed is position during , excavations to avoid eye injury to the operator. 18) Ensure switch-off of the unattended vehicle. OPERATION OF TRUCKS AND DUMPERS . , . 1) Ensure that only trained, authorized and licensed drivers operate the vehicles 2) Enlist the help of another worker before reversing the vehicle 3) Switch-off the engine of an unattended vehicle 4) Lower the tipping bodies when the machine is unattended, but if it is necessary to leave them in · the raised position they should be blocked to prevent their fall. 5) Wear safety boots or shoes to avoid injuries during loading and unloading. 6) Carryout periodic servicing to the manufacturer's requirements. All records of maintenance and repairs should be in writing or kept on site. 7) Keep the vehicle tidy and the cabin free from tools and material, which might obstruct the . controls. 8) Keep to speed limits. 9) No passenger should be carried on a dumper except the driver .. ., 10) Never drive the vehicle across a slope 11) Provide stop blocks when the vehicle is tipping into or running alongside excavations 12) Do not overload the vehicle. 13) Carry only well secured loads 14) Park only on level ground, in neutral with the parking brake applied 15) Never mount of dismount from a moving vehicle ., Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments- EPC Packages Funded by World Bank GAS WELDING 1) Use the following personal protective equipment during welding · Face or hand shield fitted with filters · Goggles, particularly when chipping slag · Gloves long enough to protect wrists and forearms against heats, molten metal and radiation · High-top boots to prevent sparks from entering footwear 2) Screen of the work area with sturdy opaque or translucent materials because glare can cause eye injury. 3) Key for opening the acetylene cylinder valve must be one the valve stem while the cylinder is in I use so that the cylinder valve may be immediately shut-off in an emergency. 4) Ventilate the workplace using air blowers and exhaust fans to remove poisonous fumes and gases .. that are given off during welding 5) Take precautions against flying spark and hot slag where welding is begin done near flammable materials and check the area before leaving. . 6) Do not weld material degreased with solvents until completely dry . 7) Do not use gas cylinders for supporting work or as rollers 8) Do not use oil grease on oxygen cylinder fittings . 9) Do not use cylinders with damaged valves . 10) Do not use too much force if valves are stuck. · 11) Replace valve caps after use 12) Search for leaks in equipment by using a solution of soapy water. 13) Shut the cylinder valve if acetylene from a cylinder catches fire at the valve or regulator due to leakage at a connection. 14) Treat all gas cylinders as "full" unless you are sure otherwise. 15) Never attempt to transfer acetylene from one cylinder to another or attempt to refill an acetylene cylinder. 16) Place portable fire extinguishers near the welding area 17) Secure all cylinders against accidental displacement. 18) Always lift gas cylinders. Do not slide them along the ground or drop them from trucks. 19) Keep gas cylinders in vertical positi,un both in storage and when in use 20) Keep the work place dry, secure, free from combustible materials and obstruction. 21) Store the acetylene and oxygen cylinders separately, and in a proper store. 22) Keep th~ gas cylinders form source of heat, flammable materials, corrosive chemicals and fumes. MANUAL HANDLING AND LIFTING 1) V se mechanical equipment in lace of manual handling as far as possible. 2) Assess the manpower required to handle or life the load safety and arrange the manpower accordingly. 3) ill handling hazardous materials, the workers shall be informed of the hazards and safety precautions. 4) All relevant persons shall be trained in the proper methods of lifting and carrying. 5) Where team work is required, select the persons whose ages and physical builds are compatible for teaming up. Coordinate the actions of the team members by giving necessary instructions. 6) Always lighten or suitably shape the load for manual handling as far as possible keep a look out for splinters, sharp edges, loose banding and nails. 7) Clear path or obstruction and tripping haza!"ds. 8) Stack and secun~ goods safety on trucks, otherwise they fall off and injure passers-by. 9) Use personal protective equipment such as gloves, safety shoes. Etc. 10) Adopt the following procedure when you lift a load: 11) Stand close to the object. Have a firm footing with feet spread on either side of the road. 12) Bend the knees and keep you back as straight as you can 13) Grasp object firmly. Be sure grip will not slip Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project ~ II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank 14) Breath in and throw the shoulder back wards. 15) Straighten the legs, continuing to keep the back as straight as you can. 16) Hold object finnly close to the body 17) Always lift smoothly. Avoid jerky motions. Tum with feet instead of twisting the back. HANDLING CHEMICALS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES 1) Always substitute hazardous chemicals with harmless or less hazardous ones wherever possible. 2) Enclose the process using chemicals or provide other engineering controls such as local exhaust ventilation, a fume cupboard or a safety cabinet. 3) Exercise great care in the storage and use of chemicals because they may be explosive, poisonous, corrosive or combustible. 4) Separate different chemicals physically ~. 5) Store chemicals classified as dangerous goods in a properly constructed and approved goods store. Keep proper records of all chemicals and hazardous substances delivered, stored and used on site. f: 6) Consider unknown substances and liquids as dangerous until proven otherwise. 7) All containers should be clearly labeled to indicate contents. Never use a wrongly labeled till [" container for chemicals. 8) Prohibit smoking in the vicinity of dangerous chemicals I . , " 9) Ensure that you are wearing the correct personal protective equipment before you handle chemicals ., I 10) Maintain the Material Safety Date Sheet of all chemicals for reference on safety precautions to be taken and the use of suitable PPE. 11) When opening containers, hold a rag over the cap or lid, as some volatile liquids tend to spurt up · when released. 12) Wash before you eat and do not eat at the work place. 13) If the skin is splashed with a chemical, rinse it immediately with plenty of clean water. Eye · I l _ should be flushed thoroughly with water followed by immediate medical attention. 14) Eye fountain, emergency shower and breathing apparatus should be available in the vicinity of the workplace. 15) Safety instructions for handling emergency situations should be displayed prominently at both the · .. storage and use locations. ! FIRST AID L. 1) Provide first aid boxes at every site 2) Ensure that training on the use of the first aid box is provided to a handful of staff working in the site. 3) Display the list of persons who are trained on providing first aid. 4) Ensure that every first aid box is marked plainly "First Aid" in English and local language. r ' 5) The responsible person or first aider should replenish the contents of the first aid box as ! necessary. ! l _ Cost of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Cost of Personal Protective Equipment per person per project has been considered based on the "~ assumption that one person/labour requires two set of PPE tiH the completi& of the project. Cost per I . set ofPPE is taken as Rs. 500 on an average for EMP BoQ estimate. So cost / person / project will be ! Rs.1000.00 (11\' Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by Wor!.l Bank PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT List of personal protective equipment (PPE) Persona) protective SI.No. Part of the body I Equipment 1 Eye Safety glasses, (Joggles 2 Face F ace shields 3 Nose Nose masks 4 Head Helmets 5 Feet Safety shoes 6 Hands and Anns (Jloves 7 Body Vests 8 Hearing Earplugs, Earmuffs General: 1) Consider the provision of personal protective equipment only after all measures for removing or controlling safety hazards have been provided reasonably impractical. 2) Ensure that sufficient personal protective equipment are provided and that they are readily available for every person who may need to use them. 3) The management should ensure that all persons make full and proper use of the personal protective equipment provided. 4) Provide instruction and training in the proper use and care of any specific protective equipment where necessary 5) Do not willfully misuse, interfere with or ill-treat any protective clothing and equipment provided. 6) Ensure that the personal protective equipment are in good condition. Report immediately any damage to the management for replacement. Always keep the personal protective equipment as clean as possible. Eye Protection I) Issue eye protection equipment where there is a foreseeable risk of eye injury .. 2) Ensure an adequate supply of goggleS/shields is available. 3) Keep the goggles clean and make sure they are good fit. 4) Do not watch welding operations unless your eyes are protected from the damaging effect of flash. Head Protection 1) No person shall enter a construction site unless he is wearing a suitable safety helmet 2) Wear a safety helmet: ... · When there is the risk of being hit by falling objects · While on or near a construction site · During adverse weather conditions · When in any area designated as a "hard hat" area. 3) Provide identification labels to all helmets in some way to prevent random exchange among wearers, with one helmet exclusive to each person. ,'" 4) Inspect helmets for eracks of sign of impact or rough treatment before each usage. Destroy, remove and replace all worn, defective or damaged helmets. Hearing Protection 1) Provide ear plugs or ear muffs as required. Use re-usable ear plugs when the reduction required (15-25 dBA) is not excessive. Use ear muffs where a large attenuation of up to 40 dBA is demanded. 2) Do not use dry cotton wool for hearing protection because it cannot provide any. Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project. II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank 3) Provide disposable ear plugs for infrequent visitors and ensure that they are never re-used. 4) Provide re-usable ear plugs for those who need to work continuously for a long period in a high noise area. 5) Use ear muffs with replaceable ear cushions because they deteriorate with age or may be damaged in use. [ 6) Avoid wearing spectacles with ear muffs. \ < 7) Use soap and water or the recommended solvent for cleaning ear muffs. (" 8) Provide ear muffs for those who may need to get in and out of a high noise area frequently. I RESPITATORY PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 1) Wear suitable respirable for protection when there is a potential for small particles entering the lungs, e.g. emptying of cement bags. 2) Ensure that he explanators can provide adequate protection. 3) Provide training to all persons using the respirators for their correct fitting, use, limitations and r i symptoms of exposure. I 4) Clean and inspect all respirators before and after use. 5) Store respirators properly when not in use. [ . I Safety Footwear 1) Wear suitable footwear for work r' 2) Use safety footwear on site or in other dangerous areas I 3) Wear suitable safety shoes or ankle boots when working anywhere, there is high risk of foot injuries from slippery or uneven ground, sharp objects, falling objects etc. 4) All Safety footwear, including safety shoes, ankle boots and rubber boots, should be fitted with steel toecaps. 5) Avoid wearing flip flops, high heeled shoes, slippers, light sport shoes in situations where there is a risk of foot injury. r. 6) Keep shoelace knots tight l Hand Protection ,' ! " 1) Wear suitable gloves for selected activities such as welding & cutting and manual handling of L materials & equipment. 2) Do not wear gloves where there is a risk of them becoming entangled in moving parts of machinery { . 3) Wash haAls properly with disinfectant soap before eating & clean water before drinking. Wash I hands immediately after each operation on site when the situation warrants. r FIRE PREVENTION, FIGHTING AND EQUIP:MENT (Ill' i t · Before fire breaks out 1) Store flammable material in proper areas having adequate fire protection systems. 2) Display sufficient warning signs. 3) Train selected personnel to use these fIre extinguishers 4) Inspect fire extinguishers regularly and replace as necessary 5) Fire escape route should be kept clear at all times and clearly indicated. l 6) Know the escape route and assembly point. 7) Display escapes route maps prominently on each floor. tlftt 8) Carryout fire drill regularly. Designate fire Officers 9) Install fire alarm wherever required and test regularly. 10) Provide sufficient exit signs at prominent locations for directing people to the escape staircases and route. l When fire breaks out 1) Alert all persons 2) Put offthe fire with appropriate fire extinguishers only when you are sure that you are safe to do so. .. Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - 1I Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Insllruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank ------_. 3) Escape if you are in danger through the fire escape route to assembly point 4) Fire officers to carryout head count at the assembly point. Incident and accident investigations I) Carryout the investigation as quickly as possible. 2) Conduct interviews with as many witnesses as necessary 3) Do not rely on anyone sole source of evidence " 4) Use the following tools: II · Checklists for obtaining basic and typical information for accidents · Notebook .. · Tape records · Camera · Measuring tape · Special equipment for the partiCUlar investigation 5) Obtain answers to the following questions: · When did the accident occur? · Where did it occur? · Who was injured and what was damaged? · What caused the accident? · Why did it occur? · How could it have been prevented? · How can a recurrence be prevented? 6) Prepare a short but sufficient investigation report that contains the following: · A summary ofwhat had happened · A summary of events prior to the accident · Information gathered during the investigation · Details of witnesses · Information on injury or loss sustained · Conclusions and possible causes ofthe accident · Recommendations to prevent recurrence · Supporting materials (photos, diagrams, etc.) GUIDELINES FOR WORKERS SAFETY DURING CONSTRUCTION I SI.no. Stage and Nature of'Safety measures expected to be takeu by the I coustruction Hazard contractors and site En2iueers I Excavation in soft, loose & slushy The Excavation beyond 1.5m to 2m to be done in steps soil above 2m depths sliding of of minimum 500mm offsets as shown in clause earth or collapsing of sides. 2.18.2(b) and also planking and strutting should be I done as in clause 2.19.1 2 Excavation in slippery area (water Try to dewater the area and spread minimum 150mm logged) -The labour may fall or thick sand layer to avoid slipping machinery on site may slip. 3 Excavation in Rock where For hammer work, only experienced and skilled labour chiseling involved - The fall of should be employed. Chisel should not be allowed to ... hammer may Injure the nand, be held by hand, while hammering but chisel holding · small rock pieces may injure the clamp should be provided. The labour should be I eyes and legs. provided with goggles and leg cover to protect eyes I and legs, from injuries due to small rock Eieces. r '-- Excavation in Rock where The work of blasting should be entrusted to only blasting is involved - careless experienced persons. Provide sufficient length of fuse handling may lead to injury to to give ample margin of time from the time of lighting main worker or a passer by. to the time of explosion. A danger zone at least 180m i Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consul~ancy Services for Preparation ofDPR. Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank SI.no. Stage and Nature of Safety measures expected to be taken by the construction Hazard contractors and site Engineers diameter is to be flagged off 10 minutes before actual firing. All workmen should be sent way from danger zone except the firing man, who should be provided .. with a whistle. 5 Excavation for drain across road The area should be well barricaded & a red lamp or manhole adjacent to a road - provided at night. A watchman should be deputed to chances of a passer by falling into prevent any movement of persons or vehicles. the excavation portion 6 During Excavation or some times In places where the movement of snakes is more the even while concreting - Snake contractor should provide the labour with gum bOOIS, bites or scorpion stings gloves etc. and also make snake antidotes available on site. A particular care that has to be taken on such site is to always keep a vehicle available on site to rush the patient to a doctor. This applies to snake stringed patients as well. I 7 Centring(form work) and Many a times ballies joined together give way due to scaffolding -formwork collapse weak joint. Hence the use of joined ballies should be while concreting or just before restricted. Only 2 joined ballies out of 8 ballies should f· concreting or just before be allowed. Incase of double staging for a slab at a 1 concreting especially when height, utmost care should be taken to see that that the ·· wooden ballies are used. top balli rests on the bottom balli. A particular care ! that should be taken during each concreting operating of slabs and beams is that , one carpenter and two ! ! helpers with spare ballies, nails etc. should be deputed below the slablbeam that is being concreted to watch any disturbance in the supports of the form-work .. L below during concreting and in case of any doubt the concreting should be stopped immediately and the form work strengthened. Never allow bricks below a · balli to make up the required height. This is most d3J!gerous. \ 8 Form-work for beams and slabs. This case is noticed when slender ballies are used · l The bottom of beam collapses and without bracing. In fact, no concreting should be I many a times bring down the slab allowed withoutbracing at 300mm above ground and at as well, injuring the labour and midway, in normal beams & slabs. The bracings supervision staff. , should be for the support of beams as well as slabs. .. .. !. 9 Form-work for sides of a slab This is noticed when the carpenter fixes the side ! . The labour just rests his foot on shuttering of a slab with a plank just tied by binding · the plank and looses balance and wire to the steel reinforcements and by wooden pieces !. falls reSUlting a fatal accident. nailed in wall and plank. This is so weak a portion that with little pressure the plank gives way. Hence side shuttering should be done with a direct balli support from ground or floor, and the practice of tying planks with binding wire to the steel reinforcement should be totally avoided. A temporary railing along the periphery of slab will guard the life of labour and supervision staff. 10 Form- work for beams and slabs In fact, this is a most dangerous work. One should be i t . Opening the form -work Accident very careful while formwork is removed. Only trained due to fall of materials during carpenters should be deputed for the work. A safe removing the forms. resting place outside the area of slab as a temporary measure should be constructed from where the slab can Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank SI.no. Stage and Nature of Safety measures expected to be taken by the I construction Hazard contractors and site En2i,neers be removed safely. Removal of form-work during night should not be permitted under any circumstances. 11 Scaffolding - Fall of work -man, This is a very common negligence on the part of labour supervision staff, standing on who do scaffolding work. The Chalis on which they challis not tied properly or toed work either span over its complete length or is tied only at one end.(Chalis mainly loosely and many a times at one end only. Hence, care made of Bamboos) must be taken that the chali do not span over the full length but some middle support should be provided and also the same is tied properly on both ends. 12 Ladders- Balli or bamboo ladders The ladders should be strong enough to bear the - The horizontal member breaks weight of a labour with materials on head. As for as and the person falls. Some times possible a hand rail should be provided at one end. The the top face just rests on wall and horizontal member should be preferably fixed with the whole ladder tilts causing an bolt & nuts or strong nails. When the ladder is placed accident. across a wall the top portion should be tied fmnly to a strong support so that the ladder does not move laterally. 13 Column Reinforcements- Column The tendency of bar - benders is to tie the vertical steel reinforcements mainly in with coir rope or 8mm steel rods as ties on all four independent footings collapses sides. This method of supporting the column Injury to persons working nearby. reinforcements results in a weak support. Hence, the column reinforcements should be supported by strong ballies on all four sides of reinforcements and as far as possible a combined platform should be constructed out of ballies over which the reinforcements can be supported. 14 Concreting chajjas When chajjas While concreting chajjas care must be taken that the are concreted with out care and on labour do not stand on the reinforcement and disturb opening the form work the chajja the position. Separate scaffolding must be tied over would collapse, causing injury to which the labour can stand and work without labour on top or bottom of chajjas. disturbing the reinforcements. The main reason is in chajjas the steel is placed on top face but if the labour stands on the steel, it will bend and come to bottom face and hence the chajja will fall when form-work is removed, thus causing injury to labour working on top, or bottom. 15 Dismantling - Dismantled When work of demolition is to be taken up the area materials may fall on passer by or should be closed for all outsiders. No one should be the person engaged in dismantling allowed up to 50m from the place of demolition. The I work may fall due to slipping. The workers engaged in demolition should be asked to dismantled materials may fall on wear safety belts. Helmets must be worn by all the ., persons working below. workers engaged in dismantling work. The place should be strictly guarded at night with red lights at prominent places, and watchman should be posted. 16 Electric - Connections/ Cables The work in such places, should not be allowed to the etc., - HT / LT Electric wire workers themselves, but in such position the work passing near the slab structure must be executed under the strict supervision of a while bending, lifting or tying responsible Foreman or a Supervisor. reinforcements the bar benders may sustain the Electric shock, causing fatal injury. 11 Electric- connections/cablesetc., Before taking up the work all available drawings Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report ,-~ Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Sl.no. Stage and Nature of Safety measures expected to be taken by the construction Hazard contractors and site Enltineers cables below ground may get should be studied, local enquiry to be made to know punctured during excavation & the position of cables and work in such area should be thus electrocute the labour got executed under strict supervision of an experienced working. Similarly when Foreman or a supervisor. connecting is in progress the punctured cable may prone to be fatal to the labour. 18 Electric connections/cables etc.,- The Electric wires should be maintained by an Temporary Electric lines near electrician who should regularly check up the damp walls, near joinery stretched insulation of wires especially placed near steel items & on a considerable length - There damp areas. is every chance that the wire may The temporary wiring should be supported properly. ( get cut due to usage and may As far as possible a good quality wire should be used 1 develop short circuits/leakages which may not get damaged easily. etc., and may electrocute the person touching the wire accidentally. 19 Electric and gas welding work - All wiring works to be inspected by experienced r Drilling, polishing work - Done electrician. All wires to be properly insulated and fixed 1 by temporary cables used on a at height on temporary poles. No welding work should l . number of works - Due to the fact be permitted near damp area. The welders to be I . that the wires are old & when they provided with welder's goggles & gloves. As far as I t ~ · come in contact with water even possible machine in good condition should be used. · in the process of curing the surrounding area may get affected ! due to leakage in the electric t current thus causing damage to the · workers & supervision staff. 20 Construction Machinery & Lifts - The Mixers with hopper should be operated by an Concrete Mixers - Safety experienced mixer operator and such mixers should precautions. A mixer with hopper not be allowed to be handled by a helper or a labour. tried to be operated by an helper could not release brake in time thus causing injury to the person near hopper - some times fatal one. 21 Construction Machinery & Lifts - A brick protection wall of minimum 1.0 m height Safety precautions. should be constructed around the Lift Pit, thus 1) The lift pit if left unguarded the preventing the children are not allowed to come near children of workers may fall in the the machinery. pit resulting in fatal accident 2) The manually operated brakes The condition of the lift must be maintained properly. of the lift failed or the The lift operator should be well trained. The labour communication between the receiving the bucket at top should be smart and active labour at the top and the liftman enough to convey the message of stopping & releasing failed and thus, the lift was not the lift-to-lift operator properly. controlled and resulted in fatal accident. 22 Water storage Tank for general The water tanks constructed on site should be use & cunng - Chances of protected by at least 1.0m high walls on four sides, so children of workers falling in the that the children do not fall. tank with fatal accident. Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Sl.no. Stage and Nature of Safety measures expected to be taken by the I construction Hazard contractors and site Engineers 23 Misuse of lift by labour and some No person should be allowed to go to upper floors by times supervision staff. The lifts lifts that are mainly meant for conveying the building that are meant for lifting materials materials. Fatal accidents have taken place due to used by labour to go to upper above action of workers. floors - The labour thus traveling many a timesKet injured . 24 . Site cleaning Cleaning top This dangerous practice should not be allowed at all. floors of buildings - Upper The materials should be brought to the ground with the .. portion of any structure - help of lift or the use of rope over pulley with a bucket, throwing waste materials broken thus bringing down materials safely. concrete pieces, brick bats, sand etc., straightway fro top to ground injuring person below or even a passerby. 25 Bar bending work - Helpers of This is a very bad practice. The helpers should bring bar benders to follow short cut the rods to ground with help oflift or rope & pulley. method, throw surplus steel pieces from top floors to ground and may cause fatal injuries. Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project· II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report I and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Appendix 10: Tree plantation strategy 1. Introduction This is the most common impact of any road-widening project. If the location of the project road is in I ( dry areas, the degree of impact is more than in a wet area where the trees can be planted and grown easily. In the case of Karnataka considerably less vegetation exists in the KSHIP II Project Implementation Area. The scopes for tree planting along roads sides is good and also there are many isolated patches of un utilized land along the project road. A typical plantation scheme for two lane road in (plains) with f I shoulders @ 200 plants per km length is given (Refer SOS, 2006) Avenue Plantation: As per the regulatory requirement it is required to plant 100 trees per kilometer on each side of the trees. The number of trees proposed to be planted along the road length (Avenue Plantation) on both r I sides ofthe road is given as follows. i , No of Link LinkID Description of Link Avenue /' , Length Trees I I _ 2lB Dharwad - Saundatti 38.53 7706 I" iIo, i _ Median Plantation: There is no UR 4 cross-section type road to suggest median plantation along the proposed road project 2. Purpose of tree plantation ( The objective of planting trees and shrubs at selected enhancement sites against the felled trees is the I following I \ - · · To reduce the impacts of air and dust pollution and act as a natural filter to traffic emissions To provide shade for the traffic as well as the pedestrians ( · To reduce the impact of vehicular noise caused by vehicles I I, · To arrest soil erosion on slopes · Beautification of sites by planting selective ornamental shrubs, landscaping and turfmg with grasses. · Planting trees on the roadsides is to produce a softer greener landscape. · To act as a natural filter to the traffic emissions 3. Impacted Trees 3.1 Public owned trees These are trees within the legal ROW of project road with in the control ofPWD. All these trees with in the forest reserves are also termed as public trees. However the procedure for cutting of these trees is different from the normal trees with in the PWD ROW. Platform trees: There are number of good fully grown trees with beautiful canopy along most of the roads Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part I: EMP Report and Associatevl Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank 3.2 Private owned trees The number of private owned trees to be acquired outside the right of way will be high compared to the public trees within the right of way. The private trees that will be affected during widening and improvement will be subjected to compensation at the appropriate market rates. In addition to this the project will plant two trees for every tree removed as a compensatory tree planting measure irrespective of the size, species etc. LIST OF IMPACTED TREES DUE TO PROPOSED ROADS: .. Trees Trees Trees Trees Total trees Link Description of Link Girth Girth Girth within Girth ID Link Length (<30cm «60cm «90cm (Col) to be (>180cm) to 60cm) to 90cm) to 180cm) I cnt I Dharwad- ! 2IB Saundatti 38.53 126 I i 106 88 0 I 320 Total numbers of impacted trees along the project road are 320nos. Therefore 640 Nos. of trees will be required to be planted as a compensatory tree planting as per the Forest Conservation Act. Forest department as per Forest Conservation Act, 1980, will plant the trees within the forestland to be acquired 4. Selection of trees species The selection of the plants for greenery development is to be made as per the following criteria; · Plants should be fast growing & have dense canopy cover · Preferably Dry deciduous with large leaf area index · Indigenous species · Species resistant to air pollutants and · Should help to maintain the ecological and hydrological balance of the region The plant species that are selected based on the climatic condition, soil characteristics and conditions of the area. The row closest to the main carriage way will be of shade plants. Similarly, subsequent rows will comprise of ornamental and flowering species. Mainly native deciduous species, which retain their foliage longest, with high crown forms, resistant to fungus and insects with rapid growth rate are selected for avenues. Lists of the species recommended as shade plants and most -- recommended trees for planting along the roadsides are provided in the following table. 4.1 . Ta ble 4 1 T rees recommended tior plan tin2 I I SI. No. Main Species I 1 Banyan r;-- i2 PiQal i 3 Aljun 14 Man~o 15 Jamun ! Tamarmd I Jakranda i Neem 9 ! Kheia " 10 Peakcock tree ill Gulmour I 12 Jack Fruit Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project. II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank 5. Compensatory Tree plantation programme All trees are cut and removed will be accountable as per the Forest laws and efforts will be maintained to plant three times the number of trees cut according to this tree plantation strategy. Indigenous species of trees recommended above are most suited for the tree plantations. In order to make it tourist friendly and beautiful same types of trees would be planted in the same location so that for every Kilometer the trees would change to new species. 6. Tree planting during construction 6.1 Tree planting along the roadsides f I Tree plantation will be the responsibility of the Forest department Necessary budget has been allocated in the EMP. 6.2 Tree planting along Oxbow lands In some areas, the improvement of roads will result in the fonnation of 'oxbow lands' all along the r roads due to suitable curve improvements and realignments. The oxbow lands are the existing roads j I where the road realignments are proposed. This is similar to the Oxbow Lakes fonned during the evolution of rivers hence the name for easier identification for environmental management. The C' importance of the proper management of these oxbow lands is there for an unavoidable outcome of the project Tree planting all along these oxbow lands could be very useful for the environmental enhancement of the region. This will help positively for tourism industry. The oxbow lands along the corridors are available as described in the Environmental management plan for individual corridors. 7 Protection Measures The protection measures are as follows .. 7.1 Barbed wire Fencing . Barbed wire fencing around the plantation area will be provided to protect the plants. Iron Angles will be fixed at a spacing of 5m with 3-stand stretched barbed wire. 7.2 Precautionary Measures · Plantation will be made in the monsoon months (July-August) · The height ofthe plants should not be less than 30 cm and should be supplied in polythene bags which are not to be removed until the moment of planting · All plants supplied must be planted within three days of removal from the nursery .. · Arrangements must be made to water in case of insufficient rains after planting · Provide compost/manure suggested quantity for each pit before plantation 7.2.1 Shrubs Prior to planting it is suggested to remove all loose debris, fill up with good soil and level the area. To ensure better growth and survival of grasses and shrubs, the surface should have sufficient layer of good quality soil (up to 45 cm). Shrubs which are suggested for the roadside and open area spaces where available, should be selected from the following and agreed with the Environmental Specialist of the construction supervision consultants. Shrubs: 1 Bougainvilla 2 Nerium odorum Ait 3 Caroissa spinarum ,4 Caparis decidua 5 Capris Zeylanica I 16 Murra i:akoenigil I Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Prepuation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank 7 Zizypuhs nummularia 8 Artemesia species 9 Xanthium Stumarium 10 Cassia tora 11 Capsicum fruitscens 12 Ipomea gossypiolides 13 Tabernaemontana coronaria wiIs 14 Achyranthes aspera jacq The contractor will be responsible for planting of shrubs at enhancement sites and along bridge approaches during construction phase. 7.2.2 Turfing with grasses The contractor will be responsible for turfing at enhancement sites and along bridge approaches during construction phase. The cost for the turfing along the bridge approaches and high embankments are part of the civil construction contract. Grass lines are used to provide a strong surface cover at the slope but it also needs a well -prepared surface. If grass is to be effective, then it must be allowed to establish property on a slope, which is not subject to undue stress from erosion and mass movement in its stages. To ensure this the following measures are suggested for the grass turfing. · A cover of25 grams of grass seeds per Sq. m of surface will be prepared. · Bed will be prepared in June. The seed sowing must be carried out before the onset of monsoon so that they yield desired results. Till the onset of the monsoon, watering of the surface to be done by tankers with controlled flow sprinklers. · After sowing, mulch of prepared and dried out herbs will be laid over the whole seeded area in a thin layer so that the direct sunlight and transpiration loss may not affect the grasses · The grass species recommended for median are khabbal, Dhaula, Palwan, Sariala and Kahi. Contractor will ensure that the condition of the site is good enough for the successful establishment of grasses and quality of grass seeds used. 8 Tree plantation costs The plantation cost has been included in the bill of quantity (BOQ) under the non-civil contracts and provided in section EMP BoQ A tree- planting strategy is being developed which will meet all compensatory tree planting that will '. be cut during the improvement of the roads including private trees. The cost provisions have been included in the EMP BOQ. 9 Maintenance of trees planted The trees planted once will be maintained at least for a period of three years. A programme of compensatory afforestation has been proposed, not only to replace the trees, which are cut to accommodate road widening and improvements in geometric design, but also to upgrade the condition of adjacent areas. Trees will be replanted at a rate of two for each one removed depending upon the location. Tree felling in other sites such as borrow areas - will be accommodated by the contractor in the borrow area management plan. Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Appendix -11: Enhancement Measures · Enhancement tree planting along the Oxbow land and the other left over portions of the original PWD land. · Cultural property enhancement as a part of the cultural property rehabilitation plan · Public amenities such as bus lay bys (all new), rain shelters (in addition to the compensatory rain shelters for the lost ones), comfort stations (toilets), parking areas, · To improve the water table in this region recharge pits are constructed wherever feasible in the project road · Median plantation in urban location. · Ponds Improvements will be made to protect and harvesting rain water · Information boards for the tourist, pilgrimage and other important structures of importance. List of Enhancement sites a) Archaeological sites None identified along this road. b) Valley view location None identified along this project road. c) Proposed Parking Areas There is some parking areas proposed in the project roads d) Existing Parking Areas There are so many existing parking areas identified along this project road for improvement. e) Existing ponds There are so many ponds and water bodies identified in project road to conserve water bodies by providing recharge pits and silt fences. Pond at chainage 10.600 has been selected for the enhancement. List of oxbow land and other left over land There are ft'ravailable oxbow land and other left over land along the proposed road. However provision has been made for 1 hectare of land along the proposed road for plantation as an enhancement measure. . II l Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project· II ,i .~ i I j ·· Ii ,. i 'iii ~ , '1\ ~ '. .. Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1; EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank TYPICAL DEAWING FOR POND ENHANCEMENT: T' 'i DF~ ". ~ TRSES ABl.AMl8CAPE P\AN ... CIC T."RiRMATICm OF APPRCWlIl ROAD AND PIIRIONG AReA . . _11-1_ .. SUEIGRADE-1_ b.GS8-100mm d.PB_ a.MSa.2Qmm 2. DRY STONE f'IlCHING NeAR WA11:R SPREAD N£A _ TtK a DRY STPNI! RE\IImIIENT - . " TI«., 4. TURFING fEAR WATER BOD'( ClWN UN( fEIiQMG WITH RECTANGUlAR f'Ot.ElI a MSBLOCK PIPES ~ 8. 8I'ITIIIQ ARIII\JIIQEMENT WITH RCC PAl!! CAST BENCHES Wlni BACK SiJPPOR11I 7.FORPAniWAY ·· HEAVY DU'TY INTER LOOI300mm) if any along with the I compensation measure 10 Details of to~ soil Quantity excavated in Cum Where was it used 11 lnitial access road condition and final access road condition 12 · Photographs depicting the original condition, during the operation, top Appendix -2 I soil management, and after closure 13 i Copy of the agreement with the Owner, Details of the agreed Appendix -3 redevelopment if any 14 Land use after rehabilitation, Details should be submitted if the [mal land use changed from the original land use 15 Satisfaction certificate from the owner Appendix -4 16 Details ofthe practical problems faced and solutions adopted, if any during the operation phase Submitted Checked Approved · Signature ............ Signature ............ Signature ............ . Name .............. Name .............. Name .............. ill Designation ........ Designation ........ Designation ........ Contractor Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) .. EMS3 : ConstructIOn camp IPI ant andEnVIronmenta1Mana~ement '.'" SI. Status Issue No. Camp-l Camp-2 1 Drainage system 1.Closed Drainage 2 Disposal of waste water i. Kitchen waste water ii. Waste water from water closets . iii. Wastewater from bathrooms iv. Wastewater from the vehicular i i washings. 3 Collection and Disposal of solid waste i. Waste from the office · ii. waste from the Kitchen i I iii. waste from sweeping I 4 Drinking water facility i I , Source with quantity No of bore wells with capacity I Location of the well and bore well , . Any treJtment facility, No of overhead tanks, Test results of the Drinking water Any license obtained 5 First Aid Facility 6 · Roads in camp Site Type of Road I Dust suppression practicing or not, if roadsI are not tarred, condition of the road. Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank 7 Fuel storage I·· i. Impervious Base ii. spills and wastewater will be collected in a sump iii. Number of drums where wastes are collected. i iv. Number of drums disposed 8 Garbage & night soil i. Provision of garbage ii. Separation of polythene materials i iii. Records of solid waste removal from septic tanks { . Submitted Checked Approved I Signature ........... . Signature ........... . Signature ........... . Name .............. Name .............. Name ............ .. . Designation ...... .. Designation ........ Designation ...... .. I I Contractor Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) l . ,. . EMS4 S'IMaua, em en t 01 SI. Chainage Quantity in Whether preserved in accordance with Remarks I No. inkm Cum specifications I i r J III I l. i I I I i Submitted Checked Approved Signature ........... . Signature ........... . Signature ........... . I. t Name .............. Name .............. Name .............. Designation ........ Designation ........ Designation ........ \., . , , . Contractor Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) ... Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR. Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank . EMS5 : Construction plants an d poIIutIon contro Sl. Construction No. plant Locations Capacity Description of pollution control system I Equipment Remarks I 1 2 3 4 5 L Submitted Checked Approved Signature ........... . Signature .......... .. Signature .......... .. NaIIle ............ .. NaIIle .............. NaIIle ............ .. Designation ...... .. Designation '" ..... Designation ........ Contractor Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) mery IVeh' Ies an d poIItion ControI EMS6 : Mach' IC u . Sl. No. Machineryl Vehicles with capacity Diesel consumed per month Engine oil consumed I!er month PUC certificate, Number and Validity Machinery new/old Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 ,6 'II 7 8 I -- Submitted Checked Approved Signature .......... .. Signature ........... . Signature ........... . - ,.'"' NaIIle .............. NaIIle ............ .. Name .............. Designation ........ Designation ........ Designation ........ Contractor Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report r Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report I and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank . EMS 7 : D etalsof t he DG sets With t he poII uUon contro eq ulpment 'I . Capacity in Vertical stack if provided Noise control Sl. no. Remarks KVA bei2ht (in m) ~stem Camp -1 Camp-II f ! : -l Crusher -1 III· f I ! I - Plant Site - 1 Construction works r I I. I Submitted Checked Approved Signature ........... . Signature ........... . Signature .......... .. Name ............ .. Name .............. Name .............. I l. Designation ........ Designation ........ Designation ........ Contractor Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) i .'I 'I EMS 8 Detal s 0 f 01 stora ~e I . Sl. Type of Number Capacity of Increase I I Stored on No. Product Location of Barrels barrels in Liters Decease in Stora2e impervious base (YesINo) Remarks · 1 2 3 4 5 Submitted Checked Approved Signature ........... . Signature .......... .. Signature ........... . ., .. Name ............ .. Name .............. Name ............ .. Designation ........ Designation ........ Designation ........ Contractor Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank EMS9 : Worki n2 at wa t er course and poIIut· on con t ro I measures I SI.No. Location Type Stream/canal Diversion Silt Fencing Remarks Submitted Checked Approved Signature ........... . Signature ........... . Signature ........... . Name .............. Name .............. Name .............. Designation ........ Designation ........ Designation ........ Contractor Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) EMS 10 : Detal sot he e:round water Extraction ·1 f Capacity Quantity of water drawn in Kilo Ground Water Type of Sl. of Motor Liters Dept. permission source Location no. Installed During the Up to end of Total inHP month last month 1 2 3 4 .. 5 ,. ~ 'tnt<::: Crusher Batchin WMMPI Crusher at Dalla I Labour license Submitted Checked Approved Signature .......... .. Signature ........... . Signature ........... . ! I. Name ............ .. Name ............ .. Name ............ .. Designation ........ Designation ........ Designation ...... .. Contractor ,Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) '" Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I; EMP Report and Ass~,ciated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages F~nded by Wodd Bank . EMS 13' Deviations with corrective actions SI.No. Deviation Corrective Actions Schednle Snbmitted Checked Approved Signature ........... . Signature .......... .. Signature .......... .. Name .............. Name .............. Name .............. Designation ........ Designation ..... ,.. Designation ........ Contractor Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) EMS 14 , D eta.Is 0 ft reeand shrnbs plant a tion , ' Planted Trees/ Sl. Location! Chainage Survival rate Shrubs (in No.) Remarks No. inkm in % Trees Shrubs Submitted Checked Approved Signature ........... . Signature ........... . Signature ........... . Name ............ .. Name ............ .. Name .............. Designation ........ Designation ........ Designation ........ Contractor Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) EMS 15: Plantation of Grass Sl. Area of grass Survival at 6 months Location I Chainage Remarks No. planted interval Submitted Checked Appr',)ved ", Signature ....... .... Signature"' .......... Signature ............ Name .............. Name .............. Name .............. ..· Designation ........ Designation ........ Designation ........ ."" Contractor Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Instruments - EPC Funded World Bank I EMS 16 : I mpJement a tion 0fEn h ancementMeasures I I Pr02ress of completion Sl. no. Type of Side of the Road Actual I Reasons of Enhancement (RHSILHS) Target date completion! delay if date any I r I Submitted Checked Approved Signature ........... . Signature ........... . Signature ........... . Name ............ .. Name .............. Name .............. Designation ........ Designation ...... .. Designation ...... .. Contractor Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) f J t EMS 17: Identification of disposal site locations (To be filled by the contractor) Name of Contractor: Link No: I I 1 " amages and nearest se ttl emens from b0 th end) (G'Ive ch' SI. t Criteria on which information for each s Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 1 No. site is to be collected Existing Land use · 2 Area covered (Sq. m) 3 Total Material that can be dumped within the site (Cum) · II 4 Depth to which dumping is feasible (m) 5 Distance of nearest water course (m) 1 6 Nearest settlement (m) · i I . 7 Date/s of community consultationls " 8 Whether the community is agreeable to siting of dumping site (YIN) " 9 Date ofPermission from Village I Local community I 10 Proposed future use of the site r I. 11 Selected Site (tick anyone colunm only) i Enclosures (Tick as appropriate) 1. Map of each location 2. Photographs a. Each disposal location b. Each community consultation 3. Photo copy of Agreement Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report ~d Associated Safeguard Instruments EPe Pa£kages Funded by World Bank Submitted Checked Approved Signature ........... . Signature ........... . Signature ........... . Name ............ .. Name .............. Name ............ .. Designation ...... .. Designation ........ Designation ...... .. Contractor Environmental Engineer (CSC) Executive Engineer (PWD) . ,'" · '" 1·.. ,. < . Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Appendix: 13 I f' Guidelines for the management of road section through Forest areas 1. Introduction A Management plan for the impacted or adjacent forest area is required for mitigation and enhancement measures during construction and operational phases of the project road. This will not allow any room for neglecting lavoiding of the implementable measures. This will also define responsibilities of various institutions in this regard. The project will trigger the World Bank II operational policy OP 4.04 Natural Habitats. This requirement is the basis of the preparation of this document. The document addresses the issues relating to the Forest areas in the PlAs as well as immediately adjacent to the project road. The mitigation measures are to be addressed during the design, construction and operational phases of the project. · Incorporation of effective mitigation measures is therefore necessary and important. This will be based on the recommendations of the biodiversity studies. 2. Status ofthe work relating to the up-gradation · r I I . The actual construction work cannot be started until all environmental clearances are obtained from r~ various agencies including clearance from World Bank. The environmental clearance also includes ! l . forest clearance basically for the required land from forest reserves. Application for both clearances has to be routed through two different agencies viz., PCB and State Forest Department. I' ! L 3. Reserved forest along proposed roads '. There is no reserved forest along the proposed road. 4. Forestland acquisition & Forest clearance process Prior to the preparation of the application, a joint site verification exercise was carried out with forest r. officials and the PWD local engineers. Specific details of this investigation are available. 'J~ I · An application is to be prepared in the prescribed application form and submitted to the relevant DCFs in consultation with the Nodal officer of Forest Department at Head quarters at Bangalore. This application will be verified by the respective DCFs. 5. Compensatory Afforestation Programme r Compensatory afforestation will be carried out for land to be acquired against the loss of trees from i. l the area to be acquired for road reserves. PWD will plant an area double to that of the land acquisition. fl' I ! I . 6. Impact mitigation and Enhancement measures This includes the legal requirement according to the (1) GOI Forest laws and (2) the requirement .' according to the other laws. Compensatory Afforestation Programme According to the affforestation programme PWD has agreed to plant an area double to that of the land area to be acquired. This amount will be deposited with forest Department. In addition, a number of impact mitigation and enhancement measures are required for the Forest area at' that will be impacted. The Forest reserves adjacent to the project road do have high faunal value. l , · 1) Considering this aspect, the project will not provide demarcation of the forest boundary with the Project road, as it will be a barrier for the wildlife movement. · Aooendix 13: Road section through Forest areas · Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Instruments EPC Funded World Bank 2) PWD is committed to compensate plant trees according to the compensatory afforestation programme required according to the Forest conservation Act 1980 3) Further, contractors have to set-up construction camps and plants (Hot mix, WMM plant etc) at least 5 KIn away from the forest boundary. In this regard; · Adequate training will be provided to contractors · The labour force will not allowed to enter forest reserves for the purpose of hunting, fuel wood collection, nuts and fruits collection etc.,] · The debris and waste materials shall not be dumped inside / immediately outside forest areas and other water sources. · Debris shall be disposed off according to the contractors debris disposal plan · The source of construction water shall not be from the forest areas or immediately adjacent (within 2 km) to the forest areas. · The construction work within the forest stretches should adhere to all international environmental standards as laid out by the environmental management plan under the GOIlGOKfWB rules, regulation and policies. During construction, the following measures will be taken in to consideration for effective implementation · No construction camps or other polluting plants within 5 KIn of the forest reserves. · No blasting shall be allowed during nighttime. · Blasting should be silent blasting along the forest reserves. · Blasting shall be confined to a particular time only. Best time would be 2-3 pm in daytime. · Hunting is strictly prohibited. · No cutting of trees from the forest reserves for any purpose relating to the construction work nor shall the people associated with the project construction should enter the forest reserves other than any legal requirements. · Contractor should erect appropriate signboards during construction. · After construction, the CSCIKSlllP should advice the locations for erecting the signboards including advance signboards notifying the forest reserves. · Immediately after construction fencing should be carried out parallel to the Forest reserves. ',., · Any sign/indication of forest fire will be immediately notified to all considered agencies Immediately after construction, the contractors shall erect signboards and information boards close to the forest boundaries according to the Environmental Management plan (EMP) prepared for the link During operational period erection of sign/ information boards will be required as per the BIA studies. With regards to institutional responsibilities the PWD and Forest Department need to coordinate the various requirements. · PWD/ KSHIP - Maintenance of the road furniture, signboards, information boards · State Forest Department to coordinate with the PWD for various roadside arrangements change in the status of the forest · To facilitate Contractor do his job of construction NGO Participation Participati0l1 ofNGO may be useful for tl'le smooth implementation of the project. Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR., Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Appendix: 14 1. ARRANGEMENT FOR TRAFFIC DURING CONSTRUCTION The Contractor shall at all times carry out work on the road in manner creating least interference to the flow of traffic with the satisfactory execution. For all works involving improvements to the existing state highway, the Contractor shall, in accordance with the directives of the CSC, provide and maintain, during execution of the work, a passage for traffic either along a part of the existing carriageway under improvement, or along a temporary diversion constructed close to the state highway. The Contractor shall take prior approval of the CSC regarding traffic arrangements during construction. 2. TRAFFIC SAFETY AND CONTROL (i) Where subject to the approval of the Engineer the execution of the works requires temporary closure of road traffic use, the Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary traffic diversions. The diversions shall generally consist of 200 mm thickness of gravel 4.5 meters wide laid directly upon natural ground and where any additional earthworks are required for this purpose that will be provided under the r appropriate payment items. I (ii) Where the execution of the works requires single-lane operation on public road, the I Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary barriers, warning signs and traffic I control signals to the approval of the Engineer. (iii) With the exception of temporary traffic arrangements or diversions required within r, t the first 4 weeks of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit details of his proposals to the Engineer for approval no less than 4 weeks prior to the temporary arrangement or diversion being required. Details of temporary arrangements or diversions for approval as soon possible after the date of the Letter of Acceptance. (iv) The colour, configuration, size and location of all traffic signs shall be in accordance with the code of practice for road sign. ill the absence of any detail or for any missing details, the signs shall be provided as directed by the Engineer (CSC). fI' (v) The Contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction and provide, erect and maintain such barricades, including signs, marking, flags, lights and flagmen as may be required by the Engineer for the formation and protection of traffic approaching or passing through the section of the II' road under improvement. Before taking up any construction, an agreed phased programme for the diversion of traffic or closer of traffic on the road shall be drawn up in consultation with the SE. (vi) At the points where traffic is to deviate form its normal path (whether on temporary diversion or part width of the Carriageway) the lane width path for traffic shall be clearly marked with the aid of pavement markings, painted drums or a similar device to the directions of the SE. At night, the passage shall be delineated with lanterns or other suitable light source. (vii) One-way traffic operation shall be established whenever the traffic is to be passed over part of the carriageway inadequate for two-lane traffic. This shall be done with the help of temporary traffic signals or flagmen kept positioned on opposite sides during all hours. For regulation of traffic, the flagmen shall be equipped with red and green flags and lanterns/lights. · Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank (viii) On both sides, suitable regulatory / warnings signs as approved by the SE shall be installed for the guidance of road users. On each approach, at least two signs shall be put up, one close to the point where transition of carriageway begins and the other 120 m away. The signs shall be of design and ofreflectory type, if so directed by SE. (ix) Upon completion of the works for which the temporary traffic arrangements or diversions have been made, the Contractor shall remove all temporary installations and signs and reinstate all affected roads and other structures or installations to the conditions that existed before the work started, as directed by the Engineer. 3. MAINTENACE OF DIVERSIONS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Signs, lights, barriers and other traffic control devices, as well as the riding surface of diversion shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition till such time they are required as directed by the SE. The temporary traveled way shall be kept free of dust by frequent applications of water, if necessary. Examples of some good practice in traffic control safety during construction .'" Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR., Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank '. ".. Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank ~----- .. ----~----- --~ 100m . cp Figure: 3 SIGN LAYOUT FOR LANE CLOSURE (Drawn for Driving on Left) Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents V olume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank r i I l A (TWJixMIX XONE 'IF l'i III' I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p.1!! I l . I. MINIMUM 1.25m.1 Lone closure barrier E E 0 II.. 0 LTOnUIN N · i I. 1;,. I;! ! , iii, I' III ,. '" t ~ I . .. II" ~ RED ! f II> I . ~ GREEN " .. NOTES: 1. ALL SIGNS SHOULD BE REFLECTORISED. BLACK 2. MINIMUM HEIGHT OF CIRCULAR AND TRIANGULAR SIGNS SHOULD BE 1m, . L.. iii Figure·4 11'" III A ____ ~!_. 1 .... "T'__ ~_ "", __ ..__ 1'!_~ "'~&~ .... . Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank List of Traffic safety Signs/Equipment (Guideline) Length of work zone Minimum quantity to be lSI. Signs considered procured I I No. No. of Signs Len~b in (m) No. of Signs Len~h in l!&J, 1 Barricading 130 500 2600 10000 2 Men at work 5 . 500 100 10000 L3 Keep Left 11 500 220 10000 i 4 Go slow 8 500 160 10000 5 Flagmen 3 500 10 10000 6 Narrow signs 4 500 80 10000 .7 Lantern(Amber Blinker) 4 500 80 10000 '" .8 Traffic control Lights 2 Sets 10000 I 9 i Cones 15 500 300 10000 I .. Note: · Safety jackets and helmets should be provided to aU the workers/ Engineers working on the road. · Fixed mobile solid barricades must be placed between the workmen and traffic or pedestrian and traffic. · All the safety signs should be according to IRC: 67 and IRC: SP: 55: 2001 .. Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Appendix: 15 General Guidelines for contractor's Construction water management plan 1 Dos and Don'ts for the contractor There are a number of dos and don'ts for the contractor as provided below » Contractor's vehicles shall not be allowed to wash in the river or stream. This is to avoid potential pollution from oil residues. » Contractors shall not use water from the community drinking water sources such as; · Public water supply schemes · Community spring water sources · Community hand pumps · Community bore wells I shallow tube wells · Location of the streams from which the Community takes drinking water » Contractor shall obtain all legal approvals and clearances from the concerned departments. , » Contractor shall consult the local communities where the water source has been identified. ; » If the source is a spring - check discharge, dependency in consultation with local ·· communities. » If the source is riverlstream- discharge data for the past several years need to be analyzed, whether source is perennial, or non-perennial, any irrigation scheme is running over it or not, if IPH* department is using it, or local people are using it or not. NOC* from all concerned authorities will be required. t., » If the source is Major lliver - In addition to the local permission, Contractor may require obtaining written permission from State level authorities at Bangalore. » If the sources is groundwater (a hand pump/bore well or open deep well)- then its chemical composition and water related tests are required to be obtained from the competent authority and an NOC* is obtained from the competent authority. 2 Post Construction Stage Once the Contractor finishes his job, this can be handed over to the local panchayath or for local . communities. The possible alternate uses of this structure would be » Local communities of this area can use the same source to meet their water needs » If road passes through a plain water scarcity prone area and if no nearby water source has been identified, transportation is uneconomic, then contractor should go for Underground water option. If it is feasible and will not lead to a serious depletion ofthe ground water. *IPH = Irrigation and Public Health Department. *NOC = No Objection Certificate. · · · Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Cons1dltancy Services for I'Yreparation ofDPR., Bid Documents V olume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Appendix: 16 Environment Friendly construction Methodology: The contractor shall be deemed to have acquainted himself with the requirements of all the current statutes, ordinances, by laws, rules and regulations or their instruments having the force of law including without limitation those relating to protection of the environment, health and safety, important of labour, demolition of houses, protection of environment and procurement, transportation, storage and use of explosives etc. 1. PROTECTION OF ENVlRONEMNT: i) The contractor will take all necessary measures and precautions and ensure that the execution of the works and all associated operations on site or offsite are carried out in conformity with statutory and regulatory environmental requirements including those prescribed in EMP. ii) The Contractor will take all measures and precautions to avoid any nuisance or disturbance to inhabitants arising from the execution of works. iii) All liquid waste products arising on the sites will be collected and disposed of at a location on or off the sites and in a manner that will not cause either nuisance or pollution. II iv) The contractor will at all time ensure that all existing water courses and drains within and .. adjacent to the site are kept safe and free from any contamination. v) The contractor will submit details of his temporary drainage work system (including all . surface channels, sediment traps, washbasins and discharge pits) to the CSC and CMU for approval prior to commencing work on its construction. vi) The contractor will arrange all the equipment in good condition to minimize dust, gaseous or other air-borne emissions and carry out the works in such a manner as to minimize adverse impact on air. vii) Any vehicle with an open load-carrying area used for transporting potentially dust producing material will have properly fitted side and tailboards. Materials having the potential to produce dust will not be loaded to a level higher than the side and tail boards and will be covered with a clean tarpaulin in good condition. viii) The contractor will take all necessary measures to ensure that the operation of all mechanical equipment and condition processes on and off the site will not cause any unnecessary or excessive noise, taking into account applicable environmental requirements. ix) The contractor will take necessary measures to maintain all plant and equipment in good condition. '," x) Where the execution of the works requires single -lane operation on public road the contractor will provide and maintain temporary traffic diversions subject to the approval of the CSC. xi) Where the execution of the works requires single-line operation on public road the contractor will provide and maintain all necessary barriers, warning signs and traffic control signals to the satisfaction of the CSC. xii) Wherever traffic diversions, warning signs, traffic control signals and barriers are required, the contractor will install them to the satisfaction of CSC prior to commencing the work, in that area. Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank xiii) Contractor will insatall asphalt plants and other machineries away from the populated areas as per laid down regulations. xiv) Permit for felling of trees will be obtained from the forest department before the f execution of any work. ! xv) Trees and plants going to be uprooted will be duly compensated and maintained up to 3 years. xvi) Mist sprays should be provided at appropriate places for preventing dust pollution during handling and stockpiling of stones and loose earth. r xvii) Overburden waste dumps shall be sprayed with water, as they are the major source of air borne particulate matter. xviii) Overburden waste dumps shall be reclaimed I afforested to bind the loose soil and to prevent soil erosion. The frequency of sprinkling should be fixed as per the seasonal , i requirement and in consultation with engineer. ! xix) Regular water spraying on haulage roads during transportation of construction materials r by water sprinklers. The frequency of sprinkling should be fixed as per the seasonal i requirements in consultation with engineer. !" xx) Transfer point for transporting construction material shall be provided with appropriate · , l _ hoods! chutes to prevent dust emissions. I " xxi) Dumping of construction material should be from an optimum height (preferably not too high), So as to reduce the dust blow. l, xxii) Innovative approaches of using improved machinery designs, with in-built mechanism to operator's cabin. xxiii) Procurement of drillers, loaders, dumpers and other equipment with noise proof system I in operator's cabin. · ! " xxiv) Confining the equipment with heavy noise emissions in soundproof cabins, so that noise is not transmitted to other areas. · xxv) Regular and proper maintenance of noise generating machinery including the transport vehicles to maintain noise levels. xxvi) Provisions should be made for noise absorbing pads at foundations of vibrating equipments to reduce noise emissions. 2. QUARRY OPERATIONS The Contractor shall obtain materials from quarries only after the consent ofthe Forest Department or other concerned authorities and in consultation with the Engineer. The quarry operations shall be undertaken within the purview of the rules and regulations in force. 3. PREVENTION OF WATER COURSES FROM SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION SILTATION The Contractor shall apply following mitigation measures to prevent sedimentation and pollution of watercourses. Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV -Part 1: EMP Report' and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank · To prevent increased siltation, if need be existing bridges maybe widened downstream side of the water body; · Cement and coal ash should be stacked together, fenced by bricks or earth wall, and kept away from water, to prevent leachate formation and contamination of surface and ground water; · If need be, slope of the embankments leading to water bodies should be modified and rechannelis(ld tw prevent entry of contam.inations into the water body; · During construction silt fencing (consists of geo-textile with extremely small size supported by wire-mish mounted on a panel made up angle frame) could be used along the road at all canals and rivers to prevent sediments from the construction site to enter into the watercourses. 4. POLLUTION FROM HOT-MIX PLANTS AND BAT CHING PLANTS plants and concrete batching plants shall be located sufficiently away from habitation, agricultural operations. The Contractor shall take every precaution to reduce the levels of noise, vibration, dust and emissions from his bituminous hot-mix plants and shall be fully responsible for any claims for damages caused to the property, fields and residents in the vicinity. 5. HEALTH AND SAFETY The Contractor shall take all measures and precautions necessary to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all persons entitled to be on the site. Such precautions shall include those that, in the opinion of the Engineer, are reasonable to prevent unauthorized entry upon the site and to protect members of the public from any activities under the control of the Contractor. The Contractor's responsibilities shall include but not be limited to: (i) The provision and maintenance of the Contractor's Equipment in a safe working condition and the adoption of methods of work that are safe and without risks to the health of any person entitled to be on the site. (ii) The execution of suitable arrangements for ensuring safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage, transport and disposal of articles and substances, (iii) The provision of lighting, including standby facilities in the event of failure, that, in the opinion of the Engineer, is adequate to ensure the safe execution of any works that are to be carried out at right. (iv) The provision of protective clothing and safety equipment, with such personnel and equipment and such information, instruction, training and supervision as the necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all persons employed on or entering on the site in connection with the works, including the Engineer's supervisory staff, all in accordance with the laws. (v) Near towns, villages and all frequented places, trenches and foundation pits shall be securely fenced provided with proper caution signs and marked with lights at night to avoid accidents. Contractor shall take adequate protective measures to see that the excavation operations do no affect or damage adjoining structures. (vi) The Contractor shall not use or generate any materials in the works, which are hazardous to the health of persons, animals or vegetation. Where it is necessary to use Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank some substances, which can cause injury to the health or workers, the Contractor shall r provide protective clothing or appliances to his workers. 1 (vii) The Contractor will take all measures necessary to safeguard the health; safety and welfare of all persons entitled to be on site and will ensure that works are carried out in a safe and efficient manner. (viii) The Contractor will provide, and ensure the utilization of appropriate safety equipment for all workmen and staff employed directly or indirectly by the Contractor. Such safety equipment will include but not be limited to the safety harnesses, safety equipment for working over water, rescue equipment, fIre extinguishers and first-aid equipment. The personnel working at vulnerable locations at site will wear safety helmets and strong footwear. (ix) The Contractor will provide an adequate number oflatrines and other arrangements at areas of the site where work is in progress and ensure that they are regularly cleaned and maintained in a hygienic condition. 6. FIRST AID (x) The provision and maintenance of suitably equipped and staffed first aid stations , r throughout the extent of the works to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor I. shall allow in his prices and the responsible for the costs of all such site welfare arrangements and requirements. I . 1 (xi) Injuries might occur during the construction period. It is therefore pertinent to provide first aid facilities for all the construction workers. At construction camps and at all r workplaces fIrst aid equipment and nursing staff must be provided. Since many ofthe · L workplaces may be far away form regular hospitals, an indoor health unit having one bed facility every 250 workers needs to be provided. · I (xii) Adequate transport facilities for moving the injured persons to the nearest hospital · I must also be provided in ready to move condition. · (xiii) The first-aid units apart form an adequate supply of sterilized dressing material · should contain other necessary appliances as per the factory rules. · 1 7. MAINTENANCE · I · (xiv) All buildings, rooms and equipment and the grounds surrounding them shall be maintained in a clean and operable condition and be protected form rubbish accumulation. .'. f (xv) Each structure made available for occupancy shall be of sound construction, shall I . , assure adequate protection against weather, and shall include essential facilities to permit maintenance in a clean and operable condition. Adequate heating, lighting, ventilation or insulation when necessary to reduce excessive heat shall provide for comfort and safety of occupants. (xvi) Each structure made available for occupancy shall comply with the requirements of .. the Uniform Building Code. This shall not apply to tent campus. ... Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMF Report and ASSIDCiated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank APPENDIX-I7: BORROW AREAS MANAGEMENT: Borrow areas will be finalized as identified by Contractor as agreed by the CSC and KSHIP as per the requirements of the contract. Agreement is not reached between the Contractor and landowners for the identified borrow areas sites. In such cases arrangement for locating the source of supply of material for embankment and sub-grade as well as compliance to environment requirements in respect of excavation and borrow areas as stipUlated from time to time by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, and local bodies, as applicable shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor in addition to the established practices, rules and regulation will also consider following criteria before finalizing the locations. 1) The borrow area should not be located in agriculture field unless unavoidable i.e. barren land is not available. 2) The borrow pits should not be located along the roads. ... 3) The loss of productive and agricultural land should be minimum . · 4) The loss of vegetation is almost nil or minimum . 5) Sufficient quality of soil is available. 6) The Contractor will ensure the availability of suitable earth. - The Contractor shall obtain representative samples form each of the identified borrow areas and have these tested at the site laboratory following a testing programme as approved by the concerned Engineer. It shall be ensured that the fill material compacted to the required density <." The Contractor shall submit the following information to the Engineer for approval at least 7 working days before commencement of compaction · The values of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content obtained in accordance 'fiI with IS: 2720 (part 7) or (Part 8), as the case may be, appropriate for each of the fill materials he intends to use. ... · A graph of density plotted against content from which, each of the values in (i) above of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content are determined. · The Dry density-moisture content - CBR relationships for light, intermediate and heavy · compactive efforts (light corresponding to IS: 2720 (Part-7), heavy corresponding to IS: 2420 (Part-g) and intennediate in between the two) for each of the fill material be intends to use in the sub-grade. After identification of borrow areas based on guidelines. Contractor will fill reporting format Annexure-III and submit the same for approval ofthe "Engineer". After receiving the approval Contractor will begin operations keeping in mind following; 1) Haulage of material to the areas of fill shall proceed only when sufficient spreading and compaction plants is operating at the place of deposition. 4) No excavated acceptable material other than surplus to requirements of the Contract shall be removed from the site. Contractor should be permitted to remove acceptable material form the site to suit his operational procedure, then be shall make good any consequent deficit of material arising there from. Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank 3) Where the excavation reveals a combination of acceptable and un-acceptable materials, the Contractor shall, unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, carryout the excavation in such a manner that the acceptable materials are excavated separately for use in the permanent works without contamination by the un-acceptable materials. The acceptable material shall be stockpiled separately. 4) The ~ontractor shall ensure that he does not adversely affect the stability of excavation or fills by the methods of stockpiling materials, use of plants or siting of temporary buildings or structures. Borrow Areas located in Agricultural Lands (i) The preservation of topsoil will be carried out in stockpile. (ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal). (iii) Borrowing of earth will be carried out up to a depth of 105m from the existing ground level. (iv) Borrowing of earth will not be done continuously through out the stretch. r (v) Ridges of not less than 8m widths will be left at intervals not exceeding 300m. I (vi) Small drains will be cut through the ridges, if necessary, to facilitate drainage. f . · t (vii) The slope of the edges will be maintained not steeper then 1:4 (Vertical: Horizontal). I . Borrow Areas located in Agriculture Land in un-avoidable Circumstances: , I ! . (i) (ii) The preservation of topsoil will be carried out in stockpile. A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not steeper than 1:2 . (Vertical: Horizontal). (iii) The depth of borrow pits will not be more than 30 cm after stripping the 15 cm topsoil aside. Borrow Areas located on Elevated Lands (i) The preservation oftopsoil will be carried out in stOCkpile (ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in stockpiles ... in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal). (iii) At location where private owners desire their fields to be leveled, the borrowing shall be done , \ . to a depth of not more than I .5m or up to the level of surrounding fields. If' Borrow Areas near Riverside (i) (ii) The preservation oftopsoil will be carried out in stockpile A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in stockpiles .. in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal). (iii) Borrow area near to any surface water body will be at least at a distance of 15m from the toe of the bank or high flood level, whichever is maximum. .. Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consuitancy Services for Pre~)aration of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Borrow Areas ne. Settlements (i) The preservation of topsoil will be carried out in stockpile (ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal). (iii) Borrow pit location will be located at least 0.75 km from villages and settlements. If un avoidable, the pit will not be dug for more then 30 cm and drains will be cut to facilitate drainage. (iv) Borrow pits located in such location will be re-developed immediately after borrowing is completed. If spoils are dumped, that will be covered with a layers of stockpiled topsoil in accordance with compliance requirements with respect MOEFIPPCB guidelines. . Borrow Pits along the Road .. (i) The preservation oftopsoil will be carried out in stockpile .. (ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal). (iii) Borrow pits along the road shall be discouraged. (iv) It permitted by the Engineer; these shall not be dug continuously. (v) Ridges of not less than 8m widths should be left at intervals not exceeding 300m. (vi) Small drains shall be cut through the ridges of facilitate drainage. (vii) The depth of the pits shall be so regulated that there bottom does not cut an imaginary line having a slope of 1 vertical to 4 horizontal projected from the edge of the final section of bank, the maximum depth of any case being limited to 1.5m. (viii) Also, no pit shall be dug within the offset width from the toe of the embankment required as "'"' per the consideration of stability with a minimum width of 10m. Table: list of burrow areas along the proposed road. , Name of the I Appx Appx. Depth, Link Quarry Chainage Area, D(m» Type of No. Quarry/Sourc Location ID (Km) A Material e Hillock BelowEGL (Ha) OnLHS ata Road side I MIl- distance of 1A-lO Munum /10+000 3.0Km from I 4 - 4.00 Murram borrow pit project road .21B OnLHSat a Road side distance of MII- 1A-ll Murrum 7+000 10.5 Km 8 - 10.00 Murram borrow pit from project I road Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Re-development of Borrow Areas ! ~ ! The objective of the rehabilitation programme is to return the borrow pit sites to a safe and secure area, which the general public should be able to safely enter and enjoy. Securing borrow pits in a stable condition is fundamental requirement of the rehabilitation process. This could be achieved by filling the borrow pit approximately to the road level. Re-development plan will be prepared by the Contractor before the start of work inline with the owner's will and to the satisfaction of owner. The Borrow Areas will be rehabilitated as follows; » Borrow pits will be backfilled with rejected construction wastes (unserviceable materials) compacted and will be given a turfing or vegetative cover on the surface. If this is not possible, then excavation slope should be smoothened and depression is filled in such a way that it looks more or less like the original ground surface. » Borrow areas might be used for aquaculture in case landowner wants such development. In that case, such borrow area will be photographed after their post-use restoration and Environment , Expert of Supervision Consultant will certify the post-use redevelopment. ! The Contractor will keep record of photographs of various stages i.e. before using materials form the location (pre-project), for the period borrowing activities (Construction Phase) and after rehabilitation (post development), to ascertain the pre and post borrowing status ofthe area. ! ~ ! l . , ! r . !_ I I · I. Karnataka State Highways Imprmvemel'lt Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - El"C Packages Funded by World Bank APPENDIX: 18 SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL Prior to the start of the relevant construction, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, his schedules for carrying out temporary and permanent erosion/sedimentation control works as are applicable for the items of clearing and grubbing, road way and drainage excavation, embankment/sub-grade construction, bridges and other structures across water courses, pavement courses and shoulders. He shall also submit for approval his proposed method of erosion/sedimentation control on service road and borrow pits and his plan for disposal of waste materials. Work shall not be started until the erosion/sedimentation control schedules are prepared and the Engineer has approved methods of operations for the applicable construction. The surface area of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, borrow and fill operations shall be limited to the extent practicable. The Contractor may be directed. to provide immediate control measures to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation that will adversely affect construction operations, III damage adjacent properties, or cause contamination of nearby streams or other watercourses. Such work may involve the construction of temporary berms, dikes sediment basins, slope drains and use of temporary · mulches, fabrics, mats, seedling, or other control devices or methods as necessary to control erosion and .. sedimentation . The Contractor shall be required to incorporate all permanent erosion and sedimentation control features into the project at the earliest practicable time as outlined in his accepted schedule to minimize the need for ... temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures. Temporary erosion/sedimentation and pollution control measures will be used to control the phenomenon of erosion, sedimentation and pollution that may develop during normal construction practices, but may neither be foreseen during design stage for associated with permanent control features on the Project. Where erosion or sedimentation is likely to be a problem, clearing and grubbing operations should be so scheduled and performed that grading operations and permanent erosion or sedimentation control features can follow immediately thereafter if the project conditions permit; otherwise temporary erosion or sedimentation control measures may be required between successive construction stages. Under no conditions shall a large surface area of credible earth material be exposed at one time by clearing and grubbing or excavation without prior approval of the Engineer. The Engineer may limit the area of excavation, borrow and embankment operations in progress, ,""' commensurate with the Contractor's capability and progress in keeping the finish grading, mulching, seedling and other such permanent erosion, sedimentation and pollution control measures, in accordance with the accepted schedule. Temporary erosion is sometimes caused due to the Contractor's negligence, carelessness or failure to install permanent controls. Sedimentation and pollution control measures then become necessary as a part of the work as scheduled or ordered by the Engineer, and these shall be carried out at the Contractor's own expense. Temporary erosion, sedimentation and pollution control work required, which is not attributed to the Contractor's negligence, carelessness or failure to install permanent controls, will be performed as ordered by the Engineer. Temporary erosion, sedimentation and pollution control may include construction work outside the right of way where such work is necessary as a result of road construction such as borrow pit operations, service roads and equipment storage sites. The temporary erosion, sedimentation and pollution control features installed by the Contractor shall be maintained by him till these are needed, unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer. Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Appendix -19: LOCATING QUARRIES, REHABILITATING QUARRIES AND GUIDELINES FOR STONE CRUSHERS Locating Quarries The Contractor will finalize the locations in consultation with CSC and KSHIP. The Contractor shall establish a new quarry only with the prior consent of the CSC only in cases when i) Lead from existing quarries is uneconomical and ii) Alternative material sources are not available. The Contractor shall prepare a redevelopment plan for the quarry site and get approved by the CSC. I The construction schedule and operations plans to be submitted to the CSC prior to commencement of work shall contain a detailed work plan for procuring materials that includes r. procurement, transportation and storage of quarry materials. ! t Operation & redevelopment plan (if a new quarry is opened) f . · Photograph ofthe quarry site prior to commencement · i · The quarry boundaries as well as location of the materials deposits, working equipments, t -, stockpiling, access roads and final shape of the pit. j I, · Drainage and erosion control measures at site. · Safety measures during quarry operation. · Design for redevelopment of exhaust site. Option-A: Revegetating the quarry to merge with surrounding landscape: This is done by conserving and reapplying the topsoil for the vegetative growth. Option-B: Developing exhausted quarries as water bodies: The pit shall be reshaped and developed into pond, for harvesting rainwater. This option shall only be considered where the location of quarry is at the lowest point, i.e. surrounding areas! natural drainage slopes towards it. · Construction stage: Development of site: i , To minimize the adverse impact during excavation of material following measures are need to be undertaken .' " i) Adequate drainage system shall be provided to prevent the flooding of the excavated area · ii) At the stockpiling locations, the Contractor shall construct sediment barriers to prevent the erosion of excavated material due to runoff " iii) Construction of offices, laboratory, workshop and rest places shall be done in the up-wind l . of the plant to minimize the adverse impact due to dust and noise. " iv) The access road to the plant shall be constructed taking into consideration location of \ units and also slope ofthe ground to regulate the vehicle movement within the plant. " l, v) In case of storage of blasting materials, all precautions shall be taken as per The Explosive Rules, 1983. Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Quarry operations including safety: i) Overburden shall be removed and disposed inline with Guidelines of Disposal Management. ii) During excavation, slopes shall be flatter than 20 degrees to prevent their sliding. In cases where quarry strata are good and where chances of sliding are less this restriction can be ignored. iii) In case of blasting, procedure and safety measures shall be taken as per The Explosive Rules, 1983. iv) The Contractor shall ensure that all workers related safety measures shall be done as per guidelines for workers and Safety attached as Annexure-8 v) The contractor shall ensure maintenance of crushers regularly as per manufacture's .. recommendation . Topsoil will be excavated and preserved during transportation of the materials measures shall be taken to minimize the generation of dust and prevent accidents. '" The PIU and the CSC shall review the quarry site for the management measures during quarry operation, including the compliance to pollution norms. Post construction stage: The Contractor shall restore all haul roads constructed for transporting the material from the quarries to construction site to their original state. The PIU and the CSC shall be entrusted the responsibility of reviewing the quarry site for the progress of implementation of Redevelopment plan. These shall include the following two cases; i_~ · Redevelopment of quarries opened by the contractor for the project .. · Redevelopment of existing quarries operated by other agencies eli! In the first case, the Contractor shall be responsible for the Redevelopment plan prior to completion after five years, during the defect liability period. The CSC and PIU shall be responsible for reviewing this case of redevelopment prior to the issuing the defect liability certificate. In the second case, the redevelopment of exhaust quarry shall be the responsibility of the agency providing the permit to ensure the implementation of Redevelopment Plan. POLICY GUIDELINES FOR CONTROL OF LOCATION, INSTALLATION, WORKING OF STONE CRUSHERS AND THEIR REGISTRATION IN THE STATE OF KARNATAKA Taking into consideration the overriding principle of protection of ecology and environment, to ensure that not a single stone crushing unit in the state causes any pollution of any type and in consonance with the "River/Stream Bed Mining Policy Guidelines for the state of Kamataka, the State Governr :ent hereby makes following Policy Guidelines for control of location, installation, workings of stone crushers and their registration thereof. 1. Mining lease mandatory for running a stone crusher Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV ~ Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank 1.1 In order to ensure legal and regular supply of minor minerals, every owner of stone crusher, shall have a valid mining lease for this purpose. 1.2 In respect of River/Stream Bed Mining leases over larger area of ten hectare or above shall be given priority for setting up of stone crushers. For Hill Slope mining, lease area shall depend upon the size of crusher, availability of mineral and annual requirement of mineral in relation to scientific mining. The period of lease shall be determined, based on reserves calculated and annual requirement as per the proposals given in the Working-Cum- Environmental Management Plan, which every leaseholder shall have to prepare. I _ 2. Provisional Registration of stone crusher No person shall install or run any stone crusher in any area within the State of Karnataka unless I he obtains a provisional registration from the Geological Wing, Department of Industries. . Based on the documents submitted 'Provisional Registration' shall be issued by the Geological Wing, Department of Industries that shall form base for obtaining pre-production clearance from other Government Departments. IIi ! . After provisional registration and joint inspection, the consent to Establish from the Karnataka State Environment Protection & pollution control Board should be obtained. The unit shall submit the Working-cum-Environment Management Plan before the issuance of consent to operate (COP) by the State Board. it- Karnataka State Electricity Board shall give electric connection to the crusher owner only after obtaining Provisional Registration from the Geological wing. Already established stone crusher shall registered themselves within a period of 3months from the date of issuance of these Policy Guidelines and for this registration they have to produce consent ! . ! issued by Karnataka State Environment Protection & Pollution control Board. ! 3. Joint inspection of the areas applied for mining lease and for setting up of stone crusher . a) Joint Inspection of crusher site. The site for setting up the stone crusher shall be appraised and approved by a joint Inspection committee, consisting of the following members 1. Sub- Divisional Officer (Civil) concerned Chairman. 2. Divisional Forest Officer or his representative Member 3. Representative of the State Environment protection and Pollution control Board. Member. 4. Executive Engineer, PWD or his representative Member 5. Executive Engineer, I&PH or his representative Member 6. 7. Representative of the Department of Tourism Member Representative of KPTCL- Local SDO (E) Member . 8. Geologist or Mining officer Member Secretary b) Joint inspection shall be conducted at least by four member viz. Chairman, representative of Karnataka State Environment protection & pollution control Board, DCF or his representative .. and Geologist! Mining Officer on a prescribed Checklist. Other members may issue separate NOC's as per the check list. Joint Inspection of the area applied for mining lease. a) The area applied for lease shall be inspected by a committee consisting of the following members · Sub- Divisional Officer (Civil) concerned Chairman. · Assistant Conservator of ForestlRange officer Member Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safegu::u-d Instruments ~ EPC Packages Funded by World Bank - Representative ofthe State Environment protection and Pollution control Board. Member. - Executive Engineer, PWD or his representative Member - Executive Engineer, I & PH or his representative Member -Representative of the Dep't. of Tourism Member - Mining officer Member Secretary b) Joint inspection shall be conducted by at least three members viz. Chairman, Assistant Conservator Forest! Range officer and Mining Officer on the prescribed checklist. Other members may issue separate NOC's as per the Checklist. The grant of Mining lease and approval of stone crusher site by the committee shall be the basis for issuance of permanent registmtion. 4. Permanent Registration a) Based on the approval of sites for setting up ofthe stone crusher grant ofmining lease and after obtaining consent to operate from the Pollution Control Board. The Geological Wing, Department of Industries, shall issue permanent registration to the owner ofthe stone crusher, .. b) which shall be valid for a period of two years The Geological Wing, Department of Industries may renew the registration for a further period or period of two years subject to proper functioning of the stone crusher as per the ... provision of various Acts and Rules and clearance of all dues including clearance from Pollution Control Board. c) In case the Geological Wing, Department of Industries is ofthe opinion that it is not expedient to grant a permanent registration taking into consideration the various factors as per the recommendations ofthe Joint Inspection Committee, Geological Wing, Department of Industries may after giving an opportunity of being heard and for reasons to be recorded in writing and communicated to the applicant, refuse to grant the permanent registration. d) In case of renewal ofthe registration, the owner ofthe stone crusher shall apply for the renewal at least six month's before the expiry ofthe registration. e) In case, the application for renewal submitted is not disposed off before the expiry of the period ofregistration, it shall be deemed to have been extended by a further period till the Geological Wing, f) Department of Industries passes order thereon. 5. Other conditions for running of stone Crushers. a) The owner ofthe stone crusher shall observe the provision of; i) The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and rules framed there under. ii) The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974 and rules framed there under. iii) The Environment (Protection) 1986 and rules framed there under. iv) The Noise Pollution (Regulation and control) rules 2000. b) No consent for expansion to a crusher shall be given by pollution control board and no electric connection by KPTCL without prior approval of Geological Wing, Department of Industries. c) Every stone crusher owner shall ensure that the crusher operates within emission standards stipulated by KSPCB. d) Every stone crusher owner shall adopt pollution control measures. e) The Geological wing, Department of Industries may impose any such further conditions as it may deem fit for the protection of Environment and Ecology. f) The crusher owner shall submit a return by 10th of every month, giving details oftotal quantity of minerals crushed, electricity consumed, power generated in case ofcaptive power genemted run crusher, fuel consumption in case of diesel run crusher, number of labour employed and wages paid etc., Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project· II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMF Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank g) The crusher owner shall allow the inspecting staff, access to the crusher and produce all r records relating to operation of the crusher and verification of source of legal supply of minor i minerals and stocks. 6. Conditions for mining leases f l , a) Every applicant shall submit working-cum-Environment Management plan for carrying out systematic and scientific mining. b) Mining in river/stream beds shall be subject to general conditions as per the River/Streambed [ Mining policy guidelines in addition to any other site-specific conditions as specified by the Joint inspection committee, as detailed below c) Mining in Hill slopes shall be subject to following general conditions: I. Environmental considerations: i) No mining shall be allowed within 100 m of thickly forested area. ii) No mining shall be allowed in areas, which may cause aesthetic/visual degradation near any known tourist spot. iii) No mining shall be allowed where it is likely to disrupt water regime, IPH schemes roads, bridges etc., iv) No mining shall be allowed where danger to site of culture, religions, historical, archeological I' or scenic importance is likely. I v) No mining shall be allowed near habitation, where it is likely to cause noise and vibration 'tIt problems, due to blasting or operation of machinery. vi) No mining shall be allowed where proper disposal of mine waste cannot be arranged. vii) Conditions shall be imposed that the leaseholder will take adequate steps to control and check r ' L soil erosion, debris flow etc., by raising various engineering structure. ll. Geological and Geomorphologic considerations: I' I I. ' i) No mining shall be allowed where the slope angles are more than 45 degree from horizontal and in case of mid slope mining, the foot wall should be of hard strata. .. ii) No mining lease shall be granted where the ore to overburden ratio is not economical i.e. I :0.2 that is the waste generation should not be more than 20% iii) Proper appraisal of the deposit for its qualitative and quantitative assessment shall be made in the form of Geological and topographical plans. II III. Technical consideration: i) The area should not be highly jointed, fractured on consisting of weak planes. '" ii) Relation of slope angle to angle of repose should be within mining parameters where 6x6 m benches by keeping overall angle of repose as 45degree can be made. iii) No mining shall be allowed where subsidence of rocks is likely due to steep angle of slope. iv) No overhangs shall be allowed to be formed during the course of mining. v) The gradient of approach roads shall be gentle with hill-ward slope, side drains and parapet walls. · Adequate number of waiting and crossing points shall be provided for safe plying of vehicles. vi) No blasting shall be resorted to without taking proper license under Explosive Act. d) General conditions: i) Mining site shall only be handed over to the leaseholder, after it is duly demarcated by permanent boundary pillars and certified by concerned mining officer. · Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Documents Volume IV Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank ii) Junction at take off point of approach road with main road shall be developed with proper width and geometric required for safe movement of traffic by crusher owner at his own cost in consultation with Executive Engineer, KPWD. iii) No leaseholder shall storel stack any material in the acquired width ofPWD road without the specific permission of the competent authority. iv) In addition to above the mining operation shall be subjected to provisions of various Acts and Rules in force. v) Dumping of waste shall be done in earmarked places as per the working plans. II . Tab)e: Paramet ers or new s t one crush ers t 0 b e set Ul!lD f Utu re I Sl. No. Parameters Distance . Ii·· Minimum distance from NHISH IS0m i II ;11 Minimum distance from link roads I other District roads 7Sm I iii Minimum distance from District Head - Quarters 1.S km I iv Minimum distance from town I Notified area by the committee 1 km · lV Minimum distance from village SOOm : vi Minimum distance from HospitaIlEducation Institution 1 km !vii Minimum distance from Natural water springs SOOm i viii . Minimum distance from Notified parks 2km I ix Minimum distance from Sanctuaries 1 km ix Minimum distance from Bridge sites 200 m Upstream I xi Minimum distance from Notified Lakes and Wetlands 300m ... · - - - Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume N Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Appendix: 20 Storage, Handling, Use and Emergency response for hazardous chemicals At. Refueling I Maintenance procedure » Truck or suitable containers will bring in all fuel and fluids. There will be no storage of fuel, oil or fluids within 1OOm(or SOm) of the permanent water line. » Prior to re-fueling or maintenance, drip pans and containment pans will be placed under the equipment. Absorbent blankets may also be required to be placed under the equipment and hoses where there is a possibility of spillage to occur. » All used oils or fluids will be properly contained and transported to appropriately licensed (authorized) disposal facilities; » Following re-fueling and maintenance, the absorbent blankets (if any) and spill pans will be picked up and the fuel truck or container moved outside ofthe 100m (or 50m) wide area. ! I Emergency spill procedure Should a spill occur, either trough spillage or equipment failure, the applicable emergency spill procedure outlined in sections A-2 to A-4 must follow. , A2. Spill Procedure (inside the stream) ! l . .." In the case of a spill, overflow or release fluid into the stream waterway (whether water is flowing during the spill or not), do what is practical and safely possible to control the situation, then get help. ! I » Stop the flow f o Stop the release into the stream waterway l o Shutdown equipment o Close valves and pumps ! o Plug hoses » Remove Ignition sources · · Shut off vehicles and other engines · Do not allow tiger torches, vehicles, smoking or other sources of ignition near the .. area. Keep a ftre extinguisher on hand but keep it a safe distance away from the potential ignition source (if a ftre starts, the extinguisher must be easily accessible) . » Contact the environmental officer and initiate emergency response o Notify the site supervisor and the Contractor's Environmental Officer as soon as possible o The Environmental Officer will review the situation and decide if Emergency services like Fire Brigade are required o Appropriate parties to be notifted of the spill are · The contractor's Project Manager Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPl:Z, Bid DOCU;(lents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPe Packages Funded by W orId Bank · The Engineer through his designated Environmental Officer · The Client · Regulatory Agencies like Pollution Control Board, Municipal Authorities, as applicable. · Site safety Officer )Ii> Cleanup and Disposal Emergency Services will be engaged for the containment, cleanup and disposal of contamination release into the environment. )Ii> Reporting The Contractor's Environmental Officer will document the event and submit repots to the Engineer, the client and appropriate regulatory agencies like the Pollution Control Board(s). )Ii> Procedure Review The Engineer will review the report, determine if changes are required to procedures and recommended implementation of all required changes ... A3. Spill procedure (on land) In the case of a spill, overflow or release fluid onto land, do what is practical and safety possible to control the situation, then get help. );;> Stop the flow .. · Stop the release into the water body · Shut down equipment · Close valves and pumps · Plug hoses )Ii> Remove Ignition sources Shut off vehicles and other engines Do not allow tiger torches, vehicles, smoking or other sources of ignition near the area. Keep a fire extinguisher on hand but keep it a safe distance away from the potential ignition sources (if a fire starts the extinguisher must be easily accessible). )Ii> Contain the Spill · Dike around the spill to contain the material · Spread absorbent or place a spill blanket on the spill · En!ist the help of tJersonnel on site · Notify your supervisor as soon as possible )Ii> Notification Appropriate parties to be notified of the spill are Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments EPC Packages Funded by World Bank · The Contractor's Project Manager I · The Engineer through his designated Environmental officer · The Client · Regulatory Agencies like Pollution control Board, Municipal Authorities, as applicable · Site Safety coordinator » Cleanup and Disposal The Engineer's Environmental officer will ensure that a proper cleanup and disposal method is determined. Absorbent pads will soak up the spilled material. The pads will be contained .' and removed from site for disposal at a licensed (authorized) facility. » Reporting The Contractor's Environmental Officer will document the event and submit reports to the Engineer, the Client and appropriate regulatory agencies like the Pollution control Board(s) » Procedure Review ·· The Engineer will review the report, determine if changes are required to procedures and f \ recommend implementation of all required changes. i ! i. .. ,.. ., · Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR. Bid Documents Volume IV - Part I: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank Appendix: 21 SELECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION CAMP 1. Selection and layout of construction camp The construction camps for labour, accommodation, offices and construction plant sites shall be identified based on the following guidelines. The construction site shall be located · At a minimum distance of lkm away from any major settlement or village. · At a minimum distance of300m of any major surface water course or body If this is not possible the base camps should be located away from the settlements with the following precautions · Base camp should be enclosed with boundary wall. · Movement of the workers should be registered during the nighttime. · There should not be any disturbance to the local community. · Operation of the plant and machinery should be restricted to 6 am to lOam · Care should be taken while starting and moving the heavy vehicles, there is a possibility that children of near settlement may be playing with machinery parked outside the camps. 2. Facilities at workers camps During the construction stage of the project, the construction contractor will construct and maintain necessary (temporary) living accommodation and ancillary facilities for labour. It will be ensured that all the trmporary accommodation will be provided with uncontaminated water for drinking, cooking and washing. Adequate washing and bathing places shall be provided, and kept in clean and drained condition. Construction camps will be sited away from vulnerable people and adequate health care will be provided for the work force. · General requirements include availability of: · Potable water supply in quantity and quality, · Requirement of power supply for heating as well as for cooking. Firewood shall not be used for cooking and heating purposes. Contractor must provide LPG gas I Kerosene for the construction camps. · Safe access road is required at camps · Waste (all kind of solid and liquid wastes) generated need to be disposed off smoothly. 2.1 Sanitation Facilities: Construction camps shall be provided with sanitary latrines and urinals. Closed drainage systems and the proper treatment systems according to the local conditions should be constructed for the proper flow and effective treatment. The sewage system built for the camp will be operated properly to avoid health hazard, ground water and soil pollution. Compost pits will be constructed for he disposal of the garbage and other biodegradable wastes generated from the camps. Proper collection, transportation and disposal of the wastes will be ensured. 3. Shelter at work place: At such work places where the duration of the works will prevail for more than one month some form of shelters will be provided for meals, resting, change of clothes and for keeping the tools of the work and personal protective equipment. The height of shelter shall not less than 3m from floor level to Kamataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents V olume IV Part 1; EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank lowest part of the roof. Sheds shall be kept clean and the space provided shall be on the basis of a! least 1.0 Sq.m per head. 4. Canteen Facilities: A cooked food canteen on a moderate scale shall be provided for the benefit of workers wherever it is considered necessary. All the wastes generated from the canteen will be treated / disposed of as detailed in the other sections ofthe waste disposal. 5. Health care Facilities: Health problems of the workers should be taken care of by providing basic health care facilities through a health centre set up at the construction camps. The health centre will have at least a doctor (part time), nurses, duty staff, medicines and minimum medical facilities to tackle first-aid requirements for minor accidental cases. Some arrangements will be made with the nearest hospital to refer patients of major illnesses or critical cases. The health centre will carryout quarterly awareness programme of HN AIDS with the help of AIDS control society. Posters will be exhibited in the health care clinic. 6. Day creche facilities 1/1' At construction sites where women with very young children are employed, provision of a day creche shall be provided. At construction sites where 20 or more women are ordinarily employed, a hut for children under the age of 6 years shall be provided. fI, For ensuring the implementation of effective pollution control measures at the construction base camps and construction plant sites, redevelopment! closure plans for the closure of these sites will be I \ ~ made part of the EMP of the construction contract. 7. Constructiou workers Camp In all over India, road construction works are in peak stage. With several local / regional! national and international contractors in place, the road construction work recently started showing seriousness towards this issue. The contractor recently started providing legally and contractually required facilities for the unskilled labour, hired from the local villages or are brought to the place of work from outside the State. Even now the Contractor camps and other facilities are set up in worst conditions even when the " contract documents are clearly specifying the required standards. The associated issues are as follows. Forest resources could be encroached up on in all possible ways by the labour force. Unauthorized tree felling to get fuel-wood both for cooking as well as heating even when alternative fuel is made available, Poaching of edible animals and birds ofthe locality in spite of prohibition, Poor sanitation arrangement and improper methods used for disposal of solid wastes and effluent, Indigenous people getting invaded by imported construction labour-force, due to lack of discipline, ~ Transmission of communicable diseases to the local people by the construction workers due to inappropriate health monitoring facilities, and .' Creating hazardous traffic flow at construction site due to lack of concern about the local needs and provision for pedestrian Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project - II Detailed Project Report Consultancy Services for Preparation ofDPR, Bid Documents Volume IV - Part 1: EMP Report and Associated Safeguard Instruments - EPC Packages Funded by World Bank No Contractor's Establishments zones Contractor shall not establish any construction camp, crushers, hot mix plant and WWM plant in the identified locations ( No Contractor's Establishment Zone). These locations will be treated as eco sensitive. The forestland located along 54A,63C and T-5 link roads No construction campsite areas also include settlement areas provided below. These are the major settlements along the corridor. Campsites should be a minimum of 500m away from settlements Table 2.0 Major settlements along the project corridor IName of village / , I RoutelLink Location of Roads Town Remarks 2IB Dharwad - Saundatti · Dharwad I Marewad I Amminabhavi I Harobelavadi I Inamhongal Kabbenur I Chikkulligeri Hireulligeri I Saundatti .. .' .. · ., · · ., l1li; · ., · · .· .., .. · .. · ...