PROCUREMENT PLANS AS ON DECEMBER 31, 2011 WORKS CONTRACTS
                                                                Procure   Prior/            IDA No                  Bid                         Tender
                                                 Estimated cost                  Bid docs &              SPN Advert             Bid                        IDA No        Notification Signing of                 Comencement
           Status    Contract Description                       ment      Post              Objection to            submission                  Committee                                        Date of Issue
                                                 USD                             SPN to IDA              date                  Evauation                   Objection     of Award Contract                       date
                                                                method     IDA              bid docs                & Opening                   approval
           Planned                                     350,000 NCB        Post 23-Mar-10                  30-Mar-10  11-May-10   25-May-10       01-Jun-10                08-Jun-10   22-Jun-10     25-Jun-10      02-Jul-10
                     Inter Management Unit
       1             RGS (15 River
           Actual                                      109,100    NCB     Post          N/A          N/A   08-Dec-10   11-Jan-11   13-Jan-11     28-Mar-11     N/A        14-Apr-11   04-May-11     26-Jun-11      02-Jul-12

           Planned                                     300,000   NCB      Post    15-Nov-11                22-Nov-11   03-Jan-12   17-Jan-12     24-Jan-12                31-Jan-12   14-Feb-12     17-Feb-12      24-Feb-12
       2             Special stations (50)

WRMA                 Construction of offices:-
                     lot 1 -three Regional
           Planned Offices in Machakos,              2,450,000    NCB     Prior    20-Feb-12   27-Feb-12   05-Mar-12   04-Apr-12    18-Apr-12    25-Apr-12   09-May-12    16-May-12 23-May-12       26-May-12      09-Jun-12
                     Kisumu and Nanyuki. Lot
       3             2 -three Sub Regional
                     Offices at Mombasa, Kitui
                     and Kapenguria and
                     supervision of the

                     Construction of sediment
           Planned                                      60,000 shopping   Post    N/A          N/A         10-Nov-11   28-Nov-11   05-Dec-11     12-Dec-11                19-Dec-11 22-Dec-11       26-Dec-11      10-Jan-10
       4              control weir at Mwagu
                            Intake ***
           Planned control structures in Saba           30,000 shopping   Post    N/A          N/A         10-Nov-11   28-Nov-11   05-Dec-11     12-Dec-11                19-Dec-11 22-Dec-11       26-Dec-11      10-Jan-10

           Planned                                  24,000,000    ICB     Prior   22-Nov-10    06-Dec-10   13-Dec-10   07-Feb-11   28-Feb-11     07-Mar-11   21-Mar-11    14-Mar-11   04-Apr-11     11-Apr-11      09-May-11
                     Construction of Lower
       1             Nzoia Irrigation
           Actual                                                 ICB     Prior   23-Dec-10    6-Jan-11    11-Jan-11   11-Mar-11
                     Development Project
           Planned Construction of Mwea              7,900,000    ICB     Prior   22-Sep-10    06-Oct-10   13-Oct-10   08-Dec-10   29-Dec-10     05-Jan-11   19-Jan-11    12-Jan-11   02-Feb-11     09-Feb-11
       2           Irrigation Scheme
           Actual                                   7,580,838     ICB     Prior   22-Dec-10 23-Dec-10      04-Jan-11   04-Mar-11   02-May-11 03-May-11 18-Jul-11 20-Jul-11 12-Aug-11                12-Aug-11      11-Oct-11
                   Water Management
           Planned                                   1,150,000   NCB      Post     22-Jan-10         N/A   05-Feb-10   07-Mar-10   21-Mar-10     22-Apr-10   29-Apr-10    06-May-10 20-May-10       27-May-10      10-Jun-10
                     Construction of office
                    Construction of office
                    Block Forestry training
          Actual        School at Moi         1,109,244   NCB     Post         N/A    N/A   18-Feb-10   18-Mar-10   16-Apr-10   20-Apr-10     N/A       29-Apr-10 25-Jun-10     25-Jun-10   19-Jul-10
          Planned Renovation works for        1,060,000   NCB     Post    22-Jan-10         05-Feb-10   07-Mar-10   21-Mar-10   22-Apr-10   29-Apr-10   06-May-10 20-May-10     27-May-10   10-Jun-10
          Actual KFC Lower campus             1,208,656   NCB     Post         N/A    N/A   18-Feb-10   18-Mar-10   16-Apr-10   20-Apr-10               29-Apr-10 25-Jun-10     25-Jun-10   21-Jul-10

          Planned                              735,000    NCB     Post    22-Jan-10   N/A   05-Feb-10   07-Mar-10   21-Mar-10   22-Apr-10   29-Apr-10   06-May-10 20-May-10     27-May-10   10-Jun-10
                     Construction of KFS
                    Information Centre
          Actual                               836,572    NCB     Post         N/A    N/A   18-Feb-10   18-Mar-10   16-Apr-10   20-Apr-10               29-Apr-10 25-Jun-10     25-Jun-10   21-Jul-10
          Planned Construction of zonal        550,000    NCB     Post    22-Jan-12         05-Feb-12   06-Mar-12   20-Mar-12   27-Mar-12   03-Apr-12   10-Apr-12   24-Apr-12   01-May-12   15-May-12
      4           and extension offices-
                  Construction of Model
          Planned                               75,000 shopping   Post   N/A                10-Apr-12   01-May-12   08-May-12   15-May-12               22-May-12 25-May-12     28-May-12   11-Jun-12
                  tree Nuseries- 3No.
                    Construction of Model
          Planned                              212,000   NCB      Post   01-Mar-12          08-Mar-12   05-Apr-12   19-Apr-12   26-Apr-12               03-May-12 17-May-12     20-May-12   27-May-12
      6             Farm Forestry Clinics-
          Actual    6 No.
                    ***New item line included after WB Mission in August 2011
                                                                    KENYA NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROJECT - WORLD BANK FUNDED
                                                                             PROCUREMENT PLANS AS ON DECEMBER 31, 2011 GOODS
       No Status Contract Description        Estimat Prior/Post Procureme Bidding     No      Invitation Submissio Evaluation & Tender     IDA Review, Notification Issuance of Signed of
                                             ed Cost Review     nt Method Documents Objection of Bids    n of bids & Compilation Committee clearance & of Award     letter of   Contract
                                             USD                          Preparation by IDA             Bid         of Report   approvals acceptance               acceptance

          Planned Furniture for PCO          12,000     Post    Shopping    01/18/11      N/A       25-Jan-11   01-Feb-11   15-Feb-11   01-Mar-11     N/A         N/A         N/A       15-Mar-11
          Actual                             12,141     Post    Shopping    01/18/11      N/A       24-Jan-11   16-Feb-11   07-Mar-11   14-Mar-11     N/A         N/A         N/A       16-Mar-11
          Planned 1 Desktop Computer         16,000     Post    shopping    07/13/11      N/A       20-Jul-11   27-Jul-11   10-Aug-11   24-Aug-11     N/A         N/A         N/A       07-Sep-11
MoWI      Actual and 4 Laptops                9,893     Post    Shopping    08/29/11      N/A       30-Aug.11   06-Sep-11   22-Sep-11   22-Sep-11     N/A         N/A         N/A       23-Sep-11
          Planned One Desktop , Three         6,107     Post    shopping    02/20/12      N/A       27-Feb-12   05-Mar-12   19-Mar-12   02-Apr-12     N/A         N/A         N/A       16-Apr-12
        3         laptops Computers and
          Actual projector

          Planned Furniture for 6 new        174,000    Post      NCB      22-May-12      N/A       29-May-12   28-Jun-12   12-Jul-12   26-Jul-12     N/A       02-Aug-12   09-Aug-12   16-Aug-12
                  Offices of Machakos,
        1         Kisumu, Nanyuki,
                  Mombasa, Kitui and
          Planned Curtains and curtain       100,000    Post      NCB      06-Feb-12    13-Feb-12 20-Feb-12     27-Feb-12   05-Mar-12   12-Mar-12   19-Mar-12   26-Mar-12   02-Apr-12   09-Apr-12
        2         boxes for 9 new Sub
          Actual Region Offices***
          Planned Cumulative Rain Rauge       50,000    Post    shopping   12-Mar-12      N/A       19-Mar-12   18-Apr-12   02-May-12   16-May-12     N/A       23-May-12   30-May-12   06-Jun-12
        3         for Two Water
                  2 No. ADCP equipment
          Planned                             40,000    Post    shopping   12-Mar-12      N/A       19-Mar-12   18-Apr-12   02-May-12   16-May-12     N/A       23-May-12   30-May-12   06-Jun-12
        4         for measuring high

          Planned 2 No. ADCP equipment        40,000    Post    shopping   12-Mar-12                19-Mar-12   18-Apr-12   02-May-12   16-May-12               23-May-12   30-May-12   06-Jun-12
                  for measuring high
          Actual flows***

                      Purchase of Vehicles
            Planned                          770,000    Prior     ICB       01-Jul-10   08-Jul-10   15-Jul-10   26-Aug-10   09-Sep-10   16-Sep-10   23-Sep-10   30-Sep-10   05-Oct-10   17-Oct-10
        1             (Various types)
            Actual                           655,079    Prior     ICB      11-Jan-11    15-Jan-11   24-Jan-11   10-Mar-11   06-Apr-11   08-Apr-11   11-May-11   20-May-11   20-May-11   30-Jun-11
                  Purchase of additional
          Planned vehicles from savings      280,000    Post      NCB      12-Jan-12      N/A       19-Jan-12   16-Feb-12   28-Feb-12   06-Mar-12     N/A       13-Mar-12   18-Mar-12   30-Mar-12
        2         (est. No 8)
KFS         Actual                                      Post      NCB      20-Nov-11      N/A       29-Nov-11   05-Jan-12
                  Purchase of equipment
          Planned                            200,000    Post      NCB      01-Mar-12      N/A       08-Mar-12   05-Apr-12   17-Apr-12   24-Apr-12     N/A       01-May-12   06-May-12   18-May-12
                  for Communication
                  strategy and support to
                  forestry sector reforms
          Planned Purchase of Tools and      300,000    Post      NCB       01-Jul-12     N/A       08-Jul-12   05-Aug-12   17-Aug-12   24-Aug-12     N/A       31-Aug-12   05-Sep-12   17-Sep-12
    Actualequipment for
           Purchase of Tools and
  Planned                         300,000   Post   NCB   01-Apr-12   N/A   08-Apr-12   06-May-12   18-May-12   25-May-12   N/A   01-Jun-12   06-Jun-12   18-Jun-12
          equipment for
          establishment of farm
          forestry clinics
          Purchase of office
  Planned                         450,000   Post   NCB   15-Mar-12   N/A   22-Mar-12   19-Apr-12   01-May-12   08-May-12   N/A   15-May-12   20-May-12   01-Jun-12
6         furniture and equipment
  Actual /6
          Purchase of Assorted
  Planned goods for implemeting   495,000   Post   NCB   01-Mar-12   N/A   08-Mar-12   05-Apr-12   17-Apr-12   24-Apr-12   N/A   01-May-12   06-May-12   18-May-12
          VMG livelihood plans
                                                                                                                                                                 KENYA NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROJECT - WORLD BANK FUNDED
                                                                                                                                                                 PROCUREMENT PLANS AS ON DECEMBER 31, 2011 CONSULTANCY SERVICES

       No   Status     Contract Description Estimated Cost Prior/Post   Procurement   Submit to IDA     NO objection       Date EOI    Submission of                  No objection       Issuance of   Submission of   Technical    IDA No objection   Opening of   Preparation of     Tender      Invit. for   IDA approval   Notification of    Sign.of    Date of Issue   Comencement of
                                                in USD      review        method      the draft RFP,    by IDA on EOI       Advert     Expression Of Evaluation/short of Shortlist       Request For   proposals by    Evaluation        of TP          Financial   technical and    Committee    negotiation                      Award         Contract                       contract
                                                                                      TOR, and EOI                                        Interest        listing     IDA                  Proposal     consultants                                    proposals       financial      approval

                       2ND Enviromental Audit
            Planned                                40,000     Post         CQS          24-Nov-11                          01-Dec-11     15-Dec-11         29-Dec-11                      03-Jan-12      31-Jan-12     14-Feb-12                       21-Feb-12      28-Feb-12      06-Mar-12    20-Mar-12           N/A        20-Mar-12       27-Mar-12     03-Apr-12        15-Apr-12

            Planned 3RD-Enviromental               40,000     Post         CQS          24-Nov-12                          01-Dec-12     15-Dec-12         29-Dec-12                      03-Jan-13      31-Jan-13     14-Feb-13                       21-Feb-13      28-Feb-13      07-Mar-13    21-Mar-13           N/A        21-Mar-13       28-Mar-13     04-Apr-13        16-Apr-13

            Planned Final Baseline Survey         150,000     Post         CQS          24-Nov-12                          01-Dec-12     15-Dec-12         29-Dec-12                      03-Jan-13      31-Jan-13     14-Feb-13                       21-Feb-13      28-Feb-13      07-Mar-13    21-Mar-13           N/A        21-Mar-13       28-Mar-13     04-Apr-13        16-Apr-13
MoWI          Actual

            Planned Irrigation reform             100,000     Post         CQS          28-Feb-11        03/04/2011        07-Mar-11     21-Mar-11         28-Mar-11             N/A      04-Apr-11     03-May-11      10-May-11          N/A          17-May-11     24-May-11       31-May-11     07-Jun-11          N/A       07-Jun-11        14-Jun-11     21-Jun-11        28-Jun-11
                     implementation strategy
              Actual                              93,690      Post         CQS         04-Mar-11         07-Apr-11         29-Apr-11     27-May-11         14-Jun-11             N/A      11-Jul-11     08-Aug-11      16-Aug-11          N/A          24-Aug-11         N/A         28-Sep-11    04-Oct-11           N/A        04-Oct-11       04-Nov-11    04-Nov-11        18-Nov-11

            Planned                                50,000     Post         CQS          28-Feb-11        03/04/2011        07-Mar-11     21-Mar-11         28-Mar-11             N/A      04-Apr-11     03-May-11      10-May-11          N/A          17-May-11     24-May-11       31-May-11     07-Jun-11          N/A       07-Jun-11        14-Jun-11     21-Jun-11        28-Jun-11
                       Irrigation Sector
                       development strategy
              Actual                               46,934     Post         CQS          04-Mar-11        08-Apr-11         29-Apr-11     27-May-11         14-Jun-11             N/A      11-Jul-11     08-Aug-11      16-Aug-11          N/A          24-Aug-11         N/A         28-Sep-11     04-Oct-11          N/A        04-Oct-11       04-Nov-11    04-Nov-11        18-Nov-11

            Planned ESIA's in relation to the       5,000     Post        CQ/ICS        25-May-10                          06-Jun-10     20-Jun-10             04-Jul-10         N/A      09-Jul-10      06-Aug-10     20-Aug-10          N/A          27-Aug-10      03-Sep-10      10-Sep-10    24-Sep-10           N/A        24-Sep-10       01-Oct-10     08-Oct-10        20-Oct-10
                     preparation of WRUA
                     action and investment
              Actual plans                         83,000     Post        CQ/ICS       21-Sep-10         23-Sep-10         29-Oct-10     15-Nov-10         15-Dec-10       N/A            23-Mar-11      08-Apr-11     14-Apr-11          N/A          08-Apr-11      08-Apr-11      31-May-11     20-Jul-11                      20-Jul-11      20-Jul-11    01-Aug-11         01-Aug-11

                       Consultacy for water
            Planned                                50,000     Post         CQS          04-May-10                          16-May-10     30-May-10         13-Jun-10             N/A      18-Jun-10      16-Jul-10      30-Jul-10         N/A          06-Aug-10      13-Aug-10      20-Aug-10    03-Sep-10           N/A        03-Sep-10       10-Sep-10    17-Sep-10         29-Sep-10
       2               Abstraction surveys
              Actual                               89,000     Post         CQS              06-Oct-10         17-Dec-10    19-Jan-11         07-Feb-11          15-Feb-11 N/A              13-Apr-11       29-Apr-11   11-May-11    N/A                06-May-11      13-May-11      31-May-11    15-Aug-11                      15-Aug-11       15-Aug-11    20-Aug-11         20-Aug-11
            Planned Determination of               50,000     Post         CQS          04-May-10                          16-May-10     30-May-10         13-Jun-10             N/A      18-Jun-10      16-Jul-10      30-Jul-10         N/A          06-Aug-10      13-Aug-10      20-Aug-10    03-Sep-10           N/A        03-Sep-10       10-Sep-10    17-Sep-10         29-Sep-10
                     pollution loading and
       3             control study
              Actual                               89,000     Post         CQS         06-Oct-10         17-Dec-10         19-Jan-11         07-Feb-11          15-Feb-11 N/A              13-Apr-11       29-Apr-11   11-May-11    N/A                06-May-11     1`3-may-11      31-May-11    15-Aug-11                      15-Aug-11       15-Aug-11    20-Aug-11         20-Aug-11

                      Consultancy to align
                     WRM to the
            Planned requirements of the           124,000     Post        CQ/ICS        01-Feb-11         08-Feb-11        15-Feb-11     01-Mar-11         15-Mar-11       N/A            22-Mar-11      12-Apr-11     26-Apr-11          N/A          03-May-11      10-May-11      28-May-11     12-Jun-11                     12-Jun-11       19-Jun-11     26-Jun-11        10-Jul-11
                     constitution and
                     determine the
                     institutions financial
              Actual                              111,113     Post         CQS          05-May-11 N/A                      03-Jun-11         17-Jun-11          15-Aug-11 N/A              26-Sep-11       17-Oct-11     15-Dec-11 N/A                  15-Dec-11      15-Dec-11      30-Jan-12

            Planned                               355,000 Prior           QCBS          20-Feb-12         27-Feb-12        05-Mar-12     19-Mar-12         26-Mar-12        02-Apr-12     09-Apr-12     03-May-12      17-May-12       24-May-12       31-May-12      07-Jun-12      21-Jun-12     05-Jul-12                      04-Jul-12      11-Jul-12     18-Jul-12        01-Aug-12
                     Consultancy services
                     for the determination of
                     recharge areas for
                     Mzima and other
                     associated springs and
                     assess the long term
                     impacts of climate
       5             changes on their
                     discharges for
                     Mombasa and coastal
                     water supplies.
                     Development of
                     management Plan to
                     ensure sustainability.

                      consultancy services
            Planned for the refining of            30,000     Post         CQS          13-May-11                          27-May-11     10-Jun-11         24-Jun-11         01-Jul-11    08-Jul-11      05-Aug-11     19-Aug-11       26-Aug-11       02-Sep-11      09-Sep-11      23-Sep-11     07-Oct-11                      04-Jul-12      11-Jul-12     18-Jul-12        01-Aug-12
       6             Drawings and Bills of
                     Quantities for WRMA's
              Actual                               29,850     Post          CQ        N/A               N/A               N/A          N/A               N/A               N/A             13-May-11       27-May-11   31-May-11    N/A                22-Jun-11      14-Sep-11      20-Sep-11    23-Sep-11     N/A              23-Sep-11       23-Sep-11    23-Sep-11         07-Oct-11
                     3 Regional and 3 Sub-
                     Regional offices at

            Planned                               100,000     Post          CQ          18-Feb-12         25-Feb-12        08-Mar-12     22-Mar-12         05-Apr-12        12-Apr-12     17-Apr-12     15-May-12      29-May-12       05-Jun-12       05-Jun-12      12-Jun-12      26-Jun-12     10-Jul-12      19-Jun-12       10-Jul-12      17-Jul-12     24-Jul-12        05-Aug-12
                     Consultancy Services
                     for Technical Support to
       1             Institutional
              Actual Realignment of National
                     Irrigation Board (NIB)

            Planned                                40,000     Post          CQ          11-Feb-12         18-Feb-12        01-Mar-12     15-Mar-12         29-Mar-12        05-Apr-12     10-Apr-12     08-May-12      22-May-12       29-May-12       29-May-12      05-Jun-12      19-Jun-12     03-Jul-12      12-Jun-12       03-Jul-12      10-Jul-12     17-Jul-12        29-Jul-12
                       Consultancy Services
                       Consultancy Services
                       for Technical Support
                       for Implementation of
        2              Building Capacity Action
                Actual Plans for Irrigation
                       Water Users
                       Associations (IWUAs).

              Planned                               50,000      Post       CQ     10-Feb-12   17-Feb-12   29-Feb-12   14-Mar-12     28-Mar-12     04-Apr-12   09-Apr-12    07-May-12     21-May-12    28-May-12   28-May-12    04-Jun-12    18-Jun-12    02-Jul-12   11-Jun-12   02-Jul-12    09-Jul-12    16-Jul-12     28-Jul-12
                       Consultancy Services
                       for Realignment of the
        3              National Irrigation
                Actual Board to the new
                       Constitution of Kenya

              Planned Recuitment of Panel           50,000      Post       IC     16-Jan-12   23-Jan-12      N/A         N/A           N/A          N/A       30-Jan-12    27-Feb-12       N/A           N/A         N/A       12-Mar-12    19-Mar-12    02-Apr-12     N/A       02-Apr-12    09-Apr-12    16-Apr-12     28-Apr-12
                         of Experts for Quality
                         Control for the Lower
                         Nzoia Irrigation
                         development Project
                         Phase 1*

                       Technical Facilitator -
             Planned Assessment of Forest          70,000       Post       CQ     10-Feb-12               17-Feb-12   02-Mar-12     16-Mar-12                 21-Mar-12    18-Apr-12     02-May-12                09-May-12    16-May-12    09-May-12    23-May-12               23-May-12    30-May-12    06-Jun-12     18-Jun-12
        1              Resources (all forest
                       types except
                      Assessment of Forest
              Planned Resources (all forest        700,000     Prior      QCBS    16-Jul-12   23-Jul-12   04-Aug-12   18-Aug-12     01-Sep-12     08-Sep-12   06-Sep-12    04-Oct-12     18-Oct-12    25-Oct-12   25-Oct-12    01-Nov-12    15-Nov-12    29-Nov-12   08-Nov-12   22-Nov-12    29-Nov-12    06-Dec-12     18-Dec-12
                      types except


              Planned                               20,000      Post       CQ     10-Feb-12               17-Feb-12   02-Mar-12     16-Mar-12                 21-Mar-12    18-Apr-12     02-May-12                09-May-12    16-May-12    09-May-12    23-May-12               23-May-12    30-May-12    06-Jun-12     18-Jun-12
                         Communication and
                         Publicity Specialist

              Planned KFS headquarters             135,000      Post       CQ     10-Feb-12               17-Feb-12   02-Mar-12     16-Mar-12                 21-Mar-12    18-Apr-12     02-May-12                09-May-12    16-May-12    09-May-12    23-May-12               23-May-12    30-May-12    06-Jun-12     18-Jun-12
        4              masterplan and
                       architectural drawings

                        Land Tenure
              Planned Transaction Advisor at        60,000      Post       CQ     03-Mar-12               10-Mar-12   24-Mar-12     07-Apr-12                 12-Apr-12    10-May-12     24-May-12                31-May-12    07-Jun-12    31-May-12    14-Jun-12               14-Jun-12    21-Jun-12    28-Jun-12     10-Jul-12
        5              Ministerial Level to
                       facilitate implementation
                Actual of project safeguards
                         Review of
              Planned                              200,000     Prior      QCBS    07-Apr-12   14-Apr-12   26-Apr-12   10-May-12     24-May-12     31-May-12   29-May-12    26-Jun-12     10-Jul-12    17-Jul-12   17-Jul-12    24-Jul-12    07-Aug-12    21-Aug-12   31-Jul-12   21-Aug-12    28-Aug-12    04-Sep-12     16-Sep-12
                         strategy and

              Planned Strengthening of VMGs         17,000      Post       IC     03-Mar-12               10-Mar-12   24-Mar-12     07-Apr-12                 12-Apr-12    10-May-12     24-May-12                31-May-12    07-Jun-12    31-May-12    14-Jun-12               14-Jun-12    21-Jun-12    28-Jun-12     10-Jul-12
        7              governance structure
                Actual and Capacity building

                       Labour and
              Planned management Costs             100,000      Post       CQ     04-Apr-12               11-Apr-12   25-Apr-12     09-May-12                 14-May-12    11-Jun-12     25-Jun-12                02-Jul-12    09-Jul-12    02-Jul-12    16-Jul-12               16-Jul-12    23-Jul-12    30-Jul-12     11-Aug-12
        8              Analysis for KFS for
                       budgeting, planning
                Actual and better service

              Planned Design and                    25,000      Post       IC     03-Mar-12               10-Mar-12   24-Mar-12     07-Apr-12                 12-Apr-12    10-May-12     24-May-12                31-May-12    07-Jun-12    31-May-12    14-Jun-12               14-Jun-12    21-Jun-12    28-Jun-12     10-Jul-12
        9              establishment of
                       model tree
                Actual nurseries

                       Design and
              Planned                               25,000      Post       IC     17-Feb-12               24-Feb-12   09-Mar-12     23-Mar-12                 28-Mar-12    25-Apr-12     09-May-12                16-May-12    23-May-12    16-May-12    30-May-12               30-May-12    06-Jun-12    13-Jun-12     25-Jun-12
                       establishment of
                Actual farm forestry clinics

              Planned Review and                    25,000      Post      CQ/IC   03-Mar-11     N/A       10-Mar-11   24-Mar-11     07-Apr-11       N/A       12-Apr-11    10-May-11     24-May-11       N/A      31-May-11    07-Jun-11    31-May-11    14-Jun-11               14-Jun-11    21-Jun-11    28-Jun-11     10-Jul-11
                       Development of
                       Service Standing
                Actual Orders                                Post      CQ/IC      16-May-11     N/A       21-Jun-11     04-Jul-11     18-Jul-11     N/A        07-Aug-11     21-Aug-11    21-Aug-11      N/A       21-Aug-11    21-Aug-11    30-Aug-11   09-Nov-11                09-Nov-11    15-Nov-11     15-Nov-11     15-Nov-11

                      Editing of Process
              Planned Framework and                 25,000      Post       IC     10-Feb-12   17-Feb-12   02-Mar-12   16-Mar-12     30-Mar-12                 04-Apr-12    02-May-12     16-May-12                23-May-12    30-May-12    23-May-12    06-Jun-12               06-Jun-12    13-Jun-12    20-Jun-12     02-Jul-12
                      Developing action
                      plan for managing
              plan for managing
       Actual grazing in
              forestWest Pokot
     Planned                          30,000      Post       IC   03-Dec-11    10-Dec-11    24-Dec-11   07-Jan-12    21-Jan-12    26-Jan-12   23-Feb-12   08-Mar-12   15-Mar-12   22-Mar-12   15-Mar-12   29-Mar-12   29-Mar-12   05-Apr-12   12-Apr-12   24-Apr-12
              r design furniture &
13            equipment - 3
       Actual construction                     Post      CQ/IC     30-Oct-11    23-Nov-11   28-Nov-11    12-Dec-11    12-Jan-12