ACS9644 information and communication technologies Using locational data from mobile phones to enhance the science of delivery Ryan Haddad, Tim Kelly, Teemu Leinonen and Vesa Saarinen June 2014 World Bank Report Number ACS9644 Using locational data from mobile phones to enhance the science of delivery Ryan Haddad, Tim Kelly, Teemu Leinonen and Vesa Saarinen June 2014 World Bank Report Number ACS9644 Standard Disclaimer This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Copyright Statement The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA, telephone 978-750-8400, fax 978-750-4470, All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA, fax 202-522-2422, email contents Acknowledgements 6 Executive summary 7 1 Introduction 9 1.1 How locational data can be used 9 1.2 The evolving locational data toolkit 10 1.3 Structure of the report 11 2 How do locational technologies work? 13 2.1 A brief history of locational technologies 13 2.1.1 Cell tower triangulation 13 2.1.2 Global Positioning System (GPS) 14 2.1.3 WiFi Positioning System (WPS) 15 2.2 Current uses of location tracking in mobile networks 16 2.2.1 Data from cell tower triangulation 16 2.2.2 Collecting GPS-embedded data 16 2.2.3 Analyzing GPS-embedded data 17 2.2.4 WiFi Positioning System and location-based services 19 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 3 2.3 Potential for the future 20 2.3.1 Smartphone developments 20 2.3.2 GPS developments 21 2.3.3 Indoor Positioning Systems 22 2.3.4 Other technologies 23 Endnotes for chapter 2 24 3 A conceptual framework for studying locational data applications 25 3.1 Methodological frameworks 26 3.1.1 Ushahidi Haiti Project Review Framework 26 3.1.2 Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) 26 3.1.3 The challenges of implementing new technology in developing countries 26 3.2 Proposed framework for the presentation of cases 27 4 Case studies of locational data 29 4.1 Poimapper 29 4.1.1 Overview 29 4.1.2 Poimapper use cases 30 4.2 Ushahidi 32 4.2.1 Overview 32 4.2.2 Ushahidi use cases 33 4.3 Dimagi CommTrack and CommCare 35 4.3.1 Overview 35 4.3.2 Dimagi use cases 37 4.4 Taarifa 39 4.4.1 Overview 39 4 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 4.4.2 Taarifa use cases 40 4.5 Comparing the applications 41 4.6 Using Big Data to enhance the science of delivery 41 4.6.1 Using Big Data to analyze the mobility of people 44 4.6.2 Using Big Data to analyze social interaction and economy 44 4.6.3 Using Big Data to analyze the spread of malaria 45 5 Conclusions 47 5.1 Using locational data to enhance the science of delivery 47 5.2 Potential uses of locational data for addressing development challenges 48 5.3 Recommendations to development practitioners and policy-makers 48 5.4 Final reflections 50 References 51 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 5 acknowledgements This project was undertaken jointly by the ICT Sector Unit of the World Bank and the Media Lab Helsinki at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. The World Bank team was led by Dr Tim Kelly, Lead ICT Policy Specialist, who acted as task team leader for the overall program of work and contributed chapter 1, and included Ryan Haddad (consultant), who contributed chapter 2. The Aalto team comprised Prof Teemu Leinonen and Vesa Saarinen, who contributed chapters 3 and 4. The team collaborated on chapter 5 and the executive summary. The research for the project was undertaken between the project concept note review, which took place virtually, between 8-22 January 2014, and the Decision Meeting held on 4 June 2014, chaired by Randeep Sudan, ICT Sector Unit Manager. The peer reviewers for the program were Ilary Lindy (Innovation Policy Specialist, WBIKE), Siddhartha Raja (ICT Policy Specialist, TWICT) Rosemary Rop (Water Policy Specialist, TWIWP), Saori Imaizumi (Consultant, TWICT) and Samia Melhem (Knowledge and Learning Coordinator, TWICT). In addition, Zaid Safdar (Consultant, TWICT) contributed useful comments. Roberto Pena provided graphic design, layout, and illustration for the report. The authors would like to thank Suvi Reijonen of the Finnish Ministry of Environment; Petra Hietaniemi, Pertti Lounamaa and Peeter Pruutem of Pajat Inc; and Henna Hakkarainen of Kepa, the umbrella organization for Finnish development aid-related CSOs, for their valuable comments and inputs. The research program was funded in part by the Finland Ministry for Foreign Affairs through its “Finland as a Knowledge Economy 2.0” Trust Fund. 6 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery Executive summary This report concerns the use of locational data from mobile phones for enhancing the science of delivery in development programs. The report can be summarized in a series of key numbers: 1 There is one objective of this report—to enhance the science of delivery by using locational data from mobile phones. In this context, the “science of delivery” is defined as evidence-based experimentation, and locational data is one of the toolsets becoming increasingly available and useful for this purpose. 2 There are two main audiences for this report. The primary focus is on development practitioners, who are looking to use the locational data toolset to provide a more scientific approach to their work. The secondary focus is on policy-makers, particularly in developing countries, who have development challenges they wish to solve, and who may wish to use locational data for that purpose. 3 There are three main ways in which locational data is used: »» Locational data recorded by device users (consumers). The main tool would be maps and other navigational aids that combine location-finding services, such as GPS, with data stored on the phone, such as maps. »» Locational data recorded by service providers (operators). The main tool here is call data records that can be passed on by operators to researchers. »» Locational data recorded by third parties (neither the user, nor the operator), as part of a survey, or to report incidents. This is the main focus of the applications presented in chapter 4 of this report. 4 There are four main technologies used to generate locational data, as discussed in chapter 2: »» Cell tower triangulation; the least accurate, but the most widely available; »» Global Positioning System (GPS), which uses satellites to locate a user; currently the most accurate, but largely restricted in use to smartphones and tablets. »» WiFi Positioning Systems (WPS), which use WiFi networks to provide Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 7 additional locational detail. This is potentially Seven billion There are more than seven even more accurate, but has the smallest billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide, a number geographical range. that will soon exceed the human population. Around one »» Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS), which combine billion new smartphones are sold every year, and virtually data from the three main technologies with all of these have GPS and WiFi capabilities, meaning they additional sensor-derived data, such as air can make use of all four of the locational data technologies pressure, heat and infrared sensors, to locate described in chapter 2. They have an increasing range of individuals within a building or a university other sensors—for instance for temperature, pressure, campus. This is the most accurate of the fingerprint recognition, camera, compass, gyroscope, technologies, but remains largely experimental. pulse measurement, podometer, accelerometer, and so 5 There are five main survey-type applications that are on—that can be used in conjunction with locational data to give a richer range of detail. In the hands of development compared in chapter 4: Poimapper, Ushahidi, Dimagi professionals, these smartphones and tablets provide an CommTrack, Dimagi CommCare and Taarifa. unparalleled toolset for bringing scientific measurement to 8 There are eight major development challenges, or bear on the execution of routine tasks. More broadly, they millennium development goals. All of these are addressable provide more information, and potential control of that to some extent by locational data, as illustrated in table information, than ever before. The era of the “quantified 5.1. self ” is at hand. 10 There are ten mini case studies of locational data in The locational data capabilities described in this report action in development programs covered in the report, as are part of a wider trend toward quantification and described in chapter 4: measurement which underlies the emerging science of »» Tuberculosis monitoring in Thailand (Poimapper) delivery. Beyond the science of delivery lies predictive »» Oral cancer screening in India (Poimapper) analytics, or the ability to predict outcomes, and adapt »» Wildfire monitoring in the Russian Federation in a more intelligent way. As a common saying states, if (Ushahidi) you cannot measure something, you cannot understand »» Election monitoring in Kenya (Ushahidi) it, and if you cannot understand it, you cannot control it. »» Supply chain management for community health Locational data is a small set along the road to measuring— workers in Malawi (Dimagi CommTrack) and better understanding—our world. It could lead to an »» Assistance to home-based care providers in Orwellian future of control, in which nothing happens Tanzania (Dimagi CommCare) without being observed. However, it can also lead to a »» School construction in Uganda (Taarifa) prosperous future where enhanced understanding reveals »» Transport planning in Côte d’Ivoire (Big Data) better ways to combat poverty. We might not know where »» Poverty mapping in Côte d’Ivoire (Big Data) we are going, but we can at least try to find out where we »» Malaria tracking in Kenya (Big Data) are and where we have been. 8 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery chapter one Introduction More than 70 percent of the world’s inhabitants now own a small computer, better known as a mobile phone. Those phones typically possess more computer processing power than the Apollo rockets that went to the moon in the late 1960s, yet can easily fit in a pocket. This report is about one specific capability of today’s mobile phones— namely, the ability to locate a phone, and therefore its user, in space and time. For the purposes of this report, this ability is referred to as “locational data” though in practice it relates to a range of capabilities. These include the ability of the user to locate him or herself in geographical space, and to track his or her progress. The locational data from multiple devices can also be recorded to show, for instance, how individuals move through a city at different times of day and night, sometimes in real-time. 1.1 How locational data can be used In this report, two specific types of locational data are analyzed: »» The active, or intentional, generation of survey data as part of a development intervention. Survey data can be geotagged, timestamped, and meshed with other spatial data, allowing, for instance, survey data to be shown on a map along with the time when it was recorded. Five specific examples of active collection of locational data in development projects are discussed in the first part of chapter 4. »» The passive, or ancillary, collection of locational data, for instance through the analysis of mobile call data records (CDRs). Where operators can be persuaded to release anonymized call data for research purposes, this Big Data database can then be used, for example, to optimize traffic planning or to study the response to a natural disaster. Three specific examples of the passive collection of locational data, and its use for development, are illustrated in the second part of chapter 4. In general terms, there are three types of location finding used by mobile devices: using the cellular network of base stations for triangulation, using Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and using WiFi positioning (WPS). A fourth broad type of location finding—Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS)—is beginning to emerge, but is not studied Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 9 in detail in this report. Of these, using the cellular network data for research and operational purposes. for “multilateration” is the least accurate method, but This again allows for mash-ups or repurposing nevertheless has the advantage that it can be used by of data from different sources. A good example almost any mobile phone, including basic ones, and can here would be the use of locational data to verify be used to locate a phone independently of the user, as progress in a vaccination campaign for disease like long as it is switched on. It is also the most widely used in polio or TB. In such cases, 100 percent coverage Big Data approaches. GPS is more accurate, but usually of the target population is essential. Geotagging requires a smartphone or a similar device. It is the most of photographs of inoculations could be matched widely used for survey data. The capabilities of WPS and with other data (e.g. maps, school records, IPS are still to be explored for development purposes, but vaccination cards, etc.) to build up a visual picture commercial uses are beginning to emerge, for instance for of the progress of a vaccination campaign. This tracking students within a university campus. is the main focus of the applications presented in There are three generic ways in which locational data chapter 4 of this report. from mobile devices can be useful: »» Locational data recorded by device users 1.2 The evolving (consumers). The main tool would be maps and other navigational aids that combine location- locational data toolkit finding services, such as GPS, with data stored on Locational data is a toolset that continues to evolve, the phone, such as maps. In popular applications, and development applications tend to lag behind such as Facebook or Foursquare, the locational functional capabilities. This is in part because the technical data may be combined with social media or capabilities of mobile phones, which are explored in mapping data may be overlaid with other data in chapter 2, are still evolving. Although commercial GPS mash-ups. One example discussed in this report is has been around since the early 2000s, it is only in the where users upload reports to a central database, last few years that the capability has become standard as in the Ushahidi example covered in section 4.2. in smartphones and tablets, and even more recently that »» Locational data recorded by service providers those smartphones have become widespread, overtaking (operators), or passed on by operators to sales of feature phones globally only in the fourth quarter researchers. The main tool here is call data of 2013 (Gartner, 2014; see figure 1.1). records and the original motivation for operators was outreach and advertising, for instance to reach people passing a coffee bar with a targeted advert. Location tracking is used by emergency services, and also by law enforcement. With the release of CDRs for research purposes, a number of new services are emerging in this field, for instance in meteorology (measuring the attenuation of mobile signals as a way of measuring humidity) and in Big Data analysis of the transport sector, for instance based on mobile phone traffic. Tracking services are also used in areas like fleet management, congestion charging, and route optimization. »» Locational data recorded by third parties (neither Figure 1.1. Forecast global shipments of feature phones the user, nor the operator), as part of a survey. and smartphones, 2009-2017 (millions). Original data: Surveyors may collect non-real-time locational Business Insider / The World Bank. 10 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery Because the toolset is still emerging, it is unsurprising that the development community has been relatively slow 1.3 Structure to absorb these new capabilities of locational data into of the report pilot programs and full-scale implementations. There is The objective of this report is to examine the potential typically a five- to ten-year lag between the availability of a of locational data for the science of delivery in the field of particular technical function and its use in applications, as development. “Science of delivery” is a term popularized exemplified by the capability to use short message service by World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, and refers to using evidence-based experimentation to improve (SMS). It was included in the technical specifications of development outcomes (Walji, 2013). In this context, mobile phones launched in 1991, but only in widespread locational data is a new tool that is beginning to find use ten years later. In the development community, which uses in a variety of development fields including health, is typically not noted for its pioneering use of technology, education, disaster risk management, traffic planning, etc. such delays can be even longer. Nevertheless, as this In one illustration, mobile call data records (CDRs) were report demonstrates, locational data holds substantial used to track the evacuation of Japanese citizens from a promise for enhancing the science of delivery, initially 30 km zone around the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant within the information and communication technologies after its failure following the tsunami that hit the coast on for development (ICT4D) community, but ultimately 11 March 2011 (see figure 1.2). These CDRs could then in mainstream programs for economic and social be meshed with health records to optimize the delivery of development. emergency health treatment. Figure 1.2. Mobile user tracking in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear accident, March 2011. Data: Shibasaki, R. (2014). Map © OpenStreetMap contributors; licensed under CC BY SA 2.0. Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 11 Following this broad introduction to the topic in chapter 1, the next chapter explores the technology behind locational data. Chapter 3 presents the methodology followed in this research, and chapter 4, which is the heart of this report, then presents a series of mini case studies of how it is actually being used in a representative sample of different development fields. This is the “evidence-based experimentation” which can be harnessed to improve the science of delivery, and examples of both active and passive collection of locational data are presented. Finally, chapter 5 examines, in broader terms, the longer term potential of locational data as a development tool, once smartphone ownership becomes more widespread. Already, as shown in figure 1.1, shipments of new smartphones will exceed those of feature phones in 2014, and by 2017, smartphones will account for more than 80 percent of all new phones sold. During the period from 2009 to 2017, the average selling price of new smartphones will have halved from US$360 to US$180 per unit, while functionality (e.g. battery life, screen size, memory, operating system, etc.) will have improved significantly. At some stage during 2014, the number of mobile subscriptions will exceed the number of people on the planet, at just over 7.3 billion. With new smartphones arriving on the market at more than one billion a year, it won’t be long before a majority of the installed base of phones in use around the world has GPS, mapping functions and a touchscreen as standard. That will become a game-changer in terms of their development potential. Thus, while the pilot programs and applications described in this report may appear experimental in nature, the potential exists for fairly rapid scaling up. But first, their social and economic value for development needs to be proven in action. 12 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery chapter two How do locational technologies work? 2.1 A brief history of locational technologies There are three main location tracking technologies in use worldwide: cell tower triangulation, Global Positioning System (GPS), and WiFi Positioning System (WPS). These are described briefly below. 2.1.1 Cell tower triangulation In today’s developing world, not all phones are smartphones (see figure 1.2); this means that not all mobile phones have the immense technological capabilities which many users in developed economies are growing accustomed to. Such capacities include location-finding technologies, such as GPS, built directly into the handset. Nonetheless, phone companies faced this constraint prior to the advent of GPS-enabled phones and developed other techniques that enable call tracing. One such method—cell tower triangulation—was introduced by mobile phone companies aiming to aid emergency response teams in locating callers if communications were lost, as well as for tracking down wrongdoers. Cell phones operate as two-way radios; various towers and base stations are arranged on a grid to form networks. These networks comprise different cells around wireless towers from which radio signals are sent and received to and from cell phones (see figure 2.1). This three-way relationship allows phones to communicate with their nearest tower as the base station monitors the signal strength produced by the phone. When moving between cells, base stations in different cells recognize a diminution or a gain in signal strength originating from handset-specific cellular-identification frequencies (cell-IDs). Towers in the cell which the phone is leaving transfer the signal to towers in the cell which the phone is entering (this is called a handover and it is a distinguishing feature of cellular mobile networks). Computers connected to the cell base station can determine locations based on the measurements of signal that the station is recording. These measurements include the angular approach of the signal to the cell towers, the time it takes for the signal to travel between multiple towers, and the strength of the signal when it reaches the Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 13 or her location. The GPS receiver uses communication signals (radio waves) from the 30 or so global positioning satellites to calculate latitude and longitude (see figure 2.2). The satellites transmit their own positions, times, and pseudo random noise codes (PRN) which receivers use to calculate range. These received signals are converted into position, velocity, and time estimates as the receiver calculates the position of the satellite and distance between it and the receiver. Through trilateration (different than triangulation)1 of these signals, the receiver determines its own position. Some receivers permit users to record and save locations (waypoints/points of interest), sequenced locations (mapped routes), as well as tracked directions of the receiver’s movement over time (tracks). With the advent of the handheld GPS device in the Figure 2.1. Cell tower triangulation. late 1980s, new possibilities were uncovered in the sphere tower. Cell tower triangulation typically generates results of GPS. By the 1990s and early 2000s, commercial carriers to an accuracy of 100 to 200 m in digital mobile networks such as Garmin and TomTom began to produce GPS (i.e. second generation and above) in urban and semi- devices operating with various degrees of mobility, and urban areas. without a fixed electric power source. These technologies In remote or rural areas, cell phone triangulation is started gaining traction and have been utilized in less conclusive as it is often the case that towers are located numerous fields (e.g. military, urban planning, maritime so far apart that they cannot provide consistent signals, safety, private navigation, etc.) for collecting locational base stations are unable to monitor signal strengths and data. cells do not overlap as much. Furthermore, physical In 1999, a Finnish mobile telecommunications obstacles such as trees, buildings, or mountains can company, Twig Com Ltd., (then called Benefon) launched disrupt signals, causing delays or shortages. For instance, the first ever mobile phone with GPS integrated capabilities cell signal strength in elevators is weak. (see figure 2.3). This started a trend and at the turn of 2.1.2 Global Positioning System (GPS) Given the relatively low level of positional accuracy associated with cell tower triangulation, mobile phone manufacturers and operators looked to utilize more efficient technologies for enabling location-based services. A particular technological advancement was the incorporation of the mobile phone as a GPS receiver. As with many other functions, such as camera, calculator or web browser, GPS was originally added as a premium feature but is now standard, even in lower-cost feature phones. Although there are a number of GPS platforms in use, or in development, the most popular system is called Navstar; it was developed and introduced by the United Figure 2.2. Replica of Navstar GPS satellite, Block II. Photo States military during the 1960s and early 1970s. It permits by nostri-imago licensed under CC BY 2.0. Available at: anyone using a device with a GPS receiver to pinpoint his 14 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery Navigation Satellite System (Glonass) in Russia, Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) in China, and Quasi Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) in Japan. 2.1.3 WiFi Positioning System (WPS) GPS and cell tower triangulation technologies have one major flaw: they do not work accurately indoors, or in densely populated areas, due to signal blockage. With the large-scale proliferation of wireless access points (APs), WiFi Positioning System (WPS) has been used— mostly commercially—to provide location-based services to consumers via WiFi. This may imply that certain limitations will continue to exist in the developing world when it comes to WPS if the commercial potential is considered to be less attractive. WPS was a term coined by Skyhook Wireless—a Figure 2.3. 1999 Benefon Esc! Android Authority, global location network with a database containing over found at: a billion WiFi APs. Skyhook Wireless utilizes its database breakthroughs-cell-phones-282324/ of global APs to install new positioning techniques when WiFi equipped devices are connected to the Internet. the millennium, various mobile telecom companies began releasing phones with GPS microcontroller chips installed Commercial enterprises such as Google, Apple, and directly into mobile devices, including tablets. Presently, telephone companies (telcos) have compiled their own consumers with calling plans and phones equipped with extensive lists of APs by correlating APs and hotspots with service plans or software that provides navigation can the GPS locations of mobile users. So-called “Hotspots” utilize map applications to access a variety of location- are public WiFi Aps, but private APs may also be tracked. based services. Offline use is also possible if map data is The two most common WPS approaches to preloaded. What started as simple technology to pinpoint pinpointing locations are based on signal strength exact locations turned into more sophisticated GPS indicators and “radio frequency fingerprinting.” Much signal receiving mobiles that could understand various like GPS or tower triangulation, the signal strengths programming languages and offer services like turn-by- between the device and various hotspots are measured; the turn directions or device tracking. signal strength indicates the distance from the AP and a Initially, the accuracy of the US GPS system was geometric calculation against other AP locations is used to deliberately impaired due to security concerns, but the US locate the device (trilateration). Signal strength positioning government eventually lifted this restriction. Currently, is highly dependent on accurate record-keeping of access experts perceive that locational data produced by mobile points. Fingerprinting, on the other hand, involves the use phones and tablets, derived strictly from satellite signals, of previously mapped locations. New radio transmissions is accurate to within ten meters or less of actual location. originating from the mobile each have their own properties However, GPS-location accuracy can falter due to certain including specific frequencies and signal configurations. signal-blocking inhibitors. Such inhibitors include dense Therefore, each signal originator has its own specific foliage or buildings; this causes radio signals between GPS “fingerprint.” This on-site data is collected and mapped to satellites and GPS receivers/cell phones to be blocked or locations; then it is compared to the locations of previously distorted. Signals may also be deliberately impaired around mapped hotspots, and in turn the transmission can be sites considered security risks by the US government. This assigned its own location. The drawback to fingerprinting is one reason why other governments are developing their is that radio frequencies may change quickly, and thus own systems, such as the Galileo system in Europe, Global monitoring them effectively is challenging. Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 15 It is important to note, however, that tracking a cell phone user’s route does rely a little on logical inference. For instance, not all originated and terminated calls take place in different cells on a map. They may take place in the same cell so all that can be concluded is that specific user’s location on the map at that time. Nonetheless, if time passes and the user’s next call is made from the same cell—for instance, on the next morning—it can be inferred that said user slept at that respective location. “Always on” mobile broadband services provide a higher level of accuracy because the usage of the phone is more regular. That being said, accuracy depends on the Figure 2.4. Smartphone interaction with APs, server, and density of towers in a given area used to triangulate the database. Adapted from: location—one tower may display that a signal originated (2014). near that tower, but signal strengths captured by other towers are needed to narrow the area’s range where the 2.2 Current uses of cell is located. It also depends on usage and the phone’s location tracking in battery life. mobile networks Historically, this method has been used by law enforcement agencies in order to narrow down an area where a suspect might have been at the time that a crime 2.2.1 Data from Cell took place, or to track movement of suspects. There are Tower Triangulation relatively few commercial data-collection applications In triangulating the signals bouncing off cell towers, which depend solely on cell tower triangulation as this as well as recording their time delays, phone companies method typically relies on access to CDRs from major are able to pinpoint the locations of cell users to within carriers, and this raises privacy concerns. With access to 100 to 200 meters of approximate cell-ID handover CDRs, millions of pieces of data can be mapped into a positions. This is, of course, dependent on the density program to show movement over time (as displayed from of towers available in a certain radius (i.e. more towers the University of Tokyo Project; see figure 1.2), but the produce more accurate results). Low levels of accuracy utility is reduced if the data is anonymized. Software often require that this method be used in conjunction with companies generally do not have access to CDRs, nor GPS or WPS. do they have access to a database with respective tower By focusing on call data records (CDRs), tower locations. However, some enterprises, like ArcGIS, have triangulation provides the ability to track a cell phone’s analytic tools (ArcGIS 10.2 – Cell Phone Analysis) which presence over time, which is often critical in solving crimes. allow forensics teams (mostly law enforcement) to analyze It can display roughly where the phone was (in proximity cell tower data via CDRs acquired from wireless service to which tower) when a call was made, or a piece of data providers. In the trend towards “open data” more mobile (e.g. email, text message) was originated or received, operators are willing to release generic, anonymized as well to which tower the signal was transferred if the CDRs, but mainly for research, rather than commercial, phone was moving, and where the cell phone was when usage. it last received a signal or call. Such CDRs, monitored in coordination with the timestamps from outgoing/ 2.2.2 Collecting incoming calls, allow the network operator to track and GPS-embedded data plot a phone user’s path over any period of time (i.e. the Recently, due to the evolution of mobile phone/tablet route taken plotted by tracking the times when the phone devices and the widespread adoption of mobile GPS chips, was in use). GPS-enabled data collection applications have begun to 16 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery proliferate in the market. These applications (e.g. Ushahidi offline. Such GPS-embedded data can be downloaded, and Poimapper, described in chapter 4, and OSMtracker edited, and then uploaded back to the server (Moss, 2012). and enable mobile phones, and their In some mobile applications like Taarifa or Poimapper, users, to become accurate geotaggers of data with their real-time geotagged data collection is possible. Real-time respective data collection sites.2 They permit users to data collection can make an impact in various sectors. For utilize applications which enable the mobile device to example, it can help monitor infrastructure installation/ view routes (for instance, when navigating), record/save maintenance or assist in resource allocation decisions for GPS tracks (for instance, in fitness applications), and public utilities like water.3 store waypoint coordinates (for instance, for locating photographs taken). Mobile applications provide a wide array of data- collection capabilities depending on the phone. In smartphones and some newer feature phones, these capabilities allow for media files—such as images/raster files and audio—to be collected and geotagged with GPS coordinates (latitude/longitude). Almost all phones— including older feature phones—have applications which allow other qualitative data (such as digital questionnaires and forms) to be geotagged when populated in the field. Applications (like Poimapper from Pajat Solutions Ltd.; see section 4.1) permit forms to be customized in a way that allows users to be very specific in the type of data they are capturing, filtering (i.e. usually through metadata tags), and recording prior to geotagging the data. Typically, data collected in the field is updated and edited offline prior to being uploaded into central databases with which the collection tools interact directly. These databases, or content management systems (CMSs), can be accessed from the “cloud” (i.e. using remote databases accessible from the Internet), on the local premises at a data center, and in some cases, offline, where the device has sufficient memory storage to create a data cache. Some CMSs, like (utilized by a number of World Bank projects) and MapBox’s TileMill, are open Figure 2.5. Screenshot from the Taarifa tool. Source: source and web-based, permitting a variety of devices to access the same content from a web browser. GeoNode empowers developers to integrate its geo-capabilities into existing platforms and applications—a handy feature 2.2.3 Analyzing GPS-embedded data for customization of any tool which wants to develop a As researchers and development specialists have Geographic Information System (GIS). Lastly, GeoNode discovered, locational data can provide immense insights allows developers to deploy spatial data infrastructures into the movement patterns of particular communities (e.g. (SDI) which empower multiple users and tools to interact commuters, water seekers) as well as ongoing infrastructure with stored spatial data in a multitude of ways. Others, projects, etc. GPS-generated data is basically useless on its like Poimapper (proprietary) and CloudGIS’s Mobile own; however, certain computing programs, such as GIS, Data Collection Tool, allow for existing data, previously provide tools that help specialists, through digitized maps, collected and stored in private databases, to be edited manage and visualize location-enriched data collected in Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 17 and small screen size) the visual displays of maps on their screens. Instead, they house generic maps on their data-center servers (usually of the region/country where the application is being utilized) obtained from third parties such as OpenStreetMap, MapQuest, or Google Maps. Newer smartphones can access such maps offline in order to add geo-specific data (Lounamaa, 2012). Certain applications (e.g. GIS Cloud Mobile) allow for waypoints, routes, or areas to be traced through a field office’s desktop server’s map portal; newer mobile devices can sync with the desktop server and be used to gather more information in the field (Holmes, 2014). Older, “basic” phones simply house automatically georeferenced Figure 2.6. Vector data points displayed over a map of data until it is uploaded to the tool’s congruent in-office Arkansas, USA, plotting the trajectory of a tornado’s path platform to be mapped. over time. Map © OpenStreetMap contributors; licensed Some online geospatial CMSs (like and under CC BY SA 2.0. Data: 2014, ArcGIS, http:// TileMill) are not strictly classified as a GIS, but still have n=30&d=1 mapping capabilities, as well as other features that create a central hub for managing and visualizing data after it the field. These maps can be manipulated to present the has been uploaded. Whereas GeoNode does not permit data in comprehensive and telling visualizations (e.g. time- map edits directly on a mobile device, those carried out lapse depictions of municipal transport projects). on a computer are saved to the cloud and the populated Geo-data, when stored on a GPS-enabled device, maps may be published to suitably-equipped mobile can be transferred via a direct connection (e.g. USB, devices for field use during other data mapping exercises. WiFi, Bluetooth, or 3G data connection) to a data server Alternatively, this data can still be extracted directly or computer with GIS software (assuming, of course, from a mobile application in the form of a CSV file, a that a direct connection is available). Not all GIS are shapefile, or another format like KML7 and imported “smart” enough to interact with GPS data in its raw form. into a compatible GIS for more advanced mapping and Sometimes, data must be converted (typically through an statistical analysis. online conversion tool) into GIS-readable languages and While certain online technologies and some formats (e.g. .gpx4, CSV, or shapefile—a vector data format). geospatial CMSs are appropriate visualization tools Vector data is the geometric data format (points, lines, and for basic mapping, GISs like QGIS (open source) and polygons) traced onto a map.5 Vector layering directly on Esri’s ArcGIS (proprietary) provide much more powerful a map, in conjunction with temporal information, can, analytic tools. ArcGIS has recently released a cloud for example, enable time-series evaluations, as mentioned version of its software—ArcGIS Online. ArcGIS Online, above.6 Moreover, vector data can be collected through in conjunction with the ArcGIS mobile and tablet apps (for mobile technology and later uploaded into applications Android, iOS devices, and Windows) make it accessible other than GIS, such as web-based interactive community and fully functional from any of the above mentioned maps (e.g. OpenStreetMap). The crowdsourced map can mobiles or tablets with a data connection (see figure then be used by data collection and visualization tools to 2.7). Furthermore, the ArcGIS Runtime SDK (software provide more accurate templates and reference points development kit) enables mobile developers to build when mapping waypoints, routes, or tracks offline. mapping applications (for iOS, Android, and Windows) In general, most of the mobile data collection tools which utilize the mapping, geocoding, and other functions discussed do not have customizable maps built into their of ArcGIS’s online and desktop tools; this includes a programming as many feature phones cannot replicate or handful of geoprocessing tasks and real-time updating readily update (due to low bandwidth, processing power, which can be used before, during, and after data has been 18 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery Figure 2.7. Map of Kampala, Uganda. Screenshot from the ArcGIS Online iPad app (2014). collected. This gives subscribed users universal access to devices (i.e. phones and tablets) when connected to the the locational data and content regardless of the location Internet. This includes accurate positioning and LBS and device where the data was originally collected and even when indoors, and indeed this generic category is uploaded. often called “indoor positioning systems” (IPS), though These GIS utilize data sources called libraries more correctly IPS uses a variety of different sensor (e.g. plug-ins with instructions on how to provide techniques, as shown below. As mentioned above, poor interoperability for data files between the GIS and the WiFi infrastructure hinders the accuracy and ability Geospatial Data Abstraction Library—GDAL/OGR) of WPS altogether. Additionally, even though WPS to read and write vector data formats; such libraries can empowers LBS in devices without GPS capabilities, LBS be added to proprietary collection applications, enabling usually works better when WPS is complemented by GPS. Commercial uses of WPS are typically employed use of the various formats discussed, as well as others (e.g. in the areas of marketing (e.g. adverts received when .gpx, KML, PostGIS, GeoTIFF). passing a particular store). WPS also enhances GPS in order to strengthen functionality and navigation. From a 2.2.4 WiFi Positioning System and marketing standpoint, when a smartphone, with its WiFi location-based services receiver turned on, is within a certain range of hotspots or Currently, but mostly in more developed nations, WPS APs, some applications (e.g. Foursquare) utilize this data in enables application developers and major companies the conjunction with data assigned to geo-referenced physical chance to offer location-based services (LBS) on mobile locations pulled from the application’s server database. Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 19 The application processes this data relationship in order campus services or employees), as well as other resource to push (i.e. serve) location-specific advertisements to the management features all empowered by WPS (Vicent et smartphone user for various businesses which are within al 2013). The application developer used a mobile device, a certain range of that user’s vicinity. WPS also enables equipped with the ArcGIS SDK and a set of basemaps devices to “check-in” to georeferenced locations (this (two visual maps of the geospatial information provided simply means that the physical location has a mapped by a central directory containing campus data), to register presence online derived from its AP addresses). Voluntary different access points from campus infrastructure, as check-ins are also accessed by some applications to index well as fingerprints from indoor locations. In essence, the a user’s preferences in order to serve advertisements of application provides a map of the whole area (i.e. campus), interest in the future. Moreover, voluntary check-ins as well as a map of the interiors of buildings—including allow users to geotag social media (e.g. photographs on floor-by-floor schematics. All of the points of interest photo sharing platform Instagram). Such features are are stored in a geodatabase which also contains relevant similar to the real-time data updates and data-geotagging information; moreover, users can use WiFi fingerprinting capabilities which GPS-enabled data collection tools in order to register new points indoors. A tool such as this described above offer. can work to enhance the information-communication At present, not many data collection tools similar to capabilities of smart buildings and to provide navigational those which generate GPS embedded data exist solely functions for large indoor structures. for use with WPS. Nonetheless, many developers are exploring this space and potential capabilities as hotspots 2.3 Potential become more abundant. Some current initiatives include indoor mapping applications which employ the mobile for the future GIS technology discussed. One such application is the Smart UJI Campus; this 2.3.1 Smartphone developments application is a map-based web service which enables In developed countries, GPS-enabled smartphones staff, students, and visitors at the Universitat Jaume-I to have already reached the mass market. That is, they locate points of interest, review and search geotagged are typically affordable to the everyday user. General information (including the whereabouts of various affordability, however, remains a major concern in the developing world. It is perceived that as the costs of smartphone ownership and mobile connectivity go down, user uptake in marginal communities will increase. This was the case with the feature phones which were a luxury in developing countries a decade ago but are now much more affordable. This, of course, is also true for the various proprietary data collection applications, mapping, and analysis tools discussed thus far. Thus, the “trickle down” effect of rapidly falling device costs and mobile broadband prices will democratize the services described here in developing countries in the near future, following a similar model to that observed in developed economies. In parallel, as stakeholders begin to understand the power of harnessing geospatial data, current open source technologies like OpenDataKit (for data collection) or and QGIS (for data storage and analysis) Figure 2.8. Diagram of WiFi positioning system for use in may encourage a trend toward open source and more mobile apps. Source: functional geo-enabled tools (e.g. ArcGIS’s catalog of articles/trueposition-tackles-indoor-locating/329384 20 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery tools). Furthermore, there are initiatives which endeavor and outdoor LBS through accurate geographic to promote the use of such tools. One group, the Open positioning by utilizing a crowdsourced global database Geospatial Consortium (OGC), has developed standards of the geographic locations of WiFi access points and and specifications that make geospatial data interoperable cell towers, collected by registered users. This can then between different OGC-compliant interfaces, data stores, be triangulated against the GPS location of a phone. and GIS platforms. Standards range from open web Navizon has enhanced healthcare by offering its services mapping services to compatible markup languages (e.g. on a variety of smartphone platforms and enabling GML or SQL); however, compliance with few or some healthcare professionals to deliver better patient care, of the standards does not ensure compliance with all the maintain patient safety (regardless of location), manage standards. Until then, data-based initiatives associated assets and resources, and optimize workflows. It is unique with tower triangulation and GPS-enabled feature phones in the way it utilizes the interaction of all three mentioned will be the widely prescribed norm in developing countries. location-finding technologies in order to provide accurate WPS also faces cost-related constraints for the future. positioning on campuses and inside buildings, down to As WiFi infrastructures improve in the developing world specific rooms. (i.e. through investments into larger-scale connectivity and an influx of public access points), and as WiFi- enabled phones become more common in marginal 2.3.2 GPS developments Navizon, and other tools like it, rely on the established communities—the likelihood of using WPS to collect and monitor locational data will increase. Instead of relying and functioning infrastructural components that enable on field work and georeferencing to tag/capture data from tower triangulation and WiFi. That is, it requires more physical locations, these locations will have with their own than simple GPS to provide its users full functionality. The hotspots and the data mining and analysis procedure will American military’s GPS system—Navstar—has been the be much easier. In short, data collection globally is shifting sole global, space-based satellite navigation system for from active and conscious to passive and unconscious. decades. This has meant that location-based services and That being said, when using smartphones to record location data collection have relied extensively on that tracks or calculate user stay-points, locational accuracy satellite system; this can create bottlenecks, for instance may not be perfect. Data scientists recommend cross- when it comes to real-time data collection, in areas where checking the accuracy of tracks, routes, and waypoints connection is spotty and signal blockage occurs. However, collected via mobile technology with other references other nations have begun constructing their own global containing similar data. This could include data navigation satellite systems. One such nation is Russia, reinforcement techniques through tower triangulation, which has successfully deployed the “Global Navigation Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags built into Satellite System” (GLONASS); the 22-satellite system public transportation infrastructures, or online maps; endeavors to complement the traditional GPS system. In when dealing with specific data, even images produced 2012, carriers began integrating GLONASS radios into by traffic cameras, planes, drones, or satellites (this has smartphones. This technological inclusion has meant been least prescribed considering such images may lack that newer smartphones (e.g. iPhones released after the accuracy due to weather) can enhance data analysis 4S generation, Blackberry Z10/Q10, and some Samsung techniques. Recently,8 the US government has lifted Galaxy handsets to name a few) are able to be located restrictions regarding the accuracy of satellite images; and capture geospatial data much more accurately than earlier, companies were restricted from using satellite earlier devices. Qualcomm estimates that the interaction images where visible features were smaller than 50cm. between GPS and GLONASS improves accuracy by 50 The lifted ban enables the use of more accurate imaging percent in “deep urban environments.” As these satellites and can allow certain companies to make the highest interact, they are able to trilaterate more accurately as quality images available to their consumers, data analysts more satellite signals are picked up by the handset. This is and development specialists included. One proprietary expected to continue to improve as more nations develop application—Navizon—successfully empowers indoor their own navigation satellite systems; China is working Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 21 on the Beidou-2 system which is anticipated to be serving level. However, individual users may find this system customers by 2020, and the E.U. plans to operationalize costly, as they will be required to order large numbers of its Galileo satellite system by 2019. beacons in order to offer much greater accuracy. Some solutions are revolutionary in themselves as they require no extra WiFi or Bluetooth infrastructure 2.3.3 Indoor Positioning Systems whatsoever. One such solution was introduced by Nonetheless, the satellite systems will still falter IndoorAtlas, a Finnish company. The method relies on when it comes to creating accurate location fixes the Earth’s innate magnetic field to ascertain a handset’s indoors. A handful of indoor-positioning systems (IPS) position. The Earth’s entire surface emits a magnetic have been developed, but they mostly rely on WPS pulse, and with a map of these magnetic fields, users or some sort of less accurate, hybrid GPS method (e.g. can accurately navigate the outdoors and the indoors. the phone captures GPS coordinates, then uses sensor IndoorAtlas has developed a smartphone application which data from its digital compass, pedometer, barometer relies on the sensitivity of the smartphone’s magnetometer and accelerometer to determine indoor locations). One to create magnetic field maps that are accurate up to 10 such system was developed by Broadcom, which in 2012 centimeters. This application populates the map as users launched a smartphone chip that supports GPS, WiFi, walk around picking up new magnetic signals; eventually and Bluetooth. The chip makes note of the phone’s entry the application will be able to provide extensive indoor point (via GPS) then counts steps, directions, and altitude location services where magnetic maps have previously by relying on sensor data produced by the accelerometer, been established. Another company, ByteLight, sells a new gyroscope, and altimeter, respectively. Given the modest form of technology that powers location services through rates of smartphone proliferation in developing countries, LED lighting. Essentially, ByteLight has created an IPS adoption of these technologies is lagging relative to some based on visible-light communication; the technology of the commercial, more social uses (e.g. applications is entirely reliant on LED lighting systems which have which provide parents real-time monitoring of their ByteLight compatibility previously built in. This is children’s indoor locations, or those which can identify, promising for developing nations, as most of the buildings for users, the number/location of other users, in the in the world have not yet switched to LED lighting and the same application, with similar interests, or even automate cost of adding ByteLight compatibility is negligible. On pings and phone calls based on locational positioning) the other hand, it is less convenient for any present users that have spurted in higher-income economies. The of LED lighting systems, as ByteLight cannot be built potential functionality is limited only by the imagination into LED structures after the bulbs have left the factory. of the developers. On the other hand, the widespread When LED lights have ByteLight’s middleware built in, penetration of such functionality is limited by security the technology powers the chips in bulbs and handles the and privacy concerns when it comes to data, as well as— applications that work, through smartphone cameras, to again—general connectivity and affordability. identify the unique ID of each lamp. It does not require Other companies, like Nokia, are experimenting with any beacons or networking equipment. ByteLight controls the use of Bluetooth beacons and sensors to enable offline, the pulses of LEDs to generate certain patterns; these low-energy location based services. With the correct patterns are picked up by the camera in smartphones or application (e.g. INSITEO for Android or for tablets and, by using the data from the LED transmission, iOS and Android), the newest iteration of Bluetooth— a device can work with an app to perform client-side (as Bluetooth 4.0 or Bluetooth LE—enables users who have opposed to server-end) calculations and locate the device’s set up, tagged (fingerprinted), and registered a handful of whereabouts indoors. customized Bluetooth beacons to send and receive signals IPS will become very important in the coming years between the handset and the beacons in order to provide as indoor LBS (e.g. in hospitals or schools) becomes real-time localized information and navigation indoors. essential for development outcomes. The ability to deliver For developing nations, this is more affordable than automated services in the public sphere based on a establishing entirely new WiFi infrastructures at the macro beneficiary’s indoor location will be paramount in creating 22 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery stronger feedback loops and engaging citizens in policy- smartphone platforms (Android, Google Glass) to its making decisions. Consider the possibility of serving popular, adaptable mapping software (Google Maps). valuable instructions or digital documentation pertaining However, perhaps Google’s most intuitive contribution to business registration, directly to a citizen’s mobile device is the advent of data-collecting vehicles. These cars are via an application or web service that recognizes when the equipped with a handful of technologies and sensors entrepreneur has entered the building housing the local which enable 3D locational data to be collected, stored, business registrar’s office. Smart Cities can be made even and utilized to improve Google Maps. The data includes smarter by incorporating IPS technologies in order to images which endow street views of georeferenced create indoor maps of major commercial, municipal, and locations. Google is also working on another type of government centers. car—a driverless one. These cars use sensors, a handful of optical devices, and built-in navigation systems to safely move through streets; they have been tested in the 2.3.4 Other technologies following U.S. states: California, Nevada, Michigan, and As costs are driven down and infrastructures improve, a Florida. The prospect of a driverless car, equipped with the handful of newer technologies will become available in the data collection tools from the Google Maps cars, presents developing world. For instance, Broadcom has introduced many opportunities for quickly collecting locational data a battery-conserving GPS chip for smartwatches. Such in the field in hard-to-reach areas. This is especially true watches will initially permit wearers to collect geotagged in fragile or conflict-ridden states where field workers’ fitness and health data. In the future, the watches may lives may be in danger. Furthermore, like the ability of be used to monitor continuous tracks of locational data Google Glass to pull data from paired mobile devices or and as complementary devices to validate GPS data laptops, innovations in driverless cars could theoretically generated by mobiles—not to mention the convenience enable real-time data collection and streaming to paired of a wearable, as opposed to a handheld, device. devices. This could further improve monitoring processes Another (relatively expensive) wearable device that in infrastructure projects, identify structural and transport has yet to widely penetrate consumer markets is enhanced problem areas in marginal communities, and empower spectacles, such as Google Glass. The hands-free smart field workers in a handful of industries to remotely observe eyewear is classified as a wearable computer with a head- and track achievements or setbacks for a given project. mounted, transparent optical display that reflects images At the consumer level, Google is apparently poised for the user and displays information in a smartphone-like to introduce a 3D imaging tablet that puts its street format. Through voice commands, users can take pictures view technology into the hands of users.9 As might be and videos, make calls, send messages and emails, request expected, applications for these new devices lag behind navigation, as well as other features typically associated the availability of the technology, but the potential with handheld mobiles. Furthermore, like smartphones, applications are limited only by imagination. applications for collecting geospatial data and geotagged The power of the technologies described in this media files exist. BAE Systems recently introduced the chapter, and of the data they capture, will be discussed GXP Xplorer Snap app which “enables Google Glass below in a handful of specific cases, mainly focused on users to quickly snap photos and record a report title aid programs. It should be noted that the applications and brief description using only their voice. The report currently used in the development community lag some is automatically geotagged, timestamped, and uploaded way behind the potential described here, but there is a to a GXP Xplorer server, where it is immediately shared catching-up process underway. This chapter has provided and accessible to the rest of the enterprise. The hands- a brief technical overview of how the technologies interact free benefit makes it an ideal technology for use in with one another and with the data they generate. It is not reconnaissance missions and disaster relief operations” meant to be a guidebook for developers or designers who (Ratzer, 2014). have chosen to incorporate geo-enabled functions into Google has been one of many driving forces behind their existing tools and applications. For that purpose, it geospatial-related initiatives—from its highly adaptable is recommended that mobile and web developers turn Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 23 to development kit guides and tutorials provided directly by the originator of the desired platforms, tools, and applications. Endnotes for chapter 2 1 Trilateration incorporates distances into its mathematical process while triangulation is strictly a gemotetric calculation based on angles. 2 See, for instance, ProFor (2014) Information and communication technology for Forest Law Enforcement and Governance; Lessons from a Two-Country project in LAO PDR and Moldova, page 14, 50. 3 Pajat Solutions Ltd. (2014) Poimapper Case Study, studies/view/poimapper-real-time-field-data# 4 Wikipedia (2014) “GPS Exchange Format”, http:// 5 Wikipedia (2014) “Shapefile”, wiki/Shapefile 6 (2014) “Vector Data”, en/docs/gentle_gis_introduction/vector_data.html 7 Wikipedia (2014) “Keyhole Markup Language”, http:// 8 See BBC (16 June 2014) technology-27868703. 9 See BBC (24 May 2014) technology-27538491. 24 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery chapter three a conceptual framework for studying locational data applications While the science of delivery can be improved using a variety of innovations, technologies, and techniques, the focus of this study is on how it can be enhanced by using applications and other software-based solutions that use locational data on mobile phones. The focus is on general-purpose mobile phones rather than specialized devices (such as GPS trackers) and on consumer-market devices which are affordable to the broad mass of users. This question is answered by presenting applications and real-life cases where the applications have been used. The applications presented are related to mobile phones and their ability to track the phone and its user, using at least one of the technical possibilities presented in the previous chapters. The presentation of applications, and cases where they have been used, is carried out in sections 4.1-4.4. These are then presented and compared with each other in section 4.5. The tables presented in section 4.5 are intended to provide a diagnostic tool to assist potential users in identifying which of the applications reviewed is best to use for different objectives and in different aid delivery programs. In addition to applications and cases presented, location-based Big Data can also be used, for example, in development-related research and policy- making. In section 4.6, some cases where Big Data has been used successfully in development interventions are presented. When reviewing applications, cases and Big Data solutions, three frameworks are used to provide a conceptual framework. First, learnings gained from the implementation of Ushahidi following the Haiti Earthquake Project (Morrow et al, 2011) are used. Second, when presenting the applications and the case studies, and when making qualitative comparisons, an ISO standard called SQuaRE (Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation) is used as a loose framework. Third, implementation challenges are briefly discussed. Since these three frameworks consist of a large number of factors, an umbrella synthesis framework, consisting of two simple research questions, is built from them and presented in section 4.5. Because of the nature of this research, the frameworks are applied in an agile manner. They provide a backdrop for presenting and benchmarking applications and case studies, but are followed in an interpretative qualitative manner. Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 25 3.1 Methodological international ISO standard. It is used to describe “the relationship between a quality model, its associated frameworks quality characteristics and software product attributes with the corresponding software quality measures, measurement functions, quality measure elements, and 3.1.1 Ushahidi Haiti Project Review measure methods” (Lepmets et al., 2011). Framework In SQuaRE, the attributes the standard describes are: In their review paper “Independent Evaluation of »» functional suitability, the Ushahidi Haiti Project” (2011), Nathan Morrow at al »» reliability, present and evaluate a development aid project conducted »» usability, between 2010 and 2011 in Haiti. The Ushahidi Haiti »» performance efficiency, Project (UHP) was a large-scale volunteer-driven effort »» maintainability, to produce an application-based crisis map after the »» portability, devastating January 2010 earthquake in Haiti. »» security and While the review paper presents and reviews the »» compatibility. UHP case in general, and while it presents the use of the In a thorough SQuaRE analysis, the quality of a Ushahidi platform in the Haiti case in detail (Ushahidi is software application can be evaluated by measuring its one of the cases presented in chapter 4), the paper also internal attributes (typically by evaluating the application’s provides a framework, or a set of research questions, static measures), its external attributes (by evaluating the for evaluating the impact of a certain application. That behavior of the application’s code) or by the quality of the framework is also used in this research paper, for example application’s attributes (by an examination of the use of as part of the umbrella framework presented later, and the application) (Lepmets et al., 2011). In this research, we while summarizing the research in the final chapter. will focus on the third metric: the qualitative attributes of The UHP framework consists of four factors, or sets of each application. categorized questions. They are: »» Relevance: to what extent does the application address the needs of beneficiaries? 3.1.3 The Challenges of »» Effectiveness: to what extent did responders Implementing New Technology in Developing Countries actually make decisions based on the information When applications are implemented in new the application provided? Why was the environments, such as developing countries, they often information used or not used? face a common set of problems. The general challenges »» Efficiency: how did the application add value to a of implementing new technology are well researched and project? documented. For example, according to Annie Evans »» Sustainability: what has the application created? (2013), implementation manager for CompassLearning, For example, has it created new groups, has there are ten general challenges that an implementable it been institutionalized, or has it stimulated technology will face: commitment from donors or other actors? 1. Avoiding using technology for technology’s sake: is the application really useful? 3.1.2 Systems and software 2. Creating a vision: is the vision behind the Quality Requirements and application really good? Evaluation (SQuaRE) 3. Money: where does the funding come from? In addition to using Ushahidi Haiti Project review’s 4. Professional development: is the development framework, the ISO standard SQuaRE (ISO/IEC process of an application done properly? 25010:2011) is used loosely as a tool for describing 5. Getting everyone onboard: how to win over both applications and their use cases. SQuaRE is an naysayers with the technology? 26 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 6. Scheduling of use: where and when is the For the future of the applications and technologies application used? presented, it is vital for companies, volunteers and activists 7. Good systems and procedures: making functional working with the technologies to identify the challenges systems, and taking account of the challenges in of implementation and to understand the broad context environment, such as poor connectivity. of development aid. Since the technologies presented 8. Unlocking motivation: how to keep users here have been in use only recently, it is also evident that motivated? their challenges have not been researched thoroughly. 9. Data and progress monitoring: follow-up and, Thus, it remains to be seen which applications can tackle when necessary, update goals. the challenges they face, and follow-up research on the 10. Maintain enthusiasm: keeping users and challenges the technologies face is needed. developers enthused over the potential outcomes. Beyond general challenges in software implementation, 3.2 Proposed Framework there are some additional challenges in implementing applications in the developing world. For example, Edward for the Presentation of F. Hsieh argues in his paper “Investigating Successful Cases Implementation of Technologies in Developing Nations” The following chapter presents several applications, (2005) that certain common factors can be identified which use cases, and Big Data solutions which use at least some are important to sustainable technology implementation of the technological possibilities presented in chapter 2, in developing nations. and which might be expected to enhance the science of According to Hsieh (2005, 16), the most important delivery. A synthesis between the two frameworks briefly factor is the ability of the community to maintain the described earlier—UHP review, SQuaRE, and the product. The next most important factors were the local implementation challenges—is applied, using qualitative need for the technology and the ability to produce the interpretation. technology locally. In this synthesis framework, a set of research questions In Hsieh’s paper, other relevant factors when are posed: implementing technologies in developing countries include 1. What are the key features of the applications? the issues of participation (including the participation This question derives especially from the SQuaRE of international NGOs or local governments) and the framework, but also from the learnings of question of finance. Hsieh argues (2005, 17) that the implementation challenges and UHP review. financial support given by an NGO or some other partner 2. What are the key learnings and outcomes of cases can work to either help or hinder the success of the project: where applications have been used? This question “The problem [that] can arise is that the community derives from the UHP review, but also from the becomes dependent on the subsidy, and abandons the learnings of implementation challenges. This project when the NGO program ends.” question is answered after the presentation of While implementing technologies in developing each case. nations, a broader context of successful development All the applications and cases are presented in a aid projects should be taken into consideration. While similar structure: beginning with a description of the opinions vary on which methods of development aid application and the vendor and following with a series of are the most beneficial, Kosack (2002) argues that those use cases and a brief summary of outcomes achieved. which seek to improve the quality of people’s aid are Following the presentation of survey data applications often the most effective. He links successful development and cases in sections 4.1-4.4, and a comparison between aid projects to efforts to encourage democratization. This them in section 4.5, section 4.6 looks at the possibilities of is something that arguably can be advanced using the Big Data for enhancing the science of delivery. While Big survey-based applications described in the first part of Data solutions are not directly comparable to the survey chapter 4, but would not necessarily apply to Big Data data applications, the same synthesis framework questions applications. are posed. Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 27 The concluding chapter returns to the initial frameworks of UHP, SQuaRE and to implementation challenges, and discusses what has been learned from the analysis of the cases. There are also further questions posed by the research, in particular concerning security and privacy issues, that are beyond the scope of the current study but would be suitable for possible follow-up research. 28 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery chapter four case studies of locational data This chapter presents a series of mini case studies of mobile applications that use location-based data for enhancing the delivery of development assistance. It also presents real-world cases where the applications have been used, and analyzes the applications presented in a series of comparative tables. The applications are reviewed based on the synthesis framework provided in chapter 3. The survey data applications presented are Poimapper, Ushahidi, CommCare, CommTrack, and Taarifa. While there are other applications that use locational data for development aid purposes, some pre-selection had to be made, for a number of reasons. These five applications were selected, based on the following criteria: »» They provide a representative view on the use possibilities of different mobile- based technologies described in chapter 2. »» They have both similarities and clear differences with each other, and can be relatively easily compared. »» They have already proven successful in documented real-life cases, and they show good potential for replication and scaling up. »» They are among the better known and documented applications. In addition to the aforementioned survey data applications, there are also cases where Big Data approaches have been used to enhance the science of delivery. While Big Data and its use cases are not directly comparable to the survey data applications presented, they nevertheless provide an interesting possibility to develop research and policies to improve societies. Various sample cases are explored in section 4.6. 4.1 Poimapper 4.1.1 Overview Poimapper is an application for collecting location-based point-of-interest (POI) data, developed by Pajat Solutions Inc, a Finnish software company, in cooperation with Plan International. Poimapper is a tool for “collecting and utilizing point-of- interest (POI) data with cost-effective mobile technologies”. Poimapper is a multiplatform application, which is used to collect, view and share data gathered about POIs. Poimapper is typically used by field workers, experts, or Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 29 areas, from which data (text, numbers, single/ multiple choice alternatives, conditional questions, pictures) is collected; »» Collect data using a multitude of platforms, along with other people using Poimapper via different mobile platforms; »» Edit and add to the collected data; »» Upload (or download) collected data to/from a database, using either cellular network or a computer with an Internet connection; and »» Research, display, maintain and visualize information. The data gathered using Poimapper can be accessed, administered, edited, and visualized using a web application, and accessed via a computer with a service- compatible browser. The main focus of visualization is in maps: data is presented via a map interface, using both Google Maps and OpenSteetMaps. Technologically, Poimapper is offered as three versions: as a J2ME implementation (introduced in 2010), as an Android application (2011), and as a HTML5 application (spring 2014). It uses a PostgreSQL database, stored in a large commercial cloud service. Figure 4.1. Poimapper offers a multiplatform way to gather location-based point-of-interest data. Source: 4.1.2 Poimapper use cases volunteers of development aid organizations, but it can also be used for other data collection and analysis. The Tuberculosis Monitoring (with Plan Thailand) targeted users are organizations carrying out point-of- Tuberculosis Monitoring is an ongoing project where interest-related development aid projects, their field Poimapper is used to track tuberculosis (TB) treatment workers, and management-level employees. in the Chiang Rai province of Thailand. The project According to Pajat, the primary development is coordinated by Plan Thailand with the objective “to emphasis of Poimapper has been on its usability. The strengthen migrants and ethnic minorities to be NGO- application is designed to be simple to use, even for people organized Community-Based Volunteers (CBV)/Migrant with very little experience with mobile phones, and it can Health Volunteers (MHV) to do Directly Observed be used by a wide variety of mobile phones, ranging from Treatment (DOT) provision and/or treatment for TB the latest smartphones to cheaper feature phones, as long care, including TB suspect referral.” as they are equipped with a camera and a GPS unit. The Directly Observed Treatment watcher will The secondary guiding principle in the development support patients’ daily tuberculosis treatment, under of Poimapper is that the application has been built for use supervision by community-based volunteers and/or in “rough” conditions. It can store data in offline mode, migrant health volunteers (CBV’s and MHV’s) and Plan and it can be used without a reliable mobile network. Thailand’s staff. Poimapper is used to collect information The key capabilities of Poimapper allow field workers, relating to tuberculosis patients when they are visited for example, to: by staff. In 2011, the project had approximately 20 »» Define and maintain points of interest, routes and Poimapper users. 30 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery Key outcomes and results »» Poimapper “is estimated to save 3 days/month The following key outcomes in using Poimapper in work time for health volunteers and 2 days/month tuberculosis monitoring project have been identified: for field officers” for Plan Thailand’s project. »» Poimapper has helped to update the project’s Plan Thailand’s tuberculosis program manager said progress more quickly. Project staff can update that monitoring visits and proper treatment programs information on patients immediately. would not have happened on such a scale if Poimapper »» The information collected using Poimapper has had not been used. helped to estimate the prevalence of tuberculosis in a given area. If the area has a high prevalence, it can be targeted for appropriate follow-up by Early Intervention Oral Cancer Screening researchers and policy-makers. Program (with Biocon Foundation, India) »» Tuberculosis patients received follow-up care Poimapper was used in India by the Biocon continuously: patients were monitored and visited Foundation, by their field workers and communal health more systematically than before. workers, to improve oral healthcare in rural areas. »» It was possible to change staff during the project, According to Biocon Foundation (Pajat and Biocon, since all relevant data—including the locational 2013), oral cancer represents around 40 percent of all data of residence of a patient—were stored and cancer cases in India (compared to just 4 percent in UK). easily accessed. A new MHV could easily pick up Oral cancer is a major problem in rural areas of India, and continue a colleague’s work. and thus it is a large-scale problem, since rural India »» Staff could see the history information of a contains over two-thirds of India’s population, with half certain area, and could see a whole picture of the living below the poverty line. Chewing betel, paan and incidence of tuberculosis in a given region. areca (and other tobacco-related health risks) are known »» The design of information collected using risk factors in developing oral cancer. Early intervention Poimapper facilitates reporting by Plan Thailand against tobacco-related habits and early diagnosis of oral to the donor. cancer are critical issues when reducing the number of oral in their own words Pajat “Poimapper is developed by Pajat Solutions Ltd, a mobile software solutions company with personnel in Finland and development partners in Kenya and in India. Pajat key personnel have a long track record of developing new technologies and businesses both in small companies and in large multinationals. We believe innovation will be increasingly driven by major opportunities in Asian, African and Latin American growth markets. Our mission is to provide affordable, useful and meaningful mobile solutions that are globally relevant. We also provide consulting services, including ICT4D.” Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 31 research large regions, and »» reduced general healthcare costs, thanks to early intervention procedures. 4.2 Ushahidi 4.2.1 Overview Ushahidi is a not-for-profit technological corporation, based in Kenya, which specializes in developing free, open source software for data collection, visualization, and Figure 4.2. Using Poimapper in tuberculosis monitoring. interactive mapping. Its leading product is the Ushahidi Source: Pajat and Biocon (2013). Platform, a web application to “easily crowdsource information using multiple channels, including SMS, cancer cases in India. email, Twitter and the web”. Other Ushahidi tools include According to Biocon Foundation, “community health Crowdmap, a tool for “anyone wanting to tell a story with workers provide primary healthcare in rural areas, but a map” and Ping, a simple app which allows “teams to lack skills to perform oral cancer diagnoses.” To address check-in with each other” ( this problem, Biocon equipped community workers with According to Ushahidi (2014), “the platform is mobile handsets using Poimapper. Field workers took used worldwide by activists, news organizations and photos and videos of the mouths of people at risk of oral everyday citizens.” It is an application used especially cancer and stored the images and locations of patients for crowdsourcing projects: Ushahidi Platform is used to in a database. Doctors who studied the images were able collect bigger portions of data from larger crowds. to diagnose the patients remotely, using web applications. Use cases suggested by Ushahidi are: Data collected by Poimapper was uploaded to OpenMRS, »» Monitoring elections. “Using the power of the an open source medical health record data system. crowd to monitor and visualize what went right Key outcomes and results and what went wrong in the election.” The early intervention project was executed in two »» Mapping crisis information. “Whether it’s a sites in Karnataka, India: Mangalgudda village and natural disaster, epidemic or a political crisis, the Anakanur village. A total of 583 people were screened. tool can be used to handle information coming Of those, 66 had lesions and 56 needed a biopsy. A typical out of a crisis.” person with lesions was a male of 40+ years. The possible stakeholders in these use examples could According to Biocon Foundation, early intervention be, for example, NGOs or other larger organizations screening can help people to change his or her tobacco- interested in monitoring elections, or even active tech- related habits, and thus reduce the possibility of savvy individual citizens, who are interested in building contracting oral cancer. crowdsourcing-related projects. However, since Ushahidi The information collected also: is a platform as much as an application, many other »» gave doctors 24/7 access to oral cancer use cases—and thus possible stakeholders—can be information, which reduced the time for patients recognized, from commercial uses to needs of individual to start the treatment; active citizens. »» gave patients medical assistance right “at their The key features of the Ushahidi platform are: doorstep;” »» That it can collect information from several »» made tracking the progress of patients easier; different sources, such as SMS messages, MMS »» made planning of follow-up treatments possible; messages (images, video), and smartphone »» made it possible for doctors to help, supervise, and applications. 32 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery »» The information collected is usually shown on an interactive map, accessed in their own words over a web interface. »» The information can also be visualized using a timeline: reports from Ushahidi a certain location can be seen in chronological “Ushahidi—a Swahili word which means ‘testimony.’ order, allowing for instance to visualize “We build tools for democratizing information, increasing reports at different times transparency and lowering the barriers for individuals to of the day or week. share their stories. The primary developmen- tal emphasis of the Ushahidi Platform lies in its adaptability. “We’re a disruptive organization that is willing to take The Ushahidi Platform can be risks in the pursuit of changing the traditional way that adapted for use in many differ- information flows... ent scenarios. The platform is designed to be easy to use, from “Since early 2008 we have grown from an ad hoc group the perspective of the end-user. of volunteers to a focused organization. Our current team This is intended, for example, to is comprised of individuals with a wide span of experience encourage ordinary citizens to become content providers and to ranging from human rights work to software development. facilitate “citizen journalism.” We have also built a strong team of volunteer developers To start using the Ushahidi primarily in Africa, but also Europe, South America and the Platform, it needs to be installed U.S.” on a server, which uses one of the Ushahidi-supported operat- ing systems (OS). The Ushahidi Platform uses a MySQL database and the Google Maps 4.2.2 Ushahidi use cases API for geocoding information provided to the platform. Installing, configuring, and administering the Ushahidi Platform requires high-level knowledge in installing and Map of Russian wildfires administering server-side software. The Russian Federation experienced a heat wave In addition, Ushahidi provides a ready-made hosted during the summer of 2010. Wildfires caused by the heat version of the platform, called Crowdmap “Classic,” wave were a major challenge which required a rapid which offers some of the functionality of the Ushahidi response. Many people lost their homes and property, Platform. Crowdmap “Classic” is not as configurable, as and officials and journalists faced several challenges in flexible, or as secure as a dedicated Ushahidi Platform addressing the problem. But a volunteer project called installation. However, Crowdmap “Classic” might be “Help Map” was built using the Ushahidi Platform. a sufficient solution for some straightforward cases of Help Map was used to 1) crowdsource and map location/time-based data collection and visualization. unprecedented wildfires, and 2) to offer help to individuals Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 33 who had suffered losses because of the wildfires. With were analyzed and, as in other Ushahidi implementations, Help Map, people in need were connected to people were categorized, geolocated, verified and mapped. When willing to help. location data could not be automatically determined, Ushahidi was used to aggregate two kinds of reports users were actively encouraged to indicate their location from the general public. on a map, for more precise localization. (Mora, 2011). Those in need of help answered the question “what is needed?” Those who were willing to help responded Key outcomes and results by reporting “I wish to help.” Offers to help included According to Mora (2011), outcomes reported from transportation, food, clothing, homes and shelters, etc. the Help Map project included: (Mora, 2011). »» People in need were successfully connected with The project started as a Ushahidi Crowdmap “Classic” people willing to provide help during the wildfires. project, but was soon migrated to an independent Ushahidi »» Implementation of Help Map revealed the Platform service running on an independent server, that altruistic potential of the Russian society, can still be seen at According especially in light of the tardy response from to Global Voices Online (2010) magazine, the project government officials. “quickly became an important base for volunteers to »» Online communities and Internet users took provide resources and lend a hand during weeks of crisis” on responsibility in helping people in need, and and it is one of the most successful uses of Ushahidi so far. demonstrated that the Russian online community Messages sent to the Ushahidi Platform included is not a passive audience. tweets, emails, SMSs and web form submissions. Messages »» The willingness to help of the Russian online community took on new, more creative forms. The Help Map community, for example, helped to develop volunteer firefighter units. The Internet provided a platform for 24-hour coordination of help and exchange of help information, and Help Map was one of the core hubs in this. Similar examples include responding to the Haiti earthquake of 2010. Uchaguzi: communicating with the public on the Kenyan Referendum The initial impetus for creating Ushahidi came in the wake of the post-election violence in 2008. With more time to plan, in 2010 Ushahidi collaborated with several partners to create and utilize the “Uchaguzi- Kenya” platform. The platform, built using the Ushahidi Platform, was built to be a channel for Kenyan citizens to communicate openly about the 2010 Kenyan referendum on the new Constitution, where similar violence was feared. The goals of Uchaguzi-Kenya were to »» provide space for information sharing and collaboration; »» amplify the voices of Kenyan citizens; Figure 4.3. Ushahidi used in Help Map. Source: http:// »» increase the efficiency and transparency of 34 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery election monitoring systems, and »» Create a mechanism through which citizens could monitor and report incidents witnessed in election locations and the election process in general. Uchaguzi-Kenya was a joint operation of Ushahidi, CRECO, SODNET, HIVOS and Urala. According to the broad case study (Uchaguzi – A Case Study, 2012) carried out on the Uchaguzi-Kenya project: “Uchaguzi was a new endeavor, not only in technology, but also in partnerships and information flows.” In Uchaguzi-Kenya, information from election Figure 4.4. Uchaguzi-Kenya screen capture. Source: locations was collected mainly from SMS messages, but Uchaguzi. tweets and emails were also sent to report information from voting locations. A broad communications campaign a geographically representative range of different was initiated to encourage people to send SMS messages voting locations; if they saw incidents worth reporting during voting—not »» over 1500 “actionable” reports were sent from only reports of violence, but also evidence of peaceful voting locations, and 194 “action taken” reports public participation. were eventually sent; In addition to encouraging the general public to »» marketing was (partially) successfully used send information, a number of CRECO volunteers were to advocate active citizenship and use of the trained to use the pilot Uchaguzi platform. The volunteers Uchaguzi platform; sent information to Uchaguzi by using a predetermined »» different organizations collaborated successfully in code card: using predetermined codes enabled volunteers using and advocating a new technology, and to send more structured information in short form. »» a significant number of volunteers were During election day, some 550 CRECO volunteer successfully trained to use and advocate the election monitors sent SMS information to the platform. Uchaguzi platform. In CRECO offices, 10 staff members analyzed and Since the first usage of Uchaguzi in 2010, similar mapped the data sent and, when necessary, provided user initiatives have been successfully implemented in general support for volunteers. elections in Tanzania (2010), Zambia (2011) and again in During the election process, a total of 2,492 Uchaguzi Kenya (2013). messages were received (1,900 SMS, 571 Twitter, 21 One of the key changes from 2010 to 2013 was the email). Some 51 percent of these reports were verified. implementation of smartphone applications: during the Key outcomes and results general election of Kenya in 2013, people could send The “Uchaguzi-Kenya” initiative was later information from election sites using SMSs, tweets, benchmarked by Ushahidi, Knight Foundation and emails, and web-based forms, and downloadable apps the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. They found that were available on devices running iOS and Android. the Uchaguzi-Kenya platform was a general success (Uchaguzi – A Case Study, 2012). The platform was also 4.3 Dimagi CommTrack and an example of using the Ushahidi Platform in conditions CommCare where smartphones were not widely available. According to the report, the main successes were 1) its collective approach to problem solving, and 2) strong 4.3.1 Overview leadership which focused on overall goals of the project. Dimagi is an American social enterprise, founded in During the voting in the 2010 Referendum: 2002. It offers several applications for improving the science »» a relatively high number of reports were sent from of delivery, including CommCare and CommTrack. Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 35 According to Dimagi, their CommCare tool is “an easily customizable mobile platform in their own words for frontline workers to track and support their interactions with clients,” while CommTrack is “a tool for mobile logistics and sup- Dimagi ply chain management.” In addi- tion to these applications, Dimagi “Dimagi is a privately held social enterprise founded in 2002 also provides developer frame- with its headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. works for building new SMS/web applications (RapidSMS) and An- “We deliver open and innovative technology to help droid-based survey tools (Open Data Kit), but these tools are not underserved communities everywhere. presented or discussed here. “At Dimagi, we believe that many of the world’s problems Dimagi CommTrack can be assuaged with low-cost technological solutions. Dimagi describes CommTrack as “a mobile logistics management “The developing world stands to massively benefit from system for low-resource settings.” the technological advances that have been made in recent It is a multiplatform, open source application used to improve stock years, and Dimagi wants to bring those benefits to fruition.” tracking, requisition planning, and delivery acknowledgement. CommTrack’s original purpose updates when possible. was “to support health workers and other mobile agents The web interface of CommTrack can be used to who manage commodities in low-resource settings”. But it visualize stock data and field worker activity through can also be used in other field cases, for instance: reports, graphs and map visualizations. If location »» to monitor stock activity and capture logistics metadata is included in data sent from the field, stock data data, i.e. the in-stock status of certain tracked can be visualized in real-time over a map layer. items, and where the items currently are; CommTrack gives both field workers and managers »» to track and approve specific stock-related orders, real-time information on supply and demand indicators and of supplies tracked. This makes streamlining requisitions »» to report indicators on various forms of non-stock and delivery possible, and thus can speed the supply chain. data, such as the number of cases treated in a Data collected by CommTrack can be shared between medical program. different applications via an open API. New applications Stakeholders potentially interested in CommTrack can also be built, to contribute relevant information to might be, for example, organizations interested in the CommTrack’s database. The information is generally delivery of development aid in its most narrow sense: for stored to Dimagi’s cloud service, but it is possible to instance, the delivery of goods or other stockable items, install CommTrack to a completely independent server such as emergency food supplies or medicines. environment. Dimagi offers different “services” and Using the mobile interface, a field worker can send “plans” for user organizations, ranging from free solutions and receive stock updates over SMS messages, over an to tailored enterprise options. offline phone application, using a smartphone application, CommTrack is currently used, for example, in or using a web interface. Location metadata is stored to Tanzania, Ghana, Malawi and Uganda. In Tanzania 36 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery alone, CommTrack technology is used in over 2,300 As with CommTrack, Dimagi offers various plans for facilities. using CommCare, ranging from small-scale, cost-free options to solutions offered for major corporations or governmental partners. Dimagi CommCare Currently CommCare is actively used in 180 projects Dimagi’s CommCare solution is an open source across 40 countries. Over 6 million forms have been platform which Dimagi describes as a “job-aid for mobile submitted using CommCare. workforces,” a “tool for supervision and evidence-based change,” and a “way to capture data in an electronic repository that otherwise sits in thousands of paper 4.3.2 Dimagi use cases notebooks” (Dimagi 2014). The goals of CommCare are 1) to enable data-driven Dimagi CommTrack: cStock—supply chains management with visibility into performance, and 2) to improve access, quality, experience, and accountability of for community case management, Malawi services. CommTrack technology was used in Malawi in a CommCare consists of two technology components: large project called cStock, a collaboration between JSI CommCare Mobile and CommCareHQ. CommCare Research & Training Institute, the Bill & Melinda Gates Mobile can be used by field workers to Foundation, and the Malawi Ministry of Health. »» gather survey data, such as health-related Health Surveillance Assistants (HSAs) in Malawi information (images, videos, text responses, bar carry and prescribe a predefined list of medicines such as codes, etc.) about patients or other subjects, antibiotics and anti-malarials. cStock software, based on »» record images and videos to add extra content to Dimagi’s CommTrack, was used to help with medicine the data collected, distribution and management. »» add GPS coordinates to the data collected, and The goals of cStock were to: »» educate by showing video, audio, and image »» improve the resupply process of medication prompts and guides for health services or other carried and prescribed by HSAs; services provided. »» provide a mechanism for health centers The mobile application sends information to and and district managers to troubleshoot and synchronizes itself with cloud-based database application prioritize product availability. This was done CommCareHQ. It is used by a compatible web browser by automatically providing them with sufficient to, for example, information on medicine carried and prescribed »» analyze information collected using CommCare by HSAs. Mobile (and web forms), HSAs used their personal mobile phones to send »» visualize and display information, also using map geotagged SMS messages on stock information to the layers to provide locational information, cStock database on the medicine they prescribed and »» build surveys and other methods for collecting carried. data with the mobile application, and The cStock system automatically calculated the need »» manage field workers and their user permits, for medicines in the HSA’s work and reported stock levels as well as other data relevant to the mobile of each HSA automatically to the correspondent health application. center. This made it possible for the staff of the health CommCareHQ analyzes data uploaded from a center to pre-pack the supplies needed before a HSA mobile application in real-time. CommCareHQ then arrived. This helped to reduce the wasted trips done by synchronizes data with mobile clients when a network HSAs, since before the implementation of cStock system, connection is available. health centers often ran out of stock in medicine before CommCare Mobile is a cross-platform product with the HSAs arrived. support for low-end Java and Android phones and tablets. For higher-level staff, the amount of medicine Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 37 supplied provided a possibility for real-time identification above 80 percent in all districts where cStock was of problem areas. The locational data provided from the used. stock data of HSAs and health centers opened up the possibility of monitoring the overall performance of the supply chain in a given area. CommCare Tanzania cStock has been a success; it has been deployed to According to Dimagi, CommCare is being actively over 1,500 HSAs in Malawi. used in 40 countries in over 180 projects. Key organizations which have used it include World Vision, World Health Key outcomes and results Organization, Public Health Foundation of India, and Dimagi reports many positive outcomes and results Save the Children. for cStock projects. According to Dimagi’s study, the One of the first projects to deploy CommCare application: successfully was CommCare Tanzania, which started in »» Helped community health workers save time: 2010 and is still ongoing. The project is carried out in some 99 percent of health workers reported that cooperation with D-Tree International and Pathfinder cStock saved them significant time, especially International, both of which have a large network of since fruitless trips to health centers were home-based care providers (HBCPs). They have a roster eliminated. of clients within Tanzania, whom HBCPs visit at least »» Helped to more than double product availability once a month. The HBCPs provide social support for after the implementation of cStock. their clients and do screening for clinical symptoms, such »» Improved the health/medicine reporting rates to as drug-related issues or other problems requiring care. Figure 4.5. Dimagi’s CommCare open source tool allows individuals and organizations to collect field data using mobile phones. Source: Dimagi. 38 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery HBCPs collect data using CommCare Mobile. The data collection tool is a mobile application, which prompts the HBCPs to 1) ask predetermined questions from the clients they are visiting and 2) record the answers given by the patients. The data collection tool also collects other relevant data of the clients, such as basic patient information, and can be used to track GPS coordinates and save images and videos if the device capabilities allow. After collecting the data from patients, HBCPs upload the data collected to the CommCareHQ. Pathfinder and the Tanzanian government use it to build monthly health reports. They also plan their follow-up actions according to data gathered by HBCPs. Key outcomes and results Figure 4.6. Taarifa triage screen. Source: http://www. While proper research of CommCare Tanzania outcomes is yet to be carried out, some results have been published. For example, according to Dimagi’s case study Ushahidi was adding problem reporting functionality to on CommCare Tanzania (2012), the Taarifa client (for example, a picture and description »» after CommCare Tanzania’s mobile platform of an issue on a mobile phone) and a triaging system to implemented an SMS reminder system, the the web application (a report goes through several stages timeliness of the scheduled visits of HBCPs before being marked as “resolved”) (Appcircus: Taarifa, improved by 85 percent. 2014). »» Currently, over 150 HBCPs use CommCare Taarifa won the first prize at the London hackathon, regularly. HBCPs are trained and monitored by and has since been developed into a platform that allows D-Tree staff located on-site in Tanzania. all kinds of issue reporting, visualizing, and resolving. In addition, constant tracking of client cases provided Taarifa is primarily designed to “close citizen feedback both NGOs and the Tanzanian government information loops.” This is done by: and tools for managing future aid processes. »» collecting information, especially issue reports from the field, using SMS, HTML5-based web 4.4 Taarifa forms, emails and tweets; »» visualizing and publishing the gathered 4.4.1 Overview information using simple map interfaces, and Taarifa is an open source application for information »» sending the collected information—the issue collection, visualization, and interactive mapping. The reports—to officials. platform is maintained by the Taarifa community—a By using the web application of the platform, the group of volunteers interested in developing the reports filed can be followed up and acted upon. For application—but is said to be moving toward a more example: formal structure. 1. A citizen can use his or her smartphone to fill Taarifa is derived from the Ushahidi project, the web form in a service using Taarifa, to report presented earlier in this chapter. The project started at an unlicensed junkyard that has been observed. the World Bank’s Water Hackathon in London in 2012, Locational data is included in the issue report, as as a solution to help deliver clean water and clean up well as a photo from the site. contaminated water safely. Taarifa’s main extension to 2. The information on the junkyard is displayed on Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 39 As Taarifa is an open source API and not a web service as such, a somewhat high level of expertise is needed to install, configure, and manage the service. The in their own words system requirements of Taarifa are somewhat similar to Ushahidi’s: the installation can be done on a dedicated Taarifa server or to a cloud service. A MySQL database is needed. The development process is actively followed in Taarifa’s blog site at, and “Taarifa’s community is diverse and new developers are actively encouraged to participate in building Taarifa. scattered across the world. “They are brought together by the 4.4.2 Taarifa use cases ideals of Taarifa in collaborating and building tools which help to shape the Uganda pilot project for school construction After winning the Water Hackathon competition, world.” Taarifa was used in a pilot project with the Ugandan Ministry of Local Government and the Africa Urban and Water sector of the World Bank. In the pilot project the the web service’s map visualization. Ministry wished “to monitor local government projects 3. Information on the issue is automatically sent based around improving community cohesion, public to officials, who act to close and clean the illegal services and enterprise.” junkyard. The pilot project was carried out as a part of the 4. Officials update the web application and report Ministry’s “Improving Systems for the Urban Poor” the issue once resolved. This information is, again, program and its two sub-programs “Community saved to the issue report visualized on the map. Driven Development” (CDD) and “Local Government 5. Citizens can see on the map that the problem has Management and Service Delivery” (LGMSD). CDD is a been resolved. match-funding program, while LGMSD is a program for Taarifa helps to engage citizens and broader constructing buildings such as schools. Traditionally the CDD and LGMSD reporting communities especially in the developing world: Taarifa systems were paper-based. The paper forms were filled by connects the citizens who send issue reports with officials, pen, then mailed to central offices in Kampala, Uganda. who have the ability to fix the reported issues. The drawbacks of this system were the unreliability of Taarifa says that it gives citizens “the power to report the mail, the slow speed of the paper-based system, and and address the problems around them” by using spatial the workload placed on the reporters. This was something information. The issue reports sent using Taarifa contain that the Ministry wanted to change. (Ilffe, 2012). locational metadata, which is used to place the issue In the Taarifa-based pilot program, civil servants report to a map. With map visualizations, both the citizens were trained to use low-end smartphones equipped with and the officials can follow the sent reports, as well as the Taarifa to upload the forms automatically to the Taarifa follow-up actions the reports have generated. application. The intent was to speed up the process, make The Taarifa platform is built by an active community the process more reliable and decrease the workload of that believes in the ideals of Taarifa in collaborating and the field workers. building technological solutions to help communities. Therefore the design emphasis of Taarifa has been in Key outcomes and results building a tool for activating citizens to take interest in The pilot was deemed successful by the Ugandan local issues by using spatial information and map-based government. During and after the pilot: visualizations. »» Taarifa was rolled out to 111 districts in Uganda, 40 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery »» trained field workers managed to collect CDD and LGMSD information by using the smartphones provided, and »» Taarifa was thoroughly tested in day-to-day field use, resulting in improvements to the Taarifa platform. During the pilot, it was observed that custom forms built for smartphones worked well initially, but when field workers ventured into more distant districts, some problems with the offline mode of Taarifa were discovered. For example, it was not possible to switch between different survey forms when in offline mode. This problem was later addressed and served as a good example of connectivity problems in rural Africa and a demonstration of the flexibility of the Taarifa platform community. 4.5 Comparing the applications Figure 4.7. Map of waterpoints in Tanzania. Source: The applications presented above—Poimapper, Ushahidi, CommTrack, CommCare, and Taarifa—have successfully been used in a number of real-world cases. 4.6 Using Big Data to While all these applications can be said to enhance the enhance the science of delivery of development aid, at least in some way, the delivery applications, their uses and target groups differ somewhat. In addition to the applications and case studies From the stakeholders’ perspective, it is essential to select the right application for the right need. presented earlier in this chapter, locational data can also Table 4.1 presents a functional analysis of the usage be collected passively in the form of so-called “Big Data”. of the applications, while their technical similarities and This can be defined as very large, complex datasets, which differences are presented in table 4.2. can be researched and, for example, visualized using Figure 4.8. Example of locationalized CDR data from Microsoft Lync. Used with permission from Microsoft. Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 41 Table 4.1. A functional analysis of the locational data applications Poimapper Ushahidi CommTrack CommCare Taarifa What is it? Application for A platform to An application for An application to An application for collecting, editing, collect, edit, tracking inventory gather survey data, reporting location- analyzing, and and visualize and the logistics such as images, based issues and visualizing point- crowdsourced data of supply and GPS coordinates, to track their of-interest data. on a map. demand. text, barcodes, resolution. videos, etc. Typical use User defines what User contributes A field worker A field user User reports an example data to collect to a crowdsourcing reports records survey issue that needs (e.g. text, photos, project by adding information data to a mobile resolving using videos, etc.), incident reports to on stock usage, device. Data can a mobile phone. gathers data using a map which can on-site, using a be visualized and The issue is then a mobile app, and then be analyzed mobile device. analyzed from the visualized on a visualizes it from to show the An office-based web interface. map and public the web interface. spatial build-up employee can officials can take of incidents over track real-time action. time. inventory and act accordingly. Typical Field workers Crowdsourcing Field workers Field workers Citizens reporting targeted users and volunteers volunteers and and volunteers and volunteers a local issue, and in NGOs and activists. in NGOs and in NGOs and officials with a government. governments and governments and responsibility to their managers. their managers. fix it. Design Usability: robust Adaptability: can Simplicity: Adaptability: can Simplicity: citizen features and simple to use. be tailored for use automated SMSs be adjusted to reporting made as in many scenarios. assist with logistics collect many kinds easy as possible. management. of data. Key Can be used Highly flexible Cost effectiveness: Open source Workflow-based: benefits in “tough” and can run on can reduce flexibility: can issue reports can environments various platforms. unnecessary work be adapted for be tracked and (selected) running on and trips. multiple uses. resolved. various platforms. Use cases Tuberculosis Mapping of Stock control Communication Tracking school profiled monitoring in wildfires in Russia; for community with, and tracking construction and Thailand; oral monitoring health workers in of, home-based maintenance in cancer screening Kenyan Malawi. care providers in Uganda. in India. referendum. Tanzania. Comments Location Open source and Usage focused on Can be used as Developed out information is the widely used for a aid and healthcare a teaching aid of a hackathon “base metadata” variety of different logistics. with multimedia and subsequently collected. purposes. capabilities. volunteer driven. Source: Authors, adapted from websites and case examples. appropriate research tools. The results of the research Big Data, which can be seen as byproduct of citizens’ processes can be, in turn, used in both policy-making and everyday activities, can be harnessed for making powerful development aid projects. predictions. This, in turn, can steer policy-makers’ and Big Data can be a powerful research tool, and it can citizens’ behavior (Philip, Schuler-Brown and Way, 2013). provide an interesting perspective to development aid However, issues such as security or privacy should be projects. A good example of the use possibilities of Big considered thoroughly. Data was demonstrated by Google in predicting flu spread Some examples of using Big Data in development patterns from flu-related search queries. This showed that aid projects are published in the United Nations Global 42 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery Table 4.2. A technical analysis of the locational data applications Poimapper Ushahidi CommTrack CommCare Taarifa Developer Pajat Inc., Ushahidi Dimagi, US-based Dimagi, US-based Taarifa Finland. volunteer social enterprise. social enterprise. community. community. Mobile Android, iOS, J2EE phones, with Offline solution J2EE phones and Any SMS-capable platforms* J2EE. apps for Android, for Nokia phones. Android. phone. HTML5 iOS. Apps for Android, interface, apps for iOS. smartphones. License Proprietary Open source. Open source, Open source, Open source. (software as a Licensed as GNU and software as a and software as a service). Lesser General service. service. Public License. User Easy and simple Good admin and Mobile app Mobile app Good admin and competence to use and installation skills easy to use but easy to use but installation skills administer. required, but data web application web application required, but data required reporting easy for requires requires reporting easy for users. experience. experience. users. Acquisition Locational Locational Locational data Locational data Locational of locational data saved data saved can be saved when can be saved when data saved automatically and automatically and required. required. automatically and data can be edited. can be edited. used in report Points of interest Points of interest visualization and shown on map. shown on map. issue tracking. Website *Note: Each application also has a web interface for admin and management. Source: Authors, adapted from websites and case examples. Pulse “Mobile Phone Network Data for Development” records: the analysis of the mobility of people, the analysis primer (2013). The primer explains how analysis of of social interactions, and the analysis of economic large quantities of call data records (CDRs, sometimes activity. All of these are discussed below. called Call Detail Records), passively collected from A somewhat different example of using Big Data in mobile phones, can provide information for development development aid research was a study conducted by a purposes, and thus provides case examples of using one team of researchers from the Harvard School of Public type of Big Data in development aid projects and research. Health and seven other organizations. The team used cell United Nations Global Pulse (2013) defines CDRs as phone data to illustrate the spread of malaria and to show follows: how human travel patterns contribute to its diffusion. This “Whenever a mobile call or transaction is made, example is briefly discussed in section 4.6.3. a call data record (CDR) is automatically created by a While connecting the frameworks presented in mobile network operator. CDRs are a digital collection chapter 3 to Big Data research is difficult, at least some of attributes of a certain instance of a telecommunication observations can be made by using the UHP review transaction, such as the start time or a duration of a call. framework, where the factors of relevance, effectiveness, ... An additional piece of information that gets recorded efficiency and sustainability are considered. This suggests in CDRs by a mobile network operator is to which cell that Big Data research has great potential in the science of towers the caller and recipient’s phones were connected at development delivery, for the following reasons: the time of the call.” »» The availability of “Big” data sets, and the The primer presents three types of indicators that relevance of Big Data research, is increasing. can be extracted by analyzing the Big Data of call detail Epidemiology studies, for instance, are impossible, Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 43 or at least extremely difficult, to produce without for example, the daily rhythms of commuting of large large datasets, and information collected from quantities of people. mobile phones is relatively inexpensive, and One example where CDRs were used to analyze and available in near real-time. develop large movements of people was a program for »» Big Data research can directly inform decisions optimizing transport networks in Côte d’Ivoire’s largest made by policy-makers (evidence-based policy- city, Abidjan, conducted by IBM’s AllAboard project’s making), especially the case of mobility analysis researchers. According to Mobile Phone Network Data presented in section 4.6.1. for Development, “rabid urbanization in developing »» From the perspective of research, Big Data can countries has increased pressure on infrastructure such as add value to development projects, if only because road networks. Roads and public transportation systems the technique is still relatively new. become saturated, and people lose a great deal of time »» The Big Data approach is inductive, in the sense traveling from home to work.” that researchers look for patterns in the data This problem was addressed by analyzing 500,000 rather than presupposing, from theory, what they CDRs over a period of five months: may find. Thus, there is scope for surprises. “Mobile phone location data is used to infer origin- destination flows in the city, which are then converted to ridership on the existing transit network. Sequential 4.6.1 Using Big Data to analyze the mobility of people travel patterns from individual call location data is used By researching call detail records, it is possible to to propose new candidate transit routes. An optimization analyze the movement of masses, since the route of calls model evaluates how to improve the existing transit and messages can be tracked (by “connecting the dots” network to increase ridership and user satisfaction, both between different cell towers). in terms of travel and wait time” (IBM AllAboard 2013). This information can be used to analyze and visualize, According to United Nations Global Pulse (2013), the research work resulted in a partial solution to the commuting problem: four new bus routes were added to Abidjan’s commuting infrastructure, and one route was extended. This should reduce traveling time by 10 percent. United Nations Global Pulse sees such a provisioning use of CDRs as “useful for better urban planning and public transportation.” 4.6.2 Using Big Data to analyze social interaction and economy A second indicator, where CDRs are used to improve the science of delivery, is the analysis of social interaction. This can, in turn, be used to analyze other social patterns, such as poverty. The third indicator, economic development, can also be researched by analyzing CDRs. According to United Nations Global Pulse (2013), the geographic distribution of social connections can be used to build demographic profiles of aggregated call traffic and to understand changes in behavior: “Studies Figure 4.9. Poverty map of Côte d’Ivoire developed using have shown that men and women tend to use their call data records. Source: phones differently, as do different age groups. Frequently cfm?id=2557358 making and receiving calls with contacts outside of one’s 44 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery immediate community is correlated with a higher socio- economic class.” One of the interesting research cases, where CDRs and Big Data were used to understand social connections and the link between poverty and social interaction, is described in the paper “Ubiquitous Sensing for Mapping Poverty in Developing Countries” (2013) by Christopher Smith, Afra Mashhadi and Licia Capra. In their paper, Smith et al. research a large quantity of anonymized CDRs from Côte d’Ivoire. They research the correlation between the CDRs and poverty by combining the CDRs with a Multidimensional Poverty Index Figure 4.10. Examples of “sources” and “sinks” of created by the University of Oxford, and find that there malaria. Source: Wesolowski et al. (2012). are “several features of communication patterns among mobile phone users in Côte d’Ivoire that track poverty of regions as defined by the Multidimensional Poverty with information on the regional incidence of malaria in Index.” Smith et al. see that these research findings have Kenya. The research showed on largest scale so far how important implications for policy-makers and agencies human travel patterns contribute to the spread of malaria working in societies where it is difficult manually to collect (HSPH News, 2012). large quantities of socioeconomic data. They also claim The study, by Amy Wesolowski and her team, published in the October 2012 issue of Science, presents that the analysis of CDRs “can be used to provide poverty results from a study where researchers mapped every call estimates at a spatial resolution finer than previously or SMS message made by over 14 million mobile phones available.” United Nations Global Pulse (2013) comment in Kenya. According to Wesolowski et al. (2012), “Human that Smith, Mashhadi and Capra in their research movements contribute to the transmission of malaria on “validated the possibility of making poverty maps using spatial scales that exceed the limits of mosquito dispersal. call detail records.” Identifying the sources (where malaria comes from) It is not a coincidence that both the commuting study and sinks (where malaria goes) of imported infections due and the poverty study use CDRs from the same country, to human travel and locating high-risk sites of parasite Côte d’Ivoire. That’s because relatively few operators and importation could greatly improve malaria control relatively few developing countries are currently willing programs.” to release call data in the quantities needed to make such Previous smaller-scale studies had used mobile phones analyses work. But data release is becoming more common to estimate importation rates of malaria, but lacked in developed countries, as the example profiled in figure resolution on infection risk. In their study, Wesolowski 1.2 shows. Big Data approaches are, for the moment, much et al. used a Big Data approach to identify networks of less developed than the mobile applications profiled in the malaria parasite movements and pinpoint regions from first part of this chapter. In the longer term, however, the where disease “sources” and to where it “sinks.” potential value of passively collected call data is much By analyzing this huge dataset, the researchers came higher than actively collected survey data, if only because to observe that 1) it was possible to estimate the probability the unit costs are so much lower. that a particular person is carrying malaria parasites, and 2) it was possible to build a map of parasite movements 4.6.3 Using Big Data to analyze the between areas that mostly emit diseases and areas that spread of malaria mostly receive diseases. The map not only predicted In 2012, researchers at the Harvard School of Public malaria movement, but also showed which locations could Health (HSPH) and several other institutions published be targeted for malaria control and elimination (Medical a research paper that combined anonymized phone data News Today, 2012). Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 45 The research team found that a large part of malaria in Kenya comes from the Lake Victoria region and spreads east, mainly toward Nairobi, Kenya’s capital. Using this information, according to the research team, “would yield the biggest benefit nationally.” This is important research, since one million people die from malaria each year globally, and 90 percent of the deaths are children under five years, living in sub-Saharan Africa (Medical News Today, 2012). While Wesolowski et al. see some limitations in their approach—the study can only measure mobility among phone owners and in regions where there are phone networks, and cannot showcase migration across borders (Wesolowski et al., 2012)—nevertheless the research is important and influential. It could be used, for example, by public health officials. They could send geographically targeted text message warnings to the phones of people traveling to high-risk malaria areas, suggesting they use a bednet, and thus help reduce the spread of malaria (HSPH News, 2012). 46 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery chapter five conclusions 5.1 Using locational data to enhance the science of delivery This report has provided insights about the many features of a mobile phone, specifically the technologies which empower users to locate themselves in space and time, to collect and visualize locational data, and to interface with computer databases and maps in “the cloud.” Together, these capabilities serve to enhance the “science of delivery” when employed in a development context. Specifically, they assist in applying experimentation-based evidence to improve development aid process outcomes. Chapter 2 of this report provides the technological underpinning to location tracking, based on three particular tracking technologies: cell tower triangulation, GPS (Global Positioning System) by satellite, and WPS (WiFi Positioning System). The selection of which technology to use for a particular application will depend on the availability of data, the degree of accuracy required, and the location of the user (e.g. indoors/outdoors, urban/rural, etc). It will further depend on the degree of sophistication of the mobile devices used. In addition to the technical solutions which cell tower triangulation, GPS, and WPS can provide, simple innovations in mobile phone use can also be used to pinpoint locations. For example, SMS text messages sent by a user from a certain location can contain a code, or other piece of geo-specific information. This code can be tied to a certain known location—an election site, for example, as presented in Uchaguzi- Kenya referendum monitoring project presented in section 4.2.2. Chapter 3 presented a methodological and conceptual framework for the benchmarking of specific cases carried out in Chapter 4. Several mobile applications and real-life use cases were highlighted that have recently been used to enhance the delivery of development assistance. The applications presented were Poimapper, Ushahidi, CommTrack, CommCare, and Taarifa. The similarities and differences between the different applications are summarized in the benchmark crosstabs presented in section 4.5. In addition to the five benchmarked applications, some potential uses of location- related Big Data—drawing upon very large samples sizes of data—were explored. Section 4.6 focused on three cases where Big Data was used in research related to Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 47 development interventions. In the first two cases, the analysis of call detail records (CDRs) from mobile phones 5.3 Recommendations was used in development projects and research. In a to development project carried out in Côte d’Ivoire, the analysis of CDRs practitioners and policy- led to improvements in public transport. In a research makers project case presented, it was shown how CDRs can be Some observations can be made on the uses of used to map poverty in developing countries. In addition applications and Big Data. to these cases, a research case was presented in which First, all the applications presented in this report have sources and sinks of malaria were mapped from analyzed been used to gather, edit, and display information that is phone data. relevant for development purposes. Although the types of information collected can vary—for instance, survey 5.2 Potential Uses of data, images, videos, or inventory status information— Locational Data for all the showcased applications have proven successful in enhancing the science of delivery. Addressing Development Second, there is a wide variety of potential Challenges applications that respond to a range of different This report has established that locational data development challenges. The application chosen will vary applications can, and are, being used by development according to the function of the end-user: for instance, practitioners. Although their use is still largely small scale field workers may be more likely to use a mobile device, and experimental, and the technology continues to evolve, while office-based staff may be more likely to use web- there is sufficient evidence of beneficial outcomes to move based applications. to deepen and broaden the experiment. In other words, Third, the design emphasis of the applications, their pilot programs show sufficient potential for scaling up and key benefits, and intended uses also vary. It is up to the project management and to those implementing the extending to additional development challenges. project to choose which platform or application is the best One way of conceptualizing the potential of choice for a given situation or delivery outcome. locational data is by examining, in broad terms, the Fourth, in addition to the use of locational data development challenges facing today’s world, and then for evidence-based policy-making, it can also be used considering how locational data could be used to respond to improve organizational efficiency, particularly for to them. Table 5.1 presents a first attempt at this. The development functions that rely on timely updating of eight development challenges presented here are the inventory (e.g. community health workers or emergency Millennium Development Goals, as defined by the UN food supplies). The tools can also be used to improve Millennium Summit in 2000. project management and donor coordination, for instance In general, mobile survey data applications have the through easy visualization of areas being targeted by highest potential, notably for the development challenges different organizations. relating to poverty and hunger (#1), education (#2), Fifth, further research is required to address concerns control of infectious diseases (#6), and environmental over information security and privacy. In practice, these sustainability (#7). The applications of Big Data are concerns appear to have been overstated in that it is less obvious, but perhaps that is constrained by data relatively easy to anonymize data, for instance for call availability. Big Data has the most promise in carrying data records. Nevertheless, guidelines for best practice use out rapid or real-time poverty assessments, particularly should be set. at times of stress, for instance associated with famine or Sixth, policy-makers may need to take a lead in civil unrest. Big Data approaches generally need to be encouraging the release of call data records that privately- combined with other data sources, for instance associated owned operators may consider too commercially with satellite imagery, to be effective. confidential to release. Policy-makers can raise awareness 48 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery Table 5.1. Examples of the potential uses of locational data in responding to global development challenges Millennium Development Goal Possible use of mobile survey data Possible use of Big Data applications 1. Eradicate Potential: High Potential: High extreme poverty Mobile tablets can be used for conducting Big Data from Mobile Call Records can be used as household surveys for poverty assessments. The a back up, or sanity test, for other sources of data, and hunger World Bank has used mobile tablets, equipped for instance by showing the ratio of incoming to with geotagging capabilities, to replace paper- outgoing calls in different parts of a country (with based surveys for rapid assessments in South a high ratio of incoming calls suggesting lower Sudan. income levels). 2. Achieve Potential: High Potential: Moderate universal primary School teachers may submit attendance statistics Mobile call records from the phones of teachers for their classes, which can be geotagged and could be used to track whether they are in the education timestamped to identify regions where attendance same location as their school, to track absentee or is low, and can track trends over time. “ghost” teachers. 3. Promote Potential: Moderate Potential: Low gender equality and Data on school attendance (see above) can be In general, anonymized call records do not allow tracked against geotagged photos on school to distinguish between male and female users. empower women maintenance, showing which schools have However, Big Data can be combined with survey working toilets. Anecdotal evidence suggests girls’ data to track, for instance, the routes followed by participation in class is lower in schools that lack women when gathering firewood or collecting good sanitation facilities. water, typically female roles in many countries. 4. Reduce child Potential: Moderate Potential: Low mortality Vaccination campaigns for infectious childhood In general, anonymized call records do not allow diseases, such as measles, can be followed using to distinguish between child and adult users. geotagged and timestamped survey data, to ensure However, Big Data can be combined with survey full coverage in a particular area. data, for instance, to track children’s movements in areas close to landmines. 5. Improve Potential: Moderate Potential: Low maternal health Doctors or midwives making home visits to SMS messages to expectant mothers with expectant mothers could make geotagged information on maternal healthcare can be emergency calls requesting urgent medical targeted, using triangulation techniques, to cells assistance. where maternal mortality is high. 6. Combat Potential: High Potential: Moderate HIV/AIDS, Inventory tracking for community health workers Tracking of mobile CDRs in an area around allows more efficient restocking. an outbreak of an infectious disease allows malaria, and other for estimations of risk of contagion and diseases epidemiological modeling. 7. Ensure Potential: High Potential: Moderate environmental Camera-equipped mobile phones can be used to Call data records can be used to estimate the track the state of coastal sea defences during high population density of rural areas, which can be sustainability tide. meshed with satellite imagery, to better plan for anti-deforestation campaigns, for instance by providing alternative cooking fuel. 8. Develop a Potential: Moderate Potential: Low global partnership Mapping of donor initiatives, for instance by Sharing of call data records around the time of geotagging field reports, can be used to better disaster events, such as earthquakes or tsunamis, for development coordinate development interventions. can help in disaster risk planning. Source: Authors. Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 49 by showing the beneficial outcomes from Big Data projects and towers in a given geographical area. GPS is and by setting up neutral clearinghouses that will apply limited by dense foliage, crowded urban areas, basic privacy and security standards. and other signal-blocking inhibitors. WPS is entirely dependent on dense WiFi connectivity. 5.4 Final reflections »» Locational data provided by mobile phones and After presenting and comparing the technologies applications related to them can be used—and are which underlie locational data, and having reviewed a being used—to enhance the science of delivery. series of mini case studies of applications and Big Data »» Case examples presented in the report show solutions, the following final reflections can be offered: that development interventions, such as »» Locational data can be generated from three main providing healthcare in difficult environments or sources: cell tower triangulation, GPS-equipped monitoring elections, can be made easier by using mobile devices, and WPS. technologies and applications that generate, and »» Locational data can be used to identify key make use of, location-based data. waypoints (points of interests) for monitoring »» The Big Data-related cases presented here show outcomes, tracking user movement, or displaying its potential in research and evidence-based certain routes. policy-making. »» Locational data, when complemented with »» Technologies and applications used to enhance temporal data, can provide a measurable the delivery of development aid vary. So do depiction of mobility and progress, for instance, in the uses, target groups, and properties of the the case of geotagged and timestamped data such applications and cases presented here. The as SMS-survey responses, media files, or user- applications do not directly compete with each generated reports. other, but complement one another. Therefore, »» The technologies have limitations. Cell tower the appropriate application must be chosen for the triangulation relies on the density of cell networks specific development challenge. 50 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery References Alexandrova, Alexandra (2014) “Bluetooth Low Energy Solution Released”, an Indoo. rs published blog post, dated 27 November, 2013 and available at: bluetooth-low-energy-solution-released/ . 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Tuberculosis Monitoring by Plan Thailand – An Abstract Segan, Sascha (2011) “Smartphone GPS Just Got a Whole Lot Better, and Russian”, A PCMag Digital news article dated Park, Will (2008) “Federal judge sets cellphone privacy 7 September, 2011 and published by Ziff Davis, available at: precedent – Requires warrant for cellphone location,2817,2392569,00.asp Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery 53 Shibisaki, R. (2014) “The flows in cities: Tracking dated March 2013, available at: movements of cell phone subscribers for infrastructure handle/10362/9193 planning and disaster risk management”, Presentation based on written research available at: http://pflow.csis.u- Walji, Aleem (2013) “What is science and what is delivery”, blog article, dated 19 May 2013, available at: http://blogs. Smith, Christopher; Mashhadi, Afra; Capra, Licia (2013): Ubiquitous Sensing for Mapping Poverty in Developing Wesolowski, Amy; Eagle, Nathan; Tatern, Andrew J; Smith, Countries. David L; Noor, Abdisalan M; Snow, Robert W; Buckee, publications/d4d.pdf Caroline O (2012): Quantifying the Impact of Human Mobility on Malaria. Author manuscript available at Spirent Communications (2014) “What is Wi-Fi Positioning” Full article A webpage available at: available at Science, Oct 2012. Positioning-and-Navigation/What_is_Wi-Fi_Positioning Wikipedia (2014) “GPS Exchange Format”, last modified “The Evolution of Cell Phone Design Between 1983- 30 April 2014, available at: GPS_eXchange_Format 2009”, A report dated May 22nd, 2009, available at: http://www.webdesignerdepot. Wikipedia (2014) “Keyhole Markup Language”, last com/2009/05/the-evolution-of-cell-phone-design- modified 17 April 2014, available at: http://en.wikipedia. between-1983-2009/ org/wiki/Keyhole_Markup_Language TipSense, LLC (2014) “Poimapper”, An App Discovery Wikipedia (2014) “Shapefile”, last modified 27 March 2014, Engine and Application review web page available at: available at: Wilson, Tracy V . “How GPS Phones Work” 24 October United Nations Global Pulse (2013): Mobile Phone 2005. article available at: http:// Network Data for Development. http://www.slideshare. net/unglobalpulse/mobile-data-for-development-primer- october-2013 The World Bank (2014) “Information and communication technology for Forest Law Enforcement and Governance; Ushahidi (2012) Uchaguzi – A Case Study: http://blog. Lessons from a Two-Country project in LAO PDR and Moldova,” report. case-studies/ The World Bank and Second Muse (2014) Big Data in Vicent, J. P. A (2013) “WIFI Indoor Positioning for Mobile Action for Development. World Bank, Washington DC, 68 Devices, An Application for the UJI Smart Campus” pp. Available at: A Dissertation for the Degree of Master of Science files/Big%20Data%20for%20Development%20Report_ in Geospatial Technologies at the Jaume-I University final%20version.pdf 54 Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery This report looks at the different ways in which locational data from mobile devices can serve to enhance the science of development assistance. In particular, the report shows how locational technologies work and how they can be used for tracking users. The report looks at four different use cases of mobile survey data in detail—Poimapper, Ushahidi, Dimagi and Taarifa—and also examines a number of ways in which Big Data, notably mobile call data records, have been used for development purposes. The report provides an analytical framework, based on the Millennium Development Goals, to examine which global development challenges may be most amenable to a locational data approach. The report has been prepared with generous funding by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. It was written jointly by the Media Lab Helsinki at the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture and the World Bank Global Transport and ICT Global Practice. The Global Practice provides clients with infrastructure and policies to improve connectivity and competitiveness, link people to markets and social services to stimulate economic growth, increase climate resilience and reduce carbon footprint.