The World Bank                                              1818 H Street N.W.             (202) 473-1000
INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION                       U.S.A.                         Cable Address: INDEVAS

                                                                                                       March 24, 2010
                                                    CONFORMED COPY

          Gobernador de la Provincia de Santa Fe
          Dr. Hermes Juan Binner
          Gobierno de la Provincia de Santa Fe
          Casa de Gobierno
          Tres de Febrero 2649 (S3000DEE), Santa Fe

          Fax: (54-0342) 450-6865

          Dear Governor,

                                                  Re: Loan No 74290
                                    Amendment of Additional Instructions: Disbursement

                 We refer to the individual letters titled Additional Instructions: Disbursement
          (“Disbursement Letter”) for the Loans extended to the Province of Santa Fe (“Borrower”) listed in
          Annex I of this letter (“Amendment Letter”). We would like to inform you that each of the said
          Disbursement Letters is hereby amended to include the following additional instructions:

                   Section II, Withdrawal of Loan Proceeds, of each Disbursement Letter referred to above is
          amended to include a new subsection (iii) which shall read as follows:

                    (iii) Electronic Delivery (subsection 3.4). The Borrower may deliver Applications to the World
                    Bank through the World Bank’s Client Connection, web-based portal, by completing Form 2380,
                    which is accessible through Client Connection ( Officials
                    of the Borrower may deliver Applications electronically on behalf of the Borrower if they: (a) have
                    been designated in writing by the Borrower, pursuant to the terms of subparagraph (i) of this
                    Section, to sign and deliver Applications by electronic means and to receive secure identification
                    devices (“Tokens”) from the World Bank, (b) are registered as users of Client Connection, and (c)
                    have received from the World Bank Tokens for such purpose. This constitutes an additional means
                    of delivering Applications to the World Bank. The Borrower may continue to exercise the option
                    of preparing and delivering Applications in paper format. The World Bank reserves the right, and
                    may in its sole discretion, temporarily or permanently, disallow the electronic delivery of
                    Applications by the Borrower.

                              Terms and Conditions of Use of Tokens to Process Applications. By designating
                               authorized signatories to accept Tokens and by choosing to deliver the Applications
                               electronically, the Borrower confirms its agreement to abide by and to cause the
                               authorized signatories to abide by the Terms and Conditions of Use of Secure
                               Identification Device In Connection With Use of Electronic Means To Process
                               Applications for Withdrawal And Supporting Documentation (“Terms and Conditions of
                               Use of Tokens”) provided in Annex II. The Borrower also represents and warrants to
                               the World Bank (and such representations and warranties, including without limitation,
                               the representations and warranties contained in the Terms and Conditions of Use of
                               Tokens, shall be relied upon by the Word Bank) that the Borrower shall deliver the
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                       Terms and Conditions of Use of Tokens to each authorized signatory and shall cause
                       each authorized signatory to be bound by those terms and conditions.

          All remaining subsections of Section II of the Disbursement Letters are renumbered accordingly.
All other provisions of the said Disbursement Letters remain in full force and effect. The above-mentioned
amendments to the Disbursement Letters shall become effective as of the date of this Amendment Letter.

        For the purpose of designating authorized signatories to accept Tokens and to sign and deliver
Applications electronically, please submit a revised Authorized Signatory Letter, in the format provided in
Annex III, for the Loans listed in Annex I of this Amendment Letter. Upon receipt by the World Bank of the
revised Authorized Signatory Letter, the World Bank will register as users of Client Connection all persons
who are authorized by the Borrower to sign Applications for the Loans set forth in Annex I, and will provide
those persons with Tokens. If the Borrower would like to change the persons authorized to sign Applications
for any of the Loans concerned, please submit a revised Authorized Signatory Letter, in the format provided
in Annex IV, for each relevant Loan.


                                                /s/Jose Janeiro
                                               Finance Officer
                                 Loan Fiduciary & Controls Division (CTRFC)

cc: Sra. Gabriela Costa, Directora Nacional de Proyectos con Organismos Internacionales de Crédito,
Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas
    Sr. Jorge Roel, Director Nacional de Programas y Proyectos con Financiamiento Externo, Jefatura de
Gabinete de Ministros
    Sr. Aníbal Lopez, Director de Proyectos con el Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento

Prepared by: M.Tambucho, Team Leader, CTRDM

Cleared with and cc:      A.Alcala, Sr.Counsel, LEGLA
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                                                                                           Annex I

Project                                                     Borrower’s           Representative for
           Loan No              Project Name
  No                                                       Representative          Disbursement
                                                         Governor of Province   Governor of
P099051   IBRD 74290   AR Santa Fe Road Infrastructure
                                                         of Santa Fe            Province of Santa Fe
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                                                                                          Annex II

                                   Terms and Conditions of Use
                                   Secure Identification Devices
                                        in connection with
                                     Use of Electronic Means
                                            To Process
                                   Applications for Withdrawal
                                  And Supporting Documentation

The World Bank will provide secure identification devices (Tokens) to permit the Borrower to
deliver applications for withdrawal under the Agreements and supporting documentation (such
applications and supporting documentation together referred to as Applications) to the World Bank
electronically, on the terms and conditions of use specified herein.

A.     Identification of Users.

1.     The Borrower will be required to identify in a completed Authorized Signatory Letter (ASL)
       duly delivered to and received by the World Bank each person who will be authorized to
       deliver Applications. The World Bank will provide Tokens to each person identified in the
       ASL (Signatory), as provided below. The Borrower shall also immediately notify the World
       Bank if a Signatory is no longer authorized by the Borrower to act as a Signatory.

2.     Each Signatory must register as a user on the World Bank’s Client Connection (CC) website
       ( ) prior to delivery of Tokens. Registration on CC
       will require that the Signatory establish a CC password (CC Password). The Signatory shall
       not reveal his/her CC Password to anyone or store or record the CC Password in written or
       other form. Upon registration as a CC user, the Signatory will be assigned a unique
       identifying account name.

B.     Distribution, Initialization and Return of Tokens.

1.     The World Bank will physically deliver a Token to each Signatory in a manner to be
       determined by and satisfactory to the World Bank.

2.     At the time of delivery of a Token to a Signatory, the Signatory will receive a copy of these
       Terms and Conditions of Use for purposes of initializing the Token.

3.     The World Bank will verify that the Token, Temporary Password and Terms and Conditions
       of Use have been duly delivered to and received by the CC User.

4.     Promptly upon receipt of the Token and Terms and Conditions of Use, the Signatory will
       access CC using his/her account name and CC Password and register his/her Token and set a
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     personal identification number (PIN) to be used in connection with the use of his/her Token,
     after which the Token will be initialized for use by the Signatory exclusively for purposes of
     delivering Applications. Upon initialization of the Token, the Signatory will be a “Token
     User”. The World Bank will maintain in its database a user account (Accou nt) for each
     Token User for purposes of managing the Token of the Token User. Neither the Borrower
     nor the Token User will have any access to the Account.

5.   Prior to first use of the Token by the Token User for delivering Applications, the Borrower
     shall ensure that the Token User has received training materials provided by the World Bank
     in use of the Token.

6.   Tokens shall be promptly returned to the World Bank upon request of the World Bank.

C.   Management of Tokens.

1.   Tokens will remain the property of the World Bank.

2.   Use of the Token is strictly limited to use in the delivery of Applications by the Token User
     in the manner prescribed by the World Bank in the Agreements and these Terms and
     Conditions. Any other use of the Token is prohibited.

3.   The World Bank assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any misuse of the
     Token by the Token User, other representatives of the Borrower, or third parties.

4.   The Borrower undertakes to ensure, and represents and warrants to the World Bank (such
     representation and warranty being expressly relied upon by the World Bank in delivery of a
     Token to each Token User) that each Token User is provided, understands and will abide by,
     these Terms and Conditions of Use, including without limitation the following:


     4.1.    The Token User shall not reveal his/her PIN to anyone or store or record the PIN in
     written or other form.

     4.2.   The Token User shall not allow anyone else to utilize a Token to deliver an
     Application to the World Bank.

     4.3.   The Token User shall always logout from CC when not using the system. Failure to
     logout properly can create a route into the system that is unprotected.

     4.4.  If the Token User believes a third party has learned his/her PIN or has lost his/her
     Token he/she shall immediately notify
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       4.5.    The    Borrower      shall   immediately      notify  the  World     Bank     at of any lost, stolen or compromised Tokens, and take other
       reasonable steps to ensure such Tokens are disabled immediately.

       Care of Tokens

       4.6.   Tokens contain delicate and sophisticated instrumentation and therefore should be
       handled with due care, and should not be immersed in liquids, exposed to extreme
       temperatures, crushed or bent. Also, Tokens should be kept more than five (5) cm from
       devices that generate electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as mobile phones, phone-
       enabled PDAs, smart phones and other similar devices. Tokens should be carried and stored
       separate from any EMR device. At close range (less than 5 cm), these devices can output
       high levels of EMR that can interfere with the proper operation of electronic equipment,
       including the Token.

        4.7    Without derogating from these Terms and Conditions of Use, other     technical
instructions on the proper use and care Tokens are available at

5.     Replacement

       5.1.   Lost, damaged, compromised (in terms of 4.5, above) or destroyed Tokens will be
       replaced at the expense of the Borrower.

       5.2.    The World Bank reserves the right, in its sole discretion, not to replace any Token in
       the case of misuse, or not to reactivate a Token User’s Account

6.     Reservation of Right to disable Token

       6.1.   The Borrower shall reserve the right to revoke the authorization of a Token User to
       use a Token for any reason.

       6.2.  The World Bank reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to temporarily or
       permanently disable a Token, de-activate a Token User’s Account or both.
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                                                                                                    Annex III
                                   Form of Authorized Signatory Letter
                                    Gobierno de la Provincia de Santa Fe
                                              Casa de Gobierno
                                 Tres de Febrero 2649 (S3000DEE), Santa Fe
                                       Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina

The World Bank
1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20433
United States of America

Attention: [name of Country Director]

            Re: Supplementary Authorization Letter for Electronic Disbursement Request

        I refer to the Amendment Letter dated ___________, (“Amendment Letter”), amending the
individual letters titled Additional Instructions: Disbursement (“Disbursement Letter”) for the Loans
and Grants extended to the Province of Santa Fe (“Borrower”) listed in Annex I of the Amendment
Letter, providing additional instructions for the electronic signing and delivery of applications for
withdrawal and/or for special commitment (“Applications”). I also refer to the Authorized
Signatory Letters submitted to the Bank in respect of each of the Loans and Grants listed in said
Annex, authorizing designated persons to sign, on behalf of the Borrower, Applications under each
said Loan and Grant.

        For the purpose of delivering an Application to the World Bank, [each] [any two/three] of
the persons whose authenticated specimen signatures appears in the Authorized Signatory Letter
for each said Loan and Grant as referred to above is authorized on behalf of the Borrower, acting
[individually] [jointly], to deliver Applications for withdrawal under the respective Loan or Grant,
and evidence in support thereof, including by electronic means, on the terms and conditions
specified by the Bank (including the Terms and Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Devices in connection
with Use of Electronic Means to Process Applications for Withdrawal and Supporting Documentation which have been
provided by the Borrower to such person(s)).

       This Authorization supplements each Authorized Signatory Letter in the World Bank
records with respect to the Loans and Grants listed in Annex I of the Amendment Letter.

                                                 Yours truly,

                                                / signed /
                                           Hermes Juan Binner
                                   Gobernador de la Provincia de Santa Fe
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                                                                                               Annex IV
                                   Form of Authorized Signatory Letter
                                    Gobierno de la Provincia de Santa Fe
                                              Casa de Gobierno
                                 Tres de Febrero 2649 (S3000DEE), Santa Fe
                                       Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina

The World Bank
1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20433
United States of America

Attention: [name of Country Director]

                        Re: i[Loan] [Grant] No. ____-___ (____________ Project)

         I refer to the ii[Loan][Grant] Agreement (“Agreement”) between the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (the “Bank”) and [name of borrower/recipient] (the
iii[“Borrower”][“Recipient”]), dated _______, providing the above-listed iv[Loan][Grant]. v [For the

purposes of Section 2.03 of the General Conditions,] vi[For the purposes of Section 3.04 of the
Standard Conditions] as defined in the Agreement, any vii[one] of the persons whose authenticated
specimen signatures appear below is authorized on behalf of the Borrower/ Recipient to sign
applications for withdrawal [and applications for a special commitment] under this

       For the purpose of delivering the Application to the World Bank, [each] [any two/three] of
the persons whose authenticated specimen signatures appears below is authorized on behalf of the
Borrower, acting [individually] [jointly], to deliver applications for withdrawal, and evidence in
support thereof, including by electronic means, on the terms and conditions specified by the Bank
(including the Terms and Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Devices in connection with Use of Electronic
Means to Process Applications for Withdrawal and Supporting Documentation which have been provided by the
Borrower/Recipient to such person(s)).

       This Authorization replaces and supersedes any Authorization currently in the World Bank
records with respect to [this/these] Agreement(s).

                                                 Yours truly,

                                                  / signed /

                                           Hermes Juan Binner
                                   Gobernador de la Provincia de Santa Fe
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    Instruction to the Borrower: Indicate either “Loan” or “Grant” as appropriate, and delete the one which does not apply.
More than one Loan or Grant may be included in a single authorization letter.
     Instruction to the Borrower: See footnote 1 above.
      Instruction to the Borrower: Use “Borrower” in the case of a Loan; use “Recipient” in the case a Grant.
     Instruction to the Borrower: See footnote 1 above.
    Instruction to the Borrower: Use the following bracketed text only for Loans.
     Instruction to the Borrower: Use the following bracketed text only for trust fund grants.
      Instruction to the Borrower: Stipulate if more than one person needs to sign Applications, and how many or which
positions, and if any thresholds apply.
       Instruction to the Borrower: See footnote 1 above.