24150 Revised OFFICIAL USE ONLY SecM2002-0228/1 WvORLD BANK . IIFC/SecM2002-0033/1 z NAs May 1, 2002 FROM: Vice President and Secretary EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS' MEETING - April 25, 2002 Chairman's Concluding Remarks Latvia - Joint IBRD/IFC Country Assistance Strategy Final Text Attached is a copy of the final text of the Chairman's Concluding Remarks on the discussion of the joint IBRD/IFC Country Assistance Strategy for Latvia at the meeting of the Executive Directors held on April 25, 2002, which was circulated on April 26, 2002 (SecM2002-0228[IFC/SecM2002-0033]). The final text takes account of comments received from Messrs. Crawford and Jonck as follow: Paragraph 2, wording in sentences 8 and 9 Paragraph 3, wording in sentence 2 Addition of Paragraph 5 Distribution: Executive Directors and Alternates President Bank Group Senior Management Vice Presidents, Bank, IFC and MIGA Directors and Department Heads, Bank, IFC and MIGA This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank Group authorization LATVIA: COUNTRY ASSISTANCE STRATEGY CHAIRMAN'S CONCLUDING REMARKS Meeting of Executive Directors April 25, 2002 The Executive Directors welcomed the discussion of the joint IBRD/1FC Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) for Latvia. Directors welcomed the substantial progress Latvia has made in the accession negotiations process. Directors also noted that Latvia has reached an advanced stage toward building the institutions needed for a market economy. Directors commended the Government for its successful macroeconomic management and recognized Latvia's impressive economic growth in recent years. Directors were, however, concerned about Latvia's high current account deficit. They, therefore, stressed the importance of additional public sector savings. Directors also noted that unemployment and regional disparities in unemployment rates don't seem to be improving. In this context, they particularly emphasized the need to take steps beyond maintaining macro stability by implementing vigorously the remaining structural agenda. Areas of special importance include improved public expenditure management and completion of privatization. Continuation of education and health reform, agriculture sector reform, balanced regional development, rationalization of local governments and labor market reform was also encouraged. Directors welcomed the alignment of the CAS with the EU accession program and the Government National Development Plan. They noted that the CAS was designed to take into account Latvia' s request to the Bank Group to assist in key areas not explicitly covered by the acquis communautaire, thus complementing the support of other donors, especially the EU. Directors broadly supported the proposed strategic direction of IBRD/IIFC programs. Directors also broadly agreed with the proposed assistance scenario, given Latvia's stage of transition although several Directors stressed the importance of greater focus on the priorities in this regard. Reference was made to the importance of measurement indicators to assess development progress and impact, and of incorporating lessons learned into the design of the next phase of the PSAL program. Directors were also supportive of IFC's plans and overall focus particularly on promoting growth and job creation. Directors also welcomed the suggestion to organize a separate discussion, in an appropriate format, of the paper distributed to Directors on October 10, 2001, entitled Framework for Bank Group Support to European Union (EU) Accession Candidate Countries of Central and Eastern Europe. FILE COPY\