A Guidance Note on how Digital Elevation Models
are created and used – includes key definitions, sample
Terms of Reference and how best to plan a DEM-mission
       A Guidance Note on how Digital Elevation Models
are created and used – includes key definitions, sample Terms of
         Reference and how best to plan a DEM-mission
A Guidance Note on how Digital Elevation Models are created and used – includes key definitions, sample Terms
of Reference and how best to plan a DEM-mission

Louise Croneborg, Keiko Saito, Michel Matera, Don McKeown, Jan van Aardt

The Guidance note was developed as a collaboration between the Africa Water sector, the Latin America and
Caribbean Disaster Risk Management unit and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)
at the World Bank

©2015 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
1818 H street, NW, Washington, DC, 20433
Telephone: 202–473–1000; Internet:

All rights reserved.

This volume is a product of the staff of the World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations
and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of the World Bank, its Executive
Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent.

The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors,
denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgement on the part of
the World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.

The information and advice contained in this volume is provided as general guidance only. Every effort has been
made to ensure the accuracy of the information. This publication is not a substitute for specific specialist advice.
The World Bank and the authors accept no liability.
                                                                                                                                                               Table of Contents                     iii

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement................................................................................................................................................................... v


Executive Summary............................................................................................................................................................... ix

01  The Digital Elevation Model Primer......................................................................................................................... 01
        What are Digital Elevation Models?................................................................................................................................01
        DEM Applications............................................................................................................................................................. 02
              Water Resources Management................................................................................................................................. 03
              Disaster Risk Management....................................................................................................................................... 07
              Geological Applications............................................................................................................................................. 09
              Agricultural Applications........................................................................................................................................... 12
              3D Visualization........................................................................................................................................................... 12
              Ecological Modeling.................................................................................................................................................... 13
              Commercial Forestry.................................................................................................................................................. 13
              Mapping........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
              Ancillary DEM Applications and Products..............................................................................................................16

02  Operational Guide to Tender a Digital Elevation Model.......................................................................................19
        Digital Elevation Models: Design Issues for Consideration.......................................................................................19
        Decision Points to Acquire a DEM for Projects............................................................................................................19
        Requirements and Options............................................................................................................................................. 20
        Suitability Matrix...............................................................................................................................................................23
        Application Requirements Matrix...................................................................................................................................25

03 How DEMs are Generated: Data Acquisition and Mission Planning,
        Development of Requirements and Product Attributes of DEMs...................................................................... 27
        Key Attributes for DEMs...................................................................................................................................................27
              Project Area..................................................................................................................................................................28
              Digital Surface Data Type..........................................................................................................................................28
              DEM Model Types.......................................................................................................................................................28
              Point Spacing and Ground Sample Distance..........................................................................................................29
              Accuracy....................................................................................................................................................................... 30
              Surface Treatments..................................................................................................................................................... 31
              Horizontal and Vertical Datum.................................................................................................................................32
              Geoid Model.................................................................................................................................................................32
iv   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

                  Coordinate Systems....................................................................................................................................................32
                  Output Data Format................................................................................................................................................... 33
                  File Size and IT Requirements.................................................................................................................................. 33
                  Metadata....................................................................................................................................................................... 33
            DEM Acquisition: The Terms of Reference...................................................................................................................34
                  Technical Requirements.............................................................................................................................................34
                  Quality Assurance.......................................................................................................................................................34
                  Metadata....................................................................................................................................................................... 35
                  Deliverables.................................................................................................................................................................. 35
                  Costing Factors and Approximations......................................................................................................................37

     04  Data Sharing and Dissemination............................................................................................................................... 39
            Data and Data Compression Formats............................................................................................................................39
            File Size................................................................................................................................................................................39
            Public Domain vs. Restricted Access..............................................................................................................................39
            Licensing Considerations................................................................................................................................................ 40
            Data Storage, Sharing Platforms.................................................................................................................................... 40

     05  Case Studies....................................................................................................................................................................41
            Mozambique Flood Risk Mapping.................................................................................................................................. 41
            Haiti Flood Risk Mapping................................................................................................................................................. 41
            (Hypothetical Example) DEM for Urban Development.............................................................................................42
            (Hypothetical Example) Earthquake and DEM............................................................................................................42
            (Hypothetical Example) Commercial Forestry............................................................................................................43

     06 Glossary.......................................................................................................................................................................... 45

     07  Selected Resources........................................................................................................................................................55

     08  Technical Annex........................................................................................................................................................... 57
            Annex A................................................................................................................................................................................59
                  Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar).......................................................................................................................59
                  Radio Detection and Ranging (Radar) and IfSAR................................................................................................. 60
                  Satellite-derived DEM Products................................................................................................................................. 62
            Annex B................................................................................................................................................................................67
            Annex C.............................................................................................................................................................................. 69
            Annex D...............................................................................................................................................................................77
            Annex E................................................................................................................................................................................ 81
            Annex F................................................................................................................................................................................85
            Annex G...............................................................................................................................................................................87
            Annex H.............................................................................................................................................................................. 89
Mr. Don McKeown (Distinguished Researcher; Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, Rochester
Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA;

Dr. Jan van Aardt (Associate Professor; Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of
Technology, Rochester, NY, USA;

Marian Mabel (editor)

Eric Foster-Moore (team support)

The team would like to thank the following peer reviewers

Alanna Simpson (Sr. Disaster Risk Management Specialist)

Nagaraja Rao Harshadeep (Sr. Water Resources and Environmental Specialist)

Marc Forni (Sr. Disaster Risk Management Specialist)

Abigail Baca (Infrastructure Specialist)

Anna Burzykowska (Project Specialist)

Michael Bonte (Sr. Disaster Risk Management Specialist)

Henrike Brecht (Sr. Infrastructure Specialist)

Maria Madrid (Knowledge Management & Operations Officer)

Simone Balog (Disaster Risk Management Analyst)

Delwyn Moller (Sr. Remote Sensing Expert)

Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) in its most generic                             Figure 1. This coastal and near off-shore DEM, developed by
term implies elevation of the terrain devoid of                                 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
vegetation and manmade features. It represents the                              greatly aids in forecasting efforts for early tsunami warning
elevation of the earth’s surface in the form of a digital                       systems. Such a DEM provides the necessary morphology to
image where each pixel1 contains an elevation value of                          forecast the magnitude and extent of coastal flooding during an
the center point of the pixel, as illustrated in Figure 1.                      extreme storm or tsunami even.

DEMs are a primary input to any modeling or process
quantification involving the earth’s topography,
and are used across several areas of development.
For instance, in water resources management, the
earth’s surface determines water flow; hence, there
is intrinsic dependence on accurate elevation or
topographical information typically represented as
elevation map layers. In disaster risk management,
disaster risks related to floods, coastal erosion,
storm and/or tidal surges are directly linked to
elevation. Access to elevation, and slope maps enable
responders to assess where floods will infill the                               Source:
landscape, create inaccessible areas, or create health
risks, e.g., cholera. DEMs are also used prominently in
infrastructure planning and mapping; road design and construction for transportation; urban environmental planning to
assess construction, drainage and green landscaping; agriculture planting and irrigation strategies; ecological modeling
to assess ecosystem flora and fauna; and geological applications such as seismic and coastal monitoring.

Accurate elevation information is therefore key for a wide range of development projects related to poverty
reduction, urban development, water management and other concerns. Thus, the ability to design and
commission or acquire DEMs is increasing in relevance across the globe.

The primary target audiences of this DEMs Guidance Note are World Bank Group Task Team Leaders (TTLs),
project managers and their clients, or anyone interested in DEMs. It primarily aims to: (a) provide sufficient
information to understand the overall processes involved in the acquisition of DEMs and their uses, and (b) to
inform and guide the decision-making criteria; different design and implementation strategies; and options and
costs that exist when acquiring DEMs. This information and guidance can then help facilitate the most targeted,
efficient, meaningful, and economic decisions for DEM acquisition that can be made contextually by both
decision makers and implementers.

As this document demonstrates, Digital Elevation Models is a highly technical topic, thus it is recommended that
Task Team Leaders consult or hire a specialist before embarking on projects that require DEM.

1 A pixel is the smallest controllable element of a picture represented on the screen. In the context of a Digital Elevation Model, a pixel’s address
corresponds to its physical coordinates on the earth’s surface.                                                                                         vii
Executive Summary
The cost of creating DEMs can be significant, often running into millions of dollars, due to their diverse and
extensive utility. The use of DEMs is abundant in spatial analyses. As such, a clear understanding of the range
of DEM types and applications, their operational requirements, and pros and cons of each model is important
before deciding whether to acquire existing data or commissioning a new survey. Having robust background
knowledge can help plan the optimal DEM acquisition. This Guidance Note aims to compile such knowledge
in one publication and thereby address all pertinent topics of DEM creation and use, including a workflow to
facilitate the best way to plan a well-informed DEM-mission or proposal, primarily aimed at non-specialists.
Given the technical nature and complexity of the subject, this Note points out specific sections and key tables
to simplify the reader’s ease-of-use and navigation. Readers who are interested in the more technical aspects of
DEMs should refer to publications such as Maune (ed.) (2007).

DEM Applications
This Note includes an extensive list of applications for a DEM, in topics such as water resources management,
disaster risk management, geology, agriculture and several others (See Section I-2: DEMs Applications). When
drafting a proposal for DEM creation, it is often useful to state other potential uses of DEMs in the proposal
rather than only the intended one; in this way the potential return on investment (ROI) is clearer to the funder.
The ROI’s maximum realization potential is achieved if the license of the generated DEM is made open.

The DEM’s usage greatly determines the DEM output’s technical specifications. For example, for the modeling
of coastal erosion, the DEM must meet the optimal specification (spec) requirements for the coastal erosion
modeling methodology. Several options may exist to produce a DEM that fulfills the required spec for the
project. In these cases, it is necessary for the project bidder to describe in the technical proposal the detailed
methodologies envisaged to create the output DEM.

DEMs can be created for terrains (land surface) as well as underwater (e.g. seabeds). Underwater DEMs are
called Bathymetry, and their generation require a different approach and use of instruments compared to
terrestrial DEM. For underwater, acquisition methods are different depending on whether near-shore or off-shore
bathymetry is required, the threshold typically being water depth of 50m where beyond that sonar equipment are
used. The costs of bathymetry data acquisition and generation is generally speaking 4–5 times more than that of
terrestrial DEMs.

Modalities of DEM Generation
DEMs need to be extensive and exhaustive in spatial scope using remote sensing, to be truly useful. Remote
sensing, from an airborne (e.g., aircraft or drone) or a spaceborne platform (e.g., satellites), represents one of the

best approaches for the development of large area, high-spatial resolution DEMs. The diversity of remote sensing
modalities used to generate DEM products presents a breadth of choices, each with their relative strengths and
x   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

    weaknesses and different types of output. The objectives, scope, geographical location and budget of each project
    will determine which of the remote sensing approaches are most appropriate to the task. Section II-1: Operational
    Guide to Tender a Digital Elevation Model, discusses the different DEMs’ modalities, and Section II-2: Workflow to
    Acquire a DEM for Projects, describes five key steps to acquire a DEM for projects.

    Three remote sensing technologies provide elevation data: Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) is more automated and
    finely scaled; Radio Detection and Ranging (Radar) is more effective in foggy or cloudy conditions. Stereo photography
    (three-dimensional imaging), however, only collects ground elevation data for physically observed or imaged areas.
    Lidar offers dense 3D point clouds, vegetation-penetrating abilities, and multiple secondary applications. Radar also
    offers vegetation penetration, but lower spatial resolution and higher processing needs. This can result in lower
    quality and increased cost in some circumstances/situations. Stereo photography offers context through imagery, but
    offers lower spatial resolution and only top-most surface heights.

    Spaceborne platforms offer accessibility and coverage, but at the cost of spatial resolution and horizontal and
    vertical accuracy, making them especially useful for large areas (e.g., regional-to-continental mapping). In contrast,
    airborne platforms have much higher accuracy but sacrifice coverage and accessibility in very remote areas.

    Multiple variables also define the output quality and characteristics of a DEM. The most commonly
    quoted variables are the vertical accuracy and horizontal point spacing (resolution). For vertical accuracy,
    photogrammetric or Lidar systems are best for higher vertical resolution applications in the order of less than 1m.
    Medium or lower accuracy applications allow the use of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IfSAR), in the
    order of 1m to 5m, and satellite archive data. Section II-3: Requirements and Options includes Table 9: Key accuracy
    requirements for a range of application areas, which shows the required DEM vertical accuracy for various
    applications. Section II-3.3.vii: Budget Constraints, includes Table 10: DEM product costs for various remote
    sensing modalities and vendors, which shows some examples of DEM product types (some being commercial-off-
    the-shelf (COTS) products), their vertical accuracy, and the approximate price range and licensing conditions. It is
    worth mentioning that there are global COTS DEM products available at either no charge2 or at cost.3

    However, in most instances DEM applications in topics such as water resource management, disaster preparedness,
    or agriculture generally require a finer spatial resolution than what best global products can provide.

    The objectives, scope, geographical location and budget of each project will determine which of the remote
    sensing approaches are most appropriate to the task. Section II-3 and 4: Sustainability Matrix and Applications
    Requirements Matrix discusses the various modalities of DEM generation.

    Generating DEMs and the Terms of References (ToRs)
    A given project could also use certain key attributes to define DEM products and to generate a ToR, (also referred
    to as a Statement of Work (SoW)), and a Request for Proposal (RFP) for product vendors. Section III-1: Key
    Attributes for DEMs and the Annexes provide a list of the 15 attributes discussed herein.

    This Note also provides the key decisions and many considerations needed to plan a Lidar survey, based on the
    intended use of the DEM when commissioning such instrument. One such decision is whether the output DEM

    2 For example, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
    3 WorldDEMTM
                                                                                                                   Executive Summary   xi

will include/exclude the non-Earth surface vertical information (i.e., buildings or vegetation) depending upon the
desired information. There are three different types of digital surface data: DEM, Digital Terrain Models (DTM),
and Digital Surface Models (DSM). Section III-1B: Digital Surface Data Types, describes these further. Another
consideration during the undertaking of a Lidar survey is whether to acquire aerial photographs concurrently,
given that it is a common and cost-effective practice.

Regardless of how the DEM is created, it is recommended that a specialist be involved in the drafting of the ToR,
especially if the preferred modality is Lidar. A Lidar specialist should be fundamental to the team to ensure that
the ToR incorporates and specifies all variables. The specialist would also evaluate the proposals to ascertain
there are no pitfalls or gaps in the technical components of the selected bid, which may not be as transparent
or simple to the untrained eye. When a Lidar aerial survey is to be executed, there are standard documents and
reports that are expected to be submitted by the vendor prior, during, and post-flight, to ensure data quality.
Section III-2E: Deliverables, discusses a project’s expected deliverables from a vendor.

The requirements for the output DEM—such as the resolution, accuracy, deliverables, and cost implications—
are different from project to project, depending on the envisaged usage of the DEM. It is important to clarify
the intended use of the DEM before commissioning the work to identify the optimal DEM specs. The ToR or
SoW communicates these specs. The ToR serves as the common point of reference between the project manager
and the vendor. It requires careful specification by the project manager, as a vendor is only responsible for what
is contained in the ToR and the technical and financial proposal. If the project manager should decide to alter
or add to the vendor’s requirements after a ToR agreement is established, there is significant risk of a price
increase or slip-up in schedule. Section III-4: DEM Acquisition Terms of Reference, discusses the ToR’s technical
specifications requirement(s) to generate a DEM. ToR and licensing agreement examples are provided in the
Annexes. It is also important to consider data storage and sharing plans as part of the implementation plan. The
data will be wasted unless it is stored and technically made useable by end users.

The Cost of Creating DEMs
The cost of DEMs is highly variable, ranging from free to millions of dollars. Of the free datasets,4 SRTM30 is
available for most of the world except for the Polar Regions at 30m horizontal spacing. Of the free datasets,
SRTM30 provides the best geographical coverage as well as overall quality. In general the cost of a DEM is mainly
determined by the resolutions needed, geographical area to be covered, and whether there is archive data or new
data collection is required. Unfortunately looking for archive data is not as easy as it could be, and may require
specialist knowledge to know where to look for. Sources of archive DEM data include commercial vendors.

The resolution of the required DEM is one of the main drivers of the cost and should be determined based
on the intended usage of the DEM in consultation with a specialist. When no existing data is available, a new
data collection must be commissioned. The cost of such data collection is determined by a range of mission
parameters such as operating costs (aircraft operations, equipment maintenance, and labor associated with
instrument operations, travel expenses) and amount of data processing.

As of 2015, the average pricing for terrestrial DEMs across major vendors is:

4 For Open high-resolution DEM, check Unfortunately most of the available datasets are of north America.
xii   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

      •	 Lidar: DEM product cost/km2 for new acquisition is approximately US$120 to US$200.
      •	 IfSAR: For a project-specific IfSAR (new acquisition—DEM product costs range from US$30/km2 to US$100/km2
         depending on location, area size, terrain, foliage, and extracted vector data.
            For an archival IfSAR—Data reprocessing depends on the usability of existing processed data. A project
         essentially buys a limited-use license to use the archived data from the vendor. DEM cost ranges from US$11/
         km2 to US$25/km2 and US$7/km2 for IfSAR images.
      •	 Stereo Photography: DEM product cost/km2 is approximately US$30. This will depend on whether the stereo
         photographs already exist or whether they need to be acquired.

      In general, bathymetry data costs 4–5 times more than terrestrial DEM. Section III-2.E.iv: Costing Factors
      and Approximation, features Table 9: A general pricing structure for archival lfSAR data, which provides an
      estimate of the range of costs associated with the accuracy of the DEM required. Section IV: Data Sharing and
      Dissemination discusses cost considerations for different scenarios.

      The above costs are for terrestrial DEM. Bathymetry data (terrain data for sea bed)

      Case Studies
      This Guidance Note concludes by presenting case studies from World Bank projects, as well as other hypothetical
      cases. (See Section V: Case Studies).

The Digital
Model Primer
What are Digital Elevation                                      Figure 2. Difference between DEM/DTM and DSM. Digital
                                                                Elevation Model (DEM) and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) = (bare
Models?                                                         earth) surface without any objects. Digital Surface Model (DSM)
                                                                = (earth) surface including objects on the surface
The term Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a
generic description for digital imagery of elevation,
topography, and/or bathymetry. It is “digital” in the
sense that DEMs most often are produced, distributed,
and analyzed in soft-copy or electronic format. It
describes the “elevation” of the ground surface,
exclusive of man-made structures, vegetation, or any
other objects above ground. Finally, it is a “model”
in two senses: (i) a DEM is a pixel-based “modeled
representation” of the earth’s surface, where each                                            Digital Sur ace Model
pixel of a DEM represents an elevation value; and (ii)                                        Digital Terrain Model
computers or algorithms can use a DEM as input to
model or analyze three-dimensional (3D) topography.             Source:

There are a variety of topographical definitions related to DEMs however. The main definitions that a user may
encounter when working with topographical data are:

•	 Digital Terrain Model (DTM). The term “Digital Terrain Model” is synonymous with Digital Elevation Model
   (DEM), where the “terrain” refers to the ground, or bare-earth surface, and as such aligns with concept of
   a DEM. DTMs are a more refined version of a DEM, however, where additional processing is used to more
   accurately represent distinctive terrain features. A DEM/DTM is the standard product used for topographical
   analysis, e.g., flood mapping, aspect analysis, and city planning.
•	 Digital Surface Model (DSM). A “Digital Surface Model”, on the other hand, is a term often confused with a DEM.
   In a DSM, “surface” typically refers to the top-most (radar reflective) surface for a given area. This includes
   all exposed objects or surfaces in the scene, registering the height of bare-earth or the ground surface only
   when nothing else is above it. So for a DSM, while a laser or radio wave will interact with the first object it
   encounters—whether a treetop, a building, or exposed ground—a DEM retains only ground points in order to
   develop a ground height model. Figure 2 visualizes the difference between a DTM and a DSM. See also Figure 3.
•	 Canopy Height Model (CHM). A “Canopy Height Model” is a height-above-ground model and is the standard format
   used for determining vegetation structure or height. CHM can be expressed as the difference between the top
   canopy surface (DSM) and the underlying ground topography (DEM or DTM). For instance, a specific pixel (image
   point) in a forested area may be 330m (DSM) minus 300m (DEM), equaling a 30m tree-height for that specific pixel.                      01
02                      Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

 Figure 3. A digital elevation model (DEM) and Digital Surface                 •	      Building Height Model (CHM). A “Building
 Model (DSM) for a forested area derived from light detection and              Height Model” is analogous to a Canopy Height
 ranging (Lidar) data                                                          Model, but instead of measuring vegetation, it
                                                                               measures the height of any structure that is the object
                                                                               of an analysis. For example, building height model or
                                                                               tree-, vehicle-, pole-, height models (Figure 4).
                                                                               •	      Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN). A
                                                                               “Triangular Irregular Network” of a DEM refers to a
                                                                               digital elevation surface that is represented, not as
                                                                               a grid (i.e., by pixels), but as a connected series of
                                                                               contiguous, non-overlapping triangles. The triangles
                                                                               are made from a set of points called “mass points”,
                                                                               and within each triangle the surface is represented
                                                                               by a plane. The more mass points, and the more
                                                                               carefully collected, the more accurate the model of
                                                                               the surface. A TIN represents one of the digital data
                                                                               structures used in a Geographic Information System
                                                                               (GIS) for the representation of surfaces.

                                                                               The remainder of this Guidance Note discusses
                                                                               various applications of DEMs, the remote sensing
                                                                               methods used to measure heights for creating a
                                                                               DEM, the necessary planning for generating a DEM
                                                                               (“mission planning”), and quality aspects of DEM
 Source:; courtesy Dr. Jan van Aardt (Rochester Institute of   creation and usage.

                                                                               The illustrations below show various elevation grids
                                                                               or surfaces. Each grid contains pixels, which in turn
                                                                               contain a specific, single elevation value. With this
                                                                               data, continuous and gridded height values can be
                                                                               presented as images, similar to displaying per-pixel
 Modeled Height Surface
                                                                               red, green, and blue (RGB) values for a digital photo.

 In the context of a modeled height surface, any DEM represents
 a height estimate (z-value) on a per-pixel basis for the (x,y)
                                                                               DEM Applications
 So while DEMs can be considered to be continuous height surfaces
 (i.e., made up of adjacent pixels across a large uninterrupted space),
                                                                               The potential of DEMs to derive actual ground-
 the pixel height is constant for an entire pixel. In others, however,
                                                                               height and height-above-ground has far-reaching
 a pixel may not have contained an original height measurement to
 begin with, so its height is interpolated. In other words, the height         applications with broad practical and analytical
 measurement of a pixel is estimated from a sparser set of actual              utility. This chapter focuses on DEMs as a
 height measurements.                                                          principal input for geospatial products, modeling,
                                                                               monitoring and analysis. However, the quality of a
 In either, height measurements can be derived by:
                                                                               DEM—especially in terms of spatial resolution or
                                                                               cell size, accuracy, and completeness—has critical
 1.  Physical measurements such as ground surveys; or
 2.  Remote sensing modalities (Lidar, radar and stereo imagery).              implications for the usefulness of the resulting
                                                                               applications or information.
                                                                                           The Digital Elevation Model Primer                          03

Water Resources Management                                       Figure 4. Example of the canopy height model (CHM) as the
                                                                 difference between the above DSM and DEM (Figure 3) (DSM-
Water flow is determined by the shape of the earth’s             DEM=CHM). Instead of creating a “height-above-sea-level”
surface. Water Resources Management (WRM) and                    product, as with DSM and DEM, CHM creates a grid where each
all of its sub-categories are intrinsically dependent            pixel contains the “height-above-ground” value. Brighter tones
on accurate elevation or topographical information,              represent taller trees, darker tones represent height values
typically presented as elevation map layers.                     close to the ground level. End-users can now analyze such a
                                                                 CHM for forest volume and biomass assessments
WRM is taken here to encompass hydrological
modeling and bathymetric analysis. Hydrological
modeling consists of both the hydraulic and
hydrological process, where hydraulic refers to
the physical/mechanical flow of water (e.g., water
pressure, friction, disturbance, turbulence), and
hydrological represents the flow of both ground and
surface water through the ecosystem. Bathymetric
represents underwater topography. Below, the
typical DEM applications for hydrological modeling
and bathymetric mapping are discussed.

Hydrological Modeling
Hydrological modeling encompasses both hydrology                 Source:; courtesy Dr. Jan van Aardt (Rochester Institute of Technology)

and hydraulics in this Guidance Note. While the two
concepts are closely coupled, the focus in this document is primarily on hydrology.

Flow Channel Characterization
A flow channel typically is defined as conduit with a free surface, as opposed to a pipe with no free surface. More
practically, a flow channel represents an open, natural, or man-made structure or “canal” which guides water flow
in a specific direction at a speed that is coupled to the size and slope of that channel. Characterizing flow channels
for the purpose of DEMs depends heavily on the ability to map stream form and riparian (river zone) vegetation.
Riparian vegetation can be classified by structural metrics, such as height in proximity to flow channels, or by type,
such as classes, genera, or even species. The focus here is on the use of DEMs to characterize the specific metrics
that define stream form (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Metrics that define stream form.

  • Bank condition                                       Bank top Spill Area

  • Arti icial in-stream barriers               Top Le Bank Spill
                                                                                                   Channel Width                         Top Right
                                                                   Le                                                                    Bank Spill
  • Streambed width

                                                Convexity Le B.                                            Channel Depth

  • Bank ull/channel width                                                        Le
                                                                                                  x-sectional area


                                                      Le Bank In lexions                 h

  • River centerlines

                                                              Bottom Le Bank                        Bed Width
                                                                                                                        Bottom Rigth Bank
  • Water body                                                                                    Transect minimum

Image: courtesy of David Moore, RPS Australia East.
04   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     Most of these metrics can be assessed using DEMs, although other higher-order products from Lidar, aerial
     photography, or radar sensing also are useful. Figures 6 and 7 show remote sensing workflows, in this case based
     on Lidar and aerial imagery used to derive many of stream form metrics.

     Flow channel characteristics have a direct influence on the physical mechanics of water movement
     (hydraulics), which in turn drives the flow of water through the system (hydrology). As illustrated by Figure
     6 and 7, flow channel characteristics are best derived from topographical data for the entire streambed.
     Bathymetric Lidar can assess the depth and morphology of underwater topography, though water depth
     and turbidity can cloud the assessment of terrain features on the bottom of lake, rivers, or other bodies
     of water. In these and other instances, scientists and practitioners tend to interpolate data (estimate
     between measured points) or extrapolate data (estimate beyond measured points) to gauge a flow channel’s
     structure. Once a best guess is obtained, hydrologists can model flow characteristics, such as water flow
     (speed), turbulence, or pressures, and in turn estimate run-off, erosion, flood parameters, or other outcomes.

     Water catchment (watershed) mapping.
     A water catchment, also called a watershed or drainage basin, refers to the spatial extent of an area of land where
     surface water (from rain, melting snow or ice) drains to a single outflow point at a lower elevation. Since the
     shape of the Earth governs water flow, a DEM is extremely useful for identifying flow channels, connecting these
     channels in the form of stream networks, and as a result, delineating catchment areas. Catchment maps, such as

     Figure 6. Stream Form DEM. (a) An example of a Lidar point cloud separating vegetation from
     the ground, to derive a DEM (top-right); (b) associated color-infrared imagery, here shown in
     true color, used to generate (c) riparian zone foliage cover, (d) with imagery shown as an infrared
     representation; red indicates healthy vegetation.


     Source: Courtesy of Nathan Quadros, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria, Australia.
                                                                                  The Digital Elevation Model Primer                               05

Figure 7. Streambed and Bank Metrics. (a) From the Lidar point cloud and DEM in figure above (a) to
extraction of stream form metrics, streambed width and channel width; and (b) representations of
the streambed and bank full width metrics, as shown on a DEM and (c) as a top view.

         (b)                                                                                                 (c)
Source: Courtesy of Nathan Quadros; Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria, Australia.

in Figure 8, enable water resource managers to designate management areas, map influence extents for pollution
management, dam construction, and other needs, and to calculate water resource quantities.

Specific examples of the applicability of DEMs at the watershed level include instances where a hydrologist,
ecologist, or general catchment manager may want to:

•	 Assess drought severity in the order of streams
                                                                      Characterization of Flow Channels
   impacted (i.e., the smaller streams, converging to
   form a larger stream, dry up first);                               The characterization of flow channels relies heavily on the ability to
•	 Map downstream impacts of pollution;                               map what is called stream form and also the riparian (river-zone)
•	 Monitor streamflow and water supply via weirs;                     vegetation.

•	 Drive policy decisions based on constituent water
                                                                      As opposed to random samples of both types of information, most
   resource use;
                                                                      remote sensing approaches enable extensive and exhaustive
•	 Plan infrastructure development and minimize its                   collection of information, specifically in the form of DEMs (stream form).
   impacts; and
•	 Direct land use and land cover change to best                      Riparian vegetation generally can be classified using either structural
   utilize water resources.                                           metrics, e.g., height classes by proximity to flow channels, or
                                                                      via type, e.g., vegetation classes, genera, or even species if the
                                                                      necessary imaging tools are available. These imaging tools would at
In efforts by to manage and collect water within
                                                                      the very least include color and near-infrared imagery, even though
a catchment and control its outflow, DEMs are an                      more spectral information, i.e., color, various near-infrared bands,
essential part of the modeling and decision-making                    and even shortwave-infrared bands would be more beneficial to
chain that informs water resource managers. With a                    advanced products like species maps.
DEM, a water drop can essentially be placed at any
                                                                      The most typical riparian vegetation characteristics include
place within the model and its path can be evaluated
                                                                      vegetation width, fragmentation, overhang, size, presence of weeds,
as it moves through the catchment. This has a
                                                                      foliage cover, and structure, all of which can be assessed using a
significant impact on the ability to manage natural                   combination of remote sensing sensors.
water resources.
06   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     Figure 8. Watershed Catchment Area.                            Floodplain characterization
     Example of a water catchment area, made up                     DEMs are critical for characterizing the
     of many river or flow channels, all of which                   floodplain—the geographical extent of low-lying
     converge at the head of the catchment, as                      land areas that will be subject to flooding above
     defined by the DEM.                                            certain thresholds. Having assessed flow channels
                                                                    and connected them in stream networks to form
                                                                    a catchment or watershed based on ground
                                                                    morphology, DEMs can portray the associated
                                                                    floodplains. This is discussed in more detail in the
                                                                    section “Disaster Risk Management.”

                                                                    Stormwater management
                                                                    Stormwater managers rely heavily on DEMs for
                                                                    monitoring and modeling watersheds, streams, and
                                                                    other flow channels. DEMs can track hydrologic
                                                                    processes (such as modeling the water’s volume flow
                                                                    during peak rainfall events) and hydraulic processes
                                                                    (modeling where that water will flow and how storm
                                                                    water will interact with structures such as culverts
     Source: Image courtesy of David Moore, RPS Australia East.     and bridges). In concert with channel morphology
                                                                    modeled from DEMs and associated remote sensing,
     data on existing structures can be collected from municipal maps or from the DEMs’ remote sensing sources.
     A high spatial resolution color camera, e.g., used with Lidar, can add data, classifying structures by height and
     shape, which more completely informs stormwater flow and interactions across the landscape. This use of
     DEMs is often focused on urban areas, but channel morphology interacts with man-made structures in rural
     environments as well.

     Wetland Mapping
     Wetlands are characterized by their morphology, their location within the landscape, and the vegetation species
     that live there. The concepts of context, shape, and vegetation type are of critical importance when it comes to
     delineating wetlands. Photogrammetry has been used extensively to detect boundaries between land and water,
     and by extension, wet vs. dry and plants vs. no plants. But stereo imagery is not ideal for characterizing wetland
     topography because wetlands often lack distinct features to use for the stereo process. Lidar, on the other hand,
     is often better suited for the mapping of wetland topography. Land features cannot be mapped if one cannot
     see through the land cover, and Lidar has been unable in many instances to penetrate to the ground, especially
     if there are dense wetland vegetation species. This, to some extent, can be remedied by using Lidar system with
     denser point spacing (more hits/m2) and multiple returns for every laser pulse; increases in both these system
     parameters lead to better penetration of the laser pulses to the ground surface.

     The combined use, however, of Lidar (vegetation height) and high spatial resolution aerial imagery enables more
     than eighty percent accuracy in classification of most wetland species. So while a DEM is insufficient on its own
     for mapping densely vegetated wetlands, the fusion of DEM’s structure and photogrammetry’s color information
     can both map wetlands and classify the associated species.

     Water Supply and Sanitation
     Accurate topographical data is essential for water supply management and maintenance of hydrological and
     ecological services that provide water. High-resolution, high-accuracy DEMs can be a prerequisite for effective
                                                                                The Digital Elevation Model Primer                          07

water supply and sanitation management, delineating
watersheds and catchment areas for wells, and enable                Example: DEMs & Water Supply and Sanitation
users to map how water flows through a landscape. Most
                                                                    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Wellhead
commercial GIS software packages now have the ability to
                                                                    Protection Program involves an area around a well or field
map watersheds based on an underlying DEM.                          that sources a public water supply and that may be at risk of
                                                                    contaminants. To protect the wellhead, a management agency may
Bathymetric Analysis (depth maps)                                   establish a local team to:
Bathymetric analysis, or water depth analysis, is important
                                                                    •	   Assess which area provides water to public supply wells;
to applications related to domains such as ecology
                                                                    •	   Determine where existing and potential sources of
(submerged morphology, e.g., seafloor structure); traffic
                                                                         contamination exist;
and transport (harbors, landing zones); disaster modeling           •	   Develop management plans relating to these sources of
and response (wave action, tsunami impacts); beach erosion               contamination to minimize their impacts on water sources; and
monitoring and mitigation, and others. Many bathymetric             •	   Establish a contingency plan in case of emergencies, to identify
analyses therefore are coupled with water resource                       where pollution sources originate, or which wells may have to
                                                                         close, as management of continuous water supply may become
management and coastal monitoring.

Disaster Risk Management

Three-dimensional (3D) data are essential for mapping and assessing disaster risks as well as preparing for,
responding to, and preventing disasters. For example, terrain modeling and surveying for both exposed and
below-water topographies are increasingly being used to predict, map, and manage storm and other natural
disaster events. The focus of disaster risk management strategies is to increase awareness of risk reduction
and response strategies, physically reduce the risk of property and landscape damage and loss of life, and to
continuously increase community resilience to disasters. DEMs are also important for DRM, in areas such as:

•	 Elevation-related disaster risks. For example, disasters risks related to floods, coastal erosion, storm and/or tidal
   surges are directly linked to elevation. Access to elevation and slope maps enable responders to assess where
   floods will infill the landscape, create inaccessible areas, or create health risks (e.g., cholera).
•	 Structural building damage. When the type of building damage is not visible in aerial or satellite imagery,
   structural damage at a level of detail necessary for appropriate disaster response is best assessed through
   3D Lidar data. This is especially critical in the case of earthquakes, where “pancaked” building failures or
   completely flattened buildings that seemingly look intact from above, dot the landscape.
•	 Wildfire risks are tied to elevation data in that the vegetation height (fire fuel load) is calculated by subtracting
   the top-most height surface from the DEM. Furthermore, fire models assume that fire propagation speeds
   increase upslope, a property that is also derived from DEMs.

DEMs are useful for a variety of so called “derivative products”, or products that include a DEM as precursor
to its derivation—e.g., building heights, tree heights, fire fuel loads, etc. What follows is a closer look at two
examples of disaster response DEM applications where a DEM is integral to the actual application: flood
management and coastal inundation.

Floodplain Management: Flood Extent, Depth, and Impact
Flood risks are an increasing concern given changing global climate and landscapes. Not only are extreme
water-related events more frequent and severe than in the past, but landscapes are losing their natural buffering
functions (root-soil binding, increasing water absorption rates, and so forth) as well, becoming impervious
surfaces that exacerbate water runoff and associated flood risks. Given these growing risks, accurate, high spatial
08   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     resolution and large area coverage DEMs are essential for: (i) developing flood hazard models; (ii) producing flood
     risk maps; (iii) evaluating flood response plans; and (iv) developing floodplain management strategies (Figure 9).

     Floodplain management approaches can use DEMs for real-time applications as well as “virtual flood” modeling.
     Real-time flood monitoring and mapping lead to products such as:

     •	 Estimated flood depth based on rainfall amounts (derived from meteorological data) or flood extent or
        delineation (derived from flood mapping via airborne imagery).
     •	 Run-off modeling based on stream flow characteristics (e.g., flow quantity, speed, turbulence) given the rainfall
        and terrain properties (DEM).
     •	 Erosion or soil loss modeling where DEMs (and their inherent slope, aspect, topographical information) form
        one input to erosion models, along with data on rainfall characteristics (e.g., amount, duration, severity), soil
        type, and surface vegetation.
     •	 Relocation strategies where DEMs are essential for relocation planning and reduction of flood impacts on
        internally displaced persons (IDPs) camps.

     These kinds of products can inform floodplain management strategies. This might include remedial or preventive
     actions such as vegetation cover on steep slopes, stream channeling via engineering structures (berms, support
     structures), policies that prevent development in high flood risk areas, disaster management (priority response
     areas, impact assessments, etc.). Floodplain management strategies also rely heavily on the concept of virtual

     Figure 9. An example of a DEM (grey underlying surface; brighter = higher elevations), used to
     map a river’s floodplain and a 100-year flood event’s depth across a landscape in California, USA.
     Note that the flood depth and extent can be exactly mapped, based on the underlying DEM and
     using assumed rainfall amounts, expected run-off as per impervious surface maps, and existing
     conditions (water table depth, soil saturation).

                                                                                        The Digital Elevation Model Primer   09

flood plain modeling. Remedial actions can be based on projected, or modeled flood events, derived with high
resolution, high accuracy DEM.

Coastal Inundation
Coastal inundation refers to the flooding of coastal areas by severe weather events, including hurricanes,
tsunamis, or other large storms. A continuous topographical and bathymetric DEM can be an extremely valuable
input to models that quantify inundation threats and inform management of coastal inundation risks and events.
Bathymetric Lidar, for assessing water depth and underwater bottom topography, is especially useful in inter-
tidal zones where accessibility hampers traditional assessment methods. Mapping bottom roughness is also
critical for accurate inundation assessment, given the impact on wave propagation.

Geological Applications

DEMs are of significant use in the fields of geology, geomorphology, and geophysics. Examples include land form
and geo-hazard mapping based on shaded relief maps that provide insight to, for example, illumination angles,
contour maps, aspect maps, or slope maps Figure 10). Two related applications are discussed in detail—fault
mapping and coastal monitoring.

Subsidence or Fault Mapping (seismic monitoring)
Scientists and agencies that monitor seismic fault zones require DEMs of high spatial resolution and accuracy to
monitor these areas. Ideally, DEMs should be constructed prior to any seismic event to establish a baseline for
comparison to post-event topographical or survey data. DEMs are essential for monitoring movement along such
fault lines and for assessing damage after earthquakes or volcanoes. For example, significant vertical changes in the
DEM are indicative of subsurface instability. Rapid and frequent monitoring is essential in such destabilized areas,

Figure 10. An example of a 1m gridded DEM hillshade (left) and the associated slope map (right). The slope map was
derived from the DEM, while the colors show steep slopes (red) to flatter slopes (blue).

Note the indications of steeper slopes, even in this relatively flat terrain example.
10   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     mainly because large-scale events have been correlated to recent landscape shifts, and because, in some instances,
     the instability of landforms actually leads to changes in datums and positions, resulting in DEM inaccuracies.

     Coastal Monitoring
     DEMs are used increasingly for coastal applications, due in large part to technological advances in mapping
     and monitoring, and for assessing coastal climate change impacts. DEM applications in these environments are
     related to: shoreline delineation, monitoring sea level rise, general coastal management, coastal engineering,
     mapping coastal inundation, and underwater applications such as seafloor morphology and underwater
     archeology. In coastal monitoring, DEMs especially form an integral part of defining:

     •	 Shoreline delineation. Shoreline delineation is usually related to the legal demarcation of national territory
        with the boundary typically expressed in terms of average high water levels over a specified period. Shoreline
        delineation is also critical for monitoring ecological processes such as beach erosion or sand deposition.
     •	 Sea level rise. Sea level rise is generating growing concern in the context of global climate change and shrinking
        polar ice caps. Coarse resolution DEMs are not suitable for assessing sea level rise, however, since small
        differences in shallow elevations across short distances could have a distinct impact on affected areas. Instead,
        more sophisticated simulations that incorporate tidal response, wind events, and storm surges are often used
        to assess the impact of sea level rise on coastal communities.
     •	 Coastal management. Coastal environmental management agencies rely on accurate DEMs for scientific and
        regulatory applications. This can include the determination of erosion hazard areas based on beach dune
        boundaries, historic shoreline data, and erosion data, and enforcement of setback regulations for coastal
        development projects. Figure 11 shows an example of coastal monitoring, using a Lidar-derived DEM for a
        beach area in the Gulf of Mexico, pre and post Hurricane Rita.
     •	 Coastal engineering. Coastal dynamics and monitoring of sand and beach movement are also essential to
        coastal engineering applications. DEM applications can inform sediment transport, budgets (amount
        and error margins), and the design of coastal structures, such as breakwaters or jetties. DEM engineering
        applications may also include locating anchorage areas, harbor engineering, laying pipelines or cables, and gas
        and oil production.
     •	 Coastal flooding. Coastal flooding or inundation is determined by both coastal morphology and the storm event
        itself, and spans the categories of bathymetric analyses, coastal monitoring, and disaster response.
     •	 Underwater applications. Two prominent applications of DEMs for underwater mapping are: (i) seafloor
        morphological assessment and (ii) underwater archeology. Seafloor morphology refers to the physical
        geography of the seafloor, which DEMs can quantify and present using artificial illumination and shading to
        generate an easily interpreted seafloor scene. Color can be used to drape properties such as depth or sediment
        type on top of the DEM. This kind of morphological mapping is useful as it relates to geologic process or for
        planning underwater infrastructure, such as fiber-optic cable deployment and pipelines. Figure 12 and 13 show
        the detail possible when mapping seafloor morphology, most notably near-shore, underwater structure.

     Underwater archeology, on the other hand, requires inspection, monitoring, and conservation activities. Each
     component is aided by high-resolution DEMs that can inform safe navigation of archeological sites, such as
     shipwrecks, and optimize exploration activities based on seafloor morphological data.


     Infrastructure planning, mapping, and assessment are all activities that rely on DEMs, given the correlation
     between infrastructure and the properties of the earth’s surface. Civil engineers typically make use of surveying
                                                                The Digital Elevation Model Primer   11

Figure 11. This DEM or 3D image sequence shows, from top-to-bottom, the ground and near-ground
structures before Hurricane Rita, after the storm event, and the change, or difference between the
top and middle images, respectively. Data such as these are useful for assessing beach erosion
and changes and developing management strategies.


Figure 12. This coastal and near off-shore DEM, developed by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), greatly aids in forecasting efforts for early tsunami warning
systems. Such a DEM provides the necessary morphology to forecast the magnitude and extent of
coastal flooding during an extreme storm or tsunami event.

12                      Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

 Figure 13. An example of near-shore underwater topographical                        procedures to derive a very accurate DEM. Many
 mapping via a high resolution DEM. Note the seafloor structure                      remote sensing modalities have now developed
 related to erosive forces, which in turn could impact wave action                   to the extent where derivative data can be used to
 and associated coastal disaster impacts.                                            extract good quality DEMs for road management and
                                                                                     urban analysis.

                                                                                     Highly accurate surveys are required in the design
                                                                                     and construction of road infrastructure, often to
                                                                                     the 0.2–0.3 meter contour interval level. Lidar and
                                                                                     stereo photo surveys are commonly used for these
                                                                                     kinds of tasks, given their accuracy, precision, and
                                                                                     comprehensive coverage. DEMs created with these
                                                                                     remote-sensing approaches are useful for planning,
                                                                                     mapping, and constructing roads, as well as for
                                                                                     optimizing construction vehicle roads and ensuring
                                                                                     safer working conditions.

                                                                                     Urban Mnalysis
                                                                                     The use of DEMs, Digital Surface Models, and their
                                                                                     criteria (elevation, slope, aspect, curvature) has
                                                                                     become commonplace in urban environmental
                        planning and infrastructure assessment. Typical applications include: (i) identifying building construction sites;
                        (ii) assessing drainage structures and patterns in urban landscapes; (iii) planning green landscapes, such as golf
                        courses or city parks; and (iv) assessing roadway, bridge, and other infrastructure conditions. Private and public
                        sector organizations use DEMs to assess building volume and extents for insurance or tax purposes, though most
                        DEMs have to gap-fill the ground structure beneath building footprints (usually by data interpolation). Digital
                        Surface Model used for urban applications also come in handy to assess roof heights and possible impacts of a
                        flood event through submersion of structures.

                        Agricultural Applications

                        DEMs in agriculture are used primarily at the field or landscape scale. Farmers in developed and developing
                        countries use DEMs to inform planting and irrigation strategies, e.g., to avoid waterlogged crops in depressions or
                        water-stressed crops on rugged, shallow-soil outcrops. DEMs are also used to develop contour-farming strategies
                        to minimize soil erosion and nutrient losses along the slope direction. At very fine scales, high resolution DEMs
                        can help inform management of high-value intensive crops, e.g., vineyards, to ensure that each plant is ideally
                        located or managed for optimal production. The use of DEMs in precision agriculture—responding to inter- and
                        intra-field crop variability—is more limited, relating mostly to hydrological mapping and monitoring.

                        3D Visualization

                        Three dimensional visualization (3D) overlaps with many of the common DEM applications (modeling,
                        topographical analysis, landform development, contours, break lines, slope, curvature, aspect products, among
                        others). Other, more diverse applications vary from developing 3D city- and landscapes for the gaming or
                                                                               The Digital Elevation Model Primer                 13

entertainment industries, to developing accurate                Figure 14. An example of a virtual 3D scene (for an actual
3D environmental models for simulation purposes.                cityscape), which is constructed based on 3D visualization and
An example of the latter is the use of Lidar, ifSAR,            modeling data. Empirical simulations can be run in a virtual
or photogrammetry to develop a scene for use in                 scene of what planned or in-development sensors would “see”.
simulation of imagery from satellite and airborne               For instance, still-in-design system specifications of upcoming
sensors still under development. The area shown                 spaceborne sensors can be used and programmed into a
in Figure 14, as an example, is a virtual scene based           simulation environment, and generate simulated but realistic
on airborne data of an actual cityscape, used for               scenes for evaluation of the planned system’s capabilities.
simulating imagery from such sensors in development.            Sections I-4: 3D Visualization discusses these topics further.
Such made-up scenes are used by agencies such as
NASA to simulate the imagery that an upcoming
satellite might collect for that specific scene. This
was done for NASA’s new Landsat-8 platform, where
researchers generated simulated scenes for the
theoretical Landsat-8 sensor payload for the Lake
Tahoe area in the U.S., prior to the satellite’s launch.
These scenes were used to evaluate engineering design
limits and develop image preprocessing approaches,
even before the satellite was in orbit.

Ecological Modeling

DEMs are widely used for ecological applications
assessing ecosystem flora and fauna. Figure 15 shows
a small portion of an ecosystem as scanned by a
Lidar system. The image is comprised of millions of             Source:

coordinate points (x,y,z), each of which represents
a “height-above-ground” value. Referencing any point relative to the ground requires an accurate DEM, which
scientists, modelers, or managers can then use to analyze the landscape’s vegetation structure (height, biomass,
canopy dimensions, carbon stored), habitat (canopy gaps, forage amount, vegetation coverage), drainage
patterns, growth patterns (carbon loss/gains), and fragmentation (interconnectivity of animal ranges).

Commercial Forestry

In commercial forestry applications, DEMs are necessary for deriving value-added canopy height models. The
CHMs can be used, in turn, to assess tree stock or biomass, classify stand structure, map roads and drainage, and
plan harvest schedules, among other products. Other key uses for DEMs specific to commercial forestry operations
include (Figure 16):

•	 Road planning and construction. Forest operations are heavily dependent on road networks for the management
   and extraction of woody resources. As such, accurate and detailed DEMs are invaluable to ensure road
   development that is accessible as well as sustainable, cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and erosion-
•	 Site suitability mapping. Specific tree species require specific environments for optimal growth. DEMs can be
   used, in conjunction with other auxiliary data sets, to assess the suitability of a site for specific tree species, in
14   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     Figure 15. This Lidar point cloud illustrates the ecological landscape features that can be assessed
     using 3D information. Note the clear-cuts (middle-left), the river’s meandering, individual tree
     crowns, and even farmland (bottom-right). These landscape features can only be assessed in terms
     of height-above-ground after the DEM, derived from the ground-based Lidar returns, is generated.

     Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Jan van Aardt and Mr. Donald McKeown (Rochester Institute of Technology).

        that species require certain slope, sun (aspect), and temperature (elevation) regimes to flourish. When DEMs
        are combined with data sets such as soil maps, soil chemistry, and weather maps, the forester is endowed with
        a useful resource with which to match species to sites.
     •	 General forest management. Commercial forestry includes a host of operations that require the preparation of
        sites, planting of seedlings, growing of tree stock, harvesting timber, and minimizing negative site impacts.
        DEMs are crucial to all of these operations in that mechanized management requires information on where
        machines can safely and sustainably operate with reduced environmental impacts for site preparation and
        tree harvesting operations. Much attention is paid to minimizing erosion due to incorrect forestry operations
        on especially steep slopes, as well as minimizing soil compaction, which is dictated by soil type, moisture,
        and slope.


     Most maps rely on basic Geographic Information Systems (GIS) “layers,” where each layer represents a feature
     on the geographic landscape. Examples include towns (a point layer), rivers and roads (line layers), and province
     or state boundaries (an area or “polygon” layer). Additional digital layers offer tremendous value, not only in
     terms of adding map context, but more importantly, by adding a quantitative 3D component, i.e., via a DEM layer.
     It is also important to note that, without 3D relief or DEM data, most features on any map exhibit what is called
     “relief displacement;” this can be thought of as a displacement outward from the center of a vertical photograph,
                                                                                 The Digital Elevation Model Primer         15

Figure 16. Examples of DEM-related commercial forestry products. None of these products are
possible without the estimation of a DEM as first step, as most forestry products (e.g., volume,
stock, road planning, drainage mapping, riparian zone management) rely on height-above-ground

DEM-related forestry applications:

•	 Woody resource inventory (a)
•	 Overstory canopy loss (i.e., change detection) (b)
•	 Road and drainage mapping (c)
•	 Stocked area plantation mapping (d)
•	 Rapid volume verification
•	 Harvest planning
•	 Net available area in native forests
•	 Stand structure classification
•	 DEM products (e.g., slope)
•	 Biomass estimation
•	 Forest fuel assessment
•	 Tracking harvest vehicles
•	 Tree crown mapping
•	 General forest management

Source: Courtesy of Russell Turner; Forest Science Centre, Department of Primary Industries New South Wales, Sydney, NSW,

of the base and top of a feature. For example, when one views a tall tower at an off-nadir (not straight down)
angle, it seems as if the base and top of that tower is not located at the same x;y coordinate. DEMs allow us to
represent map features in a horizontally accurate fashion by accounting for relief displacement—when photographs
project a feature’s top and bottom to different x,y coordinates, the feature is not exactly vertically aligned and this
displacement can be used to determine the object’s height. In this section, different kinds of maps will be discussed
in how they relate to DEMs.

Planimetric Maps
Planimetric, or two-dimensional, maps show the horizontal (x,y) location of landscape features, such as on
a common road map. This type of mapping requires the use of elevation data, as from a DEM, to represent
16                          Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

  Figure 17. An orthophoto of a portion of Port-au-Prince, Haiti                          horizontal features in their accurate horizontal
  shortly after the devastating 2010 earthquake.                                          locations. This is especially true for maps generated
                                                                                          from stereo photography (two or more lenses
                                                                                          with separate image sensors allow capture of 3D
                                                                                          images) where tall objects are displaced more. The
                                                                                          generation of accurate planimetric maps requires
                                                                                          adjustment for elevation differences through a
                                                                                          process called stereo photogrammetry. Exceptions to
                                                                                          this rule include maps that are generated by other
                                                                                          methods, such as field surveys.

                                                                                          Topographic Maps
                                                                                          Topographic maps are a special version of
                                                                                          planimetric maps and are based on the same
                                                                                          principles and methodology. The major difference
                                                                                          is that topographic maps include not only the
                                                                                          planimetric features, but also include contour and/
  Note: that this image, which was ortho-corrected using a 1m DEM, shows accurate
                                                                                          or spot height information, such as landscape
     building locations in a topographically diverse environment with lots of elevation
     changes. Without such a DEM correction, the buildings would have appeared            beacons. As such, DEM or 3D data are necessary
     deformed and even displaced in terms of base vs. rooftop.                            when generating the information content found on
                                                                                          topographic maps.

                            Digital Orthophotos
                            Digital orthophotos are aerial or spaceborne images that have been corrected for any relief displacement by
                            using elevation or DEM data. Digital orthophotos can only be free from any relief or tilt displacement if the
                            images were corrected for the x,y displacement due to elevation differences of each object’s topmost surface.
                            Using DEMs and top-surface base data to correct for rooftop pixels, for instance, results in a building’s
                            rooftop appearing directly above its base, as opposed to being distorted in the final orthophoto product
                            (Figure 17).

                            Ancillary DEM Applications and Products

                            The applications mentioned in Section II represent only a sample of possible usages of DEM or DEM-related
                            products. Many more exist: air navigation and safety (elevation changes, gradients), military (line-of-sight,
                            cover/concealment, near-shore bathymetry, terrain avoidance), communications (cell tower line-of-sight),
                            recreation (hiking, fishing), and the real estate sector. DEMs and the information they convey will remain
                            useful to any application where a 3D or topographical characterization of the terrain is required. In some
                            sense it is safe to say that any earth-bound 3D application is bound to have some relation to a DEM. Selected
                            examples include:

                            •	 Soil mapping. DEMs and DEM-related products can be used to update soil maps, place soil lines, delineate
                               landform breaks, adjust soil boundaries by landform boundaries, and plan soil surveys to increase efficiency.
                            •	 Engineering applications. Engineers can use DEMs derived to alleviate the need for topographic surveys,
                               thereby reducing 2–3 days of fieldwork to less than a day’s effort. Other related engineering examples are dam
                               construction, river modeling, and infrastructure reinforcement (Figure 18).
                                                                   The Digital Elevation Model Primer                     17

•	 Corridor or right-of-way maps. These maps show     Figure 18. A DEM that clearly highlights a small landslide, which
  linear corridors associated with power utility      could affect infrastructure integrity.
  rights-of-way, pipelines, or road infrastructure.
  They are most efficiently generated using Lidar
  data, but a DEM component is always included
  to assess topography and sometimes structure
  height-above-ground, e.g., power lines. For
  instance, a DEM can be used to express height-
  above-ground of utility structures towards
  assessment of vegetation encroachment on often-
  expensive power grid infrastructure.
•	 Insurance maps. DEMs can be used to assess
  floodplain location and extent, thereby affecting
  insurance risk assessments. Other examples
  include DEM assessment of high-risk building
  sites and post-disaster event damage.

Operational Guide
to Tender a Digital
Elevation Model
Digital Elevation Models: Design Issues for Consideration
In planning DEM design and implementation, project managers need to identify a combination of data sources,
collection methods and modalities that will get them to a cost-effective response that meets the user’s needs.
There is, however, no simple template, as any particular DEM application will have its own character and
circumstances. This section aims to provide broad guidance for meeting project requirements and operational
parameters, all within a specified budget, weighing various constraints against different modalities, collection
methods, and data sources. A specialist can provide advice on the technical specifications to be defined in the
Scope of Work/Terms of Reference. It is therefore recommended that a DEM specialist be hired on projects that
require the acquisition and use of DEMs to avoid wasting large amounts of funds on generating/acquiring DEMs
that do not meet the needs of the project. The specialist can also provide guidance on whether the delivered
product meets the specifications described in the ToR.

Decision Points to Acquire a DEM for Projects
Need for Digital Elevation Model (DEM) identified for a project.

Hire DEM technical specialist

Plan for data storage and data sharing of the generated DEM

Define the ideal technical spec required for the DEM, based on the intended use

Define the geographical Area Of Interest (AOI) where the DEM is needed

For the AOI, search for:

•	 Existing DEM datasets generated for other projects covering the same area
•	 Investigate if globally available off-the-shelf DEMs serve the purpose, for example, WorldDEM (http://www.geo-, ALOS World 3D (, NEXTMAP

•	 Look into the possibility of using existing raw datasets of the area that can be used to derive a DEM, such as
   stereo aerial photography.
20   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     •	 Research any on-going projects that are planning on generating a DEM for the AOI. (World Bank funded
        projects or externally funded projects)—if so, does the timing of the data generation suit the project timeline?

     If there are existing DEMs that can be used for the project, purchase the DEM as goods.

     If there are no existing DEM datasets that can be used for the project, commission a new DEM dataset for the AOI.

     In most cases, this will involve doing a Lidar survey. Lidar surveys can generate very high-resolution DEM. In
     cases where a large area is to be covered, it may make sense to compromise on the resolution and generate a
     DEM with lower resolution by acquiring satellite radar data (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar- IfSAR) or
     use other means.

     After all the technical requirements are set following discussions with the client and technical consultant, issue
     an EOI, Limited International Bidding (LIB) where only vendors with good track records are invited to bid.

     Requirements and Options
     Project requirements are driven by the information needs of the end user. Several of them—vertical accuracy,
     spatial resolution, study area size, and study area location—effectively predetermine the options for data
     acquisition. Realizing DEM requirements can be further constrained by other factors influencing data collection,
     such as time allowed for delivery, prevailing weather conditions in the study area, vegetation and structures, and
     last but not least, available budget.

     Many people will associate the process of generating DEMs with Lidar surveys; however, Lidar is not the only
     means to generate a DEM. A DEM with the same spec can be generated using various mediums and datasets.
     These different mediums vary from satellite sensors, sensors attached to aircrafts as well as traditional surveying
     methods on the ground. Technical details of the different mediums can be found in the accompanying document
     “Technical Annex: How DEMs are created: a brief introduction to remote sensing modalities.”

     In this section, the technical specifications that need to be specified for a DEM to be generated and some
     decision making criteria when there are more than one options will be described. Once the specs for the output
     DEMs are defined, it is up to the vendor to suggest the most economic and efficient way to generate the required
     DEM, taking into account the context of the overall project.

     Vertical Accuracy
     Accuracy (especially vertical) is the primary quality metric for DEM products. Accuracy expressed as vertical
     error can be characterized as Very High (<0.5m), High (0.5m to 1.0 m), Medium (1.0m to 5.0m), Low (5.0m to
     10.0m), or Very Low (>10.0m). Data from airborne collections with ground control usually have the best accuracy
     but do not generally have the large area coverage available from archived satellite data. Inaccessible terrain may
     make ground control difficult and reduce the attainable accuracy. Higher accuracy requires photogrammetry or
     Lidar; lower accuracy allows use of IfSAR and satellite archive data.

     The Spatial Analysis Group at the University of Southern Queensland (Australia) has summarized key
     requirements (vertical accuracy) for a variety of applications as shown in Table 1. The applications have been
     grouped in ascending order of accuracy requirements.
                                                           Operational Guide to Tender a Digital Elevation Model        21

Table 1. Key accuracy requirements for a range of application areas.

 Grouping                  Application Area                                                             Accuracy
 Very High                 Farm layout redesign – cultivation                                           0.05–0.5m
 <0.5m                     Hydrological modeling (incl. floodplain)                                       <0.5m
                           Land and water management plans                                                <0.5m
                           Insurance risk and assessment                                                  <0.5m
 High                      Disaster response                                                              0.5–1m
 0.5–1.0m                  Infrastructure planning and risk assessment                                    0.5–1m
                           Water management plans                                                         0.5–1m
                           Cross slope/batter analysis                                                      <1m
                           Planning scheme/development assessment                                         +/– 1m
                           Transport corridor planning                                                    +/– 1m
                           Soil erosion control and modeling                                              +/– 1m
                           Bio-security—disease spread, spray drift                                       +/– 1m
                           Disaster planning and management (except flood)                                +/– 1m
 Medium                    Riparian management                                                           +/–1–2m
 1.0–5.0m                  Risk management                                                               +/–1–2m
                           Noise studies/assessment—corridor planning                                    +/– 1–2m
                           Telecommunications planning, visibility analysis                                1–5m
                           Salinity prediction and control                                                +/– 5m
 Low                       Visibility analysis — tourism                                                  5–10m
 5.0–10.0m                 Environmental impact assessment and management                               +/– 5–10m
                           Natural resource management                                                    5–10m
 Very Low >10m             Tourism                                                                         20m
Source: Courtesy of the Spatial Analysis Group at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia.

Spatial Resolution (ground sample distance or point spacing)
Spatial (horizontal) resolution is driven by the level of detail and point spacing in the model desired by the
user. The value should be less than the size of the smallest terrain features the user desires to be represented.
For instance if buildings are to be captured, the point spacing should be smaller than the dimensions of the
smallest buildings in the area of interest. Spatial resolution can be characterized as high (<1m), medium (1m to
5m), or low (>5m). Higher resolution is generally needed for areas with rapid changes in elevation, such as steep
terrain or urban areas, while smooth terrain can be suitably covered at lower resolution. Photogrammetric or
Lidar systems are best for higher resolution applications on the order of <1.0m. Medium or lower accuracy
applications allow use of IfSAR, on the order of 1m to 5m, and satellite archive data.

Coverage Location/Area
Coverage extent, accuracy and resolution are typically the largest drivers of project cost and schedule. Study
location drives deployment costs for aircraft and field support, and can be a major cost factor for custom
collections. Inaccessible terrain can make ground control difficult and reduce the attainable accuracy. The
extent of the area is an obvious cost factor, especially for aircraft collections, with costs quoted on an area basis
(e.g. $/km2). Due to the vagaries of large-scale projects, providers of aerial data tend to require longer schedules
to reduce risk. In contrast, archived satellite data, provided it has the needed resolution and accuracy, has the
22   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     lowest schedule risk for large area projects. From a cost perspective, custom airborne photogrammetric or
     Lidar are good for smaller areas. IfSAR and satellite archive data are best for large areas if accuracy and
     resolution permit.

     Weather Constraints
     Some areas of the world have significant seasonal weather activity that may render some modalities
     ineffective—especially photogrammetry and Lidar—and limit the time window for data collection. IfSAR is
     essentially immune to weather, making that modality attractive for areas that are chronically cloud covered. Smoke
     is a special case that may be encountered in disaster response applications. Smoke obscuration is problematic for
     photographic systems and to a certain extent Lidar, but the operating wavelengths of IfSAR systems are immune
     to smoke effects. Heavy haze encountered in some developing urban areas may also present a challenge to
     photographic approaches, but can be overcome by Lidar and IfSAR. IfSAR is best for chronically cloudy or foggy
     areas, and good for haze conditions and smoke environments. Lidar is also good for heavy haze conditions.

     Timeline Constraints
     Product delivery timelines, if specified, can impact the options available to the program manager. Products with
     the shortest timeline will be those available from archives, though that data may not satisfy requirements of
     accuracy, coverage, or temporally relevant scene content. Tight timelines may result in higher procurement costs.
     Use of archive data has the shortest timeline if product quality is acceptable.

     Foliage Constraints
     Foliage can obscure the ground from above, preventing accurate determination of a bare-earth DEM, especially
     for photogrammetric methods. Lidar sensors are capable of foliage penetration provided the point density
     (spatial resolution) is sufficiently high (small spacing) to get enough pulses between the leaves to the ground.
     This will typically require closer flight line spacings, with a consequently higher operational cost. Most
     common IfSAR products are based on higher frequency systems such as X-band and thus have poor vegetation
     penetration. However, longer wavelength IfSAR, especially P-band, has excellent foliage penetration capability.
     Photogrammetry is poor for determination of a bare-earth DEM under heavy foliage. Lidar can be acceptable
     with sufficiently high point density. Longer wavelength IfSAR (P-band) has good foliage penetration.

     Urban Buildings and Steep Terrain Constraints
     Steep terrain, buildings, and other tall structures can create gaps in coverage due to shadowing of Lidar or
     IfSAR sensors. This can be overcome for Lidar (and photogrammetry) by closer spacing of flight lines, with
     consequently higher operational costs. IfSAR can be more difficult as the system is less flexible. IfSAR is less
     suitable for tall urban structures or very steep terrain. Photogrammetry and Lidar can be used with more closely
     spaced flight lines.

     Budget Constraints
     Budget limitations can pose a major constraint on what acceptable options are available for a given project.
     Costs for archive data are generally lower on an area basis (cost/km2). The lower cost is usually accompanied by
     strict limitations on data use, as the archive owner typically retains ownership of the data and provides a limited
     use license to the project. Costs for specific applications may vary significantly, in particular for those requiring
     custom data collections. For example, the mobilization costs associated with deployment of a vendor’s aircraft
     and equipment to the study area may add €10,000–50,000 (approximately US$13,000–67,000) to the contract
     cost depending on distance travelled. The most predictable costs come from archived satellite data sources such
     as Digital Globe and Astrium, which have well-established catalog prices. Table 2 presents generalized data on
     DEM costs for various vendors and remote sensing modalities.
                                                       Operational Guide to Tender a Digital Elevation Model                                    23

Table 2. DEM product costs for various remote sensing modalities and vendors

                                                            Vertical            Price $/km2
 Vendor           DEM Product                               Accuracy             (approx.)     Licensing
 Various          Photogrammetry (Air)                       0.25–0.3m             $440        User owned
 Various          Lidar (Air)                                0.15–0.3m             $180        User owned
 Fugro            IfSAR Dual X/P Band (Air)                       2–5m              $80        User owned
 DigitalGlobe     Photogrammetry (Space)                           4m                $32       Limited license
 Astrium          IfSAR “Elevation10 Package” (Space)             5–10m              $50       Limited license

IfSAR and space photogrammetry are generally much less expensive but with less vertical accuracy. Archive data
is lowest cost but usually has limited rights for dissemination. Custom airborne photogrammetry and Lidar are
the most expensive but provide the best accuracy and least dissemination restrictions.

Suitability Matrix
To assist decision makers in defining an appropriate remote sensing response for various applications, Table 3 shows
a “Suitability Matrix” which compares the various data acquisition options for a manager to a range of requirements.

Table 3. A suitability matrix that can be used to map a remote sensing modality to different project environments,
time scales, resolution requirements, and cost

                          Modality                  Method                     Source
                Photo       Lidar     IfSAR       Air      Space        Custom Archive Comments
 Very/High         X            X                  X                       X                High accuracy is best achieved by low flying
 Accuracy                                                                                   aircraft with Lidar or photographic sensors.
 < 1.0 m                                                                                    Archives tend to have lower accuracy data
                                                                                            compared to custom collects.
 Medium                                  X         X          X                         X   Available from aircraft and some high
 Accuracy                                                                                   performance satellite systems. Archives
 1.0 to 5.0 m                                                                               may have contain this quality.
 Very/Low                                X                    X                         X   Suitable satellite archive info is available for
 Accuracy                                                                                   most areas of the world.
 > 5.0 m
                                                                  Spatial Resolution
 High              X            X                  X                       X                High resolution is best achieved by low
 Resolution                                                                                 flying aircraft with lidar or photo sensors.
 < 1.0 m
 Medium                                  X         X          X            X                Airborne IfSAR data can compete effectively
 Resolution                                                                                 with photo and Lidar in this domain.
 1.0 to 5.0 m
 Low                                     X                    X                         X   Space IfSAR is excellent for low resolution
 Resolution                                                                                 DEMs, satellite sensors are a great source
 > 5.0 m                                                                                    of low resolution data at reasonable cost.
                                                                                                                     (continued on next page)
24                  Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

 Table 3. A suitability matrix that can be used to map a remote sensing modality to different project environments,
 time scales, resolution requirements, and cost    (continued)

                          Modality            Method                    Source
                  Photo    Lidar     IfSAR   Air       Space      Custom Archive Comments
                                                                 Coverage Area
     Local          X        X               X                      X                Aircraft are best suited for local scale
                                                                                     collection. Archive data may be available
                                                                                     but pricing is most atractive for larger areas.
     Regional                X        X                   X                      X   Aircraft are good, satellites are best.
                                                                                     Archive data may be best value if accuracy
                                                                                     and resolution permit.
                                                   Operational Issues/ Constraints
     Fog/Clouds              X        X                                              Sometimes aircraft can fly beneath
                                                                                     cloud cover but lighting will be poor for
                                                                                     photography. Lidar and IfSAR can work
                                                                                     in poor lighting conditions. IfSAR can
                                                                                     penetrate clouds if required.
     Heavy                   X        X      X                      X                Airborne lidar is suitable at higher point
     Foliage                                                                         density and foliage density permits. Low
                                                                                     frequency (P-Band) airborne IfSAR is
                                                                                     generally good for bare earth DEMs in
                                                                                     heavily forested areas.
     Urban          X        X               X                      X                Photogrammetry is best, Lidar is adequate
                                                                                     with close flight line spacing. IfSAR can
                                                                                     be problematic due to “shadowing” by
     Hrs – Days     X        X               X                      X                Usually for disaster response, must
                                                                                     consider timeline deployment and data
                                                                                     processing. Archives likely will not have
                                                                                     current data. Costs may be higher for faster
     Days –         X        X               X                      X            X   Photogrammetry and Lidar have well
     Weeks                                                                           developed processing workflows. Relaxed
                                                                                     accuracy requirements can reduce schedule.
     Weeks –        X        X        X      X            X         X            X   Allows for more options including custom
     Months                                                                          collects and archive data. Allows maximum
                                                                                     flexibility for providers which will reduce cost.
                                                              Budget Availability
     Low Cost       X                 X                   X                      X   Use of archive-based space products (IfSAR
                                                                                     or photo) are least expensive but usually
                                                                                     have licensing restrictions which limit
     Medium         X        X               X                      X            X   Lidar is more competitive at this level.
     Cost                                                                            Some custom collects may be cost
                                                                                     effective. Custom collects have least
                                                                                     dissemination restrictions.
     High Cost      X        X        X      X                      X                Custom airborne collects are most
                                                                                     expensive, dissemination least restrictive.
                                                          Operational Guide to Tender a Digital Elevation Model                                          25

Application Requirements Matrix
The selection of appropriate options for a given application is a process of weighing the various requirements
and constraints against the capabilities offered by different modalities, methods, and sources. Six application
areas have been selected as examples: 1) Disaster Response; 2) Hydrological and Floodplain Mapping; 3) Land
Use Mapping; 4) Urban Modeling; 5) Transportation Infrastructure Analysis; and 6) Bathymetry. Table 4
shows a “Requirements Matrix” that compares the example application areas with requirements for technical
performance and common operational constraints associated with those applications.

Table 4. A requirements matrix that maps specific applications to required DEM characteristics in terms of seven
common operational constraints.








                                               and Size


 Flood                  High       High         Local      Hours –        Clouds         No          Buildings   Quickly unfolding event usually
                                                            Days                                     if urban    associated with clouds and rain,
                                                                                                     area        may continue for several days. Lidar
                                                                                                                 and IfSAR not normally able to
 Earthquake             Low        High         Local      Hours –                       No          Buildings   Sudden event with response over
                                                            Days                                                 days and weeks. Impact on built-
                                                                                                                 up urban areas most
 Fire                   Low        High         Local      Hours –        Smoke         Yes          Steep       Rapidly developing, short lived
                                                            Days                                     terrain     events, smokey conditions and
                                                                                                                 often undeveloped steep terrain
 Hydrological           High      Medium       Regional    Weeks –                      Yes          Steep       High accuracy bare earth data
 and Floodplain                                            Months                                    terrain     is essential especially for flood
 Mapping                                                                                             in some     plain and flood risk analysis.
                                                                                                     areas       This is particularly important in
                                                                                                                 flat terrain. Usually a long term
                                                                                                                 analysis (months),
 Land Use               Low        Low         Regional    Weeks –                       No                      Includes classification of vegetation
 Mapping                                                   Months                                                and built environments. Interest in
                                                                                                                 vegetation means leaf-on conditions
                                                                                                                 which makes DEM extraction more
                                                                                                                 difficult. However DEM is not as
                                                                                                                 important in this application.
 Urban                  High       High         Local      Weeks –        Haze           No          Buildings
 Modeling                                                  Months
 Transportation        Medium     Medium        Local      Weeks –                       No
 Bathymetry             High      Medium       Regional    Weeks –                       No                      Requires water penetration using
                                                           Months                                                photo or specially selected lidar
                                                                                                                 wavelengths, IfSAR is not suitable.
26   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

How DEMs are
Data Acquisition and
Mission Planning,
Development of
Requirements and
Product Attributes
of DEMs
Planning for acquisition of digital elevation data begins with good definition of application needs and
requirements. These can in turn be distilled into the specific technical, cost, and schedule requirements forming
the basis for Terms of Reference (ToR). Some example ToRs are included in Appendix A. These ToRs can be used
as the basis for any procurement process; however, a DEM specialist must be consulted in finalizing the ToRs.

In this section, key requirements for DEM products and how to specify them is elaborated. Requirements for a
DEM project are derived from the end use application and are stated in the terms of verifiable product attributes
and quality parameters that can be presented in a vendor specification.

Key Attributes for DEMs
Certain key attributes can be used to define DEM products for a project and to generate a Request for Proposal
(RFP) and Statement of Work (SoW) for product vendors. These attributes, subsequently discussed in greater
detail include:5

•	 Project Area – size and shape of project area
•	 Digital Surface Type – bare-earth or top surface including structures and vegetation, etc.
•	 Model Type – point cloud, grid, contour lines, surface

5 These attributes have been captured in a metadata “menu” form in Annex B. Menu originally presented in Digital Elevation Model Technologies and
Applications: The DEM Users Manual, 2nd Edition published in 2007 by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS, 2007).
28   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     •	 Source – Lidar, IfSAR, photogrammetry
     •	 Point spacing – defines the 2D spacing interval at which ground elevation data are collected
     •	 Accuracy – vertical and horizontal
     •	 Surface Treatment – classification of areas such as bare earth, buildings, vegetation.
     •	 Artifacts - small artificial anomalies or imperfections in the data
     •	 Datum – reference Earth surface for vertical and horizontal measurement, e.g., WGS 84
     •	 Geoid model – the base spherical reference surface used by GPS
     •	 Coordinate Systems – UTM, geographic (Latitude/Longitude), or local defined coordinate
     •	 Units – metric or English units, also specify number of decimal places
     •	 Output Data Format – data file type needed by user, such as shapefile (*.shp) or ASCII text (*.txt)
     •	 File Size – desired size in terms of memory (MBs) or spatial extent (e.g. square kilometer–km2)
     •	 Metadata – Any required ancillary data, e.g., U.S. Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) standard

     Project Area

     Location. Establishing location(s) and jurisdiction(s) of the project area is a major consideration, especially if a
     custom data collection is needed. This is very important for aerial operations where costs are impacted by vendor
     travel distance to the area (mobilization costs), access to ground facilities in-country, airspace operations and
     restrictions, and local weather.

     Extent. The size and shape of the project area is a major cost driver. Care should be taken to ensure the extent
     covers any “buffer” needed to provide adequate coverage of watershed boundaries or overlaps needed with pre-
     existing datasets. The shape of the area can be a factor in airborne acquisition costs, as collection flight time is more
     efficient for rectangular areas (long flight lines with fewer turns) than for highly irregular shapes (short flight lines
     with many turns). Airborne system vendors can assist in determining the most efficient area layout. The extent of
     the study area is usually documented by means of an Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) shapefile.

     Digital Surface Data Type

     DEM. DEM products are digital representations of earth’s surface normally using a uniform grid or pixel spacing.
     Digital Terrain Models (DTM) are a more refined version of a DEM where additional processing is used to more
     accurately represent the bare earth without the artifacts on the surface). Sometimes, DTM is used synonymously
     with DEM but if a specific choice between DEM and DTM is available, selecting a DTM will provide better results
     if the requirement is to capture the bare-earth topography.

     DSM. In addition to Earth surface information, custom Lidar surveys inherently collect non-Earth surface
     vertical information such as the tops of man-made structures and vegetation. This can be used to generate a
     Digital Surface Model (DSM), which has value for a variety of applications. If a project assumes the expense of
     a custom data collection for a bare-earth DEM (DTM), it is a small incremental cost to also include a DSM as a
     project deliverable that can be used for applications such as extracting the buildings, vegetation, or any other
     artifacts above the earth’s surface.

     DEM Model Types

     Grid. A gridded DEM or DSM is usually a digital contiguous surface on a regular grid interpolated from elevation
     measurements made at discrete points. Gridded DEMs and DSMs are represented as image type data sets where
Data Acquisition and Mission Planning, Development of Requirements and Product Attributes of DEMs                   29

the pixel values correspond to elevation. They are efficient for visualization and can be integrated into a large
number of applications. However, they may have errors due to the gridding and interpolation process. Gridded
DEMs are generally accurate enough for bare-earth models but are not sufficiently accurate for representing
precise features such as streamlines, buildings, or roadcuts.

TIN. A Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) is a surface made up of non-overlapping triangles connecting
irregularly spaced measurement points, and are represented as vector data structures. TINs are often used as
the basis for producing gridded DEMs, hence they have a higher level of vertical accuracy. TINs are preferable to
a DEM when it is critical to preserve the location of narrow or small surface features such as ditches or stream
centerlines, levees, or isolated peaks and pits.

Breaklines are linear features incorporated into a TIN that represent changes in continuity of a surface such
as streams, shorelines, ridges, and structures that may not be apparent in an interpolated grid DEM. They are
enforced as edges in the triangulation.

Point Cloud/Mass Point. Data can also be acquired as Point Clouds or Mass Points which are simply points,
often irregularly spaced, that represent raw 3D measurement samples. These are commonly available, for
example, from Lidar data sets. As such, additional processing is required to render a DSM or DEM. These are not
recommended as outputs to be delivered from the vendor except for more sophisticated users.


DEM data can be generated from four primary sources: existing maps, Lidar, radar, and photogrammetry (see
Technical Annex). As long as a DEM product meets the user’s information requirements, the actual source is
somewhat irrelevant to the project manager and need not be specified. However, if procuring a custom DEM, the
specification of a source may determine what other additional information products may be derived. All sources,
however, can collect point data only at a specified spacing interval.

Point Spacing and Ground Sample Distance

Point Spacing
The horizontal spacing of data points for a model, the average spacing for a TIN, and fixed spacing for grids
is derived from the level of detail desired by the user and constrained by the horizontal resolution of the data
collection. The average point spacing of irregularly spaced mass points (from Lidar for example) or of uniformly
spaced grid points is referred to as the “horizontal resolution” of the elevation model. Grid spacing is also
tied to the vertical accuracy of the data. Vertical accuracy requirements will drive the minimum horizontal
resolution requirement that in turn drives grid spacing (see subsequent sections on horizontal resolution and
vertical accuracy).

The data density at which an elevation product is captured and modeled (usually expressed as “points
per sq. meter”) will determine how well terrain features are represented and how accurately the dataset
represents the terrain. Point density is related to horizontal resolution. For example 5 points per square meter
will enable a horizontal resolution of about 30 cm. The specified horizontal resolution should be chosen
carefully, however, because it can have a significant effect on production cost and on data handling efficiency.
Point spacing should also be considered in light of the “horizontal resolution requirement” for the data
collection system.
30   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     Horizontal Resolution for Feature Detection and Representation
     The ”ground-sample distance” (GSD) is the density at which Lidar or IfSAR systems sample elevations
     during collection. The GSD specified for a collection system should be less than the minimum size of and
     distance between terrain features to be detected. Likewise, the horizontal spacing for the final product(s)
     should be chosen to most efficiently represent the size and frequency of terrain features to be modeled. For
     example, characterizing rough or dissected terrain may require collection at a 1m ground-sample distance and
     generation of 1m DEMs, while gentle relief may be adequately collected with a 6m GSD and modeled with a 10m
     grid spacing.

     When deriving a DEM from mass points or TINs, the mass points are normally collected at a higher GSD than
     the final resolution specified for the DEM. This approach provides multiple surrounding points for interpolation
     of DEM elevation posts. For example, to derive a DEM with uniform post spacing of 5m, it is common for Lidar
     dataset mass points to have average post spacings of approximately 3m. This results in an initial denser dataset
     from which some points will be removed as a result of post-processing, which eliminates points on manmade
     structures or dense vegetation.


     Vertical Accuracy
     Vertical accuracy is the principal metric of quality for DEM products. Accuracy requirements are a strong
     function of the end application. Applications with demanding vertical accuracy requirements include those areas
     where small variations in elevation can result in large variations in results. Examples include:

     •	 Marine navigation and safety
     •	 Storm water and floodplain management in relatively flat terrain
     •	 Management of ecologically sensitive areas, e.g., wetlands in flat terrain
     •	 Infrastructure management in dense urban areas

     Table 5. U.S. National Map Accuracy Standards                 The project manager must ascertain the accuracy
     (NMAS) contour interval map standards                         requirements for the finished DEM and be careful
     and U.S. National Standard for Spatial                        not to settle for meeting that requirement at a
     Data Accuracy (NSSDA) vertical accuracy                       lower level of processing. For example, the points
     requirement.                                                  in a Lidar point cloud may meet a given vertical
                                                                   accuracy requirement but the DEM surface derived
                                    NSSDA Accuracy
                                                                   from that point cloud may have greater errors due to
          NMAS Contour             Requirement, 95%
           Interval (m)              confidence (m)                interpolation and smoothing.
                  0.3                      0.182
                                                                   As a guideline, the U.S. National Standard for
                  0.6                      0.363
                                                                   Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA) vertical accuracy
                   1.2                     0.726
                                                                   requirement can be correlated to contour interval
                   1.5                     0.908
                                                                   map standards from the map-based U.S. National
                  3.0                      1.816
                                                                   Map Accuracy Standards (NMAS)6 as presented in
                  6.0                      3.632                   Table 5.
     Source: NMAS and NSSDA.

     6 DEM Users guide page 458.
Data Acquisition and Mission Planning, Development of Requirements and Product Attributes of DEMs                         31

Vertical Accuracy and                                           Table 6. Map scale and contour intervals.
Horizontal Resolution7                                           Map               Contour        Equivalent Post
The vertical accuracy of mass points, TINs, or DEMs              scale           Interval (m)       Spacing (m)
is a function of the horizontal resolution of the                1:1,200             0.3                     1
digital topographic data. There are no established
                                                                 1:2,400             0.6                    2
rules that directly correlate the horizontal resolution
                                                                 1:6,000              1.5                   5
of digital elevation data with vertical accuracy,
                                                                 1:12,000            3.0                   10
but there is general agreement that TINs/DEMs
                                                                 1:24,000            6.0                   20
equivalent to 0.3m contours should have narrower
post spacing than TINs/DEMs equivalent to 0.6m                  Source: NSSDA.

contours, for example. Cartographers typically
associate map scale with contour intervals and DEM              Table 7. Horizontal accuracy guidelines.
postings as shown in Table 6.
                                                                                  NSSDA Accuracy Requirement,
                                                                 Map scale            95% confidence (m)
From these correlations, it can be seen that it
                                                                 1:1,200                         1.159
normally makes little sense to generate a DEM with
                                                                 1:2,400                         2.318
a vertical accuracy equivalent to 1m contours if
the DEM post spacing is 10m. However, there may                  1:4,800                         4.635

be exceptions if the DEM is supplemented with                    1:6,000                         5.794
breaklines. Normally, when breaklines are generated              1:12,000                        11.588
by alternative means to supplement the DEM data,                 1:24,000                       13.906
then the average DEM post-spacing may be relaxed.               Source: NSSDA.
For example, for the equivalent of 0.6m contours,
FEMA considers a 2m DEM post spacing to be
appropriate if there are no supplemental breaklines. However, 5m post-spacing is adequate if limited breaklines
exist, e.g., along shorelines and at the tops and bottoms of a stream bank; such a DEM can be used in the
hydraulic modeling of floodplains with associated breaklines.

Horizontal Accuracy
Horizontal accuracy is largely controlled by the vertical accuracy requirement (high vertical accuracy requires
high horizontal accuracy). The U.S. NSSDA also has generated guidelines related to map scale, where larger
scales, e.g., 1:1,200, require a higher accuracy than smaller scales, e.g., 1:24,000, due to the relative impact of the
accuracy specification at the given scale (table 7).

Surface Treatments

Here the project must specify what features should be identified in the deliverable product in addition to the
DEM or DSM. Special items include:

•	 Vegetation – classification of areas where dense vegetation prevents direct measurement of ground surface
•	 Hydrologic enforcement – additional processing to ensure accurate representation of hydrological features such
   as shorelines and streams
•	 Buildings – interpolation of ground surface that is “occupied” by a building or other man-made structure

7 NDEP page 17.
32   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     •	 No-data areas – also known as “voids;” areas where there is no elevation data due to lack of Lidar returns such
        as over water, dark asphalt, or navigation errors must be clearly identified
     •	 Suspect areas – areas of low confidence in elevation accuracy such as in heavily vegetated areas or sparse
        collection of points


     Artifacts are small artificial anomalies in the data resulting from processing techniques or the data collection
     system. These are difficult to specify and are usually best defined through discussion with the vendor.

     Horizontal and Vertical Datum

     Horizontal and vertical data are stated in reference to established “datums”—the starting point for calculation
     of other measurements. The datum of choice is usually specified by the using agency. Like coordinate systems,
     datums may be specified by different users, based on the study area. For example, the standard vertical datum for
     U.S. mapping is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). Other countries may use a local datum
     such as Maputo, which is a vertical datum first defined in Mozambique where the origin is mean sea level at
     Maputo. Other reference frames include the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF).

     Geoid Model

     Geoid is a model of global mean sea level that is used to measure precise surface elevations.7 Geoid models
     are used to correct “ellipsoid heights” (measured by GPS systems relative to a standard reference ellipsoid) to
     local “orthometric heights” relative to local mean sea level. The geoid model is simply the difference between
     the two heights. It is important that the latest geoid model for the study area is used for all surveys that involve
     GPS, including airborne GPS surveys from Lidar and IfSAR. It is also important that the metadata for any digital
     elevation dataset include the geoid model that was used.

     Coordinate Systems

     The coordinate system of choice is usually determined by user preference. Typical choices are Universal
     Transverse Mercator (UTM), geographic (latitude, longitude), or a local/regional coordinate system. Many
     mapping software programs readily convert from one coordinate system to another, but there may be some
     errors introduced by interpolation when doing so.


     Both horizontal and vertical units need to be specified realistically. The project should not specify a higher
     number of decimal places than is achievable by the technology or that is of value to the user. The number of
     decimal places (regarding the unit level of analysis) also drives cost, time for calibration, and processing, as well
     as the size of the product files. However, too few decimal places (too large a unit) will result in the appearance

     8 NOAA:
Data Acquisition and Mission Planning, Development of Requirements and Product Attributes of DEMs                                        33

of “plateaus” in the DEM. One decimal place (0.1m;             Table 8. DEM formats (raster or grid).
10 of a meter) typically is adequate for most
                                                                Vector           Mass Points, Point               Gridded DEMs,
applications. However, in floodplain mapping the
                                                                data             Clouds, TINs                     DSMs
user could specify centimeter level (0.01m; 100th of
                                                                .DGN             ACSII x/y/z                      ASCII x/y/z
a meter), since a 0.1m difference in elevation could
                                                                .DLG             ASCII w/attribute data           .BIL
have a distinct impact on local drainage patterns.
                                                                .DWG             BIN                              .BIP
                                                                .DXF             .LAS                             .DEM (USGS standard)

Output Data Format                                              .E00             TIN (ArcInfo Export File)        DTED
                                                                .MIF / .MID                                       ESRI Float Grid
Output DEM data can be provided in a variety of                 .SHP                                              ESRI Integer Grid
formats. The project should specify the format that             STDS                                              GeoTiff
is compatible with the analysis tool set used by the            VPF                                               .IMG (ERDAS)
client state. It is also relatively straightforward to
convert DEM data between two data formats or
software suites. A myriad of DEM (raster or grid)
formats exist as presented in Table 8.

File Size and IT Requirements

The project should specify product file sizes that are manageable by the user agency in terms of the ability to
transfer and store the data, as well as the ability of the user’s analysis software to manipulate the data. Examples
of limiting factors include desktop computing power and capacity, storage/media capacity, file transfer rates,
file display and manipulation, and maintenance efficiency. For large projects, the data may be broken up into
“tiles” that are defined by bounding x,y coordinates. File sizes are generally limited to 1 gigabyte (GB). In some
cases, users may define tile sizes in terms of geographic extent, e.g. 5×5km, while 1×1km tiles are often used for
smaller projects.

Organizations planning to host DEM project data should be prepared to securely support multiple terabytes
(TB) of archive data, preferably using a fault tolerant array of independent disk devices (RAID), that provides
data redundancy and performance improvement. Files can be transferred from the archive to users via a digital
network (internet) or portable media such as CDs, DVDs, or portable hard drives.

For external distribution, portable hard drives offer the best combination of read/write speed and data
capacity. 1TB capacity portable drives are routinely available for less than US$100. One such drive can usually
accommodate an entire DEM project. CDs and DVDs have limited capacity and have limited capabilities for
multiple read/write cycles. Portable hard drives are highly re-useable, offering essentially unlimited read/write.
High speed internal local area networks (LAN) are important for moving files between computers and storage
devices internal to an organization, as well as having the capacity to move data from the archive out onto the
external (internet) network. Network equipment supporting 100 Mbit/sec to 1 Gbit/sec is routinely available.


Metadata, or “data about data,” forms an essential component of a useful DEM data set. The user must be able
to quickly assess a DEM’s origins and characteristics (e.g., vendor, data collection date, location, sensor detail,
34   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     date of DEM creation, processing steps, accuracy parameters) to make sure the DEM fits with the data needs
     and specifications, and meets archival and dissemination purposes. Metadata forms, which vary by vendor and
     user needs, provide this essential information. A sample form, originally presented in “Digital Elevation Model
     Technologies and Applications: The DEM User’s Manual” (2nd Edition; American Society for Photogrammetry
     and Remote Sensing; 2007), is presented in Annex B. World Bank has a spatial data metadata standard which is
     presented in Annex C.

     DEM Acquisition: The Terms of Reference
     The Terms of Reference (ToR)8 serves as the common point of reference between the project manager and the
     vendor. The ToR provides guidelines and the framework for a DEM project; the vendor will submit a technical and
     financial proposal based upon the specifications detailed in the ToR. The ToR is an extremely important document
     requiring careful specificity by the project manager, as a vendor is only responsible for what is contained in the
     ToR and technical and financial proposal. If the project manager should decide to alter or add to the vendor’s
     requirements after a ToR agreement is established, there is significant risk of a price increase or slip in schedule.


     The Overview section of the ToR includes a general description of the project background, scope, and project
     area. It includes a statement of applicable standards and specifications, as determined by the contracting
     agency(ies), and identifies any significant restrictions or special considerations for project implementation.

     Technical Requirements

     This section of the ToR includes details on the technical specifications of the DEM, such as:

     •	 Describe DEM postings and vertical accuracy
     •	 Data type and format
     •	 Special post processing (e.g., breaklines, hydro enforcement, and others)
     •	 Data quality (voids, overlap offsets, or other areas)
     •	 Acquisition date range

     Quality Assurance

     The quality of delivered products should be assessed and documented by the vendor and, if desired, by an
     independent party. For all custom surveys, the contractor should conduct an independent accuracy test to
     verify (i) that fundamental accuracy specifications have been met and, (ii) to provide information on the
     supplementary accuracy—and therefore reliability—of the elevation data in various land cover categories. This
     effort should be documented in the “Quality Assurance Report,” which is an important component of project
     deliverables as described below.

     9 In some cases, the term Statement of Work (SoW) is used. For ease of reference, ToR is used throughout the Guidance Note.
Data Acquisition and Mission Planning, Development of Requirements and Product Attributes of DEMs                   35

Maintaining internal staff resources capable of Quality Assurance (QA) for a DEM project may not be cost
effective unless there is a steady stream of projects requiring their services. Use of a reputable DEM vendor can
alleviate the need to hire an independent third party and should be a factor in competitive cost analysis. Any
savings from hiring a low-cost vendor without a well-established reputation for quality may be offset by the
need to subsequently commission a third party QA assessment. Another viable approach is to hire a third party
to evaluate the vendor’s QA assessment, which should be a lower cost than having that third party conduct the
assessment itself.


A metadata record is a file of information, usually presented as an XML document, which captures the basic
characteristics of a data or information resource. ISO 19115–1:2014 is an international standard that defines
the schema required for describing geographic information and services by means of metadata. It provides
information about the identification, the extent, the quality, the spatial and temporal aspects, the content, the
spatial reference, the portrayal, distribution, and other properties of digital geographic data and services.

Specifically for a DEM collection, the metadata should include a full description of the collection flight
parameters including flight lines and flight dates/times. Product descriptors should include datums, projections,
processing steps, field notes, and positional accuracy.


Deliverables should be well-defined, verifiable, and clearly stated within the Terms of Reference as well
as the technical proposal. As with the ToR, the technical proposal document is extremely important as a
communication tool between the project manager and the data provider. Ultimately, the deliverables depend on
the technical proposal, including custom collection or derivation from archived data. Deliverables for a custom
data collection are presented here as it represents the most complex option. Deliverables for an archive-based
DEM would be a subset of those included here. In general, deliverables for a DEM project can be grouped into
three categories: i) pre-project deliverables; ii) post-project deliverables; and iii) maps products and other
derived products.

Pre-Project Deliverables
Pre-project deliverables should be provided by the vendor as part of their proposal or shortly after contract
award. The main objective is to avoid unpleasant surprises later during the project by ensuring that the
vendor understands the project requirements and how to meet them. Pre-project deliverables also offer
project managers early indications of inconsistencies or other issues with the requirements provided by the
contracting party to the vendor. Finally, experience recommends that vendors present a pre-project summary
by teleconference or in-person to review plans and specifications as documented, to further ensure complete
understanding by both parties. Pre-project deliverables should include:

•	 Map of the collection area showing study area boundaries, coverage area, planned flight lines and coverage
   swath. The maps should be provided in the coordinate system of the end user.
•	 Shaded relief composite mosaic of all mapping swaths to show any possible gaps in coverage due to:
   •	 Layover (SAR)
   •	 Shadowing (SAR or Lidar)
36   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

        •	 Indeterminate phase unwrapping (SAR)
        •	 Terrain elevation relative to flying height
     •	 Table of estimated amount and type of data voids
     •	 Airborne collection specifications including altitude, airspeed, heading, start and end location, flight time, flight
        equipment information (SAR, Lidar, photo), and tolerance specifications for line or mission abort.
     •	 Quality Assurance Plan that conforms to an identified management system and generally complies with
        ISO 9001. The plan must address the organization and management of the project, work procedures,
        environmental considerations, safety and risk control, and test procedures. The Quality Assurance Plan must
        detail the procedures to be used in verifying that the deliverables meet the required specification including
        specification of ground control.
     •	 Schedule including flight dates and times, processing schedule, and data delivery dates.

     Post-Project Deliverables
     The technical details of a post-project report may seem daunting to a project manager, but it serves to signal the
     vendor that you are paying close attention to the quality of the collection, aids in third-party quality assessment
     or troubleshooting, and provides a comparative point of reference for results from different missions. Post-
     project deliverables should include:

     •	 Post-Flight Report details executed data collection performance as compared to the plan, and pertinent
        information on factors (e.g., weather conditions, target area surface conditions) that may impact the quality
        or information content of the collected data. Other report items include: mission date and times, altitudes,
        airspeed, heading, start and end points of each line, look angles, instrument operating modes, GPS/INS data,
        and comparison of actual parameters to tolerances.
     •	 Ground Control Report includes all pertinent base station information and mission notes, including
        information on GPS station monument names and stability.
     •	 Data Processing Report summarizing data processing parameters and identifies any anomalies.
     •	 Quality Assurance Report includes detailed information on systems to be used in the survey, including all
        equipment details and relevant calibration certifications provided by the manufacturer prior to the survey.
        QA documentation should also include operational information to be captured during the survey (e.g.,
        mission date, time, flight altitude, sensor sampling configurations), maps of survey coverage and boundary
        overlaps, flight plans, and any other pertinent survey information. It should also include the methodology for
        determining accuracy and an independent accuracy test.
     •	 Quality Checking Documentation. For all custom surveys the contractor is required to carry out an
        independent accuracy test to verify that fundamental accuracy specifications have been met and to provide
        information on the supplemental accuracy, and therefore reliability, of the elevation data in various land
        cover categories.

     Map Products
     Map products and their derived data are the primary deliverable for the user and should be clearly specified so
     they meet the user’s needs in a form compatible with the user’s tools and constraints. The ultimate user should
     be closely consulted with regard to:

     •	 Data types and formats (points, TIN, vectors, etc., coordinate system and datums, data precision)
     •	 Tile sizes, metadata format, user specific software formats (e.g. Shapefile)
     •	 Delivery method (FTP, hard drive, USB drive, etc.)
     •	 Licensing
Data Acquisition and Mission Planning, Development of Requirements and Product Attributes of DEMs                                        37

Costing Factors and Approximations

Contractor pricing for DEM products is driven by direct operating costs and capital costs. Procurement of high
quality topographic sensors such as Lidar may cost a contractor US$800,000 to over US$2 million, typically
amortized over a five-year life.9

Operating costs are a strong function of project parameters and include travel expenses, aircraft operations,
equipment maintenance, and labor associated with instrument operations and data processing. Key elements of
operational cost are:

•	 Deployment (aircraft hourly rate10 x round trip flight hours from base to project site)
•	 Flight operations (aircraft hourly rate x estimated number of flight hours11)
•	 Instrument operations (instrument hourly rate12 x number of flight hours)
•	 Data processing (processing hourly rate13 x number of processing hours14)
•	 Contactors may add a separate line item for overhead costs as a fraction of total direct costs or may have their
   overhead factored into each individual line item.

Project Pricing

•	 Lidar. DEM product cost/km2 is approximately US$120-$200.
•	 IfSAR (Table 9):
    •	 Project-specific IfSAR
        •	 DEM product costs range from US$30/km2 to US$100/km2 depending on location, area size, terrain,
             foliage, and extracted vector data
    •	 Archival (warehouse) IfSAR
        •	 Depends on whether existing processed data can be used or reprocessing is required. A project
             essentially buys a limited-use license to use the archived data from the vendor. DEM cost ranges from
             US$11/km2 to US$25/km2 and US$7/km2 for IfSAR images.
•	 Photogrammetry (stereo aerial photography):
        •	 Approximate DEM product cost/km2 is US$30.

Table 9. A general pricing structure for archival IfSAR data.

     Post Spacing (m)                      Vertical RMSE (m)                          DEM US$/km2                  DEM & Image US$/km2
                            5                          1.0                               $20–$100                         $23–$110
                           10                        1.5–2.0                               $12–$55                        $14–$60
                           10                        2.0–3.0                              $10–$45                         $12–$50

10 DEM Users Guide page 238.
11 Includes aircraft operational cost (fuel, maintenance, etc.) + flight crew; often quoted as a composite hourly rate.
12 Strong function of project area size and shape, accuracy, resolution, terrain, air traffic control, etc.
13 Amortized depreciation and maintenance.
14 Strong function of level of processing desired.
15 Typically quoted as a factor X instrument operational time, e.g. two hours processing per operational hour.
38   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

Data Sharing
and Dissemination
Once DEM products are generated, they must be delivered in formats that are useful and accessible to the
end-users and licensed such that they may be shared with other parties as deemed necessary by the end-user
organization. Factors that impact data dissemination include data format, data compression formats, the size of
data files, and data licensing.

Data and Data Compression Formats
Formats for DEM data products are fairly well-established and can be accommodated by most commonly
available DEM analysis software tools. However, it is prudent to check with the end-user organization to
determine what tools are in use at their site to ensure that the vendor delivers the DEM products consistent with
those capabilities. A summary of common data formats used for DEM products can be found in Table 8.

Once the data products are produced in the desired format, they are often “compressed” to reduce the amount
of storage required and to speed up the transmission of the data over the internet. Using “open source” tools
for data compression will ensure maximum accessibility for the end-user and further dissemination. Most DEM
analysis tools have the ability to open files compressed in open source, public domain formats such as JPEG or
ECW, but some compression tools such as MrSid are proprietary and require the user to pay for an additional
license. Even if the end-user has a license for proprietary compression tools, further dissemination from the end-
user to other constituents, through an internet portal for example, may be hindered.

File Size
DEM product file sizes can be large. Care must be taken to ensure that file sizes are compatible with the network,
storage, and computing resources of the end-user.

Public Domain vs. Restricted Access
Openly available, high quality elevation data is of high value to communities in developed and developing
nations. However, some nations have a stricter view than others about what can be shared, especially if the
data reveals information related to national security (or is perceived as such). There may be a desire to limit
the use of data to non-commercial applications so that a user may realize some revenue for issuing licenses to
commercial entities.
40   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     Licensing Considerations
     Licensing is a strong function of the user’s sharing strategy and the project budget. Generally, more open sharing
     of data products means higher acquisition cost. DEM products derived from archive data may be significantly
     lower cost but come with sharing restrictions, while a custom data collection will cost significantly more but have
     much less if any restriction on dissemination. If the desire is to enable dissemination of products in the public
     domain, then expect to pay a higher cost.

     The dissemination of imagery and DEM products acquired from archive sources, such as those produced by
     satellite data vendors, is often highly restricted by an End User License Agreement (EULA) or similar document.
     Typical EULAs restrict the use of the data to the internal needs of the user and prevent further dissemination of
     the data to others. Derivative products may be less restricted but care must be taken to ensure the EULA does
     not also restrict them as well. An example EULA for imagery is provided as Annex D.

     For procurement of an archived DEM product, the license will typically limit distribution as shown in the example in
     Annex E. In this instance, the DEM product is considered the property of the vendor and the license strictly limits use
     to internal purposes only. The example is from Astrium Services and states in its Standard License that the user may:

        “(a) Install the PRODUCT on as many individual computers as needed in its premises, including internal
        computer network (with the express exclusion of the internet);
        (b) Make a maximum of ten (10) copies for: (i) installation of the PRODUCT as per (a) above and (ii) for
        archiving and back-up purposes;
        (c) Print or use part or all of the PRODUCT for its own internal needs.
        The End-User shall be authorized to alter or change the PRODUCT and to create added value to the
        PRODUCT provided this is made by—or under the responsibility of—the END-USER and used by and for
        END-USER own internal needs only.”
        d) sublicense, sell, rent or lease or otherwise transfer or assign the PRODUCT or VAP to a third party,
        except as provided in Article 2.1 (f);
        e) alter or remove any copyright notice or proprietary legend contained in or on the PRODUCT and any VAP;
        f ) publish, distribute or transfer in any way the digital format of the PRODUCT;

     All of this is rational for the vendor to recoup their investment, as the data they collected (which for satellite data
     is quite a large amount) only has value to the extent that customers are willing to pay for it. However, the cost of
     such products for each user will be much lower than for a custom data collection.

     If the DEM products are acquired as a custom data acquisition, the cost of collection and processing will be borne by
     the user. As a result, the user “owns” the data and any derivative products with full rights to disseminate as desired.

     Data Storage, Sharing Platforms
     Often, data storage and data sharing plans are lacking from the overall project planning. Without storage and
     data sharing plans, the data that was generated using the hundreds of thousands of dollars will not be used. It is
     paramount that the data storage and sharing plan be incorporated into every project that has a DEM component
     in it. Once data is stored, a mechanism to have the data used by the end user must be implemented. Without this
     mechanism, the data will be wasted or be used only once, without achieving its potential usefulness.

Case Studies
The following provides illustrative examples of the process of how DEM acquisitions were planned from past
World Bank projects as well as others outside the World Bank.

Mozambique Flood Risk Mapping (P104447)
Following the floods that affected the Limpopo river basin in 2013, and in the context of the project
Mainstreaming Disaster Reduction for Sustainable Poverty Reduction: Mozambique, the national disaster
management agency of Mozambique (INGC) required a high-resolution DEM for flood risk mapping. The flood
risk maps were required for a decision support system being developed by INGC. The government engaged an
expert from the University of Eduardo Mondlane to supervise the Lidar survey, with extensive experience on risk
mapping in the Limpopo (he had previously led the preparation of the risk atlas for the basin).

After a review of the data availability, a decision was made by the client to generate a new DEM dataset using
Lidar. The specs for the DEM were defined by the specialist, and limited international bidding was adopted.
Under LIB, and of the three bids received, one vendor was selected, due to the price and the fact that the vendor
already had a plane stationed in the country that would reduce the cost. The Data license was specified to be
open. However, the decision support system was reserved to specialists with the government. The cost of the
DEM was approximately US$500k. Only Lidar data was acquired (e.g. no aerial photography or near infrared).
Approximately one year was needed to complete the data acquisition and DEM generation by the vendor.

The consultant hired by the government assumed the role of being the focal point and took ownership of the
project and data. The consultant was also able to integrate the resulting DEM with the decision making tool
developed by the client. A challenge arose when a follow-up Lidar survey was appropriated by another agency,
which created problems of continuity. It is recommended that a national organization be mandated as custodian
of Lidar data to allow the resulting DEM to be sharable with other prospective users or, in case new surveys are
needed, they be made compatible with existing data.

Rigorous time planning of Lidar is essential. Procurement activities (including also government internal
procedures) should be planned to make sure that the service provider is ready to go to the field when
weather and terrain conditions are at best for the survey. Sometimes this may be overlooked and may lead to
cost increases.

Haiti Flood Risk Mapping (P126346)
In Haiti, a DEM had been generated following the 2010 earthquake. However, this DEM was generated for
damage assessment and did not meet the specs necessary for the flood risk assessment that the project Disaster
Risk Management and Reconstruction (P126346) required. Additionally, the DEM collected in 2010 had a large                    41
42   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     gap in the project area for the new project. The flood risk assessment was to be incorporated into a decision
     making system for DRM which would have restricted access. DEM was designed to eventually serve projects with
     a wide range of objectives in Haiti. The data was to be hosted on

     The DEM was generated from stereo photography and Lidar, with a budget of a total US$2 million. The densities
     of the Lidar points collected were different depending on the survey area. For cities, the points were denser.
     Fourteen cities were surveyed first. The second phase saw some delay with the contracting, as well as delays
     due to the weather conditions. The procurement process took 6 months. The licensing conditions of the data
     were not made explicit in the contract with the vendor. Responsibility for quality assurance sat with the client.
     The World Bank team did not hire a specialist to confirm that the delivered product adheres to the spec in the
     ToR. It would have been good to have such a specialist on the World Bank team, also a standard ToR for such
     specialist would be useful (see Annex F for such template). The DEM was subsequently used for flood modeling,
     to the satisfaction of the flood modelers. The necessary specs for a DEM are going to be different from project
     to project hence it is not recommended to reuse a ToR from another project. Find the right balance of capacity,
     technology, resolution, and price.

     (Hypothetical Example) DEM for Urban Development
     The client needs DEM models for commercial development planning covering 200 km2. Vertical accuracy
     requirement is 5m. However, the area is frequently cloud- and fog-covered. While Lidar or photogrammetric
     approaches can easily satisfy the accuracy requirements, clouds and fog make such methods problematic.
     However, IfSAR-based products can satisfy the accuracy requirement and are not affected by clouds or fog.

     Satellite archive IfSAR DEM data is available from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and from Astrium. The
     USGS data is derived from SRTM SAR data and has a vertical accuracy of 5m with a 30m horizontal spatial
     resolution. It is also free of charge. Astrium provides TerraSAR derived DEM data which has a relative vertical
     accuracy of <5m and a horizontal resolution of 12m for a cost of €30/km2.

     The choice is between DEM data at 90m resolution for no-cost versus 12m resolution data for €30/km2 ($39).
     For 200km2 coverage, the higher spatial resolution is available for a total of €6,000 (approximately US$8,000).
     In this case, given the much higher spatial resolution for a relatively modest cost, the Astrium product would
     be advisable.

     (Hypothetical Example) Earthquake and DEM
     An earthquake has devastated a large area of an island including a densely populated urban center. Information
     on damage for response and recovery planning is needed as well as a detailed floodplain hydrological analysis as
     the monsoon season is rapidly approaching.

     Currently available DEMs for the area are based on 30m resolution SRTM data from the USGS. This resolution is
     not sufficient for damage assessment, and the vertical accuracy is not sufficient for hydrological analysis.
                                                                                                      Case Studies       43

A custom airborne data collection with Lidar is best suited to satisfy the requirement of high resolution and
accuracy for detailed flood plain analysis and damage assessment. Plus it satisfies the need to obtain data that
shows current status on the ground.

Lidar fight services can be obtained for approximately €136/US$180/km2. Expect that there may be an extra charge
for rapid mobilization which may add 10% to 20% to the per km2 cost (€14–28/US$19–38/km2). There may also
be additional acquisition costs (5% or €7/US$9/km2) due to the need to base flight operations at a neighboring
country because of damage to the local airport infrastructure.

A forestry company (or national/regional forest service) is in need of an accurate and precise map of forest
volume (yield) and biomass (carbon sequestration) for either a local area or a more regional application. In the
first case, the local need likely dictates accurate mapping for commercial purposes (timber sales) and as such,
Lidar would be the ideal modality. In the latter case, the need probably is for either a synoptic view of forest stock
or to gauge carbon sequestration progress and potential. In this case, IfSAR is a more likely candidate modality,
given the area requirements and synoptic approach.

As with the Earthquake Case Study, a custom airborne data collection with Lidar is an ideal candidate: An
accurate, precise, and high spatial resolution DEM (1–5m) would be coupled with a moderately dense Lidar point
spacing (5 hits/m2), which can be used to estimate tree heights and use these extracted heights to gauge tree,
stand, and area volume. This can be done on the basis of established relationships between tree volume and
height (and also crown width and other tree-level metrics).

For the regional assessment, Lidar could be cost-prohibitive, although many/most commercial forestry
companies do acquire Lidar data for their landholdings. The IfSAR approach, would be similar to that of Lidar,
where a coarser DEM would be coupled to a relatively coarse canopy height surface (“image”) to extract spatially-
explicit forest height. This height image, which will vary spatially, can be used to model the underlying forest’s
biomass, by using a similar approach to that of Lidar. In scientific terminology we say that “forest biomass is a
function of height”, i.e., we can use established models to estimate biomass by using the IfSAR height as an input

Please see case studies above for an approximate cost estimate for both Lidar and IfSAR.
44   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

Glossary                                                                16

The closeness of an estimated value (e.g., measured or computed) to a standard or accepted (true) value of a
particular quantity. Note: Because the true value is not known, but only estimated, the accuracy of the measured
quantity is also unknown. Therefore, accuracy of coordinate information can only be estimated.

Absolute Vertical Accuracy
A measure that relates the stated elevation to the true elevation with respect to an established vertical datum.
The computed value for the absolute vertical accuracy (tested, or compiled to) should be included in the
metadata file.

Any feature, whether man-made or system-made, that unintentionally exists in a digital elevation model. Real
features such as buildings, trees, towers, telephone poles, or other elevated features that should be removed
when depicting a DEM of the bare-earth terrain. They also include unintentional by-products of the production
process, such as stripes in manually profiled DEMs.

The compass direction, facing downward, with the steepest slope. Identifies the orientation of a surface with
respect to compass direction, as well as calculates the angle of the face.

Linear features that describe a change in the smoothness or continuity of the surface. Typical breaklines are river
streams. The two most common forms of breaklines are as follows:

      Soft Breaklines
      Ensure that known z-values along a linear feature are maintained, and they ensure that linear features and
      polygon edges are maintained in a TIN surface model, as described below, by enforcing the breakline as TIN
      edges, but they do not define interruptions in surface smoothness. Soft breaklines are generally synonymous
      with 3-D breaklines because they are depicted with series of x/y/z coordinates.

      Hard Breaklines
      Define interruptions in surface smoothness. They are used to define streams, shorelines, dams, ridges,
      building footprints, and other locations with abrupt surface changes. Although some hard breaklines are
      3-D breaklines, they are often depicted as 2-D breaklines because features such as shorelines and building
      footprints are normally depicted with series of x/y coordinates only.

16 Guidelines for Digital Elevation Data, National Digital Elevation Program (NDEP), May 10, 2004, pages 81–89.
46   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     Procedures used to identify systematic errors in hardware, software, and procedures so that these errors can be
     corrected in preparing the data derived therefrom.

     Cartesian Coordinates System
     A coordinate system consisting of N straight lines (1- dimensional spaces) intersecting at one common point
     (the origin) and determining N distinct hyperplaces ((N-1)-dimensional spaces); the n-th (1 ≤ n ≤ N) coordinate
     of a point is the distance, along the n-axis, from the origin to the point where that axis is intersected by the
     hyperplace containing that point, through the N-1 other axes. Or:

          2-D Cartesian Coordinates
          A pair of numbers that locate a point by its distances from two intersecting, normally perpendicular lines
          in the same plane. Each distance is measured along a parallel to the other line. UTM and State Plane
          coordinates are examples of 2-D Cartesian coordinates.

          3-D Cartesian Coordinates
          A triad of numbers that locate a point by its distance from three fixed planes that intersect one another at
          right angles. Except for unique applications, 3-D Cartesian coordinates with z-coordinates are rarely used.
          Instead, z-values are more popularly understood as heights or elevations above a curved surface defined by
          the vertical datum, ellipsoid, or geoid.

     One of the points in the sample used to estimate the positional accuracy of the dataset against an independent
     source of higher accuracy.

     Confidence Level
     The probability that errors are within a range of given values.

     Consolidated Vertical Accuracy
     The result of a test of the accuracy of 40 or more check points (z-values) consolidated for two or more of the
     major land cover categories, representing both the open terrain and other land cover categories. Computed using
     a nonparametric testing method (95th Percentile), a consolidated vertical accuracy is always accompanied by a
     fundamental vertical accuracy. See fundamental and supplemental vertical accuracies.

     A line connecting points of equal elevation.

     A group of 3-D numbers that define a point in 3-D space. Traditionally, a vertical coordinate would be defined as a
     3-D coordinate, that is, a x,y coordinate with an associated z-value
                                                                                                               Glossary     47

Any quantity or set of such quantities that may serve as a basis for calculation of other quantities. Herein, the
term datum is synonymous with geodetic datum defined below.

       Datum, Geodetic
       A set of constants specifying the coordinate system used for geodetic control, i.e., for calculating coordinates
       of points on the Earth. At least eight constants are needed to form a complete datum: three to specify the
       location of the origin of the coordinate system, three to specify the orientation of the coordinate system,
       and two to specify the dimensions of the reference ellipsoid.

       Datum, Horizontal
       A geodetic datum specifying the coordinate system in which horizontal control points are located.

       Datum, Tidal
       A surface with a designated elevation from which heights or depths are reckoned, defined by a certain
       phase of the tide. A tidal datum is local, usually valid only for a restricted area near the tide gauge(s) used in
       defining the datum.

       Datum, Vertical
       A set of fundamental elevations that refer to elevation measurements.

Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
i.	    “DEM” is a generic term for digital topographic and/or bathymetric data in all its various forms. The
       generic DEM normally implies elevations of the terrain (bare-earth z-values) devoid of vegetation and
       manmade features.
ii.	   As used by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), a DEM is the digital cartographic representation of the
       elevation of the land (digital topography) at regularly spaced intervals in x and y directions, using z-values
       referenced to a common vertical datum. There are many types of standard USGS DEMs.
iii.	 As used by other users in the U.S. and elsewhere, a DEM has bare-earth z-values at regularly spaced intervals
       in x and y, but normally following alternative specifications, with for example, narrower grid spacing and
       State Plane coordinates.

Digital Line Graphs (DLGs)
Geospatial data, digitized as node, line, and area features, using hundreds of different attribute codes to define
basic cartographic data categories such as hypsography (contours), hydrography, transportation, manmade
features, vegetation, boundaries, survey control, etc. USGS digitizes 11 categories of cartographic features on
its topographic quadrangles at various scales and archives DLGs in the NDCDB. FEMA digitizes 4 categories of
cartographic features on flood hazard maps for the National Flood Insurance Program. Current data collection
in all major mapping programs is directed toward producing topologically structured Level-3 DLG data, referred
to as DLG-3. Other government and private sector organizations collect and produce geospatial datasets in
DLG-3 format to facilitate the interchange and use of DLG data in a standard format compatible with diverse GIS
software programs.
48   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED)
     Standard elevation datasets of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), similar to standard USGS
     DEMs described above.

     Digital Orthophotos
     Digital orthophotos are aerial or spaceborne images that have been corrected for any relief displacement by using
     elevation or DEM data.

     Digital Terrain Models (DTMs)
     In some countries, DTMs are synonymous with DEMs, representing the bare-earth terrain with uniformly spaced
     i.	   As used here, DTMs use DEMs as a starting point, but may also incorporate the elevation of significant
           topographic features on the land and change points and breaklines that are irregularly spaced so as to better
           characterize the true shape of the bare-earth terrain. The net result is that the distinctive terrain features
           are more clearly defined, and contours generated from DTMs more closely approximate the real shape of
           the terrain. Such DTMs are normally more expensive and time consuming to produce than uniformly spaced
           DEMs because breaklines are ill suited for automation. DTM results are technically superior to standard
           DEMs for many applications.

     Digital Surface Models (DSMs)
     DSMs are similar to DEMs or DTMs, except that they depict the elevations of the top surfaces of buildings, trees,
     towers, and other features elevated above the bare earth. DSMs are especially relevant for telecommunications
     management, forest management, air safety, 3-D modeling, and simulation.

     The “official” geodesy definition of elevation is the distance measured upward along a plumb line between a
     point and the geoid. The elevation of a point is normally the same as its orthometric height, defined as “H” in the
     equation: H=h–N. More generally, the term elevation is used to indicate height above a specific vertical reference,
     not always the geoid.

     Elevation Post
     The vertical component of a DEM grid point, having height above the vertical datum equal to the z-value of its
     grid point.

     A closed surface whose planar sections are either ellipses or circles. The Earth’s ellipsoid is a biaxial ellipsoid of
     revolution (defined by its major axis “a” and its minor axis “b”) obtained by rotating an ellipse about its minor
     (shorter) axis.

     Ellipsoid Height
     The height above or below the ellipsoid, i.e., the distance between a point on the Earth’s surface and the
     ellipsoidal surface, as measured along the normal (perpendicular) to the ellipsoid at the point and taken positive
                                                                                                            Glossary                       49

upward from the ellipsoid. Ellipsoidal height                  Figure 19. Illustration of Ellipsoid, Geoid, and Orthometric height.
elevation measured with GPS. Defined as “h” in the
equation: h = H + N. Figure 19 shows the relationship                                                                            Earth’s
                                                                         Ellipsoid               “h = H + N”                     sur ace
between “heights”.                                                                                                   P

Fundamental                                                                                                               Q

Vertical Accuracy                                                                                                         N
The fundamental vertical accuracy is the value by                                                                               “Geoid”
which vertical accuracy can be equitably assessed
and compared among datasets. The fundamental                        OCEAN
vertical accuracy of a dataset must be determined
                                                                     h (Ellipsoid height) = Distance along ellipsoid noemal (Q to P)
with check points located only in open terrain where                 N (Geoid height) = Distance along ellipsoid noemal (Q to P0)
there is a very high probability that the sensor will                H (Orthometric height) = Distance along Plump line (P0 to P)

have detected the ground surface. It is obtained
utilizing standard tests for RMSE (root-mean-square            Source:

deviation). See supplemental and consolidated
vertical accuracies.

The level (equipotential) surface of the earth’s gravity field that, on average, coincides with mean sea level in the
open undisturbed ocean. In practical terms, the geoid is the imaginary surface where the oceans would seek mean
sea level if allowed to continue into all land areas so as to encircle the earth. The geoid undulates up and down
with local variations in the mass and density of the earth. The local direction of gravity is always perpendicular
to the geoid. It is used to measure precise surface elevations, with the vertical coordinate. Z (elevation) is
referenced to the geoid.

Geodetic Datum
Geodetic reference from which measurements are made. See Datum, geodetic

Geoid Height
The difference between an ellipsoid height and an orthometric height. Defined as “N” in the equation: N = h – H.

Geodetic Height
Same as ellipsoidal height

Geospatial Data
Information that identifies the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and
boundaries of earth. This information may be derived from, among other things, remote sensing, mapping, and
surveying technologies.

A geographic data model that represents information as an array of equally sized square cells. Each grid cell is
referenced by its geographic or x,y orthogonal coordinates.
50   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     Horizontal Accuracy
     Positional accuracy of a dataset with respect to a horizontal datum.

     Horizontal Error
     Magnitude of the displacement of a feature’s recorded horizontal position in a dataset from its true accurate
     position, as measured radially and not resolved into x and y.

     Horizontal Post Spacing
     The smallest distance between two discrete points that can be explicitly represented in a gridded elevation
     dataset. It is important to note that features of a size equal to, or even greater than the post spacing, may not be
     detected or explicitly represented in a gridded model. For gridded elevation data the horizontal post spacing may
     be referenced as the cell size, the grid spacing, the posting interval, or the ground sample distance. Horizontal
     post spacing should be documented in the metadata file.

     The removal of elevations from the tops of selected drainage structures (bridges and culverts) in a DEM, TIN or
     topographic dataset to depict the terrain under those structures. Also referred to as drainage enforced.

     The configuration of land or underwater surfaces with respect to a horizontal and vertical datum. Hypsography
     includes topographic and bathymetric contours, spot heights, mass points, breaklines, and all forms of generic
     DEM data except DSMs that depict surfaces above the ground.

     Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar—An airborne or spaceborne interferometer radar system, flown
     aboard airplanes, helicopters or space-based platforms, that is used to acquire 3-D coordinates of terrain and
     terrain features that are both man-made and naturally occurring. IfSAR systems form synthetic aperture images
     of terrain surfaces from two spatially separated antennae over an imaged swath that may be located to the left,
     right, or both sides of the imaging platform.

     Image Correlation
     A computerized technique to match the similarities of pixels in one digital image with comparable pixels in its digital
     stereo image to automate or semi-automate photogrammetric compilation. Image correlation provides a faster
     method for generating DEMs photogrammetrically, but automatic correlation normally results in DSMs instead of
     DEMs, generating elevations of rooftops, treetops and other surface features as imaged on the stereo photographs.

     Independent Source of Higher Accuracy
     Data acquired independently of procedures to generate the dataset, and that is used to test the positional
     accuracy of that dataset. The independent source of higher accuracy shall be of the highest accuracy feasible and
     practicable to evaluate the accuracy of the dataset.

     The estimation of elevation (z-values) at a point with x/y coordinates, based on the known z-values of
     surrounding points.
                                                                                                                Glossary     51

A method of 3-D surface representation created by a rectangular array of points spaced at a constant sampling
interval in x and y directions, relative to a common origin. A lattice differs from a grid in that it represents the value
of the surface only at the “mesh points” or “elevation posts” of the lattice, rather than the value of the cell area
surrounding each mesh point.

Light detection and ranging—An instrument that measures distance to a reflecting object by emitting timed
pulses of light and measuring the time between emission and reception of reflected pulses. The measured time
interval is converted to distance based on the speed of light.

Mass Points
Irregularly spaced points, each with an x/y location and a z-value, used to form a TIN. When generated manually,
mass points are ideally chosen to depict the most significant variations in the slope or aspect of TIN triangles.
However, when generated by automated methods, for example, by Lidar or IfSAR scanners, mass point spacing
and pattern depend on characteristics of the technologies used to acquire the data. Mass points are most often
used to make a TIN, but not always. They can be used as XYZ point data for interpolation of a grid without an
intermediate TIN stage.

The accuracy ranking of one measurement or survey with respect to other measurements or surveys.

Orthometric Height
The height above the geoid as measured along the plumb line between the geoid and a point on the Earth’s
surface, taken positive upward from the geoid. It is the difference between ellipsoidal height from a GPS and
geoid height.

Positional Accuracy
The accuracy of the position of features, including horizontal and/or vertical positions.

Post Spacing
The z-values at regularly spaced intervals of a grid (the ground distance in x and y (“post spacing” = ∆x = ∆y)).
For a DEM, the post-spacing is the distance between points on the elevation grid, usually specified in units of
whole feet or meters. The smaller the post spacings, the greater the imagery detail. Actual grid spacing, datum,
coordinate system, data format, and other characteristics may vary widely from grid to grid.

A vertical view of a surface derived by sampling surface values along a specified line. In USGS DEMs, profiles are
the basic building blocks of an elevation grid and are defined as one-dimensional arrays, i.e., arrays of n columns
by 1 row, where n is the length of the profile.

One or more grid cells totally surrounded by cells of higher elevation (see also pit).
52   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     Relative Accuracy
     A measure that accounts for random errors in a dataset. Relative accuracy may also be referred to as point-to-
     point accuracy. The general measure of relative accuracy is an evaluation of the random errors (systematic errors
     and blunders removed) in determining the positional orientation (For example, distance, azimuth, elevation) of
     one point or feature with respect to another.

     Relative Vertical Accuracy
     A measure of the point-to-point vertical accuracy within a specific dataset. To determine relative vertical
     accuracy, the vertical difference between two points is measured. That difference is then compared to the
     difference in elevation for the same two points on the reference. The difference between the two measures
     represents the relative accuracy. The reference must have at least three times the accuracy of the intended
     product accuracy, insuring that all systematic errors and blunders have been removed. Relative vertical accuracy,
     an important characteristic of elevation data used for calculating slope, should be documented in the DEM
     metadata file.

     In the context of gridded elevation data, resolution is related to the horizontal post spacing and the vertical
     precision. Other definitions include:
     i.	    The size of the smallest feature that can be represented in a surface or image.
     ii.	   Sometimes used to state the number of points in x and y directions in a lattice, For example, 1201 x 1201
            mesh points in a USGS one-degree DEM.

     Root Mean Square Error
     The square root of the mean of squared errors for a sample.

     The measure of change in elevation (z-value) over distance, expressed either in degrees or as a percentage. For
     example, a rise of 4 meters over a distance of 100 meters describes a 2.3° or 4% slope.

     Spatial Data
     See geospatial data.

     Stereo Photography
     See Digital Orthophotos

     A 3-D geographic feature represented by computer
     models built from uniformly- or non-uniformly-
     spaced points with x/y coordinates and z-values. The
     figure here shows an example of 3-D building surface
     models created from non-uniform data points in
                                                                    Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Jan van Aardt and Mr. Donald
     imagery and Lidar.                                             McKeown (Rochester Institute of Technology).
                                                                                                             Glossary   53

Supplemental Vertical Accuracy
The result of a test of the accuracy of z-values over areas with one or more ground cover categories other
than open terrain. Because elevation errors often vary with the height and density of ground cover, analysts
cannot assume a normal distribution of error and, therefore, they cannot use the standard deviation (RMSE)
to calculate the 95% accuracy value. Instead, the 95th percentile testing method is used for supplemental
vertical accuracy, always accompanied by a fundamental vertical accuracy. See fundamental and consolidated
vertical accuracies.

Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs)
A TIN is comprised of a set of adjacent, non-overlapping triangles computed from irregularly spaced points with
x,y coordinates and z-values. The TIN data structure is based on irregularly spaced point, line, and polygon data
interpreted as mass points and breaklines. The TIN model stores the topological relationship between triangles and
their adjacent neighbors. The data structure enables efficient generation of surface models for the analysis and
display of terrain and other types of surfaces. A TIN surface can be created from a multiplicity of sources: point,
line and polygon data; contour maps; stereo plotter data; Lidar, IfSAR, or Sonar data; randomly distributed points
in ASCII files; breakline data; and DEM lattices. TINs usually require fewer data points than DEMs or DTMs,
while capturing critical points that define terrain discontinuities and are topologically encoded so that adjacency
and proximity analyses can be performed. TINs have several other advantages over DEMs and DTMs, but they are
probably best known for their superiority in surface modeling, including: calculation of slope, aspect, surface area
and length; volumetric and cut-fill analysis; generation of contours; interpolation of surface z-values; generation
of profiles over multiple surfaces; intervisibility (line-of-sight) analysis; and 3-D visualization, simulation, and

Undulation of the Geoid
The rise and fall of the geoid. Sometimes used synonymously with geoid height.

Vertical Accuracy
Measure of the positional accuracy of a dataset with respect to a specified vertical datum.

Vertical Datum (See Datum)

Vertical Error
The displacement of a feature’s recorded elevation in a dataset from its true or more accurate elevation.

Well-defined Point
A point that represents a feature for which the horizontal position is known to a high degree of accuracy and
position with respect to the geodetic datum.

World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84)
WGS 84 represents the best available global geodetic reference system of the Earth for practical military
applications of mapping, charting, geo-positioning and navigation. The system includes a defined coordinate
system, fundamental and derived constants, the geoid model (Earth Gravitational Model 1996), the ellipsoid
(normal) gravity model and a list of local datum transformations.
54   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     The distance along the x-axis from the origin of a 2-D or 3-D Cartesian coordinate system. An x-coordinate is the
     first half of UTM coordinates or the easting of State Plane coordinates.

     The distance along the y-axis from the origin of a 2-D or 3-D Cartesian coordinate system. A y-coordinate is the
     second half of UTM coordinates or the northing of State Plane coordinates.

     1.	   The distance along the z-axis from the origin of a 3-D Cartesian coordinate system. 2) The elevation or
           height above the vertical datum.

           Z-units are the units of measure used for the z-values in a geographic dataset.

           Z-values are the elevations of the 3-D surface above the vertical datum at designated x/y locations.

Amann, M.-C., T. Bosch, M. Lescure, R. Myllylä, and M Rioux. Year. Laser ranging: a critical review of usual
     techniques for distance measurement. Optical Engineering 40 (1): 10–19.

ASPRS LAS specification version 1.3 - R11.2010 (October).

Baltsavias, E. P. Year. Airborne laser scanning: basic relations and formulas. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and
     Remote Sensing, 54 (2–3): 199–214.

Baltsavias, E. P. Year. Airborne laser scanning: existing systems and firms and other resources. ISPRS Journal of
     Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 54 (2–3): 164–198.

Guidelines for Digital Elevation Data, Version 1.0, National Digital Elevation Program (NDEP), May 10, 2004.
     Available at

Jenkins, J. 2006. Key drivers in determining Lidar sensor selection. In Promoting Land Administration and Good
     Governance 5th FIG Regional Conference (March 2006), no. TS19.5.

Lefsky, M.A., W.B. Cohen, G.G. Parker, and D.J. Harding. 2002. Lidar remote sensing for ecosystem studies.
     Bioscience, 52 (1): 19–30.

Lemmens, M, 2007. Airborne Lidar sensors. GIM International, 21, 2.

Maune D.F. (editor), 2007. Digital Elevation Model Technologies and Applications: The DEM Users Manual, 2nd
     Edition. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ASPRS), Bethesda, Maryland, USA; 655p.

Popescu, S.C., R.H. Wynne, and R.F. Nelson. 2002. Estimating plot-level tree heights with Lidar: Local filtering
     with a canopy-height based variable window size. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 37: 71–95.

van Aardt J.A.N., R.H. Wynne, and J.A. Scrivani. 2008. Lidar-based mapping of forest volume and biomass by
     taxonomic group using structurally homogenous segments. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing,
     74 (8): 1033–1044.

van Aardt J.A.N., D. McKeown, J. Faulring, N. Raqueño, M. Casterline, C. Renschler, R. Eguchi, D. Messinger, R.
     Krzaczek, S. Cavillia, J. Antalovich Jr., N. Philips, B. Bartlett, C. Salvaggio, E. Ontiveros, and S. Gill. 2011.
     Geospatial disaster response during the Haiti earthquake: A case study spanning airborne deployment, data
     collection, transfer, processing, and dissemination. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 77 (9):

Wehr, A., and Lohr, U. Year. Airborne laser scanning — an introduction and overview. ISPRS Journal of
     Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 54 (2–3): 68–82.

Walker S., 2006. Photogrammetry 101: Facing 21st Century Challenges. Earth Imaging Journal, July/August 2006


Technical Annex

Annex A
How DEMs Are
Created: A Brief
to Remote
Sensing Modalities
Three main remote sensing modalities are used to collect the elevation data necessary for DEM creation:
(i) light detection and ranging (Lidar); (ii) radio detection and ranging (radar); and (iii) stereo photogrammetry
approaches. In this document, the system, operation, data, processing needs, and advantages versus
disadvantages of each modality will be described. Annex A offers a more detailed description and discussion of
each modality. Finally, DEM products that are generated based on spaceborne platforms will be discussed with an
example for each of the three modalities.

Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar)
Light detection and ranging (Lidar) in general can be regarded as a ranging system, or a system that measures
the range from an instrument to an object. In this case, the Lidar system generates a very brief laser pulse, on
the order of nanoseconds, after which the range to objects in the laser path is calculated based on the time it
takes scattered/reflected light from a surface to return to the Lidar system’s detector. This is possible because
the constant speed of light can be exploited to give us the relation: where R is the range (in meters) at which
scattering/reflectance occurred, t is the duration (in nanoseconds; ns) for the scattered light to return to the
Lidar detector, and c is the speed of light. Note that the factor of ½ is necessary due to the fact that the laser
energy needs to travel to the object and back again. Figure TA1 provides a graphical example of a typical Lidar
system and its operation.

This is a very simple description of the basic operation of a laser-based rangefinder; there are more complex
Lidar equations that govern the transmittance of laser light through the atmosphere, but these fall outside the
scope of this document and are rarely, if ever, of any consideration to the Lidar end user. Although discrete return
Lidar systems, or systems that measures distinct 3D x,y,z (location and elevation) data, are most commonly used
for ranging and associated 3D, topographical, or even DEM-related analysis, it is worthwhile to briefly review
other sensors currently in operation (see Annex A for more detail).
60                     Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

  Figure TA1. An example of the airplane/Lidar system’s position in 3D space (top-left), the detection of multiple returns
  per pulse (top-middle), a resultant 3D x,y,z point cloud (top-right), and a final DEM, constructed by interpolating Lidar
  ground returns.


                       The main advantages of Lidar are: (i) accuracy (0.15m vertical; 0.5m horizontal), (ii) flexible and dense point
                       coverage, resulting in high spatial resolution DEMs (i.e., small pixels), (iii) operation in adverse conditions
                       such as rain (Lidar is an active remote sensing modality, i.e., it generates is own energy), and (iv) multiple uses/
                       applications, such as DEMs, vegetation analysis, infrastructure assessment, and others. The main disadvantages
                       are: (i) an irregular spacing, although this is addressed via interpolation to generate a DEM, (ii) relative expense,
                       (iii) large data volumes, and (iv) high processing/computing requirements.

                       Radio Detection and Ranging (Radar) and IfSAR
                       Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is another active imaging system, similar to Lidar in that the sensor system emits
                       an electromagnetic (microwave) pulse toward a target and measures the reflectance at microwave-wavelengths.
                       This time delay is used to compute distance between the sensor and target. Thus a conventional SAR sensor can
                       produce a two dimensional image of returns oriented with one axis along the line of flight and the other along
                       an axis parallel to the line of sight of the sensor. As such, a conventional SAR image is analogous to a photograph
                       in that it has features in two dimensions. Figure TA2 shows a typical SAR image in which each “pixel” represents
                       a reflected return of a radar pulse. However, SAR data are not inherently a DEM any more than a photograph is.
                       For DEMs, the phase data from two SAR images, taken from slightly offset perspectives, are required in order
                       to produce an “interferogram” (aka IfSAR), from which a DEM ultimately is derived. Further technical detail is
                       provided in Annex A.

                       SAR sensors are characterized in terms of the microwave frequency range in which they operate. The most
                       common will be generated from C-band, X-band, or L-band sensor systems. (See Annex A.2.1)
                             How DEMs Are Created: A Brief Introduction to Remote Sensing Modalities                   61

Figure TA2. An example of a radar pod (top-left), mounted on a AMPS P-3 aircraft Source: (top-right),
and a typical radar image, clearly showing texture (structure) and elevation differences based as varying levels of
image intensity. Source: This specific image, acquired on December 28, 1992 by the European Remote
Sensing 1 satellite, shows stormwater runoff plumes from the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers into the Los
Angeles and Long Beach Harbors. The more recent image at the bottom right is from the Japanese Space Agency’s
(JAXA) PALSAR-2 platform, and was acquired June, 2014; again the structure and texture of the underlying landscape
are evident (

Source: .

Photogrammetry is loosely defined as the science of making accurate and precise measurements of surface
elevation using aerial stereo photographs. In its simplest form, it is based on the principle of observing the
same object from two different vantage points, the same bio-vision principle as for human 3D sight, an effect
called parallax. Photogrammetrists (3D image analysts) can use analog, hard-copy aerial imagery or modern,
digital, or soft-copy aerial images for extracting elevation data. Analysts can create a 3D stereomodel from
adjacent, overlapping photographs and render it into an orthomap that presents the elevation of the Earth
surface covered by that map. Such maps can indicate where specific features, such as roads, wells, power lines,
manholes, fences, etc. are located, while also proving information on the elevation of such features or enabling
volumetric calculation.
62                   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

                     Although stereoscopic imagery is useful for generating a 3D topographical model like a DEM, the associated concept
                     of “relief displacement” can be exploited to determine individual object height, even though it is not as applicable to
                     ground elevations (DEMs). Relief displacement means that a feature’s top and bottom will be displaced in terms of
                     x,y coordinates, if that figure is not exactly at the focal point of a photograph. The concept of relief displacement of
                     features on single photographs, and measuring the change in relative position between multiple photographs, enable
                     photogrammetrists to derive object height and elevations, respectively. Such 3D or stereoscopic analyses do have a
                     number of specific requirements, related to system and collection parameters.

                     High quality aerial photography requires precision instruments, overlapping photos, good viewing conditions,
                     and adequate coverage of all landscape features to enable accurate measurements and assessment points. Once
                     completed, the photogrammetric process can generate a wide range of products, from DEMs and DSMs to elevation-
                     corrected feature maps. This is because stereo photography—unlike Lidar or radar—offers a rich photographic
                     context of a landscape, enabling interpretation and classification of its features. Photogrammetry is limited, however,
                     because as a passive remote sensing technology, it is weather-dependent. More importantly, because (3D) elevation
                     data can only be extracted for points visible to the camera, photogrammetry cannot capture measurements through
                     dense forest canopy or vegetation. More detail is provided in Annex A.3, while a slightly more technical, but still
                     digestible write-up of the photogrammetric process by Walker (2006).

                     Satellite-derived DEM Products
                     DEM products can be generated from satellite-based “spaceborne” platforms, including Lidar, radar, and
                     photogrammetry. The advantages of spaceborne platforms are many, including: (i) coverage of large swaths of the
                                                                                     Earth (synoptic coverage); (ii) the ability to “task”
                                                                                     sensors, directing data acquisition to areas of interest,
 ICESat missions: ICESAT-I (Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite)
 was launched in 2003, designed to measure ice sheet mass balance,                   e.g., following a natural disaster; (iii) standardized and
 cloud and aerosol heights, land topography (DEM) and vegetation                     relatively quick data processing, resulting in consistent
 structural characteristics. It was decommissioned in 2010, and will                 and established workflows; and (iv) coverage in
 be followed by ICESAT-II, slated for launch in 2017. ICESat-I, a laser              remote locations that are otherwise hard to access.
 range finder, operated in the infrared (1,064 nm) and visible green
                                                                                     The comparative disadvantages of spaceborne remote
 light (532 nm) ranges, and was able to accurately measure clouds,
                                                                                     sensing are relatively few. Only Lidar and radar
 vegetation heights, and ground surface elevation. However, this was
 what is called a “large-footprint” system, collecting range data at 40              provide the capability to survey the ground in adverse
 hits/s for 70m diameter footprints and spaced at 170-meter intervals.               weather conditions, as discussed above. More critical
 Therefore, although accurate, this system can be regarded as a                      limitations are the typically lower spatial resolution
 coarse resolution sampler for elevation data.                                       and, with the exception of Lidar, lower precision
                                                                                     and accuracy of spaceborne modalities. As such, the
 ICESat-II will have a different Lidar sensor type to ICESat-I (that was
                                                                                     ability of airborne sensor platforms—from an airplane
 a waveform Lidar; ICESat-II will be a photon-counting Lidar, which
 emits photons and measures their return travel time and thus range.                 or helicopter—for rapid deployment, high spatial
 In short, the resultant data will be noisier and therefore require                  resolution data acquisition, and highly accurate DEM
 additional processing, while the sampling will also lend itself to                  and derivative data, often trump the corresponding
 accurate, but sparse data sets. It thus follows that these data will                spaceborne products. It is worth mentioning, however,
 be sparse, perhaps too sparse for a global high resolution DEM,
                                                                                     that DEM products that cover the entire globe are still
 even though the accuracy is high enough for reliable mapping
                                                                                     extremely useful, even if at lower spatial resolution
 of ice sheet elevation changes. Spaceborne radar sensors, on the
 other hand, have been in use for a while to generate global ground                  and accuracy.
 and vegetation height profiles.
                              How DEMs Are Created: A Brief Introduction to Remote Sensing Modalities                                     63

Figure TA3. A global vegetation canopy height model, derived from ICESat-I data. Although the
coverage is valuable, the spatial resolution of 1 km makes it useful for more regional type analyses.

Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech;

Spaceborne Lidar

Spaceborne Lidar sensors are scarce, mainly due to the technical challenges of launching and operating a
precision laser ranging instrument in space. Not only is the laser operation itself challenging, due to the
mechanical-optical components, but the power requirements are also restrictive. The U.S. National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) is the only agency thus far that has launched and operated spaceborne Lidar
ranging systems, with the main goal of measuring arctic elevation changes as they relate to global climate change.
The two relevant missions are ICESat-I and ICESat-II. (Figure TA3)

Spaceborne SAR (and IfSAR)

Canada and Germany are the main players in the global radar-based DEM product market. Canada has launched and
maintained their RADARSAT suite of two remote sensing satellites, RADARSAT-1 and RADARSAT-2. RADARSAT-2,
currently in operation, provides Earth observation
data supporting applications such as ice monitoring,             Example: temporal coverage & accuracies of RADARSAT-2
marine surveillance, disaster management, hydrology,             (typical radar instrument)
general mapping, geology, and agriculture. The
RADARSAT-2 satellite orbits the Earth 14 times a                 However, coverage via the complete 500 km swath (ground coverage
                                                                 width) is daily north of 70°, 1–2 days between 48°–70°, and 2–3 days
day, taking 24 days to complete one entire orbit cycle
                                                                 at the equator. Spatial resolution is a claimed 1–3m in the spotlight,
(‘repeat visit cycle’), covering a 500 km-wide swath             tasked mode, but varies across the scanning modes. Finer resolutions
of the planet. The ‘temporal resolution’ (the time               can be achieved in “spotlight” mode, although this is not ideal for
between repeat images) is also 24 days, the same an              large area mapping. Horizontal accuracies are also relatively coarse,
entire orbit cycle.                                              at 100m horizontal requirements (better accuracies, e.g., meter-level,
                                                                 can be achieved via post-processing), although vertical accuracies at
                                                                 the millimeter-level have been claimed when using interferometry.
64   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     The German TerraSAR-X radar             Figure TA4. An example of the SRTM DEM data set, in this case
     satellite and follow-up TanDEM-X        at 30m spatial resolution, with a road network overlaid.
     twin-satellite missions also
     deserve special mention. These
     two spaceborne platforms fly
     in close formation to form a
     spaceborne high-precision ‘radar
     interferometer,’ combining
     imagery collected over time by
     radar, with the primary mission of
     generating a global WorldDEM™
     dataset (trademark of Astrium;
     Airbus Group), notable for its high
     quality and accuracy, exceeding the
     specifications of other satellite-
     based DEMs. Specific strengths,
     listed by the provider, are:

     •	 Vertical accuracy of 2m
        (relative)/10m (absolute) at 12x12m spatial resolution
     •	 Global homogeneity and consistency due to data being collected within a 2.5 year cycle; also seamless coverage
        with no breaklines
     •	 Geometric precision of the sensors negate the need for ground control information
     •	 Reliable data acquisition due to the ability of these kinds of sensors’ to operate independent of cloud coverage
        and lighting conditions

     As mentioned, remote sensing at the spaceborne level lends itself more to global, continental, and even regional
     mapping rather than fine-scale applications requiring a higher spatial resolution. WorldDEM™ remains a
     benchmark technology, however, and its ability to generate expansive and accurate DEM datasets has led to its
     widespread use in global topography mapping applications and generation of ortho-imagery.

     However, the most complete and highest resolution global digital elevation models of the Earth have been
     produced by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). An international collaborative effort, a modified
     SAR system was first installed on board a NASA space shuttle mission in the year 2000. The system acquired SAR
     data and covered roughly eighty percent of the Earth’s surface, between 56°S–60°N, at 90m spatial resolution
     (30m for the U.S.). Figure TA4 shows an example of a SRTM DEM image. STRM Version 2 (with well-defined
     water bodies and coastlines, and noise removal) and Version 3 (additional reduction in void areas) are widely
     used for regional topographic assessments and the generation of orthophotography. Its relatively coarse spatial
     resolution negates usage in most undulating or high variable topographies.

     Spaceborne Photogrammetry

     The photogrammetric process is time-consuming and requires significant processing. Two notable efforts,
     creating DEMs from spaceborne imaging (“digital photo”) platforms, are Astrium’s Satellite for the Observation
     of Earth (SPOT) and the ASTER sensor’s Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM). Both collect stereo imagery
     and generate an elevation for each pixel based on stereoscopic principles (relief displacement and parallax).
                               How DEMs Are Created: A Brief Introduction to Remote Sensing Modalities                    65

Each elevation is on a per-pixel          Figure TA5. A SPOT DEM product exaggerated in 3D to show the
basis but only for the top-most or        detail available from this approach.
visible surface, even though DEMs
can be generated based on ground
surface extractions and associated
interpolation techniques.

The SPOT series of satellites are
now in their 6th active generation.
Most stereo-processing is based
on the SPOT-5 satellite, however,
because it has a panchromatic “High
Resolution Stereoscopy” (HRS)
instrument on board. The HRS              Source: & SPOT 5 HRS.
stereo imagery advantages include:
consistent imagery brightness, resultant image products at high spatial resolution, and in full spectrum color, as
opposed to only panchromatic (black-and-white) imagery. The HRS can point both forwards and backwards relative
to the satellite’s ground track, enabling the rapid and efficient collection of stereopairs of imagery and associated
stereo-photogrammetric applications. The DEM post-spacing (spatial resolution) is approximately 30m at the
equator, based on a resampled 20m product. The accuracies are claimed at 15–30m horizontal (x,y) and 10–20m
vertical (elevation). Among additional benefits of these kinds of spaceborne DEMs and modalities are that they can
be tasked for specific areas. But, as stated above, for coverage of large areas, data is for the top-most surface only,
with no vegetation canopy penetration. Figure TA5 shows an example of a SPOT DEM.

The GDEM product, derived from the Japanese ASTER satellite, also deserves mention. The ASTER GDEM
was released in 2009 with coverage spanning 83°N-83°S, at 30 m spatial resolution, encompassing ninety-nine
percent of the Earth’s surface. It was generated from more than 1.3 million visible-near-infrared (VNIR) images
collected by the ASTER satellite. However, significant artifacts and height errors have been reported that
decrease the quality and elevation accuracy. NASA has noted that the current GDEM product should be regarded
as “research grade.”

In conclusion, the diversity of remote sensing modalities used to generate DEM products presents a breadth of
choices, each with their relative strengths and weaknesses. Spaceborne platforms offer accessibility and coverage,
but at the cost of spatial resolution and horizontal and vertical accuracy, making them especially useful for large
areas (regional-to-continental mapping, hydrology, and other large area needs) and for use with turnkey DEM
applications. Airborne platforms, in contrast, have much higher accuracy, but sacrifice coverage and accessibility
in very remote areas. Lidar offers dense point clouds, vegetation-penetrating abilities, and multiple secondary
applications. Radar also offers vegetation penetration, but lower spatial resolution and higher processing needs.
Stereo photography offers context through imagery, but lower spatial resolution and only topmost surface heights.

Globally Available (“off-the-shelf”) DEMs

One of the benefits of spaceborne sensor platforms is that they enable the collection of global data products.
Examples of this include the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) global vegetation cover
products, the Landsat and SPOT satellite series land cover and DEM products, respectively, and the ICESat-1
global canopy height model. Readily available global DEMs exist as well, though often the spatial resolution
66   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     is not amenable to fine-scale applications and, where high spatial resolution products do exist, they are
     typically very expensive. Some of these global DEM products have been discussed in previous sections, and are
     highlighted below.

     •	 NASA Satellite Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) DEM. A free global DEM, the STRM is available at a nominal
        spatial resolution of 90m (30m within the U.S.). The SRTM effort was an international collaborative effort
        where a modified SAR system installed on board a NASA space shuttle mission (2000) acquired SAR data and a
        resultant DEM for areas between 56°S-60°N:
     •	 Airbus Defence and Space WorldDEM. This is a continuous, exhaustive coverage DEM product, developed by
        Airbus Defence and Space, at 12m spatial resolution (4m absolute vertical accuracy reported). The base data
        were collected by the radar satellites TanDEM-X and TerraSAR-X to generate a global homogeneous DEM. The
        price varies, with quotations tailored based on required editing, coverage, use, and so forth: www.astrium-geo.
     •	 United States Geological Survey (USGS) GMTED2010 DEM. This “Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation
        Data, 2010” DEM was produced by the USGS in 2011 using the “current best available” global elevation data
        from public domain sources. It varies in spatial resolution, with different areas at 30-, 15-, and 7.5-arc-second
     •	 ASTER Global Digital Elevation Map (GDEM). This is a 30m spatial resolution DEM created via stereoscopy
        from 1.3 million ASTER scenes between 83°N–83°S latitudes. It is delivered in 1°x1° tiles as GeoTIFF files.
        The quality of this DEM varies, e.g., though nominal elevation postings approximate 30m, only topographical
        features between 100–120m in size can be resolved (visually detected), along with other artifacts: http://
        asterweb.jpl.nasa. gov/gdem.asp
     •	 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) GLOBE DEM. An updated version of the USGS
        GTOPO30 DEM data set, this DEM is available in 30 arc second (approximately 1km) tiles. Although the user
        can readily specify an area of interest, the data is in a rather rudimentary raw binary format (with a separate
        header file):
     •	 INTERMAP’s NEXTMap World30 DEM. A 30m ground sampling DEM, for which INTERMAP has aggregated
        ASTER, SRTM, and GTOPO DEM products to generate a gap-filled (no voids) DEM. Advertised prices are as low
        as US$0.01/km2:
     •	 LAND INFO Worldwide Mapping, LLC DEM. This company offers international maps and GIS map products, at
        costs as high as US$600/1° quad:
     •	 Airbus Defence and Space SPOT satellite DEMs. The SPOT satellite affords overlap between images and enables
        extraction of DEM products from the overlap area. A SPOT DEM consists of gridded file at 1 arc second steps,
        which equates to approximately 30m at the equator, and varies by latitude. Most SPOT DEM products are
        resampled to 20m spatial resolution: http:/

     This list represents just a sample of available global DEMs or DEM products, either free or at cost. It is worth
     noting, however, that in most instances the spatial resolution specified by agencies or vendors is best suited
     to landscape analyses, possibly regional analyses. The WorldDEM product at 12m spatial resolution may be
     useful for many applications, even at fine scales. In practice, however, most of the DEM applications discussed
     in Chapter 2 of the main document (e.g., water resource management, disaster preparedness, agriculture, etc.)
     require a finer spatial resolution than even the best global products can provide. Exceptions include selected
     applications in forestry, ecology, and even urban analysis, where a 12m DEM may prove useful for height-above-
     ground calculations. Fine-scale applications such as hydrology, on the other hand, will benefit from high spatial
     resolution, local DEM products.
   Annex B
NDEP       Metadata
       Guidelines  forfor DEM
                       Digital Elevation DataDigital Elevation Model Technologies and Applications: The DEM
                                – taken from
   Users Manual
Part 1 Content   , 2nd
                       Edition published  in 2007 by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote
   Sensing (ASPRS, 2007).
T able 1 User R equir ements M enu
    G ener al Sur face Descr iption (choose one or more)
    E levation Sur face (1.2.1)                               E levation T ype (choose one) (1.2.2)
         Digital surface model (first reflective surface)          Orthometric height
         Digital terrain model (bare earth)                        Ellipsoid height
         Bathymetric surface         Point cloud                   Other ________________
         Mixed surface
    M odel T ypes (1.3) (choose one or more) * Designate either feet or meters
         Mass points                 Grid (post spacing = ___ feet/meters) *         Contour interval = _____ft /m *
         Breaklines                  Grid (post spacing = ____ arc-seconds)          Cross Sections
         TIN (average point spacing = ___ feet/meters) *                            Other (For example, concurrent
    image                                                                                          capture)
    Sour ce (1.4) (choose one)
         Cartographic       Photographic       IFSAR              LIDAR             Sonar
                                           If Multi-return system:
                                               First return        Last return      All returns
    V er tical A ccur acy ( (choose one)
         Fundamental Vertical Accuracyz = __ (ft or meters) at 95 percent confidence level in open terrain = RMSEz x
         Supplemental Vertical Accuracyz = __ (ft or meters) = 95th percentile in other specified land cover categories
         Consolidated Vertical Accuracyz = __ (ft or meters) = 95th percentile in all land cover categories combined
    H or izontal A ccur acy ( (choose one)
         Accuracyr = ___ ft or meters
    Horizontal accuracy at the 95 percent confidence level (Accuracyr) = RMSEr x 1.7308
    Sur face T r eatment F actor s (1.5.4) (optional –refer to the text)
               Hydrography                                   Artifacts
               Man-made structures                           Special Surfaces
               Special earthen surfaces
    H or izontal Datum (1.6.1) (choose one)                    V er tical Datum (1.6.2) (choose one)
         NAD 83 (default)                                          NAVD 88 (default)         MSL
         WGS 84                                                    MLLW              Other _____
    G eoid M odel (1.6.3) (choose one)                            GEOID03            Other _____
    C oor dinate System (1.7)                 UTM zone ______            State Plane zone ______
    (choose one)                              Geographic                 Other _____
    Units (1.7) Note: For feet and meters, vertical (V) units may differ from horizontal (H) units
         Feet to ___ decimal places           V       H          Decimal degrees to ___ decimal places
         Meters to ___ decimal places         V       H          DDDMMSS to ___ decimal places
    Feet are assumed to be U.S. Survey Feet unless specified to the contrary
    Data F or mat (1.8) (Specify desired format(s) for each Product Type. See text for examples.)
    Product 1 ______________________ Formats __________________________________________________
    Product 2 ______________________ Formats __________________________________________________
    Product 3 ______________________ Formats __________________________________________________
    F ile size (1.9) (specify acceptable range)     ___________ Mb / Gb / Other _________
    F ile E xtent
    Boundary: ____________Rectangular________________                  _________NonRectangular__________
                     x-dimension _____ m / ft. / degrees / other ___     Bndry name ______________________
                     y-dimension _____ m / ft. / degrees / other ___     Coordinate source _________________
      Over-edge buffer width: _____________________________
    M etadata compliant to the “C ontent Standar ds for Digital G eospatial M etadata” is highly
    r ecommended.
Annex C
World Bank
Spatial Data
World Bank Geographic Metadata Standards Quick Guide
Last Updated: May 18, 2009

The World Bank Geographic Metadata Standards are based on ISO 19115:2003 Geographic Metadata Standards.
This quick guide is designed to help World Bank users uploading data to the World Bank Spatial Data Repository,
found by typing “Spatial” into a World Bank web browser.

Please note that the organization of the metadata form is expected to change slightly in the future to better
facilitate data entry. This document will be updated and redistributed at that time.

Summary of Mandatory and Optional Metadata Fields

Section 1: Identification

 Title                                                        Mandatory
 Date                                                         Mandatory
 Date Type                                                    Mandatory
 Edition                                                      Optional
 Presentation Form                                            skip
 Abstract                                                     Mandatory
 Purpose                                                      Optional
 Status                                                       skip

70   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     Section 2: Point of Contact

     Individual Name                                     Mandatory – record either Individual or
     Organization Name                                   organization name
     Position Name                                       Optional
     Voice                                               Optional
     Facsimile                                           Optional
     Delivery Point                                      Optional
     City                                                Optional
     Administrative Area                                 Optional
     Postal Code                                         Optional
     Country                                             Optional
     Electronic Mail Address                             Optional
     Role                                                Mandatory
     Maintenance & Update Frequency                      Optional

     Section 3: Descriptive Keywords

     Keyword                                             Optional
     Keyword Type                                        skip
     Country & Regions                                   Mandatory
     Access Constraints                                  skip
     Use constraints                                     Mandatory
     Other constraints                                   Optional
     Spatial Representation Type                         Optional

     Section 4: Equivalent Scale

     Denominator                                         skip
     Language                                            Mandatory
     Character set                                       skip
     Topic Category Code                                 Mandatory
     Denominator                                         skip
     Language                                            Mandatory
     Character set                                       skip
     Topic Category Code                                 Mandatory

     Section 5: Temporal Extent

     Identifier                                          skip
     Begin Date                                          Optional
     End Date                                            Optional
     Geographic Bounding Box                             Mandatory
     Supplemental Information                            Mandatory
                                                               World Bank Spatial Data Metadata Standard    71

Section 6: Distribution Info

 Online Resource                                              Optional
 URL                                                          Optional
 Protocol                                                     skip
 Description                                                  Optional

Section 7: Reference System Info

 Code                                                         skip

Section8: Data quality info

 Hierarchy Level                                              skip
 Statement                                                    Optional

Section 9: Metadata Author

 Individual Name                                              Mandatory – record either individual or
 Organization Name                                            organization name
 Position Name                                                Optional
 Voice                                                        Optional
 Facsimile                                                    Optional
 Delivery Point                                               Optional
 City                                                         Optional
 Administrative Area                                          Optional
 Postal Code                                                  Optional
 Country                                                      Optional
 Electronic Mail Address                                      Optional
 Role                                                         Optional
                                        [M] = Mandatory [O] = Optional

Section 1: Identification
Title [M]: Name by which the dataset is known and should be cited. At a minimum, the name should indicate
where, what, and when.
Date [M]: Reference date for the cited dataset
Date Type [M]: Event used for reference date. Drop down options are:

•	 creation (identifies when the dataset was brought into existence)
•	 publication (identifies when the dataset was issued)
•	 revision (indentifies when the dataset was examined and improved or amended)
72   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     Edition [O]: Version of the cited dataset
     Abstract [M]: Brief narrative summary of the content of the resource(s)
     Purpose [O]: Short description of the project for which this dataset was created or used

     Section 2: Point of Contact
     Individual Name [M]: Name of the responsible person – surname and given name
     Organization Name [M]: Name of the responsible organization
     Position Name [O]: Role or position of the responsible person
     Voice [O]: Phone number
     Facsimile [O]: Fax number
     Delivery Point [O]: Street or PO address City [O]
     Administrative Area [O]: i.e. state, province, district Postal Code [O] Country [O]
     Electronic Mail Address [O]: email
     Role [M]: Function performed by the responsible party. Drop down options are:

     •	 datasetProvidor (party that supplies the dataset)
     •	 custodian (party that accepts accountability and responsibility for the data and ensures appropriate care and
        maintenance of the dataset)
     •	 owner (party that owns the dataset)
     •	 user (party who uses the dataset)
     •	 distributor (party who distributes the dataset)
     •	 originator (party who created the dataset)
     •	 pointOfContact (party who can be contacted for acquiring knowledge about or acquisition of the dataset)
     •	 principalInvestigator (key party responsible for gathering information and conducting research)
     •	 processor (party who has processed the data such that the dataset is modified)
     •	 publisher (party who published the resource)
     •	 author (party who authored the resource)

     Maintenance and Update Frequency [O]: Specify the frequency with which the dataset is updated. Drop down
     options are:

     •	 annually (data is updated each year)
     •	 asNeeded (data is updated as deemed necessary)
     •	 biannually (data is updated twice each year)
     •	 continual (data is repeatedly and frequently updated)
     •	 daily (data is updated each day)
     •	 fortnightly (data is updated every two weeks)
     •	 irregular (data is upated in intervals that are uneven in duration)
     •	 monthly (data is updated each month)
     •	 notPlanned (there are no plans to update this data)
     •	 quarterly (data is updated every three months)
     •	 unknown (frequency of maintenance for the data is unknown)
     •	 weekly (data is updated on a weekly basis)
                                                                   World Bank Spatial Data Metadata Standard             73

Section 3: Descriptive Keywords
Keyword [O]: Commonly used word(s) or phrase(s) used to describe the subject
Country or Region [M]: Choose the country or region from the drop down menu associated with the dataset
Use constraints [M]: Constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any
special restrictions or limitation or warning on using the resource or metadata. Drop down options are:

•	 copyright (exclusive right to the publication, production, or sale of the rights to a literary, dramatic, musical,
   or artistic work, or to the use of a commercial print or label, granted by law for a specified period of time to an
   author, composer, artist, distributor)
•	 intellectualPropertyRights (rights to financially benefit from and control distribution of non – tangible property
   that is a result of creativity)
•	 license (formal permission to do something)
•	 otherRestrictions (limitation not listed)
•	 patent (government has granted exclusive right to make, sell, use or license an invention or discovery)
•	 patentPending (produced or sold information awaiting a patent)
•	 restricted (withheld from general circulation or disclosure)
•	 trademark (a name, symbol, or other device identifying a produce, officially registered and legally restricted to
   the use of the owner or manufacturer)

Other constraints [O]: If “otherRestrictions” is selected from the above drop down menu, describe other
restriction and legal prerequisites for accessing and using the resource or metadata
Spatial Representation Type [O]: Methods used to spatially represent geographic information. Drop down
options are:

•	 grid (raster)
•	 stereoModel (stereophotogrammetry imagery)
•	 textTable (tabular, non spatial data)
•	 tin (Triangulated Irregular Network data used in 3D surface model)
•	 vector (points, lines, polygons)

Section 4: Equivalent Scale
Language [M]: From the drop down menu, choose the language used within the dataset
Topic Category Code [M]: Specify the main ISO category(ies) through which your map or data could be
classified. Drop down options are:

•	 biota (flora and/or fauna in natural environments)
•	 boundaries (legal land descriptions)
•	 climatologyMeteorologicalAtmosphere (processes and phenomena of the atmosphere)
•	 economy (economic activities, conditions, and employment)
•	 elevation (height above or below the earth’s surface)
74   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     •	 environment (environmental resources, protection, and conservation)
     •	 farming (rearing of animals and/or cultivation of plants)
     •	 geoscientificInformation (information pertaining to the earth sciences)
     •	 health (health, health services, human ecology, and safety)
     •	 imageryBaseMapsEarthCover (base imagery)
     •	 inlandWaters (inland water features, drainage systems and characteristics)
     •	 intelligenceMilitary (military bases, structures, activities)
     •	 location (positional information and services)
     •	 oceans (features and characteristics of salt water bodies)
     •	 planningCadastre (information used for appropriate future use of the land)
     •	 society (characteristics of society and culture, including demographics)
     •	 structure (man – made construction)
     •	 transportation (means and aids for conveying persons and/or goods)
     •	 utilitiesCommunication (energy, water and waste systems, and communications infrastructure)

     Section 5: Temporal Extent
     Begin Date [O]: Starting date of dataset date range End Date [O]: Ending date of dataset date range
     Geographic Bounding Box [M]: Choose a region or country to automatically populate the geographic extent of
     the dataset
     Supplemental Information [M]: In the future, “Classification” will be added to this form as a MANDATORY
     field. Until then, restrictions on the handling of the dataset will be recorded in this field. Please type one of the

     •	 unclassified (available for general disclosure)
     •	 restricted (not for general disclosure)
     •	 confidential (available to someone who can be entrusted with information)
     •	 secret (kept or meant to be dept private, unknown, or hidden from all but a select group of people)
     •	 topSecret (of the highest secrecy)
     •	 Further supplemental information is OPTIONAL. You might also include:
     •	 place information that is not elsewhere covered
     •	 ‘front’ important information such as related studies, data set limitations, and notifications

     Section 6: Distribution Info
     Online Resource [O]: Link to a website where the dataset can be downloaded, or users can learn more about the
     URL [O]: Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address such as Description [O]:
     Description of what the online resource is/does

     Section 7: Reference System Info
     Not applicable. Skip.
                                                                World Bank Spatial Data Metadata Standard          75

Section 8: Data quality info
Statement [O]: A general explanation about the lineage of the dataset

Section 9: Metadata Author
Individual Name [M]: Name of the responsible person – surname and given name
Organization Name [M]: Name of the responsible organization
Position Name [O]: Role or position of the responsible person
Voice [O]: Phone number
Facsimile [O]: Fax number
Delivery Point [O]: Street or PO address City [O]
Administrative Area [O]: i.e. state, province, district Postal Code [O] Country [O]
Electronic Mail Address [O]: email, preferably World Bank email
Role [O]: Function performed by the responsible party. Drop down options are:

•	 datasetProvidor (party that supplies the dataset)
•	 custodian (party that accepts accountability and responsibility for the data and ensures appropriate care and
   maintenance of the dataset)
•	 owner (party that owns the dataset)
•	 user (party who uses the dataset)
•	 distributor (party who distributes the dataset)
•	 originator (party who created the dataset)
•	 pointOfContact (party who can be contacted for acquiring knowledge about or acquisition of the dataset)
•	 principalInvestigator (key party responsible for gathering information and conducting research)
•	 processor (party who has processed the data in a manner such that the dataset has been modified)
•	 publisher (party who published the resource)
•	 author (party who authored the resource)
                                                                                                                                                  Annex D       77

Annex D
Example End User
License Agreement
Source: DigitalGlobe                                                         A NNEX D
                           Example End User License Agreement                                            (EULA)
                                                              Source: DigitalGlobe

                                                   END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT
  This END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (" Agreement")  is  made  between  DigitalGlobe,  Inc.  (“DigitalGlobe ”)  and  you  or,  if  you  
  represent an entity or other organization,  that  entity  or  organization  (in  either  case,  “ You”).     You  have  ordered  or  otherwise  
  expressed an interest in obtaining a license to certain products of DigitalGlobe, including, without limitation, aerial or sa tellite
  photography, imagery or orthophotos, vector, attribute or other data, or other related documentation, information or content.
  DigitalGlobe is willing to provide You with a license to those products of DigitalGlobe described in the confirmation of Your order
  provided by DigitalGlo be  (Your  “Confirmation”)  or   otherwise  provided  to  You  in  connection   with   this   Agreement   (collectively,   the  
  “Product”)   if  You  agree  to  be  bound  by  the  terms  and  conditions  of  this  Agreement.    

  This Agreem ent   will   be   entered  into  as  of  the  date  You  first  download,  access  or  use  the  Product  (the  “ Effectiv e Date ”).    This  
  Agreement consists of these terms and conditions and Your Confirmation (which is incorporated herein and made a part hereof).
  Unless otherwise amended as set forth herein, this Agreement represents the entire agreement and understanding between You
  and DigitalGlobe as to the matters set forth herein and will exclusively govern Your access to and use of the Product and wil l
  supersede any oral or written proposal, agreement or other communication between You and DigitalGlobe regarding the Product.
  Your acceptance of this Agreement is expressly limited to the terms and conditions set forth herein. Any additional or incon sistent
  terms provided by You in any other documents such as a purchase order will not have any legally binding effect on DigitalGlobe.
  This Agreement may be modified only by a binding written instrument entered into by You and DigitalGlobe. All waivers under this
  Agreement must be in writing. Any waiver or failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement on one occasion will not be deemed
  a waiver of any other provision or of such provision on any other occasion.
  1.    Definitions . For purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions apply. Any capitalized terms in this Agreement not listed
        below will have the meanings given to them in this Agreement or, if not defined in this Agreement, will have their plain Engl ish
        (US) meanings.
        a.      Commercial Purpose. Redistribution, retransmission or publication in exchange for a fee or other consideration , which
                may include, without limitation: (i) advertising; (ii) use in marketing and promotional materials and services on behalf of a
                customer, client, employer, employee or for Your own benefit; (iii) use in any materials or services for sale or for which
                fees or charges are paid or received (e.g., textbook supplemental materials, books, syllabi, course packs); and (iv) use in
                any books, news publication or journal without an Educational Purpose.
        b.      Customer Group.
               i.    one individual;
              ii.    one company, corporation, or similar legal entity (excluding affiliates or subsidiaries which will be treated as a
                     separate Customer Group);
             iii.    one subsidiary or affiliate of an entity;
             iv.     one department of a federal agency at the U.S. Cabinet level (e.g., office of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture of U.S.
        terms provided by You in any other documents such as a purchase order will not have any legally binding effect on DigitalGlobe.
        This Agreement may be modified only by a binding written instrument entered into by You and DigitalGlobe. All waivers under this
        Agreement must be in writing. Any waiver or failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement on one occasion will not be deemed
        a waiver of any other provision or of such provision on any other occasion.

        1.  Definitions . For purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions apply. Any capitalized terms in this Agreement not listed
            below will have the meanings given to them in this Agreement or, if not defined in this Agreement, will have their plain Engl ish
     Digital(US) meanings. Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used
             a.      Commercial Purpose. Redistribution, retransmission or publication in exchange for a fee or other consideration , which
                     may include, without limitation: (i) advertising; (ii) use in marketing and promotional materials and services on behalf of a
                     customer, client, employer, employee or for Your own benefit; (iii) use in any materials or services for sale or for which
                     fees or charges are paid or received (e.g., textbook supplemental materials, books, syllabi, course packs); and (iv) use in
                     any books, news publication or journal without an Educational Purpose.
             b.      Customer Group.
                    i.       one individual;
                   ii.       one company, corporation, or similar legal entity (excluding affiliates or subsidiaries which will be treated as a
                             separate Customer Group);
                  iii.       one subsidiary or affiliate of an entity;
                  iv.        one department of a federal agency at the U.S. Cabinet level (e.g., office of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture of U.S.
                             Dept. of Interior, but excluding sub-agencies);
                  v.         one civilian federal agency below the U.S. Cabinet level;
                  vi.        one department of the four branches of the military, a defense agency, one of the unified commands, one of the non -
                             Dept. of Defense entities identified in 50 U.S.C. Section 401a or the State Department;
               vii.          one department of a foreign military or an international defense or intelligence agency;
              viii.          one state or provincial agency;
               ix.           one county or local government;
                x.           one non-governmental organization or non-profit organization;
               xi.           one department within a single educational organization within a single country;
               xii.          one international agency such as NATO, but excluding the United Nations and the European Union;
              xiii.          one office or department within the United Nations or the European Union; or
              xiv.           any one entity equivalent to any of the entities listed above, located outside the United States.
             c.      Demonstration Purpose. Any non-Commercial Purpose for demonstration, promotional or training purposes for a period
                     of no more than 90 days from Product shipment.
             d.      Derivative. Any addition, improvement, update, modification, translation, transformation, adaptation or derivative work of
                     or to the Product, authored, created or developed by or on behalf of You, including, without limitation, any reformatting of
                     the Product into a different format or media from which it is delivered to You, any addition of data, information or other
                     content to the Product, or any copy or reproduction of the Product.
             e.      Educational Purpose. Any non-Commercial Purpose undertaken for study or research solely in furtherance of education.
             f.          Federal Civil Government Agency. Any government agency at the federal level, EXCLUDING all U.S. Department of
                         Defense agencies and those agencies defined under U.S. Code Title 50. The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers is included in
                         the definition of Federal Civil Government Agency under th is Agreement.
             g.          Fees. The fees set forth in Your Confirmation.
             h.          Joint Project. An undertaking between You and one or more other Customer Groups based on a contractual relationship
                         existing as of the Effective Date.
             i.          Purpose. As may be indicated i n Your Confirmation, Demonstration Purposes or Educational Purposes.
             j.          State and Local Government Agency. Any government agency at the state and local level. With regard to the United
                         States,  the  term  “state”  includes  the  50  United  States  and  the  United  States’  territories  and  possessions.  
             k.          User. Employees or contractors of You or, as applicable, a Customer Group.
        2.   Grant of License. Subject to Your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including, without limitation,
             payment of all applicable Fees, DigitalGlobe grants to You a non -exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to allow the
             number of Users identified on Your Confirmation to access, reproduce, store, display and create Derivatives of the Product ,
             solely for the Purpose indicated in Your Confirmation or, if no Purpose is indicated in Your Confirmation, solely for Your own
             internal business purposes.
             a.          If You are not a Federal Civil Government Agency or a State and Local Government Agency, You ma y post the Product
                         and Derivative on Your website at a resolution no better than 10 meters in a static, non -downloadable, non-distributable,
                         non-interactive fashion and in a manner that does not allow a third party to extract or access the Product as a sta ndalone
             b.          If You are a Federal Civil Government Agency, You may post the Product and Derivative to publicly accessible Internet
                         web sites provided that: (a) the quality of the image data available for download is presented in a color composite jpeg or
                         a 50:1 compressed file format without associated geospatial information; and (b) the Product or Derivative posted to
                         publicly accessible websites is in a secure format that allows printing and viewing at no better than ten meter resolution.
                         The Product and any Derivatives may be posted to secure Intranet websites and may be used only for the purposes of a
                         Joint Project and subject to Section 3;
             c.          If You are a State and Local Government Agency, You may post the Product and any Derivatives on Your website at f ull
                         resolution for non-Commercial Purposes, in a non-downloadable, non-distributable fashion, and in a manner that does not
                         allow a third party to extract or access the Product as a standalone file;
        3.   Sublicense . Subject to Your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including, without limitation,
             payment of all applicable Fees, You may grant sublicenses of the rights granted to You under Section 2 to access, reproduce,
             store, and display the Product to Customer Groups engaged in a Joint Project with You solely for the internal business
             purposes of the Customer Group in completing the Joint Project with You. All Customer Groups will be identified by You and
             confirmed by DigitalGlobe (on Your Confirmation or otherwise) in advance of any sublicense by You. The number of permitted
             Users within each Customer Group sublicensed hereunder will be limited to the type of license You have purchased as follows:
                                         Type of License Purchased                 Number of Permitted Users Within
                                                                                     Sublicensed Customer Group
                                 Base                                   Up to 5
                                 Group                                  From 6 to 10
                                 Enterprise                             From 11 to 25
                                 Enterprise Premium                     More than 25
                                 Educational                            1
                                 Demonstration                          1
             If the number of individuals of a sublicensed Customer Group using or accessing the Product exceeds the number of Users
             permitted under this Section 3, the Customer Group will be counted as multiple sublicensees based on the number of
             individuals using the Product, for purposes of determining compliance with the table above. If a sublicensed Customer Group
             is involved in multiple Joint Projects with You, the Customer Group will be counted as multiple sublicensees based on the
             number of Joint Projects involved for purposes of determining compliance with the table above. Each sublicense must require
             the sublicensee to agree to be bound by this Agreement. You will remain responsible for any noncompliance by any
             sublicensee  and  sublicensee’s  breach  of  this  A greement shall be deemed to be Your breach of this Agreement.
        4.   Restrictions . You recognize and agree that the Product is the property of DigitalGlobe and contains valuable assets and
             proprietary information of DigitalGlobe. Accordingly, except as expressly permitted in Sections 2 or 3, You will not, and will not
             permit any User or third party to: (a) publish, transmit, reproduce, create Derivatives of or otherwise utilize the Product in any
             form, format or media; (b) merge the Product with any other data , information or content; (c) reverse engineer or otherwise
                          Group                                  From 6 to 10
                          Enterprise                             From 11 to 25
                          Enterprise Premium                     More than 25
                          Educational                            1

                          Demonstration                          1
      If the number of individuals of a sublicensed Customer Group using or accessing the Product exceeds the number of Users
      permitted under this Section 3, the Customer Group will be counted as multiple sublicensees based on the number     Annexof                               D
      individuals using the Product, for purposes of determining compliance with the table above. If a sublicensed Customer Group
      is involved in multiple Joint Projects with You, the Customer Group will be counted as multiple sublicensees based on the
      number of Joint Projects involved for purposes of determining compliance with the table above. Each sublicense must require
      the sublicensee to agree to be bound by this Agreement. You will remain responsible for any noncompliance by any
      sublicensee  and  sublicensee’s  breach  of  this  A greement shall be deemed to be Your breach of this Agreement.
4.   Restrictions . You recognize and agree that the Product is the property of DigitalGlobe and contains valuable assets and
     proprietary information of DigitalGlobe. Accordingly, except as expressly permitted in Sections 2 or 3, You will not, and will not
     permit any User or third party to: (a) publish, transmit, reproduce, create Derivatives of or otherwise utilize the Product in any
     form, format or media; (b) merge the Product with any other data , information or content; (c) reverse engineer or otherwise
     attempt to derive the algorithms, databases or data structures upon which the Product is based; (d) distribute, sublicense, r ent,
     lease or loan the Product; (e) use the Product for the business ne eds of any third person or entity, including without limitation,
     providing any services to any third parties; (f) remove, bypass or circumvent any electronic or other forms of protection
     measure included on or with the Product; (g) alter, obscure or remove any copyright notice, copyright management information
     or proprietary legend contained in or on the Product; or (h) otherwise use or access the Product or any Derivatives for any
     purpose not expressly permitted under this Agreement, including, without lim itation, for Commercial Purposes. All Products or
     Derivatives must contain the following copyright notice conspicuously displayed in connection with the Product or Derivative
     Work:     “©   DigitalGlobe,  Inc.  All  Rights  Reserved”  for  the  Product,  and  “Includes copyrighted material of DigitalGlobe, Inc., All
     Rights  Reserved”   for  Derivatives.     You  acknowledge  that  You  need  to  obtain  a  separate  distribution  license   from   DigitalGlobe  
     in order to distribute or publish the Product or any Derivative Work in any form n ot expressly permitted under Section 2 or 3.
5.   Ow nership. The Product, and all worldwide intellectual property and proprietary rights therein and related thereto, including,
     without limitation, all patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, moral rig hts, sui generis rights and other right in
     databases, and all rights arising from or pertaining to the              2foregoing rights, are and will remain the exclusive property of
     DigitalGlobe and its suppliers. All rights in and to the Product not expressly granted t o You are reserved by DigitalGlobe and
     its suppliers. This Agreement does not grant You title to the Product or any copies of the Product. Any rights of Customer in
     any Derivative do not provide Customer with any rights in or to any Product used or incorporated in that Derivative except as
     granted under this Agreement.
6.   Confidentiality. The Product includes metadata and other confidential and proprietary information of DigitalGlobe
     (“Confidential Information”).     You  will  not  use  any  Confidential  Information  for  any  purpose  not  expressly  permitted  hereunder  
     and will disclose Confidential Information only to Your employees and permitted sublicensees who have a need to know for
     purposes of this Agreement and who are under a duty of confidentiality no less restrictive than Your duty hereunder. You will
     protect the Confidential Information from unauthorized use, access, or disclosure in the same manner as You protect Your own
     confidential or proprietary information of similar nature and with no less than reasonable care.
7.   Audit.    At  DigitalGlobe’s  request,  You  will  provide  assurances  acceptable  to  DigitalGlobe  that  You  are  using  the  Product  
     consistent with the terms of this Agreement. Upon notice, DigitalGlobe ma y inspect Your records, accounts and books relating
     to the use of the Product to ensure that the Product is being used in accordance with this Agreement.
8.   Term and Termination. This Agreement remains in full force until terminated as provided below. Dig italGlobe has the right to
     terminate this Agreement, effective immediately upon notice to You, if You breach any provision of this Agreement. Upon
     termination of this Agreement, all rights granted to You hereunder shall immediately cease and You and Your sublicensees
     will: (a) discontinue all use of the Product; (b) if the Product was delivered on a tangible medium, return to DigitalGlobe t he
     Product and all copies thereof; (c) purge all copies of the Product or any portion thereof from all computer storag e devices or
     medium on which You have placed or permitted others to place the Product; and (d) give DigitalGlobe a written certification
     that You have complied with all of Your obligations hereunder.
9.   Limited Warranty; Disclaimer . DigitalGlobe warrants that, for a period of 30 days after Your receipt of the Product, the
     Product  will  p erform  substantially  i n  a ccordance  with  its  applicable  specifications.    DigitalGlobe’s  sole  obligation  and  Your
     entire remedy for breach of the above warranty is for DigitalGlobe, at its sole option and expense, to: (a) repair or replace the
     non-conforming Product returned during the warranty period; or (b) refund all fees paid by You for the non -conforming Product
     returned during the warranty period. This limited warranty is void if any non-conformity has resulted from any accident, abuse,
     misuse, misapplication, or modification of or to the Product or any breach of this Agreement. E XCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED


11. Indemnification. You will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless DigitalGlobe and its subsidiaries, affiliates and
    subcontractors, and their respective owners, officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any and all direct o r
    in direct  claims,  damages,  losses,   damages,  liabilities,  expenses,  and  costs  (including  reasonable   attorneys’   fees)   arising   from
    or out of: (1) Your use of the Product for any purpose; (2) Your actual or alleged breach of any provision of this Agreement; or
    (3) damage to property or injury to or death of any person directly or indirectly caused by You. DigitalGlobe will provide You
    with notice of any such claim or allegation, and DigitalGlobe has the right to participate in the defense of any such claim a t its
12. Export Control . You will comply with all applicable export control laws, rules and regulations.
13. Additional Terms .
     a.    You acknowledge that any actual or threatened breach of Section 2, 3, 4, or 6 will constitute immediate and irreparable
           harm to DigitalGlobe for which monetary damages would be an inadequate remedy. Therefore, without limiting any other
           remedy available at law or in equity, upon any such breach or any threat thereof, DigitalGlobe will be entitled to seek
           injunctive relief against You as remedy for such breach. To the fullest extent not prohibited by applicable law, any action
           brought for such relief may be brought by DigitalGlobe upon ex parte application and without notice or posting of any
           bond, and You expressly waive any requirement for notice or the posting of any bond. If any action is brought to enforce
           this   Agreement,   the   prevailing   party   will   be   entitled   to  receive  its  reasonable  attorney’s  fees,  court  costs,  and  other  
           collection expenses, in addition to any other relief it may receive.
     b.    Failure to require performance of any provision of this Agreement does not waive DigitalGlobe's right to subsequently
           require full and proper performance of such provision. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or
           unenforceable, such provision will to the extent possible be deemed amended by limiting and reducing it to the minimum
           extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall
           continue to be valid and enforceable and will be liberally construed to carry out the provisions and intent hereof. The

80   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

               invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement in any jurisdiction will not affect the validity or
               enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction, nor will the invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this
               Agreement with respect to any person affect the validity or enforceability of such provision with respect to any other
          c.   Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights or obligations hereunder may be assigned or transferred by You (by
               operation of law or otherwise) without the prior written consent of DigitalGlobe. This restriction on assignment or transfer
               shall apply to assignments or transfers by operation of law, as well as by contract, merger or consolidation. Any
               attempted assignment or transfer in violation of the foregoing will be null and void.
          d.   This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado, U.S.A., without regard to conflicts of law
               principles that would require the application of the laws of any other state or jurisdiction. The United Nations Convention
               on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this Agreement. Any action or proceeding arising from
               or relating to this Agreement must be brought in the federal courts or state courts for Denver County, Colorado, and each
               party irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction and venue of any such court in any such action or proceeding.
          e.   Any notices to DigitalGlobe rel ating to this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered by personal delivery or U.S.
               certified mail (return receipt requested) to the address provided below and will be effective upon receipt by DigitalGlobe:
               DIGITALGLOBE, INC.
               ATTN: LEGAL DEPT.
               1601 Dry Creek Dr., Suite 260
               Longmont, CO 80503, USA
     All notices to You relating to this Agreement shall be delivered by personal delivery, electronic mail, facsimile transmissio n or by
     U.S. certified mail (return receipt requested) to the address DigitalGlob e has on file for You, and will be deemed given upon
     personal delivery, 5 days after deposit in the mail, or upon acknowledgment of receipt of electronic transmission.

Annex E
Example of an
End User License
Agreement (EULA)
for archived
DEM products
Source: Airbus Defense and Space

              Example of an End User License Agreement         A NNEX(EULA)  E        for archived DEM products
                                              Source: Airbus Defense and Space
82            Example      of  an
                Digital Elevation  End
                                  Models User
                                         –      License
                                           A Guidance      Agreement
                                                      Note on               (EULA)
                                                              How Digital Elevation   for Are
                                                                                    Models archived    DEM
                                                                                              Created and
                                                                                                          Used products
                                              Source: Airbus Defense and Space

                    INFOTERRA GMBH EULA WorldDEM - Single User                                                                         May 2014

                    INFOTERRA GMBH EULA WorldDEM - Single User                                                                         May 2014

                                                         END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT
                                              Non-Exclusive License to use WorldDEM-Product
                                                    END USER    LICENSE
                                                           Single         AGREEMENT
                                                                   User License
                                              Non-Exclusive License to use WorldDEM-Product
                                                                    Single User License

                                   Infoterra GmbH
                    between        88090 Immenstaad                        and       END-USER
                                   hereinafter called "Airbus DS"
                    between        88090 Immenstaad                        and       END-USER
                    The END-USER accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms of this End-User License Agreement
                                      any of thecalled
                    ("EULA") by doing                    "Airbus
                                                 following:        DS" in whole or in part, a quotation for the supply of
                                                            (a) accepting,
                    the PRODUCT; (b) breaking the seal on the package containing the PRODUCT; (c) downloading or
                    The  END-USER
                    installing           accepts and
                                or manipulating    the agrees
                                                         PRODUCTto beon  any by
                                                                       bound     the terms
                                                                               computer;        this End-User
                                                                                          (d)          in whole License   Agreement
                                                                                                                   or in part for the
                    PRODUCT;    by (e)
                                   doing   any of
                                       making     the following:
                                               available          (a) accepting,
                                                           any Derivative  Works;   whole
                                                                                 in(f)     or in part,
                                                                                       damaging        a quotation
                                                                                                  or destroying  thefor the supply(g)
                                                                                                                      PRODUCT;     of
                    the  PRODUCT;
                    retaining           (b) breaking
                               the PRODUCT                 than on
                                                       the seal
                                                for more            the package
                                                                 fourteen         containing
                                                                          (14) calendar  days the   PRODUCT;
                                                                                               following receipt (c) downloading or
                    installing or manipulating the PRODUCT on any computer; (d) paying in whole or in part for the
                    This  EULA is
                    PRODUCT;       (e)entered
                                       making into   by and
                                               available   anybetween   the
                                                               Derivative    END-USER
                                                                           Works;         and Infoterra
                                                                                   (f) damaging           GmbHthe
                                                                                                  or destroying    (“Airbus DS”), (g)
                                                                                                                      PRODUCT;     an
                    entity  of Airbus  Defence  and   Space,  a division of Airbus Group.
                    retaining the PRODUCT for more than fourteen (14) calendar days following receipt thereof.
                    This EULA is entered into by and between the END-USER and Infoterra GmbH (“Airbus DS”), an
                    ARTICLEof Airbus Defence and Space, a division of Airbus Group.
                                1 - DEFINITIONS
                    "DERIVATIVE WORKS": means any product or information, developed by the END-USER, from the
                    ARTICLE 1 which        does not contain any height information from the PRODUCT and is irreversible and
                                  - DEFINITIONS
                    uncoupled from the source PRODUCT and in which the PRODUCT origin is not recognizable.
                    Notwithstanding   WORKS":       means
                                         the foregoing,    any any  product
                                                                  Digital      or information,
                                                                            Elevation             developed
                                                                                         Model (DEM)            by theTerrain
                                                                                                          or Digital    END-USER, Modelfrom   the
                    PRODUCT      which does (in
                    from the PRODUCT                 contain
                                                 not any    form any  height information
                                                                     whatsoever,              from the PRODUCT
                                                                                      i.e. databases)      shall never andbe is irreversible
                                                                                                                                 considered andas
                    DERIVATIVE   from
                                    WORKS.the source PRODUCT and in which the PRODUCT origin is not recognizable.
                    Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Digital Elevation Model (DEM) or Digital Terrain Model derived
                    from the PRODUCT  means either
                                                (in any       person,
                                                        theform          acting in his
                                                                     whatsoever,      i.e. own   name, orshall
                                                                                            databases)       the legal
                                                                                                                   nevercommercial     business
                                                                                                                           be considered       as
                    entity, including
                    DERIVATIVE WORKS.  its  possible offices    and   branches    in its country   of residence,    which  is supplied  with the
                    product and accepts this EULA. When the product is supplied to a public entity (civil agency, public
                    department) themeansEND-USEReither shall
                                                        the person,
                                                               be deemed acting  in only
                                                                              to be  his ownsuch name,
                                                                                                  part ofor
                                                                                                          thethe legalentity
                                                                                                               public                  business
                                                                                                                               as located  at the
                    address including
                              to which its  possible
                                          the PRODUCToffices is and   branches
                                                                supplied,         in its
                                                                             except  uponcountry   of residence,
                                                                                             prior written          which
                                                                                                            agreement      is supplied
                                                                                                                         from           with the
                                                                                                                                Airbus DS.
                    product and accepts this EULA. When the product is supplied to a public entity (civil agency, public
                    department) the: means
                                        END-USERWorldDEM       be, deemed
                                                       shall core   and any   toother
                                                                                 be only data/geo-information
                                                                                            such part of the publicproduct
                                                                                                                      entityderived    from
                                                                                                                               as located     the
                                                                                                                                           at the
                    address      Mission
                              to which    thedata produced
                                              PRODUCT        is by  Airbus except
                                                                supplied,    DS (e.g   WorldDEM,
                                                                                     upon             WorldDEM
                                                                                             prior written          DTM).
                                                                                                            agreement    from Airbus DS.
                    “VALUE ADDED
                    "PRODUCT"               PRODUCT       ("VAP")    ”: means any product developed by the END-USER, which
                                   : means      WorldDEM      core, and any other data/geo-information product derived from the
                    TanDEM-X   height
                                 Missioninformation   from the
                                             data produced          PRODUCT,
                                                                by Airbus    DS (e.gand    resulting in
                                                                                       WorldDEM,         a modification
                                                                                                      WorldDEM      DTM). of the PRODUCT,
                    through technical manipulations and/or addition of other data. Notwithstanding the foregoing, by
                    “VALUE exception,
                    express    ADDED PRODUCT any Digital ("VAP")
                                                           Elevation ”: means
                                                                         Model or  any   product
                                                                                      Digital      developed
                                                                                               Terrain           by the END-USER,
                                                                                                         Model derived     from a PRODUCT  which
                    contains   height
                    shall always        informationas
                                   be considered      from
                                                         a VAP.the PRODUCT, and resulting in a modification of the PRODUCT,
                    through technical manipulations and/or addition of other data. Notwithstanding the foregoing, by
                    "WorldDEM     core": means
                    express exception,            the unedited
                                             any Digital   Elevationdigital surface
                                                                         Model         model derived
                                                                                  or Digital   Terrain from
                                                                                                         Model the TanDEM-X
                                                                                                                 derived   from Mission    data
                                                                                                                                   a PRODUCT
                          always be by
                    and distributed
                    shall                  Airbus DS.
                                      considered     as a VAP.
                    "WorldDEMcore": means the unedited digital surface model derived from the TanDEM-X Mission data
                    and distributed by Airbus DS.
                    Infoterra GmbH                                                                                                           1/4
                    Registered Office: Claude-Dornier-Str., 88090 Immenstaad, Germany
                    Register Court: Amtsgericht Ulm (HRB 630970), VAT Identification Number: DE 197540174
                    Infoterra GmbH                                                                                                           1/4
                    Registered Office: Claude-Dornier-Str., 88090 Immenstaad, Germany
                    Register Court: Amtsgericht Ulm (HRB 630970), VAT Identification Number: DE 197540174
                                                                                                Annex E   83

INFOTERRA GMBH EULA WorldDEM - Single User                                                     May 2014

2.1 Permitted Uses:
Under the terms and conditions of this EULA, Airbus DS grants to the END-USER a limited, non-
exclusive, non-transferable license:
a) to use the PRODUCT for its own internal needs;
b) to make an unlimited number of copies of the PRODUCT for the Permitted Uses specified in this
   Article 2.1;
c) to install the PRODUCT on as many individual computers as needed in its premises, including
   internal computer network for the Permitted Uses specified in this Article 2.1;
d) to alter or modify the PRODUCT to produce VAP and/or DERIVATIVE WORKS;
e) to use any VAP for its own internal needs;
f) to make the PRODUCT and/or any VAP available to contractors and consultants, only for use on
   behalf of the END-USER for the Permitted Uses specified in this Article 2.1, and only after prior
   written agreement of Airbus DS and subject to such contractors and consultants agreeing in writing,
   in advance, (I) to be bound by the same limitations on use as applicable to the END-USER, and (II)
   to return the PRODUCT and/or any derived products to the END-USER, and to keep no copy
   thereof, upon completion of the contracting or consulting engagement;
g) to publish the PRODUCT and any VAP as hardcopy prints and in presentations, provided that the
   END-USER conspicuously marks the copyright with the credit as indicated in Article 3.3 below.
   Such publishing shall be used for END-USER business promotion purposes only;
h) to post the PRODUCT and/or VAP as browsable image or equivalent (without containing any
   height information) to Internet web sites after notifying Airbus DS of the URL that will be used,
   provided that the END-USER conspicuously marks the copyright as indicated in Article 3.3 below.
   Such posting shall be used for END-USER business promotion purposes only. In no event does
   this Agreement allow the downloading of the posting by third parties, nor using to distribute, sell,
   assign, dispose of, lease, sublicense or transfer such posting; and
i) to freely use and distribute DERIVATIVE WORKS.
All permitted rights not expressly granted above are hereby retained by Airbus DS.

2.2 Prohibited Uses:
a) The END-USER recognizes and agrees that the PRODUCT is and shall remain the property of
   Airbus DS and/or its licensor, and contains proprietary information of Airbus DS and thus is
   provided to the END-USER on a confidential basis and under the terms and conditions of this
b) Furthermore, the END-USER recognizes and agrees that the PRODUCT is subject to the
   “Satellitendatensicherheitsgesetz (SatDSiG)" (German Satellite Data Security Act). The END-
   USER shall comply with such regulations.
c) The END-USER shall not, and shall guarantee that any contractor or consultant engaged as per
   the provisions of Article 2.1(f) does not:
d) sublicense, sell, rent or lease or otherwise transfer or assign the PRODUCT or VAP to a third party,
   except as provided in Article 2.1 (f);
e) alter or remove any copyright notice or proprietary legend contained in or on the PRODUCT and
   any VAP;
f) publish, distribute or transfer in any way the digital format of the PRODUCT;
g) use a PRODUCT in the framework of competitive analysis (such as benchmarking); or
h) do anything not expressly permitted under Article 2.1.

Infoterra GmbH                                                                                      2/4
Registered Office: Claude-Dornier-Str., 88090 Immenstaad, Germany
Register Court: Amtsgericht Ulm (HRB 630970), VAT Identification Number: DE 197540174
84   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

       INFOTERRA GMBH EULA WorldDEM - Single User                                                       May 2014

       3.1 The satellite data contained in the PRODUCT is the property of the Deutsche Zentrum für Luft-
       und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR) and is protected in accordance with the copyright laws of Germany and
       applicable international laws.
       The PRODUCTS except the WorldDEMcore are produced by Airbus DS. They are the property of
       Airbus DS and are protected in accordance with the copyright laws of Germany and applicable
       international laws.
       3.2 This License does not give the right to the use of Airbus DS trademarks or logos unless explicitly
       authorized by Airbus DS. Unless otherwise communicated by Airbus DS the copyright statement
       applies to all PRODUCTs distributed by Airbus DS and any VAP.
       3.3 The PRODUCT, when displayed in accordance with the Permitted Uses specified in Article 2.1
       shall include the following credit conspicuously displayed and written in full:
               ƒ    For WorldDEMcore:
                    "© DLR e.V. ____ (year of acquisition), Distribution: Airbus DS/Infoterra GmbH."
               ƒ    For PRODUCTS other than WorldDEMcore:
                    "© DLR e.V. ____ (year of acquisition) and © Airbus DS/Infoterra GmbH ____ (year of

       4.1 Airbus DS warrants that it is authorized to grant the license for the right to use the PRODUCT to
       the END-USER under the terms of this EULA.
       4.2 Airbus DS does not warrant that the PRODUCT is free of bugs, errors, defects or omissions, and
       that the operation of the PRODUCT will be error-free or uninterrupted nor that all non-conformities can
       be corrected. Airbus DS does not warrant that the PRODUCT will meet the END-USER’s requirements
       or expectations, or will fit for the END-USER’s intended purposes. There are no expressed or implied
       warranties of fitness or merchantability given in connection with the sale or use of the PRODUCT.
       Airbus DS disclaims all other warranties not expressly provided in Articles 4.1 and 4.2.
       In case the medium on which the PRODUCT is supplied by Airbus DS to the END-USER is defective,
       as demonstrated by the END-USER, Airbus DS shall replace the concerned medium with the
       PRODUCT. Any such claim shall be notified to Airbus DS within fourteen (14) calendar days after
       delivery of the PRODUCT by Airbus DS.

       5.1 In cases of gross negligence and willful intent Airbus DS will be liable according applicable law.
       5.2 In cases of slight negligence – with the exception of cases of injury to life, body or health – Airbus
       DS shall be liable only insofar as essential contractual obligations, basic and fundamental duties and
       obligations resulting from the contractual relationship which are of particular importance for the proper
       fulfilment of the contract, are infringed and such liability shall be limited to typical and foreseeable
       5.3 In cases of Article 5.2 any liability for indirect, consequential or unforeseeable damages, such as
       but not limited to loss of profit, stand-by cost, recovery cost, lost savings and economic loss due to a
       third party claim, are hereby excluded.
       5.4 In cases of Article 5.2 the overall cumulative liability of Airbus DS shall not exceed the price paid
       by the END-USER to Airbus DS for the PRODUCT from which such loss or damage directly arose.
       5.5 Any further reaching liability than provided in these terms and conditions shall – regardless of the
       legal basis of such claim – be excluded.

       Infoterra GmbH                                                                                           3/4
       Registered Office: Claude-Dornier-Str., 88090 Immenstaad, Germany
       Register Court: Amtsgericht Ulm (HRB 630970), VAT Identification Number: DE 197540174
Annex F
Example Terms
of Reference –
World Bank DEM
Support to review technical specifications for LiDAR
survey and the deliverable Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

Objective of the Assignment

The consultant will assist the World Bank team to review the technical specification for LiDAR and aerial imagery
being procured by the [Project-Client] in order to develop [insert objective of use for the DEM].

Background [Add as appropriate]

Scope of Services

The Services to be provided by the consultant include:

•	 Reviewing the revised technical specification for LiDAR survey received from the [client] in terms of the
   generation of digital elevation models (DEM) and point cloud data processing;
•	 Reviewing the summary of the deliverables against the negotiated technical specifications
•	 Reviewing the point cloud as well as the Digital Elevation Model delivered by the LiDAR survey firm to the [client]


The successful consultant would be expected to have the following qualifications:

•	 At least 10 years of experience and in-depth knowledge in surveying, remote sensing, point cloud data
   processing and generation of Digital Elevation Models as well as its applications;
86   Digital Elevation Models – A Guidance Note on How Digital Elevation Models Are Created and Used

     •	 Postgraduate degree in relevant geomatic, civil or other engineering disciplines, physical geography and other
        environmental sciences, mathematics
     •	 Very good command of oral and written English; and
     •	 Working experience in Sri Lanka would be an advantage.


     The consultant should provide the Services for a total of [#] days over the period of [date] to [date]. The
     payment will be based on the level of experience and background of the consultant. The appointment will be
     International hire.


     The Bank shall reasonably provide or arrange to be provided to the consultant information and documentation,
     related to the Bank and Client, necessary for the consultant to deliver the Services. The consultant shall be
     responsible for obtaining information and documentation required to support the Services.


     •	 Read and communicate to the World Bank project team potential issues on the specs of the LiDAR survey in
        the final draft of the Terms of Reference (to be provided by the World Bank project team) submitted by the
           Some particular issues to consider:
           •	 Is the specified output DEM adequate for its intended use?
           •	 Is the method of generating the DEM most economic/optimal, considering the context, budget and
               other underlying conditions?
     •	 Be on standby to respond to technical queries from the potential bidders on the DEM specs required
     •	 After the project commences, keep track of the on-going activities on a regular basis through communication
        with the project team and flag those that could potentially affect the data acquisition and output DEM
     •	 At the end of the project, check the final DEM delivered by the vendor for quality assurance
     •	 Review comments of the deliverables (LiDAR point cloud and derived digital elevation model) submitted
        by the [Client] and any recommendation to ensure they meet the technical specifications in the Terms
        of Reference
Annex G
Specifications and
Tender Template
Document available from:

(last accessed: 1 June, 2015)

Annex H
Program – Lidar
Base Specification
Chapter 4 of Section B, U.S. Geological Survey Standards
Book 11, Collection and Delineation of Spatial Data
Techniques and Methods 11–B4, Version 1.2,
November 2014 U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey
The document is available from

(last accessed: 1 June, 2015)

1818 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20433