The World Bank
         Grain Storage and Information for Agricultural Competitiveness (P160570)

                  Combined Project Information Documents /
                  Integrated Safeguards Datasheet (PID/ISDS)

                    Appraisal Stage | Date Prepared/Updated: 03-Feb-2017 | Report No: PIDISDSA20784

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         Grain Storage and Information for Agricultural Competitiveness (P160570)


  A. Basic Project Data

   Country                             Project ID                  Project Name           Parent Project ID (if any)
   Mexico                              P160570                     Grain Storage and
                                                                   Information for
   Region                      Estimated Appraisal Date            Estimated Board Date   Practice Area (Lead)
   LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN 30-Jan-2017                         24-Mar-2017            Agriculture

   Lending Instrument                  Borrower(s)                 Implementing Agency
   Investment Project Financing        Secretaría de Hacienda y    SAGARPA, ASERCA
                                       Crédito Público (SHCP)

 Proposed Development Objective(s)

 Improve access to grain storage and information for agricultural producers in Mexico

 Grain Storage Infrastructure and Operation
 Information for Grain Management, Markets and Monitoring

 Financing (in USD Million)
  Financing Source                                                                                  Amount
  International Bank for Reconstruction and Development                                               120.00
  Borrowing Country's Fin. Intermediary/ies                                                            60.00
  Local Farmer Organizations                                                                           15.00
  Total Project Cost                                                                                  195.00

 Environmental Assessment Category
 B - Partial Assessment

  The review did authorize the preparation to continue

  Other Decision (as needed)

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         Grain Storage and Information for Agricultural Competitiveness (P160570)

 B. Introduction and Context

  Country Context

           1. The Mexican economy has been expanding at a moderate annual rate of 2.5%, similar to other OECD
              (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries. Private consumption has
              been the main driving force of economic activity on the back of stronger job creation, real wage
              growth, and credit expansion. However, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth forecasts for 2017
              have lowered from an average of 2.3% to 1.4%. A challenging external environment, including lower
              oil prices, an uncertain policy environment related to the change of administration in the United
              States (Mexico’s largest trade partner), and a slowdown of growth perspectives in emerging market
              economies, has contributed to a significant depreciation of the Mexican peso, which over the past
              two years has lost nearly 30% of its value against the US dollar and continues to fall. Inflationary
              pressures and interest rates are on the rise.

           2. Government priorities have been to maintain prudent monetary, financial, and fiscal policies to
              create the conditions for stronger growth in the medium term, to be supported by the structural
              reforms under implementation, aimed at raising productivity, competitiveness and potential output
              growth. In the short term, fiscal austerity measures are creating the need for re-thinking the role of
              the public sector in many economic activities and the prioritization of public spending across
              competing needs. In early 2016 fiscal and monetary policy authorities announced supplementary
              public expenditure reductions equivalent to 0.7% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product). In early 2017, a
              process of redistribution of public resources from petrol price subsidies to social spending is
              intended to further redirect public resources although coupled with social discontent.

           3. Despite Mexico’s significant economic and social improvements, stagnant productivity and
              insufficient inclusiveness are critical causes of persistent poverty, inequality, and regional disparities.
              In 2014-2015, the poverty rate stood at 46% (about 55.3 million people), with a higher incidence in
              rural and semi-urban areas. Between 2010 and 2014, annual income of the bottom 40 percent of
              the population grew at a trivial 0.1%, while the annualized mean income growth over this period
              was just 0.5%. Poverty reduction has been unequal across the territory; 5 of the 32 states (Chiapas,
              State of Mexico, Oaxaca, Puebla and Veracruz) account for 56% of the extreme poor in 2014. Public
              policy interventions can affect productivity to improve earnings; inclusiveness to make sure that the
              poor and indigenous communities have access to services and market information; and
              sustainability so that expansion of rural development does not deteriorate Mexico’s resource base.

           4. In this context, the Government of Mexico is consolidating social assistance and support programs,
              including in agriculture and rural development, to improve efficiency and effectiveness for poverty
              reduction, promote productivity and leverage economies of scale. Agriculture and rural
              development programs have represented between 0.5% and 2% of Mexico’s budget over the past
              decade, similar to 0.8% to 2.4% observed in other OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation
              and Development) countries, and much less than other segments of the Mexican economy (7% for
              housing and urban development or 3% for education, for example). Although spending in the sector
              has been increasing in nominal terms, it has remained constant, as a percentage of the budget.
              However, this pattern is changing as agricultural budgets have been significantly reduced in the past

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               two years, forcing a process of prioritization of limited resources and a search for efficiencies in the
               operation of current programs.

  Sectoral and Institutional Context

           5. Agriculture continues to be an important sector in the economy, accounting for around 13% of
              Mexico’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product), when considering the forward and backward linkages
              created through primary production, post-harvest agro-industrial processes and food systems. The
              sector employs on average 13% of the formal labor force in the country (7 million people). Almost
              one quarter of Mexico’s population (representing more than 24 million people) live in rural areas and
              depend on agriculture for their livelihoods (45% of the employed rural labor force works in the
              primary sector). The rural poverty rate (61.6%) is far higher than the urban rate (40.6%), with rural
              poverty perpetuated by the low productivity of labor in the agricultural sector among other structural

           6. Agricultural land represents 55% of the total land area of Mexico (or close to 112 million hectares of
              arable land), with 5.5 million agricultural units devoted mostly to the production of cereals such as
              maize, wheat and sorghum. One half of the agricultural land is under communal ownership (ejido),
              which has important implication for land use, particularly in the south of the country. Although only
              6% of agricultural land is irrigated, agriculture consumes 77% of water in Mexico and is a source of
              increasing tension, in particular in the semi-arid northern states. Limited access to credit contributes
              to hindering investments for boosting productivity, especially for the small producers across the

           7. There are important geographical differences in the structure and performance of the agricultural
              sector in Mexico. In the South, agriculture plays an important social role for food security, while in
              the North it is a key driver of economic development through commercial, export-oriented
              agriculture. The average productivity of the sector is low in comparison with other OECD
              (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries and differs across regions,
              masking a sharp sector duality. Most agricultural producers (73%) are small (<5ha) and semi-
              subsistent, employing traditional, rainfed production practices, and concentrated in the Center and
              South of the country, working on 6% of the total arable land. Around 5% are large producers (>20ha),
              well-integrated, and predominantly export-oriented. Farm units with more than 100 hectares represent
              2% of the total units and concentrate two-thirds of the land dedicated to agriculture. This has
              generated a heterogeneous sector where producers with high productivity profiles and strong market
              orientation coexist with low income small and medium producers with minimal level of commercial
              connection to local/national markets.

           8. The current agricultural policy is on improving productivity, competitiveness, sustainability, and
              equity, while safeguarding national food security. Agriculture sector policies are set out in both the
              Agricultural Sectoral Plan and the Special Concurrent Program (Programa Especial Concurrente,
              PEC). The Agriculture Sector Plan is aligned with the National Development Plan, and features two
              overarching objectives: to guide the development of a productive agricultural sector and to ensure
              food security. Ministry of Agriculture (SAGARPA, Spanish acronym) programs designed to advance
              these objectives represented about one fifth of its 2015 budget. The plan includes five goals directly
              related to agriculture and food security: (a) to boost food production through investment in physical,
              human and technological capital; (b) to promote partnerships that generate economies of scale and
              add value in food production; (c) to safeguard the food supply through risk-management mechanisms;

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               (d) to encourage the sustainable use of natural resources; and (e) to reduce the risk of food shortages
               in rural areas. The PEC was created to combine different federal agriculture and rural development
               programs and as a mechanism for implementing the 2001 Law of Sustainable Rural Development
               (Ley de Desarrollo Rural Sustentable). SAGARPA (Ministry of Agriculture) oversees agricultural
               sector policy and coordinates the PEC, but it does not have authority over other ministries involved in
               executing PEC programs.

           9. There have been fewer attempts to empower small producers to assume a more active role in the
              commercialization of their grains and other agricultural products. This has been driven by their small
              scale, diversity of production, high risk of compliance with market quality standards, and lack of
              financing. Moreover, current storage infrastructure of agricultural commodities in Mexico is
              insufficient and/or inadequate, lacking the necessary equipment and norms to determine and maintain
              the uniformity of the quality of production. In 2013, the overall grain (dry) storage system capacity
              was about 32.7 million tons, which resulted in an annual deficit of grain storage capacity when
              national and import quantities were taken into consideration. This reduces the ability for
              intertemporal arbitrage, for smoothing commercialization and consumption patterns of the grains and
              for distribution to where demand is high at the national level. Furthermore, the use of traditional
              storage has contributed to high levels of grain losses. According to SAGARPA (Ministry of
              Agriculture) estimates, post-harvest losses in maize, wheat and beans range between 5% and 25% of
              total production, due to grain humidity and related fungal and pest problems. At the micro level,
              where home storage and traditional structures are used, losses range between 13% and 28%,
              representing an important constraint to food security.

           10. There are important grain storage infrastructure disparities between the central/southern states and the
               states located in the North of the country, where most current storage infrastructure is located. As a
               consequence, commercial surpluses, trade balances, financial and transportation costs affect
               producers differently. The four states with major storage capacity are Tamaulipas, Jalisco, Sinaloa
               and Guanajuato in the North. This infrastructure is complemented with modern storage facilities
               integrated with semi-mechanized and mechanized equipment, with a storage capacity that goes from
               5 up to 50 thousand tons. These facilities are also well integrated into upstream value chains such as
               storage, packing, and distribution. In contrast, the states in the South lack the storage capacity and
               commercialization conditions to meet current market demands. The majority of existing silos and
               collection centers have not been modernized and lack the necessary equipment for grain conservation.

           11. Access to finance is one of the biggest challenges for Mexican producers. Small and medium-sized
               producers have limited access to financial resources given the heterogeneous agrarian structure also
               linked to land tenure patterns, relying on non-traditional and informal financial services. Rural credit
               services are provided mostly by entities that are not connected to the regulated financial system,
               which implies higher financial costs for producers and also complicates the development of a credit
               history that would allow them to participate in commercial or development banking services. In
               recent years, financial services provided by commercial banks to the agricultural sector have been
               reduced and many institutions dedicated to agricultural promotion have been disassembled. Credit to
               the agricultural sector has decreased from 1.8% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in 1994 to 0.1% in
               2012. Agricultural rural credit, training and technical provision is centered on FIRA ( Fideicomisos
               Instituidos en Relación a la Agricultura) and FND (Financiera Nacional de Desarrollo). Beyond the
               need of credit for rural production activities, there is also a need for other financial services to
               strengthen agricultural value chains. Integrating financial products into existing agricultural

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                commercial systems can improve the socio-economic conditions of small and medium-sized

           12. A well-functioning mechanism for the registration, licensing, oversight and inspection of warehouses
               is an important element to ensure that warehouse receipts are acceptable collateral for financial
               institutions; acceptable for commodity exchange related transactions; as well as to guarantee that
               warehouses meet basic structural, operating and financial conditions. The actors responsible for
               monitoring warehouses should be well defined but can vary, depending on whether local, regional or
               national markets are involved. In less structured settings, the monitoring functions can be delegated to
               value chain actors who have the incentive to perform it well, given the valued relations they have
               created with producers, traders or processors. This is important in the context of Mexico where the
               current structure of storage is very much skewed towards larger units and where small storage units
               can also play an important role, especially in the South.

           13. Added to these challenges is the structure and lack of transparency of Mexican agricultural markets,
                especially for the main crops, such as maize, which inhibit the participation of small and medium size
                producers. Spot price information for many agricultural commodities is very fragmented, and not
                readily available within and across regions or on a daily basis. Currently, reference prices available in
                Mexico are spot and futures prices from the neighboring USA. This has created significant
                information asymmetries in the sector, which have contributed towards an oligopolistic behavior by
                large warehouses (charging high storage costs) and a near oligopsony in the buying of grains, with 4
                large companies (3 private and 1 public) dictating (low purchase) prices. Prices are set by negotiating
                prices between buyers and sellers by region using the Chicago futures market as a reference. This
                price negotiation establishes the price “basis�? in relation to Chicago, which is then reflected in the
                forward contracts agreed between buyers and sellers. This negotiated price is a critical market
                distortion and the main reason why there is no price formation in Mexico. Furthermore, the reference
                price of Chicago is based on trading of yellow corn, while Mexico is the world’s largest producer of
                white corn, including many native varieties that are valued for their distinctive features. The use of a
                reference price from the Chicago futures market thus equalizes – and in many cases reduces – the
                values of many Mexican corn commodities. These market-price distortions have important economic
                implications as they reduce comparative advantages that Mexico can have in trading white corn with
                other large consumers (such as many African countries), as well as limits the development of local
                and regional markets for different corn varieties. Lack of a grain inventory database and user-friendly
                climate information further exacerbate the ability of producers, private and public entities to make
                decisions. This is true for maize and other important crops in Mexico.

 C. Proposed Development Objective(s)

  Development Objective(s) (From PAD)
  Improve access to grain storage and information for agricultural producers in Mexico

  Key Results

           Number of beneficiaries (men and women) using project supported grain storage facilities

           14. This indicator measures the participation of grain producers in the first stage of the grain market.
               “Use�? will be measured by the physical delivery of grains to a project supported grain storage

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               Links to higher level objective on improving food security (reduction of post-harvest losses).

           Number of beneficiaries (direct and indirect) accessing project enabled grain market information

           15. This indicator measures the access to the key variables that the project will make publicly available.
               “Access�? will be measured by the number of producers receiving the information either through
               direct access to the information platform, or by other means/through other sources.
               Links to higher level objective on improving competitiveness (reduction of transaction costs and
               information asymetries).

           Share of grain sold from project supported storage facilities

           16. This indicator measures the turnover of stored grain and hence its integration further up the value
               chain. It internalizes the development of infrastructure (including financing) as we as management
               and quality aspects of the infrastructure investments, but focuses on the result – their use.
               Links to higher level indicator of market integration and competitiveness.

 D. Project Description

           17. The overall goal of this project is to improve the access of small grain producers to storage facilities
               and information, thus contributing to food security, market inclusion and competitiveness in
               important grain producing areas of Mexico. Each of the proposed project components will
               contribute to developing market conditions that enable producers to participate in a storage system
               that incentivizes productivity through profitable commercialization practices, reduces losses through
               post-harvest management, facilitates access to financial mechanisms, and differentiates prices
               through symmetric information to compete in national and global markets.

           18. Project design, as presented in the Legal Agreement, is presented here. Project Description is
               provided in Annex 1.

           Part 1. (Component 1) Grain Storage Infrastructure and Operation

           19. Provision of support for the carrying out of Grain Storage Subprojects in Selected States consisting
               of the following activities, including:

                   (a) the rehabilitation and/or upgrading of existing grain storage facilities, including collection
                       and trade centers, and purchase and installation of required equipment; and/or

                   (b) the construction of new grain storage facilities, including collection and trade centers, and
                       purchase and installation of required equipment.

           20. Provision of support for the operation and sustainability of [the] grain storage facilities
               [rehabilitated/upgraded or constructed under Part 1.1 above], including:

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                   (a) (i) the preparation of business plans ; (ii) the carrying out of capacity building activities for
                       grain storage facilities operators, including the preparation of capacity building materials, on
                       the operation, control and maintenance of grain storage facilities and required equipment
                       acquired under Gran Storage Subprojects; and

                   (b) the provision of support to grain storage facilities operators and Eligible Grain Producer
                       Organizations on the application of grain quality norms and standards through, inter alia: (i)
                       the carrying out of capacity building activities on, inter alia, grain quality control and
                       management on-farm; and (ii) the preparation of capacity building materials for grain
                       quality control and management in collecting and trade center.

           Part 2. (Component 2) Information for Grain Management, Markets and Monitoring

           21. Provision of support for: (a) the design, operation and maintenance of an information platform on
               grain markets and management, including: (i) the purchase of required software and hardware and
               (ii) the carrying out of related capacity building activities on the use of said platform and data
               collection and exchange; and (b) the carrying out of dissemination activities on the information
               platform, including the carrying out regular user surveys.

           22. Strengthening the commercialization linkages of grain storage facilities through the following
               activities, including: (a) the participation of members of Eligible Grain Producer Organizations in
               agricultural fairs; (b) the carrying out of pertinent analysis on, inter alia, new market opportunities,
               market segmentation potential, and other strategic needs to improve market penetration and

           23. Provision of support for the monitoring and evaluation of the Project.

 E. Implementation

  Institutional and Implementation Arrangements

           24. The Project will be implemented by SAGARPA (Ministry of Agriculture), through ASERCA. The Agency
               for Services toward the Commercialization and Development of Agricultural Markets (ASERCA for its
               Spanish acronym) is the best positioned institution to lead this work. ASERCA, a deconcentrated
               agency of SAGARPA, has a mandate to: 1) promote the commercialization of surpluses of maize,
               wheat, sorghum, soy and beans and 2) position Mexican agriculture products in global markets. The
               main work of ASERCA includes providing incentives for the commercialization of commodities
               through contract farming, production guarantees, risk coverage and incentives for storage. The
               agency has a budget of roughly MX$10 billion per year, and reaches around 260,000 beneficiaries
               per year (or 4% of those formally employed in agriculture), many of whom are large farmers.

           25. Under Component 1, ASERCA will enter into sub-project agreements with eligible producer
               organizations that are legally constituted and have experience in grain production and management.
               Development banks (FIRA and FND) will support project activities through the provision of financial

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         Grain Storage and Information for Agricultural Competitiveness (P160570)

               instruments, including partial guarantees for loans issued by commercial banks to producer
               associations/organizations. Commercial banks will support project activities through the provision of
               partial loans for rehabilitating/constructing storage infrastructure and/or for working capital for
               storage facilities. CIMMYT (in coordination with the MasAgro Program) will provide capacity building
               related to grain quality standards, grain management and traceability (under sub-components 1.2.
               and 2.2), as well as to the information platform development (sub-component 2.1) and for project
               safeguards monitoring (sub-component 2.3). FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
               Nations) (through the PESA Program) will support the project with grain storage facility standards,
               under sub-component 1.2. Furthermore, ASERCA will collaborate with other public sector agencies
               (such as PROMEXICO, FOCIR, FIRCO) and private sector entities (AGDs) for the development of
               project activities. Direct hire justifications for CIMMYT and FAO will be provided in the Operational
 F. Project location and Salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis (if known)

 The project will target small and medium semi-commercial and commercial agricultural producers, and their
 organizations, in selected states, and support the rehabilitation and, where needed, construction, of small
 scale grain storage infrastructure, including equipment and enabling services. Based on a methodology
 developed to select project intervention states, prioritizing those with gaps in storage capacity, with large
 number of small and medium producers, but with marked productivity and market potential, 7 States were
 identified - Estado de Mexico, Michoacán, Veracruz, Guanajuato, Chiapas, Oaxaca and Puebla. Located in
 the Central and Southern parts of Mexico, these states represent different agro-ecological and socio-
 economic conditions, as well as structural characteristics of agricultural production and the potential for
 storage and commercialization of grains. Although Component 1 will be implemented in these States,
 information from all States will be considered for the development of the information platform under
 Component 2, which will be available to the public at large.

 G. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists on the Team

 Angel Alberto Yanosky,Arelia Jacive Lopez Castaneda


  Safeguard Policies                            Triggered?          Explanation (Optional)
                                                                    This project’s primary activities will be to a) increase
                                                                    the storage capacity and stored volume of grains in
 Environmental Assessment OP/BP 4.01            Yes                 certified collection centers, b) improve the quality of
                                                                    these centers and the quality of grains, c) reduce
                                                                    post-harvest losses through improved infrastructure,

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         Grain Storage and Information for Agricultural Competitiveness (P160570)

                                                                   information and commercialization, and d) improve
                                                                   the flow of information production and market
                                                                   information. The project will not directly support
                                                                   agricultural production decisions, but may influence
                                                                   them through their integration into value-chains.
                                                                   Improvements in grain volumes will be achieved
                                                                   through the use of better management practices,
                                                                   such as conservation agriculture, more suitable to
                                                                   agro-biodiversity, and better post-harvest
                                                                   management, hence reducing grain losses, rather
                                                                   than through frontier expansion. No land use change
                                                                   activities will be supported, and no native areas
                                                                   (including primary forests) will be degraded,
                                                                   traditional crops will not be replaced by high yielding
                                                                   or GMO varieties, and no actions will be taken in
                                                                   Conservation or Protected Areas, their buffer zones.

                                                                   The activities related to the physical rehabilitation of
                                                                   existing and/or construction of small storage
                                                                   infrastructure may have some environmental
                                                                   implications. The Environmental Assessment and
                                                                   Management Plan developed by ASERCA identified
                                                                   potential project impacts in the production areas
                                                                   within the seven selected states, and produced a
                                                                   series of recommendations. Plans were developed
                                                                   instead of frameworks given the clearly identified
                                                                   actions, beneficiaries and stakeholders within these
                                                                   production areas. As a general conclusion, the
                                                                   project will generate positive impacts and the risks
                                                                   are minimal, with no irreversible, large scale or
                                                                   cumulative impacts. Main risks are related to soil
                                                                   and water pollution, waste and agrochemical usage,
                                                                   and loss of agrobiodiversity. The Environmental
                                                                   Management Plan and the Pest Management Plan
                                                                   produced by ASERCA specify risks, actions and
                                                                   mitigation measures such as management, training,
                                                                   equipment, for fighting pests in grain storage, as
                                                                   well as related issues such as mycotoxins (aflatoxins)
                                                                   that affect human health. A series of measures are
                                                                   proposed in terms of the application and reduced
                                                                   use of chemicals and their thorough monitoring to
                                                                   address any potential negative environmental
                                                                   impacts. Good practices for post-harvest
                                                                   management will positively impact production and
                                                                   grain further commercialization.

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                                                                   The EA has developed a list of restricted activities
                                                                   and support, which will be incorporated into the
                                                                   Operational Manual. Some activities related to
                                                                   project interventions may result in indirect impacts
                                                                   which were identified and special actions
                                                                   recommended to be monitored, such as noise,
                                                                   vibrations, water, soil and air pollution. The EA also
                                                                   considers issues with organized crime in rural areas
                                                                   and in relation with agriculture.

                                                                   Project design has benefited from experiences from
                                                                   the MasAgro program, and its work with small
                                                                   producers in Mexico. CIMMYT will lead the
                                                                   environmental and social monitoring during project
                                                                   implementation, ensuring compliance with Bank
                                                                   policies and bringing existent knowledge into the

                                                                   The potential impact of the improvement of
                                                                   competitiveness on increasing the pressure on
                                                                   ecosystems was also considered. Specific actions
                                                                   were incorporated into the EMP to avoid impacts
                                                                   through a potential expansion of the agricultural
                                                                   frontier or by incorporating lands that are currently
                                                                   not producing and potentially in the process of

                                                                   The EA also assessed the potential loss of agro-
                                                                   biodiversity due to the increase of the number or
                                                                   percentage of producers that might focus more on
                                                                   commercial grains in lieu of traditional crops. The
                                                                   project will not support sub-project proposals that
                                                                   threaten traditional maize varieties. Moreover, the
                                                                   project aims to improve the commercialization of
                                                                   traditional varieties, hence incentivizing their
                                                                   production. This is expected to reduce the risk of
                                                                   loss of agrobiodiversity.

                                                                   Both the EA and the EMP were developed
                                                                   incorporating the guidelines from the World Bank
                                                                   Group on Environment, Health and Safety, also
                                                                   borrowing from the expertise of CIMMYT in terms of
                                                                   good management practices and quality norms.
                                                                   Good practices, existent norms and regulations will
                                                                   be specified in the OM such as construction and
                                                                   rehabilitation norms, water and soil use regulations,

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                                                                   air pollution norms, etc.

                                                                   Consultations of the EA and the proposed EMP
                                                                   resulted in a very broad acceptance of the project
                                                                   activities; issues on production, storage, training,
                                                                   markets, traditional crops, communications were
                                                                   raised and incorporated into the EMP and project
                                                                   design. A permanent consultation process through
                                                                   the ASERCA regional offices and the joint work with
                                                                   CIMMYT will secure implementation and monitoring
                                                                   of potential risks identified in the process. A
                                                                   checklist to secure continuous follow-up and
                                                                   monitoring of considerations derived from the EMP
                                                                   is included in the Operational Manual. The “Guion
                                                                   Único para la Elaboración de Proyectos de Inversión�?
                                                                   and the sub-project business plans to be presented
                                                                   for funding will be screened against compliance with
                                                                   environmental safeguards and especially designed
                                                                   templates for each accepted proposal will be used
                                                                   for monitoring and evaluation.
                                                                   This project will not support activities that lead to
                                                                   loss, conversion or degradation of natural habitats.
                                                                   The project focuses on areas currently under
                                                                   cultivation and with varying capacities of grain
                                                                   storage and value-chain integration. The EMP has
                                                                   identified all conservation areas in the seven states.
                                                                   All institutions involved have agreed that no project
                                                                   action would promote expansion that could directly
                                                                   or indirectly induce land use change and hence
                                                                   affect natural habitats. This safeguard is triggered to
 Natural Habitats OP/BP 4.04                   Yes                 ensure that these commitments are honored during
                                                                   project implementation, considering that project
                                                                   activities will likely take place in highly biodiverse
                                                                   parts of the country. Key actions for project
                                                                   compliance with this safeguard were identified and
                                                                   incorporated into the EMP to avoid any unlikely
                                                                   action affecting natural habitats, such as
                                                                   identification of all key biodiversity areas and other
                                                                   natural areas of concern where no actions should be
                                                                   financed. This will be incorporated into the
                                                                   screening process of sub-projects.
                                                                   This project will not involve actions related to
                                                                   conversion or degradation of forest areas or other
 Forests OP/BP 4.36                            Yes
                                                                   natural habitats associated with forests, including
                                                                   adjacent or downstream critical natural habitats.

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                                                                   This OP is activated to safeguard native forests that
                                                                   co-exist with rural areas where agricultural
                                                                   production takes place and where collection centers
                                                                   will be improved, rehabilitated and/or, constructed.
                                                                   The EMP explains the clearance process to be
                                                                   followed to secure protection of native forests that
                                                                   coexist with agricultural lands where the project may
                                                                   intervene, and this will be included in the screening
                                                                   process for sub-project funding.
                                                                   In general, the impact of this project is expected to
                                                                   be positive. The EA considers the use of
                                                                   agrochemicals as a risk, including other pest
                                                                   management practices, as they relate to grain
                                                                   storage. Based on the results of the EA, the EMP
                                                                   provides a thorough analysis and action plan in the
                                                                   terms of an IPMP to secure effective implementation
                                                                   of this policy. This IPMP, as an integral part of the
                                                                   EMP, provides an action plan for supporting the
                                                                   adoption of best environmental practices and
 Pest Management OP 4.09                       Yes                 standards, complying with environmental/legal
                                                                   requirements, evaluations or permits applicable, as
                                                                   related to grain storage. The IPMP incorporates best
                                                                   practices, technical assistance, and training aspects.
                                                                   A specific analysis and recommendations are given
                                                                   for insecticides used in storage practices, special
                                                                   recommendations are also provided regarding
                                                                   mycotoxins (aflatoxins). The experience of MasAgro
                                                                   and CIMMYT were of high importance for
                                                                   developing this Plan, and monitoring will be one of
                                                                   the crucial activities during project implementation.
                                                                   The project is expected to finance the upgrade of
                                                                   existing grain storage centers as well as new
                                                                   construction of small facilities. The EA indicates that
                                                                   it is highly unlikely that any activity will have an
                                                                   impact on objects, sites, structures, natural features
                                                                   or landscapes with archeological, paleontological,
                                                                   historical or any other aspect of cultural significance.
 Physical Cultural Resources OP/BP 4.11        Yes                 Based on this, it is considered low risk that project
                                                                   activities will have a potential impact on features of
                                                                   cultural significance. A prior screening to sub-project
                                                                   funding will include this policy and all bidding
                                                                   documents, contracts, and work-orders for civil
                                                                   works would follow standard environmental rules
                                                                   for contractors, which include chance find
                                                                   procedures for cultural property. The EA did not

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                                                                   report landscapes potentially involving historical or
                                                                   cultural significance where storage facilities located;
                                                                   however, procedures and protocols to address
                                                                   chance findings of archeological and cultural
                                                                   resources during construction works, if any, will be
                                                                   included in the OM, with a recommendation that
                                                                   any chance finding be immediately communicated to
                                                                   the INAH.
                                                                   This policy is triggered given that indigenous peoples
                                                                   are present in the project’s area of influence, and
                                                                   could benefit from project activities. The project
                                                                   seeks to increase the participation of small semi-
                                                                   commercial agricultural producers. A Social
                                                                   Assessment was prepared by ASERCA to assess
                                                                   potential impacts on indigenous people and
                                                                   strengthen the project’s performance under the
                                                                   modalities that are more likely to affect these
                                                                   indigenous peoples. The SA reports that the project
                                                                   scope, i.e. the proposed 7 states for intervention,
                                                                   comprise 59% of the indigenous population of
                                                                   Mexico, with Oaxaca, Chiapas and Veracruz
                                                                   accounting for the largest concentrations of
                                                                   indigenous people. Areas with high concentration of
                                                                   indigenous producers were identified to have limited
                                                                   to no access to grain storage infrastructure.

                                                                   While the project is not expected to have negative
 Indigenous Peoples OP/BP 4.10                 Yes
                                                                   impacts on indigenous people, Indigenous Peoples
                                                                   Plan (IPP), based on the Social Assessment (SA), was
                                                                   developed and provides guidelines to improve
                                                                   outreach and consultation with indigenous
                                                                   beneficiaries, (e.g. language provisions, participatory
                                                                   approaches, design and construction techniques).
                                                                   The IPP seeks to provide enabling mechanisms for
                                                                   indigenous people to access the social and economic
                                                                   benefits of the project and receive culturally
                                                                   relevant benefits without generating inequality with
                                                                   other groups of social sectors of the population. It is
                                                                   widely held that indigenous groups are primary
                                                                   custodians of agrobiodiversity.

                                                                   The SA elaborates on the information collected for
                                                                   indigenous people in the project area and identifies
                                                                   potential risks for these peoples. From the
                                                                   organizational, communal, productive and
                                                                   infrastructure point of view, several

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                                                                   recommendations were made. The IPP proposes
                                                                   three lines of actions: (a) reinforce participation and
                                                                   reduce cultural barriers, (b) communicate in a
                                                                   culturally appropriate way the opportunities of the
                                                                   project, and (c) develop a grievance handling
                                                                   mechanisms. The IPP also proposes a monitoring
                                                                   and evaluation mechanism to ensure that activities
                                                                   and recommendations are duly implemented.

                                                                   A consultation process for the IPP was carried out in
                                                                   agricultural production areas with high
                                                                   concentration of indigenous people in the states of
                                                                   Oaxaca and Chiapas. Among the participants were
                                                                   producer beneficiaries of other government
                                                                   programs, indigenous groups leaders, municipal
                                                                   authorities, with the Consejo Consultivo from the
                                                                   CDI being the initial point of contact with indigenous
                                                                   leaders and invited to all consultations. Continuous
                                                                   consultations at the regional or local level are also
                                                                   planned given that the Consejo Consultivo will meet
                                                                   again in the second quarter of 2017.

                                                                   Potential negative impacts identified include: 1) The
                                                                   support for grain storage near indigenous
                                                                   municipalities can increase further the inequality of
                                                                   these groups as: i) they rarely generate excess
                                                                   production; ii) criollo maize is traditionally not
                                                                   commercialized, but used for own consumption; iii)
                                                                   the use of improved seeds may have limited results
                                                                   without capacity building; iv) the risk of substituting
                                                                   criollo for other higher value varieties; v) they need
                                                                   maize for own consumption above all, and often
                                                                   they don’t have enough of it; 2) To keep in mind: i)
                                                                   their social structures of organization based on an
                                                                   agrarian community or ejido; ii) given their
                                                                   geographic isolation, improving logistics will support
                                                                   the formalization of distribution and sale circuits,
                                                                   reducing the power of the “coyote�? (middlemen).

                                                                   Foreseen positive impacts identified include:
                                                                   Reduction of post-harvest losses and better market
                                                                   prices; the project may stimulate the interest by
                                                                   indigenous groups to formally organize themselves
                                                                   into producer associations to seek financing, to
                                                                   participate in markets and limit the power of
                                                                   middlemen, as well as to access “niche�? markets for

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                                                                   their “specialty�? maize production; widely benefit
                                                                   from capacity building related to production, storage
                                                                   and access to finance and markets, as well as market

                                                                   The SA provides recommendations beyond IPs,
                                                                   considering other vulnerable groups such as women,
                                                                   youth, and the elderly. The project will collaborate
                                                                   with the program MasAgro and use many of the
                                                                   variables that MasAgro has been collecting,
                                                                   including: gender inclusion, cultural relevance,
                                                                   participation, technologies to improve maize
                                                                   production, monitoring and farmer empowerment.
                                                                   To address gender issues, specific consultation and
                                                                   participation mechanisms will be implemented to
                                                                   ensure women are aware of the project, and
                                                                   contribute with their input in the design. This is
                                                                   integrated into the result framework of the project.
                                                                   All of the sub-projects to be financed under this
                                                                   operation will be carried out on private land, owned
                                                                   or leased by the ultimate beneficiaries. Even if the
                                                                   project would finance rehabilitation/construction of
 Involuntary Resettlement OP/BP 4.12           No                  new storage infrastructure (which farmers
                                                                   organizations can operate), there will not be any
                                                                   land acquisition/resettlement, and this will be clearly
                                                                   specified in the restrictive list of funding activities in
                                                                   the OM.
                                                                   No dams will be constructed or rehabilitated in this
                                                                   project. Project interventions will not rely on the
 Safety of Dams OP/BP 4.37                     No                  performance of existing dams as smallholder
                                                                   agriculture is generally rain fed. This safeguard is
                                                                   therefore not triggered.
 Projects on International Waterways                               There are no actions in international waterways. This
 OP/BP 7.50                                                        safeguard is therefore not triggered.
                                                                   There are no areas in dispute in the territory
 Projects in Disputed Areas OP/BP 7.60         No                  proposed for project interventions. This safeguard is
                                                                   therefore not triggered.

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  A. Summary of Key Safeguard Issues

 1. Describe any safeguard issues and impacts associated with the proposed project. Identify and describe any potential
 large scale, significant and/or irreversible impacts:
 The activities related to the physical rehabilitation of existing and/or construction of small storage infrastructure may
 have some environmental and social implications. Some risks in terms of soil and water management, waste
 management and the use of storage agrochemicals, as well as implications for indigenous people, were identified.
 Environmental impacts are limited given that the project will not support land use change activities and no native
 areas (including primary forests) will be degraded, traditional crops will not be replaced by high yielding or GMO
 varieties, and no actions will be taken in Conservation or Protected Areas or their buffer zones. The Environmental
 Assessment (EA) has not identified any large scale, significant or irreversible impact. However, several provisions have
 been made to secure that soil, water and air are not polluted, and agrochemicals are duly managed. Special
 recommendations are given to allow the participation of indigenous people in the project and reduce any potential
 social negative impacts.

 2. Describe any potential indirect and/or long term impacts due to anticipated future activities in the project area:
 There are no long term impacts anticipated in the project areas; some indirect impacts due to rehabilitation and
 construction could be related to noise and vibrations, air, soil and water pollution, residues, and erosion among
 others. The increase in storage capacity and the need for a growing global market of grains, may pose a challenge to
 the project areas to produce more and this may have implications in terms of natural habitats and also induce an
 increase in the cultural gap with indigenous people. All these actions were carefully analyzed and described in the
 environmental and social analysis with specific recommendations aimed at reducing the occurrence of these risks.

 3. Describe any project alternatives (if relevant) considered to help avoid or minimize adverse impacts.
 The most important alternative to the expressed environmental and social situations is to bring existing experience in
 the country. This is achieved through the intended collaboration with CIMMYT (the International Maize and Wheat
 Improvement Center) and their role in the national agricultural program MasAgro, focusing on the use of better
 production and management practices of crops by small agricultural producers in Mexico, and in particular in the key
 project states. Their technical capacity, field presence, existing environmental and social dimensions incorporated in
 their program activities and especially their sustainable technologies (traditional seeds, diagnostic tools, conservation
 agriculture, and post-harvest technologies) gives the project a good alternative to reduce and altogether avoid risks.

 4. Describe measures taken by the borrower to address safeguard policy issues. Provide an assessment of borrower
 capacity to plan and implement the measures described.
 In recognition of its lack of capacity to address safeguard policy issues, and given the existing capacity and experience
 within CIMMYT, ASERCA is planning to hire CIMMYT to support them with the oversight of environmental and social
 safeguard policies and interactions with stakeholder and the productive sector. ASERCA acknowledges the importance
 of safeguards and that competitiveness also implies practices which are socially and environmentally appropriate and
 sustainable, and these dimensions and the interaction with CIMMYT will help increase the quality, the risk
 management and the institutional development with respect to safeguards compliance. The role of CIMMYT as a
 strategic partner to ASERCA for environmental and social performance is formally defined in the Operational Manual
 of the project and mentioned in the Legal Agreement.

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 5. Identify the key stakeholders and describe the mechanisms for consultation and disclosure on safeguard policies,
 with an emphasis on potentially affected people.
 Main stakeholders in this project are small and medium semi-commercial or commercial producers who already store
 or are interested in storing their grains. Among them are indigenous people, living in areas related to gathering
 centers (centros de acopio). Consultations were designed to be broad and extensive, with specific recommendations
 noted and an action plan prepared based on producer inputs in two of the most representative regions of indigenous
 people who are also maize producers - Chiapas and Oaxaca. Consultations were held with members of communities
 selected by a methodology which combined existing and potential beneficiaries, production and access to gathering
 centers, and logistics (access). Civil society organizations, institutes, sub-national governments and producers’
 associations among other participated in the consultations. A national level encounter with broader members of the
 stakeholder group was carried out in Mexico City, hosted by the CDI (the National Commission for the Development of
 Indigenous Peoples). Most of the information gathered to prepare both the Environmental and the Social Assessments
 and derived plans, was derived from the MasAgro Program experience, which helped mainstream lessons learnt and
 best practices.

  B. Disclosure Requirements

 Environmental Assessment/Audit/Management Plan/Other
                                                                                                     For category A projects, date of
     Date of receipt by the Bank                              Date of submission to InfoShop         distributing the Executive Summary of
                                                                                                     the EA to the Executive Directors
     09-Jan-2017                                              02-Feb-2017

     "In country" Disclosure
         Link to disclosed document:

 Indigenous Peoples Development Plan/Framework
  Date of receipt by the Bank       Date of submission to InfoShop
     10-Jan-2017                                              20-Jan-2017

     "In country" Disclosure

         Link to disclosed document:

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 Pest Management Plan

    Was the document disclosed prior to
    appraisal?                                                 Date of receipt by the Bank               Date of submission to InfoShop
    Yes                                                        09-Jan-2017                               20-Jan-2017

    "In country" Disclosure
        Link to disclosed document:

 If the project triggers the Pest Management and/or Physical Cultural Resources policies, the respective issues are to
 be addressed and disclosed as part of the Environmental Assessment/Audit/or EMP.
 If in-country disclosure of any of the above documents is not expected, please explain why:
 In-country consultations were held in Chiapas and Oaxaca and at the national level in Mexico City. Safeguard
 documents' disclosure date at the local and national levels is January 20, 2017.

  C. Compliance Monitoring Indicators at the Corporate Level (to be filled in when the ISDS is finalized by the project
  decision meeting)

  OP/BP/GP 4.01 - Environment Assessment

          Does the project require a stand-alone EA (including EMP) report?
          If yes, then did the Regional Environment Unit or Practice Manager (PM) review and approve the EA report?
          Are the cost and the accountabilities for the EMP incorporated in the credit/loan?

          OP/BP 4.04 - Natural Habitats

          Would the project result in any significant conversion or degradation of critical natural habitats?
          If the project would result in significant conversion or degradation of other (non-critical) natural habitats, does the
          project include mitigation measures acceptable to the Bank?

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           OP 4.09 - Pest Management

           Does the EA adequately address the pest management issues?
           Is a separate PMP required?
           If yes, has the PMP been reviewed and approved by a safeguards specialist or PM? Are PMP requirements included in
           project design? If yes, does the project team include a Pest Management Specialist?

           OP/BP 4.11 - Physical Cultural Resources
           Does the EA include adequate measures related to cultural property?
           Does the credit/loan incorporate mechanisms to mitigate the potential adverse impacts on cultural property?

           OP/BP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples

           Has a separate Indigenous Peoples Plan/Planning Framework (as appropriate) been prepared in consultation with
           affected Indigenous Peoples?
           If yes, then did the Regional unit responsible for safeguards or Practice Manager review the plan?
           If the whole project is designed to benefit IP, has the design been reviewed and approved by the Regional Social
           Development Unit or Practice Manager?

           OP/BP 4.36 - Forests

           Has the sector-wide analysis of policy and institutional issues and constraints been carried out?
           Does the project design include satisfactory measures to overcome these constraints?
           Does the project finance commercial harvesting, and if so, does it include provisions for certification system?

           The World Bank Policy on Disclosure of Information

           Have relevant safeguard policies documents been sent to the World Bank's Infoshop?
           Have relevant documents been disclosed in-country in a public place in a form and language that are understandable
           and accessible to project-affected groups and local NGOs?

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  All Safeguard Policies

   Have satisfactory calendar, budget and clear institutional responsibilities been prepared for the implementation of
   measures related to safeguard policies?
   Have costs related to safeguard policy measures been included in the project cost?
   Does the Monitoring and Evaluation system of the project include the monitoring of safeguard impacts and measures
   related to safeguard policies?
   Have satisfactory implementation arrangements been agreed with the borrower and the same been adequately
   reflected in the project legal documents?


   World Bank

   Svetlana Edmeades
   Senior Agriculture Economist

   Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (SHCP)

   Implementing Agencies
   José Eduardo Calzada Rovirosa
   Minister of Agriculture, SAGARPA

   Alejandro Vazquez Salido
   Director of ASERCA

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         Grain Storage and Information for Agricultural Competitiveness (P160570)


 The World Bank
 1818 H Street, NW
 Washington, D.C. 20433
 Telephone: (202) 473-1000


   Task Team Leader(s):                   Svetlana Edmeades

   Approved By

   Safeguards Advisor:

   Practice Manager/Manager:              Garry Charlier                            06-Feb-2017

   Country Director:                      Jutta Ursula Kern                         08-Feb-2017

    Note to Task Teams: End of system generated content, document is editable from here.

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