Human Capital Umbrella Program Annual Report 2021 Copyright © 2022 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / THE WORLD BANK Washington DC 20433 Telephone: +1-202-473-1000 Internet: This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. All dollar amounts are US dollars unless otherwise indicated. Rights and Permissions: The material in this work is subject to copyright. Because The World Bank encourages dissemination of its knowledge, this work may be reproduced, in whole or in part, for non-commercial purposes. Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to World Bank Publications, The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2625; e-mail: Table of Contents Acknowledgments ......................................................... 05 Acronyms and Abbreviations ....................................... 06 Human Capital Umbrella Program at a Glance .......... 07 1. Umbrella Program Overview and Highlights .......... 09 1.1 Development Objectives and Program Description ........................... 10 1.2 Key Outcomes and Highlights .............................................................. 11 1.3 Risk and Challenges .............................................................................. 15 1.4 Looking Ahead ........................................................................................ 16 2. Highlights of Activities and Results ......................... 17 2.1 Measurements and Indicators ............................................................. 18 2.2 Analytics and Investments .................................................................. 20 2.3 Convening Power and Thought Leadership ..................................... 26 3. Financial Highlights and Disbursements ............... 29 Annex 1: List of Trust-Fund Financed Activities ........... 30 Annex 2: Results Framework ........................................ 31 Acknowledgments The 2021 Annual Report of the Advancing Human Capital Outcomes Globally Multi-Donor Trust Fund (under the aegis of the Human Capital Umbrella Program) was prepared by a team led by Victoria Strokova, Program Manager, under the leadership of Iffath Sharif, Manager for the Human Capital Project. Core team members include Uraidah Hassani, Junya Yuan, and Aaron F. Buchsbaum. Editorial support was provided by John Steinhardt. Graphic design and typesetting were completed by Israel David Melendez and Junya Yuan. The team extends its gratitude to the Human Capital Umbrella Program Trust Fund development partners for their shared vision and continued commitment to our work: Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Finally, the team is grateful for support from Mamta Murthi (Vice President for Human Development) and Alberto Rodriguez (Director of Strategy and Operations, Human Development) and to the teams implementing and reporting on grant-financed activities. 04 Acronyms and Abbreviations BETF Bank-Executed Trust Fund CRVS Civil Registration and Vital Statistics DDO Demographic Dividend Observatories DHS Demographic Health Survey ECD Early Childhood Development ECE Early Childhood Education FCS Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations GPE Global Partnership for Education HCAP Human Capital Acceleration Plan HCI Human Capital Index HCP Human Capital Project HD Human Development HIES Household Income Expenditure Surveys IDA International Development Association IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development LFS Labor Force Survey MDTF Multi-Donor Trust Fund MoPDSI Ministry of Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives MOF Ministry of Finance NEET Not in Education, Employment or Training OOSC Out of School Children PASU Presidential Policy and Strategy Unit PBB Program-Based Budgeting PER Public Expenditure Review PEIR Public Expenditure and Institutional Review PFM Public Finance Management PHCPI Primary Health Care Performance Initiative PSLM Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey RETF Recipient-Executed Trust Fund SDI Service Delivery Indicators SPG Specific Purpose Grants SWEDD Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend TF Trust Fund UHCI Utilization-adjusted HCI WBG World Bank Group 05 ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Human Capital Umbrella Program at a Glance This annual report details the activities of the Human Capital Umbrella Program and its anchor trust fund, the Advancing Human Capital Outcomes Globally Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF), with operational and financial reporting as of December 2021. PROGRAM NAME EFFECTIVENESS DATE DONORS Human 28-Nov-2019 The Bill & Melinda Capital CLOSING DATE Gates Foundation 31-Dec-2024 Umbrella The Government COUNTRIES SUPPORTED of Canada Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, ANCHOR TRUST FUND Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Advancing Human and Pakistan, and the Sahel PROGRAM MANAGER Capital Outcomes (Benin, Burkina Faso, Victoria Strokova, Globally Multi-Donor Cameroon, Chad, Cote Human Capital Project Trust Fund (TF073417) d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Republic of Congo, PRACTICE MANAGER Senegal, Togo). FUNDING AMOUNT With additional financing, Iffath Sharif, $22.9 million coverage will expand to Human Capital Project include all IDA and IBRD countries. Note: Dollar amounts are U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated. ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 06 Human Capital Umbrella Program at a Glance $22.9m $7.3m $7.1m total commitments contributions received allocated* *Note: Allocations correspond to funds received to date, not total allocations taking into considerations entire amount of donor commitments. Dollar amounts are U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated. Pakistan - $0.7m The Sahel - $2.8m Pakistan Bangladesh - $1.32m Mauritania Bangladesh Senegal Mali Niger Chad The Gambia Guinea Ethiopia Burkina Faso Cameroon Republic of Congo Nigeria Kenya Ethiopia - $0.6m Cote d’Ivoire Togo Kenya - $1.0m Funded by Gates Foundation Burkina Faso - $0.28m Benin Funded by Government of Canada Nigeria - $0.4m Funded by both Gates Foundation and Government of Canada 07 ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 1. Umbrella The Umbrella Program provides a flexible approach to align and manage development Program Overview resources for results at scale for building, protecting and utilizing human capital. In and Highlights particular, it offers partners: • A more strategic way to partner with the The Advancing Human Capital Outcomes World Bank on the widely shared goals Globally Multi-Donor Trust Fund was of the HCP and to finance its priorities on established in November 2019 with a human capital; $7.1 million anchor contribution by the Bill • A streamlined approach to working with & Melinda Gates Foundation. In March a range of public and private partners 2021 it formally became the “Human on key human capital development Capital Umbrella Program” and received challenges that a single donor is seldom an additional CAD$20 million commitment able to address alone; from the government of Canada. The • Opportunities to collectively tackle Umbrella Program is an agile financing overarching human capital development mechanism designed to support catalytic challenges through multisectoral action, initiatives focused on accelerating human yielding results at scale in high-priority capital outcomes, and it is aligned with the countries; multisectoral development objectives of • Opportunities to expand and share the Human Capital Project (HCP) at the the core knowledge base that defines World Bank Group (WBG). The Umbrella and describes the various aspects and Program set a target value of $100 million dimensions of human capital; and to be mobilized from bilateral, multilateral • Increased access to the World Bank’s and private donors over the course of senior management in the context of the FY22–25. To date, signed agreements high-level policy and strategy dialogue with are valued at approximately $22.9 million. its client countries around human capital. ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 08 Through a combination of Bank-Executed policy advice; analytical products providing Trust Funds (BETFs) and a few strategic data and evidence for policy making; funds Recipient-Executed Trust Funds (RETFs), to pilot innovative approaches; and public the Human Capital Umbrella Program will outreach and communications. The outputs help to organize and manage development of the Umbrella Program aim to assist the partner resources in support of one or beneficiaries in forming new coalitions for more shared human capital priorities. change, in designing and implementing Whereas most existing trust funds within institutional and policy reforms, in adjusting the WBG use a sectoral lens to address public and private investments and human capital challenges, the Human expenditure, and in promoting innovation. Capital Umbrella Program allows donors The Umbrella Program also serves as a to provide resources to support broader— platform for high-income countries and and thus more coherent—institutional and global organizations to share relevant policy reforms. These will bring a human experience and good practice, and to pursue development perspective to a range of transformative change in building, protecting, sectors, with a view to accelerating human and deploying human capital. capital outcomes: an approach encapsulated as “think multisectorally, act sectorally”. The Human Capital Umbrella Program is closely aligned with the WBG Human The strategic direction for the Umbrella Capital Project (HCP). Launched in 2018 in Program is provided by the HCP Steering response to compelling data on the extent Committee, which is the highest decision- of human capital deficits in many WBG client making body for the HCP. The Partnership countries—and mounting evidence of the Council, consisting of WBG and donors cost of inaction—the HCP is a global program contributing to the Program, provides strategic that aims to accelerate more and better guidance and direction on the implementation investments in people to build, protect, and of the trust fund, reviews progress reports, utilize human capital. Beginning as a network and endorses annual work plans and budgets. of champions and government focal points in 28 early adopter countries, the HCP grew rapidly and currently has 82 member countries (as of December 31, 2021). At the outset, HCP 1.1. Development was primarily focused on advocacy for human capital investments. However, it evolved Objectives and Program increasingly to encompass practical support Description for countries as they operationalize that agenda, using data backed up by analytical, The Human Capital Umbrella Program methodological and operational support. aims to support countries in designing The HCP has been incrementally providing an d imp l eme nti ng evi de nce -b a sed the resources and developing analytical tools multisectoral initiatives to build, protect, to help governments prioritize investments and utilize human capital across the that support human capital accumulation lifecycle. The intended beneficiaries and improve the quality of that spending are governments, policy and research to achieve better outcomes. The Umbrella institutions, the private sector, civil society Program will facilitate financial and technical organizations, and practitioners in WBG client assistance to country and regional teams to countries. These entities both contribute to advance this important agenda, as well as and benefit from: the sharing of knowledge contribute to global efforts. and experience; opportunities for learning; 09 ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 policy dialogue at the country level. It will broadly support country engagement, including supporting WBG-supported operations. Among other things, it includes: i) country-level analyses that are operationally relevant, action oriented and disseminated widely; and ii) direct operational support and technical assistance for human capital acceleration and policy and program reform. III. Global Engagement. This pillar aims to support human capital acceleration through increased technical and financial engagement and dialogue at the global level. Activities financed under this pillar support global engagement and partnerships for Currently, the Human Capital Umbrella human capital acceleration. For Program has three pillars:1 example, partnerships and outreach at the regional and global level will be I. K n o w l e d g e , E v i d e n c e a n d supported through this pillar to ensure Measurement. This pillar aims to grow that human capital remains a critical the global analytics and knowledge base part of the development dialogue. on whole-of-government approaches and interventions across sectors to improve equity and outcomes in selected countries with weak human capital 1.2. Key Outcomes and indicators. The activities financed under Highlights this pillar spearhead a comprehensive cross-sectoral agenda for measurement, In the early stages of implementation of the knowledge and evidence around human Human Capital Umbrella Program, the grant- capital—an agenda that must remain financed activities were primarily focused sufficiently flexible to adapt to a fast- on specific countries supported by the changing environment. program. Since then, the implications and effects of these activities have expanded— II. Country Engagement. This pillar aims promoting evidence, policies, practices, and to support human capital acceleration knowledge to support progress in human through building government capital outcomes globally through a whole- implementation capacity and increased of-government approach. 1 The Anchor MDTF currently has one Window (Promoting Multisectoral Policies to Boost Human Capital Outcomes), whereas there are plans to set up another window (Girls’ and Women’s Empowerment) in 2022 to better organize the child trust funds focusing on this topic. As of December 2021, there are no associated Trust Funds that have been formally mapped to the Umbrella Program, hence, this report only covers the activities financed by the anchor MDTF. The terms “Human Capital Umbrella Program” and the “MDTF” are therefore used interchangeably in the report. ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 10 The expected outcomes of the Umbrella (by socio-economic status and Program are given in the Results Framework geography), Ethiopia and Kenya (both (see Annex 2 below). The rest of this section at sub-national levels). Other teams highlights select activities that exemplify the have developed new methods and key outcomes listed in that framework (as of tools, including the Pakistan team that December 31, 2021). developed a simulation tool for the costing of scenarios whereby most out- • Developing new tools and approaches of-school children would be back in across sectors to improve Human school. This tool is now used elsewhere Capital Index data, and associated by other Bank teams working on: an knowledge, nationally and globally. early childhood education (ECE) survey; The Human Capital Umbrella Program a transport survey to measure the supports the measurement agenda, impact of transport on girls’ education; globally and nationally, given the key and work on disability and inclusion. role that measurement plays in policy • Improving knowledge on whole- dialogue. In so doing, the Program seeks of-government approaches and to draw attention to vital human capital multisectoral interventions to improve outcomes that have been lagging behind. equity and outcomes, particularly in In particular, it supported various country countries with weak human capital teams in: a) improving the Human Capital indicators, and globally. Index (HCI) data, including through disaggregation; and b) development One of the key priorities for the Human of new tools and methodological Capital Umbrella Program is to expand approaches across sectors to foster the global analytics and knowledge base diagnostic and implementation capacity on whole-of-government approaches relevant to human capital outcomes. and multisectoral interventions to Some highlights include a Dashboard improve equity and outcomes. To that of Human Capital Service Delivery end, the Umbrella Program targets its Indicators developed by the Bank support for programmatic analytics and team in Pakistan . Several teams technical support to select countries, in have completed a disaggregation of order to promote multisectoral policies HCI data , including in Bangladesh that improve human capital. 11 ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 As outlined in the next section, the grant-financed activities have facilitated teams supported by the Umbrella 18 such policy or program adjustments Program have produced seven different across the countries supported. studies, 2 as well as organized twelve workshops, seminars and conferences, • Strengthening government capacity attended by policy makers, Bank teams to coordinate with internal stakeholders and development partners. An example and external partners on multisectoral of the latter is a series of events under approaches at the country level. the auspices of Human Capital Summit To improve government capacity to Month in Pakistan. The World Bank coordinate across different government and development partners designated ministries and agencies as well as external March 2021 as the month of “Girls partners and stakeholders, the Umbrella Education, Women Empowerment”. The Program has supported the development events provided opportunities for deeper of multisectoral human capital plans discussions on girls’ education and and strategies. Examples include the women’s economic empowerment with development of the Human Capital governments, civil society organizations, Strategy in Burkina Faso that directly academia, development partners and contributed to the national development the public in general. More than a dozen plan that was adopted by the government. blogs or articles have been published to In Kenya, under the leadership of the promote knowledge sharing. Collectively, Human Capital focal point, the Treasury set such events and publications have up Technical Working Groups to facilitate generated roughly 800 television, online engagement between Presidential Policy and print media citations. In the coming & Strategy Unit (PASU), line ministries months, it is expected that more academic and levels of government to ensure citations will be generated as investment ownership of the analytical results and in primary data generation starts to bear their consequent use during all phases of fruit; this will in turn stimulate expansion decision-making. of the evidence base on human capital. • Strengthening operational support • Improving implementation capacity to and lending for human capital at the undertake policy reforms, institutional country level. changes, and cross-sectoral programs to accelerate human capital outcomes The activities supported by the Umbrella at the country level. Program aim to inform the design and implementation of investment lending Improving implementation capacity at operations. So far, four new operations the country level is critical to accelerate supporting human capital outcomes have progress on human capital outcomes. been developed and many more are in This includes the ability to adjust and the pipeline across supported countries. repurpose existing policies or programs In addition, implementation of several to allow them to exert a greater impact existing operations has been informed by on human capital outcomes. To date, grant-financed activities. 2 As many grant-financed activities started during the pandemic, data collection tended to be delayed. Consequently, most of the studies have not yet completed the full pre-publication cycle, including peer review. However, the teams regularly share results of studies in progress with policy makers and development partners to inform policies and provide just-in-time data. ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 12 For example, the $400 million Second to promote best practice in knowledge Securing Human Investments to Foster sharing, cutting edge innovations and a Transformation program (SHIFT II) wider—global—conversation on the topic approved by the World Bank’s Board of human capital. of Executive Directors on June 28, 2021, supports a federal structure In addition, the HCP Country Network, to strengthen basic service delivery facilitated by the World Bank, is a platform for human capital accumulation. The that connects senior government officials program will help improve health and around the world, mostly from ministries education services, increase income- of finance or planning, but also including generation opportunities for the poor, relevant line ministries, on more effective and promote inclusive economic strategies to build human capital, while growth. SHIFT II reforms increase budget a coalition of human capital champions reliability for sustainable financing of provides advocacy and advice globally. child immunization and quality primary This Network is intended to share health care programs, promote student knowledge and experience, build attendance—especially for children capacity, and inspire concerted action who are out of school due to COVID- on improving human capital outcomes. related closures—and support data- The 82 countries that currently comprise driven decision-making. The program the Network are broadly representative supports reforms to encourage women’s of all income groups. participation in the economy by improving The Human Capital Umbrella Program working conditions and empowering also aims to promote partnerships those in the informal sector. It supports aimed at strengthening human capital the enhancement of national safety net outcomes. For example, it facilitates programs and better targeting to protect existing partnerships between the Bill the most vulnerable, building resilience to & Melinda Gates Foundation and the such shocks as the COVID-19 pandemic. WBG, including in the areas ranging • Improving implementation capacity to from public financial management (PFM) accelerate human capital outcomes at in health assessment, the Primary Health the global level. Care Performance Initiative (PHCPI), Vital Signs Profiles for health systems, At the global level, the HCP regularly and the policy dashboards in education organizes high-level events aimed at and in health. The HCP ensures that promoting knowledge on whole-of- the activities supported by the Human government approaches. For example, Capital Umbrella Program build on the closed-door ministerial conclaves model for engagement already refined bring together ministers of finance and by the Global Financing Facility (GFF). planning to share experience and discuss The GFF has learned valuable lessons solutions to human capital challenges through its focus on country-led and on the sidelines of WBG’s annual and prioritized, evidence-based health spring meetings. These and other global sector programming complemented events focused on human capital (such by analytics and planning for longer- as release of the report on Investing in term increased domestic resources and Human Capital for a Resilient Recovery: improved efficiency in health budget The Role of Public Finance) help to keep allocation and execution. The Umbrella the topic of human capital high on the Program applies these lessons to other agenda of policy makers; they also help human development sectors, such 13 ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 as education and social protection. A similar approach will be taken to strengthen synergies with the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). In HCP/ GFF overlap countries, the HCP team ensures that strong links are facilitated among the relevant governmental focal points to foster information sharing and operational knowledge exchange at the country level (for example, linking government human capital and GFF government focal points). 1.3. Risk and Challenges The biggest challenge for the Human Capital Umbrella Program grantees was implementing activities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among other things, the pandemic has affected capacity to collect data in the short term as well as the quality and relevance of previously collected data. Travel restrictions have limited field work and local consultations and dissemination. Addressing these challenges and data Beyond the pandemic, certain countries availability gaps will be of the utmost faced situations of instability or conflict that importance. In the long run, as economies have impacted the pace of implementation adjust to their new “normal”, it will be of some of the financed activities. Ethiopia, essential to measure aspects intimately for instance, was classified in July 2021 by related with human capital formation in the WBG as a country experiencing fragile the post-pandemic context. Similarly, it will and conflict-affected situations (FCS); then be important to explore potential studies in November, when a national state of in specific countries to assess the losses emergency was declared, some of the staff that have arisen owing to the concentrated based there were evacuated. Immediate focus during the pandemic on certain HCI recovery needs could act as a brake on components—at the expense of others longer-term initiatives currently under deemed under the circumstances to be preparation, such as the Human Capital less urgent. Assistance in the creation or Project (HCP). Several Sahel countries— adaptation of survey instruments and the notably Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and analysis of the data could be provided in Chad—face regional pressures likely to order to properly assess the shock. In the cause continued instability in the coming long run, there will be the need to explore year. It will therefore be important for the more innovative ways of surveying with less Human Capital Umbrella Program to remain direct contact (such as online templates with agile in its efforts and allow flexibility in the follow-up by telephone, video recording, or use of funds to meet changing needs on the mixed methods) and how best to make these ground, without losing sight of its overall tools and protocols available for wider use. development objectives. ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 14 1.4. Looking Ahead of this opportunity to increase financing for human capital in the poorest countries as The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed well as to improve the quality of this spending a crisis unlike any we have seen in our for maximum impact. lifetimes. It pushed 100 million people into extreme poverty in 2020. It has widened It is also proposed that thematic inequality, posing a risk that recovery could areas be introduced under the Human leave poor countries behind. And it comes on Capital Umbrella Program to focus top of long-term challenges that leave many on key challenges to human capital . countries fragile: unsustainable debt, climate The challenges of building, protecting, change, conflict, and weak governance. and utilizing human capital are further Beyond the tragedy of more than five million complicated by global shocks, such as deaths, the crisis has also translated into a COVID-19, and long-term trends, such as decline in access to critical health services, technological and demographic shifts, education deeply scarred by school closures, urbanization, globalization, climate change, and substantial job destruction, especially for and forced displacement of people. These women. Emerging data and evidence from shocks are eroding hard-won development prior crises show that the impact of this crisis gains. The choice of themes is driven by a on human capital has been felt across all combination of their strategic value and the demographic groups. There are particularly holistic perspective underlying the Umbrella worrying signs of substantial disinvestments Program—in contradistinction to the narrower in human capital at critical turning-points focus of sectoral trust fund programs. of the life cycle. This could have further The following thematic topics are being long-term consequences for productivity proposed for inclusion in the Human and growth. Given the scale of the Capital Umbrella Program : (i) human multifaceted impact of the COVID-19 crisis, capital financing and related fiscal policies; redoubled multisectoral efforts are needed (ii) disruptive and transformative technologies by countries to stem the tide of reversals for reimagined integrated service delivery sustained by human capital, to recover more for human capital outcomes; (iii) addressing comprehensively and equitably. intergenerational human capital inequities The Human Capital Umbrella Program due to climate change; and (iv) rethinking will continue to build on the momentum human capital accumulation and utilization in generated to date to support the global response to demographic transition. These effort on human capital accumulation topics have been extensively reviewed based on the core principle of adopting a with WBG management, including the multisectoral and a whole-of-government HCP Steering Committee, as well as with approach. The IDA20 replenishment cycle development partners. These thematic presents a further opportunity to scale up areas do not alter the structural set-up support towards human capital accumulation of the Umbrella Program/MDTF and will in the most vulnerable countries given overlay the existing pillars described above, the Human Capital Special Theme. The providing more focus to strategic fundraising Umbrella Program is well-positioned to and grant allocation. They will be discussed provide catalytic upstream support to client and confirmed at the Umbrella Program’s countries through measurement, analytics, Partnership Council Meeting in early 2022. and technical assistance to take advantage 15 ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 2. Highlights of Activities and Results This section describes some of the areas in which the Human Capital Umbrella Program has made particular efforts and achieved notable results to date, aiming to accelerate improvements in human capital outcomes in countries supported. Overall, the Human Capital Umbrella program is on track to deliver expected outputs. These include a wide range of activities, including various studies, data sets, policy notes, and technical assistance that have informed or supported a large and growing portfolio of human capital- oriented lending operations. The deliverables to date are summarized in Table 2.1, with detail in the Results Framework (Annex 2). Table 2.1 – Human Capital Umbrella outputs delivered to date Outputs Number New tools developed 5 New methodological approaches developed 3 Reports, studies, knowledge products produced 7 Workshops, seminars, conferences organized 12 Blogs, articles, and other publications published 16 Press/media citations 800 Academic citations 0 Policies or programs that are adjusted or repurposed to facilitate human capital acceleration 18 People trained 1200 Study tours participants 0 Handbooks, manuals, curricula produced 2 Cross-sectoral collaborations between government entities in support of human capital supported 0 National human capital plans/strategies developed 3 New operations supporting human capital outcomes developed 4 Analytical work supporting policy and program reform on human capital 7 Pilots of human capital interventions implemented 1 Beneficiaries reached by operations/pilots, individuals (gender-disaggregated) * High-level fora where Ministers and other high-level policymakers discuss Human Capital-relevant themes  2  HCP Country Network policymakers participating in global peer-learning events  60  Study tours with whole-of-government human capital focus    0  Human capital country case studies and major multisectoral reports    3  *Note: The methodology to calculate this indicator is being developed and will be reported on in future reports. Although Umbrella-financed activities were to commit to investing in human capital, while individually adapted to address country- the analytics helps to inform ways in which specific priorities and needs, most of the countries can tailor multisectoral investments financed activities fall into the following areas, using a whole-of-government approach. aligned with the three areas of global and Convening and thought leadership are country engagement under the Human Capital critical to generating momentum and action Project. These activities help to reinforce supported at the highest levels. Below are each other. The measurement and indicators some of the highlights of country-specific agenda is key to help motivate policy makers activities under each area. ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 16 Figure 2.1 – Three areas of global and country engagement Measurement & Indicators • Support a quantitative narrative on the state of human capital in countries Analytics & Investments • Inform lending and policy making through country programs and global agenda setting Convening and Global Thought Leadership • Influence policy making and investments • Set global agenda and generate momentum for action on emerging issues on human capital 2.1. Measurements and for key stages in the growth trajectory of a child. In addition, the utilization-adjusted HCI Indicators (UHCI) provides insights on further margins that economies can explore to boost their Monitoring progress on human capital long-term growth and productivity. outcomes requires measurements and indicators to inform policy makers on the The 2020 update of the HCI, covering areas in need of investments. The Human 174 countries, provides an international Capital Index (HCI) was created with the metric that can be used to measure progress aim of informing policy makers about the on key components of human capital across importance of human capital to future growth countries. National averages, however, and productivity. In addition to the HCI, other often mask significant differences across measures can complement policy discussions groups within countries that policy makers on human capital, serving eloquently to must address if they hope to realize the buttress the rationale for investing in human full potential of their citizens. A subnational capital. Measuring the human capital that disaggregation of the HCI can shed light on children born today can expect to attain by inequities in health and education outcomes their 18th birthday, the HCI highlights how within a country and help governments better current health and education outcomes target policy to the most disadvantaged shape the productivity of the next generation groups. In addition, other disaggregation (by of workers. In this way, it underscores the gender, or socioeconomic group) has proven importance for governments and societies of to be insightful in policy dialogue. Finally, investing in the human capital of their citizens. making data and indicators easily available The HCI can be a useful tool to track long- to Bank teams and policy makers is another term progress on human capital accumulation important dimension that contributes to because the index is based on robust markers absorption of policy recommendations. 17 ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Moreover, policy priorities often emerge a common template. Indicators were faster than the ability to collect the data disaggregated by gender, wealth, and required to shape the detail of policy. This is location (urban versus rural). Labor force especially true in the context of the COVID-19 surveys were analyzed to track indicators pandemic. Many Bank teams are developing on utilization of human capital in the labor innovative tools and approaches to collect market. Data available from public sources and analyze just-in-time data and overcome on government spending (2000–2018) on potential data gaps on human capital service health, education and social protection delivery and address fast-emerging data were also cleaned and harmonized. needs. A selection of notable activities The indicators are being integrated in a supported by the Human Capital Umbrella dashboard that enables teams working Program can be adduced as follows: on relevant projects to track and visualize them consistently at country, provincial, • Country Platform on Adolescents. Novel and district level using time-series and data on adolescents has been collected in maps of the country. Bangladesh on the following dimensions: COVID-19 outcomes, aspirations, mental • Data on conditions and challenges for health, and growth mindset. The Ministry informally employed female workers. In of Education’s Department of Secondary Pakistan, women are largely confined to and Higher Education will host this the informal sector, usually as home-based platform on their website. Related policy workers without legal or social protection. notes are expected to be delivered by the The lack of robust national data collection end of 2022. The team also undertook a on the status of home-based workers disaggregation of the HCI to analyze in Pakistan has been a challenge for differences according to socioeconomic development and implementation of status and geography. The resultant note responsive policies required to improve highlights that although Bangladesh has coverage of rights, support better working made substantial progress in improving conditions, and ensure recognition of the skills, knowledge and health that work and access to fair wages and social contribute to an individual’s productivity— security for women generally. A survey in short, human capital—this progress has is under way to collect and analyze been uneven across households. systematic and comprehensive data on conditions for female informal sector • Dashboard of Human Capital Service workers, especially those home-based, to Delivery Indicators. Drawing upon illuminate the challenges they face and data from household surveys, gender- identify implementable actions to improve disaggregated indicators of human capital working conditions. The survey will focus outcomes were developed (human capital on four districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa index, stunting, under-five mortality, and Balochistan provinces. This survey will duration and quality of schooling) and further strengthen understanding of the these informed the Human Capital Review barriers to female labor force participation in Pakistan . Microdata from multiple and support provincial governments in sources 3 spanning the past 30 years the implementation of recently passed were cleaned and harmonized following laws for home-based workers. 3 Pakistan’s Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM), Household Income Expenditure Surveys (HIES), and Labor Force Survey (LFS). ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 18 Box 2.1. Spotlight: Research on Infrastructure and Service Delivery in Kenya A Trust-fund financed research initiative in Kenya shows how Service Delivery Indicators (SDI) data can be used in cross-cutting initiatives to improve the quality of health service delivery by way of infrastructure. Using Kenya’s recent health SDI data, an exploratory analysis was conducted to study the relationship between physical capital and quality of health service delivery in Kenya, primarily in connection with early childhood health. The findings of the analysis have cross-cutting implications for health, telecommunications, finance, and transportation. These data can be used to infer the differential role of infrastructure in the performance of health care facilities and help shed light on cross-sectoral drivers of service quality. For example, preliminary findings how to improve health service quality by not show that access to electricity is associated with only investing directly in this sector, but also by more accurate diagnoses, and higher availability exploiting the complementarities of investments of vaccines by enabling access to a working in infrastructure and technology. fridge. Analysis of this kind could moreover provide a potential roadmap for Kenya (and other Source: Human Capital Project: Year 3 Progress Report. middle-income and lower-income countries) on Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group. 2.2. Analytics and recession, with prospects for recovery Investments dependent on the success of containing the virus and the availability of adequate Public Expenditure and Institutional fiscal support. Financing for human capital Reviews (PEIRs). Ensuring the adequacy, investments has taken on added urgency in efficiency, equity, and sustainability of the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, especially for public spending supporting human capital countries facing fiscal tightening. Currently, outcomes is essential to stemming human 52 countries are expected to see a drop in capital losses and providing a foundation borrowing capacity through 2026, affecting for recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. As 900 million people, mostly in low-income outlined in a paper published in June 2021 countries. As spending capacity shrinks, and on “Investing in Human Capital for a Resilient as countries undergo fiscal adjustment, it will Recovery: The Role of Public Finance”, be essential to safeguard high-impact human COVID-19 has led to massive setbacks in capital spending and focus on improved human capital alongside a devastating efficiency and effectiveness. 19 ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Box 2.2. Spotlight: Economic Inclusion – Building the Evidence for the Design of Economic Inclusion Programs • Bangladesh. The World Bank human Cash Transfer Modernization project and development team has been in dialogue the preparation of the pipeline $500 million with the Government of Bangladesh Bangladesh Enhancing Investments and across multiple agencies to identify ways Benefits for Early Years project. to transform the country’s cash transfer programs into economic inclusion programs. • Pakistan. The paper on human capital and To develop an evidence base to inform this economic inclusion of the informal sector has transition, the Bank team is undertaking been completed and will underpin the design comprehensive profiling of existing of interventions that combine packages of safety net beneficiaries. In 2021, the team services that boost human capital and labor completed qualitative data collection for outcomes of the informal sector, particularly beneficiaries of Widow Allowance and youth and women. A critical element of these Disability Allowance poverty-targeted social packages would be the design of microcredit/ assistance programs as well as completed microequity and savings/insurance products, reports on service mapping and market to help the target group improve their assessment for livelihood, financial inclusion, earnings, and subsequently support human and service packages for beneficiaries of capital investments in their children. The these allowances. This informed the design study was undertaken in close partnership of the economic inclusion pilot for safety net and cooperation with multiple stakeholders, beneficiaries. This activity directly supports including the Poverty Alleviation and Social economic inclusion components in two Safety Division and the Ministry of Overseas projects: the restructuring of the $300 million Pakistani and Human Resource Development. To address these major challenges and help Education PEIR has been completed inform governmental human capital spending on: (i) governance of the education decisions (and improve the efficiency of system; (ii) education sector financing spending), several countries are piloting a management, adequacy, and equity new approach toward public expenditure of public spending; and (iii) efficiency reviews focusing on specific human capital and sustainability of public spending. outcomes and undertaking comprehensive On the Social Protection PEIR, the institutional analyses (PEIRs) to better first three chapters of the report were understand bottlenecks in service delivery drafted covering: (i) the social protection that tend to impede optimal outcomes. framework; (ii) the contours of risk and These include: vulnerability; and (iii) social protection in the national policy and institutional • Ethiopia’s PEIR consists of standalone framework. The HD PEIR will be a P E I Rs o n e d u c a t i o n a n d s o c i a l contributing chapter to a broader protection, which will be incorporated Ethiopia public expenditure review (PER) into a Human Development synthesis and focus on the cross-cutting issues of (HD PEIR). Analytical work for the stunting and learning poverty. ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 20 • Pakistan’s PEIR focuses on stunting/ key ECD interventions and to conduct wasting and learning outcomes. The outcome-oriented institutional analysis achievement of these human capital accordingly; the team therefore compiled outcomes involves multiple sectors an expenditure dataset from secondary such as education, health, nutrition, data sources across all sectors and agriculture, environment, transport, mapped these to the ECD interventions water, and sanitation. The expenditure (national and county levels). and institutional analyses are being conducted for each of the provinces in Pakistan and further in-depth analysis Analytics to inform government policies will be conducted in three districts (high, and strategies. Many analytical activities middle-, and low-performing). supported by the Human Capital Umbrella Program aim to inform government policies • Bangladesh’s PEIR focuses on female and strategies to improve human capital labor force participation. The theory outcomes. Some of the highlights include: of change and methodology notes have been completed after consultation with • Harnessing the Private Sector to sector experts, available expenditure Improve Access and Quality of data has been confirmed (and data gaps Primary Health Care and Strengthen identified), and the team has reviewed COVID-19 Response in a province of policy documents to better understand Pakistan. This ongoing study in Khyber the institutional context. The PEIR will Pakhtunkhwa aims to: (i) assess the contribute a chapter to the broader provincial government’s capacity to Bangladesh PER. regulate, monitor performance, and manage contracts with private sector • Nigeria’s PEIR will focus on out-of- partners and conduct feasibility studies; school children and under-five child (ii) foster a dialogue and collaboration mortality. The PEIR will examine the between government and the private interactions and impact of institutional sector; (iii) assess private sector arrangements, policy, and expenditure delivery in improving access to better programs on service delivery. The health care; and (iv) support the Khyber approach includes an analysis of Pakhtunkhwa government to develop institutional constraints and enablers an action plan to build the capacity of in public financial management, policy government agencies (such as Khyber coordination, and service delivery. The Pakhtunkhwa Health Foundation and concept note for this actIvity has been Health Care Commission) for harnessing completed, including the rationale for the private sector. the selection of outcomes, and the selection is now under way of states • Recommendations for Addressing within the federation from which data Malnutrition in Pakistan (part of the will be gathered. ongoing Pakistan Human Capital Review). This report highlights the status of • Ke n y a’s P E I R f o c u s e s o n e a r l y Pakistan’s high burden of undernutrition, childhood development (ECD). The especially stunting, the trends and its Bank team developed an innovative variation across provinces and districts, methodology to allocate expenditure to wealth quintiles, and rural or urban 21 ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Box 2.3. Spotlight: Gender Innovation and Regional Learning in Africa Gender Innovation and Regional Learning (GIRL) Some activities are under way in each of the is designed to complement the Sahel Women’s three components and several others are Empowerment and Demographic Dividend planned, based on feedback from clients and (SWEDD) project, which is a regional project partners. financed by the World Bank. SWEDD aims to accelerate the demographic transition through • Childcare interventions – In Cameroon, a integrated investments that target girls and qualitative study to assess preference for young women aged 10 to 19 who are vulnerable childcare has been designed to inform the to early marriage, teenage pregnancy, and early design of childcare interventions as well school drop-out, as well as their communities. as the design of accompanying impact evaluations, which can be financed by the GIRL has been designed to broaden and deepen government, leveraging IDA funds. the women’s empowerment agenda and to influence policy making and legal frameworks • Engagement with religious leaders across and beyond the Sahel in three ways: – An approach is being developed to accompany Mauritania's initiative for the • Provide agile funding that complements creation of a training program for male government-managed IDA resources (that is, and female religious leaders, with the those received through SWEDD), to develop possibility of opening this up for a regional and pilot new interventions , targeting program across SWEDD countries. both girls and their environment (parents, husbands, boys, communities); • A study on COVID-19 and adolescent girls in Sub-Saharan Africa – This • Contribute toward the global evidence base research will shed light on the impacts of on girls’ and women’s empowerment, by COVID-19 on adolescent girls and their coupling interventions with rigorous and households and inform the design of more nimble evaluations; and interventions to mitigate the adverse and potentially long-lasting impacts of the • Assist the dissemination of evidence, pandemic. This activity will complement reinforce supervision, provide technical the efforts under way to put in place assistance, and facilitate peer learning an early alert system to identify girls among decision makers across the region vulnerable to school drop-out and to to advance population policies and human inform the policy response. development objectives. ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 22 areas. It explores the association of This helped identify relevant examples the prevalence of stunting with the key of good practice and served as a determinants of stunting. It also examines benchmark for the national mapping. nutrition stewardship, policies, programs, The mapping then identified a series and financing for nutrition in the health of diverse efforts led by the Ministries and other (‘nutrition-sensitive’) sectors of Education, Agriculture, and Health, to understand the strengths and key as well as by select development gaps. Drawing upon good practices from partners. The mapping of existing other countries that have succeeded in behavior change campaigns will inform reducing stunting and from in-country the Human Capital Specific Purpose experience, it makes recommendations to Grants (SPG) activities under Ethiopia’s address the country’s nutrition challenges Human Capital Project (a $400 million and improve its human capital. investment lending project currently under preparation) in the 30 selected • Human Capital Strategy for Burkina woredas (districts). Faso. The analysis undertaken by the Bank team aimed to help the government In addition, a rapid assessment on of Burkina Faso to develop and implement Program-Based Budgeting (PBB) its Human Capital strategy, which will reform was also conducted to inform contribute to increase the quality and the project with the aim of piloting PBB utilization of health services. As a result, at the regional level. This reform will the human capital strategy has contributed allow regional authorities to better to the new national development plan that link their budgets with human capital was adopted by the government. outputs and outcomes. The study, endorsed by the Ministry of Finance, led to the inclusion of several Program Analytics and technical assistance to A c t i o n P l a n a c t i v i t i e s , Te c h n i c a l inform design or support implementation Assistance plans, and Disbursement of investment project financing. Many Linked Results in the HCP. grant-financed activities aim to directly inform the design of pipeline investment project • I n t e g r a t i o n o f B i r t h a n d D e a t h operations or support implementation of Registration with the National Civil ongoing projects. These activities span a wide Registry in Pakistan.4 The World Bank range of analytics and technical assistance. team is supporting the Pakistan Ministry Some of the highlights include the following: of Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives (MoPDSI) in implementing • Mapping of behavior change approaches a national policy for Civil Registration in Ethiopia. A behavior change mapping and Vital Statistics (CRVS). This activity exercise was conducted, including a includes development of a National CRVS desk review on national and international Strategic Plan involving: (i) thorough evidence of behavior change focused on review and consolidation of past work stunting reduction and school health. on CRVS at both national and provincial 4 This work is closely aligned with the Global Facility Funding (GFF) activities under development as part of the World Bank financed Pakistan National Health Support Program under preparation, as well as the ongoing support to MoPDSI and National Socioeconomic Registry (NSER) through the National Social Protection Program (NSPP) and Crisis-Resilient Social Protection Program (CRISP). 23 ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Box 2.4. Spotlight: Engaging Out-of-School Youth • Engaging out-of-school children with survey; a survey to measure the impact of a focus on girls. This activity focuses on transport on girls’ education; and work on implementable solutions and actions to disability and inclusion. address the critical factors in Pakistan which cause children to stay out of school or have • Not in Education, Employment or Training poor learning outcomes once in school. (NEET) . A phone survey was conducted Pakistan has a large proportion of out-of- with 1,500 female NEETs and non-NEETs in school children (OOSC), many of them girls. Bangladesh to understand which constraints One of the main contributing factors to the (cultural strictures, safety concerns, limited low HCI in Pakistan is a high level of learning aspirations) tend to be most binding. A poverty. A draft report on OOSC in Pakistan similar phone survey was also conducted is completed. This report has basic costing with 2,000 male NEETs (leading to a policy simulations for having and keeping all note currently in preparation). An evaluation children within the educational system and that tests scalable solutions will be in the field developed a framework for addressing the by February 2022, with results available by issue of OOSC, through targeted programs. In December 2022. The team is working closely addition, the team is finalizing the monitoring with focal points from the Ministry of Primary (through phone surveys) of children returning and Mass Education and Ministry of Youth and to school, their experiences of distance Sports who are participating in the design and learning during the pandemic, and other implementation of this study. Based on early related topics, including progress and insights from this analytical work, the Ministry setbacks characteristic of the current return of Youth and Sports is designing a new to school. From the work on OOSC and the project focused on Economic Acceleration use of phone surveys, a tool was developed and Resilience for NEET with World Bank that is now used by several other Bank teams lending and technical support. working on: an early childhood education levels; and (ii) review and consolidation Rigorous impact evaluations. In addition, of work undertaken to develop suitable rigorous evaluations are being planned or IT infrastructure to operationalize under way to assess the impact of various the CRVS system across multiple interventions in order to inform their scale stakeholders, including development of up. Examples include: a central data repository and detailed analysis of the requirements and • Merit-based scholarship and norms mechanism for ensuring quality checks change intervention (under GIRL) . for data. The activity builds on the CRVS In Cameroon, an impact evaluation is policy developed and harmonization being designed to appraise interventions of local government rules through the to be targeted to in-school girls and Securing Human Investments to Foster their parents, seeking to improve Transformation (SHIFT) development school attendance through a change policy operations. in the perception of the benefits of ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 24 2.3 Convening Power and Thought Leadership Convening stakeholders and engaging them on key policy issues are critical to accelerating investments in people. Since inception, the HCP has emphasized: (i) disseminating analytical and operational knowledge produced through the HCP; (ii) facilitating direct country-to-country knowledge sharing around human capital investments; and (iii) generating and maintaining momentum on the human capital agenda at the highest levels. Of note are the HCP Ministerial Conclaves, which generate and sustain high-level dialogue among Ministers of Finance as well as tie the human capital agenda to key priorities education and a concomitant shift (COVID-19, public financing, service delivery, in girls’ motivation. Two workshops and so forth). Similar principles apply to the were organized with government country level engagements, supported by counterparts, including the Ministry of the Human Capital Umbrella Program. Some Secondary Education and the Ministry of of the examples at the county level are listed Women’s Affairs to design the study and below. strengthen relevant capacity. This study aims to contribute to the evidence base • Human Capital Acceleration in the on how best to improve adolescent girls’ Context of COVID-19. Endorsed by educational attainment and at the same the Bangladesh Human Development time reduce child marriage and early technical team, the Human Capital pregnancies. Acceleration Plan (HCAP) now serves as the strategic roadmap for HD • Comprehensive evaluation of the engagement in the country for the next Human Capital Project Special Purpose three to five years. It also contributed Grants pilot. Preliminary planning was background diagnostics for the completed for an impact evaluation Systematic Country Diagnostic. Three framework of potential interventions priority pillars are identified in the under the HCP SPG in Ethiopia. Profiling HCAP: (i) Equitable COVID-19 Recovery; of selected woredas was carried out (ii) Climate Smart Human Capital; and and the draft note was used in project (iii) Jobs and Economic Transformation. design and consultations held with the Aligned with the Government’s Five- government. The baseline data collection Year Plan and endorsed by the Prime instrument and impact evaluation M i n i s t e r ’s O f f i c e a n d A d d i t i o n a l framework will be prepared in 2022. Secretary of the Economic Relations 25 ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Box 2.5. Spotlight: Mitigating Learning Impacts of COVID-19 Induced School Closures in Bangladesh Another key finding is that overall loss in learning for every Bangladeshi child enrolled in school even in the most optimistic scenario is expected to be substantial. For example, pre-pandemic estimates based on the Human Capital Index (HCI) 2020 update show that a Bangladeshi child starting school at age 4 expects to complete on average 6 years of learning-adjusted schooling (LAYS) by age 18. Based on the study, LAYS is expected to drop to 5.3 years after nine months of school closures. The study could be useful to policymakers to deploy more effective mitigation measures that To avoid irreversible learning loss caused by reach all school-aged children. It is important extended school closures, the Government of to make all alternative learning platforms fully Bangladesh responded quickly to introduce a functional through content development and ‘multi-modal’ approach to remote learning. Tools mass delivery. As the poorest families might not such as television, mobile phones, radio, and have access to digital learning, other methods like Internet were provided to ensure that learning physical learning packages, mobile-based lessons continued while schools were closed. However, or face-to-face classes following social distance a World Bank study based on a simulation tool and protocols are also necessary. Available data developed by the Education Global Practice also indicates that there is an urgent need to discovers that mitigation measures remain substantially reduce additional dropouts and inadequate with low access and uptake of current absenteeism through stipends and safe school remote learning platforms. Access to supply opening and communication campaigns. of remote learning varies significantly across households, and participation is often low even To learn more, read Combatting the impact of COVID-19 when supply is available. school closures in Bangladesh. Division (MOF), the HCAP will continue • Human Capital Intergovernmental to be updated until 2025 as findings Coordination. In Kenya, the analytical from new diagnostics emerge. Human portfolio supported by the Human capital results stories and highlights (for Capital Umbrella Program builds on example, estimation of learning loss, the momentum created by the Human girls’ education and female labor force Capital Project, which led to the initiation participation, the social protection public of an analytic agenda by PASU along the expenditure review series, early years lifecycle continuum and further agreement series) are disseminated on a regular with the World Bank to collaborate on this basis by a communications expert. See agenda. The analytical work was designed Spotlight for example. to support the government of Kenya in the ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 26 generation of evidence, the creation of a discussions on girls’ education and platform to support dialogue and facilitate women’s economic empowerment with knowledge sharing, and the preparation governments, civil society organizations, of a problem-driven implementation academia, development partners and the roadmap to guide investments. Under public in general. the leadership of the Human Capital focal point, the Treasury set up Technical • GIRL is building national and regional Working Groups to facilitate engagement capacity in Africa to design, implement between Treasury, PASU, line ministries and advocate for policies and programs and levels of governments. The creation to empower girls and women. Several of this platform will ensure ownership activities are under way to assist the of the analytic results and its use for dissemination of evidence, reinforce discussions and decision-making. supervision, provide technical assistance, and facilitate peer learning among • Human Capital Summit: Girls’ Education, decision makers across the region to Women’s Empowerment. A series of advance population policies and human events were delivered on that theme development objectives. For example, from March 8–18, 2021 in Pakistan.5 A an implementation lessons and process continuation of the Human Capital Summits documentation exercise is under way in 2019 and 2020, the World Bank and its to accelerate and improve the quality development partners dedicated March of community-oriented government- 2021 as the month of “Girls’ Education, led girls’ and women’s empowerment Women’s Empowerment.” The events programming across Africa and advance underscored the impacts of the COVID-19 use of good practices. In addition, the pandemic on human capital, particularly team is strengthening the capacity of that of girls and women in Pakistan, Demographic Dividend Observatories and provided opportunities for deeper (DDOs) as national and regional repositories of expertise on gender and the demographic dividend. Workshops are planned in early 2022 to begin operationalizing a revised roadmap for DDOs. These will increase their focus on research and advocacy for the role of young and adolescent girls and women as contributors to the demographic dividend and highlighting social, economic, and educational constraints that need to be addressed to enable young and adolescent girls and women to reach their potential. 5 Presentations included: (1) International Women’s Day Webinar, World Bank Pakistan — Working within Confines: Women Home-based Workers in Pakistan; (2) Brainstorming on What Works for Girls’ Education: Global and Local Perspective; (3) Roundtable with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government on Girls’ Education; (4) Tackling Childcare Pakistan: Invitation to Virtual Reports Launch; and (5) Pakistan Development Policy Series 2021 — Unlocking Pakistan’s Income Tax Potential — Fighting Poverty by Getting Girls and Boys to Learn. 27 ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 3. Financial Highlights and Disbursements As of December 2021, the Human Capital Umbrella Program has two donors who have committed to financing $22.9 million. This section provides financial information concerning donor contributions, and disbursements and allocations for the Human Capital Umbrella Program. Table 3.1 provides donor agency names and status of contributions. Table 3.1 – Donor Commitments Status of Contributions as of end of December 2021 Amount in Donor name Currency Amount in US$ Paid in US$ Contribution Currency Bill & Melinda Gates USD 7,103,603 7,103,603 4,336,871 Foundation The Government of Canada CAD 20,000,000 15,822,124 2,968,609 Total 22,925,727 7,305,480 *Source: MyTrustFunds data, extracting information from WBG Budget Systems The Human Capital Umbrella Program allocated funds to seven grantees as follows: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Pakistan, Nigeria, and the countries in the Sahel region. Tables 3.2 summarizes allocations and disbursements. Table 3.2 – Allocations and Disbursements Country/Region Cumulative Budget Allocated* Cumulative Budget Disbursed Bangladesh $1,320,000 $660,000 Burkina Faso $280,000 $270,000 Ethiopia $600,000 $320,000 Kenya $1,000,000 $520,000 Pakistan $700,000 $300,000 Nigeria $400,000 $0 The Sahel $2,840,000 $240,000 Total $7,140,000 $2,310,000 *Note: Allocations and Disbursements as of January 5, 2022. Allocations correspond to funds received to date, not total allocations taking into consideration entire amount of donor commitments. *Source: MyTrustFunds data, extracting information from WBG Budget Systems ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 28 Annex 1: List of Trust-Fund Financed Activities Grant Grant Grant Undisb. Current FY Grant No. Grant Name Grant Country TF Umbrella Program Approval Approval Allocation Amount Disb. ($M) Date Amount ($M) Amt ($M) ($M) Promoting Multisectoral Policies to Boost Human Capital Outcomes Support to Human Capital TF0B2977 Strategy Design and Burkina Faso Human Capital Project 3-Jun-2020 0.46 0.28 0.00 0.00 Implementation TF0B4612 Pakistan Gates HCP MDTF Pakistan Human Capital Project 1-Dec-2020 0.70 0.70 0.40 0.21 TF0B3029 Gates HCP Kenya Human Capital Project 12-Jun-2020 1.00 1.00 0.48 0.16 Ethiopia Multisectoral Human TF0B4583 Ethiopia Human Capital Project 10-Dec-2020 0.60 0.60 0.28 0.05 Capital Support TF0B3024 Gates HCP – Bangladesh Bangladesh Human Capital Project 10-Jun-2020 1.32 1.32 0.65 0.33 Human Capital Public TF0B7813 Expenditure and Institutional Nigeria Human Capital Project 23-Jan-2022 0.40 0.20 0.20 0.00 Review The Sahel: Girls' and Women's Empowerment in Africa Design and Pilot Gender TF0B6064 Western Africa Human Capital Project 10-Jun-2021 1.40 1.40 1.16 0.23 Transformative Interventions Generate Evidence to Shape TF0B6275 Western Africa Human Capital Project 12-Aug-2021 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.00 Programs and Policymaking Build National and Regional TF0B6274 Capacity to Implement Policies Western Africa Human Capital Project 8-Jul-2021 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.01 and Programs Note: The above are active grants in the HC Umbrella Program (TF073417). Allocations and Disbursements as of January 5, 2022 29 ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Annex 2: Results Framework Target Actual Outcomes Output Indicators (number) (number) 1. Improved HCI data and New tools developed 5 5 knowledge New methodological approaches developed 8 3 Reports, studies, knowledge products 36 7 produced 2. Improved knowledge on Workshops/seminars/conferences organized 31 12 whole-of-government Blogs, articles, and other publications 64 16 approaches published Press/media citations 920 800 Academic citations 10 0 Policies or programs that are adjusted or repurposed to facilitate human capital 28 18 3. Improved implementation acceleration capacity to accelerate human capital outcomes (country People trained 2590 1200 level) Study tours participants 25 0 Handbooks, manuals, curricula produced 7 2 Cross-sectoral collaborations between 4. Strengthened government government entities in support of human 17 0 capacity to coordinate for capital supported multi-sectoral/multi-partner National human capital plans/strategies approaches (country level) 7 3 developed New operations supporting human capital 13 4 outcomes developed ASAs supporting policy and program reform 5. Strengthened operational 18 7 on human capital support and lending Pilots of human capital interventions (country level) 40 1 implemented Beneficiaries reached by operations/pilots, * * individuals (gender-disaggregated) High-level fora where Ministers and other high-level policymakers discuss Human 10  2  Capital-relevant themes (e.g., Conclaves, 6. Improved implementation HCP Global Forums, WBG Annual Meetings) capacity to accelerate human Human Capital Network policymakers 300  60  capital outcomes (global participating in global peer-learning events level) Study tours with whole-of-government 1  0  human capital focus Human capital country case studies and 8  3  major multisectoral reports * Note: The methodology to calculate this indicator is being developed and will be reported on in future reports. ADVANCING HUMAN CAPITAL OUTCOMES GLOBALLY MULTI-DONOR TRUST FUND | ANNUAL REPORT 2021 30 For more information, please visit Umbrella Program Information: IFFATH SHARIF Manager, Human Capital Project VICTORIA STROKOVA Human Capital Umbrella Trust Fund Team