Non-lending Technical Assistance to Assam: Improving Nutrition and Development Outcomes in Early Years (P168656) Operating manual: Sustainable Development Goal Monitoring Dashboard Output submitted to the World Bank by The Impact PSD Private Limited This material has been funded thanks to the contributions of (1) UK Aid from the UK government, and (2) the European Commission (EC) through the South Asia Food and Nutrition Security Initiative (SAFANSI), which is administered by the World Bank. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the EC or UK government’s official policies or the policies of the World Bank and its Board of Executive Directors. Sustainable Development Goal Monitoring Dashboard Operational Manual 1. Purpose of the Manual This manual has been designed for the team of the Department of Transformation and Development (T&D), Government of Assam for management of the SDG Dashboard. The manual also includes guidelines on conducting training for the staff of other departments for maintaining their respective Dashboard components and regularly uploading the physical and financial progress, every quarter. Through this Manual, the officials from T&D Department should also be able to help the visitors to the Dashboard in extracting information of their interest. 2. Dashboard Users The Dashboard belongs to the T&D Department and will therefore be responsible for the upkeep and regular maintenance of the Dashboard. Till T&D has its own server space, the Dashboard will be housed at the server of the Finance Department. T&D Department, therefore, is categorized as the “Super Admin” for the Dashboard and will therefore have access to the entire data available on the Dashboard. For the Dashboard, there are four types of Users. These are discussed here in detail: Super Admin: Someone with the complete control on the way Dashboard operates and will have access to all the data on the Dashboard. Super Admin will be able to create or delete the users (essentially departments) and will control access to all other users of the Dashboard. Department: Super Admin will create login and password for each Department which will give these departments access to the data and information related to their department. The “Department” user has rights to view and edit data related to their department. Directorate: Within the Department, there is an option to create a Directorate. For example, PWD may have two directorates i.e. Roads and Buildings. Each directorate will have its own login and password, through which the Directorate is able to view and edit data related to their directorate only. Directorate will not have access to data for the other Directorates in the Department or the Department as a whole. To create a Directorate, the Department will have to request the “Super Admin” who will create these Directorates and provide the required login and password. Viewers: The Dashboard is not available for public viewing (unless Government of Assam decides it to be) and therefore even to view the data, password access is required. Anyone who needs to view the Dashboard content will have to request access to “Super Admin” who will create a login and password for viewers to view the information (both summary and detailed) for all the departments. 3. Dashboard Structure 1 As discussed above, a Department is a center point of the Dashboard and all the information on the Dashboard is linked to the Department. Within the Department, the Dashboard provides data on the “Schemes” that are being implemented by the respective Department. For each scheme, the information available is mapped to its physical and financial progress, through different parameters, discussed below: Part I: Physical Progress Content Description Name of the Scheme Detailed name, as provided by the scheme Type of Scheme There are essentially 5 times of schemes including EAP, CSS, NEC, SOPD, NLCPR and Others Flagship Scheme This column suggests whether the particular scheme has been identified as a Flagship Scheme by the Department Key Performance Indicator (KPI) An indicator that defines the progress of the scheme through quantitative data. A scheme can have more than one KPIs Target For a particular financial year, annual target for each KPI is provided. The Dashboard includes information for the previous two years and the current i.e. for FY 2019-20, the Dashboard has information for 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20. Achievement For years prior to 2019-20, annual achievement against each target is provided. From 2019-20 onwards, the achievement will be monitored quarterly and uploaded on the Dashboard SDG Goal and Target This mapping is done by KPI i.e. for each KPI, it is mentioned to which SDG Goal and Target does a particular KPI contributes to Year Part II: Financial Progress Content Description Name of the Scheme This is same as in the Physical Progress, a common thread between physical and financial progress Grand Number As provided by the Department, each scheme has a Grant Number Head of Accounts This is a unique number provided to each Scheme. The allocation and release of funds is monitored by the Department of Finance and the respective department through this number. A scheme can be funded by two or more Head of Accounts and any Head of Account can fund two or more schemes. Allocated Budget Against each Head of Account, the annual budget allocated is presented and the information is available for past two years and the current financial year i.e. for FY 2019-20, the information is available for FY 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20. Released Budget Against each allocated annual budget, the amount released is provided. For the previous two years, annual information is available but for FY 2019-20 onwards, quarterly information on release of budget will be uploaded by the respective departments and monitored accordingly. 2 4. Components of the Dashboard As Discussed above, the Dashboard as following components. On the Dashboard these are available on the left side of the main screen in a vertical grid. Component Description Identified on the Dashboard Dashboard This provides viewer access of a Summary Dashboard. A department and other attributes to the department can be selected from the Drop-down filters. Department On this screen brief summary of all the departments is provided. Actions can be taken (based on the type of user) for each department. Directorate For each department, this provides the list of all the directorates. Actions can be taken (based on the type of user) for each directorate. Scheme This screen provides the list of all the schemes in relation Management to a particular Head of Account for a department and directorate. Brief summary of each scheme in terms of head of accounts, total allocated and released budget, type of scheme and number of KPIs is provided. Programme This screen provides further details on each scheme in Management terms of name and number and type of the scheme, head of accounts and grant number KPIs This screen lists all the KPIs in relation to a particular scheme. The screen also provides information on the Physical Target and Achievement Users This provides the complete list of users with their respective authorities. This is only applicable for Super Admin Role Management This provides the option to Super Admin to create users and manage their roles. This is only applicable to Super Admin 5. Navigating through the Dashboard The Dashboard is entirely access controlled and needs a login ID and Password to access any component of the Dashboard. From the Home Screen, one can log into the Dashboard using the login ID and Password provided to them, through the following screen: 3 As a person logs in, a Dashboard appears with summary information about all the departments (in case of Super Admin) and about the particular department (in case of department specific). Depending upon the Type of User, the Dashboard can be further naviagated. Each of these options are discussed in detail, in this section. Creating Department This access is only available to the Super Admin. Once logged in as Super Admin, click on button on the left panel. The screen will then provide existing information about all the Departments and has a button to Add Department on the right side of the screen. Clicking on the Button to “Add New Department”, will open the following screen, for which the information described in the screen will have to be provided. 4 Once the Department is created, the Super Admin will have to create the login ID and Password for the created department and provide these to the point person at the respective Department. From there on, the respective department will start managing their own department. Alternatively, all the information that a Department can edit/add, the Super Admin can also edit/add. 6. Department Management Once the person logs in as a Department, following screen shows up: 5 From here, the user can go into view their department(s) by clicking the “Departments” icon on the left. Once three dots on the right side of the department block in this screen are clicked, a list of possible actions that a Department can do appear as shown below: View: This takes you the Department Dashboard that provides a summary view of the progress of the department on various schemes and KPIs, including both physical and financial progress. Edit: Edit helps in editing the basic information about the department. The information can be edited and saved as per the following screen: Add Directorate: This button is used to add a Directorate. The required information appears on the screen, as shown below: 6 Add Grant: This button helps in adding a Grant Number Add Scheme: Through this button, a new scheme can be added to the Department or Directorate, with the information shown on the screen: Deactivate: This button is only to be used in emergency. This is an option where the Department is temporarily deactivated and the rest of the persons accessing the Dashboard will not be able to view or access the Department. This button can be used only when information is being uploaded. Archive: This will permanently take away the department from the Dashboard. However, the information will not be deleted but will be archived which can be later retrieved using a separate process. 7 7. Managing Directorates On the Screen displaying the directorates, following functions can be performed by clicking on to the blue dots on the right: Edit: Provides option to edit the basic information about the directorate. The screen is same as discussed above in the Department Management section. Add Scheme: This provides options to add new Scheme within the Directorate. The screen remains the same as discussed above in the Department Management section. Deactivate: This will temporarily deactivate the Directorate but the Department will remain active. Archive: This will archive the directorate, while the Department is still available. Scheme Management This section has two components i.e. (A) Adding a New Scheme and (b) Editing an Existing Scheme. These are separately discussed here. A. Adding a New Scheme On the main screen, there is a button on the right side and clicking this button will allow adding a scheme. Once, clicked, following information will be needed to add a scheme: The information can either be selected from the Dropdown (e.g. Directorate) or typed (e.g. Head of Accounts) B. Editing an Existing Scheme 8 For editing a scheme, click on the blue dots on the right side and following options appear for action: For each action, a separate screen appears that is self-explanatory in nature and required information can be edited or uploaded. This is the most widely used screen as this allows updating information on Released Budget. This information has to be edited every quarter by the respective Department or Directorate. 8. Programme Management Like Scheme Management, this screen also has two options. The first option is to Add New Programme. Once clicked, a screen (shown below) appears and needed information can be filled in. Also, for each programme, there are three blue dots on the right which when clicked provide the following options: 9 While it allows to edit the basic information (Edit button), it allows to add KPIs for the added Programme, through the following screen: 9. KPI Management As in the other screens, this also allows to add new KPIs (if required, using the same screen discussed above) and also allows to edit the information about existing KPIs. Once the three blue dots on the right side (under the column “Action”) is clicked, following information appears: 10 The screen will be primarily used by the Departments/Directorates to add/modify the targets and also modify the achievement on a quarterly basis. While the targets are annual, the achievement is to be updated quarterly. The two screens are presented below. 10. Managing Users User management rights are only available with the Super Admin and Department Admin (for users in their department), and access not granted to other users. 11 In the user management screen, the admin can take two kinds of action, viz. creating a user or making modifications to an existing user. To make modifications, the three dots to the right of the user need to be clicked. Clicking these give the following options. View: view details of the user 12 Edit: Edit details of the user Reset Password: Reset the password of the user. Activate/Deactivate: Set the user as active or inactive. Archive: Archive the user. Used to indicate users as inactive in case of deprecation of a role or transfer of a specific user. Delete: Completely delete a user from the system. To add a new user, the “Add New User” button at the top right of the user management screen needs to be clicked. 13 Details required to create a new user are: • Name • E-mail • Role: Admin, Department Admin, Directorate User, Viewer • Username • Password • Status: In case set as inactive initially, can be changed to active by editing the user Once created, Department and Directorate users must be allotted access to their relevant department/directorate. This may be done by editing the user through the menu next to their name and selecting the relevant department/directorate from the list. 14