The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) Combined Project Information Documents / Integrated Safeguards Datasheet (PID/ISDS) Appraisal Stage | Date Prepared/Updated: 14-Jan-2021 | Report No: PIDISDSA31238 Dec 21, 2020 Page 1 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) BASIC INFORMATION OPS_TABLE_BASIC_DATA A. Basic Project Data Country Project ID Project Name Parent Project ID (if any) Indonesia P176183 SUPPORT TF FOR P085375 PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT Parent Project Name Region Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date Third Water Supply and EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC 25-Jan-2021 25-Jan-2021 Sanitation for Low-Income Communities / Community Based Water Supply Project (PAMSIMAS III) Practice Area (Lead) Financing Instrument Borrower(s) Implementing Agency Water Investment Project Republic of Indonesia DG Community Health, Financing Ministry of Health, DG Village Government, Ministry of Home Affairs, DG Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Public Works and Housing Proposed Development Objective(s) Parent To increase the low-income rural and peri-urban populations accessing improved water and sanitation facilities and practicing improved hygiene behaviors, through programmatic mainstreaming and scaling-up of a nation wide community-driven approach to WSS-MDGs. Components Community Empowerment, Local and Village Institutional Development Component 2: Improving Hygiene and Sanitation Behavior and Services Component 3: Water Supply and Public Sanitation Infrastructure Component 4: District and Village Incentives Grants (VIG) Component 5: Implementation Support and Project Management Dec 21, 2020 Page 2 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) PROJECT FINANCING DATA (US$, Millions) SUMMARY -NewFin1 Total Project Cost 2.40 Total Financing 2.40 of which IBRD/IDA 0.00 Financing Gap 0.00 DETAILS -NewFinEnh1 Non-World Bank Group Financing Trust Funds 2.40 Indonesia - Free-standing Trust Fund Program 2.40 Environmental Assessment Category B-Partial Assessment Decision The review did authorize the team to appraise and negotiate Other Decision (as needed) Dec 21, 2020 Page 3 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) B. Introduction and Context Introduction 1. The proposed AF, to be funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) of the Government of Australia (GoA) under PAMSIMAS III Support TF - TF0A6336, is requested by the Government of Indonesia (GoI) to address a financing gap on regular Project activities caused by a diminution of financing support from the local governments due to the health, social and economic impacts from the COVID 19 pandemic. The proposed AF will replace the reduction of local counterpart funds of the same amount (US$ 2.4 million). There is no change in the scope of the project and the AF will continue to support rural communities to access improved water and sanitation services and adopt improved hygiene behaviors, therefore contributing also to the COVID 19 pandemic response. 2. PAMSIMAS is the largest rural water supply and sanitation project implemented by the Government of Indonesia with a special focus on the poor and vulnerable people. The Project is implemented through a collaborative platform approach in which activities are implemented under a common strategy and financed by multiple sources of funds, including central and local governments, communities and external financing. Context 3. Alignment to GoI policy. The recent National Medium-Term Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional/RPJMN) 2020 – 2024 has set an ambitious target of supplying 100% population with access to improved water and 90% population with access to improved sanitation, by the end of 2024. PAMSIMAS is directly contributing to achieving these targets by providing access to improved water and sanitation services to over 22 million people. The Project, through the MPWH also supports the National Priority Number 5 of the RPJMN: “Strengthening Infrastructure to Support Economic Development and Basic Services�. The proposed AF is directly aligned with the GoI’s existing flagship programs for water and sanitation service delivery which comprises of: (i) Major Project No 33 – 10 Juta Sambungan Rumah (10 million house-connections program), with the objective of providing access to piped water to 10 million house connections, managed by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH); and (ii) Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM) (the Community-based Total Sanitation Program)1 managed by the Ministry of Health (MoH). 4. Relationship to Country Partnership Framework (CPF) 2021-2025. The Bank is preparing a new Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Indonesia for FY2021-2025. The Project is in line with the Objective 2.2 of the draft CPF: “Increase access to improve quality of rural and urban infrastructure�. Rural infrastructure gaps lead to lower access to basic services. Rural water supply and sanitation has strong poverty reduction effects by providing better services and thereby reducing health risks. Under-5 mortality is affected by inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene deficiencies2. The Project is also in line with the community 1 Regulation of the Minister of Health, Republic of Indonesia No 3 Year 2014, dated 27 January 2014. 2 WHO Evidence and Information for Health Policy: Dec 21, 2020 Page 4 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) driven development approach that the Bank has been supporting in Indonesia, to bridge the gap between the citizen demand and participation; and local service delivery by governments. The Project strengthens the role and responsibilities of local governments in recognizing community demands and supporting locally determined investments. 5. COVID-19 response. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in May 2020 the Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) of the Ministry of Public Works established the COVID-19 Environmental and Social Safeguards Special Guidelines, following national guidelines, to ensure the safety of the Project staff and beneficiary communities and guarantee the continuity of the Project. The Guidelines contain several measures to prevent the disease, such as handwashing, social distancing during construction works, and community engagement activities; shifting of capacity building programs to online, which are regularly given to facilitators to ensure proper management of environmental and social risks. Finally, as part of the health protocol measures, the Project finances additional hands washing facilities in public places and safety measure protocols for facilitators and technical assistance teams. The COVID-19 Environmental and Social Safeguards Special Guidelines have been added in the technical guidelines (Pedoman Teknis PAMSIMAS). C. Proposed Development Objective(s) Original PDO To increase the low-income rural and peri-urban populations accessing improved water and sanitation facilities and practicing improved hygiene behaviors, through programmatic mainstreaming and scaling-up of a nation wide community-driven approach to WSS-MDGs. Current PDO To increase the number of under-served rural and peri-urban populations accessing sustainable water supply and sanitation services Key Results D. Project Description 6. The proposed AF, to be funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) of the Government of Australia under under PAMSIMAS III Support TF - TF0A6336, is requested by the Government of Indonesia to address a financing gap on regular Project activities caused by a diminution of financing support from the local governments due to the health, social and economic impacts from the COVID 19 pandemic. The proposed AF will contribute to support rural communities to access improved water and Dec 21, 2020 Page 5 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) sanitation services and adopt improved hygiene behaviors, therefore contributing also to the COVID 19 pandemic response. 7. The project is comprised of the following components: Component 1: Community Empowerment, Local and Village Institutional Development Sub-component 1.1: Implementation of Community Driven Development (CDD) processes at community level Provision of technical advisory services and training for both governmental and non-governmental organizations and low-income communities to support the preparation and implementation of Community Action Plans (CAPs) for universal access, focusing on informed choice, design and costs of community and school water supply and peri-urban sanitation services, community and school hygiene behavior change activities, school sanitation facilities and post-construction management and sustainability. Sub-component 1.2: Development of mechanisms and capacities of provincial, district and sub-district institutions for quality program management. Provision of technical advisory services and training to strengthen inter-agency cooperation at the Province and District-level and to develop the institutional capacity of the units, teams and related personnel involved in the implementation of the Project, including development and revision of guidelines and manuals, and training materials to ensure compliance with the relevant rules and procedures. Subcomponent 1.3: Development of mechanisms and capacities of provincial and district institutions for scaling up and mainstreaming community driven WSS. Provision of training, through the recruitment of a Training and Development Service team at the national level to provide support to PPMUs and DPMUs, including strategic planning, preparation and quality assurance for training and capacity building activities. Provision of training, through the recruitment of community facilitators to facilitate community empowerment and institutional building at the village level. Implementation of a program of activities designed to support capacity building and advocacy activities for government and civil society to improve overall water and sanitation delivery, encourage the reallocations in overall local government budgets in favor of community driven development for water supply and sanitation service delivery and promote post- construction innovations to enhance sustainability of services. Subcomponent 1.4: Development of mechanisms and capacity of village government for maintaining and expanding water supply and sanitation services through capacity building and advocacy activities for village government to maintain and expand the existing water and sanitation service; and encourage allocation in village government’s budget to promote post-construction activities to enhance sustainability of PAMSIMAS- supported water supply and sanitation services over the long-run. The activities will include: (a) integration of PJM ProAKSI (medium-term planning of water supply, health and sanitation programs) into the mid-term and annual development plans of village government, and (b) facilitation to increase village government’s expenditure to maintain and expand the existing water supply facilities. Component 2: Improving Hygiene and Sanitation Behavior and Services. Sub-component 2.1: Total Sanitation Program. Provision of technical advisory services and training to support implementation of a phased program of community behavior change, consisting of the promotion of the community-led total sanitation approach for safe excreta management, hand-washing and other locally Dec 21, 2020 Page 6 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) relevant environmental sanitation practices, including water storage and handling, food hygiene, solid waste and wastewater management, and water quality monitoring. Sub-component 2.2: Sanitation & Hygiene Marketing Program. Provision of technical advisory serves and training and carrying out of studies to support a sanitation and hygiene marketing program designed to generate consumer demand for improved sanitation, facilitate the ability of local markets to respond to this demand, and promote improved hygiene behavior. Sub-component 2.3: School Hygiene and Sanitation Program. Provision of technical advisory services and training to support school-based hygiene promotion training and facilitation, and facilitate workshops designed to incorporate and integrate school-based hygiene promotion programs into routine curricula and health education programs. Sub-component 2.4: Strengthening Local Sanitation and Hygiene Units. Provision of technical advisory services and training to strengthen the capacity of the units responsible for environmental health and hygiene promotion in participating provinces and districts to monitor progress in meeting their water supply and sanitation targets, assess performance of their sanitation and hygiene programs and evaluate their impact on hygiene behavior. Component 3: Water Supply and Public Sanitation Infrastructure Provision of community block grants only for the first year in new participating districts to ensure that learning to strengthen the quality and management of the grants is properly institutionalized and sustained by district governments and communities. Block grants to support activities under community action plans include (i) water supply system for new villages; (ii) scaling up and expansion of existing village water supply systems (iii) optimization of existing underperforming village water supply systems. These are conducted through the design, construction and commissioning and operation of water supply infrastructure at the community level based on a menu of technical options, including rapid technical assessments and community water supply and sanitation situation analysis to determine water demand and system options, informed water system technology choice, technical surveys and development of the detailed engineering designs, construction, supervision and quality control, and operations and maintenance training. The block grant is constituted by funding contributions as follows: Central government 60%, District government 10%, Community 20% (4% cash, 16% in kind) and Village fund 10%. Component 4: District and Village Incentive Grants Sub-component 4.1: Incentives Grant to Districts. Provision of incentive grants through counterpart financing to participating districts that meet or exceed predetermined project performance criteria, including coverage, contribution to community action plan grants and management information system performance to support activities under the community action plan. Sub-component 4.2: Incentives Grant to Villages. Provision of incentive grants through counterpart financing to participating villages that meet or exceed predetermined project performance criteria, including achievement of component specific objectives of hygiene, community mobilization and contribution, and water supply and sanitation coverage to support complementary activities in view of scaling up and expansion of existing water supply and sanitation services. Provision of incentive grants through counterpart financing Dec 21, 2020 Page 7 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) from the Rural Water Grant Program to villages on an output basis where community block grants are pre- financed by district governments. Provision through project financing of technical advisory services, facilitators and training for low-income communities, baseline data collection and verification of outputs as qualification for the output-based grant. Sub-component 4.3: Grants for under-performing villages. Provision of grants to under-performing villages to improve system and institutional performance under strict criteria and selection mechanism, together with intensive facilitation. Sub-component 4.4: Grants to associations of BPSPAMS. Provision of annual inventive grants to associations of BPSPAMS that meet or exceed predetermined performance criteria to provide: (i) technical assistance for preventive and corrective maintenance of water supply and sanitation systems operated by BPSPAMS; (ii) facilitation support for major technical maintenance; (iii) training to systems operators; (iv) in cooperation with local health agencies, promotion of health and hygiene education in the communities; (v) improved management competencies in BPSPAMS, and (vi) establishment of partnerships with various stakeholders to facilitate service expansion of BSPAMS. Performance criteria will be based on: (i) work program and performance, (ii) geographical spread, (iii) ability to facilitate distinct issues, such as performance of village water supply system which needs their facilitation, and (iv) partnership with local government or other parties. Component 5: Implementation Support and Project Management Sub-component 5.1: National Management Consultant (NMC) and Advisory Teams to the Central Project Management Unit. Provision of technical advisory services and training, through the recruitment of NMC and Advisory Teams to provide support, for the benefit of CPMU, in terms of overall project management, monitoring of implementation and outcomes, expansion of the national water supply and sanitation program, and technical and financial reporting, as well as in the fields of sustainable water supply and sanitation, hygiene promotion, capacity building, institutional strengthening, social and environmental safeguards and community empowerment. Sub-component 5.2: Regional Oversight Management Services to the PPMUs and DPMUs. Provision of technical advisory services and training , through the recruitment 18 of Regional Oversight Management Services (ROMS) teams, to provide support to 33 provinces and 412 districts, for the benefit of PPMUs and DPMUs, in terms of day-to-day project management, technical matters, implementation of community-driven processes, institutional capacity building social inclusion and environmental safeguards, monitoring of implementation and sustainability of outcomes, and technical and financial reporting at the province, district and village level. Sub-component 5.3: Independent Project Evaluation. Provision of technical advisory services and training, through the recruitment of independent project evaluation consultants to evaluate project performance. Provision of technical advisory services and training for improved project monitoring using the latest ICT technologies for (i) data collection, data verification, and data use; (ii) enhanced grievance redressal mechanism to improve community feedback and response mechanisms; (iii) enhancement of monitoring for sanitation progress and ODF status, including the introduction of incentive mechanisms for sanitation data Dec 21, 2020 Page 8 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) collection by field sanitation officials at sub-district level, improvement of monitoring of improved hygiene behaviors and increasing sanitation data use for program planning. 8. The AF funds will support the implementation of already planned and regular activities of the Project to contribute to the achievement of its Project Development Objective. The AF will contribute to the achievement of the PDO Indicator #1 on “increasing the number of people with improved access to water supply facilities�. The proposed AF will support regular Project activities to provide 31,000 beneficiaries (already part of the PDO # 1 target indicator) with access to improved water supply facilities. More specifically, the AF funds will be used to support the following activities: • Under Component 1, (under Category 1), provision of institutional strengthening for water user groups (KPSPAMS)3 at village level and district level4, including: 1) Workshops to strengthen the institutional and financial management capacity of 2,300 water and sanitation management groups (KPSPAMS) at the village level to ensure long term sustainability5 and 2) Facilitation and capacity building support to selected KPSPAMS Association at the district level that have prepared quality annual work plans for year 2021. The facilitation is expected to improve the data quality on KPSPAMS performance and to strengthen the coordination and advocation between association and the local government6. • Under Component 3, provision of regular block grants to 60 villages for the construction of a new water and sanitation facilities (under Category 2, Part C: Water Supply and Public Sanitation Infrastructure) • Under Component 4, provision of village incentive grants to 59 villages to construct water treatment system to improve the water quality (Category 2, Part D.2 and D3: District and Village Incentive to participating village that meet or exceed predetermined performance criteria). These activities were already foreseen in the Parent Project scope, thus fully aligned with the PDO and its indicators. These activities will be completed by the Project closing date (December 31, 2021). E. Implementation 3 Activities under Category 1 Goods, consultants’ services, non-consulting services, workshop and training under Parts A.1(a), A.2, A.3, A.4, B, C, D.4 and E of the Project. 4 The district Associations provide (i) technical assistance for preventive and corrective maintenance of water supply and sanitation systems operated by BPSPAMS or KPSPAMS; (ii) facilitation support for major technical maintenance; (iii) training to systems operators; (iv) promotion of health and hygiene education in the communities in cooperation with local health agencies; (v) improved management competencies in BPSPAMS or KPSPAMS, and (vi) establishment of partnerships with various stakeholders to facilitate service expansion of BPSPAMS. Currently there are 307 associations of BPSPAMS or KPSPAMS that are established in the PAMSIMAS districts area. 5 This activity belongs to part A.4 of the project: Implementation of a program of capacity building and advocacy activities to enhance sustainability of PAMSIMAS-supported water supply and sanitation services over the long-run period. 6 This activity belongs to part D.4 of the project: Carrying out a program of activities designed to support select associations of KPSPAMS. Dec 21, 2020 Page 9 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) Institutional and Implementation Arrangements 9. The AF will maintain the existing institutional and implementation arrangements. The central executing agency is the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) in charge of the overall program coordination and of implementing the water supply infrastructure components (Component 1, 3, 4 and 5). The other central government implementing agency is the Ministry of Health (MOH), in charge of the Component 2 (Improving Hygiene and Sanitation Behavior and Services). The Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) and the Ministry of Village, Disadvantage Areas and Transmigration (MOV) are implementing activities under Component 1 (Community Empowerment, Local and Village Institutional Development). MPWH manages an implementation support team under Component 5 through contracting a National Management Consultant (NMC) and 18 Regional Oversight Management Services (ROMS) teams to support PPMU (Provincial Project Management Units) and DPMUs (District Project Management Units) for day-to-day activities on: project management, technical matters, implementation of community-driven processes, institutional capacity building, social inclusion and environmental safeguards, monitoring of implementation and service sustainability, and technical and financial reporting at the province, district and village levels. The ROMS teams provide support to 33 provinces and 412 districts. In addition, the project is supported by the community facilitator team which assists communities in preparation, implementation and operation, and maintenance of the activities and facilities, as specified in the community action plan (CAP). . F. Project location and Salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis (if known) The AF will contribute to the achievement of the PDO, in particular supporting PDO Indicator #1 on increasing the number of people with improved access to water supply facilities. The proposed AF will support regular Project activities to provide 31,000 beneficiaries (already part of the PDO # 1 targeted indicator) with access to improved water supply facilities. More specifically, the AF funds will be used to support the following activities: (a) under Component 1: capacity building to strengthen the capacity of the rural water and sanitation user groups and district associations to ensure that the facilities are efficiently managed and financed in a sustainable manner, (b) under Component 3: provision of block grants for 119 villages comprising 60 villages in which a new water supply system will be constructed and 59 villages in which water treatment facilities will be added to the existing water supply system to improve the quality of the water in compliance with the community water safety plan. The project has benefited 19.3 million beneficiaries out of 22.1 million targeted beneficiaries. These activities were already foreseen in the original Project scope, thus fully aligned with the PDO and its indicators. These activities will be completed by the project closing date (December 31, 2021). Although number of indigenous communities in Java is relatively small compared to outside Java, there is a possibility that indigenous communities are present and become part of beneficiaries at some villages targeted by this AF. Identification of the indigenous communities in the project areas have been defined by the field implementers/facilitators along with the communities themselves during the process of problem identification and situation analysis (IMAS/Identifikasi Masalah dan Analisis Situasi) carried out early during the parent project implementation on the field. Given the nature of the project, negative impacts on indigenous peoples are not expected. Experiences in PAMSIMAS projects showed that land area needed for a subproject is relatively small. Average land size needed for subprojects ranged between 3 – 277 m2. Maximum land size needed for transmission/distribution pipes is Dec 21, 2020 Page 10 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) 1,410 m2. The common practice is that the needed lands are obtained either through land donation, permit to use or permit for passage. G. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists on the Team Ninin Kania Dewi, Social Specialist Krisnan Pitradjaja Isomartana, Environmental Specialist Annye Frida Meilani Simbolon, Social Specialist Suryaputrianita Satyanugraha, Environmental Specialist SAFEGUARD POLICIES THAT MIGHT APPLY SAFEGUARD _TBL Safeguard Policies Triggered? Explanation (Optional) The AF will solely focus on addressing the existing financial gap in the project to allow further outreach to 31,000 beneficiaries who still have limited access to clean water and proper sanitation, to achieve the original project target. The proposed activities will not result in any change to the nature, scale, and type of sub-projects activities. Thus, the World Bank’s Safeguards Policies is still applicable as per the Bank Procedure for Additional Financing for Investment Project Financing (IPF) applying the World Bank Safeguard Policies issued and effective on June 4, 2020. Environmental Assessment OP/BP 4.01 Yes The project remains category B for environmental assessment as per World Bank safeguards policies and will not trigger additional safeguards policies. Therefore, the already adapted the Environmental and Social Safeguard Framework (ESSF) is still relevant and does not need to be revised. Similar to previous PAMSIMAS schemes, the AF will focus on strengthening the implementation of health protocols among project stakeholders and communities, improve the quality of water supply and sanitation facilities in selected locations, and improve the delivery of capacity building programs. Dec 21, 2020 Page 11 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) The types of water supply and sanitation (WSS) infrastructure that may be supported are piping systems, household taps and water connections, tube well/borehole/deep wells, protected dug wells, reservoirs, protected spring, rainwater collection, water intake from rivers, small-scale water treatment technologies, and school handwashing and sanitation facilities. The AF will continue to adopt a community-based approach, in which local beneficiaries will be actively conducting the planning, implementation, operation, and maintenance stage of the listed activities. Overall, PAMSIMAS has been generating positive environmental and social impacts. Lessons learned from the implementation of the parent project indicated that negative impacts are minor, reversible, and can be managed locally through proper design and operations, and maintenance. Likely impacts include: 1) generic construction impacts (construction debris, work-related accidents, etc.); 2) decreasing water resource quality and quantity; 3) potential environmental pollution and contamination of water sources from improper design of sanitation facilities and drainage systems for public taps; and 4) risk of COVID-19 spreading during construction and community engagement activities. The project has been satisfactorily implementing safeguard policies in managing its environmental and social impacts by adapting the Technical Guidelines for Environmental and Social Safeguards in complement to the ESSF. The guidelines have included measures to mitigate potential negative upstream and downstream impacts by outlining good practices and environmental and social risk screening mechanisms to be considered in the community work plans (RKM). The project has also updated the Technical Guidelines for Environmental and Social Safeguards to incorporate lessons learned from the field and improve safeguard management and reporting. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the project has developed the COVID-19 Environmental and Social Safeguards Special Dec 21, 2020 Page 12 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) Guidelines in complement with national guidelines to prevent further disease transmission in project activities. The AF will continue to implement the schemes, approaches, and instruments to address negative environmental impacts that have been implemented in the ongoing PAMSIMAS, along with regular field supervision by the Bank (directly or virtually). Performance Standards for Private Sector The project does not involve private sector entities No Activities OP/BP 4.03 as executing or implementing agencies. The AF will not conduct activities located in natural habitats and protected areas. The Technical Guidelines for Environmental and Social Safeguards section 2.2 h stipulated that PAMSIMAS will not finance subprojects that will cause conversion or degradation to natural habitat and critical natural habitat. Check list form no: PT 2.7 -01A of the guidelines has listed all forest areas, conservation and sensitive areas such as peat land, wet land, mangrove area as Natural Habitats OP/BP 4.04 No part of the initial identification of environmental impacts for the proposed project location. If the location of the springs, natural rivers and wells and transmission pipes is inside or traversing the protection forest or any other protected or sensitive areas, with minor or limited impact, section 2.2.5 of the Guidelines will request the RKM from the community to be evaluated by the local environmental agency office to get their opinion and approval. If the impact is significant the sub projects will not be approved during community work plan development. The AF will not finance activities that involve significant conversion or degradation of critical forest areas or natural forest as defined under the Forests OP/BP 4.36 No policy. The project is not intended for commercial plantation and there is no project component to improve the forest function. The AF will not supply any pesticide or support Pest Management OP 4.09 No activities that may lead to significant increase use of pesticide. Dec 21, 2020 Page 13 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) Up to this point, the parent project has not included any construction that causes adverse impacts to physical cultural resources. All civil works have been small in scale and have minor negative impacts. The AF will not alter the project scope and scale of Physical Cultural Resources OP/BP 4.11 No activities. Thus, will not undertake any physical construction that will largely affect the physical cultural resources asset in the water resources area, transmission line, reservoir area or at sanitation facilities. Learning from the implementation of the parent project so far, there are no negative impacts of the activities to the indigenous communities. There is also no exclusion of the indigenous community from the program. In the villages where indigenous peoples present, the IPs are part of beneficiaries who also take part in decision making process through application of Community Driven Development (CDD) approach. The AF will not change the nature, scale and type of activities and the project objectives remain the same. Additional financing is needed to carry out activities that have been planned in the parent project to achieve the PDO, in particular to achieve the target number of beneficiaries. The Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF) as part of the Indigenous Peoples OP/BP 4.10 Yes ESSF of the parent project is still relevant and does not need to be revised. Guidance for program implementation in the villages where IPs exist are provided in the Technical Guidance, particularly related to consultation process, which are to be carried out at every stage of the activity. The project has also developed the COVID-19 Environmental and Social Safeguards Special Guidelines in complement of national guidelines to prevent further disease transmission in project activities. As a CDD-based program, these beneficiaries will be engaged in the project cycle through a participatory and transparent process, as have been done since the beginning of PAMSIMAS program implementation. Safeguards monitoring component Dec 21, 2020 Page 14 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) of the project management information system related to safeguard management will be continuously improved. Involuntary land acquisition is not expected. Given the similar nature of activities in the parent project, as is the case of the ongoing PAMSIMAS program all land needed for the facilities have been obtained through voluntary donation or permit to use, or permit for passage. Guidance for land donation process including templates for land transfer letters are available in the Technical Guidelines for Involuntary Resettlement OP/BP 4.12 No Environmental and Social Safeguards. Land needed by a program will remain relatively small in size. Processes for land donation in PAMSIMAS have been documented in the RKM (Rencana Kerja Masyarakat/Community Work Plan) as well as in the MIS and will remain so in the Additional Financing for PAMSIMAS III. The project will not involve any construction of a Safety of Dams OP/BP 4.37 No new dam or dam under construction Projects on International Waterways The sub-project is not located in the international No OP/BP 7.50 waterways area as defined in the policy. The sub-project is not located in disputed areas as Projects in Disputed Areas OP/BP 7.60 No per the policy. KEY SAFEGUARD POLICY ISSUES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT OPS_SAFEGUARD_SUMMARY_TBL A. Summary of Key Safeguard Issues 1. Describe any safeguard issues and impacts associated with the proposed project. Identify and describe any potential large scale, significant and/or irreversible impacts: The PAMSIMAS III AF will benefit 31,000 people by providing them access to improved water supply and sanitation facilities. Community user groups in 119 communities will be trained to ensure that the facilities are efficiently managed and financed in a sustainable manner. In addition, these communities will benefit from sanitation and hygiene behavior change communication campaign as well as hand-washing facilities in public places. Rural water supply and sanitation has strong poverty reduction effects, via improved health, improved nutrition and reductions in stunting. Finally, the project will likely reduce under-5 mortality as it is affected by inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene deficiencies. The AF will continue to induce positive environmental impacts through their proposed activities. The implementation of previous PAMSIMAS projects has shown noticeable environmental improvements from the reduction of open defecation practices due to the availability of improved latrines. The increase of clean water access has also set major Dec 21, 2020 Page 15 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) improvements in public health qualities. Consistent with the parent project, no adverse environmental impacts are expected due to the small-scale activities. Possible minor negative impacts include generation of wastewater, decreasing water quality from improper design of sanitation facilities, and construction impacts, all of which are reversible and can be locally managed. The AF will continue to improve its safeguard management and comply to the Technical Guidelines for Environmental and Social Safeguards throughout project implementation. In the participating villages where indigenous communities are present, given the project nature, no adverse impacts are anticipated. They will become beneficiaries and play an active role during implementation of this CDD activities. 2. Describe any potential indirect and/or long term impacts due to anticipated future activities in the project area: N/A 3. Describe any project alternatives (if relevant) considered to help avoid or minimize adverse impacts. N/A 4. Describe measures taken by the borrower to address safeguard policy issues. Provide an assessment of borrower capacity to plan and implement the measures described. The proposed AF project will adopt the ongoing PAMSIMAS approach in environmental and social safeguards management including application of the Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework (consist of environmental management and to address vulnerable and Indigenous Peoples), the project implementation manual, technical guidelines for infrastructure and technical guidelines for environmental and social safeguards. The manual and guidelines cover procedures and forms for environmental screening and mitigation measures, as well as documentation for voluntary land donation and addressing IPs communities. In addition, the AF project will use the “format book� containing of safeguard-related formats to be filled in by the community groups and other project stakeholders. The project has also developed the COVID-19 Environmental and Social Safeguards Special Guidelines in complement of national guidelines to prevent Covid-19 transmission in project activities. Facilitators of PAMSIMAS will continue to guide, facilitate and oversee the screening process, consultation process for land donation, and the addressing of IPs communities and documentation at the village level. The project management consultant at the district and regional levels carries out regular and backstopping supervision to the communities. The project implementation manual, technical guidelines for infrastructure activities, and the technical guidelines for environmental and social safeguards of the PAMSIMAS will be continuously updated to reflect lessons learned from the safeguards implementation. The AF will continue to provide special arrangement for facilitators whose responsibilities are located in remote villages, to be able to provide better facilitation and supervision to the communities. For example, by providing higher transport and operational allowance compared to those in normal area. The AF will continuously improve documentation (recording and reporting from the sub-project to project level) of the process and results of environmental and social issues, measures to manage the impacts (if any) and of land donation, and of IPs communities. Trainings have been given and will be regularly conducted for the project management consultants, facilitators, and community organizations. The Borrower has good capacity to plan and implement the measures for environmental management and for addressing identified social impacts, including land donation. Current implementation arrangement is considered sufficient to accommodate proper safeguards implementation. The Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) has dedicated Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists under the National Management Consultant (NMC) who Dec 21, 2020 Page 16 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) oversee the overall safeguards implementation and carry out periodical monitoring and evaluation with the support from Regional Oversight Management Services (ROMS). Additionally, Community Facilitators are assisting the local community in preparing environmental and social management plan and its implementation on the field. The project stakeholders and community groups have followed the project implementation manual and other relevant technical guidelines in implementing the environmental and social safeguards. Improvement on monitoring and supervision from the facilitators and consultants and reporting on safeguards issues will be required. Regarding social and environmental safeguards implementation, the CPMU of the lead executing agency (Ministry of Public Works and Housing) has a stronger capacity than other line Ministries involved in PAMSIMAS (Ministry of Health and Ministry of Home Affairs) through accumulation of more than 10 years of experience managing PAMSIMAS program. It has been assisted by a National Management Consultant (NMC) and regional oversight management services at provincial and district levels which has environmental and social development experts. Same arrangement will be implemented under the AF project. Mechanism for grievance redress has been established and fully operationalized under the parent project. Standard Operational Procedure (POB) for Information and Complaint handling is in place to guide the management of information and complaints handling by program managers as part of efforts to maintain program quality and become a source of reference for all levels of society who wish to convey various information and complaints related to the implementation of the program. Besides that, it is also to foster an orderly and responsible community participation in exercising social control over the implementation of the program. The handling of information and complaint handling managed by UPM (Public Complaint Unit) from village to central level. Channels for filing complaints consist of various media that easily accessible to the public. Dedicated contact number is provided and available in village office and/or community group secretariat. There are also email address ( and link (Layanan Informasi dan Pengaduan/Information and Complaint Services) in the project website ( Complaints are well recorded in the Management Information System, that includes the status of complaint resolution. The AF project will continue to strengthen the capacity of PAMSIMAS’ project management staff, consultants, facilitators, and communities in environmental and social safeguards through relevant training sessions as well as the reporting system of the environmental and social management. The CPMU with assistance of the NMC has been carried out regular supervision to the field. Every 1-2 month period, the national consultants pick a 3% sample of villages to be supervised, including on environmental and social safeguard aspects. The local Health Agency will continue to conduct laboratory-based water quality test for every AF project villages, as has been the case for the ongoing PAMSIMAS. 5. Identify the key stakeholders and describe the mechanisms for consultation and disclosure on safeguard policies, with an emphasis on potentially affected people. The main key stakeholders are poor local communities lacking access to sustainable water supply and with limited facilities and awareness of associated sanitation and hygiene practices. Participatory consultation will take place during the entire processes, from the identification of problems and situation analysis (IMAS), formation of the community organization (KKM) and management body (KPSPAM) at village level, preparation of the sub-project proposals and implementation as well as in the operation and maintenance of sub-projects. The roles of the facilitators and communities are important in this consultation process. Environmental and social screening and mitigation measures are identified and agreed among the beneficiaries during the preparation of the sub-project Dec 21, 2020 Page 17 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) proposals. Similarly, the need and mechanisms for obtaining land are identified and agreed among the beneficiaries through participatory consultations during the preparation of sub-project proposals. Facilitation and verification of the process and documentation included in the sub-project proposals are done by the KKMs and community facilitators. The RKM (Community Work Plan) is an important instrument/document that includes environmental and social safeguards impacts screening (including identifying and confirming the presence of IPs community and potential subproject’s impacts), identifying impacts, identifying mitigation measures and implementation arrangements. RKM also includes among other documentations of meetings, consultations and infrastructure plan, costs, and land donation letter. RKM is available to public in the KKM/village offices. As is the case in PAMSIMAS, District Governments are also important stakeholders in the proposed AF project, as recipients that help to implement the Government’s policy on Community-based Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation. At district level, the technical team consisting of local agencies of Public Works, Health, Planning, and in some cases, also local agencies of Forestry, Mining, and Environmental Management play important roles in supervising and controlling environmental and social safeguards implementation. The verification and evaluation of technical team are requirement for villages to continue the implementation of sub project activities. This institutional arrangement will continue in the AF project. Project instruments to manage the environmental and social risks and impacts have been uploaded in the project website ( The instruments include Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework (ESSF) including the Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework and the project implementation manual, technical guidelines for infrastructure activities, technical guidelines for environmental and social safeguards, and COVID-19 Environmental and Social Safeguards Special Guidelines. The project implementation manual and technical guidelines are distributed to all project management staff, consultants, community facilitators, and the KKMs. OPS_SAFEGUARD_DISCLOSURE_TBL B. Disclosure Requirements (N.B. The sections below appear only if corresponding safeguard policy is triggered) OPS_EA_DISCLOSURE_TABLE Environmental Assessment/Audit/Management Plan/Other For category A projects, date of Date of receipt by the Bank Date of submission for disclosure distributing the Executive Summary of the EA to the Executive Directors 01-Sep-2015 28-Sep-2015 "In country" Disclosure Indonesia 01-Sep-2015 Comments Disclosure of ESSF on September 1, 2015 on PAMSIMAS Website ( Dec 21, 2020 Page 18 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) OPS_I P_DIS CLOSURE_TAB LE Indigenous Peoples Development Plan/Framework Date of receipt by the Bank Date of submission for disclosure 01-Sep-2015 28-Sep-2015 "In country" Disclosure Indonesia 28-Sep-2015 Comments Disclosure of ESSF on September 1, 2015 on PAMSIMAS Website ( OPS_PM_ PCR_TABLE If the project triggers the Pest Management and/or Physical Cultural Resources policies, the respective issues are to be addressed and disclosed as part of the Environmental Assessment/Audit/or EMP. If in-country disclosure of any of the above documents is not expected, please explain why: OPS_COMPLIANCE_INDICATOR_TBL C. Compliance Monitoring Indicators at the Corporate Level (to be filled in when the ISDS is finalized by the project decision meeting) (N.B. The sections below appear only if corresponding safeguard policy is triggered) OPS_EA_COMP_TABLE OP/BP/GP 4.01 - Environment Assessment Does the project require a stand-alone EA (including EMP) report? Yes If yes, then did the Regional Environment Unit or Practice Manager (PM) review and approve the EA report? Yes Are the cost and the accountabilities for the EMP incorporated in the credit/loan? Yes OPS_I P_COM P_TABLE OP/BP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples Has a separate Indigenous Peoples Plan/Planning Framework (as appropriate) been prepared in consultation with affected Indigenous Peoples? Yes If yes, then did the Regional unit responsible for safeguards or Practice Manager review the plan? Yes If the whole project is designed to benefit IP, has the design been reviewed and approved by the Regional Social Development Unit or Practice Manager? NA OPS_ PDI_ COMP_TAB LE Dec 21, 2020 Page 19 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) The World Bank Policy on Disclosure of Information Have relevant safeguard policies documents been sent to the World Bank for disclosure? Yes Have relevant documents been disclosed in-country in a public place in a form and language that are understandable and accessible to project-affected groups and local NGOs? Yes OPS_ALL_COMP_TABLE All Safeguard Policies Have satisfactory calendar, budget and clear institutional responsibilities been prepared for the implementation of measures related to safeguard policies? Yes Have costs related to safeguard policy measures been included in the project cost? Yes Does the Monitoring and Evaluation system of the project include the monitoring of safeguard impacts and measures related to safeguard policies? Yes Have satisfactory implementation arrangements been agreed with the borrower and the same been adequately reflected in the project legal documents? Yes CONTACT POINT World Bank Christophe Prevost Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist Borrower/Client/Recipient Republic of Indonesia Mr. Danis H. Simadilaga Director General Implementing Agencies Dec 21, 2020 Page 20 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) DG Community Health, Ministry of Health Ms. Ely Setyawati Deputy Head of CPMU of MoH DG Village Government, Ministry of Home Affairs Ms. Paudah PIU / LO PEMDES DG Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs Ms. Nitta Rosalin PIU / LO of Bangda Ministry of Public Works and Housing Mr. Yudha Mediawan Director of Water Supply and Development FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: APPROVAL Task Team Leader(s): Christophe Prevost Approved By Safeguards Advisor: Nina Chee 20-Jan-2021 Practice Manager/Manager: Sudipto Sarkar 25-Jan-2021 Dec 21, 2020 Page 21 of 22 The World Bank SUPPORT TF FOR PAMSIMAS III (THIRD WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES/ COMMUNITYBASED WATER SUPPLY PROJECT (P176183) Country Director: Noto Luciana 25-Jan-2021 Dec 21, 2020 Page 22 of 22