6'u/ws C> i//I Policy, Research, and External Affairs WORKING PAPERS L Populailon, Healith, and Nutrition j Population and Human Resources Department Tho World Bank May 1990 WPS 413 Supporting Safe Motherhood A Review of Financial Trends Full Report L. M. Howard Almost 500,000 women a year from developing countries die from pregnancy-related causes. In 1987, an international con- ference in Nairobi, Kenya launched a global Safe Motherhood Initiative with World Bank co-sponsorship. By 1989, how were the donors responding to the Initiative? IThe Policy, Research, and Extemal Affairs Cromplcx distnhutes PRE Working Papers to desc:xrninate the finduings of work in prungss and to ercomagc the exchangc of ideas among lBank staff and all others interested in develop ment issucs T'hese papers carry the namyes of the authors, rflect only their views, and should be used and cited accordingly lhe findings, interpeutieons, and conclusions arc the authors' own. They ahould not be attributed to the World Bank, its Board of Directors, its managaescnt, or any of its member countnes Policy, Research, and External Atfairs Population, Health, and Nutrition This paper ---a prodiuct of the Population, lcailth, an(l Nuirition GJIViSiOll, Po1ulatiOn and1(1 ILlmlal Resources Depaitment --- is part oki ; larger efiort in I iRF to promlote policy and re soLIu rce Coini0 t InCit to the Safc Motherhoo(i Initiafive Copies are availahle f'ree from the World( Bank, 1818 II StrCet NW, Washington DC 2(433. Plealse contact Sonia Ainswonhti, room S6-065, extension 31091 (50 pag°res w ith figures and tables). Financial trendsfor safr motherhood initiatit'es. Estimated World Bank sale mothicr ood Problems of definition and accouunting metilods expenditures in 19S9 arc triple telC previous precludc an acchraite analysis of financial trcnds year's total. This is due priailyril tO substIa;Stiali among donors. Global support lor speci1ic safe incrcascs in gencral lozans Ior lzalthl, populat ion, mothcrhcod activities is limited. For thc 17 and nutrition. New specific safe miotliherhioodi major bilateral sources, funding, for selectedi activitics are beginning to emerge in thic lomit of activities which contribute to safc motherlhood is care tor tthe corn plications of pregnancy, hcbtcr estimated to have increased (in curretit dollars) seconldary and tertiary 'facilities, training, and from $691.5 million in 1986 to $8 18.8 iX illioin in promotional workshops. 1988. About half this amount was for so-callc(i corc* activities, including family planning Thc maignitudc anid effectiveness of tdonor scrvices. The magnitude of support for prveen- financing will requirc more attention to 1' 0 tion of the complications ol pregnanc\ is less special problcIs: certain. Gcncral health, population, and nutri- tion sector flows increased subsantlialIv ovcr the * Strengthening recipient coltriesis a ilit k same period. Th,ese tireinds % crc lxpsitivC lor 13 aItiCflcalatC projecltCt dIeanHid providim : spL cili1 sources, unchanged flor tlhree, and negative for irainino. techlnical advisory assistince, aiid one. oI)crationaiil gUid(II ine 01fo' nIOI ili ine i 'iiinIL i II resourc.es. Of tIC six maMjor- i ul tilatera;l soCcsL.-, totlIs tor sclccted safe inoinerhioodt actiities . cre esti- * Improvintg ttih data on salc nmotliclilood mated to be $477.7 miillion in 1(8S, a 41.7 1inancial trends - establishing a consensus o n percent increase over 1987 and a 1 7 percent definitions: seeking a conscnSuIs on Ii nain i aill increase over 1986, reilectingt dilltrenccs in the mecasuirable prograLin or project caiect orics ol sacI annual volunmc of- World 13Bank loan approval . motherhood: (eifiilltitn methio(ds for1 t11h. s%SterC Half of this went for corc services, prim an iv atic collection of donor and rccipit countill familny planning data oi i finan1.cial trend,,. At thc I1987 Cuntfercrntc otn 5.,iu NlihclLrli,d- inl .l.,l !ir, arl \ic1\.msr.m rt < ,riiarcii., .m 1 i~rc tnr.gr. ir r di. r,\ )' nih. i ! :l 11l.:i. x reducing the numLbrol pregtritL. I Shrouh ! .uu 1 w p!rnuTg LjdwIk, a rrIsio nn r t iond L otmniunt haitd yr. s c.s rc ,ur L ig thSc . i I I o pf i'i and chtldhi nh; pyrou dirrg prcnAL.n.sl . .prc 1 rx .cJ h .: cr1,.,. rc cruuTg, m,ld rctc1rral fXr tuh -ri.k nrrhcr'. ;ui urn, ,,nuTgk 1iiliil ., :.,! tranportnation fur conipiiciatcd dcl '. criuc The PRE Vv(rk1Irg L)a1spr S cWr c. III .u1 .i vii I!L 1Vt 'm.k LITrtdr d .r I t ic ati.k s 1)t I R l1ht i . i, ;'. Affairs ('omplex. AnL hjccti . tic 'r. . 't ,ci h i it tiid S0Ut 4cqI kk . (-%en ilt r,:Ath.t.. ku- I,c. Txplished. ihc findings. icrtirtt.rtair t. .in,! . i inn in i,, rs,rk'rs iitn1 rr1ccs.sri1I rcprc