The World Bank                                                                            Implementation Status & Results Report
            Mozambique Public Financial Management for Results Program (P124615)

Mozambique Public Financial Management for Results Program (P124615)

 AFRICA | Mozambique | Governance Global Practice | Requesting Unit: AFCS2 | Responsible Unit: GGOAC
 IBRD/IDA | Program-for-Results | FY 2014 | Team Leader(s): Joseph Kizito Mubiru, Ana Ruth Menezes

 Seq No: 8 | ARCHIVED on 29-Jun-2018 | ISR32780 | Created by: Ana Ruth Menezes on 25-May-2018 | Modified by: Emerson John Vasco Siquice on 28-

 Program Development Objectives

  Program Development Objective (from Program Appraisal Document)
  The Program Development Objective is to improve the transparency and efficiency of expenditures for the storage, distribution and availability of
  medicines and for more transparent and accountable management of Complete Primary Schools

 Overall Ratings

 Name                                                                       Previous Rating                          Current Rating

 Progress towards achievement of PDO                                        Satisfactory                            Satisfactory
 Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                       Satisfactory                            Satisfactory

 Implementation Status and Key Decisions
  The Program ratings for progress toward the achievement of the Program Development Objective (PDO) and overall implementation remain
  Satisfactory. As of March 2018, 88 percent of disbursement-linked indicator (DLI) targets have been validated, strengthening the medicine supply
  chain and primary school management. Given that most of the program results are either fully achieved or close to achievement, the overall risk
  rating has been upgraded to Moderate.
  The Program extension contributed to the consolidation of the program achievements and internalizing the public sector reform process initiated
  under the program. The health and education sectors have demonstrated sustained progress across the majority of the Program’s nine DLIs, and
  on overall Program implementation to improve service delivery. In health progress has been registered but “last mile” delivery remains a challenge.
  The Government and its Health Partners continue to demonstrate satisfactory commitment to support systems improvements, and they have
  contributed to resilience in the distribution of medicines (despite fiscal crisis and arrears, no major regressions in results).
  In Education all DLIs have now been achieved. The timely disbursement of school grants, Apoio Directo às Escolas (ADE), to 100% of Complete
  Primary Schools has been sustained. The revised district budget classifications is being applied across districts. MINEDH plans to pilot a model of
  Performance-Based Allocation of ADE (ADE-D). School supervision has been expanded slightly above targeted rated and all schools sampled had
  functioning school councils.

 Data on Financial Performance

 Disbursements (by loan)

 Project       Loan/Credit/TF    Status      Currency       Original    Revised      Cancelled     Disbursed      Undisbursed               % Disbursed

 P124615       IDA-H9680         Effective   USD               50.00       50.00            0.00        46.57              0.00                   100%

 Key Dates (by loan)

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            The World Bank                                                                            Implementation Status & Results Report
            Mozambique Public Financial Management for Results Program (P124615)

 Project        Loan/Credit/TF     Status      Approval Date     Signing Date      Effectiveness Date     Orig. Closing Date        Rev. Closing Date

 Program Action Plan
                                 Update reports regarding legal covenants on complaints and submit report to verify the quality of procurement of
  Action Description
                                 medicines through Program funds

  Responsibility                 Recurrent                   Frequency             Due Date               DLI#                       Status

                                 Yes                                                                      Average availability of
                                                                                                          a tracer set of
                                                                                                          essential maternal
  Client                                                     Yearly                                                                  In Progress
                                                                                                          and reproductive
                                                                                                          health medicines at
                                                                                                          health facility level.


                                 Continue to train SC on the new SC Manual and intensify SC mass communication campaigns through community
  Action Description
                                 radios and other platforms

  Responsibility                 Recurrent                   Frequency             Due Date               DLI#                       Status

                                 Yes                                                                      Proportion of
                                                                                                          complete primary
                                                                                                          schools that comply
                                                                                                          with standards for
  Client                                                     Yearly                                                                  In Progress
                                                                                                          transparency and
                                                                                                          accountability, as
                                                                                                          defined, agreed and
                                                                                                          distributed in 2014


                                 Develop pharmaceutical disposal plans for each type of facility consistent with the Norms, and determine the
  Action Description             requirements for equipment, training and reporting of pharmaceutical product disposals made (products, volumes and
                                 their place & disp method.

  Responsibility                 Recurrent                   Frequency             Due Date               DLI#                       Status

  Client                         Yes                         Yearly                                                                  In Progress


                                 Provide an annual summary report detailing pharmaceutical products disposed of by facilities, their volumes, and
  Action Description
                                 places and methods of disposal in accordance with the Norms.

  Responsibility                 Recurrent                   Frequency             Due Date               DLI#                       Status

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            The World Bank                                                                                 Implementation Status & Results Report
            Mozambique Public Financial Management for Results Program (P124615)

  Client                           Yes                           Yearly                                                                  In Progress


                                   Provide a report detailing activities undertaken at the Recipient’s provincial and district levels to disseminate
  Action Description               information to the public regarding the mechanisms and procedures for complaints handling in the health and
                                   education sectors.

  Responsibility                   Recurrent                     Frequency             Due Date               DLI#                       Status

  Client                           Yes                           Yearly                                                                  In Progress


                                   Provide a report for each procurement of medicines under the Financing confirming that each such procurement has
  Action Description
                                   been carried out in accordance with the Quality-Assurance Protocol.

  Responsibility                   Recurrent                     Frequency             Due Date               DLI#                       Status

                                   No                                                                         Average availability of
                                                                                                              a tracer set of
                                                                                                              essential maternal
  Client                                                                               05-Jul-2018                                       In Progress
                                                                                                              and reproductive
                                                                                                              health medicines at
                                                                                                              health facility level.



 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

  Risk Category                                                 Rating at Approval                Previous Rating               Current Rating

  Political and Governance                                      --                                Substantial                  Substantial
  Macroeconomic                                                 --                                Substantial                  Substantial
  Sector Strategies and Policies                                --                                Moderate                     Moderate
  Technical Design of Project or Program                        --                                Moderate                     Moderate
  Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                                --                                Moderate                     Moderate
  Fiduciary                                                     --                                Substantial                  Substantial
  Environment and Social                                        --                                Moderate                     Substantial
  Stakeholders                                                  --                                Moderate                     Moderate
  Other                                                         --                                --                            --

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                        The World Bank                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
                        Mozambique Public Financial Management for Results Program (P124615)

  Overall                                                        --                            Moderate                  Moderate

  The disposal of pharmaceuticals is not yet following all required procedures


 PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes

  Increased number of schools with active school councils
             ►Proportion of complete primary schools that comply with standards for transparency and accountability, as defined, agreed
             and distributed in 2014 (Percentage, Custom)
                                              Baseline                 Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)        End Target
                 Value                        0.00                     76.00                      76.00                   60.00

                 Date                         31-Dec-2013              30-Dec-2016                30-Dec-2016            31-Dec-2018

  Increased acess to essential maternal and reproductive medicines
             ►Average availability of a tracer set of essential maternal and reproductive health medicines at health facility level.
             (Percentage, Custom)
                                              Baseline                 Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)        End Target
                 Value                        78.60                    82.00                      82.00                   88.00

                 Date                         31-Dec-2013              30-Dec-2016                30-Dec-2016            31-Dec-2018

  Improved management of medicines
             ►Number of provinces achieving the minimum acceptable score of compliance with standards for stock management,
             warehousing, and distribution of medicines, as assessed by the CMAM Internal Audit Unit (Number, Custom)
                                              Baseline                 Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)        End Target
                 Value                        0.00                     8.00                       8.00                    8.00

                 Date                         31-Dec-2013              30-Dec-2016                30-Dec-2016            31-Dec-2018

 Intermediate Results Indicators by Results Areas

  Results Area 1: Fiduciary integrity and proper monitoring of medicines storage and distribution

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            The World Bank                                                                      Implementation Status & Results Report
            Mozambique Public Financial Management for Results Program (P124615)

    ►Proportion of treatment sites with stock-outs of a tracer set of ARVs at the end of each semester (final stock value)
    (Percentage, Custom)
                                     Baseline                 Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                            27.00                    5.77                     5.77                     21.00

    Date                             30-Jun-2013              30-Dec-2016              30-Dec-2016             31-Dec-2018

    ►Fill   rate of approved requisitions from CMAM clients for tracer medicines (Percentage, Custom)

                                     Baseline                 Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                            72.00                    84.00                    84.00                    84.00

    Date                             31-Dec-2013              30-Dec-2016              30-Dec-2016             31-Dec-2018

    ►Proportion    of districts which report logistics information to CMAM through the SIMAM system (Percentage, Custom)

                                     Baseline                 Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                            77.00                    95.80                    95.80                    87.00

    Date                             31-Dec-2012              30-Dec-2016              30-Dec-2016             31-Dec-2018

  Results Area 2: Transparent and accountable school-based management

    ►Proportion    of complete primary schools visited for supervision by SDEJTs (Percentage, Custom)

                                     Baseline                 Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                            0.00                     74.00                    74.00                    50.00

    Date                             31-Dec-2013              30-Dec-2016              30-Dec-2016             31-Dec-2018

    ►Proportion of complete primary schools which receive direct school grant funds on or before February 28 each year
    (Percentage, Custom)
                                     Baseline                 Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                            0.00                     99.00                    99.00                    90.00

    Date                             31-Dec-2013              28-Feb-2017              28-Feb-2017             28-Feb-2019

    ►Revised     budget classification by sub-sector, configured and applied (Yes/No, Custom)

                                     Baseline                 Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                            N                        Y                        Y                        Y

    Date                             31-Dec-2013              30-Dec-2016              30-Dec-2016             31-Dec-2018

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            The World Bank                                                                     Implementation Status & Results Report
            Mozambique Public Financial Management for Results Program (P124615)

 Disbursement Linked Indicators
    ►DLI 1 Average availability of a tracer set of essential maternal and reproductive health medicines at health facility level.
    (Process, 2,635,417.00, 22%)

                               Baseline                     Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            2016

    Value                      78.60                        82.00                      82.60                       88.00

    Date                       31-Dec-2013                  30-Dec-2016                31-Dec-2017                --


    ►DLI 2 Number of provinces achieving the minimum acceptable score of compliance with standards for stock management,
    warehousing, and distribution of medicines, as assessed by the CMAM Internal Audit (Output, 4,468,750.00, 76%)

                               Baseline                     Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            2016

    Value                      0.00                         8.00                       4.00                        8.00

    Date                       31-Dec-2013                  30-Dec-2016                31-Dec-2017                --


    ►DLI 3 Proportion of complete primary schools that comply with standards for transparency and accountability, as defined,
    agreed and distributed in 2014 (Output, 5,940,000.00, 33%)

                               Baseline                     Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            2016

    Value                      0.00                         76.00                      76.00                       60.00

    Date                       31-Dec-2013                  30-Dec-2016                31-Dec-2017                --


    ►DLI 4 Proportion of treatment sites with a stock-out of key Anti-retroviral drugs at the end of each month (Output,
    2,215,277.00, 66%)

                               Baseline                     Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)            2016

    Value                      27.00                        5.77                       7.00                        21.00

    Date                       30-Jun-2013                  30-Dec-2016                31-Dec-2017                --


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            The World Bank                                                                      Implementation Status & Results Report
            Mozambique Public Financial Management for Results Program (P124615)

    ►DLI 5 Proportion of districts for which CMAM receives logistics information through the SIMAM system (Process,
    4,048,611.00, 77%)

                                 Baseline                    Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)           2016

    Value                        73.50                      95.80                      95.80                      87.00

    Date                         31-Dec-2012                30-Dec-2016                30-Dec-2016               --


    ►DLI    6 Fill rate of approved requisitions from CMAM’s clients for tracer medicines (Process, 3,131,945.00, 61%)

                                 Baseline                    Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)           2016

    Value                        72.00                      84.00                      84.00                      84.00

    Date                         31-Dec-2013                30-Dec-2016                30-Dec-2016               --


    ►DLI 7 Proportion of complete primary schools which receive direct school grant funds on or before February 28 each year
    (Output, 3,960,000.00, 100%)

                                 Baseline                    Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)           2016

    Value                        0.00                       99.00                      100.00                     90.00

    Date                         31-Dec-2013                28-Feb-2017                31-Dec-2017               --


    ►DLI    8 Proportion of complete primary schools visited for supervision by SDEJTs (Output, 2,649,000.00, 0%)

                                 Baseline                    Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)           2016

    Value                        0.00                       74.00                      75.00                      50.00

    Date                         31-Dec-2013                30-Dec-2016                31-Dec-2017               --


    ►DLI    9 Revised district-level budget classification by sub-sector, configured, and applied (Output, 3,960,000.00, 100%)

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            The World Bank                                                         Implementation Status & Results Report
            Mozambique Public Financial Management for Results Program (P124615)

                              Baseline                Actual (Previous)     Actual (Current)       2016

    Value                     15-Mar-2016             --                    30-Nov-2016            15-Mar-2016

    Date                      --                      --                    30-Nov-2016            --


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