53204 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands Republic of KiRibati countRy assessment GFDRR Global FaCIlITY FoR DISaSTER REDUCTIoN aND RECoVERY acronyms and abbreviations ausaiD Australian Agency for International Development cca Climate change adaptation ccst Climate Change Study Team Dcc Development Coordinating Committee DRm Disaster risk management DRR Disaster risk reduction ecD Environmental Conservation Division of MELAD eeZ Economic exclusive zone eia Environmental impact assessment enso El Niņo Southern Oscillation eu European Union GfDRR Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery Gis Geographic Information System GoK Government of Kiribati Hycos Hydrological Cycle Observing System Kap Kiribati Adaptation Program (I and II) KsDp Kiribati Sustainable Development Plan m&e Monitoring and evaluation melaD Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development meys Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport mfeD Ministry of Finance and Economic Development mfmRD Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resource Development misa Ministry of Internal and Social Affairs mop Ministry Operational Plan mpWu Ministry of Public Works and Utilities nap National Action Plan for DRM napa National Adaptation Plan of Action for CCA nasc National Adaptation Steering Committee nGo Nongovernmental organization niWa National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research of NZ nWscc National Water and Sanitation Coordination Committee nZaiD New Zealand Agency for International Development ob Office of Te Beretitenti (Office of the President) piccap Pacific Islands Climate Change Assistance Program sapHe Sanitation, Public Health, and Environment Improvement Program snpRa Strategic National Policy and Risk Assessment (Unit) sopac Secretariat of the Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission spslcmp South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project unfccc United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change contents introduction ............................................................................................................ 4 country context ................................................................................................... 6 Key country findings ......................................................................................... 7 Detailed country assessment ........................................................................ 9 Identification, assessment, and monitoring risks ....................................... 9 Vulnerability and risk assessment ................................................................. 13 Mainstreaming into plans, policy, legislation, and regulations................ 16 Monitoring and evaluation .............................................................................. 18 Awareness raising and capacity building.................................................... 19 Implementation .................................................................................................. 20 Coordination ...................................................................................................... 21 Planning and budgetary processes.............................................................. 22 opportunities for investment ......................................................................... 23 annex a. proposals for support to Kiribati .............................................. 24 annex b. potential impacts of climate change, Variability, and sea-level Rise in Kiribati, 2050 ............................. 26 annex c. mainstreaming adaptation in national economic planning ...................................................................................... 27 annex D. institutional Relationships........................................................... 28 annex e: project team and country Visits................................................ 29 References and select bibliography ........................................................... 30 4 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands introduction T he World Bank policy note "Not If, But When" covered this and complements these with suggestions shows the Pacific island countries to be among for taking the necessary steps. the world's most vulnerable to natural disasters. The goal of the report is to deepen the understand- Since 1950, natural disasters have directly affected ing in the gaps, opportunities, and needs at the na- more than 3.4 million people and led to more than tional level toward stronger operational disaster and 1,700 reported deaths in the Pacific Islands Region climate risk management in the Pacific islands and (excluding Papua New Guinea). In the 1990s alone, to link closely to other ongoing and future efforts by reported natural disasters cost the Region US$2.8 bil- other donors and stakeholders (such as SOPAC re- lion (in real 2004 value). The traditional approach of gional initiatives following the Madang Framework "wait and mitigate" is a far worse strategy than pro- and the National Action Plans) to ensure synergy and actively managing risks. The Hyogo Framework for avoid duplication. The assessment focuses on practi- Action (HFA) 2005-2015 lists the following five key cal, proactive measures that Kiribati can take to in- priority areas for action: form its national development policies and plans and to strengthen its capacity to reduce the adverse con- (1) Ensure risk reduction is a national and a local pri- sequence of natural hazards and climate change, as it ority with a strong institutional basis for imple- relates to risk reduction. The linkage of these two ar- mentation; eas mainly includes managing the impacts of extreme (2) Identify, assess, and monitor disaster risks and en- weather events, variability in precipitation such as hance early warning; storm surges and sea-level rise. (3) Use knowledge, innovation, and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all lev- This assessment highlights aspects such as the current els; country status, gaps, opportunities, and barriers related (4) Reduce underlying risk factors; to (a) national policies, strategies, plans, and activities to (5) Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective re- manage natural hazards; (b) the enabling environment sponse at all levels. for a comprehensive risk management approach to natural hazards; and (c) the capacity to undertake such This assessment report represents a stocktaking exer- a comprehensive approach, including institutional ar- cise to review the extent to which disaster risk reduc- rangements, human resources, public awareness, infor- tion (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) mation, and national budget allocations. It also reviews activities have progressed in Kiribati. It identifies gaps and identifies the need for informed policy choices, im- or impediments that hinder achieving the HFA prin- proved decisionmaking processes, strengthened regu- ciples and identifies opportunities for future DRR/ lations, and legislative and policy changes required to CCA investment that would be timely, cost-effective, support proposed country-level activities. and implementable within a three-year timeframe. The focus is on risk reduction, rather than post-disas- With respect to achievement of the first HFA prin- ter recovery and response. While some specific sector ciple, there is clear evidence of systemic difficulties activities are addressed in the assessment of Kiribati among many Pacific island countries in establishing national and local government policies and institu- an enabling environment and promoting a cross-sector tional arrangements, the Kiribati report does not pro- focus for DRR and CCA activities. Since the available vide a comprehensive summary of sector-by-sector evidence shows that ad hoc and externally driven ap- activities. Instead, it refers to other reports that have proaches have not provided satisfactory results so far, Republic of Kiribati Country Assessment 5 the HFA emphasis upon a strong government com- Country Assessment that focus on some key com- mitment and action is one of the primary and early ponents relevant to HFA achievement: adopting and challenges to be surmounted in achieving goals of the mainstreaming policies, data and knowledge, risk and International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. vulnerability assessments, monitoring and evaluation, World Bank experience in countries with similar chal- awareness raising and capacity building, planning and lenges shows that, while it is important to have a clear budgetary processes, and coordination. From this as- long-term vision, given the institutional, financial, sessment, possible opportunities for addressing the and resource constraints, more modest "bottom up" identified gaps and needs within the HFA are pre- approaches tend to have better results. Also, taking sented in the final section. Some potential opportuni- existing investment programs and incorporating sim- ties for future support are proposed in Annex A. ple key DRR/CCA elements demand relatively fewer efforts and resources and yield results that can lay the Funding for this assessment was provided by the foundation for more complex, follow-up stages. Get- Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery ting stakeholders to coordinate their activities in line (GFDRR), which is a partnership with the UN In- with the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness ternational Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) also appears to be relatively easier with such a modest system supporting the Hyogo Framework for Action. starting point than with formal efforts aimed at over- Other partners that support GFDRR work to pro- all "top down" coordination. tect livelihoods and improve lives include Australia, Canada, Denmark, European Commission, Finland, This Kiribati assessment begins by explaining the France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Nor- context of the country in relation to disaster risk re- way, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, duction and climate change adaption. It follows with USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, and sections on the Key Country Findings and Detailed the World Bank. v 6 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands country context T he Republic of Kiribati comprises 32 low-lying of 95,000 in 2005, over 90 percent lived in the Gilbert coral atolls, which are divided into 3 main island Group, mainly on Tarawa atoll, the capital and com- groups--the Gilbert Group to the west, the cen- mercial center of Kiribati. The combination of unsus- tral Phoenix Group, and the Line Islands to the east-- tainable population growth, environmental degrada- and the oceanic island, Banaba (Figure 1). Kiribati is tion and the exploitation of scarce and fragile natural broadly situated in the dry belt of the equatorial oce- resources has exacerbated the already high physical anic climatic zone with an average mean temperature of vulnerability of low-lying atolls. This is particularly 29°C. Rainfall varies from 1,000 millimeters per year in noticeable in South Tarawa. the south to 3,000 millimeters per year in the northern group. Due to its specific geographic location spanning There are several resource and environmental issues, the equatorial belt, Kiribati generally escapes the major common to island nations, affecting sustainable de- climate-related threat of cyclones. However, the rela- velopment in the Republic of Kiribati. These include tively small size of its islands means it is highly vulner- climate variability and sea-level rise, environmental able to most climate-related hazards. The limited in- formation base does not allow a definitive assessment of degradation and pollution, and resource management. any geologic hazards to which Kiribati may be prone. More specific challenges to sustainable development include coastal erosion, water quality, water avail- Its total land area is about 811 square kilometers ability, and sanitation. Sustainable management of within an equatorial economic exclusive zone (EEZ) resources such as aggregate, terrestrial, and offshore of some 3.6 million square kilometers spanning the minerals and renewable energy are other issues that Central Pacific.1 Of the estimated Kiribati population impact on Kiribati's quest for development.2 v figure 1. map of Kiribati. 1 EEZ as defined by UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on Laws of the Sea) Pt 5, Article 55. 2 Summarized from SOPAC Kiribati Country Profile. Republic of Kiribati Country Assessment 7 Key country findings A mong the Pacific island countries, Kiribati is capacity will be addressed is critical at several levels unique in terms of the effort and process be- of the KAP process such as mainstreaming, coor- ing followed to address the impacts of natural dination, and taking an integrated and holistic ap- disasters and climate change. While many countries proach to CCA and DRR. Looking to the future have started to develop a National Action Plan (NAP) of sustainability, the KAP approach could be more for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and/or a Na- of a challenge when upscaling is required. There tional Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA) for CCA, is a feeling there might be too much activity for Kiribati is now at the stage where it is implementing the limited in-country capacity to manage. All the the second stage of the Kiribati Adaption Program usual concerns about coordination, sequencing, (KAP II), its national adaptation strategy. value-adding, and sustainability post-project life seem to apply. The DRR/CCA process through the KAP and the n Information systems are weak. There are basic NAPA in Kiribati has a built-in mechanism for review technical and scientific weaknesses that affect data, and possible readjustment. Following are some of the knowledge and information systems in terms of findings from this assessment and the KAP process: quality, depth, and geographical coverage. Physical- n Process is lagging. The KAP process commenced ly, Kiribati is one of the most vulnerable countries with much to commend the governance structure, where small threats or small incremental changes coordination mechanisms and, most of all, the are likely to have a disproportionate impact. There leadership. The focus, plans, and strategy appeared is no room for error in using trends based on limit- to be of sound design. However, progress is not as ed data or good guesses about climate change, and fluent, delivery is a bit more difficult, and imple- neither is ballpark figure modeling acceptable for mentation is falling behind. As issues become more future planning. technical, the management, direction and timing of n Donors are supportive. The Kiribati effort does not the process presents a not unexpected challenge for lack for external support from donors. The Gov- the generalist leadership. Coordinating the exist- ernment does not appear to apply oversight and ing expertise and capacity in the various ministries control of all the external assistance. There is no worked well in the early planning stages and still question of the need for the donor support. It is the does in the case of normal bureaucratic oversight. effectiveness and the question of sustainability that However, DRR/CCA mainstreaming requires is the issue. more than just accepting a defined process; it de- mands some capacity to deliver on the technical A summary of the country situation and the gaps and scientific substance in several key areas. or impediments that lead to effective risk reduction, n Capacity is inadequate. One key over-riding weak- which justify the selection of these opportunities, is ness is an absence of critical human resources and presented in Table 1. The opportunities for Kiribati experience. How skills, expertise, and absorptive are further discussed in the final chapter. 8 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands table 1. summary of Key Gaps and opportunities for DRR and cca for Kiribati situation Gap opportunities Current involvement in DRR by the Risk mapping not integrated into Develop whole-of-government, simple various ministries appears to be planning process. DRR arrangements, coordinated project based rather than issues with CCA activities. related. Potential importance of data and Lack of knowledge concerning Develop a comprehensive GIS information system management hazard/risk zones. spatial mapping base for already recognized within Lack of a robust, fully operational, and recording geographic hazard and Government. a whole-of-government information oceanographic data. Risk data seen as of paramount management system (currently importance to most institutions only one map server based in a but are fragmented and often too single ministry and a sprinkling of difficult to coordinate. IT persons with some short-term training). Access to technology and specifically Lack of a common geographic Promote mechanism to collect key airborne or space platforms is information database across data, and map onto a GIS-based not readily available to carry out departments. system. long-term monitoring or the short- Mechanisms to collect, collate and term post-disaster mapping and interpret data and information is assessment. ineffective or absent. Current successes in access have Lack of basic climate and hazard data been largely due to SOPAC collection capabilities. support. Several global ocean observing systems are operating across the Pacific but products are not being transferred to Kiribati. Critical deficiency in scientific Required experience or minimum Develop a facility for developing human resource capacity and human resources in the various risk maps and assessments for all whole-of-government information ministries to manage the numerous relevant hazards. management systems is common to projects is lacking. all areas of Government assessed. Lack of capacity to assess risks from Mistaken notion that IT expertise natural hazards. is equivalent to GIS or other information system expertise. Central authority needed for updating No single entity is in charge of Build a qualified and experienced data and informing users. knowledge products relevant to cohort in a central authority capable DRR and CCA. of sustaining and promoting the spatial database. Ensure a national capability to replicate data to different IT-based systems in line ministries and other interested NGOs. Low sustainability of projects after Major challenge presented by the Develop key and sufficient skills and the (externally supported) life of the low absorptive capacity of the GoK experience. project ends is a major risk. to coordinate and implement the large suite of externally supported projects. Donor coordination and leadership is Lack of coordination of external Develop information system and required to ensure better-focused, forces promotes environment of meta-database for not only storing better-designed, and better- information hoarding. information and data but for sharing sequenced assistance lessons between all stakeholders, including donors & CROP. Republic of Kiribati Country Assessment 9 Detailed country assessment A t the outset it should be stated that, among the Unpublished information4 from geologic mapping in- Pacific island countries, Kiribati has a higher- dicates relative emergence of the eastern end of South than-average level of awareness with regard to Tarawa relative to the western end where the Betio tide potential climate change and associated issues. This is gauge is located, suggesting recent tilting of the atoll as a result of the significant number of studies, commu- and possibly active tectonism as has been put forward nications, and CCA projects generated over the past by Dr. Loren Kroenke of the University of Hawaii.5 15 years that have provided opportunities to consult There is untapped geological knowledge available in with the general population and provide directions for the form of storm or tsunami deposits on Tarawa (and the way forward.3 This heightened awareness however probably other islands) that could give indications as does not necessarily equate with knowledge, leading to the long-term frequency and severity of potentially to understanding, and most of all, to implementation disastrous events. This indicates the need for better of adaptation or risk reduction measures. understanding of the geology and geomorphology of the atolls of Kiribati before the threat posed by critical geologic hazards can be properly assessed. identification, assessment, and monitoring risks Sea-level rise. The fact that the country is largely made The main risks for low-lying atoll nations such as up of atolls just a few meters above mean sea level in- Kiribati are assessed to be those arising from sea-level creases the possible threat from ocean- or climate-gen- rise, coastal erosion and inundation, droughts, saline erated hazards. The figure often used for sea-level rise intrusion, and ecosystem degradation. on Tarawa is +4 millimeters per year or just less than 34 centimeters rise over the last 100 years.6 A number of Earthquakes. Kiribati is located within the more sta- longer-term records are available in the Joint Archive ble center of the Pacific tectonic plate, which in theory for Sea Level Data from gauges at Tarawa, Kiritimati, reduces the likelihood of damaging geological hazards Fanning, and Kanton islands. Most have less-than- such as earthquakes. There is little public information adequate survey control and precision and, in fact, give however on the seismological history of the relatively inconclusive results as widely varied as -3.78, +0.80, geologically young Kiribati atoll chains. Data from the +3.15, and -0.43 millimeters per year. SEAFRAME tide gauge installed at Betio provides information on recent (vertical) movements of Tarawa The net relative sea-level trend estimated as of June atoll. Currently, it appears from the Continuous Geo- 2006 by the South Pacific Sea Level & Climate Mon- graphical Positioning System results that the island of itoring Project (SPSLCMP) from the SEAFRAME South Tarawa at Betio is showing a slight emergence gauge at Betio, taking into account inverted baro- (+0.1 millimeters per year) but is essentially vertically metric pressure effect and vertical movements in the stable with respect to the International Terrestrial observing platform, is currently +5.3 millimeters per Reference Frame, within the present uncertainties of year. However, the authors who reported this trend are measurement given the relatively short-time frame careful to warn that, even though the survey quality since installation in 2002. is well controlled and of high precision, this sea-level 3 1993 National Environmental Management Strategy, PICCAP, UNFCC 1st National Communication (1999), Kiribati Adaptation Projects (KAP I & II), ADB 2006 Country Environmental Analysis, and the 2007 National Adaptation Plan for Action. 4 Dr. G.G. Shorten, personal communication. 5 Dr. Loren Kroenke, personal communication. 6 Kiribati NAPA (1999). 10 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands figure 2. Regional Rates of sea-level change as measured by satellite altimeters, December 1992 to august 2005 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 12 15 mm/yr Source: University of Colorado. record is relatively short, and it is still too early to de- these lenses and therefore their viability as community duce a long-term trend. water sources are directly related to rainfall recharge. Rainfall variability is linked to ENSO events, which The sea-level trends from SEAFRAME stations are have a major impact on water availability on the atolls. mostly higher than the global average rate derived Specifically, El Niņo events are associated with high from satellite altimetry (+2.9 millimeters per year) rainfall and more secure water supply in Kiribati. The but are consistent with the map of regional satellite reverse situation is linked to periods under La Niņa. altimetry sea-level trends (Figure 2) adopted from the SPSLCMP report. Global mean sea-level change Severe, prolonged droughts are common in the drier is- during this time has not been geographically uniform, lands in the central and southern equatorial region (e.g., and continued monitoring is necessary. For example, the Gilberts, Banaba, the Phoenix Islands, and Kiriti- sea level has risen at higher rates in the Southwest Pa- mati). As a result, the tools required for better climate cific region and has fallen in the Northwest Pacific due modeling and rainfall prediction become extremely to a basinwide decadal `slosh' in the Pacific Ocean. critical. The ability to use the regional climate mod- els to provide predictions specifically for drought be- Droughts. Droughts are one of the main climate-related comes very important. However, their utility to date in risks. In addition to rainwater harvesting the primary the outer islands is untested. There are plans as part of source for water supplies is from the narrow, shallow, KAP II to upgrade the meteorological equipment and and often fragile groundwater lenses. The recharge of network to assist improve climate and rainfall data. Republic of Kiribati Country Assessment 11 Groundwater aquifers and particularly the water lens- across the Pacific, but the products are not as yet being es on small atolls are very complex, three-dimensional transferred to Kiribati. bodies. Understanding the critical hydrogeological parameters is essential for sustainable water resources A Kiribati map server was established by SOPAC in management. Apart from the water lenses at Bonriki its focal point government ministry, Ministry of Fish- and close by at Buariki on North Tarawa, there is little eries and Marine Resource Development (MFMRD), knowledge of the sustainable yield and development and apparently contains data for 7 atolls.7 This coun- potential of groundwater elsewhere in the country. It try assessment was not able to ascertain how well used is uncertain whether this assertion also applies to the and maintained it is. other major population center, Kiritimati Island. Disaster records. In recent times storm surges, coastal Coastal erosion and inundation. On small atolls the erosion, droughts, and pandemics have been perceived loss of land due to erosion or inundation from the sea as having the greatest impact on the country. In the is a major threat. Quantitative coastal change model- last 50 years of global records the only disasters listed ing on South Tarawa might have been possible from a for Kiribati have been the coastal impacts of Cyclone relatively long (20-year plus) beach-profiling program Bebe in 1972, the 1977 Cholera outbreak, and the conducted by the Lands Department. However, it was drought from May 1998 to March 1999.8 These 3 re- reported that this exercise has recently stopped, and ported major disasters do not reflect the perception there are now questions raised about the reliability within Kiribati where frequent disasters having regular and accuracy of the surveying data. impact on individual islands and communities present a picture of a much more disaster-prone nation. The 33 islands of Kiribati, spread as they are over one of the largest exclusive economic zones in the world, Climate modeling. Despite apparent awareness of the make the use of airborne or satellite remote sensing risks associated with climate-related hazards, it is extremely practical both as a mapping and a monitor- questionable whether there is any in-depth knowledge ing tool. The oldest air photos used, particularly for and understanding underpinning projections of future coastal change assessments, are no earlier than 1969. risk. In the absence of long and reliable data sets and Air photos from World War II are also a possibility but better scientific understanding, realistic future scenar- have been difficult to obtain. Satellite imagery used in ios become difficult to formulate. There are however, recent work carried out by SOPAC has been shown to a few site specific studies mainly on Tarawa that are be very useful particularly in mapping the impact of often used as the basis for predictions.9 coastal erosion and stability. However, it comes with the usual constraints of imagery acquisition and the Locally, a great deal of emphasis is placed on tradi- requisite specialist interpretative skills base. Recently tional knowledge and often referred to in the absence some air photo analysis was carried out on Tarawa of long-term monitoring and data. The prediction and the 4 outer islands of Abiang, Abemama, Butari- of strong "westerlies" in December and January is an tari, and Onotoa. Apart from geology, the other weak example of one such prediction based on traditional area is in regard to oceanographic information. There knowledge. are several global ocean-observing systems operating 7 Kiribati MapServer website, http://map.gov.ki. 8 EMDAT data, World Bank (2006). Kiribati is not prone to cyclones so Cyclone Bebe probably refers to impacts on Tuvalu when both countries were part of the Gilbert & Ellice Islands. 9 Summary results from KAP II PAD of 1999-2000 World Bank-funded study in Annex B. 12 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands Possibly the longest national monitoring program has to a weak scientific understanding and monitoring been that carried out by the Meteorological Division with of hazards, even though there is potential to glean both upper air and surface observing systems in Tarawa. much more geological information about long- There is some limited surface observing capabilities on term risk for relatively little investment. Banaba and on 6 other atolls. Whether these data sets n Insufficient asset data and maps lead to a poor un- are useful enough for water resources and coastal zone derstanding of exposure to risks. Where data exists management on the outer islands remains to be seen. it is far too patchy and not enough to ensure sus- Kiribati is a participant in the regional Island Climate tainable management and planning. This will be- Update Network and is also a user of climate prediction come particularly evident and more critical when models such as those linked to Bureau of Meteorology dealing with the outer islands. Some island profil- of Australia and National Institute for Water and Atmo- ing is scheduled as part of the KAP II project, but spheric Research of New Zealand (NIWA). it is unlikely to substitute for detailed hazard and vulnerability mapping. Where profiling has been As part of KAP II, some significant progress has been undertaken (1999-2000 World Bank study), the made on the development of information for climate internal assessment of the level of certainty is said change management focusing on reports and use of a to be low to very low.10 NIWA calculator for wave climate and rainfall over decadal periods. n In general there is a lack of long time-series data sets. Where they exist, which is mainly on Tarawa, they Gaps are not readily retrievable or user-friendly. A good In general, development of the knowledge base re- long-term dataset of beach profiling on South Tara- quired for natural and climate-related hazard assess- wa is thought to be of dubious value due to questions ment requires broader skills and stronger experience about the surveying methods.11 The SEAFRAME base than that which presently exists. sea-level gauge located at Betio is providing useful time-series data, but the conversion of the data into n "Gaps in data and in knowledge about the atolls con- useful products for coastal engineers and other local tribute significantly to the difficulty faced in trying users has not been developed. to identify options for adaptation," as stated in the Kiribati first UNFCC Initial National Communi- n The availability of products to be used by the water cations (1999). It further states, "Gaps in data and supply, agriculture, fisheries, and other sectors appears knowledge could misdirect policies towards differ- limited. However, there does appear to be a long ent focus from areas which when given attention time-series meteorological dataset. This gap could can ensure long term benefits to the economy and possibly be reduced with the recent input from KAP environment." II and SOPAC Pacific HYCOS program. n Data and knowledge related to geologic hazards is n Other data gaps exist with regards to unaccounted weaker than those for the climate-related threats for water losses, water resource reserves, and water and, in some areas, absent altogether. All this leads quality data. 10 See Annex B. In 1999-2000 the World Bank funded a study of vulnerability and adaptation in Tarawa, conducted by experts from the International Global Change Institute, the Government of Kiribati, the University of Otago, and Eco-wise Environment. This assessment taken from Table 2 of World Bank (2006) Project Appraisal Document. 11 Personal communication, MFMRD (Biribo)/Simpson. Republic of Kiribati Country Assessment 13 n Nationwide data on beach mining, aggregate use, The critical shortage of scientific human resources is and the status of other natural resources is limited or largely responsible for the unsatisfactory state of knowl- at least not readily available. edge and absence of data. The ineffectiveness or ab- sence of mechanisms to collect, collate, and interpret n The atolls are fairly low-lying. It is estimated that the data and information is a basic weakness. This the highest point above sea level is about 8 meters. issue of general scientific capacity and a need for a As a prerequisite to any detailed mapping, moni- whole-of-government information management sys- toring, and land-use planning, accurate maps to- tem (geographic information system or spatial data- gether with digital elevation models are required. base) recurs time after time with most issues assessed as part of this country assessment. Understanding of the gaps is nothing new as illustrat- ed by the feedback from questions asked in Tarawa, which identified the following as specific data and in- Vulnerability and risk assessment formation needs and limitations: The risks from natural hazards and climate change n Data from sea-level monitoring gauge is of limited faced by Kiribati are exacerbated by its small size and use and provision of products would be more useful. the physical vulnerability of the atolls together with the high exposure of its coastal-dwelling communities n Targeted modeling products from rainfall/climate to oceanic- and climate-related hazards. data for storm surges, drought prediction, and mi- gratory fisheries management are needed. The most substantial natural hazard risk assessment- n Water resources data from borehole hydrometric mon- related work carried out to date has been part of the itoring for water quality and quantity management. KAP projects. Some site-specific technical studies, some as part of KAP II, have evaluated the possible n Health of coral reef and marine ecosystem infor- impact of natural hazards: Coastal erosion, coral reef mation, including mangrove and sea grass ecosys- and ecosystem degradation, coastal engineering with tems stress data. potentially adverse effects, uncontrolled beach mining n Coastal change data, including erosion hot spots and over-exploitation and degradation of groundwater and mining sites. resources have been some of the issues assessed. Many of these were classified as environmental stress symp- n The economic assessment of marine and terrestrial toms by the National Adaptation Program of Action species value in the Phoenix Island through the (NAPA) process, completed in January 2007. Phoenix Island Protected Area Project. Risk profiling or hazard mapping, being a key require- n Island topography or contours to isolate very low- ment for risk assessment, has not been completed lying high-risk areas from slightly higher grounds. nationwide, and what has been carried out has been n Location of critical infrastructure. largely site and hazard specific. It is not the intention to repeat the detailed results from the extensive KAP n Location of groundwater galleries or potable ground- and NAPA consultation and development processes water aquifers. that prioritized what were perceived vulnerabilities.12 n Location of settlements, including village institu- Immediate issues related to water resources, which im- tions on the outer islands. pact on the daily lives of the communities, figured as 12 KAP II Project Implementation Paper (December 2005), and PAD Report No 35969-KI (May 2006). 14 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands a high priority in the national consultations. Whereas Sea-level rise. Until scientific studies prove otherwise, externally, as often highlighted in various internation- the greatest perceived threat is from inundation due to al fora, the perception would be that sea-level rise and sea-level rise15 and the increasing threat in the short the resultant loss of valuable coastal land might be a term from more frequent extreme climatic events. The higher priority. For Kiribati, knowing the risks is not increased risk is related to the high exposure of both the problem but it is important to be able to under- the population and critical infrastructure. The absence stand, prioritize, and develop coping strategies. of detailed surveys and asset maps makes the exact exposure and potential economic losses difficult to From consultations with two key ministries (MELAD quantify. Where such information exists, it is largely and MFMRD), backed up with questionnaires, the kept within individual ministries, organizations, or following specific issues are highlighted: with individual researchers. Dr. A. Webb (SOPAC, 2005) and Dr. P. Kench (KAP II, 2005c) have pro- n The risk due to sea-level rise, sea inundation, saline duced detailed analysis on critical infrastructure on intrusion, coastal erosion, ecosystem degradation, South Tarawa such as the Bonriki airfield, the main and droughts were seen as priorities. Tungaru Hospital, and the South Tarawa causeways. n The risk of climate change escalating health-relat- However, the in-country capacity to use such advice ed issues and the exposure of most village infra- remains one of the key challenges. structure to potential storm surge hazards were key social issues. Poorly planned coastal development. Analysis of histor- ical changes on South Tarawa show that the vulner- n Islands are particularly vulnerable due to being low- ability of the area has increased significantly over time, lying (2-3 meters above mean sea level), narrow in exacerbated by anthropogenic pressures from develop- width, close to reefs, and composed of relatively ment and high population growth. Poorly planned de- non-indurated permeable carbonate material (at velopment, many projects initially intended as short- least at the surface); and having fragile groundwa- term solutions, has resulted in increased vulnerability ter lenses, fragile coastal fisheries, negative impact and escalated impact of hazards and climate change. of beach mining and inappropriate coastal engi- The blocking of channels between the atoll islets neering, and pressures of unsustainable population through reclamations or by building causeways has growth, particularly on South Tarawa (Betio).13 now significantly changed nearshore oceanographic n The pressure or negative environmental impact processes. As a result of poorly designed coastal engi- from over exploitation of natural resources is ap- neering and protection structures, the natural lagoon parent. Around 90 percent of the population is de- circulation patterns, sand deposition, and erosion pendent on limited land resources and the fragile processes have been significantly modified in places. coastal marine ecosystem for their livelihoods. Some possible solutions have been proposed as part of KAP II. They will be tested through pilot activities n The risk from climate change and sea-level rise implemented in 2009 and 2010. would put further pressure on the island econo- my.14 13 Half the population and growth rate of approx 3 percent per year. 14 World Bank Regional Economic Report (2000) estimate: by 2050 economic impact around US$8-16 million per year. 15 World Bank Regional Economic Report (2000) estimate: up to 54 percent of areas in Bikenibeu, South Tarawa, and up to 80 percent of Buariki, North Tarawa, could become inundated. Republic of Kiribati Country Assessment 15 This situation could be of even greater concern on tures also mean lower fish (i.e., tuna) catches resulting most of the other outer islands. During the 4-year in lower EEZ access fees. However, during an El Niņo period, 2004-2007, the Ministry of Internal and So- period, the high rainfall improved water supply security cial Affairs (MISA) has approved over Australian but at the same time increased the likelihood of vec- (A)$3.3 million of coastal infrastructure work in the tor-borne diseases. Hay and Onorio assert that higher outer islands, including a rainwater catchment project ocean temperatures combined with lower sea levels in- on Banaba. The project list includes the building and creased the possibility of increased coral bleaching. The repair of 5 causeways, 3 seawalls, a bridge, a boat pas- higher sea temperatures (i.e., the "warm pool") resulted sage, and a wharf. It is not clear whether much of this in higher fish catch and EEZ access fees. work is proceeding with the necessary environmental impact assessment (EIA) or if the engineering design Since access fees contribute about 60 percent of gov- is based on any proper risk assessment. ernment revenue, a better understanding of ENSO events and the effect on ocean temperatures can lead Water resources. Other risks linked to anthropogen- to better economic planning and possibly leave the ic activity include the degeneration of lagoon and Kiribati economy less vulnerable to the impact of La fresh-water quality. Both human and, to a lesser de- Niņa events. gree, industrial pollution place the fragile freshwater resources and the surrounding marine ecosystem in Coastal erosion and degradation. One of the main fac- a highly vulnerable state. A healthy coral reef is the tors increasing coastal vulnerability has been the im- main source of sand replenishment on the atolls and a pact of uncontrolled aggregate mining, particularly major contributor to marine ecosystem survival. Apart but not exclusively on the beaches. A solution in the from understanding the response of reefs to changing final stages of finalization was the location of an eco- water depths and temperature, there is a critical need nomically recoverable deposit of lagoon sand just off to monitor the adverse impacts from land-based pol- Betio. The EIA for this EU-funded mining venture lution. It was estimated ( J. Hay & K. Onorio) that is being carried out. The project is attractive in that it about 60 percent of the households in South Tarawa provides an alternative to mining the beaches and the still carry out beach toileting.16 Broad-based baseline areas around the groundwater lens reserves. However, studies against which to measure changes, as well de- it remains to be seen if it stops the many who mine tailed surveys, are lacking. sand locally because it is their only source of income. Gaps Climate change risks. The ADB 2006 Country Envi- n In spite of the claim to have followed the CHARM ronmental Analysis by Hay and Onorio demonstrated process,17 the general lack of vulnerability and risk that vulnerability to climate and weather impacts were assessments maps, surveys, and use of appropriate critical to economic planning in Kiribati as a whole. tools does not indicate much rigor has been ap- During La Niņa, the resultant low rainfall meant lower plied in the process. copra production. Hay and Onorio asserted that lower ocean temperatures brought with it higher sea levels n There is a noticeable gap between data collection and increased coastal erosion. Lower ocean tempera- and investigative studies and the generation of in- 16 ADB Kiribati Country Environmental Analysis, TA:6204-REG (December 2006). 17 Comprehensive Hazards and Risk Management ­ Guidelines for Pacific island countries promoted by SOPAC. 16 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands formation and products for use by planners and ed regulations contain explicit reference to climate resources managers. change issues. The Mineral Development Licensing Ordinance (Cap 58) covers the brief for what should n There is an apparent disconnect between plans be the important inter-ministry Foreshore Manage- for future development and CCA and DRR work. ment Committee. Among other issues, seawall con- If some of the outer islands are being earmarked struction is covered by the Foreshore and Land Rec- for resettlement or other such development (e.g., lamation Act (1977), which was amended in 2005 mariculture), then they need to be subjected to vul- apparently "to assist landowners". nerability and risk assessment procedures. n Transferring lessons learned and extrapolating Customary law is considered part of the law in the coun- trends and data are commonly used techniques. try and may be applied to issues relating to land owner- How much this is possible between atolls in Kiri- ship, fishing rights, and sea and lagoon ownership. bati requires further evaluation. In terms of government policy, the National Develop- mainstreaming into plans, policy, ment Strategies, 2004-2007, provides the main devel- legislation, and regulations opment agenda. The high potential cost and effects of Stand-alone DRR and CCA efforts have historically climate change on economic growth and its potentially caused limited nationwide impact. Kiribati DRR and dangerous social impact are recognized in the Strate- CCA will only be effective once reflected in the key gies. The period 2008-2011 is now covered by the Kiri- policy and planning instruments. Kiribati, where the bati Sustainable Development Plan (KSDP), which is Constitution is the supreme law, is well endowed with the successor to the National Development Strategies. plans, policies, and legislations. There is a Climate Change Policy (2005) as well as a n As part of KAP, a Legislative and Regulatory Review CCA Strategy. The Climate Change Policy Statement was carried out (KAP II, 2005a). The Review identi- sets three main aims: fied a number of specific CCA-relevant issues: (a) Kiribati should be mentally, physically, and finan- n The capacity for implementation and enforcement cially well prepared to deal with whatever climatic of policy and legislation was a problem. trends and events the future may hold. n Overlap and poor coordination exists between (b) This should be achieved through a coordinated, some closely related regulatory regimes. consultation-based adaptation program carried out by official and private agencies. n Exemptions in some legislation reduce the effec- (c) External financial assistance should be obtained tiveness of the law. to meet the costs of the national adaptation pro- n Striking a balance is needed between traditional gram. values and the modern regulatory framework. The CCA Strategy describes detailed strategies to im- n Better public education and participation is re- plement the Climate Change Policy Statement. These quired in policy and legislation development. are addressed as action items under eight headings: The main existing CCA-related legislative instrument 1. Integration of climate change adaptation into na- is the Environment Act (1999) and its Regulations tional planning; (2001), which have been amended (2007). The amend- 2. External financial and technical assistance; Republic of Kiribati Country Assessment 17 3. Population and resettlement; banded, and post-disaster management is now man- 4. Governance and services; aged out of the Office of the President (OB) when the 5. Freshwater resources and supply systems; need arises. 6. Coastal structures, land uses, and agricultural practices; In summary, Kiribati as demonstrated by the advanced 7. Marine resources; and stage of the KAP process is the most advanced of all 8. Survivability and self-reliance. Pacific island countries in attempting to mainstream CCA. However, mainstreaming CCA/DRR is a new A Water Resources Policy was developed as part of the concept and much remains to be done beyond accep- KAP II and adopted by Government in 2008. tance of the concept. The main instrument for implementation, under the Gaps responsibility of the National Planning Office of the It may be too early to assess the effectiveness or impact of policies and strategies, is the Ministry Operational Plans the attempts at mainstreaming CCA/DRR. However, (MOP). The performance of each ministry (and possibly initial indications from observing the implementa- the CEO) is linked to delivery against their MOP. tion of inter-ministry policy and project coordination In addition to the formal instruments there are oth- seems to indicate that mainstreaming is still not ef- er guidelines and tools. The CHARM approach or fectively carried out in the various sectors. SOPAC-promoted DRR tool were used as part of n This slow progress is influenced by the historic silo the national consultation process under KAP. The architecture of government ministries. The effect is MELAD has draft guidelines for applicants to the heightened by limited human resource capacity; Foreshore Management Committee. Building codes available staff see as their first priority to concen- are presently under development although this assess- trate on what is perceived as core business. Involve- ment could neither ascertain the status of this work ment by various ministries appears to be project nor whether the codes will be based on the results of based rather than issue (i.e., DRR) related. The local field testing. issue arises whether true ownership by the various parties has in fact been achieved. The Environment Regulations (2001) require EIA n A major issue already identified in regard to the exist- processes but are silent in the screening process on the ing laws is the lack of enforcement. Dr. R. Kay (KAP potential effects of climate change. However, under II, 2008d) estimated that 50-70 percent of the sea- the new draft Environmental (General) Regulations walls built did not go through any approval process. (2007), two types of EIAs may be required as per The country's largest contractor, the Government, Section 33(1) (d) of the Environment Act: basic EIA in particular the Civil Engineering Unit of the (para 7) and comprehensive (para 8). For some reason Ministry of Public Works and Utilities (MPWU) only under requirements for a basic EIA (Item 8) is does not systematically adhere to the normal ap- any explicit reference made to climate change, which proval procedures, including EIAs. requires "a description of how climate change and climate variability may impact on the activity." n The limited human resources are further reflected in the lack of enforcement of laws and regulations. Hay The National Disaster Management Office, which and Onorio state that the Environment Act and its previously was located within MISA, has been dis- regulations have just not delivered against the re- 18 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands quired outcomes. The low number of prosecutions financial resourcing under the specific projects appears under the Act, such as for illegal sand mining, indi- not to be an issue, the success to date of these activities is cates ineffectiveness or the lack of political will to at best marginal. The lack of people, expertise, and tools enforce the law. again is a contributing factor. It raises early concerns not only with the plans to up-scale the pilot projects, post- n There may also be tension between the law and cus- KAP II, but also with the general sustainability of risk tomary practice. Though apparently illegal, some reduction through CCA in the country. 60 percent of the households in South Tarawa still practice beach toileting. Hays and Onorio explain The issue of data and information system management that "often individuals have no viable alternative to weaknesses is already identified as an issue and recog- non-compliance." nized as such within the Government. The MELAD n It is felt that policies and guidelines (and possibly stated, in effect, that risk data is of paramount impor- even the draft environment regulations) might not be tance to most institutions, but these data are fragment- specific enough to address the distinct culture and ge- ed and often too difficult to gather. It would be good to ography of a nation of small atolls. The difficulty of collect these key data, map them onto a GIS-based sys- moving from rhetoric to action often still applies, tem, set up a central authority and replicate to different and the development of building codes is a good IT-based systems in line ministries and other interested example of the problem in practice. NGOs. The central authority is responsible to update versions of data and inform users of data. monitoring and evaluation Gaps It is probably safe to say that it is too early in the cycle n There is a lack of technical or scientific expertise to ob- to objectively comment on monitoring and evaluation serve, assess, and learn the lessons from each event. It (M&E) as it relates to DRR in Kiribati. Also, in the is often found that expertise within ministries is early stages of the KAP and other CCA programs it based around a single person. is estimated that some 80 percent of the priorities that n M&E requires benchmarks against which to measure have been identified are associated with awareness change, both with time and geographically across the raising, policy development, and similar activities. different islands. In the absence of ground truth, The M&E becomes challenging, particularly early in much of the evaluation is subjective. It is a concern the process when investment opportunities are lim- that generally applies to the broader environmental ited and not envisaged until KAP III and beyond. issues. Again, Hay and Onorio in their wider en- The other challenge is the need for measurable per- vironmental assessment work found the same sub- formance indicators. jectivity because environmental indicators are very under-developed. The M&E that is being performed is therefore main- n Apart from benchmarks, quantifiable targets are ly in relation to the few pilot projects under the KAP. needed to assess effectiveness and realistic progress. Specifically, technical assistance has been instigated to monitor coastal changes, coral reefs, environmental im- n Subjectivity is further enhanced by lack of a robust, pacts of offshore sand dredging, and water leakage. Some fully operational, and a whole-of-government infor- baseline profiles are also planned for some outer islands mation management system. A map server based in against which changes might be assessed. Even though one ministry and a sprinkling of IT persons with Republic of Kiribati Country Assessment 19 some short-term training cannot substitute for ac- ting through and affecting behavioral change. The ab- ceptable GIS capacity and expertise. sence of an alternative gives the defaulters little choice. Whatever strategies employed in the past, they are not n Access to technology, and specifically airborne or space as yet totally effective, although the recent KAP II ef- platforms, is not readily available to assist with long- forts might prove otherwise. term monitoring or the short-term, post-disaster mapping and assessment needs. Whatever past suc- Some long-term investment in greater awareness is cess has been due in part to externally supported planned through education, particularly by introducing projects. If SOPAC or other external mechanisms CCA into the curricula taught in schools. This initia- are unable to satisfy the ongoing needs of Kiribati, tive is also part of the KAP II project in collabora- then some in-country-based solution will need to be developed to provide the necessary tools. tion with the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport (MEYS). awareness raising and capacity Capacity building and human resource issues are key building challenges facing Kiribati. There is strong evidence Awareness raising has been a noticeable success of the to support the argument that the difficulty in imple- KAP and NAPA processes. It has been at the core of menting DRR and CCA is largely due to the absence the community consultation processes that have been of experienced people. There is no obvious quick-fix the base on which both initiatives were developed. The solution; in the meantime, the absence of capacity af- awareness raising not only covers the whole country but fects ongoing adaptation programs and the sustain- also has extended to the highest level of government to ability of longer-term DRR and CCA programs. include the Office of the President. Initially it began at the grassroots involving a number of consultations in In the present division of labor by the lead imple- the three island groups that make up Kiribati. menting ministries, MFMRD takes on a lead role for coastal and reef surveying and monitoring, leav- Other activities as part of KAP II have commenced, ing MELAD with responsibility for permitting and including a survey of public awareness and attitudes; approving coastal structures, aggregate-removal, and in December 2007, a national consultation on CCA compliance monitoring. The Civil Engineering Unit was carried out with another planned in 2009.18 Other investigates coastal erosion problems and rehabilitates public awareness activities include the annual Envi- and rebuilds seawalls, causeways, and other coastal ronment Awareness Week and a Ministry of Marine structures. These three ministries alone have responsi- Resources Week, supported by MELAD, which is re- bilities and functions that are not only critical to CCA sponsible for weekly releases on CCA and other envi- but should have an impact on risk reduction. Good ronmental issues. reports and advice are available; but in the absence of human resources, skills, and experience, very little In spite of general awareness, there is still lacking a change is effected. specific understanding of consequences. Actions such as continuing beach mining, over-fishing and beach toi- The MFMRD has a qualified marine biologist, and leting reflect the fact that the message is still not get- its Minerals Unit has one person with post-graduate 18 A better update of KAP II awareness-raising activities is found in the KAP II (2008c) Aide Memoire. 20 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands expertise in coastal zone management (but may be n The lack of involvement by the Public Service Com- away on study leave for a year or two). The Civil En- mission or the ministry responsible for the public ser- gineering Unit is grossly under-staffed and does not vice and human resource is a major impediment to have a graduate engineer. The MELAD Environment sustainable capacity building. An expertise and skills Conservation Division (ECD) has several graduates, gap analysis is required across the board. There is a but it is unlikely to have adequate EIA experience for short-term gap to be addressed; if mainstreaming coastal or offshore projects. of DRR and CCA is to be carried out, some seri- ous and immediate training and capacity building At the upper governance end of the Government, is required. there are very experienced administrators and manag- The Public Service Commission may also need to re- ers. There is however a lack of depth and experience in view the government organization structure in order natural resources management and more particularly to allow for the effective mainstreaming of DRR and in disaster reduction management. CCA. There is a need to build synergies between line agencies and ensure more effective delivery of services To carryout and achieve sustainability in implement- and capacity building. ing DRR and CCA, appropriately qualified and ex- perienced staff should be recruited. A complication implementation exists in that in certain circles there is a feeling that In spite of an ongoing decade-long process, imple- expatriate expertise is not the preferred choice. So mentation of DRR and CCA, in particular, is at best real difficulties arise where indigenous expertise is not considered still in its early or pilot project stage. The available intended governance mechanisms are best reflected in the implementation plan for the KAP projects. Gaps An enabling environment has been established with n Measuring the effectiveness of the public awareness leadership and overall management emanating from efforts or gauging whether there has been any mea- the Office of the President (OB). The actual processes sureable behavioral change at the community level and mechanisms for mainstreaming are presented in has not been a priority. For example, the continua- the next section when describing the coordination tion of beach mining is an indication that behav- mechanisms within government. ioral change has been minimal. n Sensitizing and educating the next generation has not If all is successful, then the main design instrument gained importance or value. Some careful thinking for implementation is through the Ministerial Op- and consultation between curriculum developers, erational Plans. A key development objective of KAP DRR experts, and the local people is required. II is to change the way planning and implementation activities are handled so that better account is taken of n Awareness information and material has not been climate risks (KAP II, 2008c). However, progress to tailored for local consumption and for different targets date has been slow with regard to the technical work in society. Awareness should start with politicians of risk assessment and identifying adaptation invest- with appropriate advocacy material and spread to ments. Within the Office of the President, the delay the villager with advice on "no regrets" actions, in forming the proposed Strategic National Policy and such as building setback that can be carried out Risk Assessment (SNPRA) unit has also been identi- without outside intervention. fied as a critical bottleneck. Republic of Kiribati Country Assessment 21 Gaps It appears to be a workable structure but much de- n Lack of a robust scientific and technical base will pends on continuing leadership and the required continue to undermine efforts and put at risk at- expertise within the various committees. There are tempts to mainstream CCA. A model should be critical capacity gaps in some key implementing min- developed for acquiring the necessary expertise istries. In terms of funding alone, two of the water and staffing appointments to address the particular sector projects, the ADB Kiritimati (US$10.7 mil- CCA/DRR requirements. lion) and the EU outer islands program (6.7 million Euros), are larger than both KAP II and NAPA. Both n For the longer term (i.e., beyond KAP II) and to will present coordinating, staffing, and implementa- ensure some degree of sustainability, plans should be tion challenges that could possibly go beyond present put in place to address the required permanent skills capacity within the Government of Kiribati. base. The non-participation of the Public Service Commission does not bode well for any capacity- The NZAID-funded Sustainable Towns Program building program either for short or long term. (STP) (urban renewal initiative) also has possible ac- tivities (e.g., infrastructure) that will need to be coor- dinated with all others. coordination As previously stated, Kiribati's efforts have benefited Challenges and impediments by establishing an "enabling environment" through n The major challenge is one of absorptive capacity the KAP process together with the leadership offered of the Government to coordinate and implement by the Office of the President. An enabling environ- the many externally supported projects. ment requires, among several things, performance- n Present indications are a lack of experience and based budgeting, enforceable legislation, capable staff, minimum human resources in the various minis- participatory planning, and most importantly, inter- tries to manage the numerous projects. sectoral coordination. n Sustainability when the (externally supported) proj- Overall leadership is in the Office of the President, ect ends is a major challenge. In this regard, the les- where the Permanent Secretary has overall responsi- sons learned from the completed Sanitation, Public bility for coordination of CCA/DRR initiatives. Im- Health, and Environment Improvement Project plementation through the MOP is the responsibility (SAPHE) might be useful. The completed SAPHE of various ministries. The link between the ministries Project had a US$10.24 million ADB loan. and the Office of the President is provided through n There is also the risk of depending too much on 3 committees: the Development Coordinating Com- managing by committees. A great deal of non- mittee, the policy-focused National Adaptation accountability and key skill gaps can be hidden Steering Committee (NASC), and the technical Cli- within the committee mechanism. mate Change Study Team (CCST). There are other key national committees with major responsibilities, n The usual challenge of non-donor coordination probably none with a more challenging task than the continues to be an issue. It is unlikely that Kiribati National Water and Sanitation Coordination Com- will refuse offers of continued external assistance mittee (NWSCC). so some donor leadership is required to ensure bet- ter focused, designed, and sequenced assistance. 22 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands n In spite of the early national consultations, the ini- In addition to the ADB and EU water sector projects, tial stakeholders appear to have their roles diluted there is in excess of several million dollars for other wa- or marginalized altogether. The NGOs rarely get a ter sector activities. The EU is also committed to fund- mention, and communities are referred to as recipi- ing a substantial offshore sand-dredging project. ents rather than partners. The areas outside of South Tarawa are reportedly much under the control of Challenges Island Councils and traditional leadership. For co- n The quantum of external assistance does not pres- ordination, awareness raising, implementation, and ently appear to be an issue. The concern maybe in ownership of sustainable DRR/CCA, a more ef- the Government of Kiribati being able to meet its fective way of engaging the grassroots stakeholders counterpart obligations both in terms of budget needs to be designed. It might be too much to ex- and implementation capacity. pect MISA alone to provide the necessary links. n The question of sustainability is a concern. The Pa- cific is littered with projects and infrastructure that collapse at the first problem or when governments planning and budgetary processes are unable to meet the annual recurrent budget Figures are not available but the key role played, in needs for maintenance (for example, the numerous theory at least, by the Ministry of Finance and Eco- non-operating desalination plants.) nomic Development (MFED) ensures that CCA is mainstreamed into the planning and budgetary pro- n As a great deal of the support is through exter- cess. The KSDP and the MOP development process nal funding, the key issues of donor coordination are probably the two main mechanisms for ensuring and sequencing and scheduling of support and Government budgetary support. programs become critical. The coordination and scheduling of the KAP and the NAPA is the first Funding, already mentioned, includes the A$8.7 million such challenge. The second major area requiring for KAP II over 4 years with 35 percent Government attention is how to sequence the many activities in contribution and the USD$3.1 million for the NAPA. water sector projects. v Republic of Kiribati Country Assessment 23 opportunities for investment F rom the Kiribati country assessment, it is evi- Several programs (NAPs, NAPAs, etc.) are ready to be dent from the gaps and impediments that a implemented. Different from the other Pacific island myriad of opportunities for investment leading countries, Kiribai has an ongoing DRR/CCA process to the improvement of risk reduction can be identified. through the KAP and the NAPA. As a process, it al- Gaps range from the standard weaknesses with insti- ready has an inbuilt mechanism for review and possible tutions, instruments and incentives. Hopefully, much readjustment. However, there are significant gaps in the will be addressed over time if the KAP and NAPA 5 key HFA priority areas discussed; additionally, while processes are closely coordinated, properly reviewed some efforts have been made to address certain issues, and allowed to run their course. However, there are others (funding, staffing and related operational sup- some critical precondition issues like better data, sys- port) persist. High-yielding, short-term priority issues tems and policy, which need to be addressed. have been identified by several participants; however, it appears that more effort is needed to fully analyze The major gap, and one which could undermine the such needs and decide upon appropriate corresponding whole goal of implementing DRR, is the human re- short-, medium- and long-term programs. source capacity issue, a far too ambitious challenge for investment by the pilot GFDRR project but never- The Kiribati policymakers, sector officials (in consulta- theless one on which the whole success of DRR/CCA tion with local stakeholders), and various donors and depends. A dialogue on capacity building in Kiribati financial institutions identified the list of priorities. and the other small island states in the Pacific should The Government could choose to pursue any of these be held immediately. Project technical assistance is options with its own resources, with support from the unsustainable and regional organizations because of international donor community, and/or international the sheer scale of the challenge are often limited to financial institutions such as the Asian Development an advisory service and some limited backstopping. Bank and the World Bank. Grant funding for Kiribati A comprehensive review, beyond the intention and is being mobilized from the Global Facility for Disas- scope of this country assessment is required to provide ter Reduction and Recovery to support pilot programs, some real and sustainable solution. which could be leveraged to undertake some of the pro- posed investments, based on demand. Funding would This assessment highlights country status, gaps, op- be expected to support programs from 2009-11. portunities, and barriers related to national policies, strategies, plans and activities with regard to the man- There are two particular opportunities proposed in the agement of natural hazards in Kiribati. This focus ex- country assessment. One opportunity is in the area of tends to the enabling environment for a comprehen- information systems and management. It is proposed sive risk management approach to natural hazards and because of its critical role in mainstreaming disaster the capacity to undertake such a comprehensive ap- risk reduction, and development in general, beyond proach, including institutional arrangements, human the bounds of KAP & NAPA. It is an issue, which is resources, public awareness, information, and national seen as a key impediment throughout the Pacific Re- budget allocations. In most discussions among key gion, and so presents an opportunity to be addressed government officials and other stakeholders, invest- regionally without losing the specific focus of the ment programs are prioritized and selected based on country-driven needs. The second proposal focuses on expectations of several criteria (costs, available fund- establishing a simple DRR/CCA institutional frame- ing, efficiency, expected benefits, institutional, finan- work. These proposals are presented in Annex A. cial, legal and related capacity). It is expected that the 2008 KAP II mid-term re- Kiribati and most of the Pacific island countries already view will identify many of the key gaps flagged in this have established policies, institutions, systems, and country assessment, and that strategies will be devised related structures to address DRR/CCA challenges. to address them. v 24 annex a. proposals for support to Kiribati Proposal: K1 establish integrated Hazards information system and tools (with Gis capability) Country/sector: Kiribati: Hazards advisors and sector users, Kap Goal and purpose: to inform and promote risk reduction decisions through information sharing and sound data management, analysis and presentation Lead agency: melaD with mpWu, mfmRD, met services, misa Total cost: us$220,000 over 12months Risk reduction Cost Time- Hazards targeted measures Key gaps/barriers Tasks US$k frame Wind, storm surges Evaluate and map Generally weak Provide technical assistance support (8 person 160 3rd Qtr sea-level rise hazards information management months) for the development of an integrated 2009 systems in most agencies hazards information system to Climate change Assess risks and map and no information system 3rd Qtr extreme events vulnerability Develop and adopt a Hazards Information Policy management policies. 2010 addressing: Coastal inundation Map assets and Most hazard information is · Data sharing and availability and erosion assess critical still hard-copy based and · Single GPS datum/projection system for infrastructure Fire of questionable standard. Kiribati Monitor environmental · Catalogue of data to be held Droughts Limited capacity for changes and increased · Datasets to be made available digitally information system Fresh and marine exposure to risks management Assess data needs and products for DRR/CCA water pollution Weak hardware and Identify long-term storage requirements, analysis Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands Pandemics software computing tools, and mapping needs capacity 30 Acquire appropriate computer hardware, Limited tools and models software, and high-speed Internet connection for resource managers Support capacity building through populating 30 the information system with available historical data and undertaking vulnerability mapping and risk modeling and for climate change and risk prediction Kiribati Government to ensure sustainability through annual recurrent budget for data and image acquisition, hard/software maintenance, and communication access costs Continues annex a. proposals for support to Kiribati Proposal: K2 establish a simple DRR/cca institutional framework Country/sector: Kiribati: all Goal and purpose: to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of cca and DRR initiatives Lead agency: office of the president Total cost: us$200,000 over 12months Risk reduction Cost Time- Hazards targeted measures Key gaps/barriers Tasks US$k frame Wind, storm surges Improve institutional Currently no clear DRR Provide technical assistance support (8 person 200 4th Qtr arrangements for DRR institutional arrangements, months) and training for the development of 2009 to Sea-level rise but recent appointment in simple institutional arrangements to strengthen 3rd Qtr Climate change the Office of the President DRR 2010 extreme events Lack of coordination Coastal inundation between CCA and DRR and erosion Fire Droughts, Fresh and marine waters pollution Pandemics Republic of Kiribati Country Assessment 25 26 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands annex b. potential impacts of climate change, Variability, and sea-level Rise in Kiribati, 2050 [This Annex is based on KAP II PAD.] and sea-level rise are likely to lead to severe incre- mental impacts, disrupting major economic and social A 1999-2000 World Bank-funded study of vulnera- sectors (Table A1). By 2050, in the absence of adap- bility and adaptation in Tarawa, conducted by experts tation, Kiribati could experience potential economic from the International Global Change Institute, the damages of US$8-16 million a year, equivalent to 17- Government of Kiribati, the University of Otago, and 34 percent of the 1998 GDP. Eco-wise Environment, found that climate change table a1. potential impacts of climate change, Variability and sea level Rise in Kiribati, 2050 annual damages level of type of impact physical impact (us$ millions1998) certainty Impact on coastal areas: Loss of land to erosion 0.1-0.3 Low Buariki (North Tarawa) 0.3 to 0.7% Bikenibeu (South Tarawa) 0.6 to 1.3% Loss of land and infrastructure to inundation 7-12 Low Buariki (North Tarawa) 18 to 80% Bikenibeu (South Tarawa) 0 to 54 % Loss of coral reefs 10 to 40% 0.2-0.5 Very low Impact on water resources: Change in groundwater thickness (Bonriki lens) 19 to 38% 1-3 Low Impact on agriculture: Agriculture Output Loss Depends on rainfall + Low scenarios; sea-level rise would have negative impact Impact on public health: Increased incidence of diarrheal disease Expected to increase ++ Low Increased epidemic potential of dengue fever 22 to 33% + Low Increased incidence of ciguatera poisoning 4.6 to 6.1 fold + Low Impact on public safety and the poor Substantial: impact on + Very Low subsistence crops/fisheries, increased crowding Potential increase in fatalities due to inundation Expected to increase + Low and water-borne or vector-borne diseases Total Estimated Damages >8-16+ Furthermore, the study suggested that 18 to 80 per- Agriculture productivity--particularly for taro and cent of the land in Buariki, North Tarawa, and up to pandanus--could decline due to storm-induced salt- 54 percent of land in Bikenibeu, South Tarawa, could water intrusion into groundwater. Higher tempera- become inundated by 2050, although the effects of tures could also increase the epidemic potential for erosion are expected to be relatively small. The com- dengue fever by 22-33 percent, increase the incidence bined effect of sea-level rise, changes in rainfall, and of ciguatera poisoning and degradation of coral reefs, changes in evapotranspiration due to higher tempera- and divert critical tuna resources away from Kiribati tures could result in a 19-38 percent decline in the waters. thickness of the main groundwater lens in Tarawa. Republic of Kiribati Country Assessment 27 annex c. mainstreaming adaptation in national economic planning Initial National Communication (1999) and National Implementation Strategy (2003) first national consultation: Assessment of Island Vulnerabilities (completed) second national consultation: Prioritization of Coping Strategies (completed) integration of adaptation into 2004-07 national Development strategy (completed) initial technical, social and economic analysis of adaptation options (completed) climate change adaptation (cca) strategy (adopted by Cabinet ­ June 2005) adaptation mainstreaming into ministry operational plans (on-going) pilot investments under Kap-ii (In PAD) national adaptation program of action (napa) (January 2007) Source: KAP II PAD. 28 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands annex D. proposed institutional Relationships cabinet Secretary to the Cabinet OFFICE OF TE BERETITENTI (OB) OTHER MINISTRIES Permanent Secretary OB SNPRA Unit (KAP Project Director) Overall Secretary development Senior Risk coordination Senior Senior Management Policy Policy Officer DCC Officer 1 Officer 2 (KaP Project Coordinator) Population Policy Officer Adaptation policy coordination, Senior Management incl. MOPs (SAS/Director) KAP Project NASC Management Unit Project Manager (PMU) Project implementation, monitoring, technical Project Project Procurement coordination Accountant Officer Officer CCST Operational Staff Project Assistant Source: KAP II PAD. SNPRA: Strategic National Policy & Risk Assessment Unit MOP: Ministry Operational Plans, specifically to ensure that there is mainstreaming of adaptation at the operational level. The MOP is a key planning tool for all Government ministries and public enter- prises. NASC: National Adaptation Steering Committee was established for promoting and monitoring coordina- tion among project activities across the implementing agencies. The NASC is chaired by the Secre- tary of the Office of the President (OB), and includes higher-level officials from all key ministries. CCST: Climate change study team comprises technical officers from all key departments affected by cli- mate risks to provide expert analysis and technical advice on climate-related matters, as well as co- ordinate scientific activities Republic of Kiribati Country Assessment 29 annex e. project team and country Visits Country team Alf Simpson Consultant, Australia with Marianne Grosclaude World Bank Persons consulted (April 1-8, 2008) Kautuna Kaitara KAP Coordinator, PM Office Kaiarake Taburuea KAP Manager, PM Office Maurongo Kalatia Water Unit Services, MPWU Moanataake Beiabure Director of Engineering, MPWU Taboia Metutera Public Utilities Board, MPWU Kianteata Teabo Deputy Secretary, MPWU Tierata Metio Civil Engineering, MPWU Taareti Meteorological Services Tarsu Murdoch Deputy Secretary, MICTT Miire Raieta Deputy Secretary, MFMRD Reenate Willie Mineral Development Officer, MFMRD Manikaoti Timeon Deputy Secretary, MISA Amina Uriam Director of Local Government, MISA Teboranga Tioti Deputy Secretary, MELAD Tererei Abete Reema Director of Environment & Conservation Unit, MEALD Teiti Teariki-Ruatu Deputy Director Environment, Min EALD Riibeta Iabeta Environment Inspector, MEALD Marii Irata Environment Inspector, MEALD Kinaai Kairo Director of Agriculture Division, MEALD Taneti Ioane Deputy Director, Agriculture Division, MEALD Harry Redfern Chief Lands Officer, MEALD Roberta Thorburn AusAID Richard Croad Consultant, World Bank KAP Review Team Naomi Biribo SOPAC 30 Reducing the Risk of Disasters and Climate Variability in the Pacific Islands References and select bibliography ADB (Asian Development Bank). 2006. Republic of Kiribati: Country Environmental Analysis. TA:6204-REG, December 2006. Prepared by J. Hay and K. Onorio. ADB. 2004. Pacific Region Environmental Strategy 2005-2009. Bettencourt, Sofia, Richard Croad, Paul Freeman, John Hay, Roger Jones, Peter King, Padma Lal, Alan Mearns, Geoff Miller, Idah Pswarayi-Riddihough, Alf Simpson, Nakibae Teuatabo, Ulric Tritz, Maarten Van Aalst. 2005. Not If, But When: Adapting to Natural Hazards in the Pacific Island Region. World Bank. GEF (Global Environment Facility). 2008. GEF-Pacific Alliance for Sustainability - Program Framework. Greer Consulting Services. 2007. Economic Analysis of Aggregate Mining on Tarawa. KAP (Kiribati Adaptation Project) II. 2008a. Monitoring and Sustaining Coastal Ecosystem: Coastal Monitoring Network. Pre- pared by Naomi Biribo. World Bank. KAP II. 2008b. Review of the 2005 Coastal Protection Measures Report. Prepared by Robert Kay (Principal, CZM Pty). World Bank. KAP II. 2008c. Second Review Mission (April 1-8, 2008) ­ Aide Memoire. World Bank. KAP II. 2008d. KAP II Project Terms of Reference 1.3.2, Climate Change Adaptation Risk Diagnosis and Response: Task 1 & 2 Reports. January 3, 2008. Prepared by Robert Kay (Principal, CZM Pty). World Bank. KAP II. 2007a. Leakage Detection Interim Report. Prepared by Denis Haraham. World Bank. KAP II. 2007b. Coral Reef Benthic Monitoring Final Report. Prepared by Simon Donner. World Bank. KAP II. 2006. Project Appraisal Document (PAD) on a Proposed Grant from the GEF Trust Fund to the Republic of Kiribati for an Adaptation Project ­ Implementation Phase (IWP11). World Bank. KAP II. 2005a. Legislation & Regulatory Review Report. Prepared by Fiona Ey. World Bank. KAP II. 2005b. Water Resources Investments Report. Prepared by Tony Kalkland. World Bank. KAP II. 2005c. Coastal Protection Measures Report. Prepared by Paul Kench. World Bank. Republic of Kiribati. 2008. Kiribati Sustainable Development Plan (KSDP) 2008­2011 (draft). Republic of Kiribati. 2007. Environment (General) Regulations 2007. Republic of Kiribati. 2007. National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA). Republic of Kiribati. 2005. Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (CCAS). Republic of Kiribati. 2005. Climate Change Policy Statement (CCPS). Republic of Kiribati. 2004. National Development Strategy (NDS), 2004­2007. Republic of Kiribati. 1999. Kiribati Initial National Communication under the UNFCCC. Submitted October 1999. Republic of Kiribati. 1999. Environment Act 1999. SOPAC. 2007. Integrated Water Resources Management in Pacific Island Countries- A Synopsis ­ and related Country Diagnos- tic Reports. SOPAC. 2005. An Assessment of Coastal Processes, Impacts, Erosion Mitigation Options and Beach Mining. Prepared by Dr Arthur Webb. SOPAC. Regional CHARM Guidelines for Pacific Island Countries. SOPAC. Madang Framework. An Investment for Sustainable Development in the Pacific Island Countries Disaster Risk Reduc- tion and Disaster Management: A Framework for Action 2005-2015 ­ Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters. Ref: SOPAC Miscellaneous Report 613. World Bank. 2006. Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Grant from the global Environment Facility Trust Fund in the Amount of US$1.80 Million to the republic of Kiribati for an Adaptation Project ­ Implementation Phase (IWP 11). WB Report No. 35969-IU, May 4, 2006. World Bank. 2000. Regional Economic Report. east asia and the pacific Region The World Bank 1818 H St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20433 http://www.worldbank.org/eap Special thanks and appreciation are extended to the partners* who support GFDRR's work to protect livelihood and improve lives: ACP Secretariat, australia, Belgium, Brazil, canada, Denmark, european commission, Finland, france, Germany, India, Ireland, italy, Japan, luxembourg, the netherlands, norway, spain, sweden, switzerland, Turkey, united Kingdom, united states, UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, and the World bank. *In bold, GFDRR Donors