The World Bank                                                                          Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ethiopia Local Government Development Project II (P133592)

Ethiopia Local Government Development Project II (P133592)

 AFRICA | Ethiopia | Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice Global Practice | Requesting Unit: AFCE3 | Responsible Unit: GSU13
 IBRD/IDA | Program-for-Results Financing | FY 2014 | Team Leader(s): Abebaw Alemayehu, Dinkneh Tefera

 Seq No: 10 | ARCHIVED on 07-Dec-2018 | ISR35106 | Created by: Dinkneh Tefera on 28-Nov-2018 | Modified by: Abebaw Alemayehu on 03-Dec-2018

 Program Development Objectives

  Program Development Objective (from Program Appraisal Document)
  This is the second phase of the Ethiopia Urban Local Government Development Program, and the Program Development Objective (PDO) isto
  assist the Recipient in enhancing the institutional performance of participating urban local governments in developing and sustaining urban
  infrastructure and services. It is prepared under the new lending instrument(PforR)

 Overall Ratings

 Name                                                                     Previous Rating                         Current Rating

 Progress towards achievement of PDO                                      Satisfactory                           Satisfactory
 Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                     Satisfactory                           Satisfactory

 Implementation Status and Key Decisions
  The 5th and last annual performance assessment of the program was completed, results and allocations announced to the 44 participating urban
  local governments. Performance scores and disbursements estimates from the APA are generally in-line with appraisal projections.

 Data on Financial Performance

 Disbursements (by loan)

 Project      Loan/Credit/TF    Status       Currency      Original   Revised      Cancelled     Disbursed     Undisbursed                  % Disbursed

 P133592      IDA-54350         Effective    USD             380.00     380.00            0.00        347.44            0.00                      100%

 Key Dates (by loan)
 Project       Loan/Credit/TF    Status      Approval Date     Signing Date      Effectiveness Date      Orig. Closing Date      Rev. Closing Date

 P133592       IDA-54350         Effective   02-May-2014       06-May-2014       11-Jul-2014             31-Dec-2019             31-Dec-2019

 Program Action Plan
                                Produce the performance assessment guidelines, as part of the Program Operations Manual, and share with 44
  Action Description

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           The World Bank                                                                           Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ethiopia Local Government Development Project II (P133592)

  Source                     DLI#                   Responsibility            Timing                  Timing Value                Status

                                                    Client                    Due Date                25-Nov-2015                 Completed



  Action Description         Program proclaimed at the federal level

  Source                     DLI#                   Responsibility            Timing                  Timing Value                Status

                                                    Client                    Recurrent               Yearly                      Completed



                             (i) Establish the Program coordination committee for ULGDP with representatives for MUDHCo, MoFED, and other
  Action Description         entities as required. (ii) Establish Program technical sub-committee comprising key technical staff of MUDHCo and

  Source                     DLI#                   Responsibility            Timing                  Timing Value                Status

                                                    Client                    Due Date                25-Nov-2015                 Completed



  Action Description         Provide the FEACC and REACCs staff training on public procurement and contracts management

  Source                     DLI#                   Responsibility            Timing                  Timing Value                Status

                                                    Client                    Due Date                02-Dec-2017                 Completed



                             (i) Develop guidelines for setting service delivery standards and citizen charters; (ii)Develop guideline for job creation
  Action Description
                             and measurement

  Source                     DLI#                   Responsibility            Timing                  Timing Value                Status

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           The World Bank                                                                       Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ethiopia Local Government Development Project II (P133592)

                                                   Client                  Due Date               25-Nov-2015                Completed



                             Consultant recruited (in the mobile team of MUDHCO) to prepare a contract administration manual to the participating
  Action Description
                             cities and provide the necessary training on the Contract management.

  Source                     DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                 Timing Value               Status

                                                   Client                  Due Date               25-Nov-2015                Completed



                             Organize training for ULGs on the use and implementation of the procurement laws, directives, manuals, standard
  Action Description
                             bidding documents

  Source                     DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                 Timing Value               Status

                                                   Client                  Due Date               25-Nov-2015                Completed



  Action Description         Attention and improvement in the implementation of the currently lagging annual MUDHCo capacity building activities.

  Source                     DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                 Timing Value               Status

                                                   Client                  Due Date               25-Nov-2015                Completed



                             The regional mobile team’s procurement personnel to receive Training of Trainers and support each ULG in
  Action Description
                             implementing the Government’s own procurement system.

  Source                     DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                 Timing Value               Status

                                                   Client                  Due Date               25-Nov-2015                Completed

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            The World Bank                                                                           Implementation Status & Results Report
            Ethiopia Local Government Development Project II (P133592)



  Action Description               Procurement Audit Capacity Building (Regionns to deliver IPA by Sep. 2016)

  Source                           DLI#                  Responsibility         Timing                 Timing Value          Status

                                                         Client                 Due Date               25-Nov-2015           Completed



  Action Description               Follow up on the 6 ULGs who performed below expectation on the implementation of the ESMG and RSG.

  Source                           DLI#                  Responsibility         Timing                 Timing Value          Status

                                                         Client                 Due Date               25-Nov-2015           Completed




 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

  Risk Category                                              Rating at Approval             Previous Rating           Current Rating

  Political and Governance                                   --                             Substantial              Substantial
  Macroeconomic                                              --                             Moderate                 Moderate
  Sector Strategies and Policies                             --                             Low                      Low
  Technical Design of Project or Program                     --                             Substantial              Substantial
  Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                             --                             Substantial              Substantial
  Fiduciary                                                  --                             Substantial              Substantial
  Environment and Social                                     --                             Moderate                 Moderate
  Stakeholders                                               --                             Moderate                 Moderate
  Other                                                      --                             Low                      Low
  Overall                                                    --                             Substantial              Substantial

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           The World Bank                                                                       Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ethiopia Local Government Development Project II (P133592)


 PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes

  Institutional development and infrastructure delivery
    ►Score   in the APA for institutional performance of participating ULGs, averaged across all cities. (Percentage, Custom)

                                    Baseline                 Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                           0.00                     84.25                      91.34                   80.00

    Date                            05-Jun-2014              14-Jun-2018                28-Nov-2018            31-Dec-2019

    ►Score in the APA for achievement of urban infrastructure and service targets by ULGs, averaged across all cities. (Number,
                                    Baseline                 Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                           0.00                     91.85                      93.13                   80.00

    Date                            05-Jun-2014              14-Jun-2018                28-Nov-2018            31-Dec-2019


 Intermediate Results Indicators by Results Areas

  1. Institutional Performance
    ►ULGs that achieve an increase of own source municipal revenue of at least 10 percent over the previous year under ULGDP
    II (Number, Custom)
                                    Baseline                 Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                           0.00                     24.00                      34.00                   38.00

    Date                            05-Jun-2014              14-Jun-2018                28-Nov-2018            31-Dec-2019

    ►ULGs    with timely audits (Number, Custom)

                                    Baseline                 Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                           5.00                     44.00                      44.00                   44.00

    Date                            05-Jun-2014              14-Jun-2018                28-Nov-2018            31-Dec-2019


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                   The World Bank                                                                      Implementation Status & Results Report
                   Ethiopia Local Government Development Project II (P133592)

    ►ULGs            with clean (unqualified) audit under ULGDP II. (Number, Custom)

                                           Baseline                 Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                  0.00                     13.00                      20.00                   22.00

    Date                                   05-Jun-2014              14-Jun-2018                28-Nov-2018            31-Dec-2019


  2. Infrastructure and Maintenance
    ►8.               ULGs that execute at least 80 percent of their O&M budget under the ULGDP II. (Number, Custom)

                                           Baseline                 Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                  0.00                     39.00                      42.00                   40.00

    Date                                   05-Jun-2014              14-Jun-2018                28-Nov-2018            31-Dec-2019

    ►Direct          Program beneficiaries under the ULGDP II (Number, Custom)

                                           Baseline                 Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                  0.00                     4,400,000.00               4,400,000.00            4,400,000.00

    Date                                   05-Jun-2014              14-Jun-2018                28-Nov-2018            31-Dec-2019


      Direct          project beneficiaries of which female (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                          Baseline                 Actual (Previous)        Actual (Current)          End Target
     Value                                0.00                    50.00                     50.00                     50.00
    ►People in participating urban local governments provided with access to all-season roads within a 500 meter range provided
    under the ULGDP II (Number, Custom)
                                           Baseline                 Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                  0.00                     4,400,000.00               4,400,000.00            4,300,000.00

    Date                                   05-Jun-2014              14-Jun-2018                28-Nov-2018            31-Dec-2019

    ►Urban           cobblestone roads built or rehabilitated under ULGDP II (Kilometers, Custom)

                                           Baseline                 Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                  0.00                     928.00                     1,250.00                730.00

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           The World Bank                                                                         Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ethiopia Local Government Development Project II (P133592)

    Date                               05-Jun-2014           14-Jun-2018                  28-Nov-2018            31-Dec-2019

    ►Urban    gravel roads built or rehabilitated under ULGDP II (Kilometers, Custom)

                                       Baseline              Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                              0.00                  614.00                       787.00                  135.00

    Date                               05-Jun-2014           14-Jun-2018                  28-Nov-2018            31-Dec-2019


  3. Capacity Building
    ►1.       ULGs that implement at least 80% of the budget presented in the annual capacity building plans. (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline              Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                              0.00                  11.00                        40.00                   40.00

    Date                               05-Jun-2014           14-Jun-2018                  28-Nov-2018            31-Dec-2019


 Disbursement Linked Indicators
    ►DLI    1 1. Extent to which Program ULGs have achieved the Minimum Access Conditions (Output, 18,000,000.00, 0%)

                                                                                                                  This is fourth year
                                Baseline                   Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          of the program

    Value                       0.00                       18,000,000.00                11,237,646.97             18,000,000.00

    Date                        05-Jun-2014                14-Jun-2018                  28-Nov-2018               --


    ►DLI 2 2. Extent to which Program ULGs have strengthened their institutional performance, as measured by the Annual
    Performance Assessment (APA) (Output, 34,100,000.00, 0%)

                                                                                                                  This is fourth year
                                Baseline                   Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          of the program

    Value                       0.00                       38,305,666.67                5,480,153.45              34,100,000.00

    Date                        05-Jun-2014                14-Jun-2018                  28-Nov-2018               --


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           The World Bank                                                                  Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ethiopia Local Government Development Project II (P133592)

    ►DLI 3 3. Extent to which Program ULGs have implemented their local infrastructure, maintenance, and job creation activities,
    as measured against their Capital Investment Plans and their Annual Action Plans. (Output, 16,200,000.00, 0%)

                                                                                                              This is fourth year
                              Baseline                    Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)          of the program

    Value                     0.00                        16,650,188.48             580,216.73                16,200,000.00

    Date                      05-Jun-2014                 14-Jun-2018              28-Nov-2018                --


    ►DLI 4 4. Extent to which the Regions have provided capacity building support to their respective Program ULGs in urban
    service delivery (Output, 2,600,000.00, 0%)

                                                                                                              This is fourth year
                              Baseline                    Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)          of the program

    Value                     0.00                        2,600,000.00              1,593,080.63              2,600,000.00

    Date                      06-Jun-2014                 14-Jun-2018              28-Nov-2018                --


    ►DLI 5 5. Extent to which ORAGs have carried out timely audits of ULGs overall financial statements on the use of their
    budget expenditures including Program expenditures, for the Program ULGs in their juris (Output, 1,400,000.00, 0%)

                                                                                                              This is fourth year
                              Baseline                    Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)          of the program

    Value                     0.00                        1,400,000.00              742,164.00                1,400,000.00

    Date                      05-Jun-2014                 14-Jun-2018              28-Nov-2018                --


    ►DLI 6 6. Extent to which the REPAs have reviewed environmental and social safeguards compliance in a timely manner for
    their respective Program ULGs in their jurisdictions in implementing the Program. (Output, 1,200,000.00, 0%)

                                                                                                              This is fourth year
                              Baseline                    Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)          of the program

    Value                     0.00                        1,200,000.00              768,716.20                1,200,000.00

    Date                      05-Jun-2014                 14-Jun-2018              28-Nov-2018                --


    ►DLI 7 7. Extent to which the Regional Revenue Authorities (RRAs) supported their respective Program ULGs in revenue
    mobilization. (Output, 2,000,000.00, 0%)

                                                                                                              This is fourth year
                              Baseline                    Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)          of the program

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           The World Bank                                                                 Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ethiopia Local Government Development Project II (P133592)

    Value                     0.00                       0.00                      1,671,091.48              2,000,000.00

    Date                      05-Jun-2014                14-Jun-2018               28-Nov-2018               --


    ►DLI 8 8. Extent to which MUDHCo implemented its annual capacity building activities within the ministry and for the Program
    ULGs and the Regions. (Output, 4,400,000.00, 0%)

                                                                                                             This is fourth year
                              Baseline                   Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)          of the program

    Value                     0.00                       4,400,000.00              2,717,536.68              4,400,000.00

    Date                      05-Jun-2014                14-Jun-2018               28-Nov-2018               --


    ►DLI 9 9. Extent to which MUDHCo has engaged consultants and completed APAs, annual procurement audits, and value for
    money audits in a timely manner. (Output, 1,000,000.00, 0%)

                                                                                                             This is fourth year
                              Baseline                   Actual (Previous)         Actual (Current)          of the program

    Value                     0.00                       500,000.00                599,103.44                1,000,000.00

    Date                      05-Jun-2014                14-Jun-2018               28-Nov-2018               --


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