PROCUREMENT PLAN (Textual Part) Project information: Republic of Marshall Islands: Early Childhood Development Project P166800 Project Implementation agency: Office of the Chief Secretary (OCS); Division of International Development Assistance-Ministry of Finance (DIDA-MOF) Date of the Procurement Plan: September 11, 2018 Period covered by this Procurement Plan: September 1, 2018 to February 28, 2020 Preamble In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for the Project. This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement Regulations are set forth in STEP. The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP. National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own procurement procedures may be used. When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement arrangements as set forth in the Procurement Code of 1988, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.4 of the Procurement Regulations and the following conditions: 1. The procurement is open to all eligible firms from any country; 2. The request for bids/request for proposals document shall require the Bidders/Proposers submitting Bids/Proposals present a signed acceptance at the time of bidding, to be incorporated in any resulting signed contracts, confirming application of, and compliance with, the Bank's Anti-Corruption Guidelines, including without limitation the Bank's right to sanction and the Bank's inspection and audit rights; 3. Publication of contract award information; 4. Rights for the Bank to review procurement documentation and activities; and 5. An effective complaints mechanism. When other national procurement arrangements other than national open competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement Regulations. Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement Regulations: Not Applicable Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of the Procurement Regulations: Not Applicable Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement Regulations (Goods and Work) Goods: is not applicable; Works: is not applicable. PROCUREMENT Marshall Islands : Multisectoral Early Childhood Development Project PLAN General Information Country: Marshall Islands Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2019-06-25 2021-01-26 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P166800 GPN Date: 2019-03-12 Project Name: Multisectoral Early Childhood Development Project Loan / Credit No: IDA / D4240 E Executing Agency(ies): CD PMO WORKS Activity Reference No. / Estimated Actual Draft Bidding Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit Procurement Prequalification High SEA/SH Procurement Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission / Contract Description Component Review Type Method Market Approach Amount Amount Document / and Recommendation Signed Contract No. Process (Y/N) Risk Document Type Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation Issued Opening / Minutes Completion (US$) (US$) Justification for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Component 1. Improve Pending MH-ECD PMO-120365-CW- Request for Single Stage - One 2020-04- IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Limited 110,000.00 0.00 Implementat 2019-08-29 2019-10-24 RFQ / Minor civil works Quotations Envelope 21 N services ion MH-ECD PMO-202505-CW- Component 1. Improve Pending Request for Single Stage - One 2021-07- RFQ / Rehabilitation of IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Open - National 100,000.00 0.00 Implementat 2020-11-20 2021-01-15 Quotations Envelope 14 MOHHS ECD office spaces N services ion MH-ECD PMO-121647-CW- Component 3. Social Request for Single Stage - One 2020-07- RFQ / Rehabilitation of IT IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Limited 5,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-11-16 2020-01-11 Quotations Envelope 09 Room families MH-ECD PMO-202504-GO- Component 1. Improve Under RFQ / Rehabilitation of labor Request for Single Stage - One 2021-07- IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Open - National 100,000.00 0.00 Implementat 2020-11-20 2021-01-15 and delivery at Majuro Quotations Envelope 14 N services ion Hospital Component 3. Social Pending MH-ECD PMO-183931-CW- Request for Single Stage - One 2021-03- IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Open - National 66,850.00 0.00 Implementat 2020-08-05 2020-09-30 RFQ / Renovation for MOCIA Quotations Envelope 29 families ion GOODS Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method Market Approach Document / and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation Issued Opening / Minutes Justification for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Component 2. Improve MH-ECD PMO-121710-GO- Request for Single Stage - One IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Post Limited 35,000.00 22,939.03 Signed 2019-10-02 2020-08-11 2019-11-27 2020-10-15 2020-05-25 RFQ / Educational Toys. Quotations Envelope early learning activities MH-ECD PMO-171103-GO- Component 2. Improve DIR / Marshallese Kids Books IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Post Direct Selection Direct 20,000.00 21,496.00 Signed 2020-05-17 2020-06-15 2020-05-22 2020-07-13 2020-06-26 2020-08-17 2020-12-23 from iREi. early learning activities MH-ECD PMO-183933-GO- Component 3. Social Pending Request for Single Stage - One RFQ / Office vehicle for IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Open - National 40,000.00 0.00 Implementati 2020-10-06 2020-12-01 2021-05-30 Quotations Envelope enhancing implementation families on MH-ECD PMO-181136-GO- Component 1. Improve Pending Request for Single Stage - One RFQ / Office equipment, IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Open - National 70,000.00 0.00 Implementati 2020-08-06 2020-10-01 2021-03-30 Quotations Envelope stationary and office supplies. N services on MH-ECD PMO-181147-GO- RFQ / Procurement of an Component 1. Improve Pending Request for Single Stage - One RMNCH&N vehicle (mini van) IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Open - International 50,000.00 0.00 Implementati 2021-03-06 2021-05-01 2021-10-28 Quotations Envelope to provide services in remote N services on areas. MH-ECD PMO-205620-GO- Component 3. Social Pending Request for Single Stage - One RFQ / Furniture and Office IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Open - National 40,000.00 0.00 Implementati 2021-01-09 2021-03-06 2021-09-02 Quotations Envelope Equipment families on Component 3. Social Pending MH-ECD PMO-205621-GO- Request for Single Stage - One IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Open - National 30,000.00 0.00 Implementati 2020-12-19 2021-02-13 2021-08-12 RFQ / Telecom Services Quotations Envelope families on MH-ECD PMO-121435-GO- Component 3. Social Request for Single Stage - One RFQ / IT Hardware for CCT IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Limited 30,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-12-14 2020-02-08 2020-08-06 Quotations Envelope Program families MH-ECD PMO-183932-GO- Component 3. Social Request for Single Stage - One RFQ / IT Hardware for CCT IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Open - International 40,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-08-05 2020-09-30 2021-03-29 Quotations Envelope program families Component 2. Improve MH-ECD PMO-121648-GO- Request for Single Stage - One IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Post Open - National 40,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-10-02 2019-11-27 2020-05-25 RFQ / Classroom furniture Quotations Envelope early learning activities MH-ECD PMO-206002-GO- Component 1. Improve Pending Request for Single Stage - One RFQ / Ultra sound Units- IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Open - International 120,000.00 0.00 Implementati 2021-01-09 2021-03-06 2021-09-02 Quotations Envelope Maternity ward N services on Component 2. Improve Pending MH-ECD PMO-181151-GO- Request for Single Stage - One IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Post Open - National 24,168.72 0.00 Implementati 2020-08-06 2020-10-01 2021-03-30 RFQ / Classroom furniture. Quotations Envelope early learning activities on MH-ECD PMO-212430-GO- Component 1. Improve Pending Request for Single Stage - One RFQ / Ultra Sound Units - IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Open - International 120,000.00 0.00 Implementati 2021-02-03 2021-03-31 2021-09-27 Quotations Envelope Maternity ward N services on Component 1. Improve Pending MH-ECD PMO-213322-GO- IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Direct Selection Direct 210,000.00 0.00 Implementati 2021-01-25 2021-01-30 2021-03-06 2021-09-02 DIR / AdvMeds N services on Component 1. Improve Pending MH-ECD PMO-213323-GO- Request for Single Stage - One IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Open - International 50,000.00 0.00 Implementati 2021-02-01 2021-03-29 2021-09-25 RFQ / EHDI Equipment Quotations Envelope N services on Page 1 MH-ECD PMO-213324-GO- Component 1. Improve Pending Request for Single Stage - One RFQ / Office Equipment and IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Open - National 5,000.00 0.00 Implementati 2021-05-14 2021-11-10 Quotations Envelope Furniture N services on NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method Market Approach Document / and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation Issued Opening / Minutes Justification for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual MH-ECD PMO-121708-CS- Component 4. Strengthening Pending Request for Single Stage - One CQS / Surveys and IDA / D4240 the multisectoral ECD system Post Open - International 100,000.00 0.00 Implementati 2019-10-25 2019-12-20 2020-06-17 Quotations Envelope Surveillance and Project management on MH-ECD PMO-171100-NC- Component 2. Improve Under DIR / WUTMI Home visit IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Prior Direct Selection Direct 650,000.00 0.00 Implementati 2020-05-08 2021-01-19 2020-05-13 2020-06-17 2020-12-14 Program. early learning activities on CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit Contract Type Estimated Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Description Component Review Type Method Market Approach Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Amount (US$) (US$) Notice Request for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes Technical Proposal Negotiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual MH-ECD PMO-121425-CS- Component 3. Social Consultant CQS / CCT-Assessments and IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Qualification Open - International 200,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-04-12 2021-05-03 2021-06-16 2021-07-16 2021-08-20 2022-02-16 Trainings families Selection MH-ECD PMO-121434-CS- Component 4. Strengthening Consultant Pending CQS / Monitoring, Evaluation IDA / D4240 the multisectoral ECD system Post Qualification Open - International 200,000.00 0.00 2019-10-07 2019-10-28 2019-12-11 2020-01-10 2020-02-14 2020-08-12 Implementation and Learning and Project management Selection MH-ECD PMO-121433-CS- Component 4. Strengthening Consultant CQS / ECD Awareness and IDA / D4240 the multisectoral ECD system Post Qualification Open - International 100,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-06-18 2021-07-09 2021-08-22 2021-09-21 2021-10-26 2022-04-24 SBCC and Project management Selection MH-ECD PMO-120367-CS- Component 1. Improve Consultant CQS / Human resources IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Qualification Open - International 350,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-08-24 2019-09-14 2019-10-28 2019-11-27 2020-01-01 2020-06-29 strengthening N services Selection MH-ECD PMO-120362-CS- Component 1. Improve Consultant CQS / RMNCH-N package and IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Prior Qualification Open - International 500,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-08-24 2019-09-14 2019-10-28 2019-11-27 2020-01-01 2020-06-29 delivery N services Selection MH-ECD PMO-181139-CS- CQS / TA to undertake an Component 1. Improve Consultant MoHHS human resources IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Qualification Open - International 100,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-05-01 2021-05-22 2021-07-05 2021-08-04 2021-09-08 2022-03-07 mapping and needs N services Selection assessment INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Invitation to Loan / Credit Contract Type Estimated Actual Amount Draft Negotiated Description Component Review Type Method Market Approach Process Status Terms of Reference Identified/Selected Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Amount (US$) (US$) Contract Consultant Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual MH-ECD PMO-120364-CS- Component 4. Strengthening Individual INDV / ECD Program Officer IDA / D4240 the multisectoral ECD system Prior Consultant Open 650,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2019-02-15 2019-04-05 2019-04-26 2019-05-31 2019-11-27 (International) and Project management Selection MH-ECD PMO-120368-CS- Component 1. Improve Individual INDV / ECD Coordinator- IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Prior Consultant Open 440,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-06-24 2019-07-14 2019-08-12 2019-09-02 2019-10-07 2020-04-04 Health (International) N services Selection MH-ECD PMO-120360-CS- Component 3. Social Individual Under INDV / ECD Coordinator- IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Consultant Limited 60,000.00 0.00 2019-06-24 2019-10-01 2019-06-29 2019-07-20 2019-08-24 2020-02-20 Implementation Health (National) families Selection MH-ECD PMO-120361-CS- Component 2. Improve Individual Under INDV / ECD Coordinator- IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Prior Consultant Open 440,000.00 0.00 2019-06-24 2019-07-14 2019-08-12 2019-09-25 2019-09-02 2019-10-14 2019-10-07 2020-04-04 Implementation Education (International) early learning activities Selection MH-ECD PMO-120370-CS- Component 2. Improve Individual INDV / ECD Coordiantor- IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Post Consultant Limited 60,000.00 66,900.00 Signed 2019-06-24 2019-06-26 2019-06-29 2019-09-19 2019-07-20 2019-10-08 2019-08-24 2019-10-21 2020-02-20 Education (National) early learning activities Selection MH-ECD PMO-120359-CS- Component 3. Social Individual Under INDV / ECD Coordinator-CCT IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Prior Consultant Open 440,000.00 0.00 2019-06-24 2019-07-14 2019-08-12 2019-09-02 2019-10-07 2020-04-04 Implementation (International) families Selection MH-ECD PMO-120358-CS- Component 3. Social Individual Under INDV / ECD Coordinator-CCT IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Consultant Limited 60,000.00 0.00 2019-06-24 2019-10-03 2019-06-29 2020-02-03 2019-07-20 2019-08-24 2020-02-20 Implementation (National) families Selection MH-ECD PMO-120355-CS- Component 2. Improve Pending CDS / TA- for teacher training IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Post Direct Selection Direct 60,000.00 0.00 2020-01-12 2020-01-22 2020-03-27 2020-09-23 Implementation - Batch 1 early learning activities MH-ECD PMO-120357-CS- Component 2. Improve Pending CDS / TA for Teacher Training IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Post Direct Selection Direct 75,000.00 0.00 2020-05-10 2020-05-20 2020-07-24 2021-01-20 Implementation - Batch 2 early learning activities MH-ECD PMO-120363-CS- Component 1. Improve Individual INDV / TA-Strategic Planning IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Consultant Open 75,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-08-10 2019-09-28 2019-10-19 2019-11-23 2020-05-21 and Budgetary- MOHHS N services Selection Component 4. Strengthening Individual MH-ECD PMO-121422-CS- Pending IDA / D4240 the multisectoral ECD system Post Consultant Open 125,000.00 0.00 2021-06-18 2021-08-06 2021-08-27 2021-10-01 2022-03-30 INDV / M&E Coordinator Implementation and Project management Selection Component 4. Strengthening Individual MH-ECD PMO-121430-CS- IDA / D4240 the multisectoral ECD system Post Consultant Open 125,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-06-18 2019-10-03 2021-08-06 2021-08-27 2021-10-01 2022-03-30 INDV / SBCC Coordinator and Project management Selection Page 2 MH-ECD PMO-135247-CS- Component 1. Improve Individual INDV / ECD Advisor Health IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Prior Consultant Open 440,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-09-24 2019-11-12 2019-12-03 2020-01-07 2020-07-05 (International) N services Selection MH-ECD PMO-136572-CS- Component 3. Social Individual INDV / A Social Under IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Consultant Open 100,000.00 0.00 2019-10-04 2019-10-10 2019-11-22 2019-12-13 2020-01-17 2020-07-15 Assistance/ECD System Implementation families Selection Designer for the RMI MH-ECD PMO-136576-CS- Component 4. Strengthening Individual Under INDV / A National IDA / D4240 the multisectoral ECD system Post Consultant Limited 80,000.00 0.00 2019-10-11 2019-10-11 2019-10-16 2019-11-06 2019-12-11 2020-06-08 Implementation Coordinator, Ebeye and Project management Selection Component 1. Improve Individual MH-ECD PMO-139437-CS- IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Prior Consultant Open 440,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-10-10 2019-10-26 2019-11-28 2020-01-10 2019-12-19 2020-01-23 2020-07-21 INDV / ECD Adviser, Health N services Selection MH-ECD PMO-136575-CS- INDV / MIS Consultant - Social Assistance/CCT. S/he will be responsible for designing & developing the Management Component 3. Social Individual Under Information System (MIS) IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Prior Consultant Open 200,000.00 0.00 2020-03-13 2020-03-19 2020-05-01 2020-05-22 2020-06-26 2020-12-23 Implementation based on the tools and families Selection guidelines provided by the Social Assistance/CCT expert(s), including the beneficiary database MH-ECD PMO-181145-CS- Component 1. Improve Individual INDV / Develop service IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Consultant Open 40,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-05-01 2021-06-19 2021-07-10 2021-08-14 2022-02-10 delivery guidelines N services Selection MH-ECD PMO-181148-CS- Component 1. Improve Individual Pending INDV / Contract International IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Consultant Open 150,000.00 0.00 2023-03-01 2023-04-19 2023-05-10 2023-06-14 2023-12-11 Implementation Health Service Providers N services Selection MH-ECD PMO-183934-CS- Component 3. Social Individual Pending INDV / Capacity building IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Consultant Open 60,000.00 0.00 2021-05-01 2021-06-19 2021-07-10 2021-08-14 2022-02-10 Implementation program for MOCIA core staff families Selection MH-ECD PMO-183935-CS- Component 3. Social Individual Under INDV / Short Term CCT MIS IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Prior Consultant Open 300,000.00 0.00 2020-07-31 2020-09-22 2020-09-18 2020-10-09 2020-11-13 2021-05-12 Implementation Expert (International) families Selection MH-ECD PMO-183936-CS- Component 3. Social Individual INDV / Financial Officer/ CCT IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Consultant Open 120,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-01 2020-12-20 2021-01-10 2021-02-14 2021-08-13 (National) families Selection MH-ECD PMO-183937-CS- Component 3. Social Individual Pending INDV / Payment Officer IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Consultant Open 120,000.00 0.00 2020-11-01 2020-12-20 2021-01-10 2021-02-14 2021-08-13 Implementation (National) families Selection Component 3. Social Individual MH-ECD PMO-183938-CS- Pending IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Consultant Open 120,000.00 0.00 2020-07-31 2020-09-18 2020-10-09 2020-11-13 2021-05-12 INDV / IT/MIS Specialist Implementation families Selection MH-ECD PMO-188065-CS- Component 2. Improve Individual Pending INDV / Graphic Design and IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Post Consultant Open 10,000.00 0.00 2020-09-06 2020-10-25 2020-11-15 2020-12-20 2021-06-18 Implementation Photography early learning activities Selection Component 4. Strengthening Individual MH-ECD PMO-195362-CS- IDA / D4240 the multisectoral ECD system Prior Consultant Open 450,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2020-09-21 2021-01-11 2020-11-09 2020-11-30 2021-01-04 2021-07-03 INDV / ECD Program Manager and Project management Selection MH-ECD PMO-181534-CS- Component 1. Improve Individual INDV / Define the health IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Consultant Open 30,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-02-01 2021-03-22 2021-04-12 2021-05-17 2021-11-13 service delivery model with N services Selection emphasis on decentralizing MH-ECD PMO-181130-CS- Component 3. Social Individual Pending INDV / ECD Advisor- CCT IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Consultant Open 250,000.00 0.00 2021-01-01 2021-02-19 2021-03-12 2021-04-16 2021-10-13 Implementation (International) families Selection MH-ECD PMO-202502-CS- Component 1. Improve Individual INDV / National Human Pending IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Post Consultant Direct 80,000.00 0.00 2020-12-01 2020-12-11 2021-01-01 2021-02-05 2021-08-04 Resources Consultant for Implementation N services Selection MOHHS MH-ECD PMO-202503-CS- Component 1. Improve Pending CDS / Pacific Islands Health IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Prior Direct Selection Direct 700,000.00 0.00 2020-11-15 2020-11-25 2021-01-29 2021-07-28 Implementation Officers Association N services MH-ECD PMO-202615-CS- Component 3. Social Individual Pending INDV / Ebeye Admin Staff - IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Consultant Open 42,000.00 0.00 2020-12-13 2021-01-31 2021-02-21 2021-03-28 2021-09-24 Implementation MOCIA families Selection MH-ECD PMO-202616-CS- Component 3. Social Individual Pending INDV / Majuro - Admin Staff IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Consultant Open 42,000.00 0.00 2020-12-13 2021-01-31 2021-02-21 2021-03-28 2021-09-24 Implementation MOCIA families Selection MH-ECD PMO-202619-CS- Component 3. Social Individual Pending INDV / Beneficiaries Outreach IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Consultant Open 60,000.00 0.00 2021-01-04 2021-02-22 2021-03-15 2021-04-19 2021-10-16 Implementation & Media Affairs (National) families Selection MH-ECD PMO-202620-CS- Component 3. Social Individual Pending INDV / Conditionality and IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Consultant Open 60,000.00 0.00 2021-01-11 2021-03-01 2021-03-22 2021-04-26 2021-10-23 Implementation Compliance Officer (National) families Selection Component 4. Strengthening Individual MH-ECD PMO-139778-CS- IDA / D4240 the multisectoral ECD system Post Consultant Limited 80,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-10-11 2019-12-19 2019-10-16 2019-11-06 2019-12-11 2020-06-08 CQS / ECD Coordinator, SBCC and Project management Selection MH-ECD PMO-181149-CS- Component 2. Improve CDS / TA- review and Pending IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Post Direct Selection Direct 100,000.00 0.00 2021-03-01 2021-03-11 2021-05-15 2021-11-11 development of training Implementation early learning activities materials - ( Round 2) Page 3 Component 2. Improve Individual MH-ECD PMO-205986-CS- Pending IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Post Consultant Open 165,560.00 0.00 2020-11-23 2021-01-11 2021-02-01 2021-03-08 2021-09-04 INDV / 5 Preschool Teachers Implementation early learning activities Selection MH-ECD PMO-120354-CS- Component 2. Improve CDS / TA -review and Pending IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Post Direct Selection Direct 120,000.00 0.00 2019-07-15 2019-07-25 2019-09-28 2020-03-26 development of training Implementation early learning activities materials (Round 1) Component 2. Improve Individual MH-ECD PMO-205995-CS- Pending IDA / D4240 coverage of stimulation and Post Consultant Open 112,400.00 0.00 2020-11-23 2021-01-11 2021-02-01 2021-03-08 2021-09-04 INDV / 5 Teacher Assistant Implementation early learning activities Selection MH-ECD PMO-214699-CS- Component 1. Improve Individual Pending INDV / Health - International IDA / D4240 coverage of essential RMNCH- Prior Consultant Direct 250,000.00 0.00 2021-01-29 2021-02-08 2021-03-01 2021-04-05 2021-10-02 Implementation Adviser N services Selection MH-ECD PMO-212428-CS- Component 3. Social Pending CDS / Social Assistance IDA / D4240 assistance for early years Post Direct Selection Direct 100,000.00 0.00 2021-01-06 2021-01-16 2021-03-22 2021-09-18 Implementation Design Expert families Page 4