Procurement Plan August 19, 2019 I. General 1. Project information: The World Bank approved a loan and Global Environment Facility (GEF) grant to the Government of the People's Republic of China (GOC) for the China Renewable Energy Scale-up Program (CRESP phase II). The program is managed by the CRESP Project Management Office (PMO) of the National Energy Administration (NEA), the Project Implementation Agency on behalf of GOC. 2. Period covered by this procurement plan: Nov 29, 2017 to July 31, 2019. II. Goods and Works and non-consulting services. Procurement of goods, works, and services (other than consultants’ services) will be governed by the World Bank Guidelines for Procurement Under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, January 2011. 1. Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank During the retroactive phase, all of the procurement decision should be prior review by the Bank. Procurement Prior Review Comments Method Threshold 1 NCB Goods >=4,000,000 2 Shopping Goods -- 2. Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule Unit: US$ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ref. No. Contract Estimated Procure Prequalificatio Domestic Review Expected (Budget (Description) Cost ment n (yes/no) Preference by Bank Bid-Opening Comments line No.) Method (yes/no) (Prior / Post) Date 6 Equipment for PMO 5,000 Shopping N NA Post 2019.5 2 GE MARS (Multi Area Reliability Simulation Software program) and GE MAPS (Multi Area Production 210,000 shopping N NA Post 2019.9 Simulation Software program) one year license including training fee 2 PSCAD(PSCAD/EMTDC)( Power Systems Computer Aided 100,000 shopping N NA Post 2019.9 Design, 2 sets III. Selection of Consultants Selection of consultants will be governed by the World Bank Guidelines for Selection and Employment of Consultants by Work Bank Borrowers, January 2011 1. Prior Review Threshold: Selection decisions subject to Prior Review by Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines Selection and Employment of Consultants: During the retroactive phase, all of consultant procurement should be prior review by the Bank Selection Method Prior Review Comments Threshold Competitive methods ≧2,000,000 (firms) Single Source (firms) ≧2,000,000 Competitive methods ≧400,000 (individuals) Single Source ≧400,000 (individuals) 2. Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of consultants for services, estimated to cost less than $300,000 equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines. 3. Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Schedule Unit: US$ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Review Ref. No. Description of Assignment Estimated Selection Expected Comments1 status by Bank (Budget Cost Method Contract (Prior / Post) line No.) Date Overall policy study --13 FYP of Renewable Energy A1-CS- Study on overall RE plan and long-term Chinese National Renewable 215,450 SSS prior 2015.03 Closed 2015-003 plan Energy Center (CNREC) A1-CS- Study on wind and solar power Chinese Renewable Energy 190,000 SSS prior 2015.02 Closed 2015-004 development plan in major regions Engineering Institute (CREEI) A2-CS- Wind and solar power transmission and 495,000 SSS prior 2015.01 EPPEI Closed 2015-002 integration on 13th five years plan A1-CS- Study on 13th five years ocean energy National Ocean Technology 50,000 SSS Post 2015.02 Closed 2015-002 development strategy Development Center (NOTDC) A1-CS- Study on 13th five years solar heating 81,000 CQ Post 2015.04 CNREC Closed 2015-006 plan A1-CS- National Geothermal Geothermal study and plan 100,000 SSS prior 2015.04 Closed 2015-007 Technology Research Center A1-CS- Synthesizing 13th FYP biomass 35,000 CQ Post 2015.12 CNREC Closed 2015-008 development plan A1-CS- Developing the 13th FYP biomass 85,000 CQ Post 2015.11 CECEP Consulting CO., LTD Closed 2015-010 development by technology A1-CS- Development of 14 FYP of RE 200,000 CQ Post 2019.06 2019-005 A1-CS- Development of 14 FYP of Wind 150,000 CQ Post 2019.06 2019-006 A1-CS- Development of 14 FYP of Solar 200,000 CQ Post 2019.06 2019-007 A1-CS- Development of 14 FYP of Biomass 150,000 CQ Post 2019.07 2019-008 A1-CS- Development of 14 FYP of Geothermal 100,000 CQ Post 2019.07 2019-009 A1-CS- Development of Wind and solar power 200,000 CQ Post 2019.06 2019-010 transmission and integration of 14FYP A1-CS- Economic and social benefits evaluation 250,000 CQ Post 2019.05 1 N: national consultant(s); I: international consultant(s) 2019-011 of RE-led Energy revolution The macro-economic research for the strategy and policies to enable the A1-CS- renewable energy-led energy revolution 250,000 CQ Post2019 2019.06 2019-012 promoting China's economy transformation and upgrading. --RE quota A1-CS- Developing the regulation(s) of 2014-001 measuring, supervising and assessing 60,170 CQ Prior 2013.09 CNREC Closed procedures for RE quota system A1-CS- Development of RE power certification 220,000 CQ Post 2016.11 CREEI Closed 2016-005 and trade system A1-CS- RE quota policies and allocation study 100,000 CQ Post 2018.03 CNREC Closed 2018-001 Development of Implementation Rules Chinese Renewable Energy Ongoing A1-CS- and Management System for RE 200,000 SSS Post 2018.06 Engineering Institute (CREEI) 2018-002 Certification trading Justification for SSS as attached A1-CS- Detailed regulation for RE Quota 150,000 CQ Post 2018.12 2018-011 implementation --RE Pricing policies A1-CS- Study on Laws and Regulations Chinese Energy Research 50,000 CQ Prior 2015.03 Closed 2015-001 suggestion to promote RE Integration. Society (CERS) A1-CS- Compensation mechanism for further Huajian Power Design and 100,000 CQ Post 2015.06 Closed 2015-009 peaking of coal power plants Research Institute (BHPDRI) A1-CS- Study of the fixed subsidy policy for National Development School, 130,000 CQ Post 2016.03 Closed 2016-001 RE Peking university A1-CS- EU RE pricing mechanism and power Pricing Research Institute, 2017-001 market development international study 39,000 CQ Post 2017.04 Closed NDRC tour A1-CS- Develop transmission wheeling charges 100,000 CQ Post 2018.03 EPPEI Ongoing 2018-003 for RE developers A1-CS- Biogas subsidy study 100,000 CQ Post 2019.03 2019-001 --RE Auction A1-CS- Development of RE pilot (PV and wind) Chinese Renewable Energy 2018-004 auctions plan based on international best 100,000 CQ Post 2018.06 Ongoing Engineering Institute (CREEI) practices A1-CS- Chinese Renewable Energy International expert of RE auction 60,000 IC Post 2018.06 Ongoing 2018-005 Engineering Institute (CREEI) A1-CS- Provide model PPAs for NEA 100,000 CQ Post 2018.06 Chinese Renewable Energy Ongoing 2018-006 Engineering Institute (CREEI) --RE policy study A1-CS- Refining Concept of New Energy 200,070 CQ Prior CNREC Closed 2013-002 Demonstration City Program in China A1-CS- Study on Laws and Regulations Chinese Energy Research 50,000 CQ Prior 2015.03 Closed 2015-001 suggestion to promote RE Integration. Society (CERS) A1-CS- Non-electric RE statistic system study 120,000 CQ Post 2017.02 CNREC Closed 2016-003 and design A1-CS- Mechanism innovation and Ongoing, Jiangsu Engineering Consulting 2016-004 demonstrations for local digestion of 200,000 CQ Post 2016.10 2019.12 finish Center districted solar PV in Jiangsu Province A1- CS- Preparation for Revised the RE Law 100,000 CQ Post 2018.06 Delay 2017-003 A1-CS- Development of national implement Closed 100,000 CQ Post 2017.3 CNREC 2017-004 plan of promoting RE heating A1-CS- Developing RE regulation objective, Chinese Energy Research Closed 150,000 CQ Post 2017.5 2017-005 method and procedure Society (CERS) A1-CS- International expert for RE auction RPS 22,000 CQ Post 2017.11 1 contract Closed 2017-008 workshop A1-CS- Local experts for RE auction RPS Closed 2100 SSS Post 2017.12 Ms. Chen Rumei 2017-010 Workshop A1-CS- Closed Long-term RE planning to 2035 200,000 CQ Post 2018.06 CNREC 2018-008 A1-CS- Policy and mechanism study for RE Ongoing 298,000 CQ Post 2018.08 EPPEI 2018-009 participate in power market reform A1-CS- Policy research for RE storage system ongoing 150,000 CQ Post 2018.08 EPPEI 2018-010 and development in market A1-CS- RE policy framework without RE 100,000 CQ Post 2018.12 2018-012 subsidy A1-CS- Policy and Mechanism reform study for 150,000 CQ Post 2019.11 2019-13 Energy transformation in 14 FYP A1-CS- Evaluation for RE integration to pilot 100,000 CQ Post 2019.11 2019-14 spot market in China Grid Integration A2-CS- State grid company Beijing Study of heat storage to make CHP 2015-001 210,000 CQ post 2015.01 Huajian Power design and Closed plants more flexible in the winter Research institute A2-CS- State grid company Beijing Develop work plan of CHP install heat 2015-006 100,000 CQ post 2015.07 Huajian Power design and Closed storage system pilot project Research institute A4-CS- Stocktaking of approved projects in 2012 100,000 CQ prior 2013.9 Qinghua University 2013-001 and planned for 2015 in context of grid Closed absorption in Inner Mongolia A4-CS- Automatic systems to manage RE 280,000 CQ post 2014.8 Zhongkefurui Technical 2014-001 penetration in Inner Mongolia grid Company Closed company A2-CS- Optimal dispatch of wind, solar, and 275,000 SSS prior 2014.11 CREEI Closed 2014-002 coal power in Hami generation base A4-CS- Security assessment method research and Beijing Tsingsoft Technology 2016-009 application for high share RE connected 350,000 SSS Prior 2016.04 Closed Co.,Ltd. to power grid in West Inner Mongolia A2-CS- Development of distributed RE 260,000 CQ Post 2017.3 EPPEI Closed 2017-001 integration technical and management Specification A2-CS- Wind Base Layout Optimization study 500,000 SSS Post 2018.1 Ongoing 2018-001 (phase II) A2-CS- RE grid integration study in Northwest 498,000 SSS Post 2019.08 2019-001 Grid A2-CS- The technical support of the third part for 100,000 CQ Post 2019.09 2019-002 the RE grid integration study in Northwest Grid Technology and Efficiency Improvement --Off-shore wind Development of standard for off-shore A3-CS- wind farm design,off-shore wind farm 400,000 QCBS Prior 2017.4 CREEI closed 2016-006 transformer, off-shore wind farm transmission cable According to the off-shore wind Field test of off-shore wind turbine A3-CS- turbine technical standard work operation and maintain technical 45,000 CQ Post 2018.01 Closed 2016-007 plan, CRESP will support the standard. field test of standard developed. A3-CS- System specification study for off-shore 280,000 CQ Post 2018.08 Tsinghua University Ongoing 2018-002 wind DC into power grid A3-CS- Off-shore wind development status 150,000 CQ Post 2018.11 Ongoing 2018-004 monitoring and evaluation A3-CS- Development guideline of off-shore 250,000 CQ Post 2019.02 2019-001 wind grid inter-connection A3-CS- Design of testing bench for the offshore 1,875,000 QCBS Post 2020.01 2019-003 wind power testing center A3-CS- Establishment of the testing technology 781,250 QCBS Post 2020.01 2019-004 system and personnel training for the offshore wind power testing center --On-shore wind (efficiency improvement) --Solar -Micro grid A3-CS- Develop standard of micro grid design 160,000 CQ Post 2016.03 Xi'an Jiaotong University Closed 2016-003 and plan A3-CS- Develop standard of micro grid control North China Electric Power 160,000 CQ Post 2016.03 Closed 2016-004 and operation University(NCEPU) A3-CS- Guideline of distributed grid to connect 100,000 CQ Post 2019.03 2019-002 distributed RE --RE heating Incentive Policy Research and Tool A3-CS- Development for High Percentage of RE Qingdao Technological 178,000 CQ Post 2016.11 Closed 2016-005 Combined for Heating in the Northern University Area of China --Technical expert A3-CS- Concentrative Solar Power technical 44,000 IC Post 2017.12 1 time based contract 2016-007 international experts A3-CS- Evaluation expert group of PV efficiency 2017- 10,000 IC Post 2017.1 3 time based contract Closed improvement activities 001~003 A3-CS- Evaluation expert group of CSP 8,500 IC Post 2017.11 1 time based contract Closed 2017-004 improvement activities A3-CS- Evaluation expert group of CSP 8,500 IC Post 2017.11 1 time based contract Closed 2017-005 improvement activities A3-CS- Evaluation expert group of CSP 8,500 IC Post 2017.11 1 time based contract Closed 2017-006 improvement activities A3-CS- Evaluation expert group of CSP 8,500 IC Post 2017.11 1 time based contract Closed 2017-007 improvement activities Technical specification study for overall A3-CS- process quality supervision of CSP 80,000 CQ Post 2018.07 CQC Ongoing 2018-004 vacuum A3-CS- International expert team for CSP pilot 200,000 IC Post 2018.08 Time based contract Closed 2018-005 project building (EPPEI) A3-CS- International expert team for CSP pilot Time based contract 150,000 IC Post 2018.08 Ongoing 2018-006 project building (EPPEI) A3-CS- International expert team for CSP pilot Time based contract 150,000 IC Post 2018.08 Ongoing 2018-007 project building (EPPEI) A3-CS- Evaluation exert of CSP TI project 16,000 IC Post 2019.08 Time based contract 2019-005 Distributed Generation and Pilot -Inner Mongolia A4-CS- Adaptation of RE policies to pilot spot 260,000 CQ Post 2019.03 2019-003 market in Inner Mongolia (policy framework study) --New Energy City, Green Energy County, Distributed RE District A4-CS- Development of Arhorchin of Inner 100,000 CQ Post 2017.1 CECEP Consulting CO.,LTD Closed 2016-029 Mongolia green county work plan A4-CS- Development of Arhorchin of Inner 100,000 CQ Post 2017.1 CECEP Consulting CO.,LTD Closed 2016-030 Mongolia biogas work plan A4-CS- Development of Hefei New Energy City 150,000 CQ Post 2017.1 CECEP Consulting CO.,LTD Closed 2016-016 Implementation Work Plan A4-CS- Development of Hefei Distributed PV Beijing Jipeng Investment 100,000 CQ Post 2017.1 Closed 2016-017 financial mechanism Information & Consultant Ltd Development of Hefei mechanism A4-CS- Ongoing, innovation for local integration of 238,000 CQ Post 2017.12 Nanjing Branch of CEPRI 2016-018 2018.12 finish distributed RE A4-CS- Development of Hefei business model of 100,000 CQ Post 2017.06 Shanghai Jiaotong University Closed 2016-019 PV charging station for electric vehicle A4-CS- Development of Zhangjiakou new 150,000 CQ Post 2017.05 ERI Closed 2016-023 energy city implementation work plan A4-CS- Development of Zhangjiakou RE heating 160,000 CQ Post 2017.04 EPPEI Closed 2016-025 work plan Add the task Designed implement mechanisms to to A4-CS- four-party agreement to use curtailed 100,000 2016-025 wind power for Heating ( Zhangjiakou) Closed A4-CS- Development of work plan of 200,000 CQ Post 2018.06 Delay 2018-001 Jiangjiakou RE industry Zone A4-CS- Developing Energy transformation work 298,000 CQ Post 2017.12 ERI Ongoing 2017-022 plan for Shanxi Innovative mechanisms to pilot hybrid A4-CS- RE grid integration for RE integrated 290,000 CQ Post 2018.07 EPPEI Ongoing 2018-003 in Burqin, Xinjiang A4-CS- Suzhou energy transition implementation 100,000 CQ Post 2018.10 Delay 2018-004 plan A4-CS- Development work plan of PV industry 200,000 CQ Post 2018.11 Ongoing 2018-005 of Hefei A4-CS- Four-party agreement to use curtailed 200,000 CQ Post 2019.02 2019-004 wind for clean heating in JJJ and TI for battery storage in Zhangjiakou; and increasing RE consumption in Hefei A4-CS- Micro grid pilots in rural grid 150,000 CQ Post 2019.02 2019-008 Shanxi Energy transition and green A4-CS- Growth project preparation for national 45,000 SSS Post 2019.03 2019-009 level Shanxi Energy transition and Green A4-CS- Growth project preparation for 35,000 SSS Post 2019.03 2019-010 provincial level A4-CS- Evaluation committee of Pilot for battery 30,000 IC Post 2019.08 Three time-based 2019-011 storage in RE project A4-CS- Technical expert for battery storage in 16,000 IC Post 2019.10 Time-based 2019-014 RE project --Biogas A4-CS- Large-scale biogas incentive police study 100,000 CQ Post 2016.8 CECEP Consulting CO., LTD Closed 2016-010 A4-CS- Provincial Work plan of large-scale 50,000 CQ Post 2016.8 CREEI Closed 2016-012 biogas A4-CS- County pilot on large-scale biogas 300,000 CQ Post 2016.8 CREEI Closed 2016-015 China University of Petroleum A4-CS- Development of large-scale biogas Ongoing, 150,000 CQ Post 2016.8 Beijing Institute of New Energy 2016-011 technical standards. 2018.11 finish Co., Ltd A4-CS- Weather forecasting technical expert 16,800 IC Post 2016.09 Time based Closed 2016-013 Capacity Building A5-CS- Local Financing Platform Mechanism 100,000 CQ Post 2015.12 CREIA Closed 2016-001 Study for Distributive Solar PV Pilot A5-CS- International adviser of CRESP phase II 98,000 IC Post 2016.10 Time based 2016-010 activities A5-CS- RE consumption monitoring and pre- Ongoing 290,000 CQ Post 2018.09 2018-001 warning system Making biomass power monitoring and Ongoing A5-CS- assessment system and developing 100,000 CQ Post 2018.08 2018-002 monitoring platform A5-CS- CRESP summary and promotion design 220,000 CQ Post 2019.04 2018-003 and implementation PMO Operation A6-CS- 1 time-based contract, a natural 2019-001 Executive director 45,240 Post 2019.01 continuation of the previous work. A6-CS- 1 time-based contract, a natural 2019-002 Technical manager 1 39,240 Post 2019.01 continuation of the previous work. A6-CS- 1 Time-based contract, a 2019-003 Technical manager 2 39,240 Post 2019.01 natural continuation of the previous work. A6-CS- 1 Time-based contract, a 2019-004 Technical manager 3 39,240 Post 2019.01 natural continuation of the previous work. A6-CS- 1 Time-based contract, a 2019-005 Financial manager 39,240 Post 2019.01 natural continuation of the previous work. A6-CS- 1 Time-based contract, a 2019-006 Book keeper/Secretor 31,800 Post 2019.01 natural continuation of the previous work. A6-CS- Professional Translation /Proof reader 6,000 IC Post 2019.06 1 Time based contract 2019-007 A6-CS- CRESP website operation and maintain 16,000 CQ Post 2018.06 Ongoing 2018-008 A6-2018- Procurement expert 12000 IC Post 2018.07 1 Time based contract Ongoing CS-009 A6-2018- New project preparation expert 30,000 IC Post 2018.10 1 Time based contract Ongoing CS-010 A6-CS- Energy storage project preparation 12,000 IC Post 2019.03 1time based contract 2019-008 expert A6-CS- Financial expert 20,000 IC post 2019.08 1 time based contract 2019-009 Total amount PROCUREMENT China : China Renewable Energy Scale-Up Program Phase II PLAN General Information Country: China Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2017-05-26 2019-10-30 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P127033 GPN Date: Project Name: China Renewable Energy Scale-Up Program Phase II Loan / Credit No: TF / 15769 Executing Agency(ies): NEA PMO WORKS Bid Evaluation Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Report and Description Component Review Type Method Document / Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued Opening / Minutes Recommendation for Justification Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual GOODS Bid Evaluation Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Report and Description Component Review Type Method Document / Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued Opening / Minutes Recommendation for Justification Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Component 1. Policy Single Stage - One A2-SG-2014-001/01 / LiDAR TF / 15769 Prior Request for Bids Open - National 520,000.00 470,815.26 Signed Support Envelope Contract No.: A6-G-2014- Component 1. Policy Request for Open - 001 / Goods procurement of TF / 15769 Prior 20,000.00 3,544.52 Signed Support Quotations International Office Equipment (Furniture) NON CONSULTING SERVICES Bid Evaluation Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Report and Description Component Review Type Method Document / Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued Opening / Minutes Recommendation for Justification Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit Market Contract Type Estimated Actual Expression of Interest Short List and Draft Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Amount (US$) Amount (US$) Notice Request for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes Technical Proposal Negotiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual A1-CS-2015-001 / Study on Laws and Regulations Consultant Suggestions to Promote Component 1. Policy Open - TF / 15769 Prior Qualification 50,000.00 50,000.00 Signed Renewable Energy (Wind Support International Selection and Solar PV) Grid Connection and Digestion Page 1 A3-CS-2019-004 / This consulting services for “Design of testing bench for the offshore wind power testing center” is one of the Component 3. Technology Quality And Cost- Open - Under two sub-tasks under the TF / 15769 Post 781,250.00 0.00 2019-09-29 2019-10-20 2019-12-03 2019-12-31 2020-01-30 2020-03-05 2020-04-09 2021-04-09 Improvement Based Selection International Implementation sub-grant project of “Preparation for and Capacity Building of Off- shore Wind Turbine Testing Center”. A3-CS-2019-003 / This consulting service for “Design of testing bench for the offshore wind power testing center” is one of Component 3. Technology Quality And Cost- Open - Pending the two sub-tasks under the TF / 15769 Post 1,875,000.00 0.00 2019-09-27 2019-10-29 2019-12-12 2020-01-09 2020-02-08 2020-03-14 2020-04-18 2021-04-18 Improvement Based Selection International Implementation sub-grant project “Preparation for and Capacity Building of Off- shore Wind Turbine Testing Center”. INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Invitation to Loan / Credit Market Contract Type Estimated Actual Draft Negotiated Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Identified/Selected Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Amount (US$) Amount (US$) Contract Consultant Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual A1-CS-2015-003 / Study and Work out 13th FYP & Medium- and Long-Term Component 1. Policy TF / 15769 Prior Direct Selection Direct 200,000.00 215,450.00 Signed Renewable Energy Support Development Plan (2016- 2030) (proposal) For China A1-CS-2015-04 / Study on Wind and Solar Power 13th Component 1. Policy TF / 15769 Prior Direct Selection Direct 185,000.00 185,000.00 Signed Five Year Plan in Major Support Regions A2-CS-2014-001 / Research on Hami Energy Base Component 1. Policy TF / 15769 Prior Direct Selection Direct 275,000.00 279,838.00 Signed Coordinated Operating Support Mechanism A2-CS-2015-002 / Research on Wind and Solar PV Power Integration and Component 1. Policy TF / 15769 Prior Direct Selection Direct 0.00 495,000.00 Signed Transmission for 13th Five- Support Year Plan of RE Development A4-CS-2016-009 / upgrading and development of RE's Component 1. Policy TF / 15769 Prior Direct Selection Direct 0.00 344,279.94 Signed impact assessment system in Support Inner Mongolia A2-CS-2019-001 / RE grid Component 2. Grid Pending integration study in TF / 15769 Integration/Access and Post Direct Selection Direct 498,000.00 0.00 2019-10-29 2019-10-31 2019-11-05 2020-10-30 Implementation Northwest Grid Technical Design Page 2