The World Bank

                                                                                   REPORT NO.: RES44555

                                            RESTRUCTURING PAPER

                                                     ON A

                                     PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING

                                          KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT
                                        APPROVED ON MARCH 30, 2015

                                        THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN



                              Regional Vice President:    Anna M. Bjerde
                                    Country Director:     Lilia Burunciuc
                                    Regional Director:    Fadia M. Saadah
                          Practice Manager/Manager:       Harry Anthony Patrinos
                                 Task Team Leader(s):     Ayesha Y. Vawda
       The World Bank


EC                    Employment Center
EU                    Employment Units
FM                    Financial Management
GoK                   Government of Kazakhstan
IBRD                  International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IT                    Information Technology
LA                    Loan Agreement
MLSP                  Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
NQS                   National Qualifications System
OS                    Occupational Standards
PDO                   Project Development Objective
SETP                  Skills Enhancement Training Program
TVET                  Technical and Vocational Education and Training
           The World Bank
           KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)


Product Information

Project ID                                                     Financing Instrument
P150183                                                        Investment Project Financing

Original EA Category                                           Current EA Category
Partial Assessment (B)                                         Partial Assessment (B)

Approval Date                                                  Current Closing Date
30-Mar-2015                                                    31-Dec-2021


Borrower                                                       Responsible Agency
The Republic of Kazakhstan                                     Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population

Project Development Objective (PDO)
Original PDO
The proposed Project Development Objectives (PDO) are to improve employment outcomes and skills of target
beneficiaries and to improve the relevance of technical and vocational education and training and higher education
Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions)
Ln/Cr/Tf                 Approval         Signing Effectiveness         Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed

IBRD-84900          30-Mar-2015      20-Jul-2015 10-Mar-2016 31-Dec-2021                 44.80      17.72          27.08

Policy Waiver(s)

Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)?
       The World Bank


  1. The proposed restructuring seeks: (1) a cancellation in loan proceeds in the amount of USD24 million IBRD to
     remove seven activities from the project that duplicate existing government programs, as requested by the
     Government of Kazakhstan (GoK) in the letter #005-ДГ/11855-И, dated June 7, 2021 (received by the Bank on
     June 8, 2021) and (2) adjustments to the results framework to enable measurement of the Project Development
     Objective (PDO), which is heavily weighted towards the activities being cancelled. No change to the PDO or
     extension of the project closing date is requested.

  2. The Skills and Jobs Project was approved on March 30, 2015 with an IBRD loan of USD100 million and USD37
     million co-financing from the GoK, and has been restructured twice. The first restructuring was approved on
     February 1, 2019 to reduce the scope of the project for better alignment with all programs and activities under
     the mandate of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (MLSP). The outcome and intermediate results
     indicators were adjusted accordingly. That restructuring cancelled an amount of the loan equal to USD55.2 million
     from Category (1) Goods, non-consulting services, consultants’ services, Operating Costs and Training. This
     reduced the project cost to USD 61.4 million (USD44.8 million IBRD; USD16.6 million co-financing). The second
     restructuring approved on May 2, 2020 led to an 18-months extension of the project closing date to December
     31, 2021 to allow adequate time to complete activities necessary to achieve the PDO. With this proposed
     restructuring, the project cost will be reduced to USD28.5 million (IBRD: USD20.8 milllion; USD7.7 million in co-

  3. Progress towards achievement of the PDO and implementation progress have been rated Moderately
     Unsatisfactory since November 2017. The low rating was due to the lack of progress on the training under
     Subcomponent 2.3 (Part 2 (c) as per Loan Agreement (LA)), which accounts for a large percentage of the project
     financing and accounts for five of the six PDO indicators. However, progress across other Subcomponents has
     been positive. A summary of progress across Components is detailed below.

  4. There has been good progress under Component 1, Building the Foundation of a National Qualifications System (Part 1
     per LA), with majority of activities completed. The main activity that remains to be implemented under this Component
     is development of an independent assessment system and master-plan for the development of a National Qualifications
     Authority under Subcomponent 1.3 (Part 1(c) per LA). This is expected to be completed in July 2021. Remaining higher
     education (HE) and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) programs that were to be developed will be
     cancelled as part of this restructuring, as discussed later. Progress on Component 2, Enhancing Skills for Improved
     Employment Outcomes and Productivity, has been mixed. Critical tasks under Subcomponent 2.1 (Part 2(a) per LA)
     related to assessment and modernization of Employment Centers (ECs) have been implemented, as well as
     development of a registry of short-term training providers under Subcomponent 2.2 (Part 2(b, ii) per LA). Remaining
     Component 2 activities are underway and expected to be completed by October 2021. The MLSP has decided to drop
     technical assistance to short-term training providers under Subcomponent 2.2, and the Skills Enhancement Training
     The World Bank

    Program (SETP) for target beneficiaries under Subcomponent 2.3 (Part 2(c) per LA), which it considers duplicative to
    the government program Enbek, as discussed later. The good progress across Subcomponents 2.1 and 2.2 has led to
    four of eight intermediate indicators under Component 2 now being exceeded; however, lack of progress on
    Subcomponent 2.3 is reflected in non-achievement of five PDO and four intermediate indicators. A multiyear
    information-communication campaigns and a feedback response mechanism have been implemented under
    Component 3, Project management, monitoring and evaluation and outreach (Part 3 per LA), but have not been scaled
    up since the project has never worked with direct beneficiaries under the training subcomponent as originally intended.
    The main activity remaining under this Component is an end of project evaluation, which will be carried out through a
    consultancy in 2021. Status of the current Results framework indicators under Components 1, 2 and 3 are
    summarized in Table 4-6 in the attachment 1.

5. Financial management and audit arrangements remain in compliance with the Bank policies. There are no overdue
   audits under the project. Financial management (FM) arrangements, including budgeting and planning,
   accounting and financial reporting, internal controls and external audit established by the Project Management
   Unit were last reviewed on October 5, 2020.

6. Shortcomings in procurement and contract management processes have been identified by the Bank during
   several missions, and recommendations have been communicated to the MLSP. The Bank has flagged its concern
   with delays in executing scheduled payments for long-term consulting services that were contracted by the MLSP
   in 2016-2017, and running through 2018 and beyond. Overall, eight problem contracts were identified, and the
   Bank has been advising the MLSP to resolve these contracts since early 2019. The Bank has seen some progress
   in attempts to resolve these eight problem contracts that pose a reputational risk to the GoK, may permanently
   impact viable enterprises, and deter future investment or participation of international consulting firms in
   government procurement in case they are not resolved. Out of eight identified problem contracts one was
   resolved completely, and a final decision was made by the MLSP with regards to two contracts with individual
   consultants. MLSP is directly negotiating terms of settlements with the remaining five consulting firms. The Bank
   has requested, and the MLSP commited, to bring the issues of problem contracts to a closure.
7. Total disbursement stands at UDS17.72 million, equivalent to 39.56 percent of the current loan amount. With the
   proposed cancellation, this would jump to 84.28 percent, leaving USD3.3 million to be disbursed in the last year
   of the project implementation, slightly higher than the 2020 disbursement amount but significantly lower than
   the USD10.5 million disbursed in 2019.
8. The government’s decision to restructure the project now helps it to focus its efforts in the last few months of the
   project on programs that are working, and the project has been and will continue to strengthen these efforts
   without duplication of activities. The Government has therefore requested cancellation of loan proceeds that
   were earmarked for these activities, and a realignment of the results framework to improve measurement of the
   PDO and reflect the cancellations. The proposed revision of the results framework are intended to not only more
   clearly capture the achievements of the project, but also highlight the relevance and sustainability the project is
   making to the government’s skills and jobs agenda
       The World Bank

9. The restructuring is needed to remove duplication of some project activities with the Government-funded
      initiatives and to reflect the MLSP’s position that skills enhacement training should continue to be financed by the
      Republican and local budgets. Under Component 1, development of the remaining 15 TVET education programs
      will be dropped as they will be implemented by TVET colleges and the “Talap” center (formerly known as Kasipkor,
      an organization responsible for methodological support of the TVET system). Development of the remaining 30
      higher education programs will also be dropped as they have been delegated to the higher education providers.
      Under Component 2, technical assistance to short-term training providers will be dropped as the government has
      decided not to pursue these activities as explained earlier (Part 2(b, iv) per LA). Also under Component 2, the SETP
      (Part 2(c, i and ii) per LA) will be dropped due to duplication with government programs.
10.    Completed and remaining project activities are designed to support strengthening of the government programs
      and regulatory framework making them critical for achievement of the PDO. With majority of Component 1
      activities completed and remaining activities on track, the objective of “Relevance of TVET and higher education
      programs” is expected to be achieved by project closing, with one related PDO indicator already achieved. The
      reduction in number of TVET and higher education programs being developed will not impact achievement of the
      PDO, as the corresponding PDO indicator target will be revised in line with the cancellation of funding previously
      earmarked for these programs.
11.   A second PDO indicator will be added as part of this restructuring to strengthen measurement of this objective
      (see next section for details). The objective “Improving Employment Outcomes of target beneficiaries” will no
      longer be measured through outcomes of the training programs that are being cancelled under sub-component
      2.3, but instead through activities under sub-component 2.1 to strengthen the quality of ECs to deliver improved
      employment outcomes of target beneficiaries, which have been completed. Finally, the objective “Improving Skills
      of target beneficiaries” will no longer be measured through outcomes of the skills training programs that are being
      cancelled. Instead, it will be measured through the project activities under Subcomponent 2.2 to assess the quality
      of skills training providers. Subcomponent 2.2 activities have been used by the government to increase the skills
      of their beneficiaries and have been largely completed, with remaining activities expected to be completed by
      project closing.
12.   All remaining activities are on track to be completed within the current project timeline, and all have high
      relevance to achievement of the PDO. The MLSP has also signalled strong ownership of these activities, showing
      their high relevance to the government programs, greater likelihood of completion, and increased sustainability
      beyond the project. With the cancellation of training activities that were intended to meet the project objective
      of improving employment outcomes and skills of target beneficiaries, the remaining activities are contributing to
      the efforts of the project to enhance the government programs that are delivering such trainings and other
      employment and skills building activities. Therefore, while the project will not directly improve employment
      outcomes and skills of target beneficiaries, once the remaining project activities are completed, the government
      programs and regulatory framework will be significantly enhanced to be able to improve employment outcomes
      and skills of its beneficiaries.
13.   The overall objective of amendments to the results framework is to better measure progress towards achievement
      of the PDO than the current list of indicators, and to document that activities in all other Subcomponents have
      supported the government to make good progress towards achieving the PDO despite the cancellation of the
           The World Bank
           KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)

          project funds. The current results framework is heavily weighted towards the training activities under
          Subcomponent 2.3 slated for cancellation, with five of the six PDO indicators measuring results from these
          trainings. The one remaining and three new outcome indicators will together measure achievement of all aspects
          of the PDO, as described above and in more detail in the next section.
      14. Without this restructuring, the project would only partially achieve the PDO, with one outcome indicator showing
          successful achievement of “relevance of TVET and higher education programs”, and the remaining five outcome
          indicators measuring “improved employment outcomes and skills of target beneficiaries” not being achieved.
          While there are still several project activities that show stronger achievement towards the full PDO, they are not
          adequately reflected in the current results framework.


      15. This restructuring, based on the request from government proposes to cancel USD24 million IBRD from the current
          loan amount of USD44.8 million, resulting in a new project financing amount of USD20.8 milllion (see Table 2 for
          the revised component costs)1. As a result of this cancellation the following activities will be dropped:


            Subcomponent                       Activity                                     Financing

                                                                             Total cost       IBRD (USD           Co-
                                                                           (USD million)        million)      financing
           Subcomponent         Development of the remaining 15 of             0.267            0.195           0.072
           1.2                  the planned 45 TVET education
                                programs and 30 of the planned 70
                                higher educational programs
           Subcomponent         Technical assistance for short-term             1.2              0.87           0.33
           2.2                  training providers
           Subcomponent         Skills enhancement training for target          19.2              14             5.2
           2.3                  beneficiaries
           Subcomponents        Four minor technical assistance                 2.0              1.46           0.54
           1-3                  consultancy packages
                                Optimized and reduced scope of                  5.9               4.3            1.6
                                Accumulated savings                             4.3              3.14           1.16
                 Total                                                          32.9              24             8.9

1Note: the “current” component costs are reflected incorrectly in the datasheet, as they include the Government’s contribution.
Table 1 reflects the correct information. There are no proposed changes to the component names.
       The World Bank


                                                             Current                Proposed
            Component Name
                                                             Cost (US$M)            Cost (US$M)
            Building the Foundation of a National
                                                             9.5                    6.8
            Qualifications System
            Enhancing Skills for Improved Employment
                                                             31.3                   11.80
            Outcomes and Productivity
            Project Management and Monitoring and
                                                             4.0                    2.20
            TOTAL                                            44.80                  20.8

 16. The target of the relevant PDO indicator measuring relevance of TVET and higher education programs will be
     reduced due to cancellation of corresponding activities proposed through this restructuring. Of the four
     intermediate indicators under Component 1, two are either achieved or on track to being achieved (see Table 3).
     Intermediate indicators measuring development of TVET programs (target 45, actual 30) and development of
     higher educational programs (target 70, actual 40) will not achieve their current targets due to the proposed
     cancellation of development of further programs under the project, as discussed later.
 17. To better capture achievement of the PDO, the revised set of PDO indicators by outcome are laid out in Table 3,
     with more detail provided in the Attachment 2 and in the Results Framework.


         PDO indicator                                                                            Status    Target

         Outcome: Relevance of TVET and higher education programs

  1      Share of occupations/specialties covered by educational programs (TVET and
         higher education) developed based on Occupational Standards (OS) and/or                            9%
         analysis of professional activity (percent)

  2      The full cycle of the qualifications system is piloted in at least three priority
                                                                                                  New       Yes
         sectors (Yes/No)

         Outcome: Improving employment outcomes of target beneficiaries

  3      The share of employment centers, employment units, employment departments
         and akimat offices in rural disctricts that have been improved under the Project         New       70%

         Outcome: Improving skills of target beneficiaries
         The World Bank

    4                                                                                           Elevated
           Share of short-term training providers that meet the requirements of the pre-
                                                                                                from         20%
           qualified training provider list (percent)

  18. Full details of all changes are reflected in the Attachment 2 and Results Framework below.

Attachment 1: Status of the Current Results Framework


         PDO Indicator                                    Baseline                 End target       Current status
         Share of occupations/specialties covered by 2016 – 0%                     2021/End – 13%   2020 – 15.8%
         educational programs (TVET and higher education)
         developed based on occupational standards (OS)
 The World Bank

 and/or analysis of professional activity

 Intermediate Indicators
 Number of registered occupational standards           2016 – 0            2021 – 550         2020 - 550

 Number of new TVET educational programs 2016 – 0                          2020/End – 45      2020-30
 developed with input from industry developed
 based on OS and/or analysis of professional activity
 Number of new higher educational programs 2016 – 0                        2021/End – 70      2020 - 40
 developed with input from industry developed
 based on OS and/or analysis of professional activity
 Master plan to establish an independent national 2016 – No                2021/End – Yes     2020 – Contract
 qualifications authority                                                                     signed and to be
                                                                                              completed in July


 PDO Indicator                                    Target                     Status
 Share of unemployed beneficiaries who are        2016 – 0%                  2020 – 0
 employed six months after completion of the      2021/End – 50%
 Share of female unemployed beneficiaries         2016 – 0%                  2020 – 0
 who are employed six months after                2021/End – 40%
 completion of training
 Share of unproductively self-employed            2016 – 0%                  2020 – 0
 beneficiaries who report increased earnings      2021/End – 60%
 (real terms) one year after completion of
 Share of female unproductively self-employed     2016 – 0%                  2020 – 0
 beneficiaries who report increased earnings      2021/End – 50%
 (real terms) one year after completion of
 Share of firms employing graduates from          2016 – 0%                  2020 – 0
 Scheme B training programs that are satisfied    2021/End – 75%
 with the training financed by the project
 Intermediate Indicators
 Share of Employment Centers (ECs) with staff     2016 – 0                   2020 – 100%
 that successfully completed training provided    2021/End – 40%
 by the project
 Share of short-term training providers that      2016 – 0                   2020 – 71%
 meet the requirements of the pre-qualified       2021/End – 20%
 training provider list
 Number of unemployed people registered at        2016 – 50 000              2020 – 184 557
 the EC or EU                                     2021/End – 65 000
         The World Bank

         Number of unemployed or unproductively 2016 – 0                          2020 – 0
         self-employed beneficiaries who complete 2021/End – 15 450
         project financed-training
         Number of female unemployed or 2016 – 0                                  2020 – 0
         unproductively self-employed beneficiaries 2021/End – 5 500
         who complete project financed training
         Number of unproductively self-employed 2016 – 3 000                      2020 – 191 900
         people registered at the EC or EU                 2021/End – 4 500
         Number of firms selected to receive training 2016 – 0                    2020 – 0
         Scheme B training financed by the Project         2021/End – 100
         Number of employees of firms who receive 2016 – 0                        2020 – 0
         Scheme B of SETP                                  2021/End – 4 700

         Intermediate Indicators
         Share of grievances addressed related to 2016 – 0                        2020 – 40%
         delivery of project benefits registered - 2021 – 85%
         disaggregated by gender.

Attachment 2: Description of results framework changes

The indicators in Table 5 are selected for the following reasons:

     (a) PDO 1: Share of occupations/specialties covered by educational programs (TVET and higher education)
         developed based on Occupational Standards (OS) and/or analysis of professional activity. The one PDO indicator
         that will be retained in the results framework will have its end target decreased from 13 percent to 9 percent
            The World Bank
            KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)

            to reflect the cancellation of number of TVET and higher education programs developed, as discussed
        (b) PDO 2: Piloting the full cycle of the qualification system is piloted in at least three priority sectors – will be
            added as the new indicator, as it links the NQS elements that have been developed within the project into a
            complete cycle with a specific output, namely a workforce with assessed and confirmed qualifications.
       (c) PDO 3: The share of employment centers, employment units, employment departments, akimat offices in rural
            districts, whose activities were improved within the framework of the project – will be added as a new indicator
            to reflect the project’s efforts to improve the quality of work of those entities who are in the frontline working
            with the unemployed and self-employed, and as a result, the goal of the Project to improve employment
            outcomes of target beneficiaries.
       (d) PDO 4: The share of short-term training providers that meet the requirements of the pre-qualified training
            provider list - is being elevated from the intermediate indicators, as the efforts of the project to improve the
            quality of these training providers have been used by the government to increase the skills of their beneficiaries.
            This activity assessed more than 700 short-term providers following rigorous assessment methodology and
            compiled a registry of qualified training providers (around 490). This registry will be used by the government
            programs to deliver better training for the beneficiaries (including unemployed).

The following PDO indicators will be dropped as they measure training activities under Subcomponent 2.3 that are being

   (a)      Share of unemployed beneficiaries who are employed six months after completion of the training
   (b)      Share of female unemployed beneficiaries who are employed six months after completion of training
   (c)      Share of unproductively self-employed beneficiaries who report increased earnings (real terms) one year after
            completion of training
   (d)      Share of female unproductively self-employed beneficiaries who report increased earnings (real terms) one year
            after completion of training
   (e)      Share of firms employing graduates from Scheme B training programs that are satisfied with the training
            financed by the project

There will also be several changes to the intermediate outcome indicators:

 (a)          all four indicators related to the cancelled training activities under sub-component 2.3 will be dropped, namely:
                (i) Number of unemployed or unproductively self-employed beneficiaries who complete project financed-
                (ii) Number of female unemployed or unproductively self-employed beneficiaries who complete project
                      financed training
                (iii) Number of firms selected to receive training Scheme B training financed by the Project
                (iv) Number of employees of firms who receive Scheme B of SETP.
        The World Bank

 (b)     two indicators measuring number of people registered at the EC or EU will be dropped, as the link to project
         activities cannot be made:
             (i) Number of unemployed people registered at the EC or EU
             (ii) Number of unproductively self-employed people registered at the EC or EU.
(c)      an intermediate indicator measuring the contribution of the project to improve skills of beneficiaries through
         improving the quality of short-term training providers, “Share of short-term training providers that meet the
         requirements of the pre-qualified training provider list”, will be elevated to a PDO indicator.
(d)      the end target for intermediate indicator “Number of new TVET educational program developed with input
         from industry developed based on OS and/or analysis of professional activity” will be reduced from 45 to 30,
         in line with the reduction in financing available for this activity as the Ministry of Education and Science has
         delegated this function directly to the TVET education providers.
(e)      the end target for intermediate indicator “Number of new Higher Education programs developed with input
         from industry and based on OS and/or analysis of professional activity” will be reduced from 70 to 40, in line
         with the reduction in financing available for this activity as the Ministry of Education and Science has delegated
         this function directly to the higher education providers.
(f)      three new indicators will be added to better measure current activities that contribute to measurement of the
         PDO, namely:
              (i) Number of experts trained in designing of educational programs (contributes to improving the
                    relevance of technical and vocational education and training and higher education programs)
              (ii) Number of experts trained in the development of occupational standards (contributes to improving
                    relevance of technical and vocational education and training and higher education programs)
              (iii) Share of Employment Centers , employment units, employment departments and akimat offices in
                    rural disctricts supplied with IT equipment within the Project (contributes to improving employment
                    outcomes of target beneficiaries)


                                                                      Changed                       Not Changed
 Results Framework                                                       ✔
 Components and Cost                                                     ✔
                                       The World Bank
                                       KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)

Cancellations Proposed                                                                     ✔
Reallocation between Disbursement Categories                                               ✔
Disbursement Estimates                                                                     ✔
Implementing Agency                                                                                                      ✔
DDO Status                                                                                                               ✔
Project's Development Objectives                                                                                         ✔
PBCs                                                                                                                     ✔
Loan Closing Date(s)                                                                                                     ✔
Disbursements Arrangements                                                                                               ✔
Overall Risk Rating                                                                                                      ✔
Safeguard Policies Triggered                                                                                             ✔
EA category                                                                                                              ✔
Legal Covenants                                                                                                          ✔
Institutional Arrangements                                                                                               ✔
Financial Management                                                                                                     ✔
Procurement                                                                                                              ✔
Implementation Schedule                                                                                                  ✔
Other Change(s)                                                                                                          ✔
Economic and Financial Analysis                                                                                          ✔
Technical Analysis                                                                                                       ✔
Social Analysis                                                                                                          ✔
Environmental Analysis                                                                                                   ✔



Current                                                                                 Proposed                               Proposed
                                                                    Cost      Action
Component Name                                                                          Component Name                       Cost (US$M)
Building the Foundation of a                                                            Building the Foundation of a
                                                                   13.08      Revised                                               6.80
National Qualifications System                                                          National Qualifications System
                                                   The World Bank
                                                   KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)

          Enhancing Skills for Improved                                                                      Enhancing Skills for Improved
          Employment Outcomes and                                                   42.88          Revised   Employment Outcomes and                        11.80
          Productivity                                                                                       Productivity
          Project Management and                                                                             Project Management and
                                                                                      5.47         Revised                                                   2.20
          Monitoring and Evaluation                                                                          Monitoring and Evaluation
            TOTAL                                                                   61.43                                                                   20.80



                                                                                                                        Value                            Reason
                                                                                    Current      Cancellation                               New
          Ln/Cr/Tf                                       Status    Currency                                           Date of                                for
                                                                                    Amount          Amount                                Amount
                                                                                                                  Cancellation                      Cancellation
                                                         Disburs                                                                                     S REQUEST
                                                         ing&Re     USD        44,800,000.00   24,000,000.00       08-Jun-2021     20,800,000.00            FOR
                                                         paying                                                                                       COUNTRY


                                                                                                                                             Financing %
                                                    Current Allocation         Actuals + Committed           Proposed Allocation
                                                                                                                                             (Type Total)
                                                                                                                                          Current      Proposed

          IBRD-84900-001                                   |   Currency: USD

         iLap Category Sequence No: 1                                              Current Expenditure Category: GO, NON CS, CS, OC, TR

                                                        44,800,000.00                14,655,611.77                 20,800,000.00           73.00            73.00

          Total                                         44,800,000.00                 14,655,611.77                20,800,000.00



          Change in Disbursement Estimates

                 Year                                                                                           Current                              Proposed
           The World Bank
           KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)

    2015                                                   0.00            0.00

    2016                                            239,000.00      231,709.00

    2017                                           2,264,691.00    2,263,525.00

    2018                                           1,935,514.00    1,683,896.00

    2019                                          17,479,373.00   10,476,481.00

    2020                                          22,881,422.00    3,034,928.00

    2021                                                   0.00    3,109,455.00

                                  The World Bank
                                  KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)

                                                                                        Results framework
                                                                                   COUNTRY: Kazakhstan
                                                                                KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT

    Project Development Objectives(s)
    The proposed Project Development Objectives (PDO) are to improve employment outcomes and skills of target beneficiaries and to improve the relevance
    of technical and vocational education and training and higher education programs.

    Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes

                           Indicator Name    PBC Baseline                                              Intermediate Targets                                                    End Target

                                                               1                    2                     3                     4                     5
    To improve employment outcomes and skills of target beneficiaries
    Share of unemployed
    beneficiaries who are
    employed six months after                    0.00         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 50.00                 50.00                 50.00
    completion of the training

    Action: This indicator has
                               This indicator is being dropped as it measures training activities for project beneficiaries under sub-component 2.3 that are being cancelled
    been Marked for Deletion

                     Share of female
                     beneficiaries who are
                                                 0.00         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 40.00                 40.00                 40.00
                     employed six months
                     after completion of
                     training (Percentage)
                              The World Bank
                              KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)


                       Indicator Name        PBC Baseline                                          Intermediate Targets                                                    End Target

                                                             1                  2                     3                     4                     5
                 Action: This indicator
                 has been Marked for
Share of unproductively
self-employed beneficiaries
who report increased
                                                 0.00       0.00               0.00                  0.00                 60.00                 60.00                 60.00
earnings (real terms) one
year after completion of
training (Percentage)

Action: This indicator has
                           This indicator is being dropped as it measures training activities for project beneficiaries under sub-component 2.3 that are being cancelled
been Marked for Deletion

                 Share of female
                 unproductively self-
                 employed beneficiaries
                 who report increased            0.00       0.00               0.00                  0.00                 50.00                 50.00                 50.00
                 earnings (real terms) one
                 year after completion of
                 training (Percentage)

                 Action: This indicator
                 has been Marked for
Share of firms employing
graduates from Scheme B
training programs that are
                                                 0.00       0.00               0.00                  0.00                 70.00                 70.00                 75.00
satisfied with the training
financed by the project
                              The World Bank
                              KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)


                       Indicator Name    PBC Baseline                                                           Intermediate Targets                                                 End Target

                                                                       1                     2                     3                     4                     5
Action: This indicator has
                           This indicator is being dropped as it measures training activities for project beneficiaries under sub-component 2.3 that are being cancelled
been Marked for Deletion

The share of employment
centers , employment units,
employment departments
and akimat offices in rural                    0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  70.00                                       70.00
districts that have been
improved under the Project

Action: This indicator is               This indicator is added to reflect the project’s efforts to improve the quality of work of those entities who are in the frontline working with the unemployed and
New                                     self-employed, and as a result, the goal of the Project to improve employment outcomes of target beneficiaries.

Share of short-term training
providers that meet the
requirements of the pre-                       0.00                  0.00                  15.00                 20.00                 20.00                                       20.00
qualified training provider
list (Percentage)

                                        This indicator has been elevated from the intermediate indicators, as the efforts of the project to improve the quality of these training providers have been used
Action: This indicator is               by the government to increase the skills of their beneficiaries. This activity assessed more than 700 short-term providers following rigorous assessment
New                                     methodology and compiled a registry of qualified training providers (around 490). This registry will be used by the government programs to deliver better
                                        training for the beneficiaries (including unemployed).

To improve the relevance of TVET and higher education program (Action: This Objective has been Revised)
                              The World Bank
                              KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)


                       Indicator Name    PBC Baseline                                                          Intermediate Targets                                                 End Target

                                                                      1                     2                     3                     4                     5
Share of
covered by educational
programs (TVET and higher
                                               0.00                  0.00                  9.00                  9.00                 9.00                                        9.00
education) developed
based on OS and/or analysis
of professional activity

Action: This indicator has              This PDO indicator has its end target decreased from 13 percent to 9 percent to reflect the cancellation of number of TVET and higher education programs
been Revised                            developed, as discussed previously.

Piloting the full cycle of the
qualification system at least
                                               No                    No                    No                    No                   No                                          Yes
in 3 priority sectors

Action: This indicator is               This is added as the new indicator, as it links the National Qualifications System elements that have been developed within the project into a complete cycle
New                                     with a specific output, namely a workforce with assessed and confirmed qualifications


Intermediate Results Indicators by Components

                       Indicator Name    PBC Baseline                                                          Intermediate Targets                                                 End Target

                                                                      1                     2                     3                     4                     5
Building the Foundation of a National Qualifications System
                             The World Bank
                             KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)


                      Indicator Name    PBC Baseline                                                            Intermediate Targets                                                  End Target

                                                                      1                      2                     3                     4                      5
Number of registered
occupational standards                        0.00                   0.00                  0.00                  70.00                  230.00                550.00                 550.00
Number of new TVET
educational programs
developed based on OS
                                              0.00                   0.00                  30.00                 30.00                  30.00                                        30.00
and/or analysis of
professional activity

Action: This indicator has             This indicator is reduced from 45 to 30, in line with the reduction in financing available for this activity as the Ministry of Education and Science has delegated
been Revised                           this function directly to the TVET education providers.

Number of new Higher
Education programs
developed based on OS
                                              0.00                   0.00                  40.00                 40.00                  40.00                                        40.00
and/or analysis of
professional activity

Action: This indicator has             This indicator is reduced from 70 to 40, in line with the reduction in financing available for this activity as the Ministry of Education and Science has delegated
been Revised                           this function directly to the higher education providers.

Master plan to establish a
national qualifications                       No                     No                    No                    No                     Yes                   Yes                    Yes
authority (Yes/No)
                             The World Bank
                             KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)


                      Indicator Name    PBC Baseline                                                        Intermediate Targets                                               End Target

                                                                     1                    2                    3                    4                    5
Number of experts trained
in designing of educational                   0.00                 0.00                 89.00                89.00                 89.00                                     89.00
programs (Number)

Action: This indicator is              Pool of experts trained in designing educational programs based on occupational standards and/or labor market analysis contributes to improving the
New                                    relevance of technical and vocational education and training and higher education programs.

Number of experts trained
in the development of
                                              0.00                 0.00                 85.00                85.00                 85.00                                     85.00
occupational standards

Action: This indicator is              Pool of experts trained in designing occupational standards contributes to increased the relevance of educational programs of TVET and Higher education
New                                    programs

Enhancing Skills for Improved Employment Outcomes and Productivity
Share of Employment
Centers (ECs) with staff that
successffully completed                       0.00                 0.00                 0.00                 0.00                  40.00                40.00                40.00
training provided by the
project (Percentage)
Share of short-term training
providers that meet the
requirements of the pre-                      0.00                 0.00                 0.00                 15.00                 20.00                20.00                20.00
qualified training provider
list (Percentage)
Action: This indicator has
been Marked for Deletion
                             The World Bank
                             KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)


                      Indicator Name        PBC Baseline                                                            Intermediate Targets                                      End Target

                                                                          1                     2                      3                     4                     5
                                           This indicator is being elevated to PDO level as it measures project contribution to skills development of target beneficiaries

Number of unemployed
people registered at the EC                       50,000.00             50,000.00              50,000.00             55,000.00             60,000.00             65,000.00   65,000.00
or EU (Number)

Action: This indicator has The indicator does not reflect the contribution from the Project implementation, especially due to the changed external conditions that foster citizens in
been Marked for Deletion applying to the EC (quarantine measures, the need to register for social benefits due to job loss, etc.)

Number of unemployed or
unproductively self-
employed beneficiaries who                        0.00                  0.00                   0.00                  0.00                  5,000.00              5,000.00    15,450.00
complete project financed-
training (Number)

Action: This indicator has
                           This indicator is being dropped as it measures training activities for project beneficiaries under sub-component 2.3 that are being cancelled
been Marked for Deletion

                  Number of female
                  unemployed or
                  unproductively self-
                  employed beneficiaries          0.00                  0.00                   0.00                  0.00                  4,000.00              4,000.00    5,500.00
                  who complete project
                  financed training
                              The World Bank
                              KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)


                      Indicator Name        PBC Baseline                                           Intermediate Targets                                                    End Target

                                                              1                 2                     3                     4                     5
                  Action: This indicator
                  has been Marked for
Number of unproductively
self-employed people
                                                  3,000.00   3,000.00          3,500.00              3,500.00              4,000.00             4,000.00              4,500.00
registered at the EC or EU

Action: This indicator has The indicator does not reflect the contribution from the Project implementation, especially due to the changed external conditions that foster citizens in
been Marked for Deletion applying to the EC (quarantine measures, the need to register for social benefits due to job loss, etc.)

Number of firms selected to
receive training Scheme B
                                                  0.00       0.00              0.00                  0.00                  80.00                80.00                 100.00
training financed by the
Project (Number)

Action: This indicator has
                           This indicator is being dropped as it measures training activities for project beneficiaries under sub-component 2.3 that are being cancelled
been Marked for Deletion

Number of employees of
firms who receive Scheme B                        0.00       0.00              0.00                  0.00                  3,200.00             3,200.00              4,700.00
of SETP (Number)

Action: This indicator has
                           This indicator is being dropped as it measures training activities for project beneficiaries under sub-component 2.3 that are being cancelled
been Marked for Deletion

Share of Employment
Centers , employment units,                       0.00       0.00              0.00                  88.00                 88.00                                      88.00
employment departments
                             The World Bank
                             KZ SKILLS AND JOBS PROJECT (P150183)


                      Indicator Name    PBC Baseline                                                       Intermediate Targets                                             End Target

                                                                    1                    2                    3                    4                    5
and akimat offices in rural
districts supplied with IT
equipment within the
Project (Percentage)

                                       Within the framework of subcomponent 2.1 of the Project, employment centers, employment units, employment departments, akimat offices of rural districts
Action: This indicator is
                                       received IT equipment. The indicator demonstrates the degree of coverage of those organizations with support within the framework of the Project and
                                       contributes to improving the quality of services. This contributes to improving employment outcomes of target beneficiaries.

Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation
Share of grievances
addressed related to
delivery of project benefits                  0.00                 0.00                0.00                 75.00                80.00                80.00                85.00
registered - disaggregated
by gender. (Percentage)

The World Bank