OFFICIAL 0 DOCUMENTS The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Washington, D.C. 20433 Cable Address: INTBAFRAD INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION U.S.A Cable Address: INDEVAS May 5, 2015 Ms. Elizabeth Wilde Assistant Secretary Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Commonwealth of Australia GPO Box 887 Canberra ACT 2601 Dear Ms. Wilde, Trust Fund Administration Agreement between the Commonwealth ofAustralia, acting through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFA T) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association concerning the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF Trust Fund No. TFO 71309) (Australian Government Agreement 50301) Twenty-sixth Amendment to the Administration A,-reement 1. Reference is made to the Administration Agreement between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ("IBRD") and the International Development Association ("IDA") (collectively, the "Bank") and the Commonwealth of Australia, acting through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (the "Donor"), regarding the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Multi-donor Trust Fund, TFO71309 (the "Trust Fund"), effective as of June 12, 2009, as amended (the "Agreement"). 2. The Bank acknowledges that the Donor agrees to provide a supplemental contribution in the amount of two million Australian Dollars (the "Contribution") for the Trust Fund in accordance with the terms of this Amendment. 3. The Donor shall deposit the Contribution in the currency specified in section 2 above into such bank account designated by the Bank promptly following effectiveness of this amendment (the "Amendment") and submission of a payment request by the Bank. 4. When making such deposit, the Donor will instruct its bank to include in its payment details information (remittance advice) field of its SWIFT payment message, information indicating: the amount paid, that the payment is from the Donor for TFO71309 (Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility Multi-Donor Trust Fund) and the date of deposit. In addition, the Donor shall send a copy of its deposit instruction to the Bank's Accounting Trust Funds Division by e-mail sent to "tfremitadvice(" or by fax sent to (202) 614-1315. Upon receipt of the Additional Contribution, the Bank will convert them into United States Dollars. RCA 248423. :. WUI 64145 : FAX (202) 477-6391 Ms. Elizabeth Wilde -2- May 5, 2015 5. All the terms and conditions of the Agreement that have not been amended hereby shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 6. It is the Bank's policy to make publicly available the Agreement and any information related thereto, including this Amendment. By confirming below, the Donor consents to the disclosure of this Amendment after it has become effective. 7. Each of the parties represents, by confirming its agreement below, that it is authorized to enter into this Amendment and act in accordance with these terms and conditions. The parties are requested to sign and date this Amendment, and upon possession by the Bank of this fully signed Amendment, this Amendment shall become effective as of the date of the last signature. Sincerely, INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Mona Sur Acting Country Director Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea & Pacific Islands East Asia and Pacific Region AGREED: COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, ACTING THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND TRADE By: Authorized Representative Name: VLI IAGet- C-Oe Title: AjSSJST)n 0-6T-> - 6 Date: 4 AI JOS