The World Bank Report No: ISR8123 Implementation Status & Results OECS Countries OECS E-Government for Regional Integration - St. Vincent & the Grenadines (APL 2) (P117087) Public Disclosure Copy Operation Name: OECS E-Government for Regional Integration - St. Vincent & Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 5 Status: ARCHIVED Archive Date: 04-Nov-2012 the Grenadines (APL 2) (P117087) Country: OECS Countries Approval FY: 2010 Product Line: IBRD/IDA Region: LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Lending Instrument: Adaptable Program Loan Implementing Agency(ies): OECS Secretariat Key Dates Board Approval Date 15-Dec-2009 Original Closing Date 31-Aug-2013 Planned Mid Term Review Date 10-Oct-2011 Last Archived ISR Date 12-Feb-2012 Effectiveness Date 15-Apr-2010 Revised Closing Date 31-Aug-2013 Actual Mid Term Review Date 17-Oct-2011 Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The overall development objective of the project is to promote the efficiency, quality, and transparency of public services throughthe delivery of regionally integrated e- government applications that take advantage of economies of scale. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project? Yes No Component(s) Component Name Component Cost Vertical E-Government Interventions 4.93 Horizontal E-Government Interventions 3.54 Project Management 0.00 Overall Ratings Public Disclosure Copy Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating Implementation Status Overview THIS ISR ALSO CORRESPONDS TO P100635 (EGRIP). This ISR is filed as a result of the implementation support mission that took place from May 7-11, 2012 and the subsequent discussions with the OECS Secretariat's Regional E- Government Unit(REGU). Work is ongoing for the procurement of large eGovernment applications to be implemented under most of the sub-components of the project, as well as Page 1 of 8 The World Bank Report No: ISR8123 activities related to the legal and regulatory framework and project monitoring and evaluation. The following summarizes the key results of the project so far, with further detail provided in the Aide Memoire: Public Disclosure Copy • The majority of the consultancies underlying the eGovernment applications are complete (93% of funds committed for 2012), and the project is gearing up for the procurement of major e-Government applications, information systems and goods that account for the majority of project funding; • There are 12 procurement processes currently underway that account for an estimated cost of US$ 3.8 million. The bids for the large eGovernment systems, including the Multi- Purpose ID System (MPID), Public Financial Management (PFM: National Budget Preparation and Reporting), eTax Filing system, eTendering System for OECS Pharmaceuticals, and the Regional Health Information System, have been received by the REGU. The proposed costs from vendors are now known and several offers are currently under negotiation; • The extension of St. Vincent backbone is completed. The national sub-projects for Dominica, Grenada and St. Vincent are also completed, and St. Lucia's Government Web Portal consultancy will be completed by September; • The EGRIP-funded OECS Harmonized E-government Legislation was ratified at the OECS Authority Meeting of 24 January 2012. Locations No Location data has been entered Results Project Development Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Establishment of Regional E-government Desk Number Value 0.00 1.00 2.00 at OECS Secretariat, hiring of the Senior E- Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 Government Specialist, design of Business Comments Indicator modified in revised Business Plan for One point given for each Plan for sustainability of Regional E- Government Desk are completed M&E framework approved in sustainability completed indicator criterion met: April 2012. Before was "New •E-government desk creation regional institutional staffed with e-government framework is created with specialist adequate capacity to provide •Business plan for new regionally integrated e- sustainability completed government services in accordance with regionally harmonized policies Public Disclosure Copy andregulations" Creation of four national PFM websites with Text Value 0 0 4 open and transparent PFM data sets Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 Comments Indicator modified in revised One point given for each M&E framework approved in country with a PFM website April 2012. Before was with at least one transparent "Improvement of ratings in dataset. areas of openness and access to relevant information, as reported by Page 2 of 8 The World Bank Report No: ISR8123 users through satisfaction" surveys. Quality measured through focus groups by end Text Value 0 0 1 users of the following three systems: Public Public Disclosure Copy Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 Financial Management System; Regional Comments Indicator modified in revised At project completion, Customs Information System; and Multipurpose ID Systems. M&E framework approved in implementation of focus group April 2012. Before was questionnaire to be designed "Improvement of ratings in by M&E consultant under areas of functionality REGU accuracy and usability of e- government services by users through satisfaction surveys" Number of new e-government applications Number Value 0.00 0.00 15.00 offered or upgraded under the project Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 Comments Indicator modified in revised 12 Country Systems, in turn M&E framework approved in composed of April 2012. Before was 4 Multipurpose ID Systems "Increase in e-government (MPID); services offered or upgraded" 4 Public Financial Management Systems (PFM); and 4 Front-end e-tax systems. In addition, it is composed of 3 Regional Systems: 1 Regional Health Management Information System; (RHMIS); 1 Regional Customs Information System (RCIS); and 1 OECS Pharmaceutical Procurement Service E- tendering System. Public Disclosure Copy Regional Health Information System and Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 2.00 Regional Customs Information System are Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 installed and operational Comments Indicator modified in revised M&E framework approved in April 2012. Before was "Increase in number of electronic transactions processed by regional e- government applications" Page 3 of 8 The World Bank Report No: ISR8123 Average number of days to prepare annual Text Value 120 120 90 budget Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 Comments Indicator modified in revised Public Disclosure Copy M&E framework approved in April 2012. Before was "Estimated users# time and cost savings measured through standardized methodology for representative transactions" Intermediate Results Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target 2.5b Increase in volume of transactions of Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 10.00 a regional health management information Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 system (# of transactions) Comments Target is a 10% increase. 2.5a Implementation of a Regional Health Yes/No Value No No Yes Management Information System Date 27-May-2008 31-Oct-2011 31-Aug-2013 Comments Conceptual Design for the Regional Health Management Information System completed. 2.4d Reduction in the costs of Amount(USD) Value pharmaceuticals procured Date 27-May-2008 31-Oct-2011 31-Aug-2013 Comments Indicator modified in revised The specific "basket" of M&E framework approved in pharmaceuticals will be April 2012. Before was defined at the time of system "Financial savings due to new implementation, as it is system" dependent of the procurement cycle needs at that time Public Disclosure Copy 2.4b Increase in the volume of transactions Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 10.00 of OECS Pharmaceutical Procurement Service Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 E-tendering System Comments Indicator modified in revised Target is 10% increase in M&E framework approved in number of transactions April 2012. Before was "Increase in the volume of transactions of regional e- procurement system" Page 4 of 8 The World Bank Report No: ISR8123 2.4a Implementation of a regional OECS Number Value 0.00 0.00 1.00 Pharmaceutical Procurement Service E- Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 tendering System. Comments Indicator modified in revised Public Disclosure Copy M&E framework approved in April 2012. Before was "Implementation of an e- procurement system in all OECS countries" 2.3b Total number of goods declarations Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 10.00 shared through the RCIS among countries Date 27-May-2008 31-Oct-2011 31-Aug-2013 Comments Indicator modified in revised Target is a 10% increase. M&E framework approved in Total number of Goods April 2012. Before was Declarations for current "Increase in the volume of reporting period – total transactions of regional e- number of Goods customs system" Declarations for last reporting period. [(f/p)-1]x100 2.3a Implementation of a Regional Number Value 0.00 0.00 1.00 Customs Information System (RCIS) with Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 interface to ASYCUDA World Comments Indicator modified in revised M&E framework approved in April 2012. Before was "Implementation of a Regional e-Customs System as well as interfaces with other systems and web-based customs filing system" 2.2b Tax declarations filed online through the Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 10.00 tax e-filing system as a % of total Tax Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 declarations filed (VAT) Comments Indicator modified in revised 10% increase is targeted. Public Disclosure Copy M&E framework approved in Number of online VAT over April 2012. Before was total VAT declarations. "Increase in volume of transactions of e-taxation system" 2.2a Implementation of a tax e-filing front Number Value 0.00 0.00 4.00 end system for SIGTAS Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 Comments Indicator modified in revised Every country will be awarded M&E framework approved in one point for each web-based April 2012. Before was Page 5 of 8 The World Bank Report No: ISR8123 "Completion of e-government front end system implemented service upgrades to the e- giving a total of 4. taxation system as well as interfaces with other systems Public Disclosure Copy and web-based tax filing system" 2.1a Completion of e-government service Number Value 0.00 0.00 4.00 upgrades to the Public Financial Management Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 System, as well as interfaces with other Comments Indicator modified in revised systems. M&E framework approved in April 2012. Before was "Completion of e-government service upgrades to the Public Financial Management System, as well as interfaces with other systems and web- based public information system" 1.5c Percentage of regional population Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 10.00 covered in the multi-purpose ID system Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 Comments Indicator modified in revised Total number of persons M&E framework approved in captured in all country multi- April 2012. Before was purpose ID systems over "Percentage of regional combined population of all population covered in e-ID countries x100. system" 1.5a Detailed design and implementation of Number Value 0.00 0.00 4.00 a Multi-Purpose ID system in at least one core Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 user agency, including issuance of ID numbers Comments Indicator modified in revised One point will be awarded for M&E framework approved in each country (giving a total of April 2012. Before was four) that has successfully "Detailed design and implemented a multi-purpose Public Disclosure Copy implementation of ID system ID system in one (or more) in core user agencies, core agency. including issuance of ID numbers and cards" 1.4 Regional Consensus by EGRIP Yes/No Value No No Yes countries on the approval of the new Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 institutional framework is reached at an EGRIP Comments Indicator modified in revised meeting M&E framework approved in April 2012. Before was "Regional agreement for new Page 6 of 8 The World Bank Report No: ISR8123 institutional framework is reached financing is provided, staff is hired and trained 1.3 Definition and publication of regional e- Yes/No Value No No Yes Public Disclosure Copy government standards, enterprise architecture, Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 interoperability framework and total cost of Comments Indicator modified in revised ownership documents by the OECS Secretariat M&E framework approved in April 2012. Before was "Definition and publication of regional e-government standards and total cost of ownership framework" 1.2 Publication of OECS e-government Yes/No Value No Yes Yes regionally harmonized legislation by first Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 quarter 2012 approved by the OECS Authority Comments Indicator modified in revised The OECS Authority - the M&E framework approved in body of Prime Ministers for April 2012. Before was the OECS member countries. "Implementation of key institutional and IT requirements for priority aspects of a regionally harmonized e-government regulatory framework" 1.1 Regional consensus by OECS on a Yes/No Value No Yes Yes CARICOM E-government strategy, to which Date 27-May-2008 13-Mar-2012 31-Aug-2013 OECS have contributed, is reached through Comments Indicator modified in revised Consensus on a regionally- Countries agreement to OECS agreement to the strategy reports at CARICOM meetings M&E framework approved in focused e-government recognize CARICOM e- April 2012. Before was strategy developed by government strategy. "Publication of outcome- CARICAD and/or a digital oriented regionally-focused e- Strategy developed government strategy CARICOM. implementation plans for Public Disclosure Copy OECS countries" Data on Financial Performance (as of 11-Oct-2012) Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date P117087 IDA-46500 Effective 15-Dec-2009 18-Feb-2010 15-Apr-2010 31-Aug-2013 31-Aug-2013 Disbursements (in Millions) Page 7 of 8 The World Bank Report No: ISR8123 Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P117087 IDA-46500 Effective XDR 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.63 0.87 42.00 Public Disclosure Copy Disbursement Graph Key Decisions Regarding Implementation The Bank will facilitate accelerated project procurement processes and implementation. The client will accelerate project disbursements and commitments in view of the August 2013 closing date. Restructuring History There has been no restructuring to date. Public Disclosure Copy Related Projects There are no related projects. Page 8 of 8