OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS THE WORLD BANK I WORLD BANK GROUP 21 Oct Y;ty* .2021 H.F. Mr. Bounchom Ubonpaseuth Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance 23rd Singha Road Saysettha District Vientiane. Lao PDR Re: Enhancing Systematic Land Registration Project IDA-6982-LA TFOB6525 Additional Instructions: Disbursement and Financial Information Letter Excellenc\. I refer to the Financing A-reement between the Lao People's Democratic Republic (the -Recipicnt*) and the International Decelopnent Association {-Association) and Co-financing Grant Agreement betxxeen the Recipient and the Association -Bank") acting as administrator ofa trust fund from the Swiss Agenc for Dc.elopment and Cooperation for the above-referenced Project. The General Conditions and Standard Conditions, as defined in the Financing Agreement and Co-financing Grant Ageement. proide that the Recipient may from time to time request xwithdrawNals of Credit and Grant amounts from the Credit and Grant Account in accordance with the Disbursement and Financial Information Letter. and such additional instructions as the Association ma\ specify from time to time b\ notice to the Recipient. The General Conditions and Standard Conditions also provide that the Disbursement and Financial Infornation Letter may set out Project specific financial reporting requirements. This letter constitutes such Disbursement and Financial liloni ation Letter ("DFIL ). and max be revised from time to time. I. Disbursement Arrangements, Withdrawal of Credit and Grant Funds, and Reporting of Uses of Credit and Grant Funds. The Dihursement Guidelines f.or hwestment Projcit Finacinig, dated February 2017. ("Disbursenicnt Guidelines) are axnalable in the Association's public \\ebsite at ____l___ i : IK and its SCure \Nebsite Cient 01cctloll at hill: ,ii , . The Disbursement (uidelines are an integral part of the DFIL. and the manner in wxhich the provisions in the Disbursement Guidelines applN to the Credit is specified below. (i) Disbursement Arrangements. The table in Schedule I sets out the disbursement methods xw hich may be used bx the Recipient. information on registration of authorized signatures. processing of ithdraval applications (including minimum Value of applications and processing of advances), instructions on supporting documentation, and frequency of reporting on the Designated Account. The World Bank Group Officc. Xieng Ngeun Village, Chao Fa Ngum Road Chanthabouly District. Vientiane Capital. Lao PDR / Phone: (856-21) 266200 Fax: (856-21) 266299 (i) Electronic Delivery. The Recipient will deliver Withdramal Applications (%ith supporting documents) e ectronically through the Association-s vheb-based portal -Client Connection' at hi i n *r. This option \\ill be effected after the officials designated in writing bk the Recipient who are authorized to sign and dcliNer Withdrawal Applications ha\e registercd as users of -Client Connection"' The designated officials w%ill deliver Applications electronically by completing the Form 2380. which is accessible through --Client Connection" B3 signing the Authoricd Signatory Letter, the Recipient confirms that it is authorizing such persons to accept Secure Identification Credentials (SIDC) and to deliver the Applications and supporting documents to the Association by electronic means. The Recipient may exercise the option of preparing and delivering Withdrawal Applications in paper form on exceptional cases (including those where the Borrower encounters lepal limitations), and which were previously agreed with the Asociation. By designating officials to use SIDC and by choosing to deliver the Applications electronically, the Recipient contirms through the authorized signatory etter its agreement to: (a) abide by the Terms and Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Credentials in connection with Use of Electronic Means to Process Applications and Supporting Documentation, available in the Association's public website at n:ir n m and "Client Connection". and (b) to cause such official to abide bx those terms and conditions. II. Financial Reports and Audits. (i) Financial Reports. The Recipient must prepare and furnish to the Association not later than forty-five (45) days after the end of each semester. interim llunaudited financial rcports ("IFR-) for the Project covering the semester . (ii) Audits. Each audit of the Financial Statements must cover the period of one fiscal year ofthe Recipient. commencing with the fiscal year in wNhich the first wx ithdrawal was made. The audited Financial Statements for each such period must be furnished to the Association not later than six (6) months after the end of such period. Ill. Other Information. For additional information on disbursement arrangements. please refer to the Loan Handbook a ailable on the Association's %ebsite ilhttp: x x% orldbank org, and "Client Connection' The Association recommends that \oi register as a user of "Client Connection' From this \cbsite .on will bc able to prepare and deliver Applications, monitor the near real-time status of the Credit. and retrieve related policy, financial, and procurement information. For more information about the website and registration arrangements. or ifyou have any queries in relation to the above. please contact the Association by email at n- j w A usino the above reference. Alexander Kremer Country\ Manager. Lao PDR East Asia and Pacific Region The World Bank Group Office. Xieng Ngeun Village. Chao Fa \gun Road Chanthabouly District. Vientiane Capital. Lao PDR Phone: (856-21) 266200 Fax: (856-21 266299 Attachments I. Statement of Expenditure (SOE) 2. Form of Authorized Signatory Letter With copies: H.E. Mme. Bounkham Vorachit. Minister, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Vientiane Capital. Lao PDR H.E. Dr. Xaynakhone Inthavong. Vice Minister. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Vientiane Capital. Lao PDR. Email: _ h __ ______ [;I__I__ H.E. Mr. Phouvono Loungxaysana, Vice Minister. Ministr\ of Natural Resources and Environment. Vientiane Capital. Lao PDR. Email: I - Mr. Soulivath Souvannachoumkham, Director General- Department of External Finance and Debt Management. Ministry of Finance. Email: oiiliath a Mme. Sisomboun Ounavong. Director General. Department of International and Cooperation. Ministry of Planning and Investment. Vientiane Capital. Email: mboun a Ah cm Mr. Anongsone Phommachanh. Director General. Department of .and. Ministry of Natural Resources and Envirnoment. Vientiane Capital. Lao PDR. Email: t"nwnn a Ihe \World Bank Group Office, Mieng Ngeun Village, Chao Fa Ngum Road Chanthabouly District. Vientiane Capital. Lao PDR Phone: (856-21) 266200 Fax: (856-21) 266299 'J 'J _ �' Ги �J С ' - Га � � � � G1 t,� С . С :л Л �� .� ^7 ^Y�i � � ; � Q д, :il � ._Л . :✓ ч .� � � � .с "' f ^ � � � f �. � .. Га � L � � ду О - СС < " з`i р. ry �� � - ы � �t7 С � ц') ^,i >; �л у � � С7 ^_i ✓1 � 4ц ^ и rCj �� й L Т� =�'' � � � � ✓: , � С � . J' ? � � �, г �РЭ I а � r� � 1 - «� '� � oS .� _ rf'- С � С " �... "✓ r � � "С ,* �.. � '.г',�- � � � А � � � �.�i " Q Сs�, 'k�' �.... ^ L гL Аг р^1 G �1 "„4 dt, �-' . С ir. , С3 ® °h � .� � - .: г.г: °л � � _� а'.�`4r р[ . � ° _` г'�. _ ': '��г се -с; � r � уГу г 3 м� ^'7 � С `ы ��✓; С� зз J�� м t' у пry _ ........ ..i 9i 4 � =.' �= it Е � � �'` г v �I. `�,► � С г; й'.. �к ср � в✓з а r р ,� � г `,� �. ц3 +} а� i, cs _ � О 'I.' � }} й : i Q � с�� � cr; � = - .,� L ,� ._п цs � � � � ; '_ � Q } � � .г. :>^ � � � , = ., � � ^ •- i+ ' ' _ �' : ���в'' " -" р � f � ^J .� и � i у ... �, •,v .'ь�.� � у��. 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" _ й -о � � Ш� 67 Q,� � О ьJ.. ® � _ у С, tЛ О -- � � � Q � Z � s с с � �С3 :г. с с и зr � � С ш � sa .о а � " - � � � ; р "' �. rts г�п � 0? .4- � Zy ( , � � � л С'-� � и � гл О � :� ш ш а N �- Е � � � � С] дз , ° � .. ..+ . ор � � у т, v с с с � ., L � = � у у с-� -� и _r, �.. � с�. о_ г.з ш ей -� ?1� __� �, ш ш �у �� Q as Е �` с. t � пs аи � } [s. � `� � L � � с с и���г ас� � С�7 © . . .. .� ✓: 6� .......... О О 7- Е 4.r Ш г Е р +о 4 t s � z ! t1. ,� F- h € Attachment 2 - Form of Authorized Signator y Letter [LeUerheadl Ministry of Finance [Street address] [City] tCountryl [I)AITI Tile World Bank Meng NgCUn Village, Olao Fa Ngurn Road Chanthabot.11v District Vientiane. [,ao PDR Attention Countrv Manager Re: Credit No. 6982-LA TFOB6525 (EnhancinI.z S sternatic Land Registration Project) I refer to the Financing Agreement between the Lao People's Democratic RcIpublic (thc Rcclplellt) and the International De%eloprnent Association (the " Association") and the Co-financing Grant Agreernent between 8-te Recipient and the Association (" Bank".), acting as adininistrator for trust fund frorn Svviss Agericv for Development and Cooperation , providing the above Credit and Grant, For the purposes of Section 2.03 of the General Conditions and 3.04(b) of the Standard Conditionsasclefined ill the Agreements,any '[one] of the persons vVhOSCaUthenticated specirnen signatures appear twolow is authorized oil behalf of the Recipient to sign applications for withdrawal and applications for a special commitment under these Credit and Grant. For the purpose of delivering Applications to the Association, including bv electronic means, 2[eachl of the persons whose authenticated specimen signatures appears Fk lovv, is authorized on behalf of the Recipient, acting 3[inclividUdlIN1.1 4[jointl T to deliver Applications, and evidence ill support thereof on the terms and conditions specified by the Association. This confirms that the Recipient is authorizing such persons to accept Sx_'CUre Identification Credentials (SIDC) and to deliver the Applications and SU pporting docu ments to the Association Instruction to the Recipicnt stipulate if more than one person needs to sign Applications, and ho inaliN or hich positions, and if an\ thresholds appl . lllea,se,leleie this /01 W701C in, filial letter that isscn(lo the IssotLiallon 2 Instruction to the Recipient: stipulate if more than one person needs to iointl ' v sign AppI ications. if so. please indicate the actual number. Please delete this fiminotc it, final letter fhat is sent to the. Issociation Instruction to the Recipient: use this bracket if in\ one of the authorized persons rnaN sign If this is not applicable. pleasedelete, PleUSL' CICICIC 1/71S 1601`1101C in final lener that is sent to tile. issociation 4 Instruction to the Recipient: use this bracket q! U it'scveral individuals must jointly sign each Application: ifthis is not applicable. please delete. Please dclctc this fiminote infind1lL'1A!l_ that is sent to theAssociation by electronic means. In full recognition that the Association shall rely upon such representations and warranties, including without limitation, the representations and warranties contained in the TTns and Conditions of Use of Socure identfication Credentials in coninection with List, of Electronic Means to Process Applications and Supporting Documentation ("Terms and Conditions of Use of SIDC"), the Recipient represents and warrants to the AssoLiation that it will cause such persons to abide by those terms and conditions.This Authorization replaces and supersedes any Authorization currently in the Association records with respect to this Agreement. [Name], [position] Specimen Signature: [Name], tposition] Specimen Signature: . .... [Name], [position] Specimen Signature: Yours truly, / signed /