FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Report No: RES41586 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROGRAM RESTRUCTURING OF INDIA: ENHANCING TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS IN BIHAR APPROVED ON MAY 19, 2015 TO THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA Education Global Practice South Asia Region Regional Vice President: Hartwig Schafer Country Director: Junaid Kamal Ahmad Regional Director: Lynne D. Sherburne-Benz Practice Manager: Mario Cristian Aedo Inostroza Task Team Leader(s): Kumar Vivek, Shabnam Sinha The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS BITE Block Institute of Teacher Education BPSC Bihar Public Service Commission BRC Block Resource Center BSEIDC Bihar State Education Infrastructure Development Corporation CERC Contingent Emergency Response Component CPD Continuous Professional Development CRC Cluster Resource Center CTE College of Teacher Education CTMIS Computerized Treasury Management & Information Systems D.El.Ed. Diploma in Elementary Education DIET District Institute of Education and Training DLI Disbursement Linked Indicator DLR Disbursement Linked Result DOE Department of Education DRT Directorate of Research and Training ERP Enterprise Resource Planning FY Financial Year GOB Government of Bihar GOI Government of India ICT Information and Communications Technology IGNOU Indira Gandhi National Open University INR Indian Rupees IPF Investment Project Financing ISR Implementation Status and Results Report MHRD Ministry of Human Resource Development NAS National Achievement Survey NCTE National Council of Teacher Education NIOS National Institute of Open Schooling ODL Open and Distance Learning PAP Program Action Plan PDO Program Development Objectives PforR Program for Results PMU Program Management Unit PTEC Primary Teacher Education Center RTE Right to Education SCERT State Council for Educational Research and Training SMC School Management Committee TA Technical Assistance TE Teacher Education TEI Teacher Education Institution TEIDI Teacher Education Institution Development Index TEMIS Teacher Education Management Information System TPRM Tripartite Portfolio Review Meeting The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) DATA SHEET (India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar - P132665) BASIC DATA Project ID Financing Instrument IPF Component P132665 Program-for-Results Financing No Approval Date Current Closing Date 19-May-2015 30-Jun-2020 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Government of Bihar,Bihar State Educational Infrastructure Republic of India Development Corporation (BSEIDC) Program Development Objective(s) The development objective of the Operation is to improve the effectiveness of elementary school teachers in Bihar. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing Net Approval Effectiveness Closing Ln/Cr/TF Signing Date Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed Date Date Date 19-May- IDA-55780 07-Aug-2015 01-Sep-2015 30-Jun-2020 159.60 106.23 53.37 2015 Policy Waiver(s) Does the Program require any waivers of Bank policies applicable to Program-for-Results operations? No Click here to enter text. Page 1 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) I. PROGRAM STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING A. Background 1. The Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar Operation supports Government of Bihar’s (GOB) Mission Manav Vikas that aims at bringing wide-ranging set of reforms to provide quality education. The World Bank’s intervention is to help the system of teacher education in better equipping teachers with the required skills and knowledge, and creating robust system-wide improvements focused on instructional excellence. The intervention supports GOB through the following key activities: (i) enhancing the infrastructure of Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) with institutional strengthening and capacity building for TE delivery; (ii) supporting implementation of quality pre-service teacher training and continued professional development (CPD); (iii) effective monitoring and evaluation of teacher management systems;(iv) the monitoring of teacher performance for improving teacher accountability at the school level; and (v) improved fiduciary and governance mechanisms. 2. The operation was approved in May 2015 to be implemented over a five years period ending in June 2020 with an original cost of USD 357 million shared between the World Bank and GOB in a 70:30 ratio. It comprises of a Program for Results (PforR) instrument to incentivize outputs and outcomes, and a Technical Assistance (TA) component to build capacities of agencies implementing the operation. The Program has jointly agreed Results Framework, Disbursement- Linked Indicators (DLIs) and Results and DLI Verification Protocols between the Government of Bihar (GOB) and the World Bank to monitor milestones for achieving the development objective of the Program and to disburse allocated funds. Department of Education (DOE), GOB is the key implementing agency under the operation and its Directorate of Research and Training (DR&T) is the nodal agency for routing all implementation and fund flow mechanisms. DOE’s Bihar State Educational Infrastructure Development Corporation (BSEIDC) is the key procurement agency for all civil works and consultancy services, and State Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT) oversees academic architecture and provides capacity building support to TEIs. B. Project Status 3. Mid-term review and previous restructuring: A mid-term review was conducted in June 2018 that documented some of the initial delays in uptick of the operation, as well as federal-level policy decisions that required adjustments in the design. A Level-2 restructuring was carried out in April 2019 and USD 90.4 million was canceled from the operation. The World Bank financing, amounting to 70% of the total operation finances, was revised to USD 159.6 million including USD 145 million under Program (PforR) and USD 14.6 million under Project (IPF) components. The original operation cost of USD 357 million was, thus reduced to USD 228 million. No extension was considered during the restructuring. 4. A subsequent sustained uptick in progress: The task team conducted Implementation Support Missions in Jul- Aug 2019, and Feb 2020. Significant progress was noted in several result areas, with achievement of four out of five DLIs for the FY 2018-19. Four out of five PDO indicator (PDO 1, 2, 3, and 5) targets are also likely to be achieved in the remaining duration of the operation. Considering the significant progress made, the task team upgraded the overall rating on progress towards achievement of PDO and Implementation Progress; and DLIs and Fiduciary Systems to 'Moderately Satisfactory' in the Implement Status Report (ISR) dated September 19, 2019 and ISR dated April 04, 2020 respectively. Total disbursements currently stand at USD 106 million (66%). Disbursement claims worth USD 50.5 million have been settled since the first operation restructuring, thus recovering the entire advance of USD 50 million. The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) 5. Disbursement Linked Indicator (DLI) wise Status: All DLI results up to 2018-19 are achieved except DLI 2 for the FY 2018-19, corresponding to PDO 4 of filling 75% of the sanctioned faculties’ strength at Teacher Education Institutions. The status of DLIs for 2019-20 is as below: (a) DLI 1 (Upgradation of TEIs): Targeted upgradation of 190 TEIs was likely to fall short by 10-15 TEIs. (b) DLI 2 (End-line survey of Teacher Education Infrastructure Development Index (TEIDI)): SCERT has initiated data collection. The process is presently interrupted because of COVID-19. (c) DLI 3 (Training and Continuous Professional Development of teachers): SCERT has achieved the target and disbursement claims have been processed. (d) DLI 4 (Development of the Teacher Education Management Information System (TEMIS) and Teacher Performance Study): The basic software development for TEMIS has been completed, but the conclusion of user acceptance testing, and deployment of the system is delayed due to COVID-19. The study to assess the performance of teachers is in the final stage. (e) DLI 5 (Teachers' attendance): GOB has over-achieved the target and the disbursement claims have been processed. (f) DLI 6 (Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)): The procurement for ERP implementation has not been initiated. 6. Operational challenges due to COVID-19: The COVID-19 crisis has posed several operational challenges in implementation progress and achievement of result areas. The extended closures of TEIs and conversion of most of these into quarantine centres have disrupted the delivery of teacher education programs across the state. The prolonged restrictions on mobility and obstructions in the supply chain of construction materials have adversely affected the pace of upgradation works in TEIs (DLI 1). The achievements of end-year results of DLI 2 and DLI 4 are delayed because of extended restrictions on field travel, closures of TEIs and limited functioning of government offices. C. Rationale for Restructuring 7. A restructuring of the operation is necessary to adjust (i) the operation scope and timeline in response to unforeseen system level delays, (ii) the operation timeline to account for additional initiatives taken by the GOB for ensuring sustainability of results achieved; and (iii) the operational challenges caused due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The restructuring would allow the operation to achieve the original objectives while maintaining the key reform interventions with realistic targets. 8. Unforeseen system level delays: (a) DLI 2 (Faculty Recruitment): As per State policy, the task of faculty recruitment was assigned to the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) leaving little control with the implementing agency, i.e. – the DOE. The process has faced several litigation challenges since inception and has been fraught with political risks leading to inordinate delays in the conclusion of selection process and declaration of results. (b) DLI 6 (ERP Implementation): BSEIDC’s earlier attempts to procure an ERP software did not receive any bids and faced multiple procurement related challenges. BSEIDC subsequently decided to procure an ERP from Bihar State Electronics Development Corporation (BELTRON), a GOB undertaking which was in a process to develop a full-fledged ERP solution that could be used in other government agencies after due customization. The procurement by BSEIDC is still under process, as BELTRON is yet to roll-out ERP as envisaged. The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) 9. Additional Initiatives to ensure sustained results: The GOB has proposed a set of additional activities that can help in capturing the learnings from the operation, as well as ensure long term sustainability of the operation. The extension period will allow time for completion of these activities, which are enumerated below: (a) To implement O&M policy (presently under cabinet approval) and formalize provision of additional financial resources to all TEIs to ensure sustained usage of the infrastructure. (b) To deploy high-quality Principals, and undertake induction training of newly recruited faculties. (c) SCERT to undertake strategic measures to strengthen its institutional capabilities in line with the vision document that has been prepared. (d) To undertake studies under the Technical Assistance component to capture learning from the operation and document impact of the operation. 10. COVID-19 related Delays: (a) Restriction on construction and related activities thereby affecting the progress of DLI 1. (b) Prolonged office closures affecting data collection process for TEIDI (DLI 2) and the on-going end-line survey of teacher performance studies (DLI 4). (c) The procurements under TA component as planned could not kick off because of office closures. D. Government’s Request for Interim Extension 11. GOB’s original restructuring proposal submitted to the DEA in January 2020 requested one-year of additional time to achieve the pending FY 2019-20 targets. The GOB also informed that it had initiated several additional activities for ensuring sustainability of results beyond the life of the operation and intended to undertake specific analytical studies to capture learning from the operation. However, due to emergent priorities of GOI arising out of the COVID-19 crisis, the DEA and GOB have been reconsidering the duration of project extension and intend to cancel a portion of undisbursed balance. 12. Given the paucity of time and considering the imminent closure of the operation, the DEA has requested the World Bank to process an interim extension of the project by one month, and an interim cancellation of USD 33.6 million. The DEA has also requested the GOB to rework the implementation plan during the one-month interim extension period, and identify any additional cancellations that might be feasible. The GOB intends to revise the implementation plan while keeping the results areas and intent of DLRs intact. The task team will work with the GOB to finalize the design with the given additional constraints during the one-month interim extension period, and submit another restructuring paper after the design is agreed with the GOB including revisions in the Results Framework. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES 13. As described in the preceding paragraph, the current restructuring proposes an interim one-month no-cost extension of the closing date of the operation, and an interim cancellation of USD 33.6 million. To achieve the cancellation target, interim cancellations have been made across all DLIs, as well as in the Technical Assistance component. There are no changes proposed in the Results Framework at this interim stage. Summary of changes in Financial Allocations (in million USD) for each DLI, along with the latest status of disbursement under PforR is as below: The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) DLI Current Financial Amount Disbursed Remaining Cancellation Revised remaining allocation Allocation as of May 31, 2020 allocations due for disbursement 1 29 23.3 5.7 3.6 2.1 2 15 5 10 2.5 7.5 3 31 24.5 6.5 6.5 0 4 16 4 12 6 6 5 38 38 0 0 0 6 16 10 6 6 0 Total 145 104.8 40.2 24.6 15.6 14. In addition, USD 9 million is proposed to be cancelled from the TA component of the operation. The total cancellation thus amounts to USD 33.6 million (USD 24.6 million from PforR and USD 9 million from TA) as per the savings target provided by the DEA. The cancellation amount will be effective from June 22, 2020. 15. The COVID-19 crisis has posed a high risk to the achievement of program development objectives and operations implementation progress. As the operation is focused on enhancing effectiveness of teachers, normal operational continuity of government functions and of TEIs is essential. Institutional closure may continue for an extended period and will remain vulnerable to any future emergence of COVID-19 infections and any safety and sanitary restrictions. The task team will continue to work with GOB and provide necessary support in addressing the concerns emerging because of COVID-19. 16. A revised withdrawal table along with updated allocation is as below: Category Amount of the Percentage of Financing Allocated Eligible Expenditures (expressed in USD) to be Financed (inclusive of Taxes) (1) Disbursement under the Program for: N/A DLI #1: (Infrastructure) Provision of 25,400,000 requisite infrastructure for TE Institutions; DLI #2: (Institutional Capacity) Enhancement of capacity of TE 12,500,000 Institutions for effective teacher education; DLI #3: (Quality Improvement) Training 24,500,000 of unqualified teachers and professional development of all teachers through ICT solutions; DLI #4: (Accountability and Monitoring 10,000,000 System) Teachers’ management and performance effectively monitored and The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) evaluated; Click enter DLI #5: (Teachers Accountability) 38,000,000 text. to here Teachers accountability at school level; DLI #6: (Strengthened Corporate 10,000,000 Governance) Program’s fiduciary systems & performance; and (2) Consultants’ services, Training and Workshops and Incremental Operating 5,600,000 100% Costs for the Project Amount Cancelled (as of April 5, 2019) 90,400,000 Amount Cancelled (as of June 22, 2020) 33,600,000 TOTAL AMOUNT 250,000,000 III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Change in Results Framework ✔ Change in Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Change in Cancellations Proposed ✔ Reallocation between and/or Change in DLI ✔ Change in Disbursement Estimates ✔ Change in Implementation Schedule ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Change in Implementing Agency ✔ Change in Program's Development Objectives ✔ Change in Program Scope ✔ Change in Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Change in Systematic Operations Risk-Rating Tool ✔ (SORT) The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) Change in Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ Change in Legal Covenants ✔ Change in Institutional Arrangements ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LOANCLOSING_TABLE LOAN CLOSING DATE(S) Original Revised Proposed Proposed Deadline Ln/Cr/TF Status Closing Date Closing(s) Date Closing Date for Withdrawal Applications IDA-55780 31-Dec-2020 30-Jun-2020 31-Jul-2020 30-Nov-2020 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_CANCELLATIONS_TABLE CANCELLATIONS PROPOSED Value Current Cancellation New Reason for Ln/Cr/TF Status Currency Date of Amount Amount Amount Cancellation Cancellation LOAN IDA-55780- Disburs 159,600,000.0 126,000,000. RESTRUCTURI USD 33,600,000.00 22-Jun-2020 001 ing 0 00 NG, COST SAVINGS OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_DISBURSEMENT_TABLE DISBURSEMENT ESTIMATES Year Current Proposed 2015 0.00 0.00 2016 10,737,500.00 71,069,371.00 2017 18,523,250.00 101,108.00 2018 41,222,750.00 33,745,156.00 2019 70,474,750.00 768,052.00 2020 0.00 20,316,313.00 2021 25,980,500.00 0.00 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_EA_TABLE The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) . The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) ANNEX 1: RESULTS FRAMEWORK . . Results framework Program Development Objectives(s) The development objective of the Operation is to improve the effectiveness of elementary school teachers in Bihar. Program Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target Improve the effectiveness of elementary school teachers in Bihar. 400,000 1. Beneficiaries (elementary school teachers covered through the 400,000 (Female teachers:42%) program including % of female teachers) (Text) (Female teachers:41%) The average teacher performance score has improved by Baseline: Average language score 45%, average math score 2. Improved teacher performance effectively monitored through 10% from baseline survey of Year 1, as evidence by end- 58% index based on scores (Text) line survey in Year 5 (i)Teacher attendance at primary 81% (i) Teachers’ attendance in primary school in year 5 has (ii)Teacher attendance at upper primary 78% (does not improved by 3 % in year 5 compared with baseline; and 3. Percentage of teacher attendance (Text) include excused absence) (ii) Teachers’ attendance in upper primary school has improved by 3% in year 5 compared with baseline Page 9 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target 4. Percentage of teacher positions in TE institutions filled 35.00 75.00 (Percentage) 5. Additional qualified elementary teachers resulting from 3,500.00 37,000.00 program interventions (Number) PDO Table SPACE Intermediate Results Indicators by Result Areas RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target Physical infrastructure and use of ICT facilities in teacher education institutions Indicator 1.1: Number of institutions with improved physical and 0.00 190.00 ICT infrastructure (Number) Monitoring and evaluation system for teachers GOB has developed relevant ICT tools, and trained SMC Indicator 2.1: Teacher management and attendance effectively 0.00 members for effective teacher management , and monitored and evaluated (Text) monitoring. TEIDI end-line survey of TE Institutions surveyed in Year 1, Indicator 2.2: Improvement in Teacher Education Institutional evidences improvements in respective aggregate index 0.34 Development Index scores (Text) score in at least 10% of them. State of Education Bihar Report on grades 3, 5 and 8 NAS Indicator 2.3: Student learning outcomes monitored (Text) N/A survey including trend data/State level assessments Page 10 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target Fiduciary and Governance systems i.90.00% Indicator 3.1:i.) % of procurement complaints handled ii. Audit Committee meets at-least 4 times in a financial satisfactorily in a timely manner. ii.)Strengthened internal audit 0.00 year (target for year 4 2018-19) framework established (Text) IO Table SPACE Disbursement Linked Indicators Matrix DLI IN00837500 ACTION DLI 1 DLI 1: Infrastructure: Ensuring requisite infrastructure of TE Institutions Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output Yes Text 29,000,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Inadequate infrastructure of TE institutions and no Baseline dedicated ICT facilities to support teacher training (i) BSEIDC has established the minimum standards for the improvement of TE Institutions; and 2014-15 (ii)BSEIDC has prepared a priority list of at least 250 10,000,000.00 TE Institutions needing improved facilities and ICT infrastructure. BSEIDC has completed the upgrade of 40 TE $100,000 per additional TE Institution 2015-16 Institutions since Year 0, all in accordance with 4,000,000.00 upgraded established minimum standards Page 11 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) 2016-17 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 2017-18 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 BSEIDC has completed the upgrade of 110 TE $100,000 per additional TE Institution 2018-19 Institutions since Year 0, all in accordance with 11,000,000.00 upgraded established minimum standards BSEIDC has completed the upgrade of 190 TE $100,000 per additional TE Institution 2019-20 Institutions since Year 0, all in accordance with 4,000,000.00 upgraded established minimum standards 2020-21 0.00 Action: This DLI has been Revised. See below. DLI IN00869059 ACTION DLI 1 DLI 1: Infrastructure: Ensuring requisite infrastructure of TE Institutions Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output Yes Text 25,400,000.00 75.98 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Inadequate infrastructure of TE institutions and no Baseline dedicated ICT facilities to support teacher training (i) BSEIDC has established the minimum standards for the improvement of TE Institutions; and 2014-15 (ii)BSEIDC has prepared a priority list of at least 250 10,000,000.00 TE Institutions needing improved facilities and ICT infrastructure. BSEIDC has completed the upgrade of 40 TE $100,000 per additional TE Institution 2015-16 Institutions since Year 0, all in accordance with 4,000,000.00 upgraded established minimum standards Page 12 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) 2016-17 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 2017-18 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 BSEIDC has completed the upgrade of 110 TE 2018-19 Institutions since Year 0, all in accordance with 11,000,000.00 established minimum standards BSEIDC has completed the upgrade of 190 TE 2019-20 Institutions since Year 0, all in accordance with 400,000.00 established minimum standards 2020-21 0.00 Rationale: The available financing in Year 5 is reduced to meet the overall DEA savings target. DLI IN00837501 ACTION DLI 2 DLI 2: Institutional Capacity: Ensuring capacity enhancement of TE institutions for effective TE delivery Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output No Text 15,000,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula ~35% filled positions in DIETs, PTECs, and BRCs (and mostly on ad hoc basis); and inadequate capacity of Baseline TE institutions. DRT to fill in 1008 of the 1672 total teacher education cadre sanctioned positions. 2014-15 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 SCERT has carried out a TEIDI baseline survey of TE Institutions and established their respective 2015-16 5,000,000.00 aggregate index score to determine priorities for investment. Page 13 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) 2016-17 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 2017-18 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 PSC has filled in at least 75% of the sanctioned staff 2018-19 5,000,000.00 positions for DIETs and PTECs on regular basis. SCERT has carried out a TEIDI end-line survey of TE Institutions surveyed in Year 1, evidencing 2019-20 5,000,000.00 improvements in their respective aggregate index score in at least 10% of them. 2020-21 0.00 Action: This DLI has been Revised. See below. DLI IN00869136 ACTION DLI 2 DLI 2: Institutional Capacity: Ensuring capacity enhancement of TE institutions for effective TE delivery Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output No Text 12,500,000.00 40.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula ~35% filled positions in DIETs, PTECs, and BRCs (and mostly on ad hoc basis); and inadequate capacity of Baseline TE institutions. DRT to fill in 1008 of the 1672 total teacher education cadre sanctioned positions. 2014-15 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 SCERT has carried out a TEIDI baseline survey of TE Institutions and established their respective 2015-16 5,000,000.00 aggregate index score to determine priorities for investment. Page 14 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) 2016-17 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 2017-18 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 PSC has filled in at least 75% of the sanctioned staff 2018-19 5,000,000.00 positions for DIETs and PTECs on regular basis. SCERT has carried out a TEIDI end-line survey of TE Institutions surveyed in Year 1, evidencing 2019-20 2,500,000.00 improvements in their respective aggregate index score in at least 10% of them. 2020-21 0.00 Rationale: The available financing in Year 5 is reduced to meet the overall DEA savings target. DLI IN00837502 ACTION DLI 3: Quality Improvement: Training of unqualified teachers and professional development of all teachers through ICT DLI 3 solutions. Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output No Text 31,000,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula (i) 65,000 unqualified teachers in service (ii) No CPD Baseline undertaken for in-service teachers NCTE has approved the package for print based 2014-15 materials prepared by SCERT for the curricula of the 4,000,000.00 D.El.Ed SCERT has commissioned a needs assessment study 2015-16 for the design of on-line programs for teachers’ 4,000,000.00 professional development Page 15 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) SCERT has rolled out the D.El.Ed. open and distance 2016-17 learning program in 66 TE Institutions using ICT 6,000,000.00 based materials 2017-18 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 (ii) SCERT has developed a continuous professional development (CPD)strategy and at least 3 CPD 2018-19 modules ($1 mn);(iii) At least 20,000 teachers in 19 7,500,000.00 ii)$1 million; iii)$6.5 million districts have completed CPD programs in at least one module ($6.5 million) (i) At least 10,000* teachers who enrolled the D.El.Ed. ODL program, since Year 1, have successfully passed the program’s final examination 2019-20 9,500,000.00 i)$3 million;ii)$6.5 million ($3 million); and (ii) At least 20,000 teachers in 19 districts have completed CPD programs in at least one new module ($6.5 million) 2020-21 0.00 Action: This DLI has been Revised. See below. DLI IN00869137 ACTION DLI 3: Quality Improvement: Training of unqualified teachers and professional development of all teachers through ICT DLI 3 solutions. Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output No Text 24,500,000.00 73.47 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula (i) 65,000 unqualified teachers in service (ii) No CPD Baseline undertaken for in-service teachers 2014-15 NCTE has approved the package for print based 4,000,000.00 Page 16 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) materials prepared by SCERT for the curricula of the D.El.Ed SCERT has commissioned a needs assessment study 2015-16 for the design of on-line programs for teachers’ 4,000,000.00 professional development SCERT has rolled out the D.El.Ed. open and distance 2016-17 learning program in 66 TE Institutions using ICT 6,000,000.00 based materials 2017-18 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 (ii) SCERT has developed a continuous professional development (CPD)strategy and at least 3 CPD 2018-19 modules ($1 mn);(iii) At least 20,000 teachers in 19 7,500,000.00 ii)$1 million; iii)$6.5 million districts have completed CPD programs in at least one module ($6.5 million) (i) At least 10,000* teachers who enrolled the D.El.Ed. ODL program, since Year 1, have successfully passed the program’s final examination 2019-20 3,000,000.00 ($3 million); and (ii) At least 20,000 teachers in 19 districts have completed CPD programs in at least one new module ($6.5 million) 2020-21 0.00 Rationale: The available financing in Year 5 is reduced to meet the overall DEA savings target. Page 17 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) DLI IN00837503 ACTION DLI 4: Accountability and Monitoring System: Ensuring Teachers’ management and performance is effectively monitored DLI 4 and evaluated. Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output No Text 16,000,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula No system in place for planning and management of Baseline teachers and their performance. 2014-15 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 DR&T and SCERT has: (i) developed teacher performance indicators (benchmarks); and (ii) 2015-16 2,000,000.00 carried out a baseline survey thereof, on the basis of terms of reference agreed with the Association. SCERT has updated the D. El Ed teacher training curricula (content and pedagogy) taking into 2016-17 2,000,000.00 consideration the results of the teachers’ performance benchmarks surveyed in Year 1 2017-18 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 2018-19 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 (i)DR&T has developed a revamped TEMIS software and updated and upgraded theTEMIS’ teacherstraining database. (ii) The average teacher 2019-20 12,000,000.00 i.)$6 million; ii.)$6 million performance score hasimproved by 10% from baseline survey of Year 1, as evidence by end line survey in Year 5. Page 18 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) 2020-21 0.00 Action: This DLI has been Revised. See below. DLI IN00869138 ACTION DLI 4: Accountability and Monitoring System: Ensuring Teachers’ management and performance is effectively monitored DLI 4 and evaluated. Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output No Text 10,000,000.00 40.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula No system in place for planning and management of Baseline teachers and their performance. 2014-15 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 DR&T and SCERT has: (i) developed teacher performance indicators (benchmarks); and (ii) 2015-16 2,000,000.00 carried out a baseline survey thereof, on the basis of terms of reference agreed with the Association. SCERT has updated the D. El Ed teacher training curricula (content and pedagogy) taking into 2016-17 2,000,000.00 consideration the results of the teachers’ performance benchmarks surveyed in Year 1 2017-18 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 2018-19 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 (i)DR&T has developed a revamped TEMIS software and updated and upgraded theTEMIS’ 2019-20 6,000,000.00 teacherstraining database. (ii) The average teacher performance score hasimproved by 10% from Page 19 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) baseline survey of Year 1, as evidence by end line survey in Year 5. 2020-21 0.00 Rationale: The available financing in Year 5 is reduced to meet the overall DEA savings target. DLI IN00837504 ACTION DLI 5 DLI 5: Teacher accountability: Teachers’ accountability at school level Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output Yes Text 38,000,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Limited role of SMCs in monitoring school function Baseline and Teacher attendance in primary schools:81%; Teacher attendance in upper primary schools:78% 2014-15 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 2015-16 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 2016-17 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 BEOs’ and BRCCs’ visits reports are available for at 2017-18 12,000,000.00 least50% of elementary schools. SCERT has completed the training of SMCs(including 2018-19 training on a newly developed module on teacher 6,000,000.00 accountability) in atleast 10% of elementary schools. Teachers’ attendance in primary school has 2019-20 improved by 3% in Year 5 compared with baseline; 20,000,000.00 Refer Verfification protocol and(ii) Teachers’ attendance in upper primary Page 20 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) school has improved by 3% in Year 5 compared withBaseline. 2020-21 0.00 DLI IN00837505 ACTION DLI 6 DLI 6: Strengthened Corporate Governance: Program Fiduciary Systems & Performance Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output No Text 16,000,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula (i) Inadequate Corporate Governance mechanisms in BSEIDC including procurement practices, mechanisms for complaint handling and; absence of Baseline a robust procurement MIS; and (ii)DR&T not in timely compliance with the Bihar Treasury and Finance Rules 2014-15 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 BSEIDC has adopted a framework for strengthening its corporate governance including disclosure 2015-16 2,000,000.00 practices and a grievance redressal mechanism for the handling of procurement complaints. (i)BSEIDC has publicly disclosed in its website all contracts awarded under the Operation ($2 million), 2016-17 ii) BSEIDC has publicly disclosed in its website 4,000,000.00 i.)$2 million;ii.)$2 million monthly physical and financial progress reports for at least 80% of the contracts disclosed ($2 million) 2017-18 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 2018-19 (i) BSEIDC hassatisfactorilyhandled, as per 4,000,000.00 i)$2 million; ii.)$2 million Page 21 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) approvedframework, atleast 80% of thegrievancecomplaintsreceived sincethe approval ofthe corporategovernanceframework ($2 million).; and(ii) The Program’s expenditures for Fiscal Year 2018-19, as recorded by DR&Tand computerized inCTMIS have been reconciled with AG(A&E)($2 million) (i) BSEIDC has publicly disclosed in its website monthly physical and financial progress reports for all the contracts disclosed under the Program ($2 million) and; (ii)BSEIDC has implemented an 2019-20 6,000,000.00 i.)$2 million; ii.)$4 million enterprise resource planning system with modules for procurement, contract and financial management activities under the Operation ($4 million) 2020-21 0.00 Action: This DLI has been Revised. See below. DLI IN00869139 ACTION DLI 6 DLI 6: Strengthened Corporate Governance: Program Fiduciary Systems & Performance Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output No Text 10,000,000.00 60.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula (i) Inadequate Corporate Governance mechanisms in BSEIDC including procurement practices, mechanisms for complaint handling and; absence of Baseline a robust procurement MIS; and (ii)DR&T not in timely compliance with the Bihar Treasury and Finance Rules Page 22 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) 2014-15 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 BSEIDC has adopted a framework for strengthening its corporate governance including disclosure 2015-16 2,000,000.00 practices and a grievance redressal mechanism for the handling of procurement complaints. (i)BSEIDC has publicly disclosed in its website all contracts awarded under the Operation ($2 million), 2016-17 ii) BSEIDC has publicly disclosed in its website 4,000,000.00 i.)$2 million;ii.)$2 million monthly physical and financial progress reports for at least 80% of the contracts disclosed ($2 million) 2017-18 [No DLI in this period] 0.00 (i) BSEIDC hassatisfactorilyhandled, as per approvedframework, atleast 80% of thegrievancecomplaintsreceived sincethe approval ofthe corporategovernanceframework ($2 million).; 2018-19 4,000,000.00 i)$2 million; ii.)$2 million and(ii) The Program’s expenditures for Fiscal Year 2018-19, as recorded by DR&Tand computerized inCTMIS have been reconciled with AG(A&E)($2 million) (i) BSEIDC has publicly disclosed in its website monthly physical and financial progress reports for all the contracts disclosed under the Program ($2 million) and; (ii)BSEIDC has implemented an 2019-20 0.00 enterprise resource planning system with modules for procurement, contract and financial management activities under the Operation ($4 million) 2020-21 0.00 Rationale: Page 23 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) The available financing in Year 5 is reduced to meet the overall DEA savings target. Page 24 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) ANNEX 2: PROGRAM ACTION PLAN . . PAP_NOT_CHANGE_TBL Action Description Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Completion Measurement The Program to have a designated Project Director for the full Program period Client Recurrent Continuous PMU with 100% positions filled in and remain filled throughout the A PMU has been hired through a program Technical Client Recurrent Continuous firm contract and is operational. Funds to be claimed under the program will not be budgeted under SSA, RMSA or CSS of Teacher Education Client Recurrent Continuous Carrying out an assessment of SCERT and preparing a development plan for the As reported by the SCERT, this has strengthening of been completed. SCERT has SCERT’s prepared a 'Vision' document and infrastructure and outlined measures to strengthen human resources Technical Client Recurrent Yearly its institutional capabilities. Cross-cutting: Strengthen the preventive vigilance function for Department of Education by designating an officer of the Department as Vigilance Officer and build its capacity to making it effective. Client Recurrent Yearly Procurement Arrangement- Devp proc Draft Procurement Manual manual/ SBD for prepared by the BSEIDC is yet to goods&services, Technical Client Recurrent Yearly be finalized and adopted. Page 25 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) including policy of negotiations with lowest bidder before award of contract, currently followed by BSEIDC should be approved by BoDofBSEIDC and no change without prior approval BoD. Hiring consulting firm for supervision of the works under the program. Client Recurrent Yearly FM: Develop operational guidelines containing the relevant codes for the DR&T, SCERT and DIETs which will serve to both work within the existing financial regulations and strengthen compliance/adher ence to such regulations by the program. Client Recurrent Yearly FM: Cons. and strengthen the Corporate Governance and Financial and contract management systems in BSEIDC. These would include compliance with statutory requirements, develop FM Manual for BSEIDC and make the audit committee function The FM manual has been effectively. Fiduciary Systems Client Recurrent Quarterly approved by the board. Page 26 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) Social and Environment related: Teacher training content to be reviewed to assess inclusion The CPD module developed by concerns for SCERT addresses inclusionary disadvantaged Environmental and Social aspects relevant to the state’s groups Systems Client Recurrent Yearly socio-economic context. BSEIDC has developed a handover checklist as per Bank’s E&S requirements. Further, BSEIDC is All buildings to considering options to adapt an include O&M strategy from a environment Environmental and Social sustainability of assets friendly elements Systems Client Recurrent Continuous perspective. Adoption of the Manual on Environment Management System for Bihar TE Program and internal and third- party monitoring the activities completed (Application of the Manual In Progress) Client Recurrent Yearly . Page 27 of 28 The World Bank India: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Bihar (P132665) Page 28 of 28