The World Bank
        Preparation of a Program Towards Sustainable Flood Management in the Greater Metro Manila Area Project

                                                                                           REPORT NO.: RES40336

                                              RESTRUCTURING PAPER

                                                       ON A

                                       PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING

                                        APPROVED ON SEPTEMBER 16, 2014

                                           REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES



                                Regional Vice President:    Victoria Kwakwa
                                      Country Director:     Mara K. Warwick
                                        Global Director:    Benoit Bosquet
                            Practice Manager/Manager:       Sudipto Sarkar
                                   Task Team Leader(s):     Joop Stoutjesdijk
      The World Bank
      Preparation of a Program Towards Sustainable Flood Management in the Greater Metro Manila Area Project


  CPF        Country Partnership Framework
  DA         Designated Account
  DPWH       Department of Public Works and Highways
  ESIA       Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
  ICC        Investment Coordination Committee
  NEDA       National Economic and Development Authority
  PCN        Project Concept Note
  PH-PTF     Australia – World Bank Philippines Development Trust Fund
  PHRD       Japan Policy and Human Resources Development
  PMRBFMP    Pasig-Marikina River Basin Flood Management Project
  S&E        Social and Environmental
  ToR        Terms of References
            The World Bank
            Preparation of a Program Towards Sustainable Flood Management in the Greater Metro Manila Area Project


Product Information

Project ID                                                    Financing Instrument
P145237                                                       Investment Project Financing

Original EA Category                                          Current EA Category

Approval Date                                                 Current Closing Date
16-Sep-2014                                                   31-Jan-2020


Borrower                                                      Responsible Agency
Department of Finance                                         Department of Public Works and Highways

Financing (in USD Million)

Total Project Cost                                                                                                    0
Total Financing                                                                                                       0
Financing Gap                                                                                                         0


Project Development Objective (PDO)
Original PDO
The objective is to prepare priority projects, identified by the flood management master plan, that aim to improve flood
management and resilience in and around Metro Manila.

         The World Bank
         Preparation of a Program Towards Sustainable Flood Management in the Greater Metro Manila Area Project

 Summary Status of Financing
TF                       Approval          Signing Effectiveness          Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed

TF-18611              04-Jun-2015    19-Jun-2015     19-Jun-2015      31-Jan-2020         2.73        .52           2.21

 Policy Waiver(s)

 Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)?


1. This restructuring proposes a five-month extension of the closing date of the PHRD grant, from January 31, 2020 to
   June 30, 2020 and flexibility in the Designated Account ceiling from US$300,000 to an amount based on the six-month
   cash disbursement projection of the project. These actions were requested in a letter from the Secretary of Finance,
   dated December 4, 2019. This will be the third closing date extension, for a cumulative period of 41 months from the
   original closing date. In January 2017, government requested a three-year closing date extension. However, the Bank
   approved a one-year closing date extension in January 2017 to give time for the recipient to procure consultants, and
   when that was done, a two-year closing date extension was approved in January 2018 to implement the grant.

2. Background of PHRD Grant. In 2014, the Japan Policy and Human Resources Development (PHRD) Technical
   Assistance Grants Program, Pillar IV provided US$2.73 million to support the Preparation of a Program Towards
   Sustainable Flood Management in the Greater Metro Manila Area (P145237). The PHRD Grant Funding Request was
   approved on November 25, 2014 and the Grant Agreement was countersigned by government on June 19, 2015 with
   a closing date of January 31, 2017. The PHRD Grant is implemented by the Flood Management Cluster of the
   Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).

3. The PHRD Grant objective is to prepare priority projects, identified by the flood management master plan (Master
   Plan), that aim to improve flood management and resilience in and around Metro Manila. The grant finances the
   design of flood protection works in the Upper Marikina River, as well as the necessary social and environmental
   studies; development of a flood forecasting and early warning system for the Greater Metro Manila Area; and
   development of institutional arrangements for sustainable flood management. These activities are part of
   government’s Master Plan approved by government in 2012. Progress with implementation of the PHRD grant has of
   late been satisfactory and consulting teams have carried out most tasks in their original terms of references. About
   US$2.1 million has been committed, although actual disbursement is currently about US$520,000 and another
   US$140,000 is being processed for disbursements.

4. Link to PH-PTF-funded Grant. The PHRD grant is linked to a US$3.2 million grant from the Australia – World Bank
   Philippines Development Trust Fund (PH-PTF) for Studies for Sustainable Flood Management (P145391). This grant
         The World Bank
         Preparation of a Program Towards Sustainable Flood Management in the Greater Metro Manila Area Project ()

    closed on December 31, 2018, with as main output a feasibility study, detailed design, design drawings, and bidding
    document for the proposed Marikina Dam.

5. Flood management infrastructure is needed to temporarily store flood waters so that the remaining water can be
   conveyed safely through the city into Laguna de Bay and Manila Bay. The proposed Marikina Dam will be a key
   structure, but by itself will not be able to avoid flooding in the city caused by a 100-year rainfall event. The proposed
   interventions identified under the PHRD grant, in particular a retention basin, will also be needed.

6. Since the two grants are linked, the Bank agreed, as part of the 2018 restructuring, that the services required under
   the PHRD grant for the design of flood protection works in the Upper Marikina River could be contracted through an
   amendment of the contract with the technical consulting firm that was designing the Marikina Dam. The rationale was
   that the Marikina Dam and the flood protection works in the upstream part of the Marikina River are inter-related
   and considered a natural continuation of the works. Much of the hydrological and other data collected by
   the consultants, the mathematical modeling, and other design aspects of the dam were to be used for the Upper
   Marikina River flood protection works as well. In other words, both designs had to be fully synchronized.

7. Current Status of Implementation of PHRD Grant. Three consulting teams have been recruited under the PHRD Grant,
   a technical consulting firm, social and environmental (S&E) consultants, and a consulting firm for flood forecasting and
   early warning. As per agreed terms of references (ToR), the technical consulting firm and the S&E consultants focused
   on interventions downstream of the Marikina Dam, in particular a retention basin. The consulting firm for the flood
   forecasting and early warning focused on Metro Manila’s main river basins that still have inadequate flood forecasting
   and early warning facilities, including lack of radio telemetric rain and water level monitoring stations and early
   warning systems that are effective in reaching people in a timely manner. The latter is especially important for the
   Pasig-Marikina River Basin as the construction of the proposed flood management infrastructure will change the river
   flood regime and could have major negative impacts in case of an emergency. The three consulting teams have made
   good progress and are expected to deliver their main outputs by the end of January 2020. The outputs would include
   the feasibility study and draft design for the retention basin, related safeguards studies, and a plan for flood
   forecasting and early warning.

8. Rationale for Closing Date Extension and Action Plan. As indicated, the feasibility study financed by the PHRD grant
   focused on a retention basin between the San Mateo Bridge and Montalban Bridge, as also suggested in the Master
   Plan. Mathematical modeling showed that the capacity of the retention basin would have to be around 20 million m3
   to reduce flood risks associated with a 100-year rainfall event, in conjunction with the proposed Marikina Dam. Land
   was identified between the two bridges on the right bank of the river. However, since the land area is restricted to
   about 140 ha and the required storage volume is large, deep excavation, substantially below the adjacent river bed,
   would be required, as well as the construction of large intake and outlet structures and a high capacity pumping
   station. The deep excavation of the retention basin would lead to river seepage and inflow of groundwater from
   higher areas. Although complicated, it would be technically feasible to construct such large retention basin, but it
   would have high operation and maintenance costs due to the constant need for pumping. It would be technically and
   operationally better not to excavate below river bed level, which would mean that the storage volume of the retention
   basin would have to be limited to around 12 million m3 and combine that with upstream storage. Several options
   have been considered, including heightened of the Marikina Dam or two small additional dams on tributaries of the
   Pasig-Marikina River. A pre-Project Concept Note (PCN) meeting was held for the proposed Bank project which will
   use the findings of the reports financed through this PHRD grant. In that meeting, that was chaired by the Country
   Director and attended by the Regional Director of Sustainable Development, a recommendation was made to focus
   on heightening of the proposed Marikina Dam, if feasible, by about 6-7 meters to about 81 meters. This would hold
         The World Bank
         Preparation of a Program Towards Sustainable Flood Management in the Greater Metro Manila Area Project ()

    additional water and preclude the need for a deeper retention basin. The task team has now identified that this would
    be possible, but an update of the Marikina Dam design would be needed, which would be done under this proposed
    additional time.

9. The proposed action plan does not include any new procurement of consultants. Each of the consulting firms with
   active contracts will have to carry out additional works related to the heightening of the Marikina Dam that was not
   envisaged in their original ToRs. DPWH, consultants, and the task team have already discussed the revisions of the
   ToRs and contract costs implications that will be finalized as soon as the decision is made on the proposed
   restructuring. The technical consultants will have to add some additional staff related to dam designs. As mentioned,
   the technical firm that is now working on the retention basin is the same as the one that designed the original dam,
   and the firm will bring back the dam designers that were involved earlier. They will mobilize as soon as decision on
   this restructuring is made, while the processing of the addendum to the contract is being one in parallel. The
   addendum will include the additional tasks and outputs and contract cost increase to update the important design
   aspects of the dam. The first task would be the update of the feasibility study, required by National Economic and
   Development Authority (NEDA) (see below), by the end of Q1 of 2020, followed by an update of the dam design by
   the end of June 2020. The environmental and social consultants and the flood forecasting consultants have all
   required staff in place. They have agreed to start the additional works immediately, while the addendums to the
   contracts are being processed. The ToR would have to be amended to update the ESIA and other safeguards
   documents for a heightened Marikina Dam. This would also require a contract addendum and additional time until
   the end of June 2020 to complete all safeguards documents. The firm working on the flood forecasting and early
   warning would be requested to take into account a higher Marikina Dam and the impact in case of an emergency, e.g.
   a dam break during an earthquake event. This additional work would require some change to the original ToR and
   about three months additional time, i.e. until the end of April 2020. The addendums to the three contracts would be
   financed from the uncommitted US$600,000 from the PHRD grant. Based on these discussions and commitments, it
   can be concluded that the actions to be taken will allow a quick start with the additional activities.

10. Rationale for Flexible Ceiling of Designated Account. The current ceiling of the Designated Account (DA) is
    US$300,000. Considering that many payments remain to be made to consultants and the time-consuming process to
    request and receive funds in the DA, an increase in the ceiling to US$700,000 was requested by government to ensure
    that all payments can be made in the relatively short remaining grant implementation period plus the four months
    grace period. The Bank has recommended that the DA ceiling be made flexible based on the six-month cash
    disbursement projection for project activities. There are no outstanding audits.

11. Importance of the PHRD Studies for the Proposed Pasig-Marikina River Basin Flood Management Project. The
    Government of the Philippines recently requested Bank support to finance the identified interventions in the basin
    through the proposed Pasig-Marikina River Basin Flood Management Project (PMRBFMP; P171897). The proposed
    project is included in the Philippines Country Partnership Framework for the period July 2019 to December 2023 (CPF,
    Report No. 143605-PH, approved on December 17, 2019), in particular Focus Area #3: Addressing Core Vulnerabilities
    by Promoting Peace and Building Resilience and Objective #10: Increased resilience to natural disasters and climate
    change. The total project cost estimate is US$700 million for structural measures (large dam and a retention basin;
    catchment rehabilitation; sediment management; and early warning systems), non-structural measures (inundation
    mapping, emergency response planning), and support to indigenous people living in the project area. The activities
    that are being financed under the PHRD grant and the proposed additional works will be key inputs for the preparation
    of the PMRBFMP. The estimated investments that will be generated by the PHRD grant, including the heightened
    dam, are about US$600 million. A PCN meeting is scheduled for January 29, 2020, after which the Bank team will start
    the formal project preparation process. Government’s internal approval process, through NEDA’s Investment
         The World Bank
         Preparation of a Program Towards Sustainable Flood Management in the Greater Metro Manila Area Project ()

    Coordination Committee (ICC), has started but for it to be completed, updated feasibility studies will be needed. As
    mentioned above, these updates will be the first task after approval of the proposed closing date extension. Based
    on discussions with DPWH and NEDA, it is expected that the government approval for the proposed project can be
    obtained late Q2 or early Q3 of 2020.

12. Conclusions. The recent change in technical scope to a smaller retention basin and a heightened Marikina Dam will
    require additional time by the various teams of consultants and some increase in contract costs, for which about
    US$600,000 uncommitted grant funds are available. Implementation and completion of the activities funded by the
    PHRD grant are of significant importance as they will facilitate the design of critical flood protection works along the
    Pasig-Marikina River. A satisfactory completion of the described activities will be important inputs for the preparation
    of the PMRBFMP and will allow an early start of project implementation.


13. This restructuring proposes for the following changes:
    (a) Change in Results Framework. The dates of the achievement of the indicators have been adjusted to the new
        proposed closing date.
    (b) Change in Closing Date. A five-month closing date extension from January 31, 2020 to June 30, 2020 to complete
        the activities that will be funded by the PHRD grant.
    (c) Change in Disbursement Arrangements and Estimates. The DA ceiling will be made flexible based on the six-
        month cash disbursement projection for project activities and disbursement estimates have been updated.
    (d) Change in Implementation Schedule. With the proposed Grant closing date extension, the implementation
        schedule will be updated accordingly, with all tasks to be completed by the end of June 2020.
    (e) Update of ISDS. The original ISDS was prepared outside the Portal and the update of the ISDS was again done
        outside the Portal. The Portal doesn’t show that the project is currently a Cat. A and none of the policies shows
        as triggered. It will be ensured that the ISDS will be disclosed after RVP decision.


                                                                       Changed                       Not Changed
 Results Framework                                                         ✔
 Loan Closing Date(s)                                                      ✔
 Disbursements Arrangements                                                ✔
 Disbursement Estimates                                                    ✔
 Implementation Schedule                                                   ✔
 Implementing Agency                                                                                       ✔
 Project's Development Objectives                                                                          ✔
 Components and Cost                                                                                       ✔
                                    The World Bank
                                    Preparation of a Program Towards Sustainable Flood Management in the Greater Metro Manila Area Project ()

          Cancellations Proposed                                                                                               ✔
          Additional Financing Proposed                                                                                        ✔
          Reallocation between Disbursement Categories                                                                         ✔
          Change in Overall Risk Rating                                                                                        ✔
          Safeguard Policies Triggered                                                                                         ✔
          EA category                                                                                                          ✔
          Legal Covenants                                                                                                      ✔
          Institutional Arrangements                                                                                           ✔
          Financial Management                                                                                                 ✔
          Procurement                                                                                                          ✔
          Other Change(s)                                                                                                      ✔




          Project Development Objective Indicators

                      Proposals for Upper Marikina River structural measures fully designed that are technically, economically, socially,
                      and environmentally sound and that are ready for appraisal.
                      Unit of Measure: Number
                      Indicator Type: Custom

                                     Baseline                 Actual (Current)           End Target              Action
                        Value 0.00                            0.00                       2.00                    Revised

                        Date         22-Dec-2014              31-Dec-2019                30-Jun-2020
                        Proposals for an integrated flood forecasting and early warning system fully designed and ready for appraisal.
                        Unit of Measure: Number
                        Indicator Type: Custom

                                     Baseline                 Actual (Current)           End Target              Action
                        Value 0.00                            0.00                       1.00                    Revised

                        Date         22-Dec-2014              31-Dec-2019                30-Apr-2020
                      Proposals for institutional arrangements for sustainable flood management in the Greater Metro Manila Area
                      acceptable to the Government of the Philippines and key stakeholders and ready for implementa
                                           The World Bank
                                           Preparation of a Program Towards Sustainable Flood Management in the Greater Metro Manila Area Project ()

                Unit of Measure: Number
                Indicator Type: Custom

                                            Baseline                 Actual (Current)            End Target             Action
                Value 0.00                                           0.00                        1.00                   Revised

                Date                        22-Dec-2014              31-Dec-2019                 30-Jun-2020

 Intermediate Indicators

                Feasibility study for the proposed interventions in Upper Marikina River completed.
                Unit of Measure: Number
                Indicator Type: Custom

                                              Baseline                Actual (Current)            End Target            Action
                Value                         0.00                    1.00                        2.00                  Revised

                Date                          22-Dec-2014             31-May-2019                 29-Feb-2020
                Mid-term report with draft proposals for institutional arrangements for sustainable flood management completed.
                Unit of Measure: Number
                Indicator Type: Custom

                                              Baseline                Actual (Current)            End Target            Action
                Value                         0.00                    0.00                        1.00                  Revised

                Date                          22-Dec-2014             31-Dec-2019                 30-Apr-2020



                                                                               Original              Revised Proposed              Proposed Deadline
TF                                                       Status                Closing             Closing(s) Closing                 for Withdrawal
                                                                                          31-Jan-2018, 31-Jan-
TF-18611                                                                    31-Jan-2017                        30-Jun-2020               30-Oct-2020



  Change in Disbursement Estimates
       The World Bank
       Preparation of a Program Towards Sustainable Flood Management in the Greater Metro Manila Area Project ()

Year                                                              Current                             Proposed
2018                                                           100,000.00                            300,000.00

2019                                                         1,000,000.00                                  0.00

2020                                                         1,630,000.00                          2,400,000.00