THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) International Alert Philippines Conflict Monitoring in the Philippines ENVIRONMENTAL and SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) 22 September 2021 1|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN 1. International Alert Philippines will implement a project that aims to provide useful, timely, and reliable conflict data and analysis that enables key stakeholders to develop relevant policy responses, strategies, advocacies, and actions. The World Bank has agreed to provide financing for the Project. 2. International Alert Philippines will employ material measures and actions to implement the Project following the Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs) of the World Bank. This Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) sets out material measures and actions, any specific documents or plans, as well as the timing for each of these. 3. International Alert Philippines will also comply with the provisions of any other E&S documents required under the ESF and referred to in this ESCP, such as Stakeholder Engagement Plans (SEP) and the timelines specified in those E&S documents. 4. International Alert Philippines is responsible for compliance with all requirements of the ESCP even when the implementation of specific measures and actions is conducted by the Ministry, agency or unit referenced in item 1 above. 5. The implementation of the material measures and actions set out in this ESCP will be monitored and reported to the World Bank by International Alert Philippines as required by the ESCP and the conditions of the legal agreement. The World Bank will monitor and assess progress and completion of the material measures and actions throughout the implementation of the Project. 6. As agreed by the World Bank and International Alert Philippines, this ESCP may be revised from time to time during Project implementation to reflect adaptive management of Project changes and unforeseen circumstances or in response to the assessment of Project performance of the ESCP. In such circumstances, International Alert Philippines will agree to the changes with the World Bank and will update the ESCP to reflect such changes. Agreement on changes to the ESCP will be documented through the exchange of letters signed between the World Bank and International Alert Philippines. International Alert Philippines will promptly disclose the updated ESCP on its website and relevant platforms. 7. Where Project changes, unforeseen circumstances, or Project performance result in changes to the risks and impacts during Project implementation, International Alert Philippines shall provide additional funds, if needed, to implement actions and measures to address such risks and impacts. This may be unlikely, however as project activities will be conducted in areas in the BARMM with low-security threats and risks. 2|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/ AUTHORITY A REGULAR REPORTING Quarterly security assessments and Country Director, Senior Programme Alert will submit security assessments and updates on project implementation updates on project implementation Manager, Security Officer status, including the ESCP as required by the Bank. Three months after end date of the Project, for completion reports B INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS Categorization of incidents based on the threat level to project staff, partners Notify the Bank within 24 hours of high- Senior Management Team with Alert and beneficiaries are embedded in Alert’s Security Manual and serves as a level security threats to project staff, IMT guide for response and reporting protocols. Critical events that warrant partners, and beneficiaries immediate reporting or within 48 hours to donors include high-level health, safety and security threats to life and safety such as covid19 infection, kidnapping, involvement in clan feuds and other violent flashpoints. In such cases, the Alert Incident Management Team (IMT) will provide sufficient details regarding the incident along with the actions and measures taken to address it. C CONTRACTORS MONTHLY REPORTS Project consultants are required to submit monthly reports covering all Scope and schedule follow approved work Senior Programme Manager for accomplishments and deliverables completed to show progress made against plan and schedule of each contractor Conflict Monitoring the terms of reference agreed on in the contract and/or service agreement. Upon review of monthly progress reports, the management team will issue a certificate of satisfactory completion as part of the monitoring process and ensuring the quality of services delivered by project consultants. ESS1: ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISKS AND IMPACTS 3|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/ AUTHORITY 1.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Alert will establish and maintain an organizational structure that includes a Management Team and staff complement Senior Management Team for Management Team and qualified staff with relevant skills and experience to will be in place upon project start date to functional oversight, Senior support risk management and project implementation. project completion. Programme Manager A total of eight (8) core staff will be involved in the Project, covering the two project components on conflict monitoring and advocacy. The Project will be managed and implemented by the following Alert Philippines staff: (1) Senior Programme Manager for Conflict Monitoring, (1) ICT Manager, (1) Communications Officer, (3) Data Encoders and (1) Data Reviewer, and (1) Analyst/Quantitative Specialist. Other key staff members of Alert, including consultants, will provide technical support and expert advice. The three (3) academic partners will also support advocacy and dissemination strategies for the Project. 4|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/ AUTHORITY 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT Alert has carried out assessments to evaluate the risks and potential impacts Risk matrices and mitigation strategies Country Director, Deputy Country of the Project and identify appropriate mitigation measures and actions to be prepared and approved one month before Director, Senior Programme undertaken should these scenarios arise in the course of project project commencement Manager for Conflict Monitoring, implementation. Security Officer Monitoring of risks will be conducted Project risks identified include: (a) misrepresentation of Conflict Alert data, throughout project implementation (b) resistance from stakeholders on policy recommendations and advocacy messages, (c) COVID-19 infection among project stakeholders in the conduct of Review and updating of mitigation project activities, (d) threats on data security and, (e) security threats to strategies will be conducted quarterly as project staff, partners and beneficiaries such as through the escalation of part of security assessments conflict or violence, especially concerning the upcoming national elections. Alert commits to implement measures to mitigate the identified risks such as through the following: (a) publication of latest CA data with objective analysis supported by evidence and active monitoring of utilization for immediate correction and/or clarification via relevant platforms when necessary, (b) utilization of political and social capital with local and national actors and institutions to counter any negative publicity, (c) continued strengthening of security measures to safeguard against potential threats to the CA system and website, (d) ensure strict compliance to health protocols while employing context and conflict-sensitive approaches, and e) conduct regular security assessments and conflict monitoring and analysis for immediate and nuanced responses. Alert also commits to developing and implementing a security plan to ensure The project operations manual includes a the safety and well-being of all project stakeholders. This shall cover standard section on the security plan developed operating procedures during fieldwork and protocols in cases of emergency. and approved before project commencement and in force until project completion. 5|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/ AUTHORITY 1.3 MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS Alert will harness its evidence bases and interoperable tools: the conflict Implementation of the management tools Senior Programme Manager, Alert monitoring system, CEMS-ERN, risk perception mapping surveys of high-risk and instruments required throughout experts areas in the Bangsamoro, multisectoral networks, and research toolboxes. project implementation The following will be implemented: • Conflict Alert process flow including data quality control protocols • Procedures for consultant and service providers management • Procedures for project partner organizations management • Protocols for COVID-19 infection prevention and control • Alert Safety Policy and Personal Security and Safety Guidelines 1.4 MANAGEMENT OF CONTRACTORS Incorporate the relevant aspects of the ESCP, including the labor and service Supervision of consultants and service Senior Programme Manager, Deputy management procedures for consultants and service providers and ensure that providers throughout project Country Director the service providers and consultants comply with the ESHS specifications of implementation per approved work their respective contracts. ESS2: LABOR AND WORKING CONDITIONS 6|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/ AUTHORITY 2.1 LABOR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES Alert will implement the Project consistent with the Labor Code of the Labor Management Procedures in force Deputy Country Director, Senior Philippines (Presidential Decree No. 442, as amended) and the Omnibus Rules throughout project implementation. Finance and Administrative Officer Implementing the Labor Code. Alert will prevent all forms of forced and child labor and implement relevant child protection protocols and policies as mandated by the Republic Act 9231 or the Anti-Child Labor Law. Alert will promote fair treatment, non-discrimination, and equal opportunity for project workers. The basis of which are relevant national laws and Alert’s internal policies and guidelines on hiring and performance management, including mechanisms for feedback and grievances consistent with the provisions indicated in Sections 2.2 and 2.3 of this document. This provision is also consonant with World Bank ESS2 Environmental and Social Standard on Labor and Working Conditions that includes mechanisms and protective measures that ensure occupation and community health and safety especially COVID-19 health protocol, temporary workers’ camps, labor management procedures, non-discrimination and equal opportunity, and provisions on the treatment of direct and contracted workers and access to grievance mechanism for all project workers. 7|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/ AUTHORITY 2.2 GRIEVANCE MECHANISM FOR PROJECT WORKERS Alert is committed to being accountable and conducts its work with the Grievance mechanism developed, Deputy Country Director, Senior highest standards of integrity. Accordingly, Alert will adopt and implement its approved, and implemented from project Finance and Administrative Officer Safeguarding, Whistle-blowing and Dishonest Practices Policies as a start date to completion. mechanism for complaints management, dispute resolution, and appropriate response, including for project workers' HR-related grievances. These policies guide how to raise concerns about malpractice in the conduct of individuals within Alert, partner organizations or any other associated organizations. It ensures raising any serious concerns with confidence and without having to worry about being victimized, discriminated against or disadvantaged in any way as a result. 2.3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS) MEASURES Alert will implement its Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy and Implemented, monitored, and updated as Deputy Country Director, Senior Personal Security and Safety Guidelines therein to provide security, health and applicable throughout project Finance and Administrative Officer safety guidelines and ensure the provision of practical, logistical and or implementation. psychological support to project staff in the event of emergencies. This also includes the provision of accident insurance, especially during fieldwork, and securing safety and security covenants with project staff and consultants. To safeguard against infection and the spread of COVID-19 among project stakeholders, health protocols and guidelines outlined in the manual will strictly be enforced by Alert throughout implementation. The manual will be updated periodically to adapt to changes in context, particularly to COVID-19 infection rates, government policies, and localized health guidelines in project areas. ESS 10: STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 8|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/ AUTHORITY 10.1 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PLAN PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION Alert will implement the Conflict Alert methodology and process consistent The operations plan that details the CA Senior Programme Manager with requirements of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP). process will be implemented throughout the project cycle. 10.2 PROJECT GRIEVANCE MECHANISM: Alert will adopt and implement its Safeguarding, Whistle-blowing and Grievance mechanism will be maintained Senior Management Team, Senior Dishonest Practices Policy as the basis of grievance mechanisms for complaints throughout project implementation. Programme Manager management and dispute resolution for the entire duration of Project as mentioned in 2.2 above. These mechanisms allow stakeholders to anonymously raise issues and concerns related to project implementation without fear of retribution. The Project will follow a three-level grievance process where academic partners serve as the first point of contact. Issues and concerns raised will then be forwarded to the Senior Programme Manager for Conflict Monitoring for response and action. In instances where issues raised are not resolved informally, a formal procedure will be followed where the issue will be elevated to the Country Director and Alert’s Regional Manager, if necessary. CAPACITY SUPPORT (TRAINING) CS1 Alert staff, consultants, and partners will receive relevant training at the First 2 months of project implementation Expertise from Alert, coordination by beginning of the Project. Capacity support will include the following: and when needed Senior Programme Manager, Deputy • Topics relevant to conflict monitoring and analysis, research, Country Director curriculum development, policy advocacy and outreach etc. • Digital public outreach tools and videoconferencing platform application on-site project staff • COVID-19 guidance on infection prevention and hygiene practices for project management team • Orientation on project grievance mechanism for project management team On behalf of International Alert Philippines Nikki Philline C. de la Rosa/Country Director (sgd.) 22 September 2021 9|Page