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            The World Bank                                                                                          Implementation Status & Results Report
            Nepal Development Policy Financing with CAT DDO (P166788)

Nepal Development Policy Financing with CAT DDO (P166788)

 SOUTH ASIA | Nepal | Urban, Resilience and Land Global Practice |
 IBRD/IDA | Development Policy Lending | FY 2020 | Seq No: 3 | ARCHIVED on 24-Sep-2021 | ISR48127 |

 Implementing Agencies: Ministry of Finance (Main), Nepal, Ministry of Home Affairs (National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority),
 Ministry of Forests and Environment, Ministry of Urban Development (Department of Urban Development and Building Construction), Ministry of
 Health and Population

 Key Dates

  Key Project Dates

   Bank Approval Date: 10-Mar-2020                                               Effectiveness Date: 17-Apr-2020
   Original Closing Date: 31-May-2023                                            Revised Closing Date: 31-May-2023

 Project Development Objectives

  Program Development Objective (from Program Document)
  To support the government in enhancing its technical and institutional capacity to manage the risk of climate change and natural disasters
  including disease outbreaks.

  Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective?

 Overall Ratings

 Name                                                                           Previous Rating                            Current Rating

 Progress towards achievement of PDO                                            Satisfactory                              Satisfactory
 Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                           Satisfactory                              Satisfactory
 Overall Risk Rating                                                            Substantial                               Moderate

 Implementation Status and Key Decisions

  Virtual Implementation Consultations of the Nepal DPF with Cat DDO. These consultations were conducted by a Bank team on September 7-
  9, 2021, with the main objective to: (i) assess the progress on the results indicators, as part of the monitoring and implementation support activities
  of this operation; and (ii) identify any opportunity to provide technical support. During the reporting period and despite the difficult situation due to
  COVID-19 and the historic monsoon precipitation, the GON has been able to successfully meet three out of four results indicators, and the fourth
  one, related to health preparedness and response, is on track to be achieved during the project implementation period.


 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

  Risk Category                                                Rating at Approval                 Previous Rating               Current Rating

  Political and Governance                                     Substantial                       Substantial                  High

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                                                             Public Disclosure Copy

            The World Bank                                                                                     Implementation Status & Results Report
            Nepal Development Policy Financing with CAT DDO (P166788)

  Macroeconomic                                                Moderate                    Substantial                   Substantial
  Sector Strategies and Policies                               Moderate                    Moderate                      Moderate
  Technical Design of Project or Program                       Moderate                    Moderate                      Moderate
  Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                               Substantial                 Substantial                   Substantial
  Fiduciary                                                    Substantial                 Substantial                   Substantial
  Environment and Social                                       Moderate                    Moderate                      Moderate
  Stakeholders                                                 Moderate                    Moderate                      Moderate
  Other                                                        --                           --                             --
  Overall                                                      Substantial                 Substantial                   Moderate


 Results Indicators

   Pillar A: Improving the climate and disaster risk management institutional and regulatory framework

    ►National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority established and operational: (Yes/No, Custom)

                                        Baseline                      Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                               No                            Yes                        Yes                       Yes

    Date                                17-Jan-2020                   14-Oct-2020                09-Sep-2021              31-May-2023
                                        The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA) continues in full
                                        operation from its own office space with an approved workplan, budget and human resources; and has
                                        expanded its staff to 50 from the original 38.

   Pillar B: Integrating climate and disaster resilience in key sectors

   ►Number of CC Coordination Committees formed under the ministries of: Industry, Tourism, and Forest and Environment in seven
   provinces (Number, Custom)

                                        Baseline                      Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                               0.00                          4.00                       7.00                      7.00

    Date                                17-Jan-2020                   14-Oct-2020                09-Sep-2021              31-May-2023
                                        Coordination Committees have been formed and completed for all 7 provinces (from 4 reported in
   Comments:                            October 2020).

   ►New Government buildings built that comply with the technical seismic-resistant criteria of the updated Nepal National Building Code 105
   (Percentage, Custom)

                                        Baseline                      Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)          End Target

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            The World Bank                                                                                        Implementation Status & Results Report
            Nepal Development Policy Financing with CAT DDO (P166788)

    Value                             0.00                         0.00                             100.00                    75.00

    Date                              17-Jan-2020                  14-Oct-2020                      09-Sep-2021               31-May-2023
                                       The MOUD Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (DUDBC) has prepared an
                                       action plan to implement NBC 105 throughout the country, and confirmed 100% of NBC 105: 2020
                                       compliance for all the buildings designed and built by them (against a target of 75%).

   Pillar C: Enhancing human health crisis preparedness and response

   ►Simulation exercises on activation/use of NPPRP; ensuring Essential Health Care Services (EHCS) to meet the direct needs of women
   and other vulnerable groups (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                     Actual (Previous)               Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                         1.00                             1.00                      3.00

    Date                              17-Jan-2020                  14-Oct-2020                      09-Sep-2021               31-May-2023
                                       The NPPRP strategies continue to guide the current response. In lieu of simulation exercises, the country
                                       has been engaged in actual response of COVID-19 outbreak and, based on the feedback from the last
   Comments:                           Mission in October 2020, an actual simulation for the airport and high-risk points is included in this fiscal
                                       year’s Red Book.

 Data on Financial Performance

 Disbursements (by loan)

 Project        Loan/Credit/TF    Status      Currency        Original    Revised       Cancelled      Disbursed       Undisbursed                % Disbursed

 P166788        IDA-65430         Effective   USD               50.00       50.00            0.00            25.52           25.52                       50%

 Key Dates (by loan)

 Project         Loan/Credit/TF   Status      Approval Date       Signing Date      Effectiveness Date         Orig. Closing Date      Rev. Closing Date

 P166788         IDA-65430        Effective   10-Mar-2020         27-Mar-2020       17-Apr-2020                31-May-2023             31-May-2023


  Restructuring History

  There has been no restructuring to date.

  Related Project(s)

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            The World Bank                                                       Implementation Status & Results Report
            Nepal Development Policy Financing with CAT DDO (P166788)

 There are no related projects.

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