Project/Programme: NIGERIA/ONDO STATE HIV/AIDS PROG. DEV. PROJECT                               GOODS PROCUREMENT PLAN FOR 2015                                    Draft Bid Documents,
                                                                                                                                                                                             If Post-Review, No-objection Dates are not needed
                                                                                                                                                                    including specs and          Spec Proc
Loan #: 4596 - NG                                                                                              BASIC DATA                                          quantities, draft SPN          Notice               Bidding Period                   Bid Evaluation                                                Contract finalization                                 Contract Implementation
                                                                                                                                                                    Prep &
                                                                                                                           Pre-or Post      Prior or                               No-       On-line UNDB                                                            No-                                            Date                Date           Date
                                                                        Package          Lot    Estimated Amount Procureme                             Plan vs.   Submission                                  Bid Invitation     Bid Closing-      Submission                   Plan vs.   Contract Amount                                                        Opening of                      Inspection final
                           Description*                                                                                    Qualificatio      Post                               objection      Gateway                                                            objection                                       Contract            Contract      Contract                     Arrival of Goods
                                                                        Number         Number        in US $     nt Method                             Actual        by Ex                                         Date           Opening          Bid Eval Rpt                 Actual        in US$'000                                                        letter of credit                    acceptance
                                                                                                                                n           Review                                Date         Nat Press                                                            Date                                           Award               Advert       Signature

                                                                                                                            If Prequalification         Plan      4 - 7 wks    1 - 1.5 wks   1.5 - 2 wks           6 to        12 wks            1.5 - 3 wks      1 - 1.5 wks    Plan                          1 wk                              1.5-3 wks
                    Norm Duration of Proc Steps
                                                                                                                            add 7-13 wks                Actual                                                                                                                   Actual
                          List of Contracts
 Procurement of 1nos. CD4 machine,1nos.
Chemistry machine, 1nos. centrifuge machine
and Inos. hematology machine(incuding 12
labaoratory stool, 2nos 15kv inverter,4nos UPS OD/HPDP II/NCB 1/2014/001                 4           135,283.13 NCB            POST          POST       Plan         N/A           N/A            N/A          16/07/14           15/8/14           29/8/14          N/A         Plan              135.28        02/03/15         N/A              06/03/15     N/A                05/05/15         12/05/15
                                                                                                                 NCB           POST          POST      Actual        N/A           N/A            N/A          14/10/14          13/11/14          19/12/14                     Actual

Procurement of Test kits(2600packs of Ist       OD/HPDPII/NCB 1/2015/001                 1           254,117.65 NCB            Post           Post      Plan         N/A           N/A            N/A          04/03/15          03/04/15          17/04/15          N/A         Plan              254.12        24/04/15         N/A              29/04/15     N/A                29/06/15         06/07/15
Line,300packs of 2nd Lines and 100 packs of 3rd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Actual
Lines) for HAF CSOs                                                                                                                                    Actual

Procument of 900 cartons of Condoms and
1300 bottles of lubricants                                   OD/HPDP11/NS/2015/002       1            51,277.17 NS             Post           Post      Plan         N/A           N/A            N/A          02/02/15          16/02/15              N/A           N/A         Plan                  51.28     23/02/15         N/A              26/02/15     N/A                28/03/15         31/03/15
                                                                                                                                                       Actual                                                                                                                   Actual

Production of IEC materials; 2,500 Posters,
3,000 Handbills,2,500 stickers, 500 Advocacy                 OD/HPDP II/NS/2015/003      1            29,103.26 NS             Post           Post      Plan         N/A           N/A            N/A          02/02/15          16/02/15              N/A           N/A         Plan                  29.13     23/02/15         N/A              26/02/15     N/A                28/03/15         31/03/15
bags, 5,000 table pad, 5,000 note pad, 3,000
wrist bands, 4,000 air freshner,5,000 pen and
5,000 Exercise book                                                                                                                                    Actual                                                                                                                   Actual

Procurement of Test Kits( 300 packs of 1st Line,
50 packs of 2nd Line and 40 packs of 3rd Line)
for SACA, Line Ministries & Non-HAF CSOs         OD/HPDP II/NS/2015/004                  1            28,451.09 NS             Post           post      Plan         N/A           N/A            N/A          02/02/15          16/02/15              N/A           N/A         Plan                  28.45     23/02/15         N/A              26/02/15     N/A                28/03/15         31/03/15
                                                                                                                                                       Actual                                                                                                                   Actual

Procurement of 40 HCT Tents                                  OD/HPDP II/NS /2015/005     1              6,521.74 NS            Post           Post      Plan         N/A           N/A            N/A          05/02/15          19/02/15              N/A           N/A         Plan                   6.52     26/02/15         N/A              02/03/15     N/A                01/04/15         04/04/15
                                                                                                                                                       Actual                                                                                                                   Actual

Procure and distribute medical commodities
2500 packets of hand gloves, 250 cartons(2L) of OD/HPDP II/NS /2015/006                  1            16,168.48 NS             Post           Post      Plan         N/A           N/A            N/A          05/02/15          19/02/15              N/A           N/A         Plan                  16.17     26/02/15         N/A              02/03/15     N/A                01/04/15         04/04/15
methylated spirit, 150 rolls of cotton wool(500g)
for SACA,HAF CSOs,Line Ministries, Non-HALF
CSOs                                                                                                                                                   Actual                                                                                                                   Actual

Procurement of Airtime on radio station
                                                             OD/HPDP11/NS/2014/007       1         8,124.34      NS            Post           Post      Plan         N/A           N/A            N/A          02/10/14          09/10/14              N/A           N/A         Plan           8.12             16/10/14         N/A              19/10/14     N/A                30/09/15         07/10/15
                                                                                                   7,755.78      NS            Post           Post     Actual        N/A           N/A            N/A           4/11/14          24/11/14              N/A           N/A        Actual          7.76             17/12/14         N/A              07/01/15     N/A

Produce and distribute news letters and                      OD/HPDP II/NS /2015/008     1            10,434.78 NS             Post           Post      Plan         N/A           N/A            N/A          05/02/15          19/02/15              N/A           N/A         Plan                  10.43     26/02/15         N/A              02/03/15     N/A                01/04/15         04/04/15
factsheet quarterly (400 Copies/quarter)                                                                                                               Actual                                                                                                                   Actual

Procure and distribute 100units of injection
needle destroyer                                             OD/HPDP II/NS /2015/009     1              7,065.21 NS            Post           Post      Plan         N/A           N/A            N/A          09/02/15          23/02/15              N/A           N/A         Plan                   7.07     02/03/15         N/A              05/03/15     N/A                06/04/15         09/04/15
                                                                                                                                                       Actual                                                                                                                   Actual

Proure and distribute 14,500 units of biohazard
bags                                            OD/HPDP II/NS /2015/010                  1           10,597.82 NS              Post           Post      Plan         N/A           N/A            N/A          09/02/15          23/02/15              N/A           N/A         Plan                  10.60     02/03/15         N/A              05/03/15     N/A                06/04/15         09/04/15
                                                                                                                                                       Actual                                                                                                                   Actual

Procurement and Installation of
Generator(31KVA)                                             OD/HPDP11/NS/2015/011       1         19,021.74     NS            Post           Post      Plan         N/A           N/A            N/A          09/02/15          23/02/15              N/A           N/A         Plan          19.02             02/03/15         N/A              05/03/15     N/A                06/04/15         09/04/15
                                                                                                                                                       Actual                                                                                                                   Actual

Procurement of ARV for PMTCT prophylaxis                     OD/HPDP11/NS/2015/012       1         6,668.53      NS            Post           Post      Plan         N/A           N/A            N/A          05/02/15          19/02/15              N/A           N/A         Plan                   6.67     26/02/15         N/A              02/03/15     N/A                01/04/15         04/04/15
                                                                                                                                                       Actual                                                                                                                   Actual

                                                                                                                                                        Plan                                                                                                                     Plan
                                                                                                                                                       Actual                                                                                                                   Actual

TOTAL COST                                                                                        582,834.94                                            Plan                                                                                                                     Plan       582,834.94
                                                                                                   7,755.78                                            Actual                                                                                                                   Actual              7.76

CBN Exchange rate N184 : $1                                                                                                                             Plan                                                                                                                    Plan
                                                                                                                                                       Actual                                                                                                                   Actual

Fill gray cells only!                                                                                                                                   Plan                                                                                                                     Plan
                                                                                                                                                       Actual                                                                                                                   Actual
 Plan     Plan
Actual   Actual

Plan     Plan

Actual   Actual

Loan #:                                           Basic Data

                                    Lumpsu           Estimate
                                   m or Bill Procure     d              Prior or
                     Package  Lot                               Post
  Description*                        of      ment   Amount              Post
                     Number Number                            Qualifica
                                   Quantitie Method      in             Review
                                       s               US $
Norm Duration of                                                      If Prequalification
    Proc Steps                                                        add 7-13 wks
 List of Contracts

Total Cost                                                     0.00
              Draft Bid      If Post-Review, No-objection Dates are not needed
             Documents,         Spec
         including specs and Proc
                                          Bidding Period       Bid Evaluation
           quantities, draft   Notice
                 SPN           Advert
          Prep &
                             On-line                     Submissi
         Submissi    No-                 Bid      Bid                No-
Plan vs.                     UNDB                           on              Plan vs.
            on    objection           Invitatio Closing-          objection
Actual                      Gateway                      Bid Eval           Actual
           by Ex    Date               n Date Opening               Date
                            Nat Press                      Rpt
 Plan    4 - 7 wks 1 - 1.5 wks1.5 - 2 wks1.5 - 2 wks   6 to   12 wks   1.5 - 3 wks    Plan
Actual                                                                               Actual

 Plan                                                                                 Plan
Actual                                                                               Actual

 Plan                                                                                 Plan
Actual                                                                               Actual

 Plan                                                                                 Plan
Actual                                                                               Actual

 Plan                                                                                 Plan
Actual                                                                               Actual

 Plan                                                                                 Plan
Actual                                                                               Actual

 Plan                                                                                 Plan
Actual                                                                               Actual

 Plan                                                                                 Plan
Actual                                                                               Actual

 Plan                                                                                 Plan
Actual                                                                               Actual

 Plan                                                                                 Plan
Actual                                                                               Actual
 Plan                                                                                 Plan
Actual                                                                               Actual
           Contract Finalization                     Contract Implementation

Contract                                       Mobiliza Substant
           Date     Date     Date                                 Final
Amount                                           tion     ial              Final
         Contract Contract Contract                              Accepta
 in US$                                        Advance Completi            Cost
          Award    Advert Signature                                nce
  '000                                         Payment    on

           1 wk                    1.5-3 wks

    0.00                                                                       0.00
    0.00                                                                       0.00
                                                                                                                                                    CONSULTANCY 2015
Country/Organisation:NIGERIA/ODSACA                        For Contracts under projects approved before the May 2002 Guidelines
Project/Programme: HPDP II                                 If Post-Review, No-objection Dates are not needed
                                                                                                                                                        Request for EOI
                                                              Contract                                                          Preparation            (where required)            Short                                  Consultant                  Proposal Evaluation and Negotiation for Projects
Loan #:4596NG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Draft Contract                     Contract Finalization                                               Contract Implementation
                                                               Type                                                         Request for Proposals                                   List                                  Proposals                    Technical (T) & Financial (F) and Negotions (N)

                                                                                                                                                     On-line                                                                                   Submissio     No-               Preparatio
                                                             Lumpsum                                                        Prep &                              Lead-time                   No-                                  Submission/                          Opening                                                     No-    Contract Amount                      Date                              Mobilization
                                               Selection                  Estimated Amount Prior/Post          Plan vs.              No-objection    UNDB                  Submission                Plan vs.     Invitation                       n      objection                 n      Negotiations   Plan vs.   Submission                              Contract                    Contract    Plan vs.                      Draft           Final    Final
                       Description*                             or                                                        Submission                              before                 objection                                 Opening                           Financial                                                  objectio        in                          Contract                             Advance
                                                Method                        in US$ '000   Review              Actual                  Date        Gateway                   Date                    Actual         Date                      Evaluation Evaluation           Eval Report     (N)         Actual       Date                                  Award                      Signature    Actual                      Report          Report    Cost
                                                            Time-Based                                                     by Ex Ag                              shortlist                 Date                                     Date                             Proposals                                                   n Date     US$ '000                         Advert                              Payment
                                                                                                                                                    Nat Press                                                                                  Report (T) Report (T)              (T) (F)

                                                                                                                Plan      3 - 6 wks   1 - 2 wks     1 - 1.5 wks 2 wks                   1 - 2 wks     Plan      4 to            12 wks         2 - 3 wks   0.5 - 2 wks 2 wks      1 - 2 wks   2 wks        Plan      1 - 2 wks    1 - 2 wks                1 wk                        1 - 3 wks      Plan
                Norm Duration of Proc Steps
                                                                                                               Actual                                                                                 Actual                                                                                               Actual                                                                                    Actual
                     List of Contracts

Procurement of Consultant to produce                       LUMP
and air serial drama (SE JEJE) for            SS           SUM                      59.27 POST                 Plan N/A               N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Plan         22/7/14         05/08/14 N/A             N/A         N/A        N/A           15/8/14 Plan N/A                  N/A            59.27       22/8/14 N/A                29/8/14 Plan              12/1/15        5/10/15        12/10/15
demand creation for PMTCT
services,condom use and HCT through                        LUMP                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Actua
radio stations                                SS           SUM                      36.96 POST Actual N/A                             N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Actual 26/11/14 28/11/14                  N/A         N/A         N/A        N/A         8/12/14     Actual N/A              N/A            36.96 10/12/14 N/A                    15/12/14   l

Procurement of Consultant to                               LUMP
develop,produce and disseminate         IC                 SUM                      21.57 POST                 Plan N/A               N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Plan          6/4/15 20/4/15              N/A         N/A         N/A        N/A           27/4/15 Plan N/A                  N/A            21.57        4/5/15 N/A                11/5/15 Plan              25/5/15        24/7/15          31/7/15
resourse mobilisation strategy and plan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Actua
                                                                                                           Actual                                                                                    Actual                                                                                               Actual                                                                                  l

 Procurement of consultant to map                          LUMP
OVC, conduct needs assessment for             IC           SUM                      13.59 POST                 Plan N/A               N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Plan 6/4/15                20/4/15        N/A         N/A         N/A        N/A         4/5/15      Plan N/A                N/A            13.59 11/5/15             N/A         18/5/15       Plan 25/5/15              24/7/115      7/8/15
OVC , Educational scholarship for
OVCs , Linkage to Vocational
institution and artisan,production and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Actua
dissemination of report                                                                                    Actual                                                                                    Actual                                                                                               Actual                                                                                       l

Procure consultants to Produce jingles                      LUMP
for radio and television stations daily IC                   SUM                    59.59 POST                 Plan N/A               N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Plan         23/7/14         05/08/14 N/A             N/A         N/A        N/A           19/8/14 Plan N/A                  N/A            59.59       26/8/14 N/A                  2/9/14 Plan             29/1/15         2/3/15           9/3/15
for three quarters targetting MARPs                         LUMP                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Actua
and their clients and the General       IC                   SUM                      5.18 POST Actual N/A                            N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Actual 2/12/14             16/12/14       N/A         N/A         N/A        N/A         22/12/14 Actual N/A                 N/A             5.18 24/12/14 N/A                    31/12/14   l

Procure consultants to procure airtime                      LUMP
to air SACA, L/Ms and CSOs             IC                    SUM                    56.36 POST                 Plan N/A               N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Plan         23/7/14         05/08/14 N/A             N/A         N/A        N/A           19/8/14 Plan N/A                  N/A            56.36       26/8/14 N/A                 2/9/14 Plan              12/1/15        19/9/15          26/9/15
interventions on one TV                                     LUMP                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Actua
station(ODSACA HALF HOUR) .            IC                    SUM                    24.22 POST Actual N/A                             N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Actual 12/11/14 27/11/14                  N/A         N/A         N/A        N/A         11/12/14 Actual N/A                 N/A            24.22 17/12/14 N/A                    30/12/14   l

                                              IC           Time-Based               12.00 POST                 Plan N/A               N/A           N/A         N/A       13/8/13 20/8/13            Plan 3/9/13                10/9/13        12/9/13 N/A                   N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       16/9/13                18/9/13     Plan N/A                N/A            12.00 25/9/13             N/A         30/9/13       Plan 27/9/13              23/2/15       2/3/15
CONSULTANT                                                 Time-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Actua
                                              IC           Based                    13.30 POST Actual N/A                             N/A           N/A         N/A       19/11/1319/11/13 Actual 21/1/14                       5/2/14         5/2/14 N/A              5/2/14 N/A             10/2/14     Actual 10/2/14 N/A                     13.30 12/2/14             N/A         6/3/14          l   16/5/14
                                              SS           SUM                        8.15 POST                Plan N/A               N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Plan                                                                                                  Plan N/A               N/A             8.15 18/5/15             N/A         21/5/15       Plan 28/5/15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Actua                     11/6/15       18/5/15
                                                                                                           Actual                                                                                    Actual                                                                                               Actual                                                                                       l
HAF Grant
                                              QCBS         SUM                  1,700.00 Prior                 Plan 17/1/13 31/1/13 7/2/13 14/2/13 21/2/13 30/2/13                                   Plan 14/3/13               11/4/13        18/4/13 25/4/13 2/5/13 9/5/13 18/5/13                      Plan 23/5/13 30/5/13 1,700.00 6/6/13                             13/6/13 20/6/13           Plan 27/6/13              23/12/15      30/12/15
                                                           LUMP                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Actua
                                              QCBS         SUM                     491.33 Prior            Actual 9/1/13              10/1/13 18/1/13 25/1/13 31/1/13 8/4/13                         Actual 6/5/13              27/6/13                               11/11.1312/11/13 Actual 15/1/14 21/1/14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               12/9/13 12/9/13 11/11/13                                                                        491.33 24/1/14              24/1/14 28/1/14             l   27/3/14

Procurement of Consultant to
develop,produce and disseminate
guidelines for the management of                           LUMP
Medical waste                                 IC           SUM                      13.59 POST                 Plan N/A               N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Plan              2/3/15     16/03/15 N/A             N/A         N/A        N/A           30/3/15 Plan N/A                  N/A            13.59        6/4/15 N/A                13/4/15 Plan              20/4/15        19/6/15          10/7/15
                                                                                                           Actual                                                                                    Actual                                                                                                                                                                                       l

Procurement of Consultant to                               LUMP
develop,produce,print and disseminate         IC           LUMP
                                                           SUM                      16.11 POST Plan N/A                               N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A           Plan     6/8/14 20/08/14 N/A                         N/A         N/A        N/A           3/9/14 Plan N/A                   N/A            16.11 10/9/14 N/A                      17/9/14 Actua
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Plan              19/1/15         4/4/15           7/4/15
blood safety policy                           IC           SUM                       5.44 POST Actual N/A                             N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Actual 12/11/14 26/11/14 N/A                          N/A         N/A        N/A         30/12/14 Actual N/A                 N/A             5.44 31/12/14 N/A                    6/1/15     l

Procurement of Consultant to conduct
                                      IC                   SUM                      16.11 POST                 Plan N/A               N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Plan              8/8/14     22/08/14 N/A             N/A         N/A        N/A             5/9/14 Plan N/A                 N/A            16.11       12/9/14 N/A                19/9/14 Plan              19/1/15         4/4/15          14/4/15
situation analysis and evaluation of
PMTCT and ART services in the State
and prevalence of HIV and Hepatitis B
among donors at two Mother and child
hospitals                                                  LUMP                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Actua
                                      IC                   SUM                        9.24 POST Actual N/A                            N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Actual 13/11/14 27/11/14                  N/A         N/A         N/A        N/A         12/12/14 Actual N/A                 N/A             9.24 23/12/14 N/A                    29/12/14   l
Procurement of social and
                                              IC           SUM                        9.24                     Plan N/A               N/A           N/A         N/A       N/A           N/A          Plan              2/3/15     16/03/15 N/A             N/A         N/A        N/A           30/3/15 Plan N/A                  N/A             9.24        6/4/15 N/A                13/4/15 Plan              20/4/15        19/6/15          10/7/15
Environmental safe guard consultant                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Actua
                                                                                                           Actual                                                                                    Actual                                                                                               Actual                                                                                  l

                                                                                1,985.58                       Plan                                                                                  Plan                                                                                                 Plan                                1,985.58                                               Plan
TOTAL                                                                              585.67                  Actual                                                                                    Actual                                                                                               Actual                               585.67                                                  l

Fill gray cells only!
                                              NOTE: EXTERNAL AUDITOR ARE PROCURED THROUGH THE PFMU OF THE STATE
                                                            ONDO STATE AGENCY FOR THE CONTROL OF AIDS (ODSACA)
                                                               HIV/AIDS PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT PROJECT II
                                                                            CREDIT IDA 4596 NG
                                                                           2015 WORKSHOP PLAN
                                                                                                   NO. OF       OF      WORKSHOP

     Conduct 3 days training for 20 CSOs(2   To ensure that PLHIV receive
     caregivers CSOs per LGA) to carry out   quality care and support
   1 home based care services                services                      CSOs                     20          2          Local        2,980,480.00        16,198.26
     5 days capacity development on          To ensure continuously
     Monitoring and Evaluation for 36 LACA   improve data quality and
   2 staff                                   supportive  supervision with LACA M&E officers
                                               To share experiences                                 36          5          Local        4,157,872.00        22,597.13
                                              their colleagues around the
                                              world for effective capacity
   3 International AIDS conference                    development          Project staff            6           5       International   7,200,000.00        39,130.43
     Conduct 5 day training for 35        To build capacity of M&E       M&E officers of Line
     participants on eNNRIMSDHIS 2.0 data Officers on the use of         Ministries, LACA and
   4 reporting platform.                  eNNRIMS                        CSOs                       35          5          Local        3,561,162.00        19,354.14

       TOTAL                                                                                                                            17,899,514.00       97,279.97

        CBN Echange rate=N184 :$1 as at
                                          ONDO STATE AGENCY FOR THE CONTROL OF AIDS (ODSACA)
                                             HIV/AIDS PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT PROJECT II
                                                          CREDIT IDA 4596 NG
                                                         2015 TRAINING PLAN

                      DESCRIPTION OF                                               TUITION

                      Capacity Building
                      on program
       1 ODSACA       management          15 Participants   SACA Staff    5 Days      -                             71,636.00
                                                                     SUMMARY SHEET
                                                                      WORLD BANK COUNTRY OFFICE
                                                                     2015 PROCUREMENT CLINIC DATA
                                                                               ONDO SACA
                    PROCUREMENT PLAN CLEARED                                                          CONTRACT DATA
                                         SOFT                 WORKS                                 GOODS                                      CONSULTANCY
                             HARDCOPY COPIES      POST REVIEW       PRIOR REVIEW        POST REVIEW          PRIOR REVIEW        POST REVIEW              PRIOR REVIEW
                  HARDCOPY     WORD       OF                                                    TOTAL
     HPDP 11
 1   SACA              1          NA         1       NIL       NIL   NIL       NIL        13.00     582.83 NIL         NIL        11.00      284.58       1.00   1,700.00

TOTAL                                                      -     -         -     -       13.00     582.83         -      -       11.00      284.58       1.00      1,700.00

                                 NO OF  TOTAL
                               CONTRACT VALUE
        Other (Prior Review)       S    ($'000)
     Workshop                          13   201.37