E1355 V3 land Bank of the Philippines Support for Strategic local Development & investment Project (S2LDIP) Project Management Office (PMO) REVIEW REPORT Date Reviewed: April 24, 2012 Name oflGU CITY OF PANABO, DAVAO DEL NORTE Project Name Proposed Panabo City Eternal Garden "City Memorial Park" Document Reviewed: Initial Environmental Examination (lEE) Report Purpose of the Screen the project against the safeguards requirements of S2LDIP Review: Major findings/issues in the lEE report and the ECC: • The proposed project is covered by the Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System because the 7.4 hectares land where the cemetery will be situated exceeds the DENR Administrative Order 2003-30 minimum threshold size of 5.0 hectares. • An Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) was issued for the project advising the LGU/proponent to secure at the minimum the following: 1. Locational clearance (to certify conformity with local land zoning ordinance); 2. Operational" clearance as burial ground under PD856 or the Sanitation Code; 3. Building permit and as applicable structural permit; 4. Drainage clearance from the local engineering office; and 5. Provision for the proper handling or management of solid waste. • An initial environmental examination (lEE) report was submitted with an environmental management and mitigation plan/matrix (EMP). The EMP mentioned the possibility of cutting trees as mentioned in Table ES.1 under the column "Mitigation and Enhancement Measures". However, such potential scenario is in conflict with the disclosure on "biological environment" on the absence of vegetation inside the project site. • The baseline environmental condition has no discussion about flooding incidence or the potential of flooding within the project site. Negative social and environmental impacts could arise once the area gets flooded . A. Sufficiency of the Document as to the requirements of the Philippines environmental safeguards 1 Environmental ( ) Category A, ECP Category (x) Category B, Non ECP in ECA (Group II) ( ) Category C I D 2 Required EA Report ( ) EIS (x) lEE ( ) IEE Checklist ( ) PO 3 Required (x) ECC Environmental ( ) CNC Certificate 4 Status of ECC ( ) Not yet applied ( ) Has applied, not yet granted (x) With ECC with date of issuance on R11-1112-0186 PaQe 1 of 3 '5 Required Details Observations/Findinqs Engineering Plans ( ) Storm Drainage Incorporated in the lEE ( )Y (x) N Layout/Plan (x) Site Development Incorporated in the lEE (x)Y ( ) N Plan *resubmit in colored printout (x) Detailed design of Incorporated in the lEE ( )Y (x) N vaults, burial crypts, bone crypts and other components proposed within the cemetery 6 Environmental ( ) Fully incorporated in the lEE Management Plan (x) Partially incorporated in the lEE, needs full discussion I presentation of additional information ( ) Not presented in the lEE, needs full discussion I presentation in the EA report 7 Summary of Law/Regulations Document Remarks Applicable Local Required Environmental Laws PO 1586 ECC Applicable I Concerned Agency (Philippine EIS System) PD856- The Permit to Operate Recommended in Sanitation Code or Operational the ECC of the Philippines clearance on Disposal of the Dead and Burial sites DENR CENRO/ Permit to Cut Required in case Phil Coconut Trees/Permit to Cut trees will be cut in Authority Coconut Tress the course of project implementation/ Required in case coconut trees within the property/project : site needs to be removed/cut Building code Storm drainage Recommended in clearance the ECC Zoning Locational Recommended in Ordinance clearance the ECC Building code Building permit Recommended in the ECC B. Recommendations on the Major Findings/Issues in the lEE report • The LGU should qualify the inconsistency of stating the absence of vegetation within the project site with another statement in the lEE Table ES.1 on the potential scenario of cutting trees found within the project area. In the event that it is unavoidable to cut or remove trees, the LGU must perform inventory on the Paqe 2 of 3 n. mr... •111d mm1b•1r of tr and obtatn the necessary clearance from DENR Cl NHO C(ll(; u,·d p),otos of tile surroundtng environment and the trees that will h cutlr mov (l '>hould also be enclosed in the application with DENR copy furn1!:>h ·d PMOII 1f unrolled under S2LDIP. • LGU should prov1 de additional discussion on the flooding potential within the site. The feasi bility study should look into the hydrologic conditions and necessary drainag e must be illustrated in the detailed engineering design. • LGU is also advised to provide the S2LDIP-PMO and the LANDBANK Oavao LC with the copy of the additional permits/clearance that the ECC has recommended . Prr~pared y: c - -· - . ' f~/ccc..._:} RO~ I . ENCARNACION )Pvironment Specialist-PMO Noted by: ft'j / 1/'}1)/tf( MELIN A c. CRUZ Head, MDII Date Submitted: Apri l 24, 2012 Paqe 3 of 3