Restructuring                                                                     Status: Archived
Restructuring Type: Level two
Last modified on date : 05/13/2011

1. Basic Information
Project ID & Name                          P099051: AR- SANTA FE ROAD Infrastructure
Country                                    Argentina
Task Team Leader                           Tomas S. Serebrisky
Sector Manager/Director                    Aurelio Menendez
Country Director                           Penelope J. Brook
Original Board Approval Date               02/13/2007
Original Closing Date:                     06/30/2012
Current Closing Date                       06/30/2012
Proposed Closing Date [if applicable]
EA Category                                B-Partial Assessment
Revised EA Category                        B-Partial Assessment-Partial Assessment
EA Completion Date                         01/25/2006
Revised EA Completion Date

2. Revised Financing Plan (US$m)
Source                                                  Original                     Revised
BORR                                                         46.40                         46.40
IBRD                                                        126.70                        126.70
Total                                                       173.10                        173.10

3. Borrower
        Organization                       Department                             Location
Argentine Government                                                 Argentina

4. Implementing Agency
           Organization                    Department                            Location

5. Disbursement Estimates (US$m)
Actual amount disbursed as of 05/16/2011                                                  108.30
         Fiscal Year                           Annual                            Cumulative
2011                                                    0.00                              108.30
                                                    Total                                 108.30

6. Policy Exceptions and Safeguard Policies
Does the restructured project require any exceptions to Bank policies?                                N

Does the restructured projects trigger any new safeguard policies? If yes, please select              N
from the checklist below and update ISDS accordingly before submitting the package.

7a. Project Development Objectives/Outcomes
Original/Current Project Development Objectives/Outcomes
The overall purpose of the project is to improve transport conditions along a strategic road corridor that
links the Province of Santa Fe with regional and international markets. Adding capacity to National Road
19, a key component of a major bi-oceanic corridor that links the PSF and the Center Region with Chile
and Brazil will reduce logistics costs, facilitate access to major regional consumption and export markets
and foster the effective economic integration of the Center Region provinces

7b. Revised Project Development Objectives/Outcomes [if applicable]
