COUNTRIES, 1960 TO 2004

           Damiano Sandri, Ernesto Valenzuela and Kym Anderson

                Johns Hopkins University and University of Adelaide


                                          December 2007

Agricultural Distortions Working Paper 23, December 2007

This is a product of a research project on Distortions to Agricultural Incentives, under the leadership of
Kym Anderson of the World Bank's Development Research Group. The authors are grateful for funding
from World Bank Trust Funds provided by the governments of Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands (BNPP) and
the United Kingdom (DfID).

This Working Paper series is designed to promptly disseminate the findings of work in progress for
comment before they are finalized. The views expressed are the authors' alone and not necessarily those of
the World Bank and its Executive Directors, nor the countries they represent, nor of the institutions
providing funds for this research project.
      COUNTRIES, 1960 TO 2004

         Damiano Sandri, Ernesto Valenzuela and Kym Anderson

This compilation of data from the World Development Indicators, FAOSTAT, and GTAP
6.0 databases provides comparative basic economic and trade indicators for high income
countries (OECD with the exclusion of Korea Rep, Mexico, Turkey) which are compared
with three aggregates for developing countries according to the 2006 WDI income
classification: low-income, lower-middle-income and upper-middle-income. The rest of
the High-income Countries is included in the so called "other high income" category
which is obtained as a residual from the world total. We also present the total regional
aggregates for Eastern Europe and Central Asia and for the developing countries in
Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean (as reported in appendix 1 of the
regional volumes from which the present global volume draws).
       The tables begin with summary data for the period 2000-2004, and growth data
for 1980-2004. Then each one-page table shows annual data for the 45-year period from
1960 to 2004.
       Apart from the series on black market premium (compiled by Easterly), on labor
force, agricultural employment, agricultural land and the section on production, supply
and export of agricultural commodities taken from the FAO, and those marked with * in
the table of contents computed from the GTAP6.1 database (or version 6.2 when
specified), all the other data have been retrieved from the World Bank's World
Development Indicators (April 2006). Definitions of the various variables can be found in
the WDI section of the World Bank's website. Data on labor force, agricultural
employment, agricultural land and production of agricultural commodities for Taiwan are
taken from the Council of Economic Planning and Development, Republic of China.
Time series of applied ad valorem tariff (AHS) data from 1988 to 2005 are collected from
UNCTAD-TRAINS using the WITS system1. These tariffs correspond to trade weighted
HS6 digits compiled at GTAP sectoral level for primary agriculture and processed food,
and aggregates for primary agriculture, processed food, and primary non agriculture.
Effectively applied tariffs for the year 2001 reported in the last table of the basic trade
indicators come instead from the GTAP6.1 database. They are obtained through a joint
CEPII / ITC project, known as MAcMAps, which calculates HS6 bilateral tariff including
ad valorem tariff equivalent of specific and compound tariffs and key non-tariff barriers
such as tariff rate quotas (TRQs).
        Five-year averages for the period 2000-2004 are computed by averaging all the
available annual data within the period. However, average percentages and ratios for
single countries between two variables are computed by considering only those years for
which observations are available for both series. Growth rates are calculated consistently
with WDI statistical procedures, i.e. by fitting a linear regression trend to the logarithmic
annual values whenever at least half of the observations in the period are available. The
revealed comparative Advantage (RCA) indexes are computed as the product group's
share of a region's exports as a percentage of that product group's share of global
merchandise exports. The service sector is derived as a residual, from GDP less
agriculture and industry.
        The available tables and indicators are:

Description of aggregate sectors, as referred to in the GTAP database


List of countries and regional aggregates

Poverty, headcount by region, 1981 to 2002

National as % of world, 2000-2004 (A)
    Labor force
    Agricultural workers

 http://wits.worldbank.org/. In the absence of a corresponding trade flow for a given tariff, WITS seeks for
a matching trade flow in COMTRADE, either by direct or inverted trade (collecting exports to region x).
These are exclusively ad valorem tariffs and thus do not include ad valorem equivalent of specific tariffs.
   Agricultural GDP
   Agricultural land
   Total exports of goods and services
   Agricultural and food exports
   Agricultural and food imports

National as % of world, 2000-2004 (B)
   GDP per capita
   Land per capita
   Land per worker
   Agricultural land per capita
   Agricultural land per agricultural worker
   RCA agriculture and food

Growth rates, % per year, 1980-2004
   Labor force
   Agricultural workers
   GDP per capita
   Agricultural GDP
   Industrial GDP
   Services GDP
   Total exports of goods and services
   Agricultural and food exports
   Agricultural and food imports

Basic economic indicators, five-year averages 1960-2004
   Labor force
   Agricultural workers
   Agricultural workers (% labor force)
   GDP per capita
   Governance indicators
   Poverty (% population)
   Agricultural land
   Arable land
   Land per capita
   Land per worker
   Arable land per worker
   Agricultural land per capita
   Agricultural land per agricultural worker
   Agriculture (% GDP)
   Industry (% GDP)
   Services (% GDP)
   Agricultural GDP (% world)
   Official exchange rate (LCU per US$)
   Black market premium (%)

Basic trade indicators, five-year averages 1960-2004
   Total exports of goods and services
   Total imports of goods and services
   Primary agriculture exports (% prim. agriculture and proc. food exports)*
   Agriculture and food exports (% merchandise exports)
   Other primary goods exports (% merchandise exports)
   Other manufactures exports (% merchandise exports)
   Services exports (% total exports of goods and services)
   Primary agriculture imports (% prim. agriculture and proc. food imports)*
   Agriculture and food imports (% merchandise imports)
   Other primary goods imports (% merchandise imports)
   Other manufactures imports (% merchandise imports)
   Services imports (% total imports of goods and services)
   Total exports of goods and services (% GDP)
   Total imports of goods and services (% GDP)
   (X-M)/(X+M): primary agriculture*
   (X-M)/(X+M): processed food*
   (X-M)/(X+M): agriculture and food
   (X-M)/(X+M): other primary goods
   (X-M)/(X+M): other manufactures
   (X-M)/(X+M): services
   RCA: agriculture and food
   RCA: other primary goods
   RCA: other manufactures
   Share of world exports (%): agriculture and food
   Share of world exports (%): other primary goods
   Share of world exports (%): other manufactures
   Share of world exports (%): services
   Share of world exports (%): total exports of goods and services
   Trade weighted applied tariff, 2001*

Agricultural commodities: shares of national and global, production,
   consumption and export
   Domestic production in 2001 (% world, MT), A & B
   Domestic apparent consumption in 2001 (% world, MT), A & B
   Export in 2001 (% world, MT), A & B
   Shares of domestic production in 2001 (% domestic prod. value), A & B
   Shares of apparent consumption in 2001 (% domestic app. cons. value), A & B
Trade weighted applied ad valorem tariff (UNCTAD-TRAINS)

   European Union
   EFTA 3
   New Zealand
   United States
Description of aggregate sectors, as referred to in the GTAP database

         Primary Agriculture                          Other Primary
 GTAP sector description                   GTAP sector description
 pdr           Paddy rice                  frs          Forestry
 wht           Wheat                       fsh          Fishing
 gro           Cereal grains nec           coa          Coal
 v_f           Vegetables, fruit, nuts     oil          Oil
 osd           Oil seeds                   gas          Gas
 c_b           Sugar cane, sugar beet      omn          Minerals nec
 pfb           Plant-based fibers
 ocr           Crops nec
 ctl           Cattle,sheep,goats,horses
 oap           Animal products nec
 rmk           Raw milk
 wol           Wool, silk-worm cocoons

            Processed Food                         Other Manufacturing
 GTAP sector description                   GTAP sector description
               Meat:                       tex          Textiles
               cattle,sheep,goats,horse    wap          Wearing apparel
 omt           Meat products nec           lea          Leather products
 vol           Vegetable oils and fats     lum          Wood products
 mil           Dairy products              ppp          Paper products, publishing
 pcr           Processed rice              p_c          Petroleum, coal products
 sgr           Sugar                       crp          Chemical,rubber,plastic prods
 ofd           Food products nec           nmm          Mineral products nec
               Beverages and tobacco       i_s          Ferrous metals
               products                    nfm          Metals nec
                                           fmp          Metal products
                                           mvh          Motor vehicles and parts
                                           otn          Transport equipment nec
                                           ele          Electronic equipment
                                                        Machinery and equipment
                                           omf          Manufactures nec

Council for Economic Planning and Development, Republic of China, Taiwan Statistical
      Data Book 2005. Available at: www.cepd.gov.tw

Dimaranan, B.V. (ed.) (2006), Global Trade, Assistance, and Production: The GTAP 6.0
      Database, West Lafayette: Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
      (chapters downloadable at www.gtap.org).

Easterly, William. Compilation of Black Market premium. Available at:

FAOSTAT, 2005, 2006, Food and Agriculture Organization Statistics Databases.
     Available at: www.fao.org. Accessed: June 2006.

WDI (World Development Indicators), April 2006, World Bank Database. Available at:
     www.worldbank.org. Accessed: June 2006.

WITS (World Integrated Trade Solution), World Bank in collaboration with UNCTAD.
      Available at: http://wits.worldbank.org. Accessed: July 2006.
                                               High income and the world

                                             Countries and regional aggregates

                                                         High income countries

            Europe                          North America                                                            ANZ

             EC 6:                              Canada                            Japan                            Australia

  Belgium, France, Germany                   United States                                                      New Zealand

Italy, Luxembourg (not included

due to lack of data), Netherlands

        EC 9: EC 6 plus

       Denmark, Ireland

        United Kingdom

       EC 12: EC 9 plus                                               Other high income countries:

       Greece, Portugal,               Andorra, Aruba, the Bahamas, Bahrain, Bermuda, Brunei Darassalam, Cayman Islands, Channel
                                    Islands, Cyprus, Faeroe Islands, French Polynesia, Greenland, Guam, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Israel,
             Spain                    Korea Rep., Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macao, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands Antilles, New
                                        Caledonia, Puerto Rico, Qatar, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovenia, Taiwan (China),
      EC 15: EC 12 plus                                          United Arab Emirates, Virgin Islands (U.S.)

        Austria, Finland,


            EFTA 3:

        Iceland, Norway


                                                         Developing countries

                 By income (WDI classification)                       By region (countries included in the corresponding Compendium)

                      Upper middle income                                                          Africa

                      Lower middle income
                                                                      (with the high income countries Korea Rep. and Taiwan (China))
                                                                                          Europe and Central Asia
                            Low income
                                                                                   (with the high income country Slovenia)

                                                                                       Latin America and Caribbean
                                     High income and the world

  Countries and regional aggregates used for the indicators computed from GTAP database

                                               High income countries

        Europe                    North America                                                    ANZ

         EC 6:                        Canada                             Japan                   Australia

Belgium, France, Germany           United States                                                New Zealand

   Italy, Luxembourg,


    EC 9: EC 6 plus

    Denmark, Ireland

    United Kingdom

   EC 12: EC 9 plus                                        Other high income countries:

    Greece, Portugal,                                Hong Kong, Korea Rep., Singapore, Taiwan


   EC 15: EC 12 plus

    Austria, Finland,


        EFTA 3:

    Iceland, Norway


                                                Developing countries

                           By region (countries included in the corresponding Compendium)


                           (with the high income countries Korea Rep. and Taiwan (China))
                                               Europe and Central Asia
                                       (with the high income country Slovenia)

                                           Latin America and Caribbean
                                                           Poverty, headcount by region, 1981 to 2001

                                                                  1981   1984   1987    1990   1993     1996   1999   2002
                                      China                        634    425    308     375    334      212    223    212
People living on less than $1 a day

                                      Other East Asia              162    137    117      97     81       75     59     60

                                      India                        382    374    370     357    380      400    352    359

                                      Other South Asia              92     87    104     105     96       62     76     73

                                      Africa                       173    206    226     232    246      277    302    323

                                      Latin America & Caribbean     36     46     45      49     52       52     54     50

                                      ECA                            3      2      2       2     17       20     30     18

                                      World                       1482   1277   1171    1218   1207     1097   1095   1093

                                      China                        876    814    731     825    803      650    628    594
People living on less than $2 a day

                                      Other East Asia              294    295    298     292    276      273    272    271

                                      India                        630    661    697     731    770      806    804    826

                                      Other South Asia             191    197    214     226    235      223    235    238

                                      Africa                       340    376    408     433    462      508    560    586

                                      Latin America & Caribbean     99   119     115     125    136      117    127    128

                                      ECA                           20     18     15      23     81       97    112     94

                                      World                       2450   2480   2478    2654   2764     2674   2738   2736
People living on less than $1 a

                                      China                         43     33     26      31     28       19     20     19

                                      Other East Asia               11     11     10       8      7        7      5      5
         day (% world)

                                      India                         26     29     32      29     31       36     32     33

                                      Other South Asia               6      7      9       9      8        6      7      7

                                      Africa                        12     16     19      19     20       25     28     30

                                      Latin America & Caribbean      2      4      4       4      4        5      5      5

                                      ECA                            0      0      0       0      1        2      3      2
People living on less than $2 a

                                      China                         36     33     29      31     29       24     23     22

                                      Other East Asia               12     12     12      11     10       10     10     10
         day (% world)

                                      India                         26     27     28      28     28       30     29     30

                                      Other South Asia               8      8      9       9      9        8      9      9

                                      Africa                        14     15     16      16     17       19     20     21

                                      Latin America & Caribbean      4      5      5       5      5        4      5      5

                                      ECA                            1      1      1       1      3        4      4      3
                                                                                                      National as % world, 2000-2004 (A)

                                                                                                                                                                Total exports   Agricultural   Agricultural
                                                                                                   Agricultural           Agricultural           Agricultural
                                                                        Population   Labor force                  GDP                    Land                   of goods and     and food       and food
                                                                                                    workers                  GDP                    land
                                                                                                                                                                   services       exports       imports

                                                        EC 6                3.64         3.46           0.25      16.69        8.71       0.97        1.31          24.55           27.65          26.10

                                                        EC 9                4.75         4.59           0.31      22.40       10.51       1.24        1.80          31.83           33.76          33.59

                                                        EC 12               5.76         5.52           0.51      25.38       13.74       1.80        2.65          34.94           38.11          38.52

                                                        EC 15               6.12         5.89           0.54      27.23       14.80       2.41        2.82          38.33           40.91          41.19

                                                        EFTA 3              0.19         0.21           0.02       1.43        0.63       0.34        0.10           2.42            1.38           1.54

                                                        Europe above        6.31         6.10           0.56      28.66       15.43       2.76        2.92          40.75           42.29          42.73
High income countries

                                                        Canada              0.50         0.56           0.03       2.29        1.33       7.01        1.36           3.54            5.50           2.59
                                        North America

                                                        United States       4.64         4.90           0.22      30.39        9.49       7.06        8.24          11.76           11.48          11.26

                                                        North America
                                                                            5.14         5.46           0.25      32.67       10.82      14.08        9.60          15.31           16.98          13.85

                                                        Japan               2.05         2.27           0.19      12.51        4.94       0.28        0.10           6.06            0.76           8.68

                                                        Australia           0.32         0.33           0.03       1.34        1.18       5.92        9.03           1.01            2.78           0.73

                                                        New Zealand         0.06         0.06           0.01       0.20        0.40       0.21        0.35           0.24            1.46           0.23

                                                        ANZ total           0.38         0.39           0.05       1.54        1.57       6.13        9.37           1.24            4.24           0.96

                                                        High income
                                                        countries          13.88        14.22           1.05      75.38       32.76      23.25       21.99          63.36           64.27          66.22
                                                        Other high
                                                                            2.05         1.55           0.26       5.07        3.70       2.22        3.72          13.31            2.52           7.33

                                                        Upper middle
                                                                            9.15         8.78           3.46       6.98       10.10      22.35       14.97          10.03           12.40           9.69
                                        by income

                                                        Lower middle
                                                                           38.56        42.28          50.21       9.70       33.79      29.67       33.22          11.23           16.59          13.24
Developing countries

                                                        Low income         36.36        33.17          45.02       2.87       19.65      22.51       26.10           2.07            4.22           3.52

                                                        Africa             11.71        10.21          12.87       1.67        6.04      16.88       17.44
                                        by region

                                                        Asia               50.76        54.06          72.46      10.37       36.65      12.86       17.45          13.78           12.04          12.37

                                                        Europe and
                                                                            7.43         7.80           3.30       3.60        6.39      17.92       13.33
                                                        Central Asia

                                                        Latin America
                                                                            8.33         7.30           3.20       5.33        7.73      15.09       14.36           4.78
                                                        and Carib.
                        All countries

                                                        All studied
                                                                           87.83        89.89          89.75      94.94       89.57      76.94       78.36          87.77           93.03          90.29

                                                        Rest of the
                                                                           12.17        10.11          10.25       5.06       10.43      23.06       21.64          12.23            6.97           9.71
                                                                        National as % world, 2000-2004 (B)

                                                                                                                                      Agricultural land
                                                                                                                  Agricultural land                     RCA: agriculture
                                                             GDP per capita   Land per capita   Land per worker                       per agricultural
                                                                                                                     per capita                            and food

                                        EC 6                         459                27                28                 36                522               108

                                        EC 9                         472                26                27                 38                579               106

                                        EC 12                        441                31                33                 46                520               111

                                        EC 15                        445                39                41                 46                520               109

                                        EFTA 3                       735               177              165                  50                482                61

                                        Europe above                 454                44                45                 46                519               106
High income countries

                                        Canada                       453             1389              1259                 268               4792               143
                        North America

                                        United States                655               152              144                 178               3732               110

                                        North America
                                                                     636               274              258                 186               3852               119

                                        Japan                        610                14                12                  5                 55                12

                                        Australia                    424             1875              1799               2856               27070               285

                                        New Zealand                  310               325              326                 545               2726               667

                                        ANZ total                    405             1615              1562               2454               20358               354

                                        High income
                                                                     543               167              164                 157               2097               104
                                        countries above

                                        Other high income            247               108              143                 180               1421                19

                                        Upper middle
                                                                      76               244              255                 163                433               116
                        by income

                                        Lower middle
                                                                      25                77                70                 86                 66               138
Developing countries

                                        Low income                     8                62                68                 72                 58               205

                                        Africa                        14               144              165                 148                136
                        by region

                                        Asia                          20                25                24                 34                 24                80

                                        Europe and Central
                                                                      48               241              230                 178                404

                                        Latin America and
                                                                      64               181              207                 171                448
                                                                                              Growth rates, % per year, 1980-2004

                                                                                                                                                                    Total exports Agricultural   Agricultural
                                                                                                                 GDP per    Agricultural   Industrial    Services
                                                                                                      GDP                                                           of goods and   and food       and food
                                                                                     Agricultural                 capita       GDP           GDP           GDP
                                                          Population   Labor force                  (constant                                                          services     exports        imports
                                                                                      workers                   (constant    (constant     (constant    (constant
                                                                                                    2000 US$)                                                         (constant    (constant      (constant
                                                                                                                2000 US$)    2000 US$)     2000 US$)    2000 US$)
                                                                                                                                                                      2000 US$)    2000 US$)      2000 US$)

                                        EC 6                   0.3          0.5           -4.0          2.2         1.9           1.0           1.2         2.6           5.5           5.5            3.8

                                        EC 9                   0.3          0.5           -3.6          2.3         2.0           0.9           1.4         2.7           5.5           5.3            3.9

                                        EC 12                  0.3          0.6           -3.4          2.4         2.0           1.0           1.5         2.8           5.6           5.5            4.2

                                        EC 15                  0.3          0.6           -3.4          2.4         2.0           1.0           1.6         2.7           5.6           5.5            4.3

                                        EFTA 3                 0.6          1.0           -1.4          2.2         1.5          -0.4           1.8         2.4           4.3           5.1            3.8

                                        Europe above           0.3          0.6           -3.3          2.3         2.0           0.8           1.4         2.6           5.5           5.4            4.3
High income countries

                                        Canada                 1.1          1.5           -3.5          2.8         1.7           1.0           2.3         3.0           6.5           4.1            5.5
                        North America

                                        United States          1.1          1.3           -1.4          3.2         2.1           3.0           2.6         3.4           6.8           2.7            5.0

                                        North America
                                                               1.1          1.3           -1.7          3.2         2.0           2.7           2.6         3.4           6.7           3.1            5.1

                                        Japan                  0.4          0.8           -4.3          2.5         2.1          -1.7           2.0         3.0           4.0           3.0            4.1

                                        Australia              1.2          1.8            0.1          3.4         2.1           2.6           2.7         3.7           6.9           3.9            5.1

                                        New Zealand            1.1          1.7            0.6          2.3         1.2           3.2           1.2         2.6           4.8           4.6            6.6

                                        ANZ total              1.2          1.8            0.2          3.3         2.0           2.8           2.5         3.6           6.5           4.2            5.4

                                        High income
                                                               0.6          0.9           -3.1          2.7         2.1           0.8           1.7         2.9           5.7           4.5            4.4
                                        countries above

                                        Other high
                                                               1.6          2.7           -6.1          5.6         3.9           1.6           3.2         5.6           7.5

                                        Upper middle
                                                               1.1          1.4           -0.1          1.7         0.6           1.0           1.3         2.0           6.6           2.1            5.9
                        by income

                                        Lower middle
                                                               1.4          1.8            0.9          4.8         3.3           3.1           5.7         4.6           6.4           4.1            6.9
Developing countries

                                        Low income             2.2          2.3            1.5          4.5         2.2           3.0           4.8         5.3           6.6

                                        Africa                 2.6

                                        Asia                   1.6          1.9            1.1          7.1         5.5           3.1           8.6         7.5          11.2
                        by region

                                        Europe and
                                        Central Asia

                                        Latin America
                                                               1.8          2.6           -0.2          5.4         3.6                                                   7.2
                                        and Carib.

                                        World                  1.5          1.8            1.0          3.0         1.4           2.0           2.5         3.2           6.1           3.8            4.7
                                                                                      Population (millions)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                          192.8       200.9       207.6       211.0       213.3       214.9       219.9       223.4       226.2

                                        EC 9                          253.5       263.6       271.7       275.6       278.3       280.6       286.5       290.9       295.1

                                        EC 12                         302.1       314.1       323.8       330.6       335.9       339.2       345.8       351.4       357.9

                                        EC 15                         321.2       333.9       344.0       351.2       356.6       360.1       367.3       373.4       380.1

                                        EFTA 3                          9.4        10.0        10.5        10.6        10.7        11.0        11.4        11.8        12.1

                                        Europe above                  330.6       343.9       354.6       361.8       367.3       371.1       378.7       385.1       392.2
High income countries

                                        Canada                         18.6        20.4        22.0        23.8        25.2        26.6        28.5        30.0        31.4
                        North America

                                        United States                 186.4       198.6       209.7       220.4       231.6       242.3       256.4       272.6       288.1

                                        North America above           205.0       219.0       231.7       244.1       256.8       268.9       284.9       302.6       319.4

                                        Japan                          95.9       100.7       107.1       113.9       118.4       122.0       124.2       126.1       127.3

                                        Australia                      10.7        11.8        13.1        14.2        15.1        16.3        17.5        17.9        19.6

                                        New Zealand                     2.5         2.7         2.9         3.1         3.2         3.3         3.5         3.8         3.9

                                        ANZ total                      13.2        14.5        16.1        17.3        18.3        19.6        21.0        21.7        23.6

                                        High income countries
                                                                      644.8       678.1       709.4       737.1       760.8       781.6       808.9       835.5       862.6

                                        Other high income              56.5        64.7        72.9        81.8        91.8       101.1       108.6       118.6       127.6

                                        Upper middle income           333.2       361.5       389.3       420.3       452.9       487.1       517.9       544.6       568.4
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income          1196.5      1341.7      1517.5      1675.2      1821.8      1981.1      2141.8      2278.2      2396.0
Developing countries

                                        Low income                    897.7      1011.6      1143.1      1292.9      1461.0      1643.8      1844.7      2049.8      2258.9

                                        Africa                        255.9       290.0       330.6       378.9       437.2       505.0       576.9       650.1       727.4
                        by region

                                        Asia                         1480.5      1663.6      1884.8      2094.6      2296.9      2514.5      2743.6      2957.1      3153.8

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                               456.8       460.7       462.0

                                        Latin America and Carib.      219.1       251.1       285.4       322.5       361.9       401.8       440.9       479.4       517.4

                                        World                        3128.7      3457.6      3832.2      4207.4      4588.3      4994.8      5422.0      5826.7      6213.6
                                                                                     Labor force (millions)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                           84.5        86.2        88.4        91.8        94.3        97.4       101.0       103.3       104.2

                                        EC 9                          112.1       114.6       117.6       121.9       125.3       129.2       133.7       136.7       138.3

                                        EC 12                         131.0       133.9       137.6       143.3       148.3       153.4       159.2       163.7       166.4

                                        EC 15                         139.7       142.8       146.8       153.0       158.4       163.9       170.1       174.8       177.5

                                        EFTA 3                          4.1         4.4         4.7         5.0         5.2         5.6         6.0         6.2         6.3

                                        Europe above                  143.9       147.3       151.6       158.0       163.6       169.5       176.1       181.0       183.8
High income countries

                                        Canada                          7.1         8.1         9.5        11.1        12.5        13.8        15.1        16.0        16.8
                        North America

                                        United States                  79.5        85.7        93.5       104.7       115.5       123.9       132.3       140.5       147.8

                                        North America above            86.6        93.8       103.0       115.8       128.0       137.6       147.3       156.5       164.6

                                        Japan                          46.7        50.4        54.3        56.5        58.8        62.3        65.0        67.2        68.3

                                        Australia                       4.5         5.0         5.7         6.4         7.0         7.8         8.7         9.4         9.9

                                        New Zealand                     0.9         1.0         1.2         1.3         1.4         1.5         1.7         1.8         1.9

                                        ANZ total                       5.4         6.1         6.9         7.7         8.3         9.4        10.4        11.2        11.8

                                        High income countries
                                                                      282.6       297.6       315.7       337.9       358.8       378.7       398.8       415.9       428.6

                                        Other high income              15.0        17.1        19.8        23.6        28.0        32.8        37.5        42.2        46.6

                                        Upper middle income           142.7       154.6       168.4       184.5       200.5       215.4       232.0       249.4       264.6
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income           570.2       628.4       711.8       806.8       901.0      1009.5      1115.3      1200.3      1274.5
Developing countries

                                        Low income                    428.1       466.9       518.1       578.8       644.4       717.3       803.3       903.8       999.9

                                        Africa                                                                                                239.6       273.9       307.7
                        by region

                                        Asia                          724.2       795.7       898.3      1015.9      1131.8      1263.1      1397.6      1519.8      1629.4

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                               227.2       231.2       235.0

                                        Latin America and Carib.       75.4        84.7        97.3       113.8       132.9       154.6       177.2       199.4       220.2

                                        World                        1438.6      1564.5      1734.0      1931.6      2132.7      2353.8      2586.9      2811.6      3014.2
                                                                                Agricultural workers (millions)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                           15.3        12.5        10.0         8.7         7.4         6.2         5.0         4.1         3.3

                                        EC 9                           16.9        13.9        11.3         9.9         8.5         7.2         6.0         4.9         4.1

                                        EC 12                          24.6        20.7        17.2        15.2        13.2        11.3         9.5         8.0         6.8

                                        EC 15                          26.3        22.1        18.4        16.2        14.1        12.1        10.1         8.5         7.2

                                        EFTA 3                          0.5         0.5         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.3         0.3         0.3

                                        Europe above                   26.8        22.6        18.8        16.6        14.4        12.4        10.5         8.8         7.5
High income countries

                                        Canada                          0.8         0.8         0.7         0.8         0.8         0.6         0.5         0.4         0.4
                        North America

                                        United States                   4.8         4.3         3.9         3.9         3.9         3.7         3.5         3.2         2.9

                                        North America above             5.6         5.0         4.6         4.7         4.6         4.3         4.0         3.6         3.3

                                        Japan                          13.8        11.9         9.7         7.6         6.0         5.2         4.2         3.3         2.5

                                        Australia                       0.5         0.5         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.5         0.5         0.5         0.4

                                        New Zealand                     0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.2         0.2         0.2         0.2         0.2

                                        ANZ total                       0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6

                                        High income countries
                                                                       46.9        40.1        33.6        29.5        25.6        22.6        19.3        16.3        13.9

                                        Other high income              20.6        17.2        14.2        13.0        11.2         8.4         5.3         4.1         3.5

                                        Upper middle income            44.5        45.3        45.8        46.2        46.9        48.1        48.6        47.5        46.0
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income           420.6       445.2       483.7       526.2       564.8       612.9       650.5       662.8       667.5
Developing countries

                                        Low income                    328.6       352.6       382.6       415.3       447.9       481.1       519.6       562.0       598.4

                                        Africa                                                                                                146.5       159.2       171.1
                        by region

                                        Asia                          564.3       604.1       661.6       724.2       781.2       846.0       903.6       938.9       963.3

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                48.9        46.5        43.8

                                        Latin America and Carib.       36.2        38.0        40.1        42.4        43.9        44.1        43.6        43.2        42.6

                                        World                         861.2       900.3       960.0      1030.2      1096.4      1173.2      1243.3      1292.8      1329.4
                                                                               Agricultural workers (% labor force)
                                                                   1960-1964    1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            18           14          11          10           8            6           5           4           3

                                        EC 9                            15           12          10           8           7            6           4           4           3

                                        EC 12                           19           15          13          11           9           7            6           5           4

                                        EC 15                           19           15          13          11           9           7            6           5           4

                                        EFTA 3                          13           11           9           8            7           6           6           5           4

                                        Europe above                    19           15          12          10            9           7           6           5           4
High income countries

                                        Canada                          12            9           8           7           6            4           3           3           2
                        North America

                                        United States                    6            5           4           4           3            3           3           2           2

                                        North America above              6            5           4           4           4            3           3           2           2

                                        Japan                           30           24          18          14          10            8           7           5           4

                                        Australia                       10            9           8           7           6            6           5           5           4

                                        New Zealand                     14           13          12          11          11          11          10            9           9

                                        ANZ total                       11           10           8           8            7           7           6           6           5

                                        High income countries
                                                                        17           13          11           9           7            6           5           4           3

                                        Other high income              138          101          71          55          40          26          14          10            7

                                        Upper middle income             31           29          27          25          23          22          21          19          17
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income             74           71          68          65          63          61          58          55          52
Developing countries

                                        Low income                      77           76          74          72          70          67          65          62          60

                                        Africa                                                                                                   61          58          56
                        by region

                                        Asia                            78           76          74          71          69          67          65          62          59

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                  22          20          19

                                        Latin America and Carib.        48           45          41          37          33          29          25          22          19

                                        World                           60           58          55          53          51          50          48          46          44
                                                                                           GDP ($ billions)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                  785.0      1546.9      2020.8      3019.1      4885.6      5622.1      5816.0

                                        EC 9                                                  975.0      1900.7      2584.7      3818.7      6097.1      7184.6      7806.0

                                        EC 12                                                1065.3      2099.7      2847.7      4219.0      6825.5      8024.5      8843.8

                                        EC 15                                                1151.7      2277.9      3080.6      4577.0      7355.4      8627.4      9486.3

                                        EFTA 3                                     27.4        55.0       119.2       166.8       249.0       374.1       444.7       499.4

                                        Europe above                                         1206.6      2397.1      3247.4      4826.0      7729.5      9072.1      9985.6
High income countries

                                        Canada                                     64.6       114.6       204.0       307.4       433.4       568.8       614.4       796.2
                        North America

                                        United States                             838.5      1244.0      2053.9      3303.0      4764.6      6322.5      8253.3     10587.7

                                        North America above                       903.2      1358.6      2257.9      3610.5      5198.0      6891.3      8867.6     11383.9

                                        Japan                                     128.7       323.5       749.5      1157.3      2344.8      3891.7      4532.2      4358.6

                                        Australia                                  32.2        65.4       120.3       185.0       230.5       317.5       394.5       466.6

                                        New Zealand                                 5.8        10.1        16.2        23.6        35.2        44.4        61.3        68.6

                                        ANZ total                                  38.0        75.5       136.5       208.6       265.7       361.8       455.8       535.2

                                        High income countries
                                                                                             2964.3      5541.0      8223.8     12634.5     18874.4     22927.7     26263.4

                                        Other high income                                       5.4       138.5       253.6       540.6      1072.5      1497.2      1766.1

                                        Upper middle income                       254.1       394.2       748.8      1230.0      1263.8      1759.6      2022.2      2432.0
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                       202.7       354.2       724.7      1113.3      1376.8      1775.8      2822.8      3380.5
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                113.2       170.4       299.8       449.1       541.8       578.3       761.5      1000.5

                                        Africa                                                                                    375.3       421.4       492.8       583.4
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                     1119.9      1723.8      2715.7      3612.9

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                              1023.5      1021.7      1255.3

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                          467.7       741.4       791.8      1294.4      1849.3      1858.3

                                        World                                    2280.7      3888.5      7452.8     11269.8     16357.4     24060.6     30031.3     34842.4
                                                                                         GDP per capita ($)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                  3781        7331        9473       14048       22219       25162       25716

                                        EC 9                                                  3589        6897        9288       13610       21283       24700       26455

                                        EC 12                                                 3290        6350        8479       12439       19739       22835       24713

                                        EC 15                                                 3347        6486        8640       12711       20024       23107       24959

                                        EFTA 3                                    2746        5231       11226       15535       22671       32782       37783       41221

                                        Europe above                                          3403        6625        8841       13005       20409       23556       25461
High income countries

                                        Canada                                    3171        5206        8585       12214       16298       19967       20511       25385
                        North America

                                        United States                             4222        5933        9320       14262       19661       24656       30271       36753

                                        North America above                       4125        5864        9248       14061       19329       24187       29305       35637

                                        Japan                                     1278        3021        6582        9772       19217       31325       35950       34226

                                        Australia                                 2722        4975        8474       12215       14159       18149       22028       23761

                                        New Zealand                               2128        3456        5194        7422       10602       12562       16274       17372

                                        ANZ total                                 2611        4700        7884       11383       13556       17210       21028       22691

                                        High income countries
                                                                                              4179        7517       10809       16165       23333       27443       30448

                                        Other high income                                                 1692        2763        5346        9879       12624       13837

                                        Upper middle income                        688        1013        1782        2716        2595        3397        3713        4279
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                        151         233         433         611         695         829        1239        1411
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                 112         149         232         307         330         313         371         443

                                        Africa                                                                                     743         730         758         802
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                       445         628         918        1146

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                               2241        2218        2717

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                          1450        2049        1971        2936        3858        3591

                                        World                                      660        1015        1771        2456        3275        4438        5154        5607
                                                                                    Governance Indicators

                                                                      Voice and                         Government                                    Control of
                                                                                    Political Stability               Regulatory Quality Rule of Law
                                                                     Accountability                     Effectiveness                                 Corruption
                                                                   1996-98 2003-05 1996-98 2003-05 1996-98 2003-05 1996-98 2003-05 1996-98 2003-05 1996-98 2003-05

                                        EC 6                         1.3     1.3      0.9    0.6     1.7     1.5     1.1     1.3     1.5      1.4     1.6     1.5

                                        EC 9                         1.4     1.3      1.0    0.7     1.8     1.6     1.2     1.4     1.6      1.5     1.8     1.7

                                        EC 12                        1.3     1.3      0.9    0.6     1.7     1.5     1.1     1.4     1.5      1.4     1.6     1.5

                                        EC 15                        1.3     1.3      0.9    0.8     1.8     1.6     1.1     1.4     1.6      1.5     1.7     1.7

                                        EFTA 3                       1.5     1.4      1.3    1.4     2.1     2.2     0.9     1.6     2.0      2.0     2.2     2.2

                                        Europe above                 1.4     1.3      1.0    0.9     1.8     1.7     1.1     1.4     1.7      1.6     1.8     1.7
High income countries

                                        Canada                       1.3     1.3      0.9    0.9     2.1     2.0     1.1     1.6     1.8      1.8     2.4     2.0
                        North America

                                        United States                1.4     1.2      0.9    0.1     1.9     1.7     1.4     1.5     1.7      1.6     1.9     1.7

                                        North America above          1.4     1.3      0.9    0.5     2.0     1.9     1.2     1.5     1.8      1.7     2.1     1.8

                                        Japan                        1.0     1.0      0.9    1.0     1.2     1.2     0.6     1.1     1.6      1.3     1.2     1.2

                                        Australia                    1.5     1.4      1.0    0.8     1.9     2.0     1.2     1.6     1.9      1.8     2.1     2.0

                                        New Zealand                  1.4     1.4      1.2    1.3     2.2     2.1     1.6     1.7     2.1      1.9     2.5     2.3

                                        ANZ total                    1.5     1.4      1.1    1.0     2.1     2.0     1.4     1.7     2.0      1.9     2.3     2.2

                                        High income countries
                                                                     1.4     1.4      1.0    0.9     1.9     1.8     1.2     1.5     1.8      1.7     2.0     1.8

                                        Africa                       -0.7    -0.7    -0.8    -0.8    -0.6    -0.7    -0.5    -0.7    -0.6    -0.7    -0.6    -0.7
Developing countries

                        by region

                                        Asia                         -0.4    -0.3    -0.4    -0.6    0.1     0.1     0.2     -0.1    0.0     -0.2    -0.2    -0.4

                                        Europe and Central Asia      -0.2    -0.1    -0.1    -0.2    -0.4    -0.1    -0.3    0.0     -0.4    -0.3    -0.4    -0.4

                                        Latin America and Carib.     0.2     0.2     -0.2    -0.3            -0.2    0.4     0.0     -0.3    -0.3            -0.3
                                                                                    Total land (Ha millions)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                           126         126         126         126         126         126         126         126         126

                                        EC 9                           161         161         161         161         161         161         161         161         161

                                        EC 12                          233         233         233         233         233         233         233         233         233

                                        EC 15                          313         313         313         313         313         313         313         313         313

                                        EFTA 3                          45          45          45          45          45          45          45          45          45

                                        Europe above                   358         358         358         358         358         358         358         358         358
High income countries

                                        Canada                         909         909         909         909         909         909         909         909         909
                        North America

                                        United States                  916         916         916         916         916         916         916         916         916

                                        North America above           1825        1825        1825        1825        1825        1825        1825        1825        1825

                                        Japan                           37          37          37          37          37          36          36          36          36

                                        Australia                      768         768         768         768         768         768         768         768         768

                                        New Zealand                     27          27          27          27          27          27          27          27          27

                                        ANZ total                      795         795         795         795         795         795         795         795         795

                                        High income countries
                                                                      3015        3015        3015        3015        3015        3014        3014        3014        3014

                                        Other high income              279         279         279         279         279         279         280         285         287

                                        Upper middle income           1225        1225        1225        1225        1225        1225        2229        2898        2898
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income           3415        3415        3415        3415        3415        3415        3674        3847        3847
Developing countries

                                        Low income                    2730        2730        2730        2730        2730        2730        2822        2919        2919

                                        Africa                                                                                                2188        2188        2188
                        by region

                                        Asia                          1668        1668        1668        1668        1668        1668        1668        1668        1668

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                               2324        2324        2324

                                        Latin America and Carib.      1957        1957        1957        1957        1957        1957        1957        1957        1957

                                        World                        10664       10664       10664       10664       10664       10664       12019       12963       12966
                                                                                Agricultural land (Ha millions)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            78          77          73          72          71          70          67          66          65

                                        EC 9                           107         105         101          99          98          96          92          91          89

                                        EC 12                          153         151         146         144         142         140         136         133         132

                                        EC 15                          164         161         156         154         152         150         145         142         141

                                        EFTA 3                           5           5           5           5           5            5           5           5           5

                                        Europe above                   169         167         162         159         157         155         150         147         145
High income countries

                                        Canada                          70          70          69          68          66          68          68          68          68
                        North America

                                        United States                  443         436         432         429         430         429         425         415         410

                                        North America above            513         506         501         497         497         496         493         483         478

                                        Japan                            7           7           7           6           6            6           6           5           5

                                        Australia                      465         476         485         482         478         471         465         462         449

                                        New Zealand                     16          16          16          17          18          18          17          17          17

                                        ANZ total                      482         492         501         499         495         488         482         478         467

                                        High income countries
                                                                      1171        1171        1170        1162        1155        1146        1130        1114        1095

                                        Other high income               76          80          84          87          90         110         154         185         185

                                        Upper middle income            743         730         732         734         735         740         746         746         745
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income           1298        1342        1398        1450        1505        1586        1626        1636        1654
Developing countries

                                        Low income                    1220        1228        1234        1230        1233        1250        1264        1278        1300

                                        Africa                                                                                                 842         859         868
                        by region

                                        Asia                           630         651         677         712         757         824         843         850         869

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                682         668         664

                                        Latin America and Carib.       575         590         617         640         656         672         693         710         715

                                        World                         4508        4551        4619        4663        4718        4832        4920        4960        4979
                                                                                   Arable land (Ha millions)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                           46          44          41          41          40          41          40          40          40

                                        EC 9                           58          56          52          51          51          51          50          50          49

                                        EC 12                          79          77          73          72          72          72          70          69          67

                                        EC 15                          87          84          81          79          79          78          77          75          74

                                        EFTA 3                          1           1           1           1           1           1           1           1           1

                                        Europe above                   88          86          82          80          80          80          78          76          75
High income countries

                                        Canada                         41          43          43          44          45          45          46          46          46
                        North America

                                        United States                 179         179         188         187         188         187         184         179         174

                                        North America above           220         222         231         231         233         232         230         224         220

                                        Japan                           6           5           5           5           5           5           5           5           4

                                        Australia                      33          40          41          42          45          47          48          50          49

                                        New Zealand                     3           3           3           3           3           3           2           2           2

                                        ANZ total                      36          43          44          45          48          50          50          51          51

                                        High income countries
                                                                      350         356         361         362         366         366         362         356         350

                                        Other high income

                                        Upper middle income
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income
Developing countries

                                        Low income

                                        Africa                                                                                                164         174         178
                        by region

                                        Asia                          329         333         334         338         345         368         366         367         383

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                               284         273         264

                                        Latin America and Carib.       97         100         111         119         123         127         130         137         139

                                        World                        1291        1304        1326        1339        1357        1392        1397        1397        1402
                                                                                      Land per capita (Ha)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            0.7         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6

                                        EC 9                            0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.5

                                        EC 12                           0.8         0.7         0.7         0.7         0.7         0.7         0.7         0.7         0.7

                                        EC 15                           1.0         0.9         0.9         0.9         0.9         0.9         0.9         0.8         0.8

                                        EFTA 3                          4.8         4.5         4.2         4.2         4.2         4.1         3.9         3.8         3.7

                                        Europe above                    1.1         1.0         1.0         1.0         1.0         1.0         0.9         0.9         0.9
High income countries

                                        Canada                         48.4        44.6        41.3        38.3        36.1        34.2        31.9        30.4        29.0
                        North America

                                        United States                   4.9         4.6         4.4         4.2         4.0         3.8         3.6         3.4         3.2

                                        North America above             8.9         8.3         7.9         7.5         7.1         6.8         6.4         6.0         5.7

                                        Japan                           0.4         0.4         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3

                                        Australia                      70.9        65.0        58.4        54.1        50.7        47.2        43.9        42.9        39.1

                                        New Zealand                    10.7         9.9         9.2         8.6         8.4         8.1         7.6         7.1         6.8

                                        ANZ total                      60.2        54.7        49.5        45.9        43.4        40.6        37.8        36.7        33.7

                                        High income countries
                                                                        4.7         4.4         4.2         4.1         4.0         3.9         3.7         3.6         3.5

                                        Other high income               4.9         4.3         3.8         3.4         3.0         2.8         2.6         2.4         2.3

                                        Upper middle income             3.6         3.4         3.1         2.9         2.7         2.5         4.3         5.3         5.1
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income             2.8         2.5         2.3         2.0         1.9         1.7         1.7         1.7         1.6
Developing countries

                                        Low income                      3.0         2.7         2.4         2.1         1.9         1.7         1.5         1.4         1.3

                                        Africa                                                                                                  3.8         3.4         3.0
                        by region

                                        Asia                            1.1         1.0         0.9         0.8         0.7         0.7         0.6         0.6         0.5

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                 5.1         5.0         5.0

                                        Latin America and Carib.        8.9         7.8         6.9         6.1         5.4         4.9         4.4         4.1         3.8

                                        World                           3.4         3.1         2.8         2.5         2.3         2.1         2.2         2.2         2.1
                                                                                      Land per worker (Ha)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            1.5         1.5         1.4         1.4         1.3         1.3         1.2         1.2         1.2

                                        EC 9                            1.4         1.4         1.4         1.3         1.3         1.2         1.2         1.2         1.2

                                        EC 12                           1.8         1.7         1.7         1.6         1.6         1.5         1.5         1.4         1.4

                                        EC 15                           2.2         2.2         2.1         2.0         2.0         1.9         1.8         1.8         1.8

                                        EFTA 3                         10.8        10.1         9.5         9.0         8.5         7.9         7.4         7.2         7.1

                                        Europe above                    2.5         2.4         2.4         2.3         2.2         2.1         2.0         2.0         1.9
High income countries

                                        Canada                        127.2       112.0        96.1        82.3        72.5        66.1        60.4        56.7        54.2
                        North America

                                        United States                  11.5        10.7         9.8         8.7         7.9         7.4         6.9         6.5         6.2

                                        North America above            21.1        19.5        17.7        15.8        14.3        13.3        12.4        11.7        11.1

                                        Japan                           0.8         0.7         0.7         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.5         0.5

                                        Australia                     171.7       153.0       133.9       120.3       110.2        98.1        88.5        82.0        77.4

                                        New Zealand                    28.4        25.8        23.1        20.9        19.5        17.6        16.0        14.8        14.0

                                        ANZ total                     146.7       131.2       115.2       103.6        95.2        85.0        76.8        71.1        67.2

                                        High income countries
                                                                       10.7        10.1         9.5         8.9         8.4         8.0         7.6         7.2         7.0

                                        Other high income              18.6        16.3        14.0        11.8        10.0         8.5         7.5         6.7         6.2

                                        Upper middle income             8.6         7.9         7.3         6.6         6.1         5.7         9.6        11.6        11.0
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income             6.0         5.4         4.8         4.2         3.8         3.4         3.3         3.2         3.0
Developing countries

                                        Low income                      6.4         5.8         5.3         4.7         4.2         3.8         3.5         3.2         2.9

                                        Africa                                                                                                  9.1         8.0         7.1
                        by region

                                        Asia                            2.3         2.1         1.9         1.6         1.5         1.3         1.2         1.1         1.0

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                10.2        10.0         9.9

                                        Latin America and Carib.       26.0        23.1        20.1        17.2        14.7        12.7        11.0         9.8         8.9

                                        World                           7.4         6.8         6.2         5.5         5.0         4.5         4.6         4.6         4.3
                                                                                  Arable land per worker (Ha)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                          0.5         0.5         0.5         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4

                                        EC 9                          0.5         0.5         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4

                                        EC 12                         0.6         0.6         0.5         0.5         0.5         0.5         0.4         0.4         0.4

                                        EC 15                         0.6         0.6         0.5         0.5         0.5         0.5         0.5         0.4         0.4

                                        EFTA 3                        0.3         0.3         0.2         0.2         0.2         0.2         0.2         0.2         0.2

                                        Europe above                  0.6         0.6         0.5         0.5         0.5         0.5         0.4         0.4         0.4
High income countries

                                        Canada                        5.8         5.3         4.5         4.0         3.6         3.3         3.0         2.8         2.7
                        North America

                                        United States                 2.2         2.1         2.0         1.8         1.6         1.5         1.4         1.3         1.2

                                        North America above           2.5         2.4         2.2         2.0         1.8         1.7         1.6         1.4         1.3

                                        Japan                         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1

                                        Australia                     7.3         8.0         7.2         6.6         6.5         6.0         5.5         5.3         5.0

                                        New Zealand                   3.2         2.9         2.5         2.1         1.9         1.7         1.3         0.9         0.8

                                        ANZ total                     6.6         7.1         6.4         5.9         5.7         5.3         4.8         4.6         4.3

                                        High income countries
                                                                      1.2         1.2         1.1         1.1         1.0         1.0         0.9         0.9         0.8

                                        Other high income

                                        Upper middle income
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income
Developing countries

                                        Low income

                                        Africa                                                                                                0.7         0.6         0.6
                        by region

                                        Asia                          0.5         0.4         0.4         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.2         0.2

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                               1.2         1.2         1.1

                                        Latin America and Carib.      1.3         1.2         1.1         1.0         0.9         0.8         0.7         0.7         0.6

                                        World                         0.9         0.8         0.8         0.7         0.6         0.6         0.5         0.5         0.5
                                                                               Agricultural land per capita (Ha)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            0.4         0.4         0.4         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3

                                        EC 9                            0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3

                                        EC 12                           0.5         0.5         0.5         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4

                                        EC 15                           0.5         0.5         0.5         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4

                                        EFTA 3                          0.6         0.5         0.5         0.5         0.5         0.5         0.4         0.4         0.4

                                        Europe above                    0.5         0.5         0.5         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4         0.4
High income countries

                                        Canada                          3.7         3.4         3.1         2.9         2.6         2.5         2.4         2.3         2.2
                        North America

                                        United States                   2.4         2.2         2.1         1.9         1.9         1.8         1.7         1.5         1.4

                                        North America above             2.5         2.3         2.2         2.0         1.9         1.8         1.7         1.6         1.5

                                        Japan                           0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                        Australia                      42.9        40.2        36.9        34.0        31.5        28.9        26.6        25.8        23.0

                                        New Zealand                     6.5         6.0         5.6         5.6         5.6         5.3         4.9         4.4         4.4

                                        ANZ total                      36.5        33.8        31.2        28.9        27.0        24.9        22.9        22.1        19.8

                                        High income countries
                                                                        1.8         1.7         1.6         1.6         1.5         1.5         1.4         1.3         1.3

                                        Other high income               1.3         1.2         1.2         1.1         1.0         1.1         1.4         1.6         1.5

                                        Upper middle income             2.2         2.0         1.9         1.7         1.6         1.5         1.4         1.4         1.3
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income             1.1         1.0         0.9         0.9         0.8         0.8         0.8         0.7         0.7
Developing countries

                                        Low income                      1.3         1.2         1.1         1.0         0.8         0.8         0.7         0.6         0.6

                                        Africa                                                                                                  1.5         1.3         1.2
                        by region

                                        Asia                            0.4         0.4         0.4         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                 1.5         1.5         1.4

                                        Latin America and Carib.        2.6         2.3         2.2         2.0         1.8         1.7         1.6         1.5         1.4

                                        World                           1.4         1.3         1.2         1.1         1.0         1.0         0.9         0.9         0.8
                                                                      Agricultural land per agricultural worker (Ha)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            5.1         6.2         7.3         8.2         9.6        11.3        13.3        16.1        19.5

                                        EC 9                            6.3         7.6         8.9        10.0        11.5        13.4        15.5        18.4        21.7

                                        EC 12                           6.2         7.3         8.5         9.5        10.7        12.4        14.3        16.7        19.5

                                        EC 15                           6.2         7.3         8.5         9.5        10.8        12.4        14.3        16.7        19.5

                                        EFTA 3                         10.1        11.4        12.6        13.6        14.7        15.0        15.0        16.4        18.1

                                        Europe above                    6.3         7.4         8.6         9.6        10.9        12.4        14.3        16.7        19.4
High income countries

                                        Canada                         83.4        92.8        96.6        88.4        88.3       113.1       143.7       161.9       179.5
                        North America

                                        United States                  92.4       102.4       112.0       110.4       111.6       114.9       120.9       129.8       139.8

                                        North America above            91.1       100.9       109.6       106.8       107.8       114.6       123.6       133.6       144.3

                                        Japan                           0.5         0.6         0.7         0.8         1.0         1.1         1.3         1.6         2.1

                                        Australia                     995.6      1056.3      1093.5      1085.7      1089.4      1038.0      1008.7      1020.0      1013.9

                                        New Zealand                   123.4       123.5       120.7       119.0       117.3       108.9       102.5        97.5       102.1

                                        ANZ total                     802.9       844.8       865.2       846.5       839.4       794.2       766.3       768.1       762.5

                                        High income countries
                                                                       25.0        29.2        34.8        39.4        45.1        50.7        58.5        68.3        78.6

                                        Other high income               3.7         4.6         6.0         6.7         8.1        13.1        29.2        44.7        53.2

                                        Upper middle income            16.7        16.1        16.0        15.9        15.7        15.4        15.4        15.7        16.2
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income             3.1         3.0         2.9         2.8         2.7         2.6         2.5         2.5         2.5
Developing countries

                                        Low income                      3.7         3.5         3.2         3.0         2.8         2.6         2.4         2.3         2.2

                                        Africa                                                                                                  5.7         5.4         5.1
                        by region

                                        Asia                            1.1         1.1         1.0         1.0         1.0         1.0         0.9         0.9         0.9

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                14.0        14.4        15.1

                                        Latin America and Carib.       15.9        15.5        15.4        15.1        14.9        15.2        15.9        16.4        16.8

                                        World                           5.2         5.1         4.8         4.5         4.3         4.1         4.0         3.8         3.7
                                                                                      Agriculture (% GDP)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                     5           4           3            3           2           2           2

                                        EC 9                                                     5           4           3            3           2           2           2

                                        EC 12                                                    6           5           4            3           3           2           2

                                        EC 15                                                    6           5           4            3           3           2           2

                                        EFTA 3                                                                                                    3           2           1

                                        Europe above                                                                                              3           2           2
High income countries

                                        Canada                                       5           5           4           4            3           3           3           2
                        North America

                                        United States                                            4           3            3           2           2           1           1

                                        North America above                                      4           3            3           2           2           1           1

                                        Japan                                        8           6           5           3            3           2           2           1

                                        Australia                                                8           6            5           5           3           3           3

                                        New Zealand                                             11          10            9           7           7           7           9

                                        ANZ total                                                9           7            6           5           4           4           3

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                                                                  2           2           1

                                        Other high income                                                                                         5           4           3

                                        Upper middle income                         19          18          16          12          12           8            6           5
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                         29          24          20          19          18          16          14          12
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                  43          40          36          32          31          30          28          24

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                        22          17          15          12

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                 10            9           6

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                                                                  8           7           6

                                        World                                                    9           8            7           6           5           4           4
                                                                                           Industry (%GDP)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                    38          35          33          31          28          26          24

                                        EC 9                                                    38          35          34          31          28          26          24

                                        EC 12                                                   38          35          34          31          28          26          24

                                        EC 15                                                   38          35          33          31          28          26          24

                                        EFTA 3                                                                                                  31          29          28

                                        Europe above                                                                                            28          26          25
High income countries

                                        Canada                                      35          34          34          34          32          28          29          31
                        North America

                                        United States                                           31          31          30          27          24          23          21

                                        North America above                                     33          31          31          28          25          24          21

                                        Japan                                       43          44          41          40          39          37          33          31

                                        Australia                                               33          33          32          29          26          25          23

                                        New Zealand                                             32          32          32          28          25          24          23

                                        ANZ total                                               36          33          32          29          26          25          21

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                                                                29          27          24

                                        Other high income                                                                                       38          35          16

                                        Upper middle income                         40          42          43          43          42          35          31          30
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                         34          40          40          39          38          38          36          40
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                  18          20          22          24          23          24          24          25

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                        35          37          38          38

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                 36          31          26

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                                                                31          27          29

                                        World                                                   36          36          35          33          30          28          27
                                                                                           Services (% GDP)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969    1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                     57          61          63          66          69          72          74

                                        EC 9                                                     57          61          63          66          69          72          74

                                        EC 12                                                    56          60          63          66          69          72          74

                                        EC 15                                                    56          60          63          66          69          72          74

                                        EFTA 3                                                                                                   67          68          70

                                        Europe above                                                                                             69          71          74
High income countries

                                        Canada                                      59           62          61          63          65          70          69          67
                        North America

                                        United States                                            65          66          67          71          74          75          78

                                        North America above                                      63          65          67          70          73          75          78

                                        Japan                                       49           50          55          56          58          61          65          68

                                        Australia                                                59          61          63          67          71          72          73

                                        New Zealand                                              57          58          59          65          67          69          68

                                        ANZ total                                                55          61          62          66          70          72          76

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                                                                 69          71          74

                                        Other high income                                                                                        57          62          81

                                        Upper middle income                         41           41          41          45          45          56          63          65
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                         37           36          40          41          44          47          50          48
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                  39           40          42          44          46          46          47          51

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                         43          46          47          49

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                  54          60          68

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                                                                 61          66          65

                                        World                                                    54          56          58          62          65          68          70
                                                                                  Agricultural GDP (% world)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                   10.3        10.2         8.9         9.1        10.5         9.7         8.7

                                        EC 9                                                   12.2        12.1        10.7        11.0        12.8        11.8        10.5

                                        EC 12                                                  15.6        15.8        13.8        14.2        17.0        15.4        13.7

                                        EC 15                                                  17.1        17.4        15.2        15.7        18.5        16.6        14.8

                                        EFTA 3                                                                                                  0.9         0.8         0.6

                                        Europe above                                                                                           19.4        17.4        15.4
High income countries

                                        Canada                                                  1.5         1.5         1.4         1.4         1.4         1.3         1.3
                        North America

                                        United States                                          12.7        10.9        10.5        10.2        10.3         9.5         9.5

                                        North America above                                    14.2        12.4        11.9        11.5        11.7        10.8        10.8

                                        Japan                                                   5.1         5.9         5.0         6.8         7.9         6.3         4.9

                                        Australia                                               1.4         1.2         1.2         1.1         1.0         1.0         1.2

                                        New Zealand                                             0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.4

                                        ANZ total                                               1.7         1.5         1.5         1.4         1.3         1.4         1.6

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                                                               40.2        35.8        32.8

                                        Other high income                                                                                       4.6         4.3         3.7

                                        Upper middle income                                    19.0        20.1        19.1        16.3        13.6        10.6        10.1
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                    23.3        23.7        27.0        26.5        25.6        31.7        33.8
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                             18.1        17.4        18.4        17.7        15.9        17.5        19.6

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                       25.9        26.5        33.1        36.7

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                11.9         7.5         7.0

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                                                                9.0        10.6         9.8
                                                                 Official exchange rate (LCU per US$)
                                                      1960-1964    1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994 1995-1999* 2000-2004

                                     Austria              26.0         26.0        22.5        16.0        16.8        14.8        11.4         11.3           1.0

                                     Belgium              50.0         50.0        44.2        34.4        44.2        43.5        33.6         33.1           1.0

                                     Denmark               6.9          7.2         6.8         5.7         8.1         7.9         6.3          6.3           7.4

                                     Finland               3.2          3.6         4.0         3.9         4.9         4.8         4.7          4.9           1.0

                                     France                4.9          5.0         5.1         4.6         6.5         6.9         5.5          5.5           1.0

                                     Germany               4.0          4.0         3.1         2.2         2.4         2.1         1.6          1.6           1.0

                                     Greece               30.0         30.0        29.9        35.8        73.1       143.6       200.7        285.3           1.0

                                     Iceland               0.4          0.6         0.9         2.3        16.2        44.3        62.5         69.1         82.9

                                     Ireland               0.4          0.4         0.4         0.5         0.7         0.7         0.6          0.7           1.0

                                     Italy               624.8        625.0       612.4       809.4      1324.3      1474.0      1371.4      1652.8            1.0
  High income countries

                                     Luxembourg           50.0         50.0        44.2        34.4        44.2        43.5        33.6         33.1           1.0

                                     Netherlands           3.7          3.6         3.2         2.4         2.6         2.4         1.8          1.8           1.0

                                     Norway                7.1          7.1         6.4         5.3         6.5         7.2         6.6          7.0           7.9

                                     Portugal             28.8         28.8        26.8        37.4        89.7       152.5       149.8        165.2           1.0

                                     Spain                60.0         64.3        63.9        68.8       115.6       133.7       113.9        136.8           1.0

                                     Sweden                5.2          5.2         4.8         4.4         6.3         6.9         6.7          7.5           8.9

                                     Switzerland           4.4          4.4         3.7         2.2         2.0         1.8         1.4          1.4           1.5

                                     United Kingdom        0.4          0.4         0.4         0.5         0.6         0.6         0.6          0.6           0.6

                                     Canada                1.0          1.1         1.0         1.1         1.2         1.3         1.2          1.4           1.5

                                     United States         1.0          1.0         1.0         1.0         1.0         1.0         1.0          1.0           1.0

                                     Japan               360.0        360.0       315.5       258.3       234.3       163.6       123.9        113.7        115.8

                                     Australia             0.9          0.9         0.8         0.9         1.0         1.4         1.4          1.4           1.7

                                     New Zealand           0.7          0.8         0.8         1.0         1.4         1.8         1.8          1.6           2.0

* : Due to the introduction of the Euro, this average period is 1995-1998 for Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain and 1995-2000 for Greece.

  : Due to the introduction of the Euro, this average period is 1999-2004 for Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain and 2001-2004 for Greece.
                                                                   Black market premium (%)
                                                    1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                   Austria               0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   Belgium               0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   Denmark               0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   Finland               0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   France                0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   Germany               0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   Greece                1.0         5.1         4.0         6.4        14.2         8.4         1.7         0.8

                                   Iceland                                                                                                   1.2

                                   Ireland               0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         5.0

                                   Italy                 0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0
High income countries

                                   Luxembourg                                                                                                0.4

                                   Netherlands           0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   Norway                0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   Portugal              0.1        -0.2        -0.5        14.8         7.9         7.0         2.9         1.1

                                   Spain                 1.1         0.7         2.8         4.4         2.9         3.3         2.4         1.0

                                   Sweden                0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   Switzerland           0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   United Kingdom        0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   Canada                0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   United States         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   Japan                 6.3         5.8         1.2         0.1         0.2         0.3         0.7        -1.4

                                   Australia             0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0

                                   New Zealand           0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0         5.0
                                                                    Total exports of goods and services ($ billions)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                              427.8       613.4       877.6      1352.8      1787.8      2198.3

                                        EC 9                                                              529.1       774.2      1096.4      1688.3      2284.5      2850.1

                                        EC 12                                                             556.8       821.0      1172.9      1823.2      2489.0      3129.1

                                        EC 15                                                             607.8       897.7      1287.2      1993.1      2731.4      3431.9

                                        EFTA 3                                                             43.7        61.5        88.6       134.5       169.2       216.8

                                        Europe above                                                      651.6       959.2      1375.8      2127.6      2900.7      3648.7
High income countries

                                        Canada                                                 26.5        50.2        84.1       117.3       161.2       243.6       317.4
                        North America

                                        United States                                          76.7       167.5       282.9       375.8       621.6       905.5      1053.5

                                        North America above                                   103.2       217.7       367.0       493.1       782.7      1149.1      1370.9

                                        Japan                                                             107.6       169.7       261.5       389.7       481.2       542.4

                                        Australia                                               8.7        16.8        25.9        34.9        54.6        75.0        90.0

                                        New Zealand                                             2.8         4.1         6.8         9.4        13.2        17.7        21.3

                                        ANZ total                                              11.4        20.9        32.6        44.3        67.8        92.7       111.3

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                          997.8      1528.6      2174.7      3367.8      4623.7      5673.3

                                        Other high income                                                             266.7       317.5       578.1       867.3      1192.0

                                        Upper middle income                                               180.6       223.3       235.8       369.8       615.7       898.5
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                           219.3       252.6       375.1       614.9      1005.3
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                                         49.9        63.5        63.0        89.0       133.2       185.3

                                        Africa                                                                                     82.7       106.1
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                              818.4      1234.0

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                           68.0       113.4       122.6       183.9       309.0       428.2

                                        World                                                            1421.4      2301.4      3043.6      4779.9      6854.8      8954.5
                                                                    Total imports of goods and services ($ billions)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                              423.5       624.9       832.3      1319.3      1673.0      2065.9

                                        EC 9                                                              532.4       787.0      1068.7      1665.5      2174.0      2735.9

                                        EC 12                                                             569.1       845.1      1156.3      1829.8      2401.2      3067.0

                                        EC 15                                                             623.4       923.1      1270.0      1995.4      2624.8      3344.1

                                        EFTA 3                                                             44.6        59.0        87.2       118.2       146.3       170.2

                                        Europe above                                                      667.9       982.2      1357.2      2113.5      2771.0      3514.3
High income countries

                                        Canada                                                 26.2        52.5        78.6       116.8       165.2       231.4       293.0
                        North America

                                        United States                                          84.3       190.0       331.9       510.8       696.7      1067.5      1540.6

                                        North America above                                   110.5       242.5       410.5       627.6       861.9      1298.8      1833.6

                                        Japan                                                             109.2       170.0       213.1       337.8       443.5       496.7

                                        Australia                                               9.2        18.6        31.9        42.1        59.3        83.3       101.5

                                        New Zealand                                             3.3         4.8         7.6         9.7        13.3        18.7        22.0

                                        ANZ total                                              12.5        23.4        39.5        51.8        72.6       102.0       123.5

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                         1043.1      1602.2      2249.7      3385.8      4615.4      5968.2

                                        Other high income                                                             253.5       321.4       590.6       849.8      1058.8

                                        Upper middle income                                               161.3       205.5       203.6       381.8       644.0       870.4
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                           240.5       269.5       404.8       653.3       996.2
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                                         64.6        93.8        88.7       113.0       170.2       219.2

                                        Africa                                                                                     94.8       110.7
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                              816.7      1192.1

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                           78.7       114.3       108.7       203.3       355.0       441.9

                                        World                                                            1473.5      2395.4      3132.9      4875.9      6932.7      9112.7
                                          Primary agriculture exports (% primary agriculture and processed food exports)*
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                        43          37          34          31          31          29          27          26

                                        EC 9                                        37          34          31          30          29          26          25          23

                                        EC 12                                       40          35          33          31          31          28          27          26

                                        EC 15                                       40          36          33          31          31          28          27          25

                                        EFTA 3                                      15          14          14          13          16           9           8           8

                                        Europe above                                39          35          33          31          31          28          26          25
High income countries

                                        Canada                                      68          70          68          63          57          52          50          43
                        North America

                                        United States                               73          73          74          73          64          54          52          51

                                        North America above                         72          74          73          71          62          54          52          49

                                        Japan                                       18          19          12          16          16          17          18          22

                                        Australia                                   64          55          53          55          63          49          48          44

                                        New Zealand                                 31          27          28          24          33          27          26          22

                                        ANZ total                                   54          47          47          46          53          42          41          37

                                        High income countries
                                                                                    53          50          47          46          41          35          34          32

                                        Other high income                           58          51          48          45          38          22          21          20

                                        Africa                                                                                                                          58
Developing countries

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                            51          50                      34          33

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                 49          42          41

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                                                                            45          43

                                        World                                                                                                                           37
                                                              Agricultural and food exports (% merchandise exports)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            16          13          13          12          12          12          12          11          10

                                        EC 9                            17          14          13          13          13          12          12          11           9

                                        EC 12                           18          15          14          13          13          13          12          11          10

                                        EC 15                           19          15          14          13          13          13          12          11          10

                                        EFTA 3                          17          14          12           9           7           7           7           7           5

                                        Europe above                    19          15          14          13          13          12          12          11           9
High income countries

                                        Canada                          37          27          24          23          22          19          17          15          13
                        North America

                                        United States                   28          23          25          24          22          16          14          12          10

                                        North America above             31          24          25          24          22          17          15          12          11

                                        Japan                            9           6           4           2           2           1           1           1           1

                                        Australia                       78          65          51          45          40          38          31          29          25

                                        New Zealand                     95          92          85          74          71          67          63          61          59

                                        ANZ total                       97          71          58          50          46          44          37          35          32

                                        High income countries
                                                                        25          19          17          15          14          12          12          11           9

                                        Other high income                                                                7           9           9           4           2

                                        Upper middle income                                     42          39          26          22          17          13          10
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                             30          26          19          16          12
Developing countries

                                        Low income                      64          55          41          37          29          28          19          24          19

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                                10           7

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                45          42          30          31          26          24

                                        World                           29          25          22          19          17          15          13          11           9
                                                              Other primary goods exports (% merchandise exports)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            11           9           9           9          10           6           5           5           5

                                        EC 9                            10           8           8           9          12           7           6           5           6

                                        EC 12                           10           8           8           9          12           7           6           5           6

                                        EC 15                           10           9           8           9          12           7           6           5           6

                                        EFTA 3                                                                                      22          22          23          31

                                        Europe above                                                                                 8           7           6           7
High income countries

                                        Canada                          30          26          27          26          24          19          17          15          19
                        North America

                                        United States                    8           8           7           7           8           6           5           4           4

                                        North America above             14          13          13          11          12          10           8           7           8

                                        Japan                            1           2           2           1           1           1           1           2           2

                                        Australia                       10          17          26          31          36          38          38          35          38

                                        New Zealand                      0           1           3           6           6           7           7           7           6

                                        ANZ total                        9          13          21          26          30          32          32          29          32

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                                                     8           7           6           7

                                        Other high income                                                                           11                      17          10

                                        Upper middle income                                     29          36          50          35          21          23          25
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                             30          23          16          17          19
Developing countries

                                        Low income                      12          16          28          30          37          31                      28          32

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                                 6           7

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                                                                28          21

                                        World                           12          13          13          16          17          13          11          11          12
                                                                Other manufactures exports (% merchandise exports)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            84          77          78          77          76          80          81          82          82

                                        EC 9                            82          76          77          76          73          79          79          81          82

                                        EC 12                           81          76          77          76          73          78          79          81          82

                                        EC 15                           80          75          77          76          74          79          80          81          82

                                        EFTA 3                          80          76          79          76          66          72          70          68          62

                                        Europe above                    80          75          77          76          73          78          79          81          81
High income countries

                                        Canada                          33          46          48          50          53          61          61          64          62
                        North America

                                        United States                   62          65          65          67          67          71          77          81          83

                                        North America above             58          60          61          63          64          68          73          77          77

                                        Japan                           90          92          93          95          96          96          96          95          93

                                        Australia                       10          16          21          21          21          22          29          33          28

                                        New Zealand                      4           7          12          20          22          24          28          31          31

                                        ANZ total                       10          14          19          21          21          22          29          32          29

                                        High income countries
                                                                        72          70          73          74          72          77          79          80          80

                                        Other high income                                                               86          65          64          78          88

                                        Upper middle income                                     23          23          21          42          59          61          61
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                             35          42          62          65          68
Developing countries

                                        Low income                      25          29          31          34          36          40          49          47          49

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                                83          85

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                15          18          20          33          45          54

                                        World                           58          60          63          64          64          70          74          76          77
                                                            Services exports (% total exports of goods and services)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                                18          18          18          20          18          17

                                        EC 9                                                                20          20          19          21          19          20

                                        EC 12                                                               20          20          20          22          20          22

                                        EC 15                                                               21          21          20          22          21          22

                                        EFTA 3                                                              25          25          26          25          25          25

                                        Europe above                                                        21          21          21          22          21          22
High income countries

                                        Canada                                                  12          10          10          12          13          13          13
                        North America

                                        United States                                           20          19          22          26          28          28          29

                                        North America above                                     18          17          19          23          25          24          25

                                        Japan                                                               13          13          11          13          14          14

                                        Australia                                               15          15          16          19          21          23          22

                                        New Zealand                                             18          20          19          22          22          24          27

                                        ANZ total                                               15          16          17          19          21          23          23

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                            19          20          20          22          21          22

                                        Other high income                                                               17          19          19          19          19

                                        Upper middle income                                                 12          12          14          17          18          14
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                             12          14          17          18          14
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                                          14          16          18          19          19          21

                                        Africa                                                                                      16          20
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                                15          13

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                            18          14          16          17          14          13

                                        World                                                               18          18          19          21          20          20
                                          Primary agriculture imports (% primary agriculture and processed food imports)*
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                        62          54          52          47          44          39          38          36

                                        EC 9                                        58          52          51          46          43          37          37          34

                                        EC 12                                       59          53          52          47          43          37          37          34

                                        EC 15                                       59          53          52          47          43          37          37          34

                                        EFTA 3                                      60          53          55          54          48          39          36          34

                                        Europe above                                59          53          52          48          43          37          37          34
High income countries

                                        Canada                                      61          52          47          50          46          38          36          35
                        North America

                                        United States                               46          37          44          40          39          37          39          33

                                        North America above                         49          40          46          45          42          38          41          36

                                        Japan                                       79          74          66          65          56          36          32          30

                                        Australia                                   56          48          42          35          31          24          27          19

                                        New Zealand                                 63          56          56          48          43          29          25          19

                                        ANZ total                                   58          49          45          38          33          26          26          19

                                        High income countries
                                                                                    56          50          51          47          43          37          37          33

                                        Other high income                           65          67          68          62          59          47          42          39

                                        Africa                                                                                                                          38
Developing countries

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                            59          56                      43          44

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                 39          33          35

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                                                                            40          39

                                        World                                                                                                                           38
                                                              Agricultural and food imports (% merchandise imports)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            35          27          22          19          16          16          14          13          10

                                        EC 9                            39          29          23          19          16          16          14          13          10

                                        EC 12                           38          29          23          20          17          16          14          13          11

                                        EC 15                           37          28          22          19          16          15          14          13          10

                                        EFTA 3                          22          18          14          12          11           9           9           8           8

                                        Europe above                    36          27          21          18          16          15          13          12          10
High income countries

                                        Canada                          17          11          11          10           9           8           8           7           7
                        North America

                                        United States                   33          24          18          13          10           9           7           7           6

                                        North America above             30          21          16          12          10           8           8           7           6

                                        Japan                           43          39          31          27          20          24          23          20          15

                                        Australia                       12          10          10           9           7           7           7           6           6

                                        New Zealand                     12          10          10           8           8           8           9           9           9

                                        ANZ total                       14          10          10           9           8           8           7           7           7

                                        High income countries
                                                                        34          26          21          18          14          14          13          11           9

                                        Other high income                                                               12                                   7           6

                                        Upper middle income                         14          16          14          14          14          11          10           9
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                             15          14          12          13          11
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                              22          20          15                                  15          14

                                        Africa                                                                                                              19
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                                10           8

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                15          13          15

                                        World                           31          26          21          17          14          14          12          11           9
                                                              Other primary goods imports (% merchandise imports)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            25          22          24          26          30          16          12          11          13

                                        EC 9                            24          22          24          24          27          15          11          10          11

                                        EC 12                           24          21          23          25          28          15          12          10          12

                                        EC 15                           23          21          23          25          28          15          12          10          12

                                        EFTA 3                          14          12          12          15          16           9           8           7           9

                                        Europe above                    23          20          22          24          27          15          11          10          12
High income countries

                                        Canada                          13          11          11          13          13           8           7           6           8
                        North America

                                        United States                   23          18          21          33          30          14          13          10          14

                                        North America above             21          16          18          28          27          13          12          10          13

                                        Japan                           34          39          45          53          58          37          29          23          26

                                        Australia                       13          11           8          12          14           6           7           7          10

                                        New Zealand                     14          15          14          19          21          10           9           9          11

                                        ANZ total                       15          12           9          13          15           7           7           7          10

                                        High income countries
                                                                        23          20          23          27          30          16          13          11          13

                                        Other high income                                                               28                                  11          15

                                        Upper middle income                         10          12          14          16          13          10           9          10
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                             20          13          12          12          15
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                              14          22          35                                  22          25

                                        Africa                                                                                                              10
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                                15          18

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                16          20          22

                                        World                           19          18          20          25          28          15          13          11          14
                                                                Other manufactures imports (% merchandise imports)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            53          50          54          54          52          66          71          74          73

                                        EC 9                            48          48          53          55          55          68          72          75          75

                                        EC 12                           49          49          54          55          54          67          72          75          75

                                        EC 15                           50          50          55          56          55          68          72          75          75

                                        EFTA 3                          73          70          74          73          73          81          83          84          82

                                        Europe above                    52          52          56          57          56          69          73          76          75
High income countries

                                        Canada                          68          75          77          76          76          83          82          84          83
                        North America

                                        United States                   41          54          59          52          58          75          76          79          76

                                        North America above             51          60          63          57          62          76          77          80          77

                                        Japan                           23          21          23          20          21          38          47          56          57

                                        Australia                       72          75          79          78          77          83          85          86          83

                                        New Zealand                     73          75          76          71          70          80          82          83          80

                                        ANZ total                       81          75          78          77          75          82          85          86          83

                                        High income countries
                                                                        51          52          56          54          54          68          72          76          75

                                        Other high income                                                               62                                  80          81

                                        Upper middle income                         69          66          71          68          71          74          78          79
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                             60          65          74          74          73
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                              60          57          50                                  60          59

                                        Africa                                                                                                              68
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                                74          72

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                69          66          62

                                        World                           49          54          58          56          56          69          73          76          75
                                                            Services imports (% total imports of goods and services)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                                17          17          18          21          20          19

                                        EC 9                                                                17          18          18          21          21          21

                                        EC 12                                                               17          17          18          21          21          21

                                        EC 15                                                               17          18          18          21          21          22

                                        EFTA 3                                                              19          21          20          21          21          22

                                        Europe above                                                        17          18          18          21          21          22
High income countries

                                        Canada                                                  16          16          15          16          19          16          16
                        North America

                                        United States                                           21          15          16          17          18          16          16

                                        North America above                                     20          15          15          17          18          16          16

                                        Japan                                                               20          20          24          28          27          23

                                        Australia                                               25          25          23          23          24          22          20

                                        New Zealand                                             25          26          25          27          27          25          24

                                        ANZ total                                               25          25          23          24          24          22          21

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                            17          18          19          21          20          20

                                        Other high income                                                               26          22          20          19          19

                                        Upper middle income                                                 21          21          20          19          17          16
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                             16          14          18          20          17
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                                          22          20          22          24          24          24

                                        Africa                                                                                      21          24
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                                19          17

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                            23          23          23          21          17          16

                                        World                                                               18          19          19          21          20          19
                                                                     Total exports of goods and services (% GDP)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                                28          30          29          28          32          38

                                        EC 9                                                                28          30          29          28          32          37

                                        EC 12                                                               27          29          28          27          31          35

                                        EC 15                                                               27          29          28          27          32          36

                                        EFTA 3                                                              37          37          36          36          38          43

                                        Europe above                                                        27          30          29          28          32          37
High income countries

                                        Canada                                                  23          25          27          27          28          40          40
                        North America

                                        United States                                            6           8           9           8          10          11          10

                                        North America above                                      8          10          10           9          11          13          12

                                        Japan                                                               12          15          11          10          11          12

                                        Australia                                               13          14          14          15          17          19          19

                                        New Zealand                                             23          26          29          27          30          29          31

                                        ANZ total                                               15          15          16          17          19          20          21

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                            18          19          17          18          20          22

                                        Other high income                                                              105          59          54          58          67

                                        Upper middle income                                                 18          18          19          21          30          37
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                             19          18          21          22          30
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                                          15          14          12          15          17          20

                                        Africa                                                                                      22          25
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                                30          34

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                            15          15          15          14          17          23

                                        World                                                               19          20          19          20          23          26
                                                                     Total imports of goods and services (% GDP)
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                                27          31          28          27          30          36

                                        EC 9                                                                28          30          28          27          30          35

                                        EC 12                                                               27          30          27          27          30          35

                                        EC 15                                                               27          30          28          27          30          35

                                        EFTA 3                                                              37          35          35          32          33          34

                                        Europe above                                                        28          30          28          27          31          35
High income countries

                                        Canada                                                  23          26          26          27          29          38          37
                        North America

                                        United States                                            7           9          10          11          11          13          15

                                        North America above                                      8          11          11          12          13          15          16

                                        Japan                                                               12          15           9           9          10          11

                                        Australia                                               14          15          17          18          19          21          22

                                        New Zealand                                             27          30          32          28          30          31          32

                                        ANZ total                                               17          17          19          19          20          22          23

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                            19          19          18          18          20          23

                                        Other high income                                                              100          59          55          57          60

                                        Upper middle income                                                 16          17          16          22          32          36
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                             21          20          23          23          29
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                                          19          21          16          20          22          23

                                        Africa                                                                                      25          26
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                                30          33

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                            17          15          14          16          19          24

                                        World                                                               20          21          19          20          23          26
                                                                               (X-M)/(X+M): primary agriculture*
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                      -0.46       -0.39       -0.38       -0.31       -0.25       -0.17       -0.18       -0.15

                                        EC 9                                      -0.51       -0.42       -0.40       -0.32       -0.25       -0.19       -0.20       -0.19

                                        EC 12                                     -0.46       -0.40       -0.38       -0.31       -0.22       -0.16       -0.17       -0.14

                                        EC 15                                     -0.47       -0.40       -0.39       -0.31       -0.23       -0.17       -0.18       -0.16

                                        EFTA 3                                    -0.76       -0.76       -0.76       -0.76       -0.67       -0.68       -0.65       -0.66

                                        Europe above                              -0.48       -0.42       -0.40       -0.33       -0.25       -0.19       -0.19       -0.17
High income countries

                                        Canada                                     0.22        0.32        0.33        0.36        0.28        0.34        0.39        0.31
                        North America

                                        United States                              0.38        0.51        0.56        0.60        0.44        0.41        0.32        0.30

                                        North America above                        0.35        0.51        0.52        0.56        0.41        0.40        0.34        0.30

                                        Japan                                     -0.94       -0.94       -0.97       -0.95       -0.95       -0.95       -0.94       -0.90

                                        Australia                                  0.84        0.84        0.83        0.84        0.85        0.84        0.81        0.85

                                        New Zealand                                0.75        0.69        0.67        0.67        0.74        0.78        0.79        0.78

                                        ANZ total                                  0.83        0.82        0.80        0.81        0.83        0.83        0.81        0.84

                                        High income countries
                                                                                  -0.13       -0.05       -0.05        0.04        0.00        0.02        0.03        0.04

                                        Other high income                         -0.35       -0.49       -0.50       -0.54       -0.58       -0.67       -0.71       -0.75

                                        Africa                                                                                                                         0.20
Developing countries

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                          -0.02        0.02                   -0.11       -0.15

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                                0.14       -0.04       -0.06

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                                                                           0.47        0.51

                                        World                                                                                                                          0.05
                                                                                (X-M)/(X+M): processed food*
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                      -0.11       -0.06       -0.03        0.00        0.02        0.05        0.07        0.08

                                        EC 9                                      -0.14       -0.07       -0.01        0.02        0.04        0.07        0.08        0.07

                                        EC 12                                     -0.12       -0.06       -0.01        0.03        0.03        0.04        0.06        0.05

                                        EC 15                                     -0.13       -0.07       -0.02        0.02        0.02        0.03        0.05        0.04

                                        EFTA 3                                     0.05       -0.03        0.02        0.04       -0.02        0.11        0.16        0.13

                                        Europe above                              -0.12       -0.07       -0.02        0.02        0.02        0.03        0.05        0.04
High income countries

                                        Canada                                     0.06       -0.04       -0.08        0.11        0.06        0.07        0.12        0.15
                        North America

                                        United States                             -0.16       -0.20        0.00        0.00       -0.03        0.07        0.07       -0.07

                                        North America above                       -0.13       -0.17       -0.01        0.02       -0.01        0.07        0.08       -0.02

                                        Japan                                     -0.34       -0.45       -0.64       -0.60       -0.72       -0.86       -0.87       -0.87

                                        Australia                                  0.78        0.79        0.75        0.65        0.53        0.59        0.58        0.58

                                        New Zealand                                0.93        0.90        0.89        0.87        0.82        0.80        0.77        0.75

                                        ANZ total                                  0.85        0.83        0.79        0.74        0.65        0.67        0.66        0.64

                                        High income countries
                                                                                  -0.06       -0.04        0.02        0.05        0.04        0.07        0.09        0.06

                                        Other high income                         -0.22       -0.20       -0.14       -0.24       -0.23       -0.25       -0.37       -0.47

                                        Africa                                                                                                                        -0.20
Developing countries

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                           0.14        0.13                    0.08        0.09

                                        Europe and Central Asia                                                                               -0.04       -0.24       -0.17

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                                                                           0.39        0.45

                                        World                                                                                                                          0.07
                                                                               (X-M)/(X+M): agriculture and food
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                          -0.38       -0.35       -0.25       -0.22       -0.15       -0.12       -0.07       -0.04        0.01

                                        EC 9                          -0.42       -0.37       -0.27       -0.22       -0.15       -0.11       -0.06       -0.04       -0.02

                                        EC 12                         -0.40       -0.36       -0.27       -0.22       -0.15       -0.11       -0.07       -0.05       -0.03

                                        EC 15                         -0.36       -0.32       -0.24       -0.20       -0.13       -0.10       -0.07       -0.04       -0.02

                                        EFTA 3                        -0.30       -0.23       -0.22       -0.20       -0.19       -0.14       -0.08       -0.07       -0.08

                                        Europe above                  -0.36       -0.32       -0.24       -0.20       -0.13       -0.10       -0.07       -0.04       -0.03
High income countries

                                        Canada                         0.40        0.41        0.41        0.40        0.46        0.45        0.40        0.41        0.34
                        North America

                                        United States                  0.03        0.01        0.13        0.22        0.27        0.12        0.18        0.11       -0.01

                                        North America above            0.11        0.10        0.20        0.26        0.31        0.20        0.24        0.19        0.08

                                        Japan                         -0.70       -0.74       -0.77       -0.83       -0.82       -0.86       -0.88       -0.87       -0.84

                                        Australia                      0.71        0.69        0.69        0.68        0.65        0.63        0.61        0.61        0.57

                                        New Zealand                    0.79        0.81        0.79        0.78        0.80        0.78        0.77        0.74        0.72

                                        ANZ total                      0.74        0.73        0.71        0.71        0.69        0.68        0.66        0.65        0.62

                                        High income countries
                                                                      -0.18       -0.18       -0.13       -0.10       -0.04       -0.07       -0.05       -0.04       -0.04

                                        Other high income                                                             -0.17                               -0.24       -0.50

                                        Upper middle income                                    0.46        0.52        0.37        0.27        0.21        0.12        0.10
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                            0.33        0.26        0.19        0.09        0.09
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                             0.29        0.21        0.18                                0.13        0.07

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                               0.02       -0.03

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                               0.47        0.48        0.38

                                        World                         -0.06       -0.03        0.02        0.05        0.07        0.03        0.03       -0.01       -0.02
                                                                               (X-M)/(X+M): other primary goods
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                          -0.43       -0.43       -0.47       -0.48       -0.50       -0.41       -0.38       -0.34       -0.36

                                        EC 9                          -0.45       -0.46       -0.49       -0.47       -0.41       -0.34       -0.32       -0.27       -0.29

                                        EC 12                         -0.46       -0.46       -0.50       -0.49       -0.43       -0.35       -0.34       -0.29       -0.32

                                        EC 15                         -0.45       -0.45       -0.50       -0.50       -0.44       -0.36       -0.34       -0.29       -0.32

                                        EFTA 3                                                                                     0.40        0.50        0.55        0.60

                                        Europe above                                                                              -0.30       -0.26       -0.20       -0.21
High income countries

                                        Canada                         0.42        0.43        0.46        0.34        0.35        0.45        0.44        0.44        0.45
                        North America

                                        United States                 -0.38       -0.37       -0.52       -0.70       -0.65       -0.56       -0.55       -0.58       -0.72

                                        North America above           -0.12       -0.10       -0.21       -0.47       -0.44       -0.30       -0.29       -0.30       -0.41

                                        Japan                         -0.94       -0.92       -0.92       -0.94       -0.95       -0.91       -0.87       -0.83       -0.84

                                        Australia                     -0.15        0.15        0.55        0.46        0.39        0.68        0.67        0.63        0.55

                                        New Zealand                   -0.94       -0.85       -0.68       -0.55       -0.57       -0.18       -0.09       -0.14       -0.33

                                        ANZ total                     -0.28        0.02        0.41        0.33        0.27        0.60        0.61        0.57        0.48

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                                                  -0.36       -0.32       -0.28       -0.32

                                        Other high income                                                                                                  0.21       -0.11

                                        Upper middle income                                    0.42        0.49        0.59        0.54        0.34        0.44        0.45
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                            0.22        0.24        0.12        0.14        0.12
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                             0.27        0.08                                            0.02        0.05

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                              -0.37       -0.41

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.

                                        World                         -0.25       -0.20       -0.22       -0.25       -0.24       -0.11       -0.06       -0.03       -0.09
                                                                               (X-M)/(X+M): other manufactures
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                           0.21        0.22        0.19        0.18        0.16        0.13        0.08        0.10        0.10

                                        EC 9                           0.23        0.21        0.17        0.15        0.13        0.08        0.06        0.08        0.07

                                        EC 12                          0.20        0.18        0.14        0.14        0.12        0.07        0.04        0.06        0.05

                                        EC 15                          0.17        0.16        0.13        0.13        0.12        0.07        0.04        0.06        0.06

                                        EFTA 3                        -0.13       -0.08       -0.09       -0.03       -0.06       -0.09       -0.05       -0.06       -0.04

                                        Europe above                   0.15        0.14        0.12        0.12        0.10        0.06        0.04        0.05        0.05
High income countries

                                        Canada                        -0.33       -0.23       -0.20       -0.19       -0.11       -0.13       -0.13       -0.09       -0.09
                        North America

                                        United States                  0.31        0.12        0.01        0.03       -0.04       -0.23       -0.12       -0.15       -0.23

                                        North America above            0.16        0.03       -0.04       -0.02       -0.06       -0.21       -0.12       -0.13       -0.20

                                        Japan                          0.53        0.63        0.60        0.67        0.67        0.57        0.47        0.37        0.33

                                        Australia                     -0.76       -0.69       -0.56       -0.57       -0.61       -0.63       -0.51       -0.50       -0.55

                                        New Zealand                   -0.87       -0.82       -0.73       -0.59       -0.53       -0.54       -0.47       -0.47       -0.47

                                        ANZ total                     -0.79       -0.72       -0.59       -0.57       -0.60       -0.61       -0.50       -0.49       -0.53

                                        High income countries
                                                                       0.15        0.12        0.11        0.12        0.11        0.04        0.04        0.03        0.00

                                        Other high income                                                              0.25                                0.00        0.11

                                        Upper middle income                                   -0.40       -0.46       -0.45       -0.15       -0.15       -0.15       -0.10
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                           -0.26       -0.23       -0.12       -0.08       -0.02
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                            -0.33       -0.33       -0.34                               -0.21       -0.16

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                               0.08        0.12

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                              -0.66       -0.61       -0.48

                                        World                          0.07        0.03        0.03        0.05        0.05       -0.01       -0.01       -0.01        0.00
                                                                                     (X-M)/(X+M): services
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                               0.03        0.02        0.01       -0.02       -0.03       -0.04

                                        EC 9                                                               0.05        0.04        0.03        0.00       -0.01       -0.01

                                        EC 12                                                              0.08        0.06        0.06        0.02        0.01        0.02

                                        EC 15                                                              0.07        0.07        0.06        0.02        0.01        0.02

                                        EFTA 3                                                             0.13        0.13        0.14        0.17        0.17        0.18

                                        Europe above                                                       0.08        0.07        0.06        0.03        0.02        0.03
High income countries

                                        Canada                                                -0.16       -0.22       -0.18       -0.15       -0.19       -0.09       -0.07
                        North America

                                        United States                                         -0.08        0.05        0.08        0.05        0.17        0.20        0.10

                                        North America above                                   -0.09        0.00        0.04        0.02        0.12        0.16        0.08

                                        Japan                                                             -0.23       -0.21       -0.27       -0.31       -0.30       -0.22

                                        Australia                                             -0.29       -0.30       -0.27       -0.20       -0.09       -0.02       -0.01

                                        New Zealand                                           -0.25       -0.20       -0.20       -0.11       -0.12       -0.05        0.04

                                        ANZ total                                             -0.28       -0.28       -0.25       -0.18       -0.09       -0.02        0.00

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                           0.02        0.03        0.02        0.02        0.02        0.02

                                        Other high income                                                             -0.20       -0.07       -0.05        0.01        0.05

                                        Upper middle income                                               -0.23       -0.25       -0.10       -0.06        0.00       -0.02
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                           -0.20       -0.06       -0.07       -0.08       -0.08
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                                        -0.33       -0.30       -0.26       -0.24       -0.23       -0.14

                                        Africa                                                                                    -0.19       -0.12
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                              -0.11       -0.11

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                          -0.18       -0.25       -0.13       -0.15       -0.15       -0.12

                                        World                                                             -0.04       -0.05       -0.01       -0.01        0.01        0.01
                                                                                  RCA: agriculture and food
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            0.5         0.5         0.6         0.6         0.7         0.8         0.9         1.0         1.1

                                        EC 9                            0.5         0.5         0.6         0.7         0.8         0.8         1.0         1.0         1.1

                                        EC 12                           0.6         0.6         0.6         0.7         0.8         0.9         1.0         1.1         1.1

                                        EC 15                           0.6         0.6         0.7         0.7         0.8         0.8         1.0         1.0         1.1

                                        EFTA 3                          0.5         0.6         0.5         0.5         0.4         0.5         0.5         0.6         0.6

                                        Europe above                    0.6         0.6         0.6         0.7         0.8         0.8         0.9         1.0         1.1
High income countries

                                        Canada                          1.3         1.1         1.1         1.2         1.3         1.3         1.4         1.4         1.4
                        North America

                                        United States                   0.9         0.9         1.1         1.2         1.3         1.1         1.1         1.1         1.1

                                        North America above             1.0         1.0         1.1         1.2         1.3         1.2         1.2         1.2         1.2

                                        Japan                           0.3         0.2         0.2         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1

                                        Australia                       2.7         2.6         2.3         2.3         2.4         2.6         2.4         2.7         2.8

                                        New Zealand                     3.3         3.6         3.9         3.8         4.2         4.6         5.0         5.7         6.7

                                        ANZ total                       3.1         2.8         2.6         2.6         2.7         3.0         2.9         3.3         3.5

                                        High income countries
                                                                        0.8         0.7         0.8         0.8         0.9         0.8         0.9         1.0         1.0

                                        Other high income                                                               0.4         0.6         0.7         0.4         0.2

                                        Upper middle income                                     2.0         2.0         1.5         1.6         1.4         1.2         1.2
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                             1.8         1.8         1.5         1.5         1.4
Developing countries

                                        Low income                      2.2         2.1         1.9         1.9         1.8         1.8         1.5         2.2         2.1

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                                0.9         0.8

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                2.0         2.1         1.8         2.1         2.1         2.2
                                                                                  RCA: other primary goods
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            0.8         0.7         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.5         0.5         0.5         0.5

                                        EC 9                            0.8         0.7         0.6         0.6         0.7         0.6         0.5         0.5         0.5

                                        EC 12                           0.7         0.7         0.6         0.6         0.7         0.6         0.5         0.5         0.5

                                        EC 15                           0.8         0.7         0.6         0.6         0.7         0.6         0.5         0.5         0.5

                                        EFTA 3                                                                                      1.8         1.9         2.2         2.7

                                        Europe above                                                                                0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6
High income countries

                                        Canada                          2.4         2.1         2.0         1.7         1.4         1.5         1.5         1.4         1.7
                        North America

                                        United States                   0.7         0.6         0.5         0.4         0.5         0.5         0.4         0.4         0.3

                                        North America above             1.1         1.0         0.9         0.7         0.7         0.8         0.7         0.6         0.7

                                        Japan                           0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1         0.2         0.2

                                        Australia                       0.8         1.3         2.0         2.0         2.1         3.0         3.3         3.3         3.3

                                        New Zealand                     0.0         0.1         0.2         0.4         0.3         0.6         0.6         0.6         0.5

                                        ANZ total                       0.7         1.1         1.6         1.7         1.7         2.5         2.8         2.8         2.8

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                                                    0.6         0.6         0.6         0.6

                                        Other high income                                                                           0.8                     1.6         0.9

                                        Upper middle income                                     1.8         2.3         2.9         2.8         1.9         2.2         2.2
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                             1.8         1.8         1.5         1.6         1.6
Developing countries

                                        Low income                      1.0         1.3         2.1         2.0         2.2         2.6                     2.6         2.7

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                                0.6         0.6

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                                                                2.5         2.0
                                                                                  RCA: other manufactures
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                            1.4         1.3         1.2         1.2         1.2         1.1         1.1         1.1         1.1

                                        EC 9                            1.3         1.3         1.2         1.2         1.1         1.1         1.1         1.1         1.1

                                        EC 12                           1.3         1.2         1.2         1.2         1.1         1.1         1.1         1.1         1.1

                                        EC 15                           1.3         1.2         1.2         1.2         1.2         1.1         1.1         1.1         1.1

                                        EFTA 3                          1.3         1.3         1.2         1.2         1.0         1.0         1.0         0.9         0.8

                                        Europe above                    1.3         1.2         1.2         1.2         1.1         1.1         1.1         1.1         1.0
High income countries

                                        Canada                          0.6         0.8         0.8         0.8         0.8         0.9         0.8         0.8         0.8
                        North America

                                        United States                   1.1         1.1         1.0         1.0         1.1         1.0         1.0         1.1         1.1

                                        North America above             0.9         1.0         1.0         1.0         1.0         1.0         1.0         1.0         1.0

                                        Japan                           1.5         1.5         1.5         1.5         1.5         1.4         1.3         1.2         1.2

                                        Australia                       0.2         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.4         0.4         0.4

                                        New Zealand                     0.1         0.1         0.2         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.4         0.4         0.4

                                        ANZ total                       0.2         0.2         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.3         0.4         0.4         0.4

                                        High income countries
                                                                        1.2         1.2         1.2         1.2         1.1         1.1         1.1         1.1         1.0

                                        Other high income                                                               1.4         0.9         0.9         1.0         1.1

                                        Upper middle income                                     0.4         0.4         0.3         0.6         0.8         0.8         0.8
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                             0.5         0.6         0.8         0.9         0.9
Developing countries

                                        Low income                      0.4         0.5         0.5         0.5         0.6         0.6         0.7         0.6         0.6

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                                1.1         1.1

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                0.2         0.3         0.3         0.5         0.6         0.7
                                                                   Share of world exports (%): agriculture and food
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                          13.79       14.81       18.08       19.13       19.55       23.67       26.84       27.23       27.65

                                        EC 9                          19.96       20.49       22.99       24.30       24.97       30.11       33.94       34.03       33.76

                                        EC 12                         21.86       22.52       25.00       26.17       26.94       32.83       37.28       38.05       38.11

                                        EC 15                         25.24       25.66       27.93       28.65       29.34       35.31       39.56       40.53       40.91

                                        EFTA 3                         1.27        1.40        1.29        1.16        1.07        1.32        1.43        1.45        1.38

                                        Europe above                  26.51       27.05       29.22       29.81       30.41       36.63       40.99       41.98       42.29
High income countries

                                        Canada                         5.75        5.54        5.27        4.62        5.20        5.41        5.04        5.58        5.50
                        North America

                                        United States                 14.62       13.61       14.12       14.47       15.40       12.55       13.00       12.84       11.48

                                        North America above           20.37       19.15       19.39       19.09       20.60       17.96       18.04       18.42       16.98

                                        Japan                          1.13        1.19        1.24        0.85        0.87        0.82        0.79        0.74        0.76

                                        Australia                      4.90        4.06        3.51        2.83        2.70        2.94        2.77        2.89        2.78

                                        New Zealand                    2.06        1.74        1.47        1.09        1.23        1.35        1.35        1.39        1.46

                                        ANZ total                      7.34        5.80        4.98        3.91        3.93        4.29        4.12        4.28        4.24

                                        High income countries
                                                                      55.36       53.20       54.83       53.67       55.81       59.71       63.92       65.42       64.27

                                        Other high income                                                              4.76        6.61        9.12        5.08        2.52

                                        Upper middle income                                   21.29       18.96       15.97       12.51       11.18       11.41       12.40
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                           19.34       15.58       12.59       13.64       16.59
Developing countries

                                        Low income                    10.50        9.00        6.49        6.09        4.75        4.27        2.91        4.49        4.49

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                              11.84       12.04

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                               9.09        9.15        9.09        8.66        8.40       10.82
                                                                   Share of world exports (%): other primary goods
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                          21.93       20.42       19.99       17.47       15.58       14.51       13.30       12.13       11.94

                                        EC 9                          27.39       25.05       23.74       21.26       22.82       20.70       18.06       16.30       16.47

                                        EC 12                         28.10       25.94       24.66       21.95       23.85       22.06       19.39       17.54       17.73

                                        EC 15                         31.00       28.70       26.67       23.28       25.25       23.71       20.98       19.07       19.33

                                        EFTA 3                                                                                     4.66        5.02        5.06        5.99

                                        Europe above                                                                              28.37       26.00       24.12       25.32
High income countries

                                        Canada                        11.13       10.62        9.61        6.43        5.61        6.31        5.66        5.55        6.44
                        North America

                                        United States                 10.35        9.34        6.65        5.00        5.42        5.45        5.03        4.28        3.54

                                        North America above           21.48       19.96       16.27       11.43       11.03       11.76       10.70        9.84        9.98

                                        Japan                          0.37        0.67        0.89        0.64        0.67        0.90        1.15        1.21        1.03

                                        Australia                      1.51        2.13        2.95        2.40        2.38        3.46        3.77        3.47        3.22

                                        New Zealand                    0.02        0.04        0.08        0.11        0.10        0.16        0.18        0.16        0.11

                                        ANZ total                      1.57        2.17        3.04        2.51        2.48        3.63        3.94        3.63        3.33

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                                                  44.65       41.77       38.79       39.66

                                        Other high income                                                                          8.77                   20.74       11.82

                                        Upper middle income                                   19.61       22.13       29.99       21.86       15.79       20.29       23.64
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                           19.52       15.99       11.88       14.78       19.24
Developing countries

                                        Low income                     4.64        5.51        7.48        6.33        5.75        5.50                    5.24        5.94

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                               7.75        9.24

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                                                              10.01        9.52
                                                                   Share of world exports (%): other manufactures
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                          36.35       37.25       38.20       36.43       31.21       33.65       31.23       28.87       27.32

                                        EC 9                          47.98       47.50       46.20       43.83       37.79       40.65       38.09       35.96       33.85

                                        EC 12                         48.56       48.37       47.52       45.36       39.47       42.67       40.50       38.53       36.36

                                        EC 15                         52.79       52.60       51.87       49.55       43.24       46.90       44.30       42.29       39.84

                                        EFTA 3                         2.98        3.15        3.00        2.99        2.49        2.75        2.52        2.05        1.82

                                        Europe above                  55.78       55.76       54.87       52.55       45.72       49.65       46.83       44.35       41.67
High income countries

                                        Canada                         2.59        3.95        3.64        3.05        3.34        3.66        3.04        3.27        3.10
                        North America

                                        United States                 16.58       15.92       12.89       12.20       12.32       11.36       12.38       12.73       11.26

                                        North America above           19.16       19.87       16.53       15.25       15.66       15.02       15.42       16.00       14.36

                                        Japan                          5.69        7.96        9.86       10.36       11.65       12.96       11.61        9.43        7.90

                                        Australia                      0.33        0.41        0.51        0.40        0.38        0.36        0.45        0.45        0.36

                                        New Zealand                    0.05        0.05        0.07        0.09        0.10        0.10        0.10        0.10        0.09

                                        ANZ total                      0.39        0.47        0.58        0.49        0.48        0.46        0.55        0.55        0.45

                                        High income countries
                                                                      81.02       84.06       81.84       78.65       73.51       78.09       74.45       70.34       64.37

                                        Other high income                                                             15.76        9.65       10.66       13.12       15.21

                                        Upper middle income                                    3.90        3.43        3.45        4.57        6.48        7.38        8.55
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                            5.68        5.38        6.84        7.92       10.58
Developing countries

                                        Low income                     2.10        2.05        1.72        1.71        1.51        1.40        1.28        1.23        1.38

                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                              13.73       16.62

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                               1.09        1.22        1.57        1.99        2.45        3.42
                                                                           Share of world exports (%): services
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                              30.45       27.85       26.99       27.26       22.95       20.73

                                        EC 9                                                              41.05       37.31       35.89       35.28       32.04       32.10

                                        EC 12                                                             45.26       41.43       40.61       39.84       36.72       37.68

                                        EC 15                                                             49.89       46.02       45.23       44.42       40.77       41.74

                                        EFTA 3                                                             4.32        3.85        3.99        3.47        3.10        3.07

                                        Europe above                                                      54.21       49.87       49.22       47.88       43.86       44.81
High income countries

                                        Canada                                                             2.09        2.06        2.36        2.16        2.27        2.33
                        North America

                                        United States                                                     12.42       14.99       17.10       17.60       18.11       16.96

                                        North America above                                               14.50       17.06       19.45       19.76       20.39       19.29

                                        Japan                                                              4.76        5.50        5.18        5.01        4.72        4.18

                                        Australia                                                          0.98        1.05        1.12        1.19        1.26        1.11

                                        New Zealand                                                        0.33        0.32        0.36        0.29        0.31        0.32

                                        ANZ total                                                          1.30        1.36        1.48        1.48        1.57        1.43

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                          75.49       73.79       75.34       74.13       70.54       69.71

                                        Other high income                                                             11.00       10.74       11.08       11.83       12.73

                                        Upper middle income                                                6.41        6.36        5.93        6.54        7.90        7.24
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                            6.31        5.99        6.55        7.92        8.13
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                                         2.42        2.55        2.00        1.69        1.80        2.36

                                        Africa                                                                                     2.33        2.10
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                               8.96        9.19

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                           4.84        3.96        3.39        3.22        3.18        3.04
                                                                    Share of world exports (%): goods and services
                                                                   1960-1964   1965-1969   1970-1974   1975-1979   1980-1984   1985-1989   1990-1994   1995-1999   2000-2004

                                        EC 6                                                              30.10       26.65       28.83       28.30       26.08       24.55

                                        EC 9                                                              37.23       33.64       36.02       35.32       33.33       31.83

                                        EC 12                                                             39.17       35.67       38.54       38.14       36.31       34.94

                                        EC 15                                                             42.76       39.01       42.29       41.70       39.85       38.33

                                        EFTA 3                                                             3.08        2.67        2.91        2.81        2.47        2.42

                                        Europe above                                                      45.84       41.68       45.20       44.51       42.32       40.75
High income countries

                                        Canada                                                             3.54        3.65        3.85        3.37        3.55        3.54
                        North America

                                        United States                                                     11.78       12.29       12.35       13.00       13.21       11.76

                                        North America above                                               15.32       15.95       16.20       16.38       16.76       15.31

                                        Japan                                                              6.61        7.37        8.59        8.15        7.02        6.06

                                        Australia                                                          1.18        1.12        1.15        1.14        1.09        1.01

                                        New Zealand                                                        0.29        0.29        0.31        0.28        0.26        0.24

                                        ANZ total                                                          1.47        1.42        1.45        1.42        1.35        1.24

                                        High income countries
                                                                                                          70.20       66.42       71.45       70.46       67.45       63.36

                                        Other high income                                                             11.59       10.43       12.09       12.65       13.31

                                        Upper middle income                                                9.17        9.70        7.75        7.74        8.98       10.03
                        by income

                                        Lower middle income                                                            9.78        8.30        7.85        8.97       11.23
Developing countries

                                        Low income                                                         3.07        2.76        2.07        1.86        1.94        2.22

                                        Africa                                                                                     2.72        2.22
                        by region

                                        Asia                                                                                                              11.94       13.78

                                        Europe and Central Asia

                                        Latin America and Carib.                                           4.78        4.93        4.03        3.85        4.51        4.78
                                                                  Trade weighted applied tariff, 2001*

                                                                                                               Non - Primary Agriculture

                                                                   Primary                                                        Other
                                                                                    Processed Food         Other Primary                        Total
                                                                  Agriculture                                                  Manufacturing

                                       EC 15*                           7.4                17.9                   0.1                     1.8     2.2

                                       EFTA 3                         29.5                 31.4                   0.1                     1.9     3.2

                                       Europe above                     9.1                19.6                   0.1                     1.8     2.4

                                       Canada                           1.3                13.6                   0.0                     0.9     1.4
                       North America

                                       United States                    1.2                  3.2                  0.0                     1.9     1.8

                                       North America above              1.2                  5.2                  0.0                     1.7     1.7

                                       Japan                          27.8                 31.3                   0.1                     1.7     4.2

                                       Australia                        0.4                  3.4                  4.8                     5.4     5.3

                                       New Zealand                      0.1                  2.6                  0.0                     2.3     2.2

                                       ANZ total                        0.3                  3.2                  3.8                     4.9     4.8

                                       High income countries
                                                                        9.8                16.8                   0.1                     1.8     2.3

                                       Other high income              59.8                 12.4                   2.8                     2.1     2.5

                                       Africa                         13.4                 20.6                   3.9                15.3       15.4
Developing countries

                                       Asia                           38.8                 19.9                   4.3                     7.2     7.4
                       by region

                                       Europe and Central
                                                                        9.6                17.5                   0.3                     4.4     4.9

                                       Latin America and
                                                                        8.3                11.4                   2.6                     7.6     7.7

                                       World                          16.1                 17.2                   1.2                 4.1        4.5

                                                       *intra-EU 15 trade is ignored in EU and world trade in calculating trade weights
                                                                                      Domestic production in 2001 (% world) - A
                                                                                                                      Other coarse Sugar, raw     Cotton      Soya                  Other
                                                                            (paddy      Wheat     Maize      Barley                                                    Palm oil               Cassava   Bananas
                                                                                                                         grains      equiv.        seed       beans                Oilseeds

                                                 EC 12                        0.4       14.9        6.3      30.6          9.8       11.1           2.3         0.7       0.0       18.2        0.0       0.7

                                                 EC 15                        0.4       15.6        6.6      33.7         11.9       11.9           2.3         0.7       0.0       18.8        0.0       0.7

                                                 EFTA 3                       0.0        0.1        0.0        0.6         0.3         0.1          0.0         0.0       0.0         0.1       0.0       0.0

                                                 Europe above                 0.4       15.8        6.7      34.3         12.2       12.0           2.3         0.7       0.0       18.9        0.0       0.7
High income countries

                                 North America

                                                 Canada                       0.0        3.5        1.4        7.6         2.2         0.1          0.0         0.9       0.0         9.0       0.0       0.0

                                                 United States                1.6        9.0      39.3         3.8         9.6       11.8          18.0       44.6        0.0         4.4       0.0       0.0

                                                 North America above          1.6       12.5      40.7       11.4         11.8       11.9          18.0       45.5        0.0       13.4        0.0       0.0

                                                 Japan                        1.9        0.1        0.0        0.1         0.0         1.2          0.0         0.2       0.0         0.0       0.0       0.0

                                                 Australia                    0.3        4.0        0.1        5.2         2.5         2.6          2.6         0.0       0.0         2.6       0.0       0.4

                                                 New Zealand                  0.0        0.1        0.0        0.2         0.0         0.0          0.0         0.0       0.0         0.0       0.0       0.0

                                                 ANZ total                    0.3        4.1        0.1        5.4         2.5         2.6          2.6         0.0       0.0         2.6       0.0       0.4
                                                 High income countries
                                                                              4.2       32.5      47.4       51.3         26.5       27.7          22.9       46.4        0.0       35.0        0.0       1.1
                                                 Africa Ding                  2.8        2.6        5.5        2.3        22.7         4.2          6.8         0.5       7.7         3.0      54.5      10.1
                  According to FAO

                                                 Asia Dvng                  89.1        37.9      25.6       12.4         18.6       35.3          55.4       13.2       84.6       37.5       28.1      52.5
                                                 E Europe + Transition +
                                                                              0.2       31.8      11.1       45.1         33.4         8.5         11.7         0.8       0.0       26.1        0.0       0.1
                                                 Latin America and Carib.     3.7        4.2      14.3         1.4         8.5       26.1           6.6       39.3        6.1         6.2      17.3      34.7

                                                 All studied countries      92.6        94.4      95.4       93.0         93.9       91.5          95.2       96.9       94.1       97.0       79.3      83.4

                                                                                      Domestic production in 2001 (% world) - B
                                                                                                                      Groundnuts                                                                         Wool
                                                                                        Cocoa   Coconuts -                                                    Bovine   Mutton &               Poultry
                                                                            Coffee                            Tea      (shelled     Tobacco     Milk, whole                        Pigmeat              (clean
                                                                                        Beans   Incl Copra                                                     Meat    goat meat               meat
                                                                                                                        equiv.)                                                                         equiv.)

                                                 EC 12                        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0         0.0         5.7         19.8       11.6        8.9       18.2       12.3       7.4

                                                 EC 15                        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0         0.0         5.7         21.3       12.4        9.0       19.4       12.7       7.5

                                                 EFTA 3                       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0         0.0         0.0          1.0         0.4       0.3         0.4       0.1       0.3

                                                 Europe above                 0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0         0.0         5.7         22.3       12.8        9.3       19.7       12.8       7.8
High income countries

                                 North America

                                                 Canada                       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0         0.0         0.9          1.4         2.1       0.1         1.9       1.6       0.1

                                                 United States                0.1        0.0        0.0        0.0         5.4         7.3         12.7       20.2        0.9         9.5      23.8       0.8

                                                 North America above          0.1        0.0        0.0        0.0         5.4         8.2         14.1       22.3        1.0       11.4       25.3       0.9

                                                 Japan                        0.0        0.0        0.0        2.1         0.1         1.0          1.4         0.8       0.0         1.4       1.7       0.0

                                                 Australia                    0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0         0.1         0.1          1.8         3.5       6.4         0.4       0.9      29.6

                                                 New Zealand                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0         0.0         0.0          2.2         1.0       4.9         0.1       0.2      12.2

                                                 ANZ total                    0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0         0.1         0.1          4.1         4.5      11.3         0.5       1.1      41.8
                                                 High income countries
                                                                              0.1        0.0        0.0        2.1         5.6       15.0          41.9       40.4       21.7       33.0       41.0      50.5
                                                 Africa                     15.4        68.1        3.4        9.5        23.7         6.9          4.3         6.5      15.4         0.7       3.3       6.3
                  According to FAO

                                                 Asia                       27.4        15.1      85.2       60.1         66.9       59.7          26.7       20.7       52.0       53.2       31.0      25.2
                                                 E Europe + Transition +
                                                                              0.0        0.0        0.0        4.2         0.3         8.7         23.0       10.7       10.7       12.9        8.8      11.2
                                                 Latin America and Carib.   56.2        15.4        8.2      27.0          3.0       13.8          10.0       22.9        3.7         5.0      18.4       7.6

                                                 All studied countries      77.8        56.0      93.9       94.0         93.6       91.3          93.1       92.6       82.6       97.2       91.9      87.5
                                                                            Domestic apparent consumption in 2001 (% world) - A
                                                                                                                     Other coarse Sugar, raw     Cotton      Soya                  Other
                                                                             (paddy    Wheat     Maize      Barley                                                    Palm oil               Cassava   Bananas
                                                                                                                        grains      equiv.        seed       beans                Oilseeds

                                                 EC 12                         0.6     14.0        6.5      26.5           8.4      10.2           3.0       10.3       14.7       21.4        4.8       4.7

                                                 EC 15                         0.6     14.6        6.8      29.4         10.0       11.2           3.0       10.5       14.8       22.6        4.8       5.2

                                                 EFTA 3                        0.0      0.3        0.1        0.8          0.4        0.4          0.0         0.3       0.2         0.1       0.0       0.2

                                                 Europe above                  0.6     14.9        6.8      30.2         10.4       11.5           3.0       10.7       15.0       22.8        4.8       5.4
High income countries

                                 North America

                                                 Canada                        0.1      1.3        1.8        6.6          1.4        0.8          0.0         1.3       0.0         4.7       0.0       0.6

                                                 United States                 1.1      5.6      31.9         4.2          6.7      12.6          15.1       28.4        0.6         4.3       0.1       5.2

                                                 North America above           1.1      6.8      33.7       10.8           8.1      13.3          15.1       29.7        0.6         9.0       0.1       5.8

                                                 Japan                         2.1      1.1        2.5        1.7          1.5        2.2          0.4         2.9       1.8         3.1       0.3       1.5

                                                 Australia                     0.1      1.1        0.0        1.9          2.3        0.6          0.9         0.1       0.5         0.7       0.0       0.4

                                                 New Zealand                   0.0      0.1        0.0        0.2          0.1        0.1          0.0         0.0       0.0         0.1       0.0       0.1

                                                 ANZ total                     0.1      1.2        0.1        2.1          2.3        0.8          0.9         0.1       0.5         0.8       0.0       0.5
                                                 High income countries
                                                                               3.9     24.0      43.1       44.8         22.4       27.9          19.4       43.4       18.0       35.7        5.3      13.1
                                                 Africa Ding                   4.5      6.8        7.2        4.2        22.7         6.9          6.9         0.9      14.2         2.8      54.0       9.8
                  According to FAO

                                                 Asia Dvng                   86.9      44.3      28.7       18.6         18.9       38.2          57.4       25.4       56.7       39.0       23.8      51.3
                                                 E Europe + Transition +
                                                                               0.6     27.4      10.0       41.5         33.2       13.7          12.4         1.3       4.5       21.3        0.0       3.4
                                                 Latin America and Carib.      4.1      5.5      14.0         2.9        11.8       15.7           7.4       29.1        6.9         7.0      16.8      21.9

                                                 All studied countries       91.3      88.5      93.2       87.9         92.7       89.7          95.1       97.1       89.6       96.9       79.2      87.8

                                                                            Domestic apparent consumption in 2001 (% world) - B
                                                                                                                     Groundnuts                                                                         Wool
                                                                                       Cocoa   Coconuts -                                                    Bovine   Mutton &               Poultry
                                                                             Coffee                          Tea      (shelled     Tobacco     Milk, whole                        Pigmeat              (clean
                                                                                       Beans   Incl Copra                                                     Meat    goat meat               meat
                                                                                                                       equiv.)                                                                         equiv.)

                                                 EC 12                       26.3      24.1        1.2        5.5          1.9        9.4         19.0       11.3       10.8       17.2       11.4      15.0

                                                 EC 15                       29.1      25.3        1.2        5.7          1.9        9.7         20.5       12.0       10.9       18.3       11.9      15.2

                                                 EFTA 3                        1.4      0.9        0.0       -0.4          0.0        0.2          1.0         0.4       0.4         0.4       0.2       0.2

                                                 Europe above                30.5      26.2        1.2        5.3          2.0        9.9         21.5       12.4       11.3       18.7       12.1      15.4
High income countries

                                 North America

                                                 Canada                        2.2      1.4        0.1       -0.7          0.3        0.6          1.4         1.7       0.3         1.2       1.6       0.1

                                                 United States               16.3      19.8        0.4        3.8          5.0        5.0         12.8       21.1        1.5         9.3      19.8       1.2

                                                 North America above         18.5      21.2        0.5        3.1          5.2        5.6         14.2       22.8        1.7       10.4       21.4       1.2

                                                 Japan                         6.2      4.1        0.3        3.8          0.5        3.5          1.4         1.9       0.2         2.6       2.9       0.7

                                                 Australia                     0.6      0.9        0.1        0.4          0.1        0.3          1.6         1.3       3.7         0.4       0.9      14.6

                                                 New Zealand                   0.2      0.2        0.0        0.1          0.0        0.0          1.6         0.2       1.9         0.1       0.2       7.4

                                                 ANZ total                     0.7      1.1        0.1        0.4          0.1        0.4          3.2         1.5       5.6         0.5       1.1      22.0
                                                 High income countries
                                                                             55.9      52.5        2.1      12.6           7.9      19.3          40.3       38.6       19.0       32.2       37.5      39.3
                                                 Africa                        7.8     13.9        3.2        6.7        23.2         6.3          4.7         7.1      15.4         0.7       3.6       6.3
                  According to FAO

                                                 Asia                        11.8       7.5      84.4       46.7         65.5       59.2          27.6       21.7       53.5       53.4       32.5      36.5
                                                 E Europe + Transition +
                                                                             15.2      17.1        0.3      12.4           1.3      15.6          22.8       11.4       10.6       13.5       11.1      13.1
                                                 Latin America and Carib.    13.8      13.3        8.0      25.6           2.1        4.9         10.3       22.1        4.2         5.0      17.7       6.9

                                                 All studied countries       88.7      89.0      94.9       89.2         93.2       88.4          92.3       92.3       81.5       97.0       90.3      87.6
                                                                                              Export in 2001 (% world) - A
                                                                                                                    Other coarse Sugar, raw     Cotton      Soya                  Other
                                                                            (paddy    Wheat     Maize      Barley                                                    Palm oil               Cassava   Bananas
                                                                                                                       grains      equiv.        seed       beans                Oilseeds

                                                 EC 12                        5.5     27.4      11.7       49.6         17.2       23.6          13.4         3.0       8.0       23.3        4.7      11.0

                                                 EC 15                        5.5     28.7      12.0       53.1         24.7       24.6          13.4         3.0       8.7       23.8        4.7      11.2

                                                 EFTA 3                       0.0      0.1        0.0        0.0          0.0        0.1          0.0         0.0       0.1         0.0       0.0       0.0

                                                 Europe above                 5.6     28.8      12.0       53.1         24.7       24.7          13.4         3.0       8.7       23.8        4.7      11.2
High income countries

                                 North America

                                                 Canada                       0.4     13.6        0.3        9.0        15.1         0.7          0.0         1.0       0.1       33.1        0.0       0.0

                                                 United States              10.1      20.5      59.4         3.8        47.4         2.0         18.9       50.5        0.3         7.0       0.1       2.8

                                                 North America above        10.5      34.1      59.7       12.8         62.5         2.8         18.9       51.6        0.4       40.1        0.1       2.8

                                                 Japan                        1.7      0.3        0.0        0.0          0.0        0.0          0.0         0.0       0.0         0.0       0.0       0.0

                                                 Australia                    2.3     11.9        0.1      10.2           1.6        6.5         47.9         0.0       0.2         9.7       0.0       0.0

                                                 New Zealand                  0.0      0.0        0.0        0.0          0.0        0.1          0.0         0.0       0.0         0.0       0.0       0.0

                                                 ANZ total                    2.3     11.9        0.1      10.2           1.6        6.6         47.9         0.0       0.2         9.7       0.0       0.0
                                                 High income countries
                                                                            20.1      75.1      71.8       76.1         88.7       34.1          80.2       54.7        9.3       73.6        4.8      14.0
                                                 Africa Ding                  2.5      0.5        0.3        0.2          1.0        3.7         11.9         0.0       1.0         1.3       0.1       3.4
                  According to FAO

                                                 Asia Dvng                  71.0       5.6        8.9        1.0          2.1      16.0           3.0         0.7      86.0         1.7      93.0      16.6
                                                 E Europe + Former
                                                                              0.2     10.1        2.8      19.6           2.9        5.5          2.7         0.1       0.3       21.3        0.0       0.4
                                                 USSR + Turkey
                                                 Latin America and Carib.     6.1      9.5      15.3         3.5          5.0      38.9           1.9       44.5        1.8         2.2       2.0      65.5

                                                 All studied countries      91.3      98.7      98.7       98.1         98.9       84.0          95.1       95.8       95.5       97.3       98.5      71.6

                                                                                              Export in 2001 (% world) - B
                                                                                                                    Groundnuts                                                                         Wool
                                                                                      Cocoa   Coconuts -                                                    Bovine   Mutton &               Poultry
                                                                            Coffee                          Tea      (shelled     Tobacco     Milk, whole                        Pigmeat              (clean
                                                                                      Beans   Incl Copra                                                     Meat    goat meat               meat
                                                                                                                      equiv.)                                                                         equiv.)

                                                 EC 12                      13.1      32.3        5.7        4.8          7.1      25.5          46.2       24.8       18.5       63.2       27.7       9.8

                                                 EC 15                      13.8      33.5        5.7        6.0          7.1      26.2          48.7       26.0       18.6       65.5       28.1       9.8

                                                 EFTA 3                       0.4      0.4        0.0        1.2          0.0        1.0          0.1         0.0       0.2         0.0       0.0       0.5

                                                 Europe above               14.3      33.9        5.7        7.2          7.1      27.2          48.8       26.1       18.8       65.5       28.1      10.3
High income countries

                                 North America

                                                 Canada                       0.7      2.5        0.1        3.0          1.1        0.8          0.5         7.5       0.0         9.5       1.0       0.1

                                                 United States                2.0      3.8        0.1        1.0          9.8      11.9           6.0       15.4        0.4         8.3      33.5       0.4

                                                 North America above          2.7      6.3        0.2        4.0        10.9       12.8           6.6       23.0        0.4       17.8       34.5       0.5

                                                 Japan                        0.2      0.1        0.0        0.1          0.0        0.6          0.0         0.0       0.0         0.0       0.0       0.0

                                                 Australia                    0.2      0.2        0.0        0.0          0.3        0.1          6.9       17.4       35.1         0.7       0.3      56.3

                                                 New Zealand                  0.0      0.2        0.0        0.0          0.0        0.0         15.2         6.7      39.7         0.0       0.0      17.8

                                                 ANZ total                    0.2      0.3        0.0        0.1          0.3        0.1         22.1       24.2       74.7         0.7       0.3      74.1
                                                 High income countries
                                                                            17.4      40.6        6.0      11.4         18.4       40.6          77.4       73.2       94.0       84.0       62.9      84.9
                                                 Africa                     10.4      37.0        4.9      20.0           5.3      11.6           0.4         0.8       1.3         0.0       0.1       0.6
                  According to FAO

                                                 Asia                       24.0      11.9      67.1       57.6         54.1       19.5           3.8         5.0       1.4         5.3      18.9       5.0
                                                 E Europe + Former
                                                                              1.7      5.0        0.1        1.6          1.6      10.0          11.0         3.3       1.5         4.6       2.9       4.1
                                                 USSR + Turkey
                                                 Latin America and Carib.   45.6       5.2        4.4        8.8        17.7       18.9           6.4       17.6        1.8         5.9      15.2       4.2

                                                 All studied countries      82.3      74.8      76.7       92.5         95.2       90.8          96.9       94.7       97.4       99.1       99.4      95.8
                                                      Shares of domestic production in 2001 (% domestic production value) - A
                                                                                                             Other coarse Sugar, raw     Cotton      Soya                  Other
                                                                     (paddy    Wheat     Maize      Barley                                                    Palm oil               Cassava   Bananas
                                                                                                                grains      equiv.        seed       beans                Oilseeds

                                          EC 12                          0       11          4          5            1          0            0           0         0           3         0          0

                                          EC 15                          0       11          4          5            2          0            0           0         0           3         0          0

                                          EFTA 3                         0        4          1          3            2          0            0           0         0           1         0          0
High income countries

                                          Europe above                   0       11          3          5            2          0            0           0         0           3         0          0

                                          Canada                         0       17          5          8            2          0            0           2         0         11          0          0

                                          United States                  1        5        17           0            1          0            2         14          0           1         0          0

                                          Japan                         20        1          0          0            0          0            0           1         0           0         0          0

                                          Australia                      2       20          0          5            2          0            3           0         0           3         0          0

                                          New Zealand                    0        1          0          1            0          0            0           0         0           0         0          0
                                          High income countries
                                                                         1        9        10           3            1          0            1           7         0           2         0          0
                                          Africa Ding                    5        4          6          1            7          0            2           0         0           1         8          3
                  According to FAO

                                          Asia Dvng                     21        8          4          1            1          0            3           2         0           2         1          2
                                          E Europe + Transition +
                                                                         0       20          5          6            4          0            2           0         0           4         0          0
                                          Latin America and Carib.       3        3          7          0            1          1            1         14          0           1         1          4

                                          All studied countries          9        9          7          2            2          0            2           5         0           2         1          1

                                          World                          9        8          6          2            2          0            2           5         0           2         1          2

                                          Unit value (US$/MT)         142       129        95        110           95         16          472         233         79        283         39       224

                                                      Shares of domestic production in 2001 (% domestic production value) - B
                                                                                                             Groundnuts                                                                         Wool
                                                                               Cocoa   Coconuts -                                                    Bovine   Mutton &               Poultry
                                                                     Coffee                          Tea      (shelled     Tobacco     Milk, whole                        Pigmeat              (clean
                                                                               Beans   Incl Copra                                                     Meat    goat meat               meat
                                                                                                               equiv.)                                                                         equiv.)

                                          EC 12                          0        0          0          0            0          1           27         13          2         21         10          0

                                          EC 15                          0        0          0          0            0          1           28         13          2         21         10          0

                                          EFTA 3                         0        0          0          0            0          0           50         16          3         16          4          0
High income countries

                                          Europe above                   0        0          0          0            0          1           28         13          2         21         10          0

                                          Canada                         0        0          0          0            0          1           13         16          0         15          9          0

                                          United States                  0        0          0          0            1          1           14         18          0           9        16          0

                                          Japan                          0        0          0          2            0          2           25         11          0         20         18          0

                                          Australia                      0        0          0          0            0          0           17         26          9           3         5          4

                                          New Zealand                    0        0          0          0            0          0           53         20         18           1         2          4
                                          High income countries
                                                                         0        0          0          0            0          1           21         16          2         14         12          0
                                          Africa Ding                    3        6          0          1            7          2           12         15          7           2         6          0
                  According to FAO

                                          Asia Dvng                      1        0          1          1            3          3           11           7         3         18          8          0
                                          E Europe + Transition +
                                                                         0        0          0          0            0          1           27         10          2         13          6          0
                                          Latin America and Carib.       5        1          0          2            0          2           12         23          1           5        13          0

                                          All studied countries          1        0          0          1            2          2           16         13          2         14          9          0

                                          World                          1        0          0          1            2          2           16         13          2         13         10          0

                                          Unit value (US$/MT)        1486      1328        79       1890          568      2882           242        1978      1900        1310      1221        560
                                              Shares of apparent consumption in 2001 (% domestic app. consumption value) - A
                                                                                                             Other coarse Sugar, raw     Cotton      Soya                  Other
                                                                     (paddy    Wheat     Maize      Barley                                                    Palm oil               Cassava   Bananas
                                                                                                                grains      equiv.        seed       beans                Oilseeds

                                          EC 12                          0       10          3          4            1          0            0           3         0           4         0          1

                                          EC 15                          0       10          3          5            2          0            0           3         0           4         0          1

                                          EFTA 3                         1        6          1          4            2          0            0           3         0           1         0          1
High income countries

                                          Europe above                   0       10          3          5            2          0            0           3         0           4         0          1

                                          Canada                         0        8          9        10             2          0            0           4         0           8         0          1

                                          United States                  1        4        16           1            1          0            2           9         0           1         0          1

                                          Japan                         10        5          8          2            2          0            0           5         0           4         0          1

                                          Australia                      1       11          0          4            5          0            2           0         0           2         0          1

                                          New Zealand                    0        2          0          1            0          0            0           0         0           0         0          0
                                          High income countries
                                                                         1        7          9          3            1          0            1           5         0           3         0          1
                                          Africa Ding                    7       10          8          1            7          0            2           1         0           1         7          2
                  According to FAO

                                          Asia Dvng                     21       10          5          1            1          0            3           2         0           2         0          2
                                          E Europe + Transition +
                                                                         0       17          5          6            5          0            2           0         0           3         0          0
                                          Latin America and Carib.       3        4          8          1            2          0            1         10          0           1         1          3

                                          All studied countries         10        9          7          2            2          0            2           4         0           2         1          1

                                          World                         10        9          7          2            2          0            2           4         0           2         1          1

                                          Unit value (US$/MT)         142       129        95        110           95         16          472         233         79        283         39       224

                                              Shares of apparent consumption in 2001 (% domestic app. consumption value) - B
                                                                                                             Groundnuts                                                                         Wool
                                                                               Cocoa   Coconuts -                                                    Bovine   Mutton &               Poultry
                                                                     Coffee                          Tea      (shelled     Tobacco     Milk, whole                        Pigmeat              (clean
                                                                               Beans   Incl Copra                                                     Meat    goat meat               meat
                                                                                                               equiv.)                                                                         equiv.)

                                          EC 12                          2        1          0          0            0          2           25         13          2         18          8          0

                                          EC 15                          2        1          0          0            0          2           25         13          2         18          8          0

                                          EFTA 3                         4        1          0         -1            0          1           41         15          2         13          4          0
High income countries

                                          Europe above                   2        1          0          0            0          2           26         13          2         17          7          0

                                          Canada                         2        1          0          0            0          1           16         17          0         11         10          0

                                          United States                  1        1          0          0            1          1           16         23          0           9        13          0

                                          Japan                          3        1          0          1            0          4           11         13          0         16         12          0

                                          Australia                      1        0          0          0            0          1           26         19          9           5         8          4

                                          New Zealand                    0        0          0          0            0          0           66           6        11           2         3          5
                                          High income countries
                                                                         2        1          0          0            0          2           21         17          1         13         10          0
                                          Africa Ding                    1        1          0          1            6          3           12         16          6           1         5          0
                  According to FAO

                                          Asia Dvng                      0        0          1          1            2          4           11           7         3         16          7          0
                                          E Europe + Transition +
                                                                         1        1          0          1            0          3           25         11          2         12          6          0
                                          Latin America and Carib.       1        1          0          2            0          1           14         26          1           5        13          0

                                          All studied countries          1        1          0          1            2          2           16         14          2         13          8          0

                                          World                          1        1          0          1            2          2           16         14          2         13          8          0

                                          Unit value (US$/MT)        1486      1328        79       1890          568       2882          242        1978      1900       1310       1221        560
                                             Australia - Trade weighted applied ad valorem tariff

                                    1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

                      PDR                           0.0       0.0            0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      WHT                           0.0       0.0            0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      GRO                           0.0       0.0            0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      V_F                           1.8       1.5            1.0   1.1   1.0   1.1   1.1   1.0   1.1   1.1   1.1   1.1

                      OSD                           2.1       1.0            0.6   0.7   0.5   1.0   1.6   1.1   2.6   1.5   1.3   1.3
Primary agriculture

                      C_B                           0.0                      0.0         0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      PFB                           0.0       0.0            0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OCR                           0.0       3.2            0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      CTL                           0.0       0.0            0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OAP                           0.0       0.0            0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      WOL                           0.1       0.0            0.3   0.1   0.2   0.4   0.4   0.2   0.1   0.0   0.1   0.1

                                                    0.7       1.9            0.3   0.4   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.5   0.5   0.6   0.6

                      CMT                           0.0       0.0            0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OMT                           4.4       2.9            1.4   1.2   1.7   0.9   0.6   0.6   0.3   0.3   0.2   0.2

                      VOL                           1.1       1.5            0.6   0.6   0.5   0.4   0.4   0.5   0.5   0.7   0.7   0.7
Processed food

                      MIL                           0.2       0.4            0.4   0.4   0.6   0.5   0.4   0.2   0.0   0.1   0.1   0.1

                      PCR                           0.0       0.0            0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      SGR                           4.5       3.1            2.5   1.4   1.8   1.7   1.5   0.1   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OFD                           3.6       3.7            2.4   2.3   2.3   2.2   2.1   2.0   1.8   1.9   2.0   2.0

                      B_T                          11.3       9.7            4.6   4.7   4.7   3.6   3.7   3.2   2.9   2.9   2.9   2.9

                                                    3.5       3.4            2.1   2.1   2.1   1.9   1.8   1.9   1.7   1.7   1.8   1.8

                      Primary non
                                                    9.2       7.7            4.8   4.7   4.5   4.2   4.0   3.8   3.7   3.8   3.7   3.1
                                                Canada - Trade weighted applied ad valorem tariff

                                    1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

                      PDR                 0.0                  0.0       0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0

                      WHT                                                      87.6   85.5   64.9    3.4   1.3   28.3   64.2   30.5   1.3   1.3

                      GRO                 0.1                  0.1       0.1   12.8   21.9    1.0    0.9   0.6    0.0    0.6    1.0   0.0   0.0

                      V_F                 3.5                  0.7       3.5    3.2    0.3    0.3    0.1   0.1    0.1    0.1    0.1   0.1   0.1

                      OSD                 0.0                  0.0       0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0
Primary agriculture

                      C_B                16.1                 11.0      11.7   11.7    4.9    1.2    0.8   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0

                      PFB                 0.0                  0.0       0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OCR                 1.9                  1.3       1.2    1.3    0.6    0.6    0.6   0.7    1.3    0.8    0.7   0.7   0.7

                      CTL                 0.0                  0.0       0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OAP                 0.2                  0.1      41.3   41.2    0.1   22.9   19.5   0.1    0.1    0.1    0.1   0.1   0.1

                      WOL                 3.8                  0.3       6.7    4.6    0.4    0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0

                                          2.6                  0.7       5.3    5.9    0.7    2.2    1.5   0.2    0.3    0.5    0.3   0.2   0.2

                      CMT                 0.3                  0.0      13.9   13.8    4.6    4.7    5.4   5.3    6.5    6.5    5.6   6.4   6.4

                      OMT                 8.5                  4.0     108.5   70.9    6.6   58.4   55.0   5.0    6.2    4.4    3.6   0.2   0.2

                      VOL                 2.2                  1.5       5.3    5.5    0.7    2.6    3.1   0.3    0.4    0.3    0.3   0.3   0.3
Processed food

                      MIL                 9.6                 10.0     231.2 236.5     6.5 189.1 175.8     2.1    4.0    3.4    2.2   2.2   2.2

                      PCR                 0.0                  0.0       0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0

                      SGR                 1.1                  0.5       0.6    0.7    0.2    0.2    0.2   0.1    0.3    0.1    0.1   0.1   0.1

                      OFD                 5.8                  3.9      15.7   14.8    1.7   10.1   10.0   0.9    0.9    0.8    0.8   0.9   0.9

                      B_T                 4.9                  4.2      22.5   20.6    2.0    6.5    5.9   0.4    1.0    0.5    0.6   0.6   0.6

                                          5.3                  3.4      25.6   24.3    2.1   16.6   16.2   1.4    1.7    1.4    1.3   1.0   1.0

                      Primary non
                                          6.1                  3.6       6.8    5.6    1.5    1.5    1.4   0.8    1.0    0.9    0.9   0.9   0.9
                                           European Union - Trade weighted applied ad valorem tariff

                                    1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

                      PDR                         12.0   12.0   12.0   10.0   10.9   11.3   10.6   10.3    9.1    9.1   0.8    7.6    7.7    7.7   7.7

                      WHT                         20.0   20.0   20.0   20.0   20.0   18.8    1.9   17.6   15.2   15.2   1.2   12.8   12.4   12.7   1.5

                      GRO            4.0    4.0    0.5    0.6    0.7    0.5    0.6    2.3    3.7    1.0    1.1    1.1   1.0    0.1    0.2    2.7   2.4

                      V_F            7.4    7.4    8.7    8.3    8.2    6.7    7.2    6.8    5.9    6.2    6.3    6.6   4.2    7.5    3.8    3.8   5.8

                      OSD            0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0
Primary agriculture

                      C_B                          0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0                                             0.0           0.0

                      PFB                          0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0

                      OCR            5.6    7.2    5.5    7.1    7.9    4.8    4.1    2.6    1.5    0.8    0.5    0.5   0.2    1.0    0.4    0.4   0.8

                      CTL            3.0    2.8    2.0    3.1    3.1    3.1    2.8    2.0    2.9    2.6    2.3    0.6   0.6    0.7    3.4    3.3   2.9

                      OAP            1.4    1.5    2.0    2.5    2.5    2.2    1.7    1.9    2.0    2.0    2.1    2.1   1.1    1.5    1.8    2.2   2.5

                      WOL            0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0

                                     4.5    5.2    4.6    5.1    5.4    3.9    3.7    3.0    2.6    2.4    2.4    2.7   1.5    3.2    2.2    2.0   2.6

                      CMT           11.7   12.1   13.3   13.6   14.7   13.4   13.8    4.7    4.8    4.5    3.6    3.8   2.9    3.1    2.5    2.7   2.4

                      OMT            9.5    9.9   13.6   12.4   12.4   14.3   14.5   12.3   10.2    9.5    8.8   10.2   8.3    8.5    8.8    8.2   7.5

                      VOL            1.6    1.9    2.2    2.2    2.3    2.0    2.1    2.5    2.1    1.9    1.5    1.3   0.8    0.7    0.9    0.9   1.2
Processed food

                      MIL            4.4    4.2    8.7    9.5    6.9    7.4    5.4    9.2    6.3    6.4    7.4    8.0   5.5    6.0    6.0    6.1   3.9

                      PCR                                                                                                      0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0

                      SGR           10.0   10.0    0.1   10.0   10.0    0.1    0.1    9.7    1.4    0.2    0.1    0.1   0.2    1.8    0.8    0.6   0.9

                      OFD           11.8   12.1   14.2   13.4   13.9   11.8   11.7   11.4    8.7    7.6    8.8    9.5   6.3    9.9    5.6    5.7   6.9

                      B_T           31.1   26.7   12.1   15.7   15.3   10.0   21.8   19.8    9.1    6.1    5.2   11.7   5.1    6.5    3.3    2.5   2.3

                                     8.9    9.2   10.8   10.9   11.2    9.2    9.4    9.3    7.1    6.1    6.8    7.5   5.0    7.4    4.5    4.4   5.3

                      Primary non
                                     3.5    3.7    4.8    4.4    4.1    3.8    4.2    4.4    2.7    2.5    2.6    2.8   1.7    2.4    1.6    1.5   2.1
                                              EFTA 3 - Trade weighted applied ad valorem tariff

                                    1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

                      PDR            0.0                      0.0              0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      WHT            0.0                      0.0             24.1   0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   2.5   0.0   3.0   0.0   0.0

                      GRO            0.0                      0.0       0.0   10.2   0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   3.4   0.0   2.7   0.0   0.0

                      V_F            0.0       0.0            0.5       1.1    0.8   0.0    1.4   0.0    6.3   6.4   3.8   3.9   0.0   0.0

                      OSD            0.0       0.0            0.0              0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
Primary agriculture

                      C_B            0.0                      0.0       0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      PFB            0.0       0.0            0.0       0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OCR            0.0       0.0            0.2       3.1   11.2   0.0   17.8   0.0   13.4   8.8   7.0   5.5   0.0   0.0

                      CTL            0.0                      0.0       0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OAP            0.0       0.0            0.0      13.0   10.3   0.0   10.7   0.0    6.2   6.2   6.5   5.7   0.0   0.0

                      WOL            0.0       0.0            0.0       0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                                     0.0       0.0            0.3       3.1    5.9   0.0    9.4   0.0    8.5   6.4   4.8   4.2   0.0   0.0

                      CMT            0.0       0.0            0.0              1.2   0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.3   0.0   0.2   0.0   0.0

                      OMT            1.6       0.0            1.2       0.8    1.0   0.0    0.5   0.0    0.7   1.3   0.0   0.3   0.0   0.0

                      VOL            2.5       0.0            3.4       2.5    6.3   0.0    3.8   0.0    2.5   2.5   2.1   2.2   0.0   0.0
Processed food

                      MIL            4.4       0.0            0.9      23.1    0.4         26.2         25.9   0.3   0.1   0.4   0.0   0.0

                      PCR            0.0                      0.0     100.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      SGR            0.0                      0.0       0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0          0.0   0.0   0.0   0.1   0.0   0.0

                      OFD            0.8       0.0            0.7       5.7    3.4   0.0    4.6   0.0    3.3   1.1   1.0   1.4   0.0   0.0

                      B_T            0.6       0.0            2.6       0.0    2.7   0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0   1.5   0.0   0.1   0.0   0.0

                                     1.0       0.0            1.0       5.0    3.0   0.0    3.8   0.0    2.8   1.2   0.7   1.0   0.0   0.0

                      Primary non
                                     0.8       0.0            0.5       3.8    0.3   0.0    0.3   0.0    0.2   0.2   0.1   0.1   0.0   0.0
                                                  Japan - Trade weighted applied ad valorem tariff

                                    1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

                      PDR            0.0           0.0           0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0

                      WHT            6.5    6.5    6.5    6.5    6.5    6.5    6.4    6.4    6.4    6.4    6.4    6.4    6.4    6.4    6.4    6.4    6.4    6.4

                      GRO            6.0    5.9    5.4    5.4    5.4    5.4    5.4    1.6    0.3    0.3    0.3    0.2    0.2    0.2    0.2    0.1    0.1    0.1

                      V_F            7.8    8.0    7.8    7.8    7.8    7.9    8.1    8.2    9.0    5.2    4.8    7.0    6.8    6.7    6.8    6.7    6.7    6.6

                      OSD            0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.1    0.1    0.1    0.1    0.1    0.1    0.1    0.1    0.1    0.1    0.1
Primary agriculture

                      C_B            0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0           0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0

                      PFB            0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0

                      OCR            0.7    0.7    0.7    0.7    0.8    0.8    0.8    0.6    0.6    0.6    0.5    0.6    0.6    0.7    0.6    0.5    0.6    0.6

                      CTL            0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0

                      OAP            1.0    1.2    1.6    1.3    1.0    1.0    1.2    1.1    1.5    1.4    1.2    1.1    1.1    1.4    4.0    4.2    3.6    3.6

                      WOL            0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0

                                     3.3    3.5    3.4    3.4    3.7    3.8    3.5    2.7    2.4    1.8    1.6    2.3    2.3    2.3    2.5    2.3    2.3    2.3

                      CMT           20.2   21.1   21.9   53.6   46.5   41.4   43.2   41.1   38.5   38.3   36.4   34.4   32.5   32.2   32.5   33.1   32.4   32.1

                      OMT            5.1    5.5    5.6    5.7    5.5    5.2    5.4    5.4    5.0    5.2    5.3    4.9    4.7    4.7    4.5    4.4    4.3    4.3

                      VOL            1.5    1.8    1.6    1.5    1.6    1.7    2.1    1.0    0.9    0.8    0.8    1.0    0.7    0.7    0.6    0.3    0.3    0.3
Processed food

                      MIL           17.1   17.1   17.3   19.9   18.0   18.8   20.2   18.5   24.7   18.1   17.7   17.5   17.1   17.1   17.3   17.8   25.8   17.4

                      PCR            0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0

                      SGR            1.7    1.7    1.7    1.7    1.7    1.7    1.7    1.6    2.2    1.3    1.2    1.1    0.1    0.1    0.1    0.1    0.1    0.1

                      OFD            7.9    8.3    8.3    7.8    7.9    7.9    8.1    8.0    7.8    7.3    7.2    7.1    6.8    7.1    7.0    7.2    7.4    7.3

                      B_T            9.3    9.5    9.0    8.1    8.0    7.2    6.5    4.1    3.9    6.4    2.8    2.3    1.8    2.0    1.0    1.1    1.3    1.3

                                     9.1    9.8    9.8   12.7   12.1   11.4   11.5   11.1   10.4   10.4    9.7    9.2    8.7    8.7    7.6    8.3    7.9    7.6

                      Primary non
                                     2.8    2.9    2.6    3.0    3.2    3.2    3.2    2.8    2.6    2.3    2.2    2.1    1.9    2.3    2.1    2.0    1.9    1.9
                                           New Zealand - Trade weighted applied ad valorem tariff

                                    1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

                      PDR                                0.0    0.0          0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      WHT                                0.0    0.0          0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      GRO                                5.6    2.2          0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      V_F                                0.2    0.2          0.0   0.1   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OSD                                0.0    0.0          0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
Primary agriculture

                      C_B                                0.0    0.0          0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      PFB                                0.0    0.0          0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OCR                                1.2    1.0          0.6   0.5   0.4   0.5   0.5   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2

                      CTL                                0.0    0.0          0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OAP                                0.0    0.0          0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      WOL                                0.0    0.0          0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                                                         0.5    0.3          0.1   0.2   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      CMT                                0.1    0.1          0.1   0.1   0.0   0.1   0.1   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OMT                               10.8   10.8          0.5   2.2   0.5   0.7   0.8   0.9   0.7   1.1   1.1

                      VOL                                1.9    1.3          0.7   2.4   0.3   0.4   0.3   0.2   0.2   0.3   0.3
Processed food

                      MIL                                8.4    7.0          1.9   4.2   0.7   0.8   0.7   1.0   1.6   0.6   0.3

                      PCR                                0.0    0.0          0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      SGR                                0.0    0.0          0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OFD                               11.4   10.4          2.3   5.7   1.8   1.4   1.1   1.2   1.3   1.3   1.3

                      B_T                               13.6   12.5          6.2   7.1   4.4   3.8   2.6   1.3   1.3   1.4   1.3

                                                         9.1    8.3          2.4   4.9   1.8   1.5   1.2   1.0   1.1   1.1   1.1

                      Primary non
                                                         8.6    8.3          4.9   5.6   3.6   3.1   2.4   3.0   3.0   3.1   3.1
                                          United States - Trade weighted applied ad valorem tariff

                                    1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

                      PDR                 0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    2.8    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      WHT                 5.6   5.0   4.4   3.7   3.1    1.9    1.2    0.2    4.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.1   0.1   0.0   0.0

                      GRO                 0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      V_F                 2.3   1.9   2.0   1.7   1.7    0.8    0.8    2.2    2.7    0.7    0.6    0.6   0.6   0.3   0.3   0.3

                      OSD                 0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   15.1   18.3    5.5   27.0   17.8   29.3   18.9   8.8   1.0   0.2   0.2
Primary agriculture

                      C_B                       0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    1.6    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0         0.0   0.0   0.0

                      PFB                 0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    2.5    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                      OCR                 0.5   0.6   0.5   0.5   0.4    0.3   11.5    8.3    7.8    7.5    6.2    8.9   9.1   7.7   7.2   7.2

                      CTL                 0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   0.3   0.5   0.7   0.7

                      OAP                 1.2   1.1   1.2   1.3   1.0    0.1    0.2    0.3    0.3    0.2    0.2    0.2   0.2   0.1   0.1   0.1

                      WOL                 1.7   2.9   3.6   0.3   0.6    0.5    0.4    1.0    0.0    0.2    0.0    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0

                                          0.9   1.0   1.0   0.9   0.8    0.8    5.7    4.4    5.0    3.5    3.1    3.4   3.2   2.7   2.5   2.5

                      CMT                 6.2   6.0   6.0   5.3   4.7    8.6    7.7    5.9   10.8    7.1    7.3    5.8   5.8   6.5   6.5   3.9

                      OMT                 2.4   2.4   2.1   1.9   1.6    1.1    0.9    0.7    1.4    0.6    0.4    0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3

                      VOL                 1.3   1.6   1.6   0.5   0.6    0.3    0.3    0.5    1.9    0.2    0.2    0.1   0.2   0.3   1.0   1.0
Processed food

                      MIL                 6.3   6.9   7.2   6.9   7.5    7.9    7.7   15.0    8.5    8.4    7.9    8.0   8.5   8.4   8.2   8.1

                      PCR                 0.4   0.4   0.6   0.8   0.7    0.7    2.2    3.6    0.5    3.2    2.4    2.8   1.2   1.3   1.2   1.2

                      SGR                 0.1   0.1   0.1   0.2   0.2    0.2    0.2   10.6    0.4    0.2    0.2    0.2   0.2   0.2   0.3   0.3

                      OFD                 2.9   3.0   2.8   2.8   2.6    2.3    2.3    3.5    3.0    1.7    1.5    1.6   1.7   1.6   1.6   1.6

                      B_T                 1.6   1.4   1.8   1.4   1.4    0.7    6.1    2.9    9.0    3.8    1.7    1.2   1.0   0.9   0.7   0.7

                                          3.2   3.2   3.1   3.0   2.7    2.6    2.9    3.9    4.0    2.5    2.2    2.1   2.0   1.9   2.0   1.8

                      Primary non
                                          3.8   3.8   3.9   3.8   3.6    2.8    2.7    2.5    2.9    1.9    1.8    1.8   1.9   1.8   1.7   1.7