50516 Doing Business 2010 Iran, Islamic Rep. © 2009 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone 202-473-1000 Internet www.worldbank.org E-mail feedback@worldbank.org All rights reserved. 1 2 3 4 08 07 06 05 A copublication of The World Bank and the International Finance Corporation. This volume is a product of the staff of the World Bank Group. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; telephone 978-750-8400; fax 978-750-4470; Internet: www.copyright.com. All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2422; e-mail: pubrights@worldbank.org. Additional copies of Doing Business 2010: Reforming through Difficult Times, Doing Business 2009, Doing Business 2008, Doing Business 2007: How to Reform, Doing Business in 2006: Creating Jobs, Doing Business in 2005: Removing Obstacles to Growth and Doing Business in 2004: Understanding Regulations may be purchased at www.doingbusiness.org ISBN: 978-0-8213-7961-5 E-ISBN: 978-0-8213-7965-3 DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-7961-5 ISSN: 1729-2638 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publishing Data has been applied for. Printed in the United States. Current features News on the Doing Business project www.doingbusiness.org Rankings How economies rank-from 1 to 183 www.doingbusiness.org/economyrankings Contents Reformers Short summaries of DB2010 reforms, lists of reformers since DB2004 Introduction 1 and a ranking simulation tool and Aggregate Rankings www.doingbusiness.org/reformers Starting a Business 5 Historical data Customized data sets since DB2004 Dealing with www.doingbusiness.org/customquery Construction Permits 10 Methodology and research Employing Workers 15 The methodologies and research papers underlying Doing Business www.doingbusiness.org/MethodologySurveys Registering Property 19 Getting Credit 24 Download reports Access to Doing Business reports as well as subnational and regional reports, reform case studies and customized country and regional Protecting Investors 28 profiles www.doingbusiness.org/downloads Paying Taxes 32 Subnational and regional projects Trading Across Borders 36 Differences in business regulations at the subnational and regional level Enforcing Contracts 40 www.doingbusiness.org/subnational Closing a Business 44 Law Library Online collection of business laws and regulations relating to Doing Business 2010 48 business and gender issues Reforms www.doingbusiness.org/lawlibrary www.doingbusiness.org/genderlawlibrary Local partners More than 8,000 specialists in 183 economies who participate in Doing Business www.doingbusiness.org/LocalPartners Reformers' Club Celebrating the top 10 Doing Business reformers www.doingbusiness.org/Reformers/ReformersClub.aspx Business Planet Interactive map on the ease of doing business http://www.doingbusiness.org/map Doing Business 2010: Reforming Through Difficult Times is the seventh in a series of annual reports investigating regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators on business regulations and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 183 economies, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, over time. A set of regulations affecting 10 stages of a business's life are measured: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, employing workers, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and closing a business. Data in Doing Business 2010: Reforming Through Difficult Times are current as of June 1, 2009*. The indicators are used to analyze economic outcomes and identify what reforms have worked, where, and why. The Doing Business methodology has limitations. Other areas important to business such as an economy's proximity to large markets, the quality of its infrastructure services (other than those related to trading across borders), the security of property from theft and looting, the transparency of government procurement, macroeconomic conditions or the underlying strength of institutions, are not studied directly by Doing Business. To make the data comparable across economies, the indicators refer to a specific type of business, generally a local limited liability company operating in the largest business city. Because standard assumptions are used in the data collection, comparisons and benchmarks are valid across economies. The data not only highlight the extent of obstacles to doing business; they also help identify the source of those obstacles, supporting policymakers in designing reform. The data set covers 183 economies: 46 in Sub-Saharan Africa, 32 in Latin America and The Caribbean, 27 in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 24 in East Asia and Pacific, 19 in the Middle East and North Africa and 8 in South Asia, as well as 27 OECD high-income economies as benchmarks. The following pages present the summary Doing Business indicators for the Islamic Republic of Iran. The data used for this country profile come from the Doing Business database and are summarized in graphs. These graphs allow a comparison of the economies in each region not only with one another but also with the "good practice" economy for each indicator. The good-practice economies are identified by their position in each indicator as well as their overall ranking and by their capacity to provide good examples of business regulation to other countries. These good-practice economies do not necessarily rank number 1 in the topic or indicator, but they are in the top 10. More information is available in the full report. Doing Business 2010: Reforming Through Difficult Times presents the indicators, analyzes their relationship with economic outcomes and recommends reforms. The data, along with information on ordering the report, are available on the Doing Business website (www.doingbusiness.org). * Except for the Paying Taxes indicator that refers to the period January to December of 2008. Note: Doing Business 2008 and Doing Business 2009 data and rankings have been recalculated to reflect changes to the methodology and the addition of new countries (in the case of the rankings). 1 Economy Rankings - Ease of Doing Business Iran, Islamic Rep. is ranked 137 out of 183 economies. Singapore is the top ranked economy in the Ease of Doing Business. Iran, Islamic Rep. - Compared to global good practice economy as well as selected economies: Iran, Islamic Rep.'s ranking in Doing Business 2010 Rank Doing Business 2010 Ease of Doing Business 137 Starting a Business 48 Dealing with Construction Permits 141 Employing Workers 137 Registering Property 153 Getting Credit 113 Protecting Investors 165 Paying Taxes 117 Trading Across Borders 134 Enforcing Contracts 53 2 Closing a Business 109 Summary of Indicators - Iran, Islamic Rep. Starting a Business Procedures (number) 7 Time (days) 9 Cost (% of income per capita) 3.9 Min. capital (% of income per capita) 0.8 Dealing with Construction Permits Procedures (number) 17 Time (days) 322 Cost (% of income per capita) 365.9 Employing Workers Difficulty of hiring index (0-100) 11 Rigidity of hours index (0-100) 27 Difficulty of redundancy index (0-10) 50 Rigidity of employment index (0-100) 29 Redundancy costs (weeks of salary) 87 Registering Property Procedures (number) 9 Time (days) 36 Cost (% of property value) 10.5 Getting Credit Strength of legal rights index (0-10) 4 Depth of credit information index (0-6) 3 Public registry coverage (% of adults) 31.3 Private bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Protecting Investors Extent of disclosure index (0-10) 5 Extent of director liability index (0-10) 4 Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10) 0 Strength of investor protection index (0-10) 3.0 Paying Taxes Payments (number per year) 22 Time (hours per year) 344 Profit tax (%) 17.9 Labor tax and contributions (%) 25.9 Other taxes (%) 0.4 Total tax rate (% profit) 44.2 4 Trading Across Borders Documents to export (number) 7 Time to export (days) 25 Cost to export (US$ per container) 1061 Documents to import (number) 8 Time to import (days) 38 Cost to import (US$ per container) 1706 Enforcing Contracts Procedures (number) 39 Time (days) 520 Cost (% of claim) 17.0 Closing a Business Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 23.1 Time (years) 4.5 Cost (% of estate) 9 When entrepreneurs draw up a business plan and try to get under way, the first hurdles they face are the procedures required to incorporate and register the new firm before they can legally operate. Economies differ greatly in how they regulate the entry of new businesses. In some the process is straightforward and affordable. In others the procedures are so burdensome that entrepreneurs may have to bribe officials to speed up the process or may decide to run their business informally. Analysis shows that burdensome entry regulations do not increase the quality of products, make work safer or reduce pollution. Instead, they constrain private investment; push more people into the informal economy; increase consumer prices and fuel corruption. Methodology The data on starting a business is based on a survey and research investigating the procedures that a standard small to medium -size company needs to complete to start operations legally. This includes obtaining all necessary permits and licenses and completing all required inscriptions, verifications and notifications with authorities to enable the company to formally operate. Procedures are recorded only where interaction is required with an external party. It is assumed that the founders complete all procedures themselves unless professional services (such as by a notary or lawyer) are required by law. Voluntary procedures are not counted, nor are industry­specific requirements and utility hook-ups. Lawful shortcuts are counted. It is assumed that all in formation is readily available to the entrepreneur, that there has been no prior contact with officials and that all government and nongovernment entities involved in the process function without corruption. Survey Case Study The business: is a limited l iability company conducting general commercial activities is located in the largest business city is 100% domestically owned has a start-up capital of 10 times income per capita has a turnover of at least 100 times income per capita has between 10 and 50 employees does not qualify for any special benefits does not own real estate 5 1. Historical data: Starting a Business in the Islamic Republic of Iran Starting a Business data Doing Business 2008 Doing Business 2009 Doing Business 2010 Rank .. 73 48 Procedures (number) 8 8 7 Time (days) 28 28 9 Cost (% of income per capita) 5.3 4.6 3.9 Min. capital (% of income per capita) 1.3 1.0 0.8 2. The following graphs illustrates the Starting a Business indicators in the Islamic Republic of Iran over the past 3 years: 6 3. Steps to Starting a Business in the Islamic Republic of Iran It requires 7 procedures, takes 9 days, and costs 3.93 % GNI per capita to start a business in the Islamic Republic of Iran. List of Procedures: 1. Search and reserve a unique company name 2. Deposit at least 35% of the subscribed shares in a bank account and obtain a certificate from the bank 3. Register the company with the Companies Registration Office for companies and pay registration duties 4. Place a notice of the company formation in the Official Gazette and the selected newspaper of general circulation 5. Take out the officially sealed books of account within 30 days after the date of registration 6. Pay the share certificate stamp duty within 60 days after the date of registration of the company 7. Enroll workers in the social security program by open files for all employees before the Iranian Labor Department and obtain a workplace number More detail is included in the appendix. 7 4. Benchmarking Starting a Business Regulations: Iran, Islamic Rep. is ranked 48 overall for Starting a Business. Ranking of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Starting a Business - Compared to good practice and selected economies: 8 The following table shows Starting a Business data for the Islamic Republic of Iran compared to good practice and comparator economies: Good Practice Procedures Time (days) Cost (% of Min. capital (number) income per (% of income Economies capita) per capita) Denmark* 0.0 New Zealand* 1 1 0.0 Selected Economy Iran, Islamic Rep. 7 9 3.9 0.8 Comparator Economies Iraq 11 77 75.9 30.3 Jordan 8 13 49.5 19.9 Oman 5 12 2.2 273.6 Saudi Arabia 4 5 7.7 0.0 United Arab Emirates 8 15 6.2 0.0 * The following economies are also good practice economies for : Procedures (number): Canada Cost (% of income per capita): Slovenia 9 Once entrepreneurs have registered a business, what regulations do they face in operating it? To measure such regulation, Doing Business focuses on the construction sector. Construction companies are under constant pressure from government to comply with i nspections, with licensing and safety regulations, from customers to be quick and cost-effective. These conflicting pressures point to the tradeoff in building regulation; the tradeoff between protecting people (construction workers, tenants, passersby) and keeping the cost of building affordable. In many economies, especially poor ones, complying with building regulations is so costly in time and money that many builders opt out. Builders may pay bribes to pass inspections or simply build illegally, leadi ng to hazardous construction. Where the regulatory burden is large, entrepreneurs may tend to move their activity into the informal economy. There they operate with less concern for safety, leaving everyone worse off. In other economies compliance is simple, straightforward and inexpensive, yielding better results. Methodology The indicators on dealing with construction permits record all procedures officially required for an entrepreneur in the construction industry to build a warehouse. These include su bmitting project documents (building plans, site maps) to the authorities, obtaining all necessary licenses and permits, completing all required notifications and receiving all necessary inspections. They also include procedures for obtaining utility conne ctions, such as electricity, telephone, water and sewerage. The time and cost to complete each procedure under normal circumstances are calculated. All official fees associated with legally completing the procedures are included. Time is recorded in calendar days. The survey assumes that the entrepreneur is aware of all existing regulations and does not use an intermediary to complete the procedures unless required to do so by law. Survey Case Study The business: is a small to medium-size limited liabilit y company is located in the largest business city is domestically owned and operated, in the construction business has 20 qualified employees The warehouse to be built : is a new construction (there was no previous construction on the land) has complete architectural and technical plans prepared by a licensed architect will be connected to electricity, water, sewerage (sewage system, septic tank or their equivalent) and one land phone line. The connection to each utility network will be 32 feet, 10 inches ( 10 meters) long. will be used for general storage, such as of books or stationery. The warehouse will not be used for any goods requiring special conditions, such as food, chemicals or pharmaceuticals. will take 30 weeks to construct (excluding all delays due to administrative and regulatory requirements). 10 1. Historical data: Dealing with Construction Permits in the Islamic Republic of Iran Dealing with Construction Permits data Doing Business 2008 Doing Business 2009 Doing Business 2010 Rank .. 164 141 Procedures (number) 19 19 17 Time (days) 670 670 322 Cost (% of income per capita) 653.4 514.2 365.9 2. The following graphs illustrates the Dealing with Construction Permits indicators in the Islamic Republic of Iran over the past 3 years: 11 3. Steps to Building a Warehouse in the Islamic Republic of Iran It requires 17 procedures, takes 322 days, and costs 365.91 % GNI per capita to build a warehouse in the Islamic Republic of Iran. List of Procedures: 1. Obtain land tax payment certificate 12. Apply for building completion certificate 2. Apply for location approval from the district e-service 13. Receive final inspection office 14. Obtain building completion certificate 3. Receive site inspection 15. Obtain water and sewerage connection 4. Obtain location approval fro the district e-service office 16. Obtain electricity connection 5. Obtain construction permit Obtain fixed telephone line 17. 6. Hire an independent surveillance company 7. Receive inspection from Municipality - I 8. Receive inspection from Municipality - II 9. Receive inspection from Municipality - III 10. Receive inspection from Municipality - IV 11. Receive inspection from Municipality - V 12 More detail is included in the appendix. 4. Benchmarking Dealing with Construction Permits Regulations: Iran, Islamic Rep. is ranked 141 overall for Dealing with Construction Permits. Ranking of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Dealing with Construction Permits - Compared to good practice and selected economies: 13 The following table shows Dealing with Construction Permits data for the Islamic Republic of Iran compared to good practice and comparator economies: Good Practice Procedures Time (days) Cost (% of (number) income per Economies capita) Denmark 6 Qatar 0.6 Singapore 25 Selected Economy Iran, Islamic Rep. 17 322 365.9 Comparator Economies Iraq 14 215 397.9 Jordan 19 87 697.1 Oman 16 242 427.9 Saudi Arabia 17 94 32.8 United Arab Emirates 17 64 30.7 14 Economies worldwide have established a system of laws and institutions intended to protect workers and guarantee a minimum standard of living for its population. This system generally encompasses four bodies of law: employment, industrial relations, social security and occupational health and safety laws. Employment regulations are needed to allow efficient contracting between employers and workers and to protect workers from discriminatory or unfair treatment by employers. Doing Business measures flexibility in the regulation of hiring, working hours and dismissal in a manner consistent with the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO). An economy can have the most flexible labor regulations as measured by Doing Business while ratifying and complying with all conventions directly relevant to the factors measured by Doing Business and with the ILO core labor standards. No economy can achieve a better score by failing to comply with these conventions. Governments all over the world face the challenge of finding the right balance between worker protection and labor market flexibility. But in developing countries especially, regulators often err to one extreme, pushing employers and workers into the informal sector. Analysis across economies shows that while employment regulation generally increases the tenure and wages of incumbent workers, overly rigid regulations may have undesirable side effects. These include less job creation, smaller company size, less investment in research and develop ment, and longer spells of unemployment and thus the obsolescence of skills, all of which may reduce productivity growth. Methodology Two measures are presented: a rigidity of employment index and a redundancy cost measure. The rigidity of employment in dex is the average of three sub-indices: difficulty of hiring, rigidity of hours and difficulty of redundancy. Each index takes values between 0 and 100, with higher values indicating more rigid regulation. The difficulty of hiring index measures the flexi bility of contracts and the ratio of the minimum wage to the value added per worker. The rigidity of hours index covers restrictions on weekend and night work, requirements relating to working time and the workweek taking into account legal provisions that refer specifically to small to medium-size companies in the manufacturing industry in which continuous operation is economically necessary, as well as mandated days of annual leave with pay. The difficulty of redundancy index covers workers' legal protec tions against dismissal, including the grounds permitted for dismissal and procedures for dismissal (individual and collective): notification and approval requirements, retraining or reassignment obligations and priority rules for dismissals and reemployme nt. The Redundancy cost indicator measures the cost of advance notice requirements, severance payments and penalties due when terminating a redundant worker, expressed in weeks of salary. Survey Case Study The business: is a limited liability company o perating in the manufacturing sector is located in the largest business city is 100% domestically owned has 60 employees The company is also assumed to be subject to collective bargaining agreements in economies where such agreements cover more than half the manufacturing sector and apply even to firms not party to them. 15 1. Historical data: Employing Workers in the Islamic Republic of Iran Employing Workers data Doing Business 2008 Doing Business 2009 Doing Business 2010 Rank .. 137 137 Redundancy costs (weeks of salary) 87 87 87 Rigidity of employment index (0-100) 29 29 29 2. The following graphs illustrates the Employing Workers indicators in the Islamic Republic of Iran over the past 3 years: 16 3. Benchmarking Employing Workers Regulations: Iran, Islamic Rep. is ranked 137 overall for Employing Workers. Ranking of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Employing Workers - Compared to good practice and selected economies: 17 The following table shows Employing Workers data for the Islamic Republic of Iran compared to good practice and comparator economies: Good Practice Rigidity of Redundancy employment costs (weeks Economies index (0-100) of salary) Hong Kong, China* 0 New Zealand* 0 Selected Economy Iran, Islamic Rep. 29 87 Comparator Economies Iraq 24 0 Jordan 24 4 Oman 13 4 Saudi Arabia 13 80 United Arab Emirates 7 84 * The following economies are also good practice economies for : Rigidity of employment index (0-100): Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Kuwait, Marshall Islands, Singapore, St. Lucia, Uganda, United States Redundancy costs (weeks of salary): Denmark, Iraq, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Fed. Sts., Palau, Puerto Rico, Tonga, United States 18 Formal property titles help promote the transfer of land, encourage investment and give entrepreneurs access to formal credit markets. But a large share of property in developing economies is not formally registered. Informal titles cannot be used as secur ity in obtaining loans, which limits financing opportunities for businesses. Many governments have recognized this and started extensive property titling programs. But bringing assets into the formal sector is only part of the story. The more difficult and costly it is to formally transfer property, the greater the chances that formalized titles will quickly become informal again. Eliminating unnecessary obstacles to registering and transferring property is therefore important for economic development. Efficient property registration reduces transaction costs and helps to formalize property titles. Simple procedures to register property are also associated with greater perceived security of property rights and less corruption. That s, benefits all entrepreneur especially women, the young and the poor. The rich have few problems protecting their property rights. They can afford to invest in security systems and other measures to defend their property. But small entrepreneurs cannot. Reform can change this. Methodology Doing Business records the full sequence of procedures necessary for a business (buyer) to purchase a property from another business (seller) and to transfer the property title to the buyer's name. The property of land and building will be tran sferred in its entirety. The transaction is considered complete when the buyer can use the property as collateral for a bank loan. Local property lawyers and officials in property registries provide information on required procedures as well as the time and cost to complete each one. For most economies the data are based on responses from both. Based on the responses, three indicators are constructed: number of procedures to register property time to register property (in calendar days) official costs to register property (as a percentage of the property value) Survey Case Study The buyer and seller: are limited liability companies are private nationals (no foreign ownership) are located in periurban area of the largest business city conduct general commercial activities The property: consists of land and a 2 -story building (warehouse) is located in the periurban commercial zone of the largest business city The land area is 557.4 m 2 (6,000 square feet). The warehouse has a total area of 929 m2 (10,000 square feet). has a value equal to 50 times income per capita The seller company owned the property for the last 10 years. is registered in the land registry and/or cadastre and is free of all disputes . 19 1. Historical data: Registering Property in the Islamic Republic of Iran Registering Property data Doing Business 2008 Doing Business 2009 Doing Business 2010 Rank .. 152 153 Procedures (number) 9 9 9 Time (days) 36 36 36 Cost (% of property value) 10.6 10.6 10.5 2. The following graphs illustrates the Registering Property indicators in the Islamic Republic of Iran over the past 3 years: 20 3. Steps to Registering Property in the Islamic Republic of Iran It requires 9 procedures, takes 36 days, and costs 10.53 % of property value to register the property in the Islamic Republic of Iran. List of Procedures: 1. Conduct a check on the property at the Real Estate Registration Department 2. Obtain a tax clearance certificate from the Tax Affairs Organization 3. Obtain settlement certificate for reconstruction duty from the Municipality 4. Obtain a certificate of completion of the building 5. Obtain a certificate of occupation and insurance liquidation 6. Obtain a social security clearance certificate 7. Payment of transfer tax at Bank Melli 8. The deed is prepared and notarized at the notary public's office 9. The title is registered at the Real Estate Registration Department 21 More detail is included in the appendix. 4. Benchmarking Registering Property Regulations: Iran, Islamic Rep. is ranked 153 overall for Registering Property. Ranking of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Registering Property - Compared to good practice and selected economies: 22 The following table shows Registering Property data for the Islamic Republic of Iran compared to good practice and comparator economies: Good Practice Procedures Time (days) Cost (% of (number) property Economies value) New Zealand* 2 Norway* 1 Saudi Arabia 0.0 Selected Economy Iran, Islamic Rep. 9 36 10.5 Comparator Economies Iraq 5 8 7.7 Jordan 7 21 7.5 Oman 2 16 3.0 Saudi Arabia 2 2 0.0 United Arab Emirates 1 2 2.0 * The following economies are also good practice economies for : Procedures (number): United Arab Emirates Time (days): Saudi Arabia, Thailand, United Arab Emirates 23 Firms consistently rate access to credit as among the greatest barriers to their operation and growth. Doing Business constructs two sets of indicators of how well credit markets function: one on credit registries and the other on legal rights of borrowers and lenders. Credit registries, institutions that collect and distribute credit information on borrowers, can greatly expand access to credit. By sharing credit information, they help lenders assess risk and allocate credit more efficiently. They also free entrepreneurs from having to rely on personal connections alone when trying to obtain credit. Methodology Credit information: three indicators are constructed: depth of credit information index, which measures the extent to which the rules of a credit information system facilitate lending based on the scope of information distributed, the ease of access to information and the quality of information public registry coverage, which reports the number of individuals and firms covered by a public credit re gistry as a percentage of the adult population private bureau coverage, which reports the number of individuals and firms, covered by a private credit bureau as a percentage of the adult population Legal Rights: the strength of legal rights index measures the degree to which collateral and bankruptcy laws protect the rights of borrowers and lenders. Ten points are analyzed: Can a business use movable assets as collateral while keeping possession of the assets, and can any financial institution accept such assets as collateral? Does the law allow a business to grant a non -possessory security right in a single category of revolving movable assets, without requiring a specific description of the secured assets? Does the law allow a business to grant a non pos sessory security right in substantially all of its assets, without requiring a specific description of the secured assets? Can a security right extend to future or after -acquired assets and extend automatically to the products, proceeds or replacements of the original assets? Is general description of debts and obligations permitted in collateral agreements and in registration documents, so that all types of obligations and debts can be secured by stating a maximum rather than a specific amount between the parties? Is a collateral registry in operation that is unified geographically and by asset type as well as being indexed by the name of the grantor of a security right? Are secured creditors paid first when a debtor defaults outside an insolvency procedure or when a business is liquidated? Are secured creditors subject to an automatic stay or moratorium on enforcement procedures when a debtor enters a court-supervised reorganization procedure? Are parties allowed to agree in a collateral agreement that the lender may enforce its security right out of court? Legal Rights Survey Case Study The Debtor: is a Private Limited Liability Company has its headquarters and only base of operations in the largest business city obtains a loan from a local bank (the Cred itor) for an amount up to 10 times income (GNI) per capita Both debtor and creditor are 100% domestically owned. 24 1. Historical data: Getting Credit in the Islamic Republic of Iran Getting Credit data Doing Business 2008 Doing Business 2009 Doing Business 2010 Rank .. 109 113 Strength of legal rights index (0-10) 4 4 4 Depth of credit information index (0-6) 3 3 3 Private bureau coverage (% of adults) 22.2 0.0 0.0 Public registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 21.7 31.3 2. The following graphs illustrates the Getting Credit indicators in the Islamic Republic of Iran over the past 3 years: 25 3. Benchmarking Getting Credit Regulations: Iran, Islamic Rep. is ranked 113 overall for Getting Credit. Ranking of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Getting Credit - Compared to good practice and selected economies: 26 The following table shows Getting Credit data for the Islamic Republic of Iran compared to good practice and comparator economies: Good Practice Strength of Depth of Public Private legal rights credit registry bureau Economies index (0-10) information coverage (% coverage (% index (0-6) of adults) of adults) New Zealand* 100.0 Portugal 81.3 Singapore* 10 United Kingdom 6 Selected Economy Iran, Islamic Rep. 4 3 31.3 0.0 Comparator Economies Iraq 3 0 0.0 0.0 Jordan 4 2 1.0 0.0 Oman 4 2 17.0 0.0 Saudi Arabia 4 6 0.0 17.9 United Arab Emirates 4 5 7.3 12.6 * The following economies are also good practice economies for : Strength of legal rights index (0-10): Hong Kong, China, Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Malaysia Private bureau coverage (% of adults): Argentina, Australia, Canada, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States 27 countries have the highest credit information index. 27 Companies grow by raising capital, either through a bank loan or by attracting equity investors. Selling shares allows companies to expand without the need to provide collateral and repay bank loans. However, investors worry about their money, and look for laws that protect them. A study finds that the presence of legal and regulatory protections for investors explains up to 73% of the decision to invest. In contrast, company characteristics explain only between 4% and 22%*. Good protections for minority sh areholders are associated with larger and more active stock markets. Thus both governments and businesses have an interest in reforms strengthening investor protections. Methodology To document some of the protections investors have, Doing Business mea sures how economies regulate a standard case of self- dealing, use of corporate assets for personal gain. Three indices of investor protection are constructed based on the answers to these and other questions. All indices range from 0 to 10, with higher values indicating more protections or greater disclosure. The three indices are: The extent of disclosure index covers approval procedures, requirements for immediate disclosure to the public and shareholders of proposed transactions, requirements for disclosure in periodic filings and reports and the availability of external review of transactions before they take place. The extent of director liability index covers the ability of investors to hold Mr. James and the board of directors liable for damages, the ability to rescind the transaction, the availability of fines and jail time associated with self -dealing, the availability of direct or derivative suits and the ability to require Mr. James to pay back his personal profits from the transaction. The ease of shareholder suits index covers the availability of documents that can be used during trial, the ability of the investor to examine the defendant and other witnesses, shareholders' access to internal documents of the company, the appointment of an inspect or to investigate the transaction and the standard of proof applicable to a civil suit against the directors. These three indices are averaged to create the strength of investor protection index. Survey case study Mr. James, a director and the majority shareholder of a public company, proposes that the company purchase used trucks from another company he owns. The price is higher than the going price for used trucks. The transaction goes forward. All required approvals are obtained, and all required disclosures made, though the transaction is prejudicial to the purchasing company. Shareholders sue the interested parties and the members of the board of directors. Several questions arise: Who approves the transaction? What information must be disclosed ? What company documents can investors access? What do minority shareholders have to prove to get the transaction stopped or to receive compensation from Mr. James? *Doidge, Kardyi and Stulz (2007) 28 1. Historical data: Protecting Investors in the Islamic Republic of Iran Protecting Investors data Doing Business 2008 Doing Business 2009 Doing Business 2010 Rank .. 164 165 Strength of investor protection index (0-10) 3.0 3.0 3.0 2. The following graph illustrates the Protecting Investors index in the Islamic Republic of Iran compared to best practice and selected Economies: 9.7 7.0 5.0 4.3 4.3 4.3 3.0 an es b a nd aq an ir Ara bi m ra O Ir rd a . al , ep Em ted an iA Jo Ze at R Ir ud ni ic ew U Sa m N la Is Note: The higher the score, the greater the investor protection. 29 3. Benchmarking Protecting Investors Regulations: Iran, Islamic Rep. is ranked 165 overall for Protecting Investors. Ranking of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Protecting Investors - Compared to good practice and selected economies: 30 The following table shows Protecting Investors data for the Islamic Republic of Iran compared to good practice and comparator economies: Good Practice Strength of investor Economies protection index (0-10) New Zealand 9.7 Selected Economy Iran, Islamic Rep. 3.0 Comparator Economies Iraq 4.3 Jordan 4.3 Oman 5.0 Saudi Arabia 7.0 United Arab Emirates 4.3 31 Taxes are essential. Without them there would be no money to provide public amenities, infrastructure and services which are crucial for a properly functioning economy. But particularly for small and medium size companies, they may opt out and choose to op erate in the informal sector. One way to enhance tax compliance is to ease and simplify the process of paying taxes for such businesses. Methodology The Doing Business tax survey records the effective tax that a small and medium company must pay and the administrative costs of doing so. Three indicators are constructed: number of tax payments, which takes into account the method of payment, the frequency of payments and the number of agencies involved in our standardized case study. time, which measures the number of hours per year necessary to prepare and file tax returns and to pay the corporate income tax, value added tax, sales tax or goods and service tax and labor taxes and mandatory contributions. total tax rate, which measures the amount of taxes and mandatory contributions payable by the company during the second year of operation. This amount, expressed as a percentage of commercial profit, is the sum of all the different taxes payable after accounting for various deductions and exemptions. Survey case study TaxpayerCo is a medium-size business that started operations last year. Doing Business asks tax practitioners in 183 economies to review TaxpayerCo's financial statements and a standard list of transactions that the company completed during the year. Respondents are asked how much in taxes and mandatory contributions the business must pay and what the process is for doing so. The business starts from the same financial position in each economy. All the taxes and mandatory contributions paid during the second year of operation are recorded. Taxes and mandatory contributions are measured at all levels of government and include corporate income tax, turnover tax, all labor taxes and contributions paid by the company (including mandatory contrib utions paid to private pension or insurance funds), property tax, property transfer tax, dividend tax, capital gains tax, financial transactions tax, vehicle tax, sales tax and other small taxes (such as fuel tax, stamp duty and local taxes). A range of standard deductions and exemptions are also recorded. 32 1. Historical data: Paying Taxes in the Islamic Republic of Iran Paying Taxes data Doing Business 2008 Doing Business 2009 Doing Business 2010 Rank .. 107 117 Total tax rate (% profit) 44.2 44.2 44.2 Payments (number per year) 22 22 22 Time (hours per year) 344 344 344 2. The following graphs illustrates the Paying Taxes indicators in the Islamic Republic of Iran over the past 3 years: 33 3. Benchmarking Paying Taxes Regulations: Iran, Islamic Rep. is ranked 117 overall for Paying Taxes. Ranking of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Paying Taxes - Compared to good practice and selected economies: 34 The following table shows Paying Taxes data for the Islamic Republic of Iran compared to good practice and comparator economies: Good Practice Payments Time (hours Total tax rate (number per per year) (% profit) Economies year) Maldives* 1 0 Timor-Leste 0.2 Selected Economy Iran, Islamic Rep. 22 344 44.2 Comparator Economies Iraq 13 312 28.4 Jordan 26 101 31.1 Oman 14 62 21.6 Saudi Arabia 14 79 14.5 United Arab Emirates 14 12 14.1 * The following economies are also good practice economies for : Payments (number per year): Qatar 35 The benefits of trade are well documented; as are the obstacles to trade. Tariffs, quotas and distance from large markets greatly increase the cost of goods or prevent trading altogether. But with bigger ships and faster planes, the world is shrinking. Glo bal and regional trade agreements have reduced trade barriers. Yet Africa's share of global trade is smaller today than it was 25 years ago. So is the Middle East's, excluding oil exports. Many entrepreneurs face numerous hurdles to exporting or importing goods, including delays at the border. They often give up. Others never try. In fact, the potential gains from trade facilitation may be greater than those arising from only tariff reductions. Methodology Doing Business compiles procedural requirements for trading a standard shipment of goods by ocean transport. Every procedure and the associated documents, time and cost, for importing and exporting the goods is recorded, starting with the contractual agreement between the two parties and ending with delivery of the goods. For importing the goods, the procedures measured range from the vessel's arrival at the port of entry to the shipment's delivery at the importer's warehouse. For exporting the goods, the procedures measured range from the packing of thegoods at the factory to their departure from the port of exit. Payment is by letter of credit and the time and cost for issuing or securing a letter of credit is taken into account. Documents recorded include port filing documents, customs declaration and clearance documents, as well as official documents exchanged between the parties to the transaction. Time is recorded in calendar days, from the beginning to the end of each procedure. Cost includes the fees levied on a 20 -foot container in U.S. dollars . All the fees associated with completing the procedures to export or import the goods are included, such as costs for documents, administrative fees for customs clearance and technical control, terminal handling charges and inland transport. The cost measure does not include tariffs or duties. Economies that have efficient customs, good transport networks and fewer document requirements, making compliance with export and import procedures faster and cheaper, are more competitive globally. That can lead to more exports; and exports are associated with faster growth and more jobs. Conversely, a need to file many documents is associated with more corruption in customs. Faced with long delays and frequent demands for bribes, many traders may avoid customs altogether. Instead, they smuggle goods across the border. This defeats the very purpose in having border control of trade to levy taxes and ensure high quality of goods. Survey case study To make the data comparable across countries, several assumptions about the business and the traded goods are used: The business is of medium size . The business employs 60 people . The business is located in the peri-urban area of the economy'slargest business city . The business is a private, limited liability company, dom estically owned, formally registered and operating under commercial laws and regulations of the economy. The traded goods are ordinary, legally manufactured products transported in a dry-cargo, 20-foot FCL (full container load) container. 36 1. Historical data: Trading Across Borders in the Islamic Republic of Iran Trading Across Borders data Doing Business 2008 Doing Business 2009 Doing Business 2010 Rank .. 132 134 Cost to export (US$ per container) 860 1011 1061 Cost to import (US$ per container) 1330 1656 1706 Documents to export (number) 7 7 7 Documents to import (number) 8 8 8 Time to export (days) 26 26 25 Time to import (days) 39 39 38 2. The following graphs illustrates the Trading Across Borders indicators in the Islamic Republic of Iran over the past 3 years: 37 3. Benchmarking Trading Across Borders Regulations: Iran, Islamic Rep. is ranked 134 overall for Trading Across Borders. Ranking of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Trading Across Borders - Compared to good practice and selected economies: 38 The following table shows Trading Across Borders data for the Islamic Republic of Iran compared to good practice and comparator economies: Good Practice Documents to Time to Cost to Documents to Time to Cost to export export (days) export (US$ import import (days) import (US$ Economies (number) per (number) per container) container) Denmark* 5 France 2 2 Malaysia 450 Singapore 3 439 Selected Economy Iran, Islamic Rep. 7 25 1061 8 38 1706 Comparator Economies Iraq 10 102 3900 10 101 3900 Jordan 7 17 730 7 19 1290 Oman 10 22 821 10 26 1037 Saudi Arabia 5 17 681 5 18 678 United Arab Emirates 4 8 593 5 9 579 * The following economies are also good practice economies for : Time to export (days): Estonia 39 Where contract enforcement is efficient, businesses are more likely to engage with new borrowers or customers. Doing Business tracks the efficiency of the judicial system in resolving a commercial dispute, following the step -by- step evolution of a commercial sale dispute before local courts. The data is collected through study of the codes of civil procedure and other court regulations as well as through surveys completed by local litigation lawyers (and, in a quarter of the countries, by judges as well). Justice delayed is often justice denied. And in many economies only the rich can afford to go to court. For the rest, justice is out of reach. In the absence of efficient courts, firms undertake fewer investments or business transactions. And they prefer to involve only a small group of people who know each other from previous dealings. Methodology Rankings on enforcing contracts are based on 3 sub-indicators: number of procedures, which are defined as any interaction between the parties or between them and the judge or court officer. This includes steps to file the case, steps for trial and judgment and steps necessary to enforce the judgment. time, which counts the number of calendar days from the moment the Seller files the lawsuit in court until payme nt is received. This includes both the days on which actions take place and the waiting periods in between. cost, which is recorded as a percentage of the claim (assumed to be equivalent to 200% of income per capita). Three types of costs are recorded: court costs (including expert fees), enforcement costs (including costs for a public sale of Buyer's assets) and attorney fees. Survey case Study The dispute concerns a contract for the sale of goods between two businesses (the Seller and the Buyer). Both are located in the economy's largest business city. The Seller sells and delivers goods, worth 200% of the economy's income per capita, to the Buyer. The Buyer refuses to pay on the grounds that they were not of adequate quality. The Seller sues the Buyer to recover the amount under the sales agreement (200% of the economy's income per capita). The claim is filed before a court in the economy's largest business city with jurisdiction over commercial cases worth 200% of the income per capita and is disputed on the merits. Judgment is 100% in favor of the Seller and is not appealed. The Seller enforces the judgment and the money is successfully collected through a public sale of Buyer's assets. 40 1. Historical data: Enforcing Contracts in the Islamic Republic of Iran Enforcing Contracts data Doing Business 2008 Doing Business 2009 Doing Business 2010 Rank .. 54 53 Procedures (number) 39 39 39 Time (days) 520 520 520 Cost (% of claim) 17.0 17.0 17.0 2. The following graphs illustrates the Enforcing Contracts indicators in the Islamic Republic of Iran over the past 3 years: 41 3. Benchmarking Enforcing Contracts Regulations: Iran, Islamic Rep. is ranked 53 overall for Enforcing Contracts. Ranking of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Enforcing Contracts - Compared to good practice and selected economies: 42 The following table shows Enforcing Contracts data for the Islamic Republic of Iran compared to good practice and comparator economies: Good Practice Procedures Time (days) Cost (% of (number) claim) Economies Bhutan 0.1 Ireland 20 Singapore 150 Selected Economy Iran, Islamic Rep. 39 520 17.0 Comparator Economies Iraq 51 520 27.3 Jordan 38 689 31.2 Oman 51 598 13.5 Saudi Arabia 43 635 27.5 United Arab Emirates 49 537 26.2 43 The economic crises of the 1990s in emerging markets, from East Asia to Latin America, from Russia to Mexico, raised concerns about the design of bankruptcy systems and the ability of such systems to help reorganize viable companies and close down unviable ones. In countries where bankruptcy is inefficient, unviable businesses linger for years, keeping assets and human capital from being reallocated to more productive uses. Bottlenecks in bankruptcy cut into the amount claimants can recover. In countries w here bankruptcy laws are inefficient, this is a strong deterrent to investment. Access to credit shrinks, and nonperforming loans and financial risk grow because creditors cannot recover overdue loans. Conversely, efficient bankruptcy laws can encourage entrepreneurs. The freedom to fail, and to do so through an efficient process, puts people and capital to their most effective use. The result is more productive businesses and more jobs. The Doing Business indicators identify weaknesses in the bankruptcy l aw as well as the main procedural and administrative bottlenecks in the bankruptcy process. In many developing countries bankruptcy is so inefficient that creditors hardly ever use it. In countries such as these, reform would best focus on improving contra ct enforcement outside bankruptcy. Methodology Three measures are constructed from the survey responses: the time to go through the insolvency process, the cost to go through the process and the recovery rate, how much of the insolvency estate is recovered by stakeholders, taking into account the time, cost, depreciation of assets and the outcome of the insolvency proceeding. Survey case study The data on closing a business are developed using a standard s et of case assumptions to track a company going through the step -by- step procedures of the bankruptcy process. It is assumed that: the company is a domestically owned the company is a limited liability corporation operating a hotel in the country's largest business city the company has 201 employees, 1 main secured creditor and 50 unsecured creditors Assumptions are also made about the future cash flows. The case is designed so that the company has a higher value as a going concern, that is, the efficient outcome is either reorganization or sale as a going concern, not piecemeal liquidation. The data are derived from questionnaires answered by attorneys at private law firms. 44 1. Historical data: Closing Business in the Islamic Republic of Iran Closing a Business data Doing Business 2008 Doing Business 2009 Doing Business 2010 Rank .. 109 109 Time (years) 4.5 4.5 4.5 Cost (% of estate) 9 9 9 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 19.0 23.1 23.1 2. The following graphs illustrates the Closing Business indicators in the Islamic Republic of Iran over the past 3 years: 45 3. Benchmarking Closing Business Regulations: Iran, Islamic Rep. is ranked 109 overall for Closing a Business. Ranking of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Closing Business - Compared to good practice and selected economies: 46 The following table shows Closing Business data for the Islamic Republic of Iran compared to good practice and comparator economies: Good Practice Recovery rate Time (years) Cost (% of (cents on the estate) Economies dollar) Ireland 0.4 Japan 92.5 Singapore* 1 Selected Economy Iran, Islamic Rep. 23.1 4.5 9 Comparator Economies Iraq 0.0 no practice no practice Jordan 27.3 4.3 9 Oman 35.1 4.0 4 Saudi Arabia 37.5 1.5 22 United Arab Emirates 10.2 5.1 30 * The following economies are also good practice economies for : Cost (% of estate): Colombia, Kuwait, Norway 47 Number of reforms in Doing Business 2010 Dealing with Construction Trading Across Borders Positive Reform Registering Property Enforcing Contracts Employing Workers Protecting Investors Starting a Business Closing a Business Negative Reform Total Getting Credit Paying Taxes number Permits of Rank reforms Economy 1 Rwanda 7 2 Kyrgyz Republic 7 3 Macedonia, FYR 7 4 Belarus 6 5 United Arab Emirates 3 6 Moldova 3 7 Colombia 8 8 Tajikistan 5 9 Egypt, Arab Rep. 4 10 Liberia 3 Iran, Islamic Rep. 4 Iraq Oman 2 Saudi Arabia 2 Jordan 6 Note: Economies are ranked on the number and impact of reforms, Doing Business selects the economies that reformed in 3 or more of the Doing Business topics. Second, it ranks these economies on the increase in rank in Ease of Doing Business from the previous year. The larger the improvement, the higher the ranking as a reformer. 48 Belarus Belarus eased the process for getting construction permits by simplifying approval processes. Restrictions relating to redundancy dismissals were eased by raising the threshold for prior notification requirements. Tax payments were made more convenient through increased use of electronic systems--reducing tax compliance times--while lower ecological and turnover tax rates and a reduction in the number of payments for property tax reduced the tax burden on businesses. Property registration continues to improve, with faster processing and elimination of the requirement for notarization. Business start-up was eased by simplifying registration formalities, abolishing the minimum capital requirement, limiting the role of notaries, and removing the need for a company seal approval. Implementation of a risk-based management system and improvement of border crossing operations reduced transit times for trade. Colombia Colombia passed several decrees continuing its efforts to regulate the profession of insolvency administrators. The government eased the construction permit process with a new construction decree that categorizes building projects based on risk and allows electronic verification for certain documents. Access to credit improved thanks to a new credit information law that guarantees the right of borrowers to inspect their own data and new rules that make it mandatory for credit providers to consult and share information with credit bureaus. The tax burden on businesses was eased with the introduction of electronic tax filing and payment, and some payments were reduced. An amendment to the Company Law strengthened investor protections by making it easier to sue directors in cases of prejudicial transactions between interested parties. Property registration was made easier by making it possible to obtain required certificates online and by making standard preliminary sale agreements available free of charge. Business start-up was made easier by creating a public-private health provider that enables faster affiliation of employees and through a tool that allows online pre-enrollment with the social security office. Implementation of an electronic declaration system has expedited customs clearance. Egypt, Arab Rep. The Arab Republic of Egypt, a former global leading reformer and a regional leading reformer in 2008/09, continued to make it easier to deal with construction permits by issuing executive articles for the 2008 construction law and eliminating most preapprovals for construction permits. Contract enforcement was expedited with the creation of commercial courts. Access to credit information has expanded with the addition of retailers to the database of the private credit bureau. Finally, company start-up was eased by the removal of the minimum capital requirement. Iran, Islamic Rep. In the Islamic Republic of Iran the process for dealing with construction permits was quickened with the introduction of e-service offices in Tehran, streamlining the process for obtaining location approvals, construction permits, and building completion certificates. In addition, the time needed to obtain water and electricity connections fell substantially. The tax burden on businesses was eased by converting the sales tax into a value added tax. Business start-up was simplified with the adoption of an electronic registration system. Trade times were shortened by the installation of scanners at the port of Shahid Rajaee and the reorganization of customs clearance offices to separate inspections of special goods (chemicals, petroleum) from those of general goods. Iraq In Iraq no major reform was recorded. Jordan Jordan eased the process for dealing with construction permits by extending the services of the one-stop shop in Greater Amman to medium-size commercial construction projects. Contract enforcement was improved by setting up special commercial courts and equipping them with computer-aided case management systems. In addition, a higher threshold for the lower conciliation court is expected to result in better distribution of cases. Taxpaying for businesses was eased with the introduction of an online filing and payment system and a simplification of form filing. Transfer fees for registering property were cut from 10 percent to 7.5 percent of a property's value. Business start-up was eased by offering a single reception service for company registration at the company registrar. Trade was made more efficient by implementing a risk-based inspection regime of post-destination clearance for preapproved traders as well as by reducing to 30 percent the share of containers subject to physical inspection. In addition, implementation of new software allowing online submissions of customs declarations has reduced customs clearance times by two days for exporters and three days for importers. 49 Kyrgyz Republic The Kyrgyz Republic eased the process for getting construction permits by streamlining the fee structure, introducing a risk-based system of approval and building control, allowing low-risk projects to conduct an internal building control process, and simplifying the process for obtaining utility connections. Requirements relating to redundancy dismissals and worker reassignment were eased. Access to credit was enhanced by making secured lending more flexible and allowing general descriptions of encumbered assets and of debts and obligations. In addition, amendments to the Civil Code provide for automatic extension of security rights to proceeds of the original assets. The tax burden on businesses was eased by reducing the rates for several taxes and the number of payments for several. Surveying and notarization requirements were made optional for property registration, and business start-up was eased by eliminating the minimum capital requirement, reducing the registration time, and abolishing various post-registration fees and the need to open a bank account before registration. The elimination of six previously required documents and the simplification of inspection procedures has sped up trading across borders. Liberia Liberia eased the process for getting construction permits by lowering the permit fee and cost of obtaining a power generator, abolishing the requirement to obtain a tax waiver certificate before submitting documents to obtain a building permit, and making fixed telephone connections more readily available for public use with the reopening of the national phone company. Business start-up was eased by removing the need to obtain an environmental impact assessment when forming a general trading company. The trade process was expedited by creating a one-stop shop bringing together various ministries and agencies, and streamlining the inspection regime. Macedonia, FYR The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has been reforming the construction permit process, shortening waiting times but raising fees. Worker hiring was made more flexible by allowing greater use of fixed-term contracts, easing restrictions on working hours, and making redundancy dismissals more flexible. The public credit bureau increased its coverage by introducing a better database that includes more information and by lowering the minimum loan threshold. Social security payments were classified in five groups, and social security contribution rates reduced. Investor protections were increased by regulating the approval of transactions between interested parties, increasing disclosure requirements in annual reports, and making it easier to sue directors in cases of prejudicial transactions between interested parties. Property registration was eased with the introduction of new time limits at the real estate cadastre--reducing the average time to register a title deed by eight days--and a non-encumbrance certificate can now be obtained from the real estate registry instead of through the court. Business start-up was simplified by integrating procedures at a one-stop shop. Moldova Moldova lowered the rates for social security contributions paid by employers. Property registration was simplified by eliminating the requirement for a cadastral sketch, reducing procedures from six to five and days from 48 to 5. Business start-up was eased by implementing an expedited company registration service. Oman Oman simplified business start-up by introducing an online name registry and enabling payment with a prepaid card. A new tax law will modernize the tax regime and simplify procedures. Rwanda Rwanda improved the process for dealing with distressed companies with a new law aimed at streamlining reorganization. Employing workers was made easier by abolishing the maximum duration for fixed-term contracts and allowing unlimited renewals of such contracts, as well as by allowing redundancy procedures to be more flexible, with consultation and notification of third parties no longer required. Getting credit was made easier with a new secured transactions act and insolvency act to make secured lending more flexible, allowing a wider range of assets to be used as collateral and a general description of debts and obligations. In addition, out of court enforcement of collateral has become available to secured creditors, who also now have top priority within bankruptcy. A new company law has strengthened investor protections by requiring greater corporate disclosure, director liability, and shareholder access to information. Property registration was simplified by decreasing the number of days required to transfer a property. Business start-up was eased by eliminating a notarization requirement; introducing standardized memorandums of association; enabling online publication; consolidating name checking, registration fee payment, tax registration, and company registration procedures; and shortening the time required to process completed applications. By implementing administrative changes--such as increased operating hours and enhanced cooperation at the border, along with the removal of some documentation requirements for importers and exporters--Rwanda has improved trading times. 50 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia expedited the process for dealing with construction permits by introducing a one-day permit procedure, enabling builders to obtain a temporary building permit allowing them to begin construction after one day and a final building permit after one week. Business start-up was eased with the creation of a one-stop office at the Ministry of Commerce that merged registration procedures and simplified publication requirements. Tajikistan Tajikistan amended its insolvency law, aiming to reduce statutory time limits and the costs of proceedings. Changes were introduced that simplified the construction permit process, reducing procedures and time. A new law on credit histories improves access to credit information by creating a private credit bureau. Investor protections were strengthened with amendments to the joint stock company law, increasing disclosure requirements for transactions involving conflicts of interest, allowing for greater director liability, and giving shareholders the chance to request that harmful related-party transactions be rescinded. The state duty for property transfer has quadrupled, raising the cost of registering property by 2.8 percent of a property's value. Business start-up was eased by reducing the minimum capital requirement and shortening the time to obtain a tax identification number. United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates shortened the time for delivering building permits by improving its online system for processing applications. Business start-up was eased by simplifying the documents needed for registration, abolishing the minimum capital requirement, and removing the requirement that proof of deposit of capital be shown for registration. Greater capacity at the container terminal, elimination of the terminal handling receipt as a required document, and an increase in trade finance products, have improved trade processes. 51 APPENDICES Starting a Business in the Islamic Republic of Iran This table summarizes the procedures and costs associated with setting up a business in the Islamic Republic of Iran. STANDARDIZED COMPANY Legal Form: Private Joint Stock Company (Sherkat-e-Sahami Khass) Minimum Capital Requirement: City: Tehran Registration Requirements: No: Procedure Time to complete Cost to complete 1 Search and reserve a unique company name 1 40000 2 Deposit at least 35% of the subscribed shares in a bank account and 1 0 obtain a certificate from the bank 3 Register the company with the Companies Registration Office for 3 375000 companies and pay registration duties 4 Place a notice of the company formation in the Official Gazette and 1 380000 the selected newspaper of general circulation 5 Take out the officially sealed books of account within 30 days after 1 100000 the date of registration 6 Pay the share certificate stamp duty within 60 days after the date of 1 19.65 registration of the company 7 Enroll workers in the social security program by open files for all 1 0 employees before the Iranian Labor Department and obtain a workplace number 52 Procedure 1 Search and reserve a unique company name Time to complete: 1 Cost to complete: 40000 Comment: Name checks asre checked thoroughly against a comprehensive electronic database for identical or similar existing names. Procedure 2 Deposit at least 35% of the subscribed shares in a bank account and obtain a certificate from the bank Time to complete: 1 Cost to complete: 0 Comment: Deposit at least 35% of the subscribed shares in a bank account and obtain a certificate from the bank. Procedure 3 Register the company with the Companies Registration Office for companies and pay registration duties Time to complete: 3 Cost to complete: 375000 Comment: To register with the Companies Registration Office, the company must submit the articles of association, signed by all shareholders; a declaration, stating that all shares have been subscribed; the minutes of the general assembly of founders and board of directors; a bank certificate, showing that at least 35% of all shares have been paid in; the minutes of the shareholders' meeting, reflecting the election of the first directors and inspector(s); a written statement accepting the position of directorship and inspectorship; birth certificates (certified copies) of the shareholders and inspectors; the name of a mass circulation newspaper in which all company announcements will be published. Application files receive a bar code and each internal desk that receives the file tracks its entrance and exit. In addition, an electronic payment system is conducted with a card and a machine is used to pay registration fees. Procedure 4 Place a notice of the company formation in the Official Gazette and the selected newspaper of general circulation Time to complete: 1 Cost to complete: 380000 Comment: It is possible to directly publish the notice of the company formation through the Official Gazette and the selected newspaper or general circulation or submit it to the post office, which then forward them to the Gazette. This process takes 15 to 30 days. However, businesses do not need to wait until the publication is completed to start their business . Upon submission of the registration notice to the official gazette for publication, a copy of which is affixed with the stamp of the official gazette office as the sign of the notice being in the process of publication. This notice, bearing the stamp of the official gazette, in terms of the start of the business has the same value as the notice published in the Gazette. With this notice the company can continue other business operation formalities. Procedure 5 Take out the officially sealed books of account within 30 days after the date of registration Time to complete: 1 53 Cost to complete: 100000 Comment: The cost depends on the number of pages of the official sealed books of account. Procedure 6 Pay the share certificate stamp duty within 60 days after the date of registration of the company Time to complete: 1 Cost to complete: 19.65 Comment: The stamp suty must be paid within 60 days after the date of registration of the company. Procedure 7 Enroll workers in the social security program by open files for all employees before the Iranian Labor Department and obtain a workplace number Time to complete: 1 Cost to complete: 0 Comment: To open files in the social security program, the applicant sends a copy of the first monthly salary report to the Iranian Labor Department with a premium contribution of 33% of the employee's monthly salary (7% worker, 23% employer (3% unemployment contribution, and 3% government). 54 Dealing with Construction Permits in the Islamic Republic of Iran The table below summarizes the procedures, time, and costs to build a warehouse in the Islamic Republic of Iran. BUILDING A WAREHOUSE Date as of: January 2009 Estimated Warehouse Value: City: Tehran Registration Requirements: No: Procedure Time to complete Cost to complete 1 Obtain land tax payment certificate 1 day no charge 2 Apply for location approval from the district e-service office 1 day no charge 3 Receive site inspection 1 day no charge 4 Obtain location approval fro the district e-service office 10 days IRR 4,550,210 5 Obtain construction permit 30 days IRR 8,500,000 6 * Hire an independent surveillance company 1 day no charge 7 * Receive inspection from Municipality - I 1 day no charge 8 Receive inspection from Municipality - II 1 day no charge 9 Receive inspection from Municipality - III 1 day no charge 10 Receive inspection from Municipality - IV 1 day no charge 11 Receive inspection from Municipality - V 1 day no charge 12 Apply for building completion certificate 1 day no charge 13 Receive final inspection 1 day no charge 14 Obtain building completion certificate 1 day IRR 860,000 15 * Obtain water and sewerage connection 270 days USD 14,700 55 16 * Obtain electricity connection 180 days IRR 3,278,200 17 * Obtain fixed telephone line 1 day IRR 8,500,000 * Takes place simultaneously with another procedure. 56 Procedure 1 Obtain land tax payment certificate Time to complete: 1 day Cost to complete: no charge Comment: Procedure 2 Apply for location approval from the district e-service office Time to complete: 1 day Cost to complete: no charge BuildCo must obtain zoning permission from the e-service office. BuildCo submits the Comment: request and the e-service officer scans the request and supporting documents into the system. An inspection is scheduled usually with a couple of days at most. By the third or fourth day, the inspector will enter the information about the site into the system and it is transferred electronically to the Municipality for approval. The Municipality will usually approve the location permit request within 1-2 days and send the approval back to the relevant e-service office. BuildCo can obtain the location approval within 10 days of submitting the application. The cost for the zoning approval is 350 IRR per square meter = 450,000 IRR. Payment is made using an ATM card in POS system available in the e-service offices. Procedure 3 Receive site inspection Time to complete: 1 day Cost to complete: no charge Comment: Procedure 4 Obtain location approval fro the district e-service office Time to complete: 10 days Cost to complete: IRR 4,550,210 Comment: Procedure 5 Obtain construction permit Time to complete: 30 days Cost to complete: IRR 8,500,000 BuildCo submits the construction permit application through the e-service office. The Comment: e-service office will send the documents to the Municipality for approval. The application is reviewed and signed by the following people: Head of Masterplan (at the location approval stage), Head of issuing permission, Deputy of Urban and City Planning District, and the District Mayor. Once everyone has signed off, the approved application is sent 57 back to the e-service office and the permit is issued. Applicants are informed by email, SMS, or telephone that their applications have been approved. The whole process takes about 1 month. The cost for the construction permit is 850,000,000 IRR. Payment is made using an ATM card in POS system available in the e-service offices. Procedure 6 Hire an independent surveillance company Time to complete: 1 day Cost to complete: no charge Comment: Procedure 7 Receive inspection from Municipality - I Time to complete: 1 day Cost to complete: no charge The design and supervision team provides technical supervision through an architectural Comment: engineer for the duration of the construction work and directs the workers in accordance with the plans. This team reports on all construction activities to the Engine Procedure 8 Receive inspection from Municipality - II Time to complete: 1 day Cost to complete: no charge Comment: Procedure 9 Receive inspection from Municipality - III Time to complete: 1 day Cost to complete: no charge Comment: Procedure 10 Receive inspection from Municipality - IV Time to complete: 1 day Cost to complete: no charge Comment: Procedure 11 Receive inspection from Municipality - V Time to complete: 1 day 58 Cost to complete: no charge Comment: Procedure 12 Apply for building completion certificate Time to complete: 1 day Cost to complete: no charge Upon completion of construction works, BuildCo must submit the site file containing all Comment: the inspection reports signed by the supervising engineer at each stage of construction to the e-service office. The e-service office will scan and transmit the file to the Municipality which will assign an inspector to come and check that there have been no breaches to the construction permit. The inspector files a no-breach report at the municipality. The building completion certificate must be signed by: The head of Issuing Permission, the Head of Technical Supervision, Deputy for Urban Planning, and the District Mayor. Once all signatures are obtained, the approved building completion certificate is transmitted back to the relevant e-service office who will notify BuildCo. Procedure 13 Receive final inspection Time to complete: 1 day Cost to complete: no charge Comment: Procedure 14 Obtain building completion certificate Time to complete: 1 day Cost to complete: IRR 860,000 The cost for the building completion certificate is 860,000,000 IRR. Payment is made Comment: using an ATM card in POS system available in the e-service offices. Procedure 15 Obtain water and sewerage connection Time to complete: 270 days Cost to complete: USD 14,700 The procedure for obtaining water and sewerage connection depends on the plans and the Comment: district. The cost for material and labor has increased by approximately 15% (IRR 11.6 million to IRR 23 million). Procedure 16 Obtain electricity connection Time to complete: 180 days Cost to complete: IRR 3,278,200 59 The cost of obtaining electricity connections increased by approximately 12% over the Comment: last year. Procedure 17 Obtain fixed telephone line Time to complete: 1 day Cost to complete: IRR 8,500,000 A telephone line can be obtained from the telecommunications authority for a fee. Comment: 60 Employing Workers in the Islamic Republic of Iran Employing workers indices are based on responses to survey questions. The table below shows these responses in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Employing Workers Indicators (2009) Answer Score 11.1 Difficulty of hiring index (0-100) Are fixed-term contracts prohibited for permanent tasks? No 0 What is the maximum duration of fixed-term contracts (including renewals)? (in months) No limit 0.0 What is the ratio of mandated minimum wage to the average value added per worker? 0.47 0.33 50.0 Difficulty of redundancy index (0-10) Is the termination of workers due to redundancy legally authorized? Yes 0 Must the employer notify a third party before terminating one redundant worker? Yes 1 Does the employer need the approval of a third party to terminate one redundant worker? Yes 2 Must the employer notify a third party before terminating a group of 9 redundant workers? Yes 1 Does the employer need the approval of a third party to terminate a group of 9 redundant Yes 1 workers? Is there a retraining or reassignment obligation before an employer can make a worker No 0 redundant? Are there priority rules applying to redundancies? No 0 Are there priority rules applying to re-employment? No 0 86.7 Redundancy costs (weeks of salary) What is the notice period for redundancy dismissal after 20 years of continuous 0.0 employment? (weeks of salary) What is the severance pay for redundancy dismissal after 20 years of employment? (weeks of 86.7 salary) What is the legally mandated penalty for redundancy dismissal? (weeks of salary) 0.0 29.3 Rigidity of employment index (0-100) 26.7 Rigidity of hours index (0-100) Can the workweek extend to 50 hours (including overtime) for 2 months per year to Yes 0 respond to a seasonal increase in production? 61 What is the maximum number of working days per week? 6 0 Are there restrictions on night work and do these apply when continuous operations are Yes 0.33 economically necessary? Are there restrictions on "weekly holiday" work and do these apply when continuous No 0.00 operations are economically necessary? What is the paid annual vacation (in working days) for an employee with 20 years of 24 1 service? Note: The first three indices measure how difficult it is to hire a new worker, how rigid the regulations are on working hours, and how difficult it is to dismiss a redundant worker. Each index assigns values between 0 and 100, with higher values representing more rigid regulations. The overall Rigidity of Employment Index is an average of the three indices. 62 Registering Property in the Islamic Republic of Iran This topic examines the steps, time, and cost involved in registering property in the Islamic Republic of Iran. STANDARDIZED PROPERTY Property Value: 2,324,575,841.25 City: Tehran Registration Requirements: No: Procedure Time to complete Cost to complete 1 * Conduct a check on the property at the Real Estate 2-3 days (simultaneous IRR 400 Registration Department with procedures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) 2 * Obtain a tax clearance certificate from the Tax Affairs 2-7 days (simultaneous 5% regional property value Organization with procedures 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) 3 * Obtain settlement certificate for reconstruction duty from 1 day (simultaneous no cost the Municipality with procedures 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7) 4 * Obtain a certificate of completion of the building 30 days (simultaneous no cost with procedures 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7) 5 * Obtain a certificate of occupation and insurance liquidation 7 ­ 30 days no cost (simultaneous with procedures 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7) 6 * Obtain a social security clearance certificate 7 days (simultaneous no cost with procedures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7) 7 * Payment of transfer tax at Bank Melli 1 day (simultaneous 5% of property value with procedures 1, 2, (transfer tax) + 0.5% of 3, 4, 5, and 6) property value (legal stamp transferred to government) 8 The deed is prepared and notarized at the notary public's 1-3 days IRR 607,205.94 office 9 The title is registered at the Real Estate Registration 3 days Registration fee already Department paid in Procedure 8 * Takes place simultaneously with another procedure. 63 Procedure 1 Conduct a check on the property at the Real Estate Registration Department Time to complete: 2-3 days (simultaneous with procedures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) Cost to complete: IRR 400 Comment: The inquiry is valid for 1 month if done in Tehran. Procedure 2 Obtain a tax clearance certificate from the Tax Affairs Organization Time to complete: 2-7 days (simultaneous with procedures 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) Cost to complete: 5% regional property value Comment: The clearance of taxes is determined according to official regional values. The certificate is valid for 1 month. The Law on the Facilitation of Administration of Notary Public Office of July 2006 introduced changes to ease the property registration process and limit rent seeking. Article 1 of the new law introduced more flexible requirements. Rather than obtain these documents from the relevant authorities, buyers can obtain a sworn declaration from the sellers that all taxes, social security payments, and changes to the building are in good order and have been paid. In practice, agents still obtain the certificates. Procedure 3 Obtain settlement certificate for reconstruction duty from the Municipality Time to complete: 1 day (simultaneous with procedures 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7) Cost to complete: no cost Comment: A tax clearance certificate must be obtained from the Municipality to account for all the renovations made to the property. Procedure 4 Obtain a certificate of completion of the building Time to complete: 30 days (simultaneous with procedures 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7) Cost to complete: no cost Comment: A certificate of completion of the building erected on the land must be obtained from the Municipality. Procedure 5 Obtain a certificate of occupation and insurance liquidation Time to complete: 7 ­ 30 days (simultaneous with procedures 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7) Cost to complete: no cost Comment: In case the building is used for administrative purposes and has a certificate of completion of the building, a certificate of occupation and insurance liquidation must be obtained from the Department of Labor & Social Affairs for all insured workers. 64 Procedure 6 Obtain a social security clearance certificate Time to complete: 7 days (simultaneous with procedures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7) Cost to complete: no cost Comment: A social security clearance certificate must be obtained from the Social Security Organization. Procedure 7 Payment of transfer tax at Bank Melli Time to complete: 1 day (simultaneous with procedures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) Cost to complete: 5% of property value (transfer tax) + 0.5% of property value (legal stamp transferred to government) Comment: The legal stamp should be paid at Bank Melli Iran before drafting the sale purchase agreement. According to the laws and regulations of the Registration Department, transfer tax is calculated according to the "Mantaghe Bandi" (zoning) price, so transfer tax for deeds up to IRR 40,000,000 would be 3% and for deeds of over IRR 40,000,000 would be 5% of the total amount. The price mentioned in the deed may be the ''Mantaghe Bandi'' price or the real price. In any way ``Mantaghe Bandi'' price is the basis of calculation which is between 7% to 10% of the real price. Even if the real price is mentioned in the deed, the basis of calculation for transfer tax is the ''Mantaghe Bandi'' price which is calculated by the notary. Procedure 8 The deed is prepared and notarized at the notary public's office Time to complete: 1-3 days Cost to complete: IRR 607,205.94 Comment: The notary public collects an amount according to legal tariffs determined by the Organization of Deeds and Properties Registration at the time of drawing up the deed, which includes writing fee and the registration fee. According to the decree 87/8039 of the Deputy Head of the Organization for the Registration of Deeds and Properties. Decree 87/8039 of the Deputy Head of the Organization for the Registration of Deeds and Properties, of July 10, 2008 stated that new notary fees must be established. The Organization of Deeds and Properties Registration introduced a new law that came into force in September 2008. Fee Schedule: Government rate Notary Public Fee: 2,000,000 IRR: 150,000 IRR flat fee up to 10,000,000 IRR: 150,000 IRR + 2% of the difference up to 200,000,000 IRR: 150,000 IRR + 0.2% of the difference Procedure 9 The title is registered at the Real Estate Registration Department Time to complete: 3 days Cost to complete: Registration fee already paid in Procedure 8 Comment: The title is registered at the Real Estate Registration Department by the notary public, 65 who sends an abstract of the deed. 66 Getting Credit in the Islamic Republic of Iran The following table summarize legal rights of borrowers and lenders, and the availability and legal framework of credit registries in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Getting Credit Indicators (2009) Indicator score Private credit Public credit Private bureau coverage (% of adults) 3 bureau registry Are data on both firms and individuals distributed? No Yes 1 Are both positive and negative data distributed? No No 0 Does the registry distribute credit information from retailers, trade No No 0 creditors or utility companies as well as financial institutions? Are more than 2 years of historical credit information distributed? No No 0 Is data on all loans below 1% of income per capita distributed? No Yes 1 Is it guaranteed by law that borrowers can inspect their data in the No Yes 1 largest credit registry? Coverage 0.0 31.3 Number of individuals 0 16,273,700 Number of firms 0 217,236 Strength of legal rights index (0-10) 4 Can any business use movable assets as collateral while keeping possession of the assets; and any financial Yes institution accept such assets as collateral ? Does the law allow businesses to grant a non possessory security right in a single category of revolving movable No assets, without requiring a specific description of the secured assets ? Does the law allow businesses to grant a non possessory security right in substantially all of its assets, without No requiring a specific description of the secured assets ? May a security right extend to future or after-acquired assets, and may it extend automatically to the products, No proceeds or replacements of the original assets ? Is a general description of debts and obligations permitted in collateral agreements, so that all types of obligations No and debts can be secured by stating a maximum amount rather than a specific amount between the parties ? Is a collateral registry in operation, that is unified geographically and by asset type, as well as indexed by the No grantor's name of a security right ? Do secured creditors have absolute priority to their collateral outside bankruptcy procedures? Yes Do secured creditors have absolute priority to their collateral in bankruptcy procedures? No 67 During reorganization, are secured creditors' claims exempt from an automatic stay on enforcement? Yes Does the law authorize parties to agree on out of court enforcement? Yes 68 Protecting Investors in the Islamic Republic of Iran The table below provides a full breakdown of how the disclosure, director liability, and shareholder suits indexes are calculated in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Protecting Investors Data (2009) Indicator Extent of disclosure index (0-10) 5 2 What corporate body provides legally sufficient approval for the transaction? (0-3; see notes) 0 Immediate disclosure to the public and/or shareholders (0-2; see notes) 2 Disclosures in published periodic filings (0-2; see notes) 1 Disclosures by Mr. James to board of directors (0-2; see notes) 0 Requirement that an external body review the transaction before it takes place (0=no, 1=yes) Extent of director liability index (0-10) 4 1 Shareholder plaintiff's ability to hold Mr. James liable for damage the Buyer-Seller transaction causes to the company. (0-2; see notes) 1 Shareholder plaintiff's ability to hold the approving body (the CEO or board of directors) liable for damage to the company. (0-2; see notes) 0 Whether a court can void the transaction upon a successful claim by a shareholder plaintiff (0-2; see notes) 1 Whether Mr. James pays damages for the harm caused to the company upon a successful claim by the shareholder plaintiff (0=no, 1=yes) 0 Whether Mr. James repays profits made from the transaction upon a successful claim by the shareholder plaintiff (0=no, 1=yes) 0 Whether fines and imprisonment can be applied against Mr. James (0=no, 1=yes) 1 Shareholder plaintiff's ability to sue directly or derivatively for damage the transaction causes to the company (0-1; see notes) Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10) 0 0 Documents available to the plaintiff from the defendant and witnesses during trial (0-4; see notes) 0 Ability of plaintiffs to directly question the defendant and witnesses during trial (0-2; see notes) 0 Plaintiff can request categories of documents from the defendant without identifying specific ones (0=no, 1=yes) 0 Shareholders owning 10% or less of Buyer's shares can request an inspector investigate the transaction (0=no, 1=yes) 69 0 Level of proof required for civil suits is lower than that for criminal cases (0=no, 1=yes) 0 Shareholders owning 10% or less of Buyer's shares can inspect transaction documents before filing suit (0=no, 1=yes) Strength of investor protection index (0-10) 3.0 Notes: Extent of Disclosure Index What corporate body provides legally sufficient approval for the transaction? 0=CEO or managing director alone; 1=shareholders or board of directors vote and Mr. James can vote; 2=board of directors votes and Mr. James cannot vote; 3 = shareholders vote and Mr. James cannot vote Immediate disclosure to the public and/or shareholders 0=none; 1=disclosure on the transaction only; 2=disclosure on the transaction and Mr. James' conflict of interest Disclosures in published periodic filings 0=none; 1=disclosure on the transaction only; 2=disclosure on the transaction and Mr. James' conflict of interest Disclosures by Mr. James to board of directors 0=none; 1=existence of a conflict without any specifics; 2= full disclosure of all material facts Director Liability Index Shareholder plaintiff's ability to hold Mr. James liable for damage the Buyer-Seller transaction causes to the company 0= Mr. James is not liable or liable only if he acted fraudulently or in bad faith; 1= Mr. James is liable if he influenced the approval or was negligent; 2= Mr. James is liable if the transaction was unfair, oppressive or prejudicial to minority shareholders Shareholder plaintiff's ability to hold the approving body (the CEO or board of directors) liable for for damage to the company 0=members of the approving body are either not liable or liable only if they acted fraudulently or in bad faith; 1=liable for negligence in the approval of the transaction; 2=liable if the transaction is unfair, oppressive, or prejudicial to minority shareholders Whether a court can void the transaction upon a successful claim by a shareholder plaintiff 0=rescission is unavailable or available only in case of Seller's fraud or bad faith; 1=available when the transaction is oppressive or prejudicial to minority shareholders; 2=available when the transaction is unfair or entails a conflict of interest Shareholder plaintiffs' ability to sue directly or derivatively for damage the transaction causes to the company 0=not available; 1=direct or derivative suit available for shareholders holding 10% of share capital or less Shareholder Suits Index Documents available to the plaintiff from the defendant and witnesses during trail Score 1 each for (1) information that the defendant has indicated he intends to rely on for his defense; (2) information that directly proves specific facts in the plaintiff's claim; (3) any information that is relevant to the subject matter of the claim; and (4) any information that may lead to the discovery of relevant information. Ability of plaintiffs to directly question the defendant and witnesses during trial 0=no; 1=yes, with prior approval by the court of the questions posed; 2=yes, without prior approval 70 Paying Taxes in the Islamic Republic of Iran The table below addresses the taxes and mandatory contributions that a medium-size company must pay or withhold in a given year in the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as measures of administrative burden in paying taxes. Tax or mandatory Payments Notes on Time Statutory tax Tax Totaltax rate Notes on contribution (number) Payments (hours) rate base (% profit) TTR Sales tax 6 72 0.03 sales Property tax 1 various rates assessment of property value Tax on check 1 IRR 200 per number of 0.00 transactions (stamp duty) check checks issued Property transfer tax 1 0.05 assessed 0.36 value of land Corporate income tax 1 32 0.25 taxable 17.90 profits Social insurance 12 240 0.23 gross salaries 25.94 contributions Totals 22 344 44.2 Notes: a) data not collected b) VAT is not included in the total tax rate because it is a tax levied on consumers c) very small amount d) included in other taxes e) Withheld tax f) electronic filling available g) paid jointly with another tax Name of taxes have been standardized. For instance income tax, profit tax, tax on company's income are all named corporate income tax in this table. When there is more than one statutory tax rate, the one applicable to TaxpayerCo is reported. The hours for VAT include all the VAT and sales taxes applicable. The hours for Social Security include all the hours for labor taxes and mandatory contributions in general. 71 Trading Across Borders in the Islamic Republic of Iran These tables list the procedures necessary to import and exports a standardized cargo of goods in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The documents required to export and import the goods are also shown. Nature of Export Procedures (2009) Duration (days) US$ Cost Documents preparation 12 176 Customs clearance and technical control 2 150 Ports and terminal handling 4 210 Inland transportation and handling 7 525 Totals 25 1061 Nature of Import Procedures (2009) Duration (days) US$ Cost Documents preparation 23 296 Customs clearance and technical control 2 200 Ports and terminal handling 5 210 Inland transportation and handling 8 1000 Totals 38 1706 Export Bill of lading Certificate of origin Commercial Invoice Customs export declaration Insurance policy Packing list Technical standard/health certificate Import Bill of lading Cargo release order Certificate of origin Commercial invoice 72 Customs import declaration Insurance policy Packing list Technical standard/health certificate Enforcing Contracts in the Islamic Republic of Iran This topic looks at the efficiency of contract enforcement in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Nature of Procedure (2009) Indicator Procedures (number) 39 Time (days) 520 Filing and service 40.0 Trial and judgment 300.0 Enforcement of judgment 180.0 Cost (% of claim)* 17.00 Attorney cost (% of claim) 10.0 Court cost (% of claim) 2.0 Enforcement Cost (% of claim) 5.0 Court information: Tehran First Instance Court (" ") * Claim assumed to be equivalent to 200% of income per capita. 73 74 75