POLICY NOTE NO. 36                                                                                    MARCH 2013

                          Africa Trade Policy Notes

                                     John Keyser

                                     Regional Trade of Food Staples and Crop Inputs in West

                                      Rising prices for basic food products are back in the headlines and when
HIGHLIGHTS                          food prices go up poor consumers in Africa, who spend the majority of their
                                    income on simple foodstuffs, suffer. Rising food prices are also having
SIGNIFICANTLY BELOW ITS             important macroeconomic impacts on many African countries since more
POTENTIAL IN REGIONAL               and more food is being imported from the global market leading to
Locally grown maize, for            worsening balances of trade. This issue is not going to go away. Demand for
example, only accounted for 3%      food in Africa is projected to double by 2020 with consumers increasingly
of recorded ECOWAS imports          located in rapidly growing cities.
from 2005-2009.
                                    Fortunately, as the World Bank shows in its recent report, Africa Can Help
                                    Feed Africa, the continent does have the means and opportunities to deliver
AND FERTILIZER IS ALMOST            improved food security to its citizens. If African farmers were to achieve the
NON-EXISTENT IN WEST                yields that farmers attain in other developing countries, the output of food
AFRICA …                            staples would easily double or even triple thereby creating new income
By harmonizing fertilizer blends    opportunities for farmers and reducing Africa’s dependence on imports
across countries and encouraging    from the rest of the world. For this to happen, however, farmers need to be
local blending capacity, West       better linked to both inputs and to consumers. Often the nearest source of
Africa could realize a savings of   demand is a across a border yet fragmented regional markets and lack of
at least USD 30-40 per ton.
                                    predictable trade policies deter much needed private investments –
                                    including small investments by poor farmers in raising productivity to large
                                    investments in input supply, seed multiplication, and food marketing. Given
COST OF REGIONAL TRADE…             that different seasons and rainfall patterns are not conveniently confined
 in Ghana, small traders say it     within national borders, and that variability in production is expected to
common practice to pay GHS          increase with climate change, facilitating cross-border trade is more
4.00 to 5.00 per bag to avoid       important than ever to provide farmers and traders the opportunities and
inspection and paperwork            incentives they need to supply Africa’s rapidly growing demand for staple
requirements.                       commodities.

                                    This note looks at the regional trade situation for food staples and crop
                                    inputs in West Africa and types of barriers that need to be overcome for the
        WORLD BANK
                                    region to achieve its potential in food trade.

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Despite having some of the lowest per hectare           potential. Table 1, provides an overview of West
yields in the world, many places with good growing      Africa’s imports of selected commodities and shows
conditions already produce food surpluses that are      that most internationally traded foods originate
not traded internationally due to various               from outside the region. Locally grown maize, for
constraints. Following an overview of current trade     example, only accounted for 3% of recorded
conditions, the note uses the example of Ghana to       ECOWAS imports from 2005-2009 and probably
show how only a modest reduction in trade costs         no more than 10% of total imports including
for fertilizer could have a significant (and            informal transactions outside the legal system.
sustainable) impact on rural incomes and                Although many parts of West Africa are deficit in
agriculture competitiveness. The final part of the      maize, surpluses in high production zones that
note then describes a few key areas where relatively    could help meet the shortfall often go untraded
clear-cut policy changes and institutional reforms      because of high costs, fragmented markets, and
could help set West Africa on a path to realizing its   other trade barriers. In Table 1, a greater share of
full potential in agriculture production and trade.     total imports of millet and sorghum originate in
                                                        other ECOWAS countries, but even for these
Current Trade of Food Staples                           commodities, value chain experts say that large
                                                        quantities go untraded because it is easier and
Most regional food trade in West Africa currently
                                                        cheaper for breweries, stock feed manufacturers,
involves small consignments being traded in
                                                        and other buyers who need a regular supply to
informal value chains based on personal and/or
                                                        import from outside the region.
linguistic ties. These movements range from simple
cross-border deals between extended family and
tribe members to some very long distance                   Table 1: ECOWAS Imports of Basic Foods by
transactions along traditional corridors that can          Region (2005 to 2009)
extend over thousands of kilometers and multiple                            Other ECOWAS        Rest of World
border posts. Precise figures are difficult to come         Maize                 3%                 97%
by, but in the Ashaiman market near Tema, Ghana,            Millet               38%                 62%
for example, women traders say that a dozen or so           Sorghum              21%                 79%
individuals travel to northern Togo once or twice           Livestock            98%                  2%
                                                           Source: Compiled from Bromley, et. al. (2011).
per month to buy 20-50 bags of cowpeas to sell in
their market stalls and to other domestic traders.
Regional experts likewise report that Burkina Faso      Indicative of these limited trade connections, there
exports some 20,000 to 40,000 tons of maize to          are frequently large price differences from one
Niger and Mali in most years with lesser volumes        West African country to another. During the 2008
flowing into Benin, Ghana, and Togo depending           food crisis, for example, prevailing market prices
on annual supply and demand conditions. An              for maize in the farm areas of southwestern
established trade corridor for maize between            Burkina Faso stood at only USD 280 per ton
Techiman, Ghana and Niamey, Niger was also said         against USD 640 to 750 per ton in major coastal
to exist (1,100km across two borders) while             cities from Accra to Lagos. Similarly, in 2010,
considerable volumes of sorghum were reported to        millet prices in Accra were around USD 660 per
go all the way from Kano, Nigeria to Dakar,             ton against USD 260 to 360 in the northern
Senegal (3,600km across four borders). Onions and       production zones of south-central Mail and
tomatoes are also widely traded in regional markets.    northern Burkina Faso. Although West Africa has
                                                        some of the highest transport costs in the world,
Despite the importance of these transactions, it is     these large price differences cannot be explained by
apparent the overall volume of regional food trade      transport alone.
in West Africa is low and significantly below its
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With respect to livestock, Table 1 shows that a very      have a direct bearing on the price that can be paid
different situation prevails with 98% of imports          to producers, and thus rural incomes and potential
originating from other ECOWAS countries. In this          for growth and poverty reduction. Unlike East and
case, several thousand goats, sheep, and even cattle      Southern Africa, there are few, if any, large-scale
are shipped every day along traditional trade             commodity brokers involved in regional trade of
corridors from Sahelian countries to deficit zones        food staples in West Africa, and few impersonal
in coastal areas. Like grains, these transactions are     institutions of the type needed for traditional
mostly informal and involve high costs so lead to         traders to switch from one corridor to another to
low producer prices and high consumer prices that         take advantage of new business opportunities.
limit the potential for growth and poverty
reduction. With more and more people in West              The World Food Programme (WFP) is probably
Africa living in large cities, policies to improve the    the largest regional trader in West Africa and seeks
efficiency of regional livestock markets also need to     to procure a variety of staple foods for its relief
be a high priority for the future.                        operations. In practice, however, WFP reports
                                                          there are frequent problems obtaining the required
In both the livestock and grain markets, most             export permits, quality certificates, and other
regional trade in West Africa relies on social,           documents needed from different countries for
linguistic, and even family bonds. Even very long-        large transactions to succeed. Small traders mostly
distance trade deals are typically based on oral          avoid these requirements, but this is not possible
contracting and, especially in the livestock sector,      for large commercial traders including the WFP
may involve credit sales so require strong                who need to comply with all rules and regulations.
interpersonal relations. In these deals, commodities      Procurement of large quantities at a competitive
often change hands five or six times between the          price has also been a problem for WFP since this
farm and retail level with each intermediary              usually has to be done through government-
incurring costs and needing to make a profit from         controlled agencies. In 2010, for example, the
the transaction. Re-bagging, for example, is typically    Government of Ghana offered rice to WFP at
done each time grain is sold since there are no           USD 970/ton fob Tamale against the world market
other guarantees for quality or even basic                price of USD 550/ton cif Monrovia where the
composition. Volumes are typically measured by            supplies were needed. WFP is obliged to buy
the number of bags or tins per bag rather than in         regional grain when possible, but this very high
kilos or metric tons. In physical terms, most traders     offer was considered uncompetitive and the deal
work in small lots that range in size from just a few     was eventually stopped after exporting just 1,600
bags (300-400kg of grain) to perhaps one or two full      tons of a 4,000-ton procurement.
truckloads at most (say 60-80 tons).
                                                          Regional Trade of Seed and Fertilizer
While it is clear these trading systems are well
adapted to local conditions and institutional realities   With respect to crop inputs, regional trade of seed
in West Africa, it is equally apparent that the lack      and fertilizer is almost non-existent in West Africa.
of more systematic and larger-scale trading options       Under the ECOWAS Trade Liberalization
imposes a high cost on the region. In an open             Scheme (ETLS), Member States agreed to reduce
economy, price is determined competitively and            the barriers to regional trade of crop inputs, but in
value flows upstream from the consumer to each            practice governments still enforce national product
producer and marketing agent in the chain. All            registration and testing requirements that make
costs and profit margins taken by processors,             regional trade difficult and expensive.
traders, and other value chain participants before
                                                          In the case of seed, for example, the ECOWAS
the product’s value reaches the farm level therefore
                                                          Council of Ministers formally adopted a Regional
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Agreement on Harmonized Seed Legislation in              at least USD 30-40 per ton (USD 1.50 to 2.50 per
May 2008 under which any variety of seed                 50kg bag). Moreover, given that fertilizer
registered in one ECOWAS country would be                application rates in West Africa are among the
eligible for production and commercial sale any          lowest in the world, any savings in trade costs would
other ECOWAS country without further                     likely contribute to much higher crop yields simply
certification or testing. Almost five years later,       as a result of more farmers being able to afford at
however, the reality is very different whereby           least some product even if it is not always the most
regional governments still only recognize their own      ideal type. According to the Ghana PPRSD, local
test results. In Ghana, for example, the new Plants      blends are designed to help farmers achieve
and Fertilizer Act of 2010 specifically requires all     maximum yields and the cost of preparing each
varieties of seed to be tested domestically for a        formulation is not considered when approving new
minimum of three years regardless of whether the         products.
variety has been approved in another ECOWAS
country. Seed companies pay the full cost of this        Input subsidy programs in different countries
service equal to a minimum of USD 3,500 per year         further complicate the trade situation with much of
for expression of interest and seed entry plus the       the fertilizer that does go across regional borders
full cost of all materials used in on-station and        travelling illegally. In the current 2012/13 crop
farmer field trials agreed with the Plant Protection     season, for example, Ghana is subsidizing 176,000
and Regulatory Services Directorate (PPRSD).             tons of fertilizer for non-cocoa crops at a cost of
When asked about the ECOWAS Seed                         around USD 64million. In practice, however, even
Agreement, staff at PPRSD explained there has            the Ministry of Agriculture and Food acknowledges
been “some discussion�? of harmonized trade               there have been problems with smuggling and,
policies for seed but said these talks were at a very    according to the Ghana News Agency, less than
early stage. In effect, most countries do not yet have   25% of the 1,700 tons of fertilizer meant for small
a Seed Act and, in Ghana, the Act of 2010                farmers in Kassena-Nankana District ended up in
contradicts the 2008 ECOWAS Agreement.                   local soils with the rest smuggled to Burkina where
                                                         it could be sold for two times the subsidized price.
Similarly, although West African countries produce       Bearing in mind that subsidies can have many
very little fertilizer and must rely on extra-regional   positive effects, these programs are inherently
imports, opportunities for regional trade and            expensive to run and carry an ever-present risk of
distribution are constrained by a range of factors       leakage so also give good reason to look for
including country-specific product formulations and      complementary and more sustainable ways of
national testing and registration requirements.          reducing prices such as improving the regional
While different soils and crops naturally need           trade environment.
different amounts of nutrients for optimal growth, a
recent study by the International Fertilizer             Fertilizer Trade and Rural Incomes in Ghana
Development Center (IFDC) and International
                                                         To illustrate how efforts to reduce trade costs could
Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) shows that
                                                         have      leveraged     impact     on      agriculture
product differentiation in West Africa has taken
                                                         competitiveness and rural incomes, it is useful to
place for non-technical reasons. As a result,
                                                         stick with the example of Ghana where information
different blends have to be custom made for each
                                                         on the cost structure of fertilizer and farm
country at a very small scale, which add
                                                         production costs for the 2009/10 season is
unnecessarily to production cost and price. By
                                                         available. The point of this quick example is not to
harmonizing fertilizer blends across countries and
                                                         recommend specific alternatives to Ghana’s subsidy
encouraging local blending capacity, the authors
                                                         program, but to demonstrate how even a modest
estimate that West Africa could realize a savings of
                                                         reduction in trade costs could go a long way to
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achieving many the same objectives as a subsidy                 structures, Fuentes, et al (2011), found that up to
without being drain on the national budget.                     50% of the commercial price of fertilizer is
                                                                accounted for by market constraints and
First, Table 2 shows the estimated build-up of                  bottlenecks. The 8.2% price reduction modeled
fertilizer prices in Ghana under two trade scenarios.           here is therefore a conservative estimate of the
The base scenario reflects actual conditions that               savings that could be realized from regional policies
prevailed in the 2009/10 agriculture season in                  such as the introduction of harmonized fertilizer
which the unsubsidized price of NPK fertilizer was              blends, streamlining of import procedures, and
around USD 39.00 per 50kg bag. The reduced cost                 savings on transport costs. Potential savings on
scenario, on the other hand, reflects the type of               finance charges and improved domestic marketing
savings that could realistically be achieved through            are not included in this analysis yet offer further
various trade improvements. In a detailed study of              potential for price reduction.
the Ghana fertilizer market and underlying price

                   Table 2: Build-up of Fertilizer Prices in Ghana under Alternative Trade Scenarios
                                            Base Scenario     Hypothetical      Reduced Cost
                                             (2009 prices)       Savings           Scenario
                                         Structure USD/ton % savings USD/ton Structure USD/ton
  International procurement and blending       20%     156.00   -20%    (31.20)   17%     124.80
  Port services and stevedores                 18%     140.40    -5%     (7.02)   19%     133.38
  Credit for procurement                       32%     249.60              -      35%     249.60
  Domestic transportation                      21%     163.80   -15%    (24.57)   19%     139.23
  Distribution/retail margins                   7%      54.60              -        8%     54.60
  Other (clearing charges, etc)                 2%      15.60    -5%     (0.78)     2%     14.82
  Total                                       100%     780.00           (63.57)  100%     716.43
  Total reduction as % base price = 8.2%
  Source: Own calculations based cost structure reported by Fuentes, et. al, 2011.

Next, Table 3 presents a set of financial indicators            medium- and high-input farmers than under base
for medium and high-input hybrid maize using the                conditions respectively. For medium-input farmers,
base price of fertilizer and hypothetical 8.2%                  the savings on trade costs translates to USD
reduction modeled above. For this analysis,                     12.08/ha higher profits while for high-input farmers
production costs and returns are based on Ministry              the savings on fertilizer results in USD 24.16/ha
of Food and Agriculture crop budgets a farmgate                 extra profit. In Scenario 2, it is assumed that the
price for maize of USD 160/ton (GHS 30/kg).                     lower price of fertilizer leads to 10% more use per
Unless indicated, all values are expressed in USD               hectare and 15% higher yields. Under these
per hectare.                                                    conditions, per hectare profits would be USD 52.88
                                                                higher at the medium-input level and USD 108.16
As demonstrated, Ghana could derive significant                 greater at the high-input level. For medium-input
benefit from effort to improve trade conditions for             farmers, this change is equivalent to transforming
fertilizer. In the first place, Scenario 1 shows how            maize from a loss-making activity into a profit
an 8.2% reduction in fertilizer costs would result in           making one in net terms. As a percent change, the
44% and 17% higher gross and net profits for

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                            Table 3: Financial Indicators for Ghana Hybrid Maize (USD/ha)
                                                                          Medium input       High input
                         Fertilizer use (bags basal x top dress per ha)            2x2              4x4
           Base conditions
             Crop yield (tons/ha)                                                 1.70            3.50
             Total revenue                                                      272.00          560.00
             Variable costs                                                     244.48          421.93
             Family labor & depreciation                                         47.34           56.38
             Gross margin (total revenue - variable costs)                       27.52          138.07
             Net profit (gross margin - family labor & depreciation)            (19.82)          81.69
           Scenario 1 - Streamlined trade procedures (8.2% savings on fertilizer)
             Crop yield (tons/ha)                                                 1.70            3.50
             Total revenue                                                      272.00          560.00
             Variable costs                                                     232.40          397.78
             Family labor & depreciation                                         47.34           56.38
             Gross margin (total revenue - variable costs)                       39.60          162.22
             Net profit (gross margin - family labor & depreciation)             (7.74)         105.84
           Scenario 2 - 8.2% savings on fertilizer, 10% more use, 15% more yield
             Crop yield (tons/ha)                                                 1.96            4.03
             Total revenue                                                      312.80          644.00
             Variable costs                                                     232.40          397.78
             Family labor & depreciation                                         47.34           56.38
             Gross margin (total revenue - variable costs)                       80.40          246.22
             Net profit (gross margin - family labor & depreciation)             33.06          189.84
           Farmgate price = USD 130/ton (GHS 30/kg).

Scenario 2 increment is equal to a 134% increase in
income for medium-input farmers and 64%                       guarantee that incremental profits will flow all the
increase for high-input farmers.                              way up the chain to farmers, Scenario 1 shows how
                                                              an 8.2% reduction in fertilizer costs would result in
Finally, Table 4 looks at the total available profits         more than five times as much total profit being
for regionally traded maize from a value chain                available per ton of exportable grain at the medium-
perspective including the costs of primary assembly           input level. With high-input management, total
(transportation from the farm to a nearby collection          profits per ton of export grain would be around
point, a short period of storage, handling, and               31% higher. In Scenario 2, the total available profits
preparation of essential export documentation). For           per ton of exportable maize would be around
this part of the analysis, total accumulated costs at         thirteen times higher with medium-input
the assembly point exclude profits paid to farmers            management and 76% greater with high-input
and local traders. This approach allows total                 management. Similar results would apply to maize
accumulated costs to be subtracted from the export            grown as an import substitute and the analysis
parity price to show how much total profit is                 overall clearly shows that modest improvements in
available to flow upstream to farmers and other               trade conditions for fertilizer could have significant
value chain participants. Unless indicated, all values        tangible benefits for farmer incomes and regional
for this part of the analysis are expressed in USD            trade competitiveness.
per ton of tradable grain.

Again, the data demonstrate that Ghana could
realize significant benefits from efforts to streamline
trade procedures for fertilizer. Although there is no

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                  Table 4: Value Chain Indicators for Ghana Hybrid Maize (USD/ton tradable grain)

                                                                            Medium input      High input
                           Fertilizer use (bags basal x top dress per ha)            2x2             4x4
              Base conditions
               Crop yield (tons/ha)                                                 1.70           3.50
               Farm costs                                                         171.66         136.66
               Assembly costs (incl. documentation and storage)                    62.55          62.55
               Total value chain costs for export ready grain                     234.21         199.21
               Total available profit at export parity                              2.79          37.79
              Scenario 1 - Streamlined trade procedures (8.2% savings on fertilizer)
               Crop yield (tons/ha)                                                 1.70           3.50
               Farm costs                                                         164.55         129.76
               Assembly costs (incl. documentation and storage)                    62.55          62.55
               Total value chain costs for export ready grain                     227.11         192.31
               Total available profit at export parity                             14.89          49.69
              Scenario 2 - 8.2% savings on fertilizer, 10% more use, 15% more yield
                Crop yield (tons/ha)                                              1.96            4.03
                Farm costs                                                     143.09          112.83
                Assembly costs (incl. documentation and storage)                 62.55          62.55
                Total value chain costs for export ready grain                 205.64          175.39
                Total available profit at export parity                          36.36          66.61
              Export parity = USD 358/ton cif Ouagadougou less USD121/ton for transport and road fees.
              For Scenarios 1 & 2, assume USD 5/ton less road fees from improved trade environment.

Opportunities to Improve Trade Conditions                        There needs to be better awareness and adherence
                                                                 to trade rules. Presently, there is a lot of confusion
Bearing in mind regional agriculture trade is                    in West Africa over the requirements to move food
constrained by a great many things it is worth                   staples from one country to another. Very often,
reviewing some of the areas where clear-cut policy               border officials and even trade advisors do not
improvements or other institutional change could                 know the correct procedures and will quote
help West Africa realize the type of benefits                    different rules depending on who is on duty. The
described above. There is a considerable body of                 use of certificates of origin to achieve duty free
literature describing different trade constraints and            status under the ETLS appears to be a particular
large gaps that frequently exist between stated                  area of confusion. Truckers complain that officials
policies and actual trade practice in West Africa.               at the same border post sometimes request for a
This brief note cannot possibly provide an                       certificate of origin for community-originating
exhaustive account of all that needs to be done, or              cereals when at other times they do not. This type
even what could be done, to improve the regional                 of inconsistency not only leads to unnecessary costs
trade of food staples and crop inputs. Instead, the              and opportunities for corruption, but also makes
aim is to highlight key areas of strategic importance            trade risky for large and small-scale operators since
where governments and other regional stakeholders                it is difficult to know what documents will be
could reasonably expect to reduce trade costs and                required on any given day of the week.
create a more reliable environment over the next
few years to the benefit of farmers and small- and               To help improve awareness, the USAID
large-scale traders alike.                                       Agribusiness and Regional Trade Promotion (ATP)
                                                                 project produced a wallet-size card listing the
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requirements for regional food trade that it              Box 1: Regional Trade Requirements
distributes to traders (see Box 1).
                                                          ECOWAS Rules for        Documents for Trading in
In a similar initiative, the regional NGO,                Staple Foods Trade      Staple Foods
Borderless (which was set up and funded in part by        Customs duties – NO     ECOWAS Brown Card
the ATP project) publishes its own pamphlets that         VAT or sales tax – NO   (insurance) – YES
list the requirements for importing products to           Statistical tax – NO    Export declaration – YES
Ghana at Aflao. Many of the documents listed by           Computerization fee –   Phytosanitary Certificate
                                                          NO                      – YES
ATP, however, are not listed by Borderless and            Freight forwarder fee   Waybill – YES
vice versa. Borderless, for example, does not             – YES                   Natl. and intl. driver’s
mention the need for a phytosanitary certificate and      Transit fee – NO        license – YES
instead says that all agriculture products must be        ISRT logbook – NO       Certificate of Origin – NO
certified by the Ghana Customs and Excise and             Weighbridge fee – YES   ISRT logbook – NO (and
Preventative Services (CEPS) Laboratory or Ghana          Official road tolls –   NO transit fee)
Standards Authority (GSA). Traders in turn                YES
describe the CEPS/GSA inspection as being about
phytosanitary control and say that officers will carry    Source: USAID ATP
out a visual inspection to look for pests even when       Project
they have the required phytosanitary certificate         other users for a copy of each product specification.
from Togo.                                               GSA directors say this is the usual practice of
                                                         standards bodies all around the world, but (apart
While both the Borderless and ATP initiatives are        from the lost revenue) could easily make pdf copies
important steps in the right direction, there            available on their website that would go a long way
evidently needs to be greater coordination to            to building a constituency for standards and,
ensure that information given to traders is complete     ultimately, to improving regional trade conditions,
and accurate. In the above example, GSA standards        product quality, and competitiveness.
covering quality attributes such broken or shriveled
grains and total defect are a completely different       Governments need better commitment to free
matter from phytosanitary standards concerned            trade. Beyond the problem of confusion for
with human, animal, and plant disease. The mixing        everyday trade rules, there is a larger issue of
of these aspects by GSA and CEPS officials no            governments themselves not always being
doubt contributes to the opaque trade environment        committed to free trade. Many countries in West
and is a specific area where trade facilitation          Africa, notably Burkina Faso and Mali, often
projects like Borderless and ATP could help              implement seasonal export bans on cereals. As of
improve transparency and understanding.                  late 2012, for example, Burkina was reported to
                                                         have export bans on both rice and beans. Likewise,
Dissemination of product standards by official           in Ghana, the WFP reported that it had been
agencies is another area where much could be done        waiting since the end of August for a permit to
to make trade conditions more transparent. Putting       export 10,000 tons of maize to Niger without a
aside the danger of making quality standards             reply from government. In another example of
mandatory (particularly if modeled on developed          how governments have departed from regional
country norms), voluntary standards can be used as       trade agreements, Benin was until recently charging
a language between traders and benchmark for             transit duty on all goods that pass through its
determining value. Nevertheless, the GSA and             borders even though this is specifically not allowed
other national standards bodies do not make their        by the ETLS.
work public and insist on charging traders and

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Addressing the problem of limited will to                Box 2: Costs of Regional Trade on the Ghana to
                                                         Nigeria Corridor
implement regional free trade agreements is likely
to be one of the more intractable trade constraints.     In a survey by the USAID Trade Hub, truckers on the
Even though trade bans are seldom successful in          Ghana to Nigeria Corridor said they have been
                                                         asked to pay the following formal and informal
achieving their objectives and have been shown to        charges to transport food products.
have many negative effects including increased food
                                                         1. Administrative Tax (1% fob)
price volatility, many governments continue to
                                                         2. Association of Customs Agents Levy
implement these polices in the name of food              3. BIVAC
security and other political objectives.                 4. Certificat d’origine
                                                         5. Certificatd’origine douane
As such, the best that may realistically be expected     6. Certificat sanitaire (phytosanitary/SPS)
in the near term could be to help traders cope           7. CNCB
better with the risk of bans. Often trade bans are       8. Commune
poorly communicated meaning that traders and             9. Convoy Fee/Escorte
                                                         10. Custom Agent
even border officials do not know what the real
                                                         11. Declaration/quittance
situation is and an obvious first step would be to       12. Ecor
improve communication of when bans are put in            13. Ecotax
place and when they are lifted. A second area for        14. ECOWAS tax
improvement would be to make implementation of           15. Enregistrement
                                                         16. Entry Tax
trade bans more predictable. This may be difficult
                                                         17. Finance Charge for Reimbursables
to achieve, but efforts to define a set of verifiable    18. Gendarmerie Levy
conditions under which governments could exercise        19. Hygiene & Sanitation
their discretion to implement a trade ban could be       20. Import Card
a good area for dialogue, especially if systems were     21. Laisser Passer
geared to provide an early warning of when a ban         22. NAFDAC
                                                         23. Parking/Stationnement
may be put in place.
                                                         24. Passage BMA
                                                         25. Passage magasin douane
On a day-to-day basis, there also needs to be better
                                                         26. PC
commitment to free trade by frontline border             27. Police Levy
officials, police officers, and other control agents.    28. Priseen charge
Mercantilist attitudes that see the only good kind of    29. Redevance informatique
trade is export trade still hold sway across Africa      30. Section visite
                                                         31. Sortie
and efforts to build awareness of the importance of
                                                         32. Standards Organization of Nigeria
free trade could help avoid shipments being held         33. Statistical Tax
up on spurious grounds. Petty and not-so-petty           34. Taxes de déclaration
corruption not only adds to the cost of regional         35. Taxes globales
trade but can also render improved trade rules           36. Taxes Supplémentaire
meaningless if the procedures are not                    37. Tolls/Péage
                                                         38. Transit Fee
implemented. At Aflao, small traders say it
                                                         39. Veterinarian Tax
common practice to pay GHS 4.00 to 5.00 per bag          40. Visa
(about USD 21.30 to 26.60 per ton) to use the back
                                                         Source: West Africa Trade Hub, 2012, p. 24.
channel to avoid inspection and paperwork
requirements. In another example, clearing agents
                                                        GSA Officers for their inspections to “go fast�?.
in Tema say standard procedure is to pay GHS 100
                                                        Although each cost may seem minor and better
to 200 (USD 53 to 106) per container to CEPS and
                                                        than being delayed, these charges add up and have
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a significant impact on competitiveness and             permit based on a common list of pest risks would
profitability.                                          therefore be a good approach for ECOWAS.
                                                        Other regional economic communities in Africa
As a strategy for reducing illegal costs, Borderless    including the EAC, COMESA, and SADC, have
has been publishing quarterly reports on the            each begun to harmonize their SPS rules using
number of controls, cost of bribes, and delays along    different approaches and offer useful experience on
13 major trade corridors since 2007. Borderless         what works, what doesn’t work, and what should be
says this strategy of naming and shaming has helped     avoided. COMESA, for example, is in the process
reduce costs over time, but acknowledges that           of developing a “green pass�? system for regional
much more needs to be done to change attitudes          SPS certification and ECOWAS may do well to
and make formal rules more transparent and easy         look at this approach.
to navigate. In one of its recent reports, the USAID
West Africa Trade Hub lists all of the charges
truckers reported paying on the Ghana to Nigeria        Box 3: Poor Utilization of Trucks
corridor and more systematic monitoring of these        Truck operators only make money when wheels are
fees (including duplicate fees paid at borders) could   turning. The average monthly distances covered by
be a useful way to build on the name and shame          transporters in different parts of Africa are shown
strategy (see Box 2).                                   below:
                                                         11,000 – 12,000km per month for domestic
Develop clear rules that are easy to meet every day.      transport within South Africa
One very practical area where much can be done to        8,000 – 9,000km per month for international
make regional trade rules easier to follow is to          transport within Southern Africa (e.g. South
adopt harmonized rules and regulations. One               Africa to Zambia via Zimbabwe or Botswana)
                                                         5,500km per month in Eastern Africa
notable barrier in agriculture is that ECOWAS
                                                         2,500km per month (at best) for transport
does not have a regional agreement on sanitary and        between Ghana and Mali or Niger
phytosanitary (SPS) standards. As a result, traders
                                                        Source: Bromley, et. al. (2011).
are often required to pay for more than one SPS
certificate and/or obtain multiple inspection stamps.
UEMOA adopted a Framework SPS Agreement in
2007 and a pressing challenge now for ECOWAS
                                                        Another important lesson is to avoid making
is to adopt its own harmonized regulations.
                                                        regulations that cannot be easily implemented. This
Given the historic trade ties that exist between West   point may seem obvious enough, but is a particular
African countries and fact large amounts of food        concern in West Africa where institutional capacity
presently go around the formal system without any       is often very weak. Other than SPS, for example,
inspection at all, a regional approach based on         one trade constraint that donors often point to is
equivalence and mutual recognition of each other’s      the lack of harmonized quality standards. While
SPS systems would likely be more meaningful than        quality standards are important for ensuring
any attempt to harmonize with developed country         product safety and can be useful in determining
norms. Although the WTO SPS Agreement                   value, recent experience in EAC shows there is a
encourages Member States to harmonize their SPS         significant risk of introducing mandatory
standards with international ones, it stops short of    requirements modeled on advanced country
making this a mandatory requirement. Simply put,        conditions that are difficult for local farmers and
African countries have very different SPS problems      traders to meet or that consumers do not want and
than developed countries do and only limited            cannot afford. In the worst of conditions, these
capacity to tackle their SPS problems. Efforts to       standards not only add unnecessarily to cost, but
develop a simple system for issuing a regional SPS      can even become a trade barrier and new vector for
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corruption. Like the EAC, the Ghana Standards            environment. High transit costs including escort
Authority has modeled most of its food standards         requirements and the need to pay (and reclaim)
on the International Codex Alimentarius, but now         multiple customs bonds and have been a particular
says it is revising its standards for maize to allow     problem and should not even apply to staple foods
higher tolerance for total grain defect in line with     or other products with duty free status. Another
local realities. Unlike the EAC, there have not yet      area for improvement is the regional insurance
been any serious attempts to develop harmonized          system whereby truckers are required to obtain an
regional standards by ECOWAS or UEMOA                    ECOWAS Brown Card to be covered outside their
countries.                                               home country, but say it is nearly impossible to
                                                         make a claim when they need to.
Continue the fight to reduce transport costs. A final
important problem for agriculture trade that cannot      Conclusions
be overlooked is the high cost of transportation.
Compared with manufactured goods and high-value          This note sought to provide a concise overview of
cash crops, food staples usually have a low value to     current trading conditions for food staples and crop
weight ratio so are particularly vulnerable to any       inputs in West Africa and to highlight tangible
inefficiency in the transport sector. While much         opportunities for improvement. The example of
can still be done to improve road infrastructure in      reduced trade costs for fertilizer helped to illustrate
West Africa, physical limitations are increasingly       that trade facilitation is not just an esoteric pursuit
viewed as less important than policy. In an              but can have very significant, real life implications
exhaustive study of the regional transport sector, for   for poverty reduction and food security. To the
example, Bromley, et. al. (2011) show how a host         extent that savings on imported fertilizer can
of factors ranging from the outdated truck queuing       substitute for spending on subsidy programs, trade
system to excessive regulations of vehicle operators,    facilitation can also have an important impact on
corruption at multiple checkpoints, and poor             agriculture budgets and ability of governments to
condition of vehicles contributes to West Africa         deliver extension advice and other core services
having some of the highest transport costs in the        needed for agriculture growth.
world (see Box 3).
                                                         While there are a number of simple steps
Roadblocks and control points are a particular           governments can take, improving the regional trade
problem. In its 20th Road Governance Report,             environment will require a long-term commitment
Borderless reported that truckers paid an average        and strong political will. Just as the costs of
of USD 4.40 in bribes, encountered 1.8                   corruption and extraneous procedures are obvious,
checkpoints, and suffered 16 minutes of delays for       so too are there vested interests in the status quo
every 100km travelled in the second quarter of           and rents these systems generate. It is therefore
2012. Some countries, of course, did worse with          important for West African leaders and agriculture
Mali recording USD 10.40 in bribes and 22                stakeholders more generally to stay focused on the
checkpoints per 100km, against USD 1.42 in bribes        ultimate objective of free trade and social benefits
and 10 checkpoints in Togo. In Ghana, traders            improved trade systems can bring.
encountered 20 checkpoints and paid USD 1.47 in
                                                         In this regard, a useful strategy for each country
bribes per 100km.
                                                         would be to define a set of actions to achieve its
While initiatives such as regular Road Governance        trade goals in coordination with regional partners
Reports have done much to raise awareness of the         around which the international community could
impact of unofficial charges and led to the              organize appropriate support. Given the practical
elimination of some checkpoints, much more               challenges of policy reform, part of the process
needs to be done to improve the transport policy         should involve defining clear outcomes/indicators
        11| www.worldbank.org/afr/trade
for each action item. These can be used to monitor    made in West Africa to build awareness for the
progress and to hold officials and leaders            high costs of roadblocks and control procedures,
accountable to commitments they make to deliver       complementary efforts to increase awareness for
open regional markets for food staples. Concrete      the benefits of free trade are also important for
actions to build a constituency for free trade will   Africa to realize its potential to feed itself.
also be important. While good progress has been

       12| www.worldbank.org/afr/trade
About the Author

John Keyser is an independent consultant based in Lusaka, Zambia. This work is funded by the Multi-Donor
Trust Fund for Trade and Development supported by the governments of the United Kingdom, Finland,
Sweden and Norway. The views expressed in this paper reflect solely those of the authors and not necessarily
the views of the funders, the World Bank Group or its Executive Directors.

Aidoo, Francis (2012). Ghana and Togo Cross-border Trade Experience, background document submitted to The
        World Bank, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (December 2012), Accra.

Borderless (2012). 20th Road Governance Report: Results of Surveys during the Second Quarter of 2012,
        Borderless WA, Accra.

Brock, Lori; Omoluabi, Ometere; and Van Dusen, Nate (2010). Ghana Gap Analysis: ECOWAS Free Trade Area,
        West Africa Trade Hub Technical Report No. 36 (December 2010), USAID West Africa Trade Hub, Accra.

Bromley, Daniel; Cook, Andrew; Sing, Savitri; and Van Dusen, Nathan (2011). Regional Agricultural Transport and
       Trade Policy Study, West Africa Trade Hub Technical Report No. 41 (March 2011), West Africa Trade
       Hub, Accra.

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       Markets in West Africa, IFPRI Discussion Paper, 01084, International Food Policy Research Institute
       (IFPRI), Development Strategy Governance Division, Washington DC.

FAO (2008). Harmonized Seed Legislation in West Africa, information pamphlet on ECOWAS Harmonized Seed
       Legislation, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Plant Production and Protection Division, Rome.

Fuentes, P.A.; Johnson, M.; and Bumb, B. (2011). Improving Fertilizer Markets in West Africa: The Fertilizer Supply
        Chain in Ghana, Draft for Review, International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), and International
        Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington DC.

Ghana News Agency (2012). Farmers Lose 75 percent Fertilizer Allocation to Smuggling, 6 September 2012,

Republic of Ghana (2010). Plants and Fertilizer Act, 2010 (Act 803), Government Printer, Assembly Press, Accra.

West Africa Trade Hub (2012). Impact of Expedited Trade on Private Sector Investment in ECOWAS, West Africa
        Trade Hub Report (February 2012), USAID West Africa Trade Hub, Accra.

World Bank (2012). Africa Can Help Feed Africa: Removing Barriers to Regional Trade in Food Staples, Poverty
       Reduction and Economic Management (PREM), Africa Region, The World Bank, Washington DC.

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