The World Bank                                                                                                                                             Report No: ISR15361

                                                                                                  Implementation Status & Results
                                                                        MONSTAT: Strengthening the National Statistical System of Mongolia (P113160)
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                         Operation Name: MONSTAT: Strengthening the National Statistical System of          Project Stage:   Implementation         Seq.No: 6      Status: ARCHIVED    Archive Date:    24-Jun-2014
                                          Mongolia (P113160)
                                                                              Country: Mongolia                                      Approval FY:        2009
                         Product Line: IBRD/IDA                               Region: EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC                          Lending Instrument: Adaptable Program Loan
                         Implementing Agency(ies):

                         Key Dates
                         Board Approval Date      12-Jun-2009           Original Closing Date 31-Dec-2014          Planned Mid Term Review Date 23-Apr-2012                Last Archived ISR Date 29-Nov-2013
                         Effectiveness Date       16-Sep-2009           Revised Closing Date 31-Dec-2014           Actual Mid Term Review Date       12-Jun-2012

                         Project Development Objectives
                         MONSTAT: Strengthening the National Statistical System of Mongolia (P113160)
                         Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)
                         The main objective of the project is to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the national statistical system of Mongolia to enable it to provide relevant, timely and
                         reliable data for evidence-based policy making in support of Government➢❨ s MDG-based National Development Strategy (NDS).
                         Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Program?

                            Yes           No

                         Component Name                                                                                                          Component Cost
                         Improving policy, regulatory, and institutional framework and the organizational structure of the                                  0.57
                         statistical system
                         Strengthening the statistical infrastructure                                                                                       0.80
                         Upgrading statistical operations (improving individual subject matter programs and methodologies as                                0.62
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                         well as the existing data output
                         IT Infrastructure and Equipment                                                                                                    0.93

                         Overall Ratings
                                                                 Previous Rating                      Current Rating
                         Progress towards achievement of PDO     Satisfactory                         Satisfactory
                         Overall Implementation Progress (IP)    Satisfactory                         Satisfactory
                         Overall Risk Rating                     Low                                  Low

                         Implementation Status Overview

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                             The World Bank                                                                                                                                        Report No: ISR15361

                         Overall project implementation is satisfactory. The major outcomes of the project in the four major components include:
                         - User satisfaction is 61.3% achieving the target value of 60%;
                         - Customer management strategy has been developed in January and endorsed by NSO chairman's board.
                         -Website improved substantially, new website ( developed and operational, metadata of surveys and censuses are disseminated with explanations through website. Types
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                         of electronic and printed products expanded. Made raw data of some surveys, census and IOT and SUT open to the public through
                         -Internationally accepted standards and classifications applied to most statistical areas, skills in authenticity verification and regular validations improved. Data quality management
                         introduced and departments are drafting their reports on their data quality management.
                         - Master questionnaire has been designed and is being used to update other surveys.
                         -All data provided at GDDS except for non-manufacturing production index and PPI.

                         In the remaining period of the project implementation, the following should be carried out in order to achieve the PDOs fully:
                         -Reports on the data quality management need to be finalized and consolidated for discussion.
                         - Complete submitting of non-manufacturing production index and PPI at GDDS in order to enter the SDDS;

                         Two complimenting Trust Funds: SCB TF (93575) and Korea TF (94696) have been fully disbursed and completed their implementation.

                         No Location data has been entered

                         Project Development Objective Indicators
                         Indicator Name                                   Core Unit of Measure                     Baseline                        Current                          End Target
                         User satisfaction                                        Percentage           Value       46.70                           61.30                            60.00
                                                                                                       Date        07-Oct-2010                     11-Jun-2014                      31-Dec-2014
                                                                                                       Comments    This is the closest             User satisfaction survey was Rate of user satisfaction
                                                                                                                   measurement of user             conducted in November, 2012 increased at least 60% by the
                                                                                                                   satisfaction defined as a       and the user satisfaction was end of project.
                                                                                                                   result of 2010 USS.             rated as 61.3% achieving the
                                                                                                                                                   PDO target of 60%. Based on
                                                                                                                                                   the user satisfaction survey,
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                                                                                                                                                   conducted in 2010, 46.7 % of
                                                                                                                                                   customers were completely
                                                                                                                                                   satisfied or satisfied. Next
                                                                                                                                                   survey will be done in June,
                         Access to data                                           Text                 Value       Statistical data are accessible Customer management              100%
                                                                                                                   through website and printed     strategy has been developed      Increased accessibility
                                                                                                                   publications in limited types.  in January and endorsed by       through the mass media
                                                                                                                                                   NSO chairman's board.
                                                                                                       Date        06-Jun-2010                     11-Jun-2014                      31-Dec-2014

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                                                                          Comments   Action Plan to improve overall Customer management
                                                                                     data access is needed.         strategy has been developed
                                                                                                                    in January and endorsed by
                                                                                                                    NSO chairman's board.
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                         Data coverage, accuracy and reliability   Text   Value      Verification takes place, need Data quality management        Regularly conducted check-
                                                                                     to improve skills and          introduced and relevant        ups based on improved
                                                                                     methodology                    departments are drafting their methodology
                                                                                                                    reports on their data quality
                                                                          Date       20-Jun-2010                    11-Jun-2014                      31-Dec-2014
                                                                          Comments   Training and authenticity      Reports on the data quality      Internationally accepted
                                                                                     verification needed            management need to be            statistical techniques in
                                                                                                                    finalized and consolidated for   collection, compilation, and
                                                                                                                    review discussion.               authenticity verification are
                                                                                                                                                     applied and regular
                                                                                                                                                     validations are carried out for
                                                                                                                                                     data sources and statistical
                         Timeliness                                Text   Value      NSO meets the major            Finalization of submitting the Submission of statistical data
                                                                                     requirements of GDDS.          non-manufacturing production at SDDS
                                                                                                                    index and PPI is underway.
                                                                          Date       20-Jun-2010                    11-Jun-2014                      31-Dec-2014
                                                                          Comments   Training, TA for SNA experts   All data provided at GDDS    Early to evaluate this
                                                                                     are needed to 100% submit      except for non-manufacturing indicator.
                                                                                     the data at GDDS.              production index and PPI.
                                                                                                                    Complete submitting the PPI
                                                                                                                    and non-manufacturing
                                                                                                                    production index at GDDS to
                                                                                                                    meet the requirement and
                                                                                                                    enter the SDDS.

                         Intermediate Results Indicators
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                         Indicator Name                                Core Unit of Measure              Baseline                          Current                         End Target
                         Inter-agency coordination and user-producer         Text             Value      NSO coordinates statistical      Master questionnaire has      Effective interagency
                         dialogue                                                                        activities and collection of     been designed and is being    coordination.
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                                                                                                         official data. But, there was no used to update other surveys.
                                                                                                         comprehensive evaluation of
                                                                                                         existing departmental and
                                                                                                         centralized statistical
                                                                                                         reporting conducted in terms
                                                                                                         of usefulness of data
                                                                                                         collected, identification of
                                                                                                         non-needed information and
                                                                                              Date       20-Jun-2010                       11-Jun-2014                     31-Dec-2014
                                                                                              Comments                                     Completion is underway.         Mechanisms for effective
                                                                                                                                                                           inter-agency coordination are
                                                                                                                                                                           established and operational;
                                                                                                                                                                           and an effective data user -
                                                                                                                                                                           provider dialogue is in place.
                         Human resource capacity                             Text             Value      Local level staff is trained by                                   Optimization of organizational
                                                                                                         central office staff. In some                                     structure of NSO at the
                                                                                                         cases, some personnel at                                          central and local levels.
                                                                                                         both central and local levels
                                                                                                         were trained by international
                                                                                                         organizations. However, there
                                                                                                         was no training center and
                                                                                                         comprehensive traning
                                                                                              Date       20-Jun-2010                       11-Jun-2014                     31-Dec-2014
                                                                                              Comments   Need to consulting services to Continuation of activities to
                                                                                                         define training need and skill train central office and other
                                                                                                         gap analysis.                  government staff in charge of
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                         Statistical Infrastructure                          Text             Value      Register actualization is         Internationally accepted        Full scale use of register for
                                                                                                         weak, internationally accepted    standards and classifications   surveys. 100% adaptation of
                                                                                                         classifications and standards     applied to most statistical     internationally accepted
                                                                                                         not fully applied, poor           areas, skills in authenticity   classifications, standards.
                                                                                                         sampling design and lack of       verification and regular        Standard questionnaire for
                                                                                                         seasonal adjustment               validations improved.           surveys developed and
                                                                                              Date       20-Jun-2010                       11-Jun-2014                     31-Dec-2014

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                                                                                            Comments       Consulting service and             Development of logical and
                                                                                                           training needed.                   physical design of statistical
                                                                                                                                              unit database and database
                                                                                                                                              application program is
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                         Physical infrastructure                          Text              Value          Most of the workstations are       The IT platform bid was re-        Capacity for physical
                                                                                                           outdated. Currently, only 3        announced, concluded and           operations is adequate and
                                                                                                           departments have access to         selected company fulfilled the     well maintained. At least 75%
                                                                                                           appropriate section of             task and reported back to the      of staff at each unit at NSO
                                                                                                           database.                          NSO management on the              headquarters have
                                                                                                                                              results.                           workstations with direct
                                                                                                                                                                                 access to databases for
                                                                                                                                                                                 analysis and tabulation, and
                                                                                                                                                                                 60% of field staff have
                                                                                            Date           20-Jun-2010                        11-Jun-2014                        31-Dec-2014
                                                                                            Comments       Consulting service for             The bid re-announced and
                                                                                                           infrastructure evaluation and      selected winner concluded
                                                                                                           IT Platform is needed.             the implementatino of the task
                                                                                                                                              and reported back to the NSO

                         Data on Financial Performance (as of 27-Mar-2014)
                         Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates
                         Project               Ln/Cr/Tf       Status             Approval Date                 Signing Date           Effectiveness Date        Original Closing Date     Revised Closing Date
                         P113160               IDA-46070      Effective          12-Jun-2009                   26-Jun-2009            16-Sep-2009               31-Dec-2014               31-Dec-2014
                         P113160               TF-93575       Closed             04-Aug-2009                   04-Aug-2009            18-Sep-2009               30-Jun-2010               30-Apr-2012
                         P113160               TF-94696       Effective          23-Jul-2009                   23-Jul-2009            18-Sep-2009               31-Dec-2014               31-Dec-2014
                         P122953               TF-98487       Effective          04-Mar-2011                   04-Mar-2011            11-Apr-2011               31-Dec-2014               31-Dec-2014

                         Disbursements (in Millions)
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                         Project               Ln/Cr/Tf       Status             Currency           Original             Revised           Cancelled          Disbursed           Undisbursed          % Disbursed
                         P113160               IDA-46070      Effective          USD                              2.00              2.00               0.00               1.99                  0.17         99.00
                         P113160               TF-93575       Closed             USD                              0.40              0.40               0.00               0.40                  0.00        100.00
                         P113160               TF-94696       Effective          USD                              0.70              0.70               0.00               0.70                  0.00        100.00
                         P122953               TF-98487       Effective          USD                              0.70              0.65               0.00               0.63                  0.02         97.00

                         Disbursement Graph

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                             The World Bank                                                           Report No: ISR15361
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                         Key Decisions Regarding Implementation
                         Official use

                         Restructuring History
                         Level 2 CD Decision on 26-Dec-2013

                         Related Projects
                         P122953-MONSTAT: Strengthening the National Statistical System of Mongolia
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