Report No. 20416-IN India Scientific and Technical Manpower Development in India August 30, 2000 Education Sector Unit South Asia Region Document of the World Bank ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AICTE - All India Council for Technical Education CABE - Central Advisory Board for Education GOI - Government of India GDP - Gross Domestic Products IAMR - Institute of Applied Manpower Research IIT - Indian Institute of Technology NTMIS - National Technical Manpower Information System OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development R&D - Research and Development Rs. - Indian Rupees SASED - South Asia Education Sector Unit, World Bank S&T - Scientific and Technical UGC - University Grants Commission Vice President Mieko Nishimizu Country Director Edwin R. Lim Sector Manager Emmanuel Y. Jimenez Team Leader Edward H. Heneveld Task Leader Shashi Kant Shrivastava CONTENTS Preface Executive Summary .....................................................i I. Introduction .....................................................1 A. Background and Objectives .....................................................1 B. An Overview of Major Issues .....................................................2 C. A Strategic Approach to Improvements ..................................................... 4 II. Higher Scientific and Technical Education System in India ............................ 6 A. Current Status .....................................................6 B. Policy Support .....................................................8 C. Sectoral Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis .................................................... 10 III. Major Issues ............................................. 15 A. Over-centralization and Lack of Autonomy and Accountability ....... ..... 15 B. Resource Constraint and Wastage ................................................ 16 C. Poor Quality and Relevance .................................................... 17 D. Difficulties in Retention of S&T Personnel in Education ............................ 20 E. Poor Technology/Infrastructure Support .................................................... 21 F. Limited Access and Regional Disparity (Equity) ............................... 22 IV. Strategy for Reforms .................................................... 23 A. Empowerment and Accountability of Academic Institutions ....................... 23 B. Optimal Utilization of Resources .................................................... 24 C. Mobilization of Additional Financial Resources .......................................... 25 D. Establishing Effective Quality Assurance Mechanisms .............................. 26 E. Networking to Enhance Capacity, Improve Quality and Produce Excellence .................................................... 31 F. Increasing Access and Reducing Regional Imbalances ................................ 32 V. Towards Implementing the Strategy ........................................ 34 A. Systemic Processes .................................................... 34 B. Institutional Processes .................................................... 35 C. Closing Remarks .................................................... 36 Annex 1 Current Status of S&T Manpower Development in India ................... 40 A. Introduction .40 B. Structure and Characteristics of S&T Education and Training .41 C. Governance and Financing of S&T Education .48 D. Labor Market for Engineers and Technicians - Results of a Sarnple Survey .54 Annex 2 Policy Support for S&T Manpower Development in India ................. 60 A. Responsibilities and Policies of Government of India .60 B. Main Thrusts and Strategies in Higher and Technical Education in the Ninth Five Year Plan of Government of India (1997-2002) ...................... 63 C. A Vision for the New Millennium: India 2020 .......................................... 65 D. Future Strategies for S&T Manpower Development ................................. 67 E. Recommendations from International Conferences/Experience Relevant to Indian Higher Education .68 Annex 3 Higher Educational Reforms in OECD and Transition Economy Countries .72 References .76 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1. Scientific and Technical Manpower Development in India SWOT Analysis .12 Table 2. Summary Table of Issues, Strategies and Recommendations .................. 37 Annex 1 Table 1.1. Higher Education Institutions in India .41 Table 1.2 Scientific Manpower: A Comparison .43 Figure 1.1 Technical Education Institutes in India .45 Figure 1.2 Growth in the Number of Graduating Students in Engineering .46 Table 1.3 Regional Distribution of Seat Capacity in Engineering .47 Table 1.4 State-wise Distribution of Seat Capacity for Engineering Degree ........... 47 Table 1.5 Number of Technical Institutions (Degree & Diploma) ........................... 48 Table 1.6 Government Expenditure on Education in Indian and Percentage Distribution of Education Experience for Different Levels ..................... 50 Table 1.7 Share of Central Plan Expenditure on Different Sectors of Education .... 51 Table 1.8 Operating Expenditure Break-up in Percentage for Engineering Colleges ................................................ 52 Table 1.9 Percentage of Private Engineering Colleges with Savings from Fee Income ................................................. 53 Table 1.10 Percentage of Private Engineering Colleges According to Unit Cost .53 Table 1.11 Faculty Composition in Engineering Colleges .54 Table 1.12 Stock of Degree Holders/Diploma Holders in Selected Disciplines. 55 Table 1.13 Estimates of Additional Requirements and Supply and Surplus/ Shortage for Selected Engineering Degree and Diploma Holders. 56 Table 1.14 Pattern of Annual Absorption of Degree and Diploma Holders .57 Table 1.15 Indices of Relevance of Skill to Industry by Level of Education . 58 Table 1.16 Percentage Distribution of Employers by Range of Dispersion Between Actual and Expected Performance of their Employers. 59 Annex 3 Table 3.1: OECD - Higher Educational Reforms: Changes and/or Useful Operational Models - Successes or Weaknesses .72 Table 3.2: Transition Economies - Educational Reforms: Changes and/or Useful Operational Models - Successes or Weaknesses .75 PREFACE This report presents findings and recommendations of a study conducted by a World Bank team* in association with Government of India officials, senior professionals and industry experts to: (a) understand critical issues in scientific and technical manpower development in India, and (b) identify strategies to reform the system - both at the systemic level and the institutional level. The study marks the culmination of a highly successful decade of cooperation between the Government and the Bank to modernize technician education in India, as also the beginning of a new phase of cooperation for major reforns in higher scientific and technical education. The study began in April 1998 with a 'National Seminar on Scientific and Technical Manpower Development in India - Status, Need and Future Strategies', co- sponsored by the World Bank and the Government of India, with invited presentations from Government Departments, academic institutions, professional bodies, industry and international organizations. The seminar was followed by contracted studies on the current status, management, and financing of S&T education, and a labor market survey. At a workshop held in the Bank in January 1999, the results of the studies, a large number of policy and planning documents of Government of India, the recommendations made at international conferences on higher education, and many recent publications were examined and major issues were identified and strategies for reforms suggested. Based on these inputs a draft report was prepared and discussed at a workshop of stakeholders held in November 1999. The document was formally shared with Government of India in June 2000 for comments. This report takes into account all these inputs. The Bank team thanks Prof. Ashoka Chandra, Special Secretary, Prof. D.P. Agrawal, former Joint Educational Advisor (Technical), Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education, Government of India and their colleagues for full cooperation in conducting this study and for facilitating the organization of the National Seminar and the stakeholder workshop. Thanks are also due to the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, the Technical Teachers Training Institute, Bhopal, the Institute of Hotel Management, Pune, the Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra and the National Project Implementation Unit, New Delhi for hosting the seminar and workshop and publishing the seminar proceedings. The team is grateful to all the invited participants for their valuable contribution. The team is grateful to Prof. Ralph W. Harbison, former Sector Director, SASED, for guiding the team in the preparation of the report and for personally participating in the seminar and a workshop held as a part of the study. The team thanks the peer reviewers and many colleagues for their valuable contributions. The team wishes to dedicate this report to the memory of Prof. Thomas 0. Eisemon, who initiated this study with great passion but passed away in May 1998. * A list of the Bank team members is attached. A list of invited speakers and participants of the Seminar is also appended. TASK TEAM Core Team Shashi Kant Shrivastava, Senior Education Specialist, SASED -- Task Team Leader Edward Heneveld, India Education Team Leader, SASED Ralph W. Harbison, (former) Sector Director, SASED Renu Gupta, Team Assistant, SASED Gertrude Cooper, Program Assistant, SASED Consultants Prof. Richard Weiss, Georgetown University, Washington, DC Prof. C.S. Jha, former Vice- Chancellor, Banaras Hindu University Prof. P.V. Inderasan, former Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Prof. S.K. Khanna, former Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education Mr. Y.S Rajan, Senior Advisor (Technology), Confederation of Indian Industries Mr. D. K. Ghosh, Registrar, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Dr. K. Raghavan, Chief (Information System), Institute of Applied Manpower Research Dr. S.A.A. Alvi, Consultant, SASED Institute of Applied Manpower Research, New Delhi Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi Peer Reviewers Mr. John Middleton, Director Distance Learning, World Bank Institute Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen, Principal Education Specialist, LCSHE Mr. Maurice X. Boissiere (at concept stage), Senior Education Specialist, ECSHD Other contributors/reviewers Mr. Emmanuel Y. Jimenez, Sector Director, SASED Venita Kaul, Education Specialist, SASED James Keith Hinchliffe, Principal Economist, SASED Yogendra S. Saran, Consultant, SASED Helen Abadzi, Senior Evaluation Officer, OED Vandana Sipahimalani, Economist, SASED Prof. R.K. Mani, Central Project Advisor, National Project Implementation Unit (Technician Education Project) Dr. P.J. Lavakare, former Advisor, Department of Science & Technology, GOI EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background At the start of the twenty-first century, India still has to meet the basic needs and aspirations of its one billion people. Despite being one of the largest economies of the world, over one third of its population is facing poverty. It has been recognized that only by competing successfully in the globally interdependent world economy can living standards be raised. For such competitiveness, every sector of economy in India requires major restructuring to enhance effectiveness and efficiency through intensive and judicious use of science and technology. This will trigger increased productivity, which should lead to expanded opportunities for employment, and thus a better quality of life. India has formally recognized the importance of higher education and science and technology for national development and committed itself to the development of scientific and technical (S&T) manpower. Over the past fifty years the country has provided full policy support and substantial public funds to create one of the world's largest systems of higher education. However, the institutions/universities have mostly not been able to maintain high standards of education or to keep pace with developments in knowledge and technology. They are constrained by the explosion in enrollments, the limited financial support from the government, and most importantly, by an overall structure built on a myriad of controls and the supply-driven thinking of the past. The programs offered are unduly rigid (with fixed duration and course structure). Graduates from many middle and lower level institutions cannot find suitable employment due to limited job opportunities in the areas for which they are trained and because of a growing mismatch between their knowledge and current practice in the fields for which they are trained. The higher S&T education system needs urgent reforms and speedy changes. The system needs to be student-centric and not system-centric as at present. The overall objectives of this study, conducted in association with Government of India officials, senior professionals and industry experts, are (a) to understand critical issues in S&T manpower development, and (b) to identify strategies to reform the system - both at the systemic level and the institutional level. Major Issues While India has one the world's largest stock of scientists, engineers and technicians, it has not derived full economic benefit from this skill base because of the mismatch/ inadequacy of education and training and the limited employment capacity of the labor market. The main problems facing the higher S&T education system today are: * Over-centralization and lack of autonomy and accountability: The higher education system in India is subjected to multiple controls and regulations exercised by the central and state governments, statutory bodies (University Grants Commission/All India Council for Technical Education), university administration, and local management. Most institutions have little authority even ii in the areas of faculty appointments, student admissions, structure and contents of programs, evaluation methodology and financial management. * Resource constraint and wastage: Post-secondary education is heavily subsidized despite severe constraints on flow of funds; government funding accounts for more than 90% of operating costs in most public institutions. The efficiency of resource utilization is poor due to internal rigidities even in the best-run institutions. The existing controls and regulations, in most cases, do not provide positive incentives to public institutions to mobilize other financial resources. There is very limited cooperation and sharing of physical and human resources among institutions and even less with industry or public research and development (R&D) laboratories. There is also large wastage of the limited resources available to the institutions in many forms, e.g., high dropout and failure rates, under-utilization of existing capacity. * Poor quality and relevance: While some Indian post-secondary scientific and technical institutions offer world-class education and training in engineering and technology incorporating the "best practices", most institutions offer outdated programs with inflexible structures and content. There is a mismatch between student demand/labor market needs and institutional output and training modalities. Student demand, reflecting perceived employment opportunities and lower private costs, greatly exceeds the supply of places. A shortage of skilled manpower in fields critical for enhancing economic competitiveness is co-existing with chronic oversupply and unemployment of graduates in conventional fields, in which course contents have not been changed to meet the market needs. In addition, the Indian higher education system is not yet prepared to meet the new challenges posed by the increasing liberalization of the Indian economy, its gradual integration with the world economy, the very high international mobility of the workforce, and the rapid transformation of the society into a knowledge- based society. * Difficulties in retention of S&Tpersonnel in education: Institutions offering professional courses are unable to attract and retain qualified and trained faculty due to non-competitive pay packages, lengthy recruitment procedures, and the unattractive working environment. A large percentage of high ranking students from the better institutions who could fill such positions prefer to work and settle abroad or to take up a career in management. * Poor technology/infrastructure support: In many institutions, physical facilities are largely outmoded and there is next to no maintenance. Probably no more than 20% of the institutions have the barest minimum of laboratory facilities and no more than a hundred institutions have any research activity worthy of note. The electrical power supply and the availability of clean water have become very unreliable in many parts of the country. The communication lines to most institutions are also extremely limited and of poor quality for computer or library linkages. Libraries do not stock current literature. * Limited access and regional disparity (equity): The total enrollment in higher S&T education accounts for less than 2% of the age-cohort. Due to various socio- economic factors, some sections of the society (rural women, scheduled cast/tribes, and the physically disabled) are poorly represented amongst the beneficiaries. The potential of S&T education system is also not being exploited iii fully to reach out and help people engaged in non-formal sector of economy (which accounts for 49% of the GDP). In addition, there are large regional imbalances in the availability of educational facilities, especially for professional courses. A Strategy for Reforms The above mentioned critical issues need to be addressed urgently if the Indian S&T education system is to meet the aspirations of millions of young Indians for a better quality of life, with greater economic opportunities. The system needs large-scale restructuring with significant reforms in (i) management, (ii) quality control and monitoring, and (iii) resource utilization and mobilization. It will require dedicated efforts to increase efficiency, to make the system more accessible and attractive to talented students and teachers, and to respond to industry and the society. The strategy to implement reforms in S&T education needs to include: * Empowerment and accountability of individual institutions (andfaculty) through decentralization of authority, encouragement of innovations, and establishment of an entrepreneurial, responsive, participatory and accountable management culture. v Optimal utilization of resources to minimize wastage and to attenuate further fragmentation of resources and encouragement of larger private investments in S&T education. * Mobilization of additionalfinancial resources through contributions/payments by students, parents, employers, alumni, government, business and industry, and through the generation of resources from consulting services, continuing education programs, the limited conmmercial use of institutional facilities, contract research, and the exploitation of intellectual property rights (IPRs). * Establishing effective quality assurance mechanisms for teaching, recruitment of teachers, curriculum reforms, and student evaluation, with mandatory, but not centralized, transparent monitoring of the quality of physical and academic facilities and of the teaching/learning processes, taking corrective actions where necessary. * Networking to enhance capacity, improve quality and produce excellence: networking of institutions/centers of excellence with other education and training institutions, government R&D laboratories, and industrial establishments. * Increasing access to S&T education for the deserving through large-scale expansion in continuing education, community out reach programs, distance education and virtual university facilities and through a reduction in regional imbalances in S&T education capacity and quality. Towards Implementing the Strategy Implementation of the strategy for reforms will involve changes in processes and/or new actions at both the systemic and the institutional levels. It may be noted that many of these changes will not require any new investments. The aim is to make the existing system perform better by being more self-reliant than at present. Of course, Iv some critical public investments will continue to be needed in areas where no facilities exist at present. Systemic Processes: Some priority actions that need to be implemented include: (a) Governance: All tertiary education institutions should be empowered in their operation and conduct of programs by being given academic, administrative and financial autonomy. (b) Accountability: Allocation of public grants should be linked to institution performance in academic achievements, including the employment of graduates. (c) Funding: Government should set up a S&T Education Fund both at the center and state level which could be accessed by educational institutions on a competitive basis. Government/UGC/AICTE should simplify their procedures of funding and provide incentives for the mobilization of resources. (d) Program relevance. Institutes should be encouraged to undertake consulting services, continuing education programs, and sponsored R&D activities to make higher education responsive to the market needs. (e) Linkages. Local, regional and national networks among institutions, government laboratories, industrial laboratories and other knowledge producers should be facilitated for an optimal utilization of available infrastructures and intellectual/knowledge resources of individual network institutions. (f) Equity Efforts should continue to reach out to the deserving students in remote areas, rural women, and the physically disabled through special programs including scholarships, distance education and guided self-learning. Institutional Processes. The following actions are suggested at the level of institutions: (a) Self-governance. All institutions should be given sufficient autonomy to establish an entrepreneurial, responsive, participatory and accountable management culture, adapting successful models. (b) Student selection and counseling. Institutes should select students through a transparent process for assessing the merit and aptitude. (c) Faculty selection and development: Heads of institutions and departments should be selected in a transparent manner on the basis of leadership qualities. Faculty should be selected based on proven academic merit, aptitude and ability for teaching, and peer reviews. There should be provision for induction training of teachers for training in curriculum design, lesson planning, laboratory exercise setting, and management of classroom and laboratories. (d) Curricula renewal. All curricula should be reviewed and revised at regular intervals. There should be provision for introducing new topics in emerging fields with full consultation with local employers. (e) Program flexibility. Academic programs should be designed to provide maximum flexibility to students to select courses according to their felt needs. (f) Student evaluation. Teachers should be expected to develop parameters for judging the analytical, innovative and problem-solving abilities of students and to diminish the emphasis on memory and retention testing. (g) Self-assessment. Each institution should publish annually its academic achievements including information on the employment of graduates. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA ......... .India's enormous resources of man-power can only become an asset in the modern world when trained and educated Scientific Policy Resolution, Government of India, 1958 I. INTRODUCTION 1 . Background and Objectives of the Study 1.1 At the start of the twenty-first century, India still has to meet the basic needs and aspirations of its one billion people. Despite being one of the largest economies of the world, over one third of its population (equal to the total population of Latin America) is facing poverty, illiteracy and disease. Millions do not have access to adequate food, clean water, shelter, or employment. It has been recognized that only by competing successfully in the globally interdependent world economy can living standards be raised. 1.2 Every sector - be it agriculture, industrial production, energy, transportation, health services, communication, banking, commerce or administration - requires major restructuring to enhance effectiveness, efficiency and global competitiveness through intensive and judicious use of science and technology (S&T). This will trigger increased economic productivity, which should lead to expanded opportunities for employment, and thus a better quality of life. 1.3 India has formally recognized the importance of higher education and science and technology for national development and committed itself to the development of S&T manpower (Ref. 1, 2). Over the past fifty years the country has provided full policy support (Ref. 2-5) and substantial public funds to create one of the world's largest systems of higher education, a system which includes some internationally recognized institutions. The higher education system in large measure met the manpower needs in a bygone era of self-reliance. But it no longer does in the new environment in which high talent manpower must meet a single international standard. 1.4 As described in more details in Annex 1, India's higher S&T education system is mammoth if measured in absolute numbers of institutions and students, surprisingly small if compared with OECD and other key developing country competitors in terms of coverage of age eligibles or financial resources committed to it. 1.5 Over the last few years, the publicly funded institutions/universities providing S&T education in India have not been able to maintain high standards of education or to keep pace with developments in knowledge and technology. They are constrained by the explosion in enrollments, the limited financial support from the government, and most importantly, by an overall policy framework built on a myriad of controls and the supply- driven thinking of the past. The programs offered are unduly rigid (with fixed duration and course structures). Alongside the declining standards of public institutions, many 2 private institutions also do not provide the necessary faculty, teaching materials, information access, or infrastructure needed for quality education in spite of fees, willingly paid, which are often very high. Graduates from many middle and lower level institutions cannot find suitable employment due to limited job opportunities in the areas for which they are trained and because of a growing mismatch between their knowledge and current practice in the fields for which they are trained. The higher S&T education system needs urgent reforms and speedy changes. It needs to be student-centric and not system-centric as at present. In the absence of such reforms, the system will decline further with much adverse impact on the whole economy. 1.6 The overall objectives of this study, conducted in association with Government of India officials, senior professionals and industry experts, are (a) to understand critical issues in S&T manpower development, and (b) to identify strategies to reform the system -both at the systemic level and the institutional level. 1.7 The study began in April 1998 with a 'National Seminar on Scientific and Technical Manpower Development in India - Status, Need and Future Strategies', co- sponsored by the World Bank and the Government of India, with invited presentations from Government Departments, academic institutions, professional bodies, industry and international organizations (Ref. 6). The seminar was followed by contracted studies on the current status, management, and financing of S&T education, and a labor market survey (Ref. 7-10). At a workshop held in the Bank in January 1999, the results of the studies, a large number of policy and planning documents of Government of India, the recommendations made at international conferences on higher education, and many recent publications were examined and major issues were identified and strategies for reforms suggested. Based on these inputs, a draft report was prepared and discussed in a workshop of stakeholders held in November 1999. The revised draft report was formally shared with the Government of India in June 2000 for comments. The present report is based on all these inputs. B. An Overview of Major Issues 1.8 There has been a phenomenal growth in higher education in India. In 1950-51, only 263,000 students (in all disciplines) were enrolled in some 750 colleges affiliated to 30 universities. The total post-secondary enrollment in 1998 exceeded seven million students in university departments and some 9,700 degree colleges affiliated to 229 universities (or equivalent institutions), and over 9.5 million students in over 6,500 below-degree institutions (Ref. 11-13). Enrollment is currently growing at a rate of about 5.1% per year. Of the degree level students, only about 20% were enrolled for science and 5% for engineering courses. With increasing investments and the consequent large enrolments at the primary and secondary levels of education, the demand for higher education, especially professional courses, is growing rapidly. 1.9 While India has one the world's largest stock of scientists, engineers and technicians, it has not derived full economic benefit from this skill base because of the mismatch/ inadequacy of education and training and the limited employment capacity of the labor market. The main problems (elaborated in later sections) facing the higher S&T education system today are: 3 * The entire higher education system is bureaucratized with multiple controls and regulations exercised by the central and state governments, statutory bodies (University Grants Commission, All India Council for Technical Education, and others), university administration, and local management. Most institutions have little authority even in the areas of faculty appointments, student admissions, structure and contents of programs, and evaluation methodology. Post-secondary education is heavily subsidized despite severe constraints on flow offunds; government funding accounts for more than 90 percent of operating costs in most public institutions. The efficiency of fund utilization is poor due to internal rigidities even in the best-run institutions. The existing controls and regulations, in most cases, do not provide positive incentives to public institutions to mobilize other financial resources. There is very limited cooperation and sharing of physical and human resources among institutions and even less with industry or public R&D laboratories, because the earlier centralized systems have resulted in isolationist approach in almost all institutions, even in the best ones. There is also large wastage of the limited resources available to the institutions in many forms, e.g., high dropout and failure rates, under-utilization of existing capacity. A While some Indian post-secondary scientific and technical institutions offer world- class education and training in engineering and technology incorporating the "best practices", many institutions offer outdatedprograms with inflexible structures and content. There is a mismatch between student demand/labor market needs and institutional output and training modalities. Student demand, reflecting perceived employment opportunities and lower private costs, greatly exceeds the supply of places. A shortage of skilled manpower in fields critical for enhancing economic competitiveness is co-existing with chronic oversupply and unemployment of graduates in conventional fields, in which course contents have not been changed to meet the market needs. In addition, the Indian higher education system is not yet prepared to meet the new challenges posed by the increasing liberalization of the Indian economy, its gradual integration with the world economy, the very high international mobility of the workforce, and the rapid transformation of the society into a knowledge-based society. Institutions offering professional courses are unable to attract and retain qualified and trainedfaculty due to non-competitive pay packages, lengthy recruitment procedures, and the unattractive working environment. A very large percentage of high-ranking students from the better institutions who could fill such positions prefer to work and settle abroad or to take up a career in management. In many institutions, physicalfacilities are largely outmoded and there is next to no maintenance. Probably no more than 20 percent of the institutions have the barest minimum of laboratory facilities and no more than a hundred institutions have any research activity worthy of note. The electrical power supply and the availability of clean water have become very unreliable in many parts of the country. The communication lines to most institutions are also extremely limited and of poor quality for computer or library linkages. Libraries do not stock current literature. 4 * Limited access and regional disparity (equity): The total enrollment in higher S&T education accounts for less than 2% of the age-cohort. Due to various socio- economic factors, some sections of the society (rural women, scheduled castes/tribes, and the physically disabled) are poorly represented amongst the beneficiaries. The potential of S&T education system is also not being exploited fully to reach out and help people engaged in non-formal sectors of economy (which accounts for 49% of the GDP). In addition, there are large regional imbalances in the availability of educational facilities, especially for professional courses. C. A Strategic Approach to Improvements 1.10 The above-mentioned critical issues need to be addressed urgently if the Indian S&T education system is to meet the aspirations of millions of young Indians for a better quality of life, with greater economic opportunities. The system needs large-scale restructuring with significant reforms in (i) management, (ii) quality control and monitoring, and (iii) resource utilization and mobilization. It will require dedicated efforts to increase efficiency, to make the system more accessible and attractive to talented students and teachers, and to respond to industry and the society. 1.11 The strategy to implement reforms in S&T education needs to include: * Empowerment of individual institutions (andfaculty) through decentralization of authority, encouragement of innovations, and establishment of an entrepreneurial, responsive, participatory and accountable management culture. - Optimal utilization of resources to minimize wastage and to attenuate further fragmentation of resources and encouragement of larger private investments in S&T education. 3 Mobilization of additionalfinancial resources through contributions/payments by students, parents, employers, alumni, govermment, business and industry, and through the generation of resources from consulting services, continuing education programs, the limited commercial use of institutional facilities, contract research, and the exploitation of intellectual property rights (IPRs). * Establishing effective quality assurance mechanisms for teaching, recruitment of teachers, curriculum reforms, and student evaluation, with mandatory, but not centralized, transparent monitoring of the quality of physical and academic facilities and of the teaching/learning processes, taking corrective actions where necessary. * Networking to enhance capacity, improve quality andproduce excellence: networking of institutions with other education and training institutions, government research and development (R&D) laboratories, and industrial establishments. * Increasing access to S&T education for the deserving through large-scale expansion in continuing education, community out-reach programs, distance education and virtual university facilities; and through a reduction in regional imbalances in S& T education capacity and quality. 5 1.12 These six elements of a strategy when implemented could respond well to the issues and challenges noted earlier. The existing policy documents and action plans of the Government of India and its agencies dealing with higher/technical education already include these elements in some form or the other. Some of the elements have already been implemented on a limited scale. What is needed now are some well-planned and well-coordinated processes and schemes to implement the reforms on a large scale to make a visible and sustainable difference. 1.13 The suggested reforms, when implemented, could help achieve a vision for the higher scientific and technical education which can be stated as follows: Building on the available infrastructure, large social demand and untapped potential, it is possible to transform the higher S&T education system in India, such that it will: Be comparable to the best in the world * Provide equitable access on merit to the deserving from all groups * Maximize innovative, intuitive and problem-solving skills * Evaluate and reward originality, creativity, and initiative * Sensitize students to economic, social and environmental issues * Prepare students for life-long learning * Make S&T teaching an attractive profession * Have close linkages with industry, R&D organizations, and the service sectors 1.14 With this objective in view, the following sections elaborate further on the current status and policy framework, the major issues, a strategy for reforms and the essential processes needed for its implementation. 6 II. HIGHER SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA A. Current Status 2.1 India has a long history of education and teaching of pure and applied sciences dating back to over 2600 years. Its early contributions in mathematics, biology, medicine and astronomy are well recognized (Ref. 14). Unfortunately, much of its glory was lost during the medieval period. During the 19th century, a few western-type universities were established. Most of them were established through individual efforts, a few were based on community efforts. Some of these reached world class quality. Recognizing the value of science and technology (S&T) for economic development, major emphasis was laid again on higher education and S&T after India gained Independence in 1947. Today India possesses Asia's oldest, largest and most diverse infrastructure for S&T education and training, and this infrastructure has already made important contributions to the country's scientific and industrial development. 2.2 Soon after independence, the Government of India established milestone institutions in the country to provide leadership role in higher education in engineering and technology. These Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), one in each region, have developed global reputations. In addition, India has a few front-ranking universities/ institutions for engineering and applied science education (e.g., Indian Institute of Science, Roorkee University, Anna University, Jadavpur University). Regional Engineering Colleges, Technical Teachers Training Institutes and some well-established state engineering colleges form the second tier of technical education, and these are followed by some 500 other engineering colleges and 1 100 polytechnics, both public and private. This system is producing about 6,000 postgraduates, 65,000 graduates and 95,000 diploma holders in engineering every year (Ref. 8, 9). 2.3 Higher education in science in India is almost completely conducted by university departments and some 5000 government/aided colleges affiliated to the universities. Under-graduate teaching is largely handled by colleges. The system is producing an impressive number of science degree holders every year (estimated to be about 190000, 38000 and 3800 at B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels, respectively). However, there are also very high dropout and failure rates (over 40 percent) at the under-graduate level. Furthermore, due to limited job opportunities and growth prospects, a large percentage of the graduates do not pursue science as a career (Ref. 9, 13, 14). 2.4 Demand for admission for the first degree course in engineering in most states far outstrips the available capacity. The heavy demand for professional courses and lack of innovative response from government-funded institutions have led to: (i) the establishment of hundreds of private self-financing professional educational institutions; (ii) a massive increase in private training enterprises, mainly in computer applications and information technology, on a commercial basis; (iii) a large number of private tutorial institutions preparing students for entrance tests for professional courses and 7 public examinations; (iv) campaigns by foreign universities to admit undergraduate students from India in large numbers on a full fee basis; and (v) some foreign universities offering distance education/regular courses in India through private promoters. While the involvement of the private sector in professional education is a welcome development and needs to be encouraged, the quality of the programs offered and the learning environment created in many private institutions (as also in many public institutions) is a source of major concern. The regulatory mechanisms (of the AICTE/UGC) for quality control need to be more effective in such cases. 2.5 India loses a significant percentage of its trained manpower every year to the developed countries. In 1998 nearly 34,000 Indian students and 30,000 professionals went to the US alone (Ref. 15). Past trends indicate that majority of students do not return after completing their studies abroad. 2.6 As discussed in greater details in Annex 1, S&T educational institutions in India are subject to multiple levels of governance and control, and a complex procedure of financing. The Government of India maintains central universities and institutes of national importance. The University Grants Commission (UGC) and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), established by Acts of Parliament, have the statutory responsibility of promoting, regulating and maintaining standards in general higher education (including science) and technical education, respectively. Funds under the union budget approved by the Parliament are released through UGC/AICTE/ Department of Education. At the state level, universities come under the purview of state Departments of Education (or Higher Education, in some states), which are responsible for planning and maintaining all higher education institutions. 2.7 Generally, universities also follow very rigid rules in all administrative, academic and financial matters in governing their departments/faculties and affiliated colleges. Very large universities with numerous colleges face major problems of governance and maintaining standards. Most colleges have little control over admissions, appointment of faculty or other staff, program design, the academic timetable, curricula, evaluation methodology, examinations, or the procurement of goods and works. These are all decided and controlled by state directorates or the university administration. The excessive sets of controls that are meant to maintain standards and accountability have in fact introduced major inertia in the system. The net effect is that the system is now unable and even unwilling to respond to the needs of students, society and the labor market. 2.8 Higher education, including science education is almost entirely dependent on government funding. Technical education is still largely dependent on government support. India spends about 3.6% of its GDP on education against the desirable target of 6% (Ref. 16). Of this expenditure, higher education and technical education have a share of about 16.4%. This translates into an average annual expenditure of about Rs. 11,800 (US$300) per student. There is a large variation (ranging between Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 100,000 per student per year) in actual expenditure depending on the courses of study and the institution. 8 2.9 Annex 1 presents a more complete discussion of the system, with data on its structure (its size, scope, courses offered, duration, regional variations, etc.), governance and financing of S&T education, the labor market for engineers and technicians, and the problems being faced at present. B. Policy Support 2.10 The Constitution of India (Seventh Schedule) places the responsibility on the Government of India for co-ordination and the determination of standards in institutions for higher education or research, and in other scientific and technical institutions. The Government's responsibility also covers central universities and institutions for S&T education that are financed by Government of India wholly or in part and declared by the Indian Parliament by law to be institutions of national importance. The Constitutional Amendment of 1976 (Ref . 1) places education, including technical education, in the concurrent list (which implies joint responsibility) of the Government of India and the states. 2.11 Over the years the Parliament has adopted major policy resolutions related to higher education and S&T. Developments in the S&T sector in India have largely been guided by its Scientific Policy Resolution (1958) (Ref. 2), which lays emphasis on: the cultivation of science, scientific research, the training of scientific and technical personnel to fulfil the country's needs, and encouragement of creative talent and individual initiative for the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in an atmosphere of academic freedom. 2.12 The Technology Policy Statement (Ref. 5) states that Research and Development, together with S&T education and training of a high order, will be accorded pride of place. Basic research and the building of centers of excellence will be encouraged. The quality and efficiency of the technology generation and delivery systems will be continuously monitored and upgraded. The policy statement calls for strengthening of the linkages between educational institutions, R&D establishments, industry and governmental machinery. 2.13 The National Policy of Education (adopted in 1986 and modified in 1992- Ref. 4), which improved upon the National Education Policy of 1968 (Ref.3), has detailed sections on higher education and on technical education covering a range of operational, financial and technical issues. The Policy recognizes education to be a unique investment in the present and the future. In higher and technical education it lays emphasis on equal access on requisite merit, student mobility between institutions, networking of institutions with each other and with R&D organizations, greater institutional autonomy with accountability, research, quality and responsiveness of the curricula, resource mobilization, and institutional excellence. 2.14 The policy statements act as guiding principies in developing plans and programs for government support for S&T manpower development in India. The IX Five Year Plan (1997-2002) of the Government of India identifies the following critical areas for action in Higher Education (Ref. 17): 9 (i) Relevance and quality (ii) Use of media and education technology (iii) Structure of curricula and flexibility (iv) Access and equity (v) Management of education (vi) Resource mobilization and utilization 2.15 On S&T manpower development, the IX Five Year Plan document states: * Scientists with exceptional capabilities should be nurtured and supported fully by offering them, within India, facilities comparable with international standards. * There is need to create conducive environment in educational institutions for' developing creative skills and innovative capabilities. * The academic community should gradually motivate the faculty to do research by giving them a sense of empowerment and autonomy of functioning within the university system. * There is need for introduction of some high quality undergraduate science programs at selected institutions. 2.16 The long-term vision for India in various sectors is also developed by expert groups and professional bodies from time to time to help the central and state governments, management bodies of institutions, and industries to plan their activities and to take advance action. The 25-volume "Technology Vision for India 2020 " (Ref. 18) prepared during 1994-95 by National Committees, and published by the Technology Information, Forecasting, and Assessment Council (TIFAC), covers sixteen key sectors such as agriculture, agro-food processing, chemical industries, life sciences, engineering industries, electronics, and strategic industries. The document makes specific recommendations for action with the vision that India should become a developed nation by 2020 and one of the five biggest economic powers. The S&T institutions can play a major role in realizing this vision. 2.17 India is a signatory to several international policy declarations related to education and S&T. One such declaration is the World Declaration on Higher Education of 1998 along with the Framework for Priority Action for Change and Development of Higher Education (Ref 19), which lays emphasis on: (i) quality and relevance, (ii) equity, (iii) better governance and financing, (iv) linkages and mobility, and (v) social responsibility of higher education. 2.18 It is clearly observed from the above (see Annex 2 for more details) and numerous supporting documents that India has committed itself to policy support for S&T manpower development. There is also a process of systematic planning. These policies and plans have helped India to develop a vast infrastructure for higher S&T education. However, differing interpretations and implementation of the policies have also led to over-centralization of authority, bureaucratization of controlling agencies, and over-dependence on government support and interventions. The system has become too big to ensure quality and accountability with such centralized control. There is a lack of state-level policy framework to support the national policies. There is little community 10 participation. Innovations and initiatives by institutions and their faculty are also lost in the process. C. Sectoral Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis 2.19 A detailed analysis of the S&T education system's strengths and weaknesses, and the resulting opportunities and threats are beyond the scope of the present study due to the enormous size and coverage of the system and the limitations of available data. Even a sample analysis covering the whole country is not easy. What is attempted here, instead, is to list some common observations in critical areas, applicable to a majority of institutions, based on the available literature and views expressed by experts knowledgeable about the system. Table 1 presents important observations on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in some critical elements (policy and planning, finance, administration, infrastructure, faculty, students, curricula, and evaluation system) of the higher S&T education system in India. 2.20 The main strengths of the S&T education system are that it is well structured, it covers nearly all disciplines and offers programs at a very low cost to the students. It has largely met the skilled manpower requirement of the economy in the past and has the potential to meet the future needs too. It is generally self-reliant and has received international recognition for the quality of some of its output. The system has had extensive support from the Government and provides open access to the meritorious with little discrimination and full freedom of thought and action. The faculty is generally well qualified, and the approved teacher:student ratio is fairly high. 2.21 The apparent weaknesses of the system include lack of quality assurance, obsolescence in curricula and teaching methodology, poor infrastructure and technology support, political interference, lack of autonomy in decision making (both academic and administrative), absence of a global perspective, a failure to attract and retain the talented to the teaching profession, disinterested students, and an overall shortage of financial resources. Both external and internal efficiencies of the system are poor leading to enormous wastage. There are no incentives to utilize the system to its full potential and mobilize additional resources. Institutions are isolated with little interaction with employers, community, other academic and R&D institutions, and even within themselves. 2.22 There are enormous opportunities for building a vibrant high quality higher education system in S&T in view of the nation's determination to reach a developed and technologically self-reliant status by 2010 with a global advantage in information technology. National economy is growing at 6-7% per year. There is high competition for higher education and training. In addition, globalization of the economy and easy access to knowledge are redefining the role of the system, and opening it up for attracting students from abroad in significant numbers to gain economic advantage as well as political goodwill. 2.23 Growing mismatch with employment market, and failure to increase access of the deserving to a high-quality tertiary education system in S&T would pose major threats to I1 securing the India's goal of self-reliance and progress. Failure to meet the aspirations of students could contribute to major unemployment, serious unrest, and ongoing exodus of talented people from the country. Poor quality products of the S&T education could hurt the competitiveness of industry and services with very negative consequences for the national economy. 2.24 The other main conclusions of the SWOT analysis are: * Location adaptations are necessary but need a broader effective regulatory and support framework. * Quality models exist but are not replicated widely. * Excessive control of institutions is making the system drift away both from innovation and labor market needs. • A main threat is the system's isolation/inward looking tendency. 2.25 The discussion of the current status and the simplified SWOT analysis suggest an urgent need for major reforms in the system to meet the current and future needs of India for high quality S&T manpower. The major issues needing attention in the design of a reform strategy are discussed in the next section. Table 1: Technical and Scientific Manpower Development in India: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats (SWOT) Analysis STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS POLICY & . Institutional mechanisms (CABE, . Expansion rarely related to labor market demand, * Linking higher education * Other countries attracting PLANNING UGC, AICTE, Planning Commission) more on political pressure or regional aspirations. with national development Indian students to their exit for formulating policies and * Implementation of policy very tardy * Exploiting knowledge base higher education system. plans, and for ensuring quality . UGC and AICTE's powers for control and and strengths for increasing * Non-availability of high . National Policy for Education regulation not effective. India's share in the level expertise in emerging adopted in 1986 and modified in 1992 . Quality control mechanism inadequate and international market place areas will affect * Science Policy, Technology Policy, ineffective development Industry Policy, Information . Political/bureaucratic pressures in policy '[echnology Policy available for formulation, implementation and planning guidance * Limited role of private sector, professional societies, * Periodic reviews of education at national academics in policy formulation and the national and state level implementation. FINANCE * Cost of higher education relatively * Public financing becoming difficult leading to non- * Attracting full fee paying * Inadequate resources lower than in other countries. viable support to higher education foreign students affect quality of education * Government support liberal; * Private investment limited to professional courses * Increasing cost-recovery with consequential effects on majority of institutions publicly a No incentives to institutions for financial prudence substantially national development arid r funded. and increase in efficiency * Reduction of wastage international competitiveness * Excessive controls leading to costly delays * Very low cost-recovery from students and beneficiaries ADMINISTRA- * Fairly well-structured * Number of employees much larger than needed due . Improving cost-effectiveness * Frustration amongst TION administrative system with reasonably to obsolete procedures and lack of mechanization. efficiency and quality teachers, students and staff democratic governance. . Decentralization of powers ineffective. * Improving information flow due to lack of fair and . Political and bureaucratic interference in decision * Networking of institutions transparent decision making making in appointments, transfers, admissions, etc. and national labs. for quality could disrupt academic * Absence of incentive or reward system for good and capacity enhancement activities, lowering of the work * Optimal utilization of image of the institution a Lack of control on wasteful expenditure resources INFRASTRUC- * UGC and AICTE lay down norms * No depreciation system for generating funds for * Improving utilization factor . Poor quality and low TURE for minimum necessary infrastructure removal of obsolescence; government grants not for all infrastructure, using relevance of education due to for all institutions. Funds provided to sufficient for both periodic modernization of facilities appropriate schedule, and obsolescence of workshops, upgrade facilities at reasonable a Maintenance of all facilities generally very poor preventive maintenance through laboratories, library, and intervals for public institutions. * Very little sharing of expensive facilities at any level contracted services, learning environment * Most public institutions provide * Campus services usually not contracted out for fear . Developing concept of . Large wastage due to poor some facilities for corporate living for of raising the cost of the service to the beneficiaries and virtual laboratories through utilization of available staff, students and employees often for keeping a large number of people employed simulation in place of facilities * Technological inputs to classrooms, laboratories, expensive laboratory conference halls, etc. very primitive equipment. FACULTY * Faculty in some institutions of * Shortage of teachers in most professional * Faculty molding students' * Talented may not join international quality. institutions. career and values and teaching profession * Approved faculty/student ratio * Low compensation package making teaching developing attitudes for life- * Quality of education will fairly high in the S&T education profession unattractive compared to other sectors long learning through personal decline rapidly with the sector. * Faculty development strategy very sketchy example, quality of teachers - poor * Faculty in a few selected * Career progress slow for most teachers leading to * Creating professional teams teachers produce poor institutions has access to latest dissatisfaction and unrest amongst networked institutions graduates who may become developments and research facilities. * Many teachers have no research background, field * Utilizing the services of teachers because they can get experience or exposure to modern Educational working professionals no other job and produce Technology tools * Training of selected senior even poorer graduates * Teaching load and other responsibilities very high students as teaching assistants giving little time for personal research, study or interaction with students * Inbreeding of faculty leading to absence of new ideas and cross fertilization STUDENTS * Students entering S&T sector are * Most students accustomed to rote learning for doing * Reorienting large number of * Over-emphasis on of fairly high scholastic ability. well in examinations and in securing ajob, and lack students to nation building examination inhibits quest * Intemational recognition of S&T confidence in their abilities * Liberalization of economy for knowledge and skills graduates of selected institutions * Students lack opportunity for developing creativity and its gradual integration with * Educated unemployed can through graduate school admission, * Part-time employment of students non-existent world economy have opened up create social tensions and employment in intemationally leading to over-dependence on parental support. the labor market for qualified * Talented students may not competitive positions * Absence of career counseling coupled with serious and enterprising graduates to be attracted to S&T * Graduates of the system largely mismatch between education programs and labor work anywhere in the world * Talented students with met the needs of the economy, market demands resulting in large scale unemployment * Attracting intemational resources or extemal support * All students enjoy intellectual and of qualified manpower students in large numbers to may prefer to study and settle personal freedom of thought, belief Indian institutions because of abroad and action and suffer no low cost discrimination due to race, color, caste or gender CURRICULA * Varied curricula available covering * Inflexible and rigid curricula in most institutions * Integrating knowledge and * Without frequent curricula nearly all required courses at graduate * Common curricula used to meet varying output skill demands of the market revision meeting the undergraduate and diploma levels characteristics of graduates with no considerations for with curricula and course emerging needs of the market * Syllabi of courses in good personal preferences and local work opportunities contents place - both national and institutions fairly modem and * Course syllabi highly detailed which help extemal * Identifying and developing global, the output of the comparable to the best in the world. evaluation process but inhibit innovative contributions hidden talents of students higher education system will * Medium of instruction in from the teacher based on his experience. through a sustairfable mixture not be able to make Indian professional and applied science * Revision, modification and updating of curricula and of classroom teaching, self- industry internationally courses an international language, course detail a very lengthy exercise in most learning, laboratory exercises, competitive and Indian giving ready access to accumulated institutions leading to early obsolescence in curricula. industrial attachments and real- economy and polity vibrant literature in S&T. * Expertise in curriculum design very limited, recourse life problem solving. is often taken to accept curricula of prestigious * Developing competitive institutions at home or abroad without the flexibility, skills of professional students monitoring and control available in those institutions. through design competition, * Curriculum implementation very poor, teaching communication skills through mostly examination oriented, attention to students' seminar presentation, difficulties in comprehension or application of investigative skills through knowledge not given due weight. summer research projects, and a Emphasis on developing communication skills, laboratory projects problem solving abilities not present. * Not cnough appreciation of new challenges in curricula even in engineering courses, environmental impact assessment, entrepreneurship, global perspectives, and international competitiveness. EVALUATION * Secrecy in public examination * Except in some good institutions routine . Developing continuous * Arbitrariness in evaluation SYSTEM operations is maintained across the examination perfonmance is the only parameter for evaluation mechanisms and and lack of transparency can system to ensure fair play. evaluation of students' abilities and effectiveness of making them integral to the lead to student unrest, and * Some good institutions use modern learning process. teaching-learning process lower image of the Indian l evaluation techniques and use them as * Continuous evaluation of students not systematized * Giving greater higher education system. 4- feed back to correct deficiencies in in most institutions. responsibilities of evaluation to the teaching/learning process. * Examinations often memory-based and rarely test teachers who teach and interact students' analytical and problem solving abilities, directly with students to give * Lack of transparency and openness leads to student credibility to the process by dissatisfaction and unrest. making it both fair and * Laboratory training is rarely tested properly- transparent. * Examinations with ample choice in answering. questions often leads to students ignoring some parts of the syllabi and still qualifying satisfactorily. * Indian examination system is predominantly external with teachers who teach having little say in setting the question papers and evaluation of students' response. * Extensive private tutoring often kills leaming motivation and initiative of students, and inhibits interaction between teachers and taught both in the classroom and outside the classroom. 15 III. MAJOR ISSUES 3.1 As noted already, the higher S&T manpower development system in India is facing a major crisis due to its rapid growth, limited resources, high wastage and over- centralized governance. It is unable to maintain quality and relevance and is thereby losing its capability to respond quickly and adequately to the country's needs. The system is also facing new challenges posed by the rapid globalization of the economy, the modernization of industry and the knowledge explosion. Some major but tractable issues faced by the system include: A. Over-centralization and lack of autonomy and accountability B. Resource constraint and wastage C Poor quality and relevance D. Difficulties in retention ofS&Tpersonnel in education E. Poor technology/infrastructure support F Limited access and regional disparity (equity) These issues are discussed briefly in the following paragraphs. A. Over-centralization and Lack of Autonomy and Accountability of Institutions 3.2 The centralization of authority at various levels and multiple controls (by government, regulating bodies like UGC/AICTE, funding agencies, university administration and local management) have engendered an enormous lethargy in the system of tertiary education in India. Centralization has resulted in increased bureaucracies at all levels, malpractice in examinations, outdated curricula, disinterested faculty, institutional administrators who do not know how to administer or lack the necessary authority, and frustration with the system amongst students. It has taken away flexibility from budgets and led to wasteful practices. Worst of all, it has all but destroyed initiative by faculty members in many institutions. 3.3 The absence of autonomy in academic decision-making has inhibited innovations in curriculum offerings and in teaching/learning methodologies and evaluation mechanisms. The system has therefore tended to prepare students mainly for examination success rather than developing the knowledge, personality and skills necessary for success in the labor market. Numerous university rules and government fiats govern the selection of students, the appointment of faculty and support staff, career promotion policies, and the maintenance of campus discipline. Government colleges do not have the power to receive grants from non-specified sources and to manage funds received, allocated, or generated from their own efforts. 3.4 Most universities (which are technically autonomous), and colleges which receive government funds come under the administrative control of state and central bureaucracies. Government's administrative control is often exercised without adequate information and without consultations with institute management. In many cases, government officials and political representatives interfere with the normal day-to-day functioning of the institutions in admissions, staff appointments and promotions, purchase of equipment, and the award of construction contracts. This interference causes 16 delays in decision making, lowers the quality of management, and affects academic values and responsibility. 3.5 All institutions in India work under some legal framework - Central or State Acts and Statutes, Memorandum of Association, Societies Registration Act, etc. The objectives, functions, and operational methods, including procedures for disciplinary action, are often specified in these documents. Even a well-justified deviation from the written procedures to meet emergencies (of staffing, for example) often lead to legal complications and prolonged court cases limiting freedom of appropriate action. Procedures to amend or modify legal constraints are usually very time-consuming. 3.6 While procedural audit is carried out in minute details, there is no systematic evaluation of institutional performance. So there is little incentive to excel and plenty of scope to evade responsibility. With a few exceptions, there is no system of feedback from lower levels to higher ones, no feedback by students on the courses taught, no evaluation by teachers of the courses prescribed. There is also no opportunity for evaluation of administrators or administrative policies by any person affected by them. 3.7 The Indian society is becoming disenchanted with the poor quality of teaching, growing campus in-discipline, recurrence of campus agitation, and the closure of some academic institutions on one pretext or another. In many universities, it appears as if there is no institutional accountability for the teaching/learning process, the quality of education and research, and the maintenance of the academic calendar. B. Resource Constraint and Wastage 3.8 India has a tradition of full public support to higher education, both at the central and state levels. Government subsidies still account for more than 90 percent of operating costs in most public institutions. Only in recent years has there been any significant private investment, but it is limited mainly to professional courses. Due to rapid expansion of the system and rising cost of education, public resources have been over-stretched. In addition, public subsidy is biased in favor of the elite universities/ institutions. Public resources to support quality improvements in other scientific and technical institutions are fast diminishing. 3.9 In most institutions, salaries form the largest part of the operating cost, ranging between 60-80%. After paying for non-salary operating expenditure (water, power, transport, furniture, etc.), many institutions spend as little as 6 percent on teaching material and student welfar.e (books, equipment, consumables, scholarships, etc.) against the desirable norm of 14-15% (Ref: 10). 3.10 Low cost recovery in education at the tertiary level: Fees charged to students at most public institutions represent no more than a small fraction of the real costs (less than 5 percent in most universities). Levels of cost-recovery for different levels or fields of study often have little or no relationship with either the cost of education, or the labor market or student demand. Students receive almost free education at universities irrespective of their paying capacity. Regulations do not provide any incentive to public institutions to mobilize resources; for example, in most cases, any revenue generated by 17 government institutions goes, in large part, to the state/central government exchequer and not to the institution. A major part of any revenue earned by institutions gets adjusted against their approved allocation from the government. 3.11 The preponderant share of the S&Tfunding pie goes to government laboratories and research institutes that do not participate in education. An estimated 95 percent of the total budget for the S&T sector is for activities which do not, directly or indirectly, benefit the education system. Clearly, the non-educational part of the S&T sector holds the vast majority of the research facilities and expertise that are important to higher education. In the absence of effective mechanisms for linkages, there is no use of these facilities and expertise by the higher education sector. 3.12 Over-exploitation of social demand: While a few institutions in the private sector are utilizing the fee earnings and donations for providing high quality professional education, a large number ofprivate institutions are also being run on commercial basis making significant savings (of up to 50 percent of the approved fees collected) by curtailing expenditure even on critical teaching and laboratory inputs (see Annex 1 for more details). 3.13 Wastage: There is large wastage of the limited resources available to institutions in many forms: (a) the dropout and failure rates are as high as 40 percent in some cases, adding significantly to the unit cost; (b) many science graduates do not pursue a career in science; thousands of engineering graduates and science post-graduates are also lost every year as they go abroad or shift to a career in management/administration; (c) there is an over-supply of graduates in traditional areas, resulting in large unemployment/ under-employment; (d) a large percentage of seats remain unfilled in post-graduate courses in engineering due to the lack of demand and the non-availability of candidates who qualify a national level test for admission into post graduate studies; (e) some universities are months behind their academic calendar and delays in examinations and announcements of results often prohibit bright students from entering post-graduate programs of other institutions in time; (f) the existing infrastructure in most institutions is highly under-utilized with, for example, some laboratories and workshops being occupied only for a few hours in a week; and (g) vast lands available to some public institutions remain undeveloped for years, adding to the cost of maintenance and security; such lands are often acquired for or given to the institutions, much below the market value, by governments at a high socio-economic cost; (h) some of the outdated support facilities are carried for years by the institutions without much utilization. C. Poor Quality and Relevance 3.14 Mismatch between Student Demand/Labor Market Needs and Institutional Output & Training Modalities: There are two related issues. First, student demand, reflecting perceived employment opportunities, greatly exceeds the admission capacity in some programs. Competition for admission particularly to quality programs and good institutions is particularly intense. Only one out of a hundred applicants to the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology gets admission. At the collegiate level, the ratio of admissions to applications in engineering at some well-established institutions is about 1:30, while fewer than one in ten students applying to better polytechnics get 18 admission. For degree courses in good science colleges, the demand is typically 1:5. For some applied courses, the demand is as high as 1:10. Second, mechanisms of financing and governance linking market needs with training are weak, contributing to: (a) skill shortages in fields important for enhancing India's economic competitiveness like information technology, bio-technology, material science, and (b) chronic oversupply in conventional fields, including the pure sciences. Rigid curricula prevent students from constructing training packages of subjects that will exploit niches in the labor market. 3.15 The high demandfor admission for professional courses has resulted in creation of admission capacity in many areas far beyond the needs of the economy. A labor market analysis conducted by the Institute of Applied Manpower Studies in 1998 (Ref. 9) as a part of the present study shows (Annex 1) that at the present rate of admissions, there will be a significant surplus of engineering graduates and diploma pass-outs in most disciplines and particularly mechanical engineering and electronics engineering by the year 2002. On the other hand, a few disciplines like computer engineering, metallurgy, mining engineering will face a shortage of qualified personnel. The study also shows that in Kamataka (with a very large number of private and public engineering colleges), over 20% engineering graduates in several disciplines had to wait for over three years to get a suitable employment. This situation reflects both ill planning of programs and poor quality of training in many colleges. 3.16 Inappropriate modes of instruction and the absence in curricula and course syllabi of modern topics that reflect the current state of art and that anticipate future innovations. The absence of lifelong learning opportunities for teachers, coupled with the isolation of many teachers from the international community as well as from recent advances in their fields, is partially responsible for the inertia in curricula and course syllabi. Another issue is that few teachers participate in the generation of new knowledge in their fields. Since they do not consider themselves as stakeholders and their effort to remain current is not rewarded by their institutions, there is little incentive to update curricula and course material regularly. Lack of close relations and collaboration with industry and other sectors that employ graduates also contributes to the inappropriate curricula. 3.17 Inertia and bureaucratic obstacles to changing curricula and course syllabi. Over-centralization and a lack of local autonomy also contribute to the curricular problems at the tertiary-level institutions in India. The approval process for any modifications of curricula or introduction of new subjects often takes up to three years in some universities/boards of technical education. In the meantime, knowledge progresses and additional changes become necessary even before the previous changes are put in place. Additionally, the dearth of current S&T information, especially from abroad, makes rational changes to the educational system difficult to incorporate in a short period. A third bottleneck is the limited capacity of teachers at the tertiary level to absorb new knowledge; many are in locations that are isolated from advances and their training has not prepared them to seek and process information and to think in ways that readily accept changes. New technologies like the Internet that could alleviate this problem to some extent are not made available as the state is short of funds. 19 3.18 Inadequate levels of intellectual pursuits (especially Research and Development): The deleterious effects of the widespread absence of research and development by teachers at tertiary institutions are felt at several levels and in several ways by the S&T educational sector. The country loses a major low-cost resource of bright students and young teachers who could contribute to the R&D efforts. Teachers do not keep up with the latest developments in their subjects and curricula become outdated. Students are not exposed to current knowledge or to how knowledge is generated and they are not trained to keep abreast of the rapid developments in their field. Finally students are not attracted to join the S&T sector or teaching profession to help create and disseminate knowledge. 3.19 Limited opportunities for life-long learning: Advances in science and technology are occurring at a bewildering pace, creating special problems in curriculum planning and delivery. The half-life of many technologies has come down to only a few years. In this context, it has become essential that both teachers and non-teaching professionals should develop an attitude for life-long learning, and have exposure to advances in their scientific or professional field through continuing education programs offered by institutions of higher learning and professional societies. At present opportunities for such programs are limited. Also, since there is very limited mobility between institutions, R&D laboratories (private or public sector) or industry, the stagnation in experience and knowledge base becomes more acute. Only teachers who have themselves cultivated an attitude for life-long learning can instill this among their students so as to make them fight technological obsolescence over their working life. 3.20 Limited exposure to peers within the country and abroad: The limitation of resources for tertiary level educators in the S&T sector has led to their isolation. In the cases where sub-communities of S&T researchers and educators have been able to meet on a regular basis, networks allowing sharing of information and correlated planning for future development have been established. Unfortunately, such cases are rare. Additionally, the physical and intellectual isolation of researchers in the S&T sector has resulted in the wastage of resources due to the duplication of research, investigating derived projects, or worse, reinventing the wheel. Even where true international excellence is present within India, it is not always recognized abroad due to a lack of interaction with the rest of the world community. 3.21 Impact of Globalization of Economy: Increasing liberalization of the Indian economy, its gradual integration with the world economy, very high international mobility of the workforce, and the rapid transformation of the society into a knowledge- based society have posed a new challenge to the Indian higher education system (Ref. 20). The employment of Indian graduates particularly in professional fields has suddenly widened from narrow state and national boundaries to an international market place. Most institutions in India have not geared-up to meet this new challenge. 3.22 Very poor linkages between educational institutions and end users, poor linkages within an institution: There is little operational interaction both within and between institutions. The only exceptions to this general observation are the inter-disciplinary centers and inter-university research centers established at selected institutions/locations by the UGC. The lack of coordination of planning for new programs, facilities, and student enrollments has led to inefficient utilization of the limited resources. Perhaps 20 what is most serious is the effect of the lack of coordination on the ability of students to study highly specialized subjects. Expertise and over-capacity at one institution are not being exploited by students at another institution because of rigid wall between institutions. There is a dearth of slots available to students in some areas and a surplus in others; better planning and coordination are needed. 3.23 With the exception of IlTs, Indian Institute of Science and some University Departments, most institutions are isolatedfrom the industry and other employment sectors, an important source of information and resources and the major market for the "products" of the institutions. Those products are mostly graduates, but they can also be technologies. To date, there have been few technologies transferred and few inputs from industry that have been taken advantage of by academic institutions in India. 3.24 Brain drain: Every year, thousands of professionals and students from India go abroad for higher studies and work. A large percentage of the best-trained students from the S&T sector leave the country to work and settle abroad. In some critical emerging areas, this percentage is reported to be as high as 40-50 percent from the IITs. The loss to India is two-fold: the public cost of students' education is not recovered in terms of their direct contribution to the economy; their contributions to the economies of more developed nations places India farther behind in relative terms. There is also significant internal brain drain from the S&T sector, with many high-ranking students shifting to administrative or management jobs. The issue of brain drain has been a subject of extensive studies and is not treated as a part of the current study. D. Difficulties in Retention of S&T Personnel in Education 3.25 Universities and other tertiary education centers are having great difficulty attracting (and retaining) high quality S& T manpower for the education sector. The reasons for this unsatisfactory state of affairs are many, including unsatisfactory compensation packages, low social prestige of teachers, unreliable and non-transparent policies for promotion/upward mobility, suffocating control by unimaginative bureaucracy, limited opportunities for attending seminars/workshops/conferences for peer interaction, and the near absence of incentives and encouragement for young faculty for research. In addition, the Government colleges suffer from very long and frustrating recruitment procedures through State public service commissions, rigid rules, court cases, strict adherence to reservation policies in all selections and promotions, and Government- controlled placement and transfers of teachers. These disincentives result in teaching becoming the last career option for most of the competent S&T personnel. 3.26 Research andpost-graduate education in engineering and technology is confined to afew institutions and universities. Despite attractive scholarships, nearly 50 percent of over 19,000 seats approved in 191 institutions for post-graduate education in engineering colleges remain vacant and less than 7,000 students per year complete the courses. Annually less than 400 research scholars' candidates complete their Ph.D. in engineering and technology. The low enrolment in post-graduate and research programs in engineering is partly due to lack of interest but mainly due to the very limited number of candidates qualifying for admission to post graduate programs through GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering) - a national level qualifying test. The consequent low 21 output of postgraduates, the main source of supply of teachers, is a major cause of concern for the technical education system, which already suffers from about 10, 000 vacant positions as of 1999. 3.27 Institute leadership plays the most critical role in attracting and retaining young talented faculty. Many institutions in India are suffering from lack of appropriate leadership. Many of the schemes for up-gradation and improvement of educational effectiveness and quality cannot be implemented due to the lack of an adequate number of competent educators and educational managers. Unless talented people are attracted back to teaching, quality education will continue to be out of reach for majority of the population. The damaging multiplier effects of the poor quality education at the higher levels of the education system that prepares future teachers for all levels of education as also key personnelfor all other sectors should not be underestimated. E. Poor Technology and Infrastructure Support 3.28 Inadequate and aging infrastructure. In many institutions, physical facilities are outmoded and there is next to no maintenance. Probably no more than 20 percent of institutions have the barest minimum of laboratory facilities and no more than a hundred institutions have any research activity worthy of note. The cost of acquiring and maintaining the sophisticated equipment needed for almost all S&T educational endeavors at the tertiary level is staggering even for more developed nations with smaller student populations and better infrastructure supports. Added to the cost burden is the fact that India has to import a significant proportion of the sophisticated research equipment and spare parts. Also the high temperatures and humidity in many parts of India, and instabilities in the power grid reduce the useful life of equipment. 3.29 Poor management of existing facilities: In India, government colleges and institutions depend on the State Public Works Departments (PWDs) for construction and maintenance of their buildings. College principals have little authority or funds for even minor repairs or maintenance of buildings and equipment. As a result, buildings are generally in very poor shape and a significant percentage of equipment remains non- functional. The regulations and procedures governing replacement or removal of obsolete equipment are so complex that the institutions prefer not to take any action, leaving such equipment idle and occupying precious space. 3.30 Unavailability of reliable source ofpower, water and communication facilities: The Electrical power supply has become very unreliable in many parts of the country, and so is the availability of clean water. The communication lines to most institutions are also extremely limited and of poor quality for computer or library linkages or access to information in national and international databases. As a result most institutions have no access to well developed libraries or to computer systems except in afew institutions. These infrastructure constraints have to be taken into consideration in developing any implementation mechanism for quality improvement. 3.31 Inadequate access to information and delivery systems for information. Despite some recent improvements, the infrastructure within India for the electronic transmission of information is woefully inadequate. Whole universities are not connected to the 22 Internet. Adequate numbers of computers are lacking in many institutions. Institutions are unable to subscribe to important technical journals, to buy new books and reference guides, or to obtain electronic databases. F. Limited Access and Regional Disparity (Equity) 3.32 In spite of very significant expansion of higher education in the country during the last five decades, only 6% of the relevant age group of 18-23 years are enrolledfor higher education (with less than 2% in S& T education) due to the limited capacity. This is well below the norm of about 30-40% for developed countries and lower than the percentage for several developing countries. The limited enrollment capacity, particularly in professional courses, has made the admission process highly competitive. Thousands of private coaching institutions in major cities and larger towns are training students at a very high private cost, for tests for admission to better institutions. This coupled with a large reservation of seats for various categories and high fees in self- financing institutions is making admission to professional education beyond reach of many meritorious students. 3.33 The disadvantaged groups that are most poorly represented in higher S&T education are rural women, scheduled castes/tribes (SC/ST) and the physically disabled. Although, central and state governments have made special efforts (provision of scholarships, reservation of seats, hostel facilities, etc.) for increasing the representation of these sections of the population in post-secondary education, a lot still remains to be done to increase their access to scientific and technical education. 3.34 The potential of the existing S&T education system is not being exploited fully to reach out and help people engaged in non-formal sector of economy, which accounts for 49% of the national GDP. 3.35 In India, there is a wide variation between states and regions in the development of educational infrastructures due to historical and socio-economic reasons. The southern and western states are ahead of the eastern and northern states in terrns of number of institutions, admission capacity, and the quality and range of courses/programs. In addition, due to their liberal policies, four states (Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu) have also permitted establishment of many private professional institutions which admit full fee paying students from all over the country. On the other hand, there are states having highly inadequate facilities for S&T education to meet the aspirations of their school pass-outs 3.36 In summary, the problems being faced by higher education in general, and S&T education in particular, are highlighted by six major issues. The issues are inter-linked and resolution of one problem may help mitigate some of the other problems too. On the other hand, some issues may need to be resolved together. The problems in totality are so widespread, urgent and serious that they call for a major strategy for reforms of the higher S&T education system taking into account all of the issues. 23 IV. STRATEGY FOR REFORMS 4.1 To overcome the major issues discussed in the previous section and to achieve the stated vision (Section I.C), the Indian Higher Education System; and the S&T education sector in particular, need a strategic approach for large scale restructuring with reforms in: (a) management, (b) quality control and monitoring, and (c) resource mobilization. Dedicated and concerted efforts are required to increase the internal and external efficiencies of the system, to make the system accessible to the deserving and the deprived, to attract talented students and teachers, and to respond to industry and society. There is adequate policy support at the national level for the needed changes. There is also evidence of success, but on a limited scale. What is needed is to implement integrated reforms backed by policy support effectively on a large scale. Only such an approach will revive the whole system and enable it to meet the present and future critical needs of the country. In the absence of such reforms, the system and the country will continue to be handicapped in the current global race for a better comprehensive social and economic development. It is indeed a struggle for economic survival. 4.2 This study believes that a strategy to reform the higher S&T education system in India needs to include the following elements: A. Empowerment and accountability of academic institutions B. Optimal utilization of resources C. Mobilization of additionalfinancial resources D. Establishing effective quality assurance mechanisms E. Networking to enhance capacity, improve quality and produce excellence F Increasing access and reducing regional imbalances Wihen implemented, the overall reforms strategy these inter-linked elements, listed in an order of priority, are expected to respond well to the issues and challenges noted earlier. Actions needed under each of the elements are discussed next. A. Empowerment and Accountability of Academic Institutions 4.3 The first and most critical reform needed in the revival of the system is tofree the individual teaching institutions from the present regressive bureaucratic controls of many bodies and to make them fully accountable for their performance. Decentralization of authority and granting freedom to experiment with new ideas and methodologies, both academic and managerial, are as important in upgrading the quality of graduates as the adequacy of infrastructure facilities or the competence of the faculty. For increasing autonomy of individual institutions and ensuring their effectiveness, the following actions are suggested: Enhance empowerment (with full accountability) of institutions to include but not be limited to the authority: (a) to select and dismiss faculty; (b) to grant promotions on the basis of merit, performance and achievements; (c) to select students on the basis of criteria that are clearly publicized; (d) to take all decisions 24 on programs offered as per the local needs within a framework specified by the affiliating university/Directorate; (e) to conduct their own evaluation of students; and (e) to take all financial decisions within their allocated budget with well defined financial management norms. At present, only a few public institutions have this authority. For most colleges these powers are centralized at state directorates or the office of the affiliating universities. * Establish at each institution an advisory board composed of alumni and a mixture of industrial, academic and civic leaders. The duties of the board will include (but not be limited to) guiding the development of the philosophy of the institution and collecting feedback from students and employers; providing advice to the head of the institution, staff and even students concerning matters of practical interest (e.g., trends in the job market and ways of generating funds) and of intellectual interest (e.g., codes of acceptable conduct and potential new areas of pursuit) to the well-being of the institution. The board should be proactive as well as reactive. * Establish a system for ensuring external and internal accountability. Internal accountability requires commitment of the teachers, students and the management to ensure timely action for conflict resolution and maintenance of education standards. External accountability can be monitored through a strict accreditation process and regular performance audits. Community, employers and controlling authorities need to be involved in this process. This assessment should form the basis for adjustments to the programs. Only accredited programs should be eligible for public funds. * Establish a corporate management style of functioning in all institutions with responsibility/authority delegated from the Head of the Institution to Heads of departments and from the Heads of departments to the faculty. Decision making should be decentralized with full accountability to ensure faster response to changing educational demands. - Create information systems at national, regional and institutional levels to help governance, planning and monitoring of the system based on information (rather than based on resources as at present). B. Optimal Utilization of Resources 4.4 Most institutions are suffering from both the shortage and the wastage of resources. To attenuate further fragmentation of resources in the sector and to their optimal utilization, the following actions are suggested: * Establish no new research institution with public funds without ascertaining that existing university and government laboratories are incapable of conducting the additional work. It is generally more cost effective to strengthen and build on good existing institutions rather than to create new ones. * Re-examine the need for and viability of all S&T institutions with the intent of reapportioning S&T resources and increasing the involvement of government laboratories/research institutes in higher education. 25 * Establish no new programs or institutions for which incremental funding is not available for at least an 8-10 year period; when demand does not justify duplication of efforts among neighboring institutions, it should be discouraged. * Review periodically the continuation of all academic programs; re-appropriate resources from non-viable programs with low employment potential to programs in high demand. * Establish reasonable, financially tenable student/teacher/other staff ratios, keeping in view the new knowledge-based tools for teaching/learning process and modern and simplified methods of management and maintenance. * Share available facilities and expertise among educational institutions, R&D laboratories and industrial establishments. * Maximize the utilization of available space and equipment by optimizing student intake, by adjusting the academic calendar and timetable, and by introducing R&D, continuing education programs and consultant services in all institutions. * Analyze all causes of large student dropout andfailure rates and take necessary measures to minimize these, as they are major causes of campus unrest and for wastage of resources and manpower. * Encourage larger private investments in S& T education and allow limited public funding to self-financing institutions, on a competitive basis, for quality improvement of teachers, curricula, and research. . Establish clear criteria for assessing success or failure of all competitive grant awards to both public and self-financing institutions. Establish a system of compulsory periodic performance audit of all institutions. Allow development of self-funded private institutions of good quality to exert competitive pressure on existing public institutions to perform better and more efficiently. C. Mobilization of Additional Financial Resources 4.5 To increase the resource base of empowered institutions, central and state governments should allow institutions to do the following according to their local context: * Set student fees as a significant percentage of real costs, allowing large public subsidies only to the deserving students from poor families. * Build up institutionally managed endowment funds from institute eamings, donations and govermment grants. * Obtain private sectorfundingfor development activities, as increments over the public funding, in a manner that does not compromise the intellectual integrity of the institution or its individual members (e.g., naming of buildings, libraries, professorships and scholarships after large donors). * Provide incentives to institutes andfaculty for involvement in continuing education programs for industry, consulting services, and for securing private funded research projects. * Admit and train foreign students on an internationally competitive basis; * Collaborate with well-established institutions abroad in research, educational programs and conferences and solicit international funding for the same; 26 * Compete for international opportunities to provide technical assistance to developing countries. * Allow operation of Indian educational institutions abroad. * Patent and market inventions and technologies developed at the institution; profits from patents should be shared by the inventors, their institution and sponsors, if any. * Allow on a commercial basis use of campus facilities for service providers like banks, communication suppliers, cafeteria, etc., which should primarily serve the campus. * Provide incentives and social rewards for donors. * Organize alumni for the purpose of soliciting annual donations; the potential for additional resources, especially from non-resident Indians and other Indian Diaspora, is enormous. Recently, IlTs and some higher professional institutions have been empowered by the Government of India to do some of the above. This has brought positive results, making them more self-reliant and competitive. Some institutions in Andhra Pradesh have also initiated such efforts. These models need to be replicated on a much larger scale. D. Establishing Effective Quality Assurance Mechanisms 4.6 Improvement in the quality of S&T education in India at the large number of institutions is a major challenge. Efforts are required to improve the quality of faculty, the effectiveness of teaching and the evaluation process, the level and relevance of curricula, and the utilization of the available physical infrastructure. It is also necessary to enforce an effective accreditation system wvith mandatory, but not centralized, transparent monitoring of the quality of physical and academic facilities and of the teaching/learning processes, taking corrective actions where necessary. Some possible actions to improve quality are summarized in the following paragraphs. 4.7 Increase quality and effectiveness of teaching: To increase quality and effectiveness of teaching the following are suggested: * Reward teachers of demonstrated competence with the opportunity to obtain further education leading to advanced degrees. * Implement a system of student evaluations of faculty and peer reviews of course coverage to enhance accountability of teachers. * Establish a faculty of science education/technical education (on a competitive basis) at a university or institute where a large fraction of the teachers are research- active to undertake research and develop new teaching methods (i) based on interactive lecturing, Socratic and Edisonian methods, transformation of information into knowledge, and conceptual learning and (ii) emphasizing multimedia and interactive electronic tools. Provide each college student with a faculty advisor for academic matters. Periodically re-certify teachers; require those who are found inadequate to take additional training in subject matter and teaching methodologies. 27 * Encourage the use of adjunct professors from industry/government sector to augment expertise where the institutional faculty is inadequate. * Demand a minimum level of physical presence by teachers/professors on camnpus and in the departments. * Encourage but specify the time allowedfor external activities, such as consulting, with the intent of assuring that teachers maintain their focus on educational activities and student contact. * Promote and reward good teamwork. * Provide and promote modern teaching aids and materials. 4.8 Recruit and retain new faculty: In India, it is a major problem to attract and retain qualified teachers in the S&T sector. The following strategy is suggested to deal with this situation: * Provide special grant opportunities to new faculty during the first five years for establishment of research programs: new teachers cannot compete with their seniors on the basis of accomplishment; yet, the first years of their academic careers are crucial to their establishing a lifelong pattern of intellectual pursuit. * Provide funds for participation in conferences: becoming a part of the community of scholars is integral to a teacher being able to utilize his/her talents fully. * Ensure research autonomy within the department/faculty: it is extremely important that individual researchers be able to exercise their own creativity within the constraints of their infrastructure. * Provide opportunities to teachers for remaining current in the field or gaining new knowledge in emerging fields; these should include time-release and tuition reimbursements. * Make compensation packages for teachers competitive with those offered by the private sector for scientists and engineers of equivalent backgrounds and accomplishments; this should apply to technicians involved in sophisticated work also; they should have a career path which parallels in some ways those of professors. * Simplify the faculty recruitment process by permitting institutions to advertise and select candidates according to an approved process and publicized criteria. * Review and revise the reservation policy in faculty positions in S&T education to ensure that no essential faculty positions lie vacant for want of qualified candidates. * Develop a transparent and fair career advancement policy to reward the deserving. 4.9 Introduce curriculum reforms: In Science and Technology growth of knowledge is very rapid; new technologies are being developed, applied, utilized and then discarded. The half-life of current knowledge in many disciplines is reduced to only a few years. This calls for frequent reviews and updating of the existing curricula and course content to make them more relevant to the needs of the economy and for institutionalizing processes for effecting desired changes in the shortest possible time. To meet these challenges and to overcome some of the ills of the current status of curriculum design and implementation, the following actions are suggested: 28 * Curriculum development should be considered an important activity of teachers in higher education and should be given the same weight as teaching or research in the evaluation of teachers' performance. * Selected institutions (preferably the nodal institutions in the network of institutions, if a network exists) should take the responsibility for training teachers (in the network) in curriculum design and implementation, lesson planning, setting challenging laboratory exercises, modem evaluation techniques, classroom and laboratory management, and the development of innovative and creative abilities and an attitude for life-long learning. * The nodal institutions should also take the responsibility for mobilizing the teacher resources (of the constituents of the network) for reviews, updating and modifying existing syllabi of courses on a continuing basis and in developing appropriate learning materials for use of both teachers and students. Employers as well as industrial associations should be fully involved in the modification of existing curricula and in developing new curricula and syllabi. * University curricula should be fully reviewed and revised periodically. The curriculum design process should permit bringing the latest knowledge in the field to the classroom quickly without procedural delays. - Accreditation agencies should set guidelines on the important aspects of curriculum design, for example (for engineering courses): (i) the relative weightage to main and subsidiary subjects and humanities and the social sciences; (ii) the importance of laboratory and design courses; (iii) the use of computers in problem solving and virtual design; (iv) the use of modern communication tools in information gathering, processing and dissemination; (v) the rigor of 'project activity' and the expectations of synthesizing knowledge and exercising judgement with respect to the subject matter studied; (vi) the new demands of reliability, safety, productivity, quality consciousness, technology assessment and international competitiveness; (vii) the requirements of environmental impact studies and the problems of environmental degradation; and (viii) exposure to entrepreneurial skills in the field of study. 4.10 Since many Indian and foreign graduates of the Indian Higher Education system will be working increasingly in international teams serving both Indian and international customers demanding global standards, the education system must, in addition to imparting S&T knowledge and skills: * provide them with a global perspective on educational, cultural, socio-political, economic and industrial issues; * prepare them to appreciate and value diversity of cultures and provide them some experience of living/studying/working in foreign lands; * provide special education in quality management, productivity, environmental impact assessment, international trade and commerce, and international management; and * develop interpersonal skills of good communication and cross-cultural understanding. 29 At present no program in S& T education addresses these needs arising due the globalization of Indian economy. Students from most institutions have no exposure to meet such new demands. 4.11 Introduce reforms in student performance evaluation mechanisms: The purpose of evaluation should not be limited to holding examinations but should determine the effectiveness of the teaching/learning process along and grade the students' abilities. For this purpose: * Evaluations should be multi-faceted and should include written examinations, assignments, quizzes, design exercises, minor and major projects, literature surveys and information processing, and tests of oral communication skills, evaluation of creative and innovative approaches, and (towards working in groups) attitudes. * A system of continuous evaluation of students' progress and performance for every course should be incorporated in the curricula of all institutions. * Modern evaluation techniques should be developed using open-book examinations, objective-type questions, self-assessment, challenging laboratory and design assignments and group work and the results of these should be used as feedback for improving the effectiveness of the teaching/learning process. * All evaluations should be both transparent and open so that students and parents have full faith in them. - Teachers should be trained to develop parameters for judging the analytical, innovative and problem-solving abilities of students and to diminish the emphasis on memory and retention testing as present in most examinations today. - A credit system should be introduced in all courses in Science & Technology and preferably in the entire higher education system. Credit transfer should be permitted from one institution to another under stated rules and procedures. - Evaluation should not only be on knowledge and comprehension but also on communication skills and group dynamics compatibility. * There should be a maximum duration specified for completing a course program, for instance six years for a 4-year program. Barring some exceptional circumstances, students who fail repeatedly or take leaves of absence over protracted periods should be required to leave the course or pay 100 percent of the actual cost of education 4.12 Improve infrastructure and equipment maintenance: The quality of S&T education is dependent critically on the quality of the available infrastructure. The following are suggested to partially mitigate the present situation: * implement the concept of depreciation at the institutional level for timely replacement of obsolete equipment; * allow additional grant proposals for installation, operation and maintenance whenever a piece of major equipment is purchased; * make the positions of skilled technicians more attractive at colleges and universities; commensurately, the quality of their training and opportunities for continued education should be increased; 30 * permit divestment of usable surplus capital equipment preferably to other public tertiary institutions; * empower the institutions fully with adequate funds for all routine maintenance of equipment andfor repairs, maintenance and minor works in buildings and all campus facilities, including library, computer centers, laboratories, workshops, residences and toilets; and * establish major equipment repair facilities at nodal institutions. 4.13 Monitor demand/supply mismatch as well as performance of all institutions: It would be strategically desirable to make the higher education system in India more responsive to demand. The demand includes needs of the labor market, societal requirements, and those arising from globalization of economy and education. The existing mechanisms of UGC, AICTE, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Association of Indian Universities (AIU), Institute of Applied Manpower Research (IAMR) and National Technical Manpower Information System (NTMIS) hardly fulfill these and therefore they need to be restructured, strengthened and coordinated to monitor the supply/demand mismatch as well as the academic and administrative performance of institutions. Other non-governmental bodies may be encouraged to place their findings in accessible electronic media. 4.14 One can not over-emphasize the needfor periodic discussion of employers for designing the academic programs. For example, information elicited by the IAMR (as part of the present study- see Annex 1) from the employers suggests that Digital Electronics & Communication, Computer Networks, Electronic Commerce, Broad Band Integrated Digital Networks, and Concepts of Operating Systems Development are the new areas likely to be of great interest and concern in the future in the area of Information Technology. In the Bio-Technology area, Plant Vaccine, Transgenic Plant Cell Biology and Biological Engineering are the areas identified. Advanced Materials Science, Advanced Tool Engineering, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Digital & Micro-Electronics, Mechatronics, Plant & Equipment Maintenance and Product Engineering are the emerging areas identified in the areas of Manufacturing and Processing. 4.15 Increasing the Role of Professional Societies: In India, there are three Academies of Science and one of Engineering. There are also a number of professional societies/institutions including some in highly specialized areas. Some of these are also members of international professional societies/associations/academies. These bodies are a valuable intellectual resource. However, most of them are functioning in isolation from each other and from the Government, with little impact on the education system. There is a needfor the Government of India to involve these professional bodies much more in the planning and policy formation for modernization of education in science and technology. 4.16 Continuous interaction of the education sector with the professional societies would provide valuable inputs to the former in determining the relevance of courses in the context of the requirements of the profession and the anticipated growth of knowledge in various disciplines. This would also provide teachers a forum for academic 31 discussion and debate with peers. The professional societies could also provide valuable advice on syllabi and curricula, and in accrediting courses. They could help in disseminating results of educational innovations and research. They could also organize continuing education programs through new educational modes, including distance education, for upgrading professional competence and for life-long learning. They should also identify outstanding contributions made by faculty and students and support travel for attending conferences. E. Networking to Enhance Capacity, Improve Quality and Produce Excellence 4.17 As stated earlier, most technical educational institutions and many science colleges in India lack the necessary human and physical resources for high quality education. Most of them function in isolation and do not get access to the facilities of even their affiliating university. Their capacity and efficiency can be enhanced significantly through networking with other institutions, R&D laboratories, industry, and the services sector. For such networks, institutions with better resources, capacity and empowerment would need to act as lead institutions or nodal points. There are some successful networks existing but on a very limited scale. The following actions are suggested to achieve this objective: - Network institutions andfaculties/departments/individual teachers of different institutions on a geographic/theme basis. This proposed cooperative utilization of the sector assets will not require enormous increases in investments; it networks the relatively well-equipped libraries, laboratories, etc., of the government laboratories and research establishments with the nearby universities/institutions, colleges and polytechnics; it also presupposes that the well-trained scientists at the non-educational institutes will participate actively in tertiary education; the central hub for each network will be an academic institution. * Create centers of excellence: These centers of excellence (created by recognition or upgrading of existing institutions) are aimed at achieving educational excellence in teaching, research, consultancy and other services. Such excellence should be capable both of updating itself in accordance with the best of the global experiences and trends and of being responsive to Indian social and economic needs. Many elements are involved in building excellence. These include: quality of human resources; attitude and commitment offaculty, staff and students; a shared vision; team work with encouragement and rewards for team building; access to information sources; interaction with the best of the peer groups in India and abroad; an adequate physical infrastructure; well developed educational technology systems; and an enabling management and academic environment. Performance of the centers of excellence should be reviewed periodically and the title retained on the basis of continued performance. * Establish formal agreements for regional educational institutions that are incorporated into the network to use equipment, library resources, maintenance shops and other key infrastructure elements at the recognized centers of excellence (to be selected competitively); the selected centers of excellence will serve as hubs for the affiliated institutions; each center will receive funding to establish well equipped laboratories, libraries, computer laboratories (including 32 access to electronic data bases), sophisticated equipment maintenance centers, etc., that will serve constituents at affiliated institutions; the affiliates should also be selected competitively-inclusion should be a privilege, not a right. * Establish formal linkages between two or more academic institutions for combining their comparative advantage; encourage joint research and academic programs; and allow transfer of credits earned within one institution to another at the discretion of the student's parent institution. * Allocate all incremental S& T educational resources competitively: funds should be awarded on a competitive basis to networks, institutions, faculties, departments, teachers/researchers who demonstrate through a formal proposal (plan) how they will utilize additional funds effectively. F. Increasing Access and Reducing Regional Imbalances 4.18 Access to higher S&T education for all capable aspirants is an important element of the vision for the Indian higher S&T education system. While the on-going efforts to expand the system to adequately cover all regions and educationally backward areas of the country should continue, direct access to tertiary S&T education may not be possible for all the aspirants due to the cost of infrastructure. This may leave out thousands of aspirants from benefiting from the system. The following actions are suggested to meet this challenge: * Establish new institutions on a highly selective basis: The effort should be to utilize the existing infrastructure to its maximum capacity with cost effective additional inputs. Publicly funded new institutions may be established only if there is proven demand for such education and there are no existing institutions in a region which could be expanded or strengthened to meet the needs. * Improve the facilities for education at the secondary level: While India has launched major efforts to improve access to primary education, it is also necessary to improve access of rural women and the disadvantaged groups to the secondary education to prepare them for tertiary education and training and for better employment opportunities. * Provide financial and academic assistance to rural/disadvantaged but high potential students selected through an appropriate aptitude test based on widely publicized criteria. * Expand distance education facilities: India has developed a fairly extensive Open University system. However, its extent and depth in the tertiary S&T education sector is limited. A few of the professional societies have an established system of distance education. These systems should be expanded rapidly, utilizing many new cost effective facilities like the Internet, video-conferencing, computer-aided learning, etc. * Encourage larger private investment in S&T higher education, particularly to reduce regional imbalance. * Link teachers at remote locations to a primary faculty member at a central institutional node via teleconferencing; use television supplemented by learning modules as a mode to present lectures in remote areas. 33 * Develop low cost, low maintenance laboratory equipment with syllabi so that students will be exposed to hands-on demonstrations of theoretical concepts and will learn the limitations of data credibility. * Develop effective learning materials in local languages to help students in rural and remote areas having limited exposure to English. * Develop special tools and learning materialfor the handicapped. * Develop/ expand continuing education and community outreach programs with explicit output oriented focus - aimed primarily at informal sector of economy and rural needs. * Allow students to make professional choice decisions later in their education. The current system is too restrictive; it does not make provision for students who are undecided after the tenth or twelfth year of study. 4.19 In summary, an effort is made here to address the major issues listed in Section IV through a strategic reform approach involving seven elements, each with a number of possible actions. These inter-linked elements are presented in their order of priority. The next section deals with some of the processes involved at the systemic level and at the institutional level to implement this strategy for reform. 34 V. TOWARDS IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGY 5.1 To achieve the stated vision for the higher S&T education in India (Section I.C), a strategic approach to reforms is outlined in the previous section. Its implementation will involve changes in processes and/or new actions at both the systemic and the institutional levels. It may be noted that many of these changes will not require any new investments. The aim is to make the existing system perform better by being more self-reliant than at present. Of course, some critical public investments will continue to be needed in areas where no facilities exist at present. A. Systemic Processes 5.2 The following are some priority actions that need to be implemented at the systemic level. These are further summarized in Table 2. (a) Governance: All tertiary education institutions should be empowered in their operation and conduct of programs by being given academic, administrative and financial autonomy. Well-established institutions should be given full autonomy, while others should grow into full autonomy status through graded stages, depending on their level of academic, managerial and financial competence, as judged by performance audits against well designed criteria at every stage. The process should be accelerated through proactive steps. (b) Accountability: A system of periodic assessment of all teaching/research programs should be established and reports made available to the head of institution and the institute Advisory Board so that the institution can undertake recommended changes. Allocation of public grants should be linked to institute performance in academic achievements, including the employment of graduates. (c) Funding: Government should set up a S&T Education Fund both at the center and state level which could be accessed by educational institutions on a competitive basis. All socio-economic ministries of the Government, as major employers of manpower generated by the higher education system and as major beneficiaries of developments in S&T should set aside a certain percentage (say 2%) of their development budget as their contribution to S&T Education Fund. Private sector companies and individuals contributing to the fund should be given attractive tax benefits. (d) GovernmentfUGC/AICTE should simplify their procedures of funding and provide incentives for the mobilization of resources by institutions, including greater cost recovery from students, so that they can achieve greater self- reliance. Institutions should be encouraged to set-up endowment funds with contributions from industry, charitable trusts, alumni, earnings from the limited commercialization of facilities, the exploitation of patents, etc. Student fees for courses should be set as a significant percentage of real costs with provisions for scholarships/loans to deserving poor students. (e) Program relevance: Institutes should be encouraged to undertake consulting services, continuing education programs, and sponsored R&D activities to make higher education responsive to the market needs. Professional bodies, employers and communities should play a significant role in all policy and planning 35 processes, in the evaluation of institutions and programs, and in all distance education/continuing education programs. (f) Linkages: Local, regional and national networks among institutions, government laboratories, industrial laboratories and other knowledge producers should be facilitated for an optimal utilization of available infrastructures and intellectual/knowledge resources of individual network institutions. Joint running of postgraduate programs by these institutions, joint research and consultancies, and joint membership of complex problem-solving teams should be encouraged. Institutions should be given access to Internet facilities and to national and international databases. Existing libraries should be supplemented with electronic connections to computer networks for ease of access from any part of the University/institution. (g) Equity: Efforts should continue to reach out to the deserving students in remote areas, rural women, and the physically disabled through special programs including scholarships, distance education, continuing education and guided self- learning. B. Institutional Processes 5.3 The following actions are suggested at the level of the individual institutions: (a) Self-governance: All institutions should be given sufficient autonomy to establish an entrepreneurial, responsive, participatory and accountable management culture, adapting successful models. All institutions should make efforts to bring about attitudinal changes in students and faculty to create an atmosphere of dynamism and creativity in the institutions. (b) Student selection and counseling: Institutes should select students through a transparent process designed and announced for assessing the merit and aptitude of students. Weaker students admitted on social equity considerations should have access to additional help and preparatory programs to make up for any deficiencies. All institutions should have counseling, training and placement services to assist students in decisions on their academic programs and for finding employment. (c) Faculty selection and development: Heads of institutions and departments should be selected in a transparent manner on the basis of leadership qualities. Faculty should be selected based on proven academic merit, aptitude and ability for teaching, and peer reviews. There should be provision for induction training of teachers for training in curriculum design, lesson planning, laboratory exercise setting, and management of classroom and laboratories. All institutions should prepare faculty development programs and meet the expenditures of teachers for higher courses, continuing education courses, and participation in international seminars. All higher educational institutions should computerize their libraries and academic and administrative functions and develop a suitable support for management decisions. They should also be linked to a National Educational Management Information System to help in planning and decision making at the regional and national levels. (d) Curricula renewal: Universities/institutions should consider curriculum development at par with teaching and research for purposes of evaluation of 36 teachers' performance; all curricula should be reviewed and revised at regular intervals. There should be provision for introducing new topics in emerging fields with full consultation with local industries and industry associations. Institutions should prepare students for life-long learning and problem-solving competencies and sensitize students to problems of social concerns through appropriate curriculum and project work. (e) Programflexibility: Academic programs should be designed to provide maximum flexibility to students to select courses according to their felt needs. Universities and institutions should permit transfer of credit from one institution/university to another, subject to a maximum specified limit. (f) Student evaluation. A system of continuous evaluation of students' progress and performance for every course should be incorporated in the curricula of all institutions. Teachers should be expected to develop parameters for judging the analytical, innovative and problem-solving abilities of students and to diminish the emphasis on memory and retention testing. This will require training and support. (g) Self assessment: Each institution should publish annually its academic achievements including data on the employment of graduates for information of its management, government, UGC/AICTE and the employees and these can be displayed in Internet or such electronic media which can be accessed by students and parents. 5.4 While deciding on the course of action for reforms, India could learn from the experience of developed and developing countries, where the higher education is undergoing major reforms. Annex 3, extracted from the Bank's sector report on higher education in China and OECD documents (Refs. 21, 22) lists some of the reforms undertaken by the OECD and some transition economy countries. C. Closing Remarks 5.5 With its long history and tradition of seeking and disseminating knowledge, India can and must build on its existing wide base of higher S&T education. After an enthusiastic and quality-driven beginning after Independence, there is a noticeable decline in the quality of education due to its rapid growth, excessive but ineffective controls, and diminishing resources. However, there is strong policy support from the Government; the system admits only selected students; faculty is dedicated; there are models of successful institutions. There is also strong support for R&D and increasing interest in private industry for new technology. 5.6 Building on its strengths and recognizing its weaknesses, it is possible to turn the situation into an opportunity and make the higher S&T education system to be one of the best in the world. This will, however, need major strategic reform in governance, financing and quality assurance mechanism, one that empowers individual educational institutions to respond to local opportunities with respect to student demand and labor markets. It will need the dedicated participation of all stakeholders. This is most urgent, if India with over 700 million people below the age of 35 years is to progress, against all internal and external pressures, as a democratic nation capable of providing a decent quality of life to all its citizens. Table 2: Summary of Issues, Strategies and Recommendations A. AUTONOMY, EFFECTIVENESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY ISSUES STRATEGY RECOMMENDATIONS IMPLEMENTING AGENCY 1. Centralization leading 1. Empowerment of institutions . All tertiary education institutions to enjoy academic, administrative and UGC, AICTE, to lethargy in decision 2. Freedom to experiment on financial autonomy in varying degrees. Fully developed institutions to have Central/State making in introducing academic, managerial and full autonomy, while others grow into full autonomy status through graded Governments improvement, and in financial innovations stages depending on their level of competence; performance audit at every Private management attenuating initiative 3. Tightening Monitoring and stage. of faculty members Evaluation mechanisms . All tertiary institutions to have an Advisory Board composed of a mixture of Heads of institutions and and institutional 4. Institution of rewards for industrial, academic and civic leaders and especially alumni to guide the their management managers. meritorious work of teachers and philosophical development of the institution and offer advice 2. Lack of institutional employees . A system of periodic assessment of all teaching/research programs be Heads of institutions and accountability for 5. Financial incentives award for established and reports made av.ailable to the Head of Institution and the their Management academic work; lack improving functional and Advisory Board for making desirable changes. of Performance Audit academic efficiency . To place greater pressure in favor of autonomy, UGC to provide special UGC financial incentives, and international agencies to prefer autonomous International Agencies institutions for support. . Govt./UGC should introduce an annual performance audit of all institutions, Govt./UGC/Management grants be based on performance. . Each Institution should publish its academic achievements including the All institutions employment of graduates on an annual basis for information of its management, government, UGC/AICTE and the public. . Government/UGC should institute awards for meritorious work, innovations Govt./UGC and improvement of Institutional efficiency. These awards be on competitive basis. B. RESOURCE MOBILIZATION AND UTILIZATION 1. Dwindling I. Mobilization of resources from all . Government to set up a S&T Education Fund both at the Center and State Central/State government grants to stakeholders including Govt. level; all socio-economic ministries of the Govt. to set aside 2% of their Governments higher S&T departments, industry and other development budget as their contribution to higher education fund. education; other beneficiaries . All science departments of the central government to introduce specific Central Govemnment sources of funding not 2. Networking of institutions, schemes for development of science laboratories in selected institutions. (Science Departments) tapped government laboratories, industry . Industry and individuals contributing to the S&T Education Fund be given Central Government 2. Large wastage of for optimizing resource attractive tax incentives. (Ministry of Finance) resources utilization; . Student fees for courses be based on real cost and market forces with a Institute Management 3. Limited private 3. Reduction in fragmentation of provision for scholarships/loans to deserving poor students. investment except in resources and minimization of all . Endowment funds to be raised with contributions from industry, charitable Institute Management, professional courses forms of wastage trusts, industry and alumni, and earnings from limited commercialization of Central/ State Govt. 4. Increased private participation facilities, consultancy and continuing education programs, exploitation of patents and other intellectual property rights; government to give matching grants to the endowment fund as an incentive Local, regional and national networks be set up among institutions, CentraUState govemment laboratories, industrial laboratories and other knowledge Governments producers for an optimal utilization of infrastructure as well as intellectual/ UGC knowledge resources of individual network institutions; joint post graduate Institute Management programs, research and consultancy, and joint membership of complex problem-solving teams be encouraged. . Introduce strict assessment of available resources and competence before Government of India establishing any public-funded new research institution so that financial intellectual resources are not fragmented further . Allow no new programs of study for which incremental funding is not UGC/AICTE assured for at least five years. C. MAINTENANCE OF QUALITY & QUALITY ASSURANCE MECHANISMS I. Conflict between I. Affirmative action emphasis in . Governments to assist through formal mechanism school graduates Central/State merit and social issues school education and financial belonging to disadvantaged groups so that they can compete on merit. Governments in selection of incentives to students from Teachers of proven merit be encouraged to study for higher degrees on part- UGC/AICTE o students disadvantaged group admitted on time/full-time study leave from the institution. Institute management 2. Inadequate number of merit The existing Academic Staff Colleges in universities be strengthened and UGC/AICTE trained teachers in 2. Incentives for study leave for more opened for upgrading teachers' competence in their individual areas of S&T education higher education to teachers with specialization, education technology and use of I.T. tools 3. Inappropriate modes proven ability . Each university/institution be required to collaborate with others in the UGC/AICTE of instruction; 3. Setting up of curriculum region for developing curricula and learning materials in different subjects Institute management outdated curricula; development centers for use of students. Regional/national Centers be established to monitor inadequate R&D 4. Strengthening academic staff progress of individual centers and to store output from them for national 4. Poor linkage with colleges dissemination. users 5. Strict monitoring of quality, . UGC/AICTE to strengthen their accreditation mechanism and make UGC/AICTE 5. Rapid expansion efficiency and effectiveness accreditation mandatory (not voluntary as at present) 6. Brain drain 6. Development of schemes for . Institutions to give preference to problem solving multi-disciplinary research Institute management attracting migrants back to India activities and reorganize research teams on that basis. UGC/Management to provide incentives to institutions for increasing UGC/A1CTE efficiency and effectiveness. Institute management UGC/AICTE to encourage non-resident Indians holding professional UGC/AICTE appointment in foreign universities to spend their sabbatical leave in India D. TECHNOLOGY/ INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT 1. Inadequate access to 1. Extensive use of I.T. tools for A separate fund be provided to all higher educational institutions to UGC/AICTE information and collection, storage and computerize their academic and personnel records, financial management, Institute management delivery systems for dissemination of information registration, admission, course allocation, library accession and circulation, information 2. Proper management information and for developing a suitable support for management decisions. 2. Educational system for quick decision making . A local area network be set up to share information by all concerned; Institute management Technology support and optimizing resource students and teachers be given access to Internet facilities and international for diffusion of mobilization databases; access to computing facilities be available round the clock. knowledge extremely 3. Networking of library services . Library networks be established on local/regional/national basis. UGC/AICTE inadequate with better endowed institutions. . Each institution of higher learning be equipped with an education technology Institute management 3. Library support for 4. Setting up of Educational center for preparing video lectures and for training in micro-teaching. ET books and journals Technology Centers. tools, audio video, virtual laboratories, virtual fault diagnostics, and virtual very insufficient design be used extensively in teaching; and equipment well maintained. E. ACCESS & EQUITY 1. Limited access 1. Expand distance education. . Every large State to have at least one multi-disciplinary Open University State Government 2. Affirmative action 2. Encourage larger private access to which could be universal but based on merit of the individual. The without sacrifice of investment in S&T higher Open University may also be empowered to run Net-varsity through merit. education, particularly to remove computer network. W 3. Limitation of funds regional imbalance. . Fiscal incentives be provided for establishing institutions of higher education Central Government for expanding access 3. Experiment with Net -Varsity, in under-developed areas. Such institutions be networked with good 4. Regional imbalance of External University concepts with institutions to ensure quality. opportunities for S&T proper quality control. . Introduce Credit System in all instructions of higher education and permit UGC/AICTE, State Education 4. Enable teacher/student mobility Credit transfer between institutions. Universities, AIU from one institution to another, . UGC/AICTE to establish centers for development of learning materials with UGC/AICTE one region to another. emphasis on self-learning. They should also develop scientific criteria for 5. Develop self-learning packages evaluation of self-learning and issuance of competency based certificates. and competency based . Incentive packages be developed to encourage disadvantaged groups to join certification of self-learning. higher education strictly on merit basis. Central & State 6. Develop merit-based affirmative Governments action schemes to enhance participation of women, SC&ST, and disabled persons. 40 ANNEX 1 CURRENT STATUS OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA A. Introduction 1 . India has a long history of education and teaching of pure and applied sciences, dating back to over 2600 years ago. One of the first universities in the world was established in India in the 6th Century BC at Takshila (Ref. 14). Major fields of study included mathematics, biology, medicine and astronomy. Knowledge of metallurgy and architecture was also quite advanced for that time. Unfortunately, much of this glory was lost during the medieval period. During the 19t century, a few western type universities were established. Most of them were established through individual efforts, a few were based on community efforts. Some of these achieved world-class quality. Recognizing the value of science and technology for economic development, major emphasis was laid again on higher education and science and technology after Independence in 1947. Today India possesses Asia's oldest, largest and most diverse infrastructure for scientific and technical education and training, and it has made important contributions to the country's scientific and industrial development. Thousands of graduates produced by the system are also now a part of professional manpower in the developed countries. 2. During the last fifty years, there has been a phenomenal growth in higher education in India. In 1950-51, only 263,000 students were enrolled in some 750 colleges affiliated to 30 universities. Total post-secondary enrollment in 1998 exceeded seven million students in university departments and some 9700 degree colleges affiliated to 229 universities (or equivalent institutions), and over 9.5 million students in over 6500 below-degree institutions (Ref. 11-13). The enrollment in higher education is currently growing at a rate of about 5.1 % per year. However, student registration for degree programs in sciences has declined from 32% of the total in 1971 to less than 20% now. The student intake for engineering is growing fast but it still accounts for only 5% of the total enrollment in degree courses. 3. In spite of very significant expansion of higher education in the country during the last five decades, only 6% of the relevant age group of 18-23 years are enrolled for higher education. This is well below the norm of about 30-40% for developed countries and lower than the percentage for several developing countries. 4. Of all students in higher education, about 36.6% students are women, with the highest percentage of women students being in Kerala (53.6%) followed by Punjab (5 1.5%) (Ref. 11,12). Their participation in technical education has also shown a three- fold rise in recent years due to increased government policy support (e.g., reservation of seats for women in some states, granting of scholarships, provision of hostel facilities, support of a World Bank assisted Technician Education Project in India - Ref. 23). To help uplift weaker sections of the society, most state governments have also reserved up to 50% of the seats in all public institutions for scheduled castes/scheduled tribes and other backward classes. 41 5. Expansion of the quantitative capacity of India's post-secondary training systems has been accompanied by a decline in quality, exacerbated in recent years by declining public expenditure on the one hand, and an inadequate policy framework for private provision and financing on the other. Over 70% of the colleges lack basic facilities of laboratories, libraries and computer systems for quality education at the undergraduate level. Many universities today have no fuds to support any research. The following sections briefly discuss the structure of India's higher education system, its governance and financing, its relationship with the labor market, and possible directions of growth with reference to technical and scientific education. The system's strengths and weaknesses, and the major issues are discussed in the main text. The existing policy framework supporting the system is discussed in Annex 2. B. Structure and Characteristics of S&T Education and Training 6. India has a large and rather complex higher education system. The system comprises, at the apex level, the following institutions with the authority to award degrees: - Universities established by the Government of India/State Govemments through Act of Parliament or State Legislation; I Institutes deemed to be universities by the UGC; and * Institutes of national importance. As of 1997-98, there were 179 universities, 11 institutes deemed to be universities and 11 institutes of national importance (Ref. 13). 7. Universities can be either 'unitary', conducting all programs through its academic departments (and constituent colleges, if any) in the same campus (or city); or an 'affiliating' university with academic colleges spread over a region and affiliated to it. Typically a University comprises 6-8 academic faculties with 40-60 affiliated colleges. Some of the larger universities like Calcutta, Bangalore, Osmania and Bombay Universities have over 250 affiliated colleges each. As of 1997-98, there were over 9700 colleges affiliated to universities - the majority of them offering only undergraduate courses. Table 1.1 gives the regional distribution of higher education facilities in India. The states covered under each region are also indicated. Table 1.1: Higher Education Institutions in India Region No. of University Level No. of Colleges Students Enrolled Institutions (in Thousands) Northern 67 2007 2150 Southern 61 2878 1410 Eastern 48 2136 1750 Western 53 2682 1690 All India 229 9703 7000 Source: Based on information given in MHRD Selected Educational Statistics (1997-98); University Grants Commission Annual Report (1996-97) and the University Handbook, Association of Indian Universities, 1997. (Note: there is variation in the enrollment data in different documents.) Northern Region: Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Rajasthan, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Chandigarh. 42 Eastern Region: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Sikkim, Tripura, and West Bengal. Western Region: Goa, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Daman. Southern Region: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, and Andaman & Nicobar. 8. Institutes not covered under or affiliated to the three categories of institutions noted above can only offer diplomas or certificates, which are recognized for employment at appropriate levels. For example, the post-graduate Diploma of the Indian Institutes of Management is considered equivalent to a Master's degree in Management/ Business Administration. On the other hand, a Diploma after a two or three year course from a polytechnic is a below-degree level qualification for technicians. 9. Open universities (notably, Indira Gandhi Open University) and some professional bodies (notably, the Institution of Engineers (India), and Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers) are making important contributions to the development of technical and scientific manpower through distance education and coaching programs and by conducting examinations for different levels of qualifications. The main beneficiaries are persons already employed who wish to improve their qualifications. Every year, a few thousand persons qualify from these programs. However, this mode of education and training has not been exploited fully. Higher Education in Sciences 10. Higher education in sciences in India is almost completely conducted by university departments and some 5000 government/government-aided colleges and by the open universities. Due to lack of demand, private sector participation is limited only to managing the institutions with significant financial support from government. Unlike in engineering, none of the professional bodies and Academies of Sciences (there are three Academies) conduct any programs leading to qualifications. 11. Students are admitted to science degree programs after completion of senior secondary education (12 years). Bachelors' degree in science is awarded after successful completion of a three- year program. Normally, a student studies three subjects in all the three years for a general degree in science. Some universities award a degree with honors which requires one subject to be studied in depth as a principal subject. A Masters' degree in most science subjects needs two years of studies. Most universities require completion of a 12-18 months M.Phil. program before registering them for a Doctoral program in a science faculty. 12. Indian universities offer a range of courses in pure and applied sciences. While most offer courses in the traditional subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, and Mathematics, some have introduced courses in geo-sciences, environment science, microbiology, biotechnology, energy sciences, information technology, applied electronics, and material science. At the Masters' degree level some universities offer several specialization. Reference 13 lists the courses available in the universities. 13. Amongst traditional courses, while Physics, Chemistry and Statistics continue to attract students, there is a noticeable fall in the number of students wanting to study 43 Mathematics, Botany, Zoology and Geology (Ref. 14) due to limited career opportunities. On the other hand, there is high demand for courses in such emerging areas as information technology, biotechnology, digital electronics, etc. The main constraints in introducing new courses in colleges have been the limitation of resources and the lack of qualified teachers. Another problem has been a very rigid curricula structure with little choice of subjects left to the students. Also, due to the long procedure involved, curricula are not updated for years in many universities. 14. The total stock of qualified scientific and technical manpower in India in 1997 was estimated by the Institute of Applied Manpower Research (IAMR) (Ref. 1 1) to be about 6.5 million. This included 1.1 million engineering diploma holders, 0.73 million engineering degree holders, 3.3 million science graduates, 0.66 million science post- graduates and 0.7 million other professionals. The system is producing an impressive number of degree-holders every year (estimated to be about 190000, 38000 and 3800 at B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels, respectively). However, there are high dropout and failure rates (over 40%) at the under-graduate level. Many students take an additional one to three years to complete the first degree. Further, due to limited job opportunities and inadequate exposure to challenges in science during their studies, a large percentage of graduates do not pursue science as a career. It is not surprising in India to find science graduates working as office assistants. These facts reflect poor system efficiency and low quality and relevance of science education at the under-graduate level in many universities. 15. In research and post-graduate education in pure and applied sciences the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and a few university departments have maintained international standards. However, most universities and colleges are far behind the frontiers of science and technology. Despite the availability of qualified staff in several disciplines, most colleges do not have any activity worth the name in research and development. As a result, graduates are not prepared or attracted to science or R&D as a career. Contrary to popular belief, per capita availability of personnel engaged in scientific and technical activities in India is extremely low (Table 1.2). Table 1.2: Scientific Manpower: A Comparison Scientists & Technicians R&D Scientists & Technicians Country (per 1000 population) (per 1000 population) Brazil 29.5 0.2 China 8.1 0.6 Germany 86 4.0 Israel 76 5.9 Japan 110 7.1 Korea 45.9 2.9 USA 55 4.0 India 3.5 0.3 Source: Human Development Report 1994, 1998 UNDP; data corresponds to 1990-96 (Ref. 24) 16. Scientific R&D activities in India are largely confined to national research laboratories established by the Government of India. Barring a few exceptions, these laboratories have no links with academic institutions. 44 Higher Technical Education 17. Institutions offering formal programs in engineering and technology in India may be broadly classified (Ref. 8) as follows: * Institutions of national importance (e.g., Indian Institutes of Technology) * Technical Universities (University of Roorkee, Anna University, etc.) * Institutions deemed to be Universities (Indian Institute of Science) * Regional Engineering Colleges (established jointly by Government of India and state governments) - affiliated to universities * University Departments/Colleges * State engineering colleges/government aided colleges - affiliated to universities * Private (self-financing) colleges - affiliated to universities * Government/aided Polytechnics (offering diploma programs under State Boards of Technical Education) * Private (self financing) Polytechnics (offering diploma programs under State Boards of Technical Education) 18. At the apex of the technical education institutions in the country are the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) established by the Government of India, one in each region: North (Kanpur), South (Chennai), East (Kharagpur), and West (Mumbai). Besides these, one IIT has been located at Delhi since it is the national capital. Another IIT is in the early stages of development at Guwahati to cover the needs of the North- Eastern region. These institutions have been established with some international technical cooperation and have developed themselves to be amongst front ranking institutions globally. India also has some front ranking exclusive universities/institutions for engineering and applied sciences education. These include the Indian Institute of Science, University of Roorkee, Jadavpur University, and Anna University. 19. The Government of India has also established, in partnership with the states, 17 Regional Engineering Colleges (RECs) with a primary focus on high quality engineering practice. These colleges along with about 30 well-established state colleges and government-aided private colleges form the second tier of leading technical institutions. Unfortunately, these institutions suffer from multiple controls and limited resources and are far behind the IlTs in their overall development. 20. The RECs are followed by some 500 government/government-aided and self- financing engineering colleges offering only degree programs and some 1100 polytechnics offering diploma programs. Most of these institutions operate under strict control of the State Directorates of Technical Education and the affiliating universities or State Boards of Technical Education. 45 FIG E1.1: IEENICAL EDUCAMON IN INDIA Feerch bi4itiw Of EDe~ Uiisfies GCte Nta- Uhasfes afE=* fEwaI Inpalate (eg h¶al andTednceg Lb&vadw (6 11s) bsfitteef (eg Rake, Sda) Am, JadNpr) (N49w: 1.5yer) s: l.Sps) lMitsit -v Egh* bwig I AicbdCbilgWs D dwaiia Coei l a9 PW= (17)l U adate Rive SW RV= ~ ICd1ew Ening"Cde (4ym) L (0 TedviaiFAc Ekiam I Gmmt (650) Cbwanmt A"& PrivatefiyWchnics (15) RydIytedmcs (438) (2-3 Mm) 21. Students are admitted into engineering degree programs after completion of senior secondary (12 years) education. Completion of a Bachelor's degree in Engineering or Technology needs four years, and a Master's in Engineering one and half year thereafter. Some institutions offer a five year integrated program leading to a Master's degree in engineering. The minimum qualification for admission into an engineering diploma program of 3-year duration is generally secondary education (10 years). Due to heavy 46 demand most institutions admit students for degree programs after a national or state level entrance test. 22. Figure 1.2 illustrates the growth over the past 50 years in the number of graduating students from technical institutions. The fornal technical education system is currently producing about 65,000 degree-holders and 95,000 diploma holders every year. The dropout and failure rates are moderate. However, a significant percentage of degree holders from better institutions take-up management and administrative jobs or go abroad. The loss to non S&T jobs and emigration is reported to be as high as 40-50% in some critical areas of technology (e.g., information technology, bio-technology, micro- electronics) from the IITs and a few other institutions. FIGURE 1.2: GROWTH IN THE NUllBER OF GRADUATING STUDENTS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 100000 MI R 5l 90000 E N 70000 A ; l U 60000 " iit.DEGREE B 400!DIPLOMA~ E R20000 20000 ~:,* 0~ 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 1997 YEAR 23. Unlike the very high demand for a graduate degree in engineering, over 60% of some 19,000 seats approved in 191 institutions for post-graduate education in engineering colleges remain vacant and less than 7,000 students per year complete the courses. Annually less than 400 research scholars complete their Ph.D. in engineering and technology. Currently over 60% of the seats for doctoral programns in engineering at IlTs are lying vacant. The low enrolment in post-graduate and research programs in engineering is partly due to a lack of interest but mainly due to the very limited number of candidates qualifying for admission to post graduate programs through GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering) - a national level test. The consequent low output ofpostgraduates, the main source of supply of teachers, is a major cause of concern for the technical education system, which already suffers from about 10, 000 vacant positions. 47 24. Many institutions have little or no contact with industry or the service sector. Due to political and social pressures some institutes are also located in areas far away from any industrial activity. The emphasis is on theory adequate for passing examinations conducted by the affiliating university or the state Board of Technical Education. Students and teachers have little exposure to practice. Graduates from these institutions are consequently required to be trained again by industry over an extended time before they become productive in industry. 25. There is a very large regional variation in the available facilities in professional education. Based on the 1996 data (Ref. 6,8), the following region-wise distribution is obtained for engineering education: Table 1.3: Regional Distributions of Seat Capacity in Engineering Region Population (%) Seat Capacity (%) Degree Diploma Northern 28.70 11 25 Eastern 25.77 07 15 Western 22.18 31 29 Southern 23.35 51 31 Total 100 100 100 Note: See Table 1.1 for definition of regions. 26. The status of distribution of seat capacity in 1996 (Ref. 6,8) for some states having more than 44 million population is given below. There is large disparity between states. The states of Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, which have encouraged establishment of self-financing private colleges, are far ahead of others in engineering educational facilities. With the recent approvals of many new institutions in the private sector in other states, this disparity is expected to reduce. Table 1.4: State-wise Distribution of Seat Capacity for Engineering Degree States Population (000's) Capacity per 10,000 (1991) Population AP 66508 1.25 Bihar 86374 0.27 Gujarat 41310 0.83 Karnataka 44977 5.0 MP 66181 0.34 Maharashtra 78937 3.3 Rajasthan 44006 0.37 Tamil Nadu 55859 3.3 UP 139112 0.23 West Bengal 68078 0.29 27. With the growing demand for professional education on the one hand and the government shifting its focus to primary education on the other, there is growing participation of the private sector in technical and medical education. The following table indicates for private sector participation in various states in technical education: 48 Table 1.5: Number of Technical Institutions (Degree & Diploma) in 1997-98 A. Number of Institutions B. States Degree Diploma Andhra Pradesh 57 (48) 82 (20) Assam 3 (0) 9 (0) Bihar 12 (3) 29 (3) Delhi 5 (0) 26 (12) Gujarat 19 (8) 38 (3) Haryana 20 (12) 29 (5) Himachal Pradesh 2 (1) 7 (1) Kamataka 69 (57) 190 (140) Kerala 19 (2) 52 (3) Madhya Pradesh 28 (10) 49 (1) Maharastra 112 (88) 165 (103) Orissa 18 (11) 25 (12) Punjab 14 (4) 38 (7) Rajasthan 10 (4) 27 (5) Tamil Nadu 106 (89) 175 (117) Uttar Pradesh 41(14) 106 (3) West Bengal 14 (2) 41 (3) Total 549 (353) 1088 (438) Source: All Indian Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Note: Numbers in brackets indicate the number of self-financing private institutions. 28. The number of technical institutions is increasing rapidly as the AICTE has been liberal in approving the establishment of self- financing institutions. A few cities now have several private engineering colleges, each competing to get a share of the market. A major problem faced by these institutions, as well as by the government colleges, is non- availability of qualified, experienced staff, particularly in newer technology areas. Many institutions are operating with part-time/ad-hoc appointees who join a college temporarily till they get a decent job in industry. Staff shortages, combined with a lack of adequate library facilities, workshops and laboratories are affecting the quality of education adversely. C. Governance and Financing of Scientific and Technical Education 29. Scientific and technical educational institutions in India are subject to multiple levels of governance and control and to a complex procedure offinancing. At the highest level the Government of India (GOI) is responsible for co-ordination and determination of standards in institutions for higher education and research and scientific and technical institutions. This responsibility is handled primarily through the Department of Education in the Ministry of Human Resource. The University Grants Commission (UGC) and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), established by Acts of Parliament, have the statutory responsibility of promoting, regulating and maintaining standards in general higher education (including science) and technical education, respectively. The Planning Commission plays the deciding role in all developmental funding under the Union Budget prepared by the Ministry of Finance and approved by the Parliament. Funds are released through the Dept of Education/UGC/AICTE. Funding of schemes/programs beyond certain specified limits requires approval of the Union Cabinet of Ministers. 49 30. At the state level, universities come under the purview of the Department of Education (or Higher Education in some states) which is responsible for planning and maintaining all higher educational institutions. In many states there are separate departments and directorates which handle technical education. All operational funds and some developmental funds are released to the institutions by the Department with the concurrence of the Finance Department of the State. Most universities receive funds mainly from the state department, and some receive development grants from the UGC. Government and Government-aided colleges and polytechnics receive funds through the Directorate of Education/Technical Education. The heads of institutions spend a significant part of their time preparing documents and in following up actions to get the budgeted funds released to them. 31. Generally universities also follow very rigid rules in all administrative, academic and financial matters in governing their departments or faculties and affiliated colleges. Very large universities with numerous colleges face major problems of governance and maintaining standards. Any changes or revision of curricula and introduction of any new programs or innovations are very difficult due to lengthy process of formal approval. The universities are often subjected to political interference and court rulings in addition to internal pressures from agitated students, faculty and staff. 32. In addition to the university rules, colleges affiliated with the universities have their own rules and regulations. Most government colleges have little control over admissions, appointment of faculty or other staff, program design, academic timetable, curricula, evaluation methodology, examination or procurement of goods and works. These are all decided and controlled by state directorates or the university administration. Private self-financing institutions have a little more freedom in all matters except curricula and examinations, which are centralized at the university or state directorate levels. This has a direct influence on the program ownership and commitment of the faculty involved. 33. These excessive sets of controls meant to maintain standards and accountability have in fact introduced major inertia in the system, and the system is now unable and sometimes unwilling to respond to needs of the students, society and labor market. The centralized entrance tests have become stereotyped and can easily be trained for which militates against creative thoughtful students. The syllabi and courses are often tied down by centralized rigidity and a lack of imagination. Even where teachers are willing to change, the system will not permit experimentation. The system takes too long to respond to any suggestion or request. Examinations have become a ritual and have lost their sanctity in many places due to mal-practices. In most places, the emphasis has shifted from learning and acquiring skills to passing an examination. This has also resulted in an over-emphasis on theory at the cost of practice, even in the case of polytechnics. 34. Higher education in the sciences is almost entirely dependent on government funding, technical education is also still largely dependent on government support. The following table (based on data in the IAMR Handbook, 1999 - Ref. 1 1) indicates that the Government of India and state governments spend about 3.6% of its GDP on education against the stated goal of 6%. Of this expenditure, higher education and technical 50 education have a share of about 16.4%. This translates into an average annual expenditure of about Rs. 11,800 (US$300) per student. There is a large variation (ranging between Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 100,000 per student per year) in actual expenditure depending on the course and institution. At present, the fee income in most public institutions varies from 2% to 7% of the operating cost. Table 1.6: Government Expenditure on Education in India and Percentage Distribution of Education Expenditure for Different Levels 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 1995-96 GDP (Rs. in million) 397,090 1,224,270 4,778,140 10,062,860 Govt. Expenditure on 11,180 36,410 207,610 392,990 education (Rs. in million) Education Expenditure as % 2.82 2.97 4.34 3.91 of GDP _____ Percentage Share of 44.9 48.5 43.8 47.3 Elementary Education Secondary Education 31.3 32.3 30.5 31.7 Higher Education 9.3 12.2 13.2 12.1 Technical Education 3.8 2.8 4.8 4.3 Others (Adult education, etc.) 10.7 4.2 7.7 4.6 Number of Degree and above 2.02 2.9 4.57 5.37 Students (million) Source: Manpower Profile India- Year Book 1999, Institute of Applied Manpower Research; Ministry of Human Resources Development, Analysis of Budgeted Expenditure on Education. (Ref. 16) 35. Most of the funds available in higher and technical education are currently spent on operation of the existing system. After paying for salaries and essential services hardly any money is left for capacity building or quality improvement. Government of India provides some funds for this purpose through its Five-Year Plans. It is seen from the following table that with the increasing focus of the union and state governments on primary education, the share of higher education in the plan budget for education has declined drastically from 25% in IV Plan to only 8% in VIII Plan. This small fund available is again largely being utilized for central elite institutions and for establishing new institutions, leaving indeed no development or R&D funds for most colleges and universities. 51 Table 1.7: Share of Central Plan Expenditure on Different Sectors of Education IV Plan V Plan VI Plan VII Plan VIII Plan (1969-74) (1974-79) (1980-85) (1985-90) (1992-97) Total Expenditure (Rs. 7,860 9,120 25,300 76,330 196,000 in million) Percentage Share of 30 35 33 37 47 Elementary Education Secondary Education 18 17 21 24 18 Higher Education 25 22 22 16 8 Technical Education 13 12 11 14 14 Others (Adult 14 14 13 9 13 education, etc.) I Source: Department of Education. (Ref. 16) 36. All public colleges and universities in India are facing a financial crisis due to very limited and delayed release of funds and due to limitations on their ability to mobilize other resources. Further a major part of any revenue generated by public colleges and polytechnics is adjusted against their approved budget. The Government and aided institutions, therefore, have no incentive to mobilize any revenue. While the operating expenses have gone up several fold due to periodic revision of salaries and cost inflation, the fee structures in most universities and government colleges has remained unchanged for over 30 years. Salaries, fee structures and admission criteria are specified by the UGC and AICTE. In order to avoid any undue exploitation of the demand for professional education by private promoters, the Supreme Court of India has also laid down certain guidelines for fees and admissions. However, a significant percentage of private institutions, established as a business activity for profit, do not meet the specified minimum norms offaculty and infrastructure. These observations are confirmed by a sample study. Findings of a Sample Study on Financing of Technical Education 37. A survey undertaken in 1998 as a part of the present study (Ref. 10) covered 70 self-financing private engineering colleges, 8 government engineering colleges, 11 Regional Engineering Colleges, 4 IlTs, 85 private polytechnics and 92 government polytechnics in different regions of the country. The main findings of the study are listed below: (a) Private participation has penetrated well into engineering education. A large number of private engineering colleges and polytechnics provide education with the income from fees. However, their freedom is restricted as the AICTE specifies ceiling on their fees and admissions, and intakes are decided by the state Government. A significant percentage of their seats (called free seats) are filled by the state on a nominal fee basis. The rest are filled on a full-cost basis as determined from time to time by the AICTE. (b) Government institutions charge a nominal fee, amounting to less than 5% of the operating cost in most cases. Recently, IlTs and some RECs have begun to charge fee closer to 15% of the operating costs. IlTs are also mobilizing 52 resources from other sources and developing endowment funds to make the institutions more self-reliant. (c) Salaries form the largest part of the operating cost, ranging between 60-80%. After paying for non-salary operating expenditures (water, power, transport, furniture, etc.), many institutions spend as little as 6% on teaching material and student welfare (books, equipment, consumables, scholarships, etc.) against the AICTE norm of 14-15%. These facts are presented in Table 1.8. For comparison, the corresponding average data for RECs and IITs is also indicated. Table 1.8: Operating Expenditure Break-up in Percentages for Engineering Colleges State Number of Salaries Teaching Other Institutions Material & Expenditure Responding Student Facilities Andhra Pradesh 7 76% 10% 14% Karnataka 12 74% 6% 20% Maharashtra 32 61% 6% 33% Punjab 3 79% 5.5% 15.5% Tamil Nadu 15 59% 16% 25% Regional Engineering 11 72% 8% 20% Colleges (average) Indian Institutes of 4 50% 16% 34% Technology (average) (d) Wastage: The opening of a large number of institutions with poor facilities and a lack of qualified faculty has resulted in significant wastage (failures, dropouts, seats remaining unfilled, etc.). The survey found that in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Kamataka the wastage was as high as 33%, 30% and 23%, respectively. In polytechnics, wastage in Kamataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh was even higher at 58%, 42% and 29%, respectively. (e) Savings in private colleges from fee income: Most colleges are now charging fees as per the AICTE guidelines. However, many are not following the norms specified for teaching material and students' amenities and for the level and quality of teaching staff. As a result, most private colleges seem to make a significant saving from the fees collected by them. The following table from the sample study indicates a significant percentage of colleges with savings greater than 50% of the fees collected. 53 Table 1.9: Percentage of Private Engineering Colleges with Savings from Fee Income State Saving up Saving from Saving more Total to 20% 21% to 50% than 50% Karnataka 30% 20% 20% 70% Maharashtra 25% 43% 18% 86% Tamil Nadu 21% 43% 7% 71% Unit cost: Cost per student per year is an important indicator both for the institutional performance as well as the general economic efficiency of the system. There is a wide variation in this cost amongst government and private colleges. In the case of IlTs, which provide quality education of an international standard, the unit cost works out to be Rs. 85,000 (US$2000) per student per year. In the RECs, it varies from Rs. 21,000 to Rs. 35,000 (US$500-$850). The AICTE has prescribed a norm of Rs. 16,800. However, driven by the approach of saving and thereby not spendingfor the purposes most needed to provide good education, some colleges in the study had unbelievably low unit costs. About 15% of the colleges in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh reported unit cost of only Rs. 6000 or less. The following table indicates the range of unit cost reported by the colleges sampled in 1998. Table 1.10: Percentage of Private Engineering Colleges According to Range of Unit Cost State Up to Rs.6001 - Rs.10,001 Rs. 15,001 Above Rs.6000 10,000 15,000 - 20,000 Rs.20,000 Andhra Pradesh 14.2% 42.9% 42.9% - - Karnataka - 58.3% 16.7% 16.7% 8.3% Maharashtra 15.6% 15.6% 50% 9.4% 9.4% Tamil Nadu - 20% 33.3% 13.3% 33.3% (g) Faculty composition: The AICTE has prescribed norms for the student: teacher ratio and faculty composition and qualifications in engineering institutions. The survey shows a large variation amongst colleges and between states. The following table lists this variation, primarily in private colleges in major states. Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, with a large number of private institutions, have a high percentage of teachers without any postgraduate qualification. For comparison, the data for RECs and IITs is also indicated. These large variations explain the difference between the levels and quality of education among engineering educational institutions in India. 54 Table 1.11: Faculty Composition in Engineering Colleges State Student/ Teachers Post- graduate Teachers Teacher with Ph.D. Teachers with Degree Ratio only Andhra Pradesh 15.6 17.5% 72% 10.5% Karnataka 15 7.6% 66% 26.4% Maharashtra 17.5 7% 48.9% 44.1% Punjab 13.6 31.8% 44% 24.2% Tamil Nadu 15.9 9.9% 55% 35.1% RECs 111 43% 45% 12% IlTs 7.5 95% 5% D. Labor Market for Engineers and Technicians - Results of a Sample Survey 38. The Structural Adjustment Programs initiated by the Government of India in 1991, as part of the economic reforms, have brought about a significant shift in occupational composition. This has demanded changes in the levels of knowledge and skill of the workforce in general, and engineers and technicians in particular. A study (Ref. 9) conducted in 1998, as a part of this study, by the Institute for Applied Manpower Research (IAMR) attempts to capture these changes in the labor market based on the data available in the National Technical Manpower Information System (NTMIS). To the extent necessary, the data were validated through discussions with the experts in the field and also through a sample survey of front line industrial establishments in thrust areas selected in consultation with the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII). In addition, the State of Karnataka was taken up for gathering information from the employing industrial units based on personal contact. 39. The IAMR study estimated and projected the stock of engineering degree and diploma holders, taking their estimated stock in 1995 as the benchmark. This estimation is based on the category-wise institutional outturn data of degree and diploma holders from 1960, assuming attrition rates due to mortality as 0.3% per annumn and international migration as 1.2% per annum for degree holders. An average passed out rate (for each category of graduates) for 1985-91 was applied on the actual admissions during 1992-96, to estimate the corresponding outturn during 1996-2000. These figures were then added to the benchmark figures of 1995 for projecting the stock. In the projections, the retirement rate is assumed to be 0.2% per year. 40. The results presented in the following table show that in the core engineering disciplines, Mechanical Engineers constituted the single largest category in 1995 followed closely by Civil Engineers. Electrical Engineers came third while Electronics & Communication Engineers occupied the fourth position in the year 1995. However, by the year 2002, the stock of Electronics & Communication Engineers would occupy the 2nd rank, after Mechanical Engineers. The stock of Instrumentation Engineers is expected to register a seven-fold increase over the period 1995-2002 as result of the 55 recent expansion in the educational facilities for this category. Computer Engineering and Computer Applications are also showing very rapid growth. 41. At the diploma level, the stock of engineering technicians which was estimated to be 1,079,100 in 1995 is expected to reach a level of 1,559,580 in 2002, implying an annual growth rate of 5.4 per cent per annum. In 1995, Civil Engineering technicians (30%) were on the top of the list followed closely by the Mechanical Engineering technicians. Electrical Engineering came in third and though far behind, Electronics & Telecommunication the fourth. These four major categories accounted for 81% of the total stock of technicians in 1995. The stock of Electronics & Telecommunication and Computer Engineering technicians is expected to increase at a higher pace in comparison to the others in the four major categories. Table 1.12: Stock of Degree Holders/Diploma Holders in Select Disciplines (1995-2002) Degree Holders Diploma Holders Discipline 1995 1998 2002 Discipline 1995 1998 2002 Aeronautical 1670 1770 1940 Agricultural 1770 1930 2210 Engineering . Engineering Agricultural Engineering 3580 3930 4570 Automobile 19590 23010 28870 Engineering Architecture 12910 15560 20230 Chemical Engineering 9070 12070 17140 Automobile Engineering 1780 2170 2920 Civil Engineering 318790 356040 421210 Ceramics Technology 970 1080 1270 Computer Engineering 20270 33970 52330 Chemical Engineering 33770 38140 46070 Electrical Engineering 198170 222470 264870 Civil Engineering 151130 169820 202540 Electronics/Telecom 73040 106480 162640 Computer Engineering 30220 46870 67160 Hotel Management 3570 3680 3900 Electrical Engineering 105430 117260 138130 Leather Technology 2670 2780 2990 Electron./Telecom 78050 110100 164990 Mechanical Eng. 281610 322130 392320 Food Technology 970 1040 1160 Metallurgy 4520 5090 6090 Instrumentation 6260 18750 46600 Mining Engineering 8960 9700 11020 Leather Technology 770 830 930 Printing Technology 9660 10500 12010 Mechanical Engineering 166800 190540 231670 Production Engineering 5340 7300 10590 Metallurgy 14420 15170 16570 Textile Technology 22770 25680 30750 Mining Engineering 5640 6320 7590 Others 119570 146710 192970 Oil Technology 700 770 900 Production Engineering 9730 13910 20970 Sugar Technology 1290 1290 1310 Textile Technology 8870 9520 10780 Others 58470 80440 119070 Total 663210 798410 1040210 Total 1079100 1255570 1559580 42. The survey results available in the National Technical Manpower Information System (NTMIS) covering more than 2000 industrial establishments show that employment of engineers and technicians in private sector grew at an annual rate of 5.5 percent during the periodfrom 1991 to 1995. However, in the case ofpublic sector establishments, employment of engineers and technicians decreased by an annual rate of 56 2.3 percent. Based on the trends of employment in different disciplines and certain realistic assumptions, the annual requirement of different categories of engineers and technician is projected in Table 1.13. 43. The table indicates that by the year 2002, degree holders in Electronics Engineering would be in huge surplus of over 54,000 if the admission to this course were maintained at the current level. Mechanical Engineers with degree would also be in significant surplus. Computer Engineering will continue to suffer from substantial shortage. Degree holders in Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering, though estimated to be in small surplus in 2002, are expected to be in shortage soon afterwards. In respect of most other categories, a shortage situation is forecast. A situation more or less similar to that for degree holders is foreseeable for diploma holders. Table 1.13: Estimates of Additional Requirements and Supply and Surplus/Shortage (-) for Select Engineering Degree and Diploma Holders in India (1997-2002) Degree Diploma Discipline Additional Additional urplus/ Additional dditional Surplus / Need Supply hortage (-) Necd Supply hortage (-) Ceramics Engineering 579 342 (-) 235 452 322 (-) 130 Chemical 10629 13439 2810 2071 8675 6604 Engineering Civil Engineering 58156 61940 3784 107361 111144 3783 Computer 51264 35511 (-)15753 55310 27822 (-)27488 Engineering l Electrical 34857 39526 4669 54732 76389 21657 Engineering Electronic 32188 86346 54158 22633 91183 68550 Engineering Leather Technology 321 285 (-)36 1626 552 (-) 1074 Mechanical 51413 78126 26713 73069 123973 50924 Engineering Metallurgy 4821 3126 (-) 1695 1180 1754 574 Engineering ____95_41 _ __ Mining Engineering 3462 1794 (-) 1668 4695 4514 (-) 181 Paper Technology 303 162 (-)141 574 126 (-)448 Petro-chemical 272 168 (-) 104 742 144 (-) 598 Technology | Polymer & Rubber 403 120 (-) 283 214 131 (-) 83 Technology Sugar Technology 1064 402 (-)662 161 54 (-)107 Textile Technology 3687 2886 801 2778 3868 1090 44. Pattern of employment and waiting period: Under the NTMIS program, tracer studies are conducted regularly on an annual basis. According to the latest tracer study conducted in 1997 in Kamataka, over 20% of degree holders in Automobile Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation Technology had to wait for three years for getting fully absorbed in jobs. In the case of diploma holders, even after three years the graduates of some of the disciplines like Chemical Engineering, 57 Electronics & Communication, Machine Tools and Mechanical Engineering could not get employment. However, there are certain new disciplines at diploma level (with limited intake) like Architecture, Cinematography, Costume Design & Dress Making, Instrumentation Technology, Polymer Science, and Sound & Television Engineering, the graduates of which got absorbed soon after completion of their studies. These results indicate a need for regular assessment and adjustment of programs to suit the market demands. Table 1.14: Pattern of Annual Absorption of Degree and Diploma Holders in Karnataka Level/Discipline Annual Absorption in Percentage Degree I Year II year III year IV Year Architecture 97.0 3.0 - - Automobile Engineering 39.0 33.0 28.0 - Chemical Engineering 44.0 36.0 20.0 - Civil Engineering 51.0 30.0 19.0 - Computer Science & Technology 65.0 22.0 13.0 - Electrical Engineering 79.4 20.6 - - Electronics & Communication 67.7 32.3 - - Industrial Production 58.0 30.0 12.0 - Instrumentation Technology 43.0 32.0 25.0 - Mechanical Engineering 58.0 22.0 20.0 - Metallurgy 66.0 34.0 - - Mining Engineering 100.0 - Diploma I Year II year III year IV Year Architecture 100.0 - - Automobile Engineering 54.0 30.0 16.0 Ceramics Technology 42.9 31.0 26.1 - Chemical Engineering 30.0 24.0 24.0 22.0 Cinematography 100.0 - - - Civil Engineering 40.0 33.0 27.0 Computer Science & Technology 43.0 33.0 24.0 Costume Design & Dress Making 100.0 - - Electrical Engineering 33.6 27.3 39.1 - Electronics & Communication 49.5 27.9 14.6 8.9 Horological Engineering 55.0 25.0 20.0 - Instrumentation Technology 100.0 - - Lithography 91.2 8.8 - - Machine Tool Engineering 50.0 26.0 14.0 10.0 Mechanical Engineering 43.0 21.0 21.0 15.0 Metallurgy 71.0 18.9 10.1 Mining Engineering 65.1 20.7 14.2 Polymer Science 100.0 - - Printing & Technology 48.0 52.0 Sound & Television Engineering 100.0 - - Sugar Technology 40.0 35.0 25.0 - Textile Technology 59.6 20.9 19.5 - Welding & Sheet Metal Technology 33.7 50.0 16.3 - 58 45. Relevance of existing courses: A survey of select industrial establishments in the front line areas was also conducted as part of the IAMR study (Ref. 9) with a view to identifying, among other things, the relevance of existing courses to the user industries in terms of basic skills needed for performing functions such as design, production, maintenance, quality control, materials management, R&D, project planning and execution and use of computers separately for the graduates of core disciplines and those in the new technology areas. Table 1 .15 presents the normalized average of graded points for indicating relevance. Based on the procedures adopted, an index of 1.0 would indicate that relevance of courses for performing a particular activity is excellent, while an index ranging from 0.80 to 1.00, very good; 0.60 to 0.80, good; 0.40 to 0.60, fair; and less than 0.40, poor. Table 1.15: Indices of Relevance of Skill to Industry by Level of Education Basic Skill P.G. Degree Degree Diploma Core Engineering Design 0.78 0.70 0.46 Production 0.69 0.69 0.64 Maintenance 0.60 0.64 0.63 Quality Control 0.70 0.68 0.57 Materials Management 0.64 0.63 0.51 Research & Development 0.75 0.66 0.50 Project Planning & Execution 0.73 0.63 0.54 Use of Computer 0.77 0.88 0.56 New Technology Design 0.80 0.71 0.46 Production 0.70 0.77 0.63 Maintenance 0.66 0.71 0.63 Quality Control 0.78 0.75 0.54 Materials Management 0.66 0.69 0.60 Research & Development 0.79 0.69 0.56 Project Planning & Execution 0.64 0.67 0.62 Use of Computer 0.82 0.79 0.66 46. As can be seen from the above Table, the relevance of skills possessed by post graduate degree holders in the core disciplines is better than 'good' and close to 'very good' for design, use of computer, R&D, and project planning work. The perception of the employers regarding the skills possessed by the degree holders by and large has also been good. However, in the case of diploma holders, the situation is far from satisfactory as for most basic skills the grade indices are less than 0.60. 47. Yet another indicator of the relevance of courses to the users is the employers' assessment of dispersions of actual vis-a-vis expected performance of graduates of various programs in engineering. Dispersion is the degree of satisfaction of employers with the performance of employees. Table 1.16 indicates the employers' perceptions of their employees in terms of wide, medium or narrow dispersion. In the case of new technologies, over 50 per cent of the employers opined that there was narrow dispersion 59 in their engineers' performance. However, in respect of technicians the dispersion was quite significant. In the core disciplines, most employers felt that there was medium to wide dispersion between actual and expected performance of both engineers and technicians. This clearly indicates that education and training in core disciplines has not kept pace with the current needs of the employers. Table 1.16: Percentage Distribution of Employers by Range of Dispersion between Actual and Expected Performance of Their Employees Employee Category Dispersion Range Wide Medium Narrow Engineers Core Disciplines 16 73 11 New Technologies 26 21 53 Technicians Core Disciplines 4 37 23 New Technologies 18 45 36 48. Emerging areas and new courses in engineering and technology: Information elicited during the IAMR study from the employers suggests that Digital Electronics & Communication, Computer Networks, Electronic Commerce, Broad Band Integrated Digital Networks, and Concepts of Operating Systems Development are the new areas likely to be of great interest and concern in the future in the area of Information Technology In the Bio-Technology area, Plant Vaccine, Transgenic Plant Cell Biology and Biological Engineering are the areas identified. Advanced Materials Science, Advanced Tool Engineering, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Digital & Micro- Electronics, Mechatronics, Plant & Equipment Maintenance and Product Engineering are the emerging areas identified in the areas of Manufacturing and Processing. Total Quality Management in the area of Mechanical Engineering; and Computerized Instrumentation, Fluid Power Engineering and High Voltage DC in the area of Power Systems have been identified as the emerging areas needing attention. It is also anticipated that more and more Computer Aided Design and Computers will be used in Civil Engineering and Architecture. While many employers feel that the existing courses available at different levels can be updated by suitable modification of the curricula by introducing new elements, some employers were very specific with regard to starting of new courses. However, starting of a new course should be based on the economic viability of running the course, as the cost of good professional education is high all over the world. 49. In summary, the vast infrastructure for higher technical and scientific education created and supported largely with public funds in India has so far served the country well. However, it is now facing major problems of governance and financing. Most of the colleges are far below international standards and are unable to keep pace with the developments in science and technology. There is lack of ownership and innovations leading to poor quality output and wastage of resources. The system can not meet the current and future needs of the country without some major reforms at all levels, with significant private and public inputs. 60 ANNEX 2 POLICY SUPPORT FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA A. Responsibilities and Policies of Government of India 1. India has formally recognized the importance of higher education, and science and technology for national development and committed itself to development of scientific and technical manpower. The Constitution of India (Seventh Schedule) places the responsibility on Government of India for co-ordination and determination of standards in institutions for higher education or research and scientific and technical institutions. Government of India is also responsible for Central Universities and for institutions for scientific or technical education financed wholly or in part and declared by Parliament by law to be institutions of national importance. The Constitutional Amendment of 1976 places education, including technical education in the concurrent list of the Government of India and the states. 2. The Government of India established, through Acts of Parliament, the University Grants Commission (UGC) in 1956 and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) in 1987 for promotion, co-ordination, and determination & maintenance of standards of higher education and technical education, respectively. During the last 50 years, Government of India has also established and supported a number of high level institutions and Central Universities and provided aid to institutions/universities established or aided by the states. The support is provided through programs/schemes of the Department of Education, UGC or AICTE, for which the budget is approved by the Parliament. Research and training funding is also provided for specific programs by other Government Ministries and Departments (e.g., Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, and Departments of Science & Technology (DST), Electronics (DOE), Space (DOS), Biotechnology (DBT), Environment (DOEn), Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), Atomic Energy (DAE), etc.). 3. Over the years, the Parliament has adopted major policy resolutions related to higher education, and science and technology. The developments in S&T sector in India have largely been guided by its Scientific Policy Resolution (1958) (Ref. 2) with the following aims: i) To foster, promote, and sustain, by all appropriate means, the cultivation of science, and scientific research in all its aspects--pure, applied and educational; ii) To ensure an adequate supply, within the country, of research scientists of the highest quality, and to recognize their work as an important component of the strength of the nation; iii) To encourage, and initiate, with all possible speed, programs for the training of scientific and technical personnel, on a scale adequate to fulfil the country's needs in science and education, agriculture and industry, and defence; iv) To ensure that the creative talent of men and women is encouraged and finds full scope in scientific activity; and 61 v) To encourage individual initiative for the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge, and for the discovery of new knowledge, in an atmosphere of academic freedom. 4. The National Policy of Education (adopted in 1986 and modified in 1992) (Ref. 4), which improved upon the National Education Policy of 1968 (Ref. 3), has detailed sections on higher education and on technical education covering a range of operational, financial and technical issues. The Policy states: * Education is a unique investment in the present and the future; education will be treated as a crucial area of investment for national development and survival; * In higher education in general, and technical education in particular, steps will be taken to facilitate inter-regional mobility by providing equal access to every Indian of requisite merit, regardless of his origins; * In the areas of research and development, and education in science and technology, special measures will be taken to establish network arrangements between different institutions in the country to pool their resources and participate in projects of national importance; * In the context of the unprecedented explosion of knowledge, higher education has to become dynamic as never before, constantly entering uncharted areas; * Autonomous colleges will be helped to develop in large numbers until the affiliating system is replaced by a freer and more creative association of universities with colleges; autonomy and freedom will be accompanied by accountability; - Research in the universities will be provided enhanced support and steps will be taken to ensure its high quality; - The reorganization of technical education and management education should take into account the anticipated scenario by the turn of the century, with specific reference to the likely changes in the economy, social environment, production and management processes, the rapid expansion of knowledge and great advances in science and technology; * Institutions will be encouraged to generate resources using their capacities to provide services to the community and industry; * Excellence in performance of institutions and individuals will be recognized and rewarded; * Networking systems will have to be established between technical education and industry, R&D organizations, programs of rural and community development, and with other sectors of education with complementary characteristics; * Resources, to the extent possible, will be raised by mobilizing donations, raising fees at higher levels of education, effecting savings by efficient use of facilities, levying a cess or charge on user agencies (including government departments) and entrepreneurs. The government and the community in general will find funds for equality of access, quality and functional effectiveness of educational programs, generating knowledge and developing technologies in scientific fields crucial to self-sustaining economic development. 62 5. The Technology Policy Statement (Ref. 5) states: * Research and Development, together with science and technology education and training of a high order, will be accorded pride of place. Consolidation of the existing scientific base and selective strengthening of thrust areas in it are essential. Special attention will be given to the promotion and strengthening of the technology base in newly emerging and frontier areas such as information and materials sciences, electronics and bio-technology. Basic research and the building of centers of excellence will be encouraged. * Skills and skilled workers will be accorded special recognition. The quality and efficiency of the technology generation and delivery systems will be continuously monitored and upgraded. All of this calls for substantial financial investments and also strengthening of the linkages between various sectors (educational institutions, R&D establishments, industry and governmental machinery). 6. A draft paper for a New Technology Policy (NPT), issued by the Department of Science and Technology inl993 (Ref. 25) states: - In order to enable large sections of our society to derive the benefits from science and technology, this policy is directed to encourage industries for enhancing human skills to upgrade existing technologies to comparable international levels as well as to attain such levels for newer and emerging technologies. - Deliberate steps would be initiated to continuously augment the number of scientific and technical personnel in relation to the country's population. A new balance of ratios between scientific and technical personnel will also be aimed at. Towards achieving this objective, attention will be directed to further enlarge the base of polytechnics, technical and vocational institutes, and engineering institutions and launch programs for training and retraining industrial and technical personnel in numbers significantly more than what has been attempted hitherto. Industries will be involved in this process of upgrading the human skills. * Improvement of the quality of management of R&D institutions will receive special attention. Pursuit of R&D as a career prospect will be deliberately encouraged through further concrete measures so as to attract scientists and technologists to the challenges of creative science and innovative development with a target of doubling their number in R&D by 2000 AD. This will include innovative measures to attract and to utilize scientific and technological talents of Indians all over the world. * Specific programs will be evolved to nurture and reward talented personnel contributing notably to technology development. Accomplishments by skilled technicians will be recognized and rewarded. The overall direction would be to create an atmosphere and opportunities to promote technological innovation and excellence. 63 * Specific emphasis will be laid on induction of professionals fully conversant with the latest technologies in Ministries/Departments, which heavily depend on crucial technology inputs. On improving linkages, the draft NPT recommends: * promoting university-industry linkages by diverse means, including adjunct positions for necessary personnel; * developing consortium approach involving academic institutions, national laboratories, including those of the mission agencies namely, Department of Atomic Energy, Space, and Defence Research and Development Organisation, wherever feasible, and the user industry for goal oriented programs and new product development; * facilitating easy mobility of personnel among universities, laboratories, industry (including R&D institutions connected with industry) and the Ministries. Under Policy Implementation, the draft NPT states: - R&D institutions including academic institutions would be encouraged to interact with industry and other agencies for contract projects. Income arising out of such initiatives will become additional resources for furthering their infrastructure and other R&D activities. 7. The Information Technology Policy of the Government of India also, includes many references to need and support of development of appropriate scientific and technical manpower at various levels to make India a leading country in information technology. 8. The policy statements, extracted above, act as guiding principles in developing plans and programs for government support for technical and scientific manpower development in India. These efforts form a part of Five-Year Plans of the Govermment. B. Main Thrusts and Strategies in Higher Scientific and Technical Education in the Ninth Five Year Plan of Government of India (1997-2002) (Ref. 17) 9. The IX Plan treats education as the most crucial investment in human development. It identifies the following critical areas in Higher Education for action: i) Relevance and quality ii) Use of media & education technology iii) Structure of curriculum iv) Access and equity v) Management of education vi) Resource mobilization and utilization 64 10. For each of these areas, specific actions are identified. In summary, these include: (a) strong linkage with industry and improvement of employability of graduates; (b) orientation of post-graduate courses and research towards applied field; (c) faculty improvement; (d) faculty exchange between university and industrial houses; (e) multi- media approach to teaching; (f) structural changes in curricula to shift from rigid structured programs to credit-based system with choice of courses; (g) reduction of regional imbalance; (h) strengthening of distance education facilities; (i) changes in UGC legislation for better linkages with universities; (j) better fiscal discipline; (k) resource sharing between neighboring institutions; (1) resource mobilization through fee restructuring, public funding and industrial funding; (m) better accountability through leveraging UGC funding, evaluation, and model code of governance to minimize political interference and improve standards; and (n) extension education for community. 11. For Technical Education, the IX Plan lays emphasis on (Ref. 17): i) Quality improvement ii) Infrastructure Development and Innovations iii) Flexibility, mobility and curricula iv) Governance of institutions v) Excellence in polytechnic education The action plan includes: (a) greater autonomy and deemed university status to institutions; (b) resource mobilization; (c) better utilization of existing capacity; (d) flexibility in course structure and upward mobility through modular courses; (e) faculty development; (f) greater linkage with industrial establishments; and (g) community services. 12. Science and Technology is a subject of extensive coverage in the IX Plan. On S&T manpower development, it states (Ref. 17): * Scientists with exceptional capabilities should be nurtured and supported fully by offering them, within the country facilities comparable with international standards. * There is need to create conducive environment in educational institutions for developing creative skills and innovative capabilities with greater emphasis on modern management techniques, technology marketing and IPR (intellectual property rights) related issues. * Intensive efforts should be made to generate maximum resources for R&D from the production and service sectors. * Joint R&D ventures between Indian institutions and those abroad should multiply in mutually beneficial technology areas. * Attracting creative scientific talent to the frontier areas of research and basic sciences should continue. * The academic community should gradually motivate the faculty to do research by giving them a sense of empowerment and autonomy of functioning within the university system. 65 * The inter-university centers, which are providing very valuable services to the university research community, should be encouraged by earmarked support through the UGC. * The operation of research funds both at the level of the individual research worker and at the institutional level needs to be reviewed so that sub-critical support is avoided. * The extra-mural research funding should be enhanced by carefully building up a rigorous, objective, constructive and credible peer review system. * Efforts would also be made to provide financial support to the universities and related institutions for improving S&T infrastructure. * Some regional science and engineering research libraries should be established in chosen institutions with networking facilities. * There is need for introduction of some high quality under graduate science programs at selected institutions. * In order to improve the technological competitiveness in the global market and enhance the technology export potential, attention has to be focussed on areas such as university-corporate R&D spending, lab to industry conversion, indigenous innovation, IPR protection, etc. 13. In addition to planning through the Five Year Plans, long term vision for India in various sectors is also developed by expert groups and professional bodies from time to time to help the central and state governments, institute management bodies, and industries to plan their activities and to take advance action. Recommendations of one such major study is presented next because of its possible impact on technical and scientific manpower development in India. C. A Vision for the New Millennium: India 2020 14. Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), a registered society under the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India, had conducted a major national exercise with the involvement of experts from academic institutions, R&D laboratories, Government, Industry and users to determine trajectories for long term vision for India. This exercise conducted during 1994-95 resulted in 25 detailed reports called "Technology Vision for India 2020 ". These cover sixteen key sectors such as agriculture, agro-food processing, chemical industries, life sciences, engineering industries, electronics, and strategic industries. The documents were released to the nation by the Prime Minister of India on August 2, 1996. A brief overview of the vision envisaged in those documents is given in a book entitled, 'India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium' (Ref. 18). In the summary of recommendations it states: * India should become a developed nation by 2020 and one of the five biggest economic powers. * To achieve this goal, several steps are to be taken in agriculture such as making Eastern India a wheat granary and increasing the use of hybrid rice, as also for improving the quality and yield of various crops, vegetables and other products. Environmental considerations in agriculture gain attention. 66 * India should capitalize on the agricultural core strengths to establish a major value-adding agro-food industry based on cereals, milk, fruits, and vegetables to generate domestic wealth. Also, make India a major exporter of value-added agro-food products. Agro-food industry and distribution systems should absorb a number of persons rendered surplus from increasingly productive and efficient agriculture. * A number of engineering industries and service businesses should grow around the agro-food sector. * India should capitalize on its vast mineral wealth to emerge as a major techno- industrial global power in various advanced and commercial materials: steel, titanium, aluminum, rare earth materials, etc. * Indian chemical industry should be transformed into a global technological innovator in clean processes and specialty chemicals, and new drugs and pharmaceuticals; a major business should be created in natural products. Vast bio-diversity should be transformed into wealth of people and the nation through selective technological interventions; Indian marine resources are to be transformed into economic strength. * There is to be a resurgence of Indian engineering industry: machine tools, textiles, foundry, electrical machinery, and transport equipment. India is to become a net exporter of technology by 2010 in these areas and an important world leader in embodied software for manufacturing and design; also a key contributor to the field of flexible manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing. - India should emerge as a global leader in the services sector with its vast and skilled human resource base being its core strength. The services will range from the simple to the most sophisticated ones using the emerging digital and communication revolution. The services sector is not to be a money-spinner but will also employ a good proportion of our people, often in self-employment, with abilities ranging from simple skills to super skills. - While India needs to pay most attention to economic areas and employment generation, both crucial to making her a developed country, attention should also be paid to the strategic sectors. It is necessary to draw Indian industry, especially the private sector, into these high-tech areas not merely for fabrication but for design, development, production, marketing and post-sale services. India should also emerge as a major exporter of products and services resulting from its capabilities in high-tech areas. * The health of people is vital even while pursuing the all-round rapid growth of the economy and technological prowess. India should attend to short-term rapid action and emerge as a nation with excellent health service cover. * In order to achieve the vision, several crucial actions need to be taken to ensure speedier growth of infrastructure: energy, quality electric power in particular, roads, waterways, airways, telecommunication, ports, etc. Several short-term measures and some unconventional steps need to be taken. The long-term action should be aimed at providing world-class facilities for all parts of India. Rural connectivity is crucial even in the short run if the boom in agriculture and agro-food sector is to be utilized fully. In addition, the progress in information technologies is leading to the possibility of very advanced world-class industries and businesses being established in villages. 67 The above overview provides a broad perspective for scientific and technological activities and the types of knowledge base and skills required in the coming years. D. Future Strategies for Scientific and Technical Manpower Development 15. The current status and future of higher education, and science and technology in India has been a subject of many discussions, seminars and publications. As a part of the present study, a National Seminar on Scientific and Technical Manpower Development in India - Status, Need and Future Strategies was organized with support from the Government of India and the World Bank on April 2-3, 1998 by the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. The presentations included papers from industry, government departments/bodies, professional bodies, academic institutions, and invited experts (list of speakers is given at the end of this report). Based on the presentations and discussions that followed. the following recommendations were made. Specific action items were also suggested and these are summarized in the seminar proceedings (Ref. 6): *Faculty: The role of faculty in manpower development is most critical. There is a need to create an appropriate environment, through policy support and through a framework of incentives, to get the best people into the teaching profession. Outstanding people will be attracted to the teaching profession if they are given respect, facilities, freedom and emoluments/perks commensurate with the position they deserve in the society. Also, procedure for obtaining patents and exploiting intellectual property rights must be simplified so that there is an encouragement for scientists and technologists. o Resource Generation: The cost of training scientific and technical personnel is very high. The increasing demand for scientific and technical manpower and limited availability of funding from the Government calls for generation of additional resources. Deficit financing of the institutions by the Government is a de- motivator for resource generation. Funding patterns, which provide incentives for internal resource generation, should be instituted. oEfficient Utilization of Existing Infrastructure and Facilities. At the present, majority of laboratories and workshops are not used for more than a few hours a day. Measures are needed to optimally utilize the infrastructure and facilities. Opening of new technical or scientific institutions should be done only in the absence of other alternatives. In general, it may be more economical to strengthen the infrastructure and facilities of the existing institutes, universities and colleges and increase the student intake. *Role of Industry: To reduce the mismatch between the requirements of the industry and the technical skills acquired by the students, there is an urgent need for close cooperation between the academic institutions and the industry. *Declining Enrolment of Students for Science Education: Science graduates provide the foundation for manpower needed for research and breakthroughs - the backbone for national development. However, talented and creative young minds are no longer interested in pursuing higher education in science stream. Urgent steps are needed to reverse these trends. 68 *Role of Information Technology (IT) in Future Manpower Development. IT will have an increasing impact on all facets of economy. It offers enornous opportunities for delivery of academic programs and must be fully exploited. This can also be used for better networking between industry, academia and R&D laboratories. *Role of Professional Societies. The professional societies are presently involved in providing education to aspirant candidates in the non-formal sector. In the present day changing scenario, the professional societies' role has to be enlarged and made more focussed and practical. Accreditation of technical and scientific institutions is important for maintaining standards and bringing in collaboration with industry. *Governance. Most of the institutions in the country suffer from bureaucratic bottlenecks and outdated rules and regulations. The single most important step needed in the changed global scenario (to remain competitive) is to get out of the rigidity of the existing system. The academic system must, therefore, adopt a style of governance, which enables and sustains flexibility with accountability. E. Recommendations from International Conferences/Experience Relevant to Indian Higher Education 16. With a view to gain from international experience of other countries, India has generally sent high-level delegations to major international conferences. The Minister of Human Resource Development led the Indian delegation at the World Conference on Higher Education, held in Paris during October 5-9, 1998. The Conference adopted a "Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century. Vision and Action" and the "Framework for Priority Action for Change and Development of Higher Education" (Ref. 19). The Framework identifies (i) priority actions at national level, (ii) priority actions at the level of systems and institutions, and (iii) actions to be taken at international level, and in particular, to be initiated by the UNESCO. Important statements and recommendations, which have direct relevance to the Indian Higher Education system in science and technology, are extracted here for ready reference. 17. The Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century: Vision and Action states: "Everywhere higher education is faced with great challenges and difficulties related to financing, equity of conditions at access into and during the course of studies, improved staff development, skills-based training, enhancement and preservation of quality in teaching, research and services, relevance of programs, employability of graduates, establishment of efficient co-operation agreements and equitable access to the benefits of international co-operation. At the same time, higher education is being challenged by new opportunities relating to technologies that are improving the ways in which knowledge can be produced, managed, disseminated, accessed and controlled". (Prearnble) *" ... a substantial change and development of higher education, the enhancement of its quality and relevance, and the solution to the major challenges it faces, 69 require the strong involvement not only of governments and of higher education institutions, but also of all stakeholders, including students and their families, teachers, business and industry, the public and private sectors of the economy, parliaments, the media, the community, professional associations and society as well as a greater responsibility of higher education institutions towards society and accountability in the use of public and private, national or international resources," (Preamble) " ... higher education systems should enhance students' capacity to live with uncertainty, to change and bring about change, and to address social needs and to promote solidarity and equity; should preserve and exercise scientific rigor and originality, in a spirit of impartiality, as a basic prerequisite for attaining and sustaining an indispensable level of quality; and should place students at the center of their concerns, within a lifelong perspective, so as to allow their full integration into the global knowledge society of the coming century," (Preamble) * "Higher education institutions and their personnel and students should enjoy full academic autonomy and freedom, conceived as a set of rights and duties, while being fully responsible and accountable to society". (Article 2e) * "...the rapid and wide reaching demand for higher education requires, where appropriate, all policies concerning access to higher education to give priority in the future to the approach based on the merit of the individual...". (Article 3c) * "The advancement of knowledge through research is an essential function of all systems of higher education which should promote post graduate studies. Innovation, interdisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary, should be promoted and reinforced in programs with long-term orientation on social and cultural aims and needs. An appropriate balance should be established between basic and target oriented research". (Article 5a) * "Relevance in higher education should be assessed in terms of the fit between what society expects of institutions and what they do....". (Article 6a) * "Higher Education should enhance its contribution to the development of the whole education system, notably through improved teacher education, curriculum development and educational research". ( Article 6c) * "As a life source of professional training, updating and recycling, institutions of higher education should systematically take into account trends in the world of work and in the scientific, technological and economic sectors. In order to respond to the work requirements, higher education system and the world of work should jointly develop and assess learning processes, bridging programs, and prior learning assessment and recognition programs, which integrate theory and training on the job. Within the framework of their anticipatory function, higher education institutions could contribute to the creation of new jobs, although this is not their only function". (Article 7c) 70 * "Developing entrepreneurial skills and initiative should become major concern of higher education, in order to facilitate employability of graduates who will increasingly be called upon to be not only job seekers but also and above all to become job creators.....". (Article 7d) * "To achieve these goals, it may be necessary to recast curricula, using new and appropriate methods, so as to go beyond cognitive mastery of disciplines. New pedagogical and didactical approaches should be accessible and promoted in order to facilitate the acquisition of skills, competence and abilities for communication, creative and critical analysis, independent thinking and team work in multicultural contexts, where creativity also involves combining traditional or local knowledge and know how with advanced science and technology," (Article 9c) * "National and institutional decision-makers should place students and their needs at the center of their concerns, and should consider them as major partners and responsible shareholders in the renewal of higher education". (Article 1Oc) * "To attain and sustain national, regional or international quality, certain components are particularly relevant, notably careful selection of staff and continuous staff development, in particular through the promotion of appropriate programs for academic staff development, including teaching/learning methodology and mobility between countries, between higher education institutions, and between higher education institutions and the world of work as well as student mobility within and between countries". (Article 1 1 c) * "Higher education institutions must be given autonomy to manage their internal affairs. but with this autonomy must come clear and transparent accountability to the government, parliaament, students and the wider society". (Article 1 3b) * "The diversification of funding sources reflects the support that society provides to higher education and must be further strengthened to ensure the development of higher education, increase its efficiency and maintain its quality and relevance. Public support for higher education and research remains essential to ensure a balanced achievement of educational and social missions". (Article 14a) 18. The Framework for Priority Actionfor Change and Development of Higher Education states: i) States, including their government, parliament and other decision makers, should: * develop higher education institutions to include life long learning approaches, giving learners an optional range of choice and a flexibility of entry and exit points within the system, and redefine their role accordingly, which implies the development of open and continuous access to higher learning and the need for bridging programs and prior learning assessment and recognition; 71 * make efforts, when necessary, to establish close links between higher education and research institutions, taking into account the fact that education and research are two closely related elements in the establishment of knowledge; * develop initiative schemes of collaboration between institutions of higher education and different sectors of society to ensure that higher education and research programs effectively contribute to local, regional and national development (Action I. Id, e, f ); ii) Concrete steps should be taken to reduce the widening gap between industrially developed and developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, with regard to higher education and research (Action 1.4); iii) Each higher education institution should define its mission according to the present and future needs of society (Action II. 5); iv) In establishing priorities in their programs and structures, higher education institutions should: * take into account the need to abide by the rules of ethics and scientific and intellectual rigor, and the multi-disciplinary and Trans-disciplinary approach; * be primarily concerned to establish systems of access for the benefit of all persons who have the necessary abilities and motivation; * use their autonomy and high academic standards to contribute to the sustainable development of society and to the resolution of issues facing the society of the future; - set their relations with the world of work on a new basis involving effective partnerships with all social actors concerned. all this within a framework of responsible autonomy and academic freedoms; - ensure high quality of international standing, consider accountability and both internal and external evaluation, with due respect for autonomy and academic freedom, as being normal and inherent in their functioning and institutionalize transparent systems, structures and mechanisms specific thereto; * as life-long education requires academic staff to update and improve their teaching skills and learning methods . establish appropriate academic staff development structures and/or mechanisms and programs; and * promote and develop research which is a necessary feature of all higher education systems, in all disciplines (Action II. 6a, b, c, f, g, h, i); v) The use of new technologies should be generalized to the greatest extent possible to help higher education institutions to reinforce academic development, to widen access, to attain universal scope and to extend knowledge, as well as to facilitate education throughout life. Governments, educational institutions and the private sector should ensure that informatics and communication network infrastructure, computer facilities and human resources training are adequately provided (Action 11.8). 19. Being a signatory to the Declaration and the Priority Action document, India is committed to these recommendations for policy support. ANNEX 3 Table 3.1: Higher Educational Reforms Changes and/or Useful Operational Models-Successes or Weaknesses in OECD Country USA Japan United Kingdom Australia Korea Netherlands Other European Proportion of 21.9% N/A 20.9% 21.1% 21.5% 23.2% Denmark- 7.9% 18-21 years Spain - 24.9% olds enrolled in Gemmany - 7.9% university level education Higher 3.3% 1.5% 2.7% 3.9% 1.4% 2.9% Denmark- 3.3% education Note that the university France - 1.8% xped tuca e assystem is dominated by Frmany - 2I1% expenditure as private universities (enrolling a % of total bout 75% of students) so govemnment government expenditure is governding only a small proportion of spending ational expenditure Extent of This varies between states rhere are three categories of HEls are independent As in the UK All private institutions must There are two types of The trend across Europe autonomy in ad public and private institutions with different rivate bodies. However, eceive a license to be a igher education has been towards greater . institutions. All evels of autonomy. National they are largely governmen university for which there are institutions: higher institutional autonomy IN igher institutions must meet ublic universities are not funded and so accountable riteria. These are related to rofessional education (e.g., France, Germany, ducation Federal and state egally separate from central to govemment for the use o inputs rather than process. olleges (HBOs) of which Spain) although to a institutions regulations (e.g., equal ovemment; other public ublic money Most of the public ome 70% are private and lesser extent than in the pportunities policies). niversities belong to either universities are "national" in niversities of which 3 out UK and the Netherlands. ublic institutions have refectures or municipalities. hat they are owned and f 13 are private. Both ess autonomy since they hese face budgetary as well funded by central govemmen private and public are govemed by state administrative controls mainly MoEd but one or two institutions are funded by appointed or elected bm government (e.g., fall under the Ministry of the State and accountable oveming bodies and are pproval required for the Science & Technology). for the use of public funds. more dependent on state ppointment of presidents). There are also a few They have a tradition of funding. Private rivate institutions are rovincial universities. All cademic freedom and institutions are, in egally independent but are taff in public universities are utonomy and assume rinciple, free from direct ubject to institutional and ivil servants on set pay esponsibility for the tate control but their urriculum standards (e.g., cales. Government sets ontent of their degree utonomy is restricted by hysical space, program tudent quotas and staff rograms. Block funding heir dependence on state ontent) if they receive umbers, appraises any new Nas introduced in 1993 and Federal funds ovemment subsidies. ourses and provides virtuall ased on criteria for the Issues: Private institutions I the funding. Institutional umber of students and ave begun to question th utonomy is very limited erformance (e.g., retention mpact of state and Ithough there is an intention rates and outcomes of Federal,funding on their o change this erformance reviews) autonomy. Country USA Japan United Kingdom Australia Korea Netherlands ther European Mechanisms CGrowth in state funding, Post-war expansion has Reductions in unit costs The Higher Education Govemment policy has After a period of significant fhe introduction of used for private philanthropic relied heavily upon private have allowed for Contribution Scheme was consistently been that the xpansion in the 1970s and overmment student loan expanding HEs'upport and increases in provision and financing significant expansion in introduced in the 1980s cxpansion of the system 1980s, the HE sector chemes has facilitated expanding HE tuition fees. While some facilitated by a policy recent years. Current whereby students contribute should be almost exclusively ontinues to grow although rowth in many states have reduced framework which penmits targeted growth is being to the cost of their studies within the private sector - ore slowly. This has been ountries. The expenditure (e.g., private (non-profit) entry intc achieved through the during their working life hence the dominance of lowed by a reduction in Scandinavian countries alifomia), overall state the market. The number of introduction of student provided their income private institutions. There are er student expenditure re leaders in this area funding has increased by students in private tuition fees and small rcal reaches the national average thus many small, fairly new unit costs), increases in having had loans as a ke 8.5% since 1996. institutions has grown by increases in funding institutions offering courses uition fees and a reduction component of their The development of 40% over the last decade mainly in those subjects in the number of years in student support systems distance learning amounting to 70% of total which are cheap to provide. hich students are eligible since the mid 1980s programs has also student enrolments. Both Students at both public and or financial assistance. increased the scope for public and private institution private institutions pay fees his limit is still future expansion at lower rely increasingly on tuition although public university omparatively high at 6 cost fees; these have grown by ter fees are less than halfofthose ears for full-time and 9 times over the last 20 years in private universities where ears for part-time courses. in public institutions. fees are set at full cost Quality There are no nationwide New programs and All HEls are subject to Research programs are Very similar to Japan but All HEIs are subject to a ssurance mechanisms in place. institutions are subject to assessment of research evaluated by the funding without the reforms. There is eview of teaching and Private regional approval from the Ministry. and teaching quality once bodies (e.g., Australian discussion about some more esearch every 6-7 years by mechanisms ccrediting bodies are the There are no formal systems every 4-5 years. Research Research Council) often with regular and rigorous isiting committees. The (including principal evaluators of of accreditation or funding is closely tied to reference to overseas accreditation system. nspectorate of Education approaches to academic quality; most performance review for the outcomes of the academics to ensure that eviews the assessments and ccreditation) professions (e.g., law) also established programs or research assessments; a Australian institutions keep he institutional response. have their own accrediting rganizations. The Universit3 roportion of funding for in line with good he Ministry may decide to bodies. Many institutions Council has initiated a teaching will be allocated intemational standards. lose a department which also undertake periodic number of reforms since the on the basis of quality Professional bodies are also as been judged to be eer reviews made up of arly 1990s including the audits in the future. The becoming increasingly erforming badly. There is isiting faculty from promotion of self-evaluation; sector is also considering involved in the approval of o formal accreditation omparable institutions. 60% of universities now the establishment of a degree programs. The ystem for courses in Competition for research Dublish their results. professional body to Higher Education Council niversities; HBOs have funding at the Federal and safeguard standards in has introduced a number of egun to experiment with tate levels promotes university teaching initiatives to promote quality he accreditation of uality in research. States since 1992 including a fund rofessional programs by are increasingly using of A$75m to reward rofessional bodies. utput measures in institutions for effective funding to reward quality practice in quality assurance. nd effectiveness In 1996, the govemment announced a new approach tc quality with the introduction of a nationwide quality assessment process and the establishment of a ncw _____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ agency. Country USA Japan United Kingdom Australia Korea Netherlands ther European Setting and Federal agencies, which fhere are multiple sources o HEls are graded according he Australian Research The government has a clear Government research funding of fund research (e.g., researeT funding including o the quality and volume o ouneil provides policy olicy for research in the funding is allocated on the National Science Mombusho, thie Agency for esearch undertaken - advice to national cience, technology and basis of an ex post national Foundation). set general Science and Technology and valuated in research overnment and makes ngineering areas, as it assessment of research priorities for priorities. Funds are the Ministry for International assessment exercises held ecommendations on the believes that this will quality. In addition, research enerally allocated on the Trade and Industry. Funding very 5 years. [his ranking istribution of research provide the engine for institutions can bid for basis of peer review of is not specifically allocated etermines the allocation o funds. A competitive economie growth in the individual grants from the individual faculty on the basis of research aseline research funds. bidding system is in place arly part of next century. national research eouncils. members' applications. performance. Other research funding is for Research Council funds. Funding is primarily by Corporations also fund id for on a competitive means of competitive peer- Issues: Concern that the research and contract with Issues: 7'he institutional asis. eviewed bidding but researchfunding institutions for particular arrangementsfor competitiv overnment does not cover mechanism may place too research projects andperformance-orientated Issues: Concern that, to le full costs of the uch enmphasis on the Issues: University research are weak ate, thefunding system esearch. This puts the less volume as opposed to the research partnerships wit which reivards excellence i well-funded institutions at a quality of publication orporations have led to research, has accentuated disadvantage. The uestions about the bias tosvards research (as overnment is currently traditional role of opposed to teaching) within carrying out a university- i2niversities in basic institutions ating project and there is research and thefree n intention to focus the publication of research esearch effort on a few results. institutions in the future. Source: OECD 1998, Education at a Glance. Table e5.2b. OECD 1998; Education at a Glance. Table B2.1 Table 3.2: Transition Economies - Educational Reforms Over 1993-98 Changes and/or Useful Operational Models-Successes or Weaknesses (Abbreviations and acronyms used in this matrix are found at the end of the document) Higher Education Russia Hungary Romania Poland Czech Republic size partcipatiot There are 566 state institutions and 25% ofage cohort is in H. Ed.; 14%of age group (l8-22 yr.) (95196); Of govemment current education Over 15% percent of 18 yr. of age rates) of H Ed and 244 non-state institutions; about 20- Of government cuTrenit education Of govemment current education expenditure: H. Ed takes 16% enrolled, more that 40% of total proportion of 25% high school graduates go to expenditure: H.Ed takes 17.8% expenditure: H. Ed takes 15.9% expenditure, while primary takes applicants; Of govemment current HsEd institutions; in 1996, total expenditure, while primary takes expendittire, wlile primary takes 49.7% , and 20.5% is for secondary; edscatiun expeuditure: HEd takes governmn pnig education budget represcnts 3.7% of 54. 1%, and secondary takes 23.0%; H. 44.9%, and secondary takes 23.8%; Total eduication spending is 3.8% of 14.7% expeniditure, while primary it attracts GDP, of which 17.8% is oftederal Ed spending in 1996 is 0.9% of GDP total education spending is 3.5-4.0% of GDP takes 29.2% and secondary takes education budget and 82.2% on (1.2% in 1991), while total education GDP, while H. Ed. budget is 0.5-0.6% 53.5% regional budgets; H. Ed. spending spending is 6.0-7.0% of GDP of GDP takes 25.6% of federal education budget Mechanism usedjor None - there has been a sli> decline Mainly through integration and growth Massification, increased private Since 92' MoE introduced a finding Establishing new imiversities and expanding H. Ed in overall earollinent in the past few of teelsnical Ed. (i.e. TVIJ); some new education; funds increasing from both algorithm based on number of students transfoming some technical schools years (1995/6), even though the institutions recently established by public and private aiming at encouraging expansion, but into post-secondary professional enrollment was relatively at very low private butsiness and churches (which results are mixed; up to 96', die small colleges level amounts to about 10% of H. Ed sizes of institutions have not institutions) stimulated any integration Quality assurance Govermient controlled; but has no The system is changing from being A national level "Council of Academic Govemment controlled; there is no The Council of 11. Ed Institutions, mechanism for H. Ed tradition of widescale application of elitist to being more democratic; but Evaluation and Accreditation" assessment system and no monitoring consisting of academic senate from (including assessiment instruments based on now still under central control that supervises of esuus., frfld; citiluil regulatiOns ittdividual uniVersity, scrves asa accreditation and research and intemational experience; seeks to ensure quality; there is no are the only guide the institutions consultative to MoE. The _ accreditation and in 1994/5 there had been a check-up formal accreditation system; the H. Ed have, which by no means guarantee Accreditation Commission advises on other government process called "attestation" for and Scientific Council is now (98') standards or quality establishment of new H. Ed approaches) accrediting new and reaccrediting preparing to play important role in issue: the lack of an evtaluation sy.ste institutions existing institutions assessment and evaluation hcces exiremelyprmblernalic whe/e new types of courses ore esiablished Degree oj university Changes started in 1986, The autonomy of H. Ed. has been High degree of autonomy, especially Relatively high Relatively higls autonomy strengthened by the passing of Law widely accepted and asssired by legal in the private sector The 1990 Act restored autonomsy of on H. Ed. and Postgraduate means, and norm-budgeting is now Law of 1995 gives colleges H. Ed institutions. Each university Educatiotn (1996), which fumrtier gradually substituted by a mixed considerabte autonomy. Bunt now the has an elected Academic Senate delegates authority and responsibility budgeting process which grants part of colleges have to develop their own making basic decisions on activities to individual institusions regarding the budget (research and maintenance tnanagerial skills and capacity of its own institution, such as curriculum development, teaching funds) on a competitive basis; now budgeting, personmel, research and methods and intemal management (98') 85% budget from state, 7 from teaching programs sale of service, 8% from others (i.e. rental of real estate) Setting andunding oJ R&D expenditure accounts 0.7% of yes - centralized; R&D expenditure yes - centsalized; fusds come from the R&D expenditure accounts 0.7% of R&D expenditure accounts 1.2% of national priorities for GNP; managed by Mnistry of accounts 0.8% of GNP State and are allocated through 3 GNP GNP; Grants for Educational research Science national level agencies: Ministry of Research are awarded by MoE (such Researrh and Technology; Academy as: school research and school of Science; University Research development fund, H. Ed. Council; R&D expenditure accounts developtnent fund) and by the _________ _________ _______ _________ _________ ________ ________ _________ __0_7__of__G0.7%ofvGrnmGov rnment aRsearch aGr ntAAgenc MGPE: Russia's Ministry of General and Professional Education; MCE: Hungary's Ministry of Culture and Education; MoNE: Romania's Ministry of National Education; MoE: Ministry of Education, ML: Ministry of Labor; NRC: Hungary's National Reconciliation Council, 76 REFERENCES 1. Constitution of India (1949), (website: 2. Government of India (1958), Scientific Policy Resolution. 3. Government of India (1968), National Education Policy. 4. Government of India (1986), National Policy on Education (modified in 1992). 5. Government of India (1986), Technology Policy Statement. 6. 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The World Bank (2000), Higher Education in Developing Countries: Peril and Promise, Report of the World Bank/ UNESCO Task Force on Higher Education and Society. 78 Seminar on Scientific and Technical Manpower Development in India - Status, Need and Future Strategies (April 2-3, 1998) List of Participants and Invitees Government of India Mr. P. R. Dasgupta, Secretary, Department of Education Maj. General Surendra Nath, Member UPSC Mr. N. Vittal, Chairman PSEB Mr. N. Gopalaswami, Advisor (Education), Planning Commission Mr. M. C. Satyawadi, Additional Secretary, Department of Education Prof. D. P. Agrawal, Joint Education Advisor (Tech.), Department of Education Dr. S. D. Awale, Joint Education Advisor (Technical), Department of Education Ms. Madhu Arora, Deputy Secretary, Department of Education Mr. G. Soni, Senior Director, Department of Electronics Dr. P.N. Gupta, Director, Department of Electronics Mr. J. Khurana, Department of Electronics Dr. A.N.N. Murthy, Department of Science & Technology Mr. Rakesh Chetal, Department of Science & Technology Mr. G.J. Samathanam, Department of Science & Technology Mr. P. Arora, Department of Science & Technology Ms. Janak Juneja, Director-cum-Secretary Technical Education, Govt. of Delhi Institutions/Professional Bodies Dr. Rame Gowda, Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education Mr. D. V. Singh, Deputy Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education Prof. S. K. Khanna, Former Chairman, AICTE and Former Vice-Chairman, UGC Dr. V.S. Raju, Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Prof. N. R. Shetty, President, Indian Society for Technical Education Prof. N. C. Nigam, Vice- Chancellor, Roorkee University Prof. R. Natarajan, Indian National Academy of Engineers Dr. D. K. Ghosh, Registrar, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Prof. R. G. Mendiratta, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Prof. R. K. Mani, Principal, Technical Teachers Training Institute, Bhopal Dr. J. P. Shrivastava, Advisor, Mandsaur Institute of Technology, Mandsaur Ms. Padma Ramachandran, Vice-Chancellor, M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara Prof. S.B.L. Garg, Principal, M.N.R. Engineering College, Allahabad Prof. R. K. Srivastava, Dean, M.N.R. Engineering College, Allahabad Dr. P. Radhakrishnan, Principal, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore Dr. M. S. Jayadeva, Principal, S. J. College of Engineering, Mysore Dr. A. Ramachandra, Professor & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mysore Prof. A. C. Mehta, Principal, Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Mumbai Prof. A. N. Sanghvi, Vice-Principal, Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Mumbai Mr. M. S. Ramanujam, Director, Institute of Applied Manpower Research, New Delhi Mr. K. Raghavan, Institute of Applied Manpower Research, New Delhi Mr. A.K. Mathur, Institute of Applied Manpower Research, New Delhi 79 Industry Mr. N. Srinivasan, Deputy Director General, Confederation of India Industries Mr. S. Kapoor, Chairman and Managing Director, Sona Steering System, New Delhi Mr. Dewang Mehta, Executive Director, NASSCOM, New Delhi Mr. Nanubhai Amin, Chairman, Jyoti Limited, Baroda Mr. Mrityunjay Athreya, Management Advisor, New Delhi Mr. Pradeep Chaturvedi, Executive Member, Institute of Engineers International Agencies Mr. Ralph W. Harbison, Sector Director, SASED, World Bank Prof. S. K. Shrivastava, Senior Education Specialist, World Bank Mr. Y. Saran, Consultant, World Bank Mr. Satya P. Mohapatra, UNESCO, New Delhi