THE WORLD BANK I WORLDBANKGROUP The World Bank Blvd. de la Revolution Tel.: (250) 252 591 300 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 609 Fax: (250) 252 576 385 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Kigali, Rwanda Our Ref. CL No 38/2022 February 23, 2022 Honorable Dr. Uzziel Ndagijimana Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Kigali, Rwanda Dear Honorable Minister, Subject: Republic ofRwanda - Grant No. A6567 Stunting Prevention and Reduction Project Second Amendment to the Grant Agreement We refer to the Grant Agreement dated March 7, 2018, entered into between the Republic of Rwanda ("Recipient") and the International Development Association ("Bank" or "Association") ("Agreement"), acting as administrator of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Achieving Nutrition Impact at Scale for the Stunting Prevention and Reduction Project ("Project"), as amended. We also refer to your letter, dated December 21, 2021, requesting the Association to reallocate funds following the activation of the Contingency Emergency Response Component ("CERC") under the Project. We are pleased to inform you that the Association agrees to your request and hereby proposes to amend the Agreement as follows: 1. The development objective of the Project is hereby amended to read as follows: "The objective of the Project is to contribute to the reduction in the stunting rate among children under five years of age (with a focus on those under two) in the Targeted Districts, and to provide immediate and effective response in the case of an eligible crisis or emergency". 2. The table in Section IV.A of Schedule 2 to the Agreement is hereby amended as set forth in the annex to this amendment letter. All the other provisions of the Agreement that have not been amended shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. Please indicate your agreement to the foregoing, on behalf of the Recipient, by countersigning and dating the form of confirmation on the two original copies of this letter and returning one original, as countersigned, to us. This amendment shall become effective as of the date of its countersignature. Sincerely, INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Rolande Pryce Country Manager CONFIRMED AND AGREED: REPUBLIC OF RWFA By:_ Name: Title: Date:,_ Annex Category Amount of the Percentage of Expenditures to be Financed Grant Allocated (inclusive of Taxes) (expressed in USD) (1) Goods, non- 3,000,000 75% consulting services, consulting services, and Training under Part 1(i) of the Project (2) Goods, non- 8,500,000 100% consulting services, consulting services, and Training under Part 2(ii) of the Project (3) Performance-Based 3,500,000 100% Payments under Part 2(i) of the Project (4) Goods, non- 2,500,000 0% until GFF A6783 fully utilized, thereafter consulting services, 100% consulting services, and Training under Parts 3(i) and (ii) of the Project (5) Goods, non- 2,500,000 0% until IDA Credit No. 61870-RW fully consulting services, utilized, thereafter 100% consulting services and Training under Part 1(vii) of the Project TOTAL AMOUNT 20,000,000