E986 Volume 3 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN The project Term of Reference require preparation of the Road Design in all components including widening of the existing carriageway and reconstruction of the sidewalks, within the existing right-of-way. The consultant has also prepared the detailed cost estimate for all the sections. In the project it is included the realignment of the new underground utilities such as: water drainage and sewerage, electric, telephone cables and street lighting system, traffic lighting; as well as road marking, vegetation where the width of the road allows. The monitoring program will be prepared in accordance with what is foreseen in the ToR according to the World Bank procedures and Albanian national legislation. The Albanian environmental laws, Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework, are identified in the EIA Report . The World Bank's procedures are outlined in the following documents: * Environment Department of the World Bank, Environmental Assessment Sourcebook Update - Environmental Management Plans, Number 25, January 1999 * The World Bank Operational Manual, Operational Polices, Environmental Management Plan, OP 4.01 - Annex C, January 1999 The environmental management plan (EMP) therefore, presents a set of mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures to be adopted during the construction and operational phases to eliminate or reduce adverse environmental and social impacts arising from the construction of the Tirana Middle Ring Road (MRR). It consists of the following components: - Environmental Mitigation Measures - Environmental Monitoring Plan - Institutional Arrangements 3.1 Environmental Mitigation Measures 3.1.1 Alignment The alignment of the new road follows the existing axis of the ring road. Widening of the carriageways will be carried out symmetrically in both sides of this axis. In all cases the new design respects the existing right-of-way as indicated in the City Master Plan. The Consultant prepared three options in order to minimize the demolition of structures. As result, it is avoided the destruction of houses, apartments and residential structures along all ring road sections. In cases when the residential structures were positioned within the new sidewalk, the consultant has chosen the solution of underpasses between the columns of the structures, thus reducing only the spaces of the ground floor, that in all FiLE COPY cases are identified as commercial or services spaces. By luck, no structures used as residence are positioned within the new carriageway or parking areas. 3.1.2 Archeological Survey A detailed archaeological survey of the final selected design is undertaken in parallel with the final design and should any archaeological relics be found, they shall be removed and preserved prior commencement of construction. In event that a significant find is located, such as relics of walls or any other type, the works will be immediately stopped and the contractor will notify the Project Manager and Employer, who on the other hand must pay the maximal attention in identifying and conservation of valuable objects. 3.1.3 Bidding Documents The bidding documents include all the requirements listed in Sub-section 3.3 below. The following provisions are incorporated into the bidding and contract documents. Embankment and & Slope protection. Bidding documents and contracts are amended to ensure that all necessary actions are taken to ensure embankment stabilization, including the selection of less eroded materials, placement of gabions, riprap and good compaction, particularly around bridges and culverts. Contract documents specify that final forming and re-vegetation will be completed as soon as possible, following fill placement to facilitate regeneration of a stabilizing ground cover. Trenching is required where necessary, to ensure successful establishment of vegetation. Contracts specify that: - Slopes of road embankments will be seeded with a fast growing crop and potential native seed mix immediately after fill placement to prevent scour and to encourage stabilization. - Embankment slopes and road cuts will be stabilized by re-vegetation with grazing resistant plant species, placement of fiber mats, rip-rap, rock gabions, or other appropriate technologies. - Discharge zones from drainage structures will be furnished with riprap to reduce erosion when required, particular in instances in which drainage structures are installed and/or road formation levels are raised and create bare slopes that require stabilization before the onset of the monsoon. - Down drains/chutes will be lined with rip-rap/masonry or concrete to prevent erosion. Side slopes will be adjusted to in a range to be determined as necessary and specified in the tender documents to reduce erosion potential or, if steeper, stabilized, covered with riprap or other material to prevent soil erosion. * Borrow Pit Restoration Requirements. The contracts are reviewed to ensure enforceable provisions stating that: - Borrow areas will be located outside the ROWs. - Pit restoration will follow the completion of works in full compliance to all applicable standards and specifications. - The excavation and restoration of the borrow areas and their surroundings, in an environmentally sound manner to the satisfaction of the GRD or the construction Supervision Consultant (SC) acting on behalf of the GRD, will be required before final acceptance and payment under the terms of contracts. - Borrow pit areas will be graded to ensure drainage and visual uniformity or to create permanent tanks/dams. - Topsoil from the opening of borrow pits will be saved and reused to re- vegetate the pits to the satisfaction of the SC. Additional borrow pits will not be opened without the restoration of those areas no longer in use. * Sitting of Construction Camps and Related Facilities. Project contract specifications stipulate that the sitting, construction and environmental restoration of facilities for the housing of construction personnel, the storage of equipment and vehicles, labor camps and similar facilities must be conducted to the satisfaction of, and are subject to the approval of the Supervision Consultant (SC). It is clear that the stipulations apply to all such facilities, including those that are privately negotiated. * Sitting of Asphalt Plants. Contract provisions require that asphalt and hot-mix plants will be located at least 500 meters away from the nearest sensitive receptor (e.g., school or hospital) and subject to the approval of the SC, and that operators are required to install emission controls. Contract specifications shall stipulate that the sitting, construction and environmental restoration of these facilities must also be conducted to the satisfaction of and are subject to the approval of the SC. It is clear that the stipulations apply to all such facilities, including those that are privately negotiated. * Other Construction Equipment. All construction equipment should be licensed and permitted in accordance with local requirements. Since Albania does not have requirements on air emission standards for construction equipment, such equipment shall be certified to meet European Community standards or equal The Contractor shall present a copy of such certification to the SC. * Baseline and Routine Periodic Air Quality Monitoring. Pre- construction monitoring of total suspended particulates (TSP) to establish the Contractor at locations shall undertake baseline conditions as determined advisable by the Supervision Consultant (SC). Construction contracts specify that instrumented monitoring will be required over a period of time of one month, prior to the initiation of construction to establish baselines against which impacts can be measured. Baseline monitoring locations should be determined on the basis of actual construction plans, including the specific locations of pollution sources (e.g., asphalt plants) and properly supervised by the MoTT/SC. Additional instrumented baseline monitoring for air pollutants other than TSP is not considered warranted in light of existing environmental conditions and/or the un- likeliness of significant Project impacts. Contingency provisions for additional baseline monitoring at the request of the MoT/SC, should be included, however, in the event that unforeseen circumstances are encountered. Specialized instrumented monitoring of total suspended particulate (TSP) at the same locations, as the earlier baseline monitoring points shall be stipulated for each Construction Package. Air quality monitoring should occur not less than once per month at each location and more frequently if determined necessary by the SC. Contingency provisions for additional air quality monitoring at the request of the MoT/SC if warranted by events should also be specified. Other Air Quality Provisions. In addition to the 'provisions for the sitting of asphalt plants, contract provisions shall also be reviewed to ensure that: - Open burning is prohibited. - Solvents and volatile materials shall be used to the satisfaction of the Supervision Consultant (SC). - Blasting (if any) is carried out using small charges. - Dust-generating items will be conveyed under cover. - Road surfaces, excavation and construction sites will be water sprayed to keep them moist for dust control as determined advisable by the SC. - Trucks carrying earth, sand or stone will be covered with tarps to avoid spilling. * Baseline and Routine Periodic Water Quality Monitoring. Pre-construction monitoring to establish baseline conditions should be undertaken at locations as determined by the SC. Baseline monitoring of water quality is recommended on the Tirana River close to the road alignment and work camp. Measurements of suspended solids (SS), biological oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity and fecal colform, and oil and grease levels are required. Instrumented monitoring of water quality and runoff from construction camps, staging areas and labor camps, not less than once every month is required. It is required to include measurements of suspended solids (SS), biological oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity and fecal coliform, and oil and grease. Contingency provisions for additional water quality at the request of the MoTT/SC, if warranted by events, should also be specified. * Other Provisions Related to Water Resources. In addition to the erosion control, labor camp and related provisions, accommodations incorporated in the detailed design contract provisions shall be reviewed to ensure the adequacy of waste disposal provisions, including provisions for the disposal of waste oil, human waste. * Baseline and Routine Periodic Noise Monitoring. Construction contracts specify the instrumented baseline noise monitoring over a stipulated period of time, prior to the initiation of construction, to establish baselines against which impacts can be measured. Additional instrumented baseline noise and vibration monitoring is not considered warranted in light of existing environment conditions (existing vibration levels in urban areas, for example, are essentially nil) and the unlikelihood of significant Project impacts. Contingency provisions for additional baseline noise monitoring, at the request of the SC, shall be included however, in the event that unforeseen circumstances are encountered. Routine instrumented monitoring of noise levels should be stipulated at not less than two locations in Road Rehabilitation Sites, at the same locations as the earlier baseline monitoring. Instrumented monitoring should be stipulated not less than once per month and more frequently if determined necessary by the SC. Contingency provisions for additional noise and vibration monitoring at the request of the SC if warranted by events should also be specified. * Other Noise-related Provisions. Contracts should specify source controls, time of day restrictions, time and activity constraints and community awareness activities. * Wastes. The contractor shall be required to dispose wastes in an environmentally sound way as specified in the Local Sanitary Regulations No. 376 date 17.11.1997 Item III- Disposal of Wastes (see Attachment 3). Wastes include sewage and solid wastes, waste lubricants, and construction wastes. The contractor shall prepare a plan for waste disposal to be submitted to the SC for his and MoT's approval. * Safety Provisions. Contracts contain provisions for detours and traffic interruptions, blasting procedures (if any) and emergency response procedures in the event of accidents or natural disasters. * Community Relations. Contracts contain provisions requiring public information programs in advance of construction, notification procedures, etc. * Cultural Resources. Contracts contain provisions to stop work and to notify the SC in the event of the finding of archaeological or cultural remains on the alignment, and to cease work in their vicinity until such time as a team from the Archaeological Institute of the Academy of Science of Albania can be sent to the field and it has had a reasonable opportunity to identify and remove any artifacts. The following is the procedure to be followed in the event that archaeological or cultural relics are found: * The Contractor shall stop work and notify the SC and the Director of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Ministry of Transport based at the General Roads Directorate and the Municipality of Tirana. * The PIU will then notify the General Director of GRD and General Director of the Public Works in the Municipality of Tirana that these must notify immediately the Archaeological Institute of the Academy of Science of Albania to take necessary actions. * The PIU will coordinate the mobilization of the team of experts to visit the site and to undertake the necessary steps for the identification and removal, if possible, of the finds and for the further monitoring of those areas that could be contain other relics to the find. * The contractor shall have the right to be compensated for the cost he has to bear for the immobilization of his equipment throughout the duration of the suspension of works in the area. Additional time will be given to the Contractor equal to the actual time he has obliged to stop works. * The cost of the team of archaeologists and excavation will be bome by the Municipality of Tirana. * Site cleanup. On completion of works the contractor shall be required to remove and cleanup all his work sites, removing and disposing of materials, debris, and wastes in an environmentally sound way. 3.1.4 Road Safety A Road Safety Audit program shall be undertaken by a specialized international Consultant in conjunction with the revision of the design and tender documents. This shall specify design measures, vertical and horizontal signage, guardrails and all other measures necessary to ensure maximum traffic safety. These measures shall be included in the contract drawings and technical specifications as appropriate. Further safety audits should be undertaken during construction and operation to ensure that measures are implemented and successful. The road safety program will include audits at the following stages: Prior to final design a road safety expert will visit the selected road aligniment and, after discussions with MoT/PIU, prepare an audit report indicating road safety elements to be included in the road design and incorporated into the construction contract drawings and specifications. * Prior to acceptance of the final design, the safety expert will review the design drawings and specifications to ensure that the safety requirements have been met. • On completion of constriction and prior to commissioning of the road the safety expert will inspect the road to ensure that the required safety features have been incorporated. He may also recommend additional administrative measures to be taken such as speed limits. He will submit an audit report indicating either acceptance of the road or listing items that need to be completed as well as his recommendations for administrative measures to be taken during operation of the road. * Approximately two years after the road has been opened the safety expert will inspect the road and review safety experience with the responsible authorities. He will prepare an audit report detailing any further measures he recommends improving safety. It is recommended that the safety audit procedure be combined with training in the procedure for MoT staff such that they would be capable of undertaking the audit procedure for other urban roads in Tirana in the future. 3.1.5 Construction Construction shall be undertaken in accordance with requirements of the revised tender documents including the specifications for minimizing enviromnmental impacts. The requirements of the resettlement plan shall be fully implemented to ensure that impacts on the project on the affected population are minimized. All administrative measures will be established prior to the destruction of any structure or the taking of urban land. Where commercial activities have to be resettled prior to the taking and destruction of existing structures. It is estimated that the contractor will employ approximately 200-250 local labor forces. The local workers will be hired locally and live at home or provide for their own housing. Implementation of the specifications shall be monitored by both the SC and MoT and PIU. Should a design-build contract be awarded it is recommended that an outside consultant be hired to review the Contractor's performance. MoT must fund the presence of a full-time environmental specialist during construction. Prior to completion and opening of the new design of the road to traffic a second Traffic Safety Audit shall be undertaken by an independent auditor to ensure that all the required safety measures have been installed. 3.2 Environmental Monitoring Plan The Environmental Monitoring Program incorporated in the Project will include routine site inspections and reporting. Specific baseline and periodic monitoring recommendations related to the major environmental criteria are as follows. These are summarized in Table. 3.2.1 Soil and Erosion-Related Monitoring - During construction the MoT Environmental Expert shall inspect all ongoing works weekly to ensure that soil erosion controls are being properly implemented. Where requirements are not being implemented, he/she shall immediately notify the Contractor and the SC who shall be responsible to ensure that appropriate corrective measures are taken. During operation, the MoT Environmental Officer shall inspect the roadway four times a year to determine whether any area is particularly susceptible to soil erosion, or whether such erosion is occurring. In the case that he/she finds signs of erosion, actual or potential, he shall immediately notify the responsible MoT office and superiors, which shall be responsible for taking appropriate corrective action. 3.2.2 Water Quality Monitoring Instrumented Baseline and Routine Periodic Water Quality Monitoring. Pre construction monitoring to establish baseline conditions should be undertaken at locations as determined advisable by the SC (See Section 3.2). Baseline monitoring of water quality will be carried out at the locations of major sources of potential water pollution (construction camps and other sources of significant runoff and liquid waste generation). Measurements of suspended solids (SS), biological oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity and fecal coliform, and oil and grease levels are recommended. The frequency of water quality monitoring shall be established by the SC during the construction period and implemented by MoTT and relevant public enterprises during the operation of the road. 3.2.3 Air Quality Monitoring Instrumented Baseline and Routine Periodic Air Quality Monitoring. Pre- construction monitoring to establish baseline conditions will be required at locations as determined advisable by the SC within the road rehabilitation segments of sufficient length to warrant such monitoring. Additional instrumented baseline monitoring for air pollutants other than TSP is not considered warranted in light of existing ambient conditions and the unlikelihood significant Project impacts. Contingency provisions for additional monitoring at the request of the MoT/PIU/SC will be specified however, in the event that unforeseen circumstances are encountered. 3.2.4 Noise Monitoring Baseline and Routine Periodic Noise Monitoring. Construction contracts will require instrumented monitoring over a period of time prior to the initiation of construction to establish baselines against which impacts can be measured. Baseline noise monitoring will be required only where the duration of potential impact and the proximity of sensitive receptors warrant such monitoring. This will be in the section one near the high school "Harry Fultz", in the section two near the market and in the section three in the Hospital territory. Routine instrumented monitoring of noise should be stipulated at same locations as the earlier baseline monitoring. Instrumented monitoring should be stipulated not less than once per year during operation of the road. 3.2.5 Reporting MoT and PIU Must prepare an annual report detailing the results of the monitoring program. 3.2.6 Mitigation Program Every environmental aspect is covered by the mitigation program (see the table), which includes the costs and entities/institutions responsible for taking the planned mitigation measures. As mentioned above, these measures are part of the construction contract. 3.2.7 Costs The cost for execution of the monitoring program includes costs of inspection, surveys, reporting. The total amount goes at about US$ .The costs during the construction phase have been calculated supposing a two- year construction period. Table 3.1 Baseline Construction Operation Total US$ 3,500 US$ 25,000 US$ 2,500 US$ 31,000 3.3 Institutional Arrangements Institutional Arrangements include the definition of responsibilities for the implementation and monitoring the mitigation measures as defined. In order to be able to undertake adequate monitoring of the Middle Ring Road EMP, the Municipality of Tirana (MoT) has appointed a full time Environmental Officer who will be in charge of the Projects Monitoring Unit in the General Directorate of Public Works. This official is among most qualified local experts and will also be given additional training as warranted. MoT has already an Environmental Inspectorate that will help and support in execution of the measures. This inspectorate will be part of the multi- disciplinary team in monitoring the Mitigation Plan. The location of the Environmental Inspectorate and Environmental Unit is shown in the Municipality of Tirana organization chart. Presently the activities of the Environmental Inspectorate are limited in the city solid waste disposal, marketing and sanitary regulations, etc. In the interim, both Environmental Unit within General Directorate of Public Works and Environmental Inspectorate need the assistance of experienced consultants (to be hired by GRD) to develop their guidelines for environmental impact assessment, mitigation measures and monitoring. Table 3.2 Environmental Miti2ation Plan Cost Institutional Responsibility Comments _______________ _________________ ~~~~(e.g. secondary impacts) Phase Issue Mitigating Install Operate Install Operate Measure Design Positive impacts: Positive impacts NA MoT NA - improved capacity to move people - using the optimal allowed road- NA MoT NA and goods between locations dimensions - improved walking-mobility of people - air-quality in compliance with NA MoT NA standards of Item 1.3 - benefit to local and city economy - planting of new vegetation in 4000 m2 NA MoT NA and 800 new trees along the sidewalks -using of improved pedestrian traffic NA MoT NA - reduced traffic congestion and system by new sidewalks, traffic lights, disruption signs for pedestrians, sidewalk lighting - using road lighting NA MoT NA - wider sidewalks - using of the traffic signal system - improved pedestrian safety - road signing and marking -using the new and bigger sewerage NA MoT NA pipes 2x300 mm instead of 2x200 mm -using the new and with bigger capacity NA MoT NA of water supply pipes. New PE 300 mm -improved sewerage main pipes instead of 200-250mm existing cast-iron old pipes. - improved and safer water supply NA NA - no land acquisition and expropriation Negative impacts: NA NA - as a reconstruction of the existed road doesn't have negative impacts Cost Institutional Responsibility Comments (e.g. secondary impacts) Phase Issue Mitigating Install Operate Install Operate Measure Construction Positive impacts: - increased number of direct jobs in the engineering and construction sectors - economic benefits from economic multiplier Negative impacts: Negative immaats: I. Material Supply I.Material Supply hl ln a)Requirement for official approval or a NA NA a) asphalt plant a) asphalt plant a) Asphalt Plant valid operating license from National owner owner -dust Environmiental Agency of Albania -worker health/safety (NEAA) specified in bid document b) Sand/Gravel b) see a) above NA NA b) Sand/gravel b) Sand/gravel -disturbance to river bed /water contractor contractor quality/ ecosystem c) borrow pits c) see a) plus borrow pit areas to be NA NA c) construction c) construction c) to be specified in bid restored at the end of the contract contractor contractor documents 2. Material Transport 2. Material Transport a) Asphalt a) Asphalt NA NA a) Truck operator a) Truck operator a), b) and c) to be -dust/fumes - cover or wet truck load specified in bi d. documents b) Sand/Gravel b) Sand/Gravel NA NA b) Truck Operator b) Truck Operator -dust - cover or wet truck load c) Traffic Management c) Traffic Management NA minimal c) Truck Operator c) Truck Operator -noise and vehicular exhaust, road - haul material at off-peak traffic hours; congestion use routes to minimize major traffic sites 3. Construction Site 3. Construction Site a) Noise a) Limit activities of traffic after (not NA NA a)construction a)eonstruction Points a) to i) to be between 11.00 p.m. to 7.00 a.m., or as contractor contractor specified in bid agreed in consultation with the public documents b) Dust b) Water construction site and materials YES YES b) construction b) construction storage sites as specified in EMP 3.3 contractor contractor c) Traffic Disruption (during c) Measures to redirect traffic with NA NA c) construction c) construction construction activity) signs that are easily seen and follow. contractor contractor d) Vehicular/pedestrian safety (d) Visible and well defined safety signs YES YES d) construction d) construction date 17.11.1997 contractor contractor e) water pollution from improper e) cover material storage areas; construct materials storage channels to run off to sewage system YES YES e) construction eontruto contractor contractor f) sediment run off f) pr-ovide sediment fence, straw bales, YES YES f) construction f0 construction etc contractor contractor Cost Institutional Responsibility Comments _(e.g. secondary impacts) Phase Issue Mitigating Install Operate Install Operate Measure g) protection of water resources g) take measures to prevent direct entry YES YES g) Construction g) Construction of water from construction sites into contractor contractor streams, canals, lakes, wells; provide detention basins, where needed. h) archeological findings h) notify archelogocial authority and NA NA h) Construction h) Construction follow their directions contractor contractor i) construction camps i) location of construction camps to be YES YES i) Construction i) Construction approved by local authority contractor contractor 4. Waste Disposal 4. Waste Disposal a)Construction debris (concrete, asphalt a)Dispose of in approved locality and YES NA a) Construction a) NA a) and b) to be specified fuels, paints, contaminated soil) cover with inert material as specified in contractor in bid documents SEI 2.2.1. b) Solid waste b) Dispose of properly in accordance YES YES b) Constructio b) Construction with local sanitary regulations No. 376 n contractor contractor Operations & Positive impacts: Positive impacts: Maintenance - reduced fuel consumption from -using the optimal driving speed up to 40 reduced congestion km/h - longer vehicle life resulting from - reducing the travel time and vehicle improved smoother road surface consumption - reduced greenhouse gas emissions - increasing of road safety from improved vehicle performance associated with less congestion etc. Neeative impacts: Negative impacts: 1. Maintenance of Constructed Road 1. Maintenance of Constructed Road NA Minimal NA MoT - Noise, increased speed on roadways - limit activities after 10.00 pm leading to higher noise levels - limit driving speed up to 40 km/h Table 3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN Cost Resoonsibility Phase What Where How When Why Install ODerate Install Operate is to be monitored is the parameter to is the parameter to is the parameter to be be monitored/type of be monitored monitored monitoring equipment . Construction Material SUDpVr (a) Asphalt Plant (a) [NEAA] (a) NA (a) GRD Supervision (a) At start of (a) Assure plant (a) NA (a) NA (a) Asphalt (a) Asphalt (a) INEAA] ~~~~~~Consultant ()Astt0compliance with Plant Owner Plant Owner approval or valid contract environment, health and operating license safety requirements of (b) Stone Albania QuarTy (b) NA (b) GRD Supervision (b) NA (b) NA (b) Quarry (b) Quarry (b) See (a) Consultant (b) At start of (b), (c) and (d) Assure Owner Owner (c) Sand/Gravel contract that contractor has (c) NA (c) GRD Supervision relevant permissions for (c) NA (c) NA (d) Borrow pits Consultant (c) At start of material extraction (c) Sand/Gravel (c) Sand/Gravel (c) See (a) (d) Borrow (d) GRD Supervision contract Contractor Contractor (d) See (a) plus pit sites Consultant (d) At any time (d) NA (d) NA (d) (d) restoration at end borrow pits are Construction Construction Material of Contract proposed Contractor Contractor Transport (a) Asphalt (a) Job site (a) GRD Supervision (a) After work starts- (a) Assure Contractor (a) NA (a) Small (a) NA (a) MoT (a) Truck load Consultant several unannounced complies with Genel covered or wet inspections requirement Directorate of Public Works + Supervision Consultant Cost Resnonsibility Phase What Where HQw When Why Install Operate Install Operate is to be monitored is the parameter to is the parameter to is the parameter to be be monitored/type of be monitored monitored monitoring equipment Construction Materia Transport (b) Truck load (b) Job site (b) GRD Supervision (b) After work starts- (b) Assure Contractor (b) NA (b) Small (b) NA (b) See (a) (b) Stone covered or wet Consultant several unannounced complies with inspections requirement (c) Sand/Gravel (c) See (b) (c) See (b) (c) See (b) (c) See (b) (c) See (b) (c) NA (c) Small (c) NA (c) See (a) (d) Hours and (d) See (b) (d) See (b) (d) See (b) (d) See (b) (d) NA (d) Small (d) NA (d) See (a) (d) Traffic routes selected Management Construction Site (a) Noise levels (a) At site or (a) Sound level (a) Once/week- (AM- (a) Ensure noise levels (a) NA (a) NA (a) NEAA (a) MoE + (a) Noise nearest detector PM) and when locals at acceptable level MoT homes complain Supervision Consultant (b) Air quality (b) At site (b) Ringlemann or (b) During material (b) Ensure dust levels (b) NA (b) NA (b) NEAA (b) Dust (dust) equivalent delivery and kept to a minimum (b) See (a) construction (c) Traffic pattems (c) At or (c) Approval of TMP (c) TMP as necessary (c) Ensure contractor's (c) NA (c) NA (c) NA (c) MoT (c) Traffic + preparation of near site and observation by + once/week at peak vehicles not causing General Disruption traffic GRD Supervision and non peak periods congestion Directorate (during management plan Consultant of Public construction) Works + Supervision Consultant Cost Responsibility Phase What Where How When Why Install ODerate Install Operate is to be monitored is the parameter to is the parameter to is the parameter to be be monitored/type of be monitored monitored monitoring ______________ _________________ equipm entl______ ________equipm ent Construction Construction Site (d) Visibility and (d) At or (d) Approval of (d) TMP as necessary (d) Ensure contractor's (e) NA (e) NA (d) NA (d) MoT (d) Vehicular/ appropriateness + near site TMP and observation + once/week during works not causing . General Pedestman traffic by ORD Supervision evening traffic safety problems Directorate Safety (after management plan Consultant of Public hours when Works + there is no Supervision construction Consultant activity) (e) Water quality (e) Runoff (e) Observation by (e) During (e) Ensure contractor's (e) NA (e) NA (e) MoE (e) MoE+ (e) Water (primarily from site or GRD Supervision precipitation (rain, works materials not MoT Pollution (from suspended solids) materials Consultant + water snow etc.) and causing water pollution Supervision Impaper storage areas sample collected for periodically during Consultant Materials analysis if necessary storage period Storage/ Management) (f) Water quality (f) Runoff (f) Observation by (f) During occurrence (f) Ensure contractor's (f) NA (f) NA (f) MoE (f) MoE+ (f) Sediment (primarily from site GRD Supervision of sediment runoff works not causing water MoT runoff suspended solids) Consultant + water pollution Supervision sample collected for Consultant analysis if necessary Cost Responsibility Phase What Where How When Why Install Operate Install Operate is to be monitored is the parameter to is the parameter to is the parameter to be be monitored/type of be monitored monitored monitoring equipment Construction Construction Site (g) Water quality (g) At (g) GRD Supervision (g) Water samples to (g) Ensure water (g) NA (g) Small (g) MoE (g) MoE+ (g) Protection of water resource resource Consultant to collect be taken monthly and resources not polluted MoT of water location water sample for analyzed by by the works Supervision resources analysis as necessary competent laboratory Consultant (h) Archaeo- (h) At site (h) Observation by (h) At time of (h) Archaeological finds (h) NA (h) NA (h) MoE (h) Archaeo- logical finds to be GRD Supervision discovery to be reported by (h) MoE+ logical finds reported Consultant and Contractor MoT notification to Supervision Archaeology Consultant Department (i) Location of (i) At site (i) GRD Supervision (i) At start of contract (i) Ensure contractor's (i) NA (i) NA (i) MoE (i) Construction construction Consultant choice of location for camps camps to approved camps is approved by (i) MoE + by Local Local Authority MoT Authority Supervision Consultant Cost Resoonsibilitv Phase What Where How When Why Install Onerate Install Operate is to be monitored is the parameter to is the parameter to is the parameter to be be monitored/type of be monitored monitored monitoring equipment Construction Waste Dlisposal (a) Construct- ion debris (a) Surplus or (a) At (a) GRD Supervision (a) At time of (a) Ensure correct (a) NA (a) Small (a) MoE (a) MoE + MoT (including unsuitable authorized/ Consultant disposal disposal of waste and Supervision contaminated materials to licensed tips hazardous materials Consultant soils) disposed of in authorized tips (b) Solid waste (b) Solid wastes to (b) At (b) GRD Supervision (b) At time of (b) Ensure correct (b) NA (b) Small (b) MoE (b) MoE + MoT disposed of to authorized/ Consultant disposal disposal of waste Supervision authorized licensed tips materials Consultant receivers cost Responsibility Phase What Where How When Why Install Operate Install Operate is to be monitored is the parameter to is the parameter to is the parameter to be be monitored/type of be monitored monitored monitoring equipment . Operation Maintenance of Constnrcted Road (a) Noise (a) Noise levels (a) At site or (a) Sound revel (a)ntenanc (a) NA (a) NA (a) MoE (a) MoE nearest activities or when homes locals complain Road Safetv (a) Condition of (a) Visual (a) One - two (a) NA (a)NA (a) NA (a)MoT General (a) Rock falls, hazard signs Observation times/year Directorate of (a) Along Public Works land erosion, highway hazardous segment included in conditions project 3.4 Reporting The results of the monitoring programme will be included in formal written reports and submitted to MoT, MoE and World Bank for review. The contractor and construction supervision companies will be requested to report their daily measurements and observations for environmental perfomnance on a monthly basis. They will be further requested to report immediately any- unexpected environmental pollution or impacts so that MoT and/or contractors can take appropriate actions to mitigate. 3.5 Estimated Monitoring Cost The cost for the execution of the monitoring surveys includes both the tests and the reports. It is about $290,187. In the table the costs for each single phase are reported. It has to be pointed out that the costs during the construction phase have been calculated based on the assumption that it will take 5 years for the realisation of the project. Table 3.4 Monitoring Costs | BASELINE CONSTRUCTION OPERATION $600 $14,000 0,0 TOTAL costs $2,000 3.6 Institutional Arrangements The contractor would have the task of preparing the detailed Monitoring Plan that would be developed in accordance with MoT and MoE. MoT will have the responsibility to coordinate and to control the monitoring activities. MoT will have to constitute a group of technicians that will control the elaboration of the Plan and the execution of the measures (Environmental Protection Office). This group will be supported by an environmental consultant, possibly an intemational consultant with a significant experience. MoE (see Figure would propose to the Council of Ministers (CoM) the activities conceming the monitoring in order to involve the specialists of the Environmental Inspectorate (see Articles 60 and 61, Law No. 8934 of 9/5/2002). A multi- disciplinary team would be constituted that would demonstrate it has the equipment and qualified personnel to elaborate and carry out the monitoring. The Enviromnent Management Organisation is showed in Figure below. 123 Mott MacDonald TECNIC Consulting Engineers Updated and Revised by Scott Wilson February 2004 Fi 1. Environment Manag ement Organisation MOT MoE CONTRACTOR / SUPER VISON CONSULTANT SURVEY DATA ELABORATION CONTROL CONTROL REPORTAND SUMMARY RESULTS EVALUATION DEFINE Control MITIGATION Approval F IMPLEMENT MITIGATION Mott MacDonald TECNIC Consulting Engineers 124 Updated and Revised by Scott Wilson February 2004 Fig. 2 Ministry of Environment Organization Chart |Vice Ministerne | Gerneral | Environment Inspectorate Secretary (Chief Inspector + 3 Inspectors) Directorate of Directorate of Directorate of Directorate of Directorate of Environmental pollution Control Environmental Environmental Policies, Foreign Protection (air, water, waste Impact Integration and Communication & management) assessment Legislation Cooperation Directorate of Regional Human Resources Environmental and Services Agencies (n 12) 125 Figure 3 Management of Environmental Aspects Organization chart DEVELOPMENT HYPOTHESIS Gen Dir. Of Public Works Ministry of Environment | |World Bank | Environmental Unit M o E Environmental Environmental Environment Inspectorate Protection Office nspectorate | T tcontractor 1 126