81559 BUDGET COMMITTEE FROM: The Secretary, Budget Committee Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at 10:02 a.m. in the Board Room Present Committee Mr. Whitehead (Chair) Mr. Baeten (Acting Alternate) Mr. Bravo Mr. Frieden Mr. Grishin Mr. Kipping (Acting Alternate) Mr. Muhtar Mr. Tan Other Executive Directors and Alternates Messrs./Mmes. Atheeq, Chebil, Coutanche, Diallo, Dufey, Fernandez, Gooch, Hassan, Imo Evalu, Julia, Kivine, Kristiyanto, Lourenco, Lutfi, , Mammo, Mukai, Pang, Rosseel, Ruggiero, Suescun, Tamoznnikov, Vumendlini-Schalk, Wissa, Zang and Zhephyrine Officers and Staff Messrs./Mmes. Betancourt, Kobayashi, Muleri, Quintrell, Shyam-Sunder, Williams and Wormser. Jarik (Committee Secretary) MIGA 2013 EVP Report - Third Quarter 1. The Committee discussed the paper entitled MIGA 2013 EVP Report - Third Quarter (MIGA/SecM2013-0045). The highlights and conclusions of the discussion were circulated to the Board (BC/GS2013-0015). Record of Previous Approvals 2. The Committee recorded its approval of the minutes of the previous meetings held on January 23, 2013 (AC/M2013-0003[BC/M2013-0001]), June 13, 2012 (BC/M2013-0002), September 13, 2012 (BC/M2013-0003), November 28, 2012 (BC/M2013-0004) and January 9, 2013 (BC/M2013-0005). Date of Next Meeting 3. The Committee was scheduled to meet on May 22, 2013. Adjournment 4. The meeting adjourned at 10:53 a.m.