Doing Business 2017 Argentina Economy Profile 2017 Argentina Doing Business 2017 Argentina 2 © 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: Some rights reserved 1 2 3 4 19 18 17 16 This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. 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Examples of components can include, but are not limited to, tables, figures, or images. All queries on rights and licenses should be addressed to World Bank Publications, The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2625; e-mail: ISBN (paper): 978-1-4648-0948-4 ISBN (electronic): 978-1-4648-0984-2 DOI: 10.1596/978-1-4648-0948-4 ISSN: 1729-2638 COVER DESIGN: CORPORATE VISIONS, INC. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 3 CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 4 Starting a business ..................................................................................................................... 17 Dealing with conustruction permits ........................................................................................ 27 Getting electricity ....................................................................................................................... 43 Registering property .................................................................................................................. 52 Getting credit .............................................................................................................................. 64 Protecting minority investors ................................................................................................... 69 Paying taxes ................................................................................................................................ 76 Trading across borders .............................................................................................................. 82 Enforcing contracts .................................................................................................................... 89 Resolving insolvency .................................................................................................................. 96 Labor market regulation ......................................................................................................... 100 Distance to frontier and ease of doing business ranking .................................................... 106 Resources on the Doing Business website ............................................................................ 109 Doing Business 2017 Argentina 4 INTRODUCTION Doing Business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is also provides data for other selected economies for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to (comparator economies) for each indicator. The data in medium-size business when complying with relevant this report are current as of June 1, 2016 (except for the regulations. It measures and tracks changes in paying taxes indicators, which cover the period January– regulations affecting 11 areas in the life cycle of a December 2015). business: starting a business, dealing with construction The Doing Business methodology has limitations. Other permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting areas important to business—such as an economy’s credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, proximity to large markets, the quality of its trading across borders, enforcing contracts, resolving infrastructure services (other than those related to insolvency and labor market regulation. Doing Business trading across borders and getting electricity), the 2017 presents the data for the labor market regulation security of property from theft and looting, the indicators in an annex. The report does not present transparency of government procurement, rankings of economies on labor market regulation macroeconomic conditions or the underlying strength of indicators or include the topic in the aggregate distance institutions—are not directly studied by Doing Business. to frontier score or ranking on the ease of doing The indicators refer to a specific type of business, business. generally a local limited liability company operating in In a series of annual reports Doing Business presents the largest business city. Because standard assumptions quantitative indicators on business regulations and the are used in the data collection, comparisons and protection of property rights that can be compared benchmarks are valid across economies. The data not across 190 economies, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, only highlight the extent of obstacles to doing business; over time. The data set covers 48 economies in Sub- they also help identify the source of those obstacles, Saharan Africa, 32 in Latin America and the Caribbean, 25 supporting policy makers in designing regulatory reform. in East Asia and the Pacific, 25 in Eastern Europe and More information is available in the full report. Doing Central Asia, 20 in the Middle East and North Africa and Business 2017 presents the indicators, analyzes their 8 in South Asia, as well as 32 OECD high-income relationship with economic outcomes and presents economies. The indicators are used to analyze economic business regulatory reforms. The data, along with outcomes and identify what reforms have worked, where information on ordering Doing Business 2017, are and why. available on the Doing Business website at This economy profile presents the Doing Business indicators for Argentina. To allow useful comparison, it Doing Business 2017 Argentina 5 CHANGES IN DOING BUSINESS 2017 As part of a three-year update in methodology, Doing having equal evidentiary weight of women’s testimony in Business 2017 expands further by adding postfiling court. processes to the paying taxes indicator, including a Also for the first time this year Doing Business collects gender component in three of the indicators and data on Somalia, bringing the total number of developing a new pilot indicator on selling to the economies covered to 190. government. Also, for the first time this year Doing Business collects data on Somalia, bringing the total For more details on the changes, see the “”Old and new number of economies covered to 190. factors covered in Doing Business” section in the The paying taxes indicator is expanded this year to Overview chapter starting on page 1 of the Doing include postfiling processes – those processes that occur Business 2017 report. For more details on the data and after a firm complies with its regular tax obligations. methodology, please see the “Data Notes” chapter These include tax refunds, tax audits and tax appeals. In starting on page 114 of the Doing Business 2017 report. particular, Doing Business measures the time it takes to For more details on the distance to frontier metric, get a value added tax (VAT) refund, deal with a simple please see the “Distance to frontier and ease of doing mistake on a corporate tax return that can potentially business ranking” chapter in this profile. trigger an audit and good practices with administrative appeals process. This year’s Doing Business report presents a gender dimension in four of the indicator sets: starting a business, registering property, enforcing contracts and labor market regulation. Three of these areas are included in the distance to frontier score and in the ease of doing business ranking, while the fourth —labor market regulation—is not. Doing Business has traditionally assumed that the entrepreneurs or workers discussed in the case studies were men. This was incomplete by not reflecting correctly the Doing Business processes as applied to women—which in some economies may be different from the processes applied to men. Starting this year, Doing Business measures the starting a business process for two case scenarios: one where all entrepreneurs are men and one where all entrepreneurs are women. In economies where the processes are more onerous if the entrepreneur is a woman, Doing Business now counts the extra procedures applied to roughly half of the population that is female (for example, obtaining a husband’s consent or gender-specific requirements for opening a personal bank account when starting a business). Within the registering property indicators, a gender component has been added to the quality of land administration index. This component measures women’s ability to use, own, and transfer property according to the law. Finally, within the enforcing contracts indicator set, economies will be scored on Doing Business 2017 Argentina 6 THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT For policy makers trying to improve their economy’s regulatory environment for business, a good place to start ECONOMY OVERVIEW is to find out how it compares with the regulatory environment in other economies. Doing Business provides an aggregate ranking on the ease of doing business Region: Latin America & Caribbean based on indicator sets that measure and benchmark regulations applying to domestic small to medium-size Income category: High income businesses through their life cycle. Economies are ranked from 1 to 190 by the ease of doing business ranking. Population: 43,416,755 Doing Business presents results for 2 aggregate measures: the distance to frontier score and the ease of doing GNI per capita (US$): 14,510 business ranking. The ranking of economies is determined by sorting the aggregate distance to frontier scores, DB2017 rank: 116 rounded to two decimals. An economy’s distance to frontier score is indicated on a scale from 0 to 100, where DB2016 rank: 118* 0 represents the worst performance and 100 the frontier. Change in rank: 2 (See the chapter on the distance to frontier and ease of doing business). DB 2017 DTF: 57.45 The ease of doing business ranking compares economies with one another; the distance to frontier score DB 2016 DTF: 57.04 benchmarks economies with respect to regulatory best practice, showing the absolute distance to the best Change in DTF: 0.41 performance on each Doing Business indicator. When compared across years, the distance to frontier score * DB2016 ranking shown is not last year’s published shows how much the regulatory environment for local ranking but a comparable ranking for DB2016 that entrepreneurs in an economy has changed over time in captures the effects of such factors as data revisions absolute terms, while the ease of doing business ranking and the changes in methodology. See the data notes can show only how much the regulatory environment has starting on page 114 of the Doing Business 2017 changed relative to that in other economies. report for sources and definitions. The 10 topics included in the ranking in Doing Business 2017: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency. The labor market regulation indicators are not included in this year’s aggregate ease of doing business ranking, but the data are presented in the economy profile. Doing Business 2017 Argentina THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Figure 1.1 Where economies stand in the global ranking on the ease of doing business Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT For policy makers, knowing where their economy regional average (figure 1.2). The economy’s rankings stands in the aggregate ranking on the ease of doing (figure 1.3) and distance to frontier scores (figure 1.4) business is useful. Also useful is to know how it ranks on the topics included in the ease of doing business relative to comparator economies and relative to the ranking provide another perspective. Figure 1.2 How Argentina and comparator economies rank on the ease of doing business Note: The rankings are benchmarked to June 2016 and based on the average of each economy’s distance to frontier (DTF) scores for the 10 topics included in this year’s aggregate ranking. The distance to frontier score benchmarks economies with respect to regulatory practice, showing the absolute distance to the best performance in each Doing Business indicator. An economy’s distance to frontier score is indicated on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 represents the worst performance and 100 the frontier. For the economies for which the data cover 2 cities, scores are a population-weighted average for the 2 cities. Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 9 THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Figure 1.3 Rankings on Doing Business topics - Argentina (Scale: Rank 190 center, Rank 1 outer edge) Figure 1.4 Distance to frontier scores on Doing Business topics - Argentina (Scale: Score 0 center, Score 100 outer edge) Source: Doing Business database. Note: The rankings are benchmarked to June 2016 and based on the average of each economy’s distance to frontier (DTF) scores for the 10 topics included in this year’s aggregate ranking. The distance to frontier score benchmarks economies with respect to regulatory practice, showing the absolute distance to the best performance in each Doing Business indicator. An economy’s distance to frontier score is indicated on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 represents the worst performance and 100 the frontier. For the economies for which the data cover 2 cities, scores are a population-weighted average for the 2 cities. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 10 THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Just as the overall ranking on the ease of doing business Doing Business introduced the distance to frontier score. tells only part of the story, so do changes in that ranking. This measure shows how far on average an economy is Yearly movements in rankings can provide some indication from the best performance achieved by any economy on of changes in an economy’s regulatory environment for each Doing Business indicator. firms, but they are always relative. Comparing the measure for an economy at 2 points in time Moreover, year-to-year changes in the overall rankings do allows users to assess how much the economy’s regulatory not reflect how the business regulatory environment in an environment as measured by Doing Business has changed economy has changed over time—or how it has changed over time—how far it has moved toward (or away from) in different areas. To aid in assessing such changes, the most efficient practices and strongest regulations in areas covered by Doing Business (figure 1.5). Figure 1.5 How far has Argentina come in the areas measured by Doing Business? Note: The distance to frontier score shows how far on average an economy is from the best performance achieved by any economy on each Doing Business indicator. Starting a business is comparable to 2010. Getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes and resolving insolvency had methodology changes in 2014 and thus are only comparable to 2013. Dealing with construction permits, registering property, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and getting electricity had methodology changes in 2015 and thus are only comparable to 2014. The measure is normalized to range between 0 and 100, with 100 representing the best performance (the frontier). See the data notes starting on page 114 of the Doing Business 2017 report for more details on the distance to frontier score. Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 11 THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT The absolute values of the indicators tell another part of regulation—such as a regulatory process that can be the story (table 1.1). The indicators, on their own or in completed with a small number of procedures in a few comparison with the indicators of a good practice days and at a low cost. Comparison of the economy’s economy or those of comparator economies in the indicators today with those in the previous year may region, may reveal bottlenecks reflected in large numbers show where substantial bottlenecks persist—and where of procedures, long delays or high costs. Or they may they are diminishing. reveal unexpected strengths in an area of business Table 1.1 Summary of Doing Business indicators for Argentina Best performer globally Argentina DB2017 Argentina DB2016 Colombia DB2017 Uruguay DB2017 Mexico DB2017 Indicator Brazil DB2017 Chile DB2017 Peru DB2017 DB2017 Starting a Business 157 154 175 59 61 93 103 60 1 (New Zealand) (Rank) Starting a Business (DTF 73.56 73.36 65.04 89.84 89.57 85.74 85.01 89.79 99.96 (New Zealand) Score) Procedure – Men 14.0 14.0 11.0 7.0 6.0 7.8 6.0 5.0 1.0 (New Zealand) (number) Time – Men (days) 25.0 25.0 79.5 5.5 9.0 8.4 26.0 6.5 0.5 (New Zealand) Cost – Men (% of 9.3 9.7 5.2 0.7 7.5 17.8 9.9 22.5 0.0 (Slovenia) income per capita) Procedure – Women 14.0 14.0 11.0 7.0 6.0 7.8 6.0 5.0 1.0 (New Zealand) (number) Time – Women (days) 25.0 25.0 79.5 5.5 9.0 8.4 26.0 6.5 0.5 (New Zealand) Cost – Women (% of 9.3 9.7 5.2 0.7 7.5 17.8 9.9 22.5 0.0 (Slovenia) income per capita) Paid-in min. capital (% 0.0 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (127 Economies*) of income per capita) Dealing with 173 169 172 26 34 83 51 163 1 (New Zealand) Construction Permits Doing Business 2017 Argentina 12 Best performer globally Argentina DB2017 Argentina DB2016 Colombia DB2017 Uruguay DB2017 Mexico DB2017 Indicator Brazil DB2017 Chile DB2017 Peru DB2017 DB2017 (Rank) Dealing with Construction Permits 51.17 51.34 51.28 78.83 76.54 69.79 74.70 54.79 87.40 (New Zealand) (DTF Score) Procedures (number) 21.0 21.0 18.2 13.0 10.0 13.0 14.0 21.0 7.0 (4 Economies*) Time (days) 341.0 341.0 425.7 152.0 73.0 86.4 174.0 251.0 28.0 (Korea, Rep.) Cost (% of warehouse 0.1 (Trinidad and 2.8 2.6 0.4 0.6 6.7 9.8 0.5 1.1 value) Tobago) Building quality control 11.0 11.0 9.0 13.0 11.0 11.7 12.0 8.0 15.0 (Luxembourg*) index (0-15) Getting Electricity 91 87 47 64 74 98 62 43 1 (Korea, Rep.) (Rank) Getting Electricity (DTF 69.98 70.00 81.23 78.31 73.73 68.32 79.06 82.12 99.88 (Korea, Rep.) Score) Procedures (number) 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 5.0 6.8 5.0 5.0 3.0 (15 Economies*) Time (days) 92.0 92.0 64.4 43.0 109.0 100.4 67.0 48.0 18.0 (Korea, Rep.*) Cost (% of income per 32.2 24.9 58.0 70.5 581.4 336.7 335.5 12.5 0.0 (Japan) capita) Reliability of supply and transparency of tariff 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.2 6.0 6.0 8.0 (26 Economies*) index (0-8) Registering Property 114 113 128 58 53 101 37 110 1 (New Zealand) (Rank) Registering Property 56.32 56.31 52.62 70.89 73.29 61.05 76.69 58.01 94.46 (New Zealand) (DTF Score) Procedures (number) 7.0 7.0 13.6 6.0 6.0 7.7 4.0 9.0 1.0 (4 Economies*) Doing Business 2017 Argentina 13 Best performer globally Argentina DB2017 Argentina DB2016 Colombia DB2017 Uruguay DB2017 Mexico DB2017 Indicator Brazil DB2017 Chile DB2017 Peru DB2017 DB2017 Time (days) 51.5 51.5 31.4 28.5 16.0 42.1 6.5 66.0 1.0 (3 Economies*) Cost (% of property 6.6 6.6 3.1 1.2 2.0 5.2 3.3 7.0 0.0 (Saudi Arabia) value) Quality of the land administration index (0- 13.0 13.0 13.8 14.0 16.5 16.3 17.0 23.0 29.0 (Singapore) 30) Getting Credit (Rank) 82 78 101 82 2 5 16 62 1 (New Zealand) Getting Credit (DTF 50.00 50.00 45.00 50.00 95.00 90.00 80.00 60.00 100.00 (New Zealand) Score) Strength of legal rights 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 4.0 12.0 (3 Economies*) index (0-12) Depth of credit 8.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 (30 Economies*) information index (0-8) Credit registry coverage 41.6 42.6 53.4 48.4 0.0 0.0 37.4 100.0 100.0 (3 Economies*) (% of adults) Credit bureau coverage 100.0 100.0 78.9 12.4 92.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 (23 Economies*) (% of adults) Protecting Minority 51 48 32 32 13 53 53 123 1 (New Zealand*) Investors (Rank) Protecting Minority 61.67 61.67 65.00 65.00 73.33 60.00 60.00 45.00 83.33 (New Zealand*) Investors (DTF Score) Strength of minority investor protection 6.2 6.2 6.5 6.5 7.3 6.0 6.0 4.5 8.3 (New Zealand) index (0-10) Extent of conflict of interest regulation 5.0 5.0 5.7 7.0 8.0 6.0 7.0 5.0 9.3 (New Zealand) index (0-10) Extent of shareholder 7.3 7.3 7.3 6.0 6.7 6.0 5.0 4.0 8.3 (Norway) governance index (0- Doing Business 2017 Argentina 14 Best performer globally Argentina DB2017 Argentina DB2016 Colombia DB2017 Uruguay DB2017 Mexico DB2017 Indicator Brazil DB2017 Chile DB2017 Peru DB2017 DB2017 10) 1 (United Arab Paying Taxes (Rank) 178 179 181 120 139 114 105 113 Emirates) Paying Taxes (DTF 99.44 (United Arab 39.76 37.99 33.03 63.85 58.91 65.81 69.04 66.08 Score) Emirates) Payments (number per 3.0 (Hong Kong SAR, 9.0 9.0 9.6 7.0 12.0 6.0 9.0 20.0 year) China*) Time (hours per year) 359.0 405.0 2038.0 291.0 239.0 286.0 260.0 271.0 55.0 (Luxembourg) Total tax rate (% of 106.0 137.6 68.4 30.5 69.8 52.0 35.6 41.8 26.1 (32 Economies*) profit) Postfiling index (0-100) 17.0 5.6 47.5 32.2 49.3 98.5 (Estonia) Trading across Borders 111 117 149 65 121 61 86 146 1 (10 Economies*) (Rank) Trading across Borders 100.00 (10 65.36 62.85 55.57 80.56 62.83 82.09 71.45 55.98 (DTF Score) Economies*) Time to export: Border 21 21 49 60 112 20 48 120 0 (18 Economies*) compliance (hours) Cost to export: Border 150 150 959 290 545 400 460 1095 0 (18 Economies*) compliance (USD) Time to export: Documentary 30 30 18 24 60 8 48 24 1 (25 Economies*) compliance (hours) Cost to export: Documentary 60 60 226 50 90 60 50 231 0 (19 Economies*) compliance (USD) Time to import: Border 60 60 63 54 112 44 72 13 0 (25 Economies*) compliance (hours) Doing Business 2017 Argentina 15 Best performer globally Argentina DB2017 Argentina DB2016 Colombia DB2017 Uruguay DB2017 Mexico DB2017 Indicator Brazil DB2017 Chile DB2017 Peru DB2017 DB2017 Cost to import: Border 1200 1200 970 290 545 450 583 375 0 (28 Economies*) compliance (USD) Time to import: Documentary 192 336 120 36 64 18 72 72 1 (29 Economies*) compliance (hours) Cost to import: Documentary 120 120 107 50 50 100 80 285 0 (30 Economies*) compliance (USD) Enforcing Contracts 50 50 37 56 174 40 63 111 1 (Korea, Rep.) (Rank) Enforcing Contracts 64.81 64.81 67.41 62.81 34.29 67.01 60.70 54.44 84.15 (Korea, Rep.) (DTF Score) Time (days) 660.0 660.0 731.0 480.0 1288.0 340.7 426.0 725.0 164.0 (Singapore) Cost (% of claim) 22.5 22.5 20.7 28.6 45.8 33.0 35.7 23.2 9.0 (Iceland) Quality of judicial 11.5 11.5 13.6 9.0 9.0 10.1 8.5 7.0 15.5 (Australia) processes index (0-18) Resolving Insolvency 98 94 67 55 33 30 79 61 1 (Finland) (Rank) Resolving Insolvency 41.87 42.12 49.15 55.51 71.74 73.11 45.85 52.26 93.89 (Finland) (DTF Score) Recovery rate (cents on 22.6 23.1 15.8 33.5 69.4 69.1 30.0 41.9 92.9 (Norway) the dollar) Time (years) 2.8 2.8 4.0 3.2 1.7 1.8 3.1 1.8 0.4 (22 Economies*) Cost (% of estate) 14.5 14.5 12.0 14.5 8.5 18.0 7.0 7.0 1.0 (22 Economies*) Strength of insolvency 9.5 9.5 13.0 12.0 11.0 11.5 9.5 9.5 15.0 (6 Economies*) framework index (0-16) Source: Doing Business database. Note: DB2016 rankings shown are not last year’s published rankings but comparable rankings for DB2016 that capture the effects of such factors as data revisions and changes to the methodology. The global best performer on time for paying taxes is defined as the lowest Doing Business 2017 Argentina 16 time recorded among all economies in the DB2017 sample that levy the 3 major taxes: profit tax, labor taxes and mandatory contributions, and VAT or sales tax. If an economy has no laws or regulations covering a specific area—for example, insolvency—it receives a “no practice” mark. Similarly, an economy receives a “no practice” mark if regulation exists but is never used in practice or if a competing regulation prohibits such practice. Either way, a “no practice” mark puts the economy at the bottom of the ran king on the relevant indicator. * Two or more economies share the top ranking on this indicator. A number shown in place of an economy’s name indicates the number of economies that share the top ranking on the indicator. For a list of these economies, see the Doing Business website ( Doing Business 2017 Argentina 17 STARTING A BUSINESS Formal registration of companies has many WHAT THE STARTING A BUSINESS immediate benefits for the companies and for business owners and employees. Legal entities can INDICATORS MEASURE outlive their founders. Resources are pooled as several shareholders join forces to start a company. Procedures to legally start and operate a Formally registered companies have access to company (number) services and institutions from courts to banks as well Preregistration (for example, name as to new markets. And their employees can benefit verification or reservation, notarization) from protections provided by the law. An additional benefit comes with limited liability companies. These Registration in the economy’s largest limit the financial liability of company owners to their business city1 investments, so personal assets of the owners are not Postregistration (for example, social security put at risk. Where governments make registration registration, company seal) easy, more entrepreneurs start businesses in the formal sector, creating more good jobs and Obtaining approval from spouse to start a generating more revenue for the government. business, to leave the home to register the company or open a bank account. What do the indicators cover? Obtaining any gender specific document for Doing Business records all procedures officially company registration and operation, national required, or commonly done in practice, for an identification card or opening a bank entrepreneur to start up and formally operate an account. industrial or commercial business, as well as the time and cost to complete these procedures and the paid- Time required to complete each procedure in minimum capital requirement. These procedures (calendar days) include obtaining all necessary licenses and permits Does not include time spent gathering and completing any required notifications, information verifications or inscriptions for the company and employees with relevant authorities. The ranking of Each procedure starts on a separate day (2 economies on the ease of starting a business is procedures cannot start on the same day). determined by sorting their distance to frontier Procedures that can be fully completed scores for starting a business. These scores are the online are recorded as ½ day. simple average of the distance to frontier scores for Procedure completed once final document is each of the component indicators. received To make the data comparable across economies, No prior contact with officials several assumptions about the business and the procedures are used. It is assumed that any required Cost required to complete each procedure information is readily available and that the (% of income per capita) entrepreneur will pay no bribes. Assumptions about Official costs only, no bribes the business: No professional fees unless services required  Is a limited liability company (or its legal by law or commonly used in practice equivalent). If there is more than one type of limited liability company in the economy, the Paid-in minimum capital (% of income limited liability form most common among per capita) domestic firms is chosen. Information on the Deposited in a bank or with a notary before most common form is obtained from registration (or within 3 months) incorporation lawyers or the statistical office.  Operates in the economy’s largest business city.  The size of the entire office space is For 11 economies the data are also collected for the second largest business city. approximately 929 square meters (10,000 square feet). Doing Business 2017 Argentina 18  Is 100% domestically owned and has five owners,  Does not qualify for investment incentives or none of whom is a legal entity. any special benefits.  Has start-up capital of 10 times income per  Has at least 10 and up to 50 employees one capita month after the commencement of operations, all of them domestic nationals.  Performs general industrial or commercial activities, such as the production or sale to the  Has a turnover of at least 100 times income per public of products or services. The business does capita. not perform foreign trade activities and does not  Has a company deed 10 pages long handle products subject to a special tax regime, for example, liquor or tobacco. It is not using The owners: heavily polluting production processes.  Have reached the legal age of majority and are  Leases the commercial plant or offices and is not capable of making decisions as an adult. If a proprietor of real estate. there is no legal age of majority, they are assumed to be 30 years old.  The amount of the annual lease for the office space is equivalent to 1 times income per capita.  Are sane, competent, in good health and have no criminal record.  Are married, the marriage is monogamous and registered with the authorities.  Where the answer differs according to the legal system applicable to the woman or man in question (as may be the case in economies where there is legal plurality), the answer used will be the one that applies to the majority of the population. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 19 STARTING A BUSINESS Where does the economy stand today? What does it take to start a business in Argentina? 2.1) is legally mandatory for both men and women. Most According to data collected by Doing Business, starting a indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business there requires 14.0 procedures , takes 25.0 days, business city of an economy, except for 11 economies for costs 9.3% of income per capita for men, and requires which the data are a population-weighted average of the 14.0 procedures , takes 25.0 days, costs 9.3% of income 2 largest business cities. See the chapter on distance to per capita for women. A requirement of paid-in frontier and ease of doing business ranking at the end of minimum capital of 0.0% of income per capita (figure this profile for more details. Figure 2.1 What it takes to start a business in Argentina Paid-in minimum capital (% of income per capita): 0.0 Source: Doing Business database. Note: Time shown in the figure above may not reflect simultaneity of procedures. Online procedures account for 0.5 days in the total time calculation. For more information on the methodology of the starting a business indicators, see the Doing Business website ( For details on the procedures reflected here, see the summary at the end of this chapter. Procedures in light blue for married women only. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 20 STARTING A BUSINESS Globally, Argentina stands at 157 in the ranking of 190 average ranking provide other useful information for economies on the ease of starting a business (figure 2.2). assessing how easy it is for an entrepreneur in Argentina The rankings for comparator economies and the regional to start a business. Figure 2.2 How Argentina and comparator economies rank on the ease of starting a business Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 21 STARTING A BUSINESS Economies around the world have taken steps making it they often are part of a larger regulatory reform easier to start a business—streamlining procedures by program. Among the benefits have been greater firm setting up a one-stop shop, making procedures simpler satisfaction and savings and more registered businesses, or faster by introducing technology and reducing or financial resources and job opportunities. eliminating minimum capital requirements. Many have What business registration reforms has Doing Business undertaken business registration reforms in stages—and recorded in Argentina (table 2.1)? Table 2.1 How has Argentina made starting a business easier—or not? By Doing Business report year from DB2011 to DB2017 DB year Reform Argentina made starting a business more difficult by DB2014 increasing the incorporation costs. Source: Doing Business database. Note: For information on reforms in earlier years (back to DB2005), see the Doing Business reports for these years, available at Doing Business 2017 Argentina 22 STARTING A BUSINESS What are the details? Underlying the indicators shown in this chapter for STANDARDIZED COMPANY Argentina is a set of specific procedures—the bureaucratic and legal steps that an entrepreneur must complete to incorporate and register a new Legal form: Sociedad de Responsabilidad firm. These are identified by Doing Business through Limitada (SRL) collaboration with relevant local professionals and the study of laws, regulations and publicly available Paid-in minimum capital requirement: ARS 0 information on business entry in that economy. City: Buenos Aires (Ciudad autonoma de) Following is a detailed summary of those procedures, along with the associated time and cost. These Start-up Capital: 10 times GNI per capita procedures are those that apply to a company matching the standard assumptions (the “standardized company”) used by Doing Business in collecting the data (see the section in this chapter on what the indicators measure). Table 2.2 Summary of time, cost and procedures for starting a business in Argentina Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete The name of the company is verified by the Office of Corporations (Inspección General de Justicia) (IGJ) The corporate name must be reserved to incorporate a new company. A request must be submitted using the reservation of name form (reserva de nombre) for a cost of ARS 210. Such request expires in 30 days. The ARS 210 1 1 day Inspección General de Justicia also provides online services for name verification at: Agency: Office of Corporations Certify signatures of partners by a notary public The company is not obliged to notarize its bylaws, which can be formally constituted under a private document. However, the signatures Approximately ARS of the founding partners have to be certified by a notary public. Each 1,500 (cost of 5 2 signature certification ranges at around ARS 350-550 + VAT. 1 day notarized signatures) Agency: Notary Office Deposit initial capital in National Bank (Banco de la Nación Argentina) and obtain proof of payment ARS 30 (VAT 3 The company must deposit at least 25% of the subscribed capital in the 1 day excluded) National Bank and a obtain proof of payment. The deposit must be made at the central office of the national bank (Banco de la Nación Argentina) or at the branch corresponding to the company's domicile. It Doing Business 2017 Argentina 23 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete can be withdrawn once the company's bylaws are registered by the Office of Corporations. Agency: National Bank Publish the new company’s notice in the official paper (Boletín Oficial) There are three kinds of publication services: -Ordinary procedure (72 hours): for each line of text up to 70 spaces: ARS 71. -Semi-expeditious Procedure (48 hours): for each line of text up to 70 spaces: 95. -Expeditious Procedure (24 hours): for each line of text up to 70 spaces: ARS 114. approximately ARS Legalization is no longer required if notice is signed by an attorney. A 2,500 (expedited "digital registration" of the attorney's signature has been set up by publication fee) + Resolution 52/2010 of the Legal Secretary of the Presidency (Secretaría 2 days on average ARS 100 4 Legal y Técnica, SLyT). Cost of digital registration is ARS 93. (legalization of signature) As the Official Gazette charges per line, final cost will depend on the length of the notice and whether it will be published pursuant to the Ordinary, Semi-expeditious or Expeditious Procedure. If the notice is signed by a manager or/and authorized representative who is not an attorney, a notary public, or a chartered accountant, his/her signature and powers to execute such act will be certified by a notary public. The cost of this certification cannot be determined precisely, as each notary public has his/her own fees, though it should not exceed AR$ 350. Agency: Official Gazette Payment of the incorporation fee The invoice shall be downloaded from, paid in Banco Nación and submitted to the Public Registry of Commerce. 1 day ARS 100 5 Agency: Banco de la Nación Argentina and Public Registry of Commerce Registration with the Public Register of Commerce of the City of Buenos Aires 5 days on average ARS 3,360 for Companies located in the City of Buenos Aires must register their by- (expedited expedited 6 laws and other documents related to their incorporation. The Company procedure) procedure must file the proposed Articles of Association and By-laws, the publication in the Official Gazette, evidence of managers' and syndics' (the latter, if applicable) acceptance of position, evidence of the deposit Doing Business 2017 Argentina 24 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete of the cash contributions in the Banco de la Nación Argentina, evidence of compliance with the managers' guarantee regime (filing of managers' performance bonds) and evidence of the reservation of the corporate name, for approval with the Office of Corporations. The filing also requires the filing of (a) a prequalification opinion ("Dictamen de Precalificación") issued by an attorney, notary public or accountant, each signature of whom must be certified by the relevant professional association.Cost: approximately ARS 120. (b) evidence of payment of incorporation fee. (c) incorporation form. (d) "Politically Expossed Person" (anti-corruption) affidavit for each manager and statutory auditor (if applicable). (e) Affidavit on "ultimate beneficial owners" (anti- money laundering) meaning "any natural person that owns, directly or indirectly, an equity stake greater than or equal to 20% of the SRL's total outstanding equity." Filing time: - Regular filing: approximately 45 days - Urgent filing: approximately 5 business days. In each case if no objection is made by the Office of Corporations. Agency: Public Registry of Commerce of the City of Buenos Aires Buy special books The books are purchased at commercial bookstores. Once purchased, they should be recorded at the Office of Corporations, as detailed in the following procedure. fees included in 7 1 day procedure 8 Agency: Commercial bookstores Get a form from the Public Notaries College and have a notary public submit the company books for rubrication by the General Inspection of Justice (IGJ) "Once the General Inspection of Justice (Inspección General de Justicia, IGJ) registers the SRL, the company must obtain the rubric of at least a Book of Minutes of Partners' and Managers' Meetings and four accounting books (Buyers VAT Book, Sellers VAT Book, Inventory and Balance Book, and Journal). This procedure can only be started once the 5 days (urgent company is registered. ARS 4,570 8 filling) A notary public has to request a form from the Notary Public's College and submit the rubric request of the company books to the IGJ. The form includes up to five books for their rubric. If the company needs to obtain the rubric for more than five books, another form of the same value has to be filed. New price according to the new values for rubrication of corporate books for urgent filing: (1) cost of 5 books (ARS 2,000 approximately). (The price of the books can vary depending on the bookstore and the number of sheets. ) (2) cost of the IGJ form (ARS 1,400 for urgent filing; ARS 350 for Doing Business 2017 Argentina 25 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete ordinary filing) (3) Notary fees (about ARS 1140 for urgent filing + VAT; ARS 800 + VAT for ordinary filing) (4) book registration fees (ARS 30) Agency: Office of Corporation Corporate manager needs to obtain a Fiscal Code (Clave Fiscal) The legal representative can obtain his/her Fiscal Code directly in the corresponding AFIP Agency by taking his national identity card and a photocopy of it. If the legal representative is a non-Argentinean resident, who can not assist personally to the AFIP Agency, will have to 9 link his/her CUIT with a person that has got a fiscal code by means of 1 day no charge Form 3283/F and 3283/J, along with a copy of his/her complete Passport and a residency certificate. Agency: National Tax Office (AFIP) Obtain a tax identification number (CUIT) from the National Tax Office (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos, AFIP) and register for social security "Tax and social security registration can be done jointly at the National Tax Office (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos, AFIP). For a company to obtain its Tax Identification Number (Código de Identificación Tributaria, CUIT), all of the individuals that have been appointed as managers of such company need to have previously obtained their respective CUITs (as managers of local companies) and the sole legal representative or the ""administrator"" (if more than one manager has been appointed legal representative) needs to have obtained his/her Fiscal Code (Clave Fiscal) (see procedure 9). Since 2007, pursuant to AFIP's General Resolution 2337/2007, the sole 10 legal representative or the ""administrator"" with Fiscal Code must file 4 days no charge AFIP form F. 420/J though the online tax system. If the form is correctly completed, an ""approval certificate"" will be issued by such online tax system. Upon that, the sole legal representative or the ""administrator"" will have to file with the corresponding agency of the AFIP: (a) the AFIP form F. 420/J (listing the number of employees and the date of hire), as filed with the online tax system, signed by this individual before a notary public; (b) evidence of filing of such form with the online tax system; (c) the ""approval certificate""; (d) a certified copy of the SRL's bylaws, duly registered with the Office of Corporations; (e) two documents evidencing the SRL's fiscal domicile (i.e. any service invoice, police's domicile certification, lease or commodatum agreement, etc.). Upon approval of the filed documentation, the AFIP will issue the SRL's CUIT. Afterwards, the sole legal representative or the ""administrator"" should link his/her personal Fiscal Code with the SRL's CUIT (by evidencing that he/she is the sole legal representative or the Doing Business 2017 Argentina 26 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete ""administrator"" at the SRL; in the latter case by filing with the AFIP the form detailed as Annex IV to AFIP's General Resolution 2239/2007, signed before a notary public)." Agency: National Tax Office (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos, AFIP) Register turnover tax at local level at the Administración General de Ingresos Públicos (AGIP) in the City of Buenos Aires In order to register the company before the turnover tax, first the legal representative needs to obtain the company’s tax password issued by the DGR. To do so they need to file the following documentation before the DGR: (i) Notarized copy of the company’s bylaws and the last designation of authorities duly registered before the General Inspection of Corporations, (ii) national identity card of the legal representative (the original and a copy, or a notarized copy), (iii) evidence of the company’s CUIT, (iv) evidence of the legal representative’s CUIT, (v) Less than one day 11 document evidencing the legal representative’s address, (vi) if more no charge (online procedure) than one person is appointed as legal representative, all of the appointed people need to signed the form “Anexo IV” designating one of them to handle the tax password. Once they obtain the tax password, they can register the company before the turnover tax online through the DGR web page ( Please bear in mind that if the company's activities are levied with the turnover tax in more than one jurisdiction, the proceeding changes. Agency: Administración General de Ingresos Públicos (AGIP) Register with the Sistema Unico de Seguridad Social (SUSS) The procedure can be done online ( or by submitting the sworn affidavit form No. 885 to the AFIP. The social security withholdings and contributions should be paid to the National Regime Less than one day 12 of Social Security. no charge (online procedure) Agency: Unified System for Labor Registration (SUSS) Contract an insurance for employees with a risk labor company (ART, Aseguradora de Riesgos del Trabajo) The cost of hiring an insurance is free but a premium must be paid on a monthly basis. 1 day no charge 13 Agency: Aseguradora de Riesgos de Trabajo (ART) Doing Business 2017 Argentina 27 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete Rubricate books of wages in the Dirección General de Empleo (Ministry of Labor) The rubrication of the book is made by the Labor Agency. The appointment with such agency to rubricate can be scheduled online (the rest of the proceeding cannot be done online). Each page of the ARS 5 per page (an wages book has to be rubricated (it is not a general rubric of the book average of 20-25 14 such as in the corporate books). Therefore the price to be paid will vary 1 day pages) according to the number of pages the employer rubricates. Rubric of each page used is mandatory. Agency: Dirección General de Empleo (Labor Agency) * Takes place simultaneously with another procedure. Source: Doing Business database. Note: Online procedures account for 0.5 days in the total time calculation. Procedures in light blue for married women only. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 28 DEALING WITH CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Regulation of construction is critical to protect the WHAT THE DEALING WITH CONSTRUCTION public. But it needs to be efficient, to avoid excessive PERMITS INDICATORS MEASURE constraints on a sector that plays an important part in every economy. Where complying with building regulations is excessively costly in time and money, Procedures to legally build a warehouse many builders opt out. They may pay bribes to pass (number) inspections or simply build illegally, leading to Submitting all relevant documents and hazardous construction that puts public safety at risk. obtaining all necessary clearances, licenses, Where compliance is simple, straightforward and permits and certificates inexpensive, everyone is better off. Submitting all required notifications and What do the indicators cover? receiving all necessary inspections Doing Business records all procedures required for a Obtaining utility connections for water and business in the construction industry to build a sewerage warehouse along with the time and cost to complete Registering and selling the warehouse after its each procedure. In addition, the building quality completion control index evaluates the quality of building Time required to complete each procedure regulations, the strength of quality control and safety (calendar days) mechanisms, liability and insurance regimes, and professional certification requirements. Does not include time spent gathering information The ranking of economies on the ease of dealing with construction permits is determined by sorting their Each procedure starts on a separate day— though procedures that can be fully distance to frontier scores for dealing with completed online are an exception to this rule construction permits. These scores are the simple average of the distance to frontier scores for each of Procedure considered completed once final the component indicators. document is received To make the data comparable across economies, No prior contact with officials several assumptions about the construction Cost required to complete each procedure (% company, the warehouse project and the utility of warehouse value) connections are used. Official costs only, no bribes Assumptions about the construction company Building quality control index (0-15) The construction company (BuildCo): Sum of the scores of six component indices:  Is a limited liability company (or its legal Quality of building regulations (0-2) equivalent). Quality control before construction (0-1)  Operates in the economy’s largest business city. For 11 economies the data are also collected for Quality control during construction (0-3) the second largest business city. Quality control after construction (0-3)  Is 100% domestically and privately owned. Liability and insurance regimes (0-2)  Has five owners, none of whom is a legal entity. Professional certifications (0-4)  Is fully licensed and insured to carry out construction projects, such as building warehouses.  Has 60 builders and other employees, all of them nationals with the technical expertise and Doing Business 2017 Argentina 29 professional experience necessary to obtain  Is valued at 50 times income per capita. construction permits and approvals.  Will be a new construction (there was no previous  Has a licensed architect and a licensed engineer, construction on the land), with no trees, natural both registered with the local association of water sources, natural reserves or historical architects or engineers. BuildCo is not assumed monuments of any kind on the plot. to have any other employees who are technical  Will have complete architectural and technical plans or licensed experts, such as geological or prepared by a licensed architect. If preparation of topographical experts. the plans requires such steps as obtaining further  Has paid all taxes and taken out all necessary documentation or getting prior approvals from insurance applicable to its general business external agencies, these are counted as procedures. activity (for example, accidental insurance for  Will include all technical equipment required to be construction workers and third-person liability). fully operational.  Owns the land on which the warehouse will be  Will take 30 weeks to construct (excluding all delays built and will sell the warehouse upon its due to administrative and regulatory requirements). completion. Assumptions about the warehouse Assumptions about the utility connections The warehouse: The water and sewerage connections:  Will be used for general storage activities, such as storage of books or stationery. The warehouse  Will be 150 meters (492 feet) from the existing will not be used for any goods requiring special water source and sewer tap. If there is no water conditions, such as food, chemicals or delivery infrastructure in the economy, a borehole pharmaceuticals. will be dug. If there is no sewerage infrastructure, a septic tank in the smallest size available will be  Will have two stories, both above ground, with a installed or built. total constructed area of approximately 1,300.6 square meters (14,000 square feet). Each floor  Will not require water for fire protection reasons; a will be 3 meters (9 feet, 10 inches) high. fire extinguishing system (dry system) will be used instead. If a wet fire protection system is required  Will have road access and be located in the by law, it is assumed that the water demand periurban area of the economy’s largest business specified below also covers the water needed for city (that is, on the fringes of the city but still fire protection. within its official limits). For 11 economies the data are also collected for the second largest  Will have an average water use of 662 liters (175 business city. gallons) a day and an average wastewater flow of 568 liters (150 gallons) a day. Will have a peak  Will not be located in a special economic or water use of 1,325 liters (350 gallons) a day and a industrial zone. peak wastewater flow of 1,136 liters (300 gallons) a  Will be located on a land plot of approximately day. 929 square meters (10,000 square feet) that is  Will have a constant level of water demand and 100% owned by BuildCo and is accurately wastewater flow throughout the year. registered in the cadastre and land registry.  Will be 1 inch in diameter for the water connection and 4 inches in diameter for the sewerage connection. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 30 DEALING WITH CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Where does the economy stand today? What does it take to comply with the formalities to build business city of an economy, except for 11 economies for a warehouse in Argentina? According to data collected which the data are a population-weighted average of the by Doing Business, dealing with construction permits 2 largest business cities. See the chapter on distance to there requires 21.0 procedures, takes 341.0 days and frontier and ease of doing business ranking at the end of costs 2.8% of the warehouse value (figure 3.1). Most this profile for more details. indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest Figure 3.1 What it takes to comply with formalities to build a warehouse in Argentina Source: Doing Business database. Note: Time shown in the figure above may not reflect simultaneity of procedures. Online procedures account for 0.5 days in the total time calculation. For more information on the methodology of the dealing with construction permits indicators, see the Doing Business website ( For details on the procedures reflected here, see the summary at the end of this chapter. . Doing Business 2017 Argentina 31 DEALING WITH CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Globally, Argentina stands at 173 in the ranking of 190 other useful information for assessing how easy it is for economies on the ease of dealing with construction an entrepreneur in Argentina to legally build a permits (figure 3.2). The rankings for comparator warehouse. economies and the regional average ranking provide Figure 3.2 How Argentina and comparator economies rank on the ease of dealing with construction permits Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 32 DEALING WITH CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Smart regulation ensures that standards are met while an effort to ensure building safety while keeping making compliance easy and accessible to all. Coherent compliance costs reasonable, governments around the and transparent rules, efficient processes and adequate world have worked on consolidating permitting allocation of resources are especially important in sectors requirements. What construction permitting reforms has where safety is at stake. Construction is one of them. In Doing Business recorded in Argentina (table 3.1)? Table 3.1 How has Argentina made dealing with construction permits easier—or not? By Doing Business report year from DB2011 to DB2017 DB year Reform Argentina made dealing with construction permits more costly DB2015 by increasing several fees. Argentina made dealing with construction permits more DB2017 difficult by increasing municipal fees. Source: Doing Business database. Note: For information on reforms in earlier years (back to DB2006), see the Doing Business reports for these years, available at Doing Business 2017 Argentina 33 DEALING WITH CONSTRUCTION PERMITS What are the details? The indicators reported here for Argentina are based BUILDING A WAREHOUSE on a set of specific procedures—the steps that a company must complete to legally build a warehouse—identified by Doing Business through Estimated value of information collected from experts in construction ARS 6,698,496 warehouse : licensing, including architects, civil engineers, construction lawyers, construction firms, utility Buenos Aires (Ciudad service providers and public officials who deal with City : autonoma de) building regulations. These procedures are those that apply to a company and structure matching the standard assumptions used by Doing Business in The procedures, along with the associated time and cost, collecting the data (see the section in this chapter on are summarized below. what the indicators cover). Table 3.2 Summary of time, cost and procedures for dealing with construction permits in Argentina Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete Request and obtain certificate of line and dimensions (certificado de medidas perimetrales y anchos de calles) According to the 2016 Tariff Law of the City of Buenos Aires (Ordenanza Tarifaria 2015), the fee for the "certificado de medidas perimetrales y anchos de calles" is ARS 320. 2 days ARS 320 1 Agency: General Directorate of Registration of Works and Cadastre (Dirección General de Registro de Obras y Catastro- DGROC) Request and obtain land title (certificado de nomenclatura parcelaria) According to the 2015 Tariff Law of the City of Buenos Aires (Ordenanza Tarifaria 2015), the fee for the land title is ARS 320 *2 2 days ARS 320 Agency: General Directorate of Registration of Works and Cadastre (Dirección General de Registro de Obras y Catastro- DGROC) Hold a cadastral consultation (consulta de registro catastral) The cadastral consultation is a prerequisite for clarifying subsequent procedures. The land ownership certificate, the plot surface area, and the terrain and cadastral measurements are confirmed. Proof of consultation is issued. 1 day ARS 165 *3 According to the 2015 Tariff Law of the City of Buenos Aires (Ordenanza Tarifaria 2015), the fee for the cadastral consultation is ARS 125. Agency: General Directorate of Registration of Works and Cadastre (Dirección General de Registro de Obras y Catastro- Doing Business 2017 Argentina 34 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete DGROC) Obtain construction work use form (certificado de uso conforme) Similar to a zoning certificate, the form is issued according to the Urban Planning Code. According to the 2015 Tariff Law of the City of Buenos Aires (Ordenanza Tarifaria 2014), the fee for the "certificado de uso 1 day ARS 135 *4 conforme" is ARS 105 Agency: General Directorate of Registration of Works and Cadastre (Dirección General de Registro de Obras y Catastro- DGROC) Request and obtain certificate of project drawings (certificado de encomienda) from College of Professional Architects The fee the College of Professional Architects charges for for construction areas between 1,000 and 2,500 sq. m is ARS 2,500. 1 day ARS 3,800 *5 Fee schedule can be accesed at (under formularios utiles, valores vigentes) Agency: College of Professional Architects Request and obtain sanitary installation plans (plano de instalación sanitaria) According to the 2015 Tariff Law of the City of Buenos Aires (Ordenanza Tarifaria 2014), if liters per day of water are less than 1000 liters (not residential), then it corresponds to 1 module.Each module costs ARS 2,435. Thus, the cost is now: 1*2,435 = ARS 45 days ARS 3,165 6 2,435. Agency: General Directorate of Registration of Works and Cadastre (Dirección General de Registro de Obras y Catastro- DGROC) Request and obtain electrical and electromechanical installation plans According to the 2016 Tariff Law of the City of Buenos Aires (Ordenanza Tarifaria 2016), the cost associated to obtaining the 45 days ARS 2,280 *7 electrical and electromechanical installation plans is of ARS 2,160. In particular, electrical installation (1,080$ until 10KW) and electromecanichal installation (1080$ until 30KW) Agency: General Directorate of Registration of Works and Doing Business 2017 Argentina 35 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete Cadastre (Dirección General de Registro de Obras y Catastro- DGROC) Request and obtain fire extinguishing installations According to the 2015 Tariff Law of the City of Buenos Aires (Ordenanza Tarifaria 2015), the cost associated to obtaining fire extinguishing installations is of ARS 690. Assuming that BuildCo needs 1 module and that the cost per module for a warehouse is *8 of ARS 690. 45 days ARS 895 Agency: General Directorate of Registration of Works and Cadastre (Dirección General de Registro de Obras y Catastro- DGROC) Present the designs and layouts *9 Agency: General Directorate of Registration of Works and 3 days no charge Cadastre (Dirección General de Registro de Obras y Catastro- DGROC)OC) Request and obtain delineation and construction rights (derechos de delineación y construcción) BuildCo must request the payment of delieation and construction rights and inspections to the Accounting department of DGROC. The the Accounting department of DGROC will issue the invoice which BuildCo must pay at the Bank of the City of Buenos Aires. Once it is paid and obtains the proof of payment, BuildCo must submitt this proof of payment, the different certificates and the plans to "Mesa de Entradas" of DGROC. Once all the documents are reviewed and are appropiate the "Mesa de Registro" of DGROC registers the plans and it allows for BuildCo to obtain a new construction project permit (permiso de obra nueva). * 10 1 day ARS 163,225 According to 2015 fee schedule (Anexo-Ley 5238 2015 Tariff Law of the City of Buenos Aires) Art. 11, the cost of this procedure is 1% of the construction value. In the case of the warehouse, the appropiate class would be class 4 for which the cost per square meter is ARS 9,000. Therefore, 1%*9,000*1300.6 = ARS 117,054. This amount should be paid at the Bank of the City of Buenos Aires. Moreover, acording to Art. 18 of this same law, the cost associated to inspections are ARS 6,5 per square meter (6.5*1,300.6 = ARS 8,453.9). This cost will be paid at the same time as the dealineation and construction rights. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 36 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete Therefore the total cost associated to this procedure would be: ARS 125,507.9 (ARS 117,054 + ARS 8,453.9) Agency: General Directorate of Registration of Works and Cadastre (Dirección General de Registro de Obras y Catastro- DGROC) Obtain a new construction project permit (permiso de obra nueva) To obtain a new construction project permit, BuildCo must submit the following plans and documentation: • Affidavit for the construction project • Particulars on the signatory • Building company details • Certificate of use pursuant to the provisions contained in the Urban Planning Code • Property titles and purchase agreement (boleto de compra de venta), which is proof of ownership of land for warehouse construction • Project plans • Cadastral plan, delimiting the plot for warehouse construction • Fire station installation map • Sanitary installation plan • Electromechanical plans (elevators, pumps) • Structure plan • Land survey • Excavation record, if applicable 90 days no charge 11 • Land titles (certificados parcelarios) of construction work layout If construction work has not yet started during a 3-year period (from the plan registration date to the granting of the respective permit), the permit and the respective record will expire. The construction fees and approved delineation will be forfeited. After the Accounting Department issues the relevant resolution (disposición), the expired record is sent to the general files for permanent and final storage. The developer must notify the Instituto de Estadistica y Registro de la Industria de la Constrccion (IERIC) once during its "existence," but it is compelled to notify each construction startup through the completion of an enclosed form. Before starting construction, the company posts the announcement of machinery works. Agency: General Directorate of Registration of Works and Cadastre (Dirección General de Registro de Obras y Catastro- DGROC) Doing Business 2017 Argentina 37 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete Request and obtain environmental impact assessment certificate Other documents needed include the following: • Environmental Assessment Impact form (Formulario Categorización Impacto Ambiental) • DDJJ through Form Annex II Dcto 1352/02 • Formula Polinómica s/ Annex VIII de Resol. 873–SSMAMB/ 04 • Aide memoire (memoria descriptiva) with the signature of the main representative (firma del titular) s/ Annex Vd Decree 1352/02 that includes: 1. Description of the activity, including materials and inputs, supply and storage processes, operation and location of the machinery used, logistics to deliver products and services, among other things. 2. Further details or clarifications on emissions, solid waste, noise vibrations from machinery, and so forth (including results from the formula polinómica). 3. Detailed information on cargo-handling logistics. 4. Detailed information of construction projects designed to 60 days ARS 2,500 * 12 mitigate negative impacts. 5. Detailed information on land usage. 6. Fire prevention plan. 7. Waste management plan. • Environmental impact map • Registration number in the Registry for Consultants and Professionals (Reg. No. 344 Evaluac. Ambtal. 4/10/00) • Encomienda to the Professional Council • Notarized copy of the property title According to 2015 Tariff Law of the City of Buenos Aires under article 144 the Environmental fee for small generators is ARS 600,00. Agency: Environmental Protection Agency (Agencia de Proteccion Ambiental) Receive construction startup inspection A record of inspection agents may be found at the city of Buenos Aires website ( Inspection Schedule (Building Code) All inspections must be completed within 24 hours of such request, no matter where the building is located, and according 1 day no charge 13 to construction industry schedules and working days, except for municipal schedules and holidays. After the application is submitted at the public works office counter, the inspection schedule will be fixed for the following day, depending on the radius within which the construction work is located. Suspension of construction is not required. There is a startup or excavation inspection before construction and four Doing Business 2017 Argentina 38 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete additional phased inspections during construction (Ley 4268 August 30th 2012). Each inspection is processed through supervisors (Agentes Verificadores de Obra, AVO). The inspection fee is paid before registration, together with that for construction rights. Agency: Governmental Inspection Agency (Agencia Gubernamental de Control) Notify the Governmental Inspection Agency on completion of the construction work foundation and receive inspection 14 1 day no charge Agency: Governmental Inspection Agency (Agencia Gubernamental de Control) Notify the Governmental Inspection Agency on completion of the construction work structure and receive inspection 15 1 day no charge Agency: Governmental Inspection Agency (Agencia Gubernamental de Control) Notify the Governmental Inspection Agency on completion of the construction work masonry and receive inspection 16 1 day no charge Agency: Governmental Inspection Agency (Agencia Gubernamental de Control) Notify the Governmental Inspection Agency on completion of construction work and receive inspection To receive a work completion notice, BuildCo must submit the following documents to the city of Buenos Aires: • A document from Directorate of Real Estate and Registry, proving the sworn declaration of completed work. That form is obtained in that directorate and displays the proprietor’s 1 day no charge 17 signature, in addition to a simple heliographic copy of the building plan • Original plan of the work in fabric or film transparent polyester, which can be unified (architecture and structures) or displayed in two separated originals • Architecture plans (six heliographic copies) and structure plans (six heliographic copies) • Plans on fire protection (two copies) Doing Business 2017 Argentina 39 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete • Descriptive record with detail of materials and elements used in the completed work (original and copy) • Form of statistics • Request of sworn declaration of completion (triplicate) • Plan showing medical facility BuildCo must submit an affidavit on completion of the construction work. After that, the administrative authority has 60 working days to verify the affidavit’s accuracy and truthfulness. According to the Building Code, this action releases contractors involved in the construction from liability, leaving the owner as the sole liable party. Even so, neither the final approval nor the affidavit nor the final construction plans are required for municipal approval of the warehouse. Agency: Governmental Inspection Agency (Agencia Gubernamental de Control) Notarize the forms required for final authorization A notary public draws up the authorization deed (escritura de habilitación). Although the average fee is ARS 500.00, the fee depends on the size of the work. In the case of the Doing 18 Business case study warehouse, the fee would be approximately 7 days ARS 2,800 ARS 1,422. Agency: Notary Public (Escribano Público) Request and obtain final authorization (Habilitacion Municipal) According to applicable regulations, authorization may be granted provisionally (pending final authorization) for the construction of either (a) a new facility or any of its parts or (b) any extension or modification to an existing one. However, the use must coincide with that stated on the documents for the project approved for execution, provided that the relevant part has been completed pursuant to applicable regulations. Final authorization must be requested within 30 days of work 173 days ARS 5,107 19 completion. As required by the type of authorization procedure, the construction professional (architect, engineer, construction foreman, land surveyor) must prepare the documents. The following forms must be purchased from the corresponding professional board (consejo profesional): • Request for authorization • Usage certificate (certificado de uso conforme) • Site layout, if applicable • Plans or final certificate of fire, ventilation, and mechanical installation, if applicable Doing Business 2017 Argentina 40 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete • Certificate or supporting document attesting to the submittal of the environmental aptitude application (solicitud de aptitud ambiental) (Law 123, Law 452, and regulatory decrees) For this purpose, if requested, the construction professional must verify whether the site’s building conditions conforms to the pertinent zoning. If necessary, the professional must also consult with the Urban Planning Institute (Consultora Planificacion Urbana, CPU) before starting the procedure. Agency: General Building Authorization and Permit Department (Dirección General de Habilitaciones y Permisos – DGHP) Request and connect to water services To obtain a connection to potable water service, the final construction work layout (with the relevant certificate issued by the municipal authorities) must be submitted at the commercial office in the zone where the construction site is located. Upon 20 submission, a provisional invoice will be issued according to the 14 days ARS 1,200 size of the construction site. The connection to water services takes approximately 14 calendar days. Agency: Aguas y Saneamientos Argentinos S.A. Register the building The building must be registered at the Revenue Department (Dirección de Rentas) by submitting the final approved plans. 1 day no charge * 21 Agency: Dirección de Rentas * Takes place simultaneously with another procedure. Source: Doing Business database. Note: Online procedures account for 0.5 days in the total time calculation. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 41 DEALING WITH CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Building Quality Control Index The building quality control index is the sum of the The index ranges from 0 to 15, with higher values scores on the quality of building regulations, quality indicating better quality control and safety mechanisms in control before construction, quality control during the construction permitting system. construction, quality control after construction, The indicator is based on the same case study liability and insurance regimes, and professional assumptions as the measures of efficiency. certifications indices. Table 3.3 Summary of quality control and safety mechanisms in Argentina Answer Score Building quality control index (0-15) 11.0 Which third-party entities are required by law to verify that the Licensed architect; building plans are in compliance with existing building Licensed engineer. regulations? (0-1) Quality of building regulations index (0-2) 2.0 How accessible are building laws and regulations in your Available online; Free of 1.0 economy? (0-1) charge. List of required Which requirements for obtaining a building permit are clearly documents; Fees to be specified in the building regulations or on any accessible website, 1.0 paid; Required brochure or pamphlet? (0-1) preapprovals. Quality control before construction index (0-1) 1.0 Which third-party entities are required by law to verify that the Licensed architect; building plans are in compliance with existing building 1.0 Licensed engineer. regulations? (0-1) Quality control during construction index (0-3) 2.0 Inspections at various What types of inspections (if any) are required by law to be phases; No inspections 1.0 carried out during construction? (0-2) are legally required during construction. Mandatory inspections Do legally mandated inspections occur in practice during are always done in 1.0 construction? (0-1) practice. Quality control after construction index (0-3) 3.0 Is there a final inspection required by law to verify that the Yes, final inspection is building was built in accordance with the approved plans and done by government 2.0 regulations? (0-2) agency. Final inspection always Do legally mandated final inspections occur in practice? (0-1) 1.0 occurs in practice. Liability and insurance regimes index (0-2) 1.0 Architect or engineer; Which parties (if any) are held liable by law for structural flaws or 1.0 Professional in charge problems in the building once it is in use (Latent Defect Liability of the supervision; Doing Business 2017 Argentina 42 Answer Score or Decennial Liability)? (0-1) Construction company; Owner or investor. Which parties (if any) are required by law to obtain an insurance No party is required by policy to cover possible structural flaws or problems in the law to obtain insurance 0.0 building once it is in use (Latent Defect Liability Insurance or . Decennial Insurance)? (0-1) Professional certifications index (0-4) 2.0 University degree in What are the qualification requirements for the professional architecture or responsible for verifying that the architectural plans or drawings engineering; Being a 1.0 are in compliance with existing building regulations? (0-2) registered architect or engineer. University degree in engineering, construction or What are the qualification requirements for the professional who construction 1.0 supervises the construction on the ground? (0-2) management; Being a registered architect or engineer. Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 43 GETTING ELECTRICITY Access to reliable and affordable electricity is vital for WHAT THE GETTING ELECTRICITY businesses. To counter weak electricity supply, many firms in developing economies have to rely on self- INDICATORS MEASURE supply, often at a prohibitively high cost. Whether electricity is reliably available or not, the first step for Procedures to obtain an electricity connection a customer is always to gain access by obtaining a (number) connection. Submitting all relevant documents and What do the indicators cover? obtaining all necessary clearances and permits Doing Business records all procedures required for a Completing all required notifications and local business to obtain a permanent electricity receiving all necessary inspections connection and supply for a standardized warehouse, Obtaining external installation works and as well as the time and cost to complete them. These possibly purchasing material for these works procedures include applications and contracts with Concluding any necessary supply contract and electricity utilities, clearances from other agencies obtaining final supply and the external and final connection works. In addition, Doing Business also measures the reliability Time required to complete each procedure of supply and transparency of tariffs index (included (calendar days) in the aggregate distance to frontier score and Is at least 1 calendar day ranking on the ease of doing business) and the price Each procedure starts on a separate day of electricity (omitted from these aggregate measures). The ranking of economies on the ease of Does not include time spent gathering getting electricity is determined by sorting their information distance to frontier scores for getting electricity. Reflects the time spent in practice, with little These scores are the simple average of the distance follow-up and no prior contact with officials to frontier scores for each of the component Cost required to complete each procedure (% indicators. To make the data comparable across of income per capita) economies, several assumptions are used. Official costs only, no bribes Assumptions about the warehouse Excludes value added tax The warehouse: The reliability of supply and transparency of  Is owned by a local entrepreneur. tariffs index  Is located in the economy’s largest business city. Sum of the scores of six component indices: For 11 economies the data are also collected for Duration and frequency of outages the second largest business city. Tools to monitor power outages  Is located in an area where similar warehouses Tools to restore power supply are typically located. In this area a new electricity connection is not eligible for a special investment Regulatory monitoring of utilities’ performance promotion regime (offering special subsidization Financial deterrents aimed at limiting outages or faster service, for example). Transparency and accessibility of tariffs  Is located in an area with no physical constraints. Price of electricity (cents per kilowatt-hour)* For example, the property is not near a railway. Price based on monthly bill for commercial  Is a new construction and is being connected to warehouse in case study electricity for the first time. *Price of electricity is not included in the calculation of distance to frontier nor ease of doing business ranking Doing Business 2017 Argentina 44 The warehouse (continued): Assumptions about the monthly consumption  Has two stories, both above ground, with a total  It is assumed that the warehouse operates 30 days surface area of approximately 1,300.6 square a month from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (8 hours a day), meters (14,000 square feet). The plot of land on with equipment utilized at 80% of capacity on which it is built is 929 square meters (10,000 average and that there are no electricity cuts square feet). (assumed for simplicity reasons).  Is used for storage of goods.  The monthly energy consumption is 26,880 kilowatt-hours (kWh); hourly consumption is 112 Assumptions about the electricity connection kWh. The electricity connection:  If multiple electricity suppliers exist, the warehouse  Is a permanent one. is served by the cheapest supplier.  Is a three-phase, four-wire Y connection with a  Tariffs effective in March of the current year are subscribed capacity of 140-kilo-volt-ampere used for calculation of the price of electricity for the (kVA) with a power factor of 1, when 1 kVA = 1 warehouse. Although March has 31 days, for kilowatt (kW). calculation purposes only 30 days are used.  Has a length of 150 meters. The connection is to either the low- or medium-voltage distribution network and is either overhead or underground, whichever is more common in the area where the warehouse is located  Requires works that involve the crossing of a 10- meter road (such as by excavation or overhead lines) but are all carried out on public land. There is no crossing of other owners’ private property because the warehouse has access to a road.  Includes only a negligible length in the customer’s private domain.  Does not require work to install the internal wiring of the warehouse. This has already been completed up to and including the customer’s service panel or switchboard and the meter base. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 45 GETTING ELECTRICITY Where does the economy stand today? What does it take to obtain a new electricity connection Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest in Argentina? According to data collected by Doing business city of an economy, except for 11 economies for Business, getting electricity there requires 6.0 procedures, which the data are a population-weighted average of the takes 92.0 days and costs 32.2% of income per capita 2 largest business cities. See the chapter on distance to (figure 4.1). frontier and ease of doing business ranking at the end of this profile for more details. Figure 4.1 What it takes to obtain an electricity connection in Argentina Source: Doing Business database. Note: Time shown in the figure above may not reflect simultaneity of procedures. For more information on the methodology of the getting electricity indicators, see the Doing Business website ( For details on the procedures reflected here, see the summary at the end of this chapter. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 46 GETTING ELECTRICITY Globally, Argentina stands at 91 in the ranking of 190 average ranking provide another perspective in assessing economies on the ease of getting electricity (figure 4.2). how easy it is for an entrepreneur in Argentina to The rankings for comparator economies and the regional connect a warehouse to electricity. Figure 4.2 How Argentina and comparator economies rank on the ease of getting electricity Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 47 GETTING ELECTRICITY What are the details? The indicators reported here for Argentina are based on OBTAINING AN ELECTRICITY CONNECTION* a set of specific procedures—the steps that an entrepreneur must complete to get a warehouse connected to electricity by the local distribution utility— Name of utility: EDESUR identified by Doing Business. Data are collected from the distribution utility, then completed and verified by Price of electricity electricity regulatory agencies and independent (US cents per kWh): 8.8 professionals such as electrical engineers, electrical contractors and construction companies. The electricity City: Buenos Aires (Ciudad distribution utility surveyed is the one serving the area autonoma de) (or areas) in which warehouses are located. If there is a *Price is calculated as a monthly consumption of 26,880 kWh choice of distribution utilities, the one serving the largest for business customers, based on a standardized case study number of customers is selected. adopted by the getting electricity methodology. Doing Business measures the price of electricity but does not include these The procedures are those that apply to a warehouse and data when calculating the distance to frontier score for getting electricity connection matching the standard electricity or the ranking on the ease of getting electricity. assumptions used by Doing Business in collecting the data (see the section in this chapter on what the indicators cover). The procedures, along with the associated time and cost, are summarized below. Table 4.2 Summary of time, cost and procedures for getting electricity in Argentina Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete Obtain approval of electrical plans from municipality The customer must obtain the approval of internal wiring electrical plans from the municipality ("Habilitacion Municipal del plano electromecánico y del plano de la instalación eléctrica"). The municipal clearance is required for all new industrial constructions. The customer must provide the following documents in order to obtain this approval: The application form; two sets of electrical plans detailing: a) the location of the 1 machines and their respective electricity needs and b) the design of the 45 calendar days ARS 3,950 internal wiring installation; a receipt attesting that the building permit approval has already been requested. This approval is necessary as the customer will have to present the approved municipal clearance at the end of the connection process. Agency: Municipio Submit service application to EDESUR and await estimate of connection costs *2 45 calendar days ARS 0 The application for the service connection can be submitted online, in person, by mail or fax. The following documents are required with the application: Doing Business 2017 Argentina 48 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete • Letterhead indicating the name and coordinates of the authorized applying customer • Details on the required electricity load and the simultaneity factor (this factor specifies how much electrical equipment will be consuming electricity at the same time). • Sketch of the geographic location of the construction • Document clarifying the ownership of the building • Application for the Municipal approval of electrical plans (if the building is still under construction the approved building plans are also required). • Identification document for the owner of the building • A valid document indicating the directors of the company • Document certifying that the customer is authorized to submit this application and a copy of his national identity document (Documento Nacional de Identidad -DNI) • Proof of registration with the Federal Tax Authority (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos - AFIP) • DCI -an internal wiring certificate (DCI - Declaración de conformidad Res. ENRE 207/95) issued by an electrician registered with the Association for the Promotion of Electrical Safety ("Asociación para la Promoción de la Seguridad Eléctrica -A.P.S.E."). It is not compulsory. • If the customer is not the owner of the building a security deposit is required representing the equivalent of two months of future consumption. Agency: Edesur Receive external inspection by EDESUR Edesur carries out an external inspection to prepare the technical report and prepares an estimate for the connection costs. It is preferable that a representative of the customer is present at the time of the inspection. The inspector will establish the connection point and, if necessary, the best location for the chamber for the distribution transformer. A 11 calendar days ARS 0 *3 technical project detailing the required external connection works will be elaborated to determine which part of the external works will be carried out by the customer or his sub-contractor. Agency: Edesur Hire registered electrician to certify internal wiring The customer must obtain an internal wiring certificate (“DCI - *4 Declaración de conformidad”). The DCI is issued by an electrician 7 calendar days ARS 17,000 registered with the Association for the Promotion of Electrical Safety ("Asociación para la Promoción de la Seguridad Eléctrica -A.P.S.E."). The internal wiring of the building is the responsibility of the user/owner of Doing Business 2017 Argentina 49 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete the building. Agency: Un electricista registrado con la Asociación para la Promoción de la Seguridad Eléctrica (A.P.S.E.) Carry out civil works required by EDESUR After the customer receives the cost estimate and the details of the external connection works needed from EDESUR, he hires a 5 subcontractor to carry out the connection works, as required by EDESUR. 25 calendar days ARS 19,500 Agency: Electrical Contractor Receive connection works and meter installation by EDESUR EDESUR approves the connection works carried out by the customer’s electrical contractor, obtains the relevant approvals from the municipality to do the excavation works in public spaces and finalizes the connection works. The installation of the meter happens on the same day that the connection works are carried out and the electricity starts flowing right away. The signed supply contract is a prerequisite for EDESUR to start its part of the connection works. By means of the supply contract the client commits to paying the electricity that will be consumed and to not lower the initial load estimate on which the connection works are based. At this moment, the client also has to present the electrical plans approved by the relevant Municipality ("Habilitacion Municipal del plano 6 electromecánico and del plano de la instalación eléctrica"). After the 21 calendar days ARS 2,705.45 supply contract has been signed, EDESUR inspects the part of the connection works that was carried out by the customer’s electrical contractor, and finalizes the connection works. Since August 2012, according to the Resolución ENRE 0215/2012, the EDESUR charges a contribución especial reembolsable (CER) for new connections. The CER is reimbursed to the client through electricity bills. The reimbursement happens in a maximum of 48 equal payments reimbursed with interests. Agency: Edesur * Takes place simultaneously with previous procedure. Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 50 GETTING ELECTRICITY Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index The reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs Doing Business uses the system average interruption index encompasses quantitative data on the duration duration index (SAIDI) and the system average and frequency of power outages as well as interruption frequency index (SAIFI) to measure the qualitative information on the mechanisms put in duration and frequency of power outages in the largest place by the utility for monitoring power outages business city of each economy (for 11 economies the data and restoring power supply, the reporting are also collected for the second largest business city). relationship between the utility and the regulator for SAIDI is the average total duration of outages over the power outages, the transparency and accessibility of course of a year for each customer served, while SAIFI is tariffs and whether the utility faces a financial the average number of service interruptions experienced deterrent aimed at limiting outages (such as a by a customer in a year. Annual data (covering the requirement to compensate customers or pay fines calendar year) are collected from distribution utility when outages exceed a certain cap). companies and national regulators on SAIDI and SAIFI. Both SAIDI and SAIFI estimates include load shedding. The index ranges from 0 to 8, with higher values indicating greater reliability of electricity supply and greater transparency of tariffs. Table 4.3 Reliability of Supply and Transparency of Tariff Index in Argentina Answer Score Reliability of supply and transparency of tariff index (0-8) 5.0 Total duration and frequency of outages per customer a year (0-3) 0.0 System average interruption duration index (SAIDI) 4.02 System average interruption frequency index (SAIFI) 15.6 Mechanisms for monitoring outages (0-1) 1.0 Does the distribution utility use automated tools to monitor outages? Yes Mechanisms for restoring service (0-1) 1.0 Does the distribution utility use automated tools to restore service? Yes Regulatory monitoring (0-1) 1.0 Does a regulator—that is, an entity separate from the utility—monitor Yes the utility’s performance on reliability of supply? Financial deterrents aimed at limiting outages (0-1) 1.0 Does the utility either pay compensation to customers or face fines by Yes the regulator (or both) if outages exceed a certain cap? Communication of tariffs and tariff changes (0-1) 1.0 Are effective tariffs available online? Yes Link to the website, if available online http://www.edesu Doing Business 2017 Argentina 51 Answer Score arifario.pdf Are customers notified of a change in tariff ahead of the billing cycle? Yes Price of electricity (US cents per kWh) 8.8 Source: Doing Business database. Note: If data on power outages is not collected or if the SAIFI index or SAIDI index are above the threshold of 100, the economy is not eligible to obtain a score in the Reliability of Supply and Transparency of Tariff Index. If SAIDI and SAIFI are 12 (equivalent to an outage of one hour each month) or below, a score of 1 is assigned. If SAIDI and SAIFI are 4 (equivalent to an outage of one hour each quarter) or below, 1 additional point is assigned. Finally, if SAIDI and SAIFI are 1 (equivalent to an outage of one hour per year) or below, 1 more point is assigned. Doing Business measures the price of electricity but does not include these data when calculating the distance to frontier score for getting electricity or the ranking on the ease of getting electricity. The price of electricity is measured in cents per kilowatt-hour. On the basis of the assumptions about monthly consumption, a monthly bill for a commercial warehouse in the largest business city of the economy is computed for the month of March. As noted, the warehouse uses electricity 30 days a month, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., so different tariff schedules may apply if a time-of-use tariff is available. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 52 REGISTERING PROPERTY Ensuring formal property rights is fundamental. WHAT THE REGISTERING PROPERTY Effective administration of land is part of that. If INDICATORS MEASURE formal property transfer is too costly or complicated, formal titles might go informal again. And where property is informal or poorly Procedures to legally transfer title on administered, it has little chance of being accepted immovable property (number) as collateral for loans—limiting access to finance. Preregistration (for example, checking for liens, notarizing sales agreement, paying property What do the indicators cover? transfer taxes) Doing Business records the full sequence of Registration in the economy’s largest business procedures necessary for a business to purchase city property from another business and transfer the property title to the buyer’s name. The transaction is Postregistration (for example, filing title with the municipality) considered complete when it is opposable to third parties and when the buyer can use the property, Time required to complete each procedure use it as collateral for a bank loan or resell it. In (calendar days) addition, Doing Business also measures quality of Does not include time spent gathering the land administration system in each economy. information The ranking of economies on the ease of registering property is determined by sorting their distance to Each procedure starts on a separate day— frontier scores for registering property. These scores though procedures that can be fully completed online are an exception to this rule are the simple average of the distance to frontier scores for each of the component indicators. To Procedure considered completed once final make the data comparable across economies, document is received several assumptions about the parties to the No prior contact with officials transaction, the property and the procedures are used. Cost required to complete each procedure (% of property value) The parties (buyer and seller): Official costs only, no bribes  Are limited liability companies, 100% domestically and privately owned and perform No value added or capital gains taxes included general commercial activities in the economy’s Quality of land administration index (0-30) largest business city.  Have 50 employees each, all of whom are  Has no mortgages attached, has been under the nationals. same ownership for the past 10 years. The property (fully owned by the seller):  Consists of 557.4 square meters (6,000 square feet)  Has a value of 50 times income per capita. The of land and a 10-year-old, 2-story warehouse of 929 sale price equals the value and entire property square meters (10,000 square feet). The warehouse is will be transferred. in good condition and complies with all safety  Is registered in the land registry or cadastre, or standards, building codes and legal requirements. both, and is free of title disputes. There is no heating system.  Is located in a periurban commercial zone, and no rezoning is required. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 53 REGISTERING PROPERTY Where does the economy stand today? What does it take to complete a property transfer in Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest Argentina? According to data collected by Doing business city of an economy, except for 11 economies for Business, registering property there requires 7.0 which the data are a population-weighted average of the procedures, takes 51.5 days and costs 6.6% of the 2 largest business cities. See the chapter on distance to property value (figure 5.1). The score on the quality of frontier and ease of doing business ranking at the end of land administration index is 13.0 this profile for more details. Figure 5.1 What it takes to register property in Argentina Source: Doing Business database. Note: Time shown in the figure above may not reflect simultaneity of procedures. Online procedures account for 0.5 days in the total time calculation. For more information on the methodology of the registering property indicators, see the Doing Business website ( For details on the procedures reflected here, see the summary at the end of this chapter. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 54 REGISTERING PROPERTY Globally, Argentina stands at 114 in the ranking of 190 regional average ranking provide other useful economies on the ease of registering property (figure information for assessing how easy it is for an 5.2). The rankings for comparator economies and the entrepreneur in Argentina to transfer property. Figure 5.2 How Argentina and comparator economies rank on the ease of registering property Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 55 REGISTERING PROPERTY Economies worldwide have been making it easier for the time required substantially—enabling buyers to use entrepreneurs to register and transfer property—such as or mortgage their property earlier. What property by computerizing land registries, introducing time limits registration reforms has Doing Business recorded in for procedures and setting low fixed fees. Many have cut Argentina (table 5.1)? Table 5.1 How has Argentina made registering property easier—or not? By Doing Business report year from DB2011 to DB2017 DB year Reform Argentina made transferring property more difficult by adding DB2012 a requirement that the notary obtain the tax agency’s reference value for property before notarizing the sale deed. Source: Doing Business database. Note: For information on reforms in earlier years (back to DB2005), see the Doing Business reports for these years, available at Doing Business 2017 Argentina 56 REGISTERING PROPERTY What are the details? The indicators reported here are based on a set of STANDARD PROPERTY TRANSFER specific procedures—the steps that a buyer and seller must complete to transfer the property to the buyer’s name—identified by Doing Business through information collected from local property lawyers, Property value: ARS 6,698,496 notaries and property registries. These procedures are those that apply to a transaction matching the Buenos Aires standard assumptions used by Doing Business in City: (Ciudad autonoma collecting the data (see the section in this chapter on de) what the indicators cover). The procedures, along with the associated time and cost, are summarized below. Table 5.2 Summary of time, cost and procedures for registering property in Argentina Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete Obtain a certificate stating that no local taxes related to the property are due (ABL) This certificate ("Certificado de libre deuda de impuestos municipales- ABL") is obtained at the Notaries’ association ("Colegio de Escribanos"). Local taxes related to the property being sold are known as ABL (“alumbrado, barrido y limpieza”, street light and cleaning). The 3 days certificate is valid for 30 days (or the current month), according to the (simultaneous 1 2009 “Código Fiscal” of the city of Buenos Aires, which shortened the ARS 240 with Procedures original 1 year validity. 2, 3 and 4) Agency: Notaries’ association ("Colegio de Escribanos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires") Obtain a cadastral certificate ("certificado catastral") The notary requests the cadastral certificate (with measures, boundaries and fiscal valuation) at the Cadastral office (“Oficina catastral”). The 1 day certificate is valid for one year. In the Capital Federal, there is no need for (simultaneous *2 ARS 320 a surveyor to measure the property. with Procedures 1, 3 and 4) Agency: City of Buenos Aires government (“Oficina catastral”) Doing Business 2017 Argentina 57 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete Seller must obtain a certificate of ownership ("dominio") and a certificate of good standing ("inhibiciones") from the Real Property Registry The certificate of ownership ("Certificado de dominio") proves that the property is free and clear of liens and or encumbrances. According to Executive Order No. 2080/80, article 8, it is mandatory to obtain the non- encumbrance certificate.The certificate of personal annotation ("Certificado de inhibiciones") proves that there is no judicial order restraining the seller from encumbering or disposing of his assets. 7 days (regular Procedure for Domain domain certificate The domain certificate and a personal annotation are valid for 15 days, Certificate: ARS and they are both requested with a unified form. and personal 490 (urgent) or annotation ARS 280 (regular) When a notary from the Capital Federal requests a domain certificate, certificate), less Certificate of Good *3 the property is “reserved” for 60 days. If a new Domain certificate is than a day Standing: ARS 430 requested during this period, it will state that a transaction is in process. (urgent (urgent) or ARS Procedure) 220 (regular); (online and Pursuant to Technical Resolution N°5/2008 of the Registry of Property Certificate of Good simultaneous dated September 5, 2008, the certificate of personal annotation can be Standing: ARS 56 with Procedures obtained online at the Registry website, with a cost 1, 2 and 4) of AR$ 56. Only interested parties pursuant to sections 6,7 and 22, Law No. 17,801 can obtain the certificate online, and they also need to be registered users of the website (notaries, accountants, lawyers,...). Agency: Real Property Registry (Registro de la propiedad inmueble de la Capital Federal) Obtain a Real Estate Reference Value (Valor Inmobiliario de Referencia) Property transfers in the City of Buenos Aires and some parts of the Province of Buenos Aires require a “Valor Inmobiliario de Referencia (VIR)” (Real Estate Reference Value”). The VIR was introduced by Resolutión Nº 67-AGIP-10 of February 10, 2010 and later amended by Less than a day Resolutión Nº 435-AGIP-11 of August 3, 2011. A VIR is assigned to every (online procedure property by the revenue agency and it sets a minimum base to calculate and simultaneous no cost *4 the stamp tax. The VIR aims to prevent the undervaluation of properties with procedures done to pay less stamp duty on property transfers. 1, 2 and 3) The notary has the responsibility to check the VIR, since the stamp duty will be calculated on the greater value between VIR, the fiscal valuation ('valuación fiscal') and the sale price agreed by parties. The procedure is free and it can be obtained online by the notary through the revenue agency website However, not all the properties in the City of Buenos Aires have been assigned a VIR yet. In these cases the Doing Business 2017 Argentina 58 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete notary must obtain a certificate stating that there is no VIR for the property. Agency: Real Property Registry (Registro de la propiedad inmueble de la Capital Federal) Obtain "Code of Offer of Transfer of a Property" (COTI) at tax agency AFIP Sellers have to declare property transfers of over ARS 600.000 to the tax authorities in the City (AFIP). The declaration shall include the names of the buyer and seller, the property being transferred and the value of the transaction. Once the transaction is declared, the seller will obtain a "Code of Offer of Transfer of a Property" (COTI) from AFIP. The COTI has a validity of 24 months (extendable 12 months if a construction is to be made). The "Code of Offer of Transfer of a Property" (COTI) may be obtained: Less than a day 5 - online: through, accessing to the system with a tax (online no cost code; or procedure) -on the phone (0800-999-2347), in which case it will be necessary to print a certificate afterwards from (access to the system is with a tax code); or - via sms, texting 2347: the user will receive a reply with the number of procedure and will be contacted later by the Information Call Center to continue with the procedure. Agency: Tax Agency (AFIP) The public deed is executed by the parties with the intervention of a Notary public fees: notary public 1-1.5% of the The public deed is the only document which is mandatory by law to purchase price transfer a property's ownership. Transactions subject to Capital Gains Tax (usually paid by are not subject to Transfer Tax (this is the case when companies are buyer) parties to the transaction). Capital Gains Tax is paid by the seller. Stamp Tax: 3.6 % However, this tax is not applicable if the money collected by seller for the of the greater transfer of property is used to buy another property within a year of the 20 days value between the 6 sale or for the construction of a new property. In this last case, for the tax VIR, the fiscal waiver to apply, the construction has to start a year after or a year before valuation and the the transaction and it has to be completed 4 years after the date of the purchase price transaction. (usually paid jointly) The notary will retain the 1.5% for the transfer tax, but if the transaction Transfer Tax: 1.5% is subject to Capital Gains Tax (CGT), he will use this amount to pay the CGT. If the transaction has been arranged through a broker, his fees will of the purchase be about 3% of the purchase price. price (Income Tax Doing Business 2017 Argentina 59 Time to No. Procedure Cost to complete complete applicable to companies, paid Agency: Notary by seller) The notary public files the property transfer for registration with the Real Property Register ARS 420 (regular) The notary public files the property transfer for registration with the Real or ARS 840 Property Register. (urgent) + 0.2% 7 28 days property price Agency: Real Property Registry (Registro de la propiedad inmueble de la additional stamp Capital Federal) tax * Takes place simultaneously with another procedure. Source: Doing Business database. Note: Online procedures account for 0.5 days in the total time calculation. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 60 REGISTERING PROPERTY Quality of land administration The quality of land administration index is the sum of If private sector entities were unable to register property the scores on the reliability of infrastructure, transfers in an economy between June 2015 and June transparency of information, geographic coverage, 2016, the economy receives a “no practice” mark on the land dispute resolution and equal access to property procedures, time and cost indicators. A “no practice” rights indices. economy receives a score of 0 on the quality of land administration index even if its legal framework includes The index ranges from 0 to 30, with higher values provisions related to land administration. indicating better quality of the land administration system. Table 5.3 Summary of quality of land administration in Argentina Answer Score Quality of the land administration index (0-30) 13.0 Reliability of infrastructure index (0-8) 5.0 Registro de la Propiedad What is the institution in charge of immovable property registration? Inmueble de la Capital Federal In what format are the majority of title or deed records kept in the Computer/Scann largest business city—in a paper format or in a computerized format 1.0 ed (scanned or fully digital)? Is there an electronic database for checking for encumbrances (liens, Yes 1.0 mortgages, restrictions and the like)? In what format are the majority of maps of land plots kept in the Computer/Fully largest business city—in a paper format or in a computerized format 2.0 digital (scanned or fully digital)? Is there an electronic database for recording boundaries, checking plans and providing cadastral information (geographic information Yes 1.0 system)? Is the information recorded by the immovable property registration Separate agency and the cadastral or mapping agency kept in a single database, 0.0 databases in different but linked databases or in separate databases? Do the immovable property registration agency and cadastral or No 0.0 mapping agency use the same identification number for properties? Transparency of information index (0–6) 2.0 Only Who is able to obtain information on land ownership at the agency in intermediaries 0.0 charge of immovable property registration in the largest business city? and interested parties Doing Business 2017 Argentina 61 Answer Score Is the list of documents that are required to complete any type of Yes, online 0.5 property transaction made publicly available–and if so, how? http://www.dnrpi. Link for online access: Is the applicable fee schedule for any property transaction at the agency in charge of immovable property registration in the largest Yes, online 0.5 business city made publicly available–and if so, how? http://www.dnrpi. Link for online access: alores/tabla_valor es.php Does the agency in charge of immovable property registration commit to delivering a legally binding document that proves property Yes, online 0.5 ownership within a specific time frame–and if so, how does it communicate the service standard? http://www.dnrpi. Link for online access: istro/?ref=11 Is there a specific and separate mechanism for filing complaints about a problem that occurred at the agency in charge of immovable property No 0.0 registration? atencionalcliente Contact information: Are there publicly available official statistics tracking the number of No 0.0 transactions at the immovable property registration agency? Number of property transfers in the largest business city in 2015: Only intermediaries Who is able to consult maps of land plots in the largest business city? 0.0 and interested parties Is the applicable fee schedule for accessing maps of land plots made Yes, online 0.5 publicly available—and if so, how? http://www.sspla n.buenosaires.go Link for online access: mularios-de- tramitacion-de- catastro/tramgral /dgrocc/107- Doing Business 2017 Argentina 62 Answer Score docf/792- certificacion-del- estado-parcelario Does the cadastral or mapping agency commit to delivering an updated map within a specific time frame—and if so, how does it No 0.0 communicate the service standard? Link for online access: Is there a specific and separate mechanism for filing complaints about No 0.0 a problem that occurred at the cadastral or mapping agency? Geographic coverage index (0–8) 2.0 Are all privately held land plots in the economy formally registered at No 0.0 the immovable property registry? Are all privately held land plots in the largest business city formally No 0.0 registered at the immovable property registry? Are all privately held land plots in the economy mapped? No 0.0 Are all privately held land plots in the largest business city mapped? Yes 2.0 Land dispute resolution index (0–8) 4.0 Does the law require that all property sale transactions be registered at the immovable property registry to make them opposable to third Yes 1.5 parties? Is the system of immovable property registration subject to a state or Yes 0.5 private guarantee? Is there a specific compensation mechanism to cover for losses incurred by parties who engaged in good faith in a property transaction No 0.0 based on erroneous information certified by the immovable property registry? Does the legal system require a control of legality of the documents necessary for a property transaction (e.g., checking the compliance of Yes 0.5 contracts with requirements of the law)? If yes, who is responsible for checking the legality of the documents? Registrar; Notary. Does the legal system require verification of the identity of the parties Yes 0.5 to a property transaction? If yes, who is responsible for verifying the identity of the parties? Notary. Is there a national database to verify the accuracy of identity Yes 1.0 documents? For a standard land dispute between two local businesses over tenure National Civil rights of a property worth 50 times gross national income (GNI) per Court of First Doing Business 2017 Argentina 63 Answer Score capita and located in the largest business city, what court would be in Instance (juzgado charge of the case in the first instance? nacional en lo civil) How long does it take on average to obtain a decision from the first- More than 3 0.0 instance court for such a case (without appeal)? years Are there any statistics on the number of land disputes in the first No 0.0 instance? Number of land disputes in the largest business city in 2015: Equal access to property rights index (-2–0) 0.0 Do unmarried men and unmarried women have equal ownership rights Yes 0.0 to property? Do married men and married women have equal ownership rights to Yes 0.0 property? Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 64 GETTING CREDIT Two types of frameworks can facilitate access to WHAT THE GETTING CREDIT INDICATORS credit and improve its allocation: credit information MEASURE systems and borrowers and lenders in collateral and bankruptcy laws. Credit information systems enable lenders to view and consider a potential borrower’s Strength of legal rights index (0–12) financial history (positive or negative) when assessing Rights of borrowers and lenders through risk and they allow borrowers to establish a good collateral laws credit history that will facilitate their access to credit. Protection of secured creditors’ rights through Sound collateral laws enable businesses to use their bankruptcy laws assets, especially movable property, as security to generate capital—while strong creditors’ rights have Depth of credit information index (0–8) been associated with higher ratios of private sector Scope and accessibility of credit information credit to GDP. distributed by credit bureaus and credit registries What do the indicators cover? Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) Doing Business assesses the sharing of credit information and the legal rights of borrowers and Number of individuals and firms listed in largest lenders with respect to secured transactions through credit bureau as percentage of adult population 2 sets of indicators. The depth of credit information Credit registry coverage (% of adults) index measures rules and practices affecting the coverage, scope and accessibility of credit Number of individuals and firms listed in credit registry as percentage of adult population information available through a credit registry or a credit bureau. The strength of legal rights index measures whether certain features that facilitate lending exist within the applicable collateral and bankruptcy laws. Doing Business uses two case scenarios, Case A and Case B, to determine the scope Has up to 50 employees. of the secured transactions system, involving a secured borrower and a secured lender and Is 100% domestically owned, as is the lender. examining legal restrictions on the use of movable The ranking of economies on the ease of getting credit collateral (for more details on each case, see the Data is determined by sorting their distance to frontier scores Notes section of the Doing Business 2017 report). for getting credit. These scores are the distance to These scenarios assume that the borrower: frontier score for the strength of legal rights index and Is a domestic limited liability company. the depth of credit information index. Has its headquarters and only base of operations in the largest business city. For the 11 economies with a population of more than 100 million, data for a second city have been added. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 65 GETTING CREDIT Where does the economy stand today? How well do the credit information system and collateral Globally, Argentina stands at 82 in the ranking of 190 and bankruptcy laws in Argentina facilitate access to economies on the ease of getting credit (figure 6.1). The credit? The economy has a score of 8.0 on the depth of rankings for comparator economies provide other useful credit information index and a score of 2.0 on the information for assessing how well regulations and strength of legal rights index (see the summary of institutions in Argentina support lending and borrowing. scoring at the end of this chapter for details). Higher scores indicate more credit information and stronger legal rights for borrowers and lenders. Figure 6.1 How Argentina and comparator economies rank on the ease of getting credit Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 66 GETTING CREDIT One way to put an economy’s score on the getting credit rights index for Argentina and shows the scores for indicators into context is to see where the economy comparator economies as well as the regional average stands in the distribution of scores across economies. score. Figure 6.3 shows the same for the depth of credit Figure 6.2 highlights the score on the strength of legal information index. Figure 6.2 How strong are legal rights for borrowers Figure 6.3 How much credit information is shared — and lenders? and how widely? Economy scores on strength of legal rights index Economy scores on depth of credit information index Source: Doing Business database. Source: Doing Business database. Note: Higher scores indicate that collateral and bankruptcy Note: Higher scores indicate the availability of more credit laws are better designed to facilitate access to credit. information, from either a credit registry or a credit bureau, Source: Doing Business database. to facilitate lending decisions. If the credit bureau or registry is not operational or covers less than 5% of the adult population, the total score on the depth of credit information index is 0. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 67 GETTING CREDIT What are the details? The getting credit indicators reported here for Argentina The data on the legal rights of borrowers and lenders are are based on detailed information collected in that gathered through a survey of financial lawyers and economy. The data on credit information sharing are verified through analysis of laws and regulations as well collected through a survey of a credit registry and/or as public sources of information on collateral and credit bureau (if one exists). To construct the depth of bankruptcy laws. For the strength of legal rights index, a credit information index, a score of 1 is assigned for each score of 1 is assigned for each of 10 aspects related to of 8 features of the credit registry or credit bureau (see legal rights in collateral law and 2 aspects in bankruptcy summary of scoring below). law. Strength of legal rights index (0–12) Index score: 2.0 Does an integrated or unified legal framework for secured transactions that extends to the creation, publicity and enforcement of functional equivalents to security interests in movable 0 assets exist in the economy? Does the law allow businesses to grant a non possessory security right in a single category of 0 movable assets, without requiring a specific description of collateral? Does the law allow businesses to grant a non possessory security right in substantially all of its 0 assets, without requiring a specific description of collateral? May a security right extend to future or after-acquired assets, and may it extend automatically to 0 the products, proceeds or replacements of the original assets? Is a general description of debts and obligations permitted in collateral agreements; can all types of debts and obligations be secured between parties; and can the collateral agreement include a 1 maximum amount for which the assets are encumbered? Is a collateral registry in operation for both incorporated and non-incorporated entities, that is 0 unified geographically and by asset type, with an electronic database indexed by debtor's name? Can banks and financial institutions access borrowers’ credit information online (for example, 0 through a web interface, a system-to-system connection or both)? Does a modern collateral registry exist in which registrations, amendments, cancellations and 0 searches can be performed online by any interested third party? Are secured creditors paid first (i.e. before tax claims and employee claims) when a debtor 1 defaults outside an insolvency procedure? Are secured creditors paid first (i.e. before tax claims and employee claims) when a business is 0 liquidated? Are secured creditors subject to an automatic stay on enforcement when a debtor enters a court-supervised reorganization procedure? Does the law protect secured creditors’ rights by 0 providing clear grounds for relief from the stay and/or sets a time limit for it? Doing Business 2017 Argentina 68 Strength of legal rights index (0–12) Index score: 2.0 Does the law allow parties to agree on out of court enforcement at the time a security interest is created? Does the law allow the secured creditor to sell the collateral through public auction and 0 private tender, as well as, for the secured creditor to keep the asset in satisfaction of the debt? Depth of credit information index (0–8) Credit bureau Credit registry Index score: 8.0 Are data on both firms and individuals distributed? Yes Yes 1 Are both positive and negative credit data distributed? Yes Yes 1 Are data from retailers or utility companies - in addition to data from banks and financial institutions - Yes No 1 distributed? Are at least 2 years of historical data distributed? (Credit bureaus and registries that distribute more than 10 years Yes No 1 of negative data or erase data on defaults as soon as they are repaid obtain a score of 0 for this component.) Are data on loan amounts below 1% of income per Yes Yes 1 capita distributed? By law, do borrowers have the right to access their data Yes Yes 1 in the credit bureau or credit registry? Can banks and financial institutions access borrowers’ credit information online (for example, through an online Yes Yes 1 platform, a system-to-system connection or both)? Are bureau or registry credit scores offered as a value- added service to help banks and financial institutions Yes No 1 assess the creditworthiness of borrowers? Note: An economy receives a score of 1 if there is a "yes" to either bureau or registry. If the credit bureau or registry is not operational or covers less than 5% of the adult population, the total score on the depth of credit information index is 0. Coverage Credit bureau Credit registry Number of individuals 39,000,000 11,406,757 Number of firms 1,300,000 142,992 Total 40,300,000 11,549,749 Total percentage of adult population 100.0 41.6 Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 69 PROTECTING MINORITY INVESTORS Protecting minority investors matters for the ability of WHAT THE PROTECTING MINORITY companies to raise the capital they need to grow, innovate, diversify and compete. Effective regulations INVESTORS INDICATORS MEASURE define related-party transactions precisely, promote clear and efficient disclosure requirements, require Extent of disclosure index (0–10) shareholder participation in major decisions of the Review and approval requirements for related-party company and set detailed standards of accountability transactions; Disclosure requirements for related-party for company insiders. transactions What do the indicators cover? Extent of director liability index (0–10) Ability of minority shareholders to sue and hold Doing Business measures the protection of minority interested directors liable for prejudicial related-party investors from conflicts of interest through one set of transactions; Available legal remedies (damages, indicators and shareholders’ rights in corporate disgorgement of profits, fines, imprisonment, rescission governance through another. The ranking of economies of the transaction) on the strength of minority investor protections is Ease of shareholder suits index (0–10) determined by sorting their distance to frontier scores Access to internal corporate documents; Evidence for protecting minority investors. These scores are the obtainable during trial and allocation of legal expenses simple average of the distance to frontier scores for the extent of conflict of interest regulation index and the Extent of conflict of interest regulation index (0– extent of shareholder governance index. To make the 10) data comparable across economies, a case study uses Simple average of the extent of disclosure, extent of several assumptions about the business and the director liability and ease of shareholder indices transaction. Extent of shareholder rights index (0-10) The business (Buyer): Shareholders’ rights and role in major corporate decisions  Is a publicly traded corporation listed on the Extent of ownership and control index (0-10) economy’s most important stock exchange. If the Governance safeguards protecting shareholders from number of publicly traded companies listed on that undue board control and entrenchment exchange is less than 10, or if there is no stock exchange in the economy, it is assumed that Buyer Extent of corporate transparency index (0-10) is a large private company with multiple Corporate transparency on ownership stakes, shareholders. compensation, audits and financial prospects Extent of shareholder governance index (0–10)  Has a board of directors and a chief executive officer (CEO) who may legally act on behalf of Buyer Simple average of the extent of shareholders rights, extent of ownership and control and extent of corporate where permitted, even if this is not specifically transparency indices required by law. Strength of minority investor protection index (0–  Has a supervisory board (applicable to economies 10) with a two-tier board system) on which 60% of the Simple average of the extent of conflict of interest shareholder-elected members have been appointed regulation and extent of shareholder governance indices by Mr. James, who is Buyer’s controlling shareholder and a member of Buyer’s board of directors.  Has not adopted any bylaws or articles of association that differ from default minimum standards and does not follow any nonmandatory codes, principles, recommendations or guidelines Doing Business 2017 Argentina 70 relating to corporate governance.  Is a manufacturing company with its own distribution network. The transaction involves the following details:  Mr. James owns 60% of Buyer and elected two directors to Buyer’s five-member board.  Mr. James also owns 90% of Seller, a company that operates a chain of retail hardware stores. Seller recently closed a large number of its stores.  Mr. James proposes that Buyer pur chase Seller’s unused fleet of trucks to expand Buyer’s distribution of its food products, a proposal to which Buyer agrees. The price is equal to 10% of Buyer’s assets and is higher than the market value.  The proposed transaction is part of the company’s ordinary course of business and is not outside the authority of the company.  Buyer enters into the transaction. All required approvals are obtained, and all required disclosures made (that is, the transaction is not fraudulent).  The transaction causes damages to Buyer. Shareholders sue Mr. James and the other parties that approved the transaction. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 71 PROTECTING MINORITY INVESTORS Where does the economy stand today? How strong are minority investor protections against protection index (figure 7.1). While the indicator does self-dealing in Argentina? The economy has a score of not measure all aspects related to the protection of 6.2 on the strength of minority investor protection index, minority investors, a higher ranking does indicate that an with a higher score indicating stronger protections. economy’s regulations offer stronger minority investor protections against self-dealing in the areas measured. Globally, Argentina stands at 51 in the ranking of 190 economies on the strength of minority investor Figure 7.1 How Argentina and comparator economies perform on the strength of minority investor protection index Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 72 PROTECTING MINORITY INVESTORS One way to put an economy’s scores on the A summary of scoring for the protecting minority investors protecting minority investors indicators into context indicators at the end of this chapter provides details on is to see where the economy stands in the how the indices were calculated. distribution of scores across comparator economies. Figure 7.2 highlights the scores on the various minority investor protection indices for Argentina. Figure 7.2 Summary of the various minority investor protection indices for Argentina and comparator economies. Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 73 PROTECTING MINORITY INVESTORS What are the details? The protecting minority investors indicators reported to disclosure, director liability, shareholder suits, here for Argentina are based on detailed information shareholder rights, ownership and control and corporate collected through a survey of corporate and securities transparency in a standard case study (for more details, lawyers about securities regulations, company laws and see the Data Notes section of the Doing Business 2017 court rules of evidence and procedure. To construct the report). The summary below shows the details underlying six indicators on minority investor protection, scores are the scores for Argentina. assigned to each based on a range of conditions relating Table 7.2 Summary of scoring for the protecting minority investors indicators in Argentina Answer Score Strength of minority investor protection index (0-10) 6.2 Extent of conflict of interest regulation index (0-10) 5.0 Extent of disclosure index (0-10) 7.0 Which corporate body is legally sufficient to approve the Board of directors excluding 2.0 Buyer-Seller transaction? (0-3) interested members Must Mr. James disclose his conflict of interest to the board Full disclosure of all material facts 2.0 of directors? (0-2) Must Buyer disclose the transaction in published periodic Disclosure on the transaction only 1.0 filings (annual reports)? (0-2) Must Buyer immediately disclose the transaction to the Disclosure on the transaction and 2.0 public and/or shareholders? (0-2) on the conflict of interest Must an external body review the terms of the transaction No 0.0 before it takes place? (0-1) Extent of director liability index (0-10) 2.0 Can shareholders representing 10% of Buyer's share capital sue directly or derivatively for the damage the transaction Yes 1.0 caused to Buyer? (0-1) Can shareholders hold the interested director liable for the Not liable 0.0 damage the transaction caused to Buyer? (0-2) Can shareholders hold the other directors liable for the Not liable 0.0 damage the transaction caused to Buyer (0-2) Must Mr. James pay damages for the harm caused to Buyer Yes 1.0 upon a successful claim by shareholders? (0-1) Must Mr. James repay profits made from the transaction No 0.0 upon a successful claim by shareholders? (0-1) Is Mr. James disqualifed or fined and imprisoned upon a No 0.0 successful claim by shareholders? (0-1) Can a court void the transaction upon a successful claim by Only in case of fraud or bad faith 0.0 shareholders? (0-2) Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10) 6.0 Before suing can shareholders representing 10% of Buyer's Yes 1.0 share capital inspect the transaction documents? (0-1) Can the plaintiff obtain any documents from the defendant Any relevant document 3.0 and witnesses at trial? (0-3) Can the plaintiff request categories of documents from the Yes 1.0 Doing Business 2017 Argentina 74 defendant without identifying specific ones? (0-1) Can the plaintiff directly question the defendant and No 0.0 witnesses at trial? (0-2) Is the level of proof required for civil suits lower than that of No 0.0 criminal cases? (0-1) Can shareholder plaintiffs recover their legal expenses from Yes if successful 1.0 the company? (0-2) Extent of shareholder governance index (0-10) 7.3 Extent of shareholder rights index (0-10) 9.0 Does the sale of 51% of Buyer's assets require shareholder Yes 1.0 approval? Can shareholders representing 10% of Buyer's share capital Yes 1.0 call for an extraordinary meeting of shareholders? Must Buyer obtain its shareholders’ approval every time it Yes 1.0 issues new shares? Do shareholders automatically receive preemption rights Yes 1.0 every time Buyer issues new shares? Must shareholders approve the election and dismissal of the Yes 1.0 external auditor? Are changes to the rights of a class of shares only possible if Yes 1.0 the holders of the affected shares approve? Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, does the sale of No 0.0 51% of its assets require member approval? Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, can members representing 10% call for an extraordinary meeting of Yes 1.0 members? Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, must all Yes 1.0 members consent to add a new member? Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, must a member first offer to sell his interest to the existing members before Yes 1.0 selling to a non-member? Extent of ownership and control index (0-10) 6.0 Is it forbidden to appoint the same individual as CEO and No 0.0 chair of the board of directors? Must the board of directors include independent and Yes 1.0 nonexecutive board members? Can shareholders remove members of the board of Yes 1.0 directors without cause before the end of their term? Must the board of directors include a separate audit Yes 1.0 committee exclusively comprising board members? Must a potential acquirer make a tender offer to all Yes 1.0 shareholders upon acquiring 50% of Buyer? Must Buyer pay dividends within a maximum period set by Yes 1.0 law after the declaration date? Is a subsidiary prohibited from acquiring shares issued by its No 0.0 parent company? Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, is there a Yes 1.0 management deadlock breaking mechanism? Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, must a potential acquirer make a tender offer to all shareholders upon No 0.0 acquiring 50% of Buyer? Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, must Buyer No 0.0 Doing Business 2017 Argentina 75 distribute profits within a maximum period set by law after the declaration date? Extent of corporate transparency index (0-10) 7.0 Must Buyer disclose direct and indirect beneficial ownership Yes 1.0 stakes representing 5%? Must Buyer disclose information about board members’ other directorships as well as basic information on their Yes 1.0 primary employment? Must Buyer disclose the compensation of individual No 0.0 managers? Must a detailed notice of general meeting be sent 21 days No 0.0 before the meeting? Can shareholders representing 5% of Buyer’s share capital Yes 1.0 put items on the agenda for the general meeting? Must Buyer's annual financial statements be audited by an Yes 1.0 external auditor? Must Buyer disclose its audit reports to the public? Yes 1.0 Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, must members No 0.0 meet at least once a year? Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, can members Yes 1.0 representing 5% put items on the meeting agenda? Assuming that Buyer is a limited company, must Buyer's annual financial statements be audited by an external Yes 1.0 auditor? Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 76 PAYING TAXES Taxes are essential. The level of tax rates needs to be WHAT THE PAYING TAXES INDICATORS carefully chosen—and needless complexity in tax rules avoided. Firms in economies that rank better MEASURE on the ease of paying taxes in the Doing Business study tend to perceive both tax rates and tax Tax payments for a manufacturing company administration as less of an obstacle to business in 2014 (number per year adjusted for according to the World Bank Enterprise Survey electronic and joint filing and payment) research. Total number of taxes and contributions paid, What do the indicators cover? including consumption taxes (value added tax, sales tax or goods and service tax) Using a case scenario, Doing Business records the taxes and mandatory contributions that a medium- Method and frequency of filing and payment size company must pay in a given year as well as Time required to comply with 3 major taxes measures of the administrative burden of paying (hours per year) taxes and contributions and dealing with postfiling processes. This case scenario uses a set of financial Collecting information and computing the tax payable statements and assumptions about transactions made over the year. Information is also compiled on Completing tax return forms, filing with the frequency of filing and payments, time taken to proper agencies comply with tax laws, time taken to comply with the Arranging payment or withholding requirements of postfiling processes and time waiting for these processes to be completed. The Preparing separate tax accounting books, if required ranking of economies on the ease of paying taxes is determined by sorting their distance to frontier Total tax rate (% of profit before all taxes) scores on the ease of paying taxes. These scores are Profit or corporate income tax the simple average of the distance to frontier scores for each of the four component indicators – number Social contributions and labor taxes paid by of tax payments. time, total tax rate and postfiling the employer index – with a threshold and a nonlinear Property and property transfer taxes transformation applied to one of the component Dividend, capital gains and financial indicators, the total tax rate1. If both VAT (or GST) transactions taxes and corporate income tax apply, the postfiling index is the simple average of the distance to frontier Waste collection, vehicle, road and other taxes scores for each of the four components: the time to Postfiling Index comply with a VAT or GST refund, the time to obtain The time to comply with a VAT or GST refund a VAT or GST refund, the time to comply with a corporate income tax audit and the time to complete The time to receive a VAT or GST refund a corporate income tax audit. If only VAT (or GST) or The time to comply with a corporate income corporate income tax If onapplies, the postfiling tax audit index is the simple average of the scores for only the The time to complete a corporate income tax two components pertaining to the applicable tax. If audit neither VAT (or GST) nor corporate income tax 1 The nonlinear distance to frontier for the total tax rate is equal to the distance to frontier for the total tax rate to the power of 0.8. The threshold is defined as the total tax rate at the 15th percentile of the overall distribution for all years included in the analysis up to and including Doing Business 2015, which is 26.1%. All economies with a total tax rate below this threshold receive the same score as the economy at the threshold. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 77 applies, the postfiling index is not included in the ranking of the ease of paying taxes. Assumptions about the corporate income tax audit process: Taxes and mandatory contributions include corporate income tax, turnover tax and all labor  An error in the calculation of the income tax taxes and contributions paid by the company. A liability (for example, use of incorrect tax range of standard deductions and exemptions are depreciation rates, or incorrectly treating an also recorded. expense as tax deductible) leads to an incorrect All financial statement variables are proportional to income tax return and consequently an 2012 income per capita. To make the data underpayment of corporate income tax. comparable across economies, several assumptions  TaxpayerCo. discovered the error and are used. voluntarily notified the tax authority of the error TaxpayerCo is a medium-size business that started in the corporate income tax return. operations on January 1, 2014. The business starts from the same financial position in each economy. All the taxes and mandatory contributions paid during the second year of operation are recorded. Taxes and mandatory contributions are measured at all levels of government. Assumptions about the VAT refund process:  In June 2015, TaxpayerCo. makes a large capital purchase: one additional machine for manufacturing pots.  The value of the machine is 65 times income per capita of the economy.  Sales are equally spread per month (that is, 1,050 times income per capita divided by 12).  Cost of goods sold are equally expensed per month (that is, 875 times income per capita divided by 12).  The seller of the machinery is registered for VAT or general sales tax (GST).  Excess input VAT incurred in June will be fully recovered after four consecutive months if the VAT or GST rate is the same for inputs, sales and the machine and the tax reporting period is every month. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 78 PAYING TAXES Where does the economy stand today? What is the administrative burden of complying with tax 8.2 and table 8.3 the end of this chapter for details). obligations and postfiling processes in Argentina—and Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest how much do firms pay in taxes? Globally, Argentina business city of an economy, except for 11 economies for stands at 178 in the ranking of 190 economies on the which the data are a population-weighted average of the ease of paying taxes (figure 8.1). The rankings for 2 largest business cities. See the chapter on distance to comparator economies and the regional average ranking frontier and ease of doing business ranking at the end of provide other useful information for assessing the tax this profile for more details. compliance burden for businesses in Argentina (see table . Figure 8.1 How Argentina and comparator economies rank on the ease of paying taxes Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 79 PAYING TAXES Economies around the world have made paying taxes and exemptions. Many have lowered tax rates. Changes faster, easier and less costly for businesses —such as by have brought concrete results. Some economies consolidating payments and filings of taxes, offering simplifying tax payment and reducing rates have seen electronic systems for filing and payment, establishing tax revenue rise. What tax reforms has Doing Business taxpayer service centers or allowing for more deductions recorded in Argentina (table 8.1)? Table 8.1 How has Argentina made paying taxes easier—or not? By Doing Business report year from DB2011 to DB2017 DB year Reform Argentina made paying taxes less costly by increasing the threshold for the 5% turnover tax. Argentina also made paying DB2017 taxes easier by introducing improvements to the online portal for filing taxes. Source: Doing Business database. Note: For information on reforms in earlier years (back to DB2006), see the Doing Business reports for these years, available at Doing Business 2017 Argentina 80 PAYING TAXES What are the details? The indicators reported here for Argentina are based LOCATION OF STANDARDIZED COMPANY on the taxes and contributions that would be paid by a standardized case study company used by Doing Business in collecting the data (see the section in this City: Buenos Aires (Ciudad autonoma de) chapter on what the indicators cover). Tax practitioners are asked to review a set of financial statements as well as a standardized list of assumptions and transactions that the company The taxes and contributions paid are listed in table 8.2, completed during its 2nd year of operation. along with the associated number of payments, time Respondents are asked how much taxes and and tax rate. mandatory contributions the business must pay, how these taxes are filed and paid, how much time The postfiling index is based on four components—the taxpayers spend preparing, filing and paying three time to comply with a VAT or GST refund, the time to major taxes (profit taxes, labor taxes including obtain a VAT or GST refund, the time to comply with a mandatory contributions and consumption taxes) and corporate income tax audit and the time to complete a how much time taxpayers spend complying with corporate income tax audit. These components are postfiling processes and waiting for these processes based on expanded case study assumptions. If only VAT to be completed. (or GST) or corporate income tax applies for an economy, the postfiling index is the simple average of the scores for only the two components pertaining to the applicable tax. If neither VAT (or GST) nor corporate income tax applies, the postfiling index is not included in the ranking of the ease of paying taxes. Table 8.2 Summary of tax rates and administration Total tax Notes on Tax or mandatory Payments Notes on Time Statutory Tax base rate (% of total tax contribution (number) payments (hours) tax rate profit) rate Turnover tax by City of Buenos 1 online 3%, 7% turnover 53.21 Aires taxable Corporate income tax 1 online 91 35% 3.90 profit 3% (+ AR$ 0.6 per gross Labor risk insurance 0 jointly 3.40 employee salaries per month) Employer paid - Social security gross 1 online 84 23% 25.94 contributions salaries Doing Business 2017 Argentina 81 Total tax Notes on Tax or mandatory Payments Notes on Time Statutory Tax base rate (% of total tax contribution (number) payments (hours) tax rate profit) rate any amount Tax on financial (check) debited or 1 0.6% 17.25 transactions credited to bank accounts Stamp tax on sale of a real 50% of 1 sale price 1.09 estate 3.6% varies fiscal value (0,582% Property tax 1 online of building 0.97 plus AR$ and land 14,364 ) fiscal value Vehicle tax 1 online 2.3% 0.27 of vehicle interest included in Tax on interest income 0 withheld 3% 0.08 income other taxes value not Value added tax (VAT) 1 online 184 21% 0.00 added included gross Employer paid - Payroll tax 0 jointly 17% 0.00 withheld salaries vehicle tax included in Subway tax 0 jointly 10% 0.00 paid other taxes liter AR small Fuel tax 1 consumpti 0.00 0.81/liter amount on Totals 9.0 359.0 106.0 Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 82 TRADING ACROSS BORDERS In today’s globalized world, making trade between WHAT THE TRADING ACROSS BORDERS economies easier is increasingly important for INDICATORS MEASURE FOR IMPORT & EXPORT business. Excessive use of paper documents, burdensome customs procedures, inefficient port operations and inadequate infrastructure all lead Documentary compliance to extra costs and delays for exporters and Obtaining, preparing and submitting documents importers, stifling trade potential. during transport, clearance, inspections and port or border handling in origin economy What do the indicators cover? Obtaining, preparing and submitting documents Doing Business records the time and cost required by destination economy and any transit associated with the logistical process of exporting economies and importing goods. Doing Business measures the Covers all documents required by law and in time and cost (excluding tariffs) associated with practice, including electronic submissions of three sets of procedures—documentary information as well as non-shipment-specific compliance, border compliance and domestic documents necessary to complete the trade transport—within the overall process of exporting Border compliance or importing a shipment of goods. The ranking of economies on the ease of trading across borders is Customs clearance and inspections determined by sorting their distance to frontier Inspections by other agencies (if applied to more scores for trading across borders. These scores are than 10% of shipments) the simple average of the distance to frontier Port or border handling scores for the time and cost for documentary compliance and border compliance to export and Processing of documents during clearance, import (domestic transport is not used for inspections and port or border handling. calculating the ranking). Domestic transport Loading and unloading of shipment at warehouse, To make the data comparable across economies, a dry port or border few assumptions are made about the traded goods and the transactions: Transport by most widely used mode between warehouse and terminal or dry port Time Traffic delays and road police checks while Time is measured in hours, and 1 day is 24 hours shipment is en route (for example, 22 days are recorded as 22 × 24 = 528 hours). If customs clearance takes 7.5 hours, the data are recorded as is. Alternatively, suppose Cost that documents are submitted to a customs Insurance cost and informal payments for which no receipt agency at 8:00 a.m., are processed overnight and is issued are excluded from the costs recorded. Costs are can be picked up at 8:00 a.m. the next day. In this reported in U.S. dollars. Contributors are asked to convert case the time for customs clearance would be local currency into U.S. dollars based on the exchange rate recorded as 24 hours because the actual procedure prevailing on the day they answer the questionnaire. took 24 hours. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 83 Assumptions of the case study  If government fees are determined by the value of the shipment, the value is assumed to be $50,000.  For each of the 190 economies covered by Doing Business, it is assumed that a shipment  The product is new, not secondhand or used travels from a warehouse in the largest merchandise. business city of the exporting economy to a  The exporting firm is responsible for hiring and paying warehouse in the largest business city of the for a freight forwarder or customs broker (or both) importing economy. For 11 economies the and pays for all costs related to international shipping, data are also collected, under the same case domestic transport, clearance and mandatory study assumptions, for the second largest inspections by customs and other government business city. agencies, port or border handling, documentary  The import and export case studies assume compliance fees and the like for exports. The different traded products. It is assumed that importing firm is responsible for the above costs for each economy imports a standardized imports. shipment of 15 metric tons of containerized  The mode of transport is the one most widely used for auto parts (HS 8708) from its natural import the chosen export or import product and the trading partner—the economy from which it imports partner, as is the seaport, airport or land border the largest value (price times quantity) of auto crossing. parts. It is assumed that each economy exports the product of its comparative advantage  All electronic submissions of information requested by (defined by the largest export value) to its any government agency in connection with the natural export partner—the economy that is shipment are considered to be documents obtained, the largest purchaser of this product. Special prepared and submitted during the export or import products, such as precious metal and gems, process. live animals and pharmaceuticals are excluded  A port or border is defined as a place (seaport, airport from the list of possible export products, or land border crossing) where merchandise can enter however, and the second largest product or leave an economy. category is considered as needed.  Government agencies considered relevant are  A shipment is a unit of trade. Export shipments agencies such as customs, port authorities, road do not necessarily need to be containerized, police, border guards, standardization agencies, while import shipments of auto parts are ministries or departments of agriculture or industry, assumed to be containerized. national security agencies and any other government authorities. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 84 TRADING ACROSS BORDERS Where does the economy stand today? The Trading across Borders indicator refers to a case Globally, Argentina stands at 111 in the ranking of 190 study scenario of a warehouse in the largest business city economies on the ease of trading across borders (figure of an economy (except for 11 economies for which the 9.1). data are a population-weighted average of the 2 largest While not included in the distance to frontier or ease of business cities) trading with the main import and export doing business ranking, data on domestic transportation partner through the economy’s main border crossing. is also recorded for all economies and provided in Table 9.3. Figure 9.1 How Argentina and comparator economies rank on the ease of trading across borders Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 85 TRADING ACROSS BORDERS In economies around the world, trading across borders systems. These changes help improve the trading as measured by Doing Business has become faster and environment and boost firms’ international easier over the years. Governments have introduced competitiveness. What trade reforms has Doing Business tools to facilitate trade—including single windows, risk- recorded in Argentina (table 9.1)? based inspections and electronic data interchange Table 9.1 How has Argentina made trading across borders easier—or not? By Doing Business report year from DB2011 to DB2017 DB year Reform Argentina increased the time, cost and number of documents needed to import by expanding the list of products requiring DB2013 nonautomatic licenses and introducing new preapproval procedures for all imports. Argentina reduced the number of documents necessary for DB2014 importing by eliminating nonautomatic license requirements. Argentina made trading across borders easier by introducing a DB2017 new licensing system for importing, which reduced the time required for documentary compliance. Source: Doing Business database. Note: For information on reforms in earlier years (back to DB2006), see the Doing Business reports for these years, available at Doing Business 2017 Argentina 86 TRADING ACROSS BORDERS What are the details? The indicators reported here for Argentina are based LOCATION OF STANDARDIZED COMPANY on a set of specific predefined procedures for trading a shipment of goods by the most widely used mode of transport (whether sea or land or some City: Buenos Aires (Ciudad autonoma de) combination of these). The information on the time and cost to complete export and import is collected The details on the predefined set of procedures, and the from local freight forwarders, customs brokers and associated time and cost, for exporting and importing a traders. shipment of goods are listed in the summary bellow, along with the required documents. Table 9.2 Summary of export and import time and cost for trading across borders in Argentina Argentina Latin America & Caribbean Time to export: Border compliance (hours) 21 63 Cost to export: Border compliance (USD) 150 527 Time to export: Documentary compliance (hours) 30 56 Cost to export: Documentary compliance (USD) 60 111 Time to import: Border compliance (hours) 60 65 Cost to import: Border compliance (USD) 1200 685 Time to import: Documentary compliance (hours) 192 83 Cost to import: Documentary compliance (USD) 120 120 Source: Doing Business database. Table 9.3 Summary of trading details, transport time and documents for trading across borders in Argentina Export Import HS 87 : Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling- HS 8708: Parts and accessories Product stock, and parts and of motor vehicles accessories thereof Trade partner Brazil Brazil Paso de los Libres border Border Buenos Aires port crossing Distance (km) 1007 10 Domestic transport time (hours) 22 2 Domestic transport cost (USD) 1700 600 Doing Business 2017 Argentina 87 Source: Doing Business database. Note: Although Doing Business collects and publishes data on the time and cost for domestic transport, it does not use these data in calculating the distance to frontier score for trading across borders or the ranking on the ease of trading across borders. Documents to export Certificate of Origin Commercial Invoice Customs Export Declaration Packing list Road transport document Tax certificate Documents to import Customs Import Declaration Commercial Invoice Packing list Certificate of origin Import License (SIMI) Secretariat of Interior Commerce form (Nota de pedido) Bill of lading Technical Standards certificate Terminal handling receipt Source: Doing Business database. Note: Doing Business continues to collect data on the number of documents needed to trade internationally. Unlike in previous years, however, these data are excluded from the calculation of the distance to frontier score and ranking. The time and cost for documentary compliance serve as better measures of the overall cost and complexity of compliance with documentary requirements than does the number of documents required. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 88 Figure 9.2 Summary of Argentina on the ease of trading across borders Export Import Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 89 ENFORCING CONTRACTS WHAT THE ENFORCING CONTRACTS Effective commercial dispute resolution has many benefits. Courts are essential for entrepreneurs INDICATORS MEASURE because they interpret the rules of the market and protect economic rights. Efficient and transparent Time required to enforce a contract through courts encourage new business relationships because the courts (calendar days) businesses know they can rely on the courts if a new customer fails to pay. Speedy trials are essential for Time to file and serve the case small enterprises, which may lack the resources to Time for trial and to obtain the judgment stay in business while awaiting the outcome of a long Time to enforce the judgment court dispute. Cost required to enforce a contract through What do the indicators cover? the courts (% of claim) Doing Business measures the time and cost for Attorney fees resolving a standardized commercial dispute through a local first-instance court. In addition, Doing Court fees Business measures the quality of judicial processes Enforcement fees index, evaluating whether each economy has Quality of judicial processes index (0-18) adopted a series of good practices that promote quality and efficiency in the court system. The Court structure and proceedings (0-5) ranking of economies on the ease of enforcing Case management (0-6) contracts is determined by sorting their distance to frontier scores. These scores are the simple average Court automation (0-4) of the distance to frontier scores for each of the Alternative dispute resolution (0-3) component indicators. The dispute in the case study involves the breach of a sales contract between 2 domestic businesses. The  The seller sues the buyer before the court with case study assumes that the court hears an expert on jurisdiction over commercial cases worth 200% of the quality of the goods in dispute. This distinguishes income per capita or $5,000. the case from simple debt enforcement. To make the  The seller requests a pretrial attachment to secure data comparable across economies, Doing Business the claim. uses several assumptions about the case:  The dispute on the quality of the goods requires an expert opinion.  The dispute concerns a lawful transaction  The judge decides in favor of the seller; there is no between two businesses (Seller and Buyer), both appeal. located in the economy’s largest business city. For 11 economies the data are also collected for  The seller enforces the judgment through a public the second largest business city. sale of the buyer’s movable assets.  The buyer orders custom-made goods, then fails to pay.  The value of the dispute is 200% of the income per capita or the equivalent in local currency of USD 5,000, whichever is greater. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 90 ENFORCING CONTRACTS Where does the economy stand today? How efficient is the process of resolving a commercial frontier and ease of doing business ranking at the end of dispute through the courts in Argentina? According to this profile for more details. data collected by Doing Business, contract enforcement Globally, Argentina stands at 50 in the ranking of 190 takes 660.0 days and costs 22.5% of the value of the economies on the ease of enforcing contracts (figure claim. Most indicator sets refer to the largest business 10.1). The rankings for comparator economies and the city of an economy, except for 11 economies for which regional average provide other useful benchmarks for the data are a population-weighted average of the 2 assessing the efficiency of contract enforcement in largest business cities. See the chapter on distance to Argentina. Figure 10.1 How Argentina and comparator economies rank on the ease of enforcing contracts Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 91 ENFORCING CONTRACTS What are the details? The data on time and cost reported here for ECONOMY DETAILS Argentina are built by following the step-by-step evolution of a commercial sale dispute within the court, under the assumptions about the case Claim value: ARS 214,301 described above (figure 10.2). The time and cost of resolving the standardized dispute are identified Buenos Aires First through study of the codes of civil procedure and Court name: Instance Court, other court regulations, as well as through Commercial Section questionnaires completed by local litigation lawyers (and, in a quarter of the economies covered by Buenos Aires (Ciudad Doing Business, by judges as well). City: autonoma de) Figure 10.2 Time and cost of contract enforcement in Argentina and comparator economies Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 92 Table 10.2 Details on time and cost for enforcing contracts in Argentina Latin America & Indicator Argentina Caribbean average Time (days) 660 749 Filing and service 150 Trial and judgment 320 Enforcement of judgment 190 Cost (% of claim) 22.5 31.3 Attorney fees 15.0 Court fees 6.5 Enforcement fees 1.0 Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 93 ENFORCING CONTRACTS Quality of judicial processes index The quality of judicial processes index measures The scores reported here show which of these good whether each economy has adopted a series of good practices are available in Argentina (figure 10.3). practices in its court system in four areas: court This methodology was initially developed by Djankov and structure and proceedings, case management, court others (2003) and is adopted here with several changes. automation and alternative dispute resolution. The The quality of judicial processes index was introduced in score on the quality of judicial processes index is the Doing Business 2016. The good practices tested in this sum of the scores on these 4 sub-components. The index were developed on the basis of internationally index ranges from 0 to 18, with higher values recognized good practices promoting judicial efficiency. indicating more efficient judicial processes. Figure 10.3 Quality of judicial processes index in Argentina and comparator economies Doing Business 2017 Argentina 94 Source: Doing Business database. Table 10.3 Details of the quality of judicial processes index in Argentina Answer Score Quality of judicial processes index (0-18) 11.5 Court structure and proceedings (0-5) 4.5 1. Is there a court or division of a court dedicated solely to hearing Yes 1.5 commercial cases? 2. Small claims court 1.0 2.a. Is there a small claims court or a fast-track procedure for small Yes claims? 2.b. If yes, is self-representation allowed? No 3. Is pretrial attachment available? Yes 1.0 4. Are new cases assigned randomly to judges? Yes, automatic 1.0 5. Does a woman's testimony carry the same evidentiary weight in Yes 0.0 court as a man's? Case management (0-6) 4.0 1. Time standards 1.0 1.a. Are there laws setting overall time standards for key court events in Yes a civil case? 1.b. If yes, are the time standards set for at least three court events? Yes 1.c. Are these time standards respected in more than 50% of cases? Yes 2. Adjournments 0.0 2.a. Does the law regulate the maximum number of adjournments that No can be granted? 2.b. Are adjournments limited to unforeseen and exceptional No circumstances? 2.c. If rules on adjournments exist, are they respected in more than 50% n.a. of cases? 3. Can two of the following four reports be generated about the competent court: (i) time to disposition report; (ii) clearance rate report; No 0.0 (iii) age of pending cases report; and (iv) single case progress report? 4. Is a pretrial conference among the case management techniques Yes 1.0 used before the competent court? 5. Are there any electronic case management tools in place within the Yes 1.0 competent court for use by judges? Doing Business 2017 Argentina 95 Answer Score 6. Are there any electronic case management tools in place within the Yes 1.0 competent court for use by lawyers? Court automation (0-4) 1.0 1. Can the initial complaint be filed electronically through a dedicated No 0.0 platform within the competent court? 2. Is it possible to carry out service of process electronically for claims No 0.0 filed before the competent court? 3. Can court fees be paid electronically within the competent court? No 0.0 4. Publication of judgments 1.0 4.a Are judgments rendered in commercial cases at all levels made available to the general public through publication in official gazettes, Yes in newspapers or on the internet or court website? 4.b. Are judgments rendered in commercial cases at the appellate and supreme court level made available to the general public through Yes publication in official gazettes, in newspapers or on the internet or court website? Alternative dispute resolution (0-3) 2.0 1. Arbitration 1.5 1.a. Is domestic commercial arbitration governed by a consolidated law or consolidated chapter or section of the applicable code of civil Yes procedure encompassing substantially all its aspects? 1.b. Are there any commercial disputes—aside from those that deal with public order or public policy—that cannot be submitted to No arbitration? 1.c. Are valid arbitration clauses or agreements usually enforced by the Yes courts? 2. Mediation/Conciliation 0.5 2.a. Is voluntary mediation or conciliation available? Yes 2.b. Are mediation, conciliation or both governed by a consolidated law or consolidated chapter or section of the applicable code of civil No procedure encompassing substantially all their aspects? 2.c. Are there financial incentives for parties to attempt mediation or conciliation (i.e., if mediation or conciliation is successful, a refund of No court filing fees, income tax credits or the like)? Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 96 RESOLVING INSOLVENCY A robust bankruptcy system functions as a filter, WHAT THE RESOLVING INSOLVENCY ensuring the survival of economically efficient companies and reallocating the resources of INDICATORS MEASURE inefficient ones. Fast and cheap insolvency proceedings result in the speedy return of businesses Time required to recover debt (years) to normal operation and increase returns to Measured in calendar years creditors. By clarifying the expectations of creditors and debtors about the outcome of insolvency Appeals and requests for extension are proceedings, well-functioning insolvency systems can included facilitate access to finance, save more viable Cost required to recover debt (% of debtor’s businesses and sustainably grow the economy. estate) What do the indicators cover? Measured as percentage of estate value Doing Business studies the time, cost and outcome of Court fees insolvency proceedings involving domestic legal Fees of insolvency administrators entities. These variables are used to calculate the Lawyers’ fees recovery rate, which is recorded as cents on the Assessors’ and auctioneers’ fees dollar recovered by secured creditors through Other related fees reorganization, liquidation or debt enforcement Outcome (foreclosure or receivership) proceedings. To determine the present value of the amount Whether business continues operating as a recovered by creditors, Doing Business uses the going concern or business assets are sold lending rates from the International Monetary Fund, piecemeal supplemented with data from central banks and the Recovery rate for creditors Economist Intelligence Unit. Measures the cents on the dollar recovered To make the data on the time, cost and outcome by secured creditors comparable across economies, several assumptions Outcome for the business (survival or not) about the business and the case are used: determines the maximum value that can be  A hotel located in the largest city (or cities) has recovered 201 employees and 50 suppliers. The hotel Official costs of the insolvency proceedings experiences financial difficulties. are deducted  The value of the hotel is 100% of the income per Depreciation of furniture is taken into capita or the equivalent in local currency of USD account 200,000, whichever is greater. Present value of debt recovered  The hotel has a loan from a domestic bank, Strength of insolvency framework index (0- secured by a mortgage over the hotel’s real 16) estate. The hotel cannot pay back the loan, but makes enough money to operate otherwise. Sum of the scores of four component indices: Commencement of proceedings index (0-3) In addition, Doing Business evaluates the adequacy and integrity of the existing legal framework Management of debtor’s assets index (0-6) applicable to liquidation and reorganization Reorganization proceedings index (0-3) proceedings through the strength of insolvency Creditor participation index (0-4) framework index. The index tests whether economies adopted internationally accepted good practices in management of debtor’s assets, reorganization four areas: commencement of proceedings, proceedings and creditor participation. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 97 RESOLVING INSOLVENCY Where does the economy stand today? Globally, Argentina stands at 98 in the ranking of 190 not measure insolvency proceedings of individuals and economies on the ease of resolving insolvency (figure financial institutions. The data are derived from 11.1). The ranking of economies on the ease of resolving questionnaire responses by local insolvency practitioners insolvency is determined by sorting their distance to and verified through a study of laws and regulations as frontier scores for resolving insolvency. These scores are well as public information on bankruptcy systems. the simple average of the distance to frontier scores for the recovery rate and the strength of insolvency framework index. The resolving insolvency indicator does Figure 11.1 How Argentina and comparator economies rank on the ease of resolving insolvency Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 98 RESOLVING INSOLVENCY Recovery of debt in insolvency Data on the time, cost and outcome refer to the most average recovery rate is 22.6 cents on the dollar. Most likely in-court insolvency procedure applicable under indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest specific case study assumptions. business city of an economy, except for 11 economies for which the data are a population-weighted average of the According to data collected by Doing Business, resolving 2 largest business cities. insolvency takes 2.8 years on average and costs 14.5% of the debtor’s estate, with the most likely outcome being that the company will be sold as piecemeal sale. The Figure 11.2 Efficiency of proceedings - time, cost and recovery rate in Argentina and comparator economies. Source: Doing Business database. Note: The recovery rate is calculated based on the time, cost and outcome of insolvency proceedings involving domestic legal entities and is recorded as cents on the dollar recovered by secured creditors. The calculation takes into account the outcome: whether the business emerges from the proceedings as a going concern or the assets are sold piecemeal. Then the costs of the proceedings are deducted. Finally, the value lost as a result of the time the money remains tied up in insolvency proceedings is taken into account. The recovery rate is the present value of the remaining proceeds, based on end-2015 lending rates. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 99 Table 11.1 Details of data on efficiency of insolvency proceedings in Argentina Indicator Answer Explanation After Mirage's default, it is very likely that BizBank would enforce its security interest over Mirage's assets and initiate foreclosure proceeding. Foreclosure in Proceeding foreclosure this case will be an expedited proceeding in which other creditors’ participation is not required. Based on the assumptions of the case at stake, it is likely that BizBank will require the sale of the property used as collateral in satisfaction of secured Outcome piecemeal sale loan. Mirage consequently will enforce the collateral through formal foreclosure. At this point, the hotel would cease operating and all its assets will be sold piecemeal. The foreclosure procedure in Buenos Aires will take approximately 2.75 years from the moment of Mirage’s default until the debt is repaid to the secured creditor. The procedure will be temporarily suspended after its commencement Time (in (articles 21 and 26 of the LCQ) due to a procedural objection by the debtor, 2.8 years) this stage would take about 1.25 years to be resolved. Once the foreclosure recommences, the procedure would last an additional year and a half until the debt is fully paid. The procedure will involve setting up an auction, third parties’ notification and finally the sale of the property. The costs associated with the case would amount to approximately 14.5% of the value of the debtor's estate. The cost breakdown is the following: Court fees: 1% as regulated by Law 23,898. Notification costs: are minimal and are part of the court fees; service occurs with the publication in the official gazette Cost (% of and in local newspapers. Attorney’s fees: 13.5% as regulated by articles 6 and 14.5 estate) 31 of Law 21,839 which set forth a rage between 11% - 20%. Professional Appraisers and Auctioneers fees are regulated by articles 260 and 262 of Law 24.522. However, this fee is not applicable because it is paid by the purchaser of the real estate not by the parties. Recovery rate: 22.6 Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 100 LABOR MARKET REGULATION Doing Business studies the flexibility of regulation of food retail sector and they apply even to firms employment, specifically as it relates to the areas of that are not party to them. hiring, working hours and redundancy. Doing Business  Abides by every law and regulation but does not also measures several aspects of job quality such as the grant workers more benefits than those availability of maternity leave, paid sick leave and the mandated by law, regulation or (if applicable) equal treatment of men and women at the workplace. collective bargaining agreements. Doing Business 2017 presents the data for the labor market regulation indicators in an annex. The report does not present rankings of economies on these indicators or include the topic in the aggregate distance to frontier score or ranking on the ease of doing business. Detailed data collected on labor market regulation are available on the Doing Business website ( The data on labor market regulation are based on a detailed questionnaire on employment regulations that is completed by local lawyers and public officials. Employment laws and regulations as well as secondary sources are reviewed to ensure accuracy. To make the data comparable across economies, several assumptions about the worker and the business are used. The worker:  Is a cashier in a supermarket or grocery store, age 19, with one year of work experience.  Is a full-time employee.  Is not a member of the labor union, unless membership is mandatory. The business:  Is a limited liability company (or the equivalent in the economy).  Operates a supermarket or grocery store in the economy’s largest business city. For 11 economies the data are also collected for the second largest business city.  Has 60 employees.  Is subject to collective bargaining agreements if such agreements cover more than 50% of the Doing Business 2017 Argentina 101 LABOR MARKET REGULATION What are the details? The data reported here for Argentina are based on a Employment laws and regulations as well as secondary detailed survey of labor market regulation that is sources are reviewed to ensure accuracy. completed by local lawyers and public officials. Hiring Data on hiring cover five areas: (i) whether fixed-term minimum wage to the average value added per worker contracts are prohibited for permanent tasks; (ii) the (the ratio of an economy’s GNI per capita to the maximum cumulative duration of fixed-term contracts; working-age population as a percentage of the total (iii) the minimum wage for a cashier, age 19, with one population). year of work experience; and (iv) the ratio of the Hiring Data Fixed-term contracts prohibited for permanent tasks? Yes Maximum length of a single fixed-term contract (months) 60 months (Art. 93 - Ley 20.744) Maximum length of fixed-term contracts, including renewals (months) 60.0 Minimum wage applicable to the worker assumed in the case study 1424.2 (US$/month) Ratio of minimum wage to value added per worker 0.8 Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 102 LABOR MARKET REGULATION Working hours Data on working hours cover nine areas: i) the maximum and nonnursing women can work the same night hours number of working days allowed per week; (ii) the as men*; (vii) whether there are restrictions on weekly premium for night work (as a percentage of hourly pay); holiday work; (viii) whether there are restrictions on (iii) the premium for work on a weekly rest day (as a overtime work; and (ix) the average paid annual leave for percentage of hourly pay); (iv) the premium for overtime workers with 1 year of tenure, 5 years of tenure, and 10 work (as a percentage of hourly pay); (v) whether there years of tenure. are restrictions on night work; (vi) whether nonpregnant Working Hours Data Maximum number of working days per week 5.5 Premium for night work (% of hourly pay) 13.0 Premium for work on weekly rest day (% of hourly pay) 100.0 Premium for overtime work (% of hourly pay) 50.0 Restrictions on night work? No Whether nonpregnant and nonnursing women can work the same night Yes hours as men Restrictions on weekly holiday? No Restrictions on overtime work? No Paid annual leave for a worker with 1 year of tenure (working days) 12.0 Paid annual leave for a worker with 5 years of tenure (working days) 18.0 Paid annual leave for a worker with 10 years of tenure (working days) 24.0 Paid annual leave (average for workers with 1, 5 and 10 years of tenure, in 18.0 working days) Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 103 LABOR MARKET REGULATION Redundancy rules Data on redundancy cover nine areas: (i) the length of whether the employer needs approval from a third party the maximum probationary period (in months) for to terminate one redundant worker; (vi) whether the permanent employees; (ii) whether redundancy is employer needs approval from a third party to terminate allowed as a basis for terminating workers; (iii) whether a group of nine redundant workers; (vii) whether the law the employer needs to notify a third party (such as a requires the employer to reassign or retrain a worker government agency) to terminate one redundant worker; before making the worker redundant; (viii) whether (iv) whether the employer needs to notify a third party to priority rules apply for redundancies; and (ix) whether terminate a group of nine redundant workers; (v) priority rules apply for reemployment. Redundancy rules Data Maximum length of probationary period (months) 3.0 Dismissal due to redundancy allowed by law? Yes Third-party notification if one worker is dismissed? No Third-party approval if one worker is dismissed? No Third-party notification if nine workers are dismissed? No Third-party approval if nine workers are dismissed? No Retraining or reassignment obligation before redundancy? No Priority rules for redundancies? No Priority rules for reemployment? No Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 104 LABOR MARKET REGULATION Redundancy cost Redundancy cost measures the cost of advance notice severance payments applicable to a worker with 1 year of requirements and severance payments due when tenure, a worker with 5 years and a worker with 10 years terminating a redundant worker, expressed in weeks of is considered. One month is recorded as 4 and 1/3 salary. The average value of notice requirements and weeks. Redundancy cost indicator (in salary weeks) Data Notice period for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 1 year of tenure 4.3 Notice period for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 5 years of tenure 8.7 Notice period for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 10 years of tenure 8.7 Notice period for redundancy dismissal (average for workers with 1, 5 and 10 years 7.2 of tenure) Severance pay for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 1 year of tenure 4.3 Severance pay for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 5 years of tenure 21.7 Severance pay for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 10 years of tenure 43.3 Severance pay for redundancy dismissal (average for workers with 1, 5 and 10 years 23.1 of tenure) Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 105 LABOR MARKET REGULATION Job quality Doing Business introduced new data on job quality in leave receive 100% of wages; (vi) the availability of five 2015. Doing Business 2017 covers eight questions on job fully paid days of sick leave a year; (vii) whether a worker quality (i) whether the law mandates equal remuneration is eligible for an unemployment protection scheme after for work of equal value; (ii) whether the law mandates one year of service; and (viii) the minimum duration of nondiscrimination based on gender in hiring; (iii) the contribution period (in months) required for whether the law mandates paid or unpaid maternity unemployment protection. leave; (iv) the minimum length of paid maternity leave (in . calendar days); (v) whether employees on maternity Job Quality Data Equal remuneration for work of equal value? Yes Gender nondiscrimination in hiring? Yes Paid or unpaid maternity leave mandated by law? Yes Minimum length of maternity leave (calendar days)? 90.0 Receive 100% of wages on maternity leave? Yes Five fully paid days of sick leave a year? Yes Unemployment protection after one year of employment? Yes Minimum contribution period for unemployment protection (months)? 6.0 Source: Doing Business database. Doing Business 2017 Argentina 106 DISTANCE TO FRONTIER AND EASE OF DOING BUSINESS RANKING Doing Business presents results for two aggregate even though it is no longer at the frontier in a measures: the distance to frontier score and the ease of subsequent year. doing business ranking, which is based on the distance For scores such as those on the strength of legal rights to frontier score. The ease of doing business ranking index or the quality of land administration index, the compares economies with one another; the distance to frontier is set at the highest possible value. For the total frontier score benchmarks economies with respect to tax rate, consistent with the use of a threshold in regulatory best practice, showing the absolute distance calculating the rankings on this indicator, the frontier is to the best performance on each Doing Business defined as the total tax rate at the 15th percentile of the indicator. When compared across years, the distance to overall distribution for all years included in the analysis frontier score shows how much the regulatory up to and including Doing Business 2015. For the time to environment for local entrepreneurs in an economy has pay taxes the frontier is defined as the lowest time changed over time in absolute terms, while the ease of recorded among all economies that levy the three major doing business ranking can show only how much the taxes: profit tax, labor taxes and mandatory regulatory environment has changed relative to that in contributions, and value added tax (VAT) or sales tax. For other economies. the different times to trade across borders, the frontier is Distance to Frontier defined as 1 hour even though in many economies the time is less than that. The distance to frontier score captures the gap between an economy’s performance and a measure of best In the same formulation, to mitigate the effects of practice across the entire sample of 41 indicators for 10 extreme outliers in the distributions of the rescaled data Doing Business topics (the labor market regulation for most component indicators (very few economies indicators are excluded). For starting a business, for need 700 days to complete the procedures to start a example, New Zealand has the smallest number of business, but many need 9 days), the worst performance procedures required (1), and New Zealand the shortest is calculated after the removal of outliers. The definition time to fulfill them (0.5 days). Slovenia has the lowest of outliers is based on the distribution for each cost (0.0), and Australia, Colombia and 111 other component indicator. To simplify the process two rules economies have no paid-in minimum capital were defined: the 95th percentile is used for the requirement (table 14.1 in the Doing Business 2017 indicators with the most dispersed distributions report). (including minimum capital, number of payments to pay taxes, and the time and cost indicators), and the 99th Calculation of the distance to frontier score percentile is used for number of procedures. No outlier is Calculating the distance to frontier score for each removed for component indicators bound by definition economy involves two main steps. In the first step or construction, including legal index scores (such as the individual component indicators are normalized to a depth of credit information index, extent of conflict of common unit where each of the 41 component interest regulation index and strength of insolvency indicators y (except for the total tax rate) is rescaled framework index) and the recovery rate (figure 14.1 in using the linear transformation (worst − y)/(worst − the Doing Business 2017 report). frontier). In this formulation the frontier represents the In the second step for calculating the distance to frontier best performance on the indicator across all economies score, the scores obtained for individual indicators for since 2005 or the third year in which data for the each economy are aggregated through simple averaging indicator were collected. Both the best performance and into one distance to frontier score, first for each topic the worst performance are established every five years and then across all 10 topics: starting a business, dealing based on the Doing Business data for the year in which with construction permits, getting electricity, registering they are established, and remain at that level for the five property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, years regardless of any changes in data in interim years. paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts Thus an economy may set the frontier for an indicator and resolving insolvency. More complex aggregation methods—such as principal components and unobserved components—yield a ranking nearly Doing Business 2017 Argentina 107 identical to the simple average used by Doing Business2. The nonlinear transformation is not based on any Thus Doing Business uses the simplest method: economic theory of an “optimal tax rate” that minimizes weighting all topics equally and, within each topic, giving distortions or maximizes efficiency in an economy’s equal weight to each of the topic components 3. overall tax system. Instead, it is mainly empirical in nature. The nonlinear transformation along with the An economy’s distance to frontier score is indicated on a threshold reduces the bias in the indicator toward scale from 0 to 100, where 0 represents the worst economies that do not need to levy significant taxes on performance and 100 the frontier. All distance to frontier companies like the Doing Business standardized case calculations are based on a maximum of five decimals. study company because they raise public revenue in However, indicator ranking calculations and the ease of other ways—for example, through taxes on foreign doing business ranking calculations are based on two companies, through taxes on sectors other than decimals. manufacturing or from natural resources (all of which are The difference between an economy’s distance to outside the scope of the methodology). In addition, it frontier score in any previous year and its score in 2017 acknowledges the need of economies to collect taxes illustrates the extent to which the economy has closed from firms. the gap to the regulatory frontier over time. And in any Calculation of scores for economies with 2 cities given year the score measures how far an economy is covered from the best performance at that time. For each of the 11 economies in which Doing Business Treatment of the total tax rate collects data for the second largest business city as well The total tax rate component of the paying taxes as the largest one, the distance to frontier score is indicator set enters the distance to frontier calculation in calculated as the population-weighted average of the a different way than any other indicator. The distance to distance to frontier scores for these two cities (table frontier score obtained for the total tax rate is 13.1). This is done for the aggregate score, the scores for transformed in a nonlinear fashion before it enters the each topic and the scores for all the component distance to frontier score for paying taxes. As a result of indicators for each topic. the nonlinear transformation, an increase in the total tax rate has a smaller impact on the distance to frontier score for the total tax rate—and therefore on the distance to frontier score for paying taxes—for economies with a below-average total tax rate than it would have had before this approach was adopted in Doing Business 2015 (line B is smaller than line A in figure 14.2 of the Doing Business 2017 report). And for economies with an extreme total tax rate (a rate that is very high relative to the average), an increase has a greater impact on both these distance to frontier scores than it would have had before (line D is bigger than line C in figure 14.2 of the Doing Business 2017 report). 2 See Djankov, Manraj and others (2005). Principal components and unobserved components methods yield a ranking nearly identical to that from the simple average method because both these methods assign roughly equal weights to the topics, since the pairwise correlations among indicators do not differ much. An alternative to the simple average method is to give different weights to the topics, depending on which are considered of more or less importance in the context of a specific economy. 3 For getting credit, indicators are weighted proportionally, according to their contribution to the total score, with a weight of 60% assigned to the strength of legal rights index and 40% to the depth of credit information index. Indicators for all other topics are assigned equal weights Doing Business 2017 Argentina 108 Table 13.1 Weights used in calculating the distance to the most. First, it selects the economies that in 2015/16 frontier scores for economies with 2 cities covered implemented regulatory reforms making it easier to do business in 3 or more of the 10 topics included in this Economy City Weight (%) year’s aggregate distance to frontier score. Twenty-nine Dhaka 78 Bangladesh economies meet this criterion: Algeria; Azerbaijan; Chittagong 22 São Paulo 61 Bahrain; Belarus; Brazil; Brunei Darussalam; Burkina Faso; Brazil Rio de Janeiro 39 Côte d’Ivoire; Georgia; India; Indonesia; Kazakhstan; Shanghai 55 Kenya; Madagascar; Mali; Mauritania; Morocco; Niger; China Beijing 45 Pakistan; Poland; Senegal; Serbia; Singapore; Thailand; Mumbai 47 Togo; Uganda; the United Arab Emirates; Uzbekistan and India Delhi 53 Vanuatu. Second, Doing Business sorts these economies Jakarta 78 Indonesia on the increase in their distance to frontier score from Surabaya 22 Tokyo 65 the previous year using comparable data. Japan Osaka 35 Mexico City 83 Selecting the economies that implemented regulatory Mexico Monterrey 17 reforms in at least three topics and had the biggest Lagos 77 improvements in their distance to frontier scores is Nigeria Kano 23 intended to highlight economies with ongoing, broad- Karachi 65 based reform programs. The improvement in the Pakistan Lahore 35 distance to frontier score is used to identify the top Moscow 70 Russian Federation improvers because this allows a focus on the absolute St. Petersburg 30 improvement—in contrast with the relative improvement New York 60 United States Los Angeles 40 shown by a change in rankings—that economies have made in their regulatory environment for business. Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, World Urbanization Prospects, 2014 Revision. ROM/Default.aspx. Ease of Doing Business ranking The ease of doing business ranking ranges from 1 to 190. Economies that improved the most across 3 or more The ranking of economies is determined by sorting the Doing Business topics in 2015/16 aggregate distance to frontier scores, rounded to 2 Doing Business 2017 uses a simple method to calculate decimals. which economies improved the ease of doing business Doing Business 2017 Argentina 109 RESOURCES ON THE DOING BUSINESS WEBSITE Current features Law library News on the Doing Business project Online collection of business laws and regulations relating to business Rankings How economies rank—from 1 to 190 Contributors More than 12,500 specialists in 190 economies who participate in Doing Business Data All the data for 190 economies—topic rankings, business indicator values, lists of regulatory procedures and details underlying indicators Entrepreneurship data Data on business density (number of newly registered companies per 1,000 working-age Reports people) for 136 economies Access to Doing Business reports as well as subnational and regional reports, case studies and repreneurship customized economy and regional profiles Distance to frontier Data benchmarking 190 economies to the frontier in Methodology regulatory practice and a distance to frontier The methodologies and research papers underlying calculator Doing Business frontier Research Information on good practices Abstracts of papers on Doing Business topics and Showing where the many good practices identified related policy issues by Doing Business have been adopted Doing Business reforms Short summaries of DB2017 business regulation reforms and lists of reforms since DB2008 Historical data Customized data sets since DB2004 Doing Business 2017 Argentina 110