Burundi Youth Skills and Employability Project (P164416) Project Preparation Advance - PPA Draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) Jan 2021 1|Page 1. The Republic of Burundi (the Borrower) is planning to implement the Burundi Youth Skills and Employability Project (the Project) for which it has requested a Project Preparation Advance (PPA), with the involvement of the following Ministries/agencies/units: Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research (MERS), Ministry of Finance, Ministry in charge of Labor, Ministry in charge of Youth, inter-ministerial and multi-sectoral National Committee for Coordination and Cooperation in Technical and Professional Training (to be set up), inter-ministerial and multi-sectoral National Certification Committee (to be set up). The PPA will be carried out by the project implementation unit at MERS which manages the Early Grade Project (P161600). The International Development Association (hereinafter the Bank) has agreed to provide the Project Preparation Advance to support preparation of the Project. 2. The Ministry of National Education and and Scientific Research (MERS) will ensure the implementation of material measures and actions so that the PPA is implemented in accordance with the World Bank Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs). 3. Activities to be Funded by the PPA: PPA funds will be primarily used for activities that would strengthen the enabling legal and regulatory environment of the telecom sector: (i) Support the financing of technical studies, consultancies and safeguards instruments (ii) Cover operating cost for the extended preparation period and (iii) timely fulfill the readiness conditions for implementation before approval. i. Support the financing of technical studies, consultancies and safeguards instruments o Technical studies include but are not limited to definition of targeted interventions to encourage the enrollment of female students into apprenticeship programs; o Safeguard instruments include: environmental and social impact assessments, environmental management plans, stakeholder engagement plans, resettlement plans if any o Consultancies would be for reviewing and strengthening the legal framework of the TVET system ii. Cover operating cost for the extended preparation period iii. Timely fulfill the readiness conditions for implementation before approval o project operation manuals (implementation and M&E) o Identification of ESP (TORs) o Revision of TORs for the PIU staff 4. This Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) seeks to contribute to a coordinated and continued engagement of relevant role players as well as affected persons and interested parties throughout PPA implementation. Once the client gets access to the PPA, a detailed and comprehensive SEP will be prepared for the main project. Therefore, the purpose of this stakeholder engagement plan is to outline the engagement of stakeholders of the project to ensure that they understand the project benefits as well as social and environmental risks and mitigation measures. It will enable stakeholders to provide their feedback and input into the preparation of various risk mitigation instruments as well as any other activities implemented under the PPA. This SEP describes the nature of the anticipated stakeholders as well as their information requirements, and methods of their engagement during PPA funded activities. 2|Page 5. The development of the SEP has been guided by the requirements of the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standard 10 (ESS 10) on stakeholder engagement and information disclosure. The standard highlights that the nature and level of stakeholder engagement should be commensurate with the level of the risks and impacts anticipated in the project. 1. Regarding the sexual exploitation and abuse or sexual harassment (SEA/SH) risks the recommendations and good practices of the Resource Guide on Violence with Women and Girls collected in the Social Protection Brief will be considered1 6. The Environmental and Social risks of the PPA are expected to be Moderate, including SEA/SH risks As indicated above, activities implemented under the PPA are primarily analytical. Consequently, no environmental or social risk will derive from physical activities. However, establishing the technical studies (TA) may have environmental issues such as generation of e-waste that needs proper disposal following the requirements of ESS3. Further, it is also essential any TA is provided in line with the standards outlined in the Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework. As such, instruments developed under the PPA will follow said standards and consequently be cleared by the World Bank. Equally, the Bank will ensure that any downstream risks resulting from the TA, consultancies will be assessed and respective mitigation measures planned and implemented by the client even prior to project approval; such measures may qualify for retroactive financing, to be agreed on at a later stage. Important is also the early inclusion of different stakeholders in project design and communication. Provisions are thus included in this PPA Stakeholder Engagement Plan and the PPA Environmental and Social Commitment Plan, attached. Environmental and Social Risk Management Instruments Preparation 7. The fund will be used in the preparation of the several social and environment risk management instruments including requiring adequate consultation with various stakeholders. i. A generic environmental and social management plan (ESMP), which includes the Labor Management Procedures (LMP) in the Annex ii. The Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) iii. The Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) iv. The SEA/SH prevention and mitigation Action Plan v. Indigenous People Planning Framework (IPPF) 8. The preparation of each of the above social and environment risk mitigation instruments will involve several stakeholders including relevant ministries, departments and agencies. Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research (MERS), Ministry of Finance, Ministry in charge of Labor, Ministry in charge of Youth, inter-ministerial and multi-sectoral National Committee for Coordination and Cooperation in Technical and Professional Training (to be set up), inter-ministerial and multi-sectoral National Certification Committee (to be set up) will be the key institutional stakeholders to be consulted during preparation of all those documents. In addition, the client will consult any stakeholders deemed relevant as well as community members, and relevant civil society organization, including women’s and youth assosiations, and other institutions and organisations representatives of minorities and vulnerable groups affected by the projet activities in line with best practice as 1 https://vawgresourceguide.org/sites/vawg/files/briefs/vawg_resource_guide_social_protection_brief_-_nov_26.pdf 3|Page outlined in ESS1 and accompanying guidance notes. The resulting instruments will describe the consultation process, its methodology, and the related implementation documentation. Disadvantaged and vulnerable individuals or groups 9. Women, children, elderly, disabled and chronically ill are often times the most vulnerable because of their limited access to information due to physical, social, cultural and structural barriers within the communities. These categories of people will be particularly targeted; with adequate information to understand the nature of project activities and the anticipated positive and potential adverse impacts of the project to ensure their participation in project benefits and avoidance of disproportional impacts. They will also be provided with information on how to access potential grievance redress mechanism of the project whenever the need arises (though for main project activities it will only be set up after project approval). Regular consultations will be held with them- and especially women and girls in separate groups facilitated by a woman, on the safety and accessibility of project activities as well as the grievance redress mechanism. Summary of stakeholders at National, Regional and Community level according to PPA activities Method of Frequency of Stakeholder Relevancy Level of Engagement Engagement Engagement Support the financing of technical studies and consultancies as well as the timely fulfillment of readiness conditions for implementation before approval Ministry of High National and Provincial Key Informant Quarterly National (Bureaus) Interviews (KII), Education and Consultations Scientific Research Ministry of Public National and Provincial Key Informant Quarterly Service, Labor High (Bureaus), Burundian Interviews (KII), and Employment Office of Employment Consultations and Workforce Ministry of East National and Provincial Key Informant Quarterly African (Bureaus), Burundian Interviews (KII), Community Moderate Agency of Youth Consultations Affairs, Youth, Employment Sports and Culture; Ministry of Moderate National Key Informant Quarterly Environment, Interviews (KII), Agriculture and Consultations Livestock; 4|Page Method of Frequency of Stakeholder Relevancy Level of Engagement Engagement Engagement Ministry of Moderate National Key Informant Quarterly National Interviews (KII), Solidarity, Social Consultations Affairs, Human Rights University of High National KII, Focus Group Quarterly Burundi Discussions (FGD), Consultations Media High National and provincial KII, Consultations Quarterly Press Conferences CSOs (including High National, provincial FGD, Bi-annually those for minority and local Consultations groups) Youth High National, provincial KII, FGD, Quarterly during and local Consultations preparation of studies Female youth High National, provincial KII, FGD, Quarterly during and local Consultations preparation of studies Teacher unions High National, provincial KII, FGD, Quarterly during Consultations preparation of studies Trade unions High Federal and local KII, Consultations Quarterly during National, provincial preparation of studies Private sector High Federal and local KII, Consultations Quarterly during representatives National, provincial preparation of studies Legal and Regulatory consultants: Preparation of Environmental and Social Risk Management Instruments (ESMF, RPF, LMP, SEP, SA) Ministry of High National and Provincial KII, Consultations Once at the National (Bureaus) beginning and Education and once towards the Scientific end of the Research consultations Ministry of Public National and Provincial KII, Consultations Once at the Service, Labor High (Bureaus), Burundian beginning and and Employment Office of Employment once towards the and Workforce end of the consultations 5|Page Method of Frequency of Stakeholder Relevancy Level of Engagement Engagement Engagement Ministry of East National and Provincial KII, Progress Once at the African (Bureaus), Burundian Reporting beginning and Community Moderate Agency of Youth once towards the Affairs, Youth, Employment end of the Sports and consultations Culture; Ministry of Moderate National KII, Consultations Once at the Environment, beginning and Agriculture and once towards the Livestock; end of the consultations Ministry of Moderate National KII, Consultations Once at the National beginning and Solidarity, Social once towards the Affairs, Human end of the Rights consultations University of High National KII, FGD, Once at the Burundi Consultations beginning and once towards the end of the consultations Media High National and provincial Consultations Once at the beginning and once towards the end of the consultations CSOs (including High National, provincial KII, Consultations Once at the those for minority and local beginning and groups) once towards the end of the consultations Youth High National, provincial FGD, Once at the and local Consultations beginning and once towards the end of the consultations Female youth High Local KII, FGD, Once at the Consultations beginning and once towards the end of the consultations 6|Page Method of Frequency of Stakeholder Relevancy Level of Engagement Engagement Engagement Communities in High Local KII, FGD, Once at the target areas Consultations beginning and once towards the end of the consultations Private sector High National and regional FGD, Once at the groups Consultations beginning and once towards the end of the consultations Trade unions High National and regional FGD, Once at the Consultations beginning and once towards the end of the consultations Teacher unions High Once at the beginning and Batwas High once towards the Communities end of the consultations Contact details of the person in the PIU where stakeholders can address grievances/submit feedback on the instruments/get information on the development of the instruments: Mme Mathilde Niyonzima, Responsable en Suivi et Evaluation à l’UGP, email address : matichou2002@yahoo.fr , Numéro de téléphone +257 79 23 89 19. 7|Page